Calif 0n'4a State Library Sacramento 9, Calif or nia

Ask Ticket Return That Was Fog:? That heavy blanket of mist All people who hare signed which greeted you when out tickets for the Centennial you %yoke up early this morning oils barbecue should return unsold tog, and our orathermion ones to the Student Affairs of- says that it will be hanging fice by 3 p.m. today, according around t of the morning. Th.l. to Ed Adams, publicity chair- after- noon II clear. It all he man. All hying grim" fratern- fair and %yawl, ti a high of 7U -DI and ities and sororities also should. calm slight qot.0 est turn in extra tickets. kindr of 14-13 M.1'.11.

VOL 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. TU , MAY 7, 1957 NO: 121 Aero Student 'Dies in Crash Dinner Honors Persons, groups Of Light Plane Performing Ed Service Morinan, a 22-year for -old sen- College ior aviation engineering major, The college tonight will was burned to death last Sat- honor 22 individuals and I I organ zations with a Recognition Dinner urday night in the crash of a plane in the Empire Room of the Hotel Sainte Today is Last Chance To Buy Claire. Certificates he had been v.ained not to take of appreciation will be awarded to those fen_ up. dewing long-time service to the college. Award recipients include The 16-foot craft, called a Centennial Barbecue Tickets members of the SJS advisory board, L D. Bohnett, chairman; George "Night Twister," plummeted into Today at 3 p.m. is the deadline 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Santa H. Burchill, Paul L. Davies, Mrs. E L. DisArman, Floyd Farr, Joseph a cow pasture at Story road and for purchasing Centennial Barbe- Clara County Exposition Hall, will R. Garner, Allen T. Gilliland. Herschel Graham. Warren it Capitol avenue about a minute cue tickets, according to Ed Ad- climax an afternoon of all-college .G. J. oehler. E. It s, -It. after it took off from Reid's Hill- ams, publicity director. Tickets day events which includes the Fred and Dr. James II Strayer. view Airport on Cunningham ave- are on sale for' $1 in the Outer Lambda Chi Alpha Parade-Push- Gen.. William Dean nue. Quad and Student Affairs Busi- cart Relays. In addition, two former mem- The manager of the airport had ness Office. Two buses will be provided for To Speak June 6 bers of the act is,' Ii, ant. Law - warned The Barbecue, to be held at student transportation to and rence A Appleton and I:Ito:tux L. Morinan repeatedly not Retired General William Dean from the fair grounds, beginning Hayek will be honored State Sen- to take the plane into the air. The will be the featured speaker at at 2:30 p.m., according to Dean ator John F. Thompson. Ast.ein- "Night Twister" is a speed plane the Senior Banquet, June 8, at the SJS Students of Students, Stanley C. Benz. The Wyman' Bruce F. Allen, anti As- with a vicious reputation. Morinan Santa Clara Fairgrounds, accord. buses will leave every 20 minutes semblyman Clark L. Bradley also worked on it himself, but had nev- ing to Tom Bonetti, Senior Claus from the corner of 7th Will receive recognition. er before tried to fly it. Rescue Three and San president. He was the son of E. T. Mori- Carlos streets and will run until Former state legislators Herbert The Senior Ball, June 7, is near- nan Jr., a building contractor. He shortly after the outdoor dance C. Jones, C. C. Cutrell, Sunburn In Motel Fire ing its final planning stages. lived at 824 Campbell Ave., Los which lasts until 9:30 p.m. Young and Robert C. Kirkwood Altos. He was to be graduated this Three SJS students, members Classes officially will be dis- NEW PRESIDENT also will be honored, along with June. of the Flying 20 team, are credit- missed at 2:30 p.m. for the all- Outgoing President Bud Fisher Mrs. lkina Thomas, first presi- Funeral services will be held at ed with the rescue of three per- college event, according to Dean opened his last meeting of the dent of the patrons of San Jose 2::30 p.m. today at the Roller and sons from a flaming Souther% Cal- Benz. However, evening classes Junior Class yesterday as ASH State College and Fred J Flelch- Hapgood Funeral Home, Middle- ifornia motel room. beginning at 7 p.m. will not be Chief Justice Curtis Loft swore er, first president, Spar Tens. field road and Addison excused, he said. in the new president, Jerry Seibes. RARE BOOKS Frank Be Brills, San Francisco rare book col- street, Palo The students, Tom Reese, sen- Organizations being recobinized lector, surveys two of the works from his collection of Italian I ks Alto, ior industrial engineering major; Menu for the dinner Includes Other new officers sworn in are the Santa Clara County Board printed before the 111th century. Much of his collection is now on Bill Reese, his brother and sen- barbecued beef, beans, tossed were June Bibb., treasurer. and of Supervisors, San Jose City display in the library until early dune. ior social science major: and Jay green salad, roll, butter, ice cream Vivienne Andres, secretary. Alicia Council, San Jose Merchants' ROTC To Honor Armstrong, junior business major, and punch according to Adams. Cardona, new vice-president, was Assn., San Jose Chamber of Com- carried the three unidentified per- Dinner music will be provided not present. merce. San Jose State College Al- S.F. Art, Music Patron sons from a burning room at the by Dick Tash and his jazz band, SNOW CONE SALE umni Assn., Spar Tens, the Pa- Top Cadets Today Lazy Acres. Motel In San Fernan- Adams said. Jack Tazzari and his Sophomore Class snow cone trons of San Jose State College, do Valley at about 2.30 a.m. Sin- 14-piece band will provide music sales have been extended to Tues- the Associated Student Body of Talks on Italian Printing On Athletic Field day. for dancing at the outdoor pavil- days and Thursdays. The cones San Jose State, Golden Grads, the Tom Reese smelled smoke as lion from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Carol will be on sale Monday through College Religious Council and the Frank De Bellis, well known The lecture is open to the public. Eight ROTC cadets will receive student, will be Thursday in the Outer Quad from the three students were returning Berscheid, SJS San Jose Mercury-News. San Francisco art and music pa- A large part of Be Bellis' col- awards today in a ceremony at 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from a banquet in honor of the Pa- vocalist. tron, will lecture on early Italian lection of early Italian printing is 1:30 p.m. on the Women's Ath- The Industrial Arts Club has GRAND TRIAD PLANS cific Coast Jntereollegiate Air printing at 10:30 a.m, today in currently on display in the lobby letic Field. exhibit of automobiles Plans for participation in the Meet. planned an Room 55 of the Main Building. of the new wing of the college li- Scheduled to receive the Daugh- to be displayed at the entrance to May 17 three-college Grand Triad Lunch Honors brary. Most of his collection is ters of the American Revolution He saw the flames shooting out the fairgrounds. Featured classics and a volleyball challenge to the comprised of works printed be- award for leadership, according to of the room and woke the mana- include a 1919 Pierce Arrow, a Sophomore Class highlighted yes- Retiring Profs Two Dramas fore 1500. Col. John E. Rogers, professor of ger who phoned the local fire de- 1937 Packard, a 1915 Model T terday's Freshman Class meeting. More than 600 years of teach- DeBellis stresses the dedication military science and tactics, is partment. Ford. a 1923 Hudson, a 1937 Cord. Janice Clark was named public- ing or administrative work