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Senior Spotlight: Dimitri James Voulelikas by Leslie Estrada, Editor-in-chief

Dimitri is someone you want to be around. From the first time you talk to him, you can see what an amazing guy he is. He has so much talent and still stands down to earth. I love him" says fellow friend and classmate, Victoria Marceau. Dimitri James Voulelikas was born on September 29, 1989 in Claire, Quebec and is of Greek, Sicilian and Turkish ancestry. He moved to El Segundo 8 and ½ years ago, since he was in the 4th grade and was easily accepted by everyone. "Actually, my favorite age was when I was 4, in kindergarten; all I remember is that it was a blast. I loved learning my name". Since Dimitri doesn't have any brothers or sisters, he did other things to occupy his time, "I learned Tae Kwon Do and soccer for a while, and I won the state championship one year". He's had many people say nothing but great things about him, and one of these friends volunteered themselves to comment on him "Dimitri is a good Samaritan, he once in 4th grade told me that I was fat- and that motivated me to not be as fat. Thanks Dimitri, I owe you one!" said his buddy Sam Green. His kindness and gentleness probably came from the people he looks up to. His heroes as a child included his father and mother- "They kept me in line and didn't spoil me too much. Good role models"- his granddads on both sides, and hockey legends Scott Stevens, Ted Bertuzzi, and . has been a great part of Dimitri's life, "I've been playing ice hockey for 9 years, and club ice hockey 4 years during high school, and was MVP in the Greater Richmond Area AAA Midget Hocket tournament and in league, leader in minutes". One thing that stands out about Dimitri is his outstanding academic excellence, "I've had straight A's every year of my life; I've received the John Hopkin's award for the gifted [twice], I've been the Student of the Year a few times at the [El Segundo] middle school". Dr. Webb, the principle of ESMS, commended Dimitri in an assembly for his scholastic merit, and was on the Superintendent's honor roll for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Once Dimitri entered high school, it only got better for him. "I joined the Sierra Club, the Backpacking, German, French and Robotics club. I'm also an active member of Surfrider and Heal the Bay". A typical weekend for Dimitri would include: hockey, doing his homework [like the good boy he is], "hopefully spending some time with the homies, and possibly one lucky girl". When asked about partying, he said, "Parties are overrated and it's usually more fun to just kick it. I love the ocean". Dimitri's friends seem to take up a large part of his heart, "I just wanted to make a few shout outs to all the homies. Nixon, Ben Daly, Sollee, Kellye Larsen, Amy, Kelley, Kelcie, the beautiful and amazing Victoria Marceau, Devon Maloney, Lily Ronney, Taylor Johnson, Sancho Verde with his lumberjack shoulders, Brett Lopez, Stephanie Ng and George Harris". Dimitri has been taking everything with careful caution and just makes sure that he keeps his grades high. With a 4.6 overall G.P.A, he anticipates to keep his rank as number 1 in the senior class- "hopefully I'll be valedictorian for graduation, but we'll see, some people are striving pretty hard to compete". He has taken several Advanced Placement and honors courses at his time here, of those which include: AP US History, Calculus, Physics, Literature, Economics, and Calculus 2 at Loyola Marymount University, and Honors Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and English 9 through 11. When Dimitri was asked which teachers he favored the most, he said, "My favorite teachers are Mrs. Clemmer and Mrs. Stucken. Both have interactive styles of teaching and make their classes very enjoyable". Besides the demanding classes, he had time to play sports as well, "I've played water polo 2 years, varsity swim team 4 years, ice hockey for the high school 4 years". He has won several scholarships and award in his short time in high school. Dimitri is a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Commendation, scored a perfect 6 on his Henry Ford essay from Mrs. Brown's freshman honors class, and a Boy's State delegate this past summer at Sacramento State. "After shool, I would do my homework, workout, eat, play hockey, eat again, workout again. I'm also a scorekeepers and staff member at Toyota Sports Center". Dimitri is applying to very prestigious schools, and with his 2000 on his SAT, he hopes to attend Princeton, Harvard, Cornell or Georgetown, where he will major in Economics/ Political Science or Business. "I hope to become an international delegate or maybe become involved in the government here, in or in Italy; I'm an Italian citizen, so I could reside in Europe". Dimitri's ambition and determination will definitely reinforce his chances at achieving his future dreams and aspirations, and he will make an excellent contribution to our world in the long run.

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