24TH FEBRUARY, 2016.



Contents Pages TABLE OF CONTENT ...... ii



1.1 INTRODUCTION ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Status of Implementation of the AAP/MMTDP ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 SUMMARY OF PROGRAMME/PROJECTS STATUS ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 PURPOSE OF M&E FOR THE STATED PERIOD ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.



2.1 Introduction ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1.1 Sectoral Spread of Projects ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1.2 Source of Project Funding ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Update on Funding and Disbursement ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.1 Update on Funding/Revenue ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.2 Update on Disbursement ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.



2.4.1 The Ghana School Feeding Programme ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.2 Capitation Grant ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. ii

2.4.3 National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP)/GYEEDA ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.4 National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.5 HIV and AIDS Control ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.6 Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.7 Support to People with Disability (PWD) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.


CHAPTER THREE: THE WAY FORWARD ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 KEY ISSUES ADDRESSED...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 KEY ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.



Table 1: Status of Implementation of the 2015 Annual Action Plan ...... 2

Table 2: Sectoral spread of Projects ...... 18

Table 3: Source of Project Funding ...... 18


Table 5: Sources of Funding the Municipal Assembly (2010-2015) ...... 26

Table 6: Update on Disbursement ...... 27

Table 7: Update on the Core Municipal Development Indicators ...... 28

Table 8: Enrolment of the Beneficiaries Schools on the School Feeding Programme as at December 2015 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.2

Table 9: Category of Schools under the Capitation Grant ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.3

Table 10: Registration and Renewals of NHIS as at December, 2015 .... Error! Bookmark not defined.4

Table: 11 Beneficiary Communities under LEAP ...... 35

Table: 12 List of Items Distributed to People with Disabilities ………….……….....……………………………36



Table 1: Status of Implementation of the 2015 Annual Action Plan ...... 2

Table 2: Sectoral spread of Projects ...... 18

Table 3: Source of Project Funding ...... 18


Table 5: Sources of Funding the Municipal Assembly (2010-2015) ...... 26

Table 6: Update on Disbursement ...... 27

Table 7: Update on the Core Municipal Development Indicators ...... 29

Table 8: Enrolment of the Beneficiaries Schools on the School Feeding Programme as at December 2015 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.3

Table 9: Category of Schools under the Capitation Grant ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.5

Table 10: Enrolment under the NYEP ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.6

Table 11: Registration and Renewals of NHIS as at December, 2015 .... Error! Bookmark not defined.7

Table 12: HIV/AIDS Donors and Clients (2012-2015) ...... 39

Table: 13 Beneficiary Communities under LEAP ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.0

Table: 14 List of Items Distributed to People with Disabilities ………….……….....……………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.





The Annual Progress Report (APR) provides a summary of the true reflection on the status of implementation of the Annual Action Plan (AAP) and for that matter implementation of the Municipal Medium-Term Development Plan (MMTDP) for the planned period, January to December 2015. It seeks to outline the achievements made and challenges faced in implementing the AAP/MMTDP and the recommendations to ensure higher successes in future implementation of the plan.

The report constitutes the second annual progress report we are required to prepare on the implementation of the 2014-2017 MMTDP and has been compiled from the Annual Progress Reports from the various decentralized departments that were involved in the implementation of the 2015 Annual Action Plan.

1.2 Status of Implementation of the AAP/MMTDP

The MMTDP was prepared under the seven thematic areas of the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA II):

 Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic Stability  Enhancing Competitiveness in the Private Sector  Accelerate Agriculture Modernization and Sustainable Natural Resource Management  Oil and Gas Development  Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlement  Human Development, Productivity and Employment  Transparent and Accountable Governance

The projects and programmes executed within the year of under review under the various thematic areas as detailed out in the table 1 below:


Table 1: Status of Implementation of the 2015 Annual Action Plan

Thematic Projects/Programmes Implemented Status of Area Implementation Ensuring and 1. Comply with internal control mechanisms for the utilization of public Sustaining funds (Issuance of warrant and pre auditing) Implemented Macroecono 2. Comply with approved guidelines for utilization of public funds Fully complied with mic Stability 3. Implement asset management register Implemented 4. Implement the recommendations of Auditor General’s Dept and the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament Implemented

Enhancing 1. Ensure occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management for Palm Implemented with 232 beneficiaries at Akrodie, Competitiven Oil Extractors throughout the municipality Goaso, Fawohoyeden and Mim ess in the 2. Enhance technology improvement and packaging in Oil Palm Processing Implemented with 26 Private beneficiaries at Ayomso Sector 3. Ensure Production Efficiency and Technology Enhancement in oil palm Implemented with 40 beneficiaries at Goaso processing 4. Provide technical training in Palm Oil Processing throughout the Implemented at municipality Fawohoyeden with 29 beneficiaries 5. Promote technology improvement and Packaging in Baking and Implemented at Ayomso Confectionery throughout the municipality with 35 beneficiaries 6. Promote Group Dynamics training throughout the municipality Implemented at Mim with 85 beneficiaries 7. Promote Financial Management Training throughout the municipality Implemented with 68 beneficiaries at fawohoyeden, Aduroye and Goaso 8. Organize Consultative Meeting at Goaso Implemented as 1 consultative meeting was organized with 41 beneficiaries 9. Organize Stakeholders forum for clients throughout the municipality Implemented as 1 Stakeholders meeting was organized at Goaso with 31 beneficiaries 10. Provide Basic CBT in Mushroom Cultivation throughout the Implemented with 21 municipality beneficiaries at Goaso 11. Provide Basic CBT training in Alata Soap Making throughout the Implemented at Asumura municipality with 20 participants 12.Promote and enhance production efficiency training in Soap Making Implemented with 45 throughout the municipality beneficiaries at Goaso 13. Promote business Networking Meeting 12 clients networked 14. Provide technical improvement and finishing in Welding and Implemented with 22 Fabrication beneficiaries at Goaso 15. Promote technology improvement and quality finishing in Fashion and Implemented with 14 Design beneficiaries at Goaso 16. Organize costing and pricing training for welding and fabrication for Implemented with 22 Mastercraftspersons beneficiaries at Goaso 17. Organize training for basic CBT – Batik, Tie and Dye Implemented at Akrodie with 22 participants 2

18. Train and provide business services to SMEs including registration with Register General’s Dept, VAT Registration, batik making, marketing, management, quality improvement and packaging of products to make Implemented them more competitive Implemented with 280 clients reached with 19. Provision of Business Counseling to clients throughout the municipality counseling service Registered and viable SME’s fully linked to financial 20. Link registered and viable SMEs to banking and non-banking financial institutions with 41 and 6 institutions for soft credit throughout the municipality clients accessing funds from the RDEF and Matching Grant Fund 21. Formation of Co-operative Societies (Local Business Associations) to 41 Co-operative enhance access to credit throughout the municipality Societies formed with their accounts audited 22. Promote sensitization and networking programme throughout the 1 networking meeting municipality was organized at Goaso with 12 beneficiaries Implemented with 53 23. Support clients to undertake NVTI Proficiency Test throughout the participants supported to undertake test in March municipality and September, 2015

