West Centre

Membership of the West Surrey Centre is open to all National Trust members and holders of a current National Trust Volunteer card. Our nominal annual subscription is currently £5 a household.

Coach pick up points are usually Farnham station and Clandon Park. Parking is available at Clandon Park. These outings are arranged for members of the West Surrey Centre. All members of the National Trust are eligible to join and enjoy the wide variety of activities.

Our membership secretary, Sue Terry, would be delighted to hear from anyone interested. Telephone number 01932 342627

Here is our programme of events for August to November 2015. We it will encourage you to join us.

Date Type of Event Subject 5th August Visit Eltham Palace 6th August Walk Thursley Common 12 August Visit Claydon House 19th August Visit Watts Gallery, Compton 26th August Visit Provender House,Faversham 3rd September Walk Blackheath Common 4th September Visit Ightham Mote 11th September` Trip Cotswold River Thames Explorer 16thSeptember Visit Upton House, Banbury 22nd September Visit Salisbury & Breamore House 1st October Walk Walliswood 5th October Trip Maidenhead to Dorney by boat 9th October Visit C & V “All our Waterloos” 12th October Visit Barnett Hill gardens 16th October Visit Athelhampton, Dorchester 19th October Visit Arundells & Salisbury Cathedral 21st October Visit C & V In & Around St Pancras 23rd October Visit Lacock Abbey & Fox Talbot Museum 2nd November Lecture Monet – Artist & Gardener 5th November Walk Wotton & Broadmoor 6th November Visit Drapers Hall 7th November Concert 19th Century Classics, , 13th November Visit Tower of London 21st November Coffee Morning & Xmas Bazaar 23rd November Visit Wallace Collection