at San On T.V. Today of those early printers who de- senior cadet Terry Rowe Jr. Before the fire-fighters arrived. a 1939 Cadillac, a 1902 Maxwell, a ity chairman for the Triad. Tick. Seniors Jerrold Milsted and Jay Tom forced the door to the room Jose State College wow t.pre- -The Night They Made a Bum veloped Roman. type in an effort Ford Roadster, a Corvette, an ets for the event will go on sale Hogrefe will receive awards from and rescued the three persons who sented yesterday s' hen a haul, - out of Helen Hayes," and Edgar to duplicate the fine calligraphy M.G. and a Jaguar. soon in the Outer Quad. the New York Herald Tribune. were overcome by smoke. eon for emeritus and 1-v111 114T Allen Poe's "The Monkey's Paw," of early manuscripts. Ile said that Milstead will get the Gold Medal One of the firemen said that if members of the faculty yy :IS held will be presented by student di- hand carved wooden blocks were award for highest academic grade, it had not been for the quick ac- at the Hotel DeAnza. The eYent rectors this afternoon at 3:50 often used to produce the elabor- and Hogrefe takes home the train- tion of the students, the persons was a part of the college Centen- o'clocIt. The shows may be viewed ate letters and ornamentation ing and discipline award. in the motel probably would have nial celebration and was an infor- over the closed-circuit TV facili- found in these early books. Tribune awards for juniors will died within a few minutes, ac- mal affair honoring 16 emeritus ties in room 114 of the Speech go to Robert Beatty and George cording to Jerry French, SPAR- members of the faculty and six and Drama Building. Owen. I3eatty attained the high- TAN DAILY staff member. who are retiring this year. "The Monkey's Paw" has been Changes Meeting est acadeinic grade and Owen will Jay Armstrong was co-owner of The total number of years on adapted for television by Tom receive the Silver Medal for con- the "Night Twister," the experi- the faculty represented by the Bonetti who is directing the show. Student Court will 'not meet to- tribution to the corps," according mental plane which crashed, car- emeritus members was 468. The Ed Holmes plays Mr. White, Jean day, according to Curtis Loft, new to Col. Rogers. rying Ed Morinan to his death on six who are leaving the faculty Marsh is Mrs. White, Brad Foster chief justice. Judicial officials Saturday. in June have tanglit is total of Is their son, Herbert, Jim Davis is elected Wednesday will be sworn Another Junior, , in May 15, Luft said. will receive the VFW award for 161 years. The merino' number Sgt. Major Morris and Doug Cole- of years taught at San Just' State New court officials are Bill outstanding leadership during the man is Sampson. College by the 22 honored guests Bjorge, male junior justice; Bar- school year. Carol Card is assistant director P.E. Dept., WAA is 27. bara C. Johnson, female junior Superior ribbon awards to and Alex Zanini is technical direc- the Dr. Dorothy Kelleher. %silo is re- justice; Suzane Slater, female sen- freshman and sophomore with the tor. Present Aquaeade tiring this year, was mistress of Suzzanne Mann is directing ior justice; Ron Ortland, male sen- highest grades will go to Donald Centennial activities are being ceremonies. Others leaving the "The Night They Made a Bum ior justice; and Bill McLean, ASB Johns and Richard Rose respect- continued at 2:30 p.m. on Thurs- faculty are Miss Helen Dimmick, Out of Helen Hayes " prosecut ing attorney. ively. day with the "Aquatic Capers" Judson Aspinwall, Earl W. Atkin- sponsored by the Women's Physi- son, Mrs. Charlotte Rideout and cal Education Department and the Irene Palmer. Col. Lincoln Daniels Women's Athletic Assn. and Col. Richards M. Bristol, also CENTENNIAL DATEBOOK Thirty-two students will parti- retiring, were not present at the luncheon. TUESDAY, MAY 7 presents another showing of a Golden Grads will meet to reg- cipate in the water show which Informal talks were given try Centennial Committee presents play, ':Green Grow the Lilacs," in ister -in the Student Union at will feature seven different num- swimming. be soimming In President emeritus Thomas o," a lecture, a dinner and a play. the College Theater at 8:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m.; hold an annual meet- bers of synchronized CENTENNIAL SWIMMERS Theta. girls wilt The purpose of the show is to let Thursday's aquavade which is part of the 11' lllll en's Physical Educa- MacQuarrie and President John Lecture on early Italian print- An Open House and several ex- ing in the Student Union at 1:15 acthities. Barbi Fisher, Mary Young the alumni and students see the tion Department,. Centennial T. Wahlquist. A poem appropriate ing by Frank de Bellis in Rm. 55 hibits are planned from 1-5 p.m. p.m.; see a movie in color. "The and Celeste Blennerhatoiett are from top to bottom on the left col- aquatic activities of the depart- to the occasion was read by Miss of the Main Building at 10:30 a.m. and 7-9 p.m. on campus. View from the Tower." at 2:15 umn. From top to bottom on the right are Fay Cady, Mary lam WA& Clara Hinze. who retired last year. Centennial Recognition dinner is Lecture Series plans a sympo- p.m.; and hear a concert by the ment and the Benson and Florence Carlson. Photo by Blaisdell Scheduled for 7 p.m in the Empire sium on education, "One Hundred college music department at 2:45, Room, Hotel Sainte Claire. Years of Public Education" in the p.m. Speech and Drama Department Concert Hall, Music Building, at All classes from 1908-1957 will 'Green Grow the Lilacs' Opens Centennial Run; presents a play, "Green Grow the 8 p.m. see an intersquad varsity football Lilacs," in the College Theater at FRIDAY. MAY 10 game in Spartan Stadium at 11 9:15 p.m. Centennial committee presents a.m. First Night Audience WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 an open house, several exhibits, a , Alumni will attend a buffet Plays Before Enthusiastic Centennial Committee presents ,luncheon, two pl a y s, a living luncheon and open house at all By MARY ANN BILLF,CI Building during the intermission. able expression of terror and fear. The girls, some of whom doub- All -College Day. groups open hoase and the Cen- fraternity and sorority houses "Green Grow the Lilacs," an Doug Coleman did a very adthen- Jim Davis is the cowboy called led as ushers, include Rosalee Al- Push-Cart Relays parade will be tennial Ball. from 12-2 p.m. elaborate plan on frontier life by tic-sounding job of calling the Shorty who seemed to have a len, Carol Lou Freeman, Judy Open House exhibits Alumni held at the Santa Clara County and several will register at 2 pm. 14YRII Riggs, opened its public run dances around the bonfire during flask in every pocket. Mehin Laub Trowbridge, Diane Frimen, Fier. Fairgrounds at 3 p.m. are planned from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on They will see the Centennial ex- Friday night and was received by the interimission. was the loud and pressure loaded enda Cullins, Marcia Taylor, Irene The Relays will begin at 4 p.m. campus. hibits and visit all college depart- an enthusiastic first night audi- Dr. James H. Clancy. professor peddierman. Sprague. Karen Parkinson, Jac- Centennial Barbecue is planned Chamber of Commerce Lunch- ments from 2-3 p.m. ence. Paul Thomsen as Curly Mc- of drama, directed the ecinedy Also in the cast are Bob Gordon quie Mundell, Sally Cotton, Mary for Exposition Hall, Santa Clara eon %%ill be held at the campus /symposium, The Common De- Clain proved himself a capable ac- from which the musical "Okla- as