.""011 CAUHDAa lIRA". ,...... -tN. AI ,a ••• ,a ZI, AI, .. aM CI ,_ 'a •• II.IeI,. Paoc.IIED rooDa, B ...... Cooler AI ...... za .... AS II, •••,.. I'f , ...... , ...Ie.,.; 'l1GAa. .ta_.. ... at ••• as ..... r... ,.. ".0 ...... 1.'."DIIeI,; •• ,...... , ... ._ I.. lin ,.• .a •••f ...... ~r ..... P ••,....,." ..., ,ear. IOWA: Fa... a" eooler. OASOLINI A-It •••, .... ,_ 1Ia •••, ....,.. tl; ..VIL THEII DAILY IOWAN OIL ,.rI.. , ••• G ...... Ie,.. II. pt... "1'1" eae •••,... ••• ..... 8HO•• , .,'...... Iowa City's Morning Newspaper .....'1 ••e a.' lwe..... l.de.'lall.e.I,. fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY. AUGUST 13.19-44 TIll! .AJl1OCI",...... VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 271 FDR Speaks to Nation AtaG'- American Armor Pushes . Today's I ·From u.s. Destroyer Iowan , ~~------~ Toward Southern France ltalleD hued* *planes * born b 'Musl Guard 001 Moves to Get FDR Marvels French and Italian rivierus as the spoUilht tUrns aga in to the "Against Future 1ruc.ks.lnt~ Operation Mediterranean. YANKS CROSS RIVER IN PURSUIT OF RETREATING NAZIS Rub Out One auliaD& e1ldaqer entire Ger­ A Agam mMidwest AI Press man left flank with drive on Masurian lake r gion of East Back-to-Work Prussia. Nazi Salienl 199ressions' & D Movement Taking Keeping Sec rei Y k • continue whirlwind drIves as Nazis throw in rein­ Germans Hurl All 'We Do Not Desire Effed Gradually BREMERTON, Wa h. (AP)­ forcemenl to stave off entrap. The president s tood at a micro­ ment west of Puris. Available Forces Any POllellions (AP)-The rumbling phone at the base on a gun-mount Into Normandy Bulge Of United Nations' of huge over-the-road trucks was on the de troyer to deliver his expected to be heard again this address in the navy yard. A cloudy Reds Tighten Trap HEADQU AR­ weekend along Nebraska and Iowa sky obscured Ihe sun. Exp ditionary BREMERTON, Wa h. ( AP ) He appeared tanned trom hIs - Prfsidt'nt Roosl'velt. rl' lnrned highways as the war-essential Foree, • Iluday ( AP)-Thp 01- long sea voyages of recent days. On 300,000 Troops lit'S, with official mystery clook­ 10 jhe United States last night transportation lines pass into 10 v­ The chief executive interrupted (rom Oil extended tour of the ernment hands-and an operators his prepared text to comment on ing th Amet'i can win!? at'ound Next to Baltic Sea the left £lank of the half-encir­ Pacific to declare this nation spokesman said the trucks may re­ what he termed "a modern mar­ mllst be permllnpntly prepared vel"-the fact that newspapers cled Germon • eventh army in main In government possession "a did not break security to discU3S north we. tern Franc, pound d again. t futul'C JllpanCS"e aggres- long time." Smash Six Miles ions for al t times. his trip although they were in on forward slowly at five point~ in The back-to-work movement the secret from the lime he lett To Reach World the bulge between l\'{ortain and "That is a simple statement Washington. from the military, naval and air after the week-long strlk'e in eight War I Battleground aen y sterday and American Sailors and workers jammed the armor pushed toward Routh('rn point of view, " the pl'eRident midwest states began gradually area before his ship to listen to LONDON. Sunday (AP)-Oen. Fronce well below th Loirt' 10 declared in a speech broadcost yesterday and picked up speed his words. As he stood to speak. a the p0l1.entolls accompaniment from a destroyer docked in the last night as dockmen prepared cheer and upplause went up from G. F. Zakharov's Second White of bomb bUrRlq on the Ml'diter­ Puget Sound Davy yard bere. materials stalled at truck termin­ the audience. He waved a return RussIan army yesterday smashed gr~ting . six miles throuah slrong German rallean COORt. "But with the end at a Japanese als lor shipments. One German sllllent sI x mlles In his speech, Mr. Roosevelt fortifications northeast of War­ threat there is an excellent out­ May Contlaue went Into detailed description of wide and four miles deep was look tor a permanent peace In the In Omaha, Nebraska chairman the military installations he vi s­ saw, a.,d reached the a iebn.a river AMEIUCAN INFANTR.YMEN, equipped tor baUie and ready for lOme tou ..h tl.. htln.. , use row boats rubbed out by coordinated Brltl sh­ whole of the Pacific area." M. M. Krupll1llky of the Midwest ited in the Pacific. marshes, last big obslscle separ- to erou the Mayenne rIver In France as they advance In pursuIt or the neeln.. Germans In the drive Canadian drives below Caen. Mr. Roosevelt said "we have no Operators association said govern­ He told of his military confer­ atln, the Russial1ll from the lam- toward Paris and complete vlelory. The Germans, reverslnjf their ences in Honolulu with "myoId ow First World war batUe,round ------desire to ask for any possessions ment possession, eUected by a -----r------.------previous wit h d l' a w a I tactics, iriend Gen. Douglas MacArthur," of the Masurian lakes Il1lIlde Ger­ hurled all available reinforcements of the united nations. But the presidential order for the office and said he had participated In Wo-Pe-Na Court of Honor- man East PrllSSla. r Into the Normandy bul,e which united nations who are worlting so at defense transportation to tllke "interesting and usetul confer­ American, Brltlsh and Canadian TlIbten Trap well with us the winning of the over and operate the lines, may ences accompanied by Admiral troops were battering from three Nimitz and my own chief of staft. In the north three other power­ war will, I am confident, be glad continue "for a long time unless sides. Admiral Leuhy. and General Rich­ ful Soviet armies tightened their Ceremony Climaxes ScouiOuting The vast regions at France below to join with us in protection some relief is worked out" to en­ ardson. the command In, general able the operators to pay wage In­ trap on possibly 100,000 German the broad Loire rIver already had against aggression and in machin­ of army forces in the Hawailan B)' K08E ER.ICSON been penetrated by Arne r ic a n creases ordered by the war labor troop pinned a,alnst the Baltic •furt her recoinltlon last night; they lighted eevnts of ~a ch week's camp ery to prevent aglll'esslons." area, and Admiral Halsey. com­ ground forces which slabbed more board. mander of the Third fleet." sea. and one of these Red armies Dall)' lo... an CIty Editor are J ock Davis who received the period. The president docked here 30 Calling attention to a statement suddenly lashed out westward to- Bob Ojemonn ond John Stock- Those receivllll the tenderfoot than 10 miles sout hward a fter lib­ The three days of conferences. Gold Ea,le palms and Jim Wie­ erating Nantes. days after he left Washington 101' by Col. J. Monroe Johnson, ODT ward Llepaja. west Latvian port, man, both of Iowa City. were rank were DwIght Stanlleld and he sa Id, "developed complete ac­ gand. who was presented with the But lack of news concerning that his first war tour of the Pacific. director, that the lines will be re­ cord both In the understanding of and toward Memel. Germo{1 lea- named outstanding fi r s t year Jerry White; second class scouts turned to private operation only port at the northern tip of Ger- campers at the Boy Scout camp. Sliver Ealle palms. named Aug. 5 werc Duvid Hall front and on actlylty beyond Le During his absence-during which the problem that cOnfron ts us and Re<;el vln, the te.,derfoot rank Mans on the Paris road- a place as last as they comply with the in the opinion as to the best man East PrussIa. Wo-Pe-Na, hi court of honor cere- and George Wecksung. werl\ Bill Mltchell j Leslie Rohrel, the Democrats nominated him for WLB order, Krupinaky said: method Jar its solu tion." A Moscow communique an- monies which last night cllmaxcd First class scouts are Tom Cady. which the Amerlcans had passed Norman Walers, Dick Youn" Ver­ th~ a fourth term- the chIef eKecut!ve "It the, waite Inc.eases, both The prelldent said the HawaIIan nounced. lne capture of ~I 0 townl a three week outing. Ri chard DeJa.muth, Robert Oje­ four days previOUSly- reached Ilnd his miltllrY aides visited Pearl retroactive and current, lire to islands have bee n converted and villa,es, more than half of Owen B. Thiel scoul executive nie ,Rain , Jim Merrlt. Jerry In ann ond Wilford Schwortlng. proportions of a complete black­ Cherry, J unIor Bauer and Vall out. Dispa tches from the front Harbor and Alaska military opera­ come out of net operating revenue from a mere outpost to a major them by lhe adjoining armies ot Ipre sented aword~ to more than 90 after seizure, the government is General Zakharov and Marshal campers. Trump. were heavily censored, and at the tions. base for frontline operations in the New Policy going to have possession of these Pacific. He brought a cheer from Konslnntin K. Rokossovsky's First Almost II hundred parents and Second la s scouts were named iate night headquarters press con­ Pral.es Prepara&lonl Jines for ;/ lone time unless some his audience when he declared White Russian troops. friends of the boys who have lived 9 S follows: Mylln Charles. Bob TOKYO (AP)-A new policy ference there was no word at de­ for Japan's controlled press, prom­ In last night's address he praised relief Is worked out in Washing­ "the islands will make possible fu­ Near II.aIlwa, at !.he camp observed campfire Davis, Dean Eva ns. John Jacobi. velopments. J im McGarry. Charles McDaniel. ising the end of the government's highly the preparations for war­ ton." ture operations in China- make The latter army was within services from log bleachers sur­ The speed, extent and objectives Inereaaed Costs Ralph McBride. DwIght Stanfield, "indirect guidllnce" and more re­ of the American drives so befud­ lare in both places. He pointed out possible the recapture and inde­ four miles at the