q +

A ï' l œM - ju 'f v K TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TH E COLON Y A N 9 PROTECTORA TE 0F : KEN YA PubKshed under the AuthoH ty of H zs Excellency the Govem oy of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya

Vol. XXXW IL- NO. 37 NAIROBI, , 1936 Prlee 50 Cents Rejlstered as a Kewspaper at ihe G P 0 Pqbllshed eyery Tqesday


PAGb G ovt N otlee N o 408- Atz1vals, D epaltures, Appom tm ents, eto 676

, , , , , , 409- Foz Introduetlon lnto Legzslatzve Councll- A B11l to Pzovlde foz the Supply of a furiher Sum of M oney for the Servlce of the Y ear ended the 31st day of D eeem ber, 1935 677 ,, 410--Fca Tntrotluctlon lnto Legzslatlpe Councll- A B ll1 to m ake Speczal Pro- w slon ln zegard to the P enmon oi G eorge B rentnall H ebden 679 Ploclam atlons Nos 49-J0- The D lseases of Anlm als Ordm ance 680 G o: t Notlce N o 411- The N atlve A uthomiy O rdm ance- Appolntm ent 680 412- The Trachng Centtes Ordm ance, 1932- D ec1arat1on ol Tradm g Centre 681 413- K enya Cotton R ules- l 8 P urehase of Cotton 681 414- The N atn e R eglstlatlon Ordlnance- A ppolntm ent 681 415-4S0- The Local Goq ernment (M unlclpalltles) Orchnance, 1 928- Non11na- tlons, M om basa 681 421- The Local Government (Af umczpahtles) Ordlnance, lgz8- Normnatton, N alrobt 682 422- The Local Go> ernment (Dlstrlct Counells) Ordlnance, lgzm -Nomlna- tlon, N akuru 682 , , 423- The Local Governmcnt (Af umczpalltles) Ordmance, lgzm-Nommafions, Eldolet 682

, , , ,, 424- The M m lng Otdlnance, 1933- C1alm s Abandoned 683 G enersl Notlceg Nos 806-833 683


K y-xvA P Rocr AMATloxs, R ucrs ANn R EGCIZATIONS (No 27) 676 TI-IE OF FICIAL G AZE TTE July t4, 19 $i)

GOVJCRNMENT Nolzcl No 408 AR R IV ALS ' I 1 From 1 eas e or on Date of Leavzng Date of Date of Arrzval N a'm o 1 R a'nv I' 1st A ppolntm ent l E ngland Em barkatson at Mombasa s T N elson j A ssistapt Iz spectol ol- Poltce Leave ) 1th J'une, 1936 5th J'ulv; 1936 capt 1.1 G St U Tlqflall 1 Dtstmct Omcer p ,, ,, D r 1: M cvsggans M edlcal Om t'el I y, M lss A fx C'olllns 1 N ursm g Slqter M edtcal D ept 1st Appom tznent ; , - R W I-I Barnett l IExam lamg Om cer Custom s Leave ' 17th Ttm e, 1936 I 18th J'urie 1936 * T-I N Jones I Plant Inspector, Agrzcultural 1 1 D epartm ent I 11th J'tzne, 1 936 I - G A Blakc j Fo' ennan Publlc W orlqs D ept 1 - A D D ,u jq p Trazn Contzoller K U R & IT 1 lth June, 1936 J * M azemllcs

D E PA R 'I U R E S t'Jn L I N Rm e R an e tq e ot Terzm nat on oj wppozntm ent 1 Date of Depatture .1 p G r'jrkclï J'utlD oez paLlatbmoernatozy Asst A.etlculf'u: z1l Leave 1 4tth) Tuly l 936 D r H N lulner M edlcal Om cel s W J M athews J'unlor Postm astez U 1-1 W alm sle: Exf-eutu e EnMzneez PublTc $5 t'zks Dept , (F yt I.: g reert Inslhector of M znes 1 eaN e ozlor to tezltzlzlatlon of f appozntm ezav lI # v >> w ood Telegraph lnspeetoz Leave .10th J'unt 1936 * w P yhlelds Labour O fflcer Le )'k e pendm g term lnatlon of 8th Jul5, , 1936 I q'ppom tm ent Lkeut R M urdoeh Com pany O m fael M lhtazs Leave ,. M tss K M Burw lrd Typ1st, Class I K U R & 14 4th July, l 936 F Gray Dllver, K U R & 1Zf l ,, ï Tanga

A PPOIX TM EN TS R E$ ER SION l )(àtï( 1 zïx AIILI?R BLOMFIELZI M :a t R (ENg ) 7 ru 1, c Ia htho &Rr AIILLAR J'zkcx re4 etted to llzs sttbstantive zank (1,oNI) ), 141 11 , n s llkoxo ), to be a M'edlcal Ofhte, of A ssistant E nglneez P osts and Telegrqphs D epart- u ltlz efl'ef t f z (?In the 30t11 Afl tj , 1936 ltïent . $: ltla effect fI om 6th J'uly, 19 36 A'IkS: Aralf > Lvcx f'oy T INs to be a N u1 szng Slstez , 4: Itll ôlfec't - f l ol), the 11t11 June, 1.936 I'RELIM IN AEY ORAL SW AH ILT EX AM TNAW DN IIOBF'RT lWc' I'Aff GANs, wr B 1 çl.r B (EDIN ) to 1)e Aledlcal Pzkss 'Offit'el of H ealth, f'entl 41 K a'v llondo Dzstl 1( t and Nltsh .$ H Artllug, E dncatlolt D epal tlnent ( ontqtned toAï nqhllls and tlle Luand t Tz qdlng Centz e l,t N orth 'K 4: 11 onçl() Dlstz 1( t 55 ltl) effet t tz ())t1 the A ol '7 W AD E 1.flt 1) J'IIIA , 19 16 Colonîal Secretary ( skla'rAlrx l6oM Artn GoRllols ST CTa&IIt '1'IG1)AIuT , :u: c , to be A ( tlupa (Aom m lqqlonel of Allneq 35 Ith effect fz ont tlle Ttl) K EN YA tt UGANDA RAILW AYS & H AR BOUR S


1'1,1.11* I Ia i z lsy-ltx ,:l't1) Yl.tlsxlz.t- o (B x , zl t (oxox ), FStlM A'lt1) J'OHN BRRFSFORD GAHAN D lstl 1ct E nglneer? to 1111 ttt ql ed appozntm ent of f'om m zsslonez of 'W lnes he A etlng Senlor D lstrlct E nglneez w lth ellbct from

u Iï. 11 t 'I1 ec ( f l onl cho 7th 1'tlll 1.936 14t% Tznual A , IG :6 Jllly 14, t986 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 67y

C olony and P rotectorate of 'Cenya

Govauwn w'T N olrzcs N o 409

H IS E xcellency the G overnor ln Councll has apploved of the followzng B 1ll belng lntzoduced lnto the L eglslatlve Councll

R W B AK E R .B E A LL , Act lng Clok oj the f-ztytystçlcfsz,: Counckl A B 1l1 to P rovlde for the Supply of a further Sum of M on ey for th e Servlce of th e Y ear ended the 81%t day of D ecem ber, 1935 B E IT E N A CTE D by the Governor of the Colory of Ifenya, w lth the advlce and consent of the L eglslatlvl Counczl theleof, as follow s 1 Thls Ordlnance m ay be mted as the 1935 Supple- short tztle m entaly Appzopllatlon Ordlnance, 1936 2 The publlc revonue for the perlod 1st Januaz'y to Iaublje 31st D ecem bel , 1935, and other funds of the Colouy ancl Pro- Revenue tectorate of llenya a1e hezeby chazged tow azds the selvlce charged of the pellod 1st Januall to 31st D ecem bel , 1935, wlth a tulther sum of elghty-one thousand seven hundled and nlnety- foui pounds one shllllng and slxtj-two cents m addltlon to the s'am s plovlded by tlle 1935 Applopllatlon Ordlnance, 1934 No 60 of 1934 8 The m oney glanteql by thls Oldlnance shall be applled ApplTcatton fo1 the pulpooes and setvlces explesued tn the Schedule annexed Of money h glanted eleto 4 The Tleasuret of the Colony and Plotectorate of Treasurer's K enya llezeby glven authollty fo1 havlng palcl out of the anthorlty R for paym ent evenue and othel funds of the Colony and Protectorate of K enla, tol the seNelal selvlces speclfled ln the Schedule, the sald st'm of eigllty-one thoueand seNen hundled and nm ety-foul pounds one shllllng artd slxtl-two cents, whlch have com e ln coulse of paym ent durlng the perlod 1st January to 31st D ecem bel , 1935 SCH E D U L E N o of H ead sh cts 1 H ls E xcellency the G overnor 810 4 33 lIa A dm lnlstratlon E xtlaordlnaly 1,695 18 61 lll.a Agllcultulal D epartm ent E xtra- ordlnary 14Q 17 69 û78 TH E OFFICIAL G AZE T TE July 14, 1986

SCH E D U L E- OOTIJ: N o of H ead : sh cts V Coast Agency 13 19 63 V llla E ducatlon D epaltlnent E xtra- oz dlnaly 35 3 82 X lv a L egal D epartm ent E xtraoldln- ary 55 13 50 X V H M edlcal D epartm ent 3,634 Q 95 X V 11a M edlcal D epaltm ent E xtra- ordm aly 500 7 00 X V.H Ia M hlttary E xtlaoldlnaly 114 6 00 X 1X a M lnlng and G eologlcal D epazt- m ent E xtraoldlnary 210 0 00 X X a M lscellaneous Servlces E xtla- ordlnary 35,582 12 64 X X TTa Pollce E xtlaoldlnaLy 2,173 10 25 XX III Post Offlce antl Telegraplls 705 ; 05 X X I11a Post Offtce and Teleglaplzs E xtlaordlnaly 671 14 33 X XX T Secletallat, L eglslatlve Oouncll and N atu e A ffal) s 428 18 76 X X X V Publlc W olks E xtraoldlnaly 6 ,343 11 08 X X XV T Colonlal D evelopm ent F und 13,705 14 63 X X X V II Palllam entary Glant 15,470 4 35

T OTAL 281,794 1 62

OB JE CT S AN D R E A SON S The oblect of the B 1l1 Is to legallze expendlture lnculred durlng tho year 1935 ln excess of that authorlzed under the 1935 Approprlatlon Ordlnance, 1934 July 14, 1936 TH E OFFICIAL G AZE TT E 679

(JOMSZZNMSNT N oTzcx N o 410

H ls E xcellency the G ovelnor ln Councll has approved of the follow lng B11l belng lntloduced lnto the L eglslatlve Oouncll 1R W B A KE R ,B E AL L , Act%llJ Clel k oj the f-ztll/ltçltpàzrc Counc l A B l1l to m ak e Sp ecxal P rovlslon In regard to th o P en slon of G eorge B ren tn all H ebden B E IT E N ACTE D by the G ovelnol of the Colony of K enya, w lth the, atlvlce and consent of the L eglslatn e Councll thereof , as follows

1 Thls Oldm ance m ay be clted as the TTebden Penslon shozt tltls Ordlnance, 1936

2 N otw tthstandlng the plovlso to R eaulatlon 11 of the Penslonabyllty - E ulopean Oflicel , of sel vlee ()i .a Penslons (Consolldatlon) Regulatlons, 1930, o s Tyebrlen the selslce of G eol ge B rentnall H ebclen flom the 14th day of lrom tlze 14tl1 M ay Alqa v 1 9 36, t() , 1936, to the 22nd day of July, 1936 both days m cluslve, the (Jznd sllall bo deem ed to be penstonable servlce for the purposes of the Jul k 19 $f) E uz opean Offlct?ls' Peos-orls Ordzlm nce, -492:,- as-zf durln'g that XG 11 of 1t):7 pellod he w ere the substantw e holder of the offlce of Post- m astez G eneral, and shall count for penslon and glatult) undel the sald Ordm ance

OB JE CT S AN D R E ASON S M r H ebden , the Postm astel G enelal, was appolnted to the com blned servlce of K enya, U ganda and Tanganytka U 1th effect from the 14th day of M ay, 1936, although M r Fltz- gerald, who w as on leave, w as the actual llolder of the ofllt e untll h1s leave expn ed on the 22nd July, 1936 It ls thus neceBsary to m ake spem al leglslatw e plovlcolon regardlng M z H ebden's penslonable servlce duzlng that perlotl , and thls B1ll ls deslgned to achlep e that oblect The am ount of publlc m one) lnvolved lf the pzovlslons of thxs B lll becom e 1aw w l1l am ount to applou m ately é6 pel annum , but thls oxpendlture w l1l not of course be lnculled untll M r H ebden's ultlm ate retzrem ent flom the Colonlal Servlce. 680- THE OFFIOIAL GAZETTE Jljy 14, 1936

