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www.globaltimes.com.cn VOLUME 8 • NO. 2211 • WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2017 PRICE 2 YUAN Population to reach 1.42 billion by 2020

By Li Ruohan China’s population is expected to reach 1.42 billion by 2020, according to a development plan released by the country’s top health authority on Mon- day. China is expected to take up 18 percent of the world’s population by 2020. The lat- est version of the UN’s world population prospects published in 2015 estimated the world population at around 7.8 billion in 2020. Data from the National Bu- reau of Statistics shows that China had a population of about 1.38 billion by the end of 2016, with 17.86 million newborns and 9.77 million deaths in 2016, which means the country’s net population should rise by 40 million in the next four years. According to the plan re- leased on the website of the National Health and Family US President Donald Trump gestures outside Air Force One at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, on Monday, before Planning Commis- returning to Washington, DC. Photo: AP sion on Monday,  2 the annual natural Birth  Trump govt has yet to map out a clear direction for ties Inside

Top News: Athletes snub Tokyo hotel 3 China awaits clear policy Nation: China’s drone makers eye new markets 4 World: Trump By Zhang Xin Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen in December is not in line with American interests. So administration defends and threatened to use the one-China policy he’s very cautious about how to deal with ‘lawful’ travel ban 7 Uncertainties loom in Sino-US relations as as leverage in trade talks. China,” Jin Canrong, associate dean of the Asian Review: ‘Cold Start’ analysts suspect the Trump administration Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Department of International Studies at the may not strain India-Pakistan has yet to map out a clear China policy. warned on Tuesday that there would be no Renmin University of China, told the Glob- US President Donald Trump has not winner in conflict between China and the al Times. ties 15 spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping US. “The two sides have communicated, in- Forum: G20 key to since taking office, despite having talked to But China is committed to peace, Wang cluding talks at the non-govern- sustainable development 16 at least 18 foreign heads of state, either by said, after meeting Australia’s Foreign Min-  2 ment level by business people Business: Chinese FDI into phone or in person. ister Julia Bishop. Chinese like Jack Ma and Anbang In- Relations between China and the US “Although China is seen as a potential See also surance Group CEO Wu Xiao- Western markets surges B2 soured after Trump took a phone call from challenge to the US, damaged Sino-US ties Page 14 hui. These businessmen also

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Population, from Page 1 According to a research project led by Song after China relaxed the family population growth rate will be around planning policy in 2016, Chinese cou- 0.6 percent while China’s gender ratio ples would ideally like to have one boy at birth is expected to be reduced to 112 and a girl. boys for every 100 girls by 2020, which However, apart from official esti- is still much higher than the interna- mates, individual views on marriage and tionally recommended ratio between childbearing, as well as their actual re- 103 to 107 boys per 100 girls. productive behavior, remain a changing As for the male-to-female ratio and complex issue, Song said. among newborns, the number fell from 117.94 to 113.51 during the 12th Five Year Reaching growth target Plan period (2011-15), said the plan. The changes in population policies China’s family planning policy, intro- are also related to the demographic duced in the 1970s, limited most urban structure and future economic growth couples to one child and most rural cou- blueprint. ples to two children. China’s GDP in 2016 hit 74.41 tril- At the end of 2013, China’s top leg- lion yuan ($10.83 trillion) and the 13th islature eased the one-child policy by Five-Year Plan expects the number to allowing couples to have a second child reach 90 trillion yuan, with the bottom if one of the parents was an only child. line for growth rate set at 6.5 percent. Since January 2016, the policy has been At an economic forum held in No- further relaxed by allowing all married vember 2015 in Malaysia, Chinese Pre- couples to have two children. mier Li Keqiang said the GDP per capi- Follow-up measures to support the tal of China can reach $12,000 in 2020, shift are also listed in the plan, such as long as the country maintains a 6.5 as enhanced support for families that percent growth, the 21st Century Busi- strictly abide by the family planning ness Herald reported. policy and preferential policies on edu- But some scholars and citizens doubt cation, social security and employment if the target, which is close to the liv- should be applied to couples who cur- ing standards of developed countries, rently have only one child, and in the is achievable given the demographic case of rural areas, two girls. challenges of labor shortage and aging In addition, the commission also society. calls for more support for women re- The number of people in China of turning to work after giving birth and working age is expected to shrink slight- encourages employers to support a bal- ly to 958 million by 2030, and the coun- ance between work and family life. try will have 240 million people aged 60 “It is very clear that the next step is or above by the year of 2020, making up to fully relax the policy and drop all the 17 percent of the population, the Xinhua restrictions, but the shift must be made News Agency reported. with prudence as China remains the Facing the challenges, China should most populous country in the world,” further carry measures to optimize the said Song Jian, a professor specializing domestic demographic structure, as well Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi shakes hands with his Australian counterpart in demographics at the Renmin Univer- as utilize international resources in the Julie Bishop at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday. Bishop urged China to sity of China. context of globalization, experts said. consider joining a pan-Pacific trade pact abandoned by Trump.Photo: AFP Chinese divided on Trump’s leadership

China, from Page 1 there’s space for coordination Analysts also warned about gate in his first 20 days as pres- over-democracy, and say Chi- between China and the US,” a trade war between the two ident, and his unconventional na’s one-party system is the met with members of Trump’s said Wu Xinbo, director of the sides. “There’s a possibility of and aggressive approach has best way to maintain social sta- team,” said Jin. Center for American Studies at a partial trade war, as Trump created unease in the interna- bility. Some predict Trump will Ma, the founder and chair- Fudan University. might impose sanctions on tional community. be a president with the shortest man of Chinese e-commerce Mattis reaffirmed US com- Chinese goods in steel, oil and His travel ban against seven tenure, while others consider giant Alibaba, met Trump in mitment to the Terminal automobiles,” said Jin, adding Muslim majority countries, him as a great tactical leader. January and offered to support High Altitude Area Defense this is not expected to happen which has sparked legal battles With Chinese immigrants in 1 million small businesses in (THAAD) anti-missile system soon. and remains suspended, is con- the US concerned that Trump’s the US. Wu was also reported in South Korea when he vis- “Trump is testing China’s sidered offensive by the Mus- anti-immigration policy might in January to have met Jared ited the country, and stressed it response by imposing anti- lim world. He praised Brexit turn on them, some local peo- Kushner, Donald Trump’s son- would only target North Korea. dumping measures on specific and his trade adviser accused ple are applauding Trump for in-law, in Manhattan to discuss In Tokyo, Mattis proposed goods. At a certain time, when Germany of being a euro ma- sticking to the promises he a joint venture. open lines of communication the two sides need to sit down nipulator, which pushed US- made during the presidential in resolving disputes in the and talk, Trump will push EU ties to a new low. He vowed campaign. Sorting out policies South China Sea and played China to accept his requests, to build a border wall between “I approve of Trump. Maybe Meanwhile, the Trump ad- down any need for US military including expanding imports Mexico and the US to head off he’ll take America into a new ministration is paying special action. and increasing market access,” Mexican immigrants, and in- direction. Hopefully he can dis- attention to Northeast Asia, “In the South China Sea, said Wu. sists Mexico should pay for it, cern the international situation experts said, with his defense Trump is creating a wider which has caused considerable – China is a partner and not secretary, Jim Mattis, visiting range of choices for its future Reaction to Trump’s policies discontent among Latin Ameri- an enemy of the US,” says one South Korea and Japan. strategy with Mattis’ emphasis There’s a growing interest cans. comment on Trump’s crack- “Trump’s team is trying to on diplomacy instead of mili- among the Chinese in articles Trump’s controversial poli- down on immigrants. sort out its policy toward North tary action,” said Zhang Min- analyzing Trump’s policies, cies led some Chinese to see Korea. Since China must be gliang, a professor at the South- which have sparked lively dis- the seeming chaos of Trump’s Page Editor: baitiantian@ included in negotiations on east Asian Institute of Ji’nan cussions online. first 20 days in office as a farce, globaltimes.com.cn the North Korea nuclear issue, University. Trump has raced out of the and view it as the aftermath of Wednesday February 8, 2017 3 TOPNEWS Volcanic eruption China urges Japan to Mount Sinabung Volcano spews thick volcanic ash as seen from Beganding village in Karo on clarify radiation plan Tuesday. Many residents in the area have been forced to relocate to other villages of Northern Sumatra By Leng Shumei at a safer distance from Mount Sinabung Volcano, one of the most China on Monday urged the Japanese govern- active in Indonesia. Photo: AFP ment to clarify how they plan to deal with the im- pact of the deadly levels of radioactivity that have been detected inside the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant. A Chinese expert also warned not to eat sea- food caught from waters near the site due to pos- sible organ failure. Foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a press briefing on Monday that China had been watching closely the repercussions of the Fuku- shima nuclear leakage accident and the ministry had issued relevant safety alerts. “[The Chinese side] has been asking the Japa- nese government to properly handle the accident and follow-up matters in a timely fashion,” Lu said, adding that “any responsible government will pay continuous and high attention to the im- pact of the nuclear leakage on the marine envi- ronment, food safety and people’s health.” Lu added that it is Japanese government’s ob- ligation to not only the Japanese people, but also to people from the rest of the world, its neighbors China, S.Korea change accommodation in book row included. Gui Liming, a professor at the Department of Engineering Physics with Tsinghua University, warned that seafood which was caught from the Athletes snub Tokyo hotel radiated waters and illegally imported still pose a threat to Chinese people’s health. Customs authorities in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong Province, detained 14 people in Au- Japanese organizers of this month’s stay at APA hotels, but the committee kept rushing over and trying to snatch gust 2016 for smuggling frozen seafood from Ja- Asian Winter Games have changed official declined to confirm this. the Chinese protesters’ banners. pan, including irradiated high-end seafood from the accommodation for Chinese and Some 230 Chinese and a similar Toshio Motoya, chief executive of waters near Fukushima prefecture, China Cen- South Korean athletes after a row number of South Koreans are being the APA hotel group, wrote the book tral Television reported. over a hotelier’s inflammatory war found new accommodation. under a pen name disputing Chinese “We need to closely inspect every product to book, officials and local media said The APA chain insisted it would claims that 300,000 people died in a single out the radiated ones, which was not part Tuesday. not remove the controversial book, six-week killing spree by the Japanese of the usual routine of customs before,” Gui said. The Tokyo-based APA hotel group which also disputes Japan’s wartime military. Radiation levels from melted fuel inside the and other hotels will welcome some sex slavery in Korea, from its other He also said that Chinese tourists containment vessel of reactor No.2 at the crip- 2,300 athletes and supporters from hotels in Japan and abroad. only make up 5 percent of the APA pled Fukushima No.1 power plant have reached more than 30 countries to Sapporo But APA said last week it would chain’s customers, and that he did a maximum of 530 sieverts per hour, the high- for the February 19-26 Games. now “temporarily” remove all items not expect the row to affect business. est since the triple core meltdown in March 2011, But APA, one of Japan’s largest from rooms in Sapporo except those Takashi Kawamura, mayor of the The Japan Times reported Friday, citing Tokyo hotel chains, has triggered an an- deemed acceptable by Games orga- Japanese city Nagoya, agreed with Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. (Tepco). gry backlash from China for a book nizers, though it said the move was Motoya, saying “There was no kill- At 530 sieverts, a person could die from even written by APA’s chief executive and not due to external pressure. ing of civilians in Nanjing,” Japan’s brief exposure. placed in guest rooms, which claims More than 300 Chinese in Japan Asahi Shimbun reported. “If that The Japan Times said Monday that Tepco will that the infamous 1937 Nanjing Mas- staged a protest in Shinjuku Central [Nanjing Massacre] is true, then all place a robot inside the reactor to further investi- sacre committed by Japanese troops Park in Tokyo on Sunday against the Japanese people shall go to Nanjing gate the radiation levels. No radiation has leaked was a “fabrication.” APA chain of hotels, holding banners and kneel,” he said. outside, Tepco said. “Considering an instruction from that read, “Boycott APA, safeguard Chinese foreign ministry spokes- However, Gui pointed out that the high radia- the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) national dignity,” and “Free speech person Hua Chunying said Kawamu- tion level will affect the optical system of the ro- and other factors, we have decided requires conscience,” Xiao Jie (pseud- ra should keep to his word to kneel bot, making it difficult for it to observe and collect that the Chinese and South Korean onym), one of the co-organizers, told and apologize, noting that whoever data. It is also very difficult to control the robot in delegations will not stay at APA ho- the Global Times on Sunday, adding distorts history and hurts Chinese such an environment, Gui added. tels,” a Japanese official of the orga- that 150 Tokyo police officers were -as feelings is intolerable and must pay nizing committee told AFP. signed to maintain order during the for it. Page Editor: Local media said the two delega- protest. [email protected] tions were originally scheduled to The Japanese right-wing activists AFP – Global Times Chinese ex-minister says visit to Vatican organ conference not official

By Fan Lingzhi The invitation of Huang However, Huang told the ister,” Huang said. Pope Francis said that he would Jiefu, a former Chinese vice Global Times in an exclusive “I believe the relationship like to visit China “as soon as A former senior Chinese health minister of health and current- interview on Tuesday that the between China and the Vatican they send me an invitation.” official who has been invited ly head of the National Human visit to the Vatican only involves remains friendly and it will not And China’s foreign minis- to attend a summit on organ Organ Donation and Trans- his identity as an expert on or- be beyond expectation if the try spokesperson Hua Chuny- trafficking at the Vatican told plant Committee, to the two- gan transplant. ties normalize in the future. It ing said at a daily briefing later the Global Times on Tuesday day 2017 Pontifical Academy “Although I once worked as will be in line with our hope on January 23 that “China’s po- that he is visiting the Vatican Summit on Organ Trafficking vice minister in the Ministry of for long-lasting peace,” he said, sition on its relationship with solely in the capacity of an ex- and Transplant Tourism at the Health, I am also a transplant adding that he has no diplomat- the Vatican is consistent and pert in the field, in response Vatican has led to speculations surgeon. The Vatican extended ic tasks during this visit to the clear. The Chinese side is sin- to assumptions that the visit that the two sides are trying to the invitation to me because I Vatican. cere about improving relations amounts to a diplomatic com- improve ties, the Guardian re- am an expert on organ trans- In an interview with Spanish with the Vatican and has made munication. ported. plant rather than a former min- media El Pais on January 22, a lot of efforts to that end.” 4 Wednesday February 8, 2017 NATION  After military success, UAVs turn to development, environment projects China’s drone makers eye new markets

By Yang Sheng Corp (CASC), the CH series is cles or buildings used by armed where drones can make a big “For instance, China’s terri- its most popular drone product. terrorists as hideouts. impact on development, which tory is vast and it has some of China’s success in producing Shi declined to identify the The fast development of will help improve the image of the most difficult natural and and exporting unmanned aerial buyers, citing business confi- China’s UAVs relies on devel- the technology, as most peo- geographic conditions in the vehicles (UAVs) for military use dentiality. opment in areas like aircraft ple only know about military word. And in many cases, if is prompting the industry to ex- However, according to offi- engines, satellite navigation drones, experts said. we use manpower to discover plore new civilian uses, which cial sources from other coun- (Beidou system) and micro “Since China has very com- natural resources, it would be will help develop the domestic tries, Rainbow at least has 19 electronics, Song Zhongping, plicated conditions, if our UAVs very difficult and costly due to economy and tap overseas mar- buyers around the world, in- a -based military ex- work well here, we can use this the harsh natural environment. ket, experts said. cluding Egypt, Myanmar, Iraq, pert told the Global Times. experience to help other coun- It’s also dangerous sometimes, “Our products are very pop- Pakistan, Nigeria and Saudi Chinese drones have not tries as well. And this is much but using drones can make ular in the Belt and Road coun- Arabia. Since 2015, the Iraqi de- had the same poor publicity as more meaningful than military many ‘impossible missions’ tries in the Middle East, Central fense ministry’s YouTube chan- US military drones. Shi said use,” Song stressed. possible,” Zhou said. Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa nel has posted a number of vid- Rainbow series drones “have Zhou Nai’en, associate di- The newest CH-5 drone can and so on,” Shi Wen, general eos about the use of the CH-4B, destroyed more than 300 tar- rector of CASC’s design depart- carry high-tech exploration designer of the Rainbow UAV a military drone of the Rainbow gets in combat in these regions, ment at its research institute, devices that can detect under- series (CH series), told the series. These clips show how and the strike rate is 99 per- said that drones can be used for ground mines. It flies over no- Global Times. effective the drones are in real cent, which is remarkable.” forest protection, exploration go areas and detects mines us- Produced by the China Aero- combat situations, such as de- But Chinese companies are of underground resources, and ing surface reflections, saving a space Science and Technology stroying moving armed vehi- also exploring other markets for ocean monitoring. lot of time and money, he said.

Expert suggests Marxist Winter wonderland Snow covers revamp for social media the scenic spot of Mount Luya in North China’s Shanxi By Liu Caiyu Province on Influential social media accounts should be Tuesday. This is the first scored and inspected annually to provide ideo- snowfall of logical guidance and strengthen the influence of 2017 in the Marxist theory, according to commentary pub- area, which is lished in a Party magazine. also the source Influential opinion makers on social media of the Fenhe should have self-awareness and discipline, and River. Photo: IC those accounts should be evaluated and inspect- ed, wrote Li Yanyan, an associate professor at the School of Marxism Studies of the University of Science and Technology in Beijing, in Red Flag Manuscript, a bi-monthly magazine of the Com- munist Party of China. Opinion leaders wield considerable influence online, so much so that ordinary netizens are overwhelmed and drowned out, Li said. For a better cyberspace environment and to eliminate fake news, Li suggested social media accounts undergo Marxist theory assessment. It added that textbooks and classes on Marxism should be made available to Net users. Fury over ‘pangolin feast’ fuels calls for better protection “A credit scoring system and annual inspec- tions of social media accounts could conflict with existing laws and regulations, which would create By Zhao Yusha officials from the Guangxi Zhuang ed that more than 1 million pango- multiple regulatory standards,” He Hui, a profes- Autonomous Region surnamed Li lins have been poached and killed in sor at the School of International Journalism and Outrage is building among Chinese and Huang invited him to dine on the the last decade, according to wildlife Communication of Beijing Foreign Studies Uni- netizens over reports that govern- highly endangered species at their of- NGO Wild Aid. All eight species of versity, told the Global Times. ment officials served State-protected fice while he was conducting a busi- pangolin were given the highest level It would be difficult to decide who should be pangolins to guests for dinner, with ness survey in the region in 2015. of global protection after an interna- responsible for the proposed evaluation system many calling for heavy punishments “Ah_cal” was identified as the son tional meeting in 2016 listed it on the and what standards should be applied, as both in- for those involved and for better pro- of a wealthy businessman in Hong Convention on International Trade in dividual and business operators are already regu- tection of the endangered animal. Kong by the Singapore-based Lianhe Endangered Species. lated by certain laws, He said. “We have to be very China’s Communist Youth Zaobao on Tuesday. In China, those who catch, kill, cautious in making this decision – if the system League, the State Forestry Adminis- The post was subsequently deleted buy or sell endangered wild animals is too tough, it could backfire.” On the Marxist tration (SFA), animal welfare NGOs, on Monday after it came to the sud- on the State’s protection list could theory assessment, He said he is against its rigid including the Endangered Species den attention of netizens. face a jail term of more than 10 years ideological administration on the public. Fund of China Biodiversity Con- The Endangered Species Fund plus fines. Wang Sixin, a law professor at the Communi- servation and Green Development has urged the forestry department Many netizens have joined in the cation University of China, said that an evalua- Foundation, and many netizens have to re-categorize the pangolin from a calls for an investigation into the alle- tion system of influential social media accounts urged the government to up protec- second to a first-class State-protected gations and urged heavy punishment can be designed to complement laws. “Although tion measures for the scaly anteaters animal and stop issuing permits for for those involved if the allegations we have laws to regulate cyberspace, law enforce- on Tuesday, after a Sina Weibo post utilization of pangolins and artificial turn out to be true. ment always has vulnerabilities,” said Wang. went viral on Monday, claiming that reproduction of the animal, said an e- A Guangxi Department of Forest- “Guangxi government officials invit- mail sent by Hu Chunmei, secretary ry employee told news site thepaper. Page Editor: ed people to eat pangolins.” of the fund, to the Global Times. cn on Monday that the department [email protected] The original post by “Ah_cal” from The pangolin is one of the world’s has received a notice from the SFA to July 2015 said that two government most trafficked animals. It is estimat- investigate the allegations. 7 2 0 1

