▪ Free ▪ November 2020

Reverend Frances reflects on Remembrance - Page 3 1 call Robert Wall of Whaley Bridge on

2 Let us pursue all that makes for peace Undoubtedly the finest film I have seen this year is the movie “1917”. It follows one day in the life of two soldiers sent out of the trenches by their commanding officer to deliver a vital message to another battalion, in a journey that takes them across dangerous enemy territory. What makes the film so special is the way it presents us not with textbook heroes but ordinary young men who are capable of depths of friendship and care, of heights of courage and resourcefulness. Despite the unfolding horror of trench warfare we see them acting selflessly, with kindness and goodness. Remembrance Day has become ever more significant in recent years: partly because of the centenary of the First World War, partly because the conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan reminded us that war continues to be a current reality in the world. I think it is also because in our increasingly individualised world, where we are encouraged to think of ourselves above all as consumers, there has been a hunger for a national story that can tell us something more meaningful about ourselves. Remembrance Day with its stories of bravery and self sacrifice, of character honed through adversity reminds us that we can aspire to these qualities too. Remembrance Day also reminds us of the suffering and waste of war. It can galvanise us to reflect on the world as it is now and our God-given responsibility to take care of it for the generations that come after us. I am always moved by the words at the end of the service of Remembrance in which we recommit ourselves to working for a world marked not by conflict but by peace and justice. We have witnessed tumultuous events in our country over the last year. A year ago the was an angry and fractious place: Brexit and everything that went with it seemed to be tearing our social fabric apart. Since the pandemic of 2020, that now seems a long time ago. Early in lockdown it seemed that a new sense of national cohesion was emerging, that we had become a country where people could show care and appreciation for keyworkers in lowly paid jobs keeping the country afloat. There seemed to be a new appreciation of the Christian virtues of self-sacrifice and human goodness. Will that be a lasting change? How will this pandemic shape our national character? How will future generations remember our generation? In the words we often use at our service of Holy Communion: “Let us pursue all that makes for peace, and builds up our common life.” Peace be with you, Frances 3 The of Whaley Bridge St James Taxal ● Holy Trinity Fernilee ●

Priest in Charge Revd Frances Eccleston 01663 732724 46 Road, Whaley Bridge [email protected] Readers Beryl Axcell 732612 Hilltop, Road Mick Connell 734153 1 Shallcross Mill Road [email protected] Pastoral Worker Sue Mellor 732005 2 Taxal View, Fernilee [email protected] Churchwardens John Swift 07775 691403 Madscar Farm, Taxal Stella Whitehurst 732132 [email protected]

Items for magazine to the editor Alison Rowland 07905 987360 [email protected] Bell Ringing Victoria Shelmerdine [email protected] 719430 Praying for the Streets of Whaley Bridge The names of the streets to be prayed for in any particular week will appear on the church notice sheet and these streets will be remembered in our prayers.

1 November: Walter’s Wood, Waterfoot Lane, Whaley Lane, Wharf Court 8 November: Wharf Road, Wheatsheaf Road, Whiteleas Road, Williamson Crescent

