


Abstract. Given the result of Herman, we provide a new elementary proof of the fact that the group of diffeomorphisms is a perfect and hence . Moreover, we show that every diffeomorphism can be represented as a product of f = [g1, h1] ··· [gm, hm] where the factors gi and hi can be chosen to depend smoothly on f. The elegance of the approach relies on the fact that we can choose the factors smoothly. If the underlying manifold is of dimension n ≥ 2 then one can take m = 9(n + 1) provided f is sufficiently close to the identity.

1. Introduction and statement of the result Definition 1. A possibly infinite dimensional G is called locally smoothly perfect of at most m if the smooth map K : G2m → G

K(g1, h1, . . . , gm, hm) := [g1, h1] ◦ · · · ◦ [gm, hm] has a local smooth right inverse at the identity. More precisely, we ask for an 2m open neighborhood V of e ∈ Go and a smooth map σ : V → (Go) such that K ◦ σ = idV . Here Go denotes the connected of e ∈ G. Be aware that this concept is slightly different from the one used in [HT03]. ∞ For a smooth manifold M without boundary we denote by Diffc (M) the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms of M. This is a Lie group modeled on the convenient vector space Xc(M) of compactly supported vector fields, see [KM97] for all necessary details. For compact M this smooth structure coincides with the well known Fr´echet–Lie group structure on Diff∞(M). The aim of this paper is to establish the following Theorem 1. Let M be a smooth manifold without boundary of dimension n ≥ 2. ∞ Then Diffc (M) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 9(n + 1). ∞ Since any open neighborhood of e ∈ Diffc (M)o generates the group, Theorem 1 ∞ implies that Diffc (M)o is a . This was already proved by Epstein [E84] using ideas of Mather, see [M74] and [M75], who dealt with the Cr–case, 1 ≤ r < ∞, r 6= n + 1. The Epstein–Mather proof is elementary, but tricky. It is based on the Schauder–Tychonov fixed point theorem, and guaranties the existence

Date: Draft from October 4, 2004. 2000 Subject Classification. 58D05. Key words and phrases. diffeomorphism group; perfect group; simple group; fragmentation; convenient calculus; foliation. The first author is supported by the Fonds zur F¨orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Austrian Science Fund), project number P14195-MAT. 1 2 STEFAN HALLER AND JOSEF TEICHMANN of a presentation f = [g1, h1] ··· [gm, hm], but without any further control on the factors gi and hi. Theorem 1 actually implies the stronger statement that the universal covering ∞ of Diffc (M)o is a perfect group. This result is known too, see [T74] and [M84]. Thurston’s proof is based on a result of Herman for the torus, see [H71], [H73]. It also does not imply that the factors gi and hi can be chosen to depend smoothly on f. ∞ Note that the perfectness of Diffc (M)o implies that this group is simple, see [E70]. The methods used in [E70] are elementary and actually work for a rather large of groups of homeomorphisms. Perfectness and simplicity results have been obtained for several other groups of diffeomorphisms. For instance, the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms is not perfect. However, there is a well understood normal , the of the flux , which is simple according to unpublished work of Thurston, see [B97] for a write-up, and the series of papers [MD82], [MD83], [MD84]. Using Thurston’s methods Banyaga clarified the of the group of compactly supported symplectomorphisms, see [B78] and [B97]. Again, the group itself is not perfect but the of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms is simple for compact M. For non-compact M the group of compactly supported Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms contains a normal subgroup, the kernel of the Calabi homomorphism, which turns out to be a simple group. In [HR99] Banyaga’s results have been generalized to the slightly more general situation of locally conformal symplectic manifolds. To our knowledge the case of contact diffeomorphisms is still open, though it appears reasonable to expect that the group of compactly supported contact dif- feomorphisms is perfect and hence [E70] simple. Thurston’s approach should work in this case. However, a model case playing the role of Herman’s torus is lacking. The Lie of compactly supported contact vector fields certainly is perfect in view of [O97]. Rybicki [R95] proved that the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms, which preserve the leaves of a foliation of constant rank, is a perfect group — though not simple of course. Note, however, that none of the results above guaranties that the factors in a presentation f = [g1, h1] ··· [gm, hm] can be chosen to depend smoothly on f, except Herman’s result for the torus. Nor are there any estimates available on how many commutators one actually needs. In [HT03] we provided a class of closed manifolds, including compact Lie groups and odd dimensional spheres, for which the factors can be chosen smoothly, and estimates on the number of commutators are available. Our proof of Theorem 1 rests on Herman’s result too but is otherwise elementary and completely different from Thurston’s approach. The drawback of our methods is that they do not cover the manifold M = R. The idea of our approach is to consider the foliation F on R × T n−1 with leaves {pt} × T n−1. Parametrizing, see Section 4, Herman’s result for the torus, see Section 5, one obtains that the group of leave preserving diffeomorphisms ∞ n−1 Diffc (R × T , F) is locally smoothly perfect. Perturbing F, we obtain finitely n−1 many diffeomorphic foliations F1,..., Fk on R×T which span the tangent bun- dle. Actually k = 3 suffices, see Section 6. Decomposing a diffeomorphism into leaf ∞ n−1 preserving ones, see Section 3, we show that Diffc (R × T ) is locally smoothly SMOOTH PERFECTNESS FOR THE GROUP OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS 3 perfect, see Proposition 4. Since R × T n−1 embeds into Rn, we can cover M with open sets diffeomorphic to R×T n−1. Using a classical tool known as fragmentation, ∞ see Section 2, we conclude that Diffc (M) is locally smoothly perfect.