PROcmu m ON N o 49 TTTR D ISEA SE S OF A N TM ALS OR D W A NCE Lchapter 7J'/ ol the Jlezpldets Edm on, zs6cllos #) A N D TH E IN TER PR ETATION AN D GEN ER AL CLAU SES ORD TN AN CE fcltapter 1 o.f th6 .41* 1.$68 Ed%tmn, xskcflos l3j GovERvm qx'.r N oTlc, N o 231 o/ 1919

PXOG AMATION IN EX RR CTSE of the pow ers thereunto enablm g m e, I hereby declare the areas deflned m the Scheclule hereto to be m fected wlth East Coast F ever, and I hereby furthor declare the sald areaq shall be know n as <ç Izkfected A reas '' for the purposes of R ules tm der the D zseases of Anlm als Ordm ance Proelam atlon N o 65 dated the 10th day of J'uly, 1935, ls hereby am ended accoralngly Gw en tm der m y hand at N azrobz tlus 8th day of July, 1936 R D M Y N EY, A ctm g Chze ./ Vetm nary O' cor SCH EDU LE

L R or other D escnptton Owner D zstrlct D a'to Of Com m enco- m ent of Quazantme L R No 4158/R C E Cade, Esq , North Nysrz 10th J'une, 1936 P O N aro M ox tl L R N os 5161 and 5156, E 1-12 G A tzgeraud, E qq , Lalkzpla 26th J'tm e, 1936 and that po1 tlon of the P O T hom son's F alls M am Thom sons' F alls- N coblt R oad passm g through them

PxocrAMu zow N o 50 GovzttxMvx'.r Novlcz N o 411 TH E D ISE A SE S OF AN IM AL S OR D IN AN CE TH E N ATW E AUTH ORITY ORDIN ANCE Lchapter 157 oj fh: Revl8ed .bJltl()'n, 8ccflon 4) AN D Lcltapte'r 129 oj f/ltl Reruecl Stflflö'a,, dcctl/n 3 (1' TR E IN TE RP R E TA TION A N D G E N E R AL AN D CL AU SE S OR D INAN CE TH E IN TE IRPR E TATION A N D G E N E R A L Lchapte: 1 o/ t11e fftrri8é'd .Fldkézox,, 8eltiîon 1B) CLAU SE S ORD INANCE G ov) RxsfEu'r N oTlcr N o Q31 oba 1919 P aoczz4MAaqox Lcltap'te? 1 oj 'the ft:rl.:ctf Edttkon,, 8ccfton 13) IN E X ER CISE of the pow ers thereunto enablm g G ovFln MLx'r N o'mcE X o 406 oF 1926 m e, 1 hereby deciaze the followm g area to be an lnfected area for the purpo%es of the sald D lseaseB A'PPOINTMENT of Anlm als Oldm anee - IN E X E R CISE of the pow ers thereuntd TrtvpAxosoMlAsls enabllng m e, I hereby appolnt the pelson nam ed 11 L 'R N o 4917, M ananla E state, M akuyu, Y'ort the Sehedule annexed hereto to be Oë clal I-leadm al H all D lstrlet ior the area nam ecl therem And further I hereby cleclare the followm g portlons of Proelam atzons to be revoked - That portlon of Proelam atlon N o 23, datecl the 1st K apenguma, day of A prll, 1936, (leelar3ng- 8th July, 1936 The M anager, K allm om E state, Thlka, Thlka C B TH OM P SON , D lstrlet, to be an lnfected area (Rmderpest) Om ce.r 2,n. Chaîgc, That portlon of Proclam atzon N o 28, dated the T'uWttz'rlc D zsfzlcf 22nd day of Aprzl, 1936, declarlng- L 1), No 86/1/2/3, Klamara Estate, Klambu, K lam bu D istrxct, to be an lnfected area (Emdelpest) SOH E D U LE That poztlon ol P roslam atlon N o 35, dated the W EST Sgx D rsrurcT, TuRxm D IsTRIcT 27th day of M ay, 1936, deelalm g- L R N o 320J, A B rochner, E sq , N azrobl N am e A res m tfh effect R em arks D lstmct, rom to be au lnfeeted area (Rlnclerpest) K amalns we M nagez 1st July, On probatlon for 4 Gw en under zl'l) hand at N alrobl tllls 8th day of ro K olem uk 1936 m ontbs, 'plcl N p rl wero M areng doposed July, 1936 (Appoznted Govern It DAU BNIIY # m ent N otzce N o 58' Ao'tlng Ol?C8/ Vete) ??zcu?y Ojh,eel dated drd Oct 1931) l'uly 14, 1936 1'.t:1E OFFICIAL GAZE TTX + 1

GOVM NMEN'T N oTzcx N o 412 GO= RNMENT N orlcE N o 415 TIIE TRADIXG CEN TRE S OR DINAN CE , 1932 TI-IE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALL N QTICE TIES) OEDINANOE, 1928 EN E X E R CISE ot the pow els conferred upon hlm IN EX E ItCISE of the pow els conferrefl upon hlm by sectlon 2 of the Tradlng Centres Oldm ance, 1932, by sectlon 9 (4) of the Loeal Government lM unlcl- H. s E xcelleney the Govelnoz llas been pleased to palltles) Oldlnance, 1928, Hls Excellency the deolare the place nam ed m tlze Sehedule lzereto to be G ovelnor has been pleased to nom lnate M r Soutl a Jradm g centre bln A.h b1n Sallm , foz a perlod of one yeal, to be a m em ber of the M unlczpal B oald of M om basa, w lth By Com m and of H ls E xeelleney the G overnor effeet from the 1st July, 1936

N ç2 lrobl, B y Com m and of Hhs E xeelleney the G overnor .29th J'une, 1936 A otl V W A D E , Na2l9rothb z,June, 1936 Cotonkal S:crcftzrp A DE V W ADE , Colontal Sccrcftzrp SCH E D U LE Nvkxzzk Paovlxcx, NORTI.I KAplaoxpo Dlsrlucrr (lovlsxxM Ex,z N oaxcz N o 416 N am e of T radm g s otm da Centre rles THE LOCAL GOVEIRNM ENT (M UNICIPALI- TIES) ORDINANCE, 1928 M , traeh The area zs the area set aszde IN EXER CISE of the powers conferred upon hlm by the N atlve Lands Trust by sectlon 9 (a) of the Local Goveznm ent (Mumc1- Board for the purposes of a palltles) Ordlnanee, 1928, 11ls Exeellency tXe Tradzng Centre and shown on G oveznol has been pleased to nom m ate the follow - a pian Sled at the Office m g persons, to be m em bers tor a perlod of one year, of the D lstrzct Com m usszoner, of tlle M um elpal B oatd of M om basa, wzth efect K akam ega fzom the 1st J'uly, 1936 - L leutenant-com m ander J E :1 N oad G dpvsztwv g:xrr N oqqcl No 413 M r W N D olton K E N YA CO TTON R U L E S, 1923 M r B om anjl H M lstll, M s E N oqqcl Shelkh M barak Alz H m aw y IN accoldance wlth the plovlslons of P ule 22 of the K enya Cotton R ules, 1923, notlce zs hezeby B ) Lom m and of H ls E xcellency the Goqernor glven that the hrst day of Septem bel, 1936, ls the date before w hlch the pulehase of the cotton shall N aizobl, not Lom m enee m the T aveta D lvlmon, Talta D lstrlct, 29th June, 1936 of the CoaBt Pzovlnce A oE V W A D B , M om basa, Colontal Secr8fc'p 4th July, 1936 G B OU LDE RSON, P?tlrlpzcîctl Cçlm m bz8tone'r, Govzawuzwz Ncelcx N o 417 tltltz8f THE LOOAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALL TIES) OIRDTNANCE, 1928 TN E X E R CTSE of tlse pow ers conferred upon h1m GOVXRNaR NT N orrzcz N o 414 by section 9 (6) of tlle Local Governm ent (M unlcl- pahtles) Ordmance, 1928, 1-1ls Excelleney the T FIE NATIVE R EGISTR ATION ORD INANCE G oveznoz has been pleased to nom inate L leutenant-

N on cz Com m ander N J' Stacey M arks, It p , lt N 1% , to be IN E X E R CISE of the pow ers tllereunto enablm g a m em bez of the M unlclpal B oard of M om basa, for zr e, 1 hereb) appom t M r E rnest A yreB, M anager of a pellod of one yeal, M lth effect from the 1st July, Talta Concesslons, L lm lted, M w atatl, to be a R egls- 1.936 tratlon Oflicet ln the M w atatl Area, m the Vo1 L lstrlct, wlth effect flom 1st M ay, 1936 B ) Com m ard of H ts Excelletley the Govem o:

N all-obl, N alrobs, 10th July, 1936 29th June, 1936 A E T IM B E R T, A or %- W A DE Ohî8/ 1?6gt8iTaT OJ Nattve' Coïontal Stlc? etary CWQ TH E OFFICTAL G AZE T TF July 14, 193(5

Govxltxm x'T N ou crs N o 418 Govlm fMzx!r N ou cx N o. 42l THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALT. THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALI- TIES) ORDTNANCE, 1928 TIES) ORDINANCE, 1928 IN E X E R CISE of the pow els eonfelred upon h1m N ow cE by sectlon 13 (3) of the I zoeal Govelnm ent tM unlel palities) Ordlnanee, 1928, 11lU Exeelteney tlke N AlaoBz M cxzcflu :ru CorxclL G ovcrnor has been pleased to nom m ate M r Chunllal IN E XERCISE of the pow ers conferred upon hn! Slaankerdass to be a m em ber of the M unlelpal B oald by sectlon o of the 'Local Government (M umelpal! of M om basa k p to azàd lncludm g the 30th J'une ties) Ordlnance, 1928, H ls Excellency the Governo 1937 llc4s been pleased to nom lnate M r A B radley to b a m em ber of the Nalrobz M unlczpal Councll a rem esentatlve of the N alrobl D lstmct Counm l untl B y Com m and oî H ls E xcelienc.: tlae Goxernc?r 30tt1 Xpml, 1937

Nalrobl B y Com m antl of H ls E xeellenoy the Governor 29th June, 1936 A. DE V W AD E , N alrobz, Coloyucl Sevletary 3:d July, 1936 E B H OSIW N G, a4( fl?z(? Comm tu8tonel /or Local tzotlc?wxlyn,f, G OVEItNMENT N OTICE N () 4l9 L and8 and Stltfl6wtent TH E LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALI- TIES) ORDINANCE , 1928 Govzxxu Nl Noqqcl N o 422 'IN E X E R CISE of tlle pow crs eonfelred upon hlm by sectlon 9 (2) of the Local Governm ent (M unlcl- THE CLOOUONtTCI LGSO) VOERRDNINMAENNCTE (DISTRICT palltles) Ordlnance, 1928, H ls Exoelleney the 1928 Governor laas been pleased to nom m ate fhe follow - , Ing persons to be m em bers, for a pemod ot three 'fN EXER CI-SE of the powels conferred upon h1I s eal s, of the M um clpal B oartl of M om basa, w lth by seetlon 6 (1) of the Local Government (Dlstr1c foffect from the 1st July, 1936 Counells) Ordlnance, 1928, H ls Excellency tb G oA ctnor laas been pleased io nom lnate M r F (E A1k L Collm s 'litolnas to be a m em ber of the D lstrlct Counc oi N akulu, as the representatlve of the Nakur Lt -com m ancler 'W M cclure L unt, It x R M unlelpal B oard, up to the 80th J'une , 1938 J3) Colnm and of H ks Exeellency the G oveknor B y Com m and of H 1s E xeellency the Governor

N allobl, N ayrobl, 29th June, 1936 3rd July, 1936 A oyc W AIIE , E B H O SK IN G , tlolom al Setî cttzlp zlctczw Conkzlllaaàon.6?' joT Locaï Oor8r?zpzcnf, L andn tzràd Seitlem eni