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FOLLOW US AT 6 Wednesday February 8, 2017 NATION

hina has entered the Year of ing forward globalization, as the West various sectors and the fight against tionally, Xi has demonstrated the the Rooster, the same year in appears to be in retreat in this regard. corruption has gained “crushing Chinese confidence and his global Cthe Chinese zodiac as when Reform is high on Xi’s agenda. momentum,” netting both “tigers” vision, especially when he attended the Communist Party of China (CPC) Hundreds of measures have been and “flies.” No letup is expected in the World Economic Forum annual was founded in 1921. designed and released during the the future. meeting at Davos in January, one of The CPC has evolved from a small past four years to address issues such As part of major political reforms, the most-watched signposts for the group with around 50 members to as urbanization, innovation and the China will establish a national super- global economic outlook. the world’s largest ruling party, with market’s role in resource allocation. visory commission and create a law While some major economies 88 million members – and with As “the main framework for on national supervision. in the West are turning inward and General Secretary of the CPC Central reform is basically established,” While pushing forward reforms questioning the concept of open trade Committee Xi Jinping as the “core.” implementation will be the focus for with determination, Xi puts the that they have long championed, Xi The arrival of the lunar new year the coming years. people at the center of his thinking. defended free trade and warning marks a fresh beginning for the Supply-side structural reform, Although 10 million more people against protectionism. Chinese leadership to lead 1.3 billion which was called by Xi a “battle” were lifted out of poverty in 2016, Xi people toward the dream of creating concerning the overall situation and said in his 2017 New Year address The challenges ahead an all-round moderately prosperous long-term development, will be con- that what he cares about most is It is a test of the Chinese leader- society by 2020. tinued in 2017. impoverished people. ship’s wisdom to create a healthy, Just before Spring Festival, Xi vis- This includes cutting excess capac- He has promised that not a single growing economy. China’s GDP ited Hebei Province in North China, ity in major sectors such as steel and family living in poverty will be left growth was 6.7 percent in 2016 – a calling for poverty alleviation and coal, implementing agricultural re- behind on the country’s path to com- three-decade low for the country, but economic reform, both fundamental forms, boosting the real economy and bating poverty. outpacing most other major econo- to building a well-off society. nurturing new growth drivers. China As Chairman of the Central mies. Xi visited People’s Liberation will deepen supply-side structural Military Commission, Xi has set Reforms in key areas of State- Army troops based in Hebei, and reform in agriculture, according to great store on modernizing China’s owned enterprises as well as financial called for a strong military, greater the first policy statement released by military, including developing a “blue and social security are also needed reform and a deepening of the fight the central authorities on Sunday. water” navy to better defend the coun- soon. against corruption. He also inspected The restructuring of China’s try’s growing interests. The country is battling against preparations for the Beijing 2022 economy and the upgrading of Interna- pollution that affects the lives of mil- Winter Olympic Games. industry would generate tion in p lions. Xi has urged governments at all “The Chinese people have not only huge new demand. s na urs levels to remember that “clear waters great dreams, but also a great spirit Xi has ad uin and green mountains are invaluable to work hard and endure hardship to strengthened le g assets.” realize such dreams,” Xi said in his Party leader- i C Xi will also face a number of Spring Festival greetings in Beijing ship in X h foreign policy choices, including on January 26.  in a response to Donald Trump’s As the Spring Festival is the e presidency in the United s most important holiday in the e States. Chinese calendar, Xi’s trip, Despite the challenges speeches and policy initiatives D ahead, Xi has voiced all indicate areas of priority for r optimism about China’s the year ahead. e future. a “As long as our 1.3 m Multiple missions billion-plus people pull

Xi is tasked with multiple together for a common

i CORE n

missions: leading the Party cause, as long as the and people to fulfill the Party stands together

great dream of revi- n with the people and

talizing the Chinese e we roll up our sleeves

nation; cracking the w to work harder, we will

hard nuts of reform y surely succeed in a Long

across all sectors; e March of our genera- VISION a

promoting the rule tion,” Xi said in his 2017 of law; and manag- r New Year address. ing a clean, unified and advanced rul- Xinhua ing party. He is also expected to play a leading role in push-

President Xi Jinping gives his Spring Festival greetings in Beijing on January 26. Photo: Xinhua

Draft Chongqing law to make not looking after elderly relatives a crime

Failing to visit your elderly rela- right not to give money to their should contact them regularly, half of the capital of local wel- a cash subsidy to all elderly tives may soon be considered adult children or other rela- either via telephone, social fare lotteries should be used residents who are above 80 a crime in Southwest China’s tives, according to the draft. media or letters. to support nursing homes and years old. Chongqing, a draft law issued Elderly Chongqing relatives Taking away the ID cards elderly people who want to get The municipality’s elder by the municipal government whose children do not live or controlling the assets of the back into work, as should a care centers will also ben- Monday said, according to a nearby and require care should elderly if they choose to get certain proportion of the prof- efit from several supportive Tuesday Chongqing Morning be sent to nursing homes or remarried is also banned by its of collectively-owned village policies including tax cuts and Post report. otherwise cared for, the draft the draft, which also forbids enterprises. cheap loans, the draft said. The draft stipulates that explained, adding that this children from forcing their Local housing departments people should take care of care should be paid for by their elderly parents to live apart. should also do more to look af- Global Times their relatives who are over 60 children. The draft law does not ter residents over 60 who have years old both financially and In terms of the “mental” mention what punishments no children by offering them Page Editor: dengxiaoci@ “mentally.” welfare of senior citizens, the violators may face. low-rent accommodation. globaltimes.com.cn Senior citizens also have the draft stipulates that relatives The draft also stipulates that Chongqing will also provide 7 WORLD Wednesday February 8, 2017 Nicolas Sarkozy to be tried  White House urges court to reinstate order over 2012 campaign financing Trump administration Former French president Nico- Sarkozy, who failed in a las Sarkozy is to face trial on presidential comeback bid last charges of illegally financing year, told investigators last year defends ‘lawful’ travel ban his failed 2012 re-election bid, he knew nothing about the bill- causing more trouble for the ing and put the responsibility country’s right-wing Republi- squarely on Bygmalion and the cans party. UMP. The prosecution claims Sar- Only one other president A US appeals court is set to world – but Trump has shown group and its sympathizers. kozy spent nearly double the – Jacques Chirac – has been hold a hearing on Tuesday over no sign of bending, pushing Trump’s decree summar- legal limit of 22.5 million euros tried in France’s Fifth Republic, President Donald Trump’s con- back late Monday in a new ily denied entry to all refugees ($24 million) on his lavish cam- which was founded in 1958. He troversial travel ban, which the Twitter salvo. for 120 days, and travelers from paign, using false billing from was given a two-year suspended government is defending as a “The threat from radical Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Su- a public relations firm called jail term in 2011 over a fake job “lawful exercise” of his author- Islamic terrorism is very real, dan, Syria and Yemen for 90 Bygmalion. scandal. ity. just look at what is happening days – a move critics charge will A legal source said Tues- News of the trial comes as The White House on Mon- in Europe and the Middle East. damage US interests. Refugees day that one of two investi- the Republicans’ candidate for day urged the court to reinstate Courts must act fast!” he wrote. from Syria were blocked indefi- gating magistrates in charge this year’s presidential election, the ban in the interests of na- Earlier in the day, during a nitely. of the case, Serge Tournaire, Francois Fillon, faces his own tional security three days after visit to US Central Command The president says the ban is had decided on February 3 scandal over parliamentary jobs a federal judge barred enforce- in Tampa, Florida, Trump ac- needed to tighten US security that the case should go to for his family. ment of the controversial mea- cused the media of downplay- against foreign terror threats, trial. Fillon apologized on Mon- sure in a high-stakes case that ing the terror threat that his ad- citing the September 11, 2001 Sarkozy’s lawyer announced day for employing his wife over looks increasingly likely to be ministration cites to justify its attacks despite the hijackers plans to appeal the decision. 15 years as an aide – which is le- settled by the Supreme Court. ban, saying they purposefully having no links to the named Bygmalion charged 15.2 mil- gal – but continued to deny the Justice Department lawyers ignored jihadist atrocities. countries. lion euros in campaign events more serious allegations that challenging the nationwide in- Although he failed to pro- In its filing to the Ninth Cir- to Sarkozy’s rightwing party she barely worked for her aver- junction called it “vastly over- vide evidence of a conspiracy cuit Court of Appeals in San – which at the time was called age monthly salary of around broad” in a court brief filed by the media, the White House Francisco, the government the UMP, but has since been 3,700 euros. Monday. later distributed a list of 78 at- argued that the federal court renamed the Republicans – in- The son of a Hungarian im- Two new polls show a ma- tacks it said were “executed or that temporarily rolled back stead of billing the president’s migrant father, Sarkozy was jority of Americans now op- inspired by” the Islamic State Trump’s directive had “erred in campaign. nicknamed the “bling-bling” pose the travel ban on refu- group, saying most failed to re- entering an injunction barring The affair came to light in president for his flashy displays gees and travelers from seven ceive adequate media coverage. enforcement of the order,” ask- 2014 but investigators have yet of wealth. mostly Muslim nations, which However, the claims ignore a ing that the ban be reinstated. to determine who ordered the prompted airport chaos and large amount of reporting on fraud. AFP condemnation around the these attacks by the jihadist AFP

Newborn victim Scottish vote to air opposition to Brexit

The Scottish parliament was expected to offi- cially register its opposition to the British govern- ment’s march toward Brexit on Tuesday in a vote that will further strain the bonds of the United Kingdom. Scotland’s nationalist government has said the vote will be one of the most important in the semi-autonomous parliament’s 18-year history. “This is one of the most significant votes in the history of the Scottish parliament since devo- lution,” said Scottish First Minister Nicola Stur- geon. “This vote is far more than symbolic. It is a key test of whether Scotland’s voice is being listened to and whether our wishes can be accommodated within the UK process,” added Sturgeon, who is also the leader of the Scottish National Party A Syrian newborn girl receives treatment at a (SNP). makeshift hospital in the Syrian rebel-held town British lawmakers are currently debating a bill of Arbin, in the eastern Ghouta region on the to start the country’s withdrawal from the Euro- outskirts of the capital Damascus on Tuesday, pean Union, but the Scottish government says following a reported airstrike. Photo: AFP the draft legislation should not proceed as Edin- burgh has received no commitment that it will be effectively consulted on the exit terms. Scotland was told it would be an “equal part- NATO will adapt to challenges under Trump: Merkel ner” in the British union if it rejected indepen- dence, which it did by 55 percent in a 2014 ref- erendum. Germany and Europe have an innate trans-Atlantic relations on the ba- “What has been said of NATO by Twenty months later Scotland voted to remain interest in having strong ties with the sis of our common values,” Merkel the president and by the defence and in the EU by 62 percent, but it was outvoted by US, Chancellor Angela Merkel said told a news conference after meet- foreign ministers are very important England which has a vastly larger population. on Tuesday, adding that NATO mem- ing Polish Prime Minister Beata statements and we will have the op- bers would discuss the alliance’s fu- Szydlo. portunity within NATO to meet and Reuters ture in light of comments by the new US President Donald Trump said to talk about the future and the chal- US administration. prior to his inauguration that NATO lenges,” Merkel added. Page Editor: “As Germany and Europeans, was obsolete because it had not de- [email protected] we have an innate interest in good fended against terrorist attacks. Reuters 8 Wednesday February 8, 2017 WORLD  SK prosecutor says former culture minister charged with abuse, perjury Ex-Park official, aide indicted over scandal

South Korea’s special prosecutor has in- cial prosecutor’s office investigating the ing a role in drawing one up, though The culture ministry said last month dicted a former culture minister and a scandal, told a briefing on Tuesday for- Cho later said she had heard of such a artists deemed critical of Park had been former top aide to President Park Geun- mer culture minister Cho Yoon-sun, and list. put on a list and excluded from govern- hye on charges of abuse of power, coer- a former presidential chief of staff, Kim The presidential Blue House has also ment support. It apologized for what it cion and perjury for their role in drafting Ki-choon, had been indicted. denied that a blacklist existed. said had been a systematic effort to side- a blacklist of dissenting artists, a spokes- “The special prosecutor’s office has Park has been accused of allowing a line Park’s critics. man said. indicted Kim Ki-choon, Cho Yoon-sun ... friend, Choi Soon-sil, to exert inappro- Lee said the special prosecutor’s team The indictments are the latest twist for abusing power and coercion by mak- priate influence over state affairs. sought to question Park, perhaps on Fri- in a corruption scandal that has gripped ing artists and entertainers and organi- Choi is accused of colluding with day, but was discussing details with the the country for months and led to the zations with different opinions from the Park to pressure big businesses to con- president’s side. impeachment of Park by parliament in government excluded from support,” tribute to non-profit foundations back- Prosecution officials hoping to search December. Lee said. ing the president’s initiatives. offices in the presidential Blue House as A Constitutional Court is reviewing Both Cho, who last month became Both have denied wrongdoing. part of their investigation were blocked the impeachment vote. If it is upheld, the first sitting member of Park’s ad- The special prosecutor’s office said from entering the compound last Park will have to leave office and a presi- ministration to be arrested in connec- the government and state entities used week. dential election will be called. tion with the scandal, and Kim denied the blacklist as a “guideline” to penalize Lee Kyu-chul, spokesman for the spe- the existence of a blacklist, or play- artists and censor content. Reuters

Ancient ritual AI accuses Syria of mass hangings

Amnesty International accused Tuesday Syria’s government of hanging up to 13,000 people at a notorious prison over five years in a “policy of extermina- tion”, two weeks before planned peace talks. The damning report, titled “Human Slaughterhouse: Mass hanging and extermination at Saydnaya prison” near Damas- cus, goes into excruciating de- tail about the gruesome ritual of mass hangings between 2011 and 2015. At least once a week, up to 50 prisoners were taken out of their cells for arbitrary trials, beaten, then hanged “in the middle of the night and in total secrecy”, the report said. “Throughout this process, they remain blindfolded. They do not know when or how they Men clad in white outfits burn torches at the mountainous Kamikura Shrine, part of a World Heritage Site in Shingu, Wakayama will die until the noose was prefecture, Japan, during the Oto (fire) Festival, on Monday. About 2,000 men took part in the festival dating back some 1,400 years placed around their necks.” that is off-limits to women.Photo: IC Most of the victims were ci- vilians believed to be opposed to the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Iran’s Khamenei dismisses Trump’s missile warning “They kept them [hanging] there for 10 to 15 minutes,” a former judge who witnessed the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dis- ica,” Khamenei told a meeting cept that,” he told a newspaper. slapping fresh sanctions on in- executions said. “For the young missed Donald Trump’s warn- of military commanders in Teh- On the campaign trail, dividuals and entities, some of ones, their weight wouldn’t kill ing to Iran to stop its missile ran, according to his website. Trump repeatedly promised to them linked to Iran’s elite Revo- them. The officers’ assistants tests, saying the new US presi- The White House has said tear up the nuclear deal. While lutionary Guards. would pull them down and dent had shown the “real face” the last week’s missile test was his Secretary of State, Rex Til- “No enemy can paralyze break their necks.” of American corruption. not a direct breach of Iran’s lerson, has not called for an the Iranian nation,” Khamenei Amnesty said the mass In his first speech since 2015 nuclear pact with six world outright rejection of the accord, said. “[Trump] says ‘you should executions amounted to war Trump’s inauguration, Iran’s powers, but that it “violates the he has suggested a “full review” be afraid of me’. No! The Ira- crimes and crimes against hu- supreme leader called on Ira- spirit of that.” of it. nian people will respond to his manity, but were likely still tak- nians to respond to Trump’s In remarks published on The supreme leader also said words on February 10 and will ing place. “threats” on Febuary 10, the an- Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Min- Trump has “confirmed what we show their stance against such Hamid, a former army offi- niversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic ister Mohammad Javad Zarif have been saying for more than threats.” cer who was jailed in 2012, told revolution. Trump had tried said Tehran would not agree to 30 years about the political, eco- Amnesty he was simultaneous- but failed to frighten Iranians, renegotiate its nuclear agree- nomic and social corruption in Reuters ly horrified and relieved when Khamenei said. ment. the US ruling system.” he saw prisoners being taken to “We are thankful to [Trump] “I believe Trump will push Trump responded to a Ira- Page Editor: be hanged. for making our life easy as he for renegotiation. But Iran and nian missile test by saying wangbozun@ globaltimes.com.cn showed the real face of Amer- European countries will not ac- “Iran is playing with fire” and Reuters Wednesday February 8, 2017 9 WORLD Fit for a king Surgery on Bangladesh ‘tree girl’ successful

Bangladeshi doctors on Tues- day conducted surgery to re- move bark-like growths from the skin of a young girl believed to be the first female to suffer from a condition known as “tree man syndrome.” Sahana Khatun’s doctors said they hoped to release the girl from Dhaka’s Medical Col- lege Hospital within weeks after “successful” surgery to re- move the tell-tale growths from her chin, ear and nose. The surgeons, who are treat- ing Khatun for free, believe she could be the first female to suf- fer from the epidermodysplasia verruciformis, known colloqui- ally as tree man syndrome, al- though more tests are needed Thai officials from the Conservation Science Division of the Fine Arts Department of the National Museum of Thailand repair the to confirm this. Minor Chariot on Monday, which is to be used during the funeral of the much-loved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej later this year. “The operation was success- Photo:CFP ful. We removed warts from her face. We hope to release her from the hospital within a cou-  ple of weeks,” said Samanta Lal Afghan villages still cut off, army struggles to send aid Sen, head of the clinic’s burn and plastic surgery unit. Sen said Khatun was at “the very early stage” of the disease and Hopes fade for avalanche victims might not need further surgery. Khatun’s father Mohammad Shahjahan said he was delight- ed by the news. “The doctors Afghan villagers were digging for those still buried. ordination of Humanitarian of houses across Afghanistan said Sahana will get well soon. with shovels and whatever else “We have no contact with Affairs said that, with access to in the past six weeks. I’m waiting to take her back they could find in a desperate several villages and districts. A affected areas difficult, it may “Natural disasters can hurt home and send her back to race Tuesday to save survivors lot of people are still under the be difficult to ascertain the full any country, but it is hurting us school again,” he said. days after avalanches buried snow, we have to rescue them extent of the damage. The de- most, because the war has lim- Fewer than half a dozen whole villages in the mountain- as soon as possible,” he told fence ministry said the army ited our abilities. We can’t help people are known to have the ous north and east. AFP by phone. had been forced to airdrop sup- the needy people that way we disease across the world, in- Army helicopters were Rescuers have been battling plies in some areas hit by heavy should,” Ghani said. cluding a 27-year-old cycle rick- sent to deliver aid as rescuers to reach the area since Sunday, snow and poor visibility. The Taliban, who are waging shaw-puller, Abul Bajandar, the on the ground battled snow- when people, houses and live- Some 600 houses in a bloody insurgency to topple first recorded Bangladeshi to drifts to reach remote towns. stock vanished under heavy Nuristan were destroyed, pro- the US-backed government, suffer from the disease. Blocked roads and difficult ter- snow as a series of avalanches vincial governor Hafiz Abdul mocked the government’s res- The hospital has conducted rain meant rescue equipment struck in north, east and central Qayyom told AFP, and the res- cue efforts in a statement and at least 16 surgical procedures was in short supply in villages Afghanistan, blocking roads cue effort was continuing. claimed they had helped doz- on Bajandar over the last year in worst-hit Nuristan province, and passes. “So far 10 people have been ens of stranded travelers. to remove huge growths each where at least 66 people have Officials have said at least rescued and transported to Deadly avalanches are com- weighing five kilograms. His died – 53 in one village. 119 people across several prov- neighboring Nangarhar prov- mon in Afghanistan’s moun- plight captured the sympathies Abdul Rahim, a villager inces were killed, including 19 ince for treatment.” tains in winter and spring, and of the nation, leading Prime in Barg-e-Matal district in in Badakhshan and 16 in Par- President Ashraf Ghani said rescue efforts are often ham- Minister Sheikh Hasina to Nuristan, said residents had wan, though figures are still be- Tuesday that avalanches and pered by lack of equipment. promise him free treatment. used “any tools possible” to ing confirmed. freezing weather had killed 160 shift piles of snow as fears grow The UN’s Office for the Co- people and destroyed hundreds AFP AFP Gel alternative to vasectomy works for birth control in male monkeys: study

