" Has Been Good Carmen Jones Comes to Miami " When the concert version of ‘Carmen Jones” comes to Miami TIMES—The People** Newspaper - pn Feb. 16 at the Liberty City THE MIAMI To Me Campanella Elementary School, sponsored by SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1956 PAGE 9 NEW YORK (ANP)—When he Northwestern Senior Roy Campanella says “baseball School and on Fob. 17 at the has been good to me” you can SCHOOLBOY Booker T. Washington High School bet ail the tea in China, he’s dead auditorium, Muriel Rahn, the not- ed soprano will be billed as its serious and has the deepest love CRACKS WORLD EXPERT TV . RADIO SERVICE for the game as such. But when star. Miss Rahn stoutly denies you consider Roy Campanella and that she is the **star” of this piece. plus RECORD IN She says she is merely singing the TV Repair* in Home $2.50 part* other great Negro baseball play- 1 ers of 15 years ago, you are title role in Carmen Jones, the one brought to shop plus parts INDOOR CENTURY she Radios SI.OO bound to stop and shake your created on Broadway. head in disbelief. Why? NEW YORK (ANP) A Oscar Hammerstein, as every- ALL WORK GUARANTEED knows by now, adapted the Well, did rotund Roy, making new schoolboy track whiz broke one WRITTEN ESTIMATE ON ALL TV BHOP REPAIRB an effort to catch on with a Ne- into the limelight last week in the musical play from Bizet’s opera meet. “Carmen,” and, says Miss Rahn, gro team when he was a chubby New York University track Service is our business - not a side line kid, realize that he was on the He is Alfred Burchell Phillips of “It was and greatest job of N. J., who ran a 9.8 of translating and modernizing threshold a fortune that would Montclair, ¦mmm a 1 as m au Television Co., 1234 N.W. 3rd Ave. give him lasting fame and word- mile, the fastest time ever made opera to come on the American ly fortune? Again, you can bet indoor in the event by a school- scene.” . . . Mr. Hammerstein VfALLmAKIt Ph. 82-2993 day, HI 4-2362 nights all the cows in Texas and that’s boy. once said he always felt there the heifers’ home, he didn’t. All Phillips is a Garden State out- would be much more enjoyment he wanted was to play ball and door sprint champion. Last year listening to opera in his own lan- grab whatever dough that came he posted a 9.9 mark on the cin- guage, and pf ever there was a as a result. ders. resurgence of opera in this coun- Consider this. Last week, Roy Phillips came to the U. S. in try it would be because of first- Campanella signed a contract 1950. In the West Indies, he had rate translations. In this he was with right. FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE th* Brooklvn Dodgers for $42,500 been running since he was 11 The biggest hit at the Met- —the tap pay any Brooklyn play- years old. “They start early down ropolitan two seasons ago was the er has received. The same week, there,” said the 5-9, 150-pound English translation of De Fleder- Roy purchased a $28,000 motor \lfred. “We ran on grass rolled maus. We have since seen it on Barkley's Cut Rate boat and he is moving into a iown hard.” television.” “The $60,000 brand new ranch house At Montclair, the 18-year-old thing he stresses most,” Avenue Rahn, 1201 N. W. Third out om close to the wanted to compete in the cross continued Miss “is that the Long Island sound, a enough music must not be tampered with. with land- country last fall, but not . . . or Ourtsdde of a few minor re-pharis- We Deliver Just call FR 3-9458 FR 4-2376 ing pier for his yacht! Besides, Toys came out for the team so he ings, for purpose of Mr. Campanella and his family decided to play soccor. He stated theatrical LADIES APPAREL MEN’S GOODB comfort the score must be loft will do the unusual even for a he would like to go to Pitt or Undershirt* A Shorts .49 up intact. That is exactly what was Blouses, large, med, email «qo1.98 ball plaver, come the last of Feb- Michigan State and that he ex- Long g|eeye Bhlrtg and Sweat ruary. He will sail to the Dodger compete the National done with “Carmen Jones.” >eats to in Girdles 1.69 up Shirts training camp in his own private 60 (scholastic) next month. Shave lotion • Cresus and yacht—traveling by inland water Perfume A Talcum Powder Hair Tonic ' wavs to Florida’s Vero Beach. BLOOD TESTS A Complete Line for Ladies Not bad, eh? Well, add to his MEDICINE __ Children . _ „ baseball salary, an income frodi a Billy McNeece to MARRIAGE S S S Tonic 1.19 A 1.99 