�--- ...... __-- 11111111111 tie

FAO Mr Colin Brady Our Ref: INF.CORR.321 Bilfinger Berger - Siemens - CAF Consortium 9 Lochside Avenue Park Date: 3 November 2008 Edinburgh EH12 9DJ

Dear Sirs,

Edinburgh Tram Network - lnfraco Construction Interim Certificate Nr. 1 O

Please find attached Construction Interim Certificate Nr. 10.

Steven Bell Project Director - Edinburgh Tram

tie limited Direct dial: +44 (O)•••• Citypoint 65 Haymarket Terrace Edinburqh EH1 2 SHD e-mail:[email protected] web: www.tie.ltd.uk tel +44 (0) 131 622 8300 / 623 8600 fax +44 (0) 131 622 8301 / 623 8601 web www.tie.ltd.uk Reqistered In No: 230949 at City Chambers, High Street. Edinburgh EHl I VJ

CEC01123714 0001 Miiestone Pavment Application - Construction Interim Certificate 10 Back-up

Contract: Edinburgh Tram lletwork lnfraco Jnfraco Contract

Emplover: tie Limited CityPolnt 65 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5HD

Main Biifinger Berger - Siemens Consortium Contractor: Lochsldc House 3 Lochslde \'lay Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DT ML4 JRB

Net Totals Certified Comments Current Application

Period 7

00 M oblli,atlon and Prellmlnarles OOA Moblllsatlon o.oo o.oo OOA Prellmlnarles 539,698.60 539,898.60 No certificate required OOC Preliminaries • Siemens 232,162.21 232,162.21 No certificate required � 000 Uetwork Rall Immunisation 0.00 o.oo OOE SDS Interlace 292,307.69 292,307.69 No certificate required , OOF lncentlv1satlon 0.00 0.00 01 Newhaven Road to Haymarket OLA llewhaven Road (Inc.) to Foot of the Walk (exc.) 0.00 o.oo 018 Foot of the Walk (Inc.) to McDonald Road (exc.) 0.00 o.oo OlC McDonald Road (Inc.) to Princess Street \'lest (exc.) o.oo 0.00 OlD Princes Street (Inc.) to Haymarket (exc.) o.oo 0.00 02 H aymarket Corridor 02A Haymarket Corridor 0.00 0.00 05 Junction to OSA Roseburn Junction (exc.) to Ro�d o.oo 0.00 (Inc.) 058 Balgreen Road (exc.) to Edinburgh Park (Inc.) 0.00 0.00 06 Gager Depot 06A Gogar Depot 0.00 0.00 07 G ogar to 07A Gogarburn (exc.) to Edinburgh Airport (Inc.) 0.00 0.00 OB CAF 08A Tram Supply Contract

Subtotal 1,064,368.50 1,064,368.50 Add Addi tlonal Works Additional Trame Lights 0.00 0.00 SOS Application for payment as detail 125,411.43 65,207.00 SOS aoolicatlon Notified Tic Changes 40,515.67 20,000.00 Only SDS value approved Subtotal 1,230,295.60 1,149,575.50

Add [email protected]% 215,301.73 201,175.71

One Miiiion, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Seven Balance 1,445,597.33 1,350,751.21 (In words) Hundred and Fifty One Pounds and Twenty One Pence

AcidPrevious cumulative 65,171, 748.63 64,612,839. 79

Cumulative to P07 (exc. VAT) 66,402,044.43 65,962,415,29

CEC01123714_0002 Milestone Payment Application Milestone Payment Certification

Edinburgh Tram Network Infraco Infraco Contract

tie Limited Date : 20-0ct-08 Date : 20-0ct·OB CityPoint 65 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh Application Nr : 10 Certification Nr : 10 EH12 5HD

Bilfinger Berger- Siemens CAF Consortium as at: 11-0ct-08 as at: 11-0ct-08 Lochside House 3 Lochside Way Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DT ML4 3RB

APPLICATION CERTIFIED Current Previous Current Previous Period Period r11mm"l"t1ve r .. -.. 1.,.tivP r.•mm• ,1,.�ivP r11mulative

