Official Publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia VOL. 74 - No. 06 MARCH 31, 2013 ENGLISH VERSION

EASTER PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF THE U.S.A. TO OUR CLERGY, HIEROMONKS AND BROTHERS, RELIGIOUS SISTERS, SEMINARIANS AND BELOVED FAITHFUL CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! It is hard to know even how to address you at this season; we are, after all, in very different places. Of course, we Christians are all at different places on our individual spiritual journeys; however, especially this year, Ukrainian Catholics are also at very different places on the journey which is the liturgical year.

Doubtless you are aware that, due to different criteria for determining the date of Easter, This photo is taken of the iconostas at the Chapel of the there is a five-week Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God Convent in difference between the Philadelphia, PA Gregorian and Julian celebrations of that Feast of Feasts. This means settling into the Great stand on their own, but Ascension and Pentecost; that, while some of the Fast. rather are part of a whole to short-circuit this process faithful are celebrating spiritual trajectory which by focusing on one date Pascha according to To complicate matters begins with the Sunday to the exclusion of the the Gregorian calendar, even more, we need to of Zacchaeus and goes other, or by emphasizing others who follow the realize that the great through the Great Fast Julian calendar are just paschal feasts do not and Paschaltide to the (continued on next page) EASTER PASTORAL (continued from previous page) one single feast to the stranglehold which time prays, “Remembering, being that has come exclusion of the entire has upon mortals who therefore, all that was into being. 4In Him season of grace, is live in the face of death; done for us: the Cross, was life, and the life to deprive people of more important than the tomb, the Resurrection was the Light of men. the abundant richness one particular date is an on the third day, the 5The Light shines in available through our entire life made vibrant Ascension into heaven, the darkness, and Byzantine spiritual and vital by Christ. the Sitting at the Right the darkness did not tradition. How can we, The same phenomenon Hand, and the Second comprehend it (John your bishops, even begin can be found in the and Glorious Coming”. 1: 1-5). to unlock all of this for Paschal mystery, but Just as in the Nativity you? this is unfortunately not icon, these discrete Obviously, the One we usually represented events are grouped see here is more than It would perhaps be iconographically or even together even though just the time-bound Jesus easier during the liturgically, since each they span the realms of Who lived at a certain Christmas season, where of the great mysteries time and space – and time and in a certain the Nativity icon weaves has its own feast and beyond! Time is once place: this is no longer into one unified tapestry corresponding icon. again relativized, shown just the carpenter from a number of events taking Perhaps this is due to the to be subject - as indeed Nazareth, the wandering place in different places fact that, dull-witted as is every other creature preacher Who criss- at different times. The we earthbound creatures - to the eternal sway crossed Judea and angels sing in heaven, prove to be when it comes of the Kingdom of God Samaria at the time of while on earth the to supernatural realities, ushered in by Christ. the Caesars; rather, this shepherds hearken, the we need to break the is the Eternal Christ Who midwives go about their mystery up into bite-sized The second of these dwells in splendor, as the business, and Joseph is morsels in order to have helps is found in the Germans would say, von tempted to doubt. The any hope of deriving any Gospel prescribed Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit – wise men are shown nourishment from it. The for the Divine Liturgy from eternity to eternity. too, following the star Liturgy, which allows us of Easter Sunday, the in the sky, even though to celebrate and to live Prologue of the Gospel Moreover, incarnate in it was literally impossible the mystery upon which according to St. John. In Jesus, the Eternal Christ for them to have arrived we depend but which this Gospel, we hear the breaks through the time at the same time as the we can neither grasp nor following immortal words barrier, bringing eternity shepherds. The physical control, does nonetheless proclaimed – usually in to the mortals who stand layout of the icon is provide us with two helps as many languages as on the threshold, waiting very important: these to getting beyond our possible or practicable: to be released from the disparate vignettes are time-bound lives. tyranny of time-imposed at the periphery, unified 1In the beginning was limits. This is what is only by the Christ Child The first of these helps the Word, and the happening in the last part Who is in the very center is found in a prayer Word was with God, of the Easter Gospel, of it all. Time is relativized: offered by priests and and the Word was where we hear: more important than bishops who celebrate God. 2He was in the a chronological listing the Divine Liturgy of beginning with God. ... 14And the Word of events is the Eternal St. John Chrysostom, 3All things came into became flesh, and Christ Who is born into a prayer called the being through Him, dwelt among us, and the span of a human anamnesis – that is, the and apart from Him life, for He destroys the remembering. The clergy nothing came into (continued on next page) MARCH 31, 2013 2 EASTER PASTORAL (continued from previous page)

we saw His glory, us with them? with the Church: “Christ +Richard Seminack glory as of the only is risen from the tomb, (author) begotten from the The Resurrection of Christ conquering death by Eparch of St. Nicholas in Father, full of grace is not just limited to an death, and to those in Chicago and truth… 16For of event which took place the tombs He granted His fullness we have two thousand years ago life.” +Paul Chomnycky, all received, and in Jerusalem, nor is it OSBM grace upon grace. limited to a particular May the joys of this Eparch of Stamford 17For the Law was date fixed by capricious glorious feast permeate given through Moses; calendars. Rather, Christ the hearts of our faithful +John Bura grace and truth were seeks to bring His and may the abundance Apostolic Administrator realized through Resurrection wherever of the Risen Lord’s light of St. Josaphat in Parma Jesus Christ (John 1: death lurks – that is, make its abode within 14, 16-17). right into the midst of our us. world, of our daily lives. Easter, 2013 Isn’t it also what is May we be given eyes of CHRIST IS RISEN! happening in the faith so as to recognize INDEED HE IS RISEN! Resurrection icon, as Him whenever and Christ descends to the wherever He chooses to abode of the dead to reveal His Resurrection +Stefan Soroka raise Adam and Eve to us! Having recognized Metropolitan-Archbishop from their tombs – and Him, may we proclaim of Philadelphia

Gospel for the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ“ (Jn. 1, 1-17). MARCH 31, 2013 3 The Icon of the Resurrection of Christ This icon is also called is prominent the “Descent into Hades.” because he Notice that Jesus is preceded Jesus standing on the Cross. into Hades too, It is through the power and announced of “the Cross” that Jesus the Good News was raised from the there! The dead. Satan is bound prophet, King in chains, but Adam and David is also Eve are being raised. there because (Jesus Christ is the New he foretold of Adam, accomplishing the coming for humanity what Adam of Christ and failed to do.) Notice said that Christ also, the mandorla, the would not leave ovid shaped outline him in Hades. surrounding Christ. King Solomon is His glory is evident shown by David, through the power because he was the son the right of Christ? The other personages from of His Resurrection. and successor of David righteous Abel, dressed the Old Testament are and knew and believed as a shepherd, who was usually Elijah and Moses, Who are the other his father’s message. killed by his brother Cain who represent the people? John the and was the first person Law and the Prophets. Baptist and Forerunner Who is the young man to to experience death. The

The Paschal Artos The term Artos (Greek: Eastern Orthodox Near the end of the with a special prayer “leavened loaf”) refers and Eastern Catholic Paschal Vigil, after and sprinkles it with Holy to a loaf of leavened Churches. A large Artos the Prayer behind the Water. The Artos is then bread that is blessed is baked especially for Ambo, a single large placed on a small table during services in the use at Pascha (Easter). loaf of bread, the Artos, before the Iconostasis is brought to the priest. where it remains Depicted on the top throughout Bright Week. of the Artos is either It is customary, whenever the symbol of Christ’s the faithful enter the victory over death—the Temple, for them to kiss Cross, surmounted by a the Artos as a way of crown of thorns—or the greeting the Risen Christ. Resurrection of Christ. The Artos symbolizes The significance of the the physical presence Artos is that it serves to of the resurrected Christ remind all Christians of among the disciples. The the events connected priest blesses the Artos, with the Resurrection of while it is on the altar, (continued on next page) MARCH 31, 2013 4 The Paschal Artos (continued from previous page) our justification has made Our Lord Jesus Christ. and broke bread (Luke meal, they would leave Himself the true Bread of While still living on earth, 24:13-35). a place at the head of Life and is invisibly present the Lord called Himself the table empty for the in His church always, the Bread of Life, saying: On the 40th day after invisibly present Lord and to the close of the age I am the bread of life; he His Resurrection, the Lord would lay bread on that (Matthew 28:20). who comes to Me shall ascended into heaven, place. not hunger, and He who and His disciples and On Bright Saturday, believes in Me shall never followers found comfort Remembering this custom after the Divine Liturgy, thirst (John 6:35). After His in their memories of the of the Apostles, the the priest says another Resurrection, more than Lord: they recalled His Fathers of the Church prayer over the Artos once Jesus appeared to every word, His every made it their custom to and it is then broken His disciples, ate before step and His every put out the Artos at the and distributed among them and blessed their action. When they met Paschal Feast in memory the whole congregation own food. For example, for common prayer, of the appearances of at the Divine Liturgy on as evening fell on the first they would partake of the Risen Lord to His Thomas Sunday. day of His Resurrection, the Body and Blood of disciples, and also in He was recognized in Christ, remembering the memory of the fact that Emmaus by two of His Last Supper. When they the Lord Who suffered disciples as He blessed sat down to an ordinary and was resurrected for

On the occasion of the Feast of Feasts - the Resurrection of Our Lord, the Staff of “The Way,” wishes Metropolitan Stefan, all the clergy, religious, and all the faithful a Blessed Easter. Christ is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!

Sunday of Saint Thomas - April 7, 2013

The Eastern Church observes the Sunday of Thomas one week following the celebration of the Sunday of Holy Pascha. The day commemorates the appearance of Christ to His disciples on the evening of the Sunday following Passover. It also commemorates the appearance of the Lord to His disciples eight days later when Thomas was present and proclaimed “My Lord and my God” upon seeing the hands and side of Christ.

This Sunday is also called Antipascha (meaning “in the stead of Pascha,” not “in opposition to Pascha”) because with this day, the first Sunday after Pascha, the Church consecrates every Sunday of the year to the commemoration of Pascha, that is, the Resurrection.

Saint Thomas the Apostle is commemorated by the Church on October 6.