15 November: Williamson Road, Woodbrook, Woodbrook Court, Yeardsley Green

22 November: Alder Rise, Beech Rise, Beech Road, Bings Road

29 November: Bingswood Ave, Bingswood Road, Botany Mews, Bridge Street

6 December: Bridgemont, Buxton Road

13 December: Canal Street, Carr Brook Close, Chapel Road, Chapel Street

20 December: Church Bank, Clough Field Close, Cotton Close, Craig Drive

27 December: Mews, Eccles Close, Elnor Avenue

4 The Parish of Whaley Bridge St James Taxal - Holy Trinity Fernilee - Kettleshulme

Special services during November Service of Light: Sunday 1 November to twelve, ten or even six in some local Every year we hold a “Service of Light” authorities. Some people were not able to to which we invite those families whose attend funerals because they were self- loved ones have had their funerals held at isolating or shielding. St James and Holy Trinity over the past Attending the funeral is often an two years. This year our Service of Light important part of helping us to grieve will be held on Sunday 1 November at properly for the person we have lost. 4.00pm at St James’ Church. “The Lord This year funerals have been shorter bless you and keep you, and make his because of the Covid regulations. And face shine upon you.” one of the key parts of the funeral is the gathering afterwards – and these have not Remembrance Sunday: 8 November been allowed. It’s been a stressful year A shortened Act of Remembrance will be in so many ways, so perhaps we have not held at the War Memorial in the Park on spent the time we needed to grieve Sunday 8 November at 10.45am. This properly. All in all it’s been a tough year socially distanced gathering will be for those of us who have lost someone. limited to 15 people, with representatives This year at Holy Trinity we will hold a from the churches, the British Legion and special “Grieving Space” service on the Town Council by invitation. In order Sunday 22 November at 4.00pm. It to limit numbers attending, will be an informal, accessible time for representatives of other organisations are anyone who wants to remember someone encouraged to attend later in the day to who they have been close to. lay wreaths. Large crowds are discouraged from gathering, though We will create an atmosphere of calm, anyone who does come to the park using recorded music and words of should wear a mask and observe good comfort from poetry and the Bible – and social distance. we will light a candle and remember each person by name. The service will be Arrangements are subject to changing conducted in a Covid-risk managed way, government guidance! For updates, and masks should be worn. In order to please go to, manage numbers safely, it is essential to the British Legion will also put up book a place at this service by emailing posters in the village. [email protected] Grieving Space: Sunday 22 November Please indicate how many places you Losing someone we are close to is always would like to book, whether the places one of the most difficult things we face in are for people from one household or life. This past year grieving has been different households, and please give the especially hard. When lockdown began name of the person you are remembering. numbers attending funerals were limited We look forward to welcoming you.

Vision Statement: To Live and Grow as the body of Christ 5 Joining together to walk and to pray

By Michael Connell Keep us, good Lord, A Prayer Walk was held under the shadow of your mercy on Saturday 3 October in this time of uncertainty and distress. 2020. The event was promoted by Churches Sustain and support the anxious and Together in Whaley fearful, Bridge, and began at 9.00 and lift up all who are brought low; am when 18 worshippers from the six churches met that we may rejoice in your comfort in Holy Trinity car park. knowing that nothing can separate us After a few prayers, a from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. group of six was formed to take a short route around Amen the village, and two groups of six elected to take a the farmyard. Turning longer route. Prayers were right, we followed track to be offered at each before crossing the ford, church along the routes. and climbed the steep hill The short route took the to Taxal churchyard. walkers through the park From St James’ Church the before pausing at the route continued along former Springbank Linglongs Road, across Pentecostal Church and Macclesfield Road and to crossing the road to Sacred the Memorial Park by the Heart. The final leg was to reservoir. Only a few the Good News Church on passing the end of New hundred yards then Sacred Old Road. The two other Road and Cromford Court Heart Church via Whaley groups crossed the A6 to sheltered accommodation, Lane before returning their first meet at the before climbing Cromford finally to our homes to Uniting Church. incline. wring out our soddened From there our group By now the weather was clothes. continued to Old Road via deteriorating and all were Caldene Terrace and thankful for their During the pandemic we Gospel Hall before appropriate clothing. have been informed of the crossing Chapel Road, At the top we turned right beneficial effects outside descending the steps, and and then left onto a walks provide in terms of footpath which eventually both physical and mental led to Elnor Lane and health. I think we can now Fernilee Chapel. After say that they are good for prayers there the walk took general knowledge as the us down the footpath to the ‘long walkers’ will no right of the Chapel, past doubt agree that they now the Shady Oak pub and know the difference across the main road and between a mole hill and a down to the via cow pat. 6

Local history - Tales of the unexpected from Taxal

Facebook is proving to be a Another Taxal story mentions a fascinating source of local history. rather bizarre burial in the Posted by David Easton, Furness Churchyard: This is reproduced as Vale History Society, on 12 written by John Warren, in his September 2020 was this diaries, hence the strange spelling. fascinating piece: On this day in 1870, John Warren “On this day in 1922 the Sunderland wrote of an unusual burial: Daily Echo told a story of candles at Taxal Church. “Thursday Night October 6th Parishioners Candles BRADSHAW of Fernilee run over in the Shallcross Plean and he had Owing to there being no gas or oil, have his arm teaken of and when for years there has been no evening his arm was teaken of William service at the old Parish Church of MORTIN and James HILL Berried it Taxal, . in a field at Fernelee but Edward The new rector has asked BENNETT orderd it to be teaken up parishioners to bring their own again and to be Berried in Taxal candles and candlesticks. The Church yard”. suggestion has been adopted and each person now has his own Words and photo courtesy of David private candle.” Easton, History Society.

