H3758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 7, 2018 (H.R. 4722) to designate the facility of ’s 22nd Congressional District am joined by 27 bipartisan cosponsors, the United States Postal Service lo- after beginning his political career 4 including the entire New York congres- cated at 111 Market Street in years earlier as a State assemblyman. sional delegation, to offer this bill. Saugerties, New York, as the ‘‘Maurice Representative Hinchey was a strong Mr. Speaker, I especially want to D. Hinchey Post Office Building’’. advocate for the environment, con- thank Liam Fitzsimmons, who served The Clerk read the title of the bill. ducting an investigation into the Love on the staff of Congressman Hinchey as The text of the bill is as follows: Canal toxic waste site in New York and well as on the staff of the late Con- H.R. 4722 leading the charge that passed the Na- gresswoman . Con- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion’s first regulations related to acid gresswoman Slaughter assisted and resentatives of the United States of America in rain. was a colead on this legislation, and I Congress assembled, Throughout his career, he fought for know she would be pleased by the SECTION 1. MAURICE D. HINCHEY POST OFFICE the preservation of the , House passage today of this bill. BUILDING. and worked to better the lives of his Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Mr. Speak- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the constituents through his focus on agri- er, I have no further speakers. I urge United States Postal Service located at 111 Market Street in Saugerties, New York, culture, economic development, and the passage of H.R. 4722, and I yield shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Mau- veterans’ issues. back the balance of my time. rice D. Hinchey Post Office Building’’. Mr. Speaker, we should pass this bill Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I urge (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, to recognize the contributions Maurice adoption of the bill, and I yield back map, regulation, document, paper, or other Hinchey made to this House and to the the balance of my time. record of the United States to the facility re- lives of those he represented here. I The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to urge the passage of H.R. 4722, and I re- question is on the motion offered by be a reference to the ‘‘Maurice D. Hinchey serve the balance of my time. the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Post Office Building’’. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, it is RUSSELL) that the House suspend the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- now my privilege to yield such time as rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4722. ant to the rule, the gentleman from he may consume to the gentleman The question was taken; and (two- Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- from New York (Mr. FASO), my friend thirds being in the affirmative) the tleman from Illinois (Mr. and colleague and the sponsor of this rules were suspended and the bill was KRISHNAMOORTHI) each will control 20 bill. passed. minutes. Mr. FASO. Mr. Speaker, I thank my A motion to reconsider was laid on The Chair recognizes the gentleman colleague, the gentleman from Okla- the table. from Oklahoma. homa, and my colleague, the gen- f GENERAL LEAVE tleman from Illinois, as well, for their Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask fine comments in relation to this legis- REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER unanimous consent that all Members lation. AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3671 AND have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer sup- H.R. 1742 tend their remarks, and include extra- port for H.R. 4722, a bill to designate Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- neous material on the bill under con- the postal facility at 111 Market Street mous consent that my name be re- sideration. in Saugerties, New York, as the Mau- moved as a cosponsor from H.R. 3671 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there rice D. Hinchey Post Office Building. and H.R. 1742. objection to the request of the gen- Congressman Hinchey was a lifelong The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tleman from Oklahoma? New Yorker and a true public servant. objection to the request of the gen- There was no objection. He passed away in his home in tleman from Colorado? Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield Saugerties, New York, on November 22, There was no objection. myself such time as I may consume. 2017. He is survived by his wife, Ilene f Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to Marder, and his three adult children. support H.R. 4722, introduced by my He is fondly remembered as a SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ALWYN friend and colleague Mr. FASO. The bill staunch advocate for what he believed, CRENDALL CASHE POST OFFICE names the United States Post Office at including care for our military vet- BUILDING 111 Market Street in Saugerties, New erans and the environment through his Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I move York, after Maurice D. Hinchey. support of the Clean Air Act and the to suspend the rules and pass the bill Maurice Hinchey served in the Hudson River Valley National Heritage (H.R. 4840) to designate the facility of and subsequently Area, among many other accomplish- the United States Postal Service