GOU RVMRNT N oTlcz N o 420 Govzswvxx,m N oTlcz N o 423 TH E LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICJPALI TIES) ORDINANOE, 1928 TH E LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (M UNICIPALI IN E XERCISE of the powers eonferred tlpon hlm TILS) ORDTNANCE, 1928 by sectlon 9 (3) of the Local Governm ent tM unl(?l IN E X E E CISE d the pow ers conferretl upon h1I palltles) Ordm anee, 1928, H ls Ev ellency the by seetlon 13 (1) of the Local Covernm ent (M umc Go5 etnor has been pleased to nom lnate Dr S D pahtles) Ordm ance, 1928, H ls Excelleney th K al ve and M r H usseln B hallo V ellanl to be m em - G overnor has been pleased to nom m ate M l 55 bers of tlle M unlclpal B oartl of M om basa 1or a Fletcller and A1r D G B ennett to be m em bers ( pelsod of fllree years w ith effect from the 1st Jul) 1936 , the E ldoret M unlcipal B oard untll the 30th J'unt 1937

By Uom m and of H ls Exeellency the Governor B y Com m anql of H ls E xeelleney the Governor

N alzobl, Nalrobz, 2gth June, 193b 4th July, 1936 A oE V W AD E , A pE V W ADE , &oJo?zlcI t%eorçtçtr; Colontal Sccr:ttzr July 14, 19?6 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 683

Go'zxztxMxx'z Norrzcz N o 424 TH E M G IN G OR DINAN CE, 1933

N OTICE zs hereby p ven m accordance w zth the M zz'im g Rogulatzons, 1934, that the follow m g clazm s have been abandoned o ate fzom w lllch the M v m ,l''z cause of Loeauon or parb N am e of 'uocNatzon class wbandonment thezeof shall be beemed Regzstered Holder o to be A bandoned

N o 2 A rea 832/ 1-10 Lode Voluntary 7th J'uly, 1 936 R C R oyston, Esq 720/1-10, Lode Voluntary 7th J'uly, 1936 W Roblnson, Esq 721/1-10 K akam ega 2681/1- 5, Alluvzal Voluntary 6th Jktly, 1936 Mrs 1%1 Stltt 2682/1-5, 2683/1-10, 2684/1-10, 2691/1-10, 2692/1-10 47/1-8 Lode Voltm taly 4th J'uly, 1936 W Eardley, Esq 78l /1-10, Lode Vohm tary 29th Jtm e, 1936 M essrs Am ohlra Ltd 779/1-10, 78û/1-10, 898/1-10

N azrobz, E G St C TISDA LL. T hls 10th day of July, 1936 A ct%ng Commusmner of J/zne,a

.APN'IrIIAI, Aorlcls N o S06 G xwzsytA.:u N orrlclt N o 8û7 TIIE COM P AN IE S O'RD IN AN CE , 1933 TH E W ATE R OR D IN A N CE , 1929 P U R SU A N T to seetton 284, sub sectlon 3 of the N oTzcls o:n AIapylcATlox FoR W ATLR IRIGIIT abovil Ordlnance, lt ls hereby notlfietl that at the 1 N term s of setttlon 27 of the W ater Ordm anee, explration of three m onths from date hereof , the (9'39, notice 1s hereby gl'k en that the Kenya and nam e of the undelm entloned Com pany wlll, unless Uëjanda Rallways and H arbouls Adm lnlstlatlon, of cause be shown to the contrary, be struck off the Valrobl, has filed an appllcatlon, w hleh 'was regls R egister of Com panles and the Com pany w lll be ae) ed. by the 'W ater B oard on 30th Aprll, 1936) fo1 cllcgsol&cd - ), A,vatet lkght to dlxert from the Lesser Lum l R lvel E ast Aftlcan Aclvertlsers, Llm lted zt a pom t on L T4 N o 37:9, 0 0763 cusees for the purposes of dom estle use and p abllc use on E allw ay N alrobt, Riserve (Taveta Statlon) Thls 7th day of July, 1936 Phe proposed works wlll conslst of an lntake W M K EATINGE , wk lr and. plpe lm e Tltrpufl'a,'r oj Com panteu Plans of the proposed schem e m ay be m speeted at tbe ofllce of the D lreetor of P ublle W orks, N altobl, and at the ofrlce of the D lstllet Com m ls- GSNXRAL NorrlcE N o 808 sloner, V ol N Y AN ZA D ISTR ICT CO U N CIL &ny oblectlons to the granf of the 'W atel R lgllt V olu s R ol,r applled fol should be fled ln dulphcate, w lth the W ater B oard, P O B ox 662, N alzobl, w lthln slxty N OTICE ls hereby gw en that the D zstrlct Com - days fzom the date of the fizst publlcatlon of thls m lsslonel for K lsum u-L ondlanl w1l1 attend at K oru nctlce, and a eopy of ihe oblectlon m ust be selvcd Pollce Statlon on Saturday, the 25th July, 1936, by the oblector on the uudelslgned at the addless at 10 a m and w lll hear and determ lne a1l obleetlons r. en below to the Councll's V oters R oll and a1l lurtller clalm s for enrolm ent

A E H A M P , K oru, Chtej S?1f???16t'r, 10th July, 1936 K enya tz?ld U ganda flcllztltz't?: and S tz?lltlzttT,s, Elsosl,lu coopéR, a'lppllccw,f ov Lawjntly a'I'ttfhorl&ell Agent Begutenng O//lcdr 1 ( 68.1 1311E OPPICIAL GAZE TTE July 14, 1936

GIGXERAL Nolmcl No 809 GENEMAL Norlca No 81i

U A SIN G ISH U D ISTItICT COU N CIL N OTICE E tmouc'.r E cnopsax I-losplTAI, R ATE U xozm TllI; Afrolc&ru P rt tc'rl-rloxy'us Axo N OTICE zs heleb) glven that ln accorclance w lth D LNTISI'b ORDINANCE, 1910 the resollltyon passed at a M eetlng of the Uasm (Cltapter 119 oj f/àtp flcrl86tf E dlïl0Fl) Glshu D lstrict Councll held on Tuesday the 7tl1 Ty-zyg uugernoted has bqen reglstelcd ln accord July, 1936, a H ospltai Rate of twenty shllllngs aut;e u Itll the term s of the M edlcal Plaf - tltlonerc (slz 2O) for the year ended 31st Decembel, 1936, f b an.l peutlsts oldlnant.e (Chapter 119 of the Revlsec ecom es payable at thls olhce on Satulday the lwth Eqljtzon) August, 1936 B l Every m ale person oi wlloll) Eulopean ollgln or omfeld., Douglas Miles, M It c s (ExG ) descent resldzng wlthln the dlstrlct ls llable to pay yxD s, c s yoso ), ocv 1934, l$I s , s s (Loxp ) th ov 1934 ls rate, exceptm g - (c)Every male person under the age ol twenty- A R PATERSON, one years lleglntrar (5) A person on a tempolary vlslt to the chstrlct not exceedlng slx m onths m duratlon qsxxsay a x ovzcs N o 7n The burden of proof of exem ptlon fl'om the R ate shall 11e on the party clalm lng the exem ptlon TH E W A TE E OR D IN AN CE , 1929 C X OTICL OF XPPLICATION F(m W ATER ounm l Oë ce, E ldoret, Rt(>llTtsl/sztlcTloxtsl 9th July, 1936 (IN telm s of seetlon 27 of the 'W atez Ordlnance 1929, notlce ls llereby glven that M essrs Sam ar G E A ST K TN G , L td , of .P O B ox 213, N alrobl, has filed an appllea Clezk to Cozlncî! tlon whlcll was reglsterect by the 'W ater Board or 80th A prll, 1936, tor the lollowlng W ater R lghtd and Sanctlons, to dlvert, lrom the underm entlonet GXNIRAL N orzcs N o 810 mvers, ln the Thlka D lstrlct, the follow m g quantltleq ol w ater TH E LAN D AND AGR ICULTUR AL B ANK A W atel Itlght to dlvert, irom tlle Igund.t (AM ENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1931 R lvel , 0 1 eusecs, and a Sanctlon to dw elt, fron the Tgund.u R lver, 0 685 cusecs for the puzpose o N oTlFzcwlqox dom estic use and slsal decortlcatzon on 1, 14 N os N OTICE ls heteby glven that the B oalcl ot the 1716, 325/4 and 2701 The polnt of dlverslon tt luand and A glleultural B ank of K enya hase apploved be on the F ort H all R oad R eselve tem poraly advanees ln telm s of sectlon 3 of the Iaand tmd. Agrleultural Bank (Amendmcni) Old.ln- A. 'W ater R lght to divert, from the M araguE anl-e, 1934, as under - R lvel, 0 785 cusecs for the pulpose of dom estu use and sssal decoltlcatlon on L R N os 1716 N am e azlozoztnf 32.5/4 and 2701 The polnt of dlverslon to be lr T N G regoly L 500 the Folt H all N atlve R esezve The w ater frozz P 'W B aznett é250 the M alagua R lver w 111 be dlverted only w hen th( supply from the Igundu R lver ls lnsufllelent an( N alrobt , the total quantlty of w ater w hzeh w lli be dzvertec from the tw o afolesald rlvers at any one tlm e w l1 10tl1 Ju1) , 1936 not exceecl 0 785 cusecq B TH OR N TO N , The proposed w ozks w ll1 eonslst ot pum ps, plpt Soc? e fa? y llnes and a epnal The lesldue of any w ater used fo lndustrlal purposes w lll be returned to the Saba Sabç R lver dralnage area G rcxlltzts N o'rzcz N o 811 Plans of the ploposed wolks m ay be seen at th4 H ead. Offlce, P ubllc 'W orks D epartm ent N alrobl H ON OIRAIRY PERM TT ISSU ER Any objectlons to the glant of the Avater Rlghtts IN E X E IRCISE of the power conferred upon m e and/or Sanctlontq) applled for sllollld be filecl, 11 bà ltutes N os 20 and 63 of the D lseases of A nlm als dupllcate, ::1th the 'W ater B oard., P O B ox 662 Ordm ance l'tules, 1931, 1 hereby deelare the under- N alrobl, w lthln slxty days from the date of ihd znentloned gentlcm an to be an H onoraly P ezm lf fhst publlcatzon of thls notlce, and. a copy of ih. lssuer tor the purposes of the sald R ules - objeetlon m usi be starved by the obletttor on th. undelszgned at the address glven below E A H olyoak, E sq , K apgat Fores.t Ytatlon, Fol and on behalf of Sam ar, Ltd , P O K lpkabus F M OTCH M AN , N a:rob:, Seovein'ry, Thps 7th day of Jul) , 1936 dpppocdsf or Tutzztl/zlpl?/ Auihonzed w'lgcni R D A U B N E Y , A ddress - l'thodeB H opzse, A ciln.l D cpuf y D?? ccf ol ( 4nl?n al frlt-/ltvsf ? ?/) and Clttej J ete'rtnaî y O#àc6; D elam aie A venue, N alrobl July 14, 1936 TH E OFF ICIAL G A ZE TT E 685 qxzaAlz N orrzcx N o J#J

H IS M A JE STY 'S CO U R T OF A PP E AL FOR E A STE R N AF IRTCA TIIE next sesslons of I-I1s M ajesty 's Court of the R egtstrar, Suprem e Ooult of K enya, N alrobl, or ape tl for E astern Afmca have been hxed to be w ith the D lstllct R eglstral , M om basa, not latet 'ldea at Afom basa to com m ence on M ondcty the tlzan tlle 2()t12 day of June, 1936 ,th (ltty of July, 1936, at 10 a m ol as soon there- ter as caseg ean be heard N al) ob2 , To ensm e appeals from H ls M ajesty 's Suprem e lltlz ATay, 1936 E J O 'FA R IRE L L , lurt of K enla being set dow n for hearlng at tllese R egL8tvav, sslens m em oranda of appeal should be filed w lth H M f'tlzlrf of Appeal /or E azl CAU SE LIST FoR I-ISARING ON .Tnyn 13Tx D Av oàn JvLy, 1936, AT M olvrBAsA

Clvzl or jj t s espontlent Orlglna'l X O a kpp al N o A ppe an ç c . aj som Crlm m al o ase PP0

