National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior

Natural Resource Program Center

Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora Fossil Butte National Monument

Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR—2009/205 ON THE COVER Fossil Butte, Fossil Butte National Monument, . Photograph by Walter Fertig. Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora Fossil Butte National Monument

Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR—2009/205

Author Walter Fertig Moenave Botanical Consulting 1117 W. Grand Canyon Dr. Kanab, UT 84741

Clay Kyte Naturalist, retired Fossil Butte National Monument Kemmerer, WY

Editing and Design Alice Wondrak Biel Northern Colorado Plateau Network P.O. Box 848 Moab, UT 84532

May 2009

U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service Natural Resource Program Center Fort Collins, Colorado The Natural Resource Publication series addresses natural resource topics that are of interest and applicability to a broad readership in the National Park Service and to others in the management of natural resources, including the scientifi c community, the public, and the NPS conservation and environmental constituencies. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed to ensure that the information is scientifi cally credible, technically accurate, appropriately written for the intended audience, and is designed and published in a professional manner.

The Natural Resource Technical Report series is used to disseminate the peer-reviewed results of scientifi c studies in the physical, biological, and social sciences for both the advancement of science and the achievement of the National Park Service’s mission. The reports provide contributors with a forum for displaying comprehensive data that are often deleted from journals because of page limitations. Current examples of such reports include the results of research that addresses natural resource management issues; natural resource inventory and monitoring activities; resource assessment reports; scientifi c literature reviews; and peer- reviewed proceedings of technical workshops, conferences, or symposia.

Views, statements, fi ndings, conclusions, recommendations, and data in this report are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily refl ect views and policies of the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the National Park Service.

Printed copies of reports in this series may be produced in limited quantity, and are only available as long as the supply lasts. You may send a request to:

Northern Colorado Plateau Network P.O. Box 848 Moab, UT 84532

This report is also available electronically from the Northern Colorado Plateau Network website,, or at

Please cite this publication as: Fertig, W., and C. Kyte. 2009. Annotated checklist of vascular fl ora: Fossil Butte National Monument. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR—2009/205. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

NPS D-53, May 2009 ii Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Contents

Figures ...... v Tables ...... v Abstract ...... vii Acknowledgements ...... ix

1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Background and justifi cation ...... 1 1.2 Objectives ...... 1 1.3 Study area ...... 1 1.3.1 History and setting ...... 1 1.3.2 Geology ...... 2 1.3.3 Vegetation ...... 2 1.3.4 Previous botanical studies ...... 4

2 Methods ...... 7

3 Results ...... 9 3.1 Summary of the fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument ...... 9 3.2 Life form and biogeographic diversity ...... 10 3.3 of special concern ...... 10 3.4 Non-native species and noxious weeds ...... 10 4 Discussion ...... 13

5 Literature Cited ...... 15

Appendices ...... 19 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes...... 21 Appendix B. Potential (unconfi rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument...... 65 Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument...... 71 Appendix D. Confi rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes...... 77

Contents iii


Figure 1.3.1. Location of Fossil Butte National Monument, Lincoln County, Wyoming...... 3 Figure 1.3.4. Increase in the number of plant taxa confi rmed as present in Fossil Butte National Monument, 1973–2006...... 6


Table 1.3.4. Chronology of plant-collecting efforts in Fossil Butte National Monument...... 5 Table 3.1. Statistical summary of the fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument...... 9 Table 3.3. Plant species of conservation concern from Fossil Butte National Monument...... 11 Table 3.4. Noxious weed species of Fossil Butte National Monument...... 11

Contents v


In 2005–2006, the National Park Service’s Northern Colorado Plateau Network received funding to develop a revised checklist of the fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument. This entailed a thorough review of existing literature, re-examination of specimens from the Fossil Butte National Monument herbarium and other state and national museum collections, and additional fi eld work to corroborate unverifi ed species reports or locate new species. Based on this study, 546 vascu- lar plant taxa have been confi rmed or reliably reported as occuring in the monument (509 are known from validated herbarium specimens and 37 from unvouchered literature reports). Another 68 species formerly considered part of the monument fl ora have now been shown to be falsely reported. The cur- rent fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument represents about 19.5% of the known fl ora of Wyoming, and 36.7% of the fl ora of the Wyoming Basins ecoregion within Wyoming. At least eight of these taxa are considered species of concern by the state natural heritage program. Introduced plants make up 13.2% of the monument fl ora (72 species), of which 10 species are considered noxious weeds by the State of Wyoming. Further surveys in Fossil Butte National Monument are likely to fi nd additional new species (114 are known from similar habitats outside the monument boundary), especially among late- season fl owering, weedy, or wetland taxa.

Contents vii


We would like to thank the following individuals for their assistance with this project. Dr. Angela Evenden, botanist and former leader of the Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN) program in Moab, was an active proponent of this project and helped secure funding for fi eld work and herbari- um studies in 2006. Arvid Aase, curator of museum collections for Fossil Butte National Monument, provided access to all mounted and unmounted herbarium specimens from the monument herbarium. George Jones and Bonnie Heidel, of the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, helped track down some 15-year-old sedge collections. Katie Moon, of Brigham Young University, and Rebecca Harms, of the NCPN seeps and springs inventory, shared their 2005–2006 collections from Fossil Butte for confi rmation. Amy Tendick and Liz Ballenger, of the NCPN, helped record specimen label data from all mounted collections in the Fossil Butte National Monument herbarium. Libby Nance, former database specialist with the NCPN, assisted with development and quality control of the monument’s NPSpecies database. Libby Nance, Janet Coles, and Helen Thomas also provided data from recent vegetation mapping and wetland inventories on the monument. Drs. Stanley Welsh and Duane At- wood provided access to herbarium collections at Brigham Young University (BRY). Dr. Ron Hartman and Ernie Nelson provided access to specimens from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium at the Univer- sity of Wyoming. Thanks to the technical reviewers (Dr. Angela Evenden, Dr. Dusty Perkins, and Libby Nance) for their comments and suggestions. To any others who we may have inadvertently forgotten, please accept our apologies (and thanks).

Funding was provided by the National Park Service through the University of Wyoming. Thanks to Gary Beauvais and Pat Ortegon, of the University of Wyoming, for their assistance with contracting.

Contents ix

in the network (Evenden et al. 2002). This eff ort 1 Introduction has entailed reviewing existing species checklists, corroborating the identifi cation of specimens in In 2006, the National Park Service (NPS) estab- park museum and herbarium collections, locat- lished a cooperative agreement with the Univer- ing additional specimen records from other mu- sity of Wyoming, through the Rocky Mountains seums, mining relevant literature and datasets, Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, to produce and conducting fi eld surveys to locate new taxa a series of technical reports summarizing the vas- or confi rm unsubstantiated reports.† All of these cular plant fl ora of each of the 16 national park data have been synthesized in NPSpecies, the units of the Northern Colorado Plateau Network park service’s standardized database for docu- (NCPN). These reports are based on existing in- menting park status (present, probably present, formation in the park service’s NPSpecies data- unconfi rmed, falsely reported), abundance, resi- base system and augmented by further data min- dency, nativity, and rarity. With the production of ing, reviews of state and regional herbaria, and a technical series of reports on the fl ora of each new fi eld surveys to resolve the status of many re- park, the NPSpecies data will now be available to ported and unconfi rmed species. The objective of a broader audience. these reports is to summarize the current state of knowledge of the fl ora of each park for the bene- fi t of NPS biologists and interpretive staff , outside 1.2 Objectives researchers, and the general public. The following The objectives of this project were to: report addresses the vascular fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument, in southwestern Wyoming. 1. Document the current status (present, Other NCPN park units are addressed in sepa- reported, potential, or falsely reported) of rate reports. all vascular plant species that have been cited as occurring in Fossil Butte National Monument based on a review of herbarium 1.1 Background and justifi cation collections and past literature. One of the primary missions of the NPS is “to conserve unimpaired the natural and cultural 2. Develop an annotated checklist of the fl ora resources and values of the national park system of Fossil Butte National Monument with for the enjoyment of this and future generations” supplemental information on taxonomic (NPS 2000). Due to their high degree of protec- synonyms, distribution, within-park abun- tion and distribution across a wide variety of hab- dance, fl owering period, growth form, nativ- itat types, the nation’s national park units make a ity, habitat, and sources for each record. signifi cant contribution to the protection of bio- logical diversity (Noss and Cooperrider 1994). 1.3 Study area Unfortunately, the full contribution of the NPS system is not known, as many park units have 1.3.1 History and setting traditionally lacked comprehensive biological in- Fifty million years ago, the area that is now Fos- ventories or monitoring programs to identify the sil Butte was located at the bottom of a large, composition and condition of their biota. Know- freshwater lake enclosed by steep mountains ing the status of park fl ora and fauna is critical for (analogous to the Rift Valley lakes of central Af- eff ective park management and for systematically rica today). During its two million-year existence, identifying and fi lling gaps in the nation’s protect- Fossil Lake gradually fi lled with fi ne sediments ed area network (Margules and Pressey 2000). that entombed hundreds of diff erent species of freshwater fi sh, invertebrates, primitive mam- To rectify this shortcoming, Congress passed mals, bats, giant turtles, crocodiles, birds, and a the National Parks Omnibus Management Act variety of subtropical plants. This Eocene time in 1998 to provide guidance and funding for an capsule remained unopened until the mid-1880s, inventory and monitoring program across the when quarries were established at Fossil Butte entire National Park System. Since 2000, the and adjacent ridges at the north end of Fossil NCPN Inventory and Monitoring Program has Basin (McGrew and Casilliano 1975). Since that been developing and verifying species lists of time, several million fossil specimens have been vertebrates and vascular plants for each park unit

†Taxa refer to all named species, subspecies, and varieties.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1 quarried from the Fossil Butte area for museums ber. Colluvial and alluvial Quaternary sediments and private collectors (Grande 1998). consisting of gravel, sand, silt, and clay cover the valley bottom of the Chicken Creek drainage. Fossil Butte National Monument (NM) was es- tablished in October 1972, to preserve this glob- 1.3.3 Vegetation ally signifi cant paleontological and geological resource “. . . for the benefi t and enjoyment of Dorn and others (1984) and Jones (1993) recog- present and future generations . . . and to pro- nized 12–13 vegetation types in Fossil Butte NM; vide for the display and interpretation of scien- this classifi cation is currently being revised by tifi c specimens. . . . ” (Evenden et al. 2002). The the NCPN (in ed.). Nearly three-quarters of the monument is located at the southern end of the monument is dominated by three diff erent taxa Tunp Range in southern Lincoln County, Wyo- of sagebrush. Mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia ming, approximately 12 miles west of Kemmerer tridentata var. vaseyana) predominates on deep, on U.S. Highway 30 (Figure 1.3.1). The bound- loamy soils on the summit of Cundick Ridge and, aries of the monument encompass Fossil Butte to a lesser extent, on the top of Fossil Butte. This and Cundick Ridge, two sedimentary ridges that taxon is gradually replaced by basin big sagebrush rise approximately 1,000 feet above the valley of (A. tridentata var. tridentata) on lower slopes or Chicken Creek. The entire monument covers an gravelly stream deposits in the bottom of Fos- area of 3,318 hectares (8,200 acres). Fossil Butte sil Basin, usually associated with outcrops of the NM has a cool, dry, continental climate. Precipi- Wasatch Formation or Quaternary alluvium. Al- tation averages 9–12 inches (229–305 mm) and is kali sagebrush (A. arbuscula) becomes dominant distributed year-round with a small peak in May on clay-rich soils found over much of the valley and June (Jones 1993). Summer daytime tem- fl oor or in scattered inclusions on ridge slopes. peratures can exceed 90° F (with nighttime lows Some low ridges within the Chicken Creek Val- below 50° F), while winter lows can reach –30° F ley are locally dominated by western wheatgrass (Evenden et al. 2002). (Elymus smithii), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secun- da), and a variety of perennial forbs, rather than 1.3.2 Geology sagebrush (Jones 1993). Fossil Butte NM is located near the north end of Several mountain shrub and forest communi- the Fossil Basin, a long depression amid a series ties occur on the upper slopes of Fossil Butte of north-south trending ridges of the Overthrust and Cundick Ridge. Small patches of mountain Belt (Lageson and Spearing 1988). During the shrub vegetation (dominated by alder-leaf moun- Eocene, approximately 50 million years ago, the tain mahogany, Cercocarpus montanus, and basin was hydrologically closed and inundated by serviceberry, Amelanchier utahensis) occur in- a shallow, freshwater lake (Fossil Lake) that cov- terspersed with mountain big sagebrush on the ered much of southwestern Wyoming. Over a two slopes of Cundick Ridge. Mountain shrub com- million-year period, the lake was gradually fi lled munities may be seral to mixed-timber forests of by river delta deposits that gave rise to the Wasatch Douglas-fi r (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and limber Formation. Portions of the lake also were covered pine (Pinus fl exilis), especially on north-facing by fi ne-grained, dolomitic marlstone (also known slopes. Stands of quaking aspen (Populus tremu- as oil shale), which comprises much of the Green loides) are found on north-facing slopes and ar- River Formation. The shoreline of the lake shift- eas associated with drifting snow or seeps (Jones ed often, resulting in frequent interfi ngering of 1993). Barren, wind-swept rims and slopes on the the Wasatch and Green River formations. These west and south ends of Fossil Butte and Cundick lake deposits were uplifted several thousand feet Ridge support cushion plant communities that during the Laramide Orogeny in the late Eocene contain several of the monument’s rarer species, and have been gradually eroding ever since. To- including the narrowly endemic tufted twinpod day, remnants of the Green River Formation are (Physaria condensata) (Fertig 2000). exposed on the summit and upper slopes of Fos- sil Butte and Cundick Ridge, while the colorful The banks of Chicken Creek support wet mead- badlands forming the lower slopes of these ridges ow vegetation consisting of beaked sedge (Carex consist of Wasatch deposits (McGrew and Casil- utriculata), blackcreeper sedge (C. praegracilis), liano 1975). Two members of the Green River and Nebraska sedge (C. nebrascensis) in wet areas Formation are present, with the Angelo Member and tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) and located above the fossil-rich Fossil Butte Mem- Baltic rush (Juncus balticus) on slightly drier sites.

2 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Fossil Butte National FossilMonumentCapito ButteZion l Reef National National National Park Monument Park Wyoming Wyoming

Visitor Center

300 30 To Kemmerer

0 0.5 1 1.5 Kilometers Map Location Map location 0 0.5 1 1.5 Miles

Established October 23, 1972 2,018–2,464 m elevation Legend (6,620–8,084 ft elevation) Intermittent streams 3,318 ha (8,198 ac) Park boundary (NPS) Perennial streams U.S. Bureau of Land Management Paved roads Private Unpaved roads State Unimproved/4WD roads Northern ColoradoNCPN Plateau boundary Boundary MAP CREATED BY ANETH WIGHT, NCPN (DERIVED FROM EVENDEN ET AL. 2002) Figure 1.3.1. Location of Fossil Butte National Monument, Lincoln County, Wyoming.

Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Small patches of saline vegetation, dominated etation map. Dorn and others (1984) produced a by greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus) and detailed vegetation map depicting 12 major veg- saltbush (Atriplex) also occur near the creek and etation types and compiled a checklist of 347 support populations of the rare entire-leaf pep- vascular plants for Fossil Butte NM. In all, Dorn perwort (Lepidium integrifolium) (Fertig 2000). and colleagues reported 181 new species for the Perennial springs at the base of Fossil Butte and monument, of which all but 28 have since been Cundick Ridge have small thickets of yellow wil- corroborated with voucher specimens. low (Salix eriocephala var. watsonii) and narrow- leaved cottonwood (Populus angustifolia) or silver George Jones, plant ecologist with the Wyoming sagebrush (Artemisia cana)/sedge communities Natural Diversity Database, conducted a follow- (Jones 1993; Springer et al. 2006). up vegetation mapping study for the National Park Service in 1992. Jones (1993) reported two new sedge species for the monument. Recently, 1.3.4 Previous botanical studies Bonnie Heidel reported a third new sedge, mead- George Letterman was probably the fi rst botanist ow sedge (Carex praticola), from Jones’s collec- to explore the area around Fossil Butte, stopping tions deposited at the Univeristy of Wyoming. C. briefl y at the Fossil Station train stop (probably in praticola was not cited in Jones’s 1993 species list, the vicinity of Twin Creek) in 1885 (Table 1.3.4). nor has it previously been collected in Lincoln The full extent of Letterman’s collecting is not County. This species is tentatively included in the known, but he did collect entire-leaf pepperwort, fl ora of Fossil Butte NM (Appendix A), but actu- a rare species also found in Fossil Butte NM (Fer- ally may have been collected by Jones in the Ab- tig 2000; Heidel 2004; Hitchcock 1936). saroka Range, on another research project, and mislabeled. The fi rst systematic study of the vegetation of Fossil Butte NM occurred in 1973, less than a Clay Kyte, long-time (and recently retired) sea- year after the monument was formally estab- sonal ranger and naturalist for Fossil Butte NM, lished. The National Park Service hired Dr. Alan began fi lling in gaps in the FOBU herbarium in Beetle and C. B. Marlow, of the University of Wy- 1994. From 1994 to 2000, Kyte added 101 new oming’s Department of Range Management, to taxa to the monument fl ora and collected speci- create a baseline vegetation map and assess range mens for more than 100 other species previously conditions. Beetle and Marlow (1974) recorded reported (but not vouchered) by Dorn and oth- 13 main vegetation types for the monument and ers (1984) or Beetle and Marlow (1974). With the compiled a checklist of 78 vascular plant species addition of Kyte’s collections, the documented (now recognized as 72 taxa with the elimination fl ora of Fossil Butte NM reached 505 taxa in 2000 of synonyms, misidentifi cations, and specimens (Fertig 2000). from outside the monument as documented by Fertig [2000]). Since 2000, Kyte has added 47 new species vouch- ers and one additional unvouchered record for William Litzinger collected approximately 200 the monument. Rebecca Harms and Clay Kyte voucher specimens in 1977, in the course of con- collected seven new wetland plants during an in- ducting vegetation transect studies and devel- ventory of seeps and springs in 2005 (Springer et oping the Fossil Butte NM herbarium (FOBU). al. 2006). Vegetation mappers with the NCPN (in Through his eff orts, 132 new species were added ed.) contributed two additional species reports to the monument fl ora, bringing the total number during 2005 fi eldwork. Katie Moon, a graduate of reported species to just over 200 (Table 1.3.4, student at Brigham Young University, made 15 Figure 1.3.4) (Litzinger 1977; Fertig 2000). collections from Fossil Butte NM in 2006, as part of her fl oristic survey of northeastern Utah and In 1984, the National Park Service hired Robert adjacent Wyoming, but added no new taxa to the and Jane Dorn and Robert Lichvar, of Mountain monument checklist. West Environmental Services, to study grazing impacts and revise Beetle and Marlow’s 1974 veg-

4 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Table 1.3.4. Chronology of plant-collecting efforts in Fossil Butte National Monument. # of new Year Collector(s) Comments taxa 1885 G. Letterman 0 George Letterman collected entire-leaf pepperwort (Lepidium integrifolium var. integrifolium) near “Fossil Station” (Fertig 2000; Hitchcock 1936). The train siding was apparently located east of the current site of Fossil Butte NM (closer to the coal seams west of Kemmerer) in the 1880s, and so this collection probably came from the Twin Creek drainage, rather than Chicken Creek. 1973 A. A. Beetle 67 (+ 5 Alan Beetle and C. B. Marlow, of the University of Wyoming, reported 78 vascular and C. B. reported) plant taxa (72 by modern count, based on synonyms, misidentifi cations, and Marlow specimens documented outside the monument) while conducting a baseline assessment of range conditions and developing a vegetation map (Beetle and Marlow 1974). 1977 W. J. Litzinger 132 William Litzinger documented at least 132 new species for the monument while conducting vegetation studies and developing the FOBU herbarium. Litzinger’s 1977 checklist of the Fossil Butte NM fl ora cited nearly 200 plant species in 137 genera and 46 families (Evenden et al. 2002). 1984 R. Dorn, J. 153 (+ 28 Dorn and others (1984) produced a revised monument checklist with 347 plant Dorn, R. Lichvar reported) species based on their vegetation mapping and classifi cation project for the National Park Service. Of the 181 new taxa reported by Robert and Jane Dorn and Robert Lichvar, 153 have since been corroborated with vouchers by Clay Kyte, but 28 have still not been relocated. 1992 G. P. Jones 3 George Jones, of the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, documented 3 new sedge species while conducting a vegetation study of Fossil Butte (Jones 1993). One of Jones’s collections, meadow sedge (Carex praticola), may have actually come from the Absaroka Range in northwestern Wyoming. 1994– C. Kyte 100 (+ 1 Beginning in 1994, Fossil Butte NM seasonal naturalist Clay Kyte systematically 1999 reported) catalogued and vouchered the fl ora of the monument, adding 100 new species to the local fl ora and confi rming species previously reported by Dorn and others (1984) and Beetle and Marlow (1974). 2000– C. Kyte 37 (+ 1 Kyte’s collecting efforts continued into the new millenium, with 38 additional 2003 reported) species confi rmed or reported, including 27 since 2001 that were not included in the monument species list of Fertig (2000). 2004– C. Kyte & 17 (+ 2 Since 2004, Clay Kyte, Walter Fertig, and Rebecca Harms have collected 17 new 2006 W. Fertig, reported) species for the Fossil Butte NM fl ora, focusing primarily on wetland and weedy R. Harms, species (Springer et al. 2006). Vegetation mappers from the NCPN (in ed.) added and NCPN two new species reports during their fi eld work in 2005. Katie Moon, graduate vegetation student at Brigham Young University, collected 15 species in Fossil Butte in 2006, mapping team, but none was new to the monument. K. Moon (BYU)

Chapter 1: Introduction 5 600




200 Number of vascular taxa 100

0 1973 1977 1984 1992 2000 2006


Figure 1.3.4. Increase in the number of plant taxa confi rmed as present in Fossil Butte National Monument, 1973–2006.

6 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument 3. A list of potential species (“unconfi rmed” 2 Methods in NPSpecies) known from the vicinity of Fossil Butte National Monument based on In July 2004, we reviewed all mounted speci- Fertig (2000) (included in Appendix B); and mens in the Fossil Butte National Monument herbarium to determine whether each was cor- 4. A list of species that are now known to be rectly identifi ed to species, subspecies, or variety misidentifi ed or highly questionable (Ap- following the nomenclature of Dorn (2001). As pendix C). necessary, we made corrections and annotations Each list was annotated with supplemental in- to each specimen and to the voucher records in formation on life form, geographic range (within the monument’s Automated National Cataloging the context of Wyoming), population size in the System (ANCS+) and NPSpecies database. monument (derived from NCPN in ed.; Springer et al. 2006; and fi eld observations), fl owering pe- Based on this herbarium work and a review of riod, distribution across general vegetation types, monument references (Beetle and Marlow 1974; nativity, data source (collector and collection Dorn et al. 1984; Fertig 2000; Jones 1993; NCPN number from a sample specimen or literature cita- in ed.; Springer et al. 2006), we developed four tion), year of earliest collection (from herbarium lists: records), and relevant synonymy and taxonomic 1. A revised checklist of species that were pres- problems (based on review of Barkworth et al. ent in the park (confi rmed by an authenti- 2003, 2007; Barneby 1989; Cronquist 1994; Cron- cated voucher; included in Appendices A quist et al. 1972, 1977, 1984, 1997; Flora of North and D); America Editorial Committee 1993, 1997, 2000, 2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c; 2. A list of species that were reported in the lit- Holmgren et al. 2005; Weber and Wittmann 2001; erature but not corroborated with a voucher and Welsh et al. 2003). The annotations to these (equivalent to “probably present” in NPSpe- lists and label data from the FOBU herbarium re- cies terminology; included in Appendices A view were then incorporated into the NPSpecies and D); database for the monument.

Chapter 2: Methods 7

ment’s confi rmed species list, bringing the total 3 Results of vouchered species to 509 (Table 3.1, Appendi- ces A, D).