A gel squirted into the sperm ducts of withdrawal before ejaculation, which which has proven effective in rabbits breeding season per animal. monkeys has been effective at prevent- comes with a high risk of pregnancy. and now also in rhesus monkeys – more “Treated males have had no concep- ing pregnancy, said a study Tuesday Longer term, the sole option is a va- closely related and anatomically similar tions since Vasalgel injections,” the re- which offered hope of a solution for men sectomy, which involves tying or cut- to humans. search team wrote in the journal Basic reluctant to go under the knife for family ting the sperm-conducting tubes called Vasalgel is a polymer gel injected and Clinical Andrology. planning. vas deferens. This prevents sperm from directly into the vas deferens, creating Normally, the expected pregnancy While several birth control options mixing with seminal fluid ejaculated a blockage in the tube that transports rate among females housed with males exist for women, the race is on for a non- during sex. sperm from the testes out through the would have been about 80 percent. surgical, long-term and reversible male Vasectomies can be reversed in some penis. contraceptive without the side effects of cases, but the procedure is technically In an experiment at the California Na- AFP hormonal changes. challenging and leads to low rates of fer- tional Primate Research Center, 16 adult The only short-term solutions avail- tility. male monkeys were treated. They were Page Editor:Page Editor: [email protected] able today are condoms, which many Researchers in the US are developing housed with females, and monitored for [email protected] people complain interfere with sex, and a possible alternative, dubbed Vasalgel, up to two years – covering at least one 10 Wednesday February 8, 2017 WORLD Humanitarians at risk Displaced people take  Drugged refuge with the help of aid workers at a refugee camp in South and raped: For aid workers, Sudan on January 15, sexual assault is a hidden menace 2015. Photo: CFP

moving on to the next cri- sis, perhaps with a new organization. nately these Short-term postings can contribute incidents continue to hap- to the underreporting of sexual assaults pen,” said Babar Baloch, Geneva-based and may allow perpetrators to strike “In South Sudan, spokesperson for the UN refugee again, said Lucy Heaven Taylor, a hu- for example, it’s incredibly easy to agency UNHCR. manitarian recruitment expert. walk into a local pharmacy, buy a load “Aid workers need the guarantee “If a staff member is moved on or hen aid worker Megan Nob- of drugs and mix them together into a of their safety. We continue to ask for leaves swiftly, you don’t have the paper ert took up a humanitarian makeshift date rape drug.” humanitarian law to be respected.” trail that allows you to give an accurate Wposting in war-torn South According to the latest statistics gath- reference to the next organization that Sudan, she knew she would be stepping ered by Nobert’s campaign group Re- Underreported person works for.” into the firing line. port the Abuse, 54 percent of incidents Without proper reporting mecha- Before they are sent off on assign- She had training to prepare her for of sexual assault and abuse against nisms, victims of sexual violence are ment, especially to areas perceived as gunfire, road ambushes and kidnap. expatriate aid workers are carried out by often unwilling to speak out. Many fear high risk, UN staff undergoes training But she did not expect the danger to their international colleagues. retaliation, with figures from Report the “needed to manage different scenarios come from within her own ranks. Catherine Plumridge, a security advi- Abuse showing that 24 percent of those that may take place in the field,” said “It still scares me to know what sor, said living in close quarters and in who report abuse are attacked again. Jens Laerke, a spokesperson for the has been done to my body without my often unstable environments can make “If there was even a rumor of a UN Office for the Coordination of consent,” said the 30-year-old Canadian, humanitarian workers more vulnerable kidnapping or killing, it was reported,” ­Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in wrapping her hands around a mug of to sexual attacks. Nobert said. “But if there was a rumor Geneva. warm tea. “In the field, you don’t have a choice. of sexual violence, it was hush-hush.” “Some of that preparation are real- “I think about the cocktail of drugs Your world is very limited,” she said. Attitudes toward women in some life simulation exercises; others may be put into my drink and I wonder what “You live together, you work together, conservative societies where aid work- Web-based,” he said. “They will get a the long-term impact could be.” you socialize together. In theory, that ers operate may make reporting sex real sense of how to behave in a variety Nobert, an international human should create a stronger community. attacks more difficult. of different environments.” rights lawyer with expertise in sexual But, it seems to be the opposite that’s “We have had staff report an incident For rape survivors like Nobert, and gender-based assault, had moved to happening.” to law enforcement and they have been grappling with trauma and adapting to Bentiu, South Sudan, in January 2015 to Cases like Nobert’s are not uncom- prosecuted for adultery or extra-marital life in a new city, there is a long way to work on a UN peacekeeping base. mon. The Headington Institute in sex, or they have been raped again by go before the cycle of sexual violence It was there, only a month after her California estimates at least 1 to 2 local law enforcement,” said Plumridge, against aid workers is broken. arrival, that her drink was spiked with a percent of aid workers have experienced the security adviser. “There is a part of me that wonders mixture of potentially lethal substances, sexual assault during their humanitar- Male aid workers are even more what I should have worn, should I not including morphine and codeine, she ian career. reluctant to report sexual assaults, she have been drinking or dancing? But I’ll said. She was then raped by her col- The beating and gang rape of civil- said. never get that answer and even if I did, league, another international member ians, including aid workers, in a ram- “If men don’t have outward signs of it wouldn’t change what happened.” of staff. page by South Sudanese government being beaten or assaulted, often they “Drugs are very common in the troops at the Hotel Terrain in the capital don’t report because they feel it could Reuters humanitarian sector,” said Nobert, city of Juba in July 2016 has thrown be perceived they consented to sex who moved to Geneva a few months light on the dangers, but more needs to rather than were raped.” Page Editor: ago to campaign on the issue of sexual be done, according to officials. Aid workers often stay in one place [email protected] violence in the aid sector. “We keep appealing but unfortu- for just a few weeks or months before Wednesday February 8, 2017 11 MOSAIC Dragon dazzler MomentofNeti-zen A dragon-shaped lantern shines in Editor’s Note: wings, knocked from the car. Yancheng, East China’s Are you up on what the hun- The bird was found dead near Province on dreds of millions of Chinese the vehicle. Sunday. Photo: CFP netizens are talking about? Take a The motorcade had been moment and get the rundown of rented to a customer in Ruian what’s hot, what’s trending, and for 5,000 yuan through an auto what’s drawing the most buzz on leasing company in Wenzhou. the Chinese blogosphere. An insurance policy on the vehicle covers damages up to Rolls-Royce loses 200k 100,000 yuan, which can be yuan hood ornament claimed once police confirm in collision with bird the nature of the accident, the A wedding motorcade of Rolls insurance company said. Royces had its wings clipped Though the incident surely when a low-flying bird took put a damper on the wedding out one of the vehicle’s winged ceremony, the Internet poured hood ornaments priced at their hearts out to the unfortu- 200,000 yuan ($29,080). nate little bird. The bird brought the caravan “Shouldn’t the driver be of Rolls-Royce Gusteaus to a punished for killing the bird?” halt on a highway in Wenzhou, one netizen posted. Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou “Poor little bird! Who will Economic Daily reported on be responsible for your death? Saturday. And who will bury you?” com- Bathhouse cameras get patron steaming with outrage Drivers soon discovered the mented another. A patron of a Shanghai bath- 21 when he spotted a camera on Unsatisfied, Ye filed a formal car’s famous hood ornament, house exposed his naked the ceiling. complaint with management. resembling a regal woman with Wenzhou Economic Daily outrage after finding cameras Ye was even more horrified The manager at the bath- installed in the locker room. when he discovered multiple house, surnamed Wang, told Management claims the cameras in the room. reporters that the cameras were Facebook, Google fight against fake news in France security cameras do not actually He confronted the reception- not real. However, she refused Giant Internet firms Facebook to flag fake news on its network work and are only props to de- ist, arguing that the cameras to let them examine the cam- and Google joined forces with so that the articles can then ter thieves, Shanghai Morning violated his privacy. eras closely. news outlets Monday to launch by fact-checked by its partner Post reported Tuesday. “The cameras are only there Ye and management have new fact-checking tools de- organizations. The customer, surnamed Ye, to scare the pickpockets,” Ye yet to settle the complaint. signed to root out “fake news” Any news report deemed to said he was drying himself off said the receptionist told him. stories in France ahead of the be fake by two of its partners in the locker room on January “No footage would be saved.” Shanghai Morning Post country’s presidential election. would then be tagged with an Social networks and news icon to show that the content is aggregators came under fire contested, Facebook said. during the US presidential vote Facebook is also supporting Man detained over fake gun, bad pun when it became clear they had a separate initiative launched by inadvertently fanned false news Google dubbed “CrossCheck” reports. which calls on users to submit A Ziyang, Sichuan Province man was visited Sichuan dialect that means “going to [the city of ] Facebook said it would work links to contested content to a by police for posting photos on Sina Weibo of Chongzhou.” The photos have been deleted. with eight French news organi- dedicated website so that it can himself flashing what turned out to be a fake “I am sorry about the bad influence my jokes zations, including news agency be investigated. handgun and gun permit. [have caused] ... and will cooperate with police,” AFP, news channel BFM TV, Seventeen French news- Lezhi county police took the man, who was he wrote in a follow-up post Monday. and newspapers L’Express and rooms have joined the project, not named, into custody after he posted the Law enforcement said the man is not a police Le Monde to minimize the risk including AFP and the French series of pictures on Sunday, media reported. officer and the gun and permit were fakes. that false news appeared on its public national TV broadcaster. Three of the four photos show the man in a “This is a plastic gun I bought for 10 yuan platform. hotel room with the gun pointed to his head. ($1.42) from a stall, it’s not a deadly weapon, I Facebook, the world’s big- Reuters In the fourth, he appears holding what ap- do not own a gun permit, this is just a picture I gest social network, has 24 pears to be a gun license. downloaded online,” the man posted Monday. million users in France, more Page Editor: dengxiaoci@ The caption read, “Kill Chongzhou tomor- than a third of the country’s globaltimes.com.cn row,” which the man explained is a pun in Chengdu Business Daily population. It will rely on users Radical rodent Mexico’s ‘Corruptour’ visits nation’s dark underbelly Packed with sightseers eagerly bought in an alleged sweetheart A squirrel appears snapping pictures on their cam- deal with a government contrac- to ski off a jump eras and cell phones, this looks tor – but reluctantly concluded in a cleverly like any other tour bus in the it was too far, given the capital photoshopped world – or almost. city’s notorious traffic. image. Swedish In fact, the converted school The gray tour bus made its photograher Geert bus with the sawed-off top is debut journey Sunday. Organiz- Weggen snapped a series of the critters taking Mexico City visitors on ers plan two tours every Sunday in a variety of the “Corruptour,” a visit to the afternoon, free of charge, leav- positions and added country’s seedy underbelly ing from Mexico City’s iconic skis to their feet of murderous misdeeds and Chapultepec Park. with photo editing multibillion-dollar graft by “We want people to get software. Photo: IC public officials. informed about this issue in Stops include a scandal- a fun way and spark ideas to plagued subway line that cost overcome corruption,” said more than $1 billion, and an organizer Patricia de Obeso. impromptu “anti-monument” The 27 sights include a stop to the 43 students abducted by on the number 12 subway line, corrupt police and feared mas- which cost 24.5 billion pesos sacred in the southern state of ($1.2 billion) and had to be shut Guerrero. for emergency repairs in 2014, Organizers also wanted to just two years after it opened its include a stop at the “White doors. House” - the sumptuous house that First Lady Angelica Rivera AFP 12-13 Wednesday February 8, 2017 INDEPTH

○ SO2 density in Linfen has peaked at 65 said, “There is nothing we can do, no Yesterday once more thepaper.cn. local television jumping into the coal have aroused questions not only from times higher than the safe limit the WHO one can live without breathing.” It seemed to me that local residents “What’s the point The city’s deputy mayor made a pile to check the coal,” said Kang. the media but also from some environ- recommends Breathing in excessive amounts of were either too busy protecting them- public apology for the smog on January Some villagers living on the outskirts mental experts. ○ The Linfen government has used subsidies SO2 burns the eyes and the skin, causes selves from the hazardous air pollution, of putting so much 11 and said they were willing to accept all told me that they were required to use Some reports questioned the way the to promote “clean coal” to replace the ordi- tracheitis, may result in the loss of taste or too busy ignoring it, to think about its effort into persuading the criticism and would take actions. clean coal and sign a “commitment government identified the source of the nary coal that local residents burn for heating and smell, and can even lead to prema- causes. But that might because they are letter” which said they would only use SO2, and Chai Fahe, an environmental in winter ture death. so familiar with its causes that they no residents to use clean Battle with SO2 clean energy sources including clean expert from Beijing was quoted by The ○ The Shanxi provincial and Linfen city The remarks of my friends and rela- longer consider them. Actually the Linfen government had coal, natural gas and electric energy. Beijing News as saying the city’s statisti- governments have issued contradictory state- tives are not simply a pessimistic pose, Linfen was listed as one of the top coal when the emission taken measures to deal with the SO2 “We don’t know why it is called clean cal method was questionable. ments on the source of SO2 but are reflected in their actions and three most polluted cities in China from of one enterprise can problem before it was recently exposed coal, it contains too much soil and is “What’s the point of putting so much in those of their neighbors. A friend 2003 to 2005. Located in a coal-rich by the media and it ramped up efforts hard to burn. The smell is unbearable effort into persuading residents to use showed me some pictures and videos region, the price of the fossil fuel was affect the environment after the whole nation began to keep a when it burns,” a villager from Zhao clean coal when the emission of one By Liu Xin he took in Linfen when dense smog always rock bottom. The smog and watchful eye on the city, though the ef- village told me. enterprise can affect the environment blanketed the city, which showed people chimneys belching smoke formed the more severely fectiveness of these measures has been The “battle against coal” has incurred more severely than hundreds of house- ost of the conversations I had walking around without protective background to my childhood and teen- questioned. complaints from the residents and their holds?” a local government employee with relatives and friends masks and seniors happily dancing in a age years. than hundreds of I used to live in a residential com- complaints were validated after the De- who requested anonymity, asked me. Mfrom my hometown during public plaza. According to statements published households?” munity in the city’s old quarter where partment of Environmental Protection Many citizens who are asking the the Spring Festival holidays were oddly But not everyone is indifferent to the on the website of the Shanxi provincial there was no collective heating system of Shanxi released an announcement same question may have put it to the similar – they all asked me “have you heavy air pollution. My sister, who gave Department of Environmental Protec- and most residents used their own coal explaining the reasons for Linfen’s haz- back of their minds when cold front Anonymous government employee written any articles about Linfen?” birth to her second child this winter, tion, the Linfen government has taken burners to warm their homes in the ardous levels of SO2 on January 15. blew away the choking smog just before Yes, as a journalist, I have read re- bought an air purifier that cost more measures to improve the environment in Linfen winter. Some of my neighbors told me The announcement said that Linfen’s the Spring Festival Eve. Clean air and complaining about the local government’s Linfen stands out on a map of SO2 ports saying that in January the density than 2,000 yuan ($291) – almost half since 2006, including heightening ineffective attempts to deal with pollution during Spring Festival that the govern- emissions with hazardous levels of the total coal consumption went from 30 blue skies reemerged during the holi- of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Linfen, my of the monthly emission stan- ment asked them to buy “clean coal” in pollutant on January 13. million tons in 2013 to 36.6 million tons days and I heard several passersby point- hometown in Shanxi Province, reached salary she earns as dards, requiring November and December for 275 yuan in 2016 and nearly 92 percent of it was ing out the fine weather when I walked 1,303 micrograms per cubic meter, a a cashier in a local ESTIVALREFLECTION steel and coking 2016 has returned the city’s air pollution per ton, compared with the ordinary coal January and give us the clean coal,” a used by industrial firms for coking and on the streets. level 21 times higher than the national college. F enterprises to problem to the limelight. people used to burn which costs about neighbor surnamed Kang told me. generating electricity. Citizens now seem to realize how standard and 65 times higher than the A shop as- improve their op- The causes of the dense smog, and 340 yuan per ton. The trucks transferred the coal from However, the Environmental Protec- precious the clean air is and many WHO’s recommended density limit, sistant in a local shopping mall told me erations and shutting down more than particularly the density of SO2, have not The government claimed that the the old residential communities to a coal tion Bureau of Linfen said on January friends and relatives told me that they and comparable to London’s infamous that air purifiers, especially those made 100 small coking firms. changed much in the last decade. Facing clean coal is actually much more ex- company in the west side of the city. 9 that 70 percent of the SO2 is gener- have given up the tradition of lighting Great Smog of 1952. overseas, are hot products this year, and The efforts were given official -rec huge pressure from the public, Linfen’s pensive than the ordinary coal. It said “Almost all the employees of govern- ated by coal used in domestic heating. fireworks during the holidays. But when I asked my friends and they cost over 2,500 yuan on average. ognition when Linfen was selected as a environmental protection bureau told it would subsidize residents by paying mental institutions were asked to take Billboards that read “It is every citizen’s “We suffered from the air pollution relatives about what precautions they According to statistics released by job model city for environmental improve- us in January what we all knew already, 1,000 yuan for each ton of the clean coal part in the ‘battle against coal.’ They responsibility to fight against the air pol- and have no idea how to end it. But I take during periods of hazardous air pol- hunting website job592.com, the aver- ment by the provincial government in that the excessive emissions are mainly to coal producers. inspected our burners and checked the lution” were also erected in the city. still want my daughter to live under the lution, bitter smiles broke across most of age monthly salary in Linfen in 2016 2012. But the dense smog that once caused by domestic and industrial “The government began to send place where we store our coal one by one The contradictory statements about blue sky and breathe clean air,” said a their faces, they shook their heads and was around 3,400 yuan. again sat on the city in the winter of coal burning, according to news portal people to collect the ordinary coal in and I saw officials who often appear on the SO2 source from the two authorities friend.

 While Linfen govt takes action against SO2, some question if their efforts are effective HOLIDAY IN SMOG CITY

Smog blankets the city of Linfen, Shanxi Province. Photo: Scan to read and share CFP story on your phone

Page Editor: [email protected] 14 Wednesday February 8, 2017 EDITORIAL Is Trump accepting reality in East Asia?

ollowing US Defense Secretary peasing its allies, A strong al- war in the South China Sea in five to James Mattis’ visit to South Ko- hasn’t immediately Trump hasn’t formed a liance with East 10 years” have left a strong impression. Frea and Japan last week, newly confronted China clear China policy nor a Asian countries We believe that there is no lack of hos- appointed US Secretary of State Rex as many had antici- won’t solve the US’ tile understanding about China among Tillerson reportedly had a phone con- pated. China has clear East Asia policy. puzzle on how to high-level US officials. But enormous versation with his counterparts from been left intact as face a rising China. conditions are needed to turn those South Korea and Japan Tuesday. Wash- the White House Trump cannot con- perspectives into actual policies. In the ington seems to be reinforcing its alli- opens battlefronts everywhere. front China the way it used to with the past years, realistic US interests have ance with the two East Asian countries. It’s not a myth. Before officially tak- former Soviet Union during the Cold held back hostility. National interests According to Seoul, the phone call ing office, US President Donald Trump War, for Americans and the interna- will play an increasingly significant role reiterated the scheduled THAAD de- had sounded out China. His harsh tional community won’t accept it. in the 21st century. ployment and agreed to enhance the stance received a strong reaction from Trump might be hesitating over the The Chinese hope to see a peace- alliance to the highest level. For its part, China. He has probably realized that issue and accepting the reality in East ful relationship between Beijing and Tokyo said the two sides reaffirmed -Ar real tough action against China would Asia rather than revamping the system Washington and most Americans ticle 5 of the US-Japan security treaty result in a complex chain reaction, even in the region. He will find out that he should hope for the same. A divergence covering the Diaoyu Islands. Both Mat- beyond his control. has no alternative other than maintain- in interests cannot be resolved by creat- tis and Tillerson have repeated Wash- Trump hasn’t formed a clear China ing complicated interactions with Chi- ing greater damage to both sides’ inter- ington’s past commitments, without policy nor a clear East Asia policy. The na, just like the choice of strengthening ests. It is believed that Trump’s team is much new input. engagements of Mattis and Tillerson its alliances in East Asia. also convinced of this. Mattis’ statement in Tokyo that with South Korea and Japan should be The previous remarks from Trump’s As for Seoul and Tokyo, it would be South China Sea disputes should not seen as instinctive reactions of the new chief strategist Steve Bannon over naïve for them to wish that enhancing be resolved militarily has attracted administration, an extension of policies China and Islam as the two biggest their alliance with the US could help wide attention. Washington, while ap- of the previous US administrations. threats to the US and “We’re going to solve their own problems in Asia.