Accelerated Implemented with 315 acres of Agraline rice variety been Agricultural 1. Introduce improved varieties of planting materials in EAs/Supply of farm planted by 315 farmers through Modernizatio inputs to farmers the WAAPP under the Enhanced Access to Quality n and Seed Rice Initiative Sustainable Implemented through extension services with 40% Natural 2. AEAs identify, update and disseminated existing technological packages farmers adapting to Resource through home and farm visits technological demonstrations as 13 technologies were Management demonstrated in four zones 3. Establish demonstrations on field crops, conduct farm measurement and establish yield study in EAs Implemented Implemented as cooking demos was organized for 90 farmers at 4. Embark on Demonstration to promote food nutrients fortification for Gyasikrom and Akwaadro by WIAD in collaboration with farmers throughout the municipality CARE Mondelez 5. Facilitate the formation of Nutritional Groups throughout the Implemented as Green Leafy Vagetable Gardens were Municipality established with 27 beneficiaries Implemented at Akwaadro with 27 6. Enhancement of plantain Enterprise Groups through education on the beneficiaries, 220 beneficiaries at need to mulch stands in the dry season and prone dead leaves throughout KOJO Onno, Ahenkro, AsuadaiAmpenkro, Nyamebekyere, the municipality Peprahkrom, Gyasikrom and Gyaenkontabuo. Implemented as 46 Women Extension Volunteers were 7. Organize extension field days throughout the municipality selected from 23 communities and trained by MADU and CARE International 8. Intensify the use of mass communication systems in extension delivery

(Radio/FM Stations) Implemented 3

9. MDOs carry out activities to backstop AEAs in all operational areas Implemented 10. Collation, preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and annual Collated and submitted progress reports to the Municipal Assembly, MOFA and other stakeholders four quarterly reports 11. One MO and 5 AEAs carry out Ghana Agric productivity survey Implemented 12. Train Municipal MOFA staff based on Needs Assessment Implemented 13. Budget for MOFA activities for 2016 for incorporation into the Municipal Assembly’s Composite Budget Implemented 14. Monitor prices of Agro inputs (seeds and fertilizers) in relation to tax waivers to ensure that farmers enjoy such waivers Implemented Implemented with 200 15. Promote and strengthen FBOs development to enhance their sustainability beneficiaries registered under the SIF programme Organized on 4th Dec.

16. Organize 2016 annual Municipal Farmers’ Day 2015 at Asukese

Implemented as 198 farmers benefited from post-harvest

technology dissemination 17. Train and resource farmers in post-harvest technology training at Ahantamokese, Mfante, Asukese, Odumasi, Mpamase, Bedaabour, Gyaenkontabuo 18. Consultancy service for the preparation of Abbreviated Resettlement Completed and and No Action Plan (ARAP) for construction of 3No. 2-Storey 100-Units Lockable Objection received from Market Stores and 1,050m2 Block Pavement at Goaso main Market the World Bank Architectural and 19. Consultancy Service for the designing of Goaso main Market Structural designs developed 20. Construction of Ground Floor of 1No. 20 Lockable Market Stores with 2-seater W/C Toilet at Mim Completed 21. Construction of 1st Floor of 1No. 20 Lockable Market Stores with 2- seater W/C Toilet at Mim Completed 22. Generate and provide regular market information to improve Implemented as seven weekly markets were visited and distribution of foodstuffs (strengthen value chain) monitored throughout the municipality Implemented with 113 farmers benefitting from vegetable 23. Build capacity of producers in financial management, records keeping, production training at Jerusalem, Sekyerekrom, Ahenkro and additional/ alternative livelihood (snail rearing, mushroom, beekeeping, KojoOnno. Also, 83 farmers benefitted from Rabbit production vegetable production) throughout the municipality training at Kwakukrah and Kasapin 24.Ensure vaccination and prophylactic treatment of livestock, poultry and Implemented with 2,519 poultry, 32 Sheep, 168 Goats, pets diseases 243 Dogs and 5 Cats vaccinated Implemented as 1,484 beneficiaries were trained 25. Facilitate and report on improvements in livestock housing by farmers on new improved housing technologies

Implemented as 1042 farmers were trained on Animal Nutrition, 845 in 26. Identify, update and disseminate improved livestock technological packages Pig Production and management, 1098 in Vaccine usage and 190 in 4

Meat hygiene 27. Create awareness on Rabies and the need to vaccinate pets Implemented 28. Control the local movement of animals and local slaughter of animals Implemented as 190 beneficiaries were given for food technology dissemination training on meat Hygiene 29. Educate communities on biodiversity and ecosystem services and on the Implemented as Env’tal Protection seminars were organized for 232 need for reservation community members by UNDP in partnership with Conservation International Implemented 1,059 farmers trained on seven modules through UNDP 30. Ensure sustainable management of land and the environment Environmental Sustainability Program 31. Educate communities around water bodies on buffer zone policies Implemented Implemented as 510 farmers were trained on forest reserves 32. Educate communities on effects of climate change and natural disasters preservation under UNDP Environmental sustain ability Implemented as 315 farmers were supplied with free fertilizer and 33. Facilitates access of poor farmers to farm inputs and services seed rice under the Enhanced Access to Quality Seed Rice Initiative(EAQSRI) 34. Enforce banning of farming within 50 meters of river basins within the municipality Implemented 35. Educate and Support communities to undertake reforestation along river banks to protect water sheds Implemented 36. Request for EPA permits/EIA reports and health and safety measures for implementation of large scale projects and operation of agro-chemicals shops Implemented

37. Subject MA’s development project to safeguard issues Implemented as safeguards issues were ensured Implemented as 163 beneficiaries were trained on safe use of agro- chemical at Kumaho, Kumoso, Odumasi, Ahenkro, Kojoonno, 38. Educate farmers on the effective use of agro-chemicals Asukese, Gyaenkontabuo and preprakrom. 294 farmers were also trained on proper way of handling agro-chemicals at Ahantamokese, Tweapease, Kumaho, Kumoso and Kwahu Implemented as 3 training program was organized on 39. Carry out anti-bush fire education in communities Bush Fire Mgt. Protection Awareness Implemented as 7 training programs were organized for 40. Ensure Environmental Protection and mitigation measures throughout 724 participants through the municipality Catchment Area Protection Scheme Implementation 41. Educate communities on the need to establish dedicated woodlots for wood fuel production and usage Implemented 42. Rehabilitate 25ha of degraded portions of the Bosompepo Forest 82ha of degraded forest Reserve was rehabilitated 43. Ensure forest reserve boundary maintenance and inspection throughout the municipality Implemented 44. Promote enrichment planting at Aboniyere Forest Reserve Compartment 19.50ha was 26 covered 5

45. Promote tree planting in Basic School throughout the municipality Implemented 46. Ensure regular monitoring and patrolling of on-reserve and off-reserve areas within the Municipality Implemented 1. Collaborate with appropriate agencies to ensure that Oil and Gas Oil and Gas Distribution/Filling Stations fully comply with environmental and safety Implemented Development measures 2. Collaborate with appropriate agencies to monitor the distribution of Oil Implemented and Gas to reduce hording by the Distribution/Filling Stations 3. Promote the use of gas as alternative energy source for household and industrial fuel Implemented Infrastructure 16.3km F/R was , Energy and 1. Rehabilitation of 9.0km Dominase-Fianko-Mfama F/R (Cocoa Road) rehabilitated Human 10.0km F/R was Settlement 2. Rehabilitation of Fawohoyeden-Dotom F/R (Cocoa Road) rehabilitated Development 7.6km F/R aws 3. Rehabilitation of 7.6km Mim- Asukese F/R (Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 3.10km F/R was 4. Rehabilitation of 3.4 km Onwenkwanta-Agyankrumah F/R (Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 1.20km F/R was 5. Rehabilitation of Sekyere-Krobo F/R (Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 14.7km F/R was 6. Rehabilitation of 14.7 km Ebetoda-Wam-Ogyam F/R(Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 26.60km F/R was 7. Rehabilitation of Bitre-Kwamepua F/R(Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 4.0 km F/R was 8. Rehabilitation of 4.0km Kasapin-Antobea F/R(Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 2.0 km F/R was 9. Rehabilitation of Kwakuduakrom-Akwaboa F/R(Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 2.0 km F/R was 10. Rehabilitation of Gyaenkontabuo F/R(Cocoa Road) rehabilitated 4.5 km F/R was 11. Rehabilitation of Pomaakrom-Manukrom F/R(Cocoa Road rehabilitated 12. Ensure routine maintenance of the road network through clearing, Implemented on grading, as well as extensive desilting of culverts and earth drains activities both paved and to open up the major cities throughout the municipality(Urban Roads) unpaved roads 13. Const. of bridge on Goaso by-pass and const. of Goaso- by-pass Implemented with (3.86km) 3.8km achieved