,5 oj 1936 Crzm lnal M angengz w a N zukz R ex Cr Case H M Suprem e Cotu't of K enya N o 52/36 at Nazrobz )6 oj 1936 ,, Ndalo ahas Frazz s/o Rex Cr Case I-I M H lgh Cotzrt of Tanga- K zsbma N o 24/36 nylka at M wanza ,7 oi 1936 J'um a bm A bdulla R ex Cr Case H M Suprem e Court of K enya N o 37/36 at M ombasa )8 oj 1936 ,, Slamunz s/o Chambo Rex Cl Conf Case I-I M H lgh Colzrt of Tanga- N o 3/36 nylka at Dar es salaam :9 o ( 1936 ,, F rank M w ale R ex Conf Case 1-I M H zgh Couzt of N yasaland N o l /36 at Blantyre /0 o ( 1936 Saulos N dzm a R ex Cr Case dztto No 6/36 r1 of 1936 ,. K adzanla R ex dztto dztto /2 & 1936 Yolam Kafuko s/o Rex Cr Case H M Hzgh Court of Uganda Dam ba No 86/35 at J'm la (Appllcatzon) /3 oïE 1936 Y owana K rzzostom u R ex Cr Case H M H zgh Cotzrt of Uganda K zboneka No 89/35 at K ampala (Applzcatlon) & 1936 ,, Okado s/o Ogwok Rex Cr Case T:I M Hlgh Couz't of Ugantla N o 24/36 at Llra (Applzcatlon) ol 1936 ,. Blaszo Okello s/o Om golo Rex Cr Case H M H lgh Court of Uganda No 27/36 at Mubende oj 1936 ,, Kabam s/o K anyanyo- Rex Cr Case H M H zgh Court of Uganda nga No 48/36 at K abale o ! 1936 Senyl s/o Lala Rex Cr Case I-I M H zgh Court of Uganda No 50/36 at J'znla (Applleatlon) o 2 1936 Yokana K afero s/o Rex Cr Case H M H lgh Court of Uganda Samwlll Letakubullde No 51/36 at Alubende ol 1936 ,, Y okana Kabolerakulwaz) R ex Cr Case I-I M H zgh Court of Uganda No 52/36 at M asaka l ol 1936 ,, Szkzm R ex Cr Case H M H lgh Court ofN yasaland N o 8/36 at Blantyre ol 1936 Mablba s/o M asana R ex Cr Case H M H lgh Com t of Tanga No 14/36 npka at M wanza : os 1936 Alomo K am la R ex Cr Caoe H M H lgh Court of Uganda No 62/96 at Kam pala r ol 1936 , Gabrlel M walye R ex Cr Case H M H lgh Cottrt of U ganda No 40/36 at Mbale k ol 1936 Francesco N am awa R ex Cz Case dltto N o 40/36 , ol 1936 ,, M acharza w a M buthla R ex Cr Case H M Suprem e Court of Ifenya No 58/36 at Naklzru , ot 1936 ,, N yarugem be N yaranga R ex Cr Case dztto No 63/36 r ol 1936 ,, M adagasl L alasza R ex Cr Case dltto N o 59/36 ) ol- 1936 Czvzl U ram a Mam akos Antom o J'ohan M atrzm onzal H M H lgh Court of Tanga- nes M am akos Cause nyzka at D ar es Salaam No 1/34 t or 1936 Abdulla Rehm tulla W al Bapull Cow aslz Czvll Case H M luprem e Cotu't of K enya )ee I-hnee M zstry N o 173/35 at N azrobz ) ol 1936 .. Vaghlzbhal G Patel The Standard Czvzl Case H M H lgh Cotu't of Tanga- Bazzk of S A ! No 7/34 nyzka at M oshz Ltd j 686 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 14, 1936

CAU SE LIST- ICYSIII ) Folt HXARING oN a.HE 13Tx D AY o:F JuLX, 1936, AT M oMBAsA- l6%n&f )

Appeal N o CClvll or A ppellant R espondent Orzgznal N e A ppeal from rlm m al of Case

7 of 1936 Ctvll M anllal Laloobhal Shall K arm an M epa & Czvzl Case I-I M Suprem e Coult of K en: Co N o 7/35 at Alom basa

8 of 1936 ,, M oham edalz Esm azlll K araclllwalla, Clvll Case H M Suprem e Court of K en.' Essalz Ltd N o 66/35 at Mom basa 9 of 1936 K anm lee Jzvanlee & Co The Om czal Czvll Case H M H lgh Court of Taq Recewez of the No 31/31 nylka at Dar es Salzam Govt of Tanga nyzka, the T rus teeoftheproperty of G M erharm td (deceased) banlq- rupt

GaNXRAL N ou cz N o 585

SE SSION S of H 1s M alesty'q Suprem e Court of K enya w zll be held on the dates and at the places herem after set out - STJIaRIMI Covx'r SPECIAL SlssloNo AT N Alsosl, 13-7-36 Cmmm al Case No 61/36 Rex l;s Mltalbhal Dhlrubhat Patel SITPRXMX CocR'r Sxsslos's AT N AIROBI, 4-8-36 Cnmm al Case No 78/36 Rex vs N thlwa w a N zlokl CRIMINA.L Sssslox's A'r M oMBwsw, 10-8-36

E J O 'FA R R E LL , Repetvar, tîvlvezzle Court ol X ewyc

GZNEIGL N otrzcs No 762 A Sanctlon for 1 4 cusecs for pow el purposes ( L 11 No 325/1, of whlch quantlty approxlmate TH E W A TE R OR D IN A N CE , 1929 1 37 cusees w1ll be retm ned to the Saba Sa,l Illver N ow cyl oF A PPLICATION FoR W AT>!R Any obpectlons to the glant of the W ater Rlghtt I4IGHT(s)/SANcTIoN(s) and/ol Sanetlonts) applled for slzould be flled, ( IN term q of seetkon 27 of the W ater Ordm anee çluplptate, w lth the 'W ater B oard., P O B ox 66' 1929, nottee ls hereby glven that M esgls Sam ar, Nallobl, wlthln slxty days from the date of tl L td , of P O B ox 213, N alrobl, has filed an appllca- :1st publlcatlon of thls notlee, and a, copy of tl tlon w hlch w as reglstered by the W ater B oard on obpectlon must be selved by the okectol on tl 30th Apml, $936, for a W ater R lght and Sanctlon, underszgned at the addresq glven below to divelt lrom the Saba Saba Rlver zn the Thlka D lstmct, the follow m g quantltles of w ater For and on behalf of Sam ar, L td , A W ater Rlght for 0 035 cusecs, 0 14 eusees F M OTCH M A N , and 0 6 cuseeB for dom estlc use, coNee pulplng Secletaîy and power use regpeetlvely, on Farm s L (lk Nog xlppllctzrèf oî Lawfulll) d'tzfhorlz6d Agen 1716, 325/4, 1959 salcl 2761 of whlch approxl- m ately 0 70 cusecs w zll be returned to the Saba Axlclress Saba Rlver The polnt of dlverslon wlll be on lthodes H ouse, Iu R, Xo 325/4 D elam ere Avenue, Nalrobl tI uly 14, 1986 TT'IE OFW CIAL GAZE TTE 68;

GSNEltM z N orrzcl N o 8l3

OR D E IRS, D E COR A TION S AN D M E D AL S N oTlcE The tollow zug 11st, whlch has beeu lssuetl by the Centza) Chancely of the Olders of K nlghthood, show s the order ln whlch Orderb, D ecolatlons and M edals should be w oln The 11st ls publlslled for general lntozm atlon belng substl- tuted for the 11st publlshed undel G eneral N otlce N o 1053 of the 22nd July, 1930 The llst m no w ay attectsthe plecedence cxm fetred by the Statutes of celtaln Olders upon the m em bels thereol N allobz, Tlated the 9th day oi July, 1936 A ol V W AD E , Colom al Sdcgefcrp

V lcToluA Csoss lzrlfzd/s Orders oj ffrtlghfhood, etc M'ordel of the G attel eordel of the Thlstle *ordel of St Patrlck Order of the B ath **order of M ellt (lm m edlately attel Knlghts Gland Czose of the Order of the Bath)

Ordel of the Staz o.j Indla Older of St M zchael and St G eorge Order ot the lndlan E m plre Ordez of the Crow n of Indla Royal Vlctorzan Orclez (Classes 1, 11. and 111) Older of the Bzltlsh Em plre (Classes 1, 11 and 111) **order of the Com panzons of H onour (lm m edlately aftez K m ghts antl D am es G rand Cross of the Ordel of the Brztlsh E mplro) D lstlngm shed Servlce Order Royal Vzctorzan Ortler (olass IV) Order of the Brltlsh E m plre (Class IV Im penal Servlce Order lloyat Vzctorlan Order (Class V Order of the Brltlsh Em plre (Class V) N oTz - l'he above applles to those Orders of slm zlaz grades W hen the m lnlature oz rzband of a hlgher grade of a Junlor Order zs wozn wzth that of a lowel grade of a senlor Order, the hzgher gzade m lnlature or rlband should com e first, e g , the m zntatuze or rlband of a K C I E wlll come before a C B , and a G C M G before a K C B N ot m ore than four Star: of Orders and not m ore than three Neck Badges may be worn at any one tlm e In Full D ress U nlfozm Baronet's B adge - (The B adge ls w oln suspended lound the neck by the R lbancl ln the sam e m anner ae the neck badge of an Older and takes precedence lm m edlately alter the B adge of -the Order of M erlt The B adge ls not w orn m m lnlature antl the R lband ls not worn wlth U ndress U nzform ) * These 'Ordel s aIe not woz n ln m znlature and the Rlbands of the O rders a3 e not worn w lth U ndress U nzfozm ** These Ordez s are not w orn zn m znlatuze, but are w orn z ound the neck on all oceaslons except w lth Servlce D ress and certaln orders of Undress Unzfozm 688 'rH.t c,FF1c1?kL GAZZTTZ July 14, 1938

Içrllgltt,g Atzc/z:lozrtç' Badge - (T1ae Badge to be worn after the Stal of a K nlght Com m ander of the Ortler of the Brztlsh E m plre Tt ls not w orn ln rnlnlature and ls not worn w lth Undress U nlform ) D ecolattonn R oyal R ecl Cross (Class D D zstm gulshecl Servlce Cross M llltaly Cross D lstlngulshed F lp ng Croes A 1r Force Cross R oyal R ed Cross tclass T11 Oïdev.q gkwo?z only $w, IndIa Ordel of B rltlsh Indla '''Indlan Order of M erlt (M zlltary) K alsal-l-H lncl M edal Orde.r oj tsff Iohn A lbevt M edal M edals jo1 Gallantry and Dztçfsylgzlzy/zctz (Ionduct M edal for D lstlnguvhed Conduct ln the Fleld Consplcuous G allantry M edal D lstlngm shed Servlce M edal The R oyal W est Afrlcan Frontlez F orce D lstlnguzshed Conduct M edal The K lngs Afllcan R lfles D letlngm ehed Conduct M edal M llltaly M edal D lstlngulshed Flylng M edal A1r F orce M eclal Indlan D lstzngulshed Selvlce M edal Constabulary M edal (Ir6land) Board of Trade M edal for Savm g L lfe at Sea llndlan Order of M erlt (C1vl1) E dw ard M edal lflng's P oltce M edal M edal of the Order of the Bn tzsh E m plre, for G allantry Indtan Pohce M edal L lfe Savlng M edal of the Ordez of St Jbhn 1: VFc/' M edals tz'lz o'rde'r oj dtzfzl Polar M edals ($Az o'rder oj dcfc) J''ubtlee, Oozozlcfso?z and D 'lz'rbcz M edals Queen Vldorla's J'ubllee M edal, 1887 (Gold, Sllver and Bronze) Queen Vletorla's Pollce Jubllee M edal, 1887 Queen Vldona's Jubllee M edal, 1897 (Gold, Sllver and Bzonze)

*** The Indlan Ozder of M œ lt (M xlztary and Clvtl) zs dzstlnct from the Order of M emt m stltuted zn 1902 #' The Indzan Ozdel of M eltt (M lhtary and C1v1l) zs dlstlnct from the Older of M ez lt lnstltuted ln 1902 :: Aledals awaz ded for sermces durlng the Great W ar (1914-1919) should be worn ln the follow m g order --1914 Star, 1914-1915 Star, Bm tlsh W ar M eda 1 , M ercantzle M arzne W ar M edal, Vlctory M edal, Tel lltollal Force W ar M edal, Ihdza General Servzce M edal (for operatlons ln Afgham stan, 1919) ' July 14s 19:6 TH E OPW CIAL GAZEY'M (8û

