· In Re: Jim Ford Case No.: FEC 12-326 ------~'


TO: JimFord 156 Winding Oaks Lane Oviedo, Florida 32765

Brevard County Supervisor of Elections 2725 Judge}?ran Jamieson Way Building C, Levell Melbourne, Florida 32941-0819

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on May 14, 2013, at 8:30 a.m ..or thereafter as the pruties can be.. heard, .the Florida Elections Commission will consider the Respondent's appeal of the automatic fine imposed by the filing officer. . I he Commission will meet at: Senate o·ffice Building, 404 South Monr·oe Street, Room S-401, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6526. · · · · Although you did. not Iequest a .hearing, this notice is to inform you that yom case will be discussed at the meeting taking place on the above date and place All documents you want the Commission. to consider must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the hearing · ·· If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact DomJaMalphms at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, I he Collins Building, Suite 224, I allahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing .. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Dated on April 19, 2013. - Amy McKeever Toman Executive Director


Please be advised that other· cases have been schednled for the same time. Therefore, your case may not be called exactly at the time set forth on this notice, At the automatic fine heruing, the Florida Elections Commission will decide whether Respondent's cainpaign treasurers report was timely filed 01 whether there were unusual circumstmces that excuse his failure to timely file his report Rule 2B-1 0055, Florida Administrative Code, defines unusual circumstances as "uncommon, rrue or sudden events over which the actor has no control and which directly result in the failure to act in accordmce with the filing requirements. Circumstmces which allow for time in which to take those steps necessary to assure complimce with the filing requirement shall be deemed ' not to constitute unusual circumstances " The hearing will be conductedrmrsuant to Section 10,6 07(8)(c), Florida Statutes, if Respondent is a candidate, a political i:on,llnittee, or an electioneering COI),11),1unicajions organization; Section 106 .04(8)( c), Florida Stq(utes, ifRespohdent is a cotnmitte~ 0fc0\itinuo~s existence; or Section 106 29(3)(c), Flqrt1a Statutes, if g~sp~ncl¢pl is a: political party; and Commission Rules 2B- 1 .005, 1 0052,.& 1.. 0055, ploiida Administrative Code The Commissior willel~ctr?!l!callr;~~()~d th~ hte~tihg Aithoh~~*e chfi\i\lission's recording is considered the offiCial rec.ord of the )learing, the Respondent may provide; at his own expense, a certifiedcowt ieporter to al~o record the hearing. Before p:1aking ~ decisiol'\: }he Cop:1mission will review the W)ittel'l: documents submitted by Respondep't and ~t!iff atleast !el'\ daysbefore the hearing ar;J.d the ll).fi>rn:iation presented at the hearing Rule 2I}-~:OQ5,:Ploridi'l Adntinistraiive 0:\de, provides that unkssgood cause is shown, the Commission \yi!I not cbhsrd~r any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at leasrten·days before the heaiigg When the case is called, tkChajr will read a brief statemell;t and may ask the Respondent and his attomey; ifo~e i~ pr~sel).t, t 0 st~t~ their 1'\arhesfor tlle ~espondentwill ~en have time to present his case to th~ Qoni,misshm Witnesses p1a:y pe called to testify under oath on Respondenf s behalf. IfRespoi:tdentcalls witfiesses; t)l~ staf:f iltt()i~ey m11y cross-exainine those witnesses after,Respondent'sqliestionipg is fil'lished. Afterl(~sp9ndent's presentation, staff will have the saine ainount of tim~ J6 present its C











SUMMARY: Jim Ford was a candidate for Property Appraiser in the 2012 elections Mr Ford was defeated. James Strickland was his campaign treasurer

Mr Ford is appealing the fine claiming that his campaign treasurer was sick when his 2012 F3 Report was 1 due According to Mr Ford, his campaign treasurer had a severe cold on 8/10/12 . Mr. Ford provided FEC staff with a sworn affidavit from his campaign treasurer This affidavit attests that Mr.. Strickland laid down to rest on 8/10/12 because of the effects of having a severe cold Mr Strickland states that he set his alarm clock for 6:30 so he could wake up and file the report in a timely manner; however, he accidentally set the clock for 6:30AM, not 6:30PM. Mr Strickland attests that he woke up around 5 am and immediately finished inputting the information on the report and filed it at 5:56am • The 2012 F3 Report covers the time period from 7/21/12 through 8/9/12. • Mr Ford reported receiving 24 contributions, while making 8 expenditures during this reporting period. • Mr .. Ford reported receiving his last contribution for this reporting period on 8/9/12; the last expenditure was reported on 817/12 • The Brevard County SOB does not keep records to complete queued-transactions reports for their respective candidates

PRIOR CASES: Mr. Ford has no prior cases with the Commission CORRECTION OF FINE: The fine amount should be $500 00. Reports immediately preceding primary or general elections (F3 or G4) are fined $500 per day not to exceed 25% of the total contributions or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report

1 No documentation was rovided to FEC stall verif in that M1. Strickland was sick durin this time. FEC AC110N: FINE DUE: $ DATE:------TIMELY FILED: YES No UNUSUAL CIRCUMS lANCES: YES No WAIVER: PARTIAL __ FULL __ FINE INCORRECTLY CALCULATED: YES No UCREASON: INITIALS:

Aut047 (11/08) I I. '


Respondent: Jim Ford Complainant: Brevard County SOE

L Date and time: January 29, 2013@ 9:35am Name: Melissa-FO office Phone#: (321) 633-2124 Summary: I had telephone contact to inquire about the best method to send FO affidavit I was instructed to email affidavit to: [email protected] Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

2 Date and time: February 20,2013@ 12:35 pm Name: Melissa-FO office Phone#: (321) 633-2124 Summary: I had telephone contact to check on the status of overdue affidavit I was informed that they had recently had staff turnover issues and the request may have been overlooked.. I was informed that Ms .. Maureen Roussell will call me in the morning to discuss my request I was advised that she was cunently out of the office dealing with election issues. Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

2. Date and time: February 22, 2013@ 9:15am Name: Maureen Houssel-FO Phone#: (321) 633-2124 Summary: I attempted telephone contact to get an update on my request I left a message to return my call. Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

3 Date and time: February 22, 2013@ 1:42pm Name: Maureen Houssel-FO Phone#: Voice message Summary: I had voice message advising me that she would be sending me my requested information I also obtained cell# (321) 637-5648 and direct line# (321) 637-5648 Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

4. Date and time: April3, 2013@ II :35 am Name: Respondent Phone#: Unknown Summary: I had telephone contact inquiring about the status of his investigation I explained that the case was no longer on my desk and that he should be receiving

JnvOOI (10/07) I, i

coiiespondence from our office soon informing him of when the case would be heard by the Commission Respondent states that he wants to update his mailing address: 156 Winding Oaks Lane, Oviedo, Fl 32765. I told him that I wonld make a note of the address change in the file .. Memo to File? No Entered by: CKO

rNV001 (12/01) 2 I c

2584 Cluistopher Drive Titusville, FL 32780 October 15, 2012

Florida Elections Commission 107 West Gaines Street I allahassee, FL 32399

RE: Appeal of Fine

Dear Commission Members:

I am hereby appealing the fine imposed by the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections as noted in her enclosed letter dated September 26, 2012 .. This is the only report during my campaign, which was filed late and there are extenuating circumstances that caused the F3 report to be filed 5 hours and 56 minutes late .. This is explained in the sworn statement enclosed by my Campaign Treasurer, James Strickland, Jr..

A copy of the appointment of campaign treasurer form designating Mr.. Strickland is also enclosed. I am also enclosing the copy of the F3 report showing the actual time of the online submission at 5:56AM on August 11, 2012 ..

In summary, I am requesting that the fine be waived due to the circumstances as explained by my campaign treasurer. Also, I think it is worth noting that the filing was only several hours late and was available prior to the start of the business day following August 10, 2012.

Thank you for your consideration of my request

"I ... .. , ::;;; ; ;::;;; :-:~ ·I I ~ ;·:1 . -~ ., () I co ~:J ~1 .., ,-·- .. .l> .... .J .,



BEFORE ME, the undersigned auth01ity duly authorized in the State and County above-named to administer oaths, personally appeared James A. Strickland, Jr, who, after being duly sworn, deposes and states:

I . That your affiant is the campaign treasurer for the Brevard County Property Appraiser, Jim Ford. 2.. That it was affiant's responsibility to file Mr .. Ford's campaign reports 3 . That during the preparation of the F 3 report, I had a severe cold and laid down to rest before filing the return on 8/10/12 I set my alarm clock for 6:30 so I could file the report in a timely manner. However, I set the alarm for AM by mistake instead of PM .. I woke up around 5 AM and immediately finished the report and filed it at 5:56AM 4. Affiant requests waiving the late filing penalty for unintended circumstances ..

SWORN TO and subscribed before me this!~.!!:_ day of October, 2012

Notary Public My commission expires: (

c:£m Y'f£(ftt uoenr1sc>r of Elections

RepyTo: September 26, 2012

D Govet'am.ent Center· North 400 South Street IF ?ost Office Box 1119 Titusvme, FL 32781-1119 The Honorable Jim Ford Telephone 321 264-0740 2584 ChristopherDrive Fax 321 264-6741 Titusville, FL 32780 l8l Vicn. Govci"JlDlent Center· 2725 Judge Frail Jamieson Way Building C. Level I · Dear Mr. Ford: Post Office Box 410819 Melbourne, FL 3294H>819 Telephone 321 633-2124 Yom· F3 Campaign Treasurer's Report was due August 10,2012, but was not received Fax 321633-2130 by my office until August 11,2012.

0 South Brevard Section 106.07(8)(b), Florida Statutes, provides fm a fme of$50 per day for the first .3 Service Complex 1515 Sarno Road days late and, thereafter, $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25 percent of Melbourne, FL 32935 the total receipts or expenditur·es, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the r elephone 321 255-4455 Fax 321 255 440 I late report. However, for the r.eports immediately preceding each special primary election, special election, primary election, and general election, the fine shall be $500 0 Palm Bay per day for each late day, not to exceed 2 5 percent of the total receipts or Service Complex expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report 450 Cogan Drive, SB Palm Bay, FL 32909 Telephone 321 952-6328 Since your repmt was filed on August 11, 2012, you ar·e fined in the amount of Fax 321 952-6332 $50.00. The fine must be paid within 20 days ofyour receipt of this notice unless appealed to the Florida Elections Commission. Please note this fine is not an D CenttalDrevard Service Complex allowable campaign expenditure and must be paid from personal funds. 25'75 N Courtenay ParJ...-way Merritt ~land, PL 32953 Telephone 321 454-0606 Your fine can be paid at any of the 5 Election offices listed on the left or mailed to: Fax 321 454-6607 Brevard County Supervisor of Elections P 0. Box 410819 lll!! 321454-0608 Melbourne, 32941

VOTER FRAUD HOTLINE If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office at 6332124 ore­ 1-877-868-3737 mail [email protected] m~u- ori Scott 2.. Article ~umber

'7196 9008 9111 5688 973:2

The Honorable Jim Ford 2584 Christopher Ddve I itusville, FL 32780 Notice of Late F3 Fine

PS --·-----

' ~· I '

Harmsen, Caroline

From: Caroline Harmsen [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 6:07PM Subject: Deadline for Receiving Contributions 8/9

This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for receiving contributions for the Primary Election is Thursday, August 9, 2012 Your F3 Campaign Finance Report will be due Friday, August 10, 2012 for the period starting with July 21, 2012 through August 9, 2012

Please keep in mind Section 106 08 Florida Statutes: "Any contribution received by a candidate with opposition in an election 01 by the campaign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer on the day of that election or tess than five days prior to the day of the election must be returned to the contributor and may not be used or expended by or· on behalf of the candidate."

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance

CaroCine .Jfarmsen Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Candidate Coordinator 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Building C Viera, Fl 32940 {321)633·2131 (office) (321)633·21.30 {fax) [email protected]

Under Florida law, F S. 668 .. 6076, e-mail addresses are public record. If you do not want your e-mail address released ill response to a public· records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORTSUWIMARY. !1r OFFICE USE O.NLY Jim Eord ·--·-- Name ON:LINE SUBMISSION (2) 2584 Christopher Dzive --- - [1043360) Address [number and street) Submitted on: Ti tJlS~zj l l e EII 32280 B/11/2012 05:56:26 (eastern) City; State, Zip Code 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) ID Number: 325

(~) Check appropriate box(es): Proper·ty Appraise! ~Candidate {office sought): -----· 0 Political Committee 0 CHECK IF PC HAS DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous. ExistehCe 0 CHECK IF CCE HAS DISBANDED D PRT IDENTIFIERS y21/2012 . B/9/2012 Cover Period: From I To ". I I Report Type F3 -- -··- -·- -- ·-- -·- ·----- Qg Original D Amendment 0 Special Ele.cfioh Report D Jildependent Expenditure ReJ)ort (6J CON!I'RIBUTIONS THIS REPORT' (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REFIORT Mpnetar:y $ 8,900.00 Expenditures $ 1 7' 93 7. 68 eash & Checks ---·

Loans $ o.oo T'raosfers to Office. --~-··-··---- Accounf $ o.oo 8, 900 00 --- Total Monetary $ ------Total Monetary $ 17' 93 7' 68 341 32 In-Kind $ (8) Other Distril:iutiOn!> $ 0.00

(9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ -··· .--5.6,.-625--.-0JL $ ---- " .,...u.a_ _;u__

(11) CERTIFICATION It Is a first degree misdemeanor for any perSon to falsify a public record (ss. 839.13, F.S.) I certify that I have. examined this report anti it i~ true, I certify that I have examined this report and it is _true, correct, and complete. correct, and complete ..