3.1 Summary of the fl ora of Fossil Currently, 37 additional taxa have been reported Butte National Monument for Fossil Butte NM but have yet to be corrobo- Of the 1,146 vascular plant vouchers in the FOBU rated with a voucher specimen (Table 3.1, Appen- herbarium that we examined in 2004, 124 were dix A). Of these, 33 were reported by Dorn and misidentifi ed (10.8%), 84 were revised to a more others (1984) or Beetle and Marlow (1973) and current name (7.3%), 126 had variety or subspe- four others came from observations by recent cies names added (11.0%), and 812 were found vegetation mapping crews (NCPN in ed.) or Fos- to be correctly determined (70.9%). In 2000, sil Butte NM naturalist Clay Kyte. Taken together, the confi rmed (vouchered) fl ora of Fossil Butte the number of confi rmed and reported vascular NM stood at 436, with another 69 known from plant taxa in Fossil Butte National Monument literature reports (Fertig 2000). Since 2000, Clay stands at 546 taxa (Table 3.1, Appendix A). Kyte, Walter Fertig, and Rebecca Harms have corroborated the presence of 19 species on the Fertig (2000) identifi ed 146 additional plant spe- reported list and added 54 new taxa to the monu- cies that might potentially occur in Fossil Butte NM, based on the existence of suitable habitat

Table 3.1. Statistical summary of the fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument. Number Number Category confi rmed additionally Total in park reported for park Taxonomic diversity Total taxa 509 37 546 (including varieties and subspecies) Full species 486 35 521 (excluding varieties and subspecies) Families 77 0 77 Life form diversity Tree taxa 5 0 5 Shrub taxa 52 3 55 Perennial forb taxa 284 25 309 Annual forb taxa 78 2 80 Perennial graminoid taxa 82 7 89 Annual graminoid taxa 6 0 6 Fern taxa 2 0 2 Biogeographic diversity Introduced taxa 69 3 72 Native taxa Locally endemic taxa 1 0 1 Regionally endemic taxa 20 0 20 Disjunct taxa 0 0 0 Peripheral taxa 8 0 8 Sparse taxa 1 0 1 Widespread taxa 410 34 444 Total native taxa 440 34 474 The number of taxa and families is based on taxonomic concepts of Dorn (2001). See Appendices for an explana- tion of the various categories.

Chapter 3: Results 9 or the proximity of the monument to known are widespread across Wyoming and western populations (Hartman et al. 1996; Refsdal 1996; . Only 21 species (4.4% of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium’s digital atlas of the monument’s native fl ora) are restricted to the Flora of Wyoming ). state of Wyoming or the Utah–Wyoming Rocky At least 29 of these species (19.9%) have been Mountains and Wyoming Basins ecoregions (re- discovered in the monument since 2000, and 3 gional and local endemics). Nine other species others have been dropped to the falsely reported (1.9%) are at the edge of their global range (pe- list or are no longer recognized as valid taxa. The ripheral) or occur sparsely across the state (see current number of potential species that we are Table 3.1). recognizing for Fossil Butte National Monument is 114 (Appendix B). 3.3 Plants of special concern Following the 2000 FOBU herbarium review Fossil Butte National Monument contains no (Fertig 2000), 56 plant species previously reported plants presently listed as threatened or endan- for Fossil Butte NM in the literature or from her- gered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. barium specimens were found to be misidentifi ed Tufted twinpod was formerly a Category 2 candi- or documented outside of the monument. Cur- date for potential listing under the act (Table 3.3), rently, the number of falsely reported taxa for the but was dropped as a candidate when the Cat- monument stands at 68 (Appendix C). Of these, egory 2 designation was eliminated in 1995. The 17 were based on unvouchered literature reports Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD) (Beetle and Marlow 1974; Dorn et al. 1984; Fertig currently lists eight species from Fossil Butte NM 2000; Springer et al. 2006) that are now consid- as species of special concern or potential concern ered questionable because Fossil Butte NM either (Heidel 2007). A ninth species, Payson’s beard- lacks likely habitat or is well outside of a species’s tongue (Penstemon paysoniorum), is a Wyoming expected range. The remaining 51 false reports endemic that was formerly considered a potential are based on misidentifi ed specimens. species of concern (Fertig 2000), but was recent- ly dropped from the WYNDD list. Several rare The confi rmed and reported fl ora of Fossil Butte species projects have recently been completed NM represent 19.5% of the 2,800 native and nat- for Fossil Butte NM, including surveys of tufted uralized taxa documented for the state of Wyo- twinpod (Fertig 2002; Kyte 2000b), and entire- ming by Dorn (2001) and 54.2% of the state’s 142 leaved peppergrass (Heidel 2004), and a summary plant families (Table 3.1). Within Lincoln County, of rare species (Fertig 2000). the monument fl ora captures 44.7% of the 1,222 taxa reported by Dorn (2001). At the ecoregion- 3.4 Non-native species and noxious al scale, Fossil Butte NM contains 36.7% of the 1,487 species reported for the Wyoming Basins weeds ecoregion (Fertig et al. 2002). Introduced plant species (not historically native to Wyoming or North America) make up 13.2% 3.2 Life form and biogeographic of the confi rmed and reported fl ora of Fossil diversity Butte NM (see Table 3.1). This fi gure is slightly higher than the statewide average of 12.6% non- Although ecologically dominant, tree and shrub native species (Fertig 1999). Of the 72 introduced species make up only 11.0% of the confi rmed and plant species confi rmed or reported for Fossil reported plant taxa of Fossil Butte NM (see Table Butte NM, 10 are listed as noxious by the State 3.1). Perennial forbs are the most species-rich life of Wyoming (Table 3.4) (Wyoming Department form in the monument’s fl ora, with 309 known of Agriculture 2003). Since the early 1990s, the and reported taxa (56.6% of the total fl ora). Less monument has had an active control program than 16% of the fl ora is comprised of annual for Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), musk thistle forbs and grass-like plants. Like trees and shrubs, (Carduus nutans), spotted knapweed (Centaurea perennial graminoids are ecologically important maculosa), diff use knapweed (Centaurea diff usa), but relatively species-poor, representing 16.3% common hound’s-tongue (Cynoglossum offi cina- of the total fl ora. The diversity of ferns and fern- le), fi ve-stamen tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis), and allies in Fossil Butte NM is especially low (0.4%) several other weed species not on the state nox- (see Table 3.1). ious list (Kyte 2000a). These eff orts have resulted in the eradication of diff use knapweed and fi ve- Of the monument’s 474 native taxa, 444 (93.7%) stamen tamarisk (Evenden et al. 2002).

10 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Table 3.3. Plant species of conservation concern from Fossil Butte National Monument. TNC global WYNDD Family Species Common name Legal status rank status Apiaceae Lomatium bicolor var. Wasatch biscuitroot G4T3T4 PotConc, S2 bicolor Apiaceae Lomatium triternatum ternate desert- G5T4T5 SpecConc,S1 var. anomalum parsley Brassicaceae Lepidium integrifolium entire-leaved G1G2T1? SpecConc,S1 var. integrifolium pepperwort Brassicaceae Physaria condensata tufted twinpod G2 WY BLM: Sensitive, SpecConc, S2 USFWS: former C2 candidate Chenopodiaceae Atriplex falcata falcate saltbush G4Q SpecCon, S1 Cuscutaceae Cuscuta occidentalis western dodder G4G5 SpecCon, S1 lentiginosus Sodaville milkvetch G5T5 SpecCon, S1 var. salinus Rhamnaceae Ceanothus martinii Martin’s ceanothus G4 SpecCon, S1 Scrophulariaceae Penstemon paysoniorum Payson G3 S3 beardtongue This list is derived from Heidel (2007) and Fertig (2000).

Codes: TNC global rank assesses abundance and conservation priority on a scale of 1–5 (1 being extremely vulnerable and 5 being secure) for full spe- cies (G) and varieties or subspecies (T) across their entire range. A “?” indicates uncertainty in the rank, Q = taxonomic questions, and NR = not ranked. A comparable scoring system is used to measure state abundance (S) in Wyoming under the column WYNDD status. Under legal status, USFWS = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. WY BLM = U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Offi ce. C2 = Category 2 candidate (a former category used for taxa that might warrant being proposed for threatened or endangered status following additional research). WYNDD status includes species of concern (SpecConc) that are actively tracked by the state natural heritage program and species of potential concern (PotConc) that are mostly intrinsically rare regional endemics that are currently stable, but could become species of concern if present management conditions or trends change signifi cantly (Heidel 2007).

Table 3.4. Noxious weed species of Fossil Butte National Monument. Family Species Common name Park status Arctium minus burdock Present Asteraceae Carduus nutans musk thistle Present Asteraceae Centaurea diffusa diffuse knapweed Eradicated Asteraceae Centaurea maculosa spotted knapweed Present Asteraceae Centaurea repens Russian knapweed Present Asteraceae Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Present Boraginaceae Cynoglossum offi cinale common hound’s-tongue Present Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis fi eld bindweed Present Poaceae Elymus repens quackgrass Present Tamaricaceae Tamarix chinensis fi ve-stamen tamarisk Eradicated This list is derived from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (2003).

Chapter 3: Results 11

crease by nearly 17%. Many of the “missing” po- 4 Discussion tential or reported taxa consist of cryptic species that fl ower late in the growing season, or occur in In the nearly 35 years since Beetle and Marlow’s undersampled wetland or weedy habitats. Con- original survey, the fl ora of Fossil Butte National fi rmation of reported species should remain a Monument has grown from 73 to 546 taxa, an high priority, as some of these taxa may ultimately increase of 86% (Tables 1.3.4 and 3.1, Figure prove to be erroneous. Additional studies would 1.3.4, Appendix A). Based on available habitats also be useful to better refi ne the abundance and proximity, at least 114 additional plant taxa and distribution of species of high management may occur within the monument (Appendix B). interest (especially rare plants and invasive non- Should all of these potential species be found, the natives). documented fl ora of the monument would in-

Chapter 4: Discussion 13

Cronquist, A., N. H. Holmgren, and P. K. Hol- 5 Literature Cited mgren, eds. 1997. Volume 3, Part A, Subclass Rosidae (except ). Intermountain Barkworth, M. E., K. M. Capels, S. Long, and M. fl ora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain B. Piep, eds. 2003. Magnoliophyta: Com- West, U.S.A. Bronx, N.Y.: New York Botani- melinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2. Flora of cal Garden. 446 pp. North America north of Mexico, Volume 25. New York: Oxford University Press. 783 pp. Dorn, R. D. 2001. Vascular plants of Wyoming. Third edition. Cheyenne, Wy.: Mountain Barkworth, M. E., K. M. Capels, S. Long, L. K. West Publishing. 412 pp. Anderton, and M. B. Piep, eds. 2007. Mag- noliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poace- Dorn, R. D., R. W. Lichvar, and J. L. Dorn. ae, part 1. Flora of North America north 1984. Grazing impact study on Fossil Butte of Mexico, Volume 24. New York: Oxford National Monument, Wyoming. Report University Press. 911 pp. prepared for the National Park Service by Mountain West Environmental Services, Barneby, R. C. 1989. Volume 3, Part B. Fabales. Cheyenne, Wy. In Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren, Evenden, A., M. Miller, M. Beer, E. Nance, S. eds. Intermountain fl ora: Vascular plants of Daw, A. Wight, M. Estenson, and L. Cudlip. the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, N.Y.: 2002. Northern Colorado Plateau Vital Signs New York Botanical Garden. 279 pp. Network and Prototype Cluster plan for natural resources monitoring: Phase I report Beetle, A. A., and C. B. Marlow. 1974. A vegeta- [two volumes]. October 1. National Park tive survey of Fossil Butte National Monu- Service, Northern Colorado Plateau Net- ment, Kemmerer, Wyoming. University of work, Moab, Ut. 138 pp + app. Wyoming Cooperative Research Report to the Yellowstone Environmental Studies Fertig, W. 1999. Non-native plants of Wyoming. Center. Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Castilleja 18(2):3–6. Station. Fertig, W. 2000. Vascular plant species check- Cronquist, A. 1994. Volume 5, . In list and rare plants of Fossil Butte National Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Hol- Monument. Report prepared for the Nation- mgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren, eds. al Park Service Northern Colorado Plateau Intermountain fl ora: Vascular plants of the Network by the Wyoming Natural Diversity Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, N.Y.: Database, University of Wyoming, Laramie, New York Botanical Garden. 496 pp. Wy. 51 pp. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, Fertig, W. 2002. Status of tufted twinpod (Phy- and J. L. Reveal, eds. 1972. Volume 1, Geo- saria condensata) in southwest Wyoming. logical and botanical history of the region, Report prepared for the Bureau of Land its plant geography and a glossary. The Management Wyoming State Offi ce and vascular cryptogams and the gymnosperms. Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, Uni- Intermountain fl ora: Vascular plants of the versity of Wyoming. 74 pp. Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, N.Y.: Flora of North America Editorial Committee. New York Botanical Garden. 270 pp. 1993. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Hol- Flora of North America north of Mexico, mgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren, Volume 2. New York: Oxford University eds. 1977. Volume 6, The monocotyledons. Press. 475 pp. Intermountain fl ora: Vascular plants of the ——. 1997. Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, N.Y.: Hamamelidae. Flora of North America New York Botanical Garden. 584 pp. north of Mexico, Volume 3. New York: Ox- ——. 1984. Volume 4, Subclass Asteridae (except ford University Press. 590 pp. Asteraceae). Intermountain fl ora: Vascular ——. 2000. Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Are- plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. cidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Zin- Bronx, N.Y.: New York Botanical Garden. giberidae. Flora of North America north 573 pp. of Mexico, Volume 22. New York: Oxford

Chapter 5: Literature Cited 15 University Press. 352 pp. Hitchcock, C. L. 1936. The genus Lepidium in the . Madrono 3:265–320. ——. 2002a. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Flora of North America Holmgren, N. H., P. K. Holmgren, and A. Cron- north of Mexico, Volume 23. New York: quist. 2005. Volume 2, Part B Subclass Dille- Oxford University Press. 608 pp. niidae. Intermountain fl ora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, ——. 2002b. Magnoliophyta: Liliidae: Liliales and N.Y.: New York Botanical Garden. 488 pp. Orchidales. Flora of North America north of Mexico, Volume 26. New York: Oxford Jones, G. P. 1993. Vegetation mapping, Fossil University Press. 723 pp. Butte National Monument. Report prepared for the National Park Service by the Wyo- ——. 2003. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part ming Natural Diversity Database, Laramie, 1. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Wy. Volume 4. New York: Oxford University Press. 559 pp. Kyte, C. 2000a. Fossil Butte National Monument exotic weed control program: summary and ——. 2005. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part evaluation. Fossil Butte National Monu- 2. Flora of North America north of Mexico. ment. 25 pp. Volume 5. New York: Oxford University Press. 656 pp. Kyte, C. 2000b. Cundick Ridge tufted twinpod survey. Fossil Butte National Monument. 3 ——. 2006a. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: pp. + maps and photographs. Asteraceae, part 1. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 19. New York: Lageson, D. R., and D. R. Spearing. 1988. Road- Oxford University Press. 579 pp. side geology of Wyoming. Missoula, Mt.: Mountain Press Publishing Company. 271 ——. 2006b. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 7: pp. Asteraceae, part 2. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 20. New York: Litzinger, W. J. 1977. Annotated checklist of Fos- Oxford University Press. 666 pp. sil Butte National Monument plants. 30 pp. ——. 2006c. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 8: Margules, C. R., and R. L. Pressey. 2000. Sys- Asteraceae, part 3. Flora of North America tematic conservation planning. Nature north of Mexico. Volume 21. New York: 405:243–253. Oxford University Press. 616 pp. McGrew, P. O., and M. Casilliano. 1975. The Grande, L. 1998. Fossil Lake. Natural History geologic history of Fossil Butte National 107(6):66–69. Monument and Fossil Basin. National Park Service Occasional Paper # 3. Hartman, R. L., T. Cramer, and B. E. Nelson. 1996. General fl oristic/sensitive plant spe- National Park Service. 2000. Management poli- cies survey of the Kemmerer Resource Area cies. U.S. Department of Interior, National (west side), Lincoln County, Wyoming. Park Service, , D.C. Publication Report prepared for the Bureau of Land # NPS D1416. 137 pp. Management by the Rocky Mountain Her- Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN). barium, University of Wyoming. in ed. Fossil Butte National Monument veg- Heidel, B. 2004. Inventory of Lepidium integrifo- etation classifi cation and mapping project. lium var. integrifolium (entire-leaved pep- Natural Resource Technical Report. Nation- pergrass) in southwestern Wyoming. Report al Park Service, Denver, Co. prepared for the Bureau of Land Manage- Noss, R. F., and A. Y. Cooperrider. 1994. Saving ment by the Wyoming Natural Diversity nature’s legacy: Protecting and restoring Database, University of Wyoming, Laramie, biodiversity. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. Wy. 416 pp. Heidel, B. 2007. Wyoming plant species of con- Refsdal, C. H. 1996. A general fl oristic inventory cern. Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, of southwest Wyoming and adjacent north- University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wy. east Utah, 1994–1995. Report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management Wyoming

16 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument State Offi ce, Bureau of Land Management Welsh, S. L., N. D. Atwood, S. Goodrich, and L. Vernal Supervisor’s Offi ce, U.S. Fish and C. Higgins. 2003. A Utah fl ora. Third edition, Wildlife Service, and U.S. Forest Service Re- revised. Provo, Ut: Brigham Young Univer- gion 4 by the University of Wyoming, Rocky sity. 912 pp. Mountain Herbarium, Laramie, Wy. Wyoming Department of Agriculture. 2003. Springer, A. E., L. E. Stevens, and R. Harms. Designated noxious weeds and prohibited 2006. Inventory and classifi cation of selected noxious weeds (October 20). Wyoming De- National Park Service springs on the Colo- partment of Agriculture, Cheyenne, Wy. rado Plateau. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff , Az. NPS Cooperative Agreement # CA 1200-99-009; Task # NAU-118. Weber, W. A., and R. C. Wittmann. 2001. Colo- rado fl ora: Western Slope. Third edition. Boulder, Co.: University Press of Colorado. 488 pp.

Chapter 5: Literature Cited 17

No eff ort has been made to identify additional synonyms Appendices from monographs and fl oras preceding the early 1970s.

The following appendices contain annotated checklists of Common name (Appendices A, B, C, and D) the vascular fl ora of Fossil Butte National Monument. Common names are derived primarily from Welsh and others (2003) and the Intermountain Flora (Barneby 1989; Appendix A lists all species that have been confi rmed for Cronquist 1994; Cronquist et al. 1972, 1977, 1984, 1997; the fl ora with an authenticated voucher specimen (includ- Holmgren et al. 2005). ing extant and historical records) or that have been reli- ably reported for the monument in the literature (Beetle Life form (Appendices A, B, C, and D) and Marlow 1974; Dorn et al. 1984; Jones 1993; Fertig 2000; NCPN in ed.; Springer et al. 2006). Vouchers were Life form is based on the stature and growth habit of typi- examined from the FOBU herbarium, and collections cal members of a species at reproductive maturity. Trees from Brigham Young University (BRY) and the University are woody perennials with a single stem or trunk and are of Wyoming (RM). Species entries in Appendix A are or- typically over 3.5 m tall. Shrubs are woody perennials ganized alphabetically by family and genus. with one to many trunks arising from near the base of the plant and are usually less than 3.5 m tall. Perennial Forbs Appendix B includes species that may potentially occur (PerF) are broad-leaved dicots or monocots with non- within Fossil Butte NM based on the proximity of the woody stems (at least above ground level) that live for mul- monument to other populations or the presence of suit- tiple years. Annual Forbs (AnnF) are broad-leaved dicots able habitat. or monocots with non-woody stems that complete their life cycle (mature, fl ower, and die) in one year. Perennial Appendix C lists species that have been previously report- Graminoids (PerG) are linear-leaved, grass-like monocots ed for Fossil Butte NM but are now considered errone- that live for multiple years. Annual Graminoids (AnnG) ous because they are based on misidentifi ed specimens or are linear-leaved, grass-like monocots that complete their questionable literature records. life cycle (mature, fl ower, and die) in one year. Ferns and fern-allies (Fern) are non-fl owering vascular plants that Appendix D contains the same confi rmed, historical, and reproduce by spores. reported taxa as in Appendix A, but organized by life form rather than by family in order to better meet the needs of Range (Appendices A, B, and C) NPS interpretive specialists. Range represents the distribution of a species within Wyoming and the state’s contribution to the plants over- The codes and references for each fi eld in the appropriate all global range. Disjunct (Disj) taxa have their Wyoming appendices are summarized below. distribution separated from the main, contiguous portion Family (Appendices A, B, C, and D) of their range by a gap of more than 800 km (ca 500 miles). Introduced (Intro) taxa are those that are not native to Family concepts and nomenclature follow Vascular Plants Wyoming or North America, but have become naturalized of Wyoming, third edition (Dorn 2001). Alternative family (breeding on their own without human assistance). Local names and treatments from other regional fl oras (Flora of Endemics (LocEn) are taxa whose entire global range is North America Editorial Committee 1993, 2002b; Hol- restricted to an area of less than 16,500 km2 (ca 6,370 mi2, mgren et al. 2005; Weber and Wittman 2001; Welsh et al. or 1° of latitude × 2° of longitude). Peripheral (Periph) 2003) are listed in parentheses. taxa have a widespread global distribution but occur at the margin of their contiguous range in Wyoming, and occupy Species name (Appendices A, B, C, and D) less than 5% of the state’s area (usually only within a few Nomenclature for scientifi c names and taxonomic con- miles of the state border). Regional Endemics (RegEn) are cepts are derived from Dorn (2001). Scientifi c names are taxa with a global range of 16,500–250,000 km2 (an area listed in alphabetical rather than phylogenetic order. about the size of the state of Wyoming). Sparse taxa occur widely across Wyoming or North America, but their range Synonyms/Taxonomic notes (Appendices A, B, and C) within Wyoming is small and patchy, with populations re- Pertinent synonyms are included for species with alter- stricted to specialized or uncommon habitats. Widespread native scientifi c names in other recent state and regional (Wide) taxa have global ranges exceeding 250,000 km2 fl oras (Barkworth et al. 2003, 2007; Barneby 1989; Cron- and occur over at least 10% of the state. quist 1994; Cronquist et al. 1972, 1977, 1984, 1997; Flora of North America Editorial Committee 1993, 1997, 2000, Park status (Appendices A, C, and D) 2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2006c; Holmgren Park status identifi es whether a species is Present (Pres), et al. 2005; Weber and Wittmann 2001; Welsh et al. 2003). Historical (Hist), or Reported (Rep) for Fossil Butte NM.

Chapter 6: Appendices 19 Species are considered Present if a confi rmed voucher or Year doc. (Appendix A) documented observation has been made within monu- Year documented indicates the fi rst year in which a spe- ment boundaries since 1970. Historical species have been cies was confi rmed or reported to occur in Fossil Butte confi rmed with a voucher from the monument but have NM. This year does not necessarily correspond with the not been relocated since before 1970. Reported species date of the voucher specimen cited under Source. “NA” are listed for the monument in the literature (Beetle and indicates that the fi rst year is not known (used mostly for Marlow 1974; Dorn et al. 1984; Jones 1993; Fertig 2000; “reported” taxa). NCPN in ed.; Springer et al. 2006), but have not been corroborated with a voucher specimen. Species that may Comments (Appendices A, B, C, and D) potentially occur in FOBU are listed in Appendix B. Re- This column includes additional comments on the status jected taxa (listed in Appendix C) have either been falsely of a particular species in the monument, the place of ori- reported (FalsRep) in the literature based on misidenti- gin for introduced species, legal status, and other data. fi ed herbarium specimens or are considered Questionable (Ques?) because park reports are from well outside their Nativity (Appendix D) known or expected range. Nativity indicates whether a species is native to Wyoming Pop. size (Appendix A) or Introduced (Intro) based on Fertig (1999). Population size refers to the abundance and frequency time (Appendix D) with which a species occurs within Fossil Butte NM. Abun- Flower time refers to the months in which a species is most dance data are derived from Jones (1993), NCPN (in ed.), likely to be in fl ower. NA indicates a species that is a non- and personal observations. Abundant (Abun) taxa have fl owering fern or gymnosperm. large populations, have a broad ecological amplitude (of- ten being dominant in one-to-several vegetation types), or Habitat (Appendix D) occur extensively across the monument. Common (Com) taxa have large local populations but may be restricted to The distribution of species across generalized habitats in a single vegetation type or do not occur across the entire Fossil Butte NM is indicated by an “x” in the columns Sage/ monument. Uncommon (Unc) taxa have low to medium- Grs through Wet and is derived from the Fossil Butte NM sized populations, typically have a narrow ecological am- vegetation classifi cation (NCPN in ed.), Dorn and others plitude (or at least contribute relatively little to total veg- (1984), Jones (1993), and Beetle and Marlow (1974). Sage/ etative cover), or have a small range across the monument. Grs = big sagebrush or alkali sagebrush grassland and Rare taxa usually have low population numbers and are montane shrub communities. Mix Con = Douglas-fi r or restricted to a single location within the monument. A “?” limber pine woodlands. Asp = quaking aspen forests. Wet indicates that population size is unknown. = wetland areas (including pond margins, wet meadows, and willow thickets). Additional comments are included Source (Appendix A) for species that are restricted to a particular soil/geologic type or are found mostly in barren or disturbed sites. Sources are the evidence for the assigned park status. In the case of Present and Historical taxa, sources are her- barium records (with collector, collection number, and repository) that were corroborated during this study. For reported taxa, the source is a published or unpublished reference citing the species within the monument. Speci- men repositories include the Fossil Butte NM herbarium (FOBU), Brigham Young University (BRY), and the Uni- versity of Wyoming’s Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RM).