Voices Populist revolt? “No enemy can paralyze the Iranian nation.”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iranian Supreme Leader, dismissing US President Donald Trump’s warning to Tehran to stop its missile test, quoted by Reuters Tuesday. “The lesson from the last eight years is, sadly, that implacable resistance works.” Illustration: Shen Lan/GT Gerry Connolly, a Democratic member of the US House of Representatives, on anti-Trump protests, quoted by the Associated Press Tuesday. Vatican invitation a response to China’s progress

By Yu Ning BSERVER plants in China. There is no reason O to criticize his attendance at the Vati- The invitation of Huang Jiefu, a for- can conference, for he will be sharing mer Chinese vice minister of health Chinese experience with other par- and current head of the National Hu- in Hong Kong last August, China’s ticipants and demonstrating China’s man Organ Donation and Transplant organ donation, transplant reform resolve in fighting against organ traf- Committee, to a Vatican conference and its achievements were noted. ficking. on organ trafficking has sparked con- Through unremitting efforts, the The Vatican’s invitation is a re- troversy. In view of the sensitivity of country’s organ donation system sponse to China’s progress. It’s un- China-Vatican ties and stereotype has been greatly improved, and do- derstandable that the move may lead Please send submissions to [email protected]. Pieces should Western impressions on China’s or- nations have become the only le- to speculation. Huang told the Global be no longer than 800 words. The opinion expressed in the published articles are those of the writer alone and do not necessarily reflect the gan transplantation, Vatican’s invi- gitimate source of transplants. Any Times that he was invited because he position of the Global Times. The Global Times reserves the right to edit tation was interpreted as an olive medical institution which carries out is an expert in organ transplants rath- the articles for length and clarity. Inquiry: (8610) 65367563 branch extended by the Holy See to transplants of human organs from er than an official. In recent months, improve ties with Beijing but some illegal sources will face punishment. there have, indeed, been signs of Check out our mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Android human rights activists criticized it as China has made reforms and prog- goodwill in China-Vatican ties. “giving a propaganda boost to China” ress in accordance with World Health Keeping smooth and effective and an “air of legitimacy” to its trans- Organization (WHO) guidelines and dialogue and communications is a plantation program. in full compliance with international common wish of both sides. We are Follow us on China opened a new chapter in norms. willing to see more communications Twitter organ transplantation since 2015 by The Vatican summit on Tuesday and cooperation between the two http://twitter.com/globaltimesnews banning organ harvest from prison- focuses on anti-organ trafficking. As sides. We also hope the international ers. However, some Western forces a country with a huge demand for community, especially some Western Facebook have continued to demonize China, organs, China’s commitment to and forces who are prejudiced against http://facebook.com/globaltimesnews accusing it of sourcing organs from support for tackling organ trafficking China, could make a fair assessment death-row inmates. There are even is of great value. Huang has devoted of China’s progress. Sina Weibo rumors that Falun Gong practitioners himself to promoting the establish- http://weibo.com/globaltimescn are being executed for their organs. ment of a sustainable organ dona- Page Editor: [email protected] The Global Times is published six times a week At the 26th International Con- tion system in line with social ethics from Monday to Saturday. gress of the Transplantation Society and the transparency of organ trans- Wednesday February 8, 2017 15 ASIANREVIEW ‘Cold Start’ may not strain India-Pakistan ties

ome news outlets recent- talks over the years. After Don- Against this backdrop, any toward Islamabad, initiating small under such circumstanc- ly reported that General ald Trump was sworn in as remark that might threaten a war against Pakistan is not a es. But once their war of words SBipin Rawat, India’s new the new president of the US, the delicate peace between the welcoming idea among the In- escalates to the point of armed army chief, acknowledged in an both New Delhi and Islamabad two nations from the Indian dian people. That being said, combat, both sides will surely interview earlier this year the find the future of their respec- military authority will undoubt- such verbal warfare can hardly adopt measures to reduce the existence of Cold Start doctrine, tive bilateral relationship with edly trigger a strong reaction in escalate into armed confronta- tension. which, according to India To- Washington unpredictable. On Pakistan. tion. Moreover, Trump’s South day, is “developed by the Indian November 30, Trump spoke on However, both India and Modi once sought to restart Asia policy may be different Armed Forces to put to use in the phone with Pakistani Prime Pakistan are nuclear-armed the peace talks with Pakistan from that of former US presi- case of a war with Pakistan,” Minister Nawaz Sharif, causing countries. Even if the Cold Start and warm up New Delhi’s re- dent Barack Obama, who ad- and is a “strategy designed to quite a stir in New Delhi. strategy sounds intimidating lationship with Islamabad. He opted a comprehensive pro- seize Pakistani territory swift- India, which used to call and there is indeed a gap be- invited Sharif to attend his in- India policy in his final years in ly,” said The Economist. Not Democratic candidate Hill- tween the two countries’ mili- auguration ceremony, which office. Trump called Pakistani surprisingly, a Pakistani official ary Clinton “a safe bet” for the tary might, it does not mean was an unprecedented act. The prime minister first after win- soon responded, telling the Fi- country, once felt a bit pes- that New Delhi can easily win bilateral relations were relaxed ning the election, which may nancial Times, “If ever our na- simistic about the US-Indian a landslide victory against Is- at that time. be a crucial signal – he would tional security is threatened by ties. Not long ago, during a lamabad. The truth is, Pakistan Yet, due to a number of oth- take a more balanced strategy advancing foreign forces, Paki- lengthy phone call between has considerable strength to er factors, such as India accus- between New Delhi and Islam- stan will use all of its weapons Trump and Indian Prime Min- safeguard its sovereignty and ing Pakistan of terror attacks abad. If so, it is possible to see – and I mean all of our weapons ister Narendra Modi, Trump its nuclear weapons should not in Kashmir and New Delhi’s a slight recovery in the India- – to defend our country.” described New Delhi as a “true be ignored. bid to add Pakistan-based or- Pakistan relations. Will it be a cold start for hot friend and partner,” which has Since the 1998 nuclear ganization Jamaat-ud-Dawa wars? Not necessarily. Yet it is to some extent reassured India. tests in India and Pakistan, it and Masood Azhar, chief of The article was compiled by surely another round of war of Nevertheless, given the un- is quite common to hear such Pakistan-based group Jaish-e- Global Times reporter Li Aixin words between the two long- certainties of US’ future policy war of words like the latest one. Mohammed, to the UN Secu- based on an interview with Zhao standing rivals as well as nucle- toward South Asia, the India- In the meantime, tensions be- rity Council’s terror list, India- Gancheng, director of Center for ar-armed neighbors. Pakistan peace process, which tween the two can also be eased Pakistan ties worsened. Asia-Pacific Studies, Shanghai There has been little prog- is already frozen, is now in a from time to time. Despite the The odds of a thaw in In- Institutes for International Studies. ress in India-Pakistan peace critically fragile state. fact that New Delhi is hostile dia-Pakistan relations are very [email protected] Improving relations with neighbors increases Japan’s leverage over the US

By Zhao Minghao Japan. The newly Trump-nominated addition to Trump’s US Trade Representative, Robert obscure Asia-Pacific Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Lighthizer, served as the deputy trade policies, uncertain- is going to visit the US and meet with representative under Reagan and rose ties in US-Russia US President Donald Trump on Friday. to fame for his strong hand in handling relations also have Japan originally hoped to arrange the US-Japan trade frictions. perturbed the Abe visit at the end of January so that Abe Trump has repeatedly government. Once the could become the first head of a foreign accused Japan of engaging in US-Russia relation- government Trump would host after be- unfair trade practices, especially ship is reversed, Putin ing sworn into office, thus, highlighting setting up non-tariff barriers that is bound to become the closeness of the US-Japan alliance. hinder US vehicle exports to Japan. tougher on territorial However, Trump chose British Prime Trump claimed US vehicles account issues with Japan, Minister Theresa May as the first for- for only 0.3 percent of the Japanese thus, putting more eign leader he received, which indicates market, while Japanese cars make pressure on Japan. the US-British special relationship still up as high as 40 percent of the US In fact, Japan, which relies seemingly prevails over the US-Japan market. heavily on the US, lacks the leverage to relationship. In order to avoid trade frictions deal with the Trump government. It’s The Trump presidency has unnerved with the US, Japanese automakers reported that Abe plans to woo Trump Abe and most Japanese strategists. The set up their factories in North by helping the US create US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific America. Currently more than more jobs. The Japan Partnership, in particular, dealt a heavy 70 percent of Japanese Times reported last week blow to the Abe government. Despite cars are manufac- that Japan plans to use its vehement opposition to the deal from tured in North public pension fund to invest in US Illustration: Liu Rui/GT Japanese farmers, who are concerned America. If the infrastructure development. In January, about a massive influx of US agricul- Trump government insists on renego- the development of US-Japan rela- Toyota Motor announced that it would tural products into the Japanese market, tiating the North American Free Trade tions. However, the Trump government invest $10 billion in the US over the Abe has been trumpeting the signifi- Agreement, that will impact the global doesn’t regard Armitage as important. next five years. cance of the TPP in countering China’s supply chain, forcing Japanese com- Armitage, a republican belonging to Japan needs to review its policy growing influence. He finally managed panies to bear the cost of operational “the establishment” that Trump railed toward Asian neighbors, including Chi- to have the deal ratified by the parlia- restructuring. against, endorsed the Democratic Par- na, and re-evaluate the importance of ment, but the US opted out. In security matters, Tokyo is very ty’s Hillary Clinton rather than Trump. the Regional Comprehensive Economic Commentaries in the Japanese worried about the uncertainties that In addition, many of US think-tankers Partnership. If Tokyo could improve media such as Yomiuri Shimbun and Trump may bring to the US-Japan alli- who have maintained a close relation- ties with Beijing, it will gain more Sankei Shimbun are fraught with criti- ance. Pledging “America first,” Trump ship with the Japanese government are independence in front of Washington. cism on the Trump government. Some repeatedly stressed that the US will opponents of Trump, including Michael Unfortunately, Japan under Abe’s lead- Japanese scholars even claimed that no longer act as the policeman of the Green, senior vice president for Asia ership is unlikely to have such a vision. the US under Trump has stood in the world, and asked allies to take on more and Japan Chair at the Center for Strate- forefront of destruction of the interna- responsibilities. Trump specifically gic and International Studies. There- The author is a research fellow at the tional order. called on Japan and South Korea to in- fore, there are worries from both the Charhar Institute and an adjunct fellow As a matter of fact, what worries crease their share of the costs of hosting Abe government and scholars within at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Japan is not only the US’ exit from the US troops. the Trump government that there will Studies at Renmin University of China. TPP, but also Trump’s outdated views Over the past decade, the Armitage- be a lack of strategic guidance regarding [email protected] on Japan. In order to address the threats Nye report on US-Japan relations and how to develop the US-Japan alliance. brought on by Japan’s economic rise, US strategy in Asia, co-chaired by An important goal for Abe’s US Page Editor: the Reagan government in the 1980s Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, visit is to figure out the Trump’s intent [email protected] adopted tough trade policies against has provided an overall framework for on US’ future alliance with Japan. In 16 Wednesday February 8, 2017 FORUM G20 key to sustainable development

By Liu Zongyi MDGs with Sustainable Development So, how can G20 accomplish the and strengthen international exchanges Goals (SDGs) and making sustainable SDGs more efficiently? and cooperation. ince the 2010 G20 Summit in development a common objective for For starters, the G20 members The subsequent host countries of Seoul, development has been developing and developed countries. should play an exemplary role in the G20 should strictly abide by the Slisted as an important item on With the joint efforts of Turkey, China integrating SDGs into national eco- spirit and principle of the action plan. the agenda of this international forum. and other member states, the G20 nomic and social development policies. However, hosts of G20 summits often Emerging economies in the G20, in Summit in Hangzhou passed the G20 G20 countries should work closely to put forward issues related to their own particular, are paying close attention Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for come up with macroeconomic poli- national interests rather than those con- to development issues. Many develop- Sustainable Development. cies, promote world economic growth, cerning the international community. ing countries feel that resolving the G20 plays a significant role in and create a favorable environment for But, it is very important for member global imbalance is important to the achieving sustainable development. developing countries to realize SDGs. states to follow the action plan. Develop- development of the world economy. But, cooperation among individual In light of the growing trend of reverse ing countries have more responsibilities The emerging economies have con- member states is needed. To realize globalization, G20 countries should to shoulder in carrying it out. tributed greatly to realizing the UN’s SDGs, countries should make joint ef- be a driving force for globalization and In the meantime, G20 does not have Millennium Development forts at the domestic and international actively steer it in a more inclusive unlimited power to force the implemen- Goals (MDGs) through level to implement the 2030 agenda. direction. tation of the 2030 agenda. An effective economic and social The action plan from the Hangzhou In addition, G20 countries should solution to this problem is to abide development. G20 Summit is just a starting point, continue to promote the reform of by the implementation and the evalu- In 2015, the UN and does not cover all aspects of the international economic, financial and ation process of the UN sustainable passed the 2030 SDGs. It will make adjustments based monetary systems, build an open and development high-level political forum, Agenda for Sustain- on new initiatives, emerging needs and fair multilateral trade system, push for and monitor the progress of G20 in able Development, new challenges. liberalization and facilitation of trade implementing the 2030 agenda under thus, replacing and investment, oppose protectionism, this framework. International institu- tions like OECD, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund need to aid G20 in the implementation process. Finally, sustainable development faces many obstacles in developing countries. But, the developed countries should abstain from imposing their ideas and values on them. The views and experiences of developing countries should be respected and they should de- velop their own policies independently. The most pressing issue for many de- veloping countries is poverty alleviation, for which China has a wealth of experi- ence to offer. But such experiences can only be studied and not copied. It is imperative for countries to come up with their own solutions to the problems they are facing. G20 Development Working Group could act as a platform for sharing experi- ences among the countries and do more to build mechanisms that facilitate experience sharing.

The author is a senior fellow of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and a visiting fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. opinion@ Illustration: Liu Rui/GT globaltimes.com.cn Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs owes an explanation in HJS deal

By Shan Renping not have signed his name on fused to comment on the scan- explanation for the scandal. Maybe it is time for Japan’s the article if he had known HJS dal publicly and did not admit In addition, it is hoped that Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Recently, it has been revealed was sponsored by the Japanese to the deal with HJS. the Japanese media can give open a course for “sharing” this that the Japanese Embassy in Embassy. Japanese media have always readers a clear account of the kind of experience with other London paid 10,000 pounds It has been reported that been active in reporting news scandal between the embassy countries’ diplomats. ($12,500) per month to the UK’s former foreign secretary about China. and HJS. In public, Japanese diplo- think tank, Henry Jackson So- Malcolm Rifkind and Army of- But, this time, all the main- It is true that embassies in mats are well-mannered. Nev- ciety (HJS), and asked HJS to ficer Colonel Bob Stewart, with- stream media in Japan re- foreign countries are willing ertheless, in private, they are urge reporters and officials to out the knowledge of the deal mained silent. to promote objective and fair racking their brains to offer attack China. between the Japanese Embassy There is a possibility that the reports about their own coun- slanderous articles to the me- Former British chief of the and HJS, also signed their Japanese media are obedient tries. dia about China. They offer a Naval Staff Lord West was in- names on articles provided by towards the Ministry of Foreign However, Japan may be the glimpse into Japanese diplo- volved in the scandal as his HJS attacking China. Under Affairs’ command that news only country which bribes local macy. name appeared as the author of pressure, HJS has expressed damaging Japan’s international organizations to defame anoth- an article which was drawn up regrets to Rifkind. image should not be spread. er country. The author is a commentator by the HJS. The article attacked Despite the apology, HJS Facing national interest, the How many Japanese embas- of the Global Times. opinion@ on China’s claims in the South confirmed that Rifkind read the Japanese media have given up sies in foreign countries have globaltimes.com.cn China Sea. article before signing his name. the freedom of the press. given money to local organi- According to media reports, What is most astounding is that We called for Japan’s Min- zations for attacking China? Page Editor: sunxiaobo@ West has criticized the think the Japanese Embassy and its istry of Foreign Affairs and its When did this “diplomatic in- globaltimes.com.cn tank and said that he would Ministry of Foreign Affairs re- embassy in London to give an novation” of Japan come out? Wednesday February 8, 2017 17 VIEWPOINT China-India film aids cultural cooperation

By Wang Wenwen domestic box-office, it has been Yoga is not a perfect cross- For instance, in China’s separate from politics. What is panned by Indian critics. The over film. With lots of kung academic circle, many Chinese shown on the screen reflects movie starring Jackie controversy is centered on the fu and very little yoga, one experts on India have grum- what is happening in reality. Chan, which tries so-called political propaganda may wonder if the film is too bled about the sluggish ap- As Indian audiences whimper Ato marry the India- in which an Indian character skewed toward Chinese tastes. plication process for research about China-funded projects originated yoga with Chinese says the Indo-Chinese cross- Some reviewers in India even visas granted by the Indian and the movie’s insufficient kung fu, made its debut in cultural cooperation will assist criticized the movie of stereo- government. This holds back demonstration of the whole of China’s cinemas on January the China-led One Belt and typing India by showcasing it potential exchange opportuni- India show, China and India 28, during the Spring Festival. One Road initiative, a grand as a dangerous country and ties between peoples from the are almost untapped markets The movie, Kung Fu Yoga, tells infrastructure development left many other aspects of the two countries. for the film industry of the a story of a renowned Chinese strategy launched by Xi in culture unexplored. The mistrust between ordi- respective countries and there archaeologist who is trying to 2013. This truly describes the nary citizens may be the larg- is a lot to explore. locate a lost treasure in India. Yet, on China’s social current status of the China- est impediment to China-India One positive element of It features thrilling martial networks, netizens found such India relationship, in which relations at the state level. It Kung Fu Yoga is that it may arts sequences and grand-scale candid promotion of this diplo- the perception gap between explains the different attitudes arouse the interest of Chinese exotic sceneries of the China- matic initiative tolerable, given the two countries cannot be of Chinese and Indian audi- adventurers to visit India, like India border. that many commercial films easily bridged. While the ence toward the promotion of how the 2013 Chinese filmLost At the first glance, the convey such messages. What Chinese see India through a Chinese government projects in Thailand brought millions movie, the second product of caught their eyes is the rare cooperative lens, the Indians in the movie. The lukewarm of Chinese tourists to the a co-production treaty signed sight of Chinese and Indian ac- have remained on high alert of response from India’s pub- Southeast Asian country after during Chinese President Xi tors working together, particu- its neighbor. lic to China’s Belt and Road its release. Jinping’s state visit to India larly on the plaza dancing with initiative is a result of India’s When understanding in 2014, apparently wants to Indian dance moves at the end fear that China’s strategic and and trust can be established boost China-India collabora- of the film, a commonly seen economic influence in South between Chinese and Indian tion in the film industry and exercise routine in city squares Asia and beyond may diminish peoples, kung fu and yoga can to further promote bilateral across China. India’s clout in the region. masterfully strike a balance in exchanges. To be honest, Kung Fu Just like culture, sports and the next joint film production. Nonetheless, while the economics, the film action-comedy tops the industry is not The author is a reporter with the Global Times. wangwenwen@ globaltimes.com.cn