7 They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old I am writing this, not as a supplies but none came. remembrance service, but By FRED ROBINSON As ammunition ran out, as an act of remembrance the order was given, for some of our Armed living in Whaley Bridge, “Retreat, every man for Forces who have paid the who served in Korea and himself.” Some men were supreme price but who we know that Korea was taken prisoner, the rest did rarely get mentioned. the bloodiest conflict since not survive. Sadly, there I feel this is rather unfair 1945, and he says you are no war graves or for those who have lost never seem to hear cemetery because this took their lives and for the anything about it – it is a place in what is now North loved ones left behind, long-forgotten war, so sad. Korea. many of whom are still I personally have a former So, what are the figures I alive. So, with the greatest work colleague who have found for Korea? respect for those who lost served three years in 4,092 casualties, 1,078 their lives before 1945, the Malaya and says the same killed, 21,674 injured, end of the Second World thing; so much is said 1,060 missing presumed War, I am writing here of about the First and Second dead. service since 1945. World Wars. What about Malaya: Over 500 service N.B. If you research these us – we were both in the personnel killed. The conflicts, you will find that Army at the same time but location of War whoever produces the I didn’t do any active Cemeteries is still reports all provide a service because I was classified. different account and posted to a cavalry Indonesia, Belize and different casualty numbers. ceremonial unit. Butan: 114 killed, 63 With one exception, I will injured. It is important to not dwell on battles. remember that there are Adan: No official figures. Korea Kenya (Mau Mau): 600 many around who served One hundred thousand in these conflicts. For killed (Commonwealth). troops served in Korea. I No definitive British instance, there is one am sure many of you will person I meet regularly, casualties. remember the Gloucester Northern Ireland: No Regiment (the ‘Glorious definitive total. Glosters’ as they became Cyprus: No figures known) but I believe it is available. worth a mention. Six Afghanistan: As at 2019, hundred men were 454 killed (an injury rate deployed to defend the of 25%); 2014-15,145 Imjin River crossing and amputees. over 10,000 Chinese The Falklands: British attacked the crossing but losses included 20 crew on the ‘Glosters’ held out for HMS due to a three days. They ran out of missile attack. ammunition and pleaded for fresh supplies. The Perhaps surprisingly, the aircraft at the time were British Government has Mosquitos, fighter not released some figures. bombers well able to drop ► 8 War and Peace

War is not a new thing It’s been here from the start, However, we are When Cain slew brother Abel definitely here to pay And their lives were torn apart. homage to the memory of all our fellow countrymen Brother still fights brother and women who have And nations go to war, served and continue to It seems these things will never end serve us so honestly and Perhaps we need to ask ‘what for?’ proudly and stand Man has chosen his own path shoulder-to-shoulder with Where might and power tell, their loved ones and But God desires a better way friends. Where harmony and peace can dwell. So, at the two-minute silence, please remember And so a time will come at last every one of the places I When all man’s rule will cease, have mentioned, as well Emmanuel will come to reign, as our Special Services, Our Lord and Saviour, Prince of Peace. who for reasons of national security are never By Megan Carter mentioned; SAS, SBS. Silence for those who made the supreme Cambodia prompts prayers for Remembrance sacrifice: For Korea The approach of it can hold the sway For Malaya Remembrance Day of history, For Palestine reminded me of make others pay For Kenya (Mau Mau) scribblings prompted by the price For Indonesia, Belize and a visit to “The Killing of ambition. Butan Fields” of Cambodia, Hitler, Pol Pot, For Aden writes Beryl Axcell dictators in For Cyprus their time, For Northern Ireland The propensity to hurt, spurred on to harm, by greed For the Falklands to control, and lust for power, For Afghanistan lies deep within us all. allowed that seed They shall grow not old, There is that seed to supersede as we that are left grow that springs to life all goodness, old. unsummoned all compassion. Kohema epitaph: but determined, - Evil personified When you go home by word or deed, in all they Tell them of us and say, to have its way. represent - For your tomorrow If extreme and Belsen, Auschwitz We gave our today uncontrolled and The Killing Fields. 9

Light a candle

Please remember that we are asked to place a lighted candle in our window at 8pm each Sunday in solidarity with sisters and brothers across the world.