Warsaw-Blaly- roundin, the "scout made" coun­ Increased operating costs. prin­ pendence of the PhiHppines, and stok railway on • broad fropt be- ell r1ng which was- embraced with Claude Williams, Dick Young. DIck gard (or public opinion, has been dled the Germans that the allies near the start of his address that, cipally for tires and eqUipment, make possible the carrying of war tween the beselged PoUsh capl- colorful totem poles and a sus­ Zeithamel and Gary Sullivan. reported by the oCllcJal Darnel clamp-down on word of progress, during his absence, he has been make it impossible for the opera­ into the home Jslands at Japan tal and ?tyond the Bu, river as pended Thunderbird. Scouts worthy of tlrst class rank news agency, announcing, "the situation must United States government moni­ In constant daily communication tors to comply with the order for Itsell. and its capital city of the R~sslans wheeled toward East Others named as outsl:lndlng were Carth Bigbee, Junior Ewalt, remain obscure purely for security with Washington and with fighting .3 of a cent increase in mileage Tokyo." Prussia. first year campers were Willis Bob Newburn, Rox Shain. Arnold tors recorded a Damei broadcast reasons," torces in the European and far rates and seven cents In hourly Mr. Roosevelt said upon his re­ Driving northwest alan, both Halverson' Arnold Swal1es and Swailes. Dean Wagner, Dick Hook which SIIid Tokyo newspapers It asked public patience "be­ prominently reported the new eastern war theaters. rates. Krupinsky said. turn to Washington he Jntends to sides 01 the Blalystok-Lyck rail- Almaron Wilder. Second ,-ear out­ and Jack Randall. cause on secrecy depends the suc~ polley. It added the hope at Jap­ . Sailors, workers and guests who "By far the larger part of the set up a study of Alaska and the way le.dlng to East Prussia:s slsndlng camper was Bill Lindsey. Merit ballges in many of the cess of the allied plan and the lives Jammed the dockside of the Puget drivers' income is from mileage Aleutian islands as "a place to southeastern corner, Zakharov s ,James Lawton was awarded a 110 crafts and Industries amon, anese editors that the chance Qf American, British, Canadian Sound navy yard waved as the wold permit them to infuse "fresh rates," he said. which many veterans of this war, troops captured Klewyanka, onl1 bronze medal 08 thIrd year out­ Boy Scout projects were awarded and other allied soldiers." prtsident's ship moved in. The The operators' spokesman said especialy those who do not have seven miles east of the railway standing camper. last night to Garth Blbgee. Harold all''' into news columns which evi­ On the remainder of the active chief executive. wearing a felt hat "we expected the seizure order strong roots In their own homes, where it crosse, the Blebrza river. Outstanding amon, awards pre­ Blumenstine. Tom Cady. Jim dently have lost public confidence. front, the British driving four and dark suit, waved back and would include a provision that the can go to become pIoneers." Klewyanka itself is only 18 miles sented last night was the Eagle Cash. Bob Crum. Jack Davis, Doug miles east of Thury-Harcourt, chatted with those on shipboard wage increase sought by the driv­ {rom the East Prussla~ border. rank reeclved by Franklin Eby Dierks, Frank Eby, Junior Ewalt, Davis Visits Guam rea c h e d Frjlsney-Ie-Vieux and as the vessel came in. He pllfted ers would be paid by the opera­ and other troops lighting IIlong . Sailors Applaud and Dick Flester, Willis Halverson. GUAM, Aug. 7 (Delayed) (AP) linked up with Canadians who easily on a cilarette and conversed tors after the seizure, but we the Augustow canal farther north 0 James Law ton ted .DthWJgthht Bill Hlttler, Dick Hook. Franklin pushed down tram Bretteville­ with his daughter, Anna Boettiger didn't anticipate that there would Five-Year-Old Fala ·th· 11 wens were presen WI e -Elmer Davis, chief of the of­ are WI In 11 m es at the frontier. Sta "k d 1 t th E I Knower. James Law ton. Max fice of war information. visIted sur-Lalze. This ,ave the British who went out to meet the presl­ BREMERTON. Wash. (AP)­ r ra It ,secon on y a e 01 e be any reference to back pay," Lewis, Bm Lin d s e y, Ronald Guam's battleUnes yesterday and control of the Caen-Thury hl'h­ d.ent's ship early yesterday after­ which Krupinsky said operators Fala, the president's pet scotty. badge. highest scouting award. Senior scout titles for which the Mumby. Robert Olemann. Dwight observers felt he was making a way. noon. had expected to "work out" with got a big hand from the sallon Owens. Rob Rasley. Jack Randall, The Canadians took the road Pia)'. Hooke)' the uniion. and workers at the Puget Sound Over 41 Parked Nip boys have worked throu,hout the first-hand study of ways to en­ campln, period were presented to Ken Reeds, Jack Reece, Ro~ courage Japanese soldlen to Bur­ junction town of Barbery and ad­ The president revealed that near "The operators are doing every­ navy yard here late yesterday. Shain, Arnold Swailes, Jack Wag­ vanced a mile and a half south­ Juneau, Alaska, "I played hookey thing in their power to resume As the president finished a radio the followlnl: Jack Davis. scout render. Planes Destroyed craftsman, art I san, sportsman, ner, Franklin Walters, George Conceding that American prop­ ward to Bois Halbout. for three hours, went tishlng and normal operations," he SIIid, add­ address on his just-completed These drives eliminated the Ger­ tour of the Pacific tbe :fIve-year­ woodrman and dtizen. Wecksung, Jim Wle,and and Dick aganda In the Plcilic area w.s less caught one halibut and one floun­ ing that many lines with Omaha man SlllIent between the Lalze terminala were attempting to get old pet came forward on tbe de­ BJIl ltittler received ten lor scout Williams. successful than In Europe, Davis der." In Aerial Sweep In the court at honor held Aug. and Orne rIver. Whether any siz­ For the most part, his talk was their trucks rolling last night but stroyer tram wbere the president titles at scout woodsman and cit i- predicted Its eUectiveness would 5 and closing the second week of able German forces were trapped. devoted to a serious discussion at that "full-scale operations can not spoke and jumped Into the chief G ENE R A L HEADUARTERS zen; Ken Reed •• scout craftsman, grow as defeats at the enemy camp, Kenneth Reeds received the In the area was not disclosed_ the Pacific war and future military be resumed before Monday." executive's arms. Southwest Pac.lfic, Sunday (AP) woodsman and citizen; Jim Wie­ mount. Eagle rank. Bil! Olson was pre­ and economIc developments In the -A new air raid on the Phi1l~ gand, scout craftsman, artisan, Davis SIIid there were silns that vast a1-ea. pines lind a strong aerial Iweep citizen and woadlman. sented with the bronze palm. Japanese fanatical resistance is The Life rank was earned by breaking. He cited Hollandla, Can" Tru~ Sapan 'Most Beautiful Italian City'- against Halmahera ISland, in The Tenderfoot Air scout candl­ 1,000 Italian Based Mr. Roosevelt said. it is "an un­ which over 41 parked Japanese dales were Ai Wilder and Jim Franklin Walters and Karl Win­ Dutch New Guinea, where he as­ fortunate fact" that the world can­ planes were destroyed or damaged Freeze who have built a model born who also were decorated at serted, a sizeable percenta,e of nol trust Japan, and added: and shipping was heavily hit, airplane and learned ten rules of one or the services which hlgh- the Japanese ,ave themselvel up. American Planes loU Is an unfortunate fact that Nazis Leave.Florence were reported hy headquarters aeronautlcal safetly to complete 'years of proof must pass before we today. requirements. No One Injured In- Blast Rivieras can trust Japan and before we can ROME (AP) -The Germans tlol) of the population was eevn In the Halmabera attack and I Presentin6 of this award was classify Japan as a member of the have pulled out of Florence, re­ worse than had been believed. air sweeps alan, Vb,elkop penin- one of the initial recognition pro­ SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, SOCiety of nations which seek per­ sula, Dutch New Guinea, four grams for air-scouts to be held in leasing Italy's most beautiful city Food, water and medical supplies AllJed Expeditionary Force (AP)­ manent peace and whose word we were short. and the entire male I,OOO-ton freighters were sunk, a this community. Nearly 1,000 Am e ric a n heavy can take." from a vise in whicb It bad been population-except lor F8Id.t 3,000-ton frelghter-trenspor1 de- Two boys who already had re­ Is/and Fire Coney bomben (rom Italian bases yes­ By removing the future menace clutched for a week as contendin, combatants-had been confined to stroyed or severely damaged and ctived the highelt Boy Scout terday gave high explosIve life to of Japan. he said, "we are hold In, armies stood on opposite banks at their homes by the Germllns. vessels were sunk or dam- award, the Ea,le badge, received NEW YORK (AP)-A spectac- and smoke. the words of Prime Minister out the hope that other people in the Arno river, ,,-,hich runs throuah WhJle it was too early to fully a,ed. ular blaze which burst out sud- Fire Marshal Thomas Brophy Churchill. author of the term, "un- the far east can be freed from the it. asseM Florence's p ric e I e B s art Night air patrols bombed the deniy yesterday afternoon, while reported that all buildil\lS and derbelly of Europe." same threat." A German withdrawal made treasures and monuments they ap­ waterfront at Davao on Mindanao, Hi, Doc thousands 01 New Yorkers seek- rides on fully half Luna park'. P0181bly momentous boles were He said Ihe peoples at the Phil­ under cover of darkness permitted parently were virtually Intact ex­ main BOuthern island In the Phil­ W ATE R L 0 0 (AP)-Pelgy ing relief