MARCH 31, 2013 5 : Holy Mass for Inauguration of Petrine Ministry

On Tuesday 19th of Christians and non- March the day the Christians alike had come Church remembers Saint eager to witness the rite Joseph, less than a week in which the Bishop of after his election as was to receive the 265th Successor of Peter two liturgical symbols of , Pope Francis was back his Petrine Ministry: the in Saint Peter’s Square. fisherman’s ring in gold- plated silver representing It was 9.30 on the dot the Apostle Peter and the and a glorious sunny keys . And the pallium, day and this first Jesuit a narrow stole of white and first American wool made out of Pope was there amid lamb’s wool and sheep The gesture of the placing because he is able to crowds, thousand strong, wool and embroidered of the pallium was hear God’s voice and to celebrate the liturgical with five red silk crosses followed by the placing be guided by his will... rite of inauguration of his symbolizing the five of the fisherman’s ring In him dear friends we Petrine Ministry. wounds of Christ , held on the Pope’s finger by learn how to respond in place by three pins the dean of the College to God’s call, readily The Sacred College of representing the three of Cardinals , Angelo and willingly, but we Cardinals to elect him nails of Christ. Sodano also see the core of the to the papacy – formed Christian vocation which a crown around him - The celebration began And when it came to is Christ! Let us protect eager to present him to with the pallium being the homily Pope Francis Christ in our lives, so that the Universal Church as placed on the pope’s began by pointing we can protect others , the Chief Shepherd . And shoulders by the proto- to the Feast of Saint so that we can protect it with them in procession deacon Cardinal Jean Joseph, remarking on creation! The vocation – to the sound of the Louis Tauran, representing that continuity with his of being a “protector”, singing of the Litany the culminating moment predecessor the See of however, is not just of the Saints that Pope of this inauguration. It Peter of whom it is the something involving us Francis emerged from had been symbolically name day. Christians alone; it also the great door of Saint laid out over the tomb of He then greeted all has a prior dimension Peter’s Basilica. Saint Peter overnight – as present mentioning which is simply human, a sign of the continuity of in a special way the involving everyone. It Wearing white vestments the papacy. representatives of the means protecting all he made his way to the other Churches and creation, the beauty of altar – removing the two It was there by the tomb ecclesial communities as the created world, as pointed mitre symbolising of Saint Peter that Pope well as representatives the Book of Genesis the old and new Francis had gone before of the Jewish community tells us and as Saint testaments and putting appearing in the square and the other religious Francis of Assisi showed down the pastoral staff accompanied by the communities. us. It means respecting he was carrying. Patriarchs of the Oriental each of God’s creatures Churches.It was to be a Pope Francis then and respecting the Despite the crowds there moment of private prayer highlighted the role of environment in which we was prayerful silence in by the tomb of the first Saint Joseph as protector.: Saint Peter’s Square Pope in history. “ Joseph is a “protector” (continued on next page) MARCH 31, 2013 6 Pope Francis: Holy Mass for Inauguration of Petrine Ministry (continued from previous page) live. It means protecting of responsibility in by three commands: of light break through the people, showing loving economic, political and feed my lambs, feed heavy clouds; it is to bring concern for each and social life, and all men my sheep. Let us never the warmth of hope! For every person, especially and women of goodwill: forget that authentic believers, for us Christians, children, the elderly, those let us be “protectors” power is service, and like Abraham, like Saint in need, who are often of creation, protectors that the Pope too, when Joseph, the hope that we the last we think about. of God’s plan inscribed exercising power, must bring is set against the It means caring for one in nature, protectors enter ever more fully into horizon of God, which another in our families: of one another and of that service which has has opened up before husbands and wives first the environment. Let its radiant culmination us in Christ. It is a hope protect one another, and us not allow omens of on the Cross. He must built on the rock which is then, as parents, they destruction and death be inspired by the lowly, God.” care for their children, to accompany the concrete and faithful and children themselves, advance of this world! service which marked Finally he outlined for all in time, protect their But to be “protectors”, Saint Joseph and, like present the service the parents. It means building we also have to keep him, he must open Bishop of Rome is called sincere friendships in watch over ourselves! his arms to protect all to carry out : “ To protect which we protect one Let us not forget that of God’s people and Jesus with Mary, to protect another in trust, respect, hatred, envy and pride embrace with tender the whole of creation, and goodness. In the defile our lives! Being affection the whole of to protect each person, end, everything has protectors, then, also humanity, especially the especially the poorest, to been entrusted to our means keeping watch poorest, the weakest, the protect ourselves..” protection, and all of us over our emotions, over least important, those are responsible for it. our hearts, because they whom Matthew lists in A service he added, to Be protectors of God’s are the seat of good and the final judgment on which all of us are called, gifts! evil intentions: intentions love: the hungry, the so that the star of hope that build up and tear thirsty, the stranger, the will shine brightly. Let us Whenever human down! We must not be naked, the sick and those protect with love all that beings, Pope Francis afraid of goodness or in prison Only those who God has given us !” prompted, fail to live even tenderness!” serve with love are able up to this responsibility, to protect!” Pope Francis’ homily on the whenever we fail to care Pope Francis then day of the inauguration of for creation and for our remarked how his Pope Francis then pointed his Petrine ministry ended brothers and sisters, ministry as Bishop of to the current world with a specific request : “ the way is opened to Rome, as Successor of context: “ Today too, Pray for me , he said, that destruction and hearts Peter began with this amid so much darkness, the Holy Spirit may may are hardened. Tragically, inauguration mass on the we need to see the light accompany my Petrine in every period of history Feast of Saint Joseph. A of hope and to be men ministry.” there are “Herods” who role which he elaborated and women who bring plot death, wreak havoc, also involves a certain hope to others. To protect http://en.radiovaticana. and mar the countenance power : “ Certainly, Jesus creation, to protect every va/news/2013/03/19/ of men and women.” Christ conferred power man and every woman, pope_francis:_holy_ upon Peter, but what sort to look upon them with mass_for_inauguration_ Please, he pleaded: “ of power was it? Jesus’ tenderness and love, is of_petrine_ministry_/en1- I would like to ask all three questions to Peter to open up a horizon of 674777 those who have positions about love are followed hope; it is to let a shaft MARCH 31, 2013 7 During Pope Francis’s Inaugural Mass, the Gospel was read in Greek by a Ukrainian Greek Catholic deacon from the U.S.A.