Jnbklee, CoronatIon and Dzlzsaz Aftlo ld- tcontcl ) Queen Vzctolla 's Pollce Jubllee M edal, 1897 Queen Vlctolla's Commemoratzon M edal, 1900 (Ireland) K zng E dw ard's Coronatlon M edal K m g E dw ald's P ollce Coronatzon M edal Klng Edwartl's Durbal M edal (Gold, Sllver ancl Bronze) Iflng Edwarz's Pollce M edal, 1903 (Scotland) Klng's V lslt Com m em oratlon M eda), 1903 (Ireland) K m g G eorge's Coronatlon M edal K m g G eolge's Pollce Coronatlon M edal Km g 's Vlszt Pollce Com m em oratzon M edal, 9 1-1 (Ireland) Klng George's D urbar M edal (Gold,* Sllver and Bzonze) K lng G eozge's Sllver Jubzleo M edal Emcteïtcy and Long ks'tlozpscc Decorattons and M edals L ong Servlce and Gootl Conduct M edal N aval L ong Servlce and G ootl Conduct M edal M etlal for M erltottous Servlce Indlan L ong Servlce antl Goo; Conduct M edal (fol E uropeans of Indzan Arm y) Indlan M erltorzous Selwlce M edal (for Europeans of Indlan Arm y) R oyal M arlne M erltorlous Servlce M ellal R oyal A1r Force M erltolzoue Servlce M edal R oyal A 1r F orce Long Servlce and G ood Conduct M edal Indlan Long Servzce and Good Conduct M edal (for I'ndzan Arm y) The R oyal W est Afrlcan Frontzer Porcô L ong Servzce and G ootl Conduct M edal The K lng 's A frzcan R loes L ong Servlce and Good Conduct M edal Indlan M entorlous Servlce M edal (for Indzan Arm y) Volunteer om cers' D ecoratlon Volunteer L ong Servlce M edal Volunteer Oëcers' D ecoratlon (for Indla and the Colonles) V olunteer Long Servlce M ellal (for Incha antl the Colom es) Colonlal Auxllzary Forces Oë cers' D ecoratlon Colonlal Auxlhary F orces L ong Servlce M edal M etlal for Good Shootm g (Nava1) M llztla L ong Servzce M eo l Im perlal Y eom anry L ong Servlce M edal Terntollal D ecoratlon E ë czency D ecozatlon Terrltomal E l clency M etlal E ë czency M edal Speaclal E eserve L ong Servlce and G ood Conduct M edal D ecoratlon for O ë cers of the R oyal N aval R eeerve D ecotatlon for Ol cers of the Royal N aval V olunteer R eserve R oyal N aval R eserve L ong Servlce and G ood Conduct M edal R oyal N aval V olunteer R eserve L ong Servlce M edal

* K tng George's D ulbax M edal In Gold can be worn zn the U nlted K zngdom by R ullng Chzefs of Indla only 6:0 'III-IE Oy'>nICIAL GAZETTE July 14, 1936

Em ctency J?k# Lonq s'tlzolctl Decotattotlg and Aftldtzlf- tcontd ) Boald of Trade Rocket Appal atuB V olunteer L ong Servlce M etlal The A frzcan Pollce M edal tol Nfelitlous Selvlce Speclal Constabulary M edal R oyal N a: al Auxlllaly Slck B ezlh R eselve L ong Servzce and G ood Conduct M edal Royal F leet E eselve L ong Selvlce and G ood Conduct M edal The K lng's M edal (fol Cham pzon Shots zn the M llztary Forces) Oolom al Pollce antl Fne B lzgades L ong Selvlce M edal Eoyal N aval W lreless Auxlllary R eselve L ong Servlce and Good Ctm duct M edal U nlon of South A frlca Com m em oratlon M edal M edals belongkng fo Ovdevs R oyal V lctorlan M edal (Gold antl Sllvel) Im penal Servlce M edal M edal of the Order of the Brltlsh Em plze (awarded przol to 29th D ecem ber, 1922) M eclal of the Ortler of the? B rltlsh E m plre, for M elltorzous Servlce B oyal Vlctorlan M edal (Bronze) Servlce M edal of the Order of St John B adge of the Order of the L eague of M ercy V oluntary M edlcal Servlce M edal Foretgn OT(I6zd (z?z o'tden oj date oj tzzlzlczrdl Poç6bgn D :cögcflond ($n oïder oj date oj Joczd) Foretgn M edals (î?z oçder oj dcf: of cttlczrdl July 14, 1932 TH E OFPICIAL GAZETTE 6j1

( ISNSRAL Noqqcx N o 741 day of January m each year, the first m stalm ent belng payable on the 1st January, 1938, and the TH E CR OW N L AN D S OR D IN A N CE purehaser shall lnfozm the Provlnelal Com m lssloner, ( ('hapicl 140, ltevlsed E c/lfît)?z OJ the .LII'I/J,S of Kenya) N akulu, or the L and A sslstant, N alrobz, as the ease m ay requlre, on or befole the 1st O ctober, 193G A rcquox og FAnvs whlch m ethod of paym ent he deslres to adopt Tlle grants of the falm s speelfled ln the Schedule 11 ereto v 111, subgeet to the provlslons of the Crow n 7 If tlle purchaser shall have eleeted to pay the lzands Oldlnanee (Chapter 140 of the Revlsed Laws balanee of the purehase m oney by lnstalm ents, no of Kenya), be offered fol sale ln the Dlstlzct Com- tlansfer of the land granted or any part thezeof sball rlalsslonel 's O fllce, N alrobl, com m encm g at 10 a m be valld untll the w hole of the purehase m oney hqll c,n Frlday, 25th Septem ber, 1936 have been pald P lans of the farm s m ay be seen at the P ublle 8 The lent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1937, shall lfap Olïlee, Burvey and. R ep stratlon D lvlslon, be pald to the P rovlnelal Com m lsm oner, N akurup N alrobl, or m ay be had on appllcatlon to the and the L and A sslstant, N alrobl, respectlvely, on cr 6 urveyor G eneral, B ox 89, N alrobl, on paym ent of befoze the 1st Oetober, 1936 8'h 3 post free, m respeet of each plan requlretl The survey fees and the fees payable for the Tlze rlght to w lthdraw any farm ftom the auctlon preparatlort (Sh 100) and reglstratlon (Sh Q0) of l , reserved to the Com m lssloner of Lands the grant, and the stam p duty payable (dpproxl- mately 2 per cent ad 'ptzlt)? c'm,) ln respect of the Coxm lqoxs o:- SAIZE grant shall be pald to the Surveyor G enel al, at 1 E acla farm w ll1 be auctloned separately the Survey and R eglstratlon D zvzslon, N alrobl, on or before the 1st O ctober, 1936 2 These falm s are ln the H lghlands, and purchase v ll1 be confined to Europeans only (or thelr U pon such paym ents belng dull rn Adfh, the pur- aacredlted agents), ln conformlty wlth the declslon chaser shall, subzeet to the proslslcm q of the Crown of H ls M alesty's Governm ent Lands Ordlnanee (Chapter 140, Eevlsed Edltlon) and lf the eondltlons of sale have been com plled 3 The hlghest bldder w11l be the purchaser, and wlth, be entltled to a grant of the farm , w hleh grant 11 any dlspute arlqe ag to any blddlng, the falm w lll w1ll be presented to hlm , duly executed, as 3oon aq ba put up agaln at the last undlsputed bld convenlently m ay be 4 The am ount of the advance of eaeh b1d w1ll be 9 If tlle paym ents m entlonetl m Condltlon N o 8 rd gulated by the auttloneer, ancl no bzd shall be are not m ade on or before the 1st Oetober, 1936, rd tracted the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay order that the 5 E aeh purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer, deposlt pald by the pulchaser be forfelted to tne llarnedlately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt G oNernm ent, and ln sueh ease the purchaser shall ol 10 per cent of h1s purehase m oney, and should laave no further clalm to a granf of the farm tlle sam e be tendered by eheque, such eheque m ust 10 The grants w1ll be under the provlm ons of the ba aecom panled by a banket 's guarantee Tn default Crown Lands Oldlnance (Chapter 140 of tlae Revzspd ol sueh paym ent, the farm m ay be lm m ecllately re- Edltlon) and the Reglstratzon of Tltles Ordanance olfered for sale, and any subsequent bld by the (Chapter 142), and wl1l be for 999 years, eommenc- parson w ho has m ade default m ay be lgnored or m g from the 1st day of October, 1936 R ent wlll ri fused be payable from that date 6 The balance of the purchase m oney ln respect oi Farm L R N o 2387 shail be pald ln full to the N alrobl, P rovlnelal Com m lssloner, R lft V alley P rovm ce, B ox 19th Jtlne, 1936 81 , N akuru , and m respeet of the rem am m g farm s tc the L and A sslstant, B ox 424, N alrobl, on or E B H O SK TN G , btzfore the 1st October, 1936, or shall be pald ln 4ottnq Coznzn/8.sptlntrr for Local tyorc?wzncnf, n lne equal annual lnstalm ents, payable on tlle 1st L andn and Scfflcwz6sf

SCH ED U LE Proportlonate L R N o Locahty Area U pset Pnce R ent per R ent from Survey (Approx ) Annlam 1-10-36 to Fees 31-12-36 A cres JSW Sh cls Sk c/a Bh 3187 N orth N yert 4,525 18,100 905 00 226 25 1,316 2736 N orth N yem 2,291 6 873 458 20 1l4 55 970 2769 N orth N yerl 4.446 13,338 889 20 222 30 1,290 2770 N 01th N yerz 4,850 14,550 970 00 242 50 1,344 2788 N ot'th N yem 4,542 15,897 908 40 227 10 1,316 2795 N orth N yerz 4,058 12,174 801 60 200 40 1,236 2796 N orth N yerz 4,693 14,079 938 60 234 65 1,316 2791 N orth N yen 4,061 16,244 8l2 20 203 05 1,236 2792 N ozvth N yem 3,513 14,952 702 6û l75 65 1,156 2887* N orth Nyerz 4,356 54,450 871 20 217 80 1,290 2387 Lazkzpza 4,651 9,302 930 20 232 55 1,316 *subleet to an n'rlgatzon channel w ayleave 692 TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 14, 1936

GZNERAL N oTzcx N o 67d rr Sublect to the plovlso contalned m Conchtlon N o 6, lf the am ounts therem m entloned are not TH E CR OW N L AN D S O R D IN AN CE pald as theleln lald dow n w lthln seven days of a Loltapier 140 of f/zf/ Revk8ed A'dlflorl) dem and belng m ade therefor, the Com m lsmoner for K xrucno Tow xsHlp Pluo't's Local G overnm ent, L ands and Settlem ent, m ay orcLer the deposlt m ade by the pulellasel to be for- N oTlcE felkecl, and the purehaser shall have no further elalm N OTICE ls hereby glven that grants ln respeet to the grant of the plot of the plots at K erlcho speclfied m the Sehedllle hereto, u lll be sold by auetlon at tlle om ee of the (5) GEXERAL D lstllct Com zzuùsloner, K erlcho, on M onday the 20th ( T11e G oveznm ent oz suclz person ol authollty day of July, 1936, eom m enclng at 10 a m as m ay be appolnted for fhe purpose shall have the P lanq of the plots m ay be seen at the P ubllc M ap llght to entel upon any plot and 1ay and. have access Offlce attaehed to the Survey and R eglstratzon to w ater m alns, servlee p:pes, telegraph or telephone D lvlslon, N alrobl, and at the om ee of the D lstrlet v 11 es, and electmc m alns of all descmptlons w hether

Com m lssloner at K erleho, ol m ay be had on appllca- o4 erheacl or underground, and. the grantees shall not tlon to the Sulveyor G eneral, B ox 89, N alrobl, on el( et any bulldlng zn sueh a w ay as to eover or paym ent of Sh 3 post flee lrlterfere w ltll any exlstm g routes, m am or servlce The rlght to v lthdlaw any plot ftom ihe auctzon plpes or the telegraph or telephone wlres and electrlc ls reserved to the Com m lssloner for L ocal G overn- m alns afolem entloned m ent, L ands and Settlem ent 2 N o bulldlng shall be elected on any plot unless In the follow lng G eneral and Speclql Condlflons plctns (lncludlng bloek plans showlng the pomtlon of of Sale, the term 'Tx&uthorlty'' m eans the D lqtl et the bulldlngs), dl awmgs, elevatlons and. speclfica- Com m lssloner, K erlcho, or suelz other M unltupal tlons thereof shall have been prevlously approved