from hot weather 16'>i acres had been deltroyed. blown in a 120-mUe strip of Ger­ Ippines, Indo-China, New Guinea o1fictrs of the allled military ,ov­ cept for the brld,es across the ippines, Thursday nllbt and Fri­ Horn, Waterloo woman taxi driver thronged the area. destroyed hal! Estimates of dama,e ran,ed from man coastal fortifications along the and the mandated islands have no ernment to enter the main part Arno. There was known to bave day morning. Results were not an­ Saturday had a call to lake an of Luna park, Coney Island's $250,000 to $500.000. French and Italian riviera. as wish to be Japanese slaves, ahd he of the city north of the Arno yes­ been BOrne looting. nounced. Two days prevlOlUly, the ex.pectant mother to a h06pllsl. "I famed amusement center. Police Captain Robert Nelson ChurchUl toured Italy's war bases. declared we are in "the splendid terday to assist the stricken J'Opu­ first raids a,alsnt the Philippines got there," PellY said, "and when Despite the crowds in the park said there was no panic among In a sudden Significant shift of process" of throwing the Japanese lation. There were no official re­ since April, 1942. were ~ in I saw her, I told her husband she and nearby, police said no one the approximately 7,000 patrolll weilbt in the allied victory.drive. III\," ports that the Eighth army had yet Slovakia Placed three successive n!lht attncka wam't gain' nowhere in my cab." was seriously injured. ot the amusement park when the The presIdent said the war in croSled the stream. Under Martial Law against Davao airdromes. She seqt him for a doctor. washed Starting in a washroom of the blaze was discovered. Women and the spotlight aloin Is on the Medi­ the Pacific is "well in band" but The Germans withdrew north of Liberaton smashed the iulport­ her hands, and set about helping "Dra.on's Gor,e" scenic railway, children made their way out terranean where two yean a,o the observed: the Mugnone canal, which skirta LONDON (AP)-Siovakia. par­ ant Galels airdrome Thyrsday, the mother, Mrs. Fred Heflin, Who the blaze spread swiftly throuih swiftly, while many of the men allies started unraveling the Nazis' End 01 War the northern ed,e of the city, but titioned victim of AdQlf Hitler's destroying or dama,ing at. least was already in labor. the park's flimsy structures, and remal!)ol!d to assist firemen. fabric of conquest. leveled 15 buildin,s and conces- The bombardment came on top "I cannot tell lYoU, if I knew. some snipers were lett behind. dream of empire" was placed 31 parked planes. Soon after the father returned ..him the war will be over either In the modern SUburbs on the under martial law Yelterday in an M.itchell mediums the next day say In,. "I've got the doctor." sions, includin, the "Mile SkY-I • of many weeks of attacks again • In Europe or In the far east or the sank 10 seaplanes at their moor­ "Well, I've got your baby," chaser" roller-coaster the opera Capture Taungn. coastal .trlpa, inland communlca- ea.tern extremity of tbe city, effort to quell a rising revolt house and a shooting ',.lIery. CHUNGKING (AP) -British tiolll and specialized lnatallations, "'Ir a,alnst Japan. inp in Wasile bay, at tbe north­ Peagy answered. where wide streets separate apart- while Germany's Balkan ... all Sparks from the blaze also Ig- trOOPl after a one-week drive in and a preliminary operation was wlll 'be over the sooner." he ern part ot Halmahera. The Mother and eiaht pound five I "rt ment bouses, there was machine- showed sl.ns of crack\nl under nlted fires In a parkin, lot ad. difficult weather have c:aptured ' carried out Friday by medium. 8\I1d, "If the people at this country ,un :fire trom German parllchute Red army pressure, and the pros­ Mitchells 0180 sank a I,OOO-ton ounce girl are "doing fine" in a maintain the makin, of the troops staUoned on roots. peet of beln, deserted by the friegh ter - traJlll)Ort and t i v e local hospital and Cabby "Peg" is jOining the park, where 14 auto. the stntegic north Burmese nil- and lI'ht bomben and other tac­ .111 mobiles were dama,ed; In two way town of Tauntnl. 17 miles tical aircraft which pinpointed ,un lleceuary supplies and ships and Neither anny shelled Florence, Nazis. coastal veuela and 28 bar,... anawerfn, to "HI, Doc." parking lots of the B. M. T. transit BOuth at the fanner Japanese bile pcJIts, ndlo Installations and like planes. By 80 doing we will hasten a.nd only Its rail yards and Instal- Slovakia, a remnant at Czeeho­ the day of peace. By so doing we lations In the Immediate vicinity Slovakia, was declared an. inde­ lines where a number of discarded of MoglUl1l, the Chinese command larIets. trolley cars were burned. and In IInnounced. lut ni,hl. Adding to the attention Buddenly ",QI save our own pocketbooks and were! bombed. There were ma- pendent state under German "pro­ thOle of our children; by BO doln, chlnegun duels acrOl8 the Arno. tection" in March. 18St. Russian The load to .....lin a one-story frame build In. across (Expulaion of the lut retrialn- turned on this sector, Flyln, Fort- the street. Ing Japanese from northeutern reaes y ..terday returned to Brit- ~e will run a better chance of troops but theae caused little or no dam- already are near ita eut­ ., T1IUI A880ClAftD ..... eubatantlal unity amon, the united a,e. ern border• .cllmbilli the Carpath- Police rePOrted that approxi. India along the Burma border was aln. after a round trip to Russia l-RUSlUID front: 3Z2 miles (meuured from eutem Warsaw). mately 35 persons, mOltlY firemen reported Imminent in a dispatch and Italy, and bombed the Imper­ utlona In IaYin, more seeu rely Flnt .reports from officei'll CI'OI8- Ian mountains south of Sanot In' 2-Itallan front: 603 miles (measured from Florence). the foundation of a laatiniPlace." the Arno indicated the litu.a. pre-war Poland. and park employes. suffered minor from BOuthelist Asia command I tant airfield at Toulouse In BOUth­ In, I-Frencll front: Il28 miles (meuured from .Soipollea) • . bums or were overcome- b~ heat ·headquarters at Kand)" Cerlon.) ern ·Fnnce on the final Ie, home, PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1944 ~ = THE DAILY IO-WAN Many Iowans Ouit RUSSIAN VICTOR '( ARCH? . looking Ahead OFFICIAL DAILY BULtEIIM \1ISI lletnJ In Ute VNIVJ:RSITY c.u.sm>Aa ....~ "'. t/aa ..,.... Published every moming exc:oept Monaay by Student PubUcaUoDi ,,..,.,'OJ !F~ dent', OWee. Old Capitol. Items lor the G NOTfCIS ... IIlcorporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City. Iowa. /:' ~1 deposited with, the eatr\pljs edllor of The f "IO ...an or mar lIe Their War " \~ placed In Itle box rovld~ r thelr 4.-..t iii till: oU\oeJJ of 'nil Jobs In Washington I' '. . Oally Iowan. ~N&AL Nof¥CEs rn.ai -lie .t The Dally fQojran b, Board of Trustees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk H. Porter, A. Craig , 11:: . :30 p. m. the day precedin, first pu"blkaUol'I' no!le .. w1l,l ftOT be Baird, Paul R. Oison, Donald Ottilie, Mary Jane Neville. Mary Beth Director Reports Keep on Eye ... accepted by telephone. and mUll be TYtiED 01\ LEGmLy watnu and SIGNED bf a responsible person. Pilmer, Karalyn Keller, Jack Moyers. Sharp lncrease On fighting Fred M. Pownall, PubUsher Since D-Day Beyond Hengyang Vol. XXI. No. 11211 Sunday, A---' II, .... SII J(arllyn Carpenter, Adv. Mgr. Dorothy Klein. Editor UNIVERSITY CALENDAR DES MOINES (AP)-A sharp Entered a. second class mail Subscription rates-By mail $~ WASHINGTON (AP)-Keep an matter at the postoffice at Iowa per year; by oerier. 10 ilIDtI increase since D-day-June 6-in eye on the fighting beyond re­ Friday, Au&,. 25 3:30 p, m. Library facilities, Ex City. Iowa. und .. the ac:t ot con- weekly. $5 per year. the number of rowans quittini oently-captured Hengyang in cen­ Independent study unit closes. Macbride auditorium...... ot Karch I, 187 •• their war jobs was reported yetilE:l'­ Tbursda-y. Au&,. 31 The Assoeiated Pr_ is ezclu- tral China Cor a sign ' ot what 8 p. m. Variety show, Macbrid! day by George D. Haskell, state 9 a. m. Assembly for beginning auitorium. TELEPHONES lively entitled to use for repubU- war manpower commission direc­ course Japanese s t rat e g y will 'freshmen. Macbride auditorium. Saturday, Sept. 2 PI EdItorial Office 4192 cation of all new. di8patchll tor. choose from now on. it --_. credited to or not otherwWe Haskell attributed the increase From here it looks as though the Attendance required. 8 a. m. Part III, freshman ex- 8ocIet7 OUlce ___4181 credited in tbta paper and .., Japanese capture ot this important 10:30 a. m. Registration by col- amlnations. D­ llultDesa OUice ______.4191 the local lie," pubHalied berela. largely to optimism over the war news by persons who believe the rail junction-in a sudden burst leges. 11 a. m. University services for loott of energy after a stalemated siege 2-5 p. m. Registration continues, student, Macbride auditorium, SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1944 fighting will end sooner than pre­ Iowa of six weeks-may be the :first Iowa Union. 2 p. m. Special entertainment, viously expected. They want to get "Slip into other work they hope will be fruit of a more vigorous military 4 p. m. Meeing for all Cormer Macbride auditotiu~ . more permanent alter the armis­ policy by the new Koiso cabinet in high school band members, south 7:30 p. m. Infonnal concert by 5i.tal tice than the jobs they now hold, Tokyo. But it's still too early to music hall. (Brin~ instruments.) freshman band, lawn south of of pI News Behind the News- be explaine4. see clearly the rest of their design. 5:30-6:10 p. m. Picnic, court west Iowa UnIon. /mother major reason for the From Hengyang the Japs can of Currier hall. 8 p. m. Open house, Iowa ·Union. By PAUL MALLON increaee is that the number of per- dri ve south 170 miles 10 take the 7:30 p. m. Play night, Women's Sunday, 8ept. 3 WASHINGTON-Tile heavy toll election are the so-called antl-in- sons who quit their jobs always is rest of the Canton railway and ,gymnasium. 