(fype name) (fype Mme) Olndlvidual (only for 0Tr~surer 0 Depu_ty Treasurer Oca~didate Ochatrperson (oo.lyfor PC., Pll' & eloetlon_eering commun.) etectlooeerlng commun organization) X X - ·- --- Signature Signature

DS.DE 12 (Rev. 08/04) ' I '· '·


(1) Name __ _u.J~jmm_Fl!loc:rJ::oldings r-----' COCOA, FL 32923 1

1--- ST CLOUD RANCH & B ~eal CH $500 0 7/26/2012 GROVE, ~state ., I 3815 N US HNY l, SIE 34 poldings COCOA, Ft. 32923 2 - 1--=-- RSRHCY LLC, B eal CH· $500 0 7/26/2012 PO BOX 23J23J ~state -··· I I COCOA, FL 32923 r>oldings 3

MANCHESTER LAKES B nvestors CH --- -~00.0 7/26/2012 LLC, f. ___ _!__ 516 0EL11NNO:i AVE COCOA, FL 32922 4

"" CH __ , R:H. PA, B oircraft ·-· -$~ 7/26/2012 ' PO BOX 23'7237 ~arts/ser l I COCOA, F'L 32923 ce 5 1--- WALDEN LAKE B real CH $500 0 7/26/2012 RESIDENTIAL LLC, state 3Sl5 N US H~¥ 1, STE 34 oldings ;------'---'---- COCO:.\, FL 32923 6

--;;;;--·-- I- RAYNA S HOWSE B roperty·- CH t-·---- $500 0 7/26/2012 IRREVOCABLE TRU, anagemen I 3815 ll IJS HID.' 1, s·n: 33 r-----' COCOA, n, 32923 7 - ·---- HOWSE, RONA:LD I !"ngineer CH $500 0 7/26/2012 3531 INOIAN RIVER OR ,-----! I COCOA, Fl 32926 8 -- DS-DE 13 (Rev 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES I '


(1) Name __..,_r,u·m!L..lFCJ:aur:odL.- __ -----____ (2) 1.0. Number __32,_ __ 7/21/2012 8/9/2012 (.3:) Cover Perlod __ I ___ I _ .. _ through I I (4) Page _ 2 __ of 3 -- --- ·- (5) m (8) (ff) (10) (11) (12) Date Fqll Naln!l 1---- (6) -- (L.ast, Suffix, First Middle) S~q~_enC? Street Address & Contributor Contribution ln-kin.d N.umber Ci\):, State, Zie Code Type OCcupation Type Dascilptlon AniondrnGnt Amount HOWSE, SUZETTE I omemaker CH $500.0 7/26/2012 3531 N US HW't 1 I I COCOA, FI, 32926 9 --- -- POINCIANA B eal CH $500 0 7/26/2012 __I __ RESIDENTIAL, state I 3815 N US ~WY 1, SIE 34 o1dings COCOA, FI 32926 10

~- NEPTUNE POINTE LLC B CH $500 0 7/26/2012 real ~state I L_ 1915 BINNACLE ST poldings KISSIMMEE, FL 34744 11 -- - COCOA COMMERCIAL B !real CH $500 0 7/26/2012 CENTER LLC, f>state ___I____ L__ PO BOX 23 7237 COCOA, FI 32923 12

NIMBY DEV GROUP ea1 CH ---- $500"0' 7/26/2012 8 LLC, ~state I I -- PO BOX 237237 poldings COCOA, FL 32923 13 - ----1----- WELLINGTON PROP 8 ea1 CH -- $500 0 7/26/2012 DEVELOPMENT CO, ~state r---1__ 1____ 3815 N OS HWY 1 SrE 33 pol.dings COCOA, 'EL 32923 14

f----.;- - ;=n; REAL DEAL ·---·---- 8 ~ngineeri CH - $500 .. 0 7/26/2012 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, ;--I I -· PO BOX 23 723'1 CO::O.A, FI 32923 15



(1) Name -~·"''iurn

-----·· - --- - FLA KEY LIKE PIE B jretail. IK pie cups $136-- .. 5 7/29/2012 co, ·I I --'- 340 KING STREET COCOA, Fl 32926 18 -· PARK AVENUE $90 1 8/1./2012 B farehouse IK storage STORAGE, space I 1'15 N PARK AVE ----'-- TXTOSVII-LE, H 32780 19 -- D ROCK CREATIVE, B ~;al;'hic IK ad design $9? 5 8/2/2012 650 CAIMAN Sl' es~gn i I -- SATELLITE: BEACH, FL 3293'7 20

------Cil" $100 .o 8/6/2012 COCK, MARK I 1097 CORONADO DRlVE { (_ ROCKLEDGE, Fl- 32955 '

21 --I-- ·:-: NUVISION BUILDERS, B builders CH $500 0 8/6/2012 3 '13 HARMONY L.ANE I ----'-- ~ITUSVI~!E, FI 32780 22

SKELDON, TIM I CH ----~---~50:0' 8/9/2012 4499 BOWSTRING CT -- I I rnusvnt.E, n 32'796 23 _,______-- --- MIKITARIAN, GEORGE I pres/ceo CH $250 0 8/9/201.2 3640 FOXWOOD OR parrish I I TI'i'USVIIIE, H 32'180 pted ctr


-- OS-DE 13 (Rev .. 08/03) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES CAMPAIGN TREA$URER'S REPOR.T- ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name Jim Ford (2) 1.0. Number. 325 7/21/2012 8/9/2012 (3) CoverPerlod __/__ __f __ through __r __ J__ (4) Page 1 of __1 ___ _ ··- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date Full Name Purpose (G) (l-ast, Suffix; First, Middle) (add .office sought If stree.tAd(lress.& cootrlb1,1tion tO a Expenditure Sequence Type Number CIIY, state, Zip Cod<> candidate) Amendment Amount ·--· SMITH, BECKY software MO $456 0 __7/2F2'f2 3945 PINETOP BLVD TIIUSVILLE, E'L 32 796 1

·--·~· -· "--~-- -· 7i27J2ol2' SMITH, BECKY consulting MO $4,000 0 3945 PINETOP BLVD I I TITUSVILLE, F'L 32'796 2

ti/1/2012 AL!'HA GRAPHICS, pnntln\l & MD - $3,591.1 3601 VINELAND RD, STE 4 I I ORLANDO, FL 32811 services 3

v~n01:t ALPHA GRAPHICS, ·--- postage ··- Mu ·-·- -· $3,000.0 3601 VINELAND RO, S~E 4 ORLANDO, FL 32811 - L I-- 4 ... _ -~···· 8/2/2012 SMITH, BECKY -- reimbursement MO $525.0 3945 PINETOP BLVD for newspaper I I TITUSVILLE, FL 32796 ad 5 ------· --· - B/2/2012 D ROCK CREATIVE, mailer MO $682 5 650 CAIMAN ST _L_l._ SATELLITE BEACH, F·L 32937 6

--· -·-- - 8/7/20l2 FLORIDA TODAY, ad MO $1,683.0 1 GANNETT PLAZA I I MELBOURNE, FL 32940 7

-· .. B/7/2012 SMITH, BECKY consulting MO $4,000.0 3945 PINETOP BLVD I I TUUSVILLE, El 32796 8 - - - .... -- OS-DE 14 (Re~. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VAL.UES \. ./ ::£wt t;/eo.ft :1~rv1sf::1r of Elections AY--.~~·\i\')i\;;\'~{:\ )'i ifil~~VARD COUNTY

November 16, 2009 Your Assigned Reply To; ID # and Password

Nnm. Cand. ID­ lXI Govcrnm~nt Center North 400 South Street lF Jim Ford Password- Post Office Box 1119 Titusvillo, FL 32781 .. 1119 2584 Christopher D1ive Iclephone 321 .. 264-6740 i Titusville, FL .32780 !'ax 321·264 ·6741 Deat Jim, 0 VIera Government Center Tltis office is in receipt of your Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Statement of Candidate as 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way BulldingC,l<>vell required by 106.021 FS.. and 106 023 FS. You may now begin to accept contributions and make · PostOffice Box 410819 expenditures in your campaign for Brevard County Property Appraiser. Melbourne, FL 32941·0819 Telephone 321.033-~124 Your fust Campaign Treasurers Report will be due January 11,2010 for the period begirmingwith Fax 32H33·2130 the appointment of your Campaign Treasurer and Depositmytbrough December 31,2009. You are required to file your campaign treasurer's reports electronically.. To access a handbook that will 0 South Brevard help you with the process go to our web site, left side, click on Candidates, Service Complex 1515 Sarno Road then, How to File Financial Reports Online or you can type this web address into your browser: Melbourne, Fl 32935 ~ttp:f/!How to File Financial Reports Online.udl~ Telepl!one 321·255 4455 Fax 321-255-4401 When you are ready to start, go to the Candidates item on the menu, then Candidate Reporting Login. (Above is your assigned ID number and Password, you can change your password once you 0 Pa1mllay get on the system, see page 36 in the manual) Service Complex 450 Cogatl Drivet SE Palm Bay, FL 32909 i At this time we are not accepting photos and biographical information, so please disregard that part Telephone 321·952·-6328 i of the manual Fax 321··952·-6332 i ' . -! 'NOTE: In addition to elcctronicalty filing you will be requited to file a "hard" copy by due date. 0 Central B:revard Failure to deliver the original, signed, 1·eport to the elections office, .bv due date .. wlll ScrYicc Complex iminediatcly start the fine process outlined in the Florida Statutes. 25 75 N, Courtenay Parkway Meailtlslnnd, FL. 32953 TC!ephone 321··454··6606 If you have any questions, please call me at 264-6746 or e-mail [email protected]. Fax 321-454-6607 Sincerely, 1Dll 321-454··6608 LORI SCOTT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS "''fJ,W.~ll\\'""' ~ (lfflu,JV'

l Pat Velleca i Election Administrative Specialist I .

;' Election Hies\Candidate Infonnalionll ETTER HEAD with ID 2012pub ; Rev 11/1610? \ (



CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: ~riginal Appointment Cl Deputy 'l'reasurer D Reappointment of Treasurer Name of Candidate 1 . Address (Include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) 2.-fi& Jf t..tfr?.J s ro P~ 'b R . :Jim Fott'b 1/~vlt.t...eJ f[_ 32....79?> Telephone (optional) · 2. Pa~~artlsan candidates only.) 3. Office (add district, circui~ group number) rL·- ) 1 \ t::Pu 13/...ICAN f:Ro f>l::-r<.T'1 MtA.MS~ I have appointed the following person to act as my IE'Campalgn Treasurer O __ Deputy Treasurer 4 Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer ·- .Sm ttt<...LAt.JJ> .:TAme-s: -·-·· ·-··------5. Mailing Address (If post office box or drawer add street a~dress) 6. Telephone 3z.t-'f.f'~ -() 3 311> Po t3o ')( .?'f 1"13~ 2.o /31? eY ltf?. b /-1.. 3Z-t!J5L/- I have designated the following named bank as my IE'Primary Depository D Secondary Deposllory _,_ --- ··- 11, Name of Bank 112 Street Address R1v ~s, A6 "BAWK ... C.ftel\le-tt .Jlw\ 13 .. City 14., County -·· 15 state 16. Zip Code - Tln-tsvti..LE f:>Re./A-f?~ FL 3'2-Uo 17. ~nature o ate Date .,..,,.,... Ll v..l. ,.Q I /~IZ--o1 "" h>v I Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment

5r~~.-, ck..LA-vn ~-1< I, .. :f.Mt~~ A-· ----· , do hereby accept the appointment as (Please Prlnl or Type)·----····

'([;,"\ pi>/G-'1::) E] Campaign Treasurer D Deputy Treasurer for the campaign of ---·- . who Is seeking nomination or election as a jJ ;J candidate to the office of /?E u t-r cA-tJ ... ·--- (Parly} -- .ffl!J/>i:.""=/J.)+-ftPf'AA_I5"~ ll_ ·- UNDER PENALI"IES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AJHAT THE FACTS ST~TED ARE TRUE

!!_hioL X ~-~~A------.. --- Date - --·-- ( )'snature of Campaign Treasurtpr Deputy Treasurer

DS·DE 9 (Rav .. 01/08) '-"' \.




D Original Appointment [i2(' Deputy Treasurer 0 Reappointment of Treasurer Name of Candidate 1 Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code) 2S8tf C.IMJSTt! PlfElt. M. --;;-;--;---..1;-J"~nt S 1/ IL-L£.; f~ J 2 7iO -- Telephone (optional) 12. Party (Partisan candidates only) J3 Office (add district, clrcul~ group number) ( ) R/£PI18LI CAN ··- ~~l)fJE7'C'r1 MI'~AI.Sc:IJ. -- 1have appointed the following person to act as my 0 ?ampalgn Treasu:~~-- fi3'oeputy Treasurer ·------1 4 Nama of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer Jim 6 ~ b --:·---:-:----:--:-,---,---·--·------r-::-:::-:-·,------i 5 Mailing Address (if post office box or drawer add sb'eet address) 6 .. Telephone .2![8'f ~MIS Tl>fH~ 'l:>R.. ·----· ,------;?2,.J-1 "J if -36 Ptj .... - ... - 7 .. City 8. County 9. State 10.. Zip Code Tir-w~v1ue Btet:VM~ FL 3zuo I have designated the following named bank as my 11 Nama of Bank 1-=--=.-'-f?J_ V/:;'"fl. S. I b € 13.. City 14 County Til1Aiv' JL-1-G M~:;-vM~ 17 .. ~nature ofCand~ Date c Jh>, JI-Jz-o1 I Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment

I, _____,.Jf:""'-'-.ffi FbiU. ------.. ·-- ,do hereby accept the appointment as (Please P~nt or Type)

0 Campelgnlreasurer tE{DeputyTreasurer forthecampaignof -~ Fo&A ______,

who Is seeking nomination or election as a candidate to the office of


____ Ji.::.J 2- ·· 0 tt ______'!- ~I~ 0 Date Signaturfo! Campaign Treasurer oilThputy Treasurer

OS-DE 9 (Rev.. 01/08) PRIMARY ELECTION Date:08/21/12 Time: 10:09:02 August 14, 2012 Page: I of3 Brevard County, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Registered Voters 367536 ··Cards Cast 86163 2344% Num Report Precinct 174- Num Reporting 174 100 00% US Senator, Rep REP Clerk of Circuit Court, Rep REP Total I.I~ Total Number of Precincts 174 ;,] Number of Precincts 174 Precincts Reporting 174 100.0 % ;I\ Precincts Reporting 174 1000 %1 Times Counted 55110/158421 34 8% Times Counted 55110/158421 34 8 % ~- I otal Votes 53880 Total Votes 52626 lit Connie Mack 14790 27 45% Scott Ellis 31975 6076%~ Mike McCalister 4399 8 16% Mitch Needelman 20651 39 24% II Marielena Stuart 3044 5.65% , 1 " nh!iMiTimillTITIJTifw~nmuq~;ru~\liliWn~,',, ·- -,-; ---,~ 1" Dave Weldon 31647 58.74% Sheriff, Rep REP Total US Senator, Dem DEM Number of Precincts 174 Total Precincts Reporting 174 100.0 % Number of Precincts 174 Times Counted 55110/158421 348 % Precincts Reporting 174 100 0% I otal Votes 53766 Times Counted 24816/127568 195% Wayne lvey 30295 5635% Total Votes 24612 Todd Maddox 23471 Glenn A Burkett 4862 1975% Bill Nelson 19750 80..25% Property Appraiser, Rep REP ;, -" ,,_;,;:dd!/Hhi!\ii&BHU\Hh\:wh;L~\011.~-:7.:~~-'i''i:-:7.\,K;;.;.;;;• Total .. 174 fl Public Defender, Rep REP ~! Number of Precincts Total Precincts Reporting 174 1000 %~~ Number ofPrecincts 174 I!• 1 imes Counted 55110/158421 34 8 %lli• Precincts Reporting 174 1000%1,' I otal Votes 53544 1 imes Counted 551101158421 34 8% ,· Dana Blickley 23892 44 62% Iii Total Votes 50452 Jim Ford 16346 3053% I' Ken Rhoden 22304 4421% Jason Steele 13306 24 85% 1. ~ : ...... Blaise Trettis 28148 55.79% r ..•. •••••n• :.... ;,. . ~J:(;;;,l;!;rr;:m;:.~:;~;~:··;,~---.-:~:."T,;:~TIIITJ.1;iiiE\fiiJL2:1nur,;Ci21WN::GT;;:;r::7,":·.·-:·'J:::::V;~''l County Corum 3, Rep REP State Rep Dist 53, Rep REP Total Total Number of Precincts 25 Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 25 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 33 100 0% Times Counted 9467/27343 346 % Times Counted 12530/38087 32 9% Total Votes 9171 I otal Votes 11850 Trudie J. Infantini 5136 56 00% Tres Holton 3864 32.61% •• Jason B. Mahaney 1439 15 69% ;: John Tobia 6182 52.17% Helen •..Voltz 2596 28 31%: Laureen Trent 1804 15.22% :i',":>',<-1v/::v ... ''""'" ...... CPA Dist 2, UPC State Rep Dist 53, Dem DEM Total Total Number of Precincts 86 Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 86 1000% Precincts Reporting 33 1000% i.~ Times Counted 38900/158623 245% 1 imes Counted 6629/38532 17 2 % ., I otal Votes 35492 Total Votes 6281 John Hank Evans REP 22254 John Paul Alvarez 3617 57 59% r .JoeD REP 13238 ~~i~~ . . Ed Lewis Geier 2664 42.41%1 •• •. ,.... ·' CPA Dist 4, UPC Total Number of Precincts 86 i Precincts Reporting 86 100 0 %. 1 imes Counted 38900/158623 245 % Total Votes 34398 Bruce Deardoff REP 17973 5225% Chuck Sheridan REP 16425 47.75% • >'•S ...... PRIMARY ELECTION Date:08/21/12 Time: I 0:09:02 August 14, 2012 Page:2 of3 Brevard County, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Registered Voters 367536 - Cards Cast 86163 23 44% Num Report Precinct 174 - Num Reporting 174 I 00 00% State Committeemen, Rep REP Pet 115 Committeemen, Dem DEM Total Total fi, Number of Precincts 174 Number of Precincts I Precincts Reporting 174 100 .. 0 % 1 Precincts Reporting I 100 o %I Times Counted 55110/158421 34.8 % 1 imes Counted 271/1016 267 % I otal Votes 42377 Total Votes 316 Stephen Curtis 6525 15.40% Mark D Conklin 148 4684% Chuck Sheridan 8422 19.87% Jay Joseph 113 3576% Clyde Thodey 4136 9.76% Baltazar Sosa 55 1741% Mike Thomas 12190 2877% Frank Zilaitis 11104 26.20% Pet 233 Committeewomen, Dem DEM NHVn! HW Total State Committeewomen, Rep REP Number of Precincts I Total Precincts Reporting I 1000% Number of Precincts 174 Times Counted 103/583 177% Precincts Reporting 174 1000% I otal Votes 54 Times Counted 55110/158421 348 % Bettye Muse Bryant 40 74 07% I otal Votes 41890 Lonnie Jean Ford 14 25.93% Lea Anderson-Savage 9244 2207% ITIJTITI'ffiffiTGTihJ:::7::::TinTbuilliillE!iffiJ!iTim+;lililitliUO:,;:SI;w::C, •• :>:TbluffiLlt!iJ\1;\dd;;A;<;"'' .~.~;.;iffffi,;.;tU\:Lr:Jlli;;JTii":'ifi',A;:;:·;-:··:, · . Carlyle Rogers 18768 4480% Pet 508 Committeewomen, Dem DEM Regina A. Weiler 13878 33.13% Total J1 iiJJHhlrhH"·"•~·,;_;,.:; •1/i\\ihEffil£;!\nJI\L;;,;;, ./'t-'<· ,;!, ;>:Jifi;;fu;I\J£illiii\CWF0P''•· ;, ,·,, Number of Precincts I Pet 429 Committeemen, Rep REP Precincts Reporting I 1000% Total Times Counted 116/567 205 % Number of Precincts I ~I Total Votes 99 Precincts Reporting I 1000 % Madeline Farley 31 31 31% Times Counted 3481719 48 4 % Laura Fausone 68 68 69% ·.• I otal Votes 411 Stuart Gorin 146 35 52% Circuit Judge, Group 26 Allan J Trucano 171 41 61% Total Allan Udell 94 22.87% Number of Precincts 174 "' .'' "' Precincts Reporting 174 1000% Pet I 07 Committeewomen, Dem Times Counted 86163/367536 234 % Total Votes 74307 Number of Precincts Matthew Aungst 21972 2957% Precincts Reporting Jim Earp 52335 7043% Times Counted "'"' Total Votes County Judge, Group 5 Billie Aldridge Total Ileana L. Yost Number of Precincts 174 Precincts Repmting 174 100.0 % 'i' Pet 112 Committeemen, Dem Times Counted 86163/367536 234% .•. Total Votes 74912 Number of Precincts Sam Edwards 17381 23 2'0% Precincts Reporting Curt Jacobus 28951 3865% Times Counted Steve Koons 28580 38 15% · Total Votes uno·· .·... ·;;;ihlhvHJL+>i, :--~../ .;..,~ Robert F Chavier Donald L Hawthorne Charles Kinker PRIMARY ELECTION Date:08/21112 Time: 10:09:02 August 14, 2012 Page:3 of3 Brevard County, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Registered Voters 367536- Cards Cast 86163 2344% Num. Report Precinct 174 - Num Reporting 174 100.00% County Judge Group 10 Total Number of Precincts 174 Precincts Reporting 174 100 0 % : Times Counted 86163/367536 234% I otal Votes 75296 Judy Atkin 42307 Sean C. Cutshall 13313 Morris Richardson 19676

