The Parish Magazine of St Stephen’s Church


December/January 2016/7


Jean & Paul Le Huray Christmas Eve - Saturday 24th December 3.00pm Children’s Carol Service 11.00pm - Carols for Christmas 11.30pm - Midnight Mass

Christmas Day - Sunday 25th December 10.30am - Sung Mass for Christmas Day

Feast of St Stephen, and First Martyr - Monday 26th December 10.30am - Sung Mass followed by a reception

Feast of St John the Apostle and Evangelist - Tuesday 27th December 11.00am - Mass in Lady Chapel (BCP)

Feast of the Epiphany—Friday 6th January 2017 7.00pm - Sung Mass


Even before our Lord was born on earth, his coming was heralded as a great mercy-event and as the fulfilment of a merciful promise. Our Lady, in her Magnificat, sang ‘His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation’ (Lk 1. 50). And Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, proclaimed, ‘By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the wayof peace’ (Lk 1. 78 -79).

Jesus not only proclaimed the message of his Father’s mercy, he lived it himself. He was moved by compassion when he met a leper and when he encountered the sorrow of a mother who had lost her only son. He had compassion for the many who were sick and for those who were hungry. He had compassion when he saw two blind men who asked him for pity; and he had compassion for those who were like sheep without a shepherd. These are but a few of the many examples of mercy shown by our Saviour.

What is new in Christ’s message and what distinguishes it from the Old Testament is that he proclaims God’s mercy for all in an ultimate way. Our Lord opens up access to God not just for a few righteous people, but for all. There is room for all in God’s kingdom; and no one is excluded. In sending his Son into the world, God has finally given full scope to his mercy. For this, our hearts are truly thankful!

Church Diary for December 2016

Thu1 Charles de Fourcauld Hermit 1916 Fri2 Vivaana, Martyr in Rome 2nd century 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat3 Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Indies 1552 2.00 - 4.00pm Christmas Fayre Sun4 Second Sunday 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John of Advent 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John 12.30pm Baptism Willow Alice Thompson Mon5 , Missionary 1st Bishop of Dorchester 650 6.30pm Island Cub Scout Carol Service Tue6 Nicolas, Bp of Myra c326 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed7 Ambrose Bp of Milan 397 2.00pm Little Learners Nursery Carol Service Thu8 Conception of BVM Rehearsal Melrose Carol Service - all day 7.00pm Mass with participation Cantores Coutances Fri9 Peter Fourier, founder Augustnian canonesses 1640 2.00pm Melrose Carol Service 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat10 Miltiades, Bp of Rome 314 Sun11 Third Sunday 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John of Advent 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John 3.00pm St John's Carol Service followed by reception Mon12 Finnian of Clonard, Abbot-Bishop c633 7.00pm Ladies' College Carol Service Tue13 Lucy, Martyr of Syracuse 304 9.15am Rehearsal Grammar School Carol Concert 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) 12.00pm Friendship Lunch 7.00pm Grammar School Carol Service Wed14 John of the Cross Poet Teacher 1591 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu15 Offa of Essex - King, 709 9.00am Rehearsal Beechwood Carol Service 6.00pm Beechwood Carol Service Rev Peter Graysmith Fri16 Eusebius of Vercelli, Bp 370 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat17 Eglantine Jebb, founder of Save the Children 1928 Sun18 Fourth Sunday 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John of Advent 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John Tue20 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed21 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu22 Fri23 Thorlac Bp 1193 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat24 Christmas Eve 3.00pm Children's Carol Service 11.00pm Carols 11.30pm Midnight Mass Sun25 CHRISTMAS DAY 10.30am Mass for Christmas Day Mon26 St Stephen's Day 10.30am Mass for St Stephen's Day and Reception Tue27 St John 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed28 The Holy Innocents 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu29 Thomas à Becket - Martyr, 1170

Fri30 Edwin,King of Northumbria 632 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat31 John Wyclif, Reformer, 1384

Church Diary for January 2017

Sun1 Naming of Jesus 10.30am Combined Mass Fr Marc Second Sunday of Christmas Mon2 Basil and Gregory Bishops 379 & 389 Tue3 Genevieve of Paris - Patron c500 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed4 Elizabeth Seton - Foundress 1821 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu5 Fri6 The Epiphany 7.00pm Sung Mass Sat7 Raymond of Spain - Priest 1275 4.00pm Taize Service Sun8 Baptism of Christ 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John First Sunday of Epiphany 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John Mon9 Adrian - Abbt 710 Tue10 William Laud - Archbishop 1645 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed11 Mary Slessor - Missionary 1915 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu12 Aelfred of Hexham, Abbot 1167 Fri13 Hilary, Bp of Poitiers, Teacher, 367 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat14 Felix of Nola - Priest c260 Sun15 Second Sunday of Epiphany 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John Mon16 Berard - Martyr 1220 Tue17 Antony of Egypt - Hermit 356 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed18 Amy Carmichael Founder Dohnavur Fellowship 1951 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu19 Bishop of Worcester 1095 Fri20 Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer 1349 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat21 Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome 304 Sun22 Third Sunday of Epiphany 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John Mon23 John the Almsgiver - Bishop 619 Tue24 Francis de Sales, Bp of Geneva Teacher, 1622 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP) Wed25 Conversion of Paul 7.00pm Mass in the Lady Chapel Thu26 Timothy and Titus Companions of Paul Fri27 Angela Merici - Virgin, 1540 7.00pm Mass in the Resurrection Chapel Sat28 Thomas Aquinas, Priest,Philosopher,Teacher 1274 Sun29 Presentation of Christ in the Temple 9.30am Mass with Hymns Fr John Candlemas 11.00am Sung Mass Fr John Mon30 Charles, King and Martyr 1649 John Bosco - Priest, Founder Salesian Teaching order Tue31 1888 11.00am Mass in the Lady Chapel (BCP)