During the Inaugural in the southern state of Mass, concelebrated by Parana. He belongs the Holy Father Francis to the third generation at St. Peter’s Square of Ukrainians in Brazil. on Tuesday, March 19, He came to the U.S. in 2013, the Holy Gospel 2003 and completed his was read only in Greek. philosophical studies at The Ukrainian Greek the Seminary of St. Basil Catholic deacon of the the Great in Stamford, Diocese of Stamford in and from 2007, with U.S. who studies at the the blessing of Bishop Pontifical Greek College Paul Chomnycky OSBM, Deacon Valter Volochen of St. Athanasius in Rome he has been studying was honored to read it. in Rome - first at the Greek College of St. ordained him a deacon. of St. Athanasius. In October The newspaper “Sower” Thomas Aquinas, and the 2011, on the feast of the Translated from an of the Stamford Eparchy, Alphonsian Academy, Protection of the Blessed article that appeared in states that Deacon Valter a Graduate Institute Virgin Mary, Most Rev. Ukrainian from: http:// Volochen was born in of Moral Theology, Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, Brazil, in Prudentopolis, residing at the Pontifical Bishop of Stamford,

Pope Francis’s Coat of Arms

( ) Pope This homily, which focuses coat of arms has Francis has chosen the on divine mercy and is a blue field and is motto “Miserando atque reproduced in the Liturgy surmounted by the eligendo”, meaning lowly of the Hours on the mitre and the papal but chosen; literally in Feast of Saint Matthew, keys. On the crest Latin ‘by having mercy, has taken on special itself at the centre by choosing him’. significance in the Pope’s is the symbol of the life and spiritual journey. Jesuits, a flaming The motto is one the sun with the three Pope had already In fact it was on the Feast letters recalling chosen as Bishop. It is of Saint Matthew in 1953 the name and the taken from the homilies that a young seventeen salvific mission of of the Venerable Bede year-old Jorge Bergoglio Jesus. Underneath on Saint Matthew’s was touched by the we have two more Gospel relating to his mercy of God and felt symbols: to the right the http://en.radiovaticana. vocation:”Jesus saw the the call to religious life star representing Mary va/news/2013/03/18/ tax collector and by in the footsteps of Saint and to the left the nard pope_francis_:_ having mercy chose him Ignatius of Loyola. flower representing miserando_atque_ as an Apostle saying to Joseph. eligendo.../en1-674605 him : Follow me.” Beyond the motto, the MARCH 31, 2013 8 BASILIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER SISTERS OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT 710 FOX CHASE ROAD FOX CHASE MANOR, PA 19046 215-780-1227










IN A PRECISE AND YET SIMPLE LANGUAGE, FATHER DAMIAN MANAGES TO CAPTURE THE St. Mary’s Villa Retreat Center ATTENTION OF HIS LISTENERS WITH A GENTLE HUMOR AND COLORFUL EXAMPLES THAT LEAVE PARTICIPANTS INSPIRED TO LOOK EVER MORE CLOSELY AT THE ICON AND 150 Sisters Servants Lane – P.O.Box 9 THE MYSTERIES WHICH SEEK TO BE REVEALED. Sloatsburg, NY 10974-0009 ------ICON LECTURE Contact: Please register by: May 6, 2013 Donation: $25 per person. Sr. Eliane Send to: Sr. Marina, OSBM BASILIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER (973)779-0249 or (845)499-9721 710 Fox Chase Road Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 215.780.1227 Email: [email protected] Or Sr. Cecelia NAME: (315) 252-6356 Email: [email protected] ADDRESS:

CITY: STATE: ZIP: No cost.

This Retreat is for any young women who wants to PHONE: EMAIL: follow Jesus closer however she is being called… e Set sail for


St.Stephens’ presents with St. Stephen Ukrainian , Toms River, NJ Fashions by Karen’s Boutique of Spring Lake Buffet lunch and basket raffles

Date: September 08 – 15, 2013

Itinerary: : New York; Kings Wharf, Bermuda; New York

Price: Inside cabin from: $ 980 .00 pp (port, taxes & church donation included) Outside cabin from: $1155.00 pp (port, taxes& church donation included) Balcony cabin from: $1385.00 pp (port, taxes & church donation included)

Ship: Brand New NCL Megaship"Norwegian Breakaway” April 20, 2013 at Noon

Join for this unique fundraising event, which will benefit the $10.00 Buy a ticket! Win a Cruise! $10.00 St. Stephen Ukrainian Catholic Church in Toms River, NJ!

************************************************************************************************************************* St. Stephen’s parish is in the process of building a new church Grand Prize: Balcony Cabin for Two (2) on above Bermuda Cruise and all proceeds from the Fashion Show 1 ticket each donated by: will go into the New Church Building Fund. Fletcher-Nasevich Funeral Home - Michael Nasevich, Owner Quinn Hopping Funeral Home - Michael Sutton, Manager $25 per person 2nd Prize: 42" Vizio Razor LCD HDTV (donated by Meest-America) All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the St. Stephen’s New Church Building Fund. RSVP - 732-928-3792 - by April 13th Make Raffle checks payable to St. Stephen UCC. Return check and short stub (with your name/phone) to: Zenia's Travel Club, 46 Muirfield Rd, Jackson, NJ 08527 St. Stephen’s Church Hall, 1344 White Oak Bottom Rd., ************************************************************************************************************************* Toms River, NJ 08755 Call Zenia for details: 732-928-3792 MARCH 31, 2013 9

What has the Catholic Church done to effectively respond to sexual abuse by church personnel?