School Board Dist 3 Total ·' Number of Precincts 33 Precincts Reporting 33 1000% Times Counted 18768177758 24.1% I otal Votes 17318 Amy Kneessy 10900 62.94% Dean Paterakis 6418 37.06%1: i'·'H!JTiill'J1(jyj;j;,;h%i'' ~dO}tffilWillNhlH o '' (,' H'llliliiliJM1ii11i1HHiib.-< School Board Dist 4 I: Total Number of Precincts 39 Precincts Reporting 39 1000% Times Counted 18418/77198 23 9% Total Votes 16401 Karen Henderson 10301 6281% Keri Lewis 6100 3719% . 'i

Titusville Mayor Total Number of Precincts 12 Precincts Reporting 12 1000% Times Counted 7813/28789 271% Total Votes 7665 Don Human 1726 22 ..52% Sarah Stoeckel 1979 25 82% Jim Tulley 3960 51.66% Y · ,o•;. ihWYU/ ·o. '\

GENERAL ELECTION OFFICIAL RESULTS Date: 11/16/12 Time: 17:30:07 November 6, 2012 Page:! of7 Brevard County, Florida 10-DA Y COUNT- INCLUDES PROVISIONAL BALLOTS Registered Voters 380469 Num. Report Precinct 174 - Num Reporting 174 I 00 00% US President .Vice-President State Senator Dist 13 IIi Total Total I' Number of Precincts 174 Number of Precincts 38 ff Precincts Reporting 174 100 0 % Precincts Reporting 3 8 1000% ffi Times Counted 287546/380469 75.6 % Times Counted 67652/90821 74 5 %it I otal Votes 286428 I otal Votes 62881 Romney/Ryan REP 159300 55.62% Andy Gardiner REP 38813 61 72% I, Obama/Biden DEM 122993 42.94% Chris Pennington ..... __ DEM 2406~- 38.28'{o l!f Stevens/Link OBJ 164 0.06% >JJJdikm!JMti;J;fu;;,x,,"',/'" -.,_ '/:\Eitd\Jlilliliii1VKI14~<• i · --~-; • ·>>,,.,;;;u. Johnson/Gray LB I 1974 0.69% State Senator Dist 16 Goode/Clymer CPF 129 0. 05% Total Stein/Honkala GRE 388 0. 14% Number of Precincts 136 Barnett/Cross REF 34 0 0 I% Precincts Reporting 136 100.0 % Alexander/Mendoza SOC 26 0 0 I% Times Counted 219838/289648 75.9 %1 Lindsay/Osorio PSL 14 0 00% I otal Votes 204132 Barr/Sheehan PFP 412 0 14% Thad Altman REP 128341 6287% Hoefling/EIIis AlP 50 0.02% Dominic A Pallo II DEM 75791 37.13% Anderson/Rodriguez JPF 75 0.03% Write-in Votes 869 0.30% 1H !iUHiH:\\.k , , ;">A!:::JniLFfll!imr:mm1,}7,;imwJTIT·;,;CC,,,C7,,-,~,_. 1,-,,, ;/TITilTif~n;;;;; ; : ,: State Rep Dist 50 1. Total I US Senator Number of Precincts 18 ~- Total Precincts Reporting 18 100.0 % ,: Number of Precincts 174 Times Counted 34583/46456 74 4 % ;,' Precincts Reporting 174 100 0 % Total Votes 32741 80%!~ Times Counted 287545/380469 I otal Votes 279221 1 Connie Mack REP 127177 ;; .. Bill Nelson DEM 142072 ;~; ~:r~~~~::~~~h~o~~~:o~:·~w·~"·:·,.:··==·:,.:,:"':"'~'e:,~~~:"==--=-C"=-~:L~J~~"'~t="n::}:}~J:.~2:.~::~.~j,. Bill Gaylor NPA 6429 2 30% State Rep Dist 53 1;·, Chris Borgia NPA 3195 1 !4% Total Number of Precincts 33 348 0 1 Write-in y~t~~ 11 ~~~~ Precincts Reporting 33 1000% Times Counted 77906/105842 73 6% US Representative Total Votes 73199 Total John Tobia REP 38522 5263% Number of Precincts 174 John Paul Alvarez DEM 34677 47.37% Precincts Reporting 174 100 .. 0 % H1G1HW>WP Times Counted 287545/380469 75.6 % Total Votes 275952 I; Clerk of Circuit Court Total Bill Posey REP 162607 58 93% Number of Precincts 174 Shannon Roberts DEM 105475 38 22% Precincts Reporting 174 1000% Richard H. Gillmor NPA 7870 2.85% - - :v ,;,-,<>>TYhk>:;7;,--,_.,:_.;_:_:~. ~-;- r,, ~_,~,<~it/~JuS;..;-1\;;;;L;;_;;.;-.~-.i:ii~ •• :

Property Appraiser County Judge Group 5 fl Total Total Number of Precincts 174 , Number of Precincts 174 ~,, Precincts Reporting 174 100.0 %!' Precincts Reporting 174 1000% Times Counted 287490/380469 75 6 % Times Counted 287490/380469 75 6 % ~T~o~ta~l~V~o~te~s------~----~2~65~9~8~8--~~·· 1 _~T~o~~l~V~o~t~es~------2~3~2~4~85~~--- ~-~g~,~~~~~~~~~:•l~~~'C.:~~~-:n~~mw:•'"'•·:·~=·=·,k::;;1:wh::c::--:·:-x1:z;~~~.~~~.::·::,/:m=:1~1~:~:i~~~~::~:~:·:•~~,,;~w~w~:.•;1•1c, ..,.mirrw~cii~;:~.,;;,,;,f;;;.~irr,~C:~"-;..,+R"xl~,."'";b;;,,~,--:~--c-,,..,,:m&r"'+li"ilh,;.:::;mi.~J County Comm Dist I Cape Canaveral Mayor I otal :J I otal 0 0 ~:~~~s ~~;~~;::,c~s ~~ 100.0 % i ~r~~~~~s ~~;~~;::,c~s ; 100 0 % i! TimesCounted 55213/74629 740% Times Counted 514517082 726 %' 1 1

;lt: L~~D~:rwc~~i~g.~h;it~~ sw~te:~i~gs~rl~;eer:r ~::::=:::::N:~~!~~~==:~~~:i:~:~~ ::~:!~·~:~~~:: 1 ~~~~:~:i~~~vR~~~~~~§··~:~n~)Z~~~·:··:···:···:'"·:":"·:=·:···:·":"·#:·"':·:·.:·:··":s":"'·:-·:··:··~J~,~~~:~ ·:··~·~~2~}~.i=·~~;!l r · ' '"'"**•· · Cocoa Mayor County Comm Dist 3 •• I otal Total Number of Precincts 14 Number of Precincts 25 Precincts Reporting 14 100.0 % Precincts Reporting 25 1000% Times Counted 7505/10498 71 5% Times Counted 54975173949 743 % Total Votes 6910 Total Votes 50770 Laura J Houston 1323 19 15% Trudie J. Infantini REP 28462 56 06% Marcelle, Esther 308 446% : Joe 11 Pish" Pishgar DEM 22308 43 94% •...• James McCarthy 1069 1547% :/><. ,:·:-nAh"- ~-:'.FFdl1Cl!t\i,:: ;;n;;;mus: :.. ··: ; ••••nnm:;: · '""*""'. . "'"" Henry Parrish 2511 3634% Supreme Court- Lewis Jake Williams Jr. 1699 24.59% Total Number of Precincts 174 Cocoa Council Dist 2 Precincts Reporting 174 1000% Total II I imes Counted 287490/380469 75 6% Number of Precincts 3 Total Votes 252786 Precincts Reporting 3 100 0 % 164473 65 .. 06% 1 imes Counted 1486/2264 65 6 % 88313 34.94% Total Votes 1321 h Edward A Lanni 440 33 31% 1. Supreme Court- Pariente Brenda R. Warner 881 66.69% -:JmiiT.Ji:i7'::~:vl;Jk' .. ;.:.;uin+>. .·. uu\;;;;,;,; .: ;,,:;;,;,m:;::" .·.''" ··d;,;q

January 30, 2013

The Honorable Loti Scott Brevard County Supervisor of Elections 2725 Judge Ftan Jamieson W ~y Melbourne, Fl 32941

RE: Case No.: FEC 12-326; Campaign Treasurer's Report due 8/10/12 Dear· Supervisor Scott: Candidate Jim Ford has appealed the fine assessed for failing to timely file the above referenced report. Jn order fot us to present this appeal to the Florida Elections Commission, it is necessary to ask you to ftunish us with copies ofthe following information, if available: riJ The C"'TR that was filed late .--12)/The env-::lope that contained the report QL '6~inding candidate that report was due e V"'lw:, I The filing officer's failure to file lettetff !l=!V The filing officer's fme letter LiJ Certified mail receipt ot other evidence that the fine letter was received · Additional relevant notes or phone logs Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign DepositOiy form The filing history A filing history is a list of reports filed by this candidate with a notation of any late filing fines assessed against the candidate for failing to timely file teports Please return the requested infonnation to me by February 8, 2013. I appreciate your· assistance in obtaining this information. Please let me know i{ you have any questions.. · Sincerely,

f, ----­ (_/1 __ ~.~~:.·~12:~"" 1£@..~ ---·· Cedric Oliver Investigation Specialist

AutOl! (6/0'7) .WAtVER::op':RePbRT -..·-' • ·,· ..... ~-- ·:_ •••· <. -~ ...... :;_ ·•. : ··~ ;, (S~\>Ii9t:t•1Q~;Il7(7), ·f.,$,;) \\r ··1·~J~? (:'r"t).\\n~ <'<> ~·(···r..> !~l..e#~~.rvr>~); ().·, ).,'\! lj •'' N ,!!, ,,) ,J,..;)},"J.Jo (,)hJ 1 ) b (1028193) Submitted on: · 4/5/2011 14:11:21 (eastern) Id: 325 .omce, USE O!lLY. '--

Jim Ford Property Appraiser Maine 0-ffi,c·,-.· 7:S"""'cf~"~7ht,....------. ~ ' ' ' .',:.;' . ... ,, .. ~'"'''!I~ '·

__,2584 Christopher Drive . Titusville, FL 32780 -~ .. ~- ..Ad&···. .ass CitY·. $t~t~ .· iti>¢6'd~


tl. ... P9.iiiicii~..,...... s:\ilii!iil~-li'. '• •'' •,_.,'

.,~u~~~m-£a~x ..t~eMt•·· !:;J ,J~#'/ ,; l1 Aprjf ·'' ' ' '• ~ ·>: [!] Jlllf.. PJ.·1Sih da~pifor· [J TERMINATION REPORT: ::r:: .;--- -· .. ··:, tJ (lQtQbtr!li'day piiQr m$f'&~i~L ~l.edibu •· ------·---·------.. ·-··------·--.. ·-··--·-·- ~o'nfi9.~npt4 9f:N.() Mri\ll:i\Y:tN 9A"'~A.~~~ A.9~91!Nt.¢o~.ttll!~sl'i?f.tit~q i>Ettl9f? t?~ ·•· 1/1/2011 'I"HROUGH 3/31/2011 ( Ql ) ~--··----... ··-- FLc;lRIQA,P.EiP,/\RTMEf)IJ' 91: $TA.TE . PIVI~JQ!\1 QJ= Ei,L,g!)JJ,QN~ CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY

(1) Jim Ford OFFICE USE ONLY -···-·-·~----··-· Nl!m!l ON1...... IN'" ~ -~~" ,_.}c:·· U E3M''c:'"'-ON ... .L ,;~.:-d .... (2) . 25~~Christopher Drive ··------[1029585) Address (number and street) Submitted on: ,!jtJlS¥jJJe, El1 32280 .. ---·-··-·---···---· 7I 7/2011 11:37:44 (eastern) City; State, Zlp Code [)CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANdstenee 0 CHECf5 IF COE HAS DISBANDED 0 Pi!iiY Exe91!tiv!l C9mmlite!l D Electloneerhig communication 0 t;;):!EiQ.K IF NO OTHEiiUi.I.EOTIONEERING OOJVIMU.~IOATIQN RE,P.oRt~ WILL liE FILED (6) REPORT ll'lll:NTIFIE!R:$ 4/1/2011 6/30(2011 I Q2 Cover Period: From I I ..... To · Report 'Type .. -,.- ---····-·· __ -- ·--· -;· 09 oiiQtnai 0 Amendment 0 Special Elllctll:i.ll Rep!iitt Glnd$pen:dl!nt. . EXpEindlture Rep.ort (6) CONTRIBUTIONS THIS REPORT (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary Q~$1\ & Cheoka $ 20,100.00 ExpendHures $ o.oo ·---~---··-··

Loans $ o. 00 'T'ransfers to Office --~ ..·------·---·--·· Acc.ount $ 0.00 --···-····------$ 20,100 .. 00 Tolal Monetary ------·------·· Total Mon~tary 0.00 $ ...... _ $ 144 .. 00 ln·Kin!l ··--·------···-·"·········-···----· (a) Oilier Otstilbl!llt>M $ ----·-·--··?-~.?~.-..... c .. (9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ ?0- ?00 .U.O.. $' ··------· o .1lJL

(11) CERTIFICATION IUs II first degrell m!!d.e~Ml!n!>t for i!hY Pe'l'll!in toJ~I$1~,1! pl!bll!i r4!1:9t.d (S.$! 839.13, F,S.) ·---·- I cettlfy ihat l have !~Xamlned ihls report and It Is true, I !lertlfy .th;~{ I have ,ex11mlned this report and It Is true, correct, and complete. correcit, and complete.