Friendship Lunch

Tuesday 13th December at 12midday St Stephen’s Community Centre This month we will have a Christmas theme. The menu will be:

Roast Chicken Vegetarian option: Cheese & Walnut Roast Mince Pie / Apple Pie & Ice-cream

Please contact Jean Le Huray Tel 255207 for further details or to reserve a place. Please invite a friend or someone who may live on their own to join us at the lunch.

St Stephen’s Sunday Club Every year the children pretend to be in a sweet factory making marzipan fruits. They learn how very different the lives of children in other countries where they have to work from a very young age, really is compared to being a child in Guernsey. Please support us by pre-ordering a box of mar- zipan fruits (£3.50 per box), peppermint creams (£3 per box) which will be on sale on the 18th December, profits in aid of “Save the Children Fund”. Jean Le Huray Tel 255207

St Stephen’s Christmas Card

Once again this year we have been asked to produce a St Stephen’s Christmas Card which this year will be the launch for our charity in 2017 Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

As before the idea is that in place of us all swapping cards amongst our- selves in the congregation we post our message on the St Stephen’s Card in the library corner and the monies we would have spent on individual cards goes to our charity MAF.

What to do?

Collect an envelope, put your donation in and give it to Ann or Marg who will give you a label (Parachute) on which you write your Christmas message and then display it on the Card in the library corner for all to see.



At Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts

Evening performances Mon 5th—Sat 10th December at 7.30pm

Matinees Sunday 4th and Sat 10th December at 2.00pm

Tickets Adults £11 Children up to 14 £7 Concessions £7

Tickets from, Beau Sejour or telephone 749999

November 5th 2016

Dear All The Guernsey Welfare Service is very grateful to the churches, businesses and individuals who support us in so many different ways. Many of you supply our food bank all year round and also provide extra donations at harvest and Christmas as well as offering support in financial ways. Christmas is now rapidly approaching and I am writing to remind you that towards the end of November and during early December we would be extremely pleased to receive any gifts of festive chocolates and biscuits. These are always gratefully received by our clients. We will also be distributing coal envelopes again this year. Any financial gift placed in the envelope will go towards heating costs for our clients during the winter. Please let me or the Guernsey Welfare Service office (711847 or [email protected]) know if you would like some envelopes to distribute. We have helped many families throughout the year and we continue to find people who are struggling financially and who are appreciative of our help. Once again many thanks to you all Best Wishes Denise Stewart Company Secretary - Guernsey Welfare Service

THANK YOU The parents, grandparents and grandmother of Charles Rowbotham would like to thank everyone for their prayers. Charles is very much better now. His skin graft is 100% successful. Myra Lockett

O Happy Band of Pilgrims - Walsingham 2016 Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? If not, you may have a mental image of a stream of bare-footed or sandalled people, weighted down by haversacks, trailing wearily up hill along foot-worn earthen tracks, sleeping rough on a floor in some sort of hall, or barn, living on a very sparse diet and heading for a holy shrine where something very special happened many years ago - perhaps similar to the 'Canterbury Tales', each with a story to tell. We have moved on a little from such an image!. We reached Walsingham in north Nor- folk, all in one day, - 6 of us from vari- ous parishes, led by Fr John, first flying to Stanstead, and then hiring two cars to complete the rest of the journey, about another hundred miles. A first visit for me, I knew from television programs, that this land had been inhabited by ancient peoples from the mists of time. Sign posts to Grimes Cave, with its ancient drawings and to the long Icknield Way trail, reminded me of countless invaders from Scandinavia and the Continent who had still left their mark in archaeology. This was also the land of the Iceni, and the stamping ground of Boudica. Then we would be brought up to date with a field of wind turbines! The last part of our journey was in darkness, along winding forested lanes not unlike parts of our own Island – and finally we were there, to be joyfully met at our destination by other members of our group who in the other car had somehow managed to get there before us. Also there and waiting were the Rev'd John Luff, who was to assist Fr John in some of our services, and Lydia Grammer who many know from her time serving at Les Cotils, and two more Vale parishioners. So what is it all about? The story, partly legend, has it, that a Norman knight pos- sibly accompanying William the Conqueror sometime after 1084 married a local Christian Saxon woman, Richeldis, who was held in high esteem for her virtuous and practical piety. It was in the time of the Crusades and the Holy Land was in the hands of the Christians, so many wealthy Christians were making pilgrimage to see the Holy Places while monastic orders were being founded by the Normans widely in Britain. After she became widowed, Richeldis was inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary in spir- it, to be able to see the Holy House in Nazareth, took its dimensions, and had a replica built in wood in Walsingham for her own private devotions. It became a constant reminder of our Lady's love and care for the people of Britain (our Lady's Dower) as well as bringing the Holy Land closer to home. So gradually it became a place of pilgrimage for people from near and far, including kings and nobles, who also came for prayer and healing. There is a Holy Well with healing properties close by. Later it was administered by a Community of Augustinian Canons, became very wealthy, but was destroyed in 1538-9 during the dissolution of the Monasteries by order of Henry VIII, who had been a pilgrim himself there earlier.