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Special occasion? - why not consider booking the Parish Rooms. • Also available for meetings, coffee mornings, parties, funeral teas. • Full kitchen facilities available - reasonable charges. • Outside caterers can be used for your special event. • Safe off-road parking. • Book in good time to avoid disappointment. All enquiries to Mark Ford on 01663 719144

10 In celebration of autumn colour - Trees Please

At least 4 years ago I came across a Yu see poem by Benjamin Zephaniah, which Down in Somerset , , I loved, writes Beryl Axcell. It came I know a tree back to mind the following autumn Dat is one thousand when the leaves were absolutely at An five hundred years old. their autumnal best. I resolved to take Dat is a wise tree a photograph, get it “blown up” and Dat is a tree I need the poem, “Trees Please” To talk to, superimposed. Dat is a tree The trouble is that I get these We animals should listen to. inspirations but don’t get round to For millions of animals doing anything about them. Two Trees are a home, years later, coming down a glorious Trees can help shelter you home, Long Hill, I told my son and daughter- So leave de trees alone. in-law about my procrastinations. We Trees mek oxygen. parked, Sharon took a photograph, Let me say dat again: took it home, painted me a beautiful Trees mek oxygen. picture and added the poem for my So mek a tree yu fren. birthday! It won’t reproduce for the Leave de trees please magazine, so here is the poem with a Cause de trees recent photograph (p 10) courtesy of Work wid de breeze our Editor. To put all living tings at ease, An they help de birds and bees . Leave de Trees please Old an wise are all of these , Cause de trees So leave de trees please Work wid de breeze Juss To put all living tings at ease. Leave de trees please. So leave de trees please Benjamin Zephaniah

A Harvest Thanksgiving service was Creator God, held at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday you made the goodness of the land, 11 October. the riches of the sea A collection was made of fresh and and the rhythm of the seasons; tinned fruit, which was used to make as we thank you for the harvest, harvest hampers to be distributed to may we cherish and respect this planet those people who are currently and its peoples, shielding in the parish. through Jesus Christ our Lord. The collect prayer for Harvest: Amen

11 God is not into ‘Social Distancing’! Personally, I really dislike the term, ‘Social We have survived a lot together and Distancing’, because in its most of all, we need to continue to be current usage, it is ‘Social’ and distanced – we will not absolutely not about being social! ‘Spatial’ be on our own! distancing would be much more accurate. Being those whom I have Precious memories are ‘social’ is a deep human cherished and lost over sparked by photos, or by quality which brings to the years are in God and revisiting places and mind words like, respect, therefore also very close – views, or on hearing caring, enjoyment, they are now with the particular music or even, belonging - I am sure the innumerable Communion eating curry, bring them list could be much longer. of Saints, whom we recall to mind and alive again. None of these are qualities collectively in our They are simply ‘here’, to be distanced from. services and particularly because they are in God. I And, isn’t it hard to live on All Saints Day, the day believe in the Communion with a ‘two-metre’ reflex? after Halloween. The of Saints! When we meet a friend, phrase means different I have heard the our natural instinct is to things to different people, suggestion that when we draw close enough for of course. I believe that are spatially distanced, good communication to when we draw close to perhaps in gatherings, happen. God, “the One at the heart such as meetings or of the universe”, as the These days we have to services of worship, you saintly Archbishop might care to think of that resist gravitating towards Desmond Tutu said, we them. We tend to feel anti great Communion also have a bond with all surrounding you filling -social when we move those whom God loves – deliberately away from the spaces, and you might living and departed – not feel quite so isolated. I people, even though we amazingly wonderful! are genuinely trying to do believe that God is For me, the Communion there. protect both them and also of Saints is very real. To ourselves. Quoting from me, it means that those Our Whaley community is the film Happy Feet, “It people who were the under normal just ain’t penguin!” – or friends of Jesus himself circumstances very even human. are my Christian brothers sociable and remained so We all trust that these and sisters, as much as my during Lockdown, with very necessary social grandad, who was a priest much practical caring controls will not last for and who died before I was going on. We have survived a lot together and too long, of course, but born; or friends of good meanwhile, I find comfort faith, both Christian and most of all, we need to in the belief that God is as other, that I have lost continue to be ‘Social’ and distanced – we will close as our next breath. I during my seventy-plus not be on our own! believe that sincerely and years. None of them was deeply. I also believe that perfect, but very human. Rosemary Kidd

12 Our first Covid wedding

Masks and social distancing did not dampen the joyful atmosphere in St. James’ Church for our first wedding this year and for all of those present, the first experience of a wedding under COVID regulations.