Autholltv as m ay be hereafter establlshed by law b'y tlle quthotlty , and. by the Com m lusloner for Loeal Gcwernm ent, Lands and Settlem ent, or Bueh other Coxol'm ox s oF SALE person as l1e m ay appolnt Such plans, etc , shall (a) ArcTzox be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the D lstmct Com m ls- 1 E ach plot w1l1 be auetloned separately Slorler, X 0r1C11O, 1Ol IIOCOSSRI'Y (1Ct1OIl 2 The am ount of the advance of eaeh bld. w ll1 be 3 G rants w 1ll be lssuecl untler the R eglstratton of regulated by the auctloneer, and no b ddlng shall be Tltles Ordlnant.e The term of each grant wl'l be 25 vears from the l$4t day of August, 1936 retraeted , subject to extensron to 99 years aq provlclecl ln Spectal 3 The hlghest bldder M lll be the purchaser, bat Condltlon N o 4 of the Speelal Condltlons attaehlng lf anà dlspute allse as to any bld, the plot w lll be re- to the plots offer:d at the last undlsputed blcl 4 The grantee m ay at any tlm e (lurm g the 4 E ach purehaser shall pay to the auetloneer eurreney of the glant redeem up to three-quarters lm m edlately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt of of the lent of the plot on the basls of a 20 years' 25 per ûent of the purchse m onev In default of ptlrehage sueh paym ent, the plot m ay be lm m ecllately le- offered for sale, and any subqequent bltl by the 5 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde person w ho has m ade default m ay be lgnored or the plot, ot asslgn, sublet or otherw lse dlspoBe of refused any portlon of the plot w lthout the prevlous wm tten consent of the Governor 5 E a( h purehaser shall on paylng the deposlt 6 Any bulldlng ereeted shall conform to a bm ld- m form the auctloneer of the nam e or nam es ot the m g llne declded upon by the Authorlty person or pcrsons on w hose behalf the plot ls pul- chased , the grant w l11 be lssued m aeeordanee w lth tllls m form atlon (c) SPECIAL 1 The plots m aj be used for buslness purposes 6 The balance ol the purchase m oney, together oniy, or foz the com blneâ purposes ol buslness an; wlth the rent due to the 31%t D eeem bet , 1936, shall resldence be pald to tlle D lstrlct Com m zssloner, K emeho P rovldetl that zn the event of any of the plots

The survey fees, the fees payable for the prepala- bi 1ng used fo1 the sald eom blned purposes, then not tlon and reglstratlon of the grant (Sl1 120) and the m ole than one-half ol tlle area thereof shali be stam p duty payable m respeet of the glant, and. a1l bullt upon , othelw lse not m ore than nlnety per eent other expenseg, lf any, shall be pald to the Surveyor of tlle area tllezeof sllall be buzlt upon G enelal, N alrobl 2 In no case shall the area of any plot used All these am ounts shall be pald R& ltllln seven days solcly for buslness purposes requzrecl to rem am un- of a dem and belng m ade therefor bullt on be less than 300 square feet, and that the U pon sueh paym ents belng d''ly m ade, the pur- sald aaea shall be lree from any erectlon thereon claaser shall, sublect to the provlsm ns of the Crow n above the level of the ground exeept iatrlne accom - Lands Ordlnanee (Chaptel 140, Revlsed Edltlon), m odatlon sonstz ucfed m accordance with al1 lav s and to the Oondltlons of Sale havlng been com plled and. by-law s nt force telatm g thereto, and. ln aeeord- w lth, be entltled to a glpnt of the plot, w hlch grant anee w lth a deslgn approved by the A uthorlty shall be presented to 111m duly executed as soon as Sut-h open spaf e shall be at 1he rear ol the t onvenlently m ay be bklllcllng, arld shall extentl along the entlre w ldth of P lovlded tllat the balance of the pulchase m oney tlle bulldlng, or for a chstanee of not ltss than 30 sball not be payable w lthln the tlm e stated or there- fq et w hlehever shall be the less, and the dlstance

after, unless and untll the Com m lssloner for Local - across sueh open space flom every part of the bulld. Governrnent, Lands and Settlem ent can present to lng to the rear boundary of the plot shall be not less the purehaser the grant duly exeeutcd tllan 10 feet J'uly 14, 1936 I'H E OPW CIAL GAZE TTE (9B

3 E ach purchaser of a plot shall ezeet w lthln 5 At no tlm e durlng the telm of the grattt shall tlvo years ol the com m encem ent of hls grant a any plot ol any portlon tllereof , or any bulldm g bulldlng of approved deslgn constructed of stone, erected on the plot be used for the purpose of ealry- burnt brlf-k, conerete, or w ood and lzon on ploper lng on any tlaclc or busm ess M lazell lzas been ol m ay fdlundatlons be dec-lalecl to be dangezous or offenslve by notlce ln the Ol clal G azette 4 If at any tlm e dumng the term of tlae glant a rlaln blllldlng oi approved deslgn eonstructcd of s, one, bulnt brlck or concrc-te on proper foundatlonq 6 V erandas m ay be elected v lthm a zoad reserve Le ereeted on any plot, the glantee shall be cntltled wlth the p1e & lous consent of tlze Autlaorlty, and m ust to an extenslon of the telm of the grant to 99 years nonfolm to a bulldlng lm e deralded upon by sueh f tom the 1st day of A ugust, 1936 A uthorlty

SCH ED ULE Plot N o Feotzon N o Area U pset R ent per Propor4nonato rent Survey aeres Pnce ann tlm fzom l 8 36 to s'ees 31 12 36 Blb Sh ISW Bh 4 W 0 1 72 18 1,020 l36 57 70 23 ## 0 1 7 2 l 8 1,020 l36 57 70 33 #> 0 17218 1,020 l36 57 70

N alrobl, W M L OG A N , 28th M ay, 1936 Com m zs8toner )or L ocal Gorcrnpzcnf, L andn and Stlffltllrltrs,é

GENERAL N ou cE N o 765 the present land holdlng (1f any) of the tenderer ln tlle Colony and the am ount of TH E CR O W N L A N D S OR D IN A N CE and nature of developm ent thereon , Lchaptel 140 oj f/zy Rertsed A'llflox) the plopozals of the tendeler fol the develop- m ent of the area 1(f h2B tender be accepted , TENDLRS y'olt FARM G RAKT (c) the amount of guaranteecl eapltal avallable N o'rzcE for developm ent pm poses TE N D E R S ln term s of stancl prem la are lnvlted 6 The suceessful tenderel w ll1 be requTred to f t om persons of E uropean deseent oniy for the pur- pay wlthln seven days of notlficatlon that h1s tender cNase of the glant ln respeet of the farm m entloned has been aet-eptecl 10 pel cent of the am ount tendered, togethel wlth the rent due to the 31st l1ï the Sehedule below D ecem ber, 1936 2 A plan ol the farm m ay be seen at the P ubllc 7 The balance of the pulchase pmce w 11l be Alap Ofhce attached to the Survey and R eglstratlon payable on dcm and prlol to tlle zssue of tltle or m ay Illvlslon, G overnm ent R oad, N alrobz, or m ay be be pald m nzne equal annual m stalm ents the first llad on applzcatlon to the Surveyor G eneral, P O , of such paym ents becom lng due on the 1st January, T'ox 89, N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 post free 1938 3 The grant w1ll be lssued under the Reglstratlon 8 The survey faeB ancl the fees (Sh 1Q()) payable o! Tltles O rdm ance Chaptel 142, 1or a term of 999 m respect of the preparatlon and leglstratzon of the years flom 1st Septem ber, 1936, and wll1 be sublect tztle, togetlzer wlth the stamp duty (whzch ls ti) the ordlnaly condltlons of the Crow n L ands apploxlm ately 2 per eent on the purchase pmce snd Clrdlnance (Chapter 140 of the Revlsed Edltlon) the rent) ln lespect of the grant must be pazcl m thm seven days of a dem and therefoz The tltle w lll be 4 Sealecl tendelg m arketl . TTender for farm lssued as soon as convenlenfly m ay be grant'' m ust be deposltecl w lth the undelmgned nafore noon on W ednesday the 12th August, 1936 9 N o fenclel of a sum less than that m dlcated ln the Seheclule as the reserve pllpe w lll be consldered 5 T endels should be aecom panled by a statem ent The hlghest or any tender w lll not neeessarlly be llkdleatlng- accepted

SCH E DU LE Locattty Farm N o Area R eselve Fum ey R ent Pvoporbonate rent aeres Pmce Fees per from 1 9 36 to lapprox ) A nnum 31 1 2 06 Bh, SA Sh, S'A sLulangop 3448 1464 7,420 00 784 00 206 80 98 94

/2 azrobl, E B . H OSKIN G, 1st Jul) , 1986 Acttng Ctlzrlz?zig#zozlcr Jor Local Jtpzhczwzncrlf, Lands and Sctflcznczsf FQ'I T H E OF FICIAL G AZE T TE July 14, 1936


31st D ecem ber, 1935 G RCVLATION f XSW Ct8

Sllver Colnage 2,312,914 8 50 Bronze Com age ) 331,36b 17 49 f 2,644,281 5 99 Currency N otes l 1: 1,896,513 5 00 f & d

Currency R esezve Fund 1,469,51$1 13 8

Tnvestm ent R eserve A ccount 93,612 3 2

f 1 563,173 16 10


1 z'mce la azd Mean M arl

xommal value j a y st s eeemke) ePr .,Ace: aagt 1 f 1,036,264 19d 6# f 1,046,880 4.9 7# f 1,085 368 18d 64

N ayrobt, G W ALSH , 7th July, 1936 Currency Olcez f ; FNZRAL N o'rlcz N o 815 CU STOM S D EPA R TM EN T


A ctual A etual A ctual and Collectzons Collectzons Estunated Collectzons 1934 1935 1936

f f E K RNY A

J'anuao -M ay 250,507 300,732 307,193 J'tm e 47,896 66,629 48,807

298,403 367,361 356,000 H alf of Y early Estlm ate 313,750 316,250 330,500 U GANDA J'anuaa'y M ay 172,940 191,083 212,176 J'une 15,312 20,937 25,824

188,252 212,020 238,000 H alf of Y early Estzm ate 157,500 175,000 180,000

Custom H ouse, E G B A LE , M om b- , Cqm m %s8%@ner o.f Cvdlozzhw 8th Jlzly, 1936 K enya csd Uganda July 14, 1936 TH E OFF ICIAL G A ZE T TE 695

Gqiu ztxlz N o= cz N o 81G


Llcxx'cl Isstœ o XTNDEIA TR>I E xclsx D tzlu s O SDINANCE y'oR TITX Y EAR 1936

N o D escnptzon N am e W here mtuated

8 Sugar M essrs K assam & K arm alz M asongalenl

Custom H ouse, M om basa, Cokttng%snnonev ol Cvefopu, 6th July, 1936 ILenya czaf Lïganda

G zxaltArz Nonqcz N o 8l7 N OTICE

Exclsl D trTlls ORDINANCI, 1935 Tlu wslpllt oy Llcxxcx

Lzcence N o D escrzptlon Llcensee Transferred to D ate of Transfer

5 - Sugar Vzthaldas H arzdAs K enya Sugar, Llm zted, 30th June, 1936 & Co R am lsz

Custom H ouse, E D W A R D LOR D ,

M om basa, )ov Cozzàzm dd?oozeg o.f C'/zsfopza, 8th July, 1936 K enya tzM Uganda

Gr NssAzz N ol'zcs N o 81*

Lwsosn Aca xTs' PIRMITS Issvlo D URING TIIE M ox''l'n o:a JIJNX, 1936

1 PN o Of x am e D ate of R ecezpt D a'te of o ate of E xpzry erm lt Com m encem ent

86l R uplal Sukdlal 4-6-36 1-6-36 31-8-36 862 Chum lal Chopra 29-6-36 1-7-36 30-94 6

n sum u, S H . FA ZAN , 1st Julp 1936. A dtng Fredlzlcw l Com m unkonev, F ycsm . GENIRAL Nàwcs No 8l9 TH E CR OW N LAN D S OR DIN AN CE Chapter 140, Jbw dd Edtt%on R ETU R N OF LAN D GR AN TS- IST APRIL, 1936, 'ro 30TH JVNX, 1936 The date of zeglstratlon of the docum ents eFectm g these transactlons has not been taken lnto conslderatlon