14. Upgrading of 5km roads in Goaso Implemented

15. Routine maintenance of 149.64km Area Roads(Grading works) at

Goaso, Mim and Kasapin Implemented

16. Construction of 0.9/0.6 ‘U’drains at Goaso Implemented

17. Routine maintenance of Drains/cleaning and Grass cutting on 174km Road at Goaso, Mim,Ayomso and Kasapin Implemented 6

Implemented with 18. Construction of Goaso Township Roads 4.0km achieved 19. Ensure periodic construction and maintenance of drainage storms Implemented with throughout the municipality 900mm’U’ drains 0f 164 constructed at Goaso 20. Facilitate green area maintenance, Department of Urban Roads Office/ Yard maintenance Implemented Implemented with 48km of unpaved roads constructed at 21. Ensure grading and patching on unpaved roads to open up access roads Dechem Main Road/ various into various communities through clearing and grading throughout the Link Roads, Dechem Cocoa Depot main road and Asunafo municipality North Municipal Assembly area roads Not implemented due to 22. Ensure pothole patching on paved roads throughout the municipality lack of funds from Head Office 23. Rehabilitate existing streetlights at Goaso, Mim, Ayomso, Akrodie, Fawohoyeden& other towns with streetlights Implemented Implemented at Adenkyekye, Sekyerekrom, Oseikwamekrom, 24. Facilitate provision/extension of electricity to new communities under Peprahkrom, KwadwoAddaikrom, SHEP throughout the municipality Nyakomago, Mbaafadwen, Kokofu under Project SHEP 4 Project (Turnkey) 25. Create public awareness on planning regulations/plot allocation throughout the municipality Implemented 26. Enforce compliance with planning regulations to ensure orderliness in development throughout the municipality Enforced 27. Educate the public on the need to obtain building permits as well as land allocation procedures in the municipality Implemented 28. Organize quarterly Statutory Planning Committee Meetings at Goaso to 4 quarterly Statutory ensure timely approval of building plans and issuance of building permits Planning Committee Meetings were organized 29. Educate the public on the Street naming and property numbering exercise throughout the municipality Implemented 30. Facilitate the preparation of Goaso Sector 5 and 7 Extension Planning Implemented through the Scheme help of the Traditional Council 31. Ensure the revision of Akrodie Planning Scheme Implemented Carried out at Mim, 32. Facilitate planning education throughout the municipality Goaso, Akrodie, Ayomso and Kasapin 33. Consultancy Service for Property Numbering and Valuation at Goaso and Mim On-going 34. Consultancy Service for Property Numbering and Digitization (Commercial and Residential Properties) at Ayomso and Akrodie On-going Carried out at Mim, 35. Provide education and sensitization on World Environmental Day Goaso and Kasapin on 7

the need to plant trees to reduce global warming 36. Organize meetings to deliberate on pertinent issues affecting the performance of NADMO staff members, duties and the welfare of Organized members 37. Educate the communities on disaster prevention measures at all Zonal Implemented at Centres (Goaso, Mim, Akrodie, Kasapin, Asumura, Ayomso, Kasapin, Ayomso, Fawohoyeden) Akrodie and Goaso 38. Collaborate with NADMO to support disaster victims throughout the Could not be implemented due to lack of funds and municipality logistics 39. Organize Anti-Bushfire , rainstorm and windstorm education in Basic Implemented in 19 Schools throughout the municipality Basic schools 40. Organize mass media Anti-Bushfire, rainstorm and windstorm Carried out on 3 FM education on local FM stations stations 41. Organize Anti-Bushfire , rainstorm and windstorm for Filling stations Implemented with 5 throughout the municipality beneficiary FM stations 42. Organize Anti-Bushfire , rainstorm and windstorm for Market women Implemented in all the seven market centers in the throughout the municipality municipality

43. Strengthen fire and disaster volunteer groups to deal with fire and other disaster prevention and control throughout the municipality Implemented

44. Mechanization of existing 1No. borehole and grow grass around at

Akrodie Health Center Mechanized

45. Sensitize communities to access potable water annually throughout the municipality Implemented

46. Monitoring and Evaluation of water and sanitation programmes and projects throughout the municipality Implemented 47. Ensure daily collection and disposal of solid waste at Goaso Implemented 48. Routine leveling/management/maintenance of final refuse disposal sites in major towns at Goaso, Mim, Ayomso, Akrodie and Kasapin Implemented 49. Fumigation throughout the municipality Implemented 50. Procurement of Sanitary Tools Implemented 51. Regular desilting of public drains and promotion construction of Soak- away to control waste water from bath houses throughout the municipality Implemented 52. Intensify education on hygiene and environmental sanitation for food vendors, butchers, pupils, market women and organized groups throughout Implemented the municipality 652 Food/water vendors were registered and 221 53. Screen food/water vendors throughout the municipality screened 54. Organize sensitization programmes to educate the public on the spread of Cholera through the observance of hygienic principles throughout the Implemented municipality 55. Enforcement of public health laws and MA’s bye laws through regular Implemented as 48 and periodic inspection on sanitation throughout the municipality offenders were prosecuted 8

on various offences 56. Organize public forum on Community/individual’s responsibilities on sanitation and promote weekly maintenance of refuse dumps Implemented 57. Intensify house-to- house inspection throughout the municipality Implemented 58. Ensure full implementation of the monthly National Sanitation Day on every first Saturday of the month throughout the municipality Implemented 59. Organize public forums on the need to consume iodated salt throughout the municipality Implemented 60. Carry out extensive education on CLTS for construction of latrines throughout the municipality Implemented 61. Conduct regular monitoring and meetings with toilet operators to improve cleanliness and the servicing of latrine tanks throughout the Implemented municipality 62. Organize regular talk show on radio on sanitation to improve sanitation behavior Implemented 63. Monitor and supervise operation of Environmental Health Staff throughout the municipality Implemented Human 1. Const. of disable friendly 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Blocks with ancillary Tender has been opened Development facilities at Boakyeasua and work is yet to begin , Productivity 2. Const. of disable friendly 1No. 2-Unit KG Classroom Blocks with Tender has been opened and ancillary facilities at Boakyeasua and work is yet to begin Employment 3. Construction of 1No. disable friendly Teachers quarters with toilet and Tender has been opened Kitchen at Boakyeasua and work is yet to begin 4. Complete construction of Dining Hall with store, kitchen and offices for Fully completed and Goaso Midwifery School at Goaso in use 5. Provide Furniture to the Dining Hall at Goaso Midwifery Training School Provided 6. Complete construction of 1N o. 3-unit classroom block with ancillary Completed and in facilities for Rural Technology Training School at Dechem use 7. Construction of 3- Unit classroom block with ancillary facilities at Atimponya 90% Completed 8. Construction of 3- unit classroom block with ancillary facilities at Gyasikrom 90% Completed 9. Construction of Ground floor of 2-Storey hostel facility with provision of 120 Dual Beds at Midwifery Training School at Goaso 85% Completed 10. Construction of 1st floor of 2-Storey hostel facility with provision of 120 Dual Beds at Midwifery Training School at Goaso 70% Completed