And today? Now beautiful- ly rebuilt and extended, with comfortable sleeping accommodation, excellent heating and plumbing, a cafe, restaurant with very good choice of food, and extensive well-landscaped grounds, it has a much enlarged shrine with a number of chapels and altars, and enclosed in the heart of the shrine has been rebuilt the Holy House. Bathed in peace and tranquillity, it is all very efficiently and reverently administered by a resident Community whose Morning and Evening Prayer and Intercession Services anyone may attend. Meanwhile, we also had our own program of services, beautifully led by Fr John which were accompa- nied by his carefully thought out, and inspiring addresses, making our whole pilgrimage experi- ence relevant for today. 'We are the Living Stones, Temples of God's Holy Spirit and are here to contin- ue the apostolic work of reaching out to others in love, compassion and fellowship. Like Mary, we are invited to say 'Yes,' and become Christ-bearers.'

Several other groups of pilgrims were there at the same time as us, each allotted altars, and times for worship – we would sometimes meet some of them in the Restaurant as well as our own group - a time for sharing our own stories and listening to others, inspiring and being inspired.

Walsingham so reminded me of the devotedness of our Christian forebears, but for me, even more inspiring, was feeling God at work speaking to us through those Living Stones around us.

Christine Shaw

“View from the Pew”

Gabriel tells Mary she will be the mother of God’s Son


By Luci Shaw (b.1928)

As if until that moment nothing real had happened since Creation. As if outside the world were empty So that she and he were all there was - he mover, she moved upon.

As if her submission were the most Dynamic of all works; as if no one had ever said YES like that. As if one day the sun had no place In all the universe to pour its gold But her small room.

Source: Portsmouth Cathedral

MAGNIFICAT St Luke 1 The song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.



By Laurence Housman (1865-1959)

Light looked down and beheld Darkness. “Thither will I go,” said Light.

Peace looked down and beheld War. “Thither will I go, said Peace.

Love looked down and beheld Hatred. “Thither will I go,” said Love.

So came Light, and shone.

So came Peace and gave rest.

So came Love and brought life.

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Source: Portsmouth Cathedral

Christmas and St Luke’s Gospel

It is to St Luke’s wonderful gospel that many Christians turn as the year draws to a close and Christmas approaches, for it is to St Luke that we owe the fullest account of the nativity.

Luke alone tells us the story of Mary and the angel’s visit to her, and has thus given the Church the wonderful Magnificat of Mary.

Luke alone tells us the story of Simeon’s hymn of praise, thus giving us the wonderful Nunc Dimittis. Imagine an Anglican Evensong without the Nunc Dimittis.

Luke alone tells us the story of how the angels appeared to the shepherds and how the shepherds then visited the infant Jesus. So- imagine Christmas cards and nativity scenes every year without the shepherds arriving to visit baby Jesus. Imagine school nativity plays without our children dressed as shepherds or sheep. So thank you, Luke!

What makes it so amazing is that Luke was not a Jew! The man who wrote the fullest nativity story, and indeed more of the New Testament than any other single person, was a Gentile! Barbara—St Martin

Grandfather was talking to his grand-daughter, “When I was a child all we got for Christmas was an apple and an orange” The little girl clapped her hands in joy. Brilliant! I’d love a new computer and a mobile”

This Christmas By Lucy Moore and Martin Payne

Here is a Christmas poem, which invites us to do something.

The census crowds were occupied When God first breathed and tears he cried; And for a world that’s still in danger, Won’t you be his living manger-this Christmas?

A frightened girl, a worried spouse Left on the streets, no room, no house; And for a world that’s still unsure, Won’t you be his human stall- this Christmas?

Nightshift workers, angel-driven, See the join of the earth and heaven; And for a world so full of woes, Won’t you be his swaddling clothes- this Christmas?

Far-travelled gold was a gift for him Who came as our sacrifice for sin; And for a world, so rich but poor, Won’t you be his bed of straw-this Christmas?