The Catholic Church has worked hard to protect children. Much has been done but more needs to be done. Until child sexual abuse is no longer a part of society, the Church will continue its efforts to stop it. The Catholic Church has done more to protect children than almost any other organization in the United States. Consider:

 Safe Environment training is taking place in 193 dioceses of the country. Over 2 million adults have been trained to recognize the behavior of offenders and what to do about it.  Over 5 million children have been equipped with the skills to help them protect themselves from abuse.  Background checks are conducted on Church personnel who have contact with children. Over 2 million volunteers and employees; 52,000 clerics; 6,205 candidates for ordination have had their backgrounds evaluated.  All dioceses/eparchies have Codes of Conduct spelling out what is acceptable behavior. This serves to let people know what can and cannot be done as well as letting others know what behavior can be expected. It encourages the reporting of suspicious behavior.  All dioceses/eparchies have Victim Assistance Coordinators, assuring victims that they will be heard. In 2011, $6,142,810 was spent on therapy for the victims of clergy sexual abuse.  In addition at least $30,129,584 was spent for child protection efforts such as training programs and background checks.  All dioceses/eparchies have Safe Environment Coordinators who assure the ongoing compliance to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.  Bishops are meeting with victims.  Dioceses/eparchies have Healing Masses, retreats for victim/survivors and other reconciliation events.  There is a Zero Tolerance policy on abusers since 2002. When even a single act of sexual abuse by a priest or deacon is admitted or is established after an appropriate process in accord with canon law, the offending priest or deacon will be removed permanently from ecclesiastical ministry.  Dioceses/eparchies require intensive background screening as well as psychological testing for those wishing to enter the seminary.


Our Archieparchial office of the Youth Protection and Sexual Abuse Prevention, 827 North Franklin Street; Philadelphia PA 19123, phone: (215) 627-0143; hotline (215) 873-6162; email: [email protected] , Rev. Andriy Rabiy

MARCH 31, 2013 10 Major Archbishop says authenticity, simplicity mark his mentor, Pope Francis

ROME (CNS) -- For the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, “authenticity and simplicity” characterize the man who mentored him as a young bishop and who has just been elected Pope Francis. Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk said Pope Francis’ simplicity and commitment to a new form of evangelization was exemplified when he came out onto the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica for the first time March 13 and bowed as he asked people to pray for him and ask God to bless him. “He spontaneously rejected the kingship of the papacy,” the Major Archbishop said. “This is the way of the very ancient church,” Major Archbishop Shevchuk said, and it is something still seen today in the Byzantine ordinations of priests and bishops. The candidate is first presented to the people who must proclaim him “axios” or “worthy.” The gesture, he said, was vintage Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Some people were surprised when the pope said March 16 that he wanted a church that was poor and was with the poor. “I can assure you, that was not simply PR (public relations). That is how he is -- as a person, as a pastor, as a celebrant, as a bishop, as the pope,” the Major Archbishop said.

Read the entire article on the CNS website at:

Pope Francis Calls on Representatives of Different Churches and Religions to Defend Human Dignity and Build Peace 21 March 2013 for this noble cause. I is aware of the ask you, dear brothers importance of The meeting was held and sisters, to bring my the promotion on March 20, 2013, cordial greetings to the of friendship in the Clementine Churches and Christian and respect Hall of the Apostolic communities who are between men Palace. Greeting the represented here. And and women of representatives of other I ask you for a special different religious Christian churches that prayer for me so that I can t r a d i t i o n s , ” participated in the be a pastor according to as evidenced by “the are weak and suffering, inaugural Mass, the pope the heart of Christ,” said valuable work undertaken to promote justice, to said that he will further Pope Francis. by the promote reconciliation, pray for unity among for Interreligious to build peace.” believers. Then Pope Francis greeted Dialogue. the representatives The Holy Father also urged “For my part, I wish to of other religions: “I The church, according all the representatives of assure, in the wake of really appreciate your to the pope, also different religions, despite my predecessors, the presence, and in it I see a understands “the their religious beliefs, firm wish to continue on tangible sign of the wish responsibility that each to seek together truth, the path of ecumenica to grow in reciprocal of us bring towards our goodness and beauty to dialogue, and I thank trust and in cooperation world, and to the whole defend human dignity, you, the Pontifical for the common good of of creation, that we for peaceful coexistence Council for the Promotion humanity.” must love and protect. among peoples, the of Christian Unity, for And we can do a lot Vatican Radio reports. the help it continues The pope stressed that for the good of the less to offer in my name, “the Catholic Church fortunate, for those who MARCH 31, 2013 11 Pysanky Workshop held at SS. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olyphant, Pa.

The third Annual Pysanky Workshop was held at SS. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church in Olyphant, Pa. Eighty five adults and children attended the 4 Sunday workshops. For more information on SS. Cyril and Methodius Church please visit their website at

Rev. Nestor Iwasiw, Pastor of SS. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes Natalia and Veronika Popyk, wife and daughter of Rev.Voldymyr Popyk, Pastor of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church Nanticoke, Pa. They are holding their finished Ukrainian Pysanky Eggs and Pysanky Egg Christmas pysanky eggs taught by Tammy Maslar Ornaments done by Tammy Maslar Budnovitch, the Instructor. Budnovitch. Photos by Lauren Telep

St. Mary’s Spring Fling & Svyachene Dinner Dance

Sunday, April 21, 2013 1 PM until 5 PM $25.00 per person BYOB at 2026 Bath Rd., Bristol, PA 19007


Includes: Full Ukrainian luncheon, set ups, beverages and desserts. And of course good food, good company, toe tapping dancing pleasure, and fun!

For ticket information please call Joan Kravchak at 215-946-1214 or Linda Buchanan 215-945-6661 MARCH 31, 2013 12


North Anthracite Council - League of Ukrainian Catholics will hold a general meeting on St. Thomas Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 2:00pm at Holy Transfiguration Parish, Hanover Section of Nanticoke PA.

Father Myron Myronyuk and his Parish Family of Saint Clergy and guests are warmly invited and Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Scranton will all members are sincerely asked to attend. hold their annual traditional Ukrainian Easter Dinner This will be the first meeting since early “Sviachene” celebration on Sunday, April 21, 2013, December - members are reminded to beginning at 12 noon in the Parish Center at 428 North renew memberships Seventh Avenue. Takeouts available from 11:00 am to 11:45 am. for the current year. For additional Admission: $13.00 adults; $6.00 children age 6-12; information contact: age 5 and under free. Dorothy Jamula, President at 570 For reservations or information, contact Kathleen Izak at 570 346-2414. Advance reservations only - no tickets at 822-5354. the door. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, April 16.