Old Man Peck, Ken Savickas u Lynn Archibald and Terri Pres- County Fairgrounds at 5:30 p.m. barbecue area at 12 noon. nominator for EducationHistory, tor as well as a warbler of West- homa!" was drawn. Barbara Nor- an old farmer, and Bill Brown as ton. Dancing will be held in the Out- Children's Theater presents a Literature. or Philosophy?" will ern folk tunes Recordings made ton was a very likeable Laiirey. a young farmer. Other farmers The curtain raises on "Green door Pavillion of the Fairgrounds play, "Aladdin and His Wonderful be held in the Student Union at by Thompsen filled the bridges be- She was coy without being sick- and cowboys are Dick Thomas, Grow the Lilacs," nightly through from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Lamp," in the Studio Theater at 330 F.m. Speakers will be: Dr. tween scenes during the show. He ening, syrupy. sweet, as the her- Dick Goss. Jay Michelle, Clark Saturday at 8 15 p.m. Tickets may Speech and Drama Department 4 p.m. Arturo B. Faille, Dr. David P. also sang to his own guitar ac- oines of the West were often por- Mires, Melvin Peterson. George sl- be reserved at the college box of- presents a play. "Green Grow the Living Groups plan an open 'Edgell and Dr. F.. P. Panagopoulos. companiment during the produc- trayed. Karla Linden played the ier, Harry Stephen and Dick Tash. fice between 1 and 5 p.m. daily. Lilacs" in the College Theater at housi. at .1 p.m. Annual Spring Alumni Day Din- tion. lovable, good natured, and deter- 8:15 p.m. Speech and Drama Department ner Dance will start at 7,30 p.m. The atmosphere of festivity and mined Aunt Eller. THURSDAY, MAY 9 presents another showing of the in the Exposition Hall, Santa Clara colorful celeheation was carried Grant Salzman seemed ready to Science Career Panel Friday Centennial Conunittee presents play, "Green Grow the Lilacs," in County Fairgrounds, nut throughout the show. The set- invoke "hisses" from the crowd A panel discussion on "Careers Dr. Gertrude Cavins, science ed- two plays, an open house and ex- the College Theater at 8:15 pm. Children's Theater presents a tings of J. Wendell Johnson and at any minute with his believable in Science" will be held by mem- ucation and chemistry: Dr. J. Gor- hibits, and a tymposium on edu- Centennial Ran Is planned by play, "Aladdin and His Wonderful the costumes of Miss Berneice portrayal of Jeeter Fry. the vil- bers of the Natural Science De. don Edwards, biology: Dr. Leroy cation. the Social Affairs Committee at Lamp," in the Studio Theater at Prisk, associate professor of dra- lian and downright scoundrel. Eli- partment Friday at 310 p.m. in R. Posey, physics; and Dr. Char- Children', Theater presents a the Civic Auditorium from 9 p.m. - 1030 am and at 2 pm.. ma, added greatly to the authen- Eu Galarre as Ado Annie Carnes the auditorium of the Science lotte Wilcox, health science. play. "Aladdin and His Wonder- 1 a.m. Speech and Drama Department atmosphere of early pioneer- was about ready to ideal the show Building. tic Films on careers in science will ful Lansp." in the Studio Theater SATURDAY. MAY 11 presents a play, -Green Grow the ing Oklahoma Folk dances of the at any moment, as she stared at Dr. Carl Duncan, chairman of be shown following the oiseus- at 4 p m Centennial Committee presents Lilacs,'' in the College Theater at times were performed on stage the principals with her wide open the Natural Science Division, will. Speech and Drama Department Alumni Homecoming Da,. 8:15 p.m. and outside the Speech and Drama eyes and unbelieving and unbeliev- be moderator. Panel members are Won. 77,711\1)J3- C Spetztati 2)aik i)-1) N JOSE STATE COLLEGE ;Page 2 Tusacly, May 7, 1957 The term was not used to es - I ---- 'Clique' Comment press editorial opinion of the 'Old Exams Show Deal Thrust and SPARTAN DAILY, hut mistak- en1 oas chosen as a ssnonym Mist000ks Galore It seems to me that %.% for the word "group" by a inern- the problems the %arious 1890 Students Iner it the coo desk. The Editors, By organizations are having at '11 ?MAI AWii, \ is , A Jose State, the school newspai. stack of stained but legible assign- should do all it can to Cli Praises Panel smolt sheets and examination pa- participation in these . pers showed Tomahawk grade ations. The Senior Class, in pai - Dear Thrust and Parry: school pupils that 'youngsters in ticuar. is having mate a problem The symposium held last Thurs- the 1890's had scholastic problems, in getting its members to partici- day night regarding the policies of too. pate in the planning of Senior segregation and integration de- The papers were found during Week aeti% To you ities. Seniors serves utmost praise for the man- remodeling operations. who are looking foivard to Senior ner in which it was handled. "t, One test paper listed 11 errors in Activites Week and graduation. I The two principal speakers a 20-word spelling test. Some of only ask that you come in what gave a concise and informative picture the fractured words in the '941. the copy desk .11 the SPARTAN of this social problem and the were "merortoryis" (meritorious, DAILY calls -the clique ef- fects it has upon our society. The "phearse" (fierce) and "scholia' Remember, %% hen bigger and atmosphere of the symposium was STUDENT INFIRMARVt uder the anNidirles of Health Cottage in 1939, in boner of Elizabeth ship" (scholarship). better cliques ale being made, the the San Jose State Strident Health serisce, students McFadden. head of the first Health and Hygiene absolutely devoid of contempt in Another student gave this Centennial Seniors %% ill ni a k e in need of medical care are able to reed's,- treat- Department establinhed in 1919. Miss McFadden had V- any fashion and the speakers ment in the McFadden use health ..ers ice by graphic report: them. Health Cottage. The name initiated the of this type of avoided generalities; it was con- of the student infirmary st as changed from the taking suck students into her onn h to recei% e There are five zones. Two tem- Make Your Mothers Happy ri Zeiiman. ASII 89014 Edwin Markham Health Cottage ducted in an tolerant manner. to the McFadden perate, two .fridige, one torri.? On Mother's Day. Buy The Sl'ARTAN DAILY editor W'ith an ex-eptionally interested Archipelago is a group of Rlinci Your Card and Gift regrets the use of the term audience, the discussion was an Aid A lake is a small body of war as it ap- clique" for "group" enlightenment to all who attend- 'First Only,' Quarantine Trouble Mark Rise of Health Office nearly or holy soundered by war, at peared in Thursday's DAILY. ed. a benefit to the school and A conient is a large body of lam : By CP:CELIA HANSEN ...pi, &Mated funk i I;, "list Twombly became acting head. an expression of the deep desire soundered by water.' In 1912 SJS had no health Whey one contributed time, goods. and In 1939 she tit came head of the! / to promote harmony in our civil- Among the papers was this note RENT NOW! but it did have the services of a services to stage a three day kir- department. Also in -1939, the SJS -.77gela -Aiwa ization. one pupil had written to another: FREE hygiene and first aid teacher. mess (fair), and finally the goal Board of Directors in recognition "Give ma a little tobacco, be- "The Store With The Delivery Eugene I.. Cagnacci, ASB 10712 Elizabeth McFadden. She took was reached. of Miss McFadden's 32 years of cause I am going to the mill. I will College Education" over the task of administering first The department rented a house service changed the name of the pay/ you back. Good bye." aid to the injured when Newell H. for one