00Moblll"3tlon and Prollmlnarles OOA Moblllsatlon 45,200,000.00 45,200,000.00 0.00 45,200,000.00 45,200,000.00 o.oo OOA Prellmlnartes 3,239,391.62 2,699,493.01 539,898.60 3,239,391.61 2,699,493.01 539,898.60 OOC Preliminaries - Siemens 1,392,973.24 1,160,811.03 232,162.21 1,392,973.24 1,160,811.04 232,162.21 000 Network Rall Immunisation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OOE SOS lnter1'ace 1,753,846.15 . 1,461,538.46 292,307.69 1,753,846.15 1,461,538.46 292,307.69 OOF Incentivlsa�on o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01 Newh2Ven Road to Havmarlalgreen Road (exc.) to Edinburgh Park (Inc.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 06 Gogar Depct o.oo 0.00 0.00 06AGogi:r Depot o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07 Gogar to Edinburgh Airport 0.00 0.00 0.00 07A Gogarnum (exc.)to Edinburgh Airport(Inc.} 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08CAF 0.00 0.00 0.00 OSA Tram Supply Contract 12,257,159.28 12,257,159.28 0.00 12,257,159.28 12,257,159.28 0.00

SubtotaI 63,843,370.29 62,779,001.79 1,064,368.50 63,843,370.29 62,779,001.79 1,064,368.SO Additional Works AdditionalTrame Ughts o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 SOS APPllcatlon ror payment as detail 2,240,544.29 2,115,132.86 125,411.43 1,975,849.00 1,910,642.00 65,207.00 Notlf"oedTie Changes 318 129.85 277 614.18 40 515.67 143.196.00 123 196.00 20 000.00 Subtota1 66 402 044.43 65 171 748.83 1,230,295.60 65,962,415.29 64,812,839. 79 1.149,575.50

[email protected]% 215 301.73 11 543.422.68 11 342 246. 96 201 175.71 !Amount Now Due 1,445,597.33 77 505,837.97 76,155 086.75 1,350,751.21

CEC01123714_0003 �tn butgb TrtlmNC'twork P'rovh:lon er SY5tlml Do-,Jm, S-ervko!; CERTIFIEDSUMMARY • Period 7 -14/9 to 11/10/08

t1oGro� Co1t.. Cc�t� lc�� C:,t SOS lnlorim {vlo BSC) AppDotion

,�- ro co £0 £0 £0 Rc-qu,t.:=�� Ocrftll.)fl £0 £0 £0 £0 3 P1dlrnri:lry Ck""..i, n £0 ro £0 £0 41J� Fe" £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 !. Gur,,i:,,, £0 £0 £0 £0 r; �lrq £155.015 £7.5$1 £155,015 �i.562 £0 7 L'iooe?IW;) £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 c OD� �c:ct.:inm \"Jl�!'.Ue C."ll-:"" te r.o::-..�;.:01> 3�o. e,�,o. "4G.41G � ;..-;-o:,o ts �Jr,1Octwled t1.i•D.CG• t.GO,i01 -!:is.SSS !;1.22<.1(Y.) £44.1-'6 �:11,00::. [130.791 C!S.645 £130,791 CS.G4S £0

c1.�,.,1s C77,:IS2 £1,52Ci,Ct> �3.!)08 -C1C,SSS

10 Cl'\.� £393.9'9i !15.� 1 �.596 !21.Sl6 .£5,605 CS::�01 3'/'l'��tunrUurr ..l)ito no(donf'·1..-duc1: 1Ct7S".:. CQrl1Cl1t:'l"owi:t:i� 11 Cllypolnlk:r ...r:CMO!WflOf'I ro £0 co £0 £D ll Addlltorut�� £0 w r.o £0 �OlOfrJ.>lloft ��o:(lai.w� f.0 f.0 r.o r.o £0

C!!!:J;991 .i:1s.,11 oo,.s9' C21,516 ..es.cos

1G li1T.li:o �... ,:.I? EQ.727 C!0.000 £192.501 C.1-<�.e&: ·£129.es< ,,.�100,-..,n01:1�r.�llt't1/fw:t,vl!M-· �t....:.u-. 1, INr.:,co CN� ·Futurc-

t�n; £20,000 £192,5'1 £149,8C4 .£11!064 ..

£1.,6<.C3l t113�&:l a.11a.,..- £..2G!i� �1 �02'

-.£78.057 .£78,057 -£.7fl,112 .£i!).11:? �on�00 ()!7l'f !!"'·' r.,,-r.,C'C"O r.1u:JU ,..-otk If>comr,v1c n;Nttr.lllon

e Tobi £1.U�.,;STG 05,!0G a.o3,,S4S £18&,176 -C.152.,024

£1JS.OOO £50.000 .£265,942 C1S0.942 ·.Cl30,94:? :-- °":tit. p:1ymet1t1t10e ,Y� t,yC!iOk £.1$.000 to £131.414 !:11C•.t:14 �r,,c. .c,.::_ C.150.00D =.ooo £::97��t C:297,.:,SC �(7,3st

