Welcome to Our Parishes!

May 20, 2018 • Pentecost

St. Helena 421 2nd St N, Box 796 How can we learn from Mary’s “yes” and Ellendale, ND 58436 live it every day? You are invited to a 701-349-3297 special me of prayer to honor the Mother of God and to grow closer to Jesus her Son. The prayers will include (about 40 min): St. Patrick Catholic Church Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament, 207 Monroe St N, Box 13 , Marian hymn, Litany of the Blessed Fullerton, ND 58441 Mary, and Benedicon. Families & children encouraged 701-349-3297 to aend! Sunday, May 20, 3:00pm @ St. Helena Catholic Church. Fr. Jason Asselin, J.C.L. “Family Unity Through Family Prayer” www.sthelenascatholicparish.org —Fr. Patrick Peyton,

GOSPEL MEDITATION Today we celebrate the "birthday of the Church!" Pentecost is described in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. But before the great driving wind and tongues of fire empowering the Disciples, the Holy Spirit had already arrived. The Gospel for today's Mass during the day is from John 20. Jesus appears to the fearful disciples a er his resurrecon. He first speaks a message of calm. "Peace be with you." The apostles "rejoiced when they saw the Lord." When the enthusiasc response seles down, Jesus "breathed on them and said to them 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" This acon is Trinitarian, and it has happened before. If you turn your Bible back to the beginning, you'll read: "The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so many became a living being" (Genesis 2:7). In the Garden of Eden, we see God's first, original covenant with man. The breath of life signifies that original indwelling of grace, the special state of likeness and friendship with God before the Fall. Here now, in this locked room, the Apostles receive the long-awaited promise: the very breath of God, new life, a new covenant. In the pairing of these two readings-the Pentecost experience in Acts and the breath of Jesus in John's Gospel -we see that the coming of the Holy Spirit is not only an empowering, it is an indwelling. We have each received the breath of grace in our bapsm. It is confirmed, strengthened, and deepened in each recepon of the sacraments. If we persevere in virtue, the Spirit of God is alive in us, inspiring our acons of love. This Pentecost Sunday, how is the breath of God alive in you? 2 | St. Helena & St. Patrick Parishes

St. Patrick Parish St. Helena Parish Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday (vigil) 5pm (Prince of Peace Care Center) Sunday 10:30am (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) Sunday 8:30am (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) 8:30am (2nd, 4th Sundays) Thursday 9:00am 10:30am (2nd, 4th Sundays) Tue-Sat 8:00am Confession Schedule

Confession Schedule Sunday Before 8:30 am Mass (2nd, 4th Sundays) Saturday 3:30-4:30pm By appointment - call parish office Sunday Before 8:30 am mass (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) Tues—Sat Before 8:00 am daily Mass Upcoming Area Events By appointment, call parish office Beginning Experience A Beginning Experience Weekend will be held June 22-24, at Sacraments Hankinson Retreat Center. Beginning Experience (BE) is a Marriages support program offered by the Catholic Church and open to Those preparing for marriage must make an divorced, widowed, and separated persons of all faiths, or no appointment with Fr. Asselin at least six (6) months Faith. For more info & registraon: Ma Tedrick, 701-541- prior to the wedding date. 6095 or Marlene Wilde, 218-998-4300, [email protected].

Baptism www.beginningexperience-easternnd.org

Please contact the parish office to schedule a bapsm. A preparaon class is also required. Rural Life Celebration Please join Bishop John Folda as we celebrate our rural Anointing of the Sick communies and invoke God’s blessing upon our land. Please talk with Fr. Asselin before or a er Mass, or call Sunday, June 24, 12:30 pm Mass and blessing of land, animals the parish office to make an appointment. Don’t and farm equipment. 2:00 pm meal, entertainment and hesitate to call, especially if you are preparing for a speaker. Hosted by: St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Harvey, ND medical procedure or surgery. More informaon: fargodiocese.org/rural-life

Information Men’s Leadership Summit Flocknote This summer, the Diocese of Fargo will be holding the Made Connect with us on Flocknote. We use this service to for Greatness Men’s Leadership Summit for those interested communicate important informaon about parish life in strengthening their relaonship with Jesus Christ and and events. Receive text messages or emails, join the helping lead other men in their parish deeper in their faith. groups you want. You can Text to Join. Text the word: The Summit will take place June 8-10, 2018 at Sklestad Helena to: 84576 or visit: flocknote.com/sthelena1 Lodge near Fort Ransom, ND. The weekend will provide men opportunies to go deeper in their spiritual lives, will New Parishioners introduce them to the work of intenonal discipleship, and Have You Recently moved to the area? Please call the will equip them to bring dynamic men’s iniaves back to parish office to register; we are happy to have you as a their parishes. The deadline to register is Friday, June 1. For member of our parish family! more informaon, please contact Brad Gray at (701) 356- Prayer Chain 7903 or [email protected] If you or someone you know needs prayers, please call the parish office or send an email to: [email protected] God’s Gift Apeal 2018 Homebound Let the Church Always be a Place of Mercy If you are homebound or know someone who cannot Report as of 5-10-18 get to Mass, please call the parish office, we can set up St. Helena’s: $15335: 107% of goal a me to visit and bring Holy Communion. If you know 45% parish parcipaon someone who is ill or in the hospital call Fr. Asselin. St. Patrick’s: $11,810: 244% of goal