3 p. m. Student orientation pro- in the primaries rellects some temationallsts, Clark of Idaho and hiIber in the summer than during split the coast off from free China, Frhlay, s.&. 1 gram for freshmen, Macbride audi- but there is much doubt that this 8 a. m. RegistraUon c~ntinlies, torium. dogged, desperate, inside fighting Reynolds of North Carolina, 81 other seasons, he said, adding that vulnerable line would do them Iowa Union. 8 P. m. Inter-faith university which does not appear on the sur- well as Holman. and Clark of many per son s quit in warm much military good. 9:30 a. m. Part I, freShman ex- vesper service. Macbride audi­ weather and take a prolonged va­ face. Missouri. They also can drive southwest­ aminations. Rectuired of all stu- torium. Congressmen returning from. the cation. But tt.e successful list of anti- WMC t li hUy ward toward Kweilin and the cor­ dents in the colleges of engineer­ Monilay, Se~. 4 political batUefields back home reper s on s g more ridor to Chungking and Kunming, ing, liberal arts and pharmacy. 7:45 a. m. Induction ceremony, continue to report little public in- internationalists, includes N'ye, than 200 Iowa firms showed that where the Japs say American air 1:30 p. m. Part II, fresbman west approach, Old Capitol. terest. One senatOr says people Gillette of Iowa, Gurney of South· I8,825 workers in those war-essen­ bases are situated. examinations. 8 a. m. Cla!l6es beiCln. thoug~ it an imposition for him Dakota, Tobey ot New Hampshire tial plants quit or were discharged They may do neither- they may to 1faik at all. They did not liSten (and notably Rep. Ham Fish, whose as a result of ~tbacks ~uring be In such a defensive frame of (Fur information reearelln&, elates beyond this IIChedule. lee to speeches. and voting everywhere victory is attributed mainly to the June. WMC officl~ esttmated WSUI Programs, Network Highlights- mind that they will dig in around reservatiollS In tbe oUice of tbe PresldeDt, Old CapitoL) is light. personal sympathy engendered by such separatiOfls mtght be up as Hengyang and stay there. But ex­ Yet those citizens who are pri- his heavy opposition which made much as 25 percent-2,206 work- '" \/1 (tIl) WMT (eN) Gracie Fields (WHO) Premier Tojo was thrown out be­ G~NERAL NOTICES marily interested in politics, and him an underdog). Mrs. Caraway, ers this month. . lNlae (lt6t) I (8841) CB.S (7AO) cause he doddered, and the Japs WHO ( IOt4l ) MBS ('!o) Edward Tomlinson (KXEL) also those who make it their trade, on the other hand who supported On the average apprOXImately know they are working against the SWIMMING POOL • Sunday 12-7. 7:30 are anything but apathetic, judging the FDR policy, ";as defeated. 70 percent of such ~arati~ns a~ T()MORIlQWS IU100RAMS time when American air strength from the sensational mortality What this plainly shows is that ~rsons who voluntarily qwt thelI' Crirtlf Doclor (WMT) in China will be overwhelming, The swimming pool at the :fleld- SUMMEIl SESSION 6ItADB8 8:00 Morning Chapel rate. . the argument is dead. This was Jobs, the WMC reported. . One Man'.;; Ji"amily (WHO) and against the day when they no house will be open for civilian Students wishing to obtain (1(. Lnterpretations are diilicult and evident before the primaries in In a move to stop the lDcrease 8:15 Musical Miniatures longer will control the China sea students from 6:30 until 9 p. m. ficial oreports of grades rec\!l'Ved Kee~ake (KXEL) confused. Some authorities are In- fact before the war when both Nye In such separatioq.s the WMC on 8:30 News. Tb.e Dally Iowan 7:45 and their lines of communication Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fri- during the regular sum'lner sesaion ~rpretlng the recent defeat of and Tobey announced they were July 1 in~ituted a referral system 8:45 Program Calendar Crime Doclor (WMT) to the south. days the rest of this month. /ihould leave stamped ,.self-ad- weU-known Senator Bennet Cla'!''k for world cooperation. unde: .which mos~ .employers are 8:55 Service Reports One Man's f'amily (WHO) The apparent urgency of their dressed envelopes Ilt the bUlce of necessity to consolidate in China Studl!nts must present idenfifica- the registrar in University hall. to his isolationism. It may have The stands taken by Roosevelt prohibited from hinng new work­ 9:00 On the Alert Keepsake (KXEL) been that, but dt allo may have and Dewey for the national fray ers unless they have been referred 9:15 Music Magic 8:00 is a confession that their original tlon card to attendant in locker Such reports will be available concept-that they could spread room fbi' a8liignment of lookers sometirtie alter Aug. 25. . been an accumulation of personal also show the only remaining ar- by the WMC. 9:30 Camera News Radio Reader's Digest (WMT) things which damaged his poplI- gument may d eve lop between Has~ell ~eclared suc~ persons ·9:45 Platter Chat out and control southeast Asia be- any day before 5:30 p. m. This HARttY G_ BAIlNU Manhattan Merry~Go-Round will give them a locker and towel D ...... larity, possibly also the tact that idealistic or 'Pl'actical cooperation were tmposrng a h~dshl~ on op.. 9:50 The Picnic Party (WHO) cause its huge size precluded re- and use of field house and swim- _ ... ,rar he was in with National Chairman with the world, not whether there erator~ of . war 1Odustrle~ and 9:55 News, The Dally Iowan Three Thirds of the lIIews conquest-has collapsed. This ur- ming pool. SCBEDllLE OF Hannegan now, which seemed a should be cooperation. were ~mped1Og the prodUction of 10:00 France Forever (KXEL) gency will be heightened by the E. O. SCHROBDER LmRARY HoURS slight change of character for him. Many false symptoms, therefore, essential go~ds. 10 :15 Yesterday's Muskal Fa- 8:15 Pearl Harbor conference, which Most probably, the influence of are being read into the results. . In sO.me fields, he added, there vorites Radio J'leader's Digest (WMT) unquestionably mapped a strategic nNKBINE GOLF COURSE Main reading room Macbride hall a SI. LouIs newspaper was impor- Two real ones stand out truly, in IS a senous shortage of ~anpower. 10:30 The Bookshelf Mannattan Merry-Go-Round breakthrough from the Pacific into Due to cooperation of the Iowa Government documenu, tant against him, claiming he my opinion. Primaries are largely As an example, he said, 200,000 11 :00 Melody Time (WHO) the China sea-not at some distant INavy Pre-Flight school execu- department Library annex wouJd vote against JIllY post-war organizational fights. more workers will ~~ needed for 11:15 News of Other Countries Chamber Music Society (KXEL) date but soon. tives, all of the first nine holes ot PerJodical reading settlement because oj his father's The man with \be best organiza- ~ar, navy and mantime produc­ 11:30 Lest We Forget 8:30 • • • Finkbine golf course will be room Library annex grudge against Woodrow WUson. tion uS'Ually wins, especially when tlon before. the end of the year. 11 :45 Musical Interltide Texaco Star Theater (WMT) War outlook-Anyone confused avaUable for play Saturdays and ReServe rending room I suspect it was mainly because he _voting is light and interest low. Tbe.re also I~ a shortage of work­ 11 :50 Farm Flashes, Emmett • Ame~' ican Album (WHO) by Prime Min i s t e r Winston Sundays. Players are requested 111 University hall was seldom on the job. It is plain from the results that ers 10 ~oundnes, forge shops, heavy Gardner Chamber Music SOciety (KXEL) Churchill's cheerful forecast of not to use holes 4, 5, 6 and 7 any Monday-Friday 8:30 a. m.-12 M. Familiar Cotton Ed Smith's de- inner political organization has de- dut,Y tire plat;tts, heavy truck and 12:00 Rambles 8:45 early victory-as against the cau- other day of the week. 1-5 p, m, feat was attributed to his opposi- veloped far beyond what we have tr~iIer fa7tones, navy yards and 12:30 News, The Dally Iowan Texaco Star Theater (WMT) tions of American leaders about C. KENNETT Saturday 8:30 a. m.-12 M. tion to the New Deal (and un- known before. (This will be true shIp repalr I:'lants. 12 :45 Views and Interviews American Album (WHO) o" er-optimism-mlgbt remember Golf Instructor Education-PhiloslJphy-Psychology questionably the New Deal won also na'tionally with !Dewey spend- 'Haskell sald the percen~age of 1:00 Musical Chats Jimmie Fidler (KXEL) that "Winnie" has a home-front library East Mil that race), but I suspect the fact ing the bulk of his labors So far women workers who qUit . was 9:00 morale problem that doesn't exist IOWA UNION Aug.14-Sept. 2 that he is ove·r 75 years of age in organization, and Democratic greater than .men. Some qUit to NETWORK HIGHLIGHTS Take It or Leave It (WMT) here. MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 8:30 a. m.-12 M. had much to do with it. He just Chairman Hannegan oalling for ~etu~? to theu;, homes and others 6:00 HOUr of Charm (WHO) The British have been at war Monday-11-2 and 4-6. Saturday 8:30 a. m.