And the Remaining Two F in the Early Years O the Eighteenth

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And the Remaining Two F in the Early Years O the Eighteenth P R E F A C E . In this volume are printed the Marriage entries in the — Registers of eleven parishes six of which commen ce in the sixteenth century ; three in the seventeenth ; and the remaining two f in the early years o the eighteenth . Once more evidence is afforded o f the risks to which these c d d important re or s have been expose in the past. At Great Somerford the earlier Register has been lost as the result o f a fire in 1 70 5 at the house o f the Parish Clerk ; presumably the was fo r volume kept there, a memorandum in the earliest Register “ ” at present remaining states that it was burnt with ye house. One n aturally turns to the Transcripts supposed to have been c c sent regularly to the Bishop, and from this sour e the re ords of twenty - eight Marriages have been obtained ; but unfortunately f r the transcripts o the whole period have n o t been foun d . The o f 1 0 8 Register Little Somerford begins a year later, 7 , but there n o f the c f is o explanation absen e o the earlier volume . ff o f n At Patney a di erent kind da ger is reported . There the “ w c was 1 2 was c c Register , hi h beg un in 59 , found by han e in parsso n Biggs his garden 1 635 and the entries were transcribed into the present earliest volume . And again , in the neighbouring “ o f was fo r parish Chirton, the earliest Register lost divers years no information is forthcoming as to the date o r mann er o f its recovery ; we only knowthat it was recovered by the entry 1 0 o f the loss made afterwards . There is a gap at the time (from January 1 6 1 2 to 2 7 November but similar gaps are n o t to fo r infrequent, and it is perhaps fair assume that the Marriages “ ” the divers years during which the book was lost were after 4 wards recorded. 1 3 7 9 2 7 0 Happily these cases o f want of pro per care m ay be called c o f things of the past ; the latest instan e , that Great Somerford , having occurred two centuries ago ; but with the experien ce o f A shfie ld the early part of last year at Kirkby in , and Annesley, in N o ttin h am shire c nx g , fresh in the mind it annot be said that a iety w c in regard to fire is altogether un arranted , although Chur h Wardens are understood to se e that the R egisters are kept in a c properly painted iron hest . to e m c e Other Registers, it is a pleasure state, have b en ore ar d c c f c c c fully preserve , and are pra ti ally per e t from their ommen e o f 1 ment, that Castle Eaton dating from 549, only about ten f c years later than the first institution o these re ords . The Editors desire to express their best thanks to the clergy men o f the various parishes Whose Marriage Registers are printed here for their kind assistance and co - operation and particularly — c . c to those who have supplied trans ripts the Rev . C . M R . Lu k h lm l o f . C o e e man , Castle Eaton , the Rev H W y, of Kemble, the o f d wh o Rev . F . H . Manley, Great Somerfor , supplied the tran c o w fo r o wn s ript for Little S merford as ell as his parish , the Rev . o f . Dr. Gardiner , of Southbroom , and the Rev . W Symonds, St ’ w wh o fo r w Andre s Mission , Salisbury , supplied that Winterslo ; h ff . w o they also desire to thank Mr J H Parry, a orded valuable c o f n help by trans ribing the Marriages Southbroom , Pat ey, Chirton , Marden and Alton Barnes, and also Mr . Thomas H . wh c o . Baker, trans ribed the Rollestone Marriages It must be remembered that these transcripts o f the Registers “ n o t c . c are eviden e in the legal sense Certifi ates, if required, must be obtained from the Clergy who have custody o f the Registers . The Editors will be greatly obliged for further assistance in c as o f the trans ription of Registers, it is only by means this c w can c o n w assistan e that the ork be arried , and hat still remains f c o these valuable re ords preserved to posterity . 1 2 Chan ce r L an e 4, y , zm e 1 0 8 . j , 9 Cl ements . 0 PA R I SH . YEA R S . PA GE . Castle Eato n Kemble l Great a s . Broad Somer fo rd Little So merford Southbroo m Patney n als Cheri gton . Chirton Marden Alton Barnes Winterslow R o llgsto n e i t t e ari l i t r Wl abi aa s h iieg s e a. M arriage s at Castle Eaton , 8 2 1 549 t o 1 1 . — NOTE T he re are fo ur vo lum e s o f M arriag e Re g iste rs he re prio r to the f e n d o 18 12 . o m e 1— 1 to 16 —co n o f we - n e a chm e n e e V lu 549 53 sists t nty ni p r t l av s , an d 2 8 ar e a e e s o l the e 1 in . o f whi ch N o s . h lf l av n y ; siz is 5 ‘ h n n e r hm e n T he co n d o n n n . n w i a d t e d c . a d by 55 , bin i g pa t iti n w re o o d e e o n the e e m e e d 2 an d 2 ha d riting a g xc pt l av s nu b r 3 5. The dates are arran g e d acco rdin g t o the civil ye ars in the e arlie r o f h o m e an d e o n cco d n to th e e cc e c part t is v lu , lat r a r i g l siasti al ye ar . — — Vo lum e 11 1654 to 1 719 is also o f parchm e nt ; it co ntains twe nty i n n in o o h e e e e 1 1 . b 6 h . a d o d c d d t re l av s , siz in y , is b u st ut ar b ar , T h o o n an w n are o co ve re d with le athe r. e c n diti d hand riti g b th o o d . o o h e a n an d o h e e che h e g F li 5 is t r e p rts bla k, ab ut t r in s av be e n cut o ff the las t two fo lio s . — — - Vo lum e III 172 4 to 1 754 co n sists o f fo rty two pag e s o f co arse ih n he o i e z e 1 . e w o n e . The 6 6 . a d t m s d pap r si is in by , v lu ll b u e an d o f e are o c e d w h in ve llum . Only pag 3 part pag 4 c upi it The co d o i o o d an n w n Marriag e entrie s . n iti n s g d the ha d riti g fair. — — - Vo lum e IV 1754 to 1812 co nsists o f twe n ty five pag e s o f the usual T he co d o an h n w re fo rm s ado pte d at the tim e . n iti n d a d riting a o bo th g o d . e n c e e d made an d co e d w h the Thes Tra s ripts have b n kin ly , llat it o n the Re v. M . L c m n Re c o o f E o rig i als , by C R u k a , t r Castle at n , n w h e m a d are printed it his p r issi o n . VOLUME I . John Webley 81 Elizabeth Mason Richard Pryor Agnis James " S John Dumble Agnes Curtisse Thomas Pryor Marie James John Kyble white 81 Joane Curtes John P?yEE?&Agnes Watte s H e n rye Curte sse Edithe Pytman Edmund Snell Jo ne Brigge Wl L — TS . VI . Wilts/z P ar islz i t ire Reg s ers . Ro bert Markes 81 Alice Walker Walter Churche 81 Christian Yewen Richard Barnstone 81 Margerie Blackman William Pe o pall 81 J Henrie Kyn ge 81 An ne Crosley Thomas Beckett 81 Elizabeth Parker John H ar Earde 81 Agnes Pryor John Barre 81 Christian Curtes William Ch apman 81 Agnes Symons Morris Gibbins 81 M arge rye Isolde ' i 81 Ch urchha e sze W lliam Akerman Joane y [ , John Tu ckwell 81 Ales Curtes \’ A n dre we 1in 81 Jane H udgisse x.
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