prosoerous liquor store business Panties, size 4-5-6, 5 pr. 1.00 Laxtone I*6o in (reputedly $250,000 a Meet Jimmy Morris HEALTH Socks, size sto 11 .29 & .39 R.D.X. Reducing tablets 2.98 year—and if Roy nets 10 per cent qq to add pounds 2.98 Tuesday , Rahv i Wate on of that he coins a cool $25,000 in 312 Seybold Bldg. ‘P Cooking utensils & Household addition to his salary). Rough and ready Billy Mc- A complete line of baby Items Goods And just a year ago, experts Neece of New York makes his FR 4-5684 were saying Roy was washed lip. debut Tuesday night at the Mi- Complete Line School Supplies ,His injured hand had given him ami Beach Auditorium when he If no answer WHERE so much trouble in fact, that tackles hard hitting Jimmy Mor- SHOP AT BERKLEY’S EVERY WEEK hand lost the pennant for the ris of Miami in the 10 round fea- Dodgers in 1954 as subsequent NE 5-8043 PRICES ARE RIGHT ture bout. $ events proved. Is, anybody be- McNeece has the reputation of Roy 1201 N.W. 3rd Avenue grudging his success? If there being a two-fisted puncher who is such a person, he hasn’t shown wades in from the opening round SUPPORT YOUR YMCA t ¦ up yet. Nobody deserves the and never lets up. He is regard- things baseball has brought him ed as one of the better crowd- more than Roy Campanella and nleasing fighters in the New York evervbodv prays he will not only area. have another grand vear, but the Billy, who recently concluded a “ten more” he predicts. two-year army hitch, has beaten ' * such outstanding fighters as Bob- HAVE YOU LOST VS? O by Dykes, Ted Olla, and knocked * Daily ou/t Jackie Laßua. He also licked f * Defender Garth Panther. Begins Morris is the latest fighter from Publication this area to make good as a main The first issue of the Daily De- eventer. Jimmy, who learned a fender went *on sale Monday 'rood deal of his ring generalship morning, Feb. 6. A newsboy from the shrewd Bobby Dykes, is Sunny South Paint Store dress(*d in a tri-cornered hat, and convinced that he is on his way carrying a town crier’s bell will to the top of the middleweight deliver the first copy to Mayor ladder. Richard J. Daley at 10:20 am. Morris looked very good in his 0 journalism hstJtwo outings when he knocked Flagler in St Q-en>" new era Now at 1223 West in America. out Bobby Lane (it was Lane’s « At the same time, other boys first kayo in 46 bouts) and trounc- will deliver copies to other select- ed Joe Miceli. ed city and County officials. The The Miceli .victory earned him McNeece. Jimmy is ’SAME town crier idea will be earned the bout with SAME pJfl out in street sales for two weeks. mdefeated in his last six outings The Daily Defender will be a 1 and is managed by the attorney QUALITY %SERVICE tabloid newspaper with emphasis ’earn of Len McMillen and Ernie on pictures. It will provide gen- Roth. eral coverage of world and local Promoter Chris Dundee also is events as well as news of the lining up an attractive supporting community served by the Chica- card. #

go for 50 ' Defender more than • yearsl k YOU WITH It will be on sale at news- WE ARE WAITING TO SERVE stands, by mail subscription, and by newsboy. The tabloid size Income Tax paper will appear Monday EXPERTLY PREPARED mornings, and through Thursday File Now for Early Refund • SUNNY SOUTH PAINTS will sell for five cents. The stand- % ard size Chicago Defender will ap- B. VBRLEY, ildi N.W. 3rd AVE pear on Friday mornings as a Phone FR 4-3207 or SE 5-3014 weekend paper, and will sell for todf Benjamin Moore Paints 15 cents. It will contain all tV» O features of the tabloid paper, plus many new features. A COMPLETE STOCK OF BRUSHES Sugar Ray to Get FOR SALE FOR YOUR PAINTING NEEDS 2 Bedroom, 1 bath ANYTHING 75G’s For Olson 3363 N.W. 51 st St.

- fully furnished * Rematch Like new With Solar Water Heater HOLLYWOOD, Calf. (ANP) en lot 50x115 sign- has Caa Build on Front ed to defend his middleweight title against Carl “Bobo” Olson Easy Terms PAINT, ha Consider Lots as Down Payment EVERGLADES in and will receive $75,000 or 30 percent of the gate CALL UN 6-8098 and TV money, Promoter Jackie Flagler Street Leonard announced here lass HAVE CHOICE LOTS 1223 West week. Brown Sub and Liberty City will meet Olson in the PHONE 9-7535 Robinson Sell, build and finance rematch on April 27. FREE PARKING IN REAR Leonard also said that the In- Call UN 6-8096 FREE DEUVERY ternational Boxing Club would not be a co-oromoter and would figure only in the TV money.