year on a trial basis. The Health Cottage to the McFadden Nurse Super isor Bullock went to Chicago to study house, near San Carlos on Fifth Health Cottage. And the student medicine. street, was used enough to prove council proclaimed April 21 as '-(1111111 Attends Conclave When Dr. Bullock receiied his that students really needed the Elizabeth McFadden Day on cam- C. Miss Grace E. M. Staple, head al.D., he returned to Sam Jose to erview of some pernianent estab- pus. practice and Dr. Morris E. Dailey. lishment. (In April 2_1925, the de- FREE delivery FREE pickup of the department of nursing, is Two years ago the Health Ed- participating in the national con- who was the college president, hir- partment bought poet Edwin ucation function was split off from (In San Jose Area) 5ELIX ed him to come to the campus Markham's home at 432S. Eighth PHONE CY 241142 vention of the National League and the Health Service and when Miss RENTALS treat students for about two hours St. and moved it to the rear of for Nursing in Chicago. Twornbly retired last fall, a new SALES FORMAL WEAR ROBERTS' Subjects being considered dur- per day. Miss McFadden %ohm- the lot where it eventually was director was appointed for each. ing the convention include stand- teered to help during her free used as a home for the infirmary Dr. Thomas J. Gray wan ap- SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND BERKELEY SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. ards for accreditation for collegi- time and the two took care of the nurses. pointed as director of the Stu- 600 students attending SJS. The first ease for the Edwin 75 SOUTH 2nd The Underwood Agency ate schools of nursing, participa- dent Health Service. Ile fiels tion Later in 1912, Dr. Dailey set Markham Health Cottage was a IN Phone CYpress 4-2322 of aursing in the improve- that the nod( at SJS Is as Mg SAN JOSE STUDENT up ment of community health, and a Health and Ifyi4riene De- I scarlet fever victim who caused change from prisate practice TYPEWRITER partment and named aliss the entire cottage and improvement of nursing educa- its 13 and offers considerable chat. RENTAL McFadden to bead it. lip a tion programs. From the beds to Ise tied because of lenge. Dr. Gray was graduated beginning the department eons- three-ks irk qua rant ine, Tsis 3 Months . . . . $12.00 from Medical whoa! at North- BAD BRAKES hined health teaching and health taught the health and Hygiene western l'ilisenrity and Nerved I Month 5.00 sem ice. Then to 1914, Miss Mar- Department thud the cottage Class Gives Tea as an Army doctor for four years garel TNianid became M I a a IMIII) (*Mild take quaran- Bad Brakes 1S6 W. SAN FERNANDO during World War It. Members of the HOMO Manage- McFadden's assistant. By this tine eases on an ordinary basis, V2 block past the pub' - Dr. Gray that at present Quick as a flash an accident due ment Laboratory Class gave a time health servill.ra had Ian- Soon the 15 beds proved Made- says tea for faculty and friends last pro%ed but still were secondary ciliate and, in 1933, another build- the Ilcalth Office Is operating at to brake failure can change your Sunday. The tea was held at the about half staff because of lack to health education, ing next door was leased and tacit- life, perhaps end it. Home Management House at San , It was apparent from the begin- ities were expanded to 30 Seds. of space. There are sia full time two over ICarlos and 5th St. and was pre- fling of the health service that But even these Increased facilities doctors( an increase of SHANK'S pared by Barbara Edgar, Barbara some sort of infirmary was badly were often filled because in those the previous 'year) eight nurses. three DRIVE-IN CLEANERS Hams, Betty Hartman, Sallie needed. Miss McFadden even took days people were sent to bed for five clerical people, and BRAKE ADJUSTMENT . . . . 1.50 Petersen, and Adele Russell. sick students into her own home more ailments and they did not technicians. Last semester (Ii IN BY 9:00 OUT AT 5:00 Health Office performed 23,143 in- sometimes because there was no have the "miracle- drugs which BE FOR THIS SMALL CHARGE WE 2nd & San Carlos dividual services. Front Wheels Adjust Fool place for them to receive care. So, today often clear up an infection CAREFUL Remov ;rakes taco, Out Dirt Adjust Pedal Clearance matter of hours. organized in May 1915, a gift of $100 was in a The department is Remember Inspect Ling and Drums Adjust Wheel nearing regula: Spaztana made by the San Jose Young Wo- Meanwhile, Miss McFadden a clinic open during the others in your Inspect Hydrulic Lined Pressure Test Srf.,,, men's Christian Assn. for a "fund had been building up the health hours of 8 sip. to 5 p.m. Monday Car have lust Check WheI CO.nder Glee Operation Test that was to be used by the sin- services. Immunizations were in- through Friday. It functions on as much right Entered as second clan matter as you to April 24. 1934, at San Jose, Calif, dents for an infirmary. The exact troditeed, a school wriedieal-tech- an appointment basis with emet decd. about under the act of March 3 1879, nature of which was left to future Meal lab was opened and staffed gencies of any kind given absolw, taking risks. Member California Newspaper Pub- requirements and expediency.... with a, student technician. and priority. Services include health, Be lair, do 131Kgi L %kin lishers' Associetion. For the next ten years students, more doetors were mailable for examinations, health counseling. not take risks. Published daily by the Associsted longer period5 of time. emergency cars and first aid. Students of San Joss State College. faculty, and townspeople joined in aeizoice uo. services, im- *scoot Saturday and Sunday, during a concerted effort to raise money Because 01 ill healt h, Miss campus public health 540 S. FIRST CY 2-7864 the college year with ono ileas ur- infirmary. Clubs McFadden left her post as head munizations, X-rays, physical for a student feo Official Brake Sfal.c, No 23: log each final examination period. organized money raising activities, of the department in 1937 and therapy, and laboratory work. Subscriptions eccepted only on a ramainder-ofschool year, basis. In loll semester, $3; in Spring semester. 11.50. Tolophorwt: CYpreue 44414Edi- i0,41. Ext. 210; Advertising Dopt Ext. 211. Makt ift:"I'S IAA lAliAltA4C4) ! Press of tho Glob* Printing Co.. 1445 South First St., Sea Jose, Calif. IN OUT 1 lira :74.47 "`"". 7 Ifir; DRY CLEANERS ditor SHIRT LAUNDRY SOS PENTZER &nines, Manager WINSTON Directly Behind Newberry's HENRY HUSTEDT GREEN STAMPS Day Editor LIKE A BOB CRAFT TASTES GOOD! N I' CIGARETTE SHOULD! Phile =ways, stilet Get Your Supplies NOW for rush Cart Relays

Crape hem Corrigted Paper Metallic Paper C.ollephane Pester board Poster Paints Gldter Colored, Silver and Gold Glitter Spray Glue Colored Spray EmsisI Cellophane and Metlisi lane Stccli I p Early While Supplies Last WINSTON is in a class by itself for flavor! It's fun to share a good thing That's why you snowy-white and purr, lets that rich flavor come see so many Winstons being passed around thtse through. Smoke America's best-selling, best-5 PROW& WALLPALliej days. Try 'em. You'll like their rich, full flavor, fasting filter cigarette! Find out for yourself: ton. And you'll like the way the Winston filter, Winston tastes good LAN IOSE like a cigarette should! 2 Blocks off Campus Smoke WINSTON...enjoy the snow-white filter in the cork-smooth tip! CY 2-1447 112r S. Second St. a. J. Ni COLDS TOSACCO OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS ?IL 9 CO.. WIMSTON641.1111.