2. Smooth fragmentation Let M be a smooth manifold without boundary. For an open U ⊆ M ∞ ∞ we denote by DiffU (M) = Diffc (U) the group of diffeomorphisms with compact support contained in U. This is a Lie group modeled on the convenient vector space XU (M) = Xc(U) of vector fields with compact support contained in U. The following is a folklore statement which can be found all over the literature on diffeomorphism groups. Proposition 1. Let M be a smooth manifold without boundary, and suppose U = {U1,...,Uk} is a finite open covering of M. Then the smooth map P : Diff∞ (M) × · · · × Diff∞ (M) → Diff∞(M), U1 Uk c

P (g1, . . . , gk) := g1 ◦ · · · ◦ gk has a local smooth right inverse at the identity. More precisely, there exist an open neighborhood V of e ∈ Diff∞(M) and a smooth map σ : V → Diff∞ (M) × · · · × c o U1 o Diff∞ (M) with σ(e) = (e, . . . , e) such that P ◦ σ = id . Uk o V Proof. Let π : TM → M denote the projection of the tangent bundle. Choose a Riemannian metric on M and let exp denote the corresponding exponential map. Choose an open neighborhood of the zero section W ⊆ TM such that (π, exp) : W → M × M is a diffeomorphism onto an open neighborhood of the diagonal. Let W 0 ⊆ T ∗M ⊗ TM be an open neighborhood of the zero section, and set  0 W := X ∈ Xc(M) img(X) ⊆ W, img(∇X) ⊆ W , where ∇ denotes the Levi–Civita connection associated to the Riemannian met- 1 ric. This is a C –open neighborhood of 0 ∈ Xc(M). For X ∈ W define fX := ∞ 0 exp ◦X ∈ Cc (M,M). We choose W and W sufficiently small such that every fX is a diffeomorphism. The map ∞ W → Diffc (M),X 7→ fX (1) ∞ provides a chart of Diffc (M) centered at the identity. This is the standard way to ∞ put a smooth structure on Diffc (M), see [KM97]. Choose a smooth partition of unity λ1, . . . , λk with supp(λi) ⊆ Ui for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Define 0  W := X ∈ W (λ1 + ··· + λi)X ∈ W for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k . 1 0 0 This is a C –open neighborhood of 0 ∈ Xc(M), and W ⊆ W. For X ∈ W and ∞ 1 ≤ i ≤ k set Xi := (λ1 + ··· + λi)X, and note that fXi ∈ Diffc (M). Clearly supp(fX1 ) ⊆ supp(λ1) ⊆ U1. Moreover, for 1 < i ≤ k we have Xi−1 = Xi on