20 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument c name with Comments Year Year doc. 1977 1984 1984 2005 1977 1977 1977 1977 1984 1997 1984 1973 1984 1984 Source (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) s.n. (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) s.n. (FOBU) (1984) (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) (FOBU) size Pop. Park status Range Life PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-29 PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-36 PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-98 PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-3 form Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-208 aromatic spring- parsley Rocky Mountain maple Common name black elderberry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-98 taper-tip oniontaper-tip PerF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte short-style onion PerF Wide Pres Unc1110 Litzinger Geyer’s onionGeyer’s PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-61 textile onion PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-62 prostrate pigweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc1254 Litzinger Lyall’s angelicaLyall’s PerF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte plains spring-parsley PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. pinnate angelica PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-119 long-stalk spring- parsley Constance’s spring- Constance’s parsley snowline spring- parsley

var. & var. var. ora calcareus, Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic C. terebinthinus var. Pteryxia terebinthina albifl glabrum Includes vars. neomexicanum, douglasii, tripartitum, A. rubrum acaulis, C. glomeratus longipes

var. var. var. orus melanocarpa terebinthinus albifl Acer glabrum Sambucus racemosa var. Allium acuminatum Allium brevistylum Allium geyeri tenerum Allium textile Amaranthus blitoides A. graecizans Angelica arguta Angelica pinnata Cymopterus acaulis C. acaulis Cymopterus constancei Cymopterus longipes C. longipes Cymopterus nivalis C. bipinnatus Cymopterus vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi rmed, historical, and reported FamilyAceraceae Species name Adoxaceae (Caprifoliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Amaranthaceae Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Appendix A. Confi taxonomic and biogeographic notes.

Chapter 6: Appendices 21 22 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Apiaceae Ligusticum fi licinum fernleaf ligusticum PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-52 1984 (Umbelliferae) (FOBU) Apiaceae Lomatium bicolor L. bicolor var. Wasatch biscuitroot PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-51 1984 (Umbelliferae) bicolor (FOBU) Apiaceae Lomatium dissectum L. dissectum var. fern-leaved desert- PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Umbelliferae) var. multifi dum eatonii parsley (1984) Apiaceae Lomatium big-seed desert- PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1163 1977 (Umbelliferae) macrocarpum parsley (FOBU) Apiaceae Lomatium triternatum L. triternatum ssp. ternate desert- PerF Reg En Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 1996 (Umbelliferae) var. anomalum triternatum parsley (FOBU) Apiaceae Lomatium triternatum L. simplex ternate desert- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-54 1984 (Umbelliferae) var. platycarpum parsley (FOBU) Apiaceae Orogenia linearifolia Indian-potato PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 99-1 1999 (Umbelliferae) (FOBU) Apiaceae Osmorhiza berteroi O. chilensis Chilean sweet-cicely PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-53 1984 (Umbelliferae) (FOBU) Apiaceae Osmorhiza western sweet-cicely PerF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 2005 (Umbelliferae) occidentalis s.n. (FOBU) Apiaceae Perideridia P. gairdneri common yampah PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-31 1984 (Umbelliferae) ssp. borealis, P. (FOBU) montana var. borealis Apiaceae Sium suave water parsnip PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-120 1996 (Umbelliferae) (FOBU)

Apocynaceae Apocynum A. spreading dogbane PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-121 1996 androsaemifolium androsaemifolium (FOBU) var. androsaemifolium Asclepiadaceae Asclepias speciosa showy milkweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-31 1998 (FOBU) Asteraceae Achillea millefolium Includes vars. common yarrow PerF Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1116 1973 (Compositae) var. lanulosa alpicola & (FOBU) occidentalis & ssp. lanulosa, A. lanulosa Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Agoseris glauca var. Includes var. short agoseris PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2002-07 2002 (Compositae) dasycephala agrestis (FOBU) Asteraceae Agoseris glauca var. pale agoseris PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Compositae) glauca (FOBU) Asteraceae Agoseris glauca var. A. parvifl ora cutleaf agoseris PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-11 1997 (Compositae) laciniata (FOBU) Asteraceae Antennaria dimorpha low pussytoes PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-37 1977 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Antennaria Some authors small-leaf pussyoes PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte s.n. 1977 (Compositae) microphylla include A. rosea. (FOBU) Asteraceae Antennaria rosea Included in A. rosy pussytoes PerF Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1134 1977 (Compositae) microphylla by (FOBU) many authors. Includes ssp. arida, confi nis, pulvinata, & rosea. Asteraceae Arctium minus burdock PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-40 1998 Native to Eurasia. (Compositae) (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Asteraceae cordifolia A. cordifolia var. heartleaf arnica PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-50 1977 (Compositae) cordifolia (FOBU) Asteraceae Arnica sororia meadow arnica PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-101 1984 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Artemisia arbuscula A. longiloba, (Compositae) var. longiloba Seriphidium dwarf sagebrush Shrub Wide Pres Com Kyte s.n. 1973 arbusculum var. (FOBU) longilobum, not distinguished from var. arbuscula by Chapter 6:Appendices Cronquist (1995)

Asteraceae Artemisia biennis var. A. biennis biennial wormwood PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1640 1977 (Compositae) biennis (FOBU) Asteraceae Artemisia cana var. Seriphidium canum silver sagebrush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1561 1973 (Compositae) viscidula ssp. viscidulum (FOBU) 23 24 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Artemisia dracunculus Oligosporus tarragon PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-182 1984 (Compositae) dracunculus, (FOBU) includes ssp. glaucus Asteraceae Artemisia frigida fringed sagebrush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-47 1973 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Artemisia ludoviciana Louisiana wormwood PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1331 1977 (Compositae) var. ludoviciana (FOBU) Asteraceae Artemisia nova A. arbuscula var. black sagebrush Shrub Wide Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 2005 (Compositae) nova, A. nova var. (FOBU) nova, Seriphidium novum Asteraceae Artemisia spinescens Picrothamnus budsage Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-7 1984 (Compositae) desertorum (FOBU) Asteraceae Artemisia tridentata Seriphidium basin big sagebrush Shrub Wide Pres Abun Litzinger 1563 1973 (Compositae) var. tridentata tridentatum ssp. (FOBU) tridentatum Asteraceae Artemisia tridentata Includes A. mountain big Shrub Wide Pres Abun Kyte & Fertig 1973 (Compositae) var. vaseyana tridentata var. sagebrush 2004-02 paucifl ora, (FOBU) Seriphidium vaseyanum Asteraceae Artemisia tridentata Seriphidium Wyoming big Shrub Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1553 1973 (Compositae) var. wyomingensis tridentatum ssp. sagebrush (FOBU) wyomingense Asteraceae cutleaf balsamroot PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-49 1996 (Compositae) macrophylla (FOBU) Asteraceae Balsamorhiza sagittata arrowleaf PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-41 1973 (Compositae) balsamroot (FOBU)

Asteraceae Carduus nutans Includes ssp. musk thistle PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 Native to Eurasia. (Compositae) leiophyllus & (FOBU) WY state noxious macrolepis weed Asteraceae Centaurea diffusa Acosta diffusa diffuse knapweed PerF Intro Ext NA Kyte 98-39 1998 Native to (Compositae) (FOBU) Mediterranean. WY state noxious weed Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Centaurea maculosa C. stoebe ssp. spotted knapweed PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1996 Native to Europe. (Compositae) micranthos, C. (FOBU) WY state noxious biebersteinii, weed Acosta maculosa Asteraceae Centaurea repens Acroptilon repens Russian knapweed PerF Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1363 1977 Native to Eurasia. (Compositae) (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii C. douglasii var. hoary dusty-maiden PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1204 1977 (Compositae) var. montana douglasii (FOBU) Asteraceae Chrysothamnus lanceleaf rabbitbrush Shrub Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1515 1977 (Compositae) viscidifl orus var. (FOBU) lanceolatus Asteraceae Chrysothamnus Includes var. green rabbitbrush Shrub Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1310 1973 (Compositae) viscidifl orus var. stenophyllus (FOBU) viscidifl orus according to some authors Asteraceae Cirsium arvense Includes vars. Canada thistle PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 Native to Eurasia. (Compositae) horridum & (FOBU) WY state noxious integrifolium, weed Breea arvensis Asteraceae Cirsium pulcherrimum C. pulcherrimum Wyoming thistle PerF Reg En Pres Unc Litzinger 1197 1977 (Compositae) var. pulcherrimum (FOBU) Asteraceae Cirsium scariosum C. scariosum var. thistle PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-181 1984 (Compositae) scariosum (FOBU) Asteraceae Cirsium subniveum C. inamoenum var. snowy thistle PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-124 1977 (Compositae) inamoenum (FOBU) Asteraceae Cirsium undulatum wavy-leaved thistle PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 Cited by NCPN (Compositae) var. undulatum (1984) (in ed.) without

Chapter 6:Appendices a voucher. Reports from FOBU herbarium are based on misidentifi ed specimens of C. pulcherrimum & C. subniveum. 25 26 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Cirsium vulgare bull thistle PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 Native to Europe (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Crepis acuminata Psilochenia mountain PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-90 1984 (Compositae) acuminata hawksbeard (FOBU) Asteraceae Crepis intermedia Psilochenia gray hawksbeard PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Compositae) intermedia (1984) Asteraceae Crepis modocensis Psilochenia Modoc hawksbeard PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-100 1996 (Compositae) modocensis (FOBU) Asteraceae Ericameria nauseosa Chrysothamnus rubber rabbitbrush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1311 1977 (Compositae) var. nauseosa nauseosus var. (FOBU) nauseosus Asteraceae Ericameria nauseosa Chrysothamnus greenish rabbitbrush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-164 1996 (Compositae) var. oreophila nauseosus var. (FOBU) oreophilus, C. nauseosus var. consimilis, E. nauseosa var. consimilis Asteraceae compositus Includes var. cut-leaved daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-12 1998 (Compositae) var. discoideus glabratus (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron corymbosus mountain daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron eatonii E. eatonii var. Eaton’s fl eabane PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1162 1977 (Compositae) eatonii (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron engelmannii Engelmann’s daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron glabellus var. E. glabellus smooth daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-123 1996 (Compositae) glabellus (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron Trimorpha longleaf daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) lonchophyllus lonchophylla (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron nanus dwarf fl eabane PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-60 1984 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Erigeron ochroleucus buff fl eabane PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Compositae) var. ochroleucus (1984) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Erigeron pumilus var. E. concinnus var. Navajo fl eabane PerF Wide Rep Rare Northern Col- 2005 (Compositae) concinnus concinnus, includes orado Plateau var. subglaber Network (in ed.) Asteraceae Erigeron pumilus var. shaggy fl eabane PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Compositae) pumilus (1984) Asteraceae Erigeron speciosus E. speciosus var. aspen daisy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-122 1984 (Compositae) macranthus (FOBU) Asteraceae elegans Aster perelegans elegant aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-161 1984 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Eucephalus Aster engelmannii Engelmann’s aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1596 1977 (Compositae) engelmannii (FOBU) Asteraceae Eucephalus glaucus Aster glaucodes, blueleaf aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-159 1984 (Compositae) Eurybia glauca, (FOBU) Herrickia glauca var. glauca Asteraceae Gaillardia aristata common PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2004-10 2004 (Compositae) blanketfl ower (FOBU) Asteraceae Gnaphalium palustre lowland cudweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Grindelia squarrosa Includes var. curly-cup gumweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Compositae) var. squarrosa serrulata. Vars. not (FOBU) recognized in Flora of North America (2006) Asteraceae Gutierrezia sarothrae broom snakeweed Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-36 1973 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Helianthella unifl ora little sunfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-105

Chapter 6:Appendices (Compositae) 1973 (FOBU) Asteraceae Helianthus annuus H. annuus ssp. common sunfl ower AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-105 1997 (Compositae) lenticularis. Ssp. (FOBU) not recognized in Flora of North America (2006) Asteraceae Hieracium Hieracium scouleri houndtongue PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2002-08a 2002 (Compositae) cynoglossoides var. griseum hawkweed (FOBU) 27 28 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Hymenoxys hoopesii Helenium hoopesii, orange sneezeweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1208 1977 (Compositae) Dugaldia hoopesii (FOBU) Asteraceae Iva axillaris var. Vars. not poverty-weed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) axillaris recognized in Flora (FOBU) of North America (2006) Asteraceae Iva axillaris var. Vars. not poverty-weed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1341 1977 (Compositae) robustior recognized in Flora (FOBU) of North America (2006) Asteraceae Lactuca oblongifolia L. pulchella, blue lettuce PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-117 1997 (Compositae) L. tatarica (FOBU) var. pulchella, Mulgedium pulchellum Asteraceae Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 Native to Europe (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Machaeranthera Aster canescens, hoary tansy-aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 (Compositae) canescens var. Dieteria canescens (FOBU) canescens var. canescens Asteraceae Machaeranthera Haplopappus gumweed aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-163 1984 (Compositae) grindelioides nuttallii, Xanthisma (FOBU) grindelioides var. grindelioides Asteraceae Madia glomerata mountain tarweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Microseris nutans nodding microseris PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-76 1997 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Packera cana Senecio canus woolly groundsel PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-43 1977 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Packera multilobata Senecio basin groundsel PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-44 (Compositae) multilobatus 1984 (FOBU) Asteraceae Packera paupercula Senecio balsam goundsel PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Compositae) pauperculus (1984) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Packera Senecio Rocky Mountain PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte 2001-32 1977 (Compositae) streptanthifolia var. streptanthifolius groundsel (FOBU) streptanthifolia var. streptanthifolius, included in S. cymbalarioides by some authors, includes vars. borealis & oodes Asteraceae Pyrrocoma lanceolata Haplopappus meadow PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1337 1977 (Compositae) lanceolatus goldenweed (FOBU) Asteraceae Pyrrocoma unifl ora Haplopappus plantain goldenweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Compositae) unifl orus (FOBU) Asteraceae Rudbeckia occidentalis R. occidentalis var. western conefl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-126 1984 (Compositae) occidentalis (FOBU) Asteraceae Senecio hydrophilus water groundsel PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Senecio integerrimus western groundsel PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-39 1977 (Compositae) var. exaltatus (FOBU) Asteraceae Senecio serra var. serra saw-toothed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1449 1977 (Compositae) groundsel (FOBU) Asteraceae Solidago canadensis S. lepida var. Canadian goldenrod PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-183 1996 (Compositae) var. salebrosa salebrosa (FOBU) Asteraceae Solidago velutina S. sparsifl ora, three-nerve PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1996 Previously (Compositae) S. velutina var. goldenrod (FOBU) considered a false sparsifl ora report in Fertig (2000) Asteraceae Sonchus asper spiny-leaf sow-thistle AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2001-48 (Compositae) 2001 Native to Europe. Chapter 6:Appendices (FOBU) First record for Lincoln County, WY Asteraceae Sonchus uliginosus S. arvensis ssp. marsh sow-thistle PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-160 1984 Native to Europe (Compositae) uliginosus, S. (FOBU) arvensis var. glabrescens Asteraceae Stenotus acaulis Haplopappus stemless goldenweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1137 1977 (Compositae) acaulis var. acaulis (FOBU) 29 30 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae desert wirelettuce PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-165 1984 (Compositae) runcinata (FOBU) Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Aster chilensis Pacifi c aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000- 1984 (Compositae) ascendens ssp. adscendens, 32b (FOBU) A. ascendens, Virgulaster ascendens Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Aster junciformis, boreal aster PerF Spars Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) boreale A. borealis (FOBU) Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Aster foliaceus var. alpine leafy-head PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Compositae) foliaceum var. parryi parryi American-aster (1984) Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Aster frondosus, leafy aster AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Compositae) frondosum Brachyactis (FOBU) frondosa Asteraceae Symphyotrichum Aster spathulatus, western aster PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-16 1984 (Compositae) spathulatum A. occidentalis (FOBU) Asteraceae Taraxacum laevigatum T. erythrospermum red-seed dandelion PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-39 1984 Native to Eurasia (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Taraxacum offi cinale common dandelion PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 Native to Eurasia (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Tetradymia canescens spineless horsebrush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Tetradymia spinosa T. spinosa var. shortspine Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-12 1984 (Compositae) spinosa horsebrush (FOBU) Asteraceae Tetraneuris acaulis var. Hymenoxys acaulis stemless hymenoxys PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. (Compositae) acaulis var. acaulis 1973 One record from (1984) FOBU herbarium based on a misidentifi ed specimen of Tetraneuris torreyana (Fertig 2000) Asteraceae Tetraneuris torreyana Hymenoxys Torrey’s hymenoxys PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-19 1998 (Compositae) torreyana (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Asteraceae Townsendia nuttallii Included in T. Nuttall’s easter-daisy PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-48 1984 Type locality is (Compositae) hookeri by some (FOBU) Limestone Mtn, authors. Fremont Co., WY (Dorn 2963 RM) Asteraceae Tragopogon dubius T. dubius var. major yellow salsify PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-71 1984 Native to Europe (Compositae) (FOBU) Asteraceae Viguiera multifl ora Heliomeris showy goldeneye PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-106 1973 Cited by Beetle (Compositae) multifl ora var. (FOBU) and Marlow multifl ora (1974) under the erroneous name Helianthella multifl ora Asteraceae Wyethia amplexicaulis mule’s-ears PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1115 1973 (Compositae) (FOBU) Berberidaceae Mahonia repens Berberis repens -grape Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-13 1973 (FOBU) Boraginaceae Cryptantha caespitosa Oreocarya tufted cryptanth PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-8 1984 Type locality is caespitosa (FOBU) Point of Rocks, Sweetwater Co., WY (Nelson 4749 RM) Boraginaceae Cryptantha celosioides C. bradburiana cockscomb cryptanth PerF Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1374 1977 (FOBU) Boraginaceae Cryptantha fendleri sand dune cryptanth AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1255 1977 (FOBU) Boraginaceae Cryptantha sericea Oreocarya sericea silky cryptanth PerF Reg En Pres Unc Litzinger 1124 1977 Type locality is (FOBU) Bridger’s Pass, Uinta Co., WY (Engelmann s.n. Chapter 6:Appendices GH) Boraginaceae Cryptantha watsonii Watson’s cryptanth AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-13 1998 (FOBU) Boraginaceae Cynoglossum common hound’s- PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-128 1984 Native to Eurasia. offi cinale tongue (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Boraginaceae Hackelia fl oribunda showy stickseed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1547 1977 (FOBU) 31 32 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Boraginaceae Hackelia patens H. patens var. spotted stickseed PerF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 1984 patens s.n. (FOBU) Boraginaceae Lappula redowskii var. L. occidentalis var. western stickseed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-55 1977 redowskii occidentalis (FOBU) Boraginaceae Lappula squarrosa var. L. echinata European stickseed AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2002-04 2002 Native to Eurasia squarrosa (FOBU) Boraginaceae Lithospermum western stoneseed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-15 1977 ruderale (FOBU) Boraginaceae Mertensia western bluebell PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-14 1977 oblongifolia (FOBU) Boraginaceae Mertensia viridis M. lanceolata var. mountain bluebell PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2001-26 2001 nivalis. Included in (FOBU) M. oblongifolia by some authors. Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys scouleri P. scouleri var. meadow popcorn- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 var. hispidulus penicillatus fl ower (FOBU) Brassicaceae Alyssum desertorum desert madwort AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-106 1984 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Arabis glabra Turritis glabra, A. tower-mustard PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-39 2001 (Cruciferae) glabra var. glabra (FOBU) Brassicaceae Arabis hirsuta var. hairy rockcress PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-53 1997 (Cruciferae) pycnocarpa (FOBU) Brassicaceae Barbarea orthoceras northern wintercress PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-131 1996 (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Boechera angustifolia Arabis (Cruciferae) drummondii, B. Drummond’s PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-10 2001 rockcress (FOBU) drummondii, B. stricta Brassicaceae Boechera brachycarpa Arabis confi nis, spreadingpod PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-36 2001 (Cruciferae) A. x divaricarpa, rockcress (FOBU) A. holboellii var. brachycarpa, B. divaricarpa Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Brassicaceae Boechera exilis Arabis holboellii defl exed rockcress PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-13 2001 (Cruciferae) var. pendulocarpa, (FOBU) A. pendulocarpa var. pendulocarpa, A. exilis Brassicaceae Boechera holboellii Arabis holboellii Holboell’s rockcress PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Cruciferae) var. secunda var. secunda, A. (1984) holboellii var. retrofracta, B. retrofracta Brassicaceae Boechera nuttallii Arabis nuttallii Nuttall’s rockcress PerF Wide Pres Unc Moon & 1996 (Cruciferae) Moon 1664 (FOBU, BRY) Brassicaceae Boechera williamsii Arabis microphylla Wind River rockcress PerF Reg En Pres Rare Kyte 2001-16 2001 (Cruciferae) var. saximontana var. saximontana, (FOBU) A. pendulocarpa var. saximontana, A. williamsii var. saximontana Brassicaceae Camelina microcarpa little-pod false fl ax AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-26 1998 Native to Asia (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd’s-purse AnnF Intro Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (1984) Brassicaceae Cardaria chalepensis C. draba ssp. orbicular whitetop PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1996 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) chalepensis, C. (FOBU) draba var. repens Brassicaceae Chorispora tenella blue mustard AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-37 1984 Native to Asia (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Descurainia incana D. richardsonii var. mountain tansy- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-108 1977 Chapter 6:Appendices (Cruciferae) var. incana sonnei, D. incisa mustard (FOBU) var. incisa, D. incana ssp. incisa, D. incana var. sonnei 33 34 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Brassicaceae Descurainia incana D. richardsonii var. gray tansy-mustard PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 2004 (Cruciferae) var. macrosperma macrosperma, D. 2004-16 incana ssp. procera, (FOBU) D. incana var. brevipes Brassicaceae Descurainia incana D. incisa var. slender-leaved tansy- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 2005 (Cruciferae) var. viscosa viscosa, D. mustard s.n. (FOBU) richardsonii var. viscosa, D. incisa var. leptophylla Brassicaceae Descurainia pinnata western tansy- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-38 2001 (Cruciferae) var. brachycarpa mustard (FOBU) Brassicaceae Descurainia sophia fl ixweed AnnF Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1368 1977 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Draba albertina D. stenoloba var. slender whitlow- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-57 1996 (Cruciferae) nana grass (FOBU) Brassicaceae Draba nemorosa woodland whitlow- AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-54 1984 Native to Eurasia (Cruciferae) grass (FOBU) Brassicaceae Draba oligosperma D. oligosperma var. few-seed whitlow- PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Cruciferae) oligosperma grass (1984) Brassicaceae Erysimum asperum E. capitatum western wallfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1175 1977 (Cruciferae) var. arkansanum var. capitatum, (FOBU) E. asperum var. elatum Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Erysimum E. cheiranthoides worm-seed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-30 2000 cheiranthoides ssp. altum wallfl ower (FOBU) Brassicaceae Erysimum shy wallfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-98 1984 (Cruciferae) inconspicuum (FOBU) Brassicaceae Erysimum repandum spreading wallfl ower AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2002-02 2002 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Lepidium campestre Neolepia fi eld pepperwort AnnF Intro Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 2006 Native to Asia (Cruciferae) campestre (FOBU) Brassicaceae Lepidium densifl orum Some authors prairie pepperwort AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1412 1977 (Cruciferae) var. densifl orum include var. (FOBU) macrocarpum Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Brassicaceae Lepidium L. integrifolium entire-leaf PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-167 1996 WY BLM Sensitive (Cruciferae) integrifolium var. integrifolium, pepperwort (FOBU) L. montanum var. integrifolium Brassicaceae Lepidium perfoliatum clasping pepperwort AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-130 1984 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Lepidium branched AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-29 2000 (Cruciferae) ramosissimum var. pepperwort (FOBU) ramosissimum Brassicaceae Lepidium virginicum poorman’s AnnF Periph Pres Unc Kyte 2002-03 1984 (Cruciferae) var. pubescens pepperwort (FOBU) Brassicaceae Lesquerella alpina Includes var. alpine bladderpod PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-24 1984 (Cruciferae) spatulata, Physaria (FOBU) reediana var. reediana Brassicaceae Malcolmia africana African mustard AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-168 1996 Native to Africa (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Physaria acutifolia P. acutifolia var. sharp-leaf twinpod PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-97 1984 (Cruciferae) acutifolia, P. (FOBU) australis Brassicaceae Physaria condensata tufted twinpod PerF LocEn Pres Unc Kyte 98-16 1973 WY BLM Sensitive, (Cruciferae) (FOBU) USFWS former C2 candidate. Type locality is foothills of Bridger Butte, Unita Co., WY (Rollins 2385 G) Brassicaceae Rorippa curvipes var. blunt-leaf yellowcress PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-194 1984 (Cruciferae) curvipes (FOBU) Chapter 6:Appendices Brassicaceae Schoenocrambe Sisymbrium fl ax-leaved PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-59 1984 (Cruciferae) linifolia linifolium plainsmustard (FOBU) Brassicaceae Sisymbrium altissimum tumble mustard AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2001-67 (Cruciferae) (FOBU) 2001 Native to Europe