L I ieggesow

Mural Teams Thinelads Battle Best In cpaptait c/20P1-4 Start Season Fast On Thursday West Coast Relays Tuesday May 4 1957 SPARTAN DAILY Pail* 3 The 17 -team Intramural League 83 RANDIE E. POE 220 hut losing the 100. Agostini ter rein) team. Isoftball season will attempt to get The San Jose State track squad' socked Norton with his most hu- lie's a corner. , underway this Thursday on three crawls out of the incubator at miliating setback two weeks ago. Morrow, King and Agostini hac different fields, according to In- Frestas Saturday to take licks at clipping him by four yards in the zipped :9.3. Norton has a wind,- tramural League Director Max the "big apples" in the 31st annual century and by six strides in the helped :9.4. Alston has hit :9.5. Coley. West Coast Relays. furlong. SJS Coach Bud Winter has , -Because of the Pushcart Re- The Spartans will tussle with Enter Morrow ...the Olympic's high hopes for the Spartan lays." Coley reported, "we won't not only the best 1111 the west, triple gold medal winner. relay team of Garfield be able to start the softball sea- lint with sonic if the country's Few of his sprint competitors Finley, Clint Redus. Van Parish. son, probably, until Thursday. finest spike talent, including have seer). Morrow's face, although and Norton. This quartet un- However, it may be delayed until elng-footed , the leashed a :41.5 clocking Satur- next Monday." world's fastest human. day in the All-C mi for a Inter-Fraternity Council 'ball The Relays, who motto is meet and field record and pr I will have two divisions -the Amer- "where world records are broken," bum to shoe ((((( re twinkle when , ican and National Leagues, The promises to equal its reputation. their baton passing becomes American division will be com- Something has to give when smoother. posed of Lambda Chi Alpha, Del- sprinters of the calibre of Mor- USC. probably the most potent ta Sigma Phi, Theta Chi, Kappa row, Fresno State's Mike Agos- collegiate club in the nation, cap- Tau, Alpha Tau Omega. and Sigma tini, Cal's , SJS's tured the 440-yard sprint relay Nu. Rapid Ray Norton, and Occiden- last year at Fresno with a reading The National League will be tal's Rudy Alston get together. of :41.0. composed of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Since its beginning, 20 world Few schools can match the Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha. Sigma marks have been crushed in the Spartans in this area. Along with Chi. Phi Sigma Kappa, and Theta Fresno extravaganza, which Is the Norton's :9.4, Finley has zoomed Xi. first event on California's big- :9.6, Redus :9.7, and Parish :9.9. Team signupa ended jesteritay league track circuit. The Coliseum In the two-mile relay. SJS will for Independent League softball Relays follow in Los Angeles May employ Freddy Green, who hust- with only five squads 'registered - 24, with the Cal Relays in Mo- led to his all-time best halfmile Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Chi, the desto (May 25) and the Compton (1:54) last week, Ken Napier, Jer- Sparvets. the Spartan Hall Spas- Invitational (May 31) just around ry DeRouches, and Ron Gross. tics, and the Anemic Nine. the bend. Wes (Slulekick) Bond will go Schedules may be picked up to- All told, sonic 1600 track and In the 5000 meters, and will meet morrow in the Mens' Gym. rs will strut their stuff USC's itty-bitty Slasie Trues, WILT (FINGERS) JONES EMPHASIS ON DEFENSE Line Coach Marty Mocking sl tttttt ny in a recent workout. 1:eorge Bar- The Frosh Baseball Field, Her- Saturday. In addition to the who earned a spot on the Olym- ...SJS Broadjumper Feldman directs crack Spartan linemen Stan Keith rera It, holding. The sportisn grisidens, now In their kam Jr. High. and Hoover Jr. High etwileZia.11%. 525 of the state's pic Vasa last year in both the and Nick Sanger as they prepare to drive into the third week of Spring practice, still &s late I of diamonds will be the playing areas the rest of theft time to defense. best prepsters and 434, top jun- they can give you a splendid de- 3000 and BLOM meters. Trues' for the Intl-armed action this ior college stars will compete. scription of his posterior. running style is music in mo- San Jose's Norton will be facing At Melbourne, Morrow flew tion, with every stride appearing Golfers Tackle the hest. The competition can't the 100 meters in :10.5, set an almost effortless, Gridders to Stress Spartan Interests get any tougher. Olympic mark of :20.6 in the TRACK SNACK: Nachos 1:14.61, Don Smith Rapid Ray split with King in 200 meters, and anchored the (.14.4). and Qualifiers Manchu (14.5) are BrOlICS, Tigers Are Our the Spartan entrants in the 120 Yard high their initial meeting, grabbing the United States' winning 400 me- hurdles, with Larry Collier (Ifl ft.). Milt While the Spartans' top eight Interests Stewart OW. and Jim Pierce let for discus Defensive Tactics duty . Chuck Hightower (14 3) has en By DON RECKER golfers are playing a PrIldtiCe tilt HUSTON HOBBY SHOP teed the polevault, Chuck Potful (206) the with Stanford today. Coach W::: javelin. Smith 1621 the highjurnp, and Payne With the offense termed "way cribed as presently being "weak." 293 S FIRST ST Groom and Wilton (fingars) Jonas (231) McPherson will take six oil), Spartan Baseballers the broadjump . . . UCLA miler Ileb Sea- ahead of the defense" by Coach Sharp passing Mary McKean has linksters to Stockton for a thre. men was talking about Olympic champ Ron Bob Titchenal following Saturday's not as yet displayed the form he Deleny: "He gets the fastest ,,,f1 on a men way match with Santa Clara and that I ever seen. To beat him you not only full scale scrimmage, Spartan showed last season though it is have to set a fast pace but you must hold COP. Crest Pipe Shop him off at the end." . 17-jewel gold footballers will concentrate more probably only a matter of time be- Included in TABACALERA Friday the USF group To Meet making watches are presented to the w,sners in all on defense this week. fore he rounds into top shape. Th tinst Manila Cigar% ,ntercollegiate and J.C. events and to rnern the Stockton trek are Stan Gid- After a st nil-disasterous week Coach Ed Sobczak's club will bers of the winning relay teams . Winter, In the first scrimmage of the While McKean's passing was who awards milk shakes to fads who top their dings, Dick Lanseioni, Cliff Johns- 47 No, FIRST STREET in the hostile southern area of meet USF here on Saturday to previous thrown year, the running offensive stole not quite ehat still lie later ex- '.'best" performances was Artoux, SAN JOSE for a Mallakil 10S1 in the All Comers Sat ton, Roger Don Samuel- 4he state, Spartan baseballers rest close out their season. the show as an array of swift mov- pected, his hall handling and today. Nadu' clipped him twice . . . the son, and Ray Waterman. All of .tintil Friday when they meet USF The southern trip brought the 440-yard relay combos Irons SJS, Cal and ing backs advanced the ball consis- signal calling in Saturday's Fresno State should stage a real w.ngcling these lads will be back next year. at Municipal Stadium. Spartan's seasonal record to 17 in tently well on the ground. serimmage brought praise from Open at I P.M. Fresno . . It'll be King. Agostini end Thursday t he varsity team The local diamond heroes were wins, II losses and two ties. To Norton down the stretch Oahe Houk both Titchenal :tad Line Coach Pio. With A Personal,ty yete, PCC track authority 411i.nks Occidental's DEFENSE IMPORTANT tackles San Francisco State here, clobbered in four of their six out- equal last season's win toad, the Sob Gutowski will break the world pole. Marty