-12 M. could not organize as he former~y house-to-house canvasses.) JUst get tired, he explaihed. Old Fa hioned Revival Hour The Life of (KXEL) nearly five years _ two years Tuesday B-2 and 4-6. Schedule of hours for other de- did against the long-'P1anned New But wherever the organiZ'ation Many of th~ workers who quit (WMT) 9:38 longer than the Americans. They Wednesday 11-2 and 4-6. partmental1ibraries will be posted Deal bulk organizing of Olin John- explanation does not hold true, the for lo~ vacations later return to All-Time Hit Parade (WHO) Son~ of G'ood Cheer (WMT) have suffered Dunkirk, the blitz 'I1hursday 11-2 and 4-6. on the doors of each library. sol1. heavy turn-OVer 1s a sign peo1;)le W~rk 10 anot~er war plant. he Drew Pearson (KXEL) Jackie Gleason (WHO) and now, worst of all, the unpre- Friday 11-2 and 4-6. R. E. ELLSWO&TH Senator Rufus Holman lost in are thinking things out, for a saId. Meanwhile, however, the 6:15 Keep Up With the World dictable blasts of the buzz-bomb. Saturday 11-3. Director of Libraries Oregon, and this too is said to be change. The thoughts of most citi- plants have lost the production of Old Fashioned Revival Hour (KXEL) War-weariness in Britain is un­ a victory against isolationism, but zens may be across the seal, but the gO~S such persons could have (WMT) 9:45 derstandable, and so is the prime country stands for in the post-war 'New Service' it also may have been due to per- those who have enough direct in- ~a:de if they had stayed on the All-Time Hit Parade (WHO) Political Parade (WMT) minister's need to give his people world. Should he seek one of the . sonal prestige. terest in primaries to cast a vote Job. Monday-Morning Headlines Jackie Gleason (WHO) heartening news and assurance of coveted places on this senate com- LONDON (AP)-Nazls applied .. As far as isolationism versus in- seem to have made it their busi­ (KXEL) Keep Up With the World better times soon. ' mittee, he would be confronted new pressure yesterday to wring ternationalism is concerned, the ness to knqw who stays on the job 6:30 (JCCEL) Plane pro d u c t ion-Word is with a custom of the past four the last bit of manpower out of score so far stands exactly even. in the senate chamber and whose Japs Execute Old Fashioned Revival Hour 10:00 there'll probably be no more con­ years which denies membership Germany amid new continental re­ Defeated or not running for re- prestige in the senate is hi&h. (WMT) News (WMT) tracts awarded by the army and to new senators. The Bandwagon (WHO) Scott and Austin (WHO) navy fat plane construction in . . . 'Iports tha't both the German army Yank Prisoners Quiz Kids (KXEL) It Happened During the Week Canada. U. S. makers can meet Recess-Senators, anxious to get and pro d u c t ion fronts were 6:45 (IOrnL) future needs, it's held, and con­ back to their campaigns, but afraid strained to the utmost. Interpreting the War News- WASHINGTON (AP)-The Jap­ Old Fashioned Revival Hour 18:15 tracts placed with American com­ of what public reaction will be, New decrees by Paul Josepn Cedric Forster (WMT) I anese have executed three Ameri- (WMT) panies will heip cushion the effect hesitate on forecasting a recess 01 G bb 1 H'tl ' ttl bUlza- By KIRKE L. SIMPSON can prisoners of war on a c'harge The Bandwagon (WHO) New.;;, M. L. Nelsen (WHO) of curtailed warplane prodUCtion congress. Ioe e s'. t er s 0 a . mo Associated Press War Analyst that they killed a police officer Quiz Kids (KXEL) Old Fashioned Revival Hour as tbe war nears an end. Most of them say they will stay tlon mimster, ~o?k private tele­ Ominous developtnen'ts for Ger- might be preparlng to capitalize after escaping from a prison camp 7:00 (KXEL) • • • in session at least through the hot phones frOm mllllO'lls of Germans I many and Japan alike marked the on 'ru'rkeY"s break willi Germany, in Manchuria. Blondie (WMT) 10:38 Air flivver era-Many indica­ days of August rather than leave and drasticall->: cunaJled mali and mid-August week-end not only ()n to strike into 'the Balkan pen in- The navy, disclosing details of Gracie Fields (WHO) Percy B. CraWford (WMT) tions point to a boom in aviation reconversion legislation unpassed. telegraph servIces. the battle fronts in Europe .a'nd sula. the deaths yesterday, said the Jap- Greenfield Village Chapel War Service Billboard (WHO) sales and service enterprises when fI'b.e senate expccts to go to work G~ebbels estimated his new across the Pacl'fic, but deep be- Both hiah auted cotnmanders in anese foreign office had relayed (KXEL) Old Fashioned Revival HOur thousands or pilots· and mechanicS on a measure to provide ~or dis- servl\=e curtailmelits would free hind the ftghUng lines wbere l>it- Europe have shifted their heali- the i n"f 0 r mat ion through the 7:15 (KXEL) return Crom the airiClrces to ci­ pasal of $75,000,000,000 of surplus "tens of thousands" for the anny 10:45 tet' medlcine in ever increasing Quarters to the continent. General American Red Cross. Blondie (WMT) vilian liCe. Many already have war property dUTing the coming and fact6ries. Percy B. Crawford (WMT) closes is being Russian and Allied Eisenhower !has left Britain to set The sentence of death, imposed asked governmental agencies about week. His new order followed a senes ------B. J. Palmer (WHO) brewed for the foe. up his supl'elJ\e oon'Imlltld p06t In by a milital'y court upon the three anese version," the navy said, "one financial aid under the G.I. bm • • • of decrees Friday aimed at releas- Old P'a hioned RevIval Haul' There could be left little doubt F~anoe. General Wilson. has c1oeec1 Americans, was carried out July of the prisoners killed the inspec­ in slarling plane filling stations Political calendar: ing thousands Of privately etll ... in the minds of tbe mUilary lead- aut in Algiflos and moved to Italy 3J, 11143. (KXEL) Aug. 15-Utah runoff primary ployed for war work. tor with a kilchen knife and an­ 11:00 and service centers. And there's ers at both ends of the now tat- talWig with him the command The 3'apanese gave this version other seriously wounded one of a curren plan before the National election to decide Republican 110m- The German radiO broadcast tered, ragged Nazi - Nipponese strings that run not only to Alex- oJ 'the case: News (WMT) ination for U. S. rwresentative that new drastic restricti6ns on the Mongols. B. J . Palmer (WHO) Aeronautical association for a giant axis that in both zones the war ander's victorious jqiOns but to Held cap'tive in a Manchurian "The other Mongol fied and later campaign to urge construction of from first district. , German courts would release was bllllding up to d«isive crises. powerrul ane lon, Inactive British prison camp, the trio escaped on Old Fashioned Revival Hour Aug. 16-Wisconsin state nom- "several tens Of thousandS" offl­ succeeded in arresting the priSOl'l­ (IQ{EL) landing fields in all parts of the The day when Germany and empire forces no kJager needed in June 21, 1943, and headed for the inating primaries to elect candi- cials and employes of German en; with the aid of local inhabi­ 11:15 country. NAA will naMe a direc­ Jepan aliite will be tripped to AIrica, EiYpt, Iran ~nd Ira,. Russian border. dates for U, S. (seat of courts for war production of the tants. We Deliver the Goods (WMT) tor aI'Id four assistants to conduct ~nator tbeir termoriel loot, and will be Hi. jurilldiction e~s also to For 11 days they sought to get y "The three pri oners wel1! trtl!t1 ThollJas Peluso (WHO) the drive nationally. Alexander Wiley, Republican); !O _a_r'ln__.______beseigecl Within their lairs .is no Free I'rench divisions still Al- out of Japanese territory, but fi­ ill before a military court and were Rev . .Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) • • • U. S. 're,pl1!Jlebtatives by districts; longer distant. germ, on Sardinia and CorSK:a, Jt nally lack of suficient food made condemned to death." '. I U:3t' Custom's victim-Rep. J. Wil­ govemor (seat of Walter S. Good­ primary to elect candidates to That was rufficiently clellr on to~ches allied. COml~Nmfto and air them dl!sperate. At the state departmen4 Officials Bill Snyder's BAnd (WMT) liam Fulbright, selected by Ar­ ianq, Republican); and full state state convention Aug. 22 which the war maps as they stood this U~lts ~r~ting Wl~ Balkan pa~ They halted a police inspector said punishment is pertnissible Old ~ashloned Revival Hour kansas Democrats to replace Sena­ tick~t including 16 stllte senators will cho06e candidates tal' 'U. S, weekend. n showed up in the stil.J tnots m actio? ~tnst, the OOJI)- aYrd asJred for something to eat, under international law if prison­ (WHO) tor Caraway, may not get a place and 100 assemblymen, repreienta~ive. ,overnor and state balloonin, allied drive in France mQn foe. WalSQII s tran&f~~ ~ asserting that thl!y were Gennan ers commit violence while attemPt­ Rev. Pretsch's H6ur (KXEL) on the senate foreign relations Aug. 10-belaware . Democratic ticket. that has doubled, redwbled and Italy looms as ~o Itll;s sl4Inilic8I1t fI1ers Whose platle had crashed. ing to e·scape. It was J)Ointea out, committee despite his authorship redoubled again the pressure en than EISenhower s move to France. The inspector and two Mongol 11:45 at the same time, that Japan is Bill yder's Band (WMT) of the resolution Which became Germany from the 'WeSt. Both moves. foreshadow new and companions Inshlted upon seeing not a party to any international Old f 'ashioned Revival Houl' the house expression of what this It was to be read into aWed re- bold expansIOns of the attack on the crashed plane. ctmveritions gove~lilJig the rilles of (WHO) ports from Italy that told of the GtoermmaantahY !r0tbm thterewmesentdaonuds sOnuetwh "Ell route, according to the Jap- Germans wTthdtawing an \belr e warfare. Fredtly Martin (KXEL) forees Irom Florence. The qn's triple Russian threllt against IYer were plain there not only that in the east reaching all the way General Alexandell:, aIDed Meld from the Baltic to the Black sea. commander, was shilting and re- Against the background of tllis AEF-- ~y KENNETH DIXON adjusting his forces tor an ever darkening war pictnre for her With the on the mountaitl-backed German Nazi accomplice in Europe Japan There's absolutely no need to be in '\I Gothic defense line; but that tile must read the portents of the Pa­ Mediterranean campaign was cWc war council lit J>e'arl Harbor, ROME, Aug. 9 (Delayed) (AP) .Ireled intrigue which has been Ith ,e baf of the Grand hotel Sipping- foq about your cleaning even in war about to expand. Roosevelt attended and jus'!. dls- -Via Margutta is a narrow little commonplace in Rome throughout b]-and>, and soda and ,yawning There were hints lIf impend- clo>5et1. It verineSpQken al~ the via llar&utta." and a couple of others who had Also on via Margutta, the build ... Out they ,0, lUI JlUIlp aDd sllrvey made by the natianal lIIIid he wu told. "It ill tile result And while tbat undoubtedly is a difficulty explaining-in triplkate ing whMe A. P. reporters George crew ch.let plUh suppUe. out to ,par&­ troopers already lI;...tiD,. TIlt. ale:­ Committee of Economic Develop- of plllWllMl centatt, "ut the 811- supt ex~alion, .tili it is -under exp~ss accounts why Tucker and Lynn Heinzerling lore was talten (Nf!r ~r~e'e on rpmt Indicated 10_ would be thuala.tlc aeckiq of clvUiwl law founded on fact, and it typllies tOe hote) ' rOoms in Rome C08t mere make their headquarters when in [).1)a, 1II1i. 1, or .sUfI. 7...... IIble to lake care of a 20 peroent eI1iorc:em.nt 'IIIIlcils ia BOIely re- cocIIII.Yed c:onGitioni ot~, than those in Naples. the capital cit y is similarly '11ft .. wfth Waor ...... iDcrI8H over tbe total Ul lUfO, ~ spolWble !oc.t.M-Iugc-... · COWl~e. ~ 1MulKe-ba{- I know ...