11. Construction and furnishing of 1No. Community Health Planning On-going and at Services (CHPS) Compound at Awewoho-Manhyia lintel level On-going and at sub- 12. Construction and furnishing of 1No. Maternity Ward at Asumura structure level 13. Operationalization of two CHPS Compounds at Kwakuduakrom&Tweneboa/Dankwa Operationalized

14. Complete construction of 1No. 3-Bedroom Residential Apartment for Completed and in 9

MTS at Goaso use 15. Rehabilitation of 1No. Boys Dormitory for Mim SHS Rehabilitated 16. Complete construction of 8- Unit Administration Block and Conference Completed and in Hall for Mim SHS use 17. Construction of 1No.6-Unit Classroom block with ancillary facilities at Completed and in Dechem use 18. Support 100 needy but brilliant students throughout the Municipality Implemented 19. Intensify public education on the need for Girl Child education throughout the Municipality Implemented 20. Intensify education on the need to enroll disable children in schools Implemented and throughout the municipality intensified 21. Identify and support pupil who have special needs throughout the municipality Implemented 22. Promote sporting activities in schools throughout the municipality Promoted 23. Conduct Common Municipal wide end of term examinations throughout the municipality Conducted 24. Conduct annual BECE mock exams throughout the municipality Conducted 25. Organize SPAM using SEA results throughout the municipality Was organized 26. Organize inter -school and inter- zonal school games throughout the Fully organized in three Circuits on 9th November- municipality th 27 November, 2015 27. Organize HIV/AIDS education for pupils and students throughout the municipality Was organized 28. Support SHEP activities throughout the municipality Was supported 29. Organize regular management meetings throughout the municipality Organized 30. Organize Municipal Education Oversight Committee (MEOC) meeting throughout the municipality Was organized 31. Compile pupils/school Census and teacher population data/statistics in Basic Schools throughout the municipality Fully Compiled 32. Audit Capitation Grant Account of Basic Schools throughout the municipality Implemented 33. Conduct needs assessment for teaching & non-teaching staff throughout the municipality Implemented 34. Prepare human resources development plan for GES Implemented Not implemented 35. Provide incentive packages for 100 teachers throughout the municipality due to lack of funds

36. Resource the girl-child Co-ordinator to carry out M&E on girl-child programmes throughout the municipality Implemented 37. Undertake payroll audit to streamline staffing throughout the municipality Implemented 38. Preparation of 2016 annual education budget at Goaso Fully prepared 39. Conduct certificate verification of teachers throughout the municipality Carried out 40. Organize capacity building workshop for Education Office staff


throughout the municipality Was organized 41. Regularly monitor and supervise education programmes to ensure performance throughout the municipality Implemented 42. Provide storage facilities for books and other learning materials throughout the municipality Implemented 43. Provide TLMs to schools at all levels throughout the municipality Implemented 44. Encourage serving teachers to upgrade themselves through distance learning throughout the municipality Implemented 45. Provide guidance and counseling for JHS throughout the municipality Implemented 46. Provision ICT Facilities in 40 Basic Schools throughout the municipality Implemented 47. Intensify community education, sensitization to scale up registration on the NHISthroughout the municipality Implemented 48. Registration of the very poor on NHIS throughout the Municipality Implemented 49. Carry out annual Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) Was carried out 50. Construction of Maternity Block at Ampenkro On-going 51. Expand access to Primary Health Care Implemented Was implemented as facilities were hooked to the National 52. Provide basic utilities (water and electricity) to health institutions Grid while Gyasikrom was powered with Solar 53. Initiate the development of a comprehensive financing strategy Implemented Implemented through 54. Implement human resource strategy motivational packages and sponsorships 55. Improve governance and ensure efficiency and effectiveness in health Implemented through service delivery stakeholders meeting Implemented with 56. Improve access to quality antenatal care 23,424 beneficiary 57. Ensure risk detection activities among pregnant women throughout the Implemented with municipality 12,435 beneficiary Implemented with 58. Ensure effective supervision of deliveries throughout the municipality 3,795 beneficiaries Implemented with 59. Promote Postnatal Care among nursing mothers and their children 4,229 beneficiaries Implemented with 60. Ensure effective Family Planning services throughout the municipality 11,602 beneficiaries 61. Promote and protect the growth and development of Child Health Promoted with 3,688 throughout the municipality beneficiaries

62. Promote School Health among pupils and tutors throughout the Well promoted with municipality 12,326 beneficiaries 63. Carry out integrated disease surveillance and responses (including control of Epidemic) Implemented 64. Improve IDRS and increase TB Case detection rate Implemented 65. Carry out health education and health promotion activities Implemented 11

66. Carry out adolescent health policy and strategy Implemented 67. Intensify education on malaria prevention Intensified 68. Complete construction of Child & Maternal Care Centre at Bediako Completed 69. Ensure effective operation of Municipal Health Committee at Goaso Fully implemented 70. Construction of a Weighing Shed at Fawohoyeden for Child Welfare Clinic Completed 71. Refurbishment of Ayomso and Fawohoyeden Health Centers Implemented 72. Strengthen institutional Care including Mental Health Service delivery throughout the municipality Implemented 73. Improve access to quality clinical services, especially the management of emergencies and accidents throughout the municipality Implemented 74. Improve blood transfusion services throughout the municipality Implemented 75. Strengthen diagnostic services at all levels throughout the municipality Implemented 76. Improve access to quality pharmaceutical services at all levels throughout the municipality Implemented 77. Improve access to quality ambulance services throughout the municipality Implemented 78. Expand and intensify HIV Counseling and Testing (HTC) programmes throughout the municipality Implemented

79. Intensify education to reduce stigmatization throughout the municipality Implemented

80. Promote the adoption of safer sexual practices in the general population throughout the municipality Well promoted

81. Scale-up and improve the quality of elimination of mother-to-child Implemented with transmission (MTCT) of HIV services throughout the municipality 6,159 beneficiaries

82. Provide care and support for PLWHIV as well as Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and people living with HIV/AIDS throughout Implemented the municipality 83. Ensure effective operation of the MAC and DRMT for effective monitoring and reporting on HIV and AIDS programmes in the Implemented municipality at Goaso 84. Promote access to Social Welfare Service for the disadvantaged vulnerable and excluded group and individuals throughout the municipality Implemented 85. Registration of all CBOs, FBOs and NGOs in the municipality and monitor their activities in compliance to Laws available to their areas of Registered and operation, facilitates opportunities for NGOs to develop social service with monitored communities throughout the municipality 86. Ensure income security among the disadvantage, vulnerable and excluded through linkages to social protection strategies-LEAP, LESDEP, R.E.P etc Implemented 87. Intensify education on the various women and children Acts throughout the municipality Implemented 88. Carry out Mass Education in the communities Implemented

89. Home visits (Educating households on balance diet, intra inter personal relationships, malaria prevention , and personal hygiene) throughout the Implemented 12

municipality 90. Monitoring and reporting on Social Protection programmes in the municipality Implemented Organized on 1st 91. Organize 2015 Senior Citizens’ Day at Goaso July, 2015

