Senator Claire Moore WEEKLY UPDATE: 25th May, 2018 Phone: (07) 3252 7101; email:
[email protected];; Twitter:;; THIS WEEK: The government has now determined the date for the five Super Saturday by- elections around the nation. Surely, it is only a coincidence that the chosen date, Saturday 28th July, coincides with our Labor National Conference! The explanation for a two month delay in providing the opportunity for electors in these five seats to make their choice for their representative ,as provided by the Australian Electoral Commission, is that there needs to be time to ensure that the new system around citizenship eligibility is bedded down and that there cannot be elections during school holidays. June 30 was the first available satisfactory date so why we do we have to wait almost another month to franchise electors in those five seats? This further clouds the real motives of the Government in choosing the end of July for these by-elections. As the new system seems to be a new form, and there have been many elections during school holidays, as recently as Bennelong in NSW, there may well be other considerations which are not so transparent. I think it is difficult to understand the difference between the needs for representation of people in Bennelong and Batman with those living in Longman, Perth, Freemantle, Mayo and Braddon. The media has covered the reaction of Senator Penny Wong in Senate Estimates, as well as comments from Bill Shorten and Mark Butler this morning.