~ ia eq~ 1M ~e. -,U~.~S~.ImezD:l · .&Pl!••• . . .. . -- I18C.!Uaer-MtO,_ ~AY, AUGUST 13, 1'44 T HE D A IL Y I OW AN, I O WA CITY, IOWA §lJ I Grid Drill Starts shot with grim determlnation, Dor­ Scores in The- 1 Yankees 'Not Sold,' Segura Gains- othy Germain defeated Pbyllls Slip Madigan Otto 5 and 4 yesterday to retain her crown as Women's Western lSays Ed Barrow Amateur champion-an achieve­ SPOKANE, ;Wash. (AP)-Top Maior ment unduplicated in the last 12 flight professional golfers poliabed CHICAGO (AP)-Pensive, win- years. up theIr games yesterday for the Expeds 68 'No Authentic Bid NEW YORK (AP)-Unbeaten I ner of the Kentucky Derby and The Philadelphia star thus at­ $20,000 natioftfll P.G.A. dtampton­ From Anybody,' Preakne , was defeated for tile tained he goal of becoming the sev- and By Jimminy, both odds­ ship, which o{>Cns here Monday, Leagues Insists President enth player in the toumamtDt'1 on favorites, shared th.e limelight and from the class of the lle1d the 'layers Out sixth consecutive time yesferday 44-year history to capture the at Belmont pary yestemay before 1944 holding of this 1!Sclusive event * fr * as Appleknocker swept to a neck crown twice in succession and the 29,875 tlU'f flUlS, Pavot won his promised to Pl'oi'I'at'e 115 keel! a title CHICAGO (AP)-The Chic go NEW YORK (AP) - Ed Bar- R¥E, N. Y*. (AP)-Blasting* * his victory in the $17.850 Dick Welles first to do so since Mrs. Opal S. filth straight race in the six fur­ chase u n the years precedillC tile D-day-the opening o( 1944 Cubs alvaged the last game of row, pre ident of the New York opponent off the coart in Ie than handicap at Washington park. Hill impressed the sports world long Saratoga special while By war. lootbaU driD at the University of a Cour game series with the Yankee, said yesteraay the dab 40 minute, top-seederesently in In the wom n's singles, the final Pavot, owned by Walter M. ebtry woo ~d succegive SCGrfJI however, due to the inability of Hughes and Cavarretta followed portant prize, but sou n d I y j unctu.re.. . with singles. Los Angeles, referred reporters to round was assured of being an all­ trounced several leading candi- D~rlng thiS explo I~e g In, abe Jef1O\'ds and bailed a the two­ of 69 and 68. Par for the heavilY some of the players to arri ve on The victory with the New York Topping when questioned. California affair, when National dates for the American derby two birdIed three consecutive hoI ' to year-old champion, wa ridden by woded layout is 36-36-72. opening day, the coach explained. Giants' defeat, enabled the Cubs The Merchants Trust, which is Champion Pauline Betz 01 Los weeks hence. climb a-up at the 24th hole before to a three lengths The squad will drill daily at 10 to return to fourth place in the handling the estate of the late Angeles and No.2 rankiIII Louise Owned by the Texas combina­ win over Plebiscite. Colonel Whlt­ a. m. and 4:30 p. m. until Sept. 1. standings. Jacob Ruppert, said the Yankees Brough of Beverly HUIs di$po ed tion of R, A. Coward and Carl Sirde While three lengths farther 20-year-old Miss Otto recovered ney's Jeep took the shaw wfth. Giants Lose had been fOr sale for five years of their seml-tlnal optJOnents, Mary The regular daily workouts after Dupuy. Appleknocker had a neck back wa Hyman Friedberg' Har- composure to take the 26th and Mrs. Dodfl! Sloan'& Great Power PITTSBURGH (AP) - The but that "nothing is on the fire at Arnold of Lo Angeles and Doris to spare over Allen Drumheller's riet Sue, the early pace etter. 27th. • fourth and last. Sept. 1 will begin at 4 p. m. Pittsburgh Pirates waUoped the present." Hart of MiamI. 2 Most of the squad members will New York Giants 8-0 yesterday POPEYE be new to intercollegiate football, as Max Butcher, making a suc­ since many of them graduated from cessful comeback, after losing the opening game of the series, held high school just last spring and are the Giants to six scattere(l hits. not yet 18 years old. The victory gave the Pirates the Daily Iowan Want Ads lt is hoped that about seven series, four to one. major letter-winners of 1943 will Bill VoJselle, who defeated the CLASSIFIED WANTED be present, however, at least for Pirates in the opener, gave up 13 ADVERTISING some of the August drills. They hits in the seven innings that he WANTED-Plumblna and beatlna, Larew Co, Dial 9681, include Bill Barbour, end; Bob worked, to be charged with his RATE CARD Liddy, guard; Harry Frey, tackle, 13th loss. He has won 14. INStRUcnON and Stan Mohrbacher, guard, all Reds Beat Boslon CASH RATE , regulars last fall; Howard Larson CINCINNATI (AP) - Cincin­ I or 2 daYII- DANCING LESSONS - ballroom, and Paul Zeahringer, haUbacks; nati's Reds edged Boston 5-4 in a IOc per line per dl7 ballet tap. Dial 72.8, Kiml and John Stewart, quarterback. lO-lnning game yest~rday which 8 coDsecutive days- Youde Wurlu. Barbour, Liddy, and Frey are navy could have been won in the l'egu­ 7c per llne per da7 trainees in the medical college, lation distance had not Eddie Mil­ II consecuUve days- 5c per lJtle per day Brown', Commerce COU.,. Stewart is a navy man in dentistry; ler bobbled a ball that helped the month- Iowa City', AccredIted and the others are 4-F. Braves tie the score in the ninth. tc per line per day Buslnea School Wilh little time remaining before Catcher Ray Mueller drove -Figure II words to line­ Establlihed 1921 the opening of summer practice, home Dain Clay with the winning tally after Clay singled, advanced Minimum Ad-2 Unell Ds, School NIJhl School Madigan expressed his optimism "Open the Year '1loUDd" about the turnout and about the on a sacrifice and Frank McCor­ Dial fll82 schedule which the Hawks face mick-who hit his 13th homer of CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 50c col. Inch this year. He expects that the final the year in the fourth-had been Or $5.00 per month roster will number many more purposely passed. Red Sox Win 5-4 than he originally planned. All Want Ads Cash In Advance For a Foothold- "Although our situation looks BOSTON (AP)-Jim Tabor's I eighth inning home run, his ninth . Payable at Dally Iowan Busi­ Oil Your Future much improved, the indications Enroll Now For of the season, yesterday gave the ness office daily until 5 p.m. are that the situation in the col­ Efficient Busrnea Trainm. Boston Red Sox a 5 to 4 victory leges which we will have to play over Chicago. Cancellations must be called in at bas also improved," he added. The score was tied 4-4 when before 5 p. m. [owa CIty Oommerclal CoUere Tabor hit the first pitch to give Responsible for one incorrect ZOS~ E, Wa hlll&'toll I the Red Sox their third win in insertion only, I the four-game series, WHERE TO BUY IT Sf. Louis Browns The White Sox' Vince Castino got three hits and a walk in four .' DIAL4191 FOl" yOltr Beat H. Y. Yankees times at bat. enjoyment ... Chicago brought in two runs in Archery Supplies the first inning. Aiter Wally Moses LOST ANJj FOUND Popular and PhllJuUlnoDle For Thirdof Four singled and went all the way _Reeord Album. home on Roy Schalk's hit through A man's gold ring with ruby set. REWARD. CaU 7816. LUllare of AU Killds NEW YORK (AP)-The Sl. Leon Culberson, the White Sox , . I,) Louis Browns made it three out of second baseman came in on Ralph FIRESTONE STORE four from the New York Yankees Hodgin's single. FOR RENT With two out in the fifth, suc­ yesterday and their 11 th out of UnfurnIshed fraternity house for ~ their last 12 by defeating the New cessive doubles by Hodgin and :Ed rent. September 1st. 14 Rooms. York Yankees 8-3. Carnett brought in the third run Phone 2177. J. R. Baschnagel and Fine Raked GoocU George McQuinn paced the and the fourth came in the sixth Son, Pies Cakes Bread league-leaders with two homers when Moses' Single brought in Itolll ....t rt. and a single to drive in five runs. Castino. FOR RENT - Furnished a'Parl­ Special Orders Each of his round trippers, one Cleveland-Phil adelphi. ment. 125 South Clinton. PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Con­ City Bakery in the first frame and the other in Comfortable rooms, close in, men. lusion in the Cleveland outfield zzz E. WashlDrWn Dial 66011 the ninth, came with one man on Phone 2769-515 E. Burlington. base. gave the Philadelphia Athletics a Jack Kramer went the distance 4 to 3 victory and an even split FURNITURE MOVING for the Browns, scattering eight with the Indians in the windup of hits, fOl' his 12th victory against their four-game series yestel'CIay. EDW Aftb S. ROSE aaya­ With two ouL and Ford Garri­ 10 defeats. MAHER BItOS. TRANSFER Protect your family aMl I; If The defeat was Dubiel's 10th of son on first in the filth inning, For Efficient Furniture Movinl Frank Hayes hit a long fly to left. by trading at a the year and put the Yankees nine Ask About Our Prot ional Pharmacy- and a halt games ott the pace. Oris Hockett and Myril Haag let WARDROBE SERVICE it drop between them for a double, DRUG-SHOP St. Louis Aft R H E with Garrison scoring. The Ath­ DIAL - 9696 - DIAL let.ics went on to score two more Gutteridge, 2b ...... 