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

France’s Le Pen looks to channel Trump in upcoming election

After Brexit and the new US adminis- job, and centrist Emmanuel Macron’s But the 49-year-old lawyer does not second round, which is very unlikely.” tration’s tough anti-immigration politi- policy is still untested. have a strong majority and enough so- In the 144 “commitments” unveiled cal rhetoric, eyes are on France where Amid this, Le Pen portrays herself lidity to win the presidential run-off, on Saturday, Le Pen pledged to slash mi- voters are expected to choose their next as “the candidate of the people”, saying: Lestrohan added. gration, send home all illegal migrants president in a context of public discon- “the divide is not between the left and In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen, father and impose taxes on the job contracts of tentment and high terror alert. right any more, but between patriots and of the far-right candidate and founder foreigners. Could Donald Trump’s victory give globalists.” of National Front party, cruised to the If she wins the election, she vowed to an impetus to France’s far-right National However, BVA pollster analyst Erwan second round after beating Socialist ri- renegotiate the European Union treaty, Front party, which has already shaken Lestrohan said: “Le Pen may enjoy a val Lionel Jospin, prime minister of then restore internal borders and local cur- traditional parties? boost in ratings but cannot expect a vic- president Jacques Chirac, a fact that trig- rency. “The impossible has suddenly be- tory.” gered massive protests against the far In 2012, Le Pen came third in the come possible,” far-right leader Marine “The surprise as that happened in the right. presidential race but had made it Le Pen told thousands of supporters in US election is not expected in France be- In the second decisive round, Le Pen through the first round with an unex- Lyon, France’s third largest town, kick- cause the two electoral systems are dif- failed to win with a poor score of 17.79 pectedly high vote. ing off her campaign on Sunday. ferent. percent against his rival Chirac who About 17.9 percent of 44.6 million “Other countries have shown us the “In the United States, the presidential seized a large victory of more than 80 French population cast their ballots for way. The British have chosen Brexit and election has only one vote, which Don- percent. her. the United States has chosen their na- ald Trump won. In France, the presiden- Thomas Guenole, political scientist tional interest. tial election has two rounds. This allows and professor at Sciences Po university, The article is a commentary from “The awakening of those nations the voters of non-finalist candidates to predicted the same scenario for this the Xinhua News Agency. opinion@ against the oligarchies can become a choose one of the two qualified to block year’s presidential race. globaltimes.com.cn reality and marks the end of an era,” Le the other,” he told Xinhua. “The only one scenario in which Le Pen told her followers. Continued terror threats and rising Pen could likely win the presidential Page Editor: Francois Fillon’s presidential bid is in risks of immigration crisis give a boost election is if she faces an unpopular can- [email protected] turmoil due to a scandal over his wife’s to Le Pen, who embraces protectionism. didate from the right or the left in the 18 Wednesday February 8, 2017 LIFE Movie fans prepare for he Berlin the Berlin film festival Villaverde, whose film festival, on the first day of Colo looks at a Tone of Eu- ticket sales in Berlin on family buffeted by rope’s top cinema Monday. Photos: IC Portugal’s economic showcases, gets crisis, and Ildiko under way Thursday, Enyedi with On Body bringing a parade of and Soul, a tender love stars to its famed red story set in a slaugh- carpet. terhouse in Budapest. Nearly 400 movies will be screened during Trump talk the 11-day gathering. Berlin has a reputa- Here’s a preview of high- tion for being the most lights from the Berlinale, politically minded of the now in its 67th year, that big film festivals. With have already started gener- actors and directors from ating buzz. around the world in front of the microphones, expect Portraits of the artist many to sound off on Brexit, Right from opening populism, fake news and, of night, the festival will throw a course, Donald Trump. spotlight on biopics and docu- Festival director Dieter mentaries that explore famous Kosslick refused to mention creative lives. the US president’s name as he Etienne Comar’s debut discussed this year’s line-up. But feature Django is focused on the he said the choice of films was Gypsy-jazz great Django Reinhardt a “kind of protest” against the and the little-known story of his global state of affairs. family’s persecution by Nazis in “But despite all the discontent occupied Paris. in the world, this is a program that Geoffrey Rush plays Swiss sculp- says ‘yes’ to life. The artists describe tor and painter Alberto Giacometti in everyday apocalypses, but not with- Final Portrait, directed by Hollywood out escape routes,” he said. actor Stanley Tucci. Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis Refugees on and off screen comes to life in Maudie starring Sally Quirky Finnish director Aki Kau- Hawkins as the beloved painter with a rismaki will present The Other Side debilitating illness and Ethan Hawke of Hope about a Syrian refugee who as her devoted husband. winds up in Helsinki. Long before there was Damien  The hottest tickets at this year’s Off-screen, the festival has also Hirst and a shark preserved in form- launched initiatives to help the more aldehyde, there was Joseph Beuys and Berlin film festival than 100,000 asylum seekers who his dead rabbit. The documentary have arrived in Berlin since 2015. Beuys explores the controversial life Fundraisers, screenings for of one of Germany’s most important newcomers accompanied by local post-war artists. volunteers and educational events for Veteran German filmmaker Volker refugee kids have all been folded into Schloendorff The( Tin Drum) tells the the program. story of his friend Max Frisch, played BEHIND THE by Stellan Skarsgard, in Return to Mon- Bears and Wolverines tauk based on the Swiss novelist and Eighteen movies will duke it out for playwright’s life. the Golden and Silver Bear top prizes, And the documentary The Trial: to be awarded on February 18 by a jury The State of Russia vs Oleg Sentsov tells led by Dutch filmmaker Paul Verho- the story of the Ukrainian filmmaker CURTAIN even (RoboCop). convicted of terrorism in 2015. But while the contenders are Country for Old Women, a play on the expected to pack a dramatic punch, the ‘No country for old women’ Coen brothers’ classic. festival has a long tradition of popcorn Agnieszka Holland (Europa Europa) Holland is one of four female fare too. returns with Spoor, a humor-tinged filmmakers in competition this year, This year’s biggest blockbuster is “feminist fairy tale” about an eccentric including Britain’s Sally Potter who the latest Wolverine installment of the retiree facing bloody high jinx in her has brought together Patricia Clark- X-Men superhero series, Logan star- male-dominated village. son, Emily Mortimer, Bruno Ganz and ring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart The prize-winning filmmaker says Kristin Scott Thomas for The Party, and Richard E. Grant, which will have the movie, with its unflinching look at set during one night in contemporary its world premiere. the failings of post-communist Polish London. society, could have been called No Rounding out the list are Teresa AFP Lady Gaga to headline Rock in Rio festival

Lady Gaga will headline the Rock 15-24 event, staged at Rio’s Olympic announced the Joanne Tour, named in Rio festival for the first time, Park, will be groups including Aero- after her most recent album, on organizers in Brazil confirmed on smith, Bon Jovi and Red Hot Chili Twitter. Monday. Peppers. Lady Gaga has previously per- The US superstar, who will be on Lady Gaga, one of the world’s formed in Brazil, playing Sao Paulo, her newly announced Joanne World best-known pop stars, was a criti- Rio and Porto Alegre during a 2012 Tour, will stop in Rio de Janeiro on cal hit on Sunday with her halftime tour. September 15 for the opening night show at the Super Bowl football Lady Gaga of the latest edition of the annual game in Houston, Texas, although AFP during her festival, the festival’s official website she shied away from what many Super Bowl rockinrio.com said in an announce- had thought would be a moment of Page Editor: performance on ment. political protest. [email protected] Sunday Photo: IC Also playing at the September Shortly after the performance she Wednesday February 8, 2017 19 LIFE

Oscar awards organizers call for artistic freedom Congregation leaving the Reformed Church The head of the organization at Nuenen by Vincent van Gogh Photos: IC behind the Oscar awards on Monday called for diversity and freedom of expression. Cheryl Boone Isaacs, presi- dent of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, told the 165 Oscar-nominated ac- tors and filmmakers there was a “struggle globally today over artistic freedom that feels more urgent than at any time since the 1950s,” an apparent refer- ence to the anti-communist blacklists of some in the movie industry at the time. Speaking at a luncheon in Beverly Hills for the 2017 nominees, Isaacs noted that there were “some empty chairs in this room, which has made Academy artists activists.” Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and actress Taraneh Alidoosti, who stars in his foreign-language nominated filmThe Salesman, said last week they would boycott the February 26 Academy Awards to protest US President Donald Trump’s travel restrictions on Iranians and six other Muslim- majority countries. Other Oscar nominees who expect to find difficulty traveling to Los Angeles for the ceremony include those behind documentary The White STOLEN VAN GOGHS Helmets about civilian Syrian rescue workers. Isaacs did not directly men- tion the travel restrictions, but she said, “America should ON SHOW IN NAPLES always be not a barrier but a beacon... We stand up to those who would try and limit our wo Van Gogh mas- were among the Dutch mas- freedom of expression.” terpieces stolen in ter’s first oil paintings and, “When we speak out TAmsterdam in 2002 as such, are of enormous against those who try and and recovered last year in interest to art historians. put up barriers, we reinforce Italy are on show in Naples How exactly the paintings this important truth – that all until February 26. ended up in Italy remains a artists around the world are The brief exhibition at the mystery. connected by a powerful bond, Capodimonte museum has They were found in one that speaks to our creativ- been organized as a thank September during a raid ity and common humanity,” you to the southern city on a property belonging to she said, to loud applause from for the local police’s role in fugitive mobster Raffaele Im- the audience. tracking down the two small periale, at Castellammare di Isaacs’ address followed but hugely valuable and Stabia, southeast of Naples. fiery speeches at recent awards historically significant oil The area is a notorious shows and rallies by celebrities paintings. hotspot for the nefarious ranging from Meryl Streep to The works had gone un- activities of the Neapolitan Madonna and Ellen DeGeneres heard of from the time they mafia, the Camorra. condemning the travel ban, were stolen in a daring raid The paintings were stolen Seascape at Scheveningen by Vincent van Gogh supporting civil and women’s on the Van Gogh Museum in December 2002 with the rights, and criticizing Trump’s until they turned up last year thieves using a rope to get in had ranked on the FBI’s top guaranteeing deals between behavior. at the house of a notorious and out of the heavily forti- 10 of art crimes. organized criminal groups,” mafia boss. fied building after getting on “More than ever we are he said at the unveiling of Reuters The 1882 Seascape at to the roof by ladder. seeing art works being used the two paintings on Mon- Scheveningen and the 1884 Giorgio Toschi, a general by criminals either as safe day. Page Editor: -85 Congregation leaving the with Italy’s financial and haven investments or as a [email protected] Reformed Church at Nuenen customs police, said the theft way of making payments or AFP

Saif Publishing announces Italian fashion magazine giant Grazia will launch Pakistan edition with initial 20,000 copy run Italy’s glossy style magazine Grazia the fashion industry is booming and but is largely undocumented. Ninety percent of Grazia’s content will launch in Pakistan, publishers said Grazia is going to provide an amaz- From an industry made up of just a would be local style, Saifullah said, add- Monday, as the deeply conservative ing platform to nurture this growth,” handful of designers and models in the ing, “We plan to show the fun, creative Muslim country’s growing fashion in- said Zahraa Saifullah, the editor and early 1990s, fashion shows that attract side of Pakistani fashion to the world.” dustry seeks a place on the world stage. publisher of the magazine, at a press foreign buyers are now held regularly in The Italian edition of Grazia was first The first issue of Grazia Pakistan will conference in financial hub Karachi. Lahore and Karachi. published in 1938. The magazine now go on sale this month, Saif Publishing Pakistani fashion designers have Its leading figures are already gossip appears in more than a dozen coun- said, with plans to double the initial run been striving to develop the local mar- column and magazine staples, includ- tries, to include the US, UK and Spain. of 20,000 copies within six months. ket, which experts believe conservatively ing in Grazia’s rival Hello!, which “Pakistan’s middle class as well as accounts for $200 million in revenue launched a Pakistan edition in 2012. AFP 20 Wednesday February 8, 2017 LIFE

By Huang Tingting course,” Huang Rui, the former major training at roots. promoter for TFboys, explained at a singing and Other ith the debut of Chinese all- press conference in December about dancing that plans involve female idol group SNH48 what makes a good Fostered Idol were posted tailoring groups Wat this year’s Central China group. “This is so that their fans can online by their to local tastes. Television Spring Festival Gala and the enjoy the thrill of growing up with team. Wang Yuan in China in recent appearance of Wang Yuan, a member their idols together.” particular attracted global years has witnessed a of China’s hottest boy group TFboys, In order to find potential talent attention after he spoke about boom in ACGN (Animation, at a UN youth forum on January 31, while they are still young, Johnnys, a the importance of quality education at Comic, Game and Novel) culture, 2016, China’s so-called “Fostered renowned Japanese idol-training com- the UN Youth Forum. or two-dimensional culture as it is Idols” are just beginning to show pany, sends teenage girls and boys to As for girl groups such as SNH48 more commonly called, as well as the their influence at home and as well as a sort of “idol boot camp” where they and 1931, they started attracting fans emergence of funü fans, a subculture around the globe. live and train together. This method by holding regular shows at specific that enjoys productions or literary Thanks to the rise of new media is very similar to the apprenticeship theaters, and later expanded to reality works featuring male-male romance. and a preference for younger stars in system in South Korea, which is the shows, TV productions and online As such new groups tailored to attract China over the past two to three years, typical star-training model used in the games. fans of this genre are on the way. For Fostered Idols, or yangcheng ouxiang in K-pop industry. instance, a number of new Fostered Chinese, have swept the country. TF- These trainee idol groups regularly New attempts Idol groups set to debut this year, like boys has reached an amazing 60 mil- release self-produced videos or hold Although TFboys and SNH48 YHBOYS – which has been criticized lion followers on China’s largest social small intimate live performances that started out as perfect replicas of the by netizens for being a copycat of TF- media platform Sina Weibo, while the allow fans to get as close as possible, Japanese idol system, their managers boys – and X-TIME BOYS are all-boy top three SNH48 members together both physically and psychologically, to have taken a more localized approach groups. have more than 7 million followers. their idols. in recent years, such as allowing mem- Another example is the Plan R proj- Different from traditional stars TFboys, who started as three bers to appear in local reality shows, ect, which Huang announced at the who remain out of fans’ reach, these untrained school boys, began to draw star in TV dramas or release origi- December press conference. Financed Fostered Idols are known as “idols public attention in 2013, thanks largely nal music. In fact SNH48 took this by investors including Chen Yuetian, that you can communicate with face to a number of self-made mini-dramas localization to the extreme last year, by also an SNH48 investor, the project to face.” and video clips showing them openly splitting with their Japanese aims to “create the country’s first two- and three-dimensional all-boy Secret recipe s gain g group,” featuring members between The word yangcheng means “to d Idol round ages 11 and 18 regularly taking part in bring up,” and this naturally makes tere in traditional Fostered Idol productions fan engagement a key part of these Fos ms localize thei Ch such as “three-dimensional” live action idols’ success. In the case of SNH48,  tea r efff i- mini-dramas and two-dimensional which started as a sister group of the as ort projects such as virtual concerts, ani- Japanese idol group AKB48, the group na s mated films and comics. arranges a series of regular events Vowing to “target the country’s two- such as a “hand-shaking meeting” to dimensional cultural groups such as allow fans to get closer to their idols. comic and animation lovers,” Huang Moreover, fans are given the op- showed his confidence in the project, portunity to vote on each members’ dubbing it “an innovation for China’s hierarchy in the group at an annual idol-making industry.” competition. Management of teenager stars has “We want fans to witness the way also adapted to local conditions in Chi- these untrained teenage girls grow na. At the press conference, Huang into real stars,” Yasushi Akimoto, a revealed that his Shanghai-based producer for AKB48, told Quick Japan company has managed to strike deals magazine in 2009, giving a glimpse with local schools to enroll students in into the mind-set behind the creation the Plan R project. Moreover, special of these all-girl bands. courses will be designed for these Age matters, too. For instance, potential stars to ensure they attain a TFboys made their debut at around the high school degree and can pass their age of 13. college entrance examinations while “First, they have to be young, of they’re taking part in the project.

Page Editor: SNH48 xuliuliu@ Top: TFboys globaltimes.com.cn Photos: IC Wednesday February 8, 2017 21 TEABREAK Garfield Horoscope

Happy birthday: Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22) Your birthday is the perfect time for Luck will favor you today so some rest and relaxation. Do not long as you keep things low hesitate to open you wallet and treat key. While you are ready and yourself. Taking time out to pursue raring to announce your creative endeavors will pay off in unex- plans to the world, this is not the right pected ways. Your lucky numbers: 3, 7, time to do so. Romance is in the air, 9, 16, 18. making this a good time for a nice eve- ning with that special someone. ✭✭✭ Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Crossword Do not let worries about Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22) the future keep you from Take care when dealing with enjoying the now. Take people who appear overly ACROSS some time off today to relax friendly. Others may just 1 Fighting tools and enjoy yourself. The problems that be trying to butter you up 6 Wiretapper’s device you face will still be there tomorrow, because they want something from you. 9 Confiscate but you will be better prepared to face Do not be afraid to put your interests 14 Plato’s marketplace them once your batteries are recharged. first today. ✭✭✭ 15 Olympics monogram ✭✭✭ 16 “___ of God” (1985 movie) Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) 17 Prepare for dry dock Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Do not hesitate to set the 18 Hilo welcome gift Tough times are ahead. bar for yourself high. By 19 More than dislikes This would be a good time doing so, you will ensure 20 Thing about to detonate to sit down and review that even when you fail to 23 Genealogy symbol your finances. If you are reach your goals, you will still accom- 24 TV scan line pattern properly prepared, you won’t have any plish great things. Matters of the heart 25 Pi follower problem weathering the storm ahead. should be a major priority for you today. 28 “Is it soup ___?” ✭✭✭ ✭✭✭ 29 Bard’s “above” 30 Did some wishful thinking Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19) Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) 32 TV studio sign Shrewd decision making Do not be ashamed if you 34 Attachment to “plane” or will be required of you do not have all the answers. “smith” today. Do not allow personal If you find yourself in a 35 Was perfect on the mound feelings to interfere with situation that baffles you, 41 Musical composition evok- 7 Manual consultants 50 Multiple misters (abbr.) your judgement. In the end, you must do not hesitate to ask questions. Just ing rural life (var.) 8 Merriment 53 Young Munster do what you have to do even if it is dif- blindly going along with the flow will 42 Chop-chop, to Chaucer 9 African desert 54 Full of beef fat ficult. ✭✭✭ end up taking you to a place you do not 43 Lowers in rank 10 Old-fashioned exclamation 56 “Golden rule” word want to be. ✭✭✭ 47 Wall-climbing greenery 11 The Web 57 Like one third of a triathlon Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20) 48 Beaver’s handiwork 12 Center of Arizona? 58 Adams of Hollywood The world can be yours to- Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) 51 Psychic power 13 Silly start? 59 Word before “little,” “late” day, but it will mean work- Although it may prove dif- 52 One of Saturn’s moons 21 Be fearful of or “much” ing with others as a group. ficult, you should not shy 54 Trigonometric ratio 22 Previously named The more people you get away from criticism. Other 55 Was rude, in a way 26 Roll call call involved in any project the higher your people can act as mirrors 58 Make amends 27 Landfill problem chances of success will be. Blue will be that will enable you to discover flaws 60 Tokyo of old 29 “Out of many, ___” (e your lucky color. ✭✭✭✭ you’ve never noticed. ✭✭✭ 61 Marks from a flogging pluribus unum) 62 ___ Carlo 31 Give a “PG” to Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20) Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) 63 ATM digits 32 Nobel Peace Prize place Make sure you stay on your Your luck will be so great 64 Say 33 Retrovirus component partner’s good side today. you may have a hard time 65 Handy things that go 35 Sandcastle’s undoing Pay them some special at- keeping your feet on the around the world? 36 Exalting poems Today’s Solution tention by doing something ground. While this is a 66 “Affirmative” 37 Orchestral piece you know they will appreciate. Financial good time to take risks, make sure you 67 “Austin Powers” star 38 Points of view matters are looking up. This will be a don’t get lost in the clouds! ✭✭✭✭ 39 Port in a storm good time for investments. ✭✭✭ DOWN 40 Frost-covered 1 Like a recall candidate 44 What good things come Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22) RATINGS ✭ 2 Give a cold shoulder to in? It’s time to get out there 5: Head for Macao! 3 Frozen dessert 45 Sushi fare and show everyone why you 4 Cleveland Indians’ nick- 46 Droopy-eyed 4: Ye gods! The planets align! should be given greater re- 3: Things are looking up. name 48 Prepare pupils for an sponsibility at work. Do not : Don’t bet on things working out. exam? 2 5 Certain cooking herb hesitate to tackle challenges from which 1: Watch out for black cats and ladders. 6 Balkan republic 49 It’s over a buck others shy away. ✭✭✭