Hillside choirs sang out in chorus; To sing again, they’re waiting for us; So, for a world that’s tired and worn Won’t you be the place where he’s born-this Christmas? Source: Bethlehem Carols Unpacked

How Far Is It to Bethlehem?

How far is it to Bethlehem? How can I ever get there, What will I need for the journey, can I afford the fare?

Listen my friend and I’ll tell you the way to the stable is slow, The journey can take a lifetime at least, I’ve found it so.

But there’s another way to Bethlehem. You won’t have to travel far You won’t need a plane or a passport, you won’t even need a star.

Just open your eyes this Christmas there’s a road marked love ahead, The path’s not lit by a shining star but with faith and hope instead.

With joy in your heart step forward, you won’t have to travel far, How far is it to Bethlehem? It’s just wherever you are. Anon Rev’d Murray George Alsager URC

A little girl went to visit Father Christmas in the local garden centre grotto. He welcomed her with a smile and the question of what she would like for Christmas. The little girl gasped, and stared up at him in horror. “didn’t you get my email?!”

Nativity Play By Peter Dixon

This year….. This year can I be Herod? This year, can I be Him? A wise man Or a Joseph? An inn man Or a king?

This year… Can I be famous? This year, can I be best? Bear a crown of silver And wear a golden vest?

This year… Can I be starlight? This year can I stand out? … feel the swish of the curtains And hear the front row shout ‘Hurrah’ for good old Ronny He brings a gift of gold Head afire with tinsel ‘The Greatest Story Told…’ ‘Hurrah for good old Herod!’ And shepherds from afar.

So- Don’t make me a palm tree And can I be- a STAR?

Source: The Oxford Treasury of Christmas Po- ems

Mince Pies………..

Mince pies have been a part of Christmas fayre for a long time, but have been through two major changes.

The first is their shape. What originally made mince pies a traditional part of Christmas was that they were baked to look like Christ’s crib. By the 1600s, some cooks were even adding a little pastry Baby Jesus! The pies were eventually banned, along with the celebration of Christmas Day it- self, by Oliver Cromwell’s parliament. People still wanted to eat mince pies, of course, so they simply made them round. When Oliver Cromwell died and a king was back on the throne Christmas was celebrated once more, but the mince pies kept their new round shape.

Then came the second change. Mince pies used to contain minced meat as well as the fruit and spices. Gradually, people started leaving out the minced meat until, by Victorian times, they were the fruit pies we know today.

Today, some people leave a mince pie for Father Christmas to eat when he’s left their presents. Other traditions say that you can make a wish when you take your first bite of mince pie at Christmas………. And it’s supposed to be bad luck not to eat a mince pie someone offers you!


To know love follow Jesus

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate this year of mercy: open the doors of our hearts and minds that we may show forth in our lives the mercy and compassion that we see in the face of your Son Jesus Christ who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen

David and Annie Peatfield Source: Chichester Cathedral prayer card

We wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year!


We open the New Year with words of a poem quoted by King George VI, in his Christmas Day broadcast in 1939.

I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.”

Source: The Servant Queen

Feast of the Epiphany

The Baptism of our Lord

We give thanks for the baptism of Jesus by John in the river Jordan. We rejoice that God’s voice was heard affirming his Son and that the Holy Spirit was known to descend upon Jesus. Rejoice, for we are always immersed in the presence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We abide in him as he abides in us. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen David Adam

A new life….

A new life stands on my doorstep ready to enter my life’s journey. Something in me welcomes this visitor: the hope of bountiful blessings, the joy of a new beginning, the freshness of unclaimed surprises.

Something in me rebuffs this new visitor; the swiftness of the coming, the boldness of the entrance, The challenge of so many new ways of doing things.

Something in me fears this visitor: the unnamed events of future days, the wisdom needed to walk love well, the demands of giving up and growing away.

A new challenge stands on my doorstep: With fragile caution I move to open the door for its entrance. My heart leaps with surprise, joy jumps in my eyes, For there, beside this brand new opening stands my God with outstretched hand! He smiles and gently asks of me… ”Can we walk this new phase together?”

And I, so overwhelmed with goodness can barely whisper my reply:

“Welcome in.”

Hazel Le Gallez

Franciscan Book of Prayers


When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, And you will keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings– money can never buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

Chorus Count your blessings; Name them one by one. Count your blessings; See what God has done. .

Words by Johnson Oatman Jr. 1856-1922

Holiday Quiz

Can you solve the initials of the following which are all either Carols or Christmas songs!


Ann Goss Source: The Magistrate Magazine The answers will be found at the back of the magazine


Bobby went to the park one Sunday afternoon with his grandmother. It was late summer, but still many flowers were in bloom. Everything was beautiful.

His grandmother remarked, “Doesn’t it look like an artist painted this scenery? Did you know God painted it just for you?”

Only a few hours away from church, Bobby said, “Yes, God did it left-handed.”

Confused, his grannie asked him why he thought that.