Everyone is welcome at our table!

Tours to Ukraine for the blessing in Kyiv of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ Under the spiritual guidance of Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan Soroka and the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of USA

Tour A: August 13 - 29, 2013 17 days $3500 Twin (land tour) + $1285 (airfare) Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv, Yaremche, Kamianets Podilsky, Iv. Frankivsk, Bukovel, Chernivtsi, Sanok, Peremyshl, Krakow. Special Highlights: Blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral and concert in Kyiv; Sorochynsky Yarmarok (Poltava); Zarvanytsia (Ternopil) and Ukraine's Independence Day Celebrations in Lviv

Tour B: August 13 - 26, 2013 14 days $2850 Twin (land tour) + $1385 (airfare) Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv, Yaremche, Kamianets Podilsky, Iv. Frankivsk, Bukovel, Chernivtsi Special Highlights: Blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral and concert in Kyiv; Sorochynsky Yarmarok (Poltava); Zarvanytsia (Ternopil) and Ukraine's Independence Day Celebrations in Lviv

Tour C: August 14 - 25, 2013 12 days $1750 Twin (land tour) Kyiv and Lviv: Special Highlights: Blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral and concert in Kyiv + Zarvanytsia

Registration and deposit deadline April 15, 2013 Zenia's Travel Club LLC 732-928-3792 [email protected] Fax: 732-730-5792 Scope Travel Inc. 973-378-8998 [email protected]



The Chancery staff celebrated Metropolitan Stefan becoming a United States Citizen with a cake his secretary, Olga Kuzewycz decorated like an American Flag.

MARCH 31, 2013 14 Metropolitan Stefan’s Homily to the “Mothers in Prayer” Group at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church, Jenkintown, PA March 17, 2013

Glory to Jesus Christ!

I am pleased to share in this special gathering of prayer organized by the “Mothers Prayer Group”. It is so uplifting and encouraging to be among people who desire to pray for the needs of all in the Church, and particularly for families, during communist rule. renounce the faith. the Redemptorist Fathers youth and children. It He was released in exile Bishop Vasyl remained who have shared the is heartwarming to from his native Ukraine faithful in his love for story of Blessed Bishop hear of your hope to to Canada in 1973. He Jesus Christ and for his Vasyl in all the areas they establish prayer groups visited many places in Church. His body was serve. Many visitors to dedicated to the martyrs Canada and in the USA, raised from that simple the shrine have reported of the Ukrainian Catholic including our Cathedral. tomb and placed in having received blessings Church. The Blessed Bishop Vasyl died one an especially prepared through Blessed Bishop martyrs want to intercede year after his release. shrine where people Vasyl’s intervention. for our needs. They wait He was buried in a come by busloads to for our asking for their simply marked grave in pray for his intercession. Did the miracles begin intercession for us in a cemetery north of the Many miracles have because Bishop Vasyl prayer. City of Winnipeg. occurred for people who was proclaimed as a have prayed to Blessed martyr? Or did we fail On June 27th, 2001, Pope For thirty years, the Bishop Vasyl. An eskimo to recognize his saintly John Paul II, during his remains of this saintly in northern Canada told power and miss out on visit to Ukraine, beatified and holy man rested his Redemptorist priest thirty years of intercessory twenty-seven Ukrainian peacefully at the that he was healed of power? Pope John Paul martyrs: bishops, priests, cemetery, only visited a serious illness by an proclaimed a reality nuns, and one layman occasionally by clergy elderly man who came which was already there. who suffered and died and faithful. He was little to visit him. He did not This is true of the other for Christ and His Vicar known outside Ukraine. know who this elderly twenty six martyrs. They under the communist With his elevation to the man was. One day wait for our coming to scourge. status of a martyr, people when the eskimo man them with our prayers. became more aware of was at the church office, They cannot help us One of those 27 the significance of this he saw a picture of if we fail to recognize martyrs is Blessed Vasyl holy man, Blessed Bishop Bishop Vasyl on the wall their intercessory power. Velychkovsky. He was Vasyl. They learned of and he identified him We need to pray to the a bishop-priest martyr how he endured torture, as the elderly man who Blessed Martyrs with who suffered great persecution and hostility had come to heal him. faith. persecution in Ukraine because he would not It was a parish run by (continued on next page) MARCH 31, 2013 15 Metropolitan Stefan’s Homily to the “Mothers in Prayer” Group (continued from previous page) The theme selected by asked Jesus to change I gratefully and with much ensuring your success in the organizers for the the water into wine at a joy approve and support your endeavors for the transferring of Blessed wedding feast. She was your planned gathering youth of our Church. Bishop Vasyl’s earthly nurturing her son, Jesus of the Mothers Prayers remains was “Fully in a way only a mother groups on April 13th in Please pray for our priests Alive”. You and I are can often accomplish. New York. I encourage and for our parishes that called to be fully alive in Mary understood the you to be well organized they become fully alive as our faith. We become power within her son, in presenting your God’s home to all. Let fully alive through our Jesus. She lovingly was material to the priests and us grow in our love for perseverance in our calling forth from within to the bishops. It will help one another and in our commitments in our life, in him to proceed forward greatly in engendering knowing of God’s love good times and in difficult to do God’s will. Mary support. I also endorse for us. God has a special times. We become fully understood that there your consecrating the mission for each of us. I alive by being faithful was a special plan for different groups to a believe that mission is to in our promises made Jesus in God’s plan. particular Ukrainian be a life-giving source of to God and to others. Mary was giving her martyr. Please consult spiritual nurture through We become fully alive motherly encouragement on this, and take the the power of prayer. The by living in communion to go forth. This is a extra time to ensure that saints and the Blessed with God and with those strong aspect of nurture you assign them wisely martyrs will intercede for whom He gives us to which mothers give their given the character of us. We do not journey love and to nurture. We children. various parishes, and alone. Thank you for are called to be fully the origins of the various fulfilling your mission as alive with our family, Is this not what you martyrs. You don’t want mothers and as women with our children, with and the Mothers Prayer to offend anyone by not in calling our faithful our husband or wife in Group is all about? You respecting the heritage and our Church to be holy marriage, and as organize yourself and of the martyr. I am also fully alive in faith and in a single person. Recall gather for prayer. You very encouraged by prayer. when Jesus told his strengthen and support your plans to encourage disciples that He came one another in your the formation of youth My heartfelt thanks to to give them life, and life earthly journey. You groups within our Fr. Volodymyr Kostyuk to the full! Jesus wants pray for your families, Church. The vitality and to the parishioners each of us to be fully for your children, for the and motherly nurture of of St. Michael the alive. He wants each Church. You show by a woman gives its own Archangel Ukrainian of us to be fully alive in example that we do not energy and blessings of Catholic Church for the our living daily life. God journey alone in life. We life to such endeavors. welcoming and warm wants us to live in a life need the intercessory I thank you for this holy hospitality they show to of constant grace which power of the martyrs initiative. In your good everyone. He so generously gives and of the saints to help endeavors, always try to us. us. We need the strength be inclusive of everyone, God bless you richly in of gathering together in regardless of language ways only He can, (+) in Our Blessed Mother worship and in prayer. abilities, and whether the Name of the Father, revealed what being We need to shout out to born here or elsewhere. and of the Son, and of fully alive meant in one’s our brothers and sisters I am confident that the the Holy Spirit, Amen. life. Recall how Mary, in Christ to be fully alive Blessed martyrs will the mother of Jesus, in their faith. intercede strongly in Glory to Jesus Christ! MARCH 31, 2013 16 SISTERS OF THE ORDER OF SAINT BASIL THE GREAT “Come and See Weekend”