Illustration: Xia Qing/GT Chat attack poetic B: I saw it. I was really impressed B: As a viewer, it’s really enjoyable to 诗意 by the contestants’ sound literary immerse myself in this kind of poetic (sh~y#) knowledge. world outside of work. 我看了,已被选手们扎实的文学素 身为观众而言,能在工作之余沉浸 A: A variety show has become very 养给折服了。 在这样一个诗意的世界里,实在是 popular recently. Contestants compete (w6 k3nle, y@b-i xu2nsh6u men zh`sh! 享受。 by showing their knowledge of de w9nxu9 s&y2ng g0i zh9f% le.) (sh8nw9i gu`nzh7ng 9ry1n, n9ngz3i Chinese literature appreciation. g4ngzu7 zh~y% ch9nj#n z3i zh-y3ng 最近有一档综艺很火,参加节目的 A: I also feel that this show has y~g- sh~y# de sh#ji- l@, sh!z3i sh# 选手们会比拼中国文学鉴赏知识。 unearthed a lot of life’s poetic beauty. xi2ngsh7u.) (zu#j#n y6u y~d3ng z4ngy# h0n hu6, 我还觉得这个节目挖掘了生活中许 c`nji` ji9m& de xu2nsh6u men hu# 多诗意的美。 Page Editor: b@p~n zh4nggu5 w9nxu9 ji3nsh2ng (w6 h1i ju9de zh-g- ji9m& w`ju9 le [email protected] zh~sh!.) sh8nghu5 zh4ng x^du4 sh~y# de m0i.) 22 Wednesday February 8, 2017 SPORTS Australian move RoundUp Jamaican sprinter and NFL Olympic champion Shanahan joins 49ers Usain Bolt Hours after his team lost (right) Super Bowl LI, Atlanta Falcons poses in his offensive coordinator Kyle signature move with Shanahan was named Monday Australian as the new coach of the NFL’s rules San Francisco 49ers. footballer Shanahan, who master- Alex Rance minded the league’s most pro- during an lific scoring attack this season, event at watched the Falcons seize a a store in 25-point lead only to watch the Melbourne, New England Patriots make Victoria, the greatest comeback in Super Australia Bowl history for a 34-28 over- on Tuesday. time victory. Photo: IC At 37, Shanahan becomes the NFL’s second-youngest head coach after his Los An- geles Rams counterpart Sean McVay. Golf Decision postponed  The Kasumigaseki Country Not to be readmitted to sport before November: task force Club, which is set to host golf for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, failed to reach a deci- sion about ending a ban on Russia banned from IAAF Worlds women as full members on Tuesday, with the head of its board of directors calling the situation “a nuisance.” Russian track and field athletes sponsored doping on a massive means that Russia as a nation, there was limited testing of The board meeting followed look certain to miss out on this scale. or RUSAF, is not recommended­ athletes at national level and calls to shift the tournament year’s world championships The suspension was upheld by us to be reinstated until that “troubling incidents” were hap- from the private club in Saita- after an IAAF task force rec- last year, ruling almost all Rus- time.” pening when testing was taking ma prefecture because of the ommended Monday that the sian track and field athletes out Anderson said Russia had place. rule, which allows women to country’s ban should run until of the 2016 Olympic Games in been presented with a list of “Our priority is to return play Monday through Saturday November. Rio de Janeiro. demands before it could be clean athletes to competition but bars them from becoming Rune Anderson, head of the A second report by Cana- ­allowed to compete again, add- but we must all have confi- full members and from playing task force of the sport’s world dian professor Richard McLar- ing that there had been posi- dence in the process,” said on Sundays. ruling body, told reporters he en last year said Moscow had tive and negative developments IAAF President Sebastian Coe. The Tokyo Olympic organiz- did not expect Russia to be “hijacked international sport” in meetings in Moscow last “Clean Russian athletes ing committee sent a letter to ­readmitted to the sport before over a five-year period and month. have been badly let down by the club last week appealing November, meaning its athletes that more than 1,000 Russian The negative ones included­ their national system. We must for it to reconsider the policy. will not be able to take part in competitors in 30 sports were “unhelpful comments” by ensure they are protected and Both men’s and women’s the global showpiece event in involved in an “institutional ­Vitaly Mutko, the Russian that those safeguards give tournaments will be held at London in August. conspiracy” to cover up positive sports minister and deputy ­confidence to the rest of the the club in 2020, following Russia’s athletics federa- tests. prime minister, he said. world that there is a level play- the return of the sport to the tion (RUSAF) was banned in “If everything goes in accor- Anderson added that ing field of competition when ­Summer Games at last year’s November 2015 after an inde- dance to plan there will be a full ­RUSAF faced practical and Russians return.” Rio Olympic Games. pendent World Anti-Doping reinstatement by November ­legal difficulties in enforcing Agency probe exposed state- 2017,” Anderson said, “which provisional doping bans, that Reuters Agencies NFL’s China conundrum facing a number of variables in the future

For all the records that New England this season witnessed an 8 percent drop would principally benefit the league and ­Patriots legend Tom Brady broke at SPORTSTALK in TV viewership in the US. its teams in the US? ­Super Bowl LI, there was another quar- The challenge now for the league is That scenario may seem far-fetched, terback in Houston’s NRG Stadium who MARK DREYER how best to capitalize on those numbers but with Trump valuing unpredictability may just have had an even greater time in China, particularly in regard to stag- seemingly above all else, it surely has on Sunday. made it to Houston in time to see the ing a game in China. better odds than the Patriots faced when Beijing’s Yang Hetong took his place greatest comeback in Super Bowl his- Less than a year ago, it seemed cer- 28-3 down in the third quarter. in the stands thanks to winning China’s­ tory, having last year received coaching tain that the San Francisco 49ers would Brady somehow found a way to con- One Pass to Fame competition at a in China from Brady’s longtime rival square off with the Los Angeles Rams quer the Falcons; now the NFL must packed Wembley Stadium in London Peyton Manning. in China to open the 2018 season, but take on an even greater challenge in in October during halftime of the India- Brady’s comeback was watched by that prospect has cooled considerably in China. napolis Colts and Jacksonville Jaguars millions in China on Monday morning recent months, even though the league game. across a variety of broadcast platforms, maintains it is continually exploring op- Mark Dreyer is the editor of China Sports After emerging from more than including, for the first time, a livestream tions to stage a game on the other side Insider. A former reporter at Sky Sports 16,000 Chinese hopefuls, Yang won a on Sina Weibo. of the world. and Fox Sports, he regularly comments on high-pressure shootout in front of ­nearly Viewing figures for the game are not Another aspect to consider is the China’s sports industry in global media. 84,000 fans, beating three other Chi- yet out, but with the NFL’s fan base in prospect of a US-China trade war. [email protected] nese finalists to win his trip to the US. China ballooning 1,000 percent over In that eventuality, with Trump Receiving his visa just in time – for- the past five years, according to league threatening to slap a 45 percent tariff on Page Editor: tunately US President Trump has yet estimates, growth in China has been imported goods, why would China be [email protected] to add China to his latest hit list – Yang welcome news for NFL executives who keen to host an NFL game, given that it Wednesday February 8, 2017 23 SPORTS  Austrian Schmidhofer claims shocking victory in St Moritz Lindsey Vonn slides out of Super-G

Austrian Nicole Schmidhofer pulled off after three previous silvers and a bronze tration for a minute. that’s ski racing and I can’t let it get me a shock victory in the women’s super- – a further three-hundredths adrift. “I tried to go too straight to make down.” G at the World Ski Championships on The 27-year-old Schmidhofer, whose up for the time I’d lost – that was a bad After Vonn’s departure, threats still Tuesday as American star Lindsey Vonn best previous world performance was tactic as I went over the roll and had no remained for Schmidhofer in the form failed to finish and Swiss favorite Lara fourth in the 2015 Beaver Creek down- chance to make the gate.” of Germany’s giant slalom special- Gut came third. hill, could barely believe her luck when Vonn admitted that the lack of grip ist Viktoria Rebensburg and Austrian Schmidhofer, with just two World she streaked through the finish line in her hand meant for drastic measures Anna Veith, the reigning Olympic and Cup podiums in eight seasons, clocked ahead of Weirather before watching ahead of Sunday’s downhill. world champion who missed last season 1 minute 21.34 seconds down the Corvi- Vonn badly miss her line and ski out “Going forward, I’m just going to through injury. glia piste in cold, overcast conditions in halfway down the course. have to duct-tape my hand to my pole Rebensburg eventually came fourth, St Moritz, touching 60 kph in little more “I stayed on my feet so that was the because I can’t afford to lose it again,” while Veith bombed out after badly than 3 seconds after leaving the start gate most important thing,” said Vonn, com- she said, playing down any concerns ­negotiating a cutup part of the slope, and hitting top speeds of 100 kph. ing back from a broken arm that leaves that she had been nervous. “I felt good leaving Schmidhofer to breathe a huge Liechtenstein’s Tina Weirather her hand without total grip. and I felt confident in the start. I wasn’t sigh of relief in the finish area. claimed silver at 0.33 seconds, with Gut “I’m definitely disappointed about nervous. I was ready and I attacked. claiming bronze – her fifth world medal today. I lost my pole and lost my concen- “Sometimes it just doesn’t work, AFP

Intense clash RoundUp

Soccer Barca duo back in squad Barcelona were handed a huge boost ahead of the second leg of their Copa del Rey semifinal at home to Atletico Madrid on Tuesday as Sergio Busquets and Andres Iniesta were named in Luis Enrique’s squad. Busquets missed the last four games due to ankle liga- ment damage, whilst Iniesta hasn’t featured in nearly a month with a hamstring problem. Gerard Pique has also been passed fit despite coming off with a groin strain at halftime in Saturday’s 3-0 win over Athletic Bilbao, but Neymar is unavailable due to suspension. Barca hold a 2-1 first-leg lead as they look to reach a fourth consecutive Copa del Rey final. Foxes not to sack Ranieri Claudio Ranieri was told he is safe from the sack on Tuesday Shanghai SIPG striker Elkeson competes for the ball in their Asian Champions League qualifying playoff match against Thailand’s as the Thai owners of strug- Sukhothai on Tuesday in Shanghai. SIPG advanced to the group stage after a comfortable 3-0 victory. Midfielder Oscar scored his gling champions Leicester first goal for SIPG after joining from Chelsea in December. Elkeson added another two later in the match.Photo: CFP vowed their “unwavering support” to the under-fire manager. Ranieri’s side are just one Malaysia’s Lee Chong Wei left fuming over knee injury point above the relegation zone after Sunday’s 3-0 defeat against Manchester United BADMINTON may retire this year, tore a “My first thought was I Meanwhile the Badminton and speculation had mounted ­medial collateral ligament in didn’t want to end my career Association of Malaysia (BAM) that the Italian was on the World No.1 Lee Chong Wei was his left knee in the incident, the like this,” Lee said. apologized and said the slip- brink of being dismissed. But left fuming after an injury at Star newspaper said Tuesday. Lee had said last month pery mats had been replaced. amid reports Ranieri has lost Malaysia’s new training center “This injury could have been that he hoped to win the 2017 “I’m sorry that Chong Wei his players’ backing, Leicester’s cost him what may have been avoided,” Lee was reported as BWF World Championships in is injured ... Like everyone else, owners have tried to ease the his last shot at the All England saying. ­Scotland in August before retir- we would like to see him win crisis by making it clear they Championship, reports said Lee, a silver medalist in the ing. at the All England,” BAM Gen- still believe in the man who Tuesday. last three Olympic Games, “He was so fired up to train eral Manager Lawrence Chew led the Foxes to an against- The 34-year-old, who was said he had complained about after the Lunar New Year cel- was quoted as saying by the the-odds Premier League title gunning for his fourth title at the new center’s slippery court ebrations,” said national coach Star. triumph last season. the prestigious tournament mats but “nothing was done.” Hendrawan. “We’re are taking all mea- next month, will be out for The Malaysia team only “I sympathize with him sures possible to make sure Agencies weeks after he slipped and fell moved to their new national because he has not played for that no one else gets hurt at the at the new Academy Badmin- training center in the Bukit some time and has been pre- center.” Page Editor: wanghuayun@ ton Malaysia on Saturday. ­Kiara suburb of Kuala Lumpur paring well and this had to hap- globaltimes.com.cn Lee, who has signaled he a week ago. pen.” AFP SPORTS 24 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2017 Cavs snap Wizards’ win streak  LeBron James 2016-17 a game-high 41 LeBron forces sank an astonish- NBA points, the last ing three-pointer of them on a overtime with to force overtime three-pointer that and Kyrie Irving sparkled late as put Washington ahead 133-131. shocking 3-pointer the Cleveland Cavaliers outlasted Irving answered with a baseline Washington 140-135 on Monday in jumper and a three-pointer to put an epic NBA thriller. the Cavaliers ahead to stay. Marcin A game featuring playoff-level Gortat pulled the Wizards within intensity from tipoff to last shot saw 136-135 but Irving and Love each the defending champions rally in hit two late free throws to seal the overtime after James had fouled out victory, snapping a seven-game while the Wizards, who saw their Wizards win streak, their longest in 17-game home win streak snapped, 12 years. served notice they will be a formi- “[We won] by executing at a high dable foe when the playoffs arrive. level,” Irving said. “I’m glad we With the Wizards leading 118-117 pulled it out – great win. Motivat- and 12 seconds remaining, James ing.” drove the length of the court but James scored 32 points and missed a layup, setting up two John passed out a career-best 17 assists, Wall free throws for a three-point Irving scored 11 of his 23 points in Washington lead with 3.4 seconds overtime and Tristan Thompson remaining. added 22 points and 12 rebounds “It was a point-blank layup and for the Cavaliers. I missed it,” James said. “I was There was bad news in the ­blessed to [get] in position where I triumph for Cleveland. Starting could make up for it.” guard Iman Shumpert, filling in Love hurled a long pass to for injured JR Smith, suffered a left James along the right sideline and ­ankle sprain and missed most of the four-time NBA Most Valuable the contest. Player banked in a shock fadeaway The Cavaliers improved to 35- three-pointer over Washington’s 15, best in the Eastern Conference, Bradley Beal to deadlock the game while Washington fell to fourth in LeBron James of the Cleveland at 120-120. the East at 30-21 – positions that Cavaliers shoots the ball against the James, who also made three con- would set up a possible second-­ Washington Wizards on Monday in secutive three-pointers for Cleve- round playoff meeting between Washington, DC. Photo: CFP land late in regulation, fouled out them. seconds into overtime trying to Page Editor: wanghuayun@ defend a shot by Beal, who scored AFP globaltimes.com.cn

Clear NATIONAL City Hi (ºC) Lo (ºC) Forecast February 8 Dali 19 4 Clear WEATHER Guilin 10 8 Rain Hangzhou 7 0 Sleet Cloudy H: 4º H: -9º Kunming 18 5 Cloudy Beijing L: -7º Harbin L: -20º Lijiang 19 2 Clear H: -8º Urumqi L: -15º Humidity: 27% Macao 22 13 Overcast Wind Scale: 5 Nanjing 4 -2 Sleet Daily Air Pollution Index: Qingdao 2 -2 Cloudy Overcast Low Sanya 29 21 Cloudy UV Index: Low Shenyang H: -1º Two-day forecast L: -13º Shenzhen 22 17 Overcast 6 0 Rain

Rain H: 3º H: 4º INTERNATIONAL L: -5º L: -5º City Hi (ºC) Lo (ºC) Forecast

H: 2º Amsterdam 4 0 Sleet Tianjin L: -4º Bangkok 33 24 Cloudy Berlin 1 -4 Sleet Shower Brussels 6 2 Rain H: -6º H: 5º Hohhot L: -16º Xi’an L: -3º Cairo 18 11 Cloudy Colombo 31 21 Cloudy H: 6º Frankfurt 5 2 Rain Shanghai L: 1º Thunder H: 11º Karachi 28 12 Clear Chengdu L: 1º Kuala Lumpur 29 23 Rain London 8 3 Rain Manila 32 22 Cloudy Melbourne 33 20 Cloudy H: 13º Mexico City 22 9 Cloudy Wind Lhasa L: -1º Moscow -10 -19 Snow H: 23º Mumbai 30 16 Clear H: 12º H: 6º Taipei L: 9º Chongqing L: 8º Wuhan L: -2º Nairobi 29 17 Cloudy New York City 15 5 Rain Snow Paris 8 3 Rain Rome 15 4 Rain H: 19º L: 10º San Francisco 15 13 Rain Sao Paulo 23 20 Rain Seoul 3 -7 Cloudy Smog Singapore 28 24 Rain H: 21º Hong Kong L: 17º Sydney 24 22 Cloudy Tokyo 10 2 Rain Washington 20 8 Rain Biz Update Biz Comment Biz Insight Chinese FDI New wave of Titans surges globalization clash B2 B7 B8 Biz Overview Subsidy cuts ‘good for sector’ of NEVs B4-5

www.globaltimes.cn BUSINESSWEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2017 TOURISM People’s Daily reported Tuesday. Mean- the tourism sector, according to the re- risk that may impact Chinese tourists By Ma Jingjing while, more than 600,000 Australians port. to that country,” he added. visited China last year. Hangzhou-based performing arts Both sides should continue to make The 2017 China-Australia Year of Tour- Recently, a series of measures have company Songcheng Performance De- an effort in terms of enlarging the Chi- ism is to enhance tourist and economic been rolled out to promote the bilateral velopment Co announced in Novem- na-Australia tourism market, boosting communication between the two coun- tourism exchange between the nations. ber 2016 that its subsidiary Songcheng tourism investment and strengthening tries, but analysts said more efforts are For example, the Australian govern- (Australia) Entertainment planned to online tourism education and academ- needed such as simplifying visa appli- ment has launched 10-year multi-entry invest 2 billion yuan ($291 million) in ic exchange, said Bai Changhong, dean cations and joint supervision on servic- visas for Chinese tourists, starting from an amusement park project in Austra- of the college of tourism and service es providers amid various challenges. December 2016, and the online visa ap- lia’s Gold Coast. management at Nankai University in The China-Australia Year of Tourism plication process in simplified Chinese “The two [countries] should take ad- North China’s Tianjin Municipality. kicked off in Sydney on Sunday, mark- makes the Australian visa more conve- vantage of the [Year of Tourism] project More efforts are also needed to ing a new phase in the two countries’ nient. and the chance that the US is withdraw- prioritize the tourism market and im- relationship. The project is expected to ing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership prove the experience of tourists, includ- create more opportunities for in-depth Boosting business ties trade deal to lift their cooperative rela- ing simplifying visa applications, joint communication in economics, society Increasing people-to-people ex- tionship to another level,” Song Ding, supervision on services providers and and academics. change will help boost the development director of the tourism and real estate tourism insurance and international In a congratulatory message on the of the aviation industry in both coun- center of the Shenzhen-based China rescue cooperation, according to Bai. opening ceremony, Chinese Premier tries. Australian airlines supply 28 di- Development Institute, told the Global Though China is a large market for Li Keqiang said “people-to-people ex- rect flights every week to China, while Times Tuesday. the tourism industry, its product qual- change is one of the key pillars support- Chinese airlines provide 167 direct ity and natural environment still lags ing China-Australia relations… I hope flights a week, making it China’s sec- Further efforts behind that in Australia, Song said, we will make the best of the tourism ond largest long-distance international The year-long program serves as an noting that China should learn from year to broaden and deepen our com- aviation market only after the US. excellent opportunity to promote bilat- Australia to become a strong tourism munication and cooperation in various The Chinese tourist rush to Austra- eral economic cooperation, but more destination. areas and further consolidate the popu- lia is also helping drive Chinese invest- efforts are needed from both countries For example, China can learn from lar basis for the all-round development ment in the country. amid various challenges. Australia’s self-driving sector, as the of our bilateral relations.” Chinese companies’ investment Uncertainties in the exchange rate government stressed to developing its China is the most valued tourism in Australia’s tourism sector has sur- of the yuan, high flight prices as well as self-driving industry in the 13th Five market for Australia, with the market passed A$10 billion, the Financial simple tourism product structures may Year Plan (2016-20), Bai told the Global value expected to exceed $13 billion Times reported on January 4. affect Chinese visitors’ enthusiasm for Times on Tuesday. by 2020, said Australian Minister for Dozens of domestic developers and Australia, Zhu Zhengyu, a tourism About 70 percent of Australia’s do- Trade, Tourism and Investment Steven investors such as Dalian Wanda Group, analyst at Beijing-based market consul- mestic tourists favor self-driving tours, Ciobo. Nanshan Group and Greenland Hold- tancy Analysys International, told the for which the government has heavily Some 1.2 million Chinese tourists ings Corp have rushed to invest in Global Times Tuesday. invested in infrastructure and related visited Australia in 2016 and spent hotels, apartments and entertainment “Australia’s stance on the South facilities and services to encourage the about A$9 billion ($6.9 billion), the projects, aiming to make profits from China Sea issue is another potential development of that mode of travel. China-Australia Year of Tourism to boost cooperation  More efforts needed to strengthen exchanges amid Chinese tourists take pictures as they pose in front of the challenges: analysts Sydney Opera House in Sydney. Photo: CFP

Page Editor: [email protected]

Send your tips, insights or photos to [email protected], or call our news line: +86 10 6536 7583 Address: The Global Times English Edition, 2 Jintai Xilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100026 B2 Wednesday February 8, 2017 BIZUPDATE  Outlook for 2017 dim amid uncertainties: experts Chinese FDI into Western markets surges

DATA Global Times. That comes even said Wang Jun, an analyst at the came from private companies, ed by rising political and regu- By Wang Cong as 30 deals worth an unprec- China Center for International a trend that signals the rise of latory obstacles, experts said. edented $74 billion were can- Economic Exchanges. corporate China in the world “Political and regulatory Chinese investment into West- celed in the year, according to “There are just not many economy. uncertainties are weighing on ern countries and regions saw the report. opportunities with good return Another highlight was that the outlook. A short-term slow- significant rises in 2016 despite North America attracted prospects in the domestic mar- Chinese investment into the down in new deals is likely in rising regulatory obstacles to about $48 billion Chinese in- ket … and the advanced econo- US rose almost 200 percent 2017, driven both by China’s merger and acquisition (M&A) vestment, increasing 189 per- mies in Europe and North year-on-year to $45.6 billion in temporary measures to slow deals involving Chinese com- cent year-on-year and, for the America are still very attractive 2016, with California attracting capital outflows and tougher panies, as corporate China con- first time since 2013, surpass- to Chinese capital,” Wang told most of the money and other screening of inbound deals in tinues a global shopping spree ing the $46 billion Chinese in- the Global Times on Tuesday. states, including Kentucky, Il- the US and Europe,” Michael in search of better investment vestment into Europe. He said the fast growth of linois and Minnesota, seeing DeFranco, global head of M&A opportunities, a report showed The rise in Chinese invest- many Chinese companies, par- major investments, the report at Baker McKenzie, was quoted on Tuesday. ment into Europe and North ticularly private ones – which said. as saying in the report. Total Chinese direct invest- America was in line with a are facing even tougher condi- However, although 2017 Particularly in the US, deals ment into North American and trend of Chinese companies tions in China – in recent years could be another strong year involving Chinese companies Europe more than doubled in going overseas in search of is also driving them to expand for Chinese investment due to will likely face even tighter 2016 to a new record of $94.2 more lucrative investment op- on a broader world stage. pending transactions, includ- scrutiny from the new admin- billion, according to the report portunities, as such opportuni- In 2016, 70 percent of the ing a record $43 billion deal for istration of President Donald from US law firm Baker McK- ties have been squeezed by a Chinese investment into Eu- a Chinese company to acquire Trump, who has taken a tough enzie LLP that was sent to the slowing economy back home, rope and North American Syngenta, the outlook is cloud- stance on China, Wang said.