“Easy,” said Bobby, “we learned at Sunday School this morning that Je- sus sits on God’s right hand!”

Barbara, St. Martin


Baptisms 30th October Chloe Ward

Confirmation 5th November Emily Bateman Scott Archer

Departed 27th October Kia Michelle Pengelley-Simon 12th November Karen Frances Kreckeler

Give us through the coming year QUIETNESS of MIND, Teach us to be PATIENT and always to be KIND, Give us REASSURANCE when everything goes wrong So our FAITH remains unfaltering and our HOPE and COURAGE strong – And show us that in QUIETNESS we can feel Your presence near Filling us with JOY and PEACE throughout the coming year.

(From ‘Loving Thoughts’ by Helen Steiner Rice)

Graham Dawber Alsager URC

Luke 2 :1-14 (NIV)


Joseph wrapped shepherds afraid Mary clothes watch sign Bethlehem manger flocks glory baby room angel peace born inn appeared earth

Farewell and Thank you from the Editors This will be our last edition. The magazine is only as good as its contributors and we have been overwhelmed to receive so much support from you over the years. The material and ideas have come both from our own congregation as well as those from other churches island wide and across the mainland. Our initial speedy guidance came from Linda Carrington before she and Fr Philip retired to Yorkshire. And away we went into the unknown! We owe much to Tony and Marg Kaines for spending hours guiding us through the printing procedures as we tried to cope with a machine that had a mind of its own. Now Denise Thoumine has become our “Queen of Stapling” on printing day—a tiring day that is made much more pleasurable when Claudia’s delicious coffee and cookies arrive. Regular contributors have been of course Fr John, Fr Marc and Fr Leslie. Where would we be without them? Photographic support from Paul Le Huray and Carl Symes has brought the magazine to life. In all we cannot thank you enough for your support, kind compliments and encouragement. We have been blessed Val & Graham Moullin

Readings for December 2016 and January 2017 Isaiah Ch11 v1-10 Sunday nd th 2 Sunday of Advent Romans Ch15 v4-13 4 December Matthew Ch3 v1-12 Isaiah Ch35 v1-10 Sunday rd th 3 Sunday of Advent James Ch5 v7-10 11 December Matthew Ch11 v2-11 Isaiah Ch7 v10-16 Sunday th 4th Sunday of Advent Romans Ch1 v1-7 18 December Matthew Ch1 v18-25 Isaiah Ch9 v2-7 Saturday Christmas Eve Midnight th Titus Ch2 v 11-14 24 December 11.30pm Mass Luke Ch2 v 1-14 Isaiah Ch62 v6-12 Sunday Christmas day th Titus Ch3 v4-7 25 December 10.30am Mass Luke Ch2 v8-20 Acts Ch7 v51-60 Monday St Stephen’s Day th Galatians Ch2 v16b-20 26 December 10.30pm Mass Matthew Ch10 v17-22 Naming & Circumcision of Numbers Sunday st Jesus Ch6 v22-27 1 January 11.00am Mass Galatians Ch4 v4-7 Luke Ch2 v15-21

2017 Isaiah Ch60 v1-6 Friday Feast of the Epiphany Ephesians Ch3 v1-12 th 6 January 7.00pm Mass Matthew Ch2 v1-12 Isaiah Ch42 v1-9 Sunday 1st Sunday of Epiphany Acts Ch10 v34-43 th 8 January Baptism of Christ Matthew Ch3 v13-17 nd Isaiah Ch49 v1-7 Sunday 2 Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians Ch1 v1-9 th 15 January John Ch1 v29-42 Isaiah Ch9 v1-4 Sunday 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians Ch1 v10-18 22nd January Matthew Ch4 v12-23 The Presentation of Christ Malachi Ch3 v1-5 Sunday th in the Temple Hebrews Ch2 v14-18 29 January Candlemas Luke Ch2 v22-40

HYMNS FOR DECEMBER AND JANUARY Hymn Proper Offertory Communion Recessional 9.30am 4th December 5 658 7 15 14 7 5

11th December 12 659 10 2 C.1 12 14

18th December 6 660 11 8 186 186 6

24th December Procession 34 and 21 v 1,2 & 4 Christmas Eve Proper 662: Offertory 29: Midnight Mass Communion 42/32: Post Communion 30: Christmas Day Procession 24 omit*/25: Proper 663: Offertory 36: 10.30am Communion 31: Post Communion 26 omit*: St Stephen's Day Procession C13: Proper 664: Offertory 201: 10.30am Communion C14 (Verses 3-5): Post Communion C5: 1st January 1st Sunday of 37 667a 333 40 39 465 Christmas 40 Processional 50: Proper 668: Offertory 6th January 47: Communion 51: Post Communion 48: Setting Epiphany 7.00pm Dawes 8th January 1st Sunday after Epiphany 55 669 352 23 49 52 Baptism of Christ 49 15th January 2nd Sunday after 52 670 56 51 48 486 Epiphany 48 22nd January 3rd Sunday after 339 671 345 57 206 339 Epiphany 206 29th January 4th Sunday after Epiphany 188 725(P) 338 44 234 332 Candlemass 234