N AI14oBI, E B H OSK IN G , 4TI.r Jvrxy, 1936 Act%ng lopz-?.vdpt?oz:r for Zt?611 Govevnment ' Lanh and Settlem ent t t' ! N AMX L R N o Locallty A rea Stand Prem lum Annual R ent Term R em arks Acrem (dpzzroz ) Sh, SW Years I .--FASM GRAN'TS t' . (c) Bftl d ucflo'?z or Tender Slr (' J' ' R' am*' sden l .l 19 K lpkabus 2 ,917 58,340 583 40 999 Szr @' R am sden 7l4 K lpkabus 3,079 61,580 615 80 999 Ruk.fz Szsal Estate ( 1936) Ltd l23 Rulru 3,250 65,000 650 00 999 (b) Jhreet Grc/fag M alor F D Boyce 5670 Subukza n ee Free foz 10 Sublect to bush clearzng on L R yeals from 5670 and portzon of 3229 as a ! 1-4-1936 m easure of tsetse fly control 55r M Bekkor Portlon of 27S Thlka 600 1,830 l20 00 999 E xtenmon of farm pm chased at auctlon B K opperud 5810/1 Komo Statlon 69 5 1,400 999 Grant to adlomlng owner 11 .--FAAM Exclu Nclls F C K zrlc 2158 Trans N zola 750 E xchange of land tm der forest for equal portzon of L R 2160 III .- FAXM Ryn-sltsloNs X IL

IV - T ow N Pruo'rs @) By .Av.tllsozl or T6ntf6r NIL (18 Dbrect Cm nf,g M rs G T An4rew 8 Sect L K lstzm u 1.550 1,952 55 00 99 Rcsldentlal %< A ''. Rem am ed tm sold a,t auetlon L U B arradell 5 Sect' X LV II K lsum u l 395 1,853 178 50 99 dltto L U Barro ell 6 Sect XLIX Klsttmu 1 443 1,883 185 00 99 dltto Cay W Truro Nmns 9 XLIX Kzslxmu 1 775 2,096 227 00 99 Class

N AME L R N o Loealzty A rea Stand Prem lum A hnual R ent Term R em arks Aoren (xzlppro:b ) Slt &SW Years IV - Tow N Pruo'Ts- Coyttd M r K ahdas Kanlz Portlon of 644/2 Old Town, M ombasa 0 01 2,000 - - Proceeds to be credlted to T P Sect V Loan Ftm ds R oyal A grzcultural and H ortz cultural Soclety of K enya I Sect X VI N anyukz 28 - 100 00 25 Show ground szte W J Barclay K zszz 8 1,000 240 00 33 H otel plot- granb to zssue 1 1 37 Capt R Gethzn Plot 3 Sect VI K lsu Townshzp 1 617 20l 27 00 33 Capt R Gethln Plot 4 Sect VI K lszl Townshzp l 943 234 32 00 33 (c) Ezchanges to Fccz/èlcl: Town P lannm g and ofhsr R eqla rem enu M r K arzm lee J'tvanzee Portzon of Plot 477 R lver R oad, N alrobz - - - Sublect to palrm ent of :500 on for Plot 52b V lctolza Street aceotm t of dzfference m value and rental of Sh 72 (4) DIrect tWtzzzf.v Jor Rel%q%ous, E ducat%onal and C/àtzrvltl6lo P urpoaes Balm lkz Com m um ty Part of Plot No l l87 Quarry Rd , Nazrobz 0 5 72 00 3 extendable Temple plot to 99 (c) Dnrect Jrfzxf: Jor xsfporf.v P 'urposes A rab and Afrlcan Athletzc A ssoe M om basa 6 7 - - Extenslon to present plot

V - T ow N PyuoTs, R ynvsuszox's Prabhashanlter Sadashankertsons 3 Sect X X V N loro - - - Surrendered Salvatton Arm y 31 R ulru - - Reverted to Crown on explratzon of tltle Eldoret Flour M zlls Ltd 6892 Lesetu Surrendered M z N arshl Parm anand 10 Sect I K lblgom Townshlp - - Sm rendered 6Y 8 T H E OFFICIAL G AZE T T E July 14, 1936

GxNaltM z N onacz N o 820

Instrum ents rcglstered under the Chattels Transler Ordm ance durlng the m onth of June, 1936 Numbel Ntzrn'6 oj G?c?ztt)z' Nam e oj tbcsfe: 2646 Ram Klshan Sharma s/o Raza Ram Sharma 1$ aram Slngh s/o Lal Slngh 2647 Ganda Ram s/o Roda ltam and Ram Saroup s/o Raga Ram Sharma 1î aram Slngh s/o Lal Slngh 2648 Abdul Ghanl s/o Fazal Dln Gul Mohamed s/o Kayam D1n 26.0 M oham ed bln Ahm ed b1n Om er N athu D haram shl Shah 26,,2 J'ohn K enneth R obb M aganbhal U m edbhal Patel 2603 R obelt E vans G alley and R oberts, L td 2657 Savgl Jlw a . G ularn- H usseln V m ee 2608 Cyzll N oei W llson and E dgar R obert D urston D algety and Co , L t4 2639 K assam M oham ed D ahyabhal Jethabhal Patel and M anlbhal Jctha- bhal P atel 2660 E rnest R addatz G ulabral K handubhal D esul 2662 M rs M abel Pendlebury D algety and Co , L td 2663 Tnclel Slngh s/o Ram Slngh Ebrahlm Kassam 2664 Jam es Thom as E hayler K ehar Slngh 2665 Charles A lexandel W mgllt L alll Sundenl Lakhanl 2666 Stephanus Petrus K luger The L and and A grlcultural B ank of I1i ny.t 2667 P enelope Gladys B ukbeek N atlonal B ank ol Indla, L td 2668 H eetor D ouglas Reglnaid John Phllllps

INSTAIJMENTS R E-REGISTERED 261 g A ll H ussem B abu R am K hosla antl Shlv L al K hosla, tradlng as B abu Ram ancl B rothers 2651 Fledellck R udolph E lasm us The Standard B ank of South A fmca, L td 2654 Sydnez H orne Durant Radford & Co , Ltd (Tn llquldatzon) 2655 Augustus Stephen Cam eron Durant Radfor: k Co , Ltd (In llquldatlon) 2656 Charles K enneth Arehel, A gnes G eraldlne B arnley and H oward Dennes Archel Durant Radford k Co , Ltd (In llqmdatlon) 2661 H ugh W llham P aterson The Standard B ank of South Afmca, L td

SATISFACTIONS XNTERED IN THE REGIBTER 1908 A lexander Phlhp A lcoek D algety and Co , Ltd 1935 F M Farquharson G eorge Alfred Tyson 1936 F M Farquhargon G eorge A lfrecl Tyson 2267 H arold Jam es N orle R egm ald John Phllllps 2436 N arshlclas D evgl tradlng under the style or hrm of N arshldas antl C o M ulgl Jetlla 2512 R obert E vans The Standard B ank of Soûth Afrlca, Ltd 2524 Blshen Slngh s/o M unshl Ram Thakar Dass s/o Rama 2568 L ars Oscar Svedlund Sallsbury H btel, L lm lted 2621 The F arm ils' E nglneerzng W orks Thakar Dass s/o Rama Nalrobl, W M K E ATIN G E , 10th July, 1936 R egtnira.r G eneral July 14, 1986 TH E OF FICIAL G AZE T TE 699*

Glx:bnxAra N orrzca N o 821 GMNSXAZ- N otmca N o 825

TH E BA N K R U P TCY OR D IN A N CE PROBATE AND AD M IN ISTR ATION OPDER M YDE ON A PPLICATION FOR D ISCHARGE CAusE N o 3 ol 1936 D ebl'ol '.$ 'naltte - b hulabhat Z ctvelbhat Patel, foz m el l)' a partnez ln the fizm of d CA Lal and Ix THc M ATTXR o:a Tlu E STATE o:a JAconvs N lcaorxs co ' ) T &LJAARD, IIXCEASED TAK E N OTICE that a1l pezsons havlng any clalm s Addï ts 5.r --N gaz a R oad, N all ob1 agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed deceased late D ebç ? tp't lon - M erchant of Faz m No 905/ 8 Uasln Glsllu, who dled on the 5th Court - 1f M Supz em e Coult of K en: a at N q lrobl d Av of M arch? 1936, are requlzed to lodge and prove h uwï?p er - 19 of 1934 tllelz clalm s befoze the undezslgned on or before the 12t11 d 4y of A ugust, 1936, after whlch date only the Datl oj (,? (let - 22nd M rtz ) 1936 clalm s so proved w 1l1 be pald and the estate dlstrlbuted N alu kt? e of (0, (lel vnttr/t --The bankl apt ls gl anted accordm g to la% h)s dlsclnalp,e subleet to h1q consentlng to zudg- m ent belng entezed agetlnsd hlm ln f zvour oi the Officlal R ecels er f or tlle sum of Sh 1,000 D ated 'tt Eldolet the 12th day oi J'uly, 1936 The clebtoz llas consented to zudgm ent as qfolesald and dlschazge ls gtanted to hlm Accoz dlngly F J CR OX F OR D , N a trobl, E J O'FARR ELL, Soïlct'tor jor fhe Fzccufz'lz 9th J'ul; , 1936 lleglstl tz7 , Hn.prenj,e tifo'tz; f oj X enpct

GZINERAIZ N oTlcrc N o 822 GExIcR&L N ooqcba N o 826

Tl4E II-VN IV N U PTCY OR D IN AN CE l*7 H IS M A JESTY 'q SU PR E M E COU R T OF K E N YA l ê oTl(v>l O1: D l'k IIALO.IA t NIIER ScalllsM:n o'F CoMlatlstsrlop. A T N AIR OB I D ebtoî 'ô ?,t(?/? e --Sa1 d t11 L al Bhasln, tradlng as PR O BA'TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TIO N $ IS 41 tl t) l L al Bhasln qnd Bz os ' J C,&Lss N o 46 o:n 1936 4l.1412 6.sd K lsum u Jx Tuc M ATTT'R ola Af &uEm LILLIAN G &ITSXELL (wruso Icxowx D e sf / ?1?f ton Afe) chant ts Alè&BXL FooT G&lTsxsI,Tul lNz) 1It &DING As

lslv:altAL N oTzcs N o 823 N alz obl, TH E B P O Box 507 A N K R U PTCY OR D IN A N CE ADJIJDIC&TION Su,nbm at 2/ (Jase R ALSTON & K APLAN , D esf ()7 ' s 'ntzkn 6 .--luouls H erm ltte Adrocates lor fh6 Admînlbtratrîl Atldl c.9d - N alz obl D escrtptzolb --M otor M echam c 4 (w'oltî f - H M Suprem e Court) N alrobz GINXSAL N oTlez N o 827 N nm ber ol mat t 6'r - 9 of 1936 IN I-IIS M AJESTY'S SUPRE M E COVR T OF K ENYA Da'te oj ordo? - 3z d July, 1936 AT N M R OBI Dllt e oj pefzf àt)?z - 17th M arch, 1936 PR O BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTE A TION Date 0/ o? (leï /o; sunzm aru tzdzrô?zlz.sfz'tzf ton - 4th C &uqz N o 59 ov 1936 June, 1936 N OTICE OF APPLICATION Folt PROBATE ()# THE W ILL (), lalrobl, W M K EATTN GE , GEOIICE DANFORD BALL L&TE OT' AINABIfOI, DECEASED 9th July, 19 $6 Ojltl-lal fteccz'pt 'r TA K E N OTICE that qppllcatlon havlng been m ade zn thls Courb by M rs Gwladys Ball of Aznabkoz ln the Colony of K enva, for probzte of the w 1ll of G eorge ISIœ RAL N oTzcyu N o 824 D anford Ballz late of A znqbkoz afolesald, who dled at N akuru, ln the Colony of K enya, on the 22nd day of TH E BA N K R U P TCY OR D IN A N CE M areh, 1936, thls Court 'w ll1 proeeed to zssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrazy and appearance A DJVDICATION ln thls respect entezed on or before the 28th day of S'ttv ntaty C(Ide J'uly, 1936 D ebtot ': nattbe - M ls Beztha Henry H ately (wldow) 4 dd1 tls: --Y atta R anch, Thtka N azzobl) D eqct lyfzt)x - S1sa1 Planter 9t,h J-uly, 1936 Con'rt - H M Suprem e Court, N alrobl N 'umbet ()/ ntat t c? - 16 of 1936 E J O'FA R R ELL, D ate oj order - 3rd July, 1936 B eg%ntra'ti, D aie oj znefzf kon - 10th J'une, 1936 S'tlpre'zn,e (Ionrt o/ X enya raz robz, W M K EA TIN GE , N ot e .- l'he wl1l abo: e nam ed ls now deposlted and 9th J'uly , 19.36 Ojsetal .'Itecezwcz open to lnspectzon at the Court 700 TH E OFFICIAL G AZE TTE July 14, 1936