Urban housing prices Getting back on track slip as curbs take hold

PROPERTY Property sales in 26 major cities in the Chinese mainland dropped 50.5 percent last week in com- parison with the previous week, domestic news portal cnstock.com reported Tuesday, citing data from the China Index Academy. This indicates that local governments’ recent measures to cool the real estate market started to work. Data monitored by the academy showed that sales in second-tier cities fell nearly 50 percent over the reported period. At the end of last year, the Central Economic Work Conference set the tone for the property market this year, calling for stable and healthy development.

Global Times


BUDGET Liaoning posts fiscal growth Northeast China’s Liaoning Province posted growth in its fiscal income for the first time since 2014, when -in Workers at Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co return to work on Monday after the week-long Spring Festival come plunged following revelations that the provincial holidays. About 200 cars moved slowly along this production line in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province, which government had been falsifying data. usually produces more than 1,000 vehicles a day. Photo: IC Liaoning’s general public budget income, a major part of its total fiscal income, rose 3.4 percent year-on- year to nearly 220 billion yuan ($31.97 billion) in 2016, after declining more than 30 percent drop in 2015, Foreign reserves decline in January, dip below $3 trillion yicai.com reported. The local government admitted last month that some local economic statistics between 2011 and 2014 had been falsified. CURRENCY eign exchange to maintain market ing of forex reserves, Rajiv Biswas, The nation’s foreign exchange re- equilibrium. Asia Pacific chief economist for IHS LABOR serves continued to shrink in Janu- The administration stressed that it Global Insight, said in an e-mail sent worker demand ary, falling for the seventh straight is normal to see the reserves fluctuate to the Global Times on Tuesday. He Demand for new employees in South China’s Guang- month, to below the closely watched in light of the complicated domestic added Chinese regulators are likely dong Province was strong after the Spring Festival $3 trillion level, official data showed and overseas economic environment. to continue to take tough regulatory holidays, when migrant workers usually return to their Tuesday. Capital outflows have slowed, it action to clamp down on capital out- hometowns for long periods. Foreign exchange reserves stood said, adding that capital was expected flows, following the wide range of The first job fair in Guangzhou, capital of the indus- at about $2.99 trillion last month, to flow in a balanced manner across steps already taken in recent months. trial province, started Monday with nearly 4,000 posts down from about $3.01 trillion in De- the border in the near term. on offer from more than 180 companies in the Pearl cember, the State Administration of With reserves having dropped be- Xinhua – Global Times River Delta region. Of the total, nearly 20 percent were Foreign Exchange said, citing figures low the psychologically important lev- opportunities in the wholesale and retail sectors. from the central bank. el of $3 trillion, this will further ramp Page Editor: SAFE attributed the sharp decline up the pressure on Chinese policy- [email protected] Global Times – Xinhua to its intervention in supplying for- makers to prevent the further drain- Wednesday February 8, 2017 B3 BIZMARKETS Market-rates X-rates

Shanghai Composite SZSE Component CSI 300 SZSE ChiNext Hang Seng Index 1 US dollar = 6.8604 yuan -0.12% -0.23% -0.22% -0.60% -0.07% 1 euro = 3,153.09 10,055.57 3,365.68 1,889.13 23,331.570 7.3693 yuan

1 British pound = 3,165.23 10,111.73 3,382.35 1,909.75 23,406.6 8.5535 yuan

3,156.98 10,078.73 3,373.21 1,900.45 23,348.2 100 Japanese yen =

3,148.74 10,045.73 3,364.06 1,891.14 23,289.8 6.1390 yuan 1 Hong Kong dollar = 9:30 11:30/13:00 15:00 9:30 11:30/13:00 15:00 9:30 11:30/13:00 15:00 9:30 11:30/13:00 15:00 9:30 12:00/13:00 16:00 0.88434 yuan  Comment rebuts speculation that govt intends to reverse monetary policy PBC official says market drives interbank rates

By Xie Jun day reverse repo rate, one of its key policy Investment Research Institute, said that interest rates. “First, there is no lack of rates, by 10 basis points to 2.35 percent. an increase of the reverse repo or the money in China’s financial system, and A central bank official said Tuesday that It was the first time the central bank has SLF rate does not indicate the direction an interest rate cut might add chaos to the government raised rates for reverse raised the rate since 2013. of the government’s monetary policy, be- the already overflowing sector. Second, repurchase agreements (reverse repos) The PBC also raised the rate for 14- cause it’s not adjustment of the bench- the US government’s stance on another in response to market forces, the Xinhua day reverse repos to 2.5 percent from mark interest rates for deposits or loans. interest rate increase is unclear, which News Agency reported. 2.4 percent, and the 28-day open market “The government increased the re- holds the Chinese government back “[The rates are] subject to the influ- operations rate to 2.65 percent from 2.55 verse repo rates and the SLF rate to in- from acting impulsively,” she said. ence of capital supply and demand in percent. crease the yield on interbank products Tan also doesn’t see much chance of a the market,” said Xu Zhong, director of Reverse repos are contracts in which to suppress liquidity in the banking sec- rate increase in China because inflation- the People’s Bank of China’s (PBC) re- the central bank purchases securities tor,” Tan told the Global Times Tuesday. ary pressure remains low. “I think the search bureau, according to the report. from banks on the condition that the On Tuesday, the PBC didn’t conduct government will adopt a wait-and-see Xu made the statement after specu- banks buy them back after a specified any open market reverse repos as liquid- attitude for the time being,” she noted. lation emerged that the rate increase amount of time, such as seven days. ity was relatively high in the banking The last time the PBC adjusted the signaled that the government intends to On Friday, the PBC also increased the system, the PBC noted. It also refrained benchmark one-year interest rate was tighten monetary policy, reversing the lending rates for its standing lending fa- from offering reverse repos on Monday. in August 2015, when it lowered the de- policy trend of the last few years. cility (SLF) short-term loans. Tan said the government will be posit and lending rates each by 0.25 of a On Friday, the PBC raised the seven- Tan Yaling, head of the China Forex cautious about adjusting benchmark percentage point.

Eating it up Benchmark JGBs firm, shrugging Consumers examine products off tepid 10-year CPI-linked sale at Prodexpo, an international exhibition of Benchmark Japanese govern- ket with investors’ opinions di- food, beverages ment bonds edged higher on vided on what the BOJ will do and ingredients Tuesday, shrugging off tepid next.” in Moscow on Monday. The event demand at an auction of infla- The central bank has so far is the largest tion-linked 10-year bonds, as apparently refrained from any annual specialized investors continued to puzzle steps to stem rising yields in exhibition in over the Bank of Japan’s stance the superlong zone, with ma- Russia. It runs until on JGB purchases. turities of 20 years or longer, Friday. Photo: CFP The 10-year JGB yield was even as they have gained 30-50 down half a basis point at 0.095 basis points since the BOJ em- percent, well below a one-year barked on its latest policy. high of 0.150 percent notched On Tuesday, the 20-year on Friday, while 10-year JGB yield and the 30-year JGB yield futures finished up 0.11 point were both flat at 0.715 percent Mainland stocks dip on tightening liquidity at 149.66. and 0.900 percent respectively, Under its current monetary ahead of a 30-year auction on policy framework of “yield Thursday. TOCKREVIEW percent to 1,889.13 points. energy shares. curve control” introduced in “I wish they would stop ‘yield S A total of 351 billion yuan The Hang Seng index slipped September, the BOJ aims to curve control’ and just let JGB ($51.04 billion) in shares 0.07 percent to 23,331.57 points. guide the 10-year JGB yield to yields move naturally, or as nat- Chinese mainland stocks changed hands on the Shang- The downside pressure was around zero percent. urally as they can move when pulled back on Tuesday as the hai and Shenzhen markets. limited by rising capital inflows “For now, shorter maturi- the central bank is buying such central bank signaled it wanted Economists forecast China’s through the Shanghai-Hong ties, 2- to 5-year JGBs, still a large quantity of JGBs,” said a keep liquidity in check in the fi- banks extended the second Kong Stock Connect scheme. have negative yields, while su- fixed-income fund manager at nancial system. highest level of loans on record Chinese investors used more perlong yields have risen, so a European asset management The blue-chip CSI 300 in- in January as worries about pol- than 17 percent of the daily the BOJ’s ‘yield curve control’ firm in Tokyo. dex declined 0.22 percent to icy tightening added to lenders’ quota in the previous session, policy has indeed steepened the On Monday, the central bank 3,365.68 points. rush to sign up higher-quality compared with an average of curve,” said Ayako Sera, market bought 450 billion yen ($4 bil- The benchmark Shanghai customers early in the year. nearly 11 percent in January. strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui lion) of bonds with maturity of Composite Index dipped 0.12 The People’s Bank of China “We still need to have a close Trust Bank in Tokyo. more than five to 10 years. percent to 3,153.09 points, raised short-term interbank watch on that for a while, to “But it’s been less than a half while the Shenzhen Compo- rates on Friday, though analysts see if the trend is sustainable,” year since the BOJ started this Reuters nent Index closed 0.23 percent do not expect it will be in any said Linus Yip, strategist at First policy, so we need to wait to see lower at 10,055.57 points. rush to raise its benchmark pol- Shanghai Securities. what they do from now,” she Page Editor: [email protected] The ChiNext, the country’s icy lending rate any time soon. said. “In the meantime, there is NASDAQ equivalent, fell 0.60 Losses were mainly led by Reuters – Global Times an uncertain mood in the mar- B4-5 Wednesday February 8, 2017 BIZOVERVIEW POLICY in the long run, as the phasing out of pushing NEV FigurativelySpeaking Censored Google Play store By Li Xuanmin subsidies is in line with the govern- makers to focus ment’s original goal of stimulating on innovations may enter China through The central government’s recent production, which will hepl lower and make tech- Investment the National De- move to cut subsidies to new-energy costs to levels that the market can af- nological break- velopment and Reform Com- cooperation with NetEase vehicles (NEVs) will be conducive to ford. throughs if they mission, China’s top economic the industry’s long-term development, “As production and sales of NEVs wish to remain planning body, announced on as the production costs have slumped surged in recent years, costs fell sharp- competitive,” Feng Tuesday that it has approved TECHNOLOGY in recent years and NEV makers are ly because of economies of scale. As- told the Global Times 6.16 billion yuan for two domestic car compa- By Zhang Ye motivated to make technological suming the annual subsidy cuts is in on Tuesday. nies to build new energy vehicle projects. Combined production capacity of the two proj- breakthroughs, experts told the Global proportion to cost reductions, it’s time China’s NEV sec- ects will reach 115,000 green energy cars every year. Google’s presence in China is limited, but it might fi- Times on Tuesday. to phase out such payments,” Zhang tor grew quickly in re- nally find its way into the world’s largest smartphone The Ministry of Industry and In- Zhiyong, the founder of Wenfeng Au- cent years. Last year, market. formation Technology (MIIT) and tomobile, told the Global Times on 507,000 NEVs were Number of steel companies listed in the Chinese Unidentified sources were quoted by San Francisco- three other ministries, including the Tuesday. sold, up 53 percent mainland that have issued profit estimates for based technology media outlet The Information on Ministry of Finance and the National Feng Shiming, a car analyst at Me- year-on-year, ac- 2016, according to media reports. As of Monday, Tuesday as saying that NetEase Inc, China’s second- Development and Reform Commis- nutor Consulting, agreed. He noted cording to a only four mainland-listed steel companies had re- largest online games provider, is in talks with Google sion, said the government would slash that the cost of NEV batteries, which statement on Industry should focus on cutting leased estimates of negative financial results for about introducing Google’s Play mobile app store into subsidies for NEVs each year and represent more than 50 percent of the MIIT’s  2016. China via a joint venture. “completely phase out” the program each vehicle’s price, has plunged in re- website. 29 There is no guarantee that this will materialize, ac- by 2020, the Xinhua News Agency re- cent years, significantly reducing total production costs, innovation cording to the sources, who claimed to be familiar with ported on Tuesday. costs. Month-on-month the discussions. The central government will re- Zhang quoted a manager of Tesla growth Changjiang NetEase could not be reached for comment on this. duce NEV subsidies by 20 percent in as saying that once the automobile Securities Co saw in Google declined to comment on questions from the 2017, and local governments will not giant produces more than 200,000 its January net profits, Global Times. However, Google executives emphasized be allowed to offer subsidies higher NEVs, the company will be able to which reached 102.63 in November 2015 that the company “never left China,” than 50 percent of those offered by the offer a market-friendly price without million yuan ($14.92 and planned to expand its presence. central government, the announce- additional subsidies. “The philoso- 17.7 percent million), the com- “China has the world’s largest online population ment said. phy also applies to China’s market pany said on Tuesday. and the world’s biggest smartphone market, which is Under the new rule, the maximum in 2020, when more than 1 million The securities company achieved sales revenue of 331.38 million yuan in January. too big for Google to ignore,” Wang Yanhui, head of the subsidy for car buyers this year will be units of NEVs are expected to be pro- Shanghai-based Mobile China Alliance, told the Global about 66,000 yuan ($9,603), down duced,” Zhang said. Times on Tuesday. from 110,000 yuan in 2016, domes- Experts also linked the shrink- A report issued by China Internet Network Center in tic news portal sina.com.cn reported ing subsidies with fraud cases in Honda, Hitachi Automotive to establish EV late January said that as of December, the online popu- on Tuesday. NEV subsidies peaked at the NEV sector, which have raised lation in China reached 731 million, equivalent to the 120,000 yuan per vehicle in 2013. concerns over whether the pro- motor joint venture with $45m investment EU’s total population, with an Internet penetration rate Following the policy, NEV prices gram was actually conducive to of 53.2 percent. Among these people, 695 million ac- are likely to “slightly increase” in the the industry. cess the Internet via cellphones. short run, experts predicted. The po- On Saturday, Chinese regula- VEHICLES ingness to join with other industry players “Seeking a local partner is crucial for Google, which tential price hikes worry some shop- tors revoked new-energy sub- A new energy vehicle at Honda Motor Co and Hitachi’s automotive to develop more lower-emission cars. It is not familiar with how to reach Chinese online users pers like a 29-year-old white-collar sidy qualifications for seven the 2016 China (Nanjing) Subsidy cuts unit said on Tuesday that they will form a announced last week that it was teaming after years of absence,” Zhang Yi, CEO of Guangzhou- worker surnamed Wang in Beijing. automakers, including Jinhua International New Energy joint venture to develop, produce and sell up with General Motors Co to produce hy- based market research firm iiMedia Research, told the “If I buy a certain Denza NEV, the Youngman Automobile, SAIC Auto Expo in Nanjing, motors for hybrid gasoline-electric cars drogen fuel cell power systems in the US Global Times on Tuesday. subsidies I get this year will be 44,000 Bus and Chongqing Lifan Au- capital of East China’s and fully electric vehicles (EV). from around 2020. Refusing to filter search results, Google exited the yuan less than that of 2016,” Wang tomobile, due to subsidy cheat- Jiangsu Province on April Automakers are increasingly teaming The Honda-Hitachi venture will have Chinese mainland in 2010 in a high-profile gesture of told the Global Times on Tuesday. ing, according to a statement on 17, 2016 Photo: CFP ‘good for up with parts suppliers to develop and sales and manufacturing functions in the defiance against local authorities, who insist that all do- “I’ve no idea how the decline in sub- the MIIT’s website. produce components for the fast-growing US and China in addition to Japan, the mestic or foreign companies in the country must abide sidies will be translated into market In December, four automak- EV segment as a way to boost scale while companies said. by local laws and regulations. prices, so I would rather adopt a wait- ers were penalized for similar containing costs. It will be established in July with an in- Since then, speculations of Google’s return to China and-see attitude.” violations after an investigation. sector’ of NEVs “With environmental conservation vestment of 5 billion yen ($44.69 million), have periodically surfaced. In 2015, there were rumors Wang said he will probably buy the Against this backdrop, the measures and regulations increasing on and will be owned 51 percent by Hitachi that a censored Chinese version of the Google mobile NEV after prices in the segment sta- new regulation can “be regarded a global scale, the market for electric ve- Automotive Systems and 49 percent by app store would hit the market in 2016. bilize. as good news for the industry,” as hicles is expected to continue to grow,” the Honda, they said. Chinese Internet companies like NetEase can be- Experts noted that China’s NEV the business environment will shift companies said in a joint press release. come the right business allies to help Google have a market will “maintain robust growth” from policy-led to market-oriented, in long run Honda’s latest tie-up highlights its will- Reuters better relationship with the authorities, said Wang. “It is harder for Google to get into the market on its own at this moment when the government increasingly tight- ens control over the Internet.” Citigroup gets bond settlement RoundUp Toshiba wants funds to buy chip stake, source says On Monday, the Shanghai Cyberspace Administra- tion launched a registration program requiring all mo- agent license from central bank DEALS ENERGY bile app stores to register with the authorities when PCCW agrees to sell British broadband unit DCC to buy ExxonMobil’s Norwegian asset Toshiba Corp wants investment South Korea’s SK Hynix Inc, As smartphones and data serv- launching, altering or halting their services. This came Hong Kong’s PCCW has agreed to sell its British broadband DCC Plc said it will buy the retail fuel station network of ExxonMo- funds including Bain Capital to the world’s No.2 memory chip- ers demand more processing abil- after the Cyberspace Administration of China in Janu- FINANCE Citi’s license comes as China Internet business to compatriot CK Hutchison Holdings for 300 bil’s Norwegian unit, Esso Norge AS, for 2.43 billion Norwegian buy a stake in its flash memory maker, has also entered the run- ity, chip suppliers are struggling to ary announced new regulation for app stores, which Citigroup Inc’s China unit said has been expanding interbank million pounds ($374.25 million), to focus on its media and solu- crowns ($293.4 million). business rather than industry ning for a stake in Toshiba Corp’s keep pace with demand. the administration defined as an untamed frontier with on Tuesday that it received a bond market access to foreign tions divisions as well as its free TV service. DCC, which markets fuel and related products, said that the peers such as Micron Technology memory chip business, seeing an Nomura estimated that global many apps that have been found to “spread illegal in- Type A bond settlement agent investors in recent years. PCCW will sell UK Broadband to Hutchison 3G UK in a deal total consideration, along with the value of stock in tanks at the Inc, because structuring the trans- opportunity to gain on rivals in the memory sales will grow 56.7 per- formation, violate user rights or contain security risks.” license from China’s central The Chinese bond market that it expects will generate a gain of HK$1.3 billion ($167.59 date of acquisition, would be paid in cash. action in this manner will speed booming NAND market, a person cent year-on-year to a record $116 In early January, Apple Inc removed the news app bank, allowing it to add to its has grown more than six-fold million), the telecommunications group said in a filing to Hong The transaction is expected to close in the final quarter of 2017, up the planned sale, a source said. familiar with the matter said on billion in 2017 and the NAND seg- The New York Times from its China app store, citing offering of sales, trading and since 2005 to become the third- Kong’s stock exchange. the company said. Toshiba needs to raise funds Tuesday. ment will expand 51.2 percent to that it had been informed by the Chinese government research in the fixed-income largest globally by issuance. UK Broadband sells broadband services under the “Relish” by the end of March to offset SK Hynix would benefit from $51 billion. that the app violated local regulations. business. “China’s bond market is ex- brand via fixed wireless networks. It holds licenses for radio MARKETS an imminent multi-billion dol- Toshiba’s technological know-how Toshiba aims to raise more If the talks can achieve something, analysts said it Citigroup is the first US- citing and dynamic as China frequency spectrum. Deutsche Boerse, LSE to sell French business lar write-down on its US nuclear in high-end NAND products and than 200 billion yen ($1.7 billion) could signify some opportunities for overseas Android based bank to be granted the accelerates the international- Deutsche Boerse and the London Stock Exchange will formally power business. There may not a boost in chip supply, analysts from the less than 20 percent app developers. Type A license to act as a bond ization of the renminbi,” Chris- EARNINGS offer to divest their French clearing business as a remedy to the be enough time to conclude a deal said. The Japanese company is stake in its memory business, “But it is hard to tell how big those benefits will be, settlement agent in China’s tine Lam, president and CEO of BP misses forecasts for Q4 European Commission (EC) to address antitrust concerns in with another chipmaker, said the the world’s second-largest maker sources have said. as China’s Android app distribution market is already interbank bond market. Other Citi China, said in a statement. BP missed analysts’ estimates for fourth-quarter profit on Tuesday relation to the merger of the two exchange operators, Deutsche source with direct knowledge of of NAND flash memory chips, One of the sources said that controlled by third-party stores run by local smartphone global banks with such a li- On Monday, JPMorgan and reported a decline in earnings for the second consecutive year Boerse said. the plan. which are used for long-term data Toshiba may eventually seek in- brands amid the absence of Google Play,” said Zhang. cense include Deutsche Bank Chase & Co said it received ap- to the lowest in at least 10 years. The groups said last month they would sell the unit, LCH. Interest in the stake is heat- storage. vestment from other chipmakers Google Play’s Chinese version must be a censored AG and BNP Paribas SA. proval and a license to under- BP’s underlying replacement cost profit, the company’s defini- Clearnet SA, to Euronext for 510 million euros ($544 million) as ing up with other sources telling The world’s biggest maker of once its financial crisis has passed. one and because Google’s other services are still limited Type A license holders in write corporate bonds in Chi- tion of net income, fell to $400 million, compared with $560 they seek to win regulatory approval for their proposed deal. Reuters that private equity funds, flash memory, Samsung Electron- in the market, it will lack competitiveness in the satu- China can trade, settle and na’s interbank bond market, million expected by analysts but better than $196 million made a The EC has expressed antitrust concerns about the $28 billion California-based data storage com- ics Co, is not among bidders, the Reuters rated app distribution industry, according to analysts. provide custody for interbank making it the first US-based year earlier. merger and the impact on the clearing of derivatives contracts in pany Western Digital Corp and sources said. The sources asked Meanwhile, Zhang believed that if Google Play could bond market products both bank to do so. It said it expected 2017 production to rise due to a string of particular. other NAND makers have submit- not to be identified because they Page Editor: [email protected] successfully get a foot in the door, the company’s other on a proprietary basis and on new projects coming on stream, but warned that OPEC’s decision ted bids, amid a surge in memory are not authorized to talk to the Internet services might also come along. behalf of foreign investors. Reuters to cut production may affect final output. Reuters chip prices. media. B6 Wednesday February 8, 2017 BIZCOMMENT Stronger dollar will impact yuan movement next year