lo- entered a life of public service. He ments. cated at 567 East Franklin Street in started his political career in 1975 as a The week of his passing, I took to the Oviedo, Florida, as the ‘‘Sergeant First State assemblyman and served for nine House floor with the entire New York Class Alwyn Crendall Cashe Post Office terms until he was elected to the delegation to mourn the death of our Building’’. . colleague. Today, I stand here with The Clerk read the title of the bill. He served in the U.S. House of Rep- this legislation as a token of remem- The text of the bill is as follows: resentatives for 10 terms. I thank my brance for a father, a husband, a vet- H.R. 4840 colleagues for supporting the effort to eran, and a distinguished Member of name a post office after Maurice Hin- this House who was dedicated to his Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in chey, who spent his life serving his constituents and all the people of our Congress assembled, country and community. I look for- Nation. SECTION 1. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ALWYN ward to hearing more about Maurice Mr. Hinchey served 3 years in the CRENDALL CASHE POST OFFICE Hinchey from the sponsor of the bill, U.S. Navy, 18 years in the New York BUILDING. Congressman FASO, in a few minutes, State Assembly, and 20 years in the (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the and I reserve the balance of my time. U.S. House of Representatives, during United States Postal Service located at 567 Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Mr. Speak- which time he represented a broad East Franklin Street in Oviedo, Florida, er, I yield myself such time as I may swath of New York State from the shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Ser- geant First Class Alwyn Crendall Cashe Post consume. and the Catskill Moun- Office Building’’. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my tains over to the of our (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, colleagues in consideration of H.R. State as well. map, regulation, document, paper, or other 4722, to designate the facility of the Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to have record of the United States to the facility re- United States Postal Service located at served 6 years in the New York State ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to 111 Market Street as Maurice D. Hin- Assembly with Mr. Hinchey, and I am be a reference to the ‘‘Sergeant First Class chey Post Office Building. also honored to represent many of the Alwyn Crendall Cashe Post Office Building’’. For two decades, Maurice Hinchey same areas of upstate New York here The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- served in this Chamber representing in Congress as Maurice Hinchey did. I ant to the rule, the gentleman from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07MY7.021 H07MYPT1 May 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3759 Oklahoma (Mr. RUSSELL) and the gen- nation reveals itself not only by the more to extract his soldiers, all while tleman from Illinois (Mr. men it produces but also by the men it he was still on fire and exposed to KRISHNAMOORTHI) each will control 20 honors, the men it remembers. Con- enemy gunfire. By the time he had ex- minutes. sistent with that principle, my bill tracted all of his soldiers from the ve- The Chair recognizes the gentleman would designate a U.S. Post Office hicle, Sergeant First Class Cashe had from Oklahoma. building in Oviedo, Florida, after Ser- the most severe injuries. Second- and GENERAL LEAVE geant First Class Alwyn Cashe. third-degree burns covered 72 percent Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask Sergeant First Class Cashe died in of his body. Nevertheless, he refused to unanimous consent that all Members 2005 as a result of wounds suffered be evacuated until all of his soldiers have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- while serving in Iraq. When I recount were medevacked out before him. tend their remarks, and include extra- the actions this American soldier and When he arrived at the U.S. military neous material on the bill under con- son of Oviedo performed and what he hospital at Balad Air Base in Iraq, he sideration. endured in the process, it will take was still fully conscious. What re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there your breath away. The word ‘‘hero’’ is mained of his uniform had melted to objection to the request of the gen- ascribed to many people in our society, his skin, yet he tried to fight off the tleman from Oklahoma? perhaps a bit too casually, but this was nurses, insisting that they treat every- There was no objection. heroism in its purest and most pro- one else first. Despite determined ef- Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield found sense. forts to save his life at various hos- myself such time as I may consume. Let me start the story at the begin- pitals abroad and in the United States, Mr. Speaker, it is my honor today to ning: Alwyn was born in 1970 in San- he eventually succumbed to his wounds support H.R. 4840, introduced by Con- ford, Florida, and was raised in Oviedo, on November 8, 2005, surrounded by attending Oviedo High School. He was gresswoman STEPHANIE MURPHY. The members of both his biological family the youngest of nine children: five girls bill names the United States Post Of- and his Army family. and four boys. The family didn’t have fice at 567 East Franklin Street, Scripture teaches us that there is no much money, but