M \ supp(λi), and hence fXi−1 = fXi on M \ supp(λi). We conclude that the −1 diffeomorphism (fXi−1 ) ◦ fXi has compact support contained in supp(λi) ⊆ Ui for all 1 < i ≤ k. ∞ ∞ Let V ⊆ Diffc (M) denote the open neighborhood of e ∈ Diffc (M) correspond- ing to W0 via (1). Define a map σ : V → Diff∞ (M) × · · · × Diff∞ (M) U1 Uk 4 STEFAN HALLER AND JOSEF TEICHMANN

 −1 −1 −1  σ(fX ) := fX1 , (fX1 ) ◦ fX2 , (fX2 ) ◦ fX3 ,..., (fXk−1 ) ◦ fXk and notice that it is smooth because X depends smoothly on fX in view of our chart

(1). Obviously we have P (σ(fX )) = fXk = fX and thus P ◦ σ = idV . Moreover, it is immediate from the construction that σ(e) = σ(f0) = (e, . . . , e).  3. Smooth Decomposition into foliation preserving diffeomorphisms Let M be a smooth manifold without boundary and suppose F is a foliation on ∞ M. We will always assume that foliations are of constant rank. Let Diffc (M, F) denote the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms which preserve the leaves of F. This is a Lie group modeled on the convenient vector space Xc(M, F) of compactly supported vector fields tangential to F, see [KM97]. A weaker version of the following proposition was proved in [HT03] using the Nash–Moser implicit function theorem. However, Proposition 2 applies to non- compact manifolds as well, and its proof is elementary.

Proposition 2. Let M be a manifold without boundary and suppose F1,..., Fk are smooth foliations on M such that the corresponding distributions span the tangent bundle of M. Then the smooth map ∞ ∞ ∞ F : Diffc (M, F1) × · · · × Diffc (M, Fk) → Diffc (M)

F (g1, . . . , gk) := g1 ◦ · · · ◦ gk has a local smooth right inverse at the identity. More precisely, there exist an open ∞ ∞ neighborhood V of e ∈ Diffc (M)o and a smooth map σ : V → Diffc (M, F1)o × ∞ · · · × Diffc (M, Fk)o with σ(e) = (e, . . . , e), such that F ◦ σ = idV .

Proof. Let us write T Fi for the subbundle of TM consisting of vectors tangent to Fi. Let Σ : T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk → TM denote the vector bundle map given by addition. Choose a vector bundle map s : TM → T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk right inverse to Σ. This is possible since the distributions Fi span the tangent bundle. Choose a Riemannian metric on M, and note that this provides Riemannian Fi metrics on the leaves of Fi. We obtain smooth exponential maps exp : Ui → M, defined on an open neighborhood of the zero section Ui ⊆ T Fi, which map the fibers of T Fi into the leaves of Fi. Choose any linear connection on T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk. For 1 ≤ i ≤ k and (ξ1, . . . , ξk) ∈ T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk let τi(ξ1, . . . , ξk) denote the point Fi obtained by parallel transport in T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk along the curve t 7→ exp (tξi) time t = 1. It is evident that τi constitutes a smooth map:

τi : T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ui ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk → T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk We certainly find an open neighborhood of the zero section W ⊆ TM such that the compositions