GXNERAL N on cz N o 828 tlxxxszua N o'rzcrs N o 831

IN TH E M ATTER OF TH E COM PAN IES TH E TR ADE M AR K S OR DIN ANCE, 1930 O R D IN A N CE , 1933, AP/IJCATION No 2271 AN D EAST AFRICAN AIRW AYS, LIM ITED N OTICE ls heleby gllen pursuand to Sectlon 234 of tho Com panles Ordlnpnce) 193 3 ,. that a M eetlng of the Credztoxs of the Com pany w lll b.. e held at the R eglstered Ofliee, Stanley H ous e z H azdlnge Stlee t y N alrob h on M onday the 20th d Ay of J'uiy, 19,16, at 2 45 p m for the ucztsytyuyo purposes speclfed In seetlons 234 and 235 of the Com - panles Ozdlnance, 1933 TAK E N OTICE that an applleatlon for the regls- tratlon of the Trade M at k shown above ln Class 2 ln By Order of the B oard respec L of wood pzeservatzve has been lodged by Sontl K am es 3n1 of svood Preservatlon Sectlon Dated thls 11th day of July, 1936 j N ew Forest, D ehra D un, U nlted Plovtnces, Bzltlsh lndla , M anu- taeturer, whose address fo1 sezvlce ln the Colony ls c/ o A D UN STAN AD AM S, M esszs R alston and K aplrtn , A dvocates and Solzeltorsy hecvetary ('olnet H louse, H ardm go Stleet, N aàrob: The sa d Tl ade M ark wlll be leglstered after the ( xplratlon of nlnety days fzom the date oi tllls Gazette ploN tded no noLlce of opposltlon ls recetved , GENERAL N oTlcl N f.y 829 X al.l obt, EAST AFE TCAN A IRW AYS, LIM ITED 9th J'uly, 1.936 tcRI,mlTo1>s VoLvxm<v LIquInATIoN) N OTICE 1% hercbv gw en tlaat the credltors of tlze W M K EATINGE, above-narrled Com pan, are requzred on or befole the 31s# dav of A ugust, 1936, to send ln theIz nqm es and ltegtbtîar 0/ I,ad6 :N::? l ç adtlresses wlth pal tlculars of thelz debts or clalnls and the names and addtesses of tbelr sollcltoz s (1f any) to A ngus A Laqzle, Stanley H ouse, H aldlnge Stleet, N alrobz, Ineol po1 ated Aceountant, one of tlle Llqulda- tozs of the sald Com pqny and lf so zequlred bv notlce G axsxxw N oxtcs No 832 ln w r,t3) g bsr elther of the Llqu3dators, aze, bv thelr sollcltors or pezsonally, to com e ln and prove thepr s )td TH E FR AUDULEN T TR AN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES debts ol clalm s at such tlm e and place as shall be OR DIN ANCE, 1900 spèelfled ln s! f 11 potlee ol ln def alllt theleof they w 11 l)e excluded from the beneftt of any dlstrlbutlon m ade N oTlûx before such debts are ploved PUR SUANT to the alaove Ordlnanee notxce zs here- by gtveu that the buslness of a Gl ocfok and 'W lne D ated ihls 3rd day of July, 1936 M ezchant known as C P V R odrlgues and sons cqlzled on at Saltm R ortd, M om laas :, has been tzans- E B GTLL, ferred as set out ln the paltleulals izereunder - Chart ered a'lccozllftznf Name tznd addt eqs,s o! àtttlào/ezro: - C P V Rodrl- gues, t) adzng as C P V R odrtgues and Sons, ANG'US A LAW RIE , Sahm R oad In corpovated 'lccozrnftznf, Naln tr and cddrcr.s o! f'rczty/cret',s - lsmazl Vlncente Ltqludatovs Thom as R odrsgues, K anll M eghlz Shah, Dadbha N aranll Sodha and Bhagwatslngh R atanstngh M ahlda, tradlng as C P V R odrlgues and Sons, Sallm R oad, M om basa G'rNZZU L N ovïcr N o .930 Nat tfrc ol h'tzdlntrds - Grocer and W lne M erchants The buslness w1ll be carrled on at Sallm Roàd, TH E R EGISTR ATION OF DESIGN S ORDINAN CE: M om basa, under the nam e and style of C P V Rodrz- 1933 gm es 'tnd Sors IT ls hereby notlfed for genel al Inform atlon that The transferee zs not assum lng nor Is lntended to the followlng subsequent entrv relatlng to D eslgn N o tssttme an, llabllzt. znf urz ed In the 'buszness bv the 11 of 1934 ln tlae K enya R eqlster of D eslgns w as m adfz tl ansfelol by m e on the 8th day of J'uly, 1936 - D ated thls 9ih day of Jnly, 1936 Dat 6 of tzpplzcafdt?zr - 8th July, 1936 Nam e 0/ appltcan,t - The Goodyear Tzre and Rubbez C P V RODR IGU ES, Com pany Transjeror Address ()/ appllcamk - 1144 East M arket Street, Akron, County of Sum m lt, State of Ohto, K AN JI M EGH JI SH AH , 'Unlted States of Am ez 1ca V T R OD RIGUES, N atnre ()/ appïîca'tto'n and e'nf'm/ m ade --lteglstra tlon of extenslon foI :ve years of copvrlght zn D N SODH A, a deszgn foz a m otor tzze Docïtmenl's /1164 lzn, reql çfv 11 --certlfeate of extensaon B T1 M AH IDA, f oz fu) tbez pez 1od of 6ve vears dated 12th Irapmleree% Junc) 1936, lssued m the 'Unltecl K m gdom Perlod p/ 6zf 601:10% - F1ve years 'W ltness - W M K EATTN GE, 1* Chrlstle, Ikngtztrtnr // Deszgnz Ad: ocate, Albm basa J1'O 11A 'I'1!1 0 1d' K blN YA Statir ez:t c f .A . sset:g aua.. T= sa ax.-,'.x.:. L: a a: al l!a-x e owp-w.xu- rx exu- z-uao . *anano6

LIABILIT IEE A SSE IY G E : ct8 11 # tlf.e f ,e ote f ' ot8 Dxposrrs - IxvssezvMlm s - Savlngs Bank 329 681 19 71 Savm gs Bank 316,813 13 c A'lom baeh W ater W orks- Renew ale Fund l 665 1 18 M om basa W ater W orks- R enew als Fund l 665 l 8 X lsum u W ater 14 orlvs- Renewals Fund 1 976 15 .19 X zslpm u W ater W orks- Renewals Fund 1,976 61 * Alachalxos W lkter W orke- rtenew ats b u:vd l1G G 39 M achakos W ater W olks- Renew als Fund l75 83 Amat3e M ltlows tmd Orphans' Penslon Fund 67 558 16 91 Supplernentary Slnklng F'und Reserve- Eldoret W ater Supply 3 072 00 Speclal Resemre Fulld 558 7 66 PubIzc Trustee Funds 76 469 51 M ahara) Slngh Fund 28 5 58 Aszatlc W zdowg' and Orphans' Penmon s'und 67,5(47 92 Indlan Troops Fund l86 17 58 Specla,l R eserve Fund 550 25 M zseellaneous 432,41 7 l l 01 M ahara) Slngh s'und 28 58 Stam p D uty R esew e Fund 64,028 9 57 Indlan Troops Fund 186 38

Supplemenutazrvy SlSnllntklnzng gE uFnudn d Reserve-rldoret 18,992 19 37 Stuapmp ye mDeunttya rRye sSemrvkel nsg'u Fnudn d 6183,794009 78 l5 W ater Supply 3 130 12 81 Atm aram Pandya Selïolarslup Fund 204 41 Atm aram Pandva Seholarshm 'Fund 204 14 41 European Cw ll Servlue Provzdent Fund :.993 01 E uropean Clvzl Servme Pzovldent Fund 10,543 2 60 Aslan Czvll Semuce Provldent Fund 1.842 08 A slan Czvll Servlce Pzow dent Fund 2,655 6 t)7 - - 562 136 1 65 - - - - 933.811 6 84 K A R CLorrzuxo Itcseavln S'ro'iœ , LoxooN 3 705 0 0i1 D sAre'l's 5 515 4 36 Investm ent A dlustm ent A ccount l45 2 26 Z .: eva AD: ixels .- central A gzlcultural A dvances Board 101,057 4 86 Czvzl Sezvants Buzldmg Schem es 1 6,863 19 l 3 Loa.N Fuxrs- u xslaux'r BALANCUS - M lscellaneous 86,131 13 28 :3 500 000 1928 Loa.n 112,106 lb 97 lnter D epartm ental f'loaranee A ecount 4l6 11 68 :3 400,000 1930 Loan 303,883 1 1$4 . .-.- 204 469 f5 95 :305,600 1933 Loan 59,271 2 30 f : ete - - - 469,261 0 41 SUSPENSEI Accoox'l's .- Turka'na Tax 279 1 03 LoAN- ShT.% ov Elm oa'k.'r W A rl It Suem v 27,520 IG 95 M aehm oo and Plsnt 7i)$) 16 54 Excass oy A ssjr'rs ovsa Llwsztltrra,s 284 >918 3 40 - - 1,048 17 57 IUOANS - f . cu M alze Industpry 11 1,459 19 95 W heat Industry 4,204 9 30 B arley Irzdttstry 425 9 05 . 116,089 18 30 IzoANs To LOCAL B olàxss : é, cf8 i AR omMa nJ eCea:t ahnoleloe M& xsCsloo n Yala 21,57159 0 10)90 Eldoret M um czpal Boazd 27,520 16 95 31,798 17 64 I'vœ xxs'zs 1,465 0 ûtj p U Nav.zaoca'.rso Strou s -- à, s cle

j Puosbtl leO œWcoer ks Department 211% ,253680 135 26%1 l Kr A R Ratlons 1,350 l 5 09 l casa - - s . a . c/,a 4j l4ty la jjy j WOn1 thD eCprooswltn (EAxgeedn)t s 4389, 014020 180 00 On D eposzt Stam p D uty R eserve Fund 100 l 1 41 On Cm 'rent A eeount w lth Banks or at D zstmet 'Jreasumes 224 787 5 53 In Tranmt betwoen Chests 5,937 16 68 J'zuqtees- Aslatlc M rzdow s and Orphans' PenBlon Fund 49 19 99 ------7:9,018 lt 61 Tol'A.rz < 1.721,026 11 96 T olwry Z 1,721.026 11 96 = = = K======- ' '- - - ' - N anobl, G W A LSH , Treaaurer o J9th June, 1936 70î TH E OFW CIA L G AZE TTE Jnly 14, 1936 N 9 W 0# SA L% G E O L O G IC A L R E PO R T N o. 4 SU R V E Y O F N o. 2 M IN IN G A R E A , K A V IR O N D O W ITH M AP OF NORTII.W EST QUADRANT

B Y C STA N SFIELD H ITCH EN , PH :i> , B Nc , A. R (ë s , D I c y :tP G S , & I M M , M A I M B (ieolog%st

PRI/E 1/. posted 1/10

To be obtalned from the G overnm ent Prm ter, N awobl

R ates of Subscription to O ffical G azette. S% ctd For one yeat 25 00

,, s1x m onths 13 00 three m onths (excludm g postage) 6 50

,, tlzree m onths (lncludlng m stage) 7 50 Szngle co-py (excludlng postage) 0 50 Slngle eopy (lncludlng postage) 0 60 (Subscmptlons m ust be prepald )


z4!1 N oùces and a'ltstlezàzd:v?z6lzf.ç by Prsrtzf: Adnertu ers 'm cg 1)6 tendered ior sent fhrccf by Podf to f/z: GO VEBNM ENT PRINTER , Ncvob', jor $zld:e&tm at fhc authonzed zcfe.ç oj paym ent The o/.p c h'onrn are jrom 9 a m to 4 p m , cloysrtg at o'olock (?lz Saturdags All A'tlfgctl,v and xtltsrczfsycpzezlfd m lu t be pz:pcld To dtlr: delay N t?fzce.: and dd'tld'r&.:ezm e?zf.9 8ent tfîzrecf by P odà sïtoltld b6 Jccöllzpcm 6d bg rem ttfanee âfcffdg jol. p'llbnccfso?z sltould zzccpz the GOVERNM ENT PRINTER xot llf er 'fht'n 9 a '?'?z o'rl tlte Stztzlztfc?/ oj f/z: meek bejore p'lzblscatlo?z $.: denred

A U TH OIU ZE D SCAL E OF CH AR G E S S% c/ #or znsertzon ln Oë clal Gazette (colum n) 32 00 (half colum n) 16 00 (quarter colum n or less) 8 00