Feldman. vault mark again by sailing 16-feet this, Titchenal said he believed the and Friday the Spartans jaunt to HOUSE of PIZZA Ines last week. locals will have to take the Dons Saturday . . The junicIr college 100-yard major weakness of last year's team Ilarvel Pollard was cited by his Palo Alto to battle Stanford. DELICIOUS GOODIES in both contests. dash 'duel w.11 almost equal the collegians' In the held are Harbor's Whiner White was their failitre to hold down the coaches as being the best of a 395 Almaden Ave. CY 7-9908 Spartans scored their only The Yelley's Ken Dennis 04), lob Poyn- The Neer the Civic Auditorium ter of Pa,Oena (1.7) and Daus Schick of opponents on.the scoreboard. good lot of SJS ball toters. two wins of the six day trip over - Show Slate. Mt. San Antonio (:9.7) . . . Mt Sec's talent local club scored enough to win In the line, tackle Nick Sanger. the Naval Training Center in San crammed squad probably will whip KO per more games than they did, Titc- Mural Trackksi The1ly guard Jim Moore and end Tom Diego. San Jose racked up a 20-5 jaC't. meetetthceenatautrirrescofratrinlcV:igdesent incidentally, 'The Intramural track and uusInEss henal felt. As a* result, the de- Dunivant also were in line for STUDIO win the first -tilt and then came by Red Winter's most famous prodigy, merman s Danis, the Cal Crtmet, who ran :9.5. fensve aspects of the game will Geld mutt will he held May 12 HE1111E119 praise from the coaching staff Iii - - Relli11100 IS.2150 back to shut out the sailors in at spartan Stadi . according %um receive more attention for the re- good defensive work. Pier Mel the second encounter, 5-0. RENT A TYPEWRITER mainder of the Spring drills. to Mitch Winoker, Inter-Frater- The SJS (marling clinic staged Angcli Ferrer USC walloped the locals 19-3 Frosh, Stanford nity Council athletic chairm in. SPECIAL STUDENT $12 The increased emphasis on de- by the local staff Saturday John Kerr and UCCA turned the trick by a RATE. 3 MONTHS slightly less decisive 9-3 count. Meet in Net Duel fensive , mutant's i'i' in general, morning prior to the scrimmage, "THE VINTAGE" Pepperdine edged past the locals and good hard tackling In par- was described as a big smelts. 5-2 and the San Diego Marines Freshman netters will (win into ticular. will doobtlessely not gise by Titelienal. Store than 1011 Plus whitewashed SJS. 11-0. action today against the fresh the locals a 'polished offense by coaches eere on hand for the STATE SHELL SERVICE Game time for Friday's game squad of Stanford at the Indian the end rif Spring practice, but struction periods and 150 shoecii "LIZZIE" with USF is 3 p.m. No pitching course at 2:30 p.m., seeking to Titchenal said he thought the up for the barbeque at noon. Featuring All-New Parker even up the varsity loss to the defensive game was more im- Eleanor choice has been announced. The Spartans will stage th, Tunes Cars Perfectly Indians last week. portant at this point and that next game conditions scrimma' TCP-- there would he plenty of time Coach Butch Krikorian's Spar- on Friday at 11 a.m, at the Sp:. Complete auto tababes will be led by Lee Junta, for the offense to Jell come Sep- maintenance Campbell Cops tan Stadium. Reason for the eat the squad's winningest competitor. tember. PARKING? 01^71N1 starting time is that the grid ae- V. 7- 30 15 0 Tomorrow the fresh team will WORK ON PASSING If late for school we'll part if for you. Honors tion will be part of the progarre "THE GOLDEN DEMON" judo meet Mountain View High School The Spartan coach said their Across from Ike Student Union Modern Japanese Story Beautifully Black Better Ben Campbell cap- on the Spartan Courts at 2:30 would also be more time devoted to set up for old grads. Friday : Told . in color plus FOURTH and SAN FERNANDO tured outstanding honors Satur- p.m. the passing game, which he des- Alumni Day, of course. "HOUSE OF SAM100" Los Angeles Invita- Made in Japan by Hollywood day at the tional tournament in the indivi- dual competition hut the Spartan . SPARTAN DRIVE-IN squad lost the dual meet with the Los Angeles All-Stars. 9-4, in the Delsorrth Robert Karr Mitchum' Southern California metropolis. 'HEAVEN KNOWS, MR. ALLISON' Campbell, who holds the second -KELLY AND ME" degree black belt, threw four con- Van Johnson -- Pipet Lauri. secutive opponents in the indivi- dual part of the meet and re- ceived a trophy proclaiming him as the day's outstanding performer. SZAIQATOGLAI Coach Yosh Uchida took 14 men UNION 7 - 3 o th to the LA Invitational, 11 of wham John Wayne Maureen O'Hara were brown belted. Roy Kimura, "WINGS OF THE EAGLE"

plus John Sepulveda and Campbell "JULIE" were the only ,black belt judoists Doris Day Louis Jordan It) compete for SJS. Spartan wins came from the three black betters and brown belt MAYFAIR holder Keith Ferris. All the rest Aurie Kerby of the SJS team failed to top Neil kl kir /11 Gf Ant 'GUNS OF FT. PETTICOAT' hosts, final emnpetion for plus This was the function BM Haley the judoists whose last ''DON'T KNOCK THE ROCK" is the Judo Banquet scheduled. May 18. EL RANCHO CAR WASH AS NAVIGATOR OR PILOT Approved Minute.Men Service "RATTLE HYMN" American Car Wash Co. Inc. 1 he flying U. S. Air Force is a team of men- who command the aircraft and men "GUNS OP FORT POI 'COAT". 21 S. FIFTH STREET Audis Murphy- ("en. Open Daily Sunday A.M. who plan the attack. These are the pilots and navigators, both equally important to the defense of Americk. GET ON You, as a young man of intelligence and sound physical health, may join this ROAST BEEF select group io the world's THE TEAM most exciting and rewarding adventure. Your training will stand you in good stead, whatever your future plans may beand you'll be 85c THAT DEFENDS earning over $6,000 a year 18 months after training.* Large Bottle Milk 15c If you are between 19 and 26'A years of age, investigate your opportunities as an AMERICA Aviation Cadet in the U. S. Air Force. Priority consideration is now being given to ARCHIE'S college graduates. For details, write: Aviation Cadet Information, P.O. Box 7608. >le STEAK HOUSE Washington .4. D. C. - al inseam te wt 545 S. 2nd St. Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M Graduate" Then Fly. U. S. AIR FORCE AVIATION CADET PROGRAM Pais 4 SPARTAN DAILY Tuesday, May 4, 1957 - - ------Grad Assists PLACEMENT CORNER Flying 20 Group AFL-CIO Official German Youth Placement interviews for sum- for counselors and waterfront di- mer and permanent positions will rectors. As Gym Coach ' Wins Six Awards To Address Meetin continue tomorrow and Thursday Interview to be held Thursday The SJS Flying 20 gained half a dozen trophies by flying more Pfc. Samuel Granato, Co. K. In the Placement Office, Room Is: Valley Airport last Saturday at Daniel V. Flanagan, AFL-CIO regional director for California 113th Infantry Regiment, 8th In- than 650 miles to the San Fernando 100. Bethlehem Coast Steel Intercollegiate Air Meet. and Nevada, will present the keynote address of the May 15 labor Pacific fantry Division, who was grad- the 8th annual Pacific Coast Interview to be held tomorrow Corp., San aviation major, won more than half of these conference on Union Public Relations, planned by the Industrial Re- Franc isco. form 9:30 uated from SJS as a recreation Bob Nelson, junior Is: la.m.