Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 77, No. 10
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T:?;s3*7.i3iSS::^iJs ^:.^.,^.vii^^csid I WANT Yoy ENLIST NOW V , ^^ • . •.. •-"••'i-."--".-r-'".=p>i'3 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC VOL. 11 DECEMBER 11, 1942 NO. 10 7?^^aa^!l<a^'^-T'tgiaik»3ia:S»;M&s5gig^ajajs^^ ^Jww. »ag j'a«itJJj-i.fcm'«.itf*M f VISIT OUR BRANCH OFFICERS' APP There is a difference in uniforms! ^~\ FFICERS of the Navy insist, and rightly so, ^-^ upon fine uniforms. Not only do they want style, fit and serviceability, but individuality as well. Many officers already know that these qualities are found in the uniforms tailored for the Modern Gilbert's Call Us — By We'll Deliver. HICKEY-FREEMAN upwards In South Bend — Any Taxi Free You see the difference, you feel the difference the moment you try on a imiform at the Modern Gilbert's. fo Gilberf's. GILBERT'S OWN OFFICERS' UNIFORMS, ^2.50 W£ MODBRN GILBERT'S "Choi, A4a^ Ti££4 /^^totivi/i 813-817 S. Michigan St. I /<&^'^ CAtStCr^C ^^ 101£M'. EL STORE — DRAKE HOTEL. CHICAGO Dobbs Officers^ Caps — the finest! PRODUCED by famous Dobbs craftsmen, -•- these are the finest officers' caps made. You can have complete confidence in your Dobbs. Officially correct in style—%vith an extra measure of smartness and distinction— exclusively — the Modern Gilbert's By DOBBS Call Us — We'll Deliver. $ 18 50 .including 3 covers In Soufh Bend — They come by their dashing good looks natu Any Taxi Free rally — because of the wide experience of Dobbs experts in headwear craftsmanship. fo Gifberf's. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9:00 Wf MODERN GILBERT'S "(hiJL Afa*t, TiMi /^H4>tiiJi/i0 813-817 S. Michigan St. S<rudU Bo^'^ J^oAaeAt S-to^ ^9^ >^<^ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Viturus Vive Quasi THE WEEK Cras Moriturus JACK WOELFLE FOUNDED 1867 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918." • TOP OF THE WEEK Clauses. Fi'ank King forgets one little item in his music reviews each "Notre Dame green went to war," week. We mean the quotation marks • Fi'ankeee. However, at this time of NOTICE! NOTICE! year there is nothing in our heai-t but a Those signs have begun to appear on deep feeling of peace and good will hall bulletin boards. We mean those toward our fellow man. Hallelujah and signs like: "For sale, cheap! One floor happy day Mr. ICing. We hope Santa model radio with record changer. Must brings you that new French horn. The sell. Apply 3^/4 Alumni. If not in send hot air is still hot but the notes are telegram." Unsuspecting Oswald hur getting a little week. (Pun, tee-hee) ries over to the Gold Coast. After all, . , . Two burning questions are in the i \, it's a bargain that only comes once mind of every Notre Dame student on six months. He stops breathlessly be which hang the happiness of 3,000 little ROBERT D. LEMENSE, Editor fore Sli and knocks. Inside, the seniors hearts. "Will Superman save Santa in time?"; and, "Will Frank King receive DANIEL DOWNEY. Managing Editor tliink someone is advertising Dad's Old TED WEBER Campus Editor Fashioned Root Beer and break into a his copy of Doionheat in time to A\Tite BILL REYNOLDS Sports Editor conga. Bewildered, Oswald steps inside: his first column of the New Year?" . JACK DENNISTON Jidmin. Editor "I seen s, ad on my bulletin board about The Seniors were all present at the ROBERT LONERGAN Promotion a radio and—." Tliis is as far as he framing of "Old Faitliful," the first sock WALTER KRA^VIEC _. Art Editor AL SCHAEFER _.Sia# Photographer gets. Ignoring cries of "how much" and to make the trip to the laundry and GAIL FITCH, JR Advertising the hands in his_^pockets Oswald de back 38 times in a row. REV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C.. Faculty Adviser mands to see the ai-ticle. The Senior • reaches under the bed and pulls out a strange looking box. "See," he says, BEFORE you LEAVE Member of Catholic School Press Association, pointing with pride: "A floor model! There are a few simple vacation rules Associated Collegriate Presa, Distributor of Col- to follow: lesriate Digest. Represented for national advertis We didn't have room on the table." The ing by National Advertising Service, lac., 4S0 innocent Fi-eshman soon learns that 1. Don't pay to get in the Christ Uadison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—Bos ton—Los Angeles—San Frandaco. THE SCHO there is a record changer as advertised. mas Dance. Sneak in tlu-ough the kitch LASTIC is published thirty-three times duriac r en but, don't pick up a towel. They'll the school year at the University of Notre Dame. It changes good records into bad ones. Address all manuscript to Editor, 267 Altmini * He starts to back out the door but a draft you as a waiter. Hall or 121 Administration Bldg-., Notre Dame, restraining hand is laid on his shoul 2. Don't tell her about the pretty Indiana. ' der. Oswald whimpers. The sales talk dates in South Bend. Your conscience StaS meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at begins. Later as the sun sets over the will feel as guilty as the cash register 7:15 p. m. Gold Coast (now you know why), Os in the Caf. wald's wallet is as empty as Strictly 3. If anyone asks you why you Instrumental on a day of pIentJ^ Os aren't in uniform, flash that E. R. C. or IN THIS ISSUE wald mutters to the trees. Oswald is V-7 card and tell him you're a loj^al angry. member of Superman's Secret Service, CAMPUS with dues paid for a year.- SO LONG 4. Be sure to spend some time Avith Graduation 5 , the folks. "Dome" Distribution 6 There are a lot of tilings you Seniors Interhall Debate -.... 9 _ will be missing a few months from now, MIDDLE OF THE WEEK like those walks around the twin lakes ADMINISTRATION - Sunday afternoons, and those nine holes "Curses on the guy who's always after the 2:15 during spring and au dreaming of a white Christmas!" We Ed Murray Leaves ....13 >_ tumn, and maybe those occasional quote one Bill Talbot. Metallurgy Meeting 13 pleasant \'isits to St. Mary's. You'll miss Father Heiser Dies 13 * the 9:00 coke in the Caf and the fudge 4 MORE WEEKS—AHH! ripples in the Golf Shop, and packed SPORTS buses at 11:45. But no matter where A week from today and we'll all be you go you'll remember the dome and on our way. The Week wants to wish Track 15 V the way it looked the first day as you you all the best kind of a vacation. It's Football Resume 16 rode up Notre Dame Ave., and the way been fun writing this column, if you - Interhall Basketball 18 '^ it will look next week as you see it for choose to call it that, and if we've the last time as a student. Lots of luck. offended anyone we didn't do it pur FEATURES We'll remember you. posely and we're sorry. If you've liked • the column this season, swell. If not, The Week 4 well, every knock is a boost, we always College Parade .12 .*-^ LA DE DA say. ^^ Telescope 12 The girls from across the road are The Ears Have It .. ......27 -^ being let out early this year. The rea BOTTOM OF* THE WEEK Strictly Instrumental .^. 30 , son is because of the shortage of Santa January twenty-first. Short Shots 3 I The NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. Vol. 77 DECEMBER 11, 1942 No. 10 Release Complete Commencement Program As December 19th Graduation Approaches AL SOMMER For eight semesters they have plugged Crosse, Wis., will deliver the valedictory. away at the books, the Palace and Wal green's (some of them at the Rock across Two events are scheduled for Satur the road). Now comes day afternoon and evening. One Avill be a the culmination of all performance of the Gilbert and Sullivan their effort s—the operetta, "Patience," under the direction treasured cap and of Mr. Cecil Birder. Recently the oper gown and the unbe etta had a five night stand on the cam lievable sheepskin. pus. The other event will be the Notre These thrills will be Dame-Purdue basketball game. As yet it long to the 378 Notre is undecided which will be the afternoon Dame seniors who and which the evening attraction. JOHN H. TALLET .„ ^ , ., , Sunday—another full day for seniors, Will iind themselves parents, and guests. The faculty and on Dec. 21 as alumni, able to look back class of 1943 will assemble, clothed in with pipe in hand on the "good old col lege days." caps and gowns, at 8:30. From the main This ninety-ninth graduating class has building they will proceed to the Sacred MR. WILLIAM M. JEFFERS a pair of full days facing them, Dec. 19 Heart Church where the Most Rev. John and Dec. 20. On Saturday the 19th they F. Noll, D.D., bishop of Fort Wayne, will will participate in the traditional Class celebrate a Pontifical Mass. The Moreau Day exercises.