C Tobi .CZ.03�.�G Cl!i.20G l:2,

£0 co r.o £1) g) ,:ia I C,OnOT�I £2.03C,S7S ttS-_z06 �4"6,001 £A.33,5n .o.. o =C'fbllt"OTat:lt, r:.o->..;n; . t:20,000 £192.� C.149,0C4 ...(.129,tc.4 Dt:et*-'"ni.ot>Ol."1!'?ffl.tc:': d!�U>DSC �Si:-c- .. cn


CEC01123714_0004 Milestone Payment Application - Construction Interim Certificate 10 Back-up

Contract: Edinburgt1 Tram Network lnfraco lnfraco Contract

Employer: tie Limited City Point 65 Haymarket Terrace Eclinburgh EH12 SHD

Main Bilfinger Berger - Siemens Consortium Contractor: Lochslde House 3 Lochslde Way Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DT ML4 3RB

Net Totals Certified Comments Current Application

Period 7

00 M obilisation and Prellmlnaries ODA Mobilisation 0.00 0.00 OOA Preliminaries 539,898.60 539,898.60 No certificate required OOC Preliminaries - Siemens 232,162.21 232,162.21 No certificate required OOD Network Rall Immunisation 0.00 0.00 OOE SOS Interface 292,307.69 292,307.69 No certificate required OOF Jncentivisation 0.00 0.00 01 N ewhaven Road to Haymarket 01A Newhaven Road (inc.) to Foot of the Walk (exc.) 0.00 0.00 01B Foot of the Walk (Inc.) to McDonald Road (exc.) 0.00 o.oo 01C McDonald Road (Inc.) to Pri ncess Street West (exc.) 0.00 0.00 010 Princes Street (Inc.) to Haymarket (exc.) 0.00 0.00 02 H aymarket Corridor 02A Haymarket Corridor 0.00 0.00 05 Roseburn Junction to Gogar 05A Roseburn Junction (exc.) to Balgreen Road 0.00 0.00 (Inc.) 05B Balgreen Road (exc.) to Edinburgh Park (inc.) o.oo 0.00 06 G ogar Depot 06A Gogar Depot 0.00 0.00 07 G ogar to Edinburgh Airport 07A Gogarbum (exc.) to Edinburgh Airport (inc.) 0.00 o.oo

08 CA F OBA Tram Supply Contract

Subtotal 1,064,368.50 1,064,368.50

Add Addit lonal Works Additional Traffic Lights 0.00 0.00 SOS Application for payment as detail 125,411.43 65,207.00 SOS aoolication Notified Tie Changes 40,515.67 20,000.00 Only SOS value approved

Subtotal 1,230,295.60 1,149,575.50

Add VAT @ 17.5% 215,301.73 201,175.71

Balance One Miiiion, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Seven 1,445, 597 .33 1,350, 751.21 (In words) Hundred and Fifty One Pounds and Twenty One Pence

Add Previous Cumulative 65,171,748.83 64,812,839. 79

Cumulative to P07 (exc. VAT) 66,402,044.43 65,962,415.29


ProJect Details I Certlflcato No. I 10 Edinburgh Tram Network Contract Ref. I lnfraco lnfraco Construction Works Navislon No I T19; T20; T4 !Cont1act Sum £294,369,298

Supplier Details I Value or Work to: I 1111012008 Bilfinger Berger - Siemens Consortium Application received I 2111012008 Lochslde House 3 Lochside Way CertUlcatoDate ! 2a11 or2ooa Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9DT

Pa ment Summa

Works complete (up to and Including CertificateNo 9) £65,962,415.29

Retention £0.00

Total Amount £65,962,415.29

Deduct Previously Certified £64,812,839.79

Total Amount of this Certificate (excluding VAT) £1,1 49,575.60

Add VAT @17.5% £201,17 5. 71

Total Amount Certified(I nclusive of VAT) £1,350,751.21

tie cMlfythat the sum or One Million. Th ree Hundred and Filly Tho11sand, Seven Hundred and Filly One Pound� ond n·,enly One Pence Including VAT Is due to lhe su lier In accordance with tile terms of the contract

Prepar by: tie Projecl Commercial Rep / i ... � ...� ... F.*.: .J!f�.-/(_f(f.�}/}"'';:··. .. ·�····· .....(block caps) ...... (bloc� caps) ...... � ... 9.:'.P. ...�(s ignature/dale) ...(signatur e/dale)

Approved by: tie Project Commercial Director D. MVtz.,v..y ...... (block caps)

. l ::::::·.·.·.························ . ········.. ··:::�·1Ii.�h . 6: .·.·.-.-:.-.·.- ·;� g:�:l::;:� :: A�fe., slgna!ure/date) . . ':J.�.