they had plenty of Oviedo, Florida, after Sergeant First greater love than to lay down your life pride. When Alwyn was 6, his father Class Alwyn Crendall Cashe. for your friends, and Sergeant First passed away. Alwyn’s mother, Ruby Sergeant First Class Cashe served in Class Cashe made the ultimate expres- Mae, worked long hours at demanding the United States Army and was sta- sion of love. After his passing, he re- jobs: working on an assembly line and tioned in Iraq in support of Operation ceived the Silver Star, the third high- later as a custodian at Florida Tech, Iraqi Freedom. He was killed on No- est combat award that the Army con- since renamed the University of Cen- vember 8, 2005, as a result of injuries fers. Over the past years, there has tral Florida. been a painstaking effort to have Ser- sustained while rescuing his fellow sol- One of Alwyn’s sisters, Kasinal, de- geant First Class Cashe’s Silver Star diers from an improvised explosive de- scribed her brother as the baby of the upgraded to the Medal of Honor, an vice explosion. With severe burns, Ser- family: rambunctious; a little spoiled award no African American has re- geant First Class Cashe returned re- by his siblings; and, of course, deeply peatedly to the vehicle, determined to loved. Alwyn enlisted in the military ceived since 1969. Notably, this effort has been led by save his fellow soldiers. after high school. Kasinal said it had a the battalion commander who nomi- For his heroic actions, he was award- transformational effect, turning this nated Sergeant First Class Cashe for ed the Silver Star. Sergeant First Class somewhat aimless boy into a resolute the Silver Star. This individual, now a Cashe exemplified bravery and sac- man, the civilian into a soldier. And rifice, and he died putting his comrades not just any soldier but a soldier’s sol- 2-star general, came to believe that before himself. dier, a tough-as-nails infantryman, and Sergeant First Class Cashe deserves I had the privilege to know and serve an old-school leader in the best sense of the highest award for valor that our with his commander, then-Lieutenant the term. Nation bestows. I strongly agree with Colonel Gary Brito, who is now a serv- As Kasinal put it, Alwyn ‘‘bled Army this conclusion and have written to the ing general officer. I should also point green’’ right from the start. The Army Secretary of the Army to express my out, Mr. Speaker, that Sergeant First gave him a second family with even view. Class Cashe has been considered and more brothers and sisters, bound to- We cannot bring Sergeant First Class recommended for the Medal of Honor, gether by the American flag on their Cashe back or erase the pain felt by his but to date, no actions have been uniform and the events they experi- sister Kasinal, his other family mem- taken. It is my hope that his case will enced and endured together from boot bers, and the men and women in uni- be reviewed and come under further camp to combat. form who served beside him; but we can scrutiny. On October 17, 2005, Alwyn, now Ser- pay tribute to his life and legacy. We Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to geant First Class Cashe, was on his sec- can engrave his name on a plaque and support this bill to name a post office ond deployment to Iraq. That fateful designate a Federal building in his in honor of Sergeant First Class Alwyn day, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle car- honor so the American public never Crendall Cashe, and I reserve the bal- rying him, six other American soldiers, forgets this remarkable man who laid ance of my time. and the squad’s Iraqi interpreter down his life for his friends in service of our country. b 1715 struck an IED. The blast instantly killed the interpreter and ruptured the Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask my Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Mr. Speak- vehicle’s fuel cell. Flames engulfed the colleagues to support this legislation. er, I yield myself such time as I may vehicle. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I would consume. Initially only lightly injured but cov- like to make the gentleman from Illi- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my ered in fuel, Sergeant First Class Cashe nois aware that I have no further colleagues in consideration of H.R. descended into the hull, extracted the speakers and am prepared to close. I re- 4840, to designate the facility of the driver, who was on fire, and extin- serve the balance of my time. United States Postal Service located at guished the flames. At this point, mul- Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Mr. Speak- 567 East Franklin Street in Oviedo, tiple soldiers remained in the vehicle, er, I have no further speakers. I strong- Florida, as the ‘‘Sergeant First Class one of whom managed to open the rear ly urge the passage of H.R. 4840, and I Alwyn Crendall Cashe Post Office hatch. With no regard for his own safe- yield back the balance of my time. Building’’. ty, Sergeant First Class Cashe rushed Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I urge Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as she to the back of the vehicle, reached into adoption of the bill, and I yield back may consume to the gentlewoman from the hot flames, and started pulling out the balance of my time. Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) so that she may soldiers. His fuel-soaked uniform The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tell us more about Sergeant First Class caught fire, and the flames spread question is on the motion offered by Alwyn Crendall Cashe. quickly over his body. the gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- Despite what must have been terrible RUSSELL) that the House suspend the er, President Kennedy once said that a pain, he returned to the vehicle twice rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4840.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:46 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07MY7.024 H07MYPT1 H3760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 7, 2018 The question was taken; and (two- (4) a backlog mitigation plan, which shall in- (1) the term ‘‘agency’’ has the meaning given thirds being in the affirmative) the clude— the term in Executive Order 13467 (73 Fed. Reg. rules were suspended and the bill was (A) the identification of the cause of, and rec- 38103), or any successor thereto; ommendations to remedy, the backlog at the Bu- (2) the term ‘‘appropriate congressional com- passed. reau; mittees’’ means— A motion to reconsider was laid on (B) the steps the Director of the Bureau shall (A) the Committee on Homeland Security and the table. take to reduce the backlog; Governmental Affairs and the Select Committee f (C) process reforms to improve efficiencies in, on Intelligence of the Senate; and and the quality of, background investigations (B) the Committee on Oversight and Govern- SECURELY EXPEDITING CLEAR- by the Bureau; and ment Reform and the Permanent Select Com- ANCES THROUGH REPORTING (D) a projection of when the backlog at the mittee on Intelligence of the House of Represent- TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2017 Bureau will be sufficiently reduced to meet re- atives; quired timeliness standards; and (3) the term ‘‘background investigation’’ Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask (5) a description of improvements in the infor- means any investigation required for the pur- unanimous consent to take from the mation and data security of the Bureau. pose of determining the— Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 3210) to SEC. 4. REPORT ON SECURITY CLEARANCE INVES- (A) eligibility of a covered individual for log- require the Director of the National TIGATIONS OF PERSONNEL OF THE ical and physical access to Federally controlled Background Investigations Bureau to EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESI- facilities or information systems; submit a report on the backlog of per- DENT. (B) suitability or fitness of a covered indi- Not later than 90 days after the date of enact- vidual for Federal employment; sonnel security clearance investiga- ment of this Act, the Director of the Office of (C) eligibility of a covered individual for ac- tions, and for other purposes, with the Administration of the Executive Office of the cess to classified information or to hold a na- Senate amendment thereto, and concur President, in coordination with the Director and tional security sensitive position; or in the Senate amendment. the Director of the Office, shall submit to Con- (D) fitness of a covered individual to perform The Clerk read the title of the bill. gress a report that explains the process for con- work for or on behalf of the United States Gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ducting and adjudicating security clearance in- ernment as a contractor employee; and Clerk will report the amendment. vestigations for personnel of the Executive Of- (4) the term ‘‘covered individual’’— fice of the President, including personnel of the (A) means a person who performs work for or The Clerk read as follows: on behalf of the executive branch or seeks to Senate amendment: White House Office. SEC. 5. REPORT ON COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH BI- perform work for or on behalf of the executive Strike all after the enacting clause and in- FURCATED BACKGROUND INVES- branch; sert the following: TIGATION SYSTEMS. (B) is not limited to Federal employees; SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Not later than 120 days after the date of en- (C) includes all persons, not excluded under This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Securely Expe- actment of this Act, the Director of the Office, subparagraph (D), who require eligibility for ac- diting Clearances Through Reporting Trans- in consultation with the other members of the cess to classified information or eligibility to parency Act of 2018’’ or the ‘‘SECRET Act of Suitability and Security Clearance Performance hold a sensitive position, including, but not lim- 2018’’. Accountability Council established under Exec- ited to, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. utive Order 13467 (73 Fed. Reg. 38103) and the certificate holders, grantees, experts, consult- In this Act— Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, ants, and government employees; and (1) the term ‘‘Bureau’’ means the National shall submit to Congress a report on the cost of (D) does not include— (i) the President; Background Investigations Bureau of the Of- maintaining comprehensive background inves- (ii) employees of the President under section fice; tigations capability within the Office under the 105 or 107 of title 3, United States Code (except (2) the term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director of control or direction of the Bureau and a back- to the extent otherwise directed by the Presi- National Intelligence acting as the Security Ex- ground investigations capability for Department dent); ecutive Agent; and of Defense personnel under the control or direc- (iii) the Vice President; or (3) the term ‘‘Office’’ means the Office of Per- tion of the Department of Defense for implemen- (iv) employees of the Vice President under sec- sonnel Management acting as the Suitability tation of the plan referenced in section 925 of tion 106 of title 3, United States Code, or an an- and Credentialing Executive Agent. the National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- nual legislative branch appropriations Act (ex- SEC. 3. REPORT ON BACKLOG OF PERSONNEL SE- cal Year 2018 (Public Law 115–91), as compared cept to the extent otherwise directed by the Vice CURITY CLEARANCE INVESTIGA- to the cost of sustaining a single Government- President). TIONS. wide background investigations enterprise. (b) REVIEW AND UPDATING.