O:YI!I'Jl.... a~~»l - (Type name) gjl)dMd~al (


(1) Name -~·Illi.mmt_.]!lFao;radL. __ ------(2) 1.0. Number 325 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 (3) cover Period ___ l ____ I __ through I I (4) Page 1 of 7 ,------r-·----- (5) (7) ($) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Fti~N.a~ ~~ (Last, SUiiiic, First, Ml


-~-~------·-··" -·· Simkins, B.W .. I 'nvestor CH $500.0 5/20/2011 400 High Point Drive Suite 500 I I cocoa, FL 32926

2 ·--·---- ·········-··------Simkins, Lavonn I homemaker CH $5oo.·O' 5/20/2011 110 rwin L~kes Road I I cocoa, Fl 32926

3 ·---·-· --· ···-·· ... ·-···-·- -- Provost, Charles I ~~trepren CH $300.0 5/20/2011 3865 s. Tropical Trail ___ _L ___I_ Merritt. Isl.~nd, ['1 32952

4 - ...... -.. ---···--··-·-----·--- Continent aT"··-··-··---- B ~uto CH $500 .. 0 5/20/2011 Motorcars, Inc, ~ealer I J 1850 E Mett'.itt Island Cswy ·--- V.onitt Island, Ft. 32952 5 ------!-----·--·-·-· ··-·---- s & s Rentals LLC, B entals CH $500 .o 5/20/2011 400 High Point Drive, Suit 500 __1 _____ , __ Cocoa, fl. 32926

6 ···------Crisafulli B ~evelopme CH ------$250 ·o- 6/23/2011 Enterprises, t I I 5625 n Courtenay Pkwy -- !l.orritt lsl11nd, F'I 32953 7 ·······----=:------·------Fischer, Patrick I •uto CH $500.0 6/23/2011 3860 Oakhill Drive :i~aler I _____ L__ Titusville, rr 32780


1.0. Number --·····-·-· (2) 325 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 2 7 (3) cover Period I I through I I (4) Page of ·--· ...... - -- - (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Data. Full Nama (6) (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) Sjlqli~ation Tvile DesciiPtiQil Amount Support B ponstruct CH $500.0 6/23/2011 Const.ruction, i:m I I PO Box 5397 ·Htu.sville, Fl. 32780 9 ---···· ----··------·- Ford, Jim I property IK envelokes $100 .. 0 6/23/2011 2584 Christopher Drive appraiser & stic ers I I Titusville, FL 32780

10 _...... Ford, Jim .. ------I property··· IK stamps $44.0 6/23/2011 2584 Christopher Drive appraiser I I 'Iit.usville, FL 32780

11 ,_.... ,_ ·-----··.. ·······----· l-::7-· '---·--· .. ···--·- --·-· __ Fischer Nissan Inc B CH $500 0 6/23/2011 ~~toealer I I .. ll28 S Hopkins Ave ·-·-·- Iitusville, n 32780 12 __ , ______,______---,.-f------· Starkey, Jean I CH ------$100 0 6/23/2011 115 Indian River O.z:·ive Uni 212 I I Cocoa, Fr 32 922


·------·-~----·· -~-·· Gouge1man, Paul R I ~ttorney CH $250 0 6/23/2011 2220 Front Street Apt 204 I I Melbourne, Fr 32901

14 ...... Poynter, RR I -- etired CH $200 .. 0 6/23/2011 1'787 Pineapple Ave I I Melbourne, f'l_ 32935


Wasdin Associat.ion B eal CH $500 .. 0 6/23/2011 Inc, 9state _L I 29 River&ide Drive 4602 ·--· Cocoa, FL 32922 16


(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 7 (3) Cover Period I I through I I (4) Page 3 of -...... (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Nam~ (6) (L.ast, Suffix, Firs~ Middle) S~qil!ll'l¢jj stre6tMdr~~ a. COntrlb)ltqr COilt~l>llllon lil.. kfild Number __ CI!Y. State. 612. COdL_ rvoe, O<:olloation Wile Duto CH $500 .. 0 6/23/2011 1390 Walton Health Ct :iealer I I Rocklcdqo 1 Fl> 32955


Vance, Jr .. , L I CH $100.0 6/23/2011 Alexander I I 23 Magruder Ave ---·-·-----···- Rookledqe, E'L 32955 1.8 --·------·· Edens, J. Wayne I nsurance CH - $250 0 6/24/2011 I ___ 3535 Palmot· Drive I Iitusville, FL 32180


Trafford, Al I CH $100 0 6/24/2011 305 Brevard Ave I I Coeoa, FL 32922


1-"· ...... -· ·---··-- f------·- Kirk, Robert W I eal --·---CH s5oo··a- 6/29/2011 213 Harrison Street estate r---·- L ____l __ Titusville, ft. 32780

21 ··--- --Moehle, Charles I nvestor CH $500 0 6/29/2011 PO Box 321417 I _____ .J. ___ Cocoa, FI 32932


First Omni Service B oonsultin CH $500 0 6/29/2011 Corp, I I PO Box 321416 Cocoa Beach, EL 32932 23

- ·~~·- Rahal Real Estate, B CH s5o-o 6/29/2011 1269 us 1 -- I I Rockledge, n 32955 24



(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number 325 . 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 4 7 {3) Cover Period I I thril.ugh I I (4) Page of ------··------···· (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) O~te. FuHName ((l) (Last, Suffix, Firs~ Middle) Sequence $1re.el.flddre$$ &_ contrlllutor ln.·l~li)d CQ~~~on Nntndr'ntnt Number .CitY. state Zlii COde TY!le ooounation ·--- Df!ilglptiQ!l Am6unt, Edward c I etired CH $150.0 6/29/2011 PO Box 120115 I I west Molbou~no, H 32912

25 - ·------· Smith, Vivian R I ------eput:t CH $150.0 6/29/2011 ___L_ __I _____ PO Box 120115 ppra~ser W&$t Melbourne, " 32912 26

D'Albora, Jr .. Joh I etired CH $200 .. 0 6/29/2011 v ' it:rus I I 230 ~:·orreat Ava ~--- cocoa, F! 32922 27

------· ---··· ------.. ~ ------1------Ralph Perrone B prolerty CH $250. 0 6/29/2011 Propex·ties, gm l I SSS N Courtney Pkwy f302 1------' Merritt. Ieland, FI 32953 28 ·--1------··------::.------The Fox Lake B anching CH ·--- - $50'00' 6/29/2011 Partnership, I I PO Box 321417 Cocoa Beach, FI 3~932 29 -·-·--- .. -- Moehle, Michael c I e & prop CH $500 0 6/29/2011 13 Crystal River Drive gmt I I Coco!\ Beach, F! 32931

30 CH ______~- ·- ~-.. ,------SJ?aCe Coast Petro B etro ----$5oo·o- 6/29/2011 Dl.stri.butors, I I 402 High Point Drive suite 101 Cocoa, FI- 32926 31

------· ~~------·-·"··· ------'------::::-.:-:-: Illiana Court/ B 1eveloper CH $500.0 6/29/2011 516 Delannoy Ave I I Cocoa, Fl- 32922




(2) 1.0. Number __.32.5. ____. 4/1/2011 6/30/2011. (3) Cover Period I I through I I (4) Page 5 of 7 r ... ------(5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Nanill (6) (last, Suffix; First, Middle) seq4~1)<;e .Street Address & contrlbul<>r Contoh\Jiion ln·ldM 1--- Number CIIY, State ZIP COde TV!l8 O<:Cuoation rvoo .... Deilctlotl.on Amencrm.n' •.•.. Amount. _ Dobson, Roger I et.ired CH -- $500 0 6/29/2011 6245 S t·:t::opical 'I'l::ail r--.L ___ L ... -... l

=-:;c-··---··--, -:=------···-·- Modern Inc, B ~ro~erty- CH $500 0 6/29/2011 PO Box 321416 f9ID I I Cocoa Beach, FL 32932

39 ------·---·------·-:- Hermansen, Tom C I hotel CH $500 0 6/29/2011 3425 u Atlantic Ave, owner 1-----"-I I Cocoa Beach, F£ 32931 40



(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number _____ .32.5. .. -----· 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 6 7 (3) Cover Period I I through I I (4) Page of ------···-·-···--,-·· (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date -- Full Name (6) (tast, Suffi~. First, Middle) Sequ~.ce Street Addrto$$ & COnttii\UIQr COntrl~utlon l~··k!.ne O«:u~atiQn -- De$c"rlptton ·-- Amount Jim Swann Trustee, B developer CH $500.0 6/29/2011 516 Delannoy Ave I I Cocoa, F1 32922

41 ···- 1- ·- -~- t--:- ···----1------Knight,----·-----·--- Deborah L I pontrolle CH $500 0 6/29/2011 484 Bolla Cam~no way 1-·-'·-·--_j______Indialantic, FL 32903

42 .... - 1---· Spain,----···---···--·--- Davi.d I otel CH -- $250 .. 0 6/29/2011 ____ L __ .__ [______25 w Point Orivo wner Cocoa Beach, FI 32931

43 f--··--·------Barnas, Jr, Robert I etail CH $500.0 6/30/2011 p I I 1880 Crawford Ave V.o:t:dtt Island, FI 32953 44

·------·· Barnas, Christophe I etail CH $500.0 6/30/2011 I I 1001 Orange Woods Blvd Rockledge, FL 32955 45 -·-···· ·---- ·-····------····--·----·-·· 1---·-····-·- -·- Schenk, Robert--·- A I CH $500.0 6/30/2011 3020 Coventzy Ct I I -- Cocoa, FL 32926 46 __ ... .. Horowitz, Lester ·-·r-- CH - $500 :.o 6/30/2011 1619 Indian River Drive I I cocoa, F'l 32922

47 - Top line Appliance, B ales CH $500 0 6/30/2011 2965 W new Haven Ava I I wast Helbourne, FL 32904



[1) Name ,Jjm Ford (2) 1.0. Number __32 s__ 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 7 (3) Cover Period ·--· I ... __ I ··----·· thro.ugh I I (4) Page _ __ of __ : __ ---- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Da!$ FuH Name (6) !Last, SUffix, First Middle) ~

49 ______, ______·-·-··--·-······------··--- --·---·---·------··--·- --·------1-·------:- Williamson1 Thomas I inanager CH $250 0 6/30/2011 765 Pino Place I __ ..J._ ...... H'erdtt Island, FL 32952


-·-··--··'---·--··- Pi.rson, ··oonaicr··-· I et!red CH $500 .. 0 6/30/2011 PO Box 56159 7 I I Rockledqe, FI 32956

51 ------·-- Topline Appliance B ervice CH $500 0 6/30/2011 Service, /. I 2965 W New Haven AvH W Melbourne, FI 32904 52 ------·· ------·---- '---··-·-· --


···----··-···-- --·--·- - ,---L____ t --·

·---·--I--· ------




-···-··- OS DE 13 (Rev .. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED. EXPENDITURES (1) Name Jim Ford (2) 1.0. Number_,______3~~ ...... _ 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 (3) Cover Period ___ .. ...J. ____ .. .J.. ______through _ _)__ ,___ (4) Page. 1 of_-"-o__ ·-··-····--·--·· --(9) -·--- -(10)"- -··· (11f"" ... (5) (7) (9) Date FuJI Nam~ PMrPose (6) (Last, sufflx, First, Middle) (add office sou>1ht If str~etAddll!$s.& c.onttl~.utlo.n t<> a Expenditure Sequence TYpe Amendm$nl Amount Number City, state, z1p· Code candidate) ······----·-··-···-·· -- ·-·-.. ·------···- ··-·--·--·- ---.--- I I


/ .L~

____ ...... --.. - I I

_____ ...... _.. . ·-----·---...... __ ___ ------1--· .. / I

...... ______--· ··-----·-····----·------.. ··-----· 1------··-·.. ····- .. --...... ---···· I I

__ ...... __ _L_L__

.. ·--·---"-"'""" __ ...... -··-·-·------·-·····- __j_j_

-··------··--·-- ·------r-- -· ___ j___ L. ___

__ ...... --.- .. ------· .._ DS·DE 14 (Rev .. 09103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES (1) Jim -~ord ______OFFICE USE ONLY N11me 1 (-)N·-·' ·' l. "N"'""'J... ), l!l ,,,"nBWI u - !:.d. . ,:)c:> ,;:)e' ,..T c ')N" .' (2) 2584 Christopher Drive [1030869] Address (number and stleet) Submitted on: ..:ti:t:JJ.S3l..i.1Je. pr. '""n 10/5/2011 23:47:25 (eastern) City; State, Zip Code 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) 10 Number: ______32_s ___ , ____ (4) Check 11pj>roprlate box(es): lli) Candidate (office sought): Property Appraiser 0 P~litlcal C~tm:nl\tee --=-=-=-=-'-'---'~~O="·c::..:_.H'-E-,O..,.J<--'iP~P-C_H_A_S~-D- .. I·S-..-EI-A-NDEO -· ---- 0 C~mmlttee of ContlnO~U$ Existence 0 CHECK IF CCE HAS DISBANDED 0 Party E\Xf)(,)utlve C~mm lttee 0 l:lectioheetlng 6ommunlctiltlon D O.HE;S::K IF NO OTHE,R ELEiOTIONEERING C,OMMUNICATION REPORTS. WILL BE FILEO (6) ~EPORT IOENTiFIERS 7//1/2011 'T'o 9/30f201.1 I Cover Period: From 1 Report l\Jpe Q3 ------·-·--· og Orlgln~l 0 Amendment 0 Special Election Report Dlnd!ipendent expenditure Report (6) CONTRIBUliONS THIS REPORT (7} EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary Cash & Checks $ ______7~,4_o_o_._oo __ _ Expenditures $ ______o_.o_o ______

LCi>ans $ ------~-: ~~---·---- Trlllisfets to Office Acco1mt $ ______.::.o.:..:. o:..::o __ 7,400 .. 00 Total M~netary Total Monetary $ ______o_._oo __ 0 ,, 00 In-Kind $ (8l Other Olstrllil!tlons 0,00 $ ·------· (9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ ______._n,_,_, ..,_Go"'o'--'-"oo.,_ $ ______()._.Q.O_

(11) CERTIFICATION . . . It tu flriit d~gree mlsdemeanl>rfo.tilnll peiJ!(!iltMIII•lt}!ll!s• ~9.13, F&_,...__ _ I qer:tlfy that I have 11xamlned this report and It Is true, I (,)l)rtlfy that I have examln'i~d this report andlt Is true, correct, and complete.. eorlect, and complete.