5 0 0 0 runs in the inning. Kreevjch, cf...... 5 2 2 1 Luman Harris spaced out nine McQuinn, 1b ...... 4 2 3 0 hits in going the route for the A's. Stephens, 1;5...... 5 0 1 0 Tleers-Senators Moore, rf ...... 4 1 1 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -Detroit ZanUa, It ...... 3 0 0 0 spotted Washington four rul'ls in Christman, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 the Iirst inning and then went on HaYworth, c ...... 4 1 2 0 to sweep the four game series by l or 2 days - Kramer, p...... 4 1 1 0 winning last night, 12 to 5. lOc per line per day - - - - Detroit took kindly to Alex Car­ Totals ...... 9 8 12 2 3 cohsecufive days -- l'asquel and Bill Lefebvre, ham­ 7c per line peT day New AB R H E pered by the Senators' ragged J~rk fielding. 6 consecutive days -- Stirnweiss, 2b .. 4 1 1 1 Sc per line per day Martin, If...... 4 1 1 0 1 month - 1 Derty, ri ...... 4 0 1 0 B ulletin 4c per line per day Lindell, cf...... 4 0 1 0 WATERLOO (AP) - T he - Fi9W'ed 5 words to line Etten, l b...... 4 0 0 0 Jowa Navy Pre-Fli«bt baseball Minimum Ad - 2 lines Hemsley, c...... 4 1 3 0 team racked up its 27th victory Crosetti, ss...... 4 0 0 1 in 211 games by defea ting the ROOM A N D BOA R D Grimes, Sb...... 4 0 0 0 Rath Black Hawks, 8 to 6 here Saturday, Dubiel, p ...... >0 ..... 2 0 0 O' Johnson, p...... _..... 0 0 1) 0 A 380-yard home run by Don Savage' ...... 1 0 0 0 Aires with Bill Baker on base Turner, p ...... 0 0 0 0 proved the deciding factor for the Seahawks in the seventh Totals ...... 35 3 8 1 frame. • Batted for Johnson in lith. Ed Weiland allowed the Wa­ s t, Louis ...... 200 000 402-8 terl oa team 14 hi ts. New YQrk ...... 011 000 010-3

For Economy' s Sak~. .BR&MERS Put Yo~r Clessified Ads in FOR LAlGE SELECTIONS

The DaUy Iowan •, 'l PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA · C ITY, I OWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 13. 1~4 Johnson County 4 -H Club Festivities Begin Here WednesdCZlY ------~------~------Demonstration Mrs. Alma Nieman street, left yesterday lor Mllwau. Dies at Muscatine Mrs. An na Burge Entertains at Shower kee, Wis., where she will spend. SUI Graduate two-week v II cat i o n with her Features Livestock After Long Illness Friday Evening for September Bride-Elect brother and sister-in-law, Mr. -lid Mrs. Alma Fischer Nieman, 57. Mrs. Leslie E. Randall. Clubs Plan Night Killed in (rash who served as head of the house- In honor of Margaret Burdick'r w.ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • • • Program Wednesday keeping department at the Uni- bride-elect, Mrs. Anna Burge and IS' P. French. Back From Colorado MISS First Lieut. Martin Smith Jr., versity hospital for 17 years, died Marjorie, 911 E. Washington street, • • • Mrs. J. H. Donahue, 313 N. Du. At Community Center Thursday at Muscatine (ollowing . . Vacation at Clear Lake buque street, has returned frolll KENNEDY several months' illness. entertamed at a mi scellaneous Judge H. D. Evans, 505 Oakland Denver, Col., where she spent two , The annual show of the Joh n~ TO WED The eldest daughter of Henry shower Friday evening. Pink and avenue, will leave Tuesday tor weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. 1. son county 1-H club program w ill and Theresa Riemoth Fischer, ' white serve/! as the' color appoinl- Clear Luke, where he will join W. Cerny. Alma Christine Fischel' was born ments for Ule lable, and gifts weI' Mrs. Evans and Juanne who have be held Wednesday night at the I • • • July 31, 1887 near Strawberry , presented to the honOl'£'{' ill 8 dec- been vacationing there since the Move 10 New Home Community building at 8:30 p. m. I Point. She was manied to Henry I ornted parawl. last of July. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fitzga rrald At 8 p. m. the public may see the Nieman Oct. 14 , J908. I Included ,n th~ courtesy WE'r • • • moved Wednesday rrom their home girls' 4-H club exhibits, accord­ While in Iowa City MI·S. Nie- Barbarll Bur die k, Mrs. L. L . Entertain Relatives at 436 S. Van Buren street to • ing to Emmett C. Gardner, county Stoner, Mrs. Lee Ranshaw, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunton ot new residence at 335 S. Dubuque street. extension director. fighter plane and former student Lester Means, Mrs. W. A. Young, Thornburg spent Friday with Mr. in the law school at the univer- Mrs. Albert Rinehart. Mrs. L. Dunton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lord, chairman of the sity here was killed in an air- Bert Meyers, Mrs. Milo Nov~k, Roy Dunton, 47G Grand avenue. county boys' clubs and Mrs. Ken­ plane crash in England, July 19, Mrs. Byron D. Cogland, Mrs. White Also visiting in the Dunton home neth Wagner, county chairman of according to word received by Dr., Larew, Mrs. Logan Myers and this week were Mr. and Mrs. Don and Mrs. John Voss of Iowa City. Mrs. Glenn Myers, all of North Holland and children, Marilyn Sue girls' clubs will preside at the D ia m o nd s 4-H show which w ill feature the The nephew of Doctor and Mrs. I Libe.rty. . and Connie Kay, Who were over- Voss Lieutenant Smith is the son MISS BurdIck, granddaughter ot night guests of the Duntons Tues­ their best - tollowing: of Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Smith E. A. Burdick, 510 Oakland avenue, day while en route to their home unique Grand march of all boys and of Davenport. I w.iIl become the bride of Llyod L. in Cambridge, Mass., where Mr. girls in the county 4-H club pro­ Having compieted 77 combat R~neh~rt, son of Mr. and JI:1rs. L. Holland, nephew of Mrs. Dunton, gram and their leaders at the Imissions over Europe and 281 . A. Rmehart ur North LIberty, is engaged in government work. close of which "The Star Spang­ Mlts. N. D. BRAGGE, 50'7 Iowa avenue, announces the en gagement combat flying hours he had eX-I Sept. 10. • • .. and approaehlng marriage of h er daughter, Eleanor Mary Kennedy, pected to return home upon com- • • • Captain Fa rrell to Arrive led Banner" will be- sung; music pletion of 300 hours flying. Mrs. Dunnington Returns Capt. and Mrs. Robert E. Farrell HI to I_ph H. Kovacs, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kovacs, of Cleveland, Lieut. Martin Smith J r. by the Sharon male Quartet; a He had received the Disting- Mrs. L. L. Dunnington, 2H E. and daughter, Nancy, are expected $ girls' 4-H demonstration entitled Ohio. The weddln, will take place Friday at 8 a. m. in the Sacred 27 pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt uished Flying Cross for meritor- Jefe[rson stl'eet, retul'Iled Thurs- to arrive tomorrow from Camp ."New Sights for Sore Eyes" by Heart chureh at Ha ttiesburg, Miss. The bride-elect, a graduate of -'------~I ious achievement over Europe, day from Lebanon, N. H., where Van Dorn, Miss., to spend a leave I Bi Sharon Hustlers club; a marimba St. Mary's hIgh school, attended the University of Iowa and Brown's I 7 30 S d the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf she has been spending the summer with Captain Farrell's parents, Mr. II 01 Sh I shj I th ttl f t d t b : a. m. eCOD mass. selection by Mary Lou Prizler with 1)0 ele commerce. e s now ca er n e 0 ce 0 s u en pu - 9 a. m. Children's mass. clusters. Lieutenant Smith ' re- and Mrs. Thomas Farrell, 710 S'I l' " Jean Prizler at the piano, and col­ IIcatioDII. Mr. Kovacs was graduated from Ohio State university In 11:30 a. m. Students' mass. , ~i I ceived his B.A. degree from the man was a member of the Zion Summit street. ored sound pictures, "South of the IIr Columbus, and Is now stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss. Daily mass at 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. university in 1941 and was affili- Lutheran church at Iowa City. • • • I Border" and "A Village in India." Saturday confessions will be heard ated with Beta Theta Pi, social The Fairbanks funeral home Vacations in Wisconsin ~ The program will close at 10:30 from 2:30 until 5 p. m. fraternity. was in charge of arrangements. LOie M. Randall, 321 S. Clinton I II p. m. II Five 4-H club boys, Austin CHURCH CALENDAR 00, Colony, Kenneth Smalley, Don­ ald Burns, Kenneth Lacina and (For Tomorrow and Next Week) Re Clair Yeggy, will gIve a n llJus­ UnIon Services 11 a. m. Morning worship. trated talk on "European Corn I~ Methodist church 6:45 a. m. Young people's meet­ Borer on the March." . . &,1 L lvestook Show Jefferson and Dubuque streets ing. dri The livestock program for the 10:30 a. m. Morning w 0 I' S hlp 7:3 Oa. m. Evangelistic serv1ce. thl show will continue throughout the service with sermon by Dr. Jljon Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. Women's fi( last three days of the four -day T. J ones of the Pre s b y t e ria n Christian Fellowship. abl show. church. His subject, "Our Greater Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Prayer III Thursay at B a. m. all 4-H dairy Need." meeting. In calves, hogs, lambs, rabbits will Churches participating are Bap­ wa be taken to the horse barn at the tist, Christian, Congregational, First Church of Christ, Scientist jUi south end of the National Guard Methodist and Presbyterian. 