PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr D Keays Parish Clerk: Mrs E R Timms The Old Vicarage 34 Croft Lane Temple Grafton Temple Grafton Alcester 01789 772133 01789 773671 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 5th November 2018 Present: Cllr Keays Cllr Thompson Cllr Kemp Cllr Perkins C Cllr Cargill Parish Clerk 9 visitors 1. Open Forum- Dan Hatcher,a resident of School Cottages, had brought along plans regarding the conversion of the next door cottage to make one building. He said the work would mainly be inside work with only repairs to the exterior. The cllrs were grateful that he had presented his proposal in advance of our receiving the planning application. Three residents of Cranhill had come along to voice their concerns regarding the speed of traffic on the Stratford/ Road. They all had on occasions suffered near misses and had seen many other dangerous situations. They felt that the main problems were caused by motorbike riders and bus drivers ignoring speed signs. C Cllr Cargill asked Cllr Keays to send through a request for a speed survey to be carried out. Cllr Kemp also said that the bus stops on opposite sides of the road opposite the Health Centre were very dangerous and feared that an accident could occur when people had to cross the road. Mrs Freeman asked if anything could be done about the hedge at Mr Spillsbury’s cottage and Cllr Keays said he would speak to him. The hedges at Home Farm have now been cut. 2. Apologies were received from Cllr Vitty and D Cllr Adams. 3. There were no disclosures of interest. 4. Minutes of the meeting held 3rd September 2018. These were proposed for acceptance by Cllr Kemp and Cllr Perkins. 5. Item 15 it was agreed that the benches and noticeboards looked much better following the work that had been carried out on them by Nigel Taylor, to whom the Parish Council would like to express gratitude. To date there has been no charge. 6. Cllr Cargill said that there is much more crime in the area and that if anyone saw anything suspicious they should call 999. He said that West Mercia wanted to split from . He said that this had been a successful partnership saving an estimated £35m over the period it has been active (6 years). No report had been received from the D Cllr. 7. Planning Matters 18/02000/OUT – Grafton Lodge, – the cllrs made no representation 18/02643/FUL – Winscombe, Blackcliffe – the cllrs had no objections.

-231- 18/02728/FUL – The Driftway, Temple Grafton – the cllrs had no objections. 18/01258/REM – Flogas, Welford on Avon – Cllr Keays said that the concerns residents had concerning the public footpath had now been resolved. 18/01242/FUL – Croft Lane, Temple Grafton – permission has been refused but the c cllr said that they could appeal. 18/03091/FUL – The Cottage, – proposed conversion of an existing garage as ancillary accommodation – the PC has no specific objections to this proposal; however, it is not clear from the application what this “ancillary accommodation” is to be used for and therefore, why there is a need for such. It is also imperative that the garage block remains ancillary to the main house and it should conditioned in such a way as to prevent it being separated off into a discreet property. 8. Information received from WALC this is all emailed to cllrs before the meeting. Information regarding the forthcoming Parish elections - noted 9. Details of contact from requesting information regarding Parish Plan and Village Design Statement Conservation Report – Cllr Keays said he had dealt with this. 10. Email from Mrs Nussey regarding Ardens Grafton Neighbourhood Watch – this has been dealt with. 11. Information received from Warwickshire District Council Temporary closure of Croft Lane – noted Invitation to the Chairman’s Festive Open Evening – none of the cllrs were able to attend. WCC Minerals Plan Publication Consultation – noted. 12. Financial Matters Annual Grant of £550 and annual rent of £140 payable to Graftons Village Hall – proposed by Cllr Thompson and seconded by Cllr Perkins cheque number 100532 refers. Annual Grant of £500 payable to St Andrew’s Church – proposed by Cllr Keays and seconded by Cllr Kemp cheque number 100533 refers. Second payment of £1885.00 from SDC for precept – noted Request from VASA for a donation – this will be discussed at the next meeting. 13. Information received after preparation of agenda – none 14. Exchange of Information. Cllr Thompson said he had spoken to Wayne Bellamy the Enforcement Officer regarding the barn on Croft Lane which it is thought is being for commercial purposes. He said he had visited the site but there appeared to be nothing untoward however, he will visit the site again. Cllr Thompson said he had also spoken to the enforcement officer to investigate the stables opposite Home Farm as it was believed that this is being used for residential purposes. Cllr Thompson said that the objection had been registered because a change of use might automatically be granted if there were no objections within seven years. 15. The dates for the next two meetings were arranged and they will be 7th January 2019 and 4th March 2019. The annual meeting which will start at will be held on 20th May 2019.