Bulletin Deadline 55% parish parcipaon Arcles due Monday 10:00am for the following Please consider making a donaon if you have not already Sunday. done so. Thank you. St. Helena & St. Patrick Parishes | 3 News & Events Parish Events Calendar Sunday, May 20, 3:00 pm Marian Devoons St. Helena’s Mon—Thurs, June 4-7, Young Disciples


Young Disciples—Mark your Calendars Young Disciples summer camp will be in Ellendale on June 4-7. All students who have completed K-6 grade are invited. No cost, registraon required, see parish website.

Youth Retreats in Hankinson Let the Come In! Young men and women ages 13-17 are invited to parcipate in an engaging 3-day retreat this summer. What really maers in life is that we are loved by Christ and that we love him in return. The retreat will include daily Mass, adoraon, guest speakers, discussions and many acvies. Camps are held at Franciscan Convent in Hankinson. $150/ student—scholarships available. Registraon deadline, June 18. See Brochure in church FORMED provides amazing content 24/7 for you to deepen entry. your faith. Go to formed.org and use access code: Session 1: July 18—21 Young women’s retreat QHRWXW to register for your FREE subscripon. Session 2: July 22—25 Young men’s retreat

Mother Daughter Days

Mother Daughter Days will be held at St. Francis Retreat Center in Hankinson, North Dakota, again this summer.

This is an opportunity for mothers and their daughters to spend cherished me together, grow in their faith, and have some fun. They join the Sisters for prayer, Mass and meals.

Two sessions will be offered this summer: you can chose from: June 28-30 or July 26-28. Note the program begins Thursday evening and concludes Saturday a ernoon.

If you're interested, please call Sr. Jean Louise at: 701.208.1245 or email: [email protected] at least three weeks prior to the session for which you are registering. Register early because space is limited. Time—Talent—Treasure 4a

St. Helena Ministry Schedule

Sunday, May 27 (10:30am) Usher Bob Radtke Collecon Dave Eberle Lector Bernie Thielges EMHC Mary Johnson Gi Bearers Reis Family Altar Servers R, T, Devin W. Rosary leader Thielges Family St. Helena Breakfast Servers May 20 Susan D, Joyce G, Sonja B, Marilyn W. June 3 Peggy B, Chari K, Priscilla B, Dawn W.

Weekly Giving , May 13

Adult $1259.00 Children’s $16.30 Plate $75.00 Total $1350.30 Thank you for your generosity!

St. Patrick Ministry Schedule

Sunday, May 27 (8:30am) Lector Jim Gi Carriers Kate and Abbie Altar Servers Madi, Porter Rosary leader Jim

For the Month of May Breakfast Servers: Mona and Amy Anliker Collecon Counters: Virginia Hagen and Brian Glynn Church Cleaners: Cyndal and Faye Altar Society Meeng: None this month

Please Pray for the Sick Edna Scherman, Valerie Hunt, Carla Engelstad, Susan Lacina, Larry Fischer,

Richard Rodlund. If you or someone you know would like to be added to, or removed from this list please call the parish office. 4b Mass Intentions—Readings—Prayers Mass Intentions for the Week

Tue, May 22 8:00 am No Mass

Wed, May 23 8:00 am No Mass Thur, May 24 8:00 am No Mass

9:00 am (St. P) No Mass Fri, May 25 8:00 am †Aloys Mastel

Sat, May 26 8:00 am †Carolyn Sperle

5:00 pm For the Parishioners Sun, May 27 8:30 am (St. P) In honor of St. Joseph

10:30 am (St. H) †Joan Grueneich

Readings for the Week of May 20 Sunday: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26- 27; 16:12-15 Mon: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15/Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-8, 9-10a, 10b-11a, 23/Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11/Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-15ab, 15cd-16, 17-18, 19- 20/Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 11-12/Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-2, 3 and 8/Mk 10:13-16 Next Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16 20 Observances for the Week of May 20 Monday: St. Christopher Magallanes, , and Companions, Martyrs Tuesday: St. Rita of Cascia, Religious Wednesday: - - - Thursday: - - - Friday: St. , Priest & ; St. Gregory VII, ; St. de' Pazzi, Virgin Saturday: St. Philip Neri, Priest Next Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity

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