Brassicaceae Stanleya viridifl ora green prince’s-plume PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-170 1977 (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Brassicaceae Streptanthus cordatus S. cordatus var. heart-leaf PerF Periph Pres Unc Kyte 96-107 1984

35 (Cruciferae) cordatus jewelfl ower (FOBU) 36 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Brassicaceae Thelypodium T. integrifolium var. entire-leaf thelypody PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1377 1977 (Cruciferae) integrifolium integrifolium (FOBU) Brassicaceae Thelypodium T. sagittatum var. northwestern PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-4 1984 (Cruciferae) paniculatum crassiscarpum thelypody (FOBU) Brassicaceae Thlaspi arvense fi eld pennycress AnnF Intro Pres Com Kyte 96-109 1977 Native to Europe (Cruciferae) (FOBU) Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha Flora of North plains prickly-pear PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-110 1984 var. polyacantha America (2003) (FOBU) includes vars. rufi spina and trichophora in var. polyacantha Calochortaceae Calochortus nuttallii sego-lily PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-144 1984 (Liliaceae) (FOBU) Capparaceae Cleome serrulata Rocky Mountain AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1413 1977 (Cleomaceae) beeplant (FOBU) Caprifoliaceae Lonicera involucrata Distegia black twinberry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1111 1977 involucrata (FOBU) Caprifoliaceae Symphoricarpos Includes vars. mountain snowberry Shrub Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-93 1973 oreophilus var. parishii & (FOBU) utahensis oreophilus, S. rotundifolius Caryophyllaceae Cerastium fontanum C. vulgatum, C. mouse-ear chickweed PerF Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1215 1977 Native to Eurasia (Alsinaceae) fontanum ssp. (FOBU) vulgare Caryophyllaceae Eremogene congesta Arenaria congesta ball-head sandwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-94 (Alsinaceae) var. congesta var. congesta 1977 (FOBU) Caryophyllaceae Eremogene kingii var. Arenaria kingii basin sandwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-58 1977 (Alsinaceae) glabrescens var. glabrescens, (FOBU) A. kingii ssp. compacta & ssp. uintahensis, A. fendleri var. glabrescens, E. kingii ssp. uintahensis Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Caryophyllaceae Minuartia nuttallii Arenaria nuttallii, Nuttall’s sandwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-14 1998 (Alsinaceae) Minuopsis nuttallii (FOBU) Caryophyllaceae Moehringia laterifl ora Arenaria laterifl ora blunt-leaf sandwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-133 1996 (Alsinaceae) (FOBU) Caryophyllaceae Pseudostellaria Stellaria jamesiana James’ chickweed PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 Also cited by (Alsinaceae) jamesiana (1984) Springer et al. (2006) without a voucher. Caryophyllaceae Silene drummondii Lychnis Drummond’s catchfl y PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 2004 drummondii, 2004-01 includes (FOBU) vars. striata, kruckebergii, & drummondii, Gastrolychnis drummondii Caryophyllaceae Silene menziesii var. Anotites menziesii Menzies’ campion PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-132 1984 menziesii var. menziesii (FOBU) Caryophyllaceae Stellaria longipes S. longipes ssp. long-stalk starwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-95 1984 (Alsinaceae) stricta (FOBU) Celastraceae Paxistima myrsinites Pachistima mountain-lover Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-209 1984 myrsinites, (FOBU) Pachystima myrsinites Chenopodiaceae Atriplex canescens var. Includes var. four-wing saltbush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-132 1997 canescens occidentalis (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Atriplex confertifolia shadscale Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-133 1973 (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Atriplex falcata A. gardneri var. sickle saltbush Shrub Periph Pres Unc Litzinger 1977 Chapter 6:Appendices falcata 11262 (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Atriplex gardneri var. A. nuttallii Gardner’s saltbush Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 gardneri (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Atriplex rosea tumbling orache AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96a 1977 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Atriplex subspicata A. patula var . thickleaf orache AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 subspicata, A. (FOBU)

37 dioica 38 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Chenopodiaceae Atriplex truncata wedge-leaf orache AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-17 1984 (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Bassia sieversiana Kochia scoparia, B. summer-cypress AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 Native to Eurasia scoparia (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium C. fremontii var. mountain goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-11 1977 atrovirens atrovirens (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium C. album var. pitseed goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-73 2001 berlandieri var. berlandieri, C. (FOBU) zschackei berlandieri Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium C. overi, C. smallhead goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-28 2000 capitatum var. foliosum (FOBU) parvicapitatum Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium C. fremontii var. Fremont’s goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Rare Kyte & Fertig 2004 fremontii fremontii 2004-11 (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium C. salinum oakleaf goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1321 1977 glaucum var. salinum (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium narrow-leaf AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2002-05 2002 leptophyllum goosefoot (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium rubrum C. chenopodioides low goosefoot AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-37 2000 var. glomeratum (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Halogeton glomeratus halogeton AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-173 1977 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Krascheninnikovia Ceratoides lanata, winterfat Shrub Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-22 1973 lanata Eurotia lanata, (FOBU) includes vars. subspinosa & ruinina Chenopodiaceae Monolepis nuttalliana Nuttall’s poverty- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. weed 1977 (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Salsola tragus S. kali, S. iberica, S. Russian-thistle AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-122 1977 Native to Asia pestifer, S. australis (FOBU) Chenopodiaceae Suaeda calceoliformis S. depressa broom seepweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Convallariaceae Maianthemum Smilacina false Solomon’s-seal PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-46 2001 (Liliaceae) racemosum var. racemosa, M. (FOBU) amplexicaule amplexicaule Convallariaceae Maianthemum Smilacina stellata starry false PerF Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1231 1977 (Liliaceae) stellatum Solomon’s-seal (FOBU) Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis fi eld bindweed PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-91 1997 Native to Eurasia. (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Convolvulaceae Cuscuta occidentalis C. californica chaparral dodder PerF Periph Pres Rare Kyte 97-115 1997 (Cuscutaceae) var. brevifl ora, (FOBU) Grammica occidentalis Cornaceae Cornus sericea C. stolonifera var. red-osier dogwood Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-134 1977 stolonifera, Swida (FOBU) sericea Crassulaceae Sedum lanceolatum Includes ssp. lance-leaved PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-59 1984 lanceolatum stonecrop (FOBU) & subalpinum, Amerosedum lanceolatum Cupressaceae Juniperus communis J. communis ssp. common juniper Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-10 2000 var. depressa alpina (FOBU) Cupressaceae Juniperus scopulorum Sabina scopulorum Rocky Mountain Tree Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-203 1977 juniper (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex aquatilis C. aquatilis var. water sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 2005 aquatilis s.n. (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex athrostachya slender-beaked PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-20 1995 sedge (FOBU)

Chapter 6:Appendices Cyperaceae Carex aurea C. garberi golden sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1397 1977 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex douglasii Douglas’ sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex fi lifolia threadleaf sedge PerG Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (1984) Cyperaceae Carex geyeri elk sedge PerG Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (1984) 39 40 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Cyperaceae Carex hoodii Hood’s sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 2004 2004-04 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex microptera var. C. festivella, C. small-wing sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1190 1977 microptera macloviana var. (FOBU) microptera Cyperaceae Carex nebrascensis Nebraska sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex pellita C. lanuginosa woolly sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-26 1984 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex petasata liddon sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-35 1977 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex praegracilis blackcreeper sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-92 1977 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex praticola meadow sedge PerG Wide Pres Rare Jones 502 1992 Jones collection (RM) is out of range and was not cited in Jones (1993). Specimen may be fom the Absaroka Range (Aug 1992). Cyperaceae Carex rossii C. defl exa var. Ross’ sedge PerG Wide Pres Com Jones s.n. 1992 boottii, C. brevipes, (FOBU) C. pityophila Cyperaceae Carex simulata analogue sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex stenophylla C. duriuscula, narrowleaf sedge PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte 2001-02 1973 C. eleocharis, C. (FOBU) stenophylla ssp. eleocharis Cyperaceae Carex utriculata C. rostrata (sensu beaked sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-120 1977 lato) (FOBU) Cyperaceae Carex vallicola valley sedge PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-18 1992 (FOBU) Cyperaceae Eleocharis acicularis slender spikerush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-61 2001 (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Cyperaceae Eleocharis palustris Includes E. common spikerush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 macrostachya, E. (FOBU) erythropoda, & E. uniglumis Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus acutus Scirpus acutus, hardstem bulrush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-200 1996 var. occidentalis Schoenoplectus (FOBU) lacustris ssp. acutus Elaeagnaceae Shepherdia canadensis Canada buffaloberry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-210 1973 (FOBU) Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense fi eld horsetail Fern Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-38 2000 (FOBU) Equisetaceae Equisetum laevigatum Hippochaete smooth scouring-rush Fern Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 laevigata, E. (FOBU) kansanum Ericaceae Arctostaphylos uva- A. uva-ursi ssp. bearberry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-101 1973 ursi var. uva-ursi coactilis. Vars. not (FOBU) recognized by Holmgren et al. (1997) Ericaceae Pyrola asarifolia P. rotundifolia ssp. pink wintergreen PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-136 1996 (Pyrolaceae) asarifolia (FOBU) Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Euphorbia ridge-seeded spurge AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1503 1977 glyptosperma glyptosperma (FOBU) Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce Euphorbia thyme-leaved spurge AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-137 1996 serpyllifolia serpyllifolia (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus agrestis A. dasyglottis fi eld milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus argophyllus silver-leaved PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984

Chapter 6:Appendices (Leguminosae) var. argophyllus milkvetch (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus bisulcatus two-grooved PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2001-44 (Leguminosae) var. bisulcatus milkvetch 2001 (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus bisulcatus Included in var. two-grooved PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Leguminosae) var. major bisulcatus by milkvetch (FOBU) Barneby (1989) Fabaceae Astragalus canadensis pasture milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1338 1977 (Leguminosae) var. brevidens (FOBU) 41 42 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Fabaceae Astragalus cicer chickpea milkvetch PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 2000 Native to Europe. (Leguminosae) (Fertig 2000) Specimen hasn’t been relocated; may be at RM. Fabaceae Astragalus A. diversifolius lesser rushy PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-92 1973 (Leguminosae) convallarius var. campestris, A. milkvetch (FOBU) convallarius var. convallarius Fabaceae Astragalus jejunus var. starveling milkvetch PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-23 1984 Type locality is (Leguminosae) jejunus (FOBU) Bear River Valley near Evanston, Unita Co., WY (Watson 279 US) Fabaceae Astragalus A. kentrophyta var. mountain PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Leguminosae) kentrophyta var. implexus kentrophyta (1984) tegetarius Fabaceae Astragalus A. lentiginosus var. broad-leaved PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-81 1984 (Leguminosae) lentiginosus var. platyphyllidus milkvetch (FOBU) chartaceus Fabaceae Astragalus salt milkvetch PerF Periph Pres Rare Kyte 97-82 1995 (Leguminosae) lentiginosus var. (FOBU) salinus Fabaceae Astragalus miser var. timber milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Leguminosae) tenuifolius (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus purshii A. purshii var. Pursh’s milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-16 1984 (Leguminosae) purshii (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus spatulatus spoonleaf milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-26 1984 (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fabaceae Astragalus tenellus (Leguminosae) pulse milkvetch PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (FOBU) Fabaceae Glycyrrhiza lepidota G. lepidota licorice-root PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-134 1977 (Leguminosae) var. lepidota (FOBU) Fabaceae Hedysarum boreale Var. not recognized Utah sweet-vetch PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-80 1997 (Leguminosae) var. pabulare by some authors (FOBU) Fabaceae argenteus var. subalpine lupine PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte 97-88 1984 (Leguminosae) rubricaulis (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Fabaceae Lupinus leucophyllus white-leaved lupine PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Leguminosae) (1984) Fabaceae Lupinus sericeus L. sericeus var. silky lupine PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte & Fertig 1973 (Leguminosae) sericeus 2004-12 (FOBU) Fabaceae Medicago lupulina black medick AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-4 1998 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fabaceae Medicago sativa var. alfalfa PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-126 1984 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) sativa (FOBU) Fabaceae Melilotus albus M. alba, included white sweet- AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-139 1996 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) in M. offi cinalis by (FOBU) some authors Fabaceae Melilotus offi cinalis yellow sweet-clover PerF Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1454 1977 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fabaceae defl exa var. nodding PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-186 1996 (Leguminosae) sericea (FOBU) Fabaceae Oxytropis sericea var. white locoweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-69 1984 (Leguminosae) sericea (FOBU) Fabaceae Trifolium holly-leaf clover PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-17 1984 (Leguminosae) gymnocarpon var. (FOBU) plummerae Fabaceae Trifolium hybridum alsike clover PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-32 1998 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fabaceae Trifolium repens white clover PerF Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1345 1977 Native to Europe (Leguminosae) (FOBU) Fumariaceae Corydalis aurea var. golden smoke PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-141 1984 aurea (FOBU) Gentianaceae Frasera speciosa Swertia radiata elkweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1170 Chapter 6:Appendices 1977 (FOBU) Gentianaceae Gentiana affi nis var. Pneumonanthe Rocky Mountain PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 affi nis affi nis gentian (FOBU) Gentianaceae Gentianella amarella Gentiana amarella, northern gentian PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-187 1984 var. amarella Gentianella (FOBU) amarella ssp. acuta, Gentianella acuta 43 44 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium stork’s-bill AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-37 1984 Native to Europe (FOBU) Geraniaceae Geranium richardsonii Richardson’s crane’s- PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1253 1973 bill (FOBU) Geraniaceae Geranium G. viscosissimum sticky crane’s-bill PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-24 1984 viscosissimum var. var. nervosum (FOBU) incisum Geraniaceae Geranium sticky purple crane’s- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-142 1996 viscosissimum var. bill (FOBU) viscosissimum Grossulariaceae Ribes cereum var. R. cereum var. wax currant Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-25 1973 (Saxifragaceae) pedicellare inebrians, includes (FOBU) var. cereum Grossulariaceae Ribes inerme whitestem Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1230 1977 (Saxifragaceae) gooseberry (FOBU) Grossulariaceae Ribes viscosissimum R. viscosissimum sticky currant Shrub Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (Saxifragaceae) var. viscosissimum (1984) Hippuridaceae Hippuris vulgaris common mare’s-tail PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-188 1984 (FOBU) Hyacinthaceae Camassia quamash C. quamash var. camas PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-62 1977 (Liliaceae) utahensis (FOBU) Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllum H. capitatum var. capitate waterleaf PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-22 1984 capitatum capitatum (FOBU) Hydrophyllaceae Nemophila brevifl ora Great Basin AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-48 1984 nemophila (FOBU) Hydrophyllaceae Phacelia hastata Includes vars. lanceleaf phacelia PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1177 1977 alpina, hastata, & (FOBU) leucophylla Hydrophyllaceae Phacelia heterophylla Includes ssp. wand phacelia PerF Periph Pres Unc Kyte 96-143 1984 var. virgata heterophylla (FOBU) Hydrophyllaceae Phacelia sericea var. silky phacelia PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-90 1977 ciliosa (FOBU) Hypericaceae Hypericum formosum H. scouleri, H. western St. John’s- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Guttiferae) var. scouleri scouleri ssp. wort (FOBU) nortoniae Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Iridaceae Iris missouriensis Rocky Mountain iris PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (1984) Iridaceae Sisyrinchium blue-eyed PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1319 1977 idahoense var. grass (FOBU) occidentale Juncaceae Juncus balticus var. J. arcticus var. Baltic rush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 Includes report montanus balticus, J. arcticus (FOBU) of var. mexicanus ssp. ater, J. balticus from NCPN (in ed.) var. mexicanus Juncaceae Juncus bufonius Includes vars. toad rush AnnG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-35 1984 bufonius, (FOBU) occidentalis, halophilus, & ambiguus Juncaceae Juncus confusus perplexing rush PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1395 1973 (FOBU) Juncaceae Juncus ensifolius var. J. saximontanus, mountain rush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 montanus includes J. tracyi (FOBU) Juncaceae Juncus longistylus longstyle rush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Juncaceae Juncus tenuis var. J. dudleyi, includes poverty rush PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-174 1996 dudleyi J. tenuis (sensu (FOBU) stricto) Juncaginaceae Triglochin maritima Includes T. seaside arrowgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 var. elata concinnum (FOBU) Lamiaceae Agastache urticifolia nettle-leaf horsemint PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-112 1977 (Labiatae) (FOBU) Lamiaceae Dracocephalum

Chapter 6:Appendices (Labiatae) Moldavica smallfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-113 1996 parvifl orum parvifl ora dragonhead (FOBU) Lamiaceae Marrubium vulgare common horehound PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-103 1984 Native to Eurasia (Labiatae) (FOBU) Lamiaceae Mentha arvensis var. M. arvensis var. fi eld mint PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-188 1977 (Labiatae) canadensis glabrata (FOBU) Lamiaceae Stachys palustris var. hairy hedge-nettle PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1333 1977 (Labiatae) pilosa (FOBU) 45 46 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Lemnaceae Lemna turionifera L. minor lesser duckweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-36 2000 (FOBU) Liliaceae Fritillaria leopard-lily PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-18 1977 atropurpurea (FOBU) Liliaceae Fritillaria pudica yellow-bell PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-3 1984 (FOBU) Limnanthaceae Floerkea false mermaid AnnF Wide Pres Unc Moon & 1984 proserpinacoides Moon 1669 (FOBU, BRY) Linaceae Linum lewisii L. perenne blue fl ax PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 var. lewisii, (FOBU) Adenolinum lewisii Loasaceae Mentzelia laevicaulis Nuttallia laevicaulis giant blazingstar PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-195 1977 (FOBU) Malvaceae Iliamna rivularis Includes vars. wild hollyhock PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 diversa & rivularis (1984) Malvaceae Sidalcea oregana S. oregana var. Oregon checker- PerF Periph Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 oregana mallow (FOBU) Malvaceae Sphaeralcea coccinea Includes ssp. scarlet globe-mallow PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-18 1998 coccinea & elata (FOBU) Malvaceae Sphaeralcea Includes ssp. white-stem globe- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-175 1977 munroana munroana & mallow (FOBU) subrhomboidea Melanthiaceae Zigadenus paniculatus Toxicoscordion foothills death-camas PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-67 1997 (Liliaceae) paniculatum (FOBU) Melanthiaceae Zigadenus venenosus meadow death- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-63 1984 (Liliaceae) var. gramineus camas (FOBU) Myrsinaceae Glaux maritima sea-milkwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Primulaceae) (FOBU) Onagraceae Camissonia subacaulis Oenothera meadow camissonia PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 subacaulis (1984) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Onagraceae Chamerion Epilobium fi reweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-176 1984 angustifolium var. angustifolium (FOBU) canescens var. canescens, C. angustifolium ssp. circumvagum, C. danielsii Onagraceae Epilobium E. paniculatum var. autumn willow-herb AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-196 1984 brachycarpum paniculatum (FOBU) Onagraceae Epilobium ciliatum E. watsonii, E. northern willow-herb PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1369 1977 var. ciliatum adenocaulon (FOBU) Onagraceae Epilobium ciliatum E. glandulosum glandular willow- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 var. glandulosum herb (FOBU) Onagraceae Epilobium halleanum Hall’s willow-herb PerF Wide Pres Rare Harms s.n. 2005 (FOBU) Onagraceae Epilobium hornemanii E. hornemannii var. Hornemann’s willow- PerF Wide Pres Rare Harms & Kyte 2005 hornemannii herb s.n. (FOBU) Onagraceae Gayophytum diffusum G. diffusum ssp. diffuse groundsmoke AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1592 1977 var. strictipes parvifl orum, G. (FOBU) lasiospermum Onagraceae Gayophytum groundsmoke AnnF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 racemosum (1984) Onagraceae Oenothera cespitosa tufted evening- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 var. cespitosa primrose (FOBU) Onagraceae Oenothera fl ava O. fl ava var. fl ava yellow evening- PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1136 1977 primrose (FOBU)

Orchidaceae Corallorhiza maculata C. maculata spotted coral-root PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-89 1996 var. maculata (FOBU)