92. Promote the observance of the right and protection of Child

Maintenance, Child custody, Paternity, Reconciliation, General welfare, Promoted

Housing and Miscellaneous throughout the municipality

93. Strengthen existing Child Protection Committees and form new ones in Implemented in 23

20 child labour prone communities throughout the municipality communities

94. Create public awareness on children’s right and the dangers of child

labour throughout the municipality Implemented

95. Prevention, withdrawal and rescuing of children in W.F.C.L throughout Implemented in 13 co-

the municipality operative communities

96. Educate the public on the need to report cases of child abuse to the appropriate agencies for redress throughout the municipality Implemented 97. Intensity public education on dangers of child trafficking and right of the child throughout the municipality Intensified 98. Preparation of Social Enquiry Reports for the Juvenal court and the family tribunal throughout the municipality Implemented 99. Send young offenders to regulated institutions 2 cases were handled 100. Organize My First Day at School annually throughout the municipality Organized 101. Monitor implementation of the School Feeding programme within beneficiary schools Implemented 102. Organize enrolment drive in 25 poorly enrolled school/communities throughout the municipality Implemented 103.Ensure that PWDs’ share of the DACF is applied fully to their benefit throughout the municipality Fully implemented 104. Promote designing and construction of disability friendly infrastructure Promoted and facilities in the municipality implemented 105. Update data on people with disabilities (PWDs) in the municipality Updated 106. Inspection of Day Care Centers throughout the municipality Inspected 107. Conduction of Social Education among pupils throughout the municipality Conducted 108. Intensify education on the importance of family planning throughout the municipality Implemented 109. Expand coverage, availability and accessibility of reproductive health and Family Planning services including adolescents/youth throughout the municipality Implemented 110. Hold radio discussion on adolescent issues throughout the municipality Implemented Participated on 1st 111. Participate in May Day Celebrations December, 2015 Transparent 1. Organize and participate in 2015 Independence Day Celebrations on 6th Organized on 6th


and March March, 2015 Accountable They were organized Governance 2. Organize MA sub-committee meetings before ordinary general Assembly prior to Executive meetings Committee meetings 3. Organize Executive Committee meetings Organized prior to General Assembly meetings 3 meetings were 4. Organize ordinary Municipal Assembly Meetings and open it to the public organized and opened to the public 5. Publicize key activities of the MA on Public Notice Boards Implemented 6. Support Community initiated projects at each Zonal Council Implemented 7. Regularly monitor the activities of the ZCs Implemented 8. Build capacity of staff for efficient performance Implemented 9. Ensure participation of staff, Assembly members and others in workshops and programmes organized outside the municipality Implemented 10. Organize Town Hall meetings/forum to promote Social Accountability Implemented 11. Preparation and approval of annual procurement plans with copies to the MTRB, PPA & RCC Implemented

12. Organize quarterly Municipal Tender Committee (MTC) meetings Implemented

13. Refer projects and programme whose thresholds are above that of the

MTC to the MTRB, & RTRB for their concurrent approval Implemented

14. Ensure that projects and programme procured by the MA conform to the

tenets of the PPA Implemented

15. Collaborate with GNFS to combat the Annual Bushfires in the municipality Implemented 16. Develop comprehensive database on revenue sources and other basic socio economic issues On-going 17. Set targets for Revenue Collectors Implemented 18. Ensure active involvement of tax payers in fixing fees and fines resolution Implemented 19. Intensify public education on the need to pay taxes to the MA Implemented 20. Prosecute revenue defaulters Implemented 21. Prepare and display monthly trial balances on MA’s notice board Implemented 22. Prepare and submit monthly and annual statements of Accounts to, RCC, MLGRD & Auditor General’s Dept Implemented 23. Invite Auditor General’s Dept to audit accounts of the MA for 2014 Implemented 24. Ensure timely meetings of the Audit Implementation Committee to act on audit reports Implemented Not implemented 25. Build capacity of revenue collectors for effective tax collection due to lack of funds Was prepared and 26. Preparation of the 2016 Municipal Annual Action Plan (AAP) submitted to management th on 15 September, 2015 27. Prepare of 2016 composite budget in line with national guidelines (including organization of stakeholders’ consultative meetings) Implemented


28. Organize Assembly meetings for discussions and approval of 2016 annual budget Fully organized 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Quarter M&E Reports were submitted 29. Quarterly monitoring of development projects and programmes by the to management on 30th March, MPCU 29th June, 6th October and 29th December, 2015 Review meeting were organized on 31st March, 30th 30. Organize quarterly MPCU meetings to review implementation of the th rd June, 30 Sep. and 23 Dec. 2015 AAP/MTDP 2015 and reports submitted st, nd, rd th 1 2 3 and 4 Quarter Progress Reports were 31. Prepare and submit quarterly progress reports to RCC submitted to RCC and NDPC on 8th April, 13th July and 12th October, 2015 & 13th Jan. 2016 32. Prepare and submit 2014 Annual Progress reports to RCC and NDPC Report was submitted on 24th February, 2015

33. Formation and operation of LED plan preparation team Implemented

34. Organize orientation workshops on LED for MA members and heads departments and units Implemented

35. Develop Local Economic Development (LED) plan to promote job Prepared and creation for the unemployed submitted 36. Develop SEA plan on projects and programmes outlined for implementation in the DMTDP On-going 37.Provision of adequate stationery and other logistics for efficient performance Implemented 38. Procurement of 1No. Binding Machines for office work Procured 39. Maintenance of MA’s office equipment, buildings and other assets Implemented 40. Remolding of Municipal Administration Office On-going 41. Renovation of Administration & Municipal Assembly Hall Renovated 42. Design and implement a human resource development plan /Training Needs Assessment for the Municipal Assembly Developed Developed and 43. Develop and implement gender mainstreaming plan implemented 44. Organize regular MUSEC meetings to assess the security situation in the municipality Implemented 45. Complete construction of 8-Unit Kitchen Facility for the Police 75% completed 46. Procurement and Supply of Furniture and Office Equipment the Police Procured 47. Construction of 2No. 3-Bedroom residential Apartment for Ghana Completed and in Police Service use

48. Support to Security Activities and Programmes in the Municipality Fully supported

49. Support celebrations of Religious Festivals Fully supported

50. Have constant engagement with the 3 paramountcies in the municipality Implemented

M&E plan was

51.Develop M&E plan to monitor & evaluate the DMTDP developed



Out of the 301 projects and programmes planned for the year, 2015 (98.4%) were either fully implemented or were ongoing whilst 5 (1.6%) could not been implemented due to shortfall in inflow of funds especially the DACF. It is however important to note that the MA and its departments showed high level of commitment in the implementation of the AAP as, as much as 98.4% of the projects and programmes outlined in the AAP were either completed or at various levels of completion by end of December 2015.


1. To assess whether the project is having the planned impact in order to decide whether or not to replicate the model elsewhere. 2. To assess the programme in terms of effectiveness, impact on the target group, efficiency and sustainability in order to improve its functioning. 3. Assess whether or not developmental goals, objectives and targets of the MTDP are being met. 4. Identify achievements, constraints and failures so that improvements can be made to the MTDP and project designs to achieve better impact. 5. Provide information for effective co-ordination of the MTDP. 6. Provide Municipal Authorities, the Regional Co-ordinating Council, Government, Development Partners, community project management teams and the general public with better means of learning from past experience. 7. Improve service delivery and influence allocation of resources in the municipality and demonstrate results as part of accountability and transparency to the people and stakeholders within the municipality. 8. Reinforce ownership of the MTDP and build M&E capacity within the municipality.


The 2015 APR was prepared by the Municipal Planning Co-ordinating Unit (MPCU) with inputs from the decentralized departments and other development partners working within the Municipality. Monitoring and evaluation data were collected from both primary and secondary sources to assess the level of implementation of projects and programmes as contained in the 2015 Annual Action Plan.

Primary data were obtained through the quarterly monitoring exercises carried out by the MPCU and other stakeholders on projects and programmes implemented in the municipality by the Municipal Assembly (MA), decentralized departments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Central Government and other development partners. Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports from Decentralized Departments, Subverted Agencies, Development Partners, Non- Governmental Organizations among others which were compiled constituted data from the secondary sources. 16

The Municipal Planning Coordinating Unit collated, analyzed and interpreted all data collected from key stakeholders at various review meetings.

A stakeholders’ review meeting was organised on the Annual Progress Report on Wednesday 24th February, 2016 at the Municipal Assembly Hall, Goaso to update and share the APR with stakeholders.