During the weekend of March 2-3, 2013 two young women joined the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great Jesus Lover of Humanity Province at Fox Chase Manor, PA to experience the monastic life of the Sisters. Lisa Hamilton from Washington, DC and Tina Morotti from Vineland, NJ responded to the invitation to “Come and See” where we live, how we live and much more. This weekend was designed for young women who may feel inclined to live as religious women. Sisters Joann Sosler, OSBM and Ann Laszok, OSBM facilitated the weekend sessions for reflection, sharing and participation in the Divine Office, Divine Liturgy and fellowship in the Eastern monastic tradition. Both Tina and Lisa expressed gratitude for this life-enriching experience.

After 100 years of service to the Ukrainian Catholic Church the sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great continue the mission of our Lord, Jesus Christ for His people and serve Him as His praying, healing, life-giving presence. You, too, can join in this Photo: Lisa Hamilton, Sister Ann mission. For additional information go to [email protected]. Laszok, OSBM, Tina Morotti, Sister Joann Sosler, OSBM

Rev. Dr. Oleh Kindiy Speaks at Workshop On Saturday, March of his day, then centered encompassing Eucharistic Catholic University, is 16, 2013, the Sisters of on the “Theological and prayer covering creation at present a Fulbright St. Basil the Great were Catechetical Teaching in to Redemption and Scholar at Aquinas pleased to host speaker St. Basil’s Anaphora”, the interspersed with College conducting Rev. Dr. Oleh Kindiy, prayer that served as an thanksgiving and praise extensive research on a visiting priest from inspirational guide to the to God. the relationship between L’viv, at their Basilian writing of the Catechism humanity and the Spirituality Center, Fox of the Ukrainian Greek Father Kindiy also environment in light of the Chase Manor, PA, Catholic Church Christ updated the audience wisdom of philosophers Our Pascha. on the progress of and theologians in the Father’s presentation translating the Ukrainian early Byzantine and began with a profile of In his talk, Father Kindiy edition of the Catechism medieval ages. Father St. Basil the Great an explored in depth into English and other resides with his wife outstanding spiritual, the anaphora of St. languages, a process Ivanka and their two social and cultural leader Basil’s Liturgy, an all- expected to take at least children, Lev and Daria, an additional year. in Grand Rapids, MI.

Father Oleh Kindiy, This seminar marked the who received his first of a series based PhD in historical on Christ Our Pascha theology from the and other topics dealing Catholic University with Eastern Spirituality of America and with the Sacredness and served on of Creation. Dates for the faculty of future workshops will be Rev. Dr. Oleh Kindiy the Ukrainian announced. MARCH 31, 2013 17 A field trip to see the Replica of the Shroud of Turin in Wilmington, DE.

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wilmington, DE, and pastor Rev. Volodomyr Klanichka, hosted the Replica of the Shroud of Turin Exhibit at their parish from March 10-23, 2013. “The Way” received a link to a blog post that was written by a tourist who went on a field trip with a group to see the Exhibition at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wilmington, DE.

Here is a quote from the blog post about their trip to see the exhibition, “It was a blessing of many facets to be able to see and touch an exact of only 9 in the world.... approved by the Vatican and touched to the actual.... of The Shroud of Turin! A local, Ukrainian Catholic Church hosted the event and our Pastor asked if the homeschoolers would like to join him on a tour and visit. The turnout was great and their hospitality was like a warm embrace amidst their sumptuous gold and jewel-toned soaked Church. The highlight, of course, was learning so much about this incredible object; but each of us also felt delighted to meet the fine pastor of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and learn about their Mass (Liturgy). We plan to pray the Mass with our new friends one Sunday... Thank you, St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church for a day we’ll not soon forget.”