The Guild of Intercession The Departed December

Harold George Anderson, 2/12/1909; Kathleen Hayes, 30/12/1919; Claude Underhill, 14/12/1940; Edmundson Peter Greenhow, 2/12/1941; Edith Crocker, 15/12/1942; Charles Board, 13/12/1943; Mary Elizabeth Brehaut, 31/12/1943; Winifred Dobree de la Condamine, 9/12/1948; Stephen James Inder, 9/12/1949; Adele Louise Renouf, 10/12/1949; Ada Louise Sauvarin, 28/12/1949; Margaret Holmes, 12/12/1955; George William Slade Anderson, 15/12/1955; Annie Watling, 24/12/1955; Cyril Garbett (Archbishop), 31/12/1955; Thomas Dorey Carré, 18/12/1957; Miriam Renouf, 22/12/1958; Lucy Alice Mahy, 2/12/1959; Hilary Arthur James Woodward, 7/12/1959; John James Robilliard, 22/12/1959; Samuel James Bishop, 29/12/1959; Edward William Patch, 24/12/1960; William Pierrepoint Dawson (Priest), 3/12/1961; Josephine Lenore Sarre, 3/12/1962; Harry Brown, 13/12/1962; Winifred Melinda de la Mare, 13/12/1962; Rose Martel, 18/12/1962; Marie Elsie Fooks, 29/12/1962; Oswald Charles Way, 16/12/1963; Harold Amy, 18/12/1963; Florence Kelly, 29/12/1963; Thomas Hartley Jackson (Priest/ Vicar), 1/12/1964; Florence Burnell, 13/12/1969; Ruth Finch, 9/12/1970; Edith de Putron 5/12/1971; Lydia Smith, 7/12/1971; Kathleen May Hinds, 13/12/1972; Muriel Margaret Thulia McLeod, 9/12/1973; Heidi de la Mare 9/12/1973; Edward Renouf, 6/12/1976; Frank Noel Petit, 11/12/1977; Peter Withey, 25/12/1977; Dorothy Agnes Baker, 24/12/1978; Margaret Ann Stevens-Guille, 25/12/1978; Leonard William Goddard, 1/12/1979; Marion Gardner, 1/12/1980; Reginald David Rumens, 5/12/1982; William John Winkfield, 28/12/1982; John Ambrose Harding (Priest), 18/12/1986; Stanley James Butt, 27/12/1986; Jane Elizabeth Rive, 26/12/1988; Monica Evelyn de la Mare, 17/12/1989; Doris Bertha Pinney, 2/12/1990; Bertie Evelyn Le Page, 19/12/1990; Donald Ernest Jesse Yabsley, 21/12/1991; Elaine Amelia Ralls, 4/12/1992; Ivy Maud Ozanne, 28/12/1992; Jean Ruby Sharman, 9/12/1993; Edward George Short, 8/12/1996; Margery Hilda Rose Samson, 15/12/1996; Emily Elizabeth Pattimore, 7/12/1997; William Jeffrey 31/12/1999; Josephine Elsa Scott-Matthews, 31/12/1999; Miriam Robin Le Page, 15/12/2001; Edward John Kreckeler, 20/12/2001; Raymond John Bassett, 13/12/2002; Alice Machon, 3/12/2004; Kathleen Barbara Grisell, 16/12/2004; Daphne Dorothy Susan Millard, 4/12/2005; Florence Owen Paint, 6/12/2005; Cyril Leonard Dack, 16/12/2005; Annie Patricia Holiday, 20/12/2005; Sylvia Mary Chandler, 18/12/2006; Betty Druce, 21/12/2006; Gordon Chamberlain Coutu, 3/12/2007; Hilda Louise Jean Bourgaize, 17/12/2007; Barry Raymond Gargan, 21/12/2007; Amelia Elizabeth Le Page, 24/12/2007; Margaret May Jouhning 25/12/2007; James Keith Barry, 30/12/2007; Jeanette Diana Colt, 30/12/2007; Leslie Charles Paul 13/12/2008; Jake Carl Smith-McClean (Stillborn), 17/12/2009; Ella Miles, 14/12/2010 (1 day); Graeme Roger Marsh, 18/12/2012; John David Stephenson, 25/12/2012; Barbara Johnson, 16/12/2013; William Falla, 28/12/2013;Herbert Stanley Bishop, 5/12/14; Rita Gwyneth Ridge,18/12/14; Year unknown: Murray Millar, 23/12