The successful preparation of this report was not without challenges. Some of the challenges encountered were:

 Inadequate logistical (vehicle for M&E) and financial support for effective M&E.  Absence of M&E units/focal persons within some decentralized departments to readily provide M&E information.  Untimely submission of progress reports from decentralized departments and other stakeholders to facilitate preparation of the APR.  Inadequate disaggregation of municipal data.




2.1 Introduction

Within the year, the Municipal Assembly through its MPCU monitored and reported on number of projects and programmes implemented within the year and submitted quarterly progress reports to the Brong Ahafo Regional Co-ordinaing Councils.

2.1.1 Sectoral Spread of Projects

From table 1 below, Education takes the chunk of the total investment within the period with 50%. It was followed by Road and Water and Sanitation with 13.9% and 9.7% respectively. Economic followed with 8.4% whist Health and Governance and Security equally recorded 6.9%. Energy/electricity was next with 4.2%. It is important to note that electrification was going on in a number of communities but the SHEP (Turnkey) project was lumped together as one project. Table 2: Sectoral spread of Projects S/N Sector No. of Projects Percentage (%) 1 Education 37 50.68 2 Health 5 6.85 3 Water and Sanitation 7 9.59 4 Governance and Security 5 6.85 5 Economic 6 8.22 6 Energy/Electricity 3 4.11 7 Road 10 13.70 Total 73 100

2.1.2 Source of Project Funding

The main sources of financing the projects are outlined in the table below

Table 3: Source of Project Funding S/N Sources of Funding No. of Projects % 1 District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) 12 16.44 2 Donors (DDF/UDG & others) 26 35.62 3 Donor and DACF 04 5.47 4 Central Government (GETfund) 26 35.62 5 Internal Generated Fund 05 6.85 Total 73 100



No. Project title Location Source of Contractor’s Project cost Date of Expected Expenditure to Outstanding Project Remark funding name and Award completion date balances status address date EDUCATION 1 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Monsie Co. classroom block with ancillary Limited, P.O. Completed facility Dechem DACF Box 1352, 132,575.62 Nov. 2009 May, 2010 132,280.95 294.70 100% and in Use 2 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Eassah classroom block with ancillary Asamoah Co. Completed facility Nyamebekyere GETFUND Limited, P.O. 143,055 Sept, 2010 April, 2011 94,097.90 48,957.10 100% and in Use Box 80, Goaso 3 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit New love classroom block with ancillary Company Completed facility Mensahkrom GETFUND Limited, P.O. 149,712.31 Sept, 2010 April, 2011 140,565.70 9,146.61 100% and in Use Box 141, Tepa Joshlarbi Ghana Terminated 4 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Limited, P.O. due lack of funds but to classroom block with ancillary Driverkrom GETFUND Box 451, 149,302.45 Oct, 2010 June, 2011 62,487.90 86,814.55 55% be awarded facility under DDF 5 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Anaamy Co. classroom block with ancillary Limited, P.O. Completed facility Pomaakrom GETFUND Box AS15185, 149,713.41 16/5/11 15/1/12 99,104.04 50,609.37 100% and in Use Kumasi Monsie Work has been suspended for Construction some time. The 6 Construction of 1 No. 2-storey Ahafoman GETFUND Ltd, P.O. Box 616,197.50 Dec, 2010 Aug, 2011 0.00 616,197.50 60% MA has according informed the Dormitory SHS 1352, Sunyani GETFUND for action Newlove 7 Construction of 1 No. 4-Unit Kojo CBRDP/ Company 40,132.96 Aug, 2009 Dec, 2009 39,888.31 244.65 100% Completed Limited, P.O. Box Teachers quarters Addaikrom DACF 141, Tepa and in use Philip Yaw 8 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit Mim R/C CBRDP/ Osei Ent, P.O. 37,135.01 Aug, 2006 Dec, 2008 36,875.29 259.72 100% Completed classroom block Primary DACF Box 767, and in use Sunyani Construction of 1No. 4-Unit Terminated but Nyame Ne Hene, has been rolled 9 classroom block with 4-seater Akrodie P.O. Box KW288, over for toilet facility Chief Camp DACF Kwadaso, Kumasi 49,543.85 May, 2008 Oct, 2008 22,248.48 27,295.40 50% completion under DDF 19

10 Construction of 1 No. 4-Unit Massim classroom block with 4-seater Goaso Contrades, P.O. Completed toilet facility Islamic DACF Box 25, 62,289.30 May, 2008 Oct, 2008 62,271.16 - 100% and in Use Sankore 11 Completion of 1 No. 3-Unit Joshlarbi Ghana classroom with ancillary Asanteman Limited Completed facilities Council DACF P.O. Box 451, 21,050.00 30/3/11 29/6/11 14,000.00 7,050.00 100% and in Use Berekum 12 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit R. Kostab, classroom block with ancillary Adiepena GETFUND P.O. Box 815, 162,419.40 Aug, 2011 Mar, 2012 94,956.19 67,463.21 100% Completed facility L/A and in Use 13 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit classroom block with ancillary Kasapin L/A GETFUND M/S 163,384.32 Aug, 2011 Mar, 2012 85,355.27 78,029.05 95% On-going facility Tonsuman 14 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Sabonsu classroom block with 2-seater Fianko DDF Construction 154,876.58 Mar, 2012 Dec, 2012 154,418.70 457.90 100% Completed toilet facility Works and in Use Josah 15 Construction of 1 No. 6-Unit Akrodie Developers Ltd, Box 5095, classroom block with ancillary Methodist GETFUND Cantonments, 292,251.90 21/12/11 30/5/12 0.00 292,251.90 95% On-going facilities Primary 16 Construction of Single Storey Kaasoma Ent, Dormitory Block (Ground Ahafoman GETFUND Ltd, Box 341, 463,905.52 1/12/11 31/11/12 0.00 463,905.52 100% Completed Type) SHS Wa-UWR and in Use 17 Completion of 2 No. Teachers M. Nyarko Ent., Completed Quarters Ayomso UDG Box 9, - 52,448.40 22/11/12 21/3/13 51,841.90 606.50 100% and in Use Ashanti 18 Completion of 1No. 3-Unit Safrim classroom block with ancillary Construction Completed facilities Abebresekrom UDG Ltd, Box 5428, 59,720.43 22/11/12 21/2/13 58,589.5 1,131.00 100% and in Use Accra North 19 Completion of 1 No. 3-Unit Wahab Building classroom block with ancillary Antwiadjeikrom UDG & Electrical 53,965.17 22/11/12 21/2/13 53,425.4 539.80 100% Completed Works, Box 177, facilities and in Use 20 Completion of 1 No. 4-Unit Nana Yaw classroom block with ancillary Banahene Ent, Completed facilities Diesibe UDG Box SE 2779, 48,965.00 22/11/12 21/2/13 48,608.60 356.40 100% and in Use Kumasi 21 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit Samotrust Co. classroom block with ancillary MTS, Goaso UDG Ltd, Box 76, 98,819.49 22/11/12 21/5/13 98,399.80 419.69 100% Completed facilities Accra and in Use