— Not later than 90 days after the date of enact- SEC. 6. REPORTS ON CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, (1) INITIAL REVIEW AND UPDATE OF GUID- ment of this Act, and quarterly thereafter for 5 RECIPROCITY, AND TIMELINESS ANCE.—Not later than 180 days after the date of years, the Director of the Bureau, in coordina- MEASURES. enactment of this Act, the Director and the Di- tion with the Director, shall submit to Congress Not later than 120 days after the date of en- rector of the Office shall review and make rec- a report on the backlog of personnel security actment of this Act, the Director shall submit to ommendations to Congress and the President as clearance investigations at the Bureau for the Congress reports that provide— appropriate to issue guidance to assist agencies most recent full calendar quarter, which shall (1) the status of implementing continuous in determining— include— evaluation Government-wide, including— (A) position sensitivity designation; and (1) the size of the backlog of personnel secu- (A) the number of agencies with continuous (B) the appropriate background investigation rity clearance investigations of the Bureau, in- evaluation programs and how many of those to initiate for each position designation. cluding, for each sensitivity level— programs are currently conducting automated (2) REVIEWS AND REVISIONS OF POSITION DES- (A) the number of interim clearances granted; records checks of the required data sources as IGNATIONS.—Not less frequently than every 4 (B) the number of initial investigations for identified by the Director; and years, the President, acting through relevant Federal employees; (B) a discussion of the barriers for agencies to agencies (as determined by the President) and in (C) the number of periodic reinvestigations for implement continuous evaluation programs, in- accordance with the guidance described in para- Federal employees; cluding any requirement under a statute, regu- graph (1), shall review and, if necessary, revise (D) the number of initial investigations for lation, Executive Order, or other administrative the position designation of positions within employees of Federal contractors; requirement; agencies. (E) the number of periodic reinvestigations for (2) a detailed explanation of efforts by agen- (c) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 30 employees of Federal contractors; cies to meet requirements for reciprocal recogni- days after completing a review under subsection (F) the number of initial investigations for em- tion to access classified information, including— (b)(2), the President shall submit to the appro- ployees of, and employees of contractors of, the (A) the range of the length of time for agen- priate congressional committees a report on— Department of Defense; cies to grant reciprocal recognition to access (1) any issues identified in the review; and (G) the number of periodic reinvestigations for classified information; (2) the number of position designations revised employees of and employees of contractors of the (B) additional requirements for reinvestiga- as a result of the review. Department of Defense; tions or readjudications, by agency; and (d) NO CHANGE IN AUTHORITY.—Nothing in (H) the number of employees of the Bureau (C) any other barriers to the timely granting this section limits or expands the authority of conducting background investigations for the of reciprocity, by agency, including any require- any agency to designate a position as sensitive Bureau; and ment under a statute, regulation, Executive or as requiring its occupant to have access to (I) the number of employees of contractors of Order, or other administrative requirement; and classified information. the Bureau conducting background investiga- (3) a review of whether the schedule for proc- Mr. RUSSELL (during the reading). tions for the Bureau; essing security clearances under section 3001 of Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent (2) the average length of time, for each sensi- the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Preven- tivity level, for the Bureau to carry out an ini- tion Act of 2004 (50 U.S.C. 3341) should be modi- to dispense with the reading of the tial investigation and a periodic reinvestigation; fied. Senate amendment. (3) a discussion of the factors contributing to SEC. 7. REVIEW AND UPDATE OF POSITION DES- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the average length of time to carry out an initial IGNATION GUIDANCE. objection to the request of the gen- investigation and a periodic reinvestigation; (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— tleman from Oklahoma?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07MY7.026 H07MYPT1