(T'ype name) ----;=;------0Treasurer ObeputyTreasu,;,r Ocandldate nchalrperson (only fCC 1'¢. PTY ~--­ electioneering comrmm- organlzatton) __::__:c___X ______X , ______Signature Signature


(1) Name __,:rim Ford (2) 1.0. Number 7/1/2011 9/30/2011 (3) Cover Period --· l __ I __ through I I (4) Page 1 of 3

···~ ------···-· (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full N~rrlQ ((lj (Las~ Suffix, Firs~ Middle) Sl!qli!>OC

1 -·-··--·-· ABRAHAM, BOBBY I >hysician CH $500 0 7/19/2011 3600 MURRELL RO I I ROCKLEGDE 1 FL 32955


ALLEN, DIANE I - Cil-- $50"""' .. 0 7/19/2011 210 BI!UNI RD ···- I I COCOA BEACH, f·L 32931 3 ···--··--- HURT, JACK I nvestor CH $500.0 7/19/2011 405 NEWli'OUND HARBOR DR I I MERRITl' !SIANO, Fl 3295:2:

4 ·--·- MELBOURNE MR B eal cii-- -·-·- ·· - $500 0 8/15/2011 GROCER, ~state I I JIM SWANll IRUSTEE ental 516 DEI ANNOY AVS 5 COCOA, FL 32922 ----- MILLER, D I housel'life CH $500.0 8/15/2011 PO BOX 60178 I I PALM BA~ , FL 32906

6 ·-- VARKER, BOB R -- I CH $100 0 8/15/2011 5429 ROBI,ES 1 N I I ROCKLEDGE, H 32955 7 -----·------,···-·-··- --·----·------511 DELANNOY LLC, B ·eal CH ··------'-·- $500 . 0 8/15/2011 516 DELAtlNOY AVE •state I I COCOA, FL 32922 ental



------( I~


(1) Name __.llnL.<.Fu~r"'d"----- (2) 1.0. Number ______325______7 /1/2011 9/30/2011 (3) Cover Period ___ l __ 1 __ through I I (4) Page 2 Of_3_

(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ~!fe FtiiiNa~ (6) (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) AcW.Oll!l &_ CQntri~\ltiQn ln'kitld Number .GIIY. l':t•t• 71~ COde rvne. (') rvoo Ahitndment Am6Unl RIVER DRIVE B CH $500 .. 01 8/~6/201] RESORT, PO BOX 360911 ~T Rmnnw.. FL 32936 9

HELOW, GEORGE A I 'Ar hAd CH $500 oc 8/~6/201] 8118 SUMMIT RIDGE LN JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256


IHE LOW, T I CH $500 0( 8/26/2011 8118 SUMMII 1\IDGE t.N I I JACKSONVILE, F'I 32256


IMIKE ERDMAN •·•v•vM. B CH $500 '01 8/26/2011 ~~~?, I I 445 E MEM.UI ISLAND CSWY ISlAND, FI 32952 12

I CH $250. 0( 8/26/2011 1150 AVE VILIJ:I A

I I ISLAND 1 H 32952


SUTTON, MEREDITH M I hons,wife CH $500 0• 8/~6/201; 340 l·ANI'ERBACK ISLAND OR ·~h~~r.t· BEACH, FI 32931


I CH $250 01 9/28/2011 :590 BElLA ~~\~ ~p~~;;f s"r I I III'USVILE, FL 32780



(1) Name .Tim Ford-·---·------(2) 1.0. Number __32 ,,_---'-- 7/1/2011 9/30/2011 {3) Cover Period ___.. I ______I ·-- through I I (4) Page 3 of 3

- ~·------· ---- (5) (7) (&) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date FuUName (6) (L:ast, Suffi~; First, Middle) Sl!qUei)¢$ Str~et Ar Contribution tn .. kJnd r· Amendment Number CitY, State, ZIP COd$. Tl'l!e, O.coupation 1-:::--~----- ··-· Oe$qlptiQil Amount MAXIqELL APPRAISAL B eal CH $200.0 9/28/2011 GROUP, ~state ,___L I 2351 W EAU GAll IE BLVD SIE 4 ~ppraisal l~ELBOURNE , Fl 32935 17

'----.. ··- -·- -- ·------HERRING, JOHN F I eal CH --- $200.0 9/28/2011 3345 S WASHINGTON AVE ~~tate I I ___ ~IIOSVILIE, FL 32780 eveloper

18 CH ...... _..... -· ··-·- --·--··-····-.. ···-"··-· 'GLOVER,---ROBERT A I $100 .. 0 9/28/2011 __I __ _J. ______4650 RAYBORN RD COCOA, FL 32922


-----··· c----- ·····-·-" ----·····------~---=- MGM RESORTS LLC, --- B -- CH $100,0 9/28/2011 8298 11 WICKHAM RD __.L_ I MEIBOU.ME, FL 32940

20 , .. -·· ______, ____ ...... ______.,., JOHNS-;-D--M ...... - -!- 1eputy -- 1-·ca $250 ,, 0 9/28/2011 590 BELLA VIStA DR appraiser _ _L ______I ---- 'II'lUSVILIE, FI 32780


, ___ .. ---·----~-----·--·--·~·- C::::=------·-···SMITH, EDWARD C I retired CH $1500 9/29/2011 PO BOX 120115 -- I I MELBOURNE. FI 32912 22 -·· --- HOUSTON, E LANG I i!'Y CH --- $200 '0 9/29/2011 1415 ll ItiDIAN RIVER DR oleaning ···-- I I COCOA, Fl 32922 23 -- ....



------/ I' I

CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT- IT'EMIZeO EXPENDITURES (1) Name __ ~im !~::::..______,_, __ ... _.... - ...... ------·---·--· (2) J.D. Number-·------·- 32~...... - ... - .. 7/1/2011 9/30/2011 (3) Cover Period _____t. ___,_l_, __ through ___, ____/ ___, (4) Page __1___ of. __o__ _

(5). (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Did!l FuJi Name P4TPOS& (6) (Last, Sufllx, First; Middle) (add olflce soU!Jhl If sequence stre$t A~dl'li$!i .& c.onti'lb.iltlon·to a Expenditure Number City, state, Zip COde candidate) type AmeMm.ent Amount _____ ,___ r-·--"""'"-· _.... -'----·-- I I -+--.. ·-·- _...... ,. ___ ,_, ____ ,__ ,____ _ I I

:------·"·-·--· -----···------.. ·---·-"-·····-··"------r------·------·"--· f------t---1------l

-·----·--··--"-t-----·--..·----·----- _,_,,,,,,,_,_ ...... - ... - --·--·----i----t---'----

~--L_L __

---·--+------1------·--- I I

,...... ______r------·-·-----·-""''""'""··-··-··-.. ---1------+-----+---+---1 I I

1------+--·-----·---·-----·-""'···-----t------+-----+---+---t I I

______, ______,______, ______, ____ ,,__ ---·------,, ____ _ ---+----- __ j___j_ ___ ,

L=-::-::-.,.,-:-:-'-::-:=------··----1----·- ----J'----..1. os-oe 14 (Rev. 08/03) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE! VALUES I '

FLORIDA OE:PARYIVIEN.T Of $TATE: .DIVI§.IQN OF ELE9TIQN$ CAMPt\IGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY OFFICE USE ONLY (1) Jim Ford ----··------·--·-----· Name OI\!IJTN.ll! >Jc•urM"' 3 ... ,[, sc-• ,,)J ...... ON 1 (2) 2584 Christopher_Drive - [1032263) Address (number and street} Submitted on: Tl :tus:sd l l e ~ EI1 32180 ···----·--·-··· 1/5/2012 13:34:02 (eastern) City; .State, ZIJ) Code 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) ID Number: 325 (4) Check appropriate box(es): 1!J candidate (ortlce sought): Prope::t::·ty Appraiser 0 Political committee 0 CHE(il( IF PC HA$ DISIIA.NJ)ED 0 committee of Continuous Existence 0 CHECK IF CCE HAS DISBANDED 0 Party ExeQ\II!Ve committee 0 Electioneering Communication 0 CHECK IF NO OTHER ELEC'TIONEERING oQNlM\It.'lloA110N REPORT$ WILL BE FILEP (6) REPORT IDENTIFiERS 10/1/20[1 12/31/2011 Q4 cover Period: From I To l I _____ ,.,_ .. Report Type ------·---········ ··----- ""' - lliJ original 0 Amendment 0 SpE~clal Ele.ctlon Report D lndepl!rictent ExpendUure Report (6) CONTRIBUTIONS T'HIS REPORT (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary & Checks $ 1,950.00 Expenditures $ 2,950.00

Loans $ 0 00 Transfers to Office ·-~~----·~ .. Account $ 0.00 ··-···--·-·· Total Monetary $ 1,950.00 Total Monetary $ 2,950.00 49 50 ---- ln·Kinc:i $ ------·----···-· (8) Other Distributions $ o. 00

(9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date

$ ..... $ ? 0,0 ..Q.U_ 29 ' 550 ...Q..O._ (11) CERTIFICATION It Ill a first de!!ree mlsdeme~nor fot any P.ers.. oil.tQ.flll$lft;!! publiC r11cord .!••· 8311.13, F.S.) I certify !hall have exarniMd this report and It Is true, I c!!rtlfy ttu'!f I h!iiVe ex<~mined this report and It Is true, correct, and complete; oorre¢1, and complete. G:YP\l _ij~tnl>) (Type name) -· glndivldUal (onlY'"' 0Treasurer 0 o~j;~t;:r~;asurer Ocandidate gchalrperson (onlyfOf PC, PTY & cUoneerlng commun) cilonoerfng commun organlzetton)

X ------·-·····-- -·-··----·--··· -X Signature Signature DS.·OE 12 {Rev. 08JQ4) CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ll'EMIZED CONTRiBUTIONS

(1} Name (2) 1.0. Number __325_ __ 10/1/2011 12/31/2011 {3) Cover Period I I throUgh I I {4) Page _ 1 _ of __1 ___ _ -···--- --·------·-· ····---·-·· (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Name (6) (l.ast, Suffix, First, Middle) Sl!ciuence street Addre-ss & COntriQu!or COntribution ih-kln

Smit.h, -Vivian--~-·- I deputy CH 12/28/2011 ·-moo ___I ______PO Box l20115 appraiser I Wast Molbourne1 FI 32912

5 ·- ··-·-1------Smith, Edward I etired CH $200 0 12/28/2011 PO Box 120115 I I West Melsourne1 FI 32912


...... , ·----- ___ .. """··----· Johns, Mark I eput¥ CH ------··-···-·· $250.0 12/28/2011 590 Bella Vista or ~ppra~ser I I iitusvillo1 Fl. 32 780 7

------~--·---··- Sellers, Phillip I ~eput CH $s00"""0' 12/28/2011 5635 canvasback or ~ppra 1 ser I I Mims-1 FI 32154


CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name Jim Ford ...... ______... , (2) J.b. Number 325 10/1/2011 12/31/2011 (3) Cover Period __/ __ (_. _ through __J. ___ .}, __, (4) Page _,_1___ of ..•••• .1.. ___ _

··-----·-·· (7) ··-·····-· (5) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date Fu.ll NarM Pwpe~e (6) (Last, Suffix, Flrsi; Middle) (add offlce souqht If street Aildlil$5 .& corit.ti~Utlon 'to. a Expenditure Sequence T')ipe Amount Number CIIY, $tate, Zip Code cand!d.atel Amendment . -----·--·--·--·-···-- ·---·· ._ ... ,_ 10/3/2011 Voter Opinions LLC, survey MO $2,950 0 2040 Laurel Street ...... Lf.__ 'lallahassee, FL 32303 1

--·-·W00•0-000____ ---~-... I I

.... ___ ., ______,, -·-···------·--~ ··------·-'--"···--·-· .. ··- __L_L ....

1-·-·---·- ---·-·--- ...... _ c-f_j__

---·-·-.. -·-•·"·.;.___ ,_,,__ , ,, ____ ·----~ .. ·--- __ +----·-· I I


-··-· I I

-······------·· --·-·~··-· .. --·· -- I I

_____ ,,_____ ------·-····~- __ LI

-·--- '---· os.. oe 14 (Rev. 08/03) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES F~~~~:~~Rt~~!$J~~~$ R~~6~~~ ~JM~~~~s

(1) Jim Ford OFFICE USE! ONLY Name ONrTNF_.. .__ .,.! ,, .· ' '' .j .-'IPM>;;I • f;; " J ,h}'' l;'' 1' .l. ')'" t\l (2) 258.4 Christopher D.r·ive ·------· ( 1034392) Address (number and street) Submitted on:!l:i l Je EI1 32:ZBQ 4/6/2012 07:54:33 (eastern) City, $tate, Zip Code CHE!OK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) IDNumber: 325 0 ,_.. ·-·-·------(4) Check appropriate box{ ell): Pxope

(Type Q~me) (Type _name) glndlvid~al (ool;i.;;· 0Treasurer OoeP\liY TreaStJrer Ocandldate 0 Chalrpe;~;~lyf; PC~ PTY '& ctloneerfng commun ) electloneerfng commun organization) X X -·-·-··----·-· ·--··-· Signature Signature D!>·DE 12 (Rev., 08/04) CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS

(1) Name .Ijm Ford (2) 1.0. Number ...... __ .32.5__ ___ 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 6 (3) Cover Period __ l __ l__ through I I (4) Pag& 1 of ·------·- -·-- .----·--... -.. -- (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Oat& Full Nanil1 (6) ( Suffix, First, Middle) S!!q~~oe Street Al!dres$ & Contrlb~to.r Contribution ln·klnd. Amtndment Number Citv. State, Zh> ~e Tvna ~UD!ltiQ!L _T~.- --· lle$~ipti()ll Am«~nt $200 0 Knippel 1 ~lendy I controlle CH 1/19/2012 435 Footmen Lane _../ I Me1ritt ISland, FI 32952 1 - -· ...... c--· .... --- - Williamson, Thomas I na~ag-;;;-· CH $250 .. 0 1/19/2012 765 Pine Placa I I ___ ,_ Merritt hlend, n 32952


-----·--..... Clifton, Robert· B. I .nvestor CH ----~----· $300 0 1/19/2012 102 Riverside Drive Apt 10 I __ ,__ L__ cocoa, Fl 32922

3 -·····- -··· .... Spain, Linda I ental ----CH $500 .. 0 1/19/2012 3901 N. Atlantic Ave. property I ..... _1_.. , Cocoll Beach, FL 32931 fngmt .