22 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit classroom block with ancillary Sabonsu Completed facilities and 4-seater KVIP Aboaboso DDF Construction 90,553.05 28/12/12 27/6/13 85,546.55 5,006.5 100% and in Use with 2-chamber urinal Works 23 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit Dotdent Ltd, classroom block with ancillary Box 9, Bamboi, Completed facilities and 4-seater KVIP Anwiawia DDF Northern 90,066.79 28/12/12 27/6/13 89,645.40 421.40 100% and in Use with 2-chamber urinal Region Cadbury Maasim 24 Construction 1No. 3- Unit Goaso MTS Challenge Constructin 208,261.02 Nov 2012 May 2013 58,600.42 149,660.60 100% Completed Resource Center Fund Works and in Use 25 Construction of 1No. 3-Unit classroom block with ancillary March, facilities and 4-Seater KVIP RTF, Goaso DDF R-Kotab Ltd. 100,698.93 2014 Dec, 2014 37,719.45 5,143.27 100% Completed with 2- Chamber Urinal 26 Construction of 8-Unit Administration Block and Mim SHS DDF R-Kostab Ltd 231,606.58 March, Dec, 2014 219,897.45 11,709.13 100% Completed Conference Hall for Mim SHS 2014 27 Construction of Dining Hall with store, kitchen and offices with Completed supply of furniture for Goaso MTS Goaso UDG Samotrust Co. 500,714.65 May, 2014 Jan, 2015 455,579.70 45,134.95 100% and in use Midwifery School Ltd. 28 Construction of 1No. 3-Bedroom Residential apartment with Completed ancillary facilities for Midwifery MTS Goaso DDF Dedsah Ltd 150,490.69 March, Dec, 2014 149,824.25 666.45 100% and in use Training School 2014 29 Construction of 1 No.3-Unit Suspended classroom block with ncillary Dominase- CBRDP/D Dominase 15,000.00 2008 - 15,000.00 0.00 85% due lack of facility ACF Zonal Council funds 30 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit Suspended classroom block with Office Fawohoyeden MLGRD Direct Labour 20,000.00 Nov, 2011 - 20,000.00 0.00 45% due lack of and Store funds 31 Construction of 1 No. 3-Unit Sabonsu Completed classroom block Dechem IGF Construction 100,698.93 Nov 2014 May 2015 100,584.9 114.03 100% and in use Ltd 32 Construction of Ground floor of 2-Storey Hostel Facility with MTS Goaso UDG Samotrust 652,896.60 January August 2015 445,721.91 207,174.69 85% On-going 120-Dual Beds Company Ltd 2015 33 Construction of 1st Floor of 2- Storey Hostel Facility with MTS Goaso DACF Samotrust 575,550.80 January August 2015 162,718.20 412,832.6 70% On-going 120-Dual Beds Company Ltd 2015 21

34 Construction of 1No. 6-Unit Josah Developers classroom block with ancillary Akrodie GETFUND Ltd, Box 5095, 292,251.90 21/12/11 30/5/12 0.00 292,251.90 100% Completed Cantonments, facilities Accra 35 Construction of 3- unit Sule classroom block with ancillary Atimpoya DACF Salimanu 161,391.30 27/08/2015 Feb 2016 22,998.26 138,393.04 90% Left with facilities Enterprise paining 36 Construction of 3- unit classroom block with ancillary Gyasikrom DACF Dedsah 162,930.50 August Jan 2016 69,943.26 92,987.24 90% Left with facilities Company Ltd 2015 paining 37 Construction of E-Block for Kasapin Community SHS SHS GOG 60% 3rd Floor

HEALTH Nana Yaw 38 Construction of CHPS Kwakuduakr DDF Banahene Ent, 75,533.95 Mar, 2012 July, 2012 69,282.70 6,251.30 100% Completed Compound om P. O. Box and in Use

Japan Newlove 39 Construction of CHPS/ Dominase Embassy/ Company 178,587.95 Aug, 2011 2/5/2012 176,454.89 2,133.06 100% Completed Maternity Clinic DACF Limited, P.O. and in Use Box 141, Tepa Al-Haq 40 Completion of DHMT Goaso DACF Construction 87,889.73 16/5/11 15/1/12 80,000.00 7,889.80 100% Completed Limited, P.O. Box Administration Block 381, Kumasi and in Use 41 Sabonsu C construction of Maternity Asumura DACF Construction 198,437.94 August Feb 2016 17,903.26 179,592.28 20% Substructure Ward Works 2015 42 Construction of CHIPS Awewoho - 27 Aug, 27 April, Compound Manhyia DACF R-Kostab Litd 151,344.90 2015 2016 22,701.74 128,643.16 45% Lintel Level

WATER AND SANITATION 43 Drilling of 108 Boreholes for 61 Hitesh Impex Communities Company Limited, Asunafo North and South AfD/GoG P. Box CT4610, Completed Districts in Asunafo Cantonments, 706,626.90 7/2/11 6/2/12 658,718.08 47,908.82 100% and in Use North Accra 44 Consultancy for Project 61 GeoHydo Tech Management and siting of 108 Communitie Limited, P.O. Boreholes in Asunafo North s in Asunafo AfD/GoG Box FN734, 87,870 Sept, 2010 6/2/2012 0.00 87,870.00 100% Completed and South North Kumasi


45 61 Brum Consult, Second phase Consultancy for IEC Services Communities P.O. Box 1624, activities in Asunafo AfD/GoG Sunyani 127,586.00 1/2/2011 Aug, 2012 74,876.90 52,709.10 100% were North Completed Unique 46 Construction of 3 No. Brodedwo L/A, Environmental Completed Anwiawia Services Ltd, P.O. Institutional Latrines Methodist & AfD/GoG Box 9418, 51,081.11 20/2/12 19/8/12 44,110.70 6,970.41 100% and in Use Manukrom L/A Kumasi 47 Construction of 1 No. 12- OX Venture Co. Seater KVIP Toilet with 2- Kasapin DDF Ltd, Box AO 666, 55,969.83 28/12/12 27/4/13 55,845.60 124.23 100% Completed Abossey Okai – Chamber urinal Accra and in Use Kwakudua & 48 Drilling & Mechanization 2No. Tweneboah UDG Desah Ltd 32,321.42 24/3/14 24/5/14 32,311.00 10.42 100% Completed Boreholes CHPSCom and in Use 49 Drilling And Mechanization of Borehole for Mim Police Mim DACF Dedsah 18,749.85 Nov 2014 Jan 2015 18,740.00 9.85 100% Completed Station Company Ltd and in Use

GOVERNANCE AND SECURITY 50 Construction of 10- Unit Sabonsu Apartment Quarters for the Goaso UDG Construction 158,213.90 Jan, 2013 July, 2013 157,783 430.90 100% Completed Works, P.O. Box Police Service 219, Wenchi and in Use Charlesmaas Co. Completed 51 Completion of a Police Station Akrodie UDG Ltd, Box 129, 53,133.36 22/11/12 21/3/13 53,033.20 100.20 100% Effiduase- and in Use Ashanti 52 Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Samotrust Co. March, Completed Police Station Asumura DDF Ltd 101,214.01 2014 Dec, 2014 95,825.84 5,388.21 100% and in Use 53 Construction of 2No. 3- Bedroom residential Apartment Mim & January Completed for Ghana Police Service Goaso UDG R-Kostab Ltd 355,593.70 2015 August 2015 343,524.60 12,069.1 100% and in use 54 Construction of 8-Unit Kitchen Dedsah Facility for the Police Goaso DACF Company Ltd 66,983.00 Nov 2014 July 2015 25,047.45 41,935.55 75% On-going

ECONOMIC 55 Construction of Ground Floor Sabonsu of 1No. 20 Lockable Market Mim UDG Construction 295,535.15 March, 27/11/14 268,722.15 26,813.00 100% Completed Stores with 2-seater W/C Toilet Works 2014 56 Construction and completion of Sabonsu 1st floor of 20No Market store Mim UDG Construction 264,424.55 January August 2015 213,989.18 50,435.37 100% Completed with 2 seater water closet works 2015