-4:30 second in the best -pilot classifi- lations staff and fieldwork students of SJS. p.m. for business ad- major now is assisting the boys' trophies for the school. He placed Mann County Camp Fire Girls, nUnistration, the degree power -off landing, placed The Terrace Room of the Hawaiian Gardens will be the site of accounting and in- club of the American Youth Assn. cation, won first place in 180 San Rafael, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. dustrial relations majors. third in the power -on ending, and placed third as pilot the first annual labor meet, sponsored by the institute of Industrial The Wiley B.arracks Gym, Neu- 180 degree in the bomb drop. *- - Relations, which is a department of SJS's Division of Business. Ulm, becomes the property of the The conference di% icied boys' club every Saturday morn- Nelson flew his two-place open- the air- Grad Iteports into three portions, the first be- 'Y' Retreat on Weekend ing for two hours. cockpit Ryan airplane to Former Student ginning at 2:30 p.m., the second The boys, ranging in age from port with Dwight Lubich as co- at 4:30 p.m. and the other in the pilot. I 6 to 12 years participate in gym- For Training To Become Not evening session. The first, Will Plan New Program nastics and organized athletics. Lubich, sophomore aircraft and Second Lieutenant James D. Strengthening Public Relations Granato is assistant to Herr engine major and vice-president of Ralph Witby Jr.. former stu- The Student Y will hold its an- bring sleeping bags or bed-rolls Houston, a 1956 graduate, will re- , through Community Sets ice." will Walter Fischer. gymnastic in- the Flying 20, placed third in the dent at SJS. has been chosen to nual Planning Retreat this Satur- and wear camp clothes. port for active duty at Lackland have su c h speakers as Jeffery structor at the Kepler High bomb drop. attend Naval Flight School at day and Sunday at Jones Gulch At the retreat, new 1957-58 Stu- AFB, Texas, May 30, where he Cohelan. business agent for the School, Ulin. Ft Sc h er has re- Mike Castellanos, senior indus- Pensalcola. Fla. according to rec- near San Ntateo County Park. dent Y officer% will take charge will undergo approximately 6 orde 0: the Naval cadet Drkers and Dairy Employ- ceived more than 55 awards and trial engineering major won first Aviation All students are Invited to at- of the organization and win plan weeks of processing and pre - ees Union, Local 3o2 of Oakland. prizes in gymnastic competition. Place in the If40 degree power-on Office at Oakland Naval Air Sta- tend. A $5 camp fee will be the group's pr grant for the night training. Houston 'received Cohelan also is a member of the landing and was tied for third tion. charged and can be paid at the coming year. his Air Force Commismion through city council of Berkeley; Mike best pilot contest but For the final 6 months of his Student 205 S. 9th St. place in the the SJS AFROTC Program. Dowdall. secretary -treasurer 0 f Say training Witby. who will be corn - Last Rites the winner was decided on the From Lackland Houston will be W atson%ille's Central Labor Union Campers will leave Saturday rnissioned an ensign, will special- toss of a coin. reassigned to a pilot training and president of the Pajero Valley morning at 8 o'clock. They should For McCarthy ize as either a patrol -plane or Viet Narn Chief The best flying team trophy was school for primary flight train- Citizens Council: and Glen Bowers, WASHINGTON earner pilot. GP) A awarded to the Glendale Flying ing. Upon graduation he will be the State solemn supervisor of Conciliation ToVisit U.S. pontifical Mass of requiem Club for the second straight year. awarded the silver wings of a Service. Prof Explains was sung over the body of the HONOLULU t UP ) -- Other members of the Flying 20 pilot. "Labor and the State Legisla- Presi" late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy yes- dent Nso Dinh Diem of South Viet team are A rt Scholl, team captain Foods Class ture" is the topic of the secone terday in the high-vaulted church Modern Music Nam boarded President Eisen- and aircraft and engine major; Bill which will he highlighted This week both the Tuesday where he was married four years . dby bower's plane, Columbine III, to- Ross, aviation major; Jay Arm- Has Dinners talks by Richard Liebes. re- and Thursday meetings of the day en route to Washington as strong, business major; Elton Ed. Grade Betterment of home econom- search director of the Bay District After the ceremony, Intoned by The members Survey of Music Literature Class guefit of the President. dy; Doug Preston, industrial arts Foods 10 class are now en- Joint Council of Building Service Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle at ics' will be devoted to lectures on Diem arrived in this Hawaii major; Bill Reese, social science Contest Still Open gaged in a series of dinners which Emoloyees; Thomas A. Small. vice contemporary music by Thomas .St. Matthew's cathedral, the body city and was accorded full mili- major and president of the club. Applications are still available are a culminating activity of the president of the California State Ryan. associate prof essor of was borne to the Senate chamber tary honors by the combined U.S. and Tom Reese, industrial engin- for the semesterly $25 Scholastic class work. I Federation of labor for District music. The classes meet at 11:30 for a memorial service requested armed services, including a 21 - eering major. Improvement Award, presented by Members work in pair; and are 8; and Earl A. Moorhead, secre- a.m, in the Concert Hall of lby his widow, Jean. the gun salute. Tau Delta Phi, men's honorary responsible for planning, prepar- I tary-treasurer of the Local 506 of Music Building. Hawaii's Gov. Samuel King and scholastic fraternity. ing. and serving a meal in the the Butchers' Union and secretary- He will discuss the music of Lt. Gen Blakshear Bryan, Pacific Nurses To Hold The ward recognizes the male dining room of the foods labora-lbusiness manager of the Santa Debussy. Scriabin, Salle, Two Doctors Join Staff Schoen - Army Chief, were among the 30 student whose grade point aver- tory. The two hostesses, two fac- Clara County Central Labor Coon- berg. Bartok, Prokofieff, , Dr. Marston Girard from Stan- Barber, , military and civilian dignitaries Fashion Showing age for the fall semester has ulty guests, one student guest, cit. and Stravinsky with representa- ford University and Dr. Jack on hand for the welcome. Diem Freshmen student nurses at shown the greatest improvement and Miss Katherine .Young. as- The evening discussion Will cen- jive compositions which show Smolensky from Southern Illinois was also greeted by Tran Dan Santa Clara County Hospital will over his previous overall average, instant professor of home econom- ter on "Written Communication their contribution to twentiethl University will join the Health Chuong. Viet Nam Ambassador hold a fashion show Thursday according to Alex Zanini, award ics who conducts the class, are and Public Speaking Skills in Pub- century music. and Hygiene staff next fall, ac- Ito the U.S. ; night from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock in chairman. present for the meals. lic Relations with Jack London. Atonalism, 12 tone music, and cording to the Health and Hy- glens McNaught Hall at Washington , To compete, the student must assistant professor of adult edu- impressionistic music will also be Dept. 1 and Pine Streets in Willow Glen. be a male undergraduate and cation of the University of Cali- discussed with an explanation of Economics Exhibit 1 Purpose of the fashion show is have completed 30 units. He must Head Talks fornia acting as panel chariman; materials and how these music Dept. news editor of the Development Talk to raise funds for the nursing , have attended SJS during the fall Bill Pedigo, styles developed, according to W. New' Howard, Is 'Good as group. There will be a donation of ssemester and have carried at least Union Gazette: and Jack