αi := π ◦ τi ◦ τi+1 ◦ · · · ◦ τk ◦ s : W → M are well defined for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Here π : T F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ T Fk → M denotes the vector bundle projection. Set α := α1, and consider (π, α): W → M × M. Its derivative at 0x ∈ TxM is invertible. Using the inverse function theorem and possibly shrinking W we may assume that (π, α): W → M × M is a diffeomorphism onto an open neighborhood of the diagonal. Let W 0 ⊆ T ∗M ⊗TM be an open neighborhood of the zero section, and define  0 W := X ∈ Xc(M) img(X) ⊆ W, img(∇X) ⊆ W , SMOOTH PERFECTNESS FOR THE GROUP OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS 5 where ∇ denotes the Levi–Civita connection on M. This is a C1–open neighborhood ∞ of 0 ∈ Xc(M). For X ∈ W define fX := α ◦ X ∈ Cc (M,M). We choose W and 0 W sufficiently small so that every fX is a diffeomorphism. It is now clear that ∞ W → Diffc (M),X 7→ fX (2) ∞ constitutes a chart for Diffc (M) centered at the identity, cf. the concept of local addition in [KM97, Section 42.4]. For 1 ≤ i ≤ k and X ∈ W define fX,i := αi ◦ X. Again, we choose W and 0 W sufficiently small so that fX,i is a diffeomorphism for every X ∈ W and all ∞ 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Obviously we have fX,1 = fX . Also note that fX,k ∈ Diffc (M, Fk). −1 ∞ Similarly, it follows from the construction that fX,i ◦(fX,i+1) ∈ Diffc (M, Fi) for all 1 ≤ i < k. ∞ Let V denote the open neighborhood of e ∈ Diffc (M) corresponding to W via (2). Define a map ∞ ∞ σ : V → Diffc (M, F1) × · · · × Diffc (M, Fk)  −1 −1 −1  σ(fX ) := fX,1 ◦ (fX,2) , fX,2 ◦ (fX,3) , . . . , fX,k−1 ◦ (fX,k) , fX,k and note that it is smooth because X depends smoothly on fX in view of our chart (2). Moreover we have F (σ(fX )) = fX,1 = fX and thus F ◦ σ = idV . Since the αi restrict to the identity on the zero section we have σ(e) = σ(f0) = (e, . . . , e).  4. The exponential law and smooth parametrization of Suppose B is a smooth manifold without boundary and suppose G is a possibly ∞ infinite dimensional Lie group. Consider the space Cc (B,G) of smooth maps from B to G which are constant equal to e ∈ G outside a compact subset of B. This is a Lie group with point wise multiplication, see [KM97]. ∞ Lemma 1. If G is locally smoothly perfect of order at most m, then so is Cc (B,G). Proof. Let σ : V → G2m be a local right inverse as in Definition 1. Let V0 ⊆ ∞ Cc (B,G) denote the subset of maps which take values in V ⊆ G. This is an open ∞ neighborhood of e ∈ Cc (B,G). Consider the smooth map 0 0 ∞ 2m ∞ 2m σ := σ∗ : V → Cc (B,G ) = Cc (B,G) given by composition with σ. Its restriction to the connected component of V0 clearly is a local smooth right inverse as required.  Remark 1. Note that if G is only perfect then the argument in the proof of Lemma 1 ∞ breaks down, and one cannot conclude that Cc (M,G) is perfect. Let S and B be smooth manifolds without boundary. Set M := B × S and let F denote the foliation of M with leaves {pt} × S. ∞ Proposition 3. If Diffc (S) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most m, then ∞ so is Diffc (M, F). Proof. It follows from the exponential law in [KM97] that the homomorphism ∞ ∞ ∞ Cc (B, Diffc (S)) → Diffc (M, F) α 7→ (b, s) 7→ (b, α(b)(s)) is an of Lie groups. The proposition now follows from Lemma 1 above.  6 STEFAN HALLER AND JOSEF TEICHMANN

5. Herman’s result for the torus ∞ Let T n := Rn/Zn denote the torus of dimension n. The group Diff (T n) is a Fr´echet–Lie group modeled on the Fr´echet space X(T n) of vector fields on T n. n ∞ n For β ∈ T we let Rβ ∈ Diff (T ) denote the rotation by β. In this way we can n ∞ n consider T as subgroup of Diff (T )o. Theorem 2 (Herman). There exist γ ∈ T n such that the map n ∞ n ∞ n H : T × Diff (T )o → Diff (T )o,