On Saturday 19 September, Andrew Mathewson, son of Doctor and Mrs Robert Mathewson from Gap House, Kettleshulme, married Rosi Britos Lopez from Paraguay. The marriage was conducted by Rev. Lynne Bowden.

They say small is beautiful. There were twelve members of family present to see Andrew and Rosi exchange their marriage vows. Sadly, because of COVID restrictions, none of Rosi’s family could be present, but Andrew’s family made up for their absence.

The bride, who was “given away” by Andrew’s father, wore a stunningly elegant pale blue dress.

Andrew’s mother, Sue had arranged all the flowers including posies on many of the pew ends, which brought an English country garden feeling into the church.

Everyone’s delight and happiness echoed in the laughter and chatter outside the porch as groups posed for photographs before leaving for a special lunch together. 13 Thoughts from our young worshippers

Can we remember what it was like to be young and constantly learning how to relate to other people when they were being difficult? We all developed strategies which have shaped our adult lives. Our service, led by Revd Frances on 13 September, was all about forgiveness – often hard for adults and children alike – so it was important to be reminded that Jesus’ life was completely focused on loving and forgiving. Jesus’ compassion set people free to live enriched lives. His disciple Peter once asked him whether he should forgive someone who had offended

him “seven times?” (In other words, a lot!) Jesus answered. No, not just seven, but “Seventy times seven”! During Lockdown and the long summer holiday, we worried for all our children when they lost the rich social environment of school and playground and the opportunity to rub shoulders and grow in relationships, so it was particularly wonderful to hear how one young person reflected on Jesus’ words. She remembered an incident when another child had landed heavily on top of her on a bouncy castle. ►

14 ► She realised that Zink Project she needed to forgive the other Please continue to pray child, and she went for High Peak Foodbank. on to express that At this time of crisis, powerful emotion they would really in her creative art. appreciate monetary On 20 September donations. our theme was If you feel able, please God’s justice, donate online at which embraces everyone equally. or post cheques made Jesus’ parable of payable to High Peak the unemployed What could be more Foodbank to: URC, vineyard workers important to the Hope Hardwick Square East, told of an owner Buxton SK17 6PT which who paid everyone for peace and will help them to keep an identical fair reconciliation in our meeting the emergency wage, however world than embracing needs of the most many hours they had worked for our differences? vulnerable in our him, even if it was communities. only for a couple of hours at the end of the day.

There was an angry reaction from those workers who Worship details had worked for many hours under a hot sun! on radio, tv That is how we humans tend to think, of course, but and online as a metaphor of God’s love for both the securely employed and the vulnerable alike, it is very Daily Service, Radio reassuring. It couldn’t come at a more important 4 long wave at time, as we realise that many people are going to 9.45am-10.00am, experience economic hardship and unemployment in Monday to Friday; the next few months. Pray God that we as a society Sunday Morning at respond with caring and support, realising that God’s 8.10am Radio 4, love is inclusive. long wave. We are very blessed by the thoughtfulness of ‘Songs of Praise’ younger people in our church community, and that BBC1 at 1.15pm on Sunday we were led in our prayers of intercession by Sundays. a seven-year old. She gave thanks to God for our differences, remembering people in countries across Online: Chester the world speaking different languages, “from Diocesan website: different schools and different backgrounds”, and https:// asking God to help us to be kind to each other. www.churchofenglan What could be more important to the Hope for peace for daily and reconciliation in our world than embracing our prayers and online differences? Common Worship.

