Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 70/Tuesday, April 11, 2000/Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 70 / Tuesday, April 11, 2000 / Rules and Regulations 19335 equipment and functions, and shall at the splitter, through a cross- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a provide to requesting carriers loop and connection to the competitor's synopsis of the Report and Order in MM splitter functionality that is compatible collocation space, or through a Docket No. 98±198 adopted March 8, with any transmission technology that standardized interface, such as an 2000, and released March 21, 2000. The the requesting carrier seeks to deploy intermediate distribution frame or a test full text of this decision is available for using the high frequency portion of the access server, for the purposes of loop inspection and copying during normal loop, as defined in this subsection, testing, maintenance, and repair business hours in the FCC Reference provided that such transmission activities. Center at Portals ll, CY±A257, 445 12th technology is presumed to be (ii) An incumbent seeking to utilize Street, SW, Washington, DC. The deployable pursuant to § 51.230. an alternative physical access complete text of this decision may also (5) Loop conditioning. (i) An methodology may request approval to be purchased from the Commission's incumbent LEC must condition loops to do so from the relevant state copy contractor, International enable requesting carriers to access the commission, but must show that the Transcription Service, Inc., (202) 857± high frequency portion of the loop proposed alternative method is 3805, 1231 20th Street, NW, spectrum, in accordance with reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and will Washington, DC 20036. Specifically, §§ 51.319(a)(3), and 51.319(h)(1).
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