4 ... __ ----·-·· ~---.. ------Hermansen, Bjornar I flo tel'" CH $500 .. 0 1/19/2012 205 Hacienda Drive pwner I I tl.arritt Island, FI 32952


. _,...... ,.. ----- ~------· Cocoa Beach Hotel B ~otel - CH $500.0 1/19/2012 Motel Assn1 __L._ .. I 976 B~evard Ave. Rockledge, FI 32955 6

-----·-"' 5500 North II, r;r;c:·- B ootel --cii" ·- $500 .0 1/19/2012 ' I I 5500 N. Atlantic Ave. ---·-·- Cocoa Beach, F'l 32931 7

_, - --- ..... - Ocean Partners B ootel CH $500 0 1/19/2012 Associates, I I 3425 N. Atlantic Ave. -- Cocoa Beach, FI. 32931 8 ---:-··· ·--- OS DE 13 (Rev. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VAL.UES I ( '


(1 I Name _____ ..:rim..EFruarccdL______(2) 1.0. Number __32 "---- 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __l __ thi'Ough I I (4) Page _ 2_ of _6_ ---- ·--·-·· ---·---·--··- ...... ______,_,__ , ______, ------·· ------(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full N~rne (ej (Last, Suffix, Firs~ Middle) Seq\i!lll~9 str~et 1\lflfress & contrl~utor Contribution Jn .. kJn(f _,Number Cltv, Stilte,.Zio Code Type Q(X)upation Tvoo Descrlo«on Amtndmtnt Amount $500.,0 Burke1 Rick I ttorney CH 1/19/2012 625 Rockledge OX'ive I I Rockledge, Iii 32955


Pryor, Michael I tuanager CH $500.0 1/19/2012 40/ Naish AViJ.. onjon -·--- I I Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 10

Menzel, David T, I president CH $500 0 1/19/2012 8426 Sylvan Drive ~ai I I West Melbourne, FL 32904

11 ..• ··------· ---··--f-·-- Baugher, John W. I student CH $25a·o- 1/19/2012 118 sun8~t Drive I I Cocoa Beach, Ft 32931

12 - .•. .,, .. ______Baugher, Michael I nanager CH $250 .. 0 1/19/2012 226 s. Orlando Ave. ooffee co I I Cocoa Bench, FI 32931

13 -·--·-··------·-- ··------.. ····•··· 1-• AIA Acquisition B "otel CH $500.0 1/19/2012 Group LTD, LLP, __I _____ ,L _____ 8959 ~stronaut Blvd. Cape Canaveral, FI 32920 14 ... ______""cH--···--· ·-··-----·--·------Quantum AD, Inc,., B $500.0 1/19/2012 1539 S. Orlando Ave .. ~ I I Cocoa Beach, FL 32931


Robart, Eric I rchitect CH $250. 0 1/19/2012 1871 Old causeway Rd. ial -· I I ··-·-- 11etritt Island, FL 32952 pecialti 16



(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number 325 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3) Cover Period I I tHrough I I (4) Page 3 of 6 ·----·--·------(5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date FuiiN~me (~) { Suffix, First, Middle) Seqyen~e Str~~~ 1\d~fr&$• & COntrl~uw Contrlb\lll.on l.n··l

Janice I buyer CH $250 0 1/19/2012 Nemnich, 545 Hat.son Dr. I I Indialantic, FI 32903 19

·····--·-·---··- ::::---·· ' Nemnich, Michael I rtist CH-- $250 '0 1/19/2012 545 Watson Dr. I I __ Indialantic, FL 32903 ~- 20 ----·-·-·-· ...cif ..... --...... ····----·---····--· 1--·-- Space Systems -Joiil' ·-s·-· pace ·---·----····· $500 0 1/19/2012 Venture, ystyms I I 1'100 Sandpipor St. erv~ces -- Merritt Island, l"I 32952 21

- CBSC Surf School1 B ~choo1 CH $500 .. 0 1/19/2012 Inc., I I 2210 s. Atlantic Ave. Cocoa Beach, FI, 32931 22

CH ... - ...... _ ---·--·····-·-·-- .. Architectural Spec B f



(1) Name .Jim pard (2) 1.0. Number 325 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __l __ throvgh I I (4} Page 4 of 6

'""·------~---··-~----·---·· ---- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Ftill Nam& (00 (Last, Suffix, First, Mlddi9) Sl>q~ COde !VIle O<:Cunation Tvoo 0e$


re-tilir--1----···-·-·- --·----· $500.0 1/19/2012 Cocoa Beach Surf B CH Club, urf shop I I 2210 s. Atlnntic Avo. Cocoa Beach, FI- 32931 27 ·----1---- ,..--· Southern Tax B ax CH $350.0 1/19/2012 Consultants, Inc., onsultan I I 3756 lavista Rd. Suite 200 Tucker , GA 30084 28

Dianne ----~~-- "1'" ~ep prop··· ~---.. ·-- c----· $100 0 2/20/2012 Johns, CH 590 Bolla Vista D~ive f'ppraiser I I T'itusvillc, f[ 32780

29 ·---· --·- Dobson, Marilyn I pomemaker CH $500 -0 2/20/2012 6245 lotus landing I j_ v.e~ritt Island, FL 32952


.. '-·------·------·--·- Bucher, Darryl E -·r· oax------Cil" ------1-· $350 0 2/20/2012 3756 lavista Rd , Suite 20 consult an - I I Tuckor, Gh 30084 31

Sternagel, John A. I dep ·-·-- CH $250 .. 0 2/20/2012 2116 Royal Oake Dr. ppraise.t ---.. L .. - ... _1-- Titusville, FI 32955 32


(1) Name .Tjm Ford------·------· (2) J.D. Number _ __.:3~2:5..______1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3) Cover Period __ l __l __ through __ I __ I __ (4) Page 5 of 6

,OM ______r-·--·-··- - --~------~----- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date. FuH Naril

33 t------___ , ______------Roman, Shawn I chool CH $250 0 2/20/2012 £215 Clifton Cir teacher I I Suwanee, GA 30024

34 ------Harris, William I :naintenan CH ------$250 0 3/29/2012 11'7 s I'Win Lakes Rd e I I cocoa, FI 32926 ng<. 35 ·---······-····- ···----- Richards, Greg I ep prop CH $250 .. 0 3/29/2012 5135 Winchester or. >ppraiser I I Titusville, FL 32780


Rouse, Mary J. I CH ·····-···------$50 .. 0 3/29/2012 1250 Sandy In. I I Titusville, Fl. 32796


Hinkson, Brian I ~ep prop CH $250 0 3/29/2012 4997 Bog Hollow Rd. ~pprai.ser I I Titusville, FI 32790


Vani, Tom I eal CH $250.0 3/29/2012 2628 'I'uils at Hidden Harb r estate I I Merritt Island, FL 32952 ~gmt.


--- MacGlashing, Marie I CH $50 0 3/29/2012 10333 112th way !l. _L I Seminole, FL 33175


(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number ____ 32s_ ____ 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3) Cover Period __ l __ l__ through I I (4) Page 6 of _6__ ----···----r-- ·-·· (6) (T) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date F~ll NariiQ (6) (Last, Suffix, First Middle) 5eq@)C<> Street Addre$S &. ~ntributQr Cohtrib\Jtion in .. kJtle oco~~tion Tvi>e O&scrl~lj!l!L_ Amfl\dnwnt Amoont High Point Realty B eal CH ---'-··· $250'0: 3/29/2012 _L___ Develop, ~~tate I 400 High Point Dr, Suite 5 0 eve lop Cocoa, FL 32926 41

-~~--· !-··-··--··--- ·--~-




··-- _,••.....• - ..


. --1--·-··-·-"---r---···-·--·--·------I I

--1----.. -- ....·--

I .... L.__

- ... ---·------·-- ---




----~--- CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPENP.ITURE$ (1) Name .. ~.!~------(2) I.D. Number __3_2_s __ _ 1/1/2012 3/31/2012 (3)CoverPerlod,_ .... _J...... _.l...... through___j__ / __, (4) Page 1 of ..... _1___ _ ---· ----····"(8)-" (6) (7) (9) (10) (11) Date FuJI N•.me P~rpose (Last; Suffix,; Middle) (add office sought If (6) Expenditure Sequence stre$t Address.& eontriiMion to a Number City, State, ZIP Code oandldate) TYile Amendment Amount

. . -··--·-·--·-- ·---·-~-·······-··--·- 3/1/2012 Award Tiophy, ---- stickers MO $206.7 ___ L .. L_ 4424 s Hopkins Ave Titusville, EI 32780 1 -- ·-·-··--···---.. ---.,-··-· I I

______, __ --- --·-- -··-· r-.. -L. .L ... r------f-··----·--- ...... _.... __ ...... L ..L __

·-·· .. -··-···--·--·-· '"-··------·- ·-----··· .. ·· I _j__

. !-..... ___.... ___ ------I I

__ ., ______.. _____ , ______---·--.. --...... _____ ., ____ , ______,

--- I I --

.,______...... - ...... ------·---··" I I

,_,__ ...... - ..... OS-DE 14 (Rev. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VAL.UES I'


(9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ . .112,..1.25.-..M..- $ '? .. < ..8.1,-


It Is a first degree mlsdemeano.r for any person toJIII$If¥1!. flUbllc !ecord {ss. 839,131 F.S.) . ---~-- I certify that I hewe examined this report and It is true, I cMllfy that I h11ve examined this report and It Is true, correct, and oomplete correCt, alld complete. (Type name) (Type name) --·------····-···- Q.lndlvldual (only for Orreasurer 0 o.;~ty Tr;;.$U;er Ocandidate D Chalrpen10n (only for PC. PTY & e ectloneerlng convnun.) electioneering commun organlzallon)

X - X ·-·····----·· Signature Signature 0$-DE 12 (Rev.. 08/04) CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS

(1) Name ---"'"'r,u·mJLJ:F:cat.Ia rehouse IK warehouse $90. 1 5/1/2012 STORAGE, space I I 1'15 N PARK AVE 1ITUSVIL1E, FL 32'780 2

TURNER, 'nvestiga CH - $200.0 5/14/2012 GERALD I 4065 LEJUNE AVE or I I tiTUSVIllE, FL 32780

3 --=-----..--...... ___ .. _...... ·-···---- .. ---·--- -- WRIGHT, GREG I ---CH $100.0 5/14/2012 3'779 SIERRA DR I I MERRIT'I' !SIANO, fl 32953


BRADY, DENNIS I CH $100.0 5/14/2012 1041 ROYAL OAK CI I I MEtBOU!UIE, FL 32940


PERKINS, BRETT I CH $100 .. 0 5/14/2012 5492 SPICEBUSH CT I __ .L __ MElBOURNE, FL 32940


BLOCK, TERRY I "eacher CH $300 0 5/14/2012 310 6TH AVE I I J.!ElBOURNE BEACH, Fl. 32951

7 c------CASTRO, THOMAS I CH $100 .0 5/14/2012 1050 PALt~ BROOK OR I I I~EI BOORliE, FI 32940


(2) 1.0. Number ______.325___ _ (1) Name -~·cLill.l'mn....;F'-'ollradl.------·------·-·---·· 4/1/2012 7/6/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __l __ lhrough __ I __ I __ (4) Page 2 of 5 --·-- --·---· ,.-·····------(5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Name (6) (L.ast, Suffix, Firs~ Middle) Sequence Alldre~$ & COntnbutpr COntribution ln .. kind Number City, State, ZIP Code Type Occupation .ImL ______Descrlpti.on __ Amondmant Amount SUTTON, DOUGLAS I CH $100.0 5/14/2012 1'1H SIMERICK LANE I I t~EIBOUruiE, FI. 32940


••·-~·-~,w-•-~·"''"-"••~-••• FORD, JIM s IK public $33 0 5/21/2012 2584 CHRISTOPHER DR records I I TITUSVIllE, FL 32780

10 t--'------·--····-- FoRo;' JIM IK public $10 .. 5 5/25/2012 s 2584 CHRISTOPHER DR records I I TITUSVILLE, Fl 32780

11 -····· MELTON, JUANITA I naphic IK website --· $500 .. 0 5/25/2012 3350 ATLAN:JA S't 'es2gn design ______L______.L______COCOA, FL 32926

12 "!K______.. ______1------~~ PARK AVENUE B are house warehouse $90 1 6/1/2012 STORAGE, space I I 175 N PARK AVE TITUSVILLE, FL 32780 13 .... ------LARSEN, LANCE I ~eputy CH $500 0 6/8/2012 1690 WHI'I'MAN DR f'ppra>ser I I W.. NEIBOURW::, FL 32904


--~~------1----- LARSEN, SUSAN I etired ------CH -·------$500 .. 0 6/8/2012 1690 WHI'l'HAN DR ______L ...... L_ • HElBOURNE, FL, 32904

15 r-- -- ... --··- JOHNS, D. M. I CH $100 0 6/8/2012 590 B&L!A VIS!A DR 1----·I I 'J:lTUSVII-LE, FL 32780 16 ·------DS·DE 13 (Rev. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES (


(1) Name (2) J.D. Number ,Jjm ..LOLU------·------· 325 4/1/2012 7/6/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __l __ through I I (4) Page 3 of 5 - ..... ··------(5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) - Date Fun Name (~) (Last, Suffix, First Middle) Seq\ienee Street Addres$ &. C

17 ..... ___ ,.____ c___ , __ -··- COCOA VILLAGE LLC, B kental CH $250.0 6/22/2012 402 HIGHPOINT DR property __ _[_ I COCOA, 'E'l 32926


-...... ,.,_._ DEER PARK RANCH, B CH --!--.. ----·-~"""$100.00 6/22/2012 6254 KE~lPf'ER RD --- I I ST CI.OUD, FL 34773 19 1---·-·-- --·-·· - ... - JOYAL CONSTRUCTION B CH $50.0 6/22/2012 I I 2800 AURORA RO SIE A MELBOURNE, EL 32935 20 _.. 1-----...... FORD,--~--"·-· IK sign $128.9 6/22/2012 s oandidate 2584 CRRISTOPHER DR materials I I TITUSVILLE, FL 32780

21 __ , ____ ...... FORD, JIM s IK public $15 .. 7 6/22/2012 2584 CHRISTOPHER DR records I I TITUSVIllE, FL 32780

22 -· ..... --·-;, -- PARK AVENUE B arehouse IK warehouse $90.1 7/1/2012 space ___J__ STORAGE, I 1 '15 N, PARK AV£ 'IlTUSVIt·'LE, FL 32180 23 -· -· ------·------1---- STOREY, BEN I CA $50 0 7/3/2012 1234 BURKHOLM RD I I MIMS, Fl. 32754 t--· 24 -- ' DS.·DE 13 (Rev. 08103) SEE REVE!RSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES I'


(1) Name -~·.Lr,u·m!l...JFuo.urCJ:dL------·------(2) 1.0. Number --""""'-- 4/1/2012 7/6/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __l __ through I I (4) Page 4 of_5_ r-·-.. --. ~------(5) (7) (S) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date F~ll Nama (6) (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) Seq lienee Street Addr~s$ & COntributor COntribution fn .. kJnd Number .. ,GI\V, Stele, ZiP Code Tvoe. Oootioation Tvo.e . DaS~Ifl!lon .Nneridmtnt Amount, STOREY, MARY I CA $50.0 7/3/2012 4234 BURKHOLM RD I I MIMS, FL 32754

25 ·-----·---· __ ,_,,, ...... --- --···· BULLOCK, MARIA I CH $100.0 7/3/2012 1318 CYPRESS BEND CIR I I MEI-'BOURliE, FI 32934


MILLER, ALI ----·-·-· ··--·-· ---- "-·-·-•-w•-- r-·-"""-"" ---$500 7/3/2012 I CH 515 WILI~WGREEN LN I I :tiTUSVIlLE, FL. 32780


JONES, CINDY I CH $25 0 7/3/2012 4205 HEMI.OCK LN -·- I I 'I'ITUSVIILE, Fl 32'780 28

ppraiser $500.0 7/3/2012 TUTTLE-ARMFIELD-WA NE:a, CH I I 115 E NEW HAVEN AVE - I

···-----~------·--· 1-·-··-·.. -- ~-.. COPELAND;-- ROBERT·--- ·-·--I ··-·---··----CA ------·"·-·-·-·-·- 1--- $50:0: 7/3/2012 435 RESTON PLACE I I DAVENPORT, EL 33897


--·------···--·-- COPELAND, LYNNA I CA $50 .. 0 7/3/2012 435 RESTON Pl-ACE I I DAVENPORI, fl 33897


JOHNS, JASON I CA $50 0 7/3/2012 1284 MARQUISE COURI I I ROCIUEDGE 1 Fl 32955




(1) Name (2) 1.0. Number ---'~-- 4/1/2012 7/6/2012 (3) Cover Period __ ! __ '--· through __l __ ! __ (4) Page 5 of ,_5_ r-·· ---· ·-- --·----· -- (5) {7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Oate Full Name (6) (last,Silfflx, F'lrs~ Middle) SeqU~(:e street Addres$ &. Contrlb~t

I I liES LEX CHAPEI-1 Fl 32543

33 ---·-·· ·------... ------·-·-·


------· ---- ·-·· - "'''""""'"'"""


______.. _ -· ------·-·------


...... ~~--.. ------··· ······-···· ··-··-· ---


··------·------···" ______., ...... I I --

------·-·---·---·----·--- I I --

1------I ------I

- - ---· os.. oE 13 (Rev .. 08103) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES I'

CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPI:NDITURES (1) Name ~~.!ord (2) 1.0. Number 325 4/1/2012 7 I 6/2012 (3) Cover Period __/ __(_. -·through ___J.__ / __. (4) Page_.l._____ of _ __2 ______.... (7) .. -·---·---·-- r· (5) (6) (9) (10) (11) Date Fu.IIN~m$ Purpose (6) (L.ast, suffix, Fir$t, Middle) (add office sought If street Address.& cantrl.b.utloii to a expenditure Sequence Type Number City, state, Zip code candidate) Amendment Amount ... ---···--··-"-·--·- 1-· GULF COAST IMPRINTING, signs ---·----MO ----··· $2,744 .. 9 4/'lzoy 2050 TALL PINES DR lARGO, FL 33771 1

_,...... ~, " t-4"/2/2012 SMITH, BECKY cards MO $165.2 3945 PINETOP BLVD r-- I I 'l'ITUSVlLIE, FL 32'796 2

...... -...... ,.,_ 4/2/.!VU SMITH, BECKY -- Consultant MO $2,000.0 3945 PINETOP BLVD I / __ TITUSVIlLE, FL 32796 3

--- .... -""$2'30:1' "' 01 "vi:2"""" 1 nv= DEPOT, lumber MO 3313 RONALD McNAIR WAY ___ _j_L ____ TI l'USVILLE, FL 32780 4 ___ .... -·---·-·- ··---... ·····--··· ~-·---·-·'4/5/2012 ACE HARDWARE, screws/ MO ---·-·-· ···-----$120.5 3636 S 1'1ASHINGTON AVE washers _/__I 'IIT!JSVILLE, FL 32'780 5

-·--"·•·····~-···-~··--·--- ··-- 4/9/2012 CITY OF TITUSVILLE,FL, sign bond MO $100 .. 0 555 S .. WASHINGTON AVE I _L .. TITUSVILLE, F'L 32 796 6

4/17/2oi.2 NEAT-STREET PHOTOGRAPHY, shirts ---· .. ·····-··· ---'"'-"""MO ··-·-·-·-·-·- $410.0 3659 $, HOPKINS AVE. I I TITUSVILLE, FL 32780 7

---·------~ .... ---·-- 4/25/2012 ACE HARDWARE, screws/ MO $9L9 3636 S. WASHINGTON AVE washers L L TITUSVILLE, F'L 32780 8 ----·-- ··------· '----- DS..OE t4 (Rev .. 08103) ··--·------SeE! REVERSe FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VAL.UES CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name _::im For~-·--··-·-----·-·--·------(2) 1.0. Number__ 325 4/1/2012 7/6/2012 (3) Cover Per!od ,__ / __L_through ,__ / __}__ , (4) Page 2 .of _ __,3"------(5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date Fu.liN~JM Pjlrpose --.. ·---""""·-(6) (L.ast, Sufilx, First, Middle) (add.offli:e sought If street Addre$9 & contrlb.utloh tp a Expenditure Sequence l)ipe Number City, state, Zip COde candidate) Anleildm$nl Amount

HOME DEPOT, lumber MD $262 5 5/1F1..~- 3373 RONALD t-lcNAIR WAY IITUSVILlE, F'L 32180 9

5/12/2012 ACE HARDWARE, screws/ MD $155.5 3636 S WASHINGl'ON AVE washers I I TITUSVILLE, FL 32 780 10

"57B7zulO< GULF "" COAST IMPRINTING;-· .. ·-····"" srgns-·--·------""MO"-"""-- -··--·--- -···-·· $1/427.9 2050 TALl. PINES DR STE A _.L_L .. _ I ARGO, FL 33771 11 jmT~m -.-...... Ci'rY OF cm:0A"""~;-···--·"""""""-·- s~gn perm~t --rnr··-·- -- ,:;rn 2 SOUrH ORLANDO AVE I I ___ COCOA BEACH, FL 32931 12

6/5/2012 BC SUPERVISOR OF qualifying fee MO $8,369 1 ELECTXONS, 2725 JUDGE FRAN JAMIESON WAY BLDG C I I VIERA, FL 32940 13

-· ...... ·-·-·-····-··-·---·~·· ·-···········-·········-······~······· ····-·~···-········ r---·-·-···---· 1-·-·----- 6/6/2012 GULF COAST IMPRINTING, signs MO $629 .. 9 2050 TALL PINES DR STE A "__ ,j_ _L __ LARGO, FL 33771 14

""" 1--· 6i27 /2ii12--~PHA GRAPHICS, postage MO $9,000 0 3601 VINELAND R0 1 STE 4 I I ORLA"NCO, FL 32811 15

-- ---···--··--····--·-·-·-·~ ·····----·--···-.. ·~ ··---~····--··- ·--·-···~-.. -- 6/29/2012 DROCK CREATIVE, desi9n MD $325.0 650 CAIMAN ST serv~ces _LL_ SATELLITE BEACH, FL 32937 16 --····-·-----.. ---·--·-·--· ·-·-·-· .. -·--- --·-·-- DS-OE 14 (Rev. 08/03) -- SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES '" I

CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT- ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name Jim Ford4 /1/2oi2'" ______.. __7 i61201"'2 ___ (2) I.D. Number 325 (3) Cover Period ...... _..J_._ .. _j__ through ___)__ /__ (4) Page __3__ , of ··---1. .... ---·-

----- (8) -- -- r--.. - (5) (7) ·-w--· ' (10) (11) Date FuJI N~.m~ Purpose (6) (Last; Suffix, Firs~ Middle) (add office sought If str&etAddl'llss.& ccintrl~utloifto a Expenditure Sequence Type Number City, state, Zip Code candidate) Amendment Amount __ , ----- ______.•. 6/29/2'72 ALPHA GRAPHICS, printing & mail MO $3,197 1 3601 VINELAND RD sn 4 services ..... L ORLANDO, FL 32911 17 ·---·--····-···- ... -...... -L.i_.

----·-····-~--~ .... ,. ____ .. _LL..

__ ., ______,__ , ___ .. -~------...... - ..... --····------I I

__ ,. ______...,, ...... f-··1 I

--·-··· ___ j_j__

,_ .... __ , ...... ,.- - ---··--···------·-----·-··-·- --·--...... -- ...... _ ------I I

'------.. - ·---...... - .....__ I_L __

--··· ·-· DS·DE 14 (Rev. 08103) -· SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES FLORIDA O~[')ARTIVIENT OF STATE PMSIQN OF ELEQTI.ONS CAMPAIGN TREASURER;S REPORT SUMMARY (1) OFFICE USE ONL.Y Jim Ford -----·····-----·-···-·-·-· Name ONLINE: ;;:,.. ,tr)v. . .!:1.J . .l.,. . S'' w ·nNl .. (2) 2584 Christopher Dx·ive [1040106] Address (number and street) Submitted on: J J e, EI. 32180 7/25/2012 17:01:55 (eastern) ------···-···-·--- .. ---- City, State, Zip Code 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) ID Number: 325 ···--- (4) Cheek appropriate box(es): 0 Candidate (office sought): .. ~.:operty Appraiser 0 Politic~! ~mrnlttee 0 OHEOK IF PO HAS DISBANDED D Committee of COntinuous Existence 0 OHEOK IF COE HAS DISBANDED D Party Exeo~tive Committee D Electioneering Communication l'J C.HECK IF NO OTHER ELECTIONEERING ()OMMI,IN.ICATION REPORT~ WILL BE FILED (6) REPORT IDENTIFIERS 7/7/2012 7/20/2012 F2 Cover Period: From I I ______..... To I Report 'Type , .... ~······- ----· ·--- .. -· ·--·· ·--·- --·-·· _____ ~ OriQirial OAmendment 0 Spacial Election Report 0 Independent Expenditure Rep.ort (6) CONTRIBU'fiONS THIS REPORT (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary Cash & Cheoks $ 0.00 Expenditures $ 1,096.25--- Loans $ 0 00 Transfers to Office ·-·-··---·-·-~-----· Account $ 0.00 __ .. ., Total Monetary $ 0.00 Total Monetary $ 1,096.25 16.95 "----~-----~ .. ~------In-Kind $ --.. -·-···-·-····--~·-···--···-· (8) Other Dlstllbutlons 0 .. 00 $ - ... ····--···- (9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date

$ " 0?< ..Q.O_ $ ,_,,,.,.,_ ... _...... ______,.3,3.,53.3.-.0-6. ...

(11) CERTIFICATION - It Is a first degree ml$.demeanor for any person t

. (Typo nall'oll) _ (Typo namo) glndivldual (ooly fO< Drreasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer Ocandldate .. O'ch~lrper~n (oolytor PC, PlY & ctioneerlng c


(1) Name _____ ...uro.__.F-"o'"'rda_ ___ (2) 1.0. Number __32.,,__ __ 7/7/2012 7/20/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __ I __ through __ I __ l__ (4) Page _ 1_ of __1 _. ···-·--·- -.--··- --,-··-·------·---· .. --r-·--·----,--· -r----- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Fun Name (6) (Last, Suffix; Firs~ Middle) Sequ~ce Street Addre$$ & Conttlbulor Contrib\Jiion ln"kl~ Number Cltv. State ZIP Code TVIle oooupation TYPe DescriPtion Arn•ndmen1 Amount FORD, JIM s IK public $16. 9 7/9/2012 2584 CHRISl'OPHER DR records I I TlTUSVlliE, E'L 32780

1 ___ , ______,_ .. ___ ..... ____ .. _ ····-·-····--·-··------···~· --···········-··"-'' r------·-·-···---


, ______, ...... ____ ------__ r-· -·-·--· ·-·· '-----L. ____ L ___

-"···-··--···-- 1---·----

-·-··------·---·-I I

·------·- r--·----


____ _j_ ___ _j_ ___

·------······· -- ______L ____ j _____

--- -·-·· ------



CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES {1) Name --~~-~ord (2) 1.0. Number 325 7/7/2012 7/20/2012 (3) Cover Period. __/ __/ ___ through _____ /_.. __L ... -. (4) Page.. 1 of --'1"---- ·-·-···- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date ------· Full Na.m~ P~rpose (6) (Last; suffix, First, Middle) (add office sought If striletAddi'E!ss & co"trlb.utlon to a Expenditure Sequence Type Number City, state, Zip Code candidate) Amendment Amount -·---- TATTLER, ad ··------·------··--MO $240. 0 1/'i~~[___ PO BOX 779176 BAREFOOT BAY, F'L 329'76 1 ..... ------······· ······------·-······ -·------7/16/2012 TIGER BAY CLUB, forum MO $175 0 136 11TH AVE dinnet·s I I INDIALAN'l'!C, FL 32903 2 t-?719/2012 DROCK CREATIVE, ldeSl.')'n MO $130.0 650 CAlNAN ST serv.~ces 1---L.L._ SATELLITE BEACH, FL 32937 3

.. ~7"2'0T~·- "FLORIDA "TOblrl;·---·---·---· ...... ·- ;aa·-""""''""'"""-'"'"'" MO ·mr:2 PO BOX 419000 t>lELBOURNE FL 32941 1-L..l...... 1 4 .... , ______,_.. __ r--.. ----·-.... ~-·---·--·-··---,·-·"""""''""'-'"""""-- -·-----· ------· I I

- I I

- .. - ...... _, -~ -~ --·-----···--- ... - ___ ~------·--~ .... ~ ...... I I

__ .,______.. ~·-··"···---- ·-·--···-·--- I I

...... ------:-:: .... _ ____ ·-·__ OS-DE 14 (Rev. 08/03) SEEi REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VAL.UES



(1) Jim Ford OFFICE USE ONLY ~---~-- Name ONLI.NE! :3·~tF'M- . k;. Jl,c~"ION c) ...... · J. (2) 2584 Christopher Drive [1049643) Address (number and street) Submitted on: ~ns~.d l l e~ Fl. ..32JJlQ 11/7/2012 08:34:25 (eastern) City; State, Zip Code [] CHECK IF ADDRESS !lAS CHANGED (3) IDNumber: -·----- 325 (4) Check appropriate box(es): 00 Candidate (office sought): Property Appraiser ------·-··~--···----- D Political Committee 0 CHECK IF PC HAS DISBANDED D Committee of Continuous Existence 0 CHECK IF CCE HAS DISBANDED D Party Exeol!live Committee D Electioneering bommunlcat!on 0 CHECK IF NO OTIIER ELE;CT!ONEER!NG COMMUNICATION REPORTS WILL BE FILED (o) REPORT IDENTIFIERS ~/10/2oF ro llllpl2012 Cover Period: From 1 Report rype TR Pr -- -- ·------· ··-·-···· .. ---· 1!1 Original OAmendment 0 Special Eleotion Report 0 Independent Expenditure Rep.ort (6) CONTRIBUTIONS THIS REPORT (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary 0.00 Expenditures 5,154.26 Cash & Checks $ ---·· $ Loans $ 0.00---- Transfers to Office Account $ 0.00 Total Monetary $ 0 .. 00 Total --··-- Monetary $ 5,154.26 0 .. 00 ln·Kind $ ··------··-----· (8) Other Distributions o .. 00 $ --· .... -,_ (9) TOTAL. Monetary Contributions To Date (10) ·roTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date

$ " < .6.2.5.. _.Q.()__ $ 56 625 ....0..0.. .•• - ' (11) CERTIFICATION It Is a first degree mlsdemea~or for any parson to, !AlslfY.a. public. record (as. 831M3, F.S.) 1-- -- I certify that I heve examined this report and It Is true, I c!!rlify that I h~ve examined this report and Ills true, correct, arid complete. correct, and complete .

(fype nan») (Type name) glndividual (,.;iy lor Orreasurer Do~putyT;;~;;., . Oca~didate D C.halrperson (only for PC-. PTY & ctloneerlng cornmun ,) $lectloneerfng commun organization)

X -----·--·--·X - Signature Signature DS·DE 12 (Rev,. 09/04) ,. I' I ''\


(1) Name .Urn (2) 1.0. Number 32 8/10/2012 11/12/2012 (3) Cover Period __ I __ l ___ through ___ l __ l_-_ (4) Page 1 of 0 --- --·-· ----- (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Name (6) (las~ Suffix, First Middle) Sequence street Address & Contributor Contdb\Jtion ln .. kJnd Number -~!!);_state, ZIP Code Type 0ccUMtion Tvoe ... Description Amendrrlen\ Amount

_ ...... L. I

,,_ ~---·-

----- I I

' ,.,_ -----~- ...... -----I I

- --- 1------····---

I .. I






,..-L...... L __

·--··------· ·---



------~------~ I '

CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT -ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name.~~- Ford {2) 1.0. Number··---~='-.. ---· 8/10/2012 ll/12/2012 (3) Cover Period ______.. ./__ / __ through__ __}__ /__ (4) Page . 1 of _2~---

...• ~~ .. ~ (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date Fu.ll Name . P~rposo (6) (Last, Suffix , First, Middle) (add office sought If Street A!ddress & contrlb.utlon to a Expenditure sequence Type Number Clf¥, stat e, :Zip Code candidate) Amondmont Amount . -· ---·-. __ ,.,_ 2 D ROCK CREATI VE, ad design MO $65 0 650 CAlHAN STREET

1----1.--L--·- SA'IEILIIE BEACH 1 FL 32937 1

~::-:-:-:-:-::-:-1-:::------··••~M-·~·~· ·-· 8/16/2012 U HAUL, truck MO ----~-=-=-$145.3 20'70 GARDEN STREE T rental TITUSVILLE, FL .32 796 --'--l

.•. _,, BP STATION, gas "l'Or' trucK MO !------$90.0 lBSO KNOX MCRAE DRIVE TITUSVILLE, FL 32 780


~ ...... SALA, JOHN s1gn remova.L - MU ----~0 5292 YAUPON HOLLY DRIVE COCOA, FL 32927 4

--··--...... - -··- 9/5/2012 CLAUDIUS, BRIA N sign MO 1- ... $ 2,--:;oo-o: 20310 BAL HARBOUR TER campaign TI!USVILLE 1 FL 32 780 management 5

----+--·------··--· ·-··-·- ··-· 9/11/2012 CITY OF TITUSV ILLE, refund MO $·100.0 555 S WASHING'!'ON AVENUE sign TITUSVILLE, FL 32 780 deposit ---L---L-~ 6