Photos were taken by Allison Giron and used with permission. You can see more pictures from their trip to St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church at turin-replica-field-trip.html MARCH 31, 2013 18 Pussy willows and palms blessed for Flowery Sunday at St. Michael’s Church in Shenandoah

BY JOHN E. USALIS (STAFF WRITER jusalis@republicanherald) Published: March 24, Sunday (Kvitna/Tsvitna 2013 Nedilya), or Willow Sunday (Verbna Nedilya), because SHENANDOAH, PA - A in Ukraine, flowering tradition from Ukraine willow branches are and other parts of eastern blessed in place of palm Europe continued this fronds. At the end of the weekend as the blessing of Liturgy, when people come pussy willow branches was for the anointing, they take held in Eastern Rite Catholic blessed willow branches churches throughout the and candles. After the region for Flowery Sunday, service, they bring them also known as Palm or to their homes and use Passion Sunday in western as sacramentals. There Christian churches. is a tradition to tap each Monsignor Myron Grabowsky blesses the other with willow branches branches and palms March 23 during Divine At St. Michael Ukrainian wishing good health, Liturgy at St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Catholic Church in wealth and happiness, Church, Shenandoah, Pa. (Photo: John E. Shenandoah, Monsignor saying one of the following Usalis) Myron Grabowsky, pastor, verses: ‘The willow hits, not blessed the pussy willow I; A week from now will be branches at the conclusion the Great Day, Pascha.’ Grabowsky focused on the servers Liam and Aden of Saturday’s Divine Liturgy or ‘Be as big as the will, bringing of Lazarus back to Wolfe stood nearby. After on March 23, and did the healthy as water, rich as life by Jesus, including the the blessing, people came same at Sunday’s Divine the earth.’ This ritual dates grumbling of the people to the front of the church Liturgies in Shenandoah back to pagan times. that Jesus had arrived four and were handed either and at St. Nicholas days after Lazarus had pussy willow or palm Ukrainian Catholic Church Since ancient times the died, apparently too late branches or both. in Saint Clair, his other willow tree is considered to save his good friend. pastorate. to be a holy tree and After raising Lazarus from After the Divine Liturgy, symbolizes resurrection, the dead, those who were Grabowsky explained why Grabowsky also blessed eternal life, heavens and complaining about Jesus he blesses the willow and palm branches for the whole universe. It is the became followers, at least palm branches. parishioners who would first tree to show signs of for a time. like to take both to their life after long winter. It was “We never know if we have homes. believed to have mysterious “Can you picture yourself enough pussy willows,” protective, medicinal and putting willow branches he said. “We have both “You need to understand energizing powers drawn and palm branches down because even in the book what is really occurring, from the sun and people as Jesus rode by or threw we use for the blessing, it that you journey with our tapped each other with your cloaks on the ground says ‘palms and branches.’ Lord this coming week,” branches believing that with the branches?” In Ukraine, they couldn’t get Grabowsky said before the energy from the tree Grabowsky said. the palms, so in the spring the Divine Liturgy began. will be transmitted to them. using the old calendar, the Willow is famous for its At the conclusion of the pussy willows were always According to the church medicinal properties and Divine Liturgy, Grabowsky out, and they’re the first bulletin, “In Ukraine, Palm for ages was used to treat prayed the blessing over harbinger of spring.” Sunday is called Flower(y) many illnesses.” the branches as altar MARCH 31, 2013 19 April 2013 - Êâ³òíÿ 2013 Congratulations on your Happy Birthday! Anniversary of Priesthood!

Ç Äíåì íàðîäæåííÿ! ³òàºìî ç г÷íèöåþ Ñâÿùåíñòâà!

April 1: Rev. Deacon Mr. Theophil Staruch April 3: Rev. Msgr. Stephen Hrynuck (75th Anniversary) April 7: Rev. Petro Zvarych April 7: Rev. Taras Svirchuk, C.S.s.R. (7th Anniversary) April 7: Rev. Deacon Mr. Paul Spotts April 10: Rev. Roman Dubitsky (48th Anniversary) April 14: Rev. Taras Svirchuk, C.S.s.R. April 10: Rev. Edward Levandusky (48th Anniversary) April 28: Rev. Ihor Royik April 10: Rev. Uriy Markewych (48th Anniversary) April 14: Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka (12th Anniversary) May the Good Lord Continue to Guide April 14: Rev. T. Frank Patrylak (51st Anniversary) You and Shower You with His Great April 19: Rev. Evhen Moniuk (21st Anniversary) Blessings. Mnohaya Lita! April 27: Rev. Wasyl Bunik (20th Anniversary)

Íåõàé Äîáðèé Ãîñïîäü ÒðèìຠMay God Grant You Many Happy Âàñ ó Ñâî¿é Îï³ö³ òà Ùåäðî and Blessed Years of Service in the Áëàãîñëîâèòü Âàñ. Ìíîãàÿ Vineyard of Our Lord! ˳òà! Íåõàé Áîã Îáäàðóº Áàãàòüìà Áëàãîñëîâåííèìè Ðîêàìè Ñëóæ³ííÿ â Ãîñïîäíüîìó Âèíîãðàäíèêó!

Editorial and Business Office: 827 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia, PA 19123 Telephone: (215) 627-0143 E-mail: [email protected] Established 1939

Online: Blog: Facebook: YouTube Channel:

THE WAY Staff Very Rev. Archpriest John Fields, Director of Communication; Ms. Teresa Siwak, Editor; Rev. Ihor Royik, Assistant Editor

Articles and photos proposed for publication should be in the Editor’s office at least two weeks before requested date of publication. For advance notice of the upcoming events, kindly send one month in advance. All articles must be submitted in both English and Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translate proposed articles. All materials submitted to THE WAY become the property of THE WAY. MARCH 31, 2013 20