722 E. College street wh Armory in Iowa City. This must A church hour kindergarten is 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Co: be done before 9 a. m. maintained during the worship 11 a. m. "Soul" will be the sub­ lur At 9:30 a. m. Thursday the boys' service for the convenience of par­ ject of the lesson sermon. ', .. ". judging contest will be held fol­ ents with small children. A nursery with an attendant in lowed at 10 a. m. by the judgIng charge is maintamed for the con­ in of 4-H dairy calves and at 10:30 Zion Lutheran Church venience of parents with small the a. m. market pigs. Johnson and BloomJngton streets children. Ea: Judging of 4-H purebred pigs The Rev. A. C. Proehl, pastor 8 p. m. Wednesc\ay Testi monial hal will take place at 1 p. m. and 9:15 a. m. Sunday school. meeting. Public in vited. arr lambs and rabbits will be judged 9: 30 a. m. Bible class. fot at 2 p. m. Livestock may be re­ 10:30 a. m. Divine service in st. Thomas More Chapel frc moved at 3 p. m. which the pastor will speak on Catholic Student Center • th ~ Wednesday's Prorram "Love's Warning Against Unbe­ 108 McLean street loil The 4-H girls' program will be lief." The Rev. Leonard .r. Brugman iro held enth'ely at the Iowa City Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. A silver The Rev. J . Walter McEleney 1 Community building, beginning tea will be held in the church par­ The Rev. J . Ryan Belser i/li Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. lors with Mrs. C. E. Brandt, Mrs. Sunday masses 5:45, 8:30 and 10. wa At that time 4-H club booths, A. Hlll and Mrs. E. C. Schrock as Weekday masses 7 and 8. tha open class exhibits and victory hostesses. All ladies are cordially First Friday masses 5:45, 7 and 8. str, garden club exhibits will be Invited. Confessions from 3:30 to 5 and the judged. 7 to 8:30 Saturdays and on days inll At 1:00 p. m. the Cedar Sisters St. Paul's Lutheran University preceeding First Fridays and Holy ca~ will demonstrate "Glorification of Church days. l ' StG American Feed Sacks." The Rev. L. C. Wuecffel, pastor . . , "th The remalnder of the program 9:30 a. m. Sunday school with s t. Patrick's Church of will be announced later. Bible class for all. 224 E. Court street Ge 10:30 a. m. Divine worship in Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick O'Reilly '] which the pastor will speak on pastor no, "The Tears of Jesus." Holy Com­ The Rev. George Snell, assistant sp t: Pte. Albert Dolezal munion will be celebrated in this pastor Ian service. 6:30 a. m. Low mass. rna J 'Wounded in Action 8 a. m. High mass. ina TrinIty Episcopal Church 9:15 a. m. Low mass. to PIc. Albert Dolezal of the United 32% E. College street 10:30 a. m. Low mass. o sa s it cant Fr-:i States marine corps, son of Mr. and The Rev. Fred W. Putnam, rector Daily masses at 8 a. m. except NIIL; Mrs. Albert Dolezal, 428 Kimball 8 a. m. Holy Communion. Saturday. Saturday mass at 7: 30 tnt=! road, has been wounded in action 10:45 a. m. Holy Communion and a. m. th_ in the Pacific according to a letter .ermon. Saturday confession will be E from h im received by his parents 2 p. m. Holy Communion (for heard from 3 until 5 p. m. and 81~ yesterday. pre-flight cadets). 7 until 9 p. m. inc: Private Dolezal has been In the Monday, 7:30 p. m, Vestry meet­ tic!!!: ing in the parish house. 'I: service for a year and has served St. Mary's Church " .... ' overseas for almost eight months. Tuesday, 7:30 p, m. Explorer 222 E. Jefferson street ) to. According to the letter, he now is Scouts in the parish house. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carl H. Melnberl, eas;;; Wednesday, 7 a. m. Hol y Com- pastor ere al_ in a navy hospital and is allowed • tai to sit up in bed. munion. . The Rev. J. W. Sch.mJtz, assistant In a letter received previously, I 10 a. m. Holy Ctlmm1;lDJon .. pastor Vis;;; t hl"marine said he had a Jap sword Saturday, 7 p. m. Semor chOIr 6 a. m. First mass. Ru.:: and money to bring home. His rehearsal in the church. riy . father is the assistant fi re chief .--- Ends Today --...-,: line:: of Iowa City. First Christian church sill. 217 Iowa avenue All Baba Ann ThE Forty Thieves hee I . be 9:30 a. m. Communion service Why you'll get hurt if gas rationing fails! Delegates Named In charge of elders followed by C regular Sunday school classes. Ba= the To State Convention 10:30 Church will take part in WB WHO JV,VI every reason for wanting to rons of gas to "deliver" a one·ton bomb, peopl e won', be able to get their share. 1, union services at Methodist church. COL Starts Monday! you all the gasoline YOIl can \Ue tell And simply to train l pilotrequires enough cOllid bt YOII! J ames L. Ryan and George • sell mi you that there a shortage .. . acute gas to last the average car 18 years. Brown, president of the local 16 of st. Wencellaus Church is an If any considerable number of necessary sia= shortage tight here in the Centrsi Srates. Tel= the Iowa State Policemen's a800i­ 630 E. Davenport street I Afrer military needs are mer, there sim­ dri vers-war wockers, farmers, doctors, ation, have been elected delegate The Rev. Edward W. NeulU, pastor We also teJJ you that YO" ha vt every reason '::::J ply is not enough gasoline left to keep truckers-find themselves unable to buy lowing a .8a;o)j~ e truck around 30 you can m_ and alternate respectively to the The Rev. I. B. Conrath, assistant. to malee the rationing plan wor"-in your civilian cars rll!lning "as usual. " The only needed gas, then more stringent regula­ lind the station that is going to get lOme mi_ state convention to be held in Des pastor IIwn self-interest, as weJJ as {or patriotic Moi nes Sept. 18. way to make what's left go around is to tions will have to be adopted. Then it gas, do you? Then pl ay (air and square with 6:30 a. m. Low mass. reasons alld (or the good old American Although In previous years the B a. m. Low mass. Jtide to Ihi rationing ilan. Rationing is de· might well be necessary to ration dealers the rationing plan. .pitit of (ait play. Yc meeting has been. held for three 10 a. m. High mass. signed to see that everybody gets his the way it has been done ill the East. DlIIIIt: Don't apply for more that:t 1011 days, the convention will be cut Dally masses at 7 and 7:30 a. m. needed share of the available. supply. gas to a one-day business meetinl in Saturday confessions will be heard ~ know the armed forces have litst You don't want to see a lot of gasoline really need. Get inco a ride.sharing club view of war condj~ions , according from 3 until 7 p. m. and 7 until caI1 on the avail,ble supply-will get what Unless motorists do a better job of stick· stations wit h "No gas today" signs-as . nJ pH 10 ;1. Bndorse all. your gas cou· to Joe Dolezal, director of the 8:30 a. m. - ·PLUS­ trc:.• Ih., need, You wouldn't have it otherwi~. ing to the plan thn they have ro..pace, Out eastern friends have-do you? You pons 1I0w-don't give anf lwaf. Don't state organization. ColoriooD - Novelty en. .. nw deaw\ds are rerrific. It rakes three there will surely come a time when SO"" don't want to join a long line of cars fol - take ,XIt'a gas Ot coupons from 1I11J111', It. United Gospel Church SportUqht - News - , It is a tradition that each .tate 911 E. Fairchild sWeet . , to for which a battleship i8 named Mall: Weir, pastor be::::: shall contribute a silver service 9:411 a. m. Bible SChool. SPONSORED IY PETaOLEUM INDUSTRY COMMITTEE FOR DISTRICT 2 (15 Cantral States). APPOINTED BY PETROLEUM ADMINISTRATOR FOR ~d fre. to the ship's officers' mell. an. Till. arJlv.rti ..menf paid for by: Z Advara .efInIng Campany Col· T.K RefInInt CamPOlI), The Kanotu Rellninll Company Old Dutch R.fInIng Comptllly Standard 011 COfIIPany (Kentvcky) Ire: BII frc. . HI.. ' Bib! Aetna OM ConIpany Canlinenlol 011 COIIIpony lak.sld. R.flnlng Company Petroleum Specialties, Inc. standard 011 COIIIpany of And.rson-Prlchord 011 Corporallan Phillips PetroleuIII Company LouIslano vo. Thunderlnr Action! Cooperative RefInery AuocIalion Leonard RefIn.,i.s, Inc. re Mow~evIllCo. · Producers Refining, Inc. 1:15" Glorioul Romance! Crystal R.flnlng Company of ' Loulsyill. R.Anln; Company Standard on CompOllY of NOW!~= AIIIIa,.d OM .. Can.poa;y Corson City, The ""r. 011 COlllpany Nebraska • ci v- leflnlnt Inc. Mo· F. A. Reftning COIIIpany . I HaMEIN i lite Atlantic hftnIng Compony Deep Rock 011 Corporotlorl Rock Island Refining Company The Standard ON Company (OhIo) Delta R.flnlng Company Mld·Continent P.lroleUftl Rock Island lI.fInIng Corporation Stoll 011 Reflnlng Company Atlt«tI Oasoan. Company Corporation Ic Derby 011 COIIIpany Roosevelt 011 COIIIpany Sun OM COIIIpony IeIJIICD OM Company The Mlcland Cooperative Wholesale ,.. leIy Pelroleulll Corponlllon The I!I Dotado ReftnIn; Co. The Shallow Watr. • .,... Sunray 011 ColIIpOllY Mid· West R.flnerl.s, Inc. • Company • ... Oil .. Goa Con!Pony IthyI Corporation Th. T.Kaa Compelny lI:D!~ The Glob. OR & R.fInIng Co. Monarch lIeflneries, Inc. Shell 011 Company, Inc. nde Water AUaclated 01 ".. cCllllleld 011 Company Featurtnc Naph.SoI R.flnlng. COlIIpClny Sinclair 011 Corporation COIIIpan), E Wall.r Bro.Da. . IA. Moe.lIllter CtII'ItOll ...... '-Pany Gulf R.flning Company hu.o Cral. . C ....I.It. 0 ...... Notional Cooperative Refinery Sk.lly 011 COIIIPony Th. Vickers Co., Inc. I Co letln/ng COIftPCIIIy indiana 'CI'III Iur.oll Coaparallv. '.troIeum coscacl. . Aaaaciotion Auoclatlon Socony·VacwIII 011 CCllllpOlly, Inc. Wisconsin OU RefInIntI CoIIIpany.1nc. f tro­ Xlr'al Walt Disney" CflCllllpIin RefInint Company Johnson 011 R.flnlnll Company the NationClI Refining Company Southern ON ServIce Wood 1I ••rOlI" Reflnlnll C--'1 cit "Movie Testa" 0"- s.rvtce OM '-POll)' ~OII5Ypply The OhIo 011 Company Standard OR Company IIndlClllo' Warth RefInInt Co., Inc. C8J;;; v~. -Lalel& News- .... li=a~:=:!a;a;:::~ii=';i:ie== * OAIOLINI 'OWI.I THI ATTACK •• , DON'T WAITI A DROP! * ======:;;;=~' ;;\ ; . rir .t