The Guild of Intercession The Departed January

De Vic Tupper, 12/1/1892; Henry Bingham De Vic Tupper, 11/1/1903; Emily Fisher, 9/1/1913; Rosalie Marie Corbin, 12/1/1922; Georgina Maud Lowe, 24/1/1929; Alice Rose King, 1/1/1936; Amelia Esther Ann Bassett, 17/1/1939; Stamford Raffles, 24/1/1942; George Alexander Mauger, 29/1/1944; Urie Enid Le Page, 16/1/1945; Grace Eaton Andrews, 2/1/1948; Arthur Edward Vizard, 18/1/1949; Frederick Henry Burnell, 4/1/1950; Charles Henry Manson, 5/1/1950; Walter Robert James Pinchemain, 17/1/1950; William John Dorey, 25/1/1950; Mary Leah Elizabeth Hillier, 27/1/1950; Emily Mahy Jory, 8/1/1951; Mary Judith Mauger, 8/1/1951; Stephen Alfred Carré, 13/1/1951; Ernest Wyatt, 13/1/1951; Hannah Mary Board, 16/1/1951; Lily Edwards Knight, 18/1/1951; Nathanial William Loaring, 11/1/1952; Edward Charles Chutter, 20/1/1952; Frank Zilwood Adams, 3/1/1953; Albert Henry Marquand, 5/1/1953; Florence Marion McCrea, 12/1/1953; Lewis Cyril Reginald Smith (Priest), 14/1/1953; Rhoda May Ingram, 17/1/1953; Eliza Ann Naftel, 20/1/1953; Edward Valentine Davis, 20/1/1954; Osmond Le Lacheur, 3/1/1955; Issac George Marshall, 4/1/1955; Sophia Lovell, 18/1/1955; Ethel Isabel Foster, 23/1/1955; Walter Colin Wheatley, 5/1/1956; Walter Gulson, 6/1/1956; Ellen Mary Ann Parkyn, 28/1/1956; Kathleen Mary Driskell, 5/1/1958; Annie Brown Warren, 7/1/1958; Horace Knight, 8/1/1958; Texina Beach Davis, 15/1/1958; Ethel Symons, 18/1/1958; Philip Hastings Irwin, 18/1/1958; Indiana Dimanche, 29/1/1958; Frank Sarre, 9/1/1959; Muriel Scott, 11/1/1960; Patrick James Meredith Mantell, 22/1/1960; Violet Frederica Vizard, 23/1/1960; Edith Ferris Scott, 28/1/1961; Daisy Mignot, 4/1/1962; Herbert George Black, 6/1/1962; John Brodie, 20/1/1962; Amy Edith Hunton, 31/1/1962; Emily Augusta Ross, 8/1/1963; Sidney Stanley Bullock, 23/1/1963; Walter Guilbert Grut, 24/1/1963; Horace Henry Carrington, 25/1/1963; Hilda Dorothy Alice Good, 26/1/1963; Herbert William John Sharman, 29/1/1963; William Henry Machon, 29/1/1963; Winifred Le Bargy, 18/1/1964; Ethel Mary Hayes, 29/1/1964; Hilda Gertrude Priest, 5/1/1966; Peter Louis Louvet, 20/1/1966; Vera Hamon, 11/1/1967; Florence Ogier, 15/1/1967; William Edgar Smith, 26/1/1968; Kathleen White, 17/1/1969; Mary Jane Udle, 17/1/1970; Kathleen Clare Greenhow, 30/1/1970; Dorothy Amy Cordwent, 10/1/1978; John Albert Dorey, 28/1/1981; Arthur Ashford Hurrell, 23/1/1983; Walter Butt, 6/1/1984; Agnes Martel, 28/1/1984; John Derek Higgins, 1/1/1988; Freda Elizabeth Robilliard, 5/1/1989; Freda Elizabeth Robilliard, 9/1/1989; John Cecil Brache, 6/1/1990; Kathleen Mary Anderson 26/1/1991; Reginald Board 15/1/1993; Dawn Marlene Sauvarin, 13/1/1994; Nelson Henry de la Mare, 29/1/1995; Eunice Alice Fallaize, 28/1/1996; David Clarkson, 24/1/1997; Eunice Emma Falla, 25/1/1997; William Baker, 12/1/1998; Geoffrey Ernest Le Page 13/1/1998; Albert Ernest Croucher, 4/1/1999; Joan Isobel Waddams, 9/1/2000; William James West 18/1/2000; Jean Elizabeth Dorau 5/1/2003; Frederick William Lohmeir, 19/1/2003; Ruth Olliver, 20/1/2004; Donald Eric Hampson, 5/1/2005; Elsie May Butt, 16/1/2005; Paul John Machon, 21/1/2005; Edwin James Thoume, 23/1/2005; Kathleen Dorothy Mallett, 30/1/2005; Lloyd Herbert George Renouf, 22/1/2006; Lena Dowdney, 5/1/2007; Margaret Winifred Chambers, 5/1/2007; Ian Byrne Yeaman 5/1/2007; Dennis Robert Carré, 21/1/2007; Lilian Ann Kaines, 25/1/2007; Michael Ronald Day, 28/1/2008; Brian Edward Renouf, 9/1/2009; Phyllis Georgina Haines, 12/1/2009; Derek Reginald Machon, 21/1/2009; Muriel Joan Rust , 13/1/2010; David William Lower, 14/1/2010; Noreen Gladys Ethel Le Poidevin, 15/1/2010; Jeffrey Michael Zabiela, 14/1/2012; Derek Percival Crisell, 18/1/2012; David Nicholas Leale, 21/1/2013; David George Yabsley, 26/1/2013; Rosamond Clara Swann, 13/1/2015;

Year unknown: Elizabeth Mary Shuff, 6/1.