15 A tribute to Connie Firth 19 November 1930 - 30 March 2020 The last funeral I How Connie would have conducted as lockdown laughed; she had a began, way back at the tremendous sense of beginning of April, was humour and loved that of Connie Firth, who Freddie Mercury and would have been 90 Queen. years of age on 19 From being very young November 2020, writes she herself loved being Beryl Axcell. on stage - dancing, Covid-19 regulations singing, making people meant that it had to be a laugh. Connie was graveside service with definitely not a shrinking just 10 members of the violet! We have family present. Anyone photographs of various seeing us there wouldn’t have been productions in which, as an adult, surprised to hear “Morning has she had notable roles when she was broken” and, “He who would valiant with and District Amateur be”, coming from Jeremy Operatic and Dramatic Society. Unsworth's Boombox. What they There were even more when she might have been more surprised was in WASPS and Whaley Players, about was to then hear Queen both acting and directing. Aptly, belting out, “I want to break free”, as “There’s no business like we laid her to rest! showbusiness ”, sounded across the graveyard as well! Constance was the only child of Lucy and Daniel Charnley and was brought up on Lower Macclesfield Rd. She went to Whaley School and then on to New Mills. She would have loved to train as a teacher but was unable to continue her education as she needed to work to support the family home following her father’s death. She went into the offices of ICI Mond Division in Buxton as a typist, working her way up to secretary. Her love of Guiding led her into the camaraderie and lifelong friendships of The Trefoil Guild. Connie and future husband, Don, started courting when he was ► Connie as Annie Oakley in ‘Annie Get Your Gun’, November 1953.

16 RIGHT: Connie and Donald married on 12 June 1954 at St James’, Taxal

► working as a volunteer stage electrician at New Mills. They were married at St. James’, Taxal in June 1954 and set up home on Elnor Lane before buying One Ash, Buxton Rd (The present Vicarage). They certainly needed the bigger house with six children! Life must have been incredibly busy. Don frequently had to work abroad, so Connie often had the role of managing home and family alone. Until the children were all at school, she sewed moccasins at home for NeeBee in Whaley Bridge, roping the children in as well. Connie also nursed her own mother and both of her in-laws, as well as caring for her brother-in-law. Scrubbers” (More of the latter Following Pamela, the youngest, another time because I’m running going to school, Connie got a job as out of space!) a baker at Park Cafe and then went Connie moved back onto to Ferodo as a data processor; she Macclesfield Rd in the late 1980s studied programming and became a and retired in 1991. Her lively mind shop steward - I can just imagine! consumed countless books and she Sadly, Don died in December 1980, was always interested in the politics but, as Pamela says, her Mum didn’t of the day. She loved “Question allow herself to become stressed Time” on the TV. with her own life challenges and was Connie was definitely the matriarch a firm believer in not worrying about and the life and soul of the family. things you can’t change. She clung She loved and was loved by all of on to this philosophy through the her children, grandchildren and the heartbreak of losing Don, then son whole family. She always wanted Colin in 2005 and Donald in 2012. them to work hard and achieve their Connie found a great deal of potential academically but equally strength in her faith. In later years, encouraged each of them to pursue pretty much housebound by ill their dreams. health, she really appreciated her We thank God for Connie Firth monthly Holy Communions with having been part of our Church Mick Connell. She was a much family and send our love to all her loved member of our Church family, family. There’s one thing for sure, a member of the Holy Trinity choir, a the day she closed her eyes in diligent Verger at both churches and death, she opened them again in a member of “The Holy Trinity Eternity. She truly had “broken free”!


21 Material used to make baby Moses’ basket (Exodus 2:3) (7) 22 ‘And feeble as — , in thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail’ (5) 23 ‘The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep — to his voice’ (John10:3) (6) 24 Stalk carrying the sponge of wine vinegar given to Christ on the cross (John 19:29) (6) Down 1 Elijah dug one round the altar he built on Mount Carmel and filled it with water (1 Kings 18:32) (6) Crossword Clues 2 ‘I am not — of the gospel, Across because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who 1 ‘The Lord Jesus... took bread, believes’ (Romans 1:16) (7) and when He had given — , he 3 Buddhist term relating to belief broke it’ (1 Corinthians 11:24) (6) in reincarnation (5) 4 ‘He has taken me to the 5 Damascus disciple who, at banquet hall, and His — over me God’s command, restored the is love’ (Song of Songs 2:4) (6) sight of the blinded Saul of Tarsus 8 Surrey town that hosts the (Acts 9:12) (7) National Christian Resources 6 and 16 Horses: their sound Exhibition (5) (Jeremiah 50:11) (5) and their gait 9 Also known as Abednego (Joel 2:4) (6) (Daniel 1:7) (7) 7 A three (anag.) (6) 10 Liken (Isaiah 40:18) (7) 9 Athenian council addressed 11 A son of Etam, descendant of memorably by Paul (Acts 17:22) Judah (1 Chronicles 4:3) (5) (9) 12 A part of the temple where 13 Abide by (Galatians 3:5) (7) the blood of a young bull was to 14 Persian princes (Daniel 3:2) be smeared (Ezekiel 45:19) (9) (7) 17 ‘They make many promises, 15 Force (Galatians 6:12) (6) take false — and make 16 See 6 Down (6) agreements’ (Hosea 10:4) (5) 18 Paste (anag.) (5) 19 Roman province to which Paul returned after evangelizing 20 How the cedars of Lebanon it on his first missionary journey are described (Isaiah 2:13) (5) (Acts 16:6) (7) Answers on page 20



Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, For any Mechanics Institute queries, Whaley Bridge Town Council offices please email are closed until further notice. [email protected] For information please email Website: [email protected] mechanics-institute/

Animal Advice Centre, 13 Chapel Rd, Whaley Bridge Open Wednesday 2.30pm-4.00pm For info. & advice on all aspects of animal welfare Books, Bric-a-brac etc. for sale/New members welcome Cruelty reports are treated in complete confidence Tel: 0300 1234 999 Hon Sec: 01298 812053 ID Discs engraved

Thornsett Fields Farm, , High Peak SK22 1AX Tel.: 01663 743025 email: [email protected] Mob.: 07979 086922 For that special stress-free break come to Casper’s Cattery where you will enjoy the benefits of this unique guest house. Casper’s Cattery is situated on a working farm in the heart of the countryside. Each room is lovingly decorated by a local artist.

Deadline for next issue 3 November 19 ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD

ACROSS: 1, Thanks. 4, Banner. 8, Esher. 9, Azariah. 10, Compare. 11, Ishma. 12, Doorposts. 17, Oaths. 19, Galatia. 21, Papyrus. 22, Frail. 23, Listen. 24, Hyssop. DOWN: 1, Trench. 2, Ashamed. 3, Karma. 5, Ananias. 6, Neigh. 7, Reheat. 9, Areopagus. 13, Observe. 14, Satraps. 15, Compel. 16, Gallop. 18, Tapes. 20, Lofty.

29 November is the start of Advent… The Promise of Advent Stir up our hearts, we beseech you, to prepare ourselves to receive your Son. When He comes and knocks, may He find us not sleeping in sin, But awake to righteousness, Ceaselessly rejoicing in His love. May our hearts and minds be so purified, That we may be ready to receive His promise of eternal life. From The Gelasian Sacramentary, c. 500 (the oldest official prayer book of the Western Church)

20 21


22 Preserve Your Memories Steve Waterhouse

Decorator INTERIOR DECORATION ALSO HAND PAINTED FURNITURE KITCHEN UNITS WARDROBES AND VANITY UNITS Established 1984 Contact: Brian on 07786 964886 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01663 734345

23 24 25


Contact details for organisers are listed below: REGULAR CHURCH ACTIVITIES EVERY WEEK Sunday Explorers - held during 10.30 service Bible stories and fun for children. Contact Sue Mellor 01663 732005

Home Groups - Fellowship with Bible Study Wednesday 7.30-9.00pm at Eastfield, 15, Whaley Lane Contact Marion Lacey 01663 733717 or Sue Mellor 01663 732005

Bell Ringing Practice from 8.00pm at St James Taxal. All ages, but must be 4ft 8in tall. Secretary Victoria Shelmerdine [email protected] 01663 719430 Practice: Thursday from 7.30pm-8.30pm

MONTHLY CATS Pre School Praise First Wednesday of month. For pre- school age children and their carers 9.15am at Holy Trinity Contact Beryl Axcell 01663 732612

Mothers’ Union Meetings third Thursday in month. Holy Trinity 1.30pm Contact Eveline Hughes – 01663 733597

Baby & Children’s Clothes and Toy Swap Holy Trinity Church 10-12 noon, third Saturday each month. Baby and Children’s clothes and toys good condition, refreshments. Contact Sue Mellor 01663 732005

Churches Together Lunch Club Second and fourth Thursday each month 12 o’clock at the Uniting Church. Contact Stella Whitehurst 01663 732132 or Marion Lacey 01663 733717. Tickets £4.00.

Messy Church Second Sunday 3.30-5.30pm bi-monthly. Watch out for future dates. Contact Marion Lacey 01663 733717

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