soo LOX SUBURBS. lage are large tilts, forges, rolling, wire and paper mills, PosT OFFICE at Mr. G. Lingard's. Letters arrive and brickworks. Cliffe Rocher, or Little :Matlock, at 7.30 a.m. and despatched at 5.55 p.m., via in the heart of the now enclosed chase of Loxley, is Sheffield. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. said to have been one of the haunts, if not the is the nearest Telegraph Office, 2 miles birthplace, of Robin Hood. Under the Sheffield Cor­ distant, and : the nearest Money Order poration Act 1900 part of this village was added to Office. the Borough of Sheffield. The INDEPENDENTS have a chapel in the village, built in 1787, and purchased W .ALL LETTER Box, at , cleared 6.5 p.m. by that sect in 1798. The WEsLEYAN METHODIST week days only. CHAPEL here was built in 1885. There is a National School here for infants. Andrew John, carter, Wisewood Helliwell Walter(Benjamin & Sons); Smalley Mrs. Ann, grocer Ashton A. & A. W. grocers h. Cliffe view Smith Albert, farmer, Wisewood Barber Mrs. farmer, Holdworth Hobson Edwin, boot maker Smith Joseph, farmer Bunting Clement Vernon, tilter, Hogg Edwin, blacksmith & shopkpr Swift Benjamin (Brothers), Shef- Green Wheel steel works Ibbotson George, farmer field; h. Olive house Cadman Mr. George S. Chase house Jackson Alfred Swift .Bros. rollers, tilters & for- Comery J ames, Ohesnut grove Kenyan Bros. & Co. Lim. ~>teel rol- gers, Storrs Bridge; & Cornthwaite Mrs. Emily, Cliffe view lers, Little Matlock rolling mills; & Sheffield Crapper Elias, farmer, Holdworth & Sheffield Swift James (Bros.); h Storrs bdge Crapper George, hay merchant, Kenyan Charles (Bros. & Co.Lim.); Thompson Henry,fluted umbrella rib Sheffield ; h Cliffe view h. Grange bank manufacturer Crapper Luke, farmer, Holdworth Kenyan William, steel roller (Bros. TrickPtt Mrs. Keziah, vict. Admiral Crawshaw Fredk. A. S. surveyu1· & Co. Limited) ; Overblow house Rodney to Wortley Rural Dist. Council Lee Rev. John (Indept. ), The Manse Ward Geo. mgr. Olive ho. Wisewd Dunn Richard, farmer Lingard Goorge, grocer & provision Wilde Mrs. Charlotte, farmer, Lee Elliott Willis, farmer, Stacey dealer & post master bank Fryer MissElizh.national schlmstrss Lingard Harwood Austin, assistant Wilde George A. architect, Sheffid Gee Samuel, wheelwright, joiner & Lockwood Henjamin, wheelwright, Wilson George, ;yict. Nag's Head, blacksmith Owlerton; h Roseville Holdworth Gosling William, frmr. Holdworth Lockwood Thomas, grocer, draper, w·ood John, cart owner Greenwood Charles, farmer, Thros- & beer retailer Wragg Mrs. Elizabeth, Manor h0 tie's Nest, Storrs Marshall Thomas & Co. fire brick Wragg Thomas, frmr. Holdworth Grist Herbert, blacksmith manufacturers & crucible clay Wragg Thomas, atone mer- Hague Thomas, farmer dealers, Storrs Bridge chant & quarry owner, Cllf· Hague William, farmer Merryman Reuben, frmr. Holdwrth ton house Hardcastle Miss Emily, dress maker Middlemiss Geo. monumental mason Wragg Thomas & Sons, fire brick Hartley Lister, razor grinder, Shef- Nichols James, hawker, Ash cott manufacturers & sanitary pipe field; h. Olive terrace Ramsden Charle'.'l, wire manufac- makers &c. Storrs fire clay works HelliwellBenjamin & Sons, builders, turer, Loxley mills & Sheffield & Burton-on-Trent contrs. & stone masons, Cliffe vw Rose John Daniel, joiner & wheelwt Wragg William Hy. (Thomas &. HelliwellBenj.(&Sons) ;h.Cliffe view Sanderson Joseph, fnnr. Holdworth Sons); h. The Grange Helliwell Fredk. (Benj. & Sons); Siddons Mrs. William, Wisewood h. Hillsboro' Skinner Robt. ll:lortimer, vict.Wise- CARRIERS pass through to Sheffield Helliwell Seth, farmer wood inn daily MARSH LANE. (See Troway.) MASBROUGH. (See Rotherham.) MEERS:BROOK a.nd M:EERS:BROOK BANK. (See Sheffield.)

M:EXBOROUGH is a. large and rapidly increas- who are lords of the manor, and the Earl of Mex.­ ing parish and market town, pleasantly situated at borough are principal landowners. An URBAY Drs·­ the junction of the Dearne and Dove Canal with the 'IT•ICT CouNcu, has been formed here, to which Mr. J_ Don, 6 miles N.N.E. of Rotherham, and 12 miles W'". Hattersley is clerk; ,Tames Edward Drabble, N.E. of Sheffield. The parish, which includes the treasurer; Mr. G. Fenwick Carter, Q.E., surveyor and. townships of Mexborough and Denaby, and part of sanitary inspector; Mr.John J. Huey,medical officer of that of Swinton, is in Doncaster union, county health ; Edwin Flekher, rate collector. The MARKET court district, and petty sessional division, partly HALL, a large brick building, centrally situated, was in the Mexborough polling district of the Doncas- erected by the former Local Board in 1880 at a cost of ter division, and partly in the Denaby polling dis- £4,000. The Don Iron Works, two large glass bottle trict of the Rotherham division of Yorkshireh and in manufactories, a pottery, sanitary tube works, quarries, the rural deanery of Wath, archdeaconry of ;:,heffie~d etc., are situated in this town!!!hip. The market is held and diocese of York. The area of Mexborough parish on Saturdays.The CmJRCH of St. John the Baptist, a is 2,367 acres, and of its township and urban district structure of very ancient foundation (circa 1080), after 1,293 acres, including 32 acres of water; rateable undergoing enlargement and a thorough restoration, value, £33,200. In 1891 the population of the former was re-opened in September, 1891 : the work included was 9,485, and of the latter 7,734, and in 1901, 10,417 the erection of a north aisle, on the site ctf one in the urban district. By Local Government Board formerly existing: the chancel was also lengthened' Provisional Order No. 13,181, confirmed by 45 Vict., by the addition of an apse, and an organ chamber cap. 34, a ~mall detached part of Conisbro' without built on the north side of the chancel. The total population or houses, was amalgamated with Mex- cost amounted to over £1,800. The living is a borough, which is the principal station on the Sheffield vicarage, net yearly value £404, in the patronage fl.nd Doncaster branch of the Great Central Railway, of the Archdeacon of York, and held since 1895 by and the Midland Railway has running powers between the Rev. William Henry Fraser Bateman, M. .A.­ Doncaster and Swinton Junction. The trustees of of Christ's College, .Cambridge. The vicarage the late Andrew F. W. Montagu, Esq. (d. 1895), house . was built in 1834 by the patron, a~