Here are the answers. How many were you able to work out? It is a new way at looking at Christmas Carols

1. GKWLO Good King Wenceslas looked out 2. DTTSIAOHOS Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh 3. AIAM Away in a manger 4. SAABF Should auld acquaintance be forgot 5. OTFDPCMTLSTM On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me 6. WSWTFBN While shepherds watch their flocks by night 7. LDLDOTDR Little donkey little donkey on as dusty road 8. DDMOH Ding dong merrily of high 9. LTAIBSTHBS Long time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible says 10. WSGSUTC When Santa got stuck up the chimney

11. GRYMG God rest ye merry gentlemen 12. OCNACS On Christmas night all Christians sing 13. WWYAMC We wish you a merry Christmas 14. TFNTADS The first noel the angels did say 15. ITBM In the bleak midwinter 16. IDOAWC I’m dreaming of a white Christmas 17. AFTROG Angels from the realms of glory 18. ISTSCSB I saw three ships come sailing by 19. AYHUASOYW Are you hanging up a stocking on your wall 20. OCAYF O come all ye faithful

21. WEKOOA We three kings of orient are 22. DTHWBOH Deck the hall with boughs of holly 23. LJSS Little Jesus sweetly sleep 24. WWITA We’re walking in the air 25. AIWFCIMTFT All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth 26. CROAOF Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 27. FTS Frosty the snowman 28. ISMKSC I saw mummy kissing Santa Claus 29. ICUAMC It came upon a midnight clear 30. RATCT Rocking around the Christmas tree


Ellen Greer Wednesday Community Centre RAINBOWS Tel: 721432 4:00pm – 5:00pm 5 -7 years old Rosalyne Le Huray Wednesday Community Centre BROWNIES Tel: 257939 5:00pm - 6:30pm 7 – 10 years old Rosalyne Le Huray Friday Community Centre GUIDES Tel: 257939 6:00pm – 7:30pm 10 – 14 years old

Beavers Pierre Woodland Community Centre st Monday 1 VICTORIA Tel: 722210 6 – 8 yrs old SEA SCOUT 5:30pm– 6:45pm GROUP Cubs Group Scout Paula Woodland Community Centre Monday Leader Tel: 722210 8 – 10yrs old 7:00pm – 8:30pm Rosalyne Le Huray Sea Scouts Steve Greer Community Centre Tel: 257939 Wednesday Mob: 07781 450723 10 – 14yrs old 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Jean Le Huray SUNDAY CLUB Sunday 11:00am Church/Vestry Tel: 255207

ST STEPHEN’S Marg Kaines Church As arranged GUILD Tel: 254858 ‘Housekeeping’

SERVERS Info: Guild of the Tony Kaines Monthly Servants of the Tel: 254858 See notice board uk Sanctuary

SOCIAL Tony Goss St Stephen’s EVENTS As arranged Tel: 266214 Vestry COMMITTEE

ST STEPHEN’S Steph Dragun As arranged Community Centre PLAYERS Tel: 255654 [email protected] Copy deadline for the February Magazine will be

Thursday 19th January 2017

Contributions to Claudia in any form accepted Who will be grateful for all your contributions. Email if possible please

[email protected]

ST STEPHEN’S CHURCH Vicar The Reverend Fr. John Moore BA, MBA, DHECT St Stephen’s Vicarage ▪ Les Gravées ▪ St Peter Port ▪ Guernsey ▪ GY1 1RN Tel: 01481-720268 E-mail: [email protected] website:

Honorary Assistant Priests The Very Reverend Canon F Marc Trickey The Reverend Leslie Craske Vicar’s Warden David Le Lievre Tel: 255492 People’s Warden Tony Kaines Tel: 254858 Director of Music Felicity Millard Tel: 725660 Secretary (APCC) Mary-Carol Gales Tel: 712434 Treasurer Alan Bougourd Tel: 722334 Stewardship Officer Katherine Lau Tel: 233207 Community Centre Tony & Diana Renouf Tel: 711701 Flower Contacts Iris Dhanji Tel: 256528 Ann Goss Tel: 266214 Helping Hands David & Annie Tel 730688 Magazine Editors Val & Graham Moullin Tel: 268255 Safeguarding Officer Steph Dragun Tel 255654

SUNDAY SERVICES 9.30am Said Mass with Hymns and Sermon 11.00am Sung Mass with Sermon

WEEKDAY MASSES Tuesday 11.00am Common Prayer followed by prayers for healing Wednesday 7.00pm Common Worship Friday 7.00pm Common Worship

Weddings, Baptisms or other Offices - Contact Fr. John