Gibson Walters, associate profes- Jack Vincent, assistant indus- Group "As Good As New" is the title cents for students and $1 for 14' units. To Health labor editor of the San Francisco sor of music. trial manager of the San Jose 175 Teacher training and occupa- Chronicle. of the current exhibit now on Chamber of Commerce will speak adults. Applications may be obtained tional health training program of The concluding address of the display on the second floor of to the Senior Business Lecture I in the Student Activities Office, the Department and Hygiene here first annual conference will be Atom Expert Dies I the Home Economics Building. class this afternoon in the Morris !Room 114, and should be placed, speech Deferment Test upon completion, in Organizations was the topic of a recent given by John F. Henning, re- ST. LOUIS -(UP)---Dr. Joseph The exhibit gives simple direc- ,D a iley Auditorium at 12:30 1 Wilcox, lBox "T" in the Student Union. by Dr. Charlotte E. seach digector of the California W. Kennedy, 40, co-discoverer of tions and several examples of o'clock on "Industrial and Com- The Selective Service College Health and Hygiene Dept. head. State Federation of Labor. plutonium from which atomic stains and how to remove them. mercial Development of Santa Qualification Test, a draft 'defer- Dr. Wilcox spoke before a The conference is being planned bombs can be made, died of can- It was prepared by Mary Lou Clara County." ment ttst, will be given Thurs- Contrary to popular belief, the super- county group of health by the Institute of Industrial Re- cer yesterday at his home. He Smith, a senior home economics All interested persons are in- day. May 16, from 8:30 a.m. to steelhead trout is actually a mem- visors, including physicians. lations staff of Director Edward once headed the chemistry-metall- teaching major. vited to attend. 12:30 p.m., according to the Test- lben of the stalmon nurses, and school representa- P. Shaw. associate director Paul urgy division of the Los Alamos, tives. Ecker and conference directors N M., Atomic Energy Project. Reginald W. Shepherd and William Nurse Examiners R. Siddoway. MEETINGS To Hold Institute' Sigma Delta Pi A four-day institute for the im- Alpha Eta Rho will meet this provement of teaching In nursing Has Initiation evening at 8:30 o'clock in Room will be held by the State Board Alpha Epsilon chapter of Sigma H44. Election of officers will be of NLITS,P Examiners May 20-23 at Delta Pi, national honorary Span- held and discussion of the Air Asilomar. Fair. ish society, held its formal initi- Three San Jose State instruc- Alpha ation of new members recently at Eta Sigma will meet tors of nursing. Miss Carol Keefe. Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock the home of I..C. Newby, head of Mrs. Helen Stevens and Mrs. at the VFW the modern language department. Hall. 430 S. 4th St. ers! Laura Mae Douglas, will attend Mn. C. L. Vanderpool, local busi- Those initiated w ere Helen the institute. ness accountant, will be the guest Edwards. Syd- Bustarnante. Gary speaker. ney Henry, Donald Leininger. "El Cireulo Castillano" will Mapes, George Potoc and Grads in Cadets Claudia meet this evening at 8 o'clock in Two 1956 SJS graduates,, Olga Smith. Room 13. Cadet Vi'ayfull Jew and Cadet Plans were made for a picnic to Hawaiian Club will meet this Phillip M. Ferguson, are in train- he held May 15 at Alum Rock evening at 7 o'clock in Room 13. ing at the Navy's pre-flight Pr k. Lutheran Students Assn. will re hoot in Pensalcola, Fla. meet this evening at 7 o'clock at Both have been attending the 99 S. 11th St. A guest speaker will pre-flight richred since February Air Societies talk on missionary work in Africa. and will take primary flight Pollee School -Chief Black Ban- training at Saufley Field upon quet will be held Saturday evening completion of their present train- Hear Officer beginning at 7 o'clock at Hawai- ing. Saufley Field is also at Pen- Capt. P.. L. Fraley, training of- ian Gardens. Guest speaker will sacola. ficer of the Air Defense Com- be Willard Schmidt, director of mand at Hamilton AFB, spoke at the police school who will talk on a recent joint meeting of the Ar- "The Case of Police School." Prof on Committee nold Air Society and the Sabre Social Affairs Committee will Dr. Charlotte E. Wilcox. Air Command. AFROTC honor meet today at 2:30 p.m. in the Health and Hygiene Dept. head, societies. Dugout to work on decorations for

was recently appointed to a ' Capt. Fraley, a Korean war the Centennial Ball. State Secondary Health Educa- fighter pilot, showed films and Housing Survey Committee will tion Committee at the Long Beach spoke on the Russian MIG-15 and hold a brief report meeting to- Health Meeting. the F-86H. Fraley flew 85 mis- night at 7 o'clock at the Student Dr. Wilcox also is a continuing ' Mons in Korea and is credited Y. All committee members please member of the State Health Ed- with one kill. be there to report on results to ucation Evaluation Committee. date and to receive further in- structions. THIS HOMBRE lives in a Dallas palace. He's got Prof Will Speak Student Y Old and new offi- cers. cabinet members and regular oceans of oil, carloads of cattleand plenty of Classified Dr. Harold Richardson. RAMA- members, sign up now for plan- Luckies, too. But if he's always begging for a ant professor of psychology. will ning retreat this weekend. match at light-up time, this affable gent becomes give a entitled, "Adjustment FOR RENT talk - in Family Living." tomorrow at a Vex in' Texan! Give him credit for knowing his Furnished apt. for men. 301 7:30 S. p.before the "Merri- Delegate Returns brands, though: a Lucky tastes like a million bucks 5th. CY 7-1758. Mary Anne Sims., president of Weds" group of the Church of two million, in Texas! That's Urn,. for boss. 665 S. 8th St. $25 God. 20th Ind San Fernando the Alpha Beta Alpha Librarian- because a Lucky nio. Kitchen privileges. streets, according to Mel Blevins. ship fraternity, has returned from is all cigarette . . . nothing but fine, mild, good - Will share 3-rm. apt. In Los Gatos. chairman. the fraternity's national conven- tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even swim pool. turn. tion at Indiana State Teacher's Hilo( FOR DOUGH $40. Cont. Dean better. Try a Lucky right now. Reckon you'll say Swenson, EL 4-4349, College, Terre Haute, Ind. STICKLING! Simms a senior librarian- it's the START Furnished 3-rm. apartment. Avail- PARKING Miss best -tasting cigarette you ever smoked! was the '111 able for summer. 331 S. 7th St., ship major, first SJS MAKE $25 delegate to attend the National Apt 5, CY 4-5953. PROBLEM? Wril pay $25 for every Stickler we Typing. Reap. rates. Exper. 335 convention. print and for hundreds more that If Late For School never fret Ismail Concannon Ct. CH 3-3684. So ',tart Stickling --- they're eany von can think We'il Pan i If For YoU of dozens FOR SALE Test for Seniors in an-omits! Stickler, are aimple riddles with two-word rhyming answer. Both '31 Plymouth, exc. cond. Just rwer- STATE Personnel entrance tests will Luckies Taste Better wont. trinat have the mint, numher of hstiled. Cont. Lee Houk. (Y 5- be given to seniors of nearby high Faillithlem. (Don't do (1,11.mi/sir Send 4ri34. lehools, Saturday, according to "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! 'em all with your name, address, SHELL SERVICE college and clans to I lappy Joe-Lucky, Fraternity-Sorority r the Testing Office. More than 1,- fi7A. Mount Bnatding ACROSS FROM STUDENT UNION Boa Vernon, N. Y. House. Approx. 5000 sq. ft. Wood. 000. seniors are expected to take FOURTH I SAN FERNANDO 44. 11,1.tieein .1,u'