Chapter 6:Appendices Orchidaceae Corallorhiza striata C. striata striped coral-root PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-88 1996 var. striata (FOBU) Orchidaceae Platanthera aquilonis Previously included northern bog-orchid PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-145 1996 in Habenaria (FOBU) hyperborea or Platanthera hyperborea Orobanchaceae Orobanche fasciculata Aphyllon clustered broomrape PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-17 1998 fasciculatum (FOBU) 47 48 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Pinaceae Pinus fl exilis limber pine Tree Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-212 1973 (FOBU) Pinaceae Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fi r Tree Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1601 1973 var. glauca (FOBU) Plantaginaceae Plantago eriopoda woolly-base plantain PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 (FOBU) Plantaginaceae Plantago major Includes “native” common plantain PerF Intro Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 Mostly native to var. pachyphylla (1984) Europe. Poaceae Achnatherum Oryzopsis contracted Indian PerG Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-107 1997 (Gramineae) contractum contracta, O. ricegrass (FOBU) hymenoides var. contracta Poaceae Achnatherum Oryzopsis Indian ricegrass PerG Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1365 1973 (Gramineae) hymenoides hymenoides, Stipa (FOBU) hymenoides Poaceae Achnatherum Stipa lettermanii Letterman’s PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 (Gramineae) lettermanii needlegrass (FOBU) Poaceae Achnatherum nelsonii Stipa nelsonii Nelson’s needlegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-55 2001 (Gramineae) var. dorei var. dorei, S. (FOBU) occidentalis var. nelsonii Poaceae Achnatherum nelsonii Stipa nelsonii Nelson’s needlegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-100 1977 (Gramineae) var. nelsonii var. nelsonii, S. (FOBU) columbiana var. nelsonii Poaceae Achnatherum Stipa pinetorum pine needlegrass PerG Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1973 (Gramineae) pinetorum (1984) Poaceae Agropyron cristatum (Gramineae) A. cristatum ssp. crested wheatgrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 Native to Eurasia var. cristatum pectinatum, (FOBU) A. pectinatum, A. sibiricum, A. fragile, A. mongolicum Poaceae Agropyron cristatum A. desertorum, clustered wheatgrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Litzinger 1276 1977 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) var. desertorum included within A. (FOBU) cristatum by some authors. Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Agropyron triticeum Eremopyrum annual wheatgrass AnnG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-73 1984 Native to Asia (Gramineae) triticeum (FOBU) Poaceae Agrostis stolonifera A. alba, A. redtop PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2001-64 2001 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) gigantea (FOBU) and Africa Poaceae Alopecurus aequalis A. aequalis var. short-awn foxtail PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-130 1997 (Gramineae) aequalis (FOBU) Poaceae Alopecurus A. ventricosus creeping foxtail PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) arundinaceus (FOBU) Poaceae Alopecurus pratensis meadow foxtail PerG Intro Rep Rare No. Colorado 2005 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) Plateau Network (in ed.) Poaceae Beckmannia American AnnG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-131 1977 (Gramineae) syzigachne sloughgrass (FOBU) Poaceae Bromus anomalus Bromopsis porteri, nodding brome PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-116 1997 (Gramineae) Bromus frondosus. (FOBU) According to Flora of North America (2007), material ascribed to B. anomalus in regional fl oras is mostly B. porteri or B. lanatipes. Poaceae Bromus carinatus B. marginatus, mountain brome PerG Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 1973 (Gramineae) B. polyanthus, s.n. (FOBU) Ceratochloa carinata Poaceae Bromus inermis var. Bromopsis inermis smooth brome PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2000-18 1973 Native to Eurasia Chapter 6:Appendices (Gramineae) inermis (FOBU) Poaceae Bromus japonicus B. arvensis, includes Japanese brome AnnG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-84 1997 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) B. commutatus (FOBU) according to some authors Poaceae Bromus tectorum Anisantha cheatgrass AnnG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-61 1984 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) tectorum (FOBU) 49 50 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Calamagrostis C. stricta ssp. slimstem reedgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1279 1977 (Gramineae) inexpansa inexpansa, C. (FOBU) neglecta Poaceae Catabrosa aquatica brookgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-129 1984 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Dactylis glomerata orchard grass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2000-4 2000 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) (FOBU) and Africa Poaceae Danthonia californica oatgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-49 1984 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Danthonia intermedia timber oatgrass PerG Wide Rep ? Beetle & 1973 Report from (Gramineae) Marlow FOBU herbarium (1974) is based on a misidentifi ed specimen of D. unispicata. Poaceae Danthonia unispicata oneside oatgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1391 1977 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Deschampsia cespitosa D. caespitosa tufted hairgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Distichlis stricta D. spicata var. desert saltgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-75 2001 (Gramineae) stricta (FOBU) Poaceae Elymus cinereus Leymus cinereus Great Basin wildrye PerG Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1283 1973 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Elymus elymoides var. Sitanion hystrix squirreltail PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1139 1973 (Gramineae) elymoides (FOBU) Poaceae Elymus glaucus Includes ssp. blue wildrye PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte 97-124 1984 (Gramineae) glaucus & jepsonii (FOBU) Poaceae Elymus hispidus var. Agropyron intermediate PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2000-3 (Gramineae) hispidus intermedium, wheatgrass (FOBU) 1977 Native to Eurasia Elytrigia intermedia, Thinopyrum intermedium Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Elymus hispidus var. Agropyron intermediate PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 2004 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) ruthenicus intermedium, wheatgrass 2004-18 Elytrigia (FOBU) intermedia, Thinopyrum intermedium ssp. barbulatum Poaceae Elymus lanceolatus Agropyron thickspike PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-112 1973 (Gramineae) var. lanceolatus dasystachyum var. wheatgrass (FOBU) dasystachyum, A. albicans var. albicans, A. albicans var. griffi thsii. Poaceae Elymus repens Agropyron repens, quackgrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2001-56 1984 Native to Eurasia. (Gramineae) Elytrigia repens (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Poaceae Elymus smithii Agropyron smithii, western wheatgrass PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte s.n. 1973 (Gramineae) Pascopyrum (FOBU) smithii, includes vars. smithii & palmeri Poaceae Elymus spicatus Agropyron bluebunch PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte 97-108 1973 (Gramineae) spicatum, wheatgrass (FOBU) Pseuodroegneria spicata, includes ssp. inermis & spicata Poaceae Elymus trachycaulus Agropyron slender wheatgrass PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte & Fertig 1973 (Gramineae) var. trachycaulus caninum, A. 2004-09 Chapter 6:Appendices subsecundum, (FOBU) A. trachycaulum, A latiglume, E. alaskanus ssp. latiglumis 51 52 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Elymus x saundersii x Agrositanion Saunders’ wild-rye PerG Wide Pres Rare Kyte & Fertig 2004 (Gramineae) saundersii, hybrid 2004-15 between E. (FOBU) trachycaulus & E. elymoides Poaceae Festuca idahoensis F. ovina var. ingrata Idaho fescue PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 1984 (Gramineae) 2004-17 (FOBU) Poaceae Glyceria striata Includes G. elata fowl mannagrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Hordeum Critesion meadow barley PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (Gramineae) brachyantherum brachyantherum (FOBU) Poaceae Hordeum jubatum Critesion jubatum foxtail barley PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Hordeum x H. jubatum ssp. intermediate barley PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1402 1973 (Gramineae) caespitosum intermedium (FOBU) Poaceae Koeleria macrantha Koeleria cristata, junegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Gramineae) K. pyramidata, K. (FOBU) nitida Poaceae Leucopoa kingii Hesperochloa spike fescue PerG Wide Pres Com Kyte 97-55 1973 (Gramineae) kingii (FOBU) Poaceae Melica bulbosa Bromelica bulbosa oniongrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-05 1984 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Muhlenbergia mat muhly PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 (Gramineae) richardsonis (FOBU) Poaceae Phalaris arundinacea Phalaroides reed canary grass PerG Wide Rep ? Fertig (2000) 2000 Voucher has not (Gramineae) arundinacea been relocated (may be at RM) Poaceae Phleum alpinum P. commutatum alpine timothy PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-7 1998 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Phleum pratense timothy PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 2000-5 (Gramineae) 1984 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Poaceae Poa arida prairie bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 Reported in Dorn (Gramineae) (FOBU) et al. (1984) as P. glaucifolia. Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Poa bulbosa bulbous bluegrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-65 1996 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) (FOBU) and Africa Poaceae Poa compressa Canada bluegrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 1984 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) 2004-20 Poaceae Poa cusickii var. P. cusickii var. Cusick’s bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-34 1984 (Gramineae) pallida cusickii, included (FOBU) in P. fendleriana by some authors Poaceae Poa fendleriana P. longiligula, muttongrass PerG Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1665 1973 (Gramineae) includes ssp. (FOBU) fendleriana & longiligula Poaceae Poa interior P. nemoralis ssp. interior bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-125 1984 (Gramineae) interior, P. glauca (FOBU) ssp. glauca Poaceae Poa juncifolia var. Included in P. big bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-53 1977 (Gramineae) ampla secunda by some (FOBU) authors, P. ampla, P. secunda ssp. juncifolia Poaceae Poa nevadensis Included in P. bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-97 1995 (Gramineae) secunda by some (FOBU) authors, P. secunda ssp. juncifolia Poaceae Poa pratensis P. agassizensis Kentucky bluegrass PerG Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1973 Native to Europe (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Poa secunda var. P. canbyi, P. (Gramineae) elongata secunda ssp. Canby bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1199 1977 (FOBU)

Chapter 6:Appendices secunda. Vars. not recognized by some authors 53 54 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Poaceae Poa secunda var. P. sandbergii, Sandberg bluegrass PerG Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1394 1973 (Gramineae) secunda includes P. (FOBU) gracillima, P. juncifolia, P. canbyi, P. scabrella, P. nevadensis, P. ampla and all vars. of P. secunda Poaceae Polypogon rabbitfoot grass AnnG Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 Native to Eurasia (Gramineae) monspeliensis (FOBU) and Africa Poaceae Puccinellia nuttalliana P. airoides Nuttall’s alkaligrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1259 1977 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Spartina gracilis alkali cordgrass PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (Gramineae) (FOBU) Poaceae Sporobolus airoides S. airoides var. alkali sacaton PerG Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1258 1977 Incorrectly (Gramineae) airoides (FOBU) considered a false report in Fertig (2000). Poaceae Trisetum spicatum T. montanum spike trisetum PerG Wide Rep ? Beetle & 1973 (Gramineae) Marlow (1974) Collomia linearis small collomia AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-86 1984 (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis aggregata Gilia aggregata var. scarlet gilia PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-87 1973 var. aggregata aggregata (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis congesta Gilia congesta var. ball-head gilia PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-26 1984 var. congesta congesta (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Leptosiphon Linanthus northern linanthus AnnF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1212 1977 septentrionalis septentrionalis, (FOBU) Linanthus harknessii var. septentrionalis Polemoniaceae Linanthus pungens Leptodactylon prickly-phlox Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1132 1977 pungens (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Microsteris gracilis var. Phlox gracilis humilior ssp. slender phlox AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2002-01 2002 humilis (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Polemoniaceae breweri yellow navarretia AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Navarretia intertexta N. saximontana, N. Great Basin AnnF Wide Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 2003 var. propinqua minima navarretia (FOBU) Polemoniaceae Phlox hoodii Includes ssp. Hood’s phlox PerF Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-6 1973 canescens, (FOBU) glabrata, hoodii, & viscidula Polemoniaceae Phlox longifolia Includes vars. long-leaf phlox PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 longifolia & (FOBU) stansburyi Polemoniaceae Phlox multifl ora Includes ssp. Rocky Mountain PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-147 1977 multifl ora, phlox (FOBU) depresssa, & patula Polemoniaceae Phlox muscoides P. hoodii ssp. moss phlox PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 muscoides, P. (1984) bryoides Eriogonum acaule single-stem wild PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 98-2 1984 buckwheat (FOBU) Polygonaceae Eriogonum brevicaule shortstem wild PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-198 1977 var. brevicaule buckwheat (FOBU) Polygonaceae Eriogonum brevicaule Includes E. loose-leaf wild PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 96-205 1977 var. laxifolium brevicaule var. buckwheat (FOBU) cottamii Polygonaceae Eriogonum matted wild PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-25 1984 caespitosum buckwheat (FOBU) Polygonaceae Eriogonum cernuum E. cernuum var. matted wild AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-113 1997

Chapter 6:Appendices cernuum buckwheat (FOBU) Polygonaceae Eriogonum slender wild Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1387 1973 microthecum var. buckwheat (FOBU) laxifl orum Polygonaceae Eriogonum Included in var. cushion wild PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-85 1984 ovalifolium var. ovalifolium by buckwheat (FOBU) purpureum some authors, or vars. not recognized. 55 56 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Polygonaceae Eriogonum E. umbellatum var. cream wild PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1516 1973 umbellatum var. majus subalpinum, E. buckwheat (FOBU) subalpinum Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare P. arenastrum yard knotweed AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1977 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Polygonaceae Polygonum Bistorta American bistort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-67 1984 bistortoides bistortoides (FOBU) Polygonaceae Polygonum douglasii P. douglasii Douglas’ knotweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-178 1984 var. douglasii (FOBU) Polygonaceae Polygonum P. douglasii var. Sawatch knotweed AnnF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 2005 sawatchense johnstonii, P. s.n. (FOBU) sawatchense var. sawatchense Polygonaceae crispus curly dock PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-179 1977 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Polygonaceae Rumex paucifolius Acetosella alpine sorrel PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-8 1998 paucifolia (FOBU) Polygonaceae Rumex salicifolius var. R. mexicanus, willow dock PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 triangulivalvis R. salicifolius (FOBU) var. mexicanus, R. utahensis, R. triangulivalvis var. mexicanus, R. triangulivalvis var. montigenitus Polygonaceae Stenogonum Eriogonum smooth wild AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-109 1984 salsuginosum salsuginosum buckwheat (FOBU) Portulacaceae Claytonia lanceolata C. lanceolata var. lanceleaf PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-68 1984 lanceolata springbeauty (FOBU) Portulacaceae Lewisia pygmaea Oreobroma alpine bitter-root PerF Wide Rep Rare Kyte 1994 Cited in Fertig pygmaea observation (2000) without a voucher Portulacaceae Lewisia rediviva L. rediviva var. Oregon bitter-root PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-79 1997 rediviva (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Potamogetonaceae Stuckenia pectinata Potamogeton fennel-leaf PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2001-41 2001 pectinatus, pondweed (FOBU) Coleogeton pectinatus Primulaceae Androsace Includes ssp. pygmy-fl ower rock- AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 98-1 1977 septentrionalis var. puberulenta & jasmine (FOBU) subulifera subumbellata Primulaceae Dodecatheon D. paucifl orum, dark-throat PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-69 1977 pulchellum D. pulchellum var. shooting-star (FOBU) pulchellum Ranunculaceae Actaea rubra A. rubra ssp. arguta red baneberry PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-85 1984 (Helleboraceae) (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Aquilegia coerulea Includes vars. Colorado columbine PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-114 1984 (Helleboraceae) alpina, coerulea, (FOBU) & ochroleuca, A. caerulea Ranunculaceae Clematis hirsutissima Includes vars. sugar-bowls PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-86 1997 Includes reports hirsutissima & (FOBU) of wideleaved scottii, Corifl ora form sometimes hursutissima attributed to var. scottii Ranunculaceae Clematis occidentalis Atragene purple virgin’s-bower PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2000-1 2000 var. grosseserrata occidentalis (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Delphinium glaucum tower larkspur PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-115 1996 (Helleboraceae) (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Delphinium D. nelsonii Nuttall’s larkspur PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1117 1977 (Helleboraceae) nuttallianum (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Myosurus apetalus var. M. aristatus, A. montanus apetalus bristly mouse-tail AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-38 1984 Chapter 6:Appendices (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus acriformis sharp buttercup PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-84 1984 var. montanensis (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus acris R. acris var. acris tall buttercup PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-3 1996 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) 57 58 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aquatilis Includes R. thread water- PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-83 1977 var. diffusus circinatus, R. buttercup (FOBU) longirostris, R. trichophyllus var. eradicatus, R. trichophyllus var. trichophyllus, & R. aquatilis var. hispidulus, Batrachium circinatum Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Halerpestes marsh buttercup PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 cymbalaria var. cymbalaria var. (FOBU) saximontanus saximontana Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Includes R. sagebrush buttercup PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-14 1984 glaberrimus var. oreogenes (FOBU) ellipticus Ranunculaceae Ranunculus gmelinii R. gmelinii var. lesser yellow water PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2000-34 2000 hookeri. Vars. not buttercup (FOBU) recognized by some authors Ranunculaceae Ranunculus sceleratus Hecatonia scelerata blister buttercup AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-149 1977 var. multifi dus (FOBU) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Ceratocephala bur buttercup AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-21 1984 Native to Eurasia testiculatus orthoceras, C. (FOBU) testiculata Ranunculaceae Thalictrum occidentale western meadow-rue PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-82 1996 (Thalictraceae) (FOBU) Rhamnaceae Ceanothus martinii Utah mountain-lilac Shrub Periph Pres Rare Kyte 97-121 1997 (FOBU) Rhamnaceae Ceanothus velutinus C. velutinus var. deer-brush Shrub Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2001-45 1984 velutinus (FOBU) Rosaceae Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon Shrub Wide Rep ? Beetle & 1973 var. alnifolia serviceberry Marlow (1974) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Rosaceae Amelanchier alnifolia A. pumila dwarf serviceberry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2002-10 2002 Many reports var. pumila (FOBU) of this species from vegetation mapping plots may actually represent A. utahensis. Rosaceae Amelanchier utahensis Utah serviceberry Shrub Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-28 1984 (FOBU) Rosaceae Cercocarpus montanus alder-leaf mountain Shrub Wide Pres Com Litzinger 1187 1973 mahogany (FOBU) Rosaceae Fragaria virginiana Includes ssp. glauca Virginia strawberry PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-191 1984 & platypetala (FOBU) Rosaceae Geum macrophyllum large-leaved avens PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-80 1984 var. perincisum (FOBU) Rosaceae Geum trifl orum var. Erythrocoma prairie smoke PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-77 1984 ciliatum trifl ora (FOBU) Rosaceae Holodiscus dumosus H. discolor bush oceanspray Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-79 1973 (FOBU) Rosaceae Pentaphylloides Pentaphylloides shrubby cinquefoil Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-81 1984 fl oribunda fruticosa, Potentilla (FOBU) fruticosa, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. fl oribunda, D. fl oribunda Rosaceae Potentilla anserina Argentina anserina silverweed PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Rosaceae Potentilla arguta Drymocallis arguta, tall cinquefoil PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2001-34 1984 includes ssp. arguta (FOBU) Chapter 6:Appendices & convallaria Rosaceae Potentilla biennis biennial cinquefoil AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-70 1997 (FOBU) Rosaceae Potentilla gracilis var. P. pectinisecta comb-leaf cinquefoil PerF Wide Pres Unc Harms & Kyte 1995 elmeri s.n. (FOBU) Rosaceae Potentilla gracilis var. P. gracilis var. glabrate cinquefoil PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-117 1977 fastigiata nuttallii, P. gracilis (FOBU)

59 var. glabrata 60 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Rosaceae Potentilla gracilis var. P. pulcherrima beautiful cinquefoil PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1214 1977 pulcherrima (FOBU) Rosaceae Potentilla Pennsylvania PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 pensylvanica cinquefoil (1984) Rosaceae Prunus virginiana var. Padus virginiana western chokecherry Shrub Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1229 1973 melanocarpa ssp. melanocarpa (FOBU) Rosaceae Purshia tridentata antelope bitterbrush Shrub Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-27 1973 (FOBU) Rosaceae Rosa nutkana var. R. nootkana Nootka rose Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-116 1996 hispida (FOBU) Rosaceae Rosa woodsii R. woodsii var. Woods’ rose Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-150 1973 ultramontana (FOBU) Rosaceae Sanguisorba minor S. minor ssp. garden burnet PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-192 1996 Native to Europe muricata (FOBU) Rubiaceae Galium bifolium twin-leaf bedstraw AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-31 1984 (FOBU) Rubiaceae Galium boreale G. septentrionale northern bedstraw PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-76 1977 (FOBU) Rubiaceae Galium trifi dum Includes ssp. small bedstraw PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 2000-23 1984 columbianum, (FOBU) trifi dum & subbifl orum Salicaceae Populus angustifolia narrow-leaved Tree Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-206 1984 cottonwood (FOBU) Salicaceae Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Tree Wide Pres Com Kyte 96-207 1973 (FOBU) Salicaceae Salix bebbiana Bebb’s willow Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 1984 2004-08 (FOBU) Salicaceae Salix boothii Booth’s willow Shrub Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 (1984) Salicaceae Salix eriocephala var. Salix lutea, S. rigida yellow willow Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-152 1984 watsonii var. watsonii (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Salicaceae Salix exigua var. S. exigua var. coyote willow Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-151 1996 Kyte (s.n., 1995) exigua stenophylla (FOBU) collected a hybrid between S. exigua x S. melanopsis at FOBU Salicaceae Salix geyeriana S. geyeriana var. Geyer’s willow Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1996 geyeriana (FOBU) Salicaceae Salix scouleriana Scouler’s willow Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-70 1973 (FOBU) Santalaceae Comandra umbellata bastard toadfl ax PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1119 1977 var. pallida (FOBU) Sarcobataceae Sarcobatus greasewood Shrub Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-202 1977 (Chenopodiaceae) vermiculatus (FOBU) Saxifragaceae Heuchera parvifolia Includes vars. little-leaf alumroot PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-96 1984 major, parvifolia, & (FOBU) utahensis Saxifragaceae Lithophragma L. bulbifera, L. fringecup PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-43 1984 glabrum var. glabra woodlandstar (FOBU) ramulosum Saxifragaceae Lithophragma L. parvifl ora smallfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-71 1984 parvifl orum woodlandstar (FOBU) Saxifragaceae Lithophragma L. tenella slender woodlandstar PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-33 1984 tenellum (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Besseya wyomingensis Wyoming kittentails PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-9 1984 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Castilleja angustifolia C. chromosa, C. var. dubia applegatei ssp. desert paintbrush PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-31 1984 (FOBU)

Chapter 6:Appendices martinii Scrophulariaceae Castilleja fl ava C. fl ava var. fl ava yellow paintbrush PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-30 1977 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Castilleja linariifolia C. linariaefolia Wyoming paintbrush PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-29 1977 State fl ower of (FOBU) Wyoming Scrophulariaceae Castilleja sulphurea C. rhexifolia var. sulphur paintbrush PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-93 1997 sulphurea (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Collinsia parvifl ora blue-eyed Mary AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-33 1984 (FOBU) 61 62 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Scrophulariaceae Cordylanthus ramosus bushy bird’s-beak AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Mimulus guttatus yellow monkeyfl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Orthocarpus luteus yellow owl-clover AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1984 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Orthocarpus tolmiei Tolmie’s owl-clover AnnF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Penstemon Includes vars. Wasatch penstemon PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte & Fertig 1977 cyananthus cyananthus & 2004-06 subglaber (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Penstemon humilis P. humilis var. low penstemon PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-34 1984 humilis (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Penstemon Payson’s penstemon PerF Reg En Pres Unc Kyte 97-75 1984 Type locality is paysoniorum (FOBU) between Opal and Kemmerer, Lincoln Co., WY (Payson & Armstrong 3221) Scrophulariaceae Penstemon procerus P. procerus var. small-fl ower PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte s.n. 1995 procerus, P. penstemon (FOBU) confertus ssp. procerus Scrophulariaceae Penstemon radicosus mat-root penstemon PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-95 1973 Kyte specimen (FOBU) may have been collected outside of FOBU. Scrophulariaceae Penstemon rydbergii Rydberg’s penstemon PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 Also cited by No. var. rydbergii (1984) Colorado Plateau Network (1997 in ed.) without a voucher. Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia lance-leaf fi gwort PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-83 1997 lanceolata (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus woolly mullein PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 97-102 1997 Native to Eurasia (FOBU) Scrophulariaceae Veronica americana American brooklime PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-72 1984 (FOBU) Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Scrophulariaceae Veronica biloba Pocilla biloba two-lobe speedwell AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-32 1984 Native to Asia (FOBU) Solanaceae Hyoscyamus niger black henbane AnnF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 96-155 1977 Native to Europe (FOBU) Solanaceae Nicotiana attenuata coyote tobacco AnnF Wide Pres Rare Kyte s.n. 2006 Arrived in FOBU (FOBU) after 2005 burn. Solanaceae Solanum dulcamara European PerF Intro Pres Unc Kyte 98-38 1997 Native to Eurasia bittersweet (FOBU) Solanaceae Solanum trifl orum cut-leaf nightshade AnnF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-127 1977 (FOBU) Sparganiaceae Sparganium emersum S. simplex, S. emersed burr-reed PerF Wide Pres Rare Kyte 2001-68 2001 erectum ssp. (FOBU) stoloniferum Tamaricaceae Tamarix chinensis T. pentandra, T. fi ve-stamen tamarisk Shrub Intro Ext NA Kyte 99-2 1999 Native to Eurasia. ramosissima (FOBU) WY state noxious weed Typhaceae Typha latifolia broad-leaved cattail PerG Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-104 1977 (FOBU) Urticaceae Urtica dioica var. U. dioica ssp. stinging nettle PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-156 1977 occidentalis holosericea, (FOBU) U. gracilis ssp. holosericea Valerianaceae Valeriana edulis tobacco-root PerF Wide Pres Unc Litzinger 1322 1977 (FOBU) Valerianaceae Valeriana occidentalis western valerian PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-49 1984 (FOBU) Verbenaceae Verbena bracteata prostrate vervain PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-157 1977 (FOBU) Chapter 6:Appendices Violaceae Viola adunca hook-spur violet PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-36 1977 (FOBU) Violaceae Viola canadensis V. canadensis Canadian white PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 var. rugulosa, V. violet (1984) scopulorum, V. rydbergii 63 64 Appendix A. Confi rmed, historical, and reported vascular plant taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by family and scientifi c name with taxonomic and Annotated Checklist ofVascular Flora: FossilButteNationalMonument biogeographic notes, cont.