--;-:,..,..,.-:,--+------:::=-:- ..... i------·---:- 9/11/2012 CITY OF COCOA BEACH, - refund---···---- sign MO $-40 .0 2 S ORLANDO AVENU E deposit COCOA BEACH, FL 32931

7 ·-··-- . ___ ...... -- 9/11/2012 ALPHA GRAPHICS x·efund MO $···1,154 5 3601 VINELAND RD STE' 4 printing f---''-·L ORLANDO, FL 32811 services 8 ··-···· .. --···- .... ______------os.. oE 14 (Rev. 08/03) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES / ' I I '·

CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT ··ll'EMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name. Jim Ford ---·- (2) 1.0. Number._.__ ,,325·-·-·--- 8/10/2012 11/12/2012 (3) Cover Period __/__ .!._ ...... through __/ __ L...... (4) Page 2 .of ...... 1.._ .. __

-~-.,·-····· ···-·-·-· -- (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Date .. Full P~rpose (6) (Last, sufflx, First, Middle) (add offlce sought If Street Address & contribution to a Expenditure Sequence Type Number City, state, Zip Code candidate) Amendment Amount __ ...... _ " - FORD, JIM repay loan MO $100.0 9///2L__ 2584 CHRISTOPHER DRIVE

II IUSVILLE 1 FI 32780 9 . ,_ - ...... 9/25/2012 SMITH, VIVIAN sign install & MO $1,500 .. 0 PO BOX 120115 removal I j_ W MELBOURNE, FL 32912 10 ...... "!25t2U12 THRELKELD, JOHN - worx -Mo·--· $300 .. 0 202 S BROWN AVENUE I I ~·ITUSVILLE 1 FL 32796 11 ----·- ~u:;,n:uu STRICKLAND, vAM~S account1ng MO I--1'5'0D.'Gi PO BOX 541936 services ~-I HERRITI ISLAND, FL 32954 12

'"" 9/25/2012 SHRINER$ HOSPITAL FOR donation MO $?49 4 CHILDREN, ___ L .. 2900 ROCK~ POINI DRIVE I TAMPA, FL 33607 13 ,_ .... --· -- ·- I I

,.,___ ,,,._.. ,. 1--"' ·--······"'"''"'--··· 1--·L.. .. L __

__ , --······-·· .... -...... _.. r---··-· ---·-·-.. -· I I

--·· .. ··-·· os .. oE 14- (Rev. 08/03) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND COOEVA~UES Filing Officer affidavit for Jim Ford Cedric Oliver to: charmsen 01/30/2013 08:57AM

Thanks for your attention to this matter If you have any questions, please call Cedric Oliver@ (850) 922-4539 ext 11 0.

DOC013013-009 pdf FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W .. Gaines Street Collins Building, Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (850) 922-4539

Janumy 30, 2013

The Honorable Lori Scott Brevmd County Supervisor of Elections 2725 Judge Fran Jmnieson Way Melboume, Fl32941

RE: Case No.: FEC 12-326; Campaign Treasurer's Report due 8/10/12

Dem Supervisor Scott:

Candidate Jim Ford has appealed the fine assessed for failing to timely file the above­ referenced report.

In order for us to present this appeal to the Florida Elections Commission, it is necessary to ask you to fumish us with copies ofthe following information, if available: 0 The CTR that was filed late 0 The envelope that contained the report 0 Card or letter reminding candidate that report was due D The filing officer's failure to file letter 0 The filing officer's fine letter 0 Certified mail receipt or other evidence that the fine letter was received 0 Additional relevant notes or phone logs 0 Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository form D The filing history A filing history is a list of reports filed by this candidate with a notation of any late filing fines assessed against the candidate for failing to timely file reports Please retum the requested information to me by February 8, 2013

I appreciate your assistance in obtaining this information Please let me know if you have any questions


Cedric Oliver Investigation Specialist

Aut011 (6/07) (

,' I, (

~¢leoti . of Elections

September 26,2012 RepyTo:

D Govemment Center· North 400 South Street IF Post Office Box 1119 Titusville, FL 32781-1119 The Honorable Jim Ford Telephone 321 264·6740 2584 Christopher Drive Fax 321264-6741 I itusvil!e, FL 32780 [8] Viera Government Center 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Dear Mr. Ford: Building C, Level 1 Post Office Box 410819 Melbourne, FL 32941·0819 Telephone 321633·2124 Your F3 Campaign Treasurer's Report was due August 10,2012, but was not received Fax 321 633·2130 by my office until August II, 2012

D South Brevard Section I 06..07(8)(b ), Florida Statutes, provides for a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 Service Complex 1515 Sarno Road days late and, thereafter, $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25 percent of Melbourne .. FL 32935 the total receipts or expenditmes, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the Telephone 321255-4455 Fax 321 255-4401 late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each special primary election, special election, primary election, aiJd general election, the fine shall be $500 D Palm Bay per day for each late day, not to exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or Service Complex expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. 450 Cogan Drive, SE Palm Bay, FL 32909 Telephone 321 952-6328 Since yom report was filed on August 11, 2012, you are fined in the aiiJount of Fax 321 952·6332 $50 .. 00 The fine must be paid within 20 days of your receipt ofthis notice unless appealed to the Florida Elections Commission. Please note this fine is not an 0 Central Brevard Service Complex allowable caiiJpaign expenditure aiJd must be paid from personal funds 2575 N Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island .. FL 32953 Telephone 321 454-6606 Your fine can be paid at any of the 5 Election offices listed on the left or mailed to: Fax 321 454·6607 Brevard CoUJJty Supervisor of Elections PO Box410819 IDD 321-454·6608 Melbomne, 32941

VOIER FRAUD HOI LINE If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office at 633-2124 ore­ 1-877-868-3737 mail [email protected] '"Y ori Scott / 1. ( (

"'--AT&T 9 9:05AM 100%!!@

~:~::'~~=~O.~~s_:_~m/ws~sc_and/p~=~=::'~rdls: -~ ( -~~~~~---~- -~---~-_) --·_._ e3,~a2sja_dnc~2so..dc,68.pdf


(1) Jim Ford OFFICE USE ONLY Name ONLINE SUB~fiSS IOJS1 (2) 2584 Christopher Drive [1043360] Address (number and street) Submitted on: Ti~Y~~ill2, ~~ J&7aQ 8/11/2012 05,56,26 (eastern) City, State, Zip Code 0 CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED (3) ID Number: 325 (4) Check appropriate box(es): (lg Candidste (office sought): Property Appraiser 0 Political Committee 0 CHECK IF PC HAS DISBANDED 0 Committee of Continuous Existence 0 CHECK IF CCE HAS DISBANDED 0 Party Executive Committee 0 Eloctlonoorlng Communication 0 CHECK IF NO OTHER ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION REPORTS WD.L BE FILED (5) REPORT IDENTIFIERS 7/21/2012 8/9/2012 F3 Cover Period: From -- I -- I -- To -- I -- I -- Report Type [lg Original 0Amendment D Special Election Report 0 Independent Expenditure Report

(6) CONTRIBUTIONS THIS REPORT (7) EXPENDITURES THIS REPORT Monetary Cash & Checks $ 8,900.00 Expond~uros $ 17,937.68

Loans $ 0.00 Transfers to Office Account $ _._. 0 .. 00 ~---·- ···-··-~---·- ·--··· ------~----·-··· 8,900 .. 00 Total Monetary $ Total Monetary $ 17,937 .. 68 34132 In-Kind $ (8) Other Distributions $ o.. oo

(9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ « .,. JlD._ $ <1. 470 .2.L

(11) CERTIFICATION It Is a first degree misdem..,norfor any person to falsify a public record {ss,. 83Q 13, F.. S.) 1 certify that I have examined this report and It Is trun, I certify that I have examined this report and It Is true, correct. and completo correct, and complete

(Typo norro) (T ypeo n~me) Olrdividual (0'11'/ ret 0Treasurer OoeputyTrcasurer Ocondd:rto 0 Chairperson 4cn1v f« PC. PTV & olectionoe!lng commun .) eltdi<:ne'Oiing ccmm.m. orgon!Zatlon) X X Signature Signature os-oE 12 (Rov. OB/041 (

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (850) 922-4539

January 30, 2013

Jim F01d 2584 Christopher Drive Titusville, Florida 32780

RE: Case No .. : FEC 12-.326; Campaign Treasurer·'s Report due 08/10/12 --Corrected Dear Mr .. Ford: On December 4, 2012, the Florida Elections Commission confirmed receipt of your notice to appeal the fine assessed against you for the late filing of your report due on August 10, 2012 (2012 F2) However, there was an error in the reference line pertaining to the Case Number.. The correct case number is FEC 12-326 .. If you have any questions concerning this appeal,·please contact Investigator Cedric Oliver at extension 11 0 SiL~~~~ Donna Ann Malphms Agency Clerk

Au tOO I (8/08) (

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (850) 922-4539

December 4, 2012

Jim Ford 2584 Christopher Drive Titusville, Florida 32780 3~ (~>f.') RE: Case No.: FEC 12)W'7; Campaign Treasurer's Report due 08/10/12 Dear Mr Ford: The Florida Elections Commission received your letter appealing the fine assessed against you for failing to timely file your campaign treasurer's report I anticipate that the Commission will hear your case at its next available meeting in I allahassee. A notice of hearing will be mailed approximately two weeks prior to the hearing In reaching its decision, the Commission will consider the documents gathered by Commission staff and any documents you submit for the Commission's consideration before its meeting Unless good cause is shown, the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting Rules 2B-l 005, 1.0052, and L0055, Florida Administrative Code, are the Commission's rules on the appeal of automatic fines. The Commission will uphold the fine imposed by the filing officer unless you provide credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual or other circumstances caused the report to be filed late. If you are a county, municipal, or special district candidate or committee and your report was received by the filing officer without a postmark or with an illegible postmark more than five days after the due date or it was delivered to the filing officer by a mail delivery service other than the United States Postal Service, it will not be found timely filed unless you submit a copy of a proof of mailing or at a hearing before the Commission, presents the oral testimony of the person who timely mailed the report The proof of mailing submitted shall reflect that it was obtained from the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service at the time of mailing and shall reflect that the report was mailed before midnight on the due date.. A metered postage mark does not constitute a postmark or a proof of mailing If you carmot show that your report was timely filed, the Commission may still grant you relief, but only if you show unusual circumstances.. Unusual circumstances is defined in Rule 2B-

AutOO! (8/08) I

1.005(4), Florida Administrative Code, to mean "uncommon, rare, or sudden events over which the actor has no control and which directly result in the failure to act in accordance with the filing requirements." Unusual circumstances must occur within a time period that would clearly have prevented you from filing the report in a timely manner. Unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service to postmark an envelope, legibly postmark an envelope, or timely deliver mail Further, unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the sender to affix sufficient postage to a report that is being mailed Without credible evidence, the Commission will not find unusual circumstances The following circumstances may constitute unusual circumstances so long as credible evidence is presented that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late I Natural disaster or other emergency that prevented timely filing. Evidence submitted must include copies of newspaper reports or other documents from an independent and reliable source that shows the nature, date, and location of the natural disaster or emergency 2 Death of the candidate or campaign treasurer or an immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a copy of the death certificate, newspaper obituary, or funeral program, or notice 3 Serious illness, disability or non-elective surgery of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a physician's certification on professional letterhead stationery that includes the dates of the illness, disability, or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; and a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective Copies of hospital records reflecting the dates of hospitalization may also show the period of incapacitation 4 Serious illness, disability, or non-elective surgery of the immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer.. Evidence submitted must include evidence of the relationship of the candidate or treasurer to the family member, the location of the family member, and the reason the presence of the candidate or campaign treasurer was required Evidence submitted must also include a physician's certification on professional letterhead stationary that includes the dates of the illness, disability or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective; and a statement that the patient required the care of a family member. 5 Computer or equipment failure caused by events that could not have been anticipated and that made timely filing of the report impossible. Power outages or program failure does not constitute unusual circumstances unless it is established that reasonable precautions to assure the safety ofthe equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated were taken before the events causing failure of the equipment or program. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths indicating the

AutOOl (6/07) cause and the duration of the power outage and the reasonable precautions taken to assure the safety of the equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated 6 The abrupt and unexpected loss of the campaign treasurer, over which you had no control. The loss of the campaign treasurer does not constitute unusual circumstances if the appealing party failed to monitor the campaign treasurer's performance before his or her departure or if the appealing party failed to assure prompt preparation of the report after the treasurer's departwe. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths explaining the departw e ofyour treasw er and the steps taken to monitor the treasurer's performance before his or her departure You may, of course, send any additional evidence that you believe supports your position that yom report was timely filed or that unusual circumstances cause your report to be filed late. Rule 2B-L005(3), Florida Administrative Code, provides that if you send additional documentary evidence, the Commission must receive it no later than 20 days from the date of this letter. Remember that the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting, unless good cause is shown If the documentary evidence is timely received, it will be presented to the Commission when it considers yow appeal of the assessed fine It is your responsibility to provide the Commission with credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late. If you do not provide the evidence requested in this letter or in the Commission rules, the Commission will uphold the fine assessed by the filing officer. Ifyou have any questions concerning this appeal, please contact Investigator Cedric Oliver at extension 110

Sincerely, ~~14-- <()[_~ Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk

AutOOl (6/07) -- FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W, Gaines Street Collins Building, Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 (850) 922-4539

January 30, 2013

The Hon01able Lori Scott Brevard County Supervisor of Elections 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Melbourne, Fl32941

RE: Case No.: FEC 12-.326; Campaign Treasurer's Report due 8/10/12

Dear Supervisor Scott:

Candidate Jim Ford has appealed the fine assessed for failing to timely file the above­ referenced report.

In order for us to present this appeal to the Florida Elections Commission, it is necessary to ask you to furnish us with copies ofthe following information, if available: D The CTR that was filed late D The envelope that contained the report D Card or letter reminding candidate that report was due D The filing officer's failure to file letter D The filing officer's fine letter D Certified mail receipt or other evidence that the fine letter was received D Additional relevant notes or phone logs D Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository form D The filing history A filing history is a list of reports filed by this candidate with a notation of any late filing fines assessed against the candidate for failing to timely file reports. Please return the requested information to me by February 8, 2013

I appreciate your assistance in obtaining this information. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely, {;I' KD2- Cedric Oliver Investigation Specialist

AutO!! (6/07) IQ: charmsen@votebrevard com, Cc: Bee: Subject: Filing Officer affidavit for Jim Ford

Thanks for your attention to this matter If you have any questions, please call Cedric Oliver@ (850) 922-4539 ext 11 0.

DOC013013-009 pdf -·( . (" \



NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying officer before opening the campaign account. OFFICE USE ONLY 1. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): 0 Initial Filing of Form Re-filing to Change: ,·easurer/Deputy ua1>epository 0 Office 0 Party 2. Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last) 3 Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip code} fi,'IJ Ttlvt Fo 2,-l'f tff/fr s rot tf£X.. T:>~. 4 Telephone 5 E mail address Tirtt~V1£.t.EJ < 3ZP 1ttt.f·· 3(.o'f h. 327J'D 6 Office sought (include district, circuit, group number) 7 If a candidate for a nonpartisan office, check if applicable: My intent is to run as a Write-In candidate {3r 'fS''s-033o 13 City 14 County 15 State 16. Zip Code 17 E-mail address tn~ 'T1 .:rs: L.#l 1) 1.3I? S'I,}M'b PL 3 2-


25 Date 26. Signa~/ 'I -2t. -It X c:::.___;h-,_.: - Lo 27 Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment (fill in the bl~nks and check the appropriate block) I, ]/vttes A >~ /c.J< L.NJt;:; Jfi. , do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print or fype Name) designated above as: [F' Campaign Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer X(_ IL A:Ln ....- "/../ ,A/1t· ., -- tf-Zt, -II LV. -.. - T Date \! Signatllfe of Campaign Tr~urer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 9 (Rev .. 10/10) Rule 1S-2 .. 0001, FAC..