By Yi Xianrong We don’t have to pay too much attention to President Trump’s Given the current perfor- fter Donald Trump was sworn rhetoric, but instead should mance of the US economy in as the 45th President of focus on what he will actually Athe United States, various do. His proposals on boosting and the possible economic analyses on how his economic infrastructure construction policies that President policy may impact the international through fiscal stimulus, Trump may roll out, the market are sending mixed tax breaks and loosening messages. Given his financial market dollar will continue to nature as a business- regulation need to strengthen over the next man, there will be be approved by intense uncertainty Congress, but three months and such about his economic Republicans are a tendency may persist policies. His first widely divided into 2018. This is because three months over a number will also bear of other issues. the trend in rates will be close scrutiny It remains unclear upward and as long as the on changes whether these policies to US fiscal will materialize and how Fed hikes rates the dollar and monetary these policies will change will get stronger. policies. even if they are passed. Given these They will probably fall uncertainties, the short of market reason to believe that they may be dollar exchange expectations. capable of improving the US economy. rate will be the key However, it US economic recovery is not only the barometer for under- is certain that foundation for a stronger dollar but standing the current Trump’s “America is also a key factor that will push up situation and the direction first” principle inflation. of US economic policies for will reshape A stronger dollar will have a signifi- the rest of the year. How the world trade cant impact on the international market US economy will fare in the relations as the dollar value will dictate the years ahead will be reflected and will direction of global capital flows and will in the dollar’s value, which will prompt the redirect capital from emerging markets in turn determine the prices of US to sign to the US. assets in global markets and the trade deals It is certain that the movement of the direction of capital flows and that are yuan exchange rate in the year will not US economic policies. beneficial only depend on how the financial mar- Given the current to the US. ket bubble and property bubble develop, performance of the US Although but also on the dollar’s value. economy and the possible restarting If the dollar rises higher than economic policies that President international China’s domestic market expects, it will Trump may roll out, the dollar trade add huge depreciation pressure on the will continue to strengthen over the negotiations may yuan. Although a significant amount next three months and such a tendency not bring the US of capital outflows from China appear Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT may persist into 2018. This is because what it desires, it to be caused by the rapid growth of the rates will be upward and as long would not be difficult outbound foreign investment, these as the Fed hikes rates the dollar will for the US to sign trade deals capital outflows are actually aimed at get stronger. The rate increases also to its own benefit and hopefully it can hedging against exposure from a rising signal an uptick in the US economy. hikes. If the real interest rates in the be done without changing the post-war dollar and weaker yuan. The dollar’s For example, US unemployment financial market rise, it will probably order. These factors will contribute to value is still a key proxy for the yuan’s dropped to 4.7 percent in December, pump up the US and world economy, further strengthening of the dollar. movement. close to a nine-year low. Wage increases creating a benign cycle of rate hikes and Meanwhile, many of Trump’s will stimulate consumer spending a stronger dollar, and prompting the cabinet picks have a business The author is a professor with the College and affect inflation as well. The rise government to roll out more aggressive background. With a cabinet of wealthy of Economics at Qingdao University. in inflation is a key indicator for rate stimulus to boost the economy. people and businessmen, we have [email protected] China still needs to strengthen domestic economic issues before it overtakes the US

By Hu Weijia YEONTHEECONOMY said that China has PPP terms, we should note like China and India will E already overtaken the that China’s overall economic replace the US anytime soon. Will China and India become US to be the largest strength still lags behind the Developing countries will the world’s economic leaders economy based on GDP US. People should be aware that have a more active voice as by 2050? The answer from President Donald Trump’s in PPP terms. This sounds like the country is still considered a global economic power shifts PricewaterhouseCoopers “America first” policies. exciting news for the Chinese developing country if they look to emerging economies. (PwC) is yes. According to its China has achieved great economy. However, there has at other criteria such as GDP Meanwhile, the world economy latest report, China could be success in bolstering its been much controversy over per capita. may suffer a serious blow if the the world’s largest economy in economy’s growth and now the how much faith can be placed China should remain US pulls out of globalization. purchasing power parity (PPP) country contributes more than in the accuracy of the PPP sober and work on solving its To prevent that from occuring, terms by 2050, with India in one-third to world economic model which calculates GDP by economic problems, which China and the US will have no second place and the US in growth. An inevitable result of using exchange rates and takes range from a widening income choice but to cooperate. third. China’s rapid rise will be subtle into account price differences gap to local governments’ This is not the first time changes in the global power of the same goods between massive debt. Additionally, the The author is a reporter with such an analysis has come out, structure, although it will be a nations, as China’s GDP in PPP current economic downward the Global Times. bizopinion@ but this report has triggered very slow process. terms conducted by different pressure heightens the need globaltimes.com.cn commentary on social media The country has to remain organizations yields different to further step up supply- that China will take over a vigilant and avoid getting results. side structural reforms and Page Editor: leadership role in trade and sidetracked due to sweet talk Even if China has surpassed economic restructuring. [email protected] climate change due to US or compliments. PwC’s report the US by economic scale in It is unlikely that countries Wednesday February 8, 2017 B7 BIZCOMMENT New wave of globalization requires cooperation

he recurring wave of anti-glo- the past year, an increase more than the the total, the largest recipient of Chi- have embarked on a different path in balization in the past two years previous four years combined. nese FDI in the region. The Rhodium their overseas endeavors. This is due Tis generally considered to be a In this investment spree European Group also estimated on December to the development of the Chinese result of the rise in protectionism. In nations and the US have become key 30, 2016 that the US had become the economy in which Chinese enterprises fact, this trend can be viewed as a new destinations for China’s outbound top destination for Chinese outbound need to explore global markets as well form of globalization. FDI. Per estimates from MERCIS and FDI in 2016 with $45.6 billion worth of as the efforts by the Chinese govern- This new phase of globalization can the Rhodium Group, Chinese firms completed acquisitions and greenfield ment to establish a new image via be best seen in changes from transna- in 2016 invested as much as 35 bil- investments. enhancing outbound investment and tional corporations. A January 28 article lion euro ($37 billion) in the EU, a 77 While traditional transnational thus to take a key role in globalization. in The Economist depicted a situation percent increase from a year earlier, corporations enter a phase of exhaus- However, problems have occurred in where many multinationals have been among which Germany accounted for tion in conducting global investment China’s overseas investment activities forced to make adjustments amid 31 percent of activities, Chinese firms and in regards to speeding up out- the wave of anti-globalization: “Mr bound investment. Xu Shaoshi, head Trump is unusual in his aggressively with China’s National Development protectionist tone. But in many ways and Reform Commission pointed out he is behind the times. Multinational last month that irrational tendencies in companies, the agents behind global facilitating foreign investment could integration, were already in retreat well incur risks that are disadvantageous before the populist revolts of 2016.” to both the home country of investors The article also attributed the retreat of and the recipient country. In this multinationals to factors such as sliding respect, large-sum outbound financial performance, an exhaustion in corporate investment in non- their ability to reduce costs and taxes core businesses of firms and to think more perceptively and irregular investment than their local peers. activities need to be In comparison to the with- reviewed for their adher- drawal of established trans- ence to authenticity and national firms, outbound compliance. investment from Chinese The retreat of multina- firms over the past two tionals is a reflection that the years has become a traditional form of global- highlight. In a recent report ization has encountered jointly released by the Berlin- obstacles and that we have based Mercator Institute for entered a new era where China Studies (MERCIS) the whole world is flat and US consulting firm once again – differences Rhodium Group, in costs are flat, competi- outbound direct tive strengths are declining and investment (FDI) from technological disparities are no longer China in 2016 hit a record sharp. All these changes have high of nearly $200 billion, a further squeezed the room for 40 percent increase year-on- arbitrage under traditional year. According to another globalization, which might report published in even become next to none. January 2017 by the Viewed from an optimistic consulting and perspective, this new phase accounting firm of globalization requires PricewaterhouseC- joint efforts from countries oopers, Chinese across the globe, regard- outbound merg- less of whether they are ers & acquisitions wealthy or impover- (M&As) surged 142 ished. percent in terms of volume. In value The article is based on terms, China’s out- a report by Beijing-based bound M&As grew by private strategic think tank an astounding 246 percent Anbound. bizopinion@globaltimes. to a record $221 billion over Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT com.cn Disney boss risks overstaying welcome as departure gets delayed for third time

Bob Iger may swing for a Journal. By all accounts, Iger costumes from the animated CEO longevity can bring end after a series of bumbling three-peat. The Walt Disney is a worthy boss. Since he took hit Frozen are a big hit with needed experience and stabil- decisions and his rancorous chief executive is considering over in 2005, Disney’s market toddlers, for example. ity. That’s useful in a crisis – spat with deputy Michael Ovitz delaying for the third time value rose from $46 billion to A successor will need time Lloyd Blankfein at Goldman sparked an investor revolt. Iger his departure from atop the about $148 billion at the end of and guidance to learn the ways Sachs and JPMorgan’s Jamie has been good for Disney but House of Mouse. It’s a sign that its fiscal 2016 year. Total share- of Disney’s sprawling divisions, Dimon have run their compa- he too risks overstaying his wel- the media conglomerate has holder return over the same from movie studios to theme nies almost as long as Iger, for come. failed in its efforts to find his period increased 350 percent, parks to cable networks. Chal- example. But it can also store replacement since Tom Staggs Disney said in its proxy. lenges are cropping up too: ca- up resentment among under- The author is Jennifer Saba, a left last year. Clinging to power, Beyond the numbers, Iger ble sports network ESPN, tradi- lings and risk complacency. Reuters Breakingviews columnist. though, can get messy. has boosted the company in tionally the company’s biggest Dick Fuld, for example, headed The article was first published Executives within Disney are other ways by making savvy money-spinner, is losing sub- Lehman for 14 years before its on Reuters Breakingviews. betting that Iger, who has run acquisitions such as the $4 scribers as more people drop collapse. [email protected] the company for 12 years and billion deal for Star Wars studio pay-TV packages. Navigating Iger has a cautionary tale turns 66 on Friday, will have Lucasfilm. And no company the hurdles of changing media much closer to home: his pre- Page Editor: to stick around longer, accord- is better at cross-promoting habits will take exceptional for- decessor Michael Eisner’s 21 [email protected] ing to a report in the Wall Street its products: Princess Elsa titude. years in command came to an B8 Wednesday February 8, 2017 BIZINSIGHT  Alipay, WeChat, UnionPay have big plans to gain larger share of growing market Titans clash over mobile payments

The competition in China’s mobile payment market is growing tougher with the standardization of China UnionPay’s quick-response code technology in December. The head-to-head digital hongbao wars between the two dominant players WeChat and Alipay during the Spring Festival holidays provides one piece of evidence. Behind the cutthroat turf war, both of the platforms have broader ambitions, including creating tailored financial products As a based on their collections of big data. In the near future, the industry will also be result, the use subject to tighter regulations. of credit cards has declined, rattling the coun- try’s bank card association. UnionPay and commercial banks is One is the collection of big data On December 12, 2016, China crucial to the bank card association’s related to transactions, which enable Photo: CFP UnionPay announced its own standards goal of getting to the top. those platforms to invent and tailor for QR code payments. The move was Currently, UnionPay and the com- financial services such as marketing followed by promotional campaigns in- mercial banks have a “strange bedfel- strategies, investment and loans to their volving more than 20,000 stores from lows” relationship, Liu said. clients, Liu said. By Li Xuanmin December to February, a peak time for “UnionPay is looking to promote Tencent has been struggling with shopping. QR code with banks, but the logistics how to generate revenues based on its t was not so long ago that the red behind major banks’ moves are differ- huge consumer bases. In an interview envelopes, or hongbao, that people Latecomer ent – they seek to expand the user base with Caixin magazine in January, Ihanded out during the Spring Festi- It is not the first time that China of their own mobile applications so that Huang Li, director of WeChat Payment, val holidays were actual red envelopes. UnionPay stepped up efforts to tap the they can engage with clients directly, refused to elaborate on the business But over the last few years, many mobile payment market. In December which means banks may also cooperate blueprint for the platform, only noting of the red envelopes stuffed with cash 2015, the bank card association rolled with WeChat and Alipay if UnionPay’s that the company is considering a strat- have existed only virtually on online out its near-field communication (NFC)- promotion has not achieved their de- egy “as a whole.” payment platforms. based Quick Pass mobile payment tool, sired result,” Liu told the Global Times During this year’s Spring Festival, a which enables consumers to make on Sunday. Regulatory controls record of 46 billion electronic hongbao payments by tapping their smartphones In the near future, the country’s were sent and received via Chinese against payment terminals. Broader ambitions third-party payment market will face mobile social platform WeChat, which But the NFC-based technology was To date, the battles in the mobile greater regulatory control. is operated by Tencent Technology Co, not as popular as QR codes. payment market between the two tech In January, the People’s Bank of Chi- the Xinhua News Agency reported on “That’s probably why UnionPay de- giants, Alibaba and Tencent, have also na (PBC) announced a new regulation Saturday. The figure was up 43 percent veloped its own QR code last year,” said intensified. that requires third-party payment com- year-on-year. , a research fellow at the Internet Head-to-head against WeChat’s panies to deposit clients reserve funds Internet giants such as Tencent have Research Center under the Shanghai hongbao-grabbing activities during the in bank accounts that do not generate promoted the use of virtual hongbao to Academy of Social Sciences. Spring Festival, Alipay continued last interest. The new rules are intended expand their stakes in China’s fast- Li was not optimistic that com- year’s collection of five good fortune to ensure institutions do not put the growing mobile payment market, as mercial banks would be able to break games with the introduction of aug- money into “risky” financial services. It local shoppers are now using their in. “WeChat and Alipay have a lock mented reality technology. Participants is expected to takes effect in April. smartphones to pay for everything from on the huge market thanks to an early can split a 200 million yuan prize by An Alibaba spokesperson refused taxi fares to medical expenses. entrance,” he told the Global Times on scanning the street-side “fu” signs, or to comment on the policy’s effect on In 2016, China’s third-party payment Monday. the Chinese character of fortune, that its business. He said that the company market is estimated to reach 20.3 tril- But UnionPay still stands a chance in are ubiquitous during the holidays. “welcomes the policy and will actively lion yuan ($2.96 trillion), up 45 percent the mobile payment market because its To attract users, the two digital wal- impose it.” from 2015, according to research firm technology is safer and more trustwor- lets are also locked in a competition for According to a report published by Enfodesk. It projected that the market thy, Li noted. offline payment points for businesses research firm TrendForce, following the will grow by more than 20 percent an- An employee from a commercial such as restaurants, supermarkets and policy implementation, major domestic nually to 33 trillion yuan by 2018. bank, who preferred not to be identi- department stores. Therefore, both payment providers, including Alibaba The huge market base has lured a fied, agreed. “UnionPay also has an platforms turned to third-party services and Tencent, will suffer a blow, as the number of companies, making the turf advantage in large payment transac- providers who specialize in “offline policy prevents them from using the war for China’s mobile payment market tions because WeChat and Alipay are promotion” and merchants services for funds to generate interest income or more cutthroat. more frequently used in payment of potential offline business growth. grow their business. Early market entrants including small amount,” the bank employee told For example, WeChat announced But Li disagreed. “Large-scale firms WeChat and Alipay, which are run the Global Times on Monday. in April a plan to attract third-party do not rely on interest from client by Tencent and Alibaba respectively, For example, the two digital wal- services providers with more than 300 funds. So the new measures will only have developed swipe-and-go payment lets account for around 80 percent of million yuan in investments. Alipay hurt small third-payment firms.” systems based on quick-response (QR) the mobile payment market which are also plans to provide 1 billion yuan in Yet the policy is likely to tip the scales codes. The two companies, which under 5,000 yuan, according to the rewards to third-party services providers in UnionPay’s favor, Li noted. together control more than 70 percent employee. over the next three years. of the market, have strived to secure However, Liu Dingding, an indepen- But behind the tit-for-tat competi- Page Editor: [email protected] their predominant position by spending dent Internet industry analyst, pointed tion, both Alipay and WeChat have heavily on discounts. out that the cooperation between broader ambitions.