Synonyms/ Life Park Pop. Year Family Species name Common name Range Source Comments Taxonomic notes form status size doc. Violaceae Viola praemorsa var. V. nuttallii var. upland yellow violet PerF Wide Rep ? Dorn et al. 1984 altior praemorsa, (1984) includes ssp. fl avovirens, major, & lingulifolia Violaceae Viola purpurea var. goose-foot violet PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-10 1984 venosa (FOBU) Violaceae Viola sororia var. V. nephrophylla northern bog violet PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 97-51 1996 affi nis (FOBU) Violaceae Viola vallicola V. nuttallii var. valley violet PerF Wide Pres Unc Kyte 96-11 1984 vallicola (FOBU) Range Comments PerF Wide Life form brittle bladder-fern Fern Wide blunt sweet-cicely PerF Wide cow parsnipmilfoil lomatium PerF PerF Wide Wide onion spring-parsley PerF Wide squawbush Shrub Wide Brandegee’s onionBrandegee’s PerF Wide red elderberry Shrub Wide rayless alkali aster AnnF Wide orange agoserisslender hawksbeard PerFbasin hawksbeard Wide PerF PerF Wide Wide low sagebrush Shrub Periph Brewer’s cliffbrakeBrewer’s Fern Wide red-stemmed cleft-leaved groundsel Missouri goldenrodthrift goldenweed PerF Wide PerF Wide bigtooth maple Tree Periph pineapple-weed AnnF Wide Wyoming hyalineherb PerF RegEn thick-stem wood-aster PerF Wide meadow hawksbeard PerF Wide



C. var. var & & var. var C. montanum trilobata aurantiaca ssp. extraria var. S. racemosa grayi angusta by some authors var. ssp. Includes vars. Some authors include utahensis, C. reevesiana, tenuis H. lanatum, maximum, sphondylium purpurea Seriphidium arbusculum arbusculum Included in racemosa Includes var. ciliata Senecio streptanthifolius rubricaulis armerioides suaveolens

var. var. var.

var. costata var. runcinata Psilochenia runcinata var. trilobata R. trilobata var. lifolius var. var. rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument. Agoseris aurantiaca Cystopteris fragilis Lomatium grayiOsmorhiza depauperata L. grayi Heracleum sphondylium lanatum Cymopterus bulbosus Rhus aromatica Allium brandegeei A. brandegeei Artemisia arbuscula Crepis occidentalis Crepis runcinata arbuscula Crepis atribarba C. atrabarba Sambucus racemosa microbotrys Solidago missouriensis missouriensis Stenotus armerioides Symphyotrichum ciliatum Haplopappus armerioides Aster brachyactis, Brachyactis Pellaea breweri Packera streptanthifolia rubricaulis Acer grandidentatum Matricaria matricarioides M. discoidea, Lepidotheca Hymenopappus fi luteus Eurybia integrifolia Aster integrifolius Asteraceae (Compositae) Aspleniaceae (Polypodiaceae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Anacardiaceae Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Adoxaceae (Caprifoliaceae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Adiantaceae (Polypodiaceae or Sinopteridaceae) Asteraceae (Compositae) FamilyAceraceae Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Appendix B. Potential (unconfi

Chapter 6: Appendices 65 Europe. WY state noxious weed Asia. WY state noxious weed Europe Europe Range Comments Life form ower stickseed ower PerF Wide miner’s pepperwortminer’s AnnF Wide western tansy-mustard AnnF Wide mountain tansy-mustard PerF Wide Dyer’s woadDyer’s PerF Intro Native to hairy whitetop mustardhare’s-ear PerF AnnF Intro Intro Native to Native to Sweetwater rockcress PerF Wide Holboell’s rockcressHolboell’s PerF Wide nodding rock cress PerF Wide masonic rockcress PerF Wide showy stoneseed PerF Wide smallfl cupseed stickseed AnnF Wide Torrey’s cryptanthTorrey’s AnnF Wide yellow-eye cryptanth PerF Wide ally cryptanth AnnF Wide meadow salsifysmooth woody-aster PerF PerF Intro RegEn Native to Siskiyou aster PerF Wide by

& var. orum hesperius, . pinetorum, . languida . richardsonii, var. var densifl var var glabriuscula incana avoculata ssp. some authors Included in var. Included in var. D. incana Arabis demissa Arabis holboellii name may be misapplied (Holmgren et al. 2005) L. texana, occidentalis cupulata, L. marginata Includes vars. villosa Aster lanceolatus A. hesperius . . . major D. richardsonii var

. var var var. var. var orum nis avoculatafl Oreocarya hesperium rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. Isatis tinctoria Descurainia pinnata nelsonii Lepidium densifl macrocarpum Cardaria pubescens Conringia orientalis Descurainia incana Boechera lignifera Arabis lignifera Boechera holboellii pinetorum languida Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. Boechera demissa Boechera cobrensis Arabis cobrensis Lappula redowskii Lithospermum incisum cupulata Hackelia micrantha H. jessicae Cryptantha torreyana Cryptantha fl Cryptantha affi Tragopogon lamotteiTragopogon Xylorhiza glabriuscula pratensis T. Machaeranthera glabriuscula. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Appendix B. Potential (unconfi FamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae)

66 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Europe Eurasia Eurasia. WY state noxious weed is Tipton, Sweetwater Co, WY (Nelson 4797 RM) Sensitive. locality Type is Piedmont, Uinta Co, WY (Nelson 4564 RM) Sensitive, USFWS: former C2 candidate. locality Type is Rock Creek Ridge, Lincoln Co., WY (Dorn 3476 RM) Range Comments Life form ruby sandspurrey AnnF Intro Native to Hooker’s sandwortHooker’s PerFsilver orache Wide AnnF Wide Vernal water-starwortVernal PerF Wide prince’s-plume PerF Wide false London rocket AnnF Intro Native to hairy yellowcress PerF Wide Snake River twinpod PerF RegEn broad-leaf pepperwort PerFdense bladderpod Intro Native to PerFprostrate bladderpod RegEn locality Type PerF RegEn WY BLM: twinpodDorn’s PerF LocEn WY BLM:

& . hookeri var var. argentea hispida bipinnata var. monticola . condensata, var. var. var Arenaria hookeri Includes vars. pinnata Physaria reediana condensata Includes var.

hispida R. islandica var. var. rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. Spergularia rubra Atriplex argentea A. argentea Eremogene hookeri hookeri Callitriche palustris C. verna Stanleya pinnata Sisymbrium loeselii Rorippa palustris Lepidium latifoliumLesquerella condensata Cardaria latifolia L. alpina Lesquerella prostrata Physaria prostrata Physaria dornii Physaria integrifolia Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Chenopodiaceae Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Callitrichaceae Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Appendix B. Potential (unconfi FamilyBrassicaceae (Cruciferae) Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name

Chapter 6: Appendices 67 Eurasia Range Comments Life form ax PerF Wide ve-horn smotherweed AnnF Intro Native to King’s yellow fl King’s Debeque scorpion-weedself-heal AnnF Wide PerF Wide Missouri gooseberry Shrub Wide Andean cloverWind River clovergolden currant PerF PerF RegEn Wide Shrub Wide Great Basin lupine AnnF Wide silvery lupinestemless lupine PerF PerF Wide Wide Utah milkvetchwestern sweetvetch PerF PerF Wide Periph browse milkvetchtimber milkvetch PerF PerF Wide RegEn cicada milkvetch PerF Wide sidebells pyrola PerF Wide tall scouring-rush Fern Wide blister sedge PerG Wide fi red saltwort AnnF Wide dandelion camissonia PerF Wide white-stem blazingstar AnnF Wide nis,


ssp. ssp. chamaeleuce occidentale ora var. utahensis andinum var. lanceolata, caespitosus, L. vulgaris var. var. scopulina var. var. var. var. R. setosum caespitosus E. praealtum rubra obscura includes ssp. nehyemalis Hippochaete . affi

var .


utahensis L. lepidus var. var orabrevifl Oenothera . aureum var. var. var. var exum rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. Prunella vulgarisLinum kingii vulgaris P. Mesyniopsis kingii Phacelia scopulina lutea P. Trifolium longipes Trifolium refl Ribes aureum Ribes oxyacanthoides setosum Trifolium andinumTrifolium andinum T. Lupinus lepidus Lupinus pusillus intermontanus Hedysarum occidentaleLupinus argenteus argenteus H. occidentale Astragalus miser Astragalus utahensis Astragalus cibarius decumbens Astragalus chamaeleuce A. chamaeleuce Orthilia secunda Pyrola secunda Equisetum hyemale Carex vesicaria Bassia hyssopifolia Salicornia rubra S. europaea, europaea Camissonia brevifl Mentzelia albicaulis Acrolasia albicaulis, A. gracilis, M. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Linaceae Hydrophyllaceae Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Grossulariaceae (Saxifragaceae) Grossulariaceae (Saxifragaceae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Ericaceae (Pyrolaceae) Equisetaceae Cyperaceae Chenopodiaceae Appendix B. Potential (unconfi FamilyChenopodiaceae Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name Onagraceae Loasaceae

68 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Eurasia and W North America Range Comments PerF Wide Life form PerF Periph ower wild ower Kellogg’s knotweedKellogg’s golden dock AnnF Wide AnnF Wide sulphur-fl buckwheat shortstem wild buckwheat PerF RegEn delicate gilia AnnF Wide scarlet gilia PerF RegEn annual bluegrass AnnG Intro Native to pullup muhly AnnG Wide needle-and-thread PerG Wide whorled wild buckwheat PerF Spars Wheeler bluegrasscommon gilia PerG Wide AnnF Wide fowl bluegrass PerG Wide alkali bluegrass PerG Wide ticklegrass PerG Wide long-tube evening- primrose spike bentgrass PerG Wide Paiute suncuppale evening-primrose AnnFbiennial evening-primrose PerF Wide PerF RegEn Wide . by some var by some leptomeria heracleoides . attenuata kelloggii . intermedia scapoidea, var var. var. majus var. var. var. var . wheeleri var. P. secunda P. var ; P. nevadensis ; P. R. fueginus P. polygaloides P. authors Included in var. Included in var. Gilia aggregata Included in authors Stipa comata juncifolia Oenothera scapoidea

. var. . var. . strigosa O. strigosa, biennis var. var

var. var var var. var. juncifolia liformis var. rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. Rumex maritimus fueginus Polygonum kelloggii kelloggii dichrocephalum Eriogonum heracleoides E. heracleoides micranthum Eriogonum brevicaule Lathrocasis tenerrima Gilia tenerrima Poa annua Poa juncifolia Muhlenbergia fi Camissonia scapoidea C. scapoidea Eriogonum umbellatum Aliciella leptomeriaIpomopsis aggregata attenuata Gilia leptomeria Poa wheeleri nervosa P. Poa palustris Hesperostipa comata intermedia Agrostis scabra A. hiemalis, geminata Oenothera cespitosa marginata Oenothera pallida Oenothera villosa Agrostis exarata trichocalyx Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polemoniaceae Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Appendix B. Potential (unconfi FamilyOnagraceae Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name Polygonaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Poaceae (Gramineae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 69 Europe. WY state noxious weed Europe rmed for the monument. Range Comments Life form ower AnnF Wide ax PerF Introto Native ower lousewort ower PerF Wide , but have not previously been reported or confi been reported , but have not previously Plants of Wyoming (;as.htm). Some Plants of Wyoming (;as.htm). Dalmatian toadfl monkeyfl Suksdorf’s purple-fl mudwort PerF Wide scarlet paintbrush PerF Wide narrowleaf paintbrush PerF Wide whiplash willow Shrub Wide common red raspberry Shrub Wide water speedwell PerF Intro Native to Fremont’s penstemonFremont’s PerF RegEn mat penstemon PerF Wide red cinquefoilsheep cinquefoilprickly rose PerF PerF Wide Wide Shrub Wide Gordon’s ivesiaGordon’s PerF Wide woodland strawberry PerF Wide Macoun’s buttercupMacoun’s PerF Wide slenderleaf pondweed PerF Wide Utah dock PerF Wide ,

by some var. caespitosus dalmatica montigenitus, denticulatus fremontii . sayi liformis ssp. var. var. var. var. . aculeatissimus, R. var var. . caudata R. salicifolius bracteata melanolasius var ssp C. gracillima var. ssp. Includes idaeus Potamogeton fi occidentalis R. salicifolius included in authors

var. ovina var. var. . caudata S. lucida i strigosus R. idaeus var. var var. liformis rmed) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. Mimulus suksdorfi Linaria dalmaticaPedicularis crenulata L. genistifolia Penstemon caespitosus caespitosus P. Limosella aquatica Castilleja miniata angustifolia Castilleja angustifolia Salix lasiandra Veronica anagallis-aquatica Veronica Penstemon fremontii fremontii P. Potentilla ovina Rosa sayiRubus idaeus R. acicularis Potentilla concinna concinna Ivesia gordonii Fragaria vesca vesca F. Ranunculus macounii occidentalis Rumex utahensis R. salicifolius Stuckenia fi Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Salicaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Ranunculaceae Appendix B. Potential (unconfi FamilyPolygonaceae Species name notes Synonyms/Taxonomic Common name Potamogetonaceae The vascular plant species listed here are known from the vicinity of Fossil Butte National Monument in Lincoln County, Wyoming the vicinity of Fossil Butte National Monument in Lincoln County, known from are The vascular plant species listed here Species on this list are derived from Fertig (2000), Hartman et al. (1996), Refsdal 1996, and the digital Atlas of Vascular derived from Species on this list are not included here. as potentially occurring in the monument, but are Appendix C could be considered species from

70 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument .

. var. var. orus ed A. textile Gnaphalium biennis. C. pulcherrimum. C. douglasii C. viscidifl A. cordifolia Chenopodium L. macrocarpum A. dimorpha. B. macrophylla. var. var. Native to tropical salinum. ed specimens of A. biennis ed specimen of orus ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of var. var. . viscidifl montana. misidentifi a misidentifi misidentifi misidentifi var. var. palustre voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside voucher, its known range. Specimen from FOBU herbarium is based on a misidentifi specimen of but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range misidentifi glaucum misidentifi on misidentifi misidentifi America. misidentifi but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range misidentifi Comments Park status Range AnnF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a Life form Canadian horseweed carmine thistle PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a stevia dusty-maiden AnnF Periph FalsRepgreen rabbitbrush Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Shrub na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a sand wormwood PerF Wide Ques?three-tip sagebrush Shrub Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a RegEn Ques?hoary balsamroot Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a oriental desert- parsley broadleaf arnica PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a juniper lomatium PerF RegEn FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Breaks pussytoes PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Geyer’s onionGeyer’s tumble pigweed PerF AnnF Wide Intro FalsRep FalsRep & FOBU herbaria based Report from BRY Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Common name

var. var.

by many ssp. ssp. var. orus cus, A. cus, ca glabrata eriocephalum authors Oligosporus campestris pacifi campestris pacifi Included in var. viscidifl A. latifolia Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic . . var . var ssp orus scouleriana rupicola Conyza canadensis C. canadensis Chaenactis stevioides Cirsium scopulorum C. eatonii Artemisia campestris var. Artemisia tripartita var. Balsamorhiza incana Lomatium orientale pumilus Lomatium juniperinum Antennaria rosulata Arnica latifolia latifolia Allium geyeri geyeri Chrysothamnus viscidifl Amaranthus albus Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) FamilyAlliaceae (Liliaceae) Species name Asteraceae (Compositae) Amaranthaceae Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument. Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported

Chapter 6: Appendices 71


. serra. orum. . ed H. var. var. Packera densifl Senecio H. patens. ed specimens ed & C. chalepensis C. fendleri M. oblongifolia. Aster glaucodes P. multilobata P. E. speciosus. S. serra var. var. streptanthifolia orum oribunda var. var. ed specimen of H. fl ed specimens of ) are based on misidentifi ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimens of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of Lepidium densifl P. condensata. P. Native to Europe. WY state noxious weed. herbaria based on misidentifi of collections from outside FOBU. and misidentifi misidentifi leptophylla specimens of misidentifi Comments misidentifi Springer et al. (2006) without a voucher, Springer et al. (2006) without a voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside its known range. Native to Eurasia. misidentifi on misidentifi streptanthifolia misidentifi multilobatus on a misidentifi misidentifi Park status Range AnnF Wide FalsRep Report from Fertig (2000) is based on PerF Intro Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) and Life form PerF na FalsRep Reports from FOBU herbarium based eabane PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a western tansy- mustard common twinpod PerF Wide FalsRep Reports from FOBU and UW Range nodding stickseed PerF Wide FalsRep Reports from FOBU herbarium (as slender cryptanth AnnF Periph FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a streamside bluebell PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a European wintercress whitetop PerF Intro FalsRep Reports from FOBU herbarium based on Common name Eaton’s asterEaton’s PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a boreal cleft-leaved groundsel wandering fl ballhead groundsel PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a turnip-leaf ragwort PerF RegEn FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based Fendler’s groundselFendler’s PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a

var. var. var.

var. draba, glacialis ssp. var. var. D. pinnata halictorum didymocarpa H. leptophylla Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic E. peregrinus callianthemus, E. glacialis Lepidium draba Aster eatonii, A. bracteolatus Senecio streptanthifolius borealis var. var. var. var. exa osmiarum scaposus Descurainia pinnata var. Physaria didymocarpa didymocarpa P. Cryptantha gracilis Hackelia defl Mertensia ciliata americana Erigeron peregrinus var. Barbarea vulgaris Cardaria draba C. draba Symphyotrichum eatonii Packera streptanthifolia borealis Senecio sphaerocephalus Senecio rapifolius Packera fendleri Senecio fendleri Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. FamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) Species name Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae)

72 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument .

ed var. var. . A. var. var. [= exa ed jejunus. A. canadensis C. glyptosperma C. atrovirens A. subspicata. S. oreophilus C. fontanum. var. var. Oxytropis defl which is a synonym of Endolepis dioica and not T. paniculatum T. A. jejunus ed specimens of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of A. dioica ]. brevidens misidentifi var. voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range misidentifi sericea. records from outside FOBU. Native to Eurasia. suckleyi misidentifi misidentifi misinterpretation of Dorn et al. (1984) report of A. subspicata, misidentifi utahensis. voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range misidentifi specimen of probably based on a misidentifi specimen of Comments voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range Park status Range PerF Sparse FalsRep Report from FOBU based on a misidentifi PerF Periph Ques? Report from Beetle & Marlow (1974) Life form PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a ower eld chickweed PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a alpine milkvetch PerF Wide FalsRep Reports from FOBU herbarium based on redtop stonecrop PerF Wide spurgeFendler’s Ques? PerF Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a spiny hop-sage Shrub Wide FalsRep Report from Fertig (2000) is based on lambsquarter AnnF Intro FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Suckley’s saltbushSuckley’s AnnF Wide FalsRep Report from Fertig (2000) based on spear orache AnnF Periph FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a fi arrowhead thelypody broad-keeled milkvetch standing milkvetch PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a western snowberry Shrub Periph FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a milkvetch bent-fl Common name


album strictum var. var. ssp. Clementsia rhodantha grayi arvense Thelypodiopsis sagittata sagittata A. adsurgens robustior Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic exus robustior Astragalus alpinus Chamaesyce fendleri Euphorbia fendleri Astragalus laxmannii var. Sedum rhodanthum Rhodiola rhodantha, Grayia spinosa Atriplex spinosa, A. Chenopodium album C. album Atriplex suckleyi Endolepis dioica Atriplex patula Cerastium arvense C. strictum, Astragalus platytropis Symphoricarpos occidentalis Thelypodium sagittatum Astragalus vexillifl Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Crassulaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Caprifoliaceae Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. FamilyBrassicaceae (Cruciferae) Species name Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 73

var. var. var. var. . var. var. var. var. as as var. var. has been J. ensifolius J. ensifolius S. idahoense E. ciliatum L. argenteus H. formosum G. diffusum S. munroana. A. urticifolia saximontanus saximontanus canescens have been documented (not var. (not var. (not var. (not var. ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of is not native to Wyoming. montanus angustifolia montanus occidentale. a misidentifi rubricaulis scouleri misidentifi var. on a report from Dorn et al. (1984) that No vouchers of did not include the variety. var. collected. misidentifi ciliatum strictipes. from FOBU, but var. from FOBU, but var. misidentifi misidentifi reported in Fertig 2000). a misidentifi Comments misidentifi var. var. ambigua reported in Fertig 2000). but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range. Native to Europe. misidentifi misidentifi Park status Range PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a PerF Wide FalsRep Report from Fertig (2000) based on a AnnF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Life form PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a reweed PerF Wide Ques? Reported for FOBU by Fertig 2000 based mountain blue-eyed grass thread rush PerG Periph FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on narrowleaf fi western St. John’s- wort branching groundsmoke marsh willowherb PerF Sparse FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a hairy bigleaf lupine PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Nevada rush PerG Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on Common name Mohave globemallow low mallow AnnF Intro Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a Bill Williams Mountain giant hyssop


var. badius var. var. ssp. nevadensis S. montanum montanum Epilobium angustifolium angustifolium H. scouleri nortoniae Includes vars. & Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic E. palustre grammadophyllum ambigua

ora var. liformis formosum palustre Juncus fi Hypericum formosum var. Sisyrinchium montanum Epilobium palustre var. Gayophytum ramosissimum angustifolium angustifolium Juncus nevadensis Lupinus polyphyllus Chamerion Agastache pallidifl Malva pusillaSphaeralcea ambigua M. rotundifolia S. ambigua Juncaceae Hypericaceae (Guttiferae) Iridaceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Juncaceae Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. FamilyFabaceae (Leguminosae) Species name Onagraceae Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Malvaceae Malvaceae

74 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument var. var. . var. var.

orum. ed . ed laxifl ed Agropyron Clematis var. var. Phlox hoodii E. brevicaule R. sceleratus P. eriopoda. P. C. striata trachycaulus . var. var. ava. andinus. P. arida P. O. fl E. microthecum ed specimen of (without variety) ) is based on a misidentifi ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of (without variety). The Dorn et al. dus. misidentifi laxifolium. multifi hebrarium are based on misidentifi specimens of misidentifi voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside its voucher, known range a misidentifi misidentifi O. hookeri specimen of misidentifi rather than var. but Dorn et al. (1984) without a voucher, Fossil Butte is well outside its known range misidentifi Comments probably based on a misidentifi specimen of hirsutissima on Dorn et al. 1984 citation of caninum 1984 report is now considered to represent Elymus trachycaulus Park status Range PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium (under Shrub Wide Ques? Report from Beetle & Marlow (1974) Life form oating buttercup PerF Periph FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a yellow wild buckwheat matted prickly-phloxmatted PerF Sparse FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a pale-leaf bluegrass PerG Wide FalsRep Reports from Dorn et al. (1984) and FOBU western evening- primrose spreading wild buckwheat dwarf pondweed PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a sugar-bowls PerF na FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on fl green needlegrass PerG Wide Ques? Reported by Beetle & Marlow (1974) and Tweedy’s plantainTweedy’s PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a early coralroot PerF Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a Common name slender wildrye PerG Wide Ques? Report in Fertig 2000 was incorrectly based


var. and P. arida P. in FNA var. hirsutissima andinum. E. effusum caespitosum ssp. Included in by some authors Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic R. natans intertextus, R. hyperboreus intertextus Agropyron caninum var. Considered a hybrid between trachycaulus E. scribneri (2007).

da var. avum avum scottii fl pusillus andinus Eriogonum fl var. Eriogonum microthecum effusum Linanthus caespitosus Leptodactylon Potamogeton pusillus var. Clematis hirsutissima var. Elymus trachycaulus var. Nassella viridula Stipa viridula Poa glaucifolia Oenothera elata O. hookeri, elata Corallorhiza trifi Plantago tweedyi Ranunculus hyperboreus Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polemoniaceae Potamogetonaceae Ranunculaceae Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. FamilyOnagraceae Species name Orchidaceae Plantaginaceae Ranunculaceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 75 ed . nable or Ques?). S. geyeriana radicosus. P. cyananthus. P. T. occidentale T. ed specimen of ed specimen of ed specimen of without a voucher, but Fossil Butte is well without a voucher, outside its known range. Report may have been based on a cultivated individual that has since died. State tree of Wyoming. misidentifi misidentifi misidentifi but Fossil Butte is well without a voucher, outside its known range Comments voucher, but Fossil Butte is well outside voucher, its known range. Reports from FOBU herbarium are based on misidentifi specimens of Park status and Marlow 1974, Dorn et al. 1984) or from herbarium specimens, but are herbarium specimens, but are and Marlow 1974, Dorn et al. 1984) or from Range PerF RegEn FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Dorn et al. (1984) without a Life form sulphur beardtongue plains cottonwood Tree Wide Ques? willowLemmon’s Reported by Beetle and Marlow (1974) Shrub Wide FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a beardtongueupland PerF RegEn FalsRep Report from FOBU herbarium based on a yellow prairie violet PerF Wide Ques? Reported by Beetle and Marlow (1974) veiny-leaf meadow- rue Common name . major ssp var. P. deltoides P. monilifera Synonyms/ notes Taxonomic . cations (False Reports or FalsRep) because the monument is well outside known expected range of species (Questio var

var. pseudoprocerus Salix lemmonii Penstemon attenuatus Penstemon saxosorum Viola nuttallii nuttallii V. Thalictrum venulosum occidentalis Populus deltoides Salicaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Violaceae Appendix C. Rejected (falsely reported or questionable) taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, cont. FamilyRanunculaceae (Thalictraceae) Species name Salicaceae The vascular plant species listed here have been reported for Fossil Butte NM from published and unpublished literature (Beetle published and unpublished literature for Fossil Butte NM from have been reported The vascular plant species listed here because of misidentifi now believed to be erroneous