H(λ, h) := Rλ ◦ [Rγ , h] has a local smooth right inverse at the identity. More precisely, there exist an open ∞ n n ∞ n neighborhood V of e ∈ Diff (T )o and a smooth map σ : V → T × Diff (T )o with σ(e) = (0, e) such that H ◦ σ = idV . Herman’s result is an application of the Nash–Moser inverse function theo- rem. When inverting the derivative one is quickly led to solve the linear equation ∗ ∞ n n Y = X − (Rγ ) X for given Y ∈ C (T , R ). This is accomplished using Fourier transformation. Here one has to choose γ sufficiently irrational so that tame es- timates on the Sobolev norms of X in terms of the Sobolev norms of Y can be obtained. The corresponding small denominator problem can be solved due to a number theoretic result of to Khintchine. For a proof of Herman’s theorem see [H73] and [H71]. Using the fact that the perfect group of M¨obius transformations acts on T 1, ∞ n Herman concluded that Diff (T )o is a perfect group. In fact, one can estimate the number of commutators necessary, see [HT03, Section 4], and obtains Corollary 1. Diff∞(T n) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 3.

6. Proof of Theorem 1 We start proving the following

∞ n−1 Proposition 4. Suppose n ≥ 2. Then Diffc (R × T ) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 9.

Proof. Consider the foliation F on R × T n−1 with leaves {pt} × T n−1. In view of ∞ n−1 Proposition 3 and Corollary 1 we know that Diffc (R×T , F) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 3. n−1 One easily constructs diffeomorphisms ϕi of R × T such that the foliations n−1 Fi := ϕi(F), 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, span the tangent bundle of R × T . Indeed, choose func- n−1 tions hi : T → R such that h1 = 0 and the critical sets of h2 and h3 are disjoint. Now define ϕi(x, t) := (x+hi(t), t). It is readily checked that these diffeomorphisms ∞ n−1 ∞ n−1 have the desired property. Clearly Diff (R × T , Fi) ' Diff (R × T , F) also is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 3. It follows from Proposition 2 that ∞ n−1 Diffc (R × T ) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 3 · 3 = 9.  For a smooth manifold M of dimension n let cov(M) denote the minimal k such that there exists an open covering U = {U1,...,Uk} of M for which every n−1 Ui is diffeomorphic to a disjoint union of copies of R × T . Using a triangulation and the fact that R × T n−1 embeds into Rn, one easily shows cov(M) ≤ n + 1. Therefore Theorem 3 below implies Theorem 1. SMOOTH PERFECTNESS FOR THE GROUP OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS 7

∞ Theorem 3. Let M be a smooth manifold of dimension n ≥ 2. Then Diffc (M) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 9 · cov(M).

Proof. Choose an open covering U = {U1,...,Ucov(M)} of M such that every Ui is diffeomorphic to a disjoint union of copies of R × T n−1. Using Proposition 4 we see that Diff∞ (M) = L Diff∞( × T n−1) is locally smoothly perfect of order Ui π0(Ui) c R ∞ at most 9. In view of Proposition 1 this implies that Diffc (M) is locally smoothly perfect of order at most 9 · cov(M).  It is easy to show that cov(Rn) = cov(Sn) = 2. Hence we obtain ∞ n ∞ n Corollary 2. Let n ≥ 2. Then Diff (S ) and Diffc (R ) are locally smoothly perfect of order at most 18.

Note that the case M = S1 is covered by Corollary 1. However, the case M = R is not.

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Stefan Haller, Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Nordbergstraße 15, A-1090, Vienna, Austria. E-mail address: [email protected]

Josef Teichmann, Institute of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Technical Uni- versity of Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria. E-mail address: [email protected]