76 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Barren sites Clayey soils Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X XXX XX X XXX X X X X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status r Native Pres NA rubber rabbitbrush Native Pres Aug–Oct greenish rabbitbrush Native Pres Aug–Oct green rabbitbrush Native Pres Jul–Sep limber pine Native Pres NA X X X Douglas-fi Rocky Mountain juniper Native Pres NA X X narrow-leaved cottonwood Native Pres Apr–Jun X quaking aspen Native Pres Mar–Jun X X Rocky Mountain maple Native Pres Apr–Jun X black elderberry Native Pres May–Jul dwarf sagebrush Native Pres Jun–Sep silver sagebrush Native Pres Aug–Sep fringed sagebrush Native Pres Jul–Sep black sagebrush Native Pres Sep–Oct budsage Native Pres Apr–Jun basin big sagebrush Native Pres Jul–Sep mountain big sagebrush Native Pres Jul–Sep Wyoming big sagebrush Native Pres Jul–Sep lanceleaf rabbitbrush Native Pres Jul–Sep ...... var var var var var var var. var. var . viscidula orus var . viscidifl . lanceolatus var var exilis orus orus nauseosa oreophila Ericameria nauseosa Ericameria nauseosa Pseudotsuga menziesii glauca Juniperus scopulorum Pinus fl Populus angustifolia Populus tremuloides Acer glabrum Sambucus racemosa melanocarpa Artemisia arbuscula longiloba Artemisia cana Artemisia frigida Artemisia nova Artemisia spinescens Artemisia tridentata tridentata Artemisia tridentata vaseyana Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis Chrysothamnus viscid- ifl Chrysothamnus viscid- ifl taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes. rmed, historical, and reported Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Pinaceae FamilyTrees Cupressaceae Species name Common name Nativity Pinaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Shrubs Aceraceae Adoxaceae (Caprifoliaceae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Appendix D. Confi

Chapter 6: Appendices 77 Barren sites Barren sites Disturbed areas Barren sites XX Asp Wet Comments X XX XX Con MiX X X X X XXX X X XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status slender wild buckwheat Native Pres Jun–Oct Utah mountain-lilac Native Pres Jun–Jul X X broom snakeweed Native Pres Jul–Oct spineless horsebrush Native Pres Jun–Sep shortspine horsebrush Native Pres Apr–Jun Oregon-grape Native Pres Apr–Jun X X X black twinberry Native Pres May–Jul X X mountain snowberry Native Pres Jun–Aug mountain-lover Native Pres May–Aug X X four-wing saltbushfour-wing Native Pres May–Sep shadscale Native Pres May–Sep X Barren sites sickle saltbush Native Pres Jun–Sep X Gardner’s saltbushGardner’s Native Pres May–Aug winterfat Nativewax currant Pres May–Jul X Native Pres Apr–Aug Barren sites red-osier dogwoodCanada buffaloberry Native Pres Native May–Jul Pres May–Jul X X X common juniperbearberry Native Pres NA Native Pres May–Aug whitestem gooseberry Native Pres Apr–Jul sticky currant Native Rep May–Aug prickly-phlox Native Pres May–Jul X


var. var. var.

var. orum laxifl utahensis Ceanothus martinii Gutierrezia sarothrae Tetradymia canescens Tetradymia Tetradymia spinosa Tetradymia Mahonia repens Lonicera involucrata Symphoricarpos oreophilus var. Paxistima myrsinites Atriplex canescens canescens Atriplex confertifolia Atriplex falcata Atriplex gardneri gardneri Krascheninnikovia lanata pedicellare Cornus sericea Shepherdia canadensis Ribes cereum Juniperus communis depressa Arctostaphylos uva-ursi uva-ursi Ribes inerme Ribes viscosissimum Linanthus pungens Eriogonum microthecum var. rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Rhamnaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyShrubs, cont. Asteraceae (Compositae) Species name Common name Nativity Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Berberidaceae Caprifoliaceae Caprifoliaceae Celastraceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Cornaceae Elaeagnaceae Grossulariaceae (Saxifragaceae) Cupressaceae Ericaceae Grossulariaceae (Saxifragaceae) Grossulariaceae (Saxifragaceae) Polemoniaceae Polygonaceae

78 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Alkaline soils X X XX X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XXX XXX XXX XX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status Native Pres May–Jun ve-stamen tamarisk ve-stamen Intro Ext Apr–Sep X Geyer’s onionGeyer’s Native Pres May–Jun deer-brush Native Pres Jun–Jul X Saskatoon serviceberry Native Rep May–Jul dwarf serviceberry Native Pres May–Jul Utah serviceberry Native Pres Apr–Jun X X alder-leaf mountain alder-leaf mahogany bush oceanspray Native Pres Jun–Aug X Rocky areas shrubby cinquefoil Native Pres Jun–Aug X X X X western chokecherry Native Pres May–Jul antelope bitterbrush Native Pres Apr–Jul X Nootka rose Native Pres Jun–Jul X X Woods’ roseWoods’ Native Pres May–Jul X X Bebb’s willowBebb’s Native Pres May–Jun X X Booth’s willowBooth’s Native Rep May–Jun X yellow willow Native Pres Apr–Jun coyote willow Native Pres Apr–Aug X Geyer’s willowGeyer’s Native Pres Apr–Aug X Scouler’s willowScouler’s Native Pres Apr–Jun X greasewood Native Pres May–Aug fi oniontaper-tip Native Pres May–Jul short-style onion Native Pres Jun–Aug

. var var.

tenerum var. hispida var. oribunda exigua var. var. var. var. Ceanothus velutinus Amelanchier alnifolia alnifolia Amelanchier alnifolia pumila Amelanchier utahensis Cercocarpus montanus Holodiscus dumosus Pentaphylloides fl Prunus virginiana melanocarpa Purshia tridentata Rosa nutkana Rosa woodsii Salix bebbiana Salix boothii Salix eriocephala watsonii Salix exigua Salix geyeriana Salix scouleriana Sarcobatus vermiculatus Tamarix chinensis Tamarix Allium acuminatum Allium brevistylum Allium geyeri rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyShrubs, cont. Rhamnaceae Species name Common name Nativity Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Salicaceae Sarcobataceae (Chenopodiaceae) Tamaricaceae Forbs Perennial Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Alliaceae (Liliaceae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 79 Barren sites Alkaline soils X X XX X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X XX X X XX XX X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status textile onion Native Pres May–Jun Lyall’s angelicaLyall’s Native Pres Jun–Aug pinnate angelica Native Pres Jun–Aug plains spring-parsley Native Rep Apr–May Constance’s spring-parsleyConstance’s Native Pres Apr–May long-stalk spring-parsley Native Pres Apr–Jun aromatic spring-parsley Native Pres Apr–Jun snowline spring-parsley Native Pres Jun fernleaf ligusticum Native Pres Jul–Aug Wasatch biscuitrootWasatch Native Pres May–Jul fern-leaved desert-parsley Native Rep Apr–Jun big-seed desert-parsley Native Pres Apr–May ternate desert-parsleyternate desert-parsley Native Pres Native May–Jul Pres May–Jul Indian-potato Native Pres Mar–May Chilean sweet-cicely Native Pres May–Jul western sweet-cicely Native Pres May–Jul . .

var var var. licinum orus dum . albifl Allium textile Angelica arguta Angelica pinnata Cymopterus acaulis Cymopterus constancei Cymopterus longipes Cymopterus nivalis Cymopterus terebinthinus var Ligusticum fi Lomatium bicolor Lomatium dissectum multifi Lomatium macrocarpum Lomatium triternatum anomalum platycarpum Lomatium triternatum Orogenia linearifolia Osmorhiza berteroi Osmorhiza occidentalis rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Alliaceae (Liliaceae) Species name Common name Nativity Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

80 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument X XX X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XX X X X XX X X XX X X X XX XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status common yampah Native Pres Jul–Aug cutleaf balsamroot Native Pres May–Jul water parsnip Native Pres Jul–Aug spreading dogbane Native Pres Jun–Aug common yarrow Native Pres May–Sep showy milkweed Native Pres May–Aug X short agoseris Native Pres May–Sep pale agoseris Native Pres May–Sep cutleaf agoseris Native Pres May–Sep low pussytoes Native Pres Apr–Jun small-leaf pussyoes Native Pres Jun–Aug rosy pussytoes Native Pres Jun–Aug burdock Intro Pres Jul–Sep heartleaf arnica Native Pres May–Aug meadow arnica Native Pres May–Aug biennial wormwood Native Pres Aug–Oct tarragon Native Pres Jul–Oct Louisiana wormwood Native Pres Jul–Oct . . var var

. glauca var. var. var. var var. Perideridia montana Balsamorhiza macrophylla Sium suave Apocynum androsaemifolium lanulosa Asclepias speciosa Achillea millefolium Agoseris glauca dasycephala Agoseris glauca Agoseris glauca laciniata Antennaria dimorpha Antennaria microphylla Antennaria rosea Arctium minus Arnica cordifolia Arnica sororia Artemisia biennis biennis Artemisia dracunculus ludoviciana Artemisia ludoviciana rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Species name Common name Nativity (Compositae) Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 81 Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XX X X X X X X XXX X X X X X XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status arrowleaf balsamroot Native Pres Apr–Jul musk thistle Intro Pres Jun–Sep diffuse knapweeddiffuse Intro Ext Jul–Sep spotted knapweedRussian knapweed Intro Pres Intro Jul–Sep Pres Jun–Sep hoary dusty-maiden Native Pres May–Sep Canada thistle Intro Pres Jul–Sep Wyoming thistle Native Pres Jun–Aug elk thistle Native Pres Jun–Aug snowy thistle Native Pres Jun–Aug wavy-leaved thistlebull thistle Native Rep Jun–Sep Intro Pres Jul–Aug mountain hawksbeard Native Pres May–Jul gray hawksbeard Native Rep May–Jul Modoc hawksbeard Native Pres May–Jul cut-leaved daisy Native Pres May–Aug mountain daisy Native Pres Jun–Jul . .

var var var. Balsamorhiza sagittata Carduus nutans Centaurea diffusa Centaurea maculosa Centaurea repens Chaenactis douglasii montana Cirsium arvense Cirsium pulcherrimum Cirsium scariosum Cirsium subniveum Cirsium undulatum Cirsium vulgare undulatum Crepis acuminata Crepis intermedia Crepis modocensis Erigeron compositus discoideus Erigeron corymbosus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Asteraceae (Compositae) Species name Common name Nativity Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae)

82 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Barren sites Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X Asp Wet Comments X Con MiX XX X X XX X X X X XX XX XXX X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Jun–Sep ower Native Pres Jun–Aug eabane Native Pres May–Jul eabane Native Rep May–Aug eabane Native Rep May–Aug eabane Native Pres Jun–Jul eabane Native Rep May–Aug Eaton’s fl Eaton’s houndtongue hawkweed Native Pres Jul–Aug Engelmann’s daisyEngelmann’s Native Pres May–Jul orange sneezeweed Native Pres Jun–Aug smooth daisy Native Pres Jun–Aug longleaf daisy Native Pres Jun–Sep dwarf fl buff fl buff Navajo fl shaggy fl aspen daisy Native Pres Jun–Aug elegant aster Native Pres Jul–Aug Engelmann’s asterEngelmann’s blueleaf aster Native Pres Jun–Sep Native Pres Jul–Sep common blanketfl curly-cup gumweedlittle sunfl Native Pres Jul–Sep

. . var.

var var var. var. ora Erigeron eatonii Hieracium cynoglossoides Erigeron engelmannii Hymenoxys hoopesii Erigeron glabellus glabellus Erigeron lonchophyllus Erigeron nanus Erigeron ochroleucus ochroleucus concinnus pumilus Erigeron pumilus Erigeron pumilus Erigeron speciosus Eucephalus elegans Eucephalus engelmannii Eucephalus glaucus Gaillardia aristata Grindelia squarrosa squarrosa Helianthella unifl rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Asteraceae (Compositae) Species name Common name Nativity Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 83 Barren sites Barren sites Barren sites Barren sites X X X XX X XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XX X X X X X X XX XX XX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Jun–Aug poverty-weed Native Pres May–Sep poverty-weedblue lettuce Native Pres Native May–Sep Pres Jun–Sep Canadian goldenrod Native Pres Aug–Oct hoary tansy-aster Native Pres May–Sep gumweed asternodding microseris Native Native Pres Pres May–Jul Apr–Aug woolly groundsel Native Pres May–Aug basin groundsel Native Pres Apr–Aug balsam goundsel Native Rep Jun–Aug Rocky Mountain groundsel Native Pres Jun–Aug meadow goldenweed Native Pres May–Aug plantain goldenweed Native Pres May–Aug western conefl water groundsel Native Pres Jul–Aug western groundsel Native Pres Jun–Aug saw-toothed groundsel Native Pres Jul–Sep


var. var. serra ora axillaris robustior var. var. var. canescens Iva axillaris Iva axillaris Lactuca oblongifolia Solidago canadensis salebrosa Machaeranthera canescens var. Machaeranthera grindelioides Microseris nutans Packera cana Packera multilobata Packera paupercula Packera streptanthifolia streptanthifolia Pyrrocoma lanceolata Pyrrocoma unifl Rudbeckia occidentalis Senecio hydrophilus Senecio integerrimus exaltatus Senecio serra rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Asteraceae (Compositae) Species name Common name Nativity Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae)

84 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Disturbed areas Barren sites Barren sites Disturbed areas Barren sites Disturbed areas X X XX X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X XX XX X X X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status Native Rep Jul–Sep c aster c Native Pres Jul–Oct cockscomb cryptanth Native Pres Apr–Jul X Barren sites silky cryptanth Native Pres May–Jul X Barren sites three-nerve goldenrod Native Pres Aug–Oct marsh sow-thistlestemless goldenweeddesert wirelettuce Intro NativePacifi Pres Pres Native Jul–Oct May–Jul Pres Jul–Aug boreal aster Native Pres Jul–Sep alpine leafy-head American- aster western aster Native Pres Jul–Sep common dandelion Intro Pres Apr–Dec red-seed dandelion Intro Pres Mar–Dec stemless hymenoxys Native Rep Apr–Jun Torrey’s hymenoxysTorrey’s Native Pres May–Jul Barren sites Nuttall’s easter-daisyNuttall’s yellow salsify Nativeshowy goldeneye Pres May–Jun Intro Native Pres Pres May–Jul Jun–Sep mule’s-ears Native Pres May–Jun tufted cryptanth Native Pres May–Jun X Barren sites

var. ora cinale parryi Cryptantha celosioides Cryptantha sericea Solidago velutina Sonchus uliginosus Stenotus acaulis Stephanomeria runcinata Symphyotrichum ascendens Symphyotrichum boreale Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. Symphyotrichum spathulatum Taraxacum laevigatum Taraxacum Taraxacum offi Taraxacum Tetraneuris acaulis Tetraneuris acaulis Tetraneuris torreyana Tetraneuris Townsendia nuttallii Townsendia dubius Tragopogon Viguiera multifl Wyethia amplexicaulis Cryptantha caespitosa rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Boraginaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Asteraceae (Compositae) Species name Common name Nativity Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Boraginaceae Boraginaceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 85 Disturbed areas X XX X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X XX XX X X XX X X XX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Apr–Aug exed rockcress exed Native Pres Jun–Jul showy stickseed Native Pres Jun–Aug X Disturbed areas spotted stickseed Native Pres Jun–Aug X X western stoneseed Native Pres Apr–Jun X western bluebell Native Pres Apr–May X X mountain bluebell Native Pres Jun–Aug X tower-mustard Native Pres May–Sep common hound’s-tongue Intro Pres May–Jul X Disturbed areas western wallfl hairy rockcress Native Pres Jun–Aug northern wintercress Native Pres May–Aug Drummond’s rockcressDrummond’s Native Pres May–Sep spreadingpod rockcress Native Pres Jun–Jul defl Holboell’s rockcressHolboell’s Native Rep May–Jul Nuttall’s rockcressNuttall’s Native Pres Apr–Jun Wind River rockcress Native Pres Apr–Jun orbicular whitetop Intro Pres May–Aug gray tansy-mustard Native Pres Jun–Sep slender whitlow-grass Native Pres Jun–Aug few-seed whitlow-grass Native Rep May–Aug


var. var var. var.

cinale var. oribunda Hackelia patens Lithospermum ruderale Mertensia oblongifolia Mertensia viridis Arabis glabra Cynoglossum offi Erysimum asperum arkansanum Hackelia fl Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa Barbarea orthoceras Boechera angustifolia Boechera brachycarpa Boechera exilis Boechera holboellii secunda Boechera nuttallii saximontana Boechera williamsii Cardaria chalepensis Descurainia incana macrosperma Draba albertina Draba oligosperma rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Boraginaceae Species name Common name Nativity (Cruciferae) Boraginaceae Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae

86 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Alkaline soils Barren sites Barren sites Barren sites X X XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X XX X X X X X XX XX X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Jun–Aug ower Native Pres Apr–Jul ower Native Pres Apr–Jul ax-leaved plainsmustard ax-leaved Native Pres Apr–Jul basin sandwort Native Pres May–Aug worm-seed wallfl shy wallfl entire-leaf pepperwort Native Pres Jun–Aug alpine bladderpod Native Pres May–Jul sharp-leaf twinpod Native Pres May–Jul tufted twinpod Native Pres May–Jun blunt-leaf yellowcress Native Pres May–Aug fl green prince’s-plumeheart-leaf jewelfl Native Pres May–Aug entire-leaf thelypody Native Pres Jun–Sep northwestern thelypody Native Pres Jun–Aug plains prickly-pear Native Pres May–Jun sego-lily Native Pres Jun–Jul mouse-ear chickweed Intro Pres Apr–Sep ball-head sandwort Native Pres May–Aug

var. var.

var. var. ora glabrescens Erysimum cheiranthoides Erysimum inconspicuum Lepidium integrifolium Lesquerella alpina Physaria acutifolia Physaria condensata Rorippa curvipes curvipes Schoenocrambe linifolia Streptanthus cordatus Stanleya viridifl Thelypodium integrifolium Thelypodium paniculatum Opuntia polyacantha polyacantha Calochortus nuttallii Cerastium fontanum Eremogene congesta congesta Eremogene kingii rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Species name Common name Nativity Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cactaceae Calochortaceae (Liliaceae) Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 87 Disturbed areas Barren sites Barren sites X X X X XX Asp Wet Comments X X Con MiX X X XX XXX X XX X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status y Native Pres May–Sep X eld bindweed Intro Pres Jun–Aug X Disturbed areas eld milkvetch eld Native Pres May–Aug Nuttall’s sandwortNuttall’s Native Pres May–Aug Barren sites chickpea milkvetch Intro Pres May–Aug blunt-leaf sandwort Native Pres Apr–Aug lesser rushy milkvetch Native Pres May–Aug James’ chickweed Native Rep Jun–Aug Drummond’s catchfl Drummond’s Menzies’ campion Native Pres Jun–Aug long-stalk starwort Native Pres May–Aug false Solomon’s-sealstarry false Solomon’s-seal Native Native Pres Pres Apr–Jun Jun–Jul fi chaparral dodder Native Pres May–Aug lance-leaved stonecrop Native Pres Jun–Aug X pink wintergreen Native Pres Jun–Aug fi two-grooved milkvetch Native Pres May–Aug pasture milkvetch Native Pres May–Sep silver-leaved milkvetchsilver-leaved two-grooved milkvetch Native Pres Native Pres Apr–Jun May–Aug

var. var. var. var.

ora var. amplexicaule Minuartia nuttallii Astragalus cicer Moehringia laterifl Astragalus convallarius Pseudostellaria jamesiana Silene drummondii Silene menziesii menziesii Stellaria longipes Maianthemum racemosum var. Maianthemum stellatum Convolvulus arvensis Cuscuta occidentalis Sedum lanceolatum Pyrola asarifolia Astragalus agrestis major Astragalus canadensis brevidens Astragalus argophyllus argophyllus bisulcatus Astragalus bisulcatus Astragalus bisulcatus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Species name Common name Nativity Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae Caryophyllaceae (Alsinaceae) Convallariaceae (Liliaceae) Convallariaceae (Liliaceae) Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae (Cuscutaceae) Crassulaceae Ericaceae (Pyrolaceae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

88 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Barren sites Barren sites Disturbed areas XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X X X X XX X X XX XX X XX X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status yellow sweet-clover Intro Pres May–Oct starveling milkvetch Native Pres May–Jul mountain kentrophyta Native Rep Jun–Sep broad-leaved milkvetch Native Pres Apr–Jun nodding locoweed Native Pres Jun–Aug salt milkvetch Native Pres Apr–Jun white locoweed Native Pres MayJul timber milkvetch Native Pres Jun–Aug Pursh’s milkvetchPursh’s Native Pres Apr–Jun spoonleaf milkvetch Native Pres May–Jul pulse milkvetch Native Pres May–Aug licorice-root Native Pres May–Jul Utah sweet-vetch Native Pres May–Aug subalpine lupine Native Pres May–Aug white-leaved lupine Native Rep Jun–Aug silky lupine Native Pres May–Aug alfalfa Intro Pres May–Sep


var. var. var .



var . sativa var. var var. var. var. var exa cinalis Melilotus offi Astragalus jejunus jejunus Astragalus kentrophyta tegetarius Oxytropis defl chartaceus Astragalus lentiginosus sericea Astragalus lentiginosus salinus Oxytropis sericea sericea Astragalus miser tenuifolius Astragalus purshii Astragalus spatulatus Astragalus tenellus Glycyrrhiza lepidota lepidota Hedysarum boreale pabulare Lupinus argenteus rubricaulis Lupinus leucophyllus Lupinus sericeus Medicago sativa rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Species name Common name Nativity Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 89 X X X X XX XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X XXX XX XXX XXX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower dragonhead ower Native Pres Jun–Aug holly-leaf clover Native Pres Apr–Aug nettle-leaf horsemintsmallfl Native Pres Jun–Aug alsike clover Intro Pres May–Oct white clovergolden smoke Intro Native Pres Pres Apr–Sep Apr–Sep X X X elkweed Native Pres Jun–Aug X X Rocky Mountain gentian Native Pres Jul–Sep X X northern gentian Native Pres Jul–Aug Richardson’s crane’s-billRichardson’s Native Pres Jun–Aug X sticky crane’s-bill Native Pres Jun–Aug sticky purple crane’s-bill Native Pres Jun–Aug common mare’s-tail Native Pres Jun–Sep X camas Native Pres Apr–Jun capitate waterleaf Native Pres Apr–Jul X X lanceleaf phacelia Native Pres May–Aug X Barren sites wand phacelia Native Pres Jun–Aug silky phacelia Native Pres Jun–Aug X X X western St. John’s-wort Native Pres May–Aug Rocky Mountain iris Native Rep May–Jul X Idaho blue-eyed grass Native Pres May–Aug

var. var. var. var. nis var. var. orum var. affi ciliosa aurea var. var. var. nis Trifolium gymnocarpon Trifolium plummerae Agastache urticifolia Trifolium hybridum Trifolium Dracocephalum parvifl Trifolium repens Trifolium Frasera speciosa Gentiana affi Corydalis aurea Gentianella amarella amarella Geranium richardsonii Geranium viscosissimum incisum Geranium viscosissimum viscosissimum Hippuris vulgaris Camassia quamash Hydrophyllum capitatum Phacelia hastata Phacelia heterophylla virgata Phacelia sericea Hypericum formosum scouleri Iris missouriensis Sisyrinchium idahoense occidentale rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Species name Common name Nativity Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Gentianaceae Gentianaceae Fumariaceae Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Geraniaceae Geraniaceae Hippuridaceae Hyacinthaceae (Liliaceae) Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Hypericaceae (Guttiferae) Iridaceae Iridaceae

90 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Barren sites Disturbed areas X X X XX XX XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ax Native Pres Apr–Aug X X eld mint eld Native Pres Jun–Sep reweed Native Pres Jun–Sep tufted evening-primrose Nativeyellow evening-primrose Pres Native Pres Apr–Jun Jun–Jul X X common horehound Intro Pres May–Oct fi hairy hedge-nettle Native Pres Jun–Aug lesser duckweed Native Pres Jun–Oct X leopard-lily Native Pres Apr–Jul X yellow-bell Native Pres Mar–Jun X blue fl giant blazingstar Native Pres May–Oct X Barren sites wild hollyhock Native Rep Jun–Oct X Oregon checker-mallow Native Pres May–Aug X X X scarlet globe-mallow Native Pres Apr–Oct X white-stem globe-mallow Native Pres May–Oct X foothills death-camas Native Pres Mar–Jun meadow death-camas Native Pres Apr–Jul sea-milkwort Native Pres May–Jul meadow camissonia Native Rep May–Jul X fi northern willow-herb Native Pres Jun–Aug glandular willow-herb Native Pres Jun–Aug Hall’s willow-herbHall’s Native Pres Jun–Aug X Hornemann’s willow-herbHornemann’s Native Pres Jun–Aug X

var. var.

pilosa var. var. var. var. ava canescens cespitosa Oenothera fl Marrubium vulgare Mentha arvensis canadensis Stachys palustris Lemna turionifera Fritillaria atropurpurea Fritillaria pudica Linum lewisii Mentzelia laevicaulis Iliamna rivularis Sidalcea oregana Sphaeralcea coccinea Sphaeralcea munroana Zigadenus paniculatus Zigadenus venenosus gramineus Glaux maritima Camissonia subacaulis Chamerion angustifolium var. Epilobium ciliatum ciliatum Epilobium ciliatum glandulosum Epilobium halleanum Epilobium hornemanii Oenothera cespitosa rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Onagraceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Species name Common name Nativity Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Lemnaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Linaceae Loasaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae Malvaceae Melanthiaceae (Liliaceae) Melanthiaceae (Liliaceae) Myrsinaceae (Primulaceae) Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 91 Disturbed areas Barren sites Barren sites Barren sites X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XX X X X X X XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status willow docklanceleaf springbeauty Native Native Pres Pres Apr–Jul May–Sep X X alpine bitter-root Native Rep May–Aug X spotted coral-root Native Pres Jun–Jul striped coral-root Native Pres Jun–Jul northern bog-orchid Native Pres Jun–Aug X clustered broomrape Native Pres Jun–Jul X woolly-base plantain Native Pres May–Aug X common plantain Intro Rep May–Aug X scarlet gilia Native Pres May–Aug cushion wild buckwheat Native Pres Apr–Aug ball-head gilia Native Pres Jun–Aug Hood’s phloxHood’s Native Pres Apr–Jun X long-leaf phlox Native Pres Apr–Jul X Rocky Mountain phlox Native Pres Jun–Aug X Barren sites moss phlox Native Rep May–Jun X Barren sites single-stem wild buckwheat Nativeshortstem wild buckwheat Pres Native Pres May–Jul Jun–Sep X Barren sites loose-leaf wild buckwheat Nativematted wild buckwheat Pres Native Jun–Sep Pres Apr–Jul X cream wild buckwheat Native Pres Jun–Sep American bistort Native Pres Jul–Sep X X X curly dock Intro Pres May–Sep X Disturbed areas alpine sorrel Native Pres Apr–Sep X




var. var. var

var. var. var. var. ora Claytonia lanceolata Rumex salicifolius triangulivalvis Lewisia pygmaea Corallorhiza maculata maculata Corallorhiza striata striata Platanthera aquilonis Orobanche fasciculata Plantago eriopoda Plantago major Ipomopsis aggregata aggregata purpureum Ipomopsis congesta congesta Phlox hoodii Phlox longifolia Phlox multifl Phlox muscoides Eriogonum acaule brevicaule Eriogonum brevicaule Eriogonum brevicaule Eriogonum caespitosum laxifolium Eriogonum ovalifolium Eriogonum umbellatum majus Polygonum bistortoides Rumex crispus Rumex paucifolius rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Portulacaceae Portulacaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Orchidaceae Species name Common name Nativity Orchidaceae Orchidaceae Orobanchaceae Plantaginaceae Plantaginaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae

92 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument X X X X X X XX X XX Asp Wet Comments X Con MiX X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status Native Pres Jun–Aug silverweed Native Pres May–Aug X tall cinquefoil Native Pres Jun–Jul X X Oregon bitter-root Native Pres May–Jun X fennel-leaf pondweed Native Pres Jul–Sep dark-throat shooting-star Native Pres Mar–Aug X X X red baneberry Native Pres May–Aug Colorado columbine Native Pres Jun–Aug sugar-bowls Native Pres May–Aug X purple virgin’s-bower Native Pres May–Aug tower larkspur Native Pres Jun–Aug Nuttall’s larkspurNuttall’s Native Pres Apr–Jul sharp buttercup Native Pres Jul–Aug tall buttercup Intro Pres Jun–Sep X thread water-buttercup Native Pres May–Sep marsh buttercup Native Pres May–Sep sagebrush buttercup Native Pres Apr–Jun lesser yellow water buttercup western meadow-rue Native Pres Jun–Aug Virginia strawberry Native Pres Jun–Jul X X large-leaved avens Native Pres May–Aug prairie smoke Native Pres Jun–Aug X

var. var. var. var. var. var. ciliatum var. orum Potentilla anserina Potentilla arguta Lewisia rediviva Stuckenia pectinata Dodecatheon pulchellum Actaea rubra Aquilegia coerulea Clematis hirsutissima Clematis occidentalis grosseserrata Delphinium glaucum Delphinium nuttallianum Ranunculus acriformis montanensis Ranunculus acris Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus Ranunculus cymbalaria saximontanus Ranunculus glaberrimus ellipticus Ranunculus gmelinii Thalictrum occidentale Fragaria virginiana Geum macrophyllum perincisum Geum trifl rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Rosaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Portulacaceae Species name Common name Nativity Potamogeton- aceae Primulaceae Ranunculaceae (Helleboraceae) Ranunculaceae (Helleboraceae) Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae (Helleboraceae) Ranunculaceae (Helleboraceae) Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae (Thalictraceae) Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 93 Barren sites Barren sites X X XX Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X XX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Jun–Aug X ax Native Pres Apr–Aug gwort Native Pres Jun–Jul X X X ower penstemon ower Native Pres Jun–Aug X X ower woodlandstar ower Native Pres Apr–Aug X X glabrate cinquefoil Native Pres Jun–Aug beautiful cinquefoil Native Pres Jun–Aug comb-leaf cinquefoil Native Pres Jun–Aug X Pennsylvania cinquefoil Native Rep Jul–Aug X garden burnet Intro Pres May–Jun X northern bedstraw Native Pres Jun–Aug X X X small bedstraw Native Pres Jul–Aug X X bastard toadfl little-leaf alumroot Native Pres May–Sep X fringecup woodlandstar Native Pres Mar–Aug yellow paintbrush Native Pres Jun–Aug X Wyoming paintbrush Native Pres Jul–Aug X sulphur paintbrush Native Pres Jun–Aug X X yellow monkeyfl Rydberg’s penstemonRydberg’s Native Rep Jun–Jul smallfl slender woodlandstar Native Pres Apr–Aug X X Wyoming kittentails Native Pres Jun–Aug X desert paintbrush Native Pres Apr–Jun Wasatch penstemonWasatch Native Pres May–Jul X low penstemon Native Pres May–Jun X Payson’s penstemonPayson’s Native Pres May–Jun X Barren sites small-fl mat-root penstemon Native Pres May–Jul X X X lance-leaf fi woolly mullein Intro Pres Jun–Aug X X Disturbed areas

var. var. var. var.

elmeri orum var. var. var. dum ava fastigiata pulcherrima Potentilla gracilis Potentilla gracilis Potentilla pensylvanica Sanguisorba minor Galium boreale Galium trifi Comandra umbellata pallida Heuchera parvifolia Lithophragma glabrum ramulosum Castilleja linariifolia Castilleja sulphurea Mimulus guttatus Potentilla gracilis Penstemon rydbergii rydbergii Lithophragma parvifl Lithophragma tenellum Besseya wyomingensis Castilleja angustifolia dubia Castilleja fl Penstemon cyananthus Penstemon humilis Penstemon paysoniorum Penstemon procerus Penstemon radicosus Scrophularia lanceolata Verbascum thapsus Verbascum rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Santalaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Rosaceae Species name Common name Nativity Scrophulariaceae Saxifragaceae Saxifragaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae

94 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower Native Pres Jun–Sep western stickseed Native Pres Apr–Jun American brooklime Native Pres Jul–Aug X European bittersweet Intro Pres May–Sep X Disturbed areas emersed burr-reed Native Pres Jun–Sep X stinging nettle Native Pres Jul–Aug tobacco-root Native Pres Jun–Aug X western valerian Native Pres MayJul X X prostrate vervain Native Pres May–Sep X Disturbed areas hook-spur violet Native Pres Mar–Aug X X Canadian white violet Native Rep Apr–Aug X upland yellow violet Native Rep Apr–Aug X goose-foot violet Native Pres Mar–Aug X X northern bog violet Native Pres Apr–Jul X valley violet Native Pres Mar–Jul X prostrate pigweed Native Pres Jun–Sep X Disturbed areas lowland cudweed Native Pres May–Oct common sunfl prickly lettuce Intro Pres Jul–Sep mountain tarweed Native Pres Jul–Sep spiny-leaf sow-thistle Intro Pres Jul–Oct leafy aster Native Pres Aug–Oct sand dune cryptanth Native Pres May–Jul X Watson’s cryptanthWatson’s Native Pres May–Jul X . altior nis venosa var var. affi

var. var. var. Veronica americana Veronica Solanum dulcamara Sparganium emersum Urtica dioica occidentalis Valeriana edulis Valeriana Valeriana occidentalis Valeriana Verbena bracteata Verbena Viola adunca Viola canadensis Viola praemorsa Viola purpurea Viola sororia Viola vallicola Amaranthus blitoides Gnaphalium palustre Helianthus annuus Lactuca serriola Madia glomerata Sonchus asper Symphyotrichum frondosum Cryptantha fendleri Cryptantha watsonii Lappula redowskii redowskii rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Forbs, cont. Scrophulariaceae Species name Common name Nativity Solanaceae Sparganiaceae Urticaceae Valerianaceae Valerianaceae Verbenaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Violaceae Annual Forbs Amaranthaceae Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Asteraceae (Compositae) Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Boraginaceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 95 Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X X X X X X X X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time May–Jul Park status Native Pres Apr–Jul ower Native Pres May–Aug ax Intro Pres Apr–Jul ower Intro Pres Apr–Jun ixweed Intro Pres Mar–Aug eld pepperwort eld Intro Pres desert madwort Intro Pres Apr–Jul meadow popcorn-fl little-pod false fl prairie pepperwortclasping pepperwort Nativebranched pepperwort Intro Pres Native May–Jul Pres Pres May–Jul Apr–Aug European stickseed Intro Pres Jun–Aug shepherd’s-purse Intro Rep Apr–Sep blue mustard Intro Pres Apr–Jun mountain tansy-mustard Native Pres Apr–Jul poorman’s pepperwortpoorman’s Native Pres Apr–Aug slender-leaved tansy- slender-leaved mustard western tansy-mustard Native Pres Apr–Aug fl woodland whitlow-grass Intro Pres Apr–Jun spreading wallfl fi . . . . var . var var . . . var var var var var orum orum Alyssum desertorum hispidulus Camelina microcarpa Lepidium perfoliatum Lepidium ramosissimum ramosissimum Lappula squarrosa squarrosa Plagiobothrys scouleri Capsella bursa-pastoris Chorispora tenella Descurainia incana incana Lepidium virginicum pubescens Descurainia incana viscosa Descurainia pinnata brachycarpa Descurainia sophia Draba nemorosa Erysimum repandum Lepidium campestre Lepidium densifl densifl rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Appendix D. Confi FamilyAnnual Forbs, cont. Boraginaceae Species name Common name Nativity Boraginaceae Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)

96 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X X X X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status eld pennycress eld Intro Pres May–Aug smallhead goosefoot Native Pres Jun–Sep oakleaf goosefoot Native Pres Aug–Sep low goosefoot Native Pres Jun–Aug white sweet-clover Intro Pres May–Oct African mustard Intro Pres Apr–Jul tumble mustardfi Rocky Mountain beeplant Intro Nativetumbling orache Pres Pres May–Aug May–Oct Intro Pres Jul–Sep X Barren sites thickleaf orache Native Pres Jun–Sep X X Barren sites wedge-leaf orache Native Pres Jun–Sep X Alkaline soils summer-cypress Intro Pres Aug–Oct X Disturbed areas mountain goosefoot Native Pres Jul––Sep X Disturbed areas pitseed goosefoot Native Pres Jul––Sep Fremont’s goosefootFremont’s Native Pres Aug–Oct X narrow-leaf goosefoot Native Pres Jul––Sep X X halogeton Intro Pres Jul–Aug X Disturbed areas Nuttall’s poverty-weedNuttall’s Native Pres Apr–Jul X Disturbed areas Russian-thistle Intro Pres Jun–Sep X Disturbed areas broom seepweed Native Pres Jul–Sep X Alkaline soils ridge-seeded spurge Native Pres Jun–Aug X thyme-leaved spurge Native Pres May–Sep X Disturbed areas black medick Intro Pres May–Oct . . var var zschackei . parvicapitatum salinum glomeratum Malcolmia africana Sisymbrium altissimum Thlaspi arvense Cleome serrulata Atriplex rosea Atriplex subspicata Atriplex truncata Bassia sieversiana Chenopodium atrovirens Chenopodium berlandieri var. Chenopodium capitatum var Chenopodium fremontii Chenopodium glaucum Chenopodium leptophyllum Chenopodium rubrum Halogeton glomeratus Monolepis nuttalliana Salsola tragus Suaeda calceoliformis Chamaesyce glyptosperma Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Medicago lupulina Melilotus albus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyAnnual Forbs, cont. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Species name Common name Nativity Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Capparaceae (Cleomaceae) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 97 X X Asp Wet Comments X Con MiX X X XXX XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status ower rock-jasmine ower Native Pres May–Aug stork’s-bill Intro Pres Feb–Oct X Disturbed areas bushy bird’s-beak Native Pres Jun–Aug X Great Basin nemophila Native Pres Apr–Jul X yellow owl-clover Native Pres Jul–Aug X false mermaid Native Pres Apr–Aug X X X owl-cloverTolmie’s Native Pres Jul–Sep X autumn willow-herb Nativeraceme groundsmoke Pres Native Jul–Sep Rep X May–Aug X X Disturbed areas diffuse groundsmokediffuse Nativesmall collomia Pres May–Aug Native Pres May–Aug X northern linanthus Native Pres May–Aug X slender phlox Native Pres Mar–Jun yellow navarretia Native Pres May–Jul X Great Basin navarretia Native Pres Jun–Aug matted wild buckwheat Native Pres Apr–Oct X Disturbed areas yard knotweed Intro Pres May–Oct X X Disturbed areas Douglas’ knotweed Native Pres Jun–Oct Sawatch knotweed Native Pres Jun–Aug X smooth wild buckwheat Native Pres Apr–Sep Barren sites pygmy-fl bristly mouse-tailblister buttercup Native Pres Native Apr–Aug Pres May–Sep bur buttercup Intro Pres Apr–Jun X Disturbed areas biennial cinquefoil Native Pres May–Aug X X Disturbed areas twin-leaf bedstraw Native Pres May–Aug X X blue-eyed Mary Native Pres AprJun X X X


var. var. var. var. var. ora ora dus subulifera Erodium cicutarium Cordylanthus ramosus Nemophila brevifl Orthocarpus luteus Floerkea proserpinacoides Orthocarpus tolmiei Epilobium brachycarpum Gayophytum racemosum Gayophytum diffusum Gayophytum diffusum strictipes Collomia linearis Leptosiphon septentrionalis Microsteris gracilis humilior Navarretia breweri Navarretia intertexta propinqua Eriogonum cernuum Polygonum aviculare Polygonum douglasii douglasii Polygonum sawatchense Stenogonum salsuginosum Androsace septentrionalis var. Myosurus apetalus montanus Ranunculus sceleratus multifi Ranunculus testiculatus Potentilla biennis Galium bifolium Collinsia parvifl rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyAnnual Forbs, cont. Geraniaceae Species name Common name Nativity Scrophulariaceae Hydrophyllaceae Scrophulariaceae Limnanthaceae Scrophulariaceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polemoniaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Primulaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Scrophulariaceae

98 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status threadleaf sedge Native Rep Apr–Jul X elk sedge Native Rep Apr–Jul X Hood’s sedgeHood’s Native Pres May–Jul X small-wing sedge Native Pres Jun–Aug two-lobe speedwell Intro Pres May–Jun X X black henbane Intro Pres Jun–Aug X Disturbed areas coyote tobacco Native Pres Jun–Sep X Burned area cut-leaf nightshade Native Pres May–Sep X Disturbed areas water sedge Native Pres Jun–Aug X slender-beaked sedgeslender-beaked Native Pres May–Aug X golden sedge Native Pres Apr–Aug X Douglas’ sedge Native Pres Apr–Aug X Nebraska sedge Native Pres May–Jul X woolly sedge Native Pres May–Sep X liddon sedge Native Pres May–Jul X blackcreeper sedge Native Pres May–Aug X meadow sedge Native Pres Jun–Aug X Ross’ sedge Native Pres May–Aug X X analogue sedge Native Pres Jun–Aug X narrowleaf sedge Native Pres Jun–Jul X beaked sedge Native Pres Jun–Aug X valley sedge Native Pres May–Jul X slender spikerush Native Pres Jun–Sep X common spikerush Native Pres May–Aug X hardstem bulrush Native Pres Jun–Aug Baltic rush Native Pres May–Jul perplexing rush Native Pres Jun–Aug X X


var. var. orum lifolia Carex geyeri Carex hoodii Carex microptera microptera Veronica biloba Veronica Hyoscyamus niger Nicotiana attenuata Solanum trifl Carex aquatilis Carex athrostachya Carex aurea Carex douglasii Carex fi Carex nebrascensis Carex pellita Carex petasata Carex praegracilis Carex praticola Carex rossii Carex simulata Carex stenophylla Carex utriculata Carex vallicola Eleocharis acicularis Eleocharis palustris Schoenoplectus acutus occidentalis Juncus balticus montanus Juncus confusus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyAnnual Forbs, cont. Scrophulariaceae Species name Common name Nativity Solanaceae Solanaceae Solanaceae Perennial Graminoids Perennial Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Juncaceae Juncaceae

Chapter 6: Appendices 99 Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X X X X X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX XX X X X X X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status mountain rush Native Pres Jun–Aug longstyle rush Native Pres Jun–Aug X X mountain brome Native Pres May–Aug poverty rush Native Pres Jun–Aug X seaside arrowgrass Native Pres May–Aug contracted Indian ricegrass Native Pres Jun–Jul Indian ricegrass Native Pres May–Jul Letterman’s needlegrassLetterman’s Native Pres Jul–Sep Nelson’s needlegrassNelson’s Native Pres Jun–Sep Nelson’s needlegrassNelson’s Native Pres Jun–Sep pine needlegrass Native Rep Jun–Aug crested wheatgrass Intro Pres Jun–Aug clustered wheatgrass Intro Pres Jun–Aug redtop Intro Pres Jun–Sep short-awn foxtail Native Pres Jun–Aug creeping foxtail Intro Pres Jun–Jul meadow foxtail Intro Rep Jun–Jul nodding brome Native Pres Jun–Aug

. .

var. var. var var

var. dudleyi var. var. montanus Juncus ensifolius Juncus longistylus Bromus carinatus Juncus tenuis Triglochin maritima Triglochin elata Achnatherum contractum Achnatherum hymenoides Achnatherum lettermanii Achnatherum nelsonii dorei Achnatherum nelsonii nelsonii Achnatherum pinetorum Agropyron cristatum cristatum Agropyron cristatum desertorum Agrostis stolonifera Alopecurus aequalis Alopecurus arundinaceus Alopecurus pratensis Bromus anomalus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Juncaceae Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Graminoids, cont. Juncaceae Species name Common name Nativity Poaceae (Gramineae) Juncaceae Juncaginaceae Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae)

100 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X X XX X Asp Wet Comments XX Con MiX X X X XX XXX X X X X XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status western wheatgrass Native Pres Jun–Aug smooth brome Intro Pres Jun–Aug slimstem reedgrass Native Pres Jul–Aug brookgrass Native Pres Jun–Sep orchard grass Intro Pres Jun–Aug California oatgrass Native Pres Jun–Aug oneside oatgrass Native Pres Jun–Aug timber oatgrass Native Rep Jul–Aug tufted hairgrass Native Pres Jul–Sep desert saltgrass Native Pres Jun–Sep Great Basin wildrye Native Pres Jun–Aug squirreltail Native Pres May–Aug blue wildrye Native Pres Jul–Aug intermediate wheatgrass Introintermediate wheatgrass Intro Presthickspike wheatgrass Jun–Aug Pres Native Jun–Aug Pres Jun–Aug quackgrass Intro Pres Jun–Aug

var. . . . inermis var. var var var Bromus inermis Calamagrostis inexpansa Catabrosa aquatica Dactylis glomerata Danthonia californica Danthonia unispicata Danthonia intermedia Deschampsia cespitosa Distichlis stricta Elymus cinereus Elymus elymoides elymoides Elymus glaucus Elymus hispidus hispidus Elymus hispidus ruthenicus Elymus lanceolatus lanceolatus Elymus repens Elymus smithii rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Graminoids, cont. Poaceae (Gramineae) Species name Common name Nativity Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 101 Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X X X X X X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X XX XX XX X XX XX XX XX Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status bluebunch wheatgrass Native Pres Jun–Aug slender wheatgrass Native Pres Jun–Aug Saunders’ wild-rye Native Pres Jun–Aug Idaho fescue Native Pres May–Aug fowl mannagrass Native Pres Jul–Aug meadow barley Native Pres Jun–Aug foxtail barley Native Pres Jun–Aug intermediate barley Native Pres Jun–Aug junegrass Native Pres Jun–Aug spike fescue Native Pres Jun–Aug oniongrass Native Pres May–Aug mat muhly Native Pres Jul–Sep reed canary grass Native Rep Jun–Aug alpine timothy Native Pres Jun–Aug timothy Intro Pres Jun–Sep prairie bluegrass Native Pres Jun–Aug bulbous bluegrass Intro Pres Apr–Jul

var. caespitosum x saundersii x Elymus spicatus Elymus trachycaulus trachycaulus Elymus Festuca idahoensis Glyceria striata Hordeum brachyantherum Hordeum jubatum Hordeum Koeleria macrantha Leucopoa kingii Melica bulbosa Muhlenbergia richardsonis Phalaris arundinacea Phleum alpinum Phleum pratense Poa arida Poa bulbosa rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Graminoids, cont. Poaceae (Gramineae) Species name Common name Nativity Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae)

102 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument Disturbed areas Disturbed areas Disturbed areas X X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X XX XX XX XX XX XXX XX X X X XX X X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status Cusick’s bluegrassCusick’s Native Pres May–Jul Canada bluegrass Intro Pres Jun–Aug muttongrass Native Pres May–Aug interior bluegrass Native Pres Jun–Aug big bluegrass Native Pres Jun–Aug Nevada bluegrass Native Pres Jun–Aug Kentucky bluegrass Intro Pres May–Aug Canby bluegrass Native Pres May–Aug Sandberg bluegrass Native Pres Apr–Sep Nuttall’s alkaligrassNuttall’s Native Pres May–Aug alkali cordgrass Native Pres Jun–Sep alkali sacaton Native Pres Jun–Aug spike trisetum Native Rep Jul–Sep broad-leaved cattail Native Pres Jun–Aug X toad rush Native Pres Jun–Aug X annual wheatgrass Intro Pres May–Jul American sloughgrass Native Pres Jul–Aug Japanese brome Intro Pres Jun–Aug ampla elongata secunda . pallida var. var. var. var Poa compressa Poa cusickii Poa fendleriana Poa interior Poa juncifolia Poa nevadensis Poa pratensis Poa secunda Poa secunda Puccinellia nuttalliana Spartina gracilis Sporobolus airoides Trisetum spicatum Trisetum Typha latifolia Typha Juncus bufonius Agropyron triticeum Beckmannia syzigachne Bromus japonicus rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Graminoids, cont. Poaceae (Gramineae) Species name Common name Nativity Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Typhaceae Annual Graminoids Juncaceae Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae) Poaceae (Gramineae)

Chapter 6: Appendices 103 Disturbed areas X Asp Wet Comments Con MiX X Grs Sage/ Flower time Park status eld horsetail eld Native Pres NA X X cheatgrass Intro Pres May–Jul rabbitfoot grass Intro Pres Jun–Aug fi smooth scouring-rush Native Pres NA X Bromus tectorum Polypogon monspeliensis Equisetum arvense Equisetum laevigatum rmed, historical, and reported taxa of Fossil Butte National Monument, organized by life form with ecological notes, cont. Appendix D. Confi FamilyPerennial Graminoids, cont. Poaceae (Gramineae) Species name Common name Nativity Poaceae (Gramineae) Ferns and Allies Equisetaceae Equisetaceae

104 Annotated Checklist of Vascular Flora: Fossil Butte National Monument The Department of the Interior protects and manages the nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage; provides scientifi c and other information about those resources; and honors its special responsibilities to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affi liated Island Communities.

NPS D-53, May 2009 National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior

Natural Resource Program Center

Natural Resource Program Center 1201 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 150 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525