57 Development of Revenue Database Software and Goaso DACF MAPRI- 31,355.00 14/03/14 09/04/14 31,198.22 156.78 100% Completed networking TECH limited Inspired House 58 Consultancy Service for Goaso and UDG Technology 70 % Numbering Consult completed Property Numbering and Mim (CSF) P.O. Box 1201, 143,750.00 05/02/15 31/08/15 100,625.00 43,125,00 Complet whilst Valuation Sunyani-B/A ed valuation is on- going 59 Consultancy services for Mr. Jackson Draft Draft ARAP preparation of an Abbreviated Adiyiah ARAP submitted to the MLGRD/ Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) Nyantakyi complete for the construction of a 3No. – 2 P.O. Box 1225 d and IDA and Goaso Main UDG 40,500.00 10/11/15 21/12/15 28,350.00 12,150.00 awaiting Storey 100-units Lockable Market Sunyani – B/A submitted approval Stores Market 60 Consultancy services for Property Mr. Benedict Numbering and Digitization Mensah Arkhurst Akrodie and UDG (MGIPD, Inceptio Groundtruti (Residential And Commercial Ayomso (CSF) LMRTPI) 55,000.00 11/12/15 06/05/16 11,000.00 44,000.00 n report ng on-going Property) at Akrodie and Ayomso P.O. Box 61, Accra submitted

ELECTRICITY/ENERGY Kumaho , Kyenkyhekrom, Akwaduro, Kumaho, Awewoho manhyia, Atoom, Pomaakrom#1, Pomaakrom#2, Boakyeasua, 61 Electrification Project (SHEP 4 Twapease, Kwakuduahkrom, Project (Turnkey) Sonaduakrom, GOG - 0.00 2013 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going Kwahu, Atimpokrom, Manhyia, Dankwakrom, Chief camp, Atimponya, Asukese, Gyaekuntabuo, Bedabour, Kyirekasa, Nkrakrom Atimponya, Kyirikasa, Nkrankrom, 62 Installation of Street Lights for Gyaenkontabo, Manhyia,Dominase Ten(10) Communities , Bediako, IGF Parklynk 50,000.00 Nov,2015 Dec, 2015 49,140.00 860.00 100% Completed Asanteman Ventures Council, Sekyerekrom, Abidjan Nkwanta 24

Akwaduro,Kwakud uakrom,Sonadua, Atimpokrom, 63 Installation of Street Lights for Kumaho Nkwanta, Kumaho Ten(10) Communities in Dankwakrom,, IGF Parklynk 39,140.00 1/12/15 15/12/15 39,140.00 0.00 100% Completed Asunafo North Municipality Chief Ventures Camp,Asukesse and Bedabour

ROADS 64 Rehabilitation of 9.0km Dominase- Ghana Dominase-Fianko F/R Fianko Cocoa Board - 0.00 2014 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 65 Rehabilitation of 14.7 km Ebetoda- Ghana Ebetoda-Ogyam F/R Ogyam Cocoa Board - 0.00 2014 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 66 Rehabilitation of 4.0km Kasapin- Ghana Kasapin-Antobea F/R Antobea Cocoa Board - 163,468.72 2013 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 67 Rehabilitation of 3.4 km Onwenkwanta Ghana Onwenkwanta-Agyankrumah - Cocoa - 196,993.48 2013 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going F/R Agyankrumah Board 68 Rehabilitation of 11.6km Agyarekrom Ghana Agyarekrom-Chief Camp F/R -Chief Camp Cocoa Board - 375,098.62 2013 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 69 Rehabilitation of 7.6km Mim- Mim- Ghana Asukese F/R Asukese Cocoa Board - 311,844.97 2013 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 70 Const. of bridge on Goaso by- pass and const. of Goaso- Goaso GOG - 787,773.78 2014 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going Kumasi by-pass (3.86km) 71 Upgrading of 5km roads in Goaso (Cocoa Roads) Goaso - 0.00 2014 - 0.00 0.00 - On-going 72 Reshaping and Ditch Cleaning of 19.00km Road in the Goaso IGF D. B Metals& 40,000.00 25/09/15 16/10/15 40,000.00 0.00 100% Completed Asunafo North Municipality Const. Work 73 Reshaping and Ditch Cleaning of 16.8km Road in the Asunafo Goaso IGF D. B Metals& 35,000.00 25/09/15 16/10/15 35,000.00 0.00 100% Completed North Municipality Const. Work

TOTALS 11,791,597.18 - - 6,026,518.26 3,827,977.45 - -


2.3 Update on Funding and Disbursement

2.3.1 Update on Funding/Revenue

Within the year, the MA mobilized and received funding from various sources to finance its programmes and projects. The sources and quantum of funds mobilized and received from various sources are indicated in table 5 below.

Table 5: Sources of Funding the Municipal Assembly (2013-2015)

2014 2015 Funding Source 2013 Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance

DACF 758,219.91 826,271.64 (1,286,174.36) 2,530,520.65 2,401,812.19 128,708.46

IGF 463,507.05 580,342.45 (13,337.55) 950,000.00 944,073.92 5,926.08

GOG GRANTS 944,877.77 1,766,823.00 582,744.49 1,879,265 571,076.62 1,308,188.38 DEV’T PARTNERS 2,415,612.77 2,124,044.12 (687,618.88) 4,345,982.72 2,409,613.38 1,936,369.34 TOTAL REVENUE 4,582,217.50 5,297,481.21 (2,569,875.28) 9,705,768.32 6,326,576.11 3,379,192.26 (GHȼ)

From the table above, total revenue received by the Municipal Assembly for 2015 increased from GHȼ5,297,481.21 in 2014 to GHȼ6,326,576.11, that is by 8.85%. Out of the total inflow, DACF constituted 38%; GOG Grants was 9.02% whilst IGF and Donor Fund formed 14.90% and 38.08 % of the total revenue respectively.

However it is important to note that resource inflows into the municipality for 2015 were generally not encouraging. Actual revenue of GHȼ6,326,576.11fell below the budgeted revenue of GHȼ9,705,768.32 by GHȼ3,379,192.26 (8.85%). This undoubtedly negatively affected implementation of the MA’s projects and programmes within the year. Comments on Efforts to generate funds (IGF)

To improve local revenue generation, the MA took a number of measures including;

1. Prosecution of tax defaulters. 2. Rehabilitation of a pickup for the monitoring of revenue collection. 3. Procurement of 4 Motorbikes for revenue supervisors to monitor revenue collection/ collectors 4. Carried out periodic spot checks at revenue stations. 5. Constructed barriers at all entry points. 26

6. The MA initiated processes to develop database on revenue items 7. The MA formed revenue mobilization task force which improved revenue collection Challenges with regards to generating funds (IGF)

1. Poor nature of feeder roads seriously affected patronage of the weekly markets thus revenue generated from market tolls. 2. Inadequate motorbikes and vehicles to facilitate education, supervision and monitoring of revenue mobilization. 3. Payment of low property rates due to lack of re-valuation of landed properties. 4. Lack of reliable database for realistic budgeting. 5. Low capacity of revenue collectors. 6. Misconception about the use of IGF by the tax payers affected their attitude towards tax payments. 7. Malpractice among some revenue collectors.

2.3.2 Update on Disbursement

The table below shows a corresponding update on disbursement of funds received by the MA between 2010 and 2015.

Table 6: Update on Disbursement

Expenditure Item Year 2013 2014 2015 Budget (GHȼ) Actual (GHȼ) Budget (GHȼ) Actual (GHȼ) IGF - use for goods & services 246,595.62 487,300.00 440,533.18 820,500.00 860,103.45 Use of Goods and Services-GOG 110,313.11 108,380.00 116,934.92 129,500.00 85,848.16 Special Project/HIPC 16,202.40 30,000.00 8,982.89 50,000 18,646.50 Non-Financial Assets - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURE (GHȼ) 373,111.13 625,680.00 566,450.99 1,000,000.00 964,598.11

From the above table, it can be seen that the Assembly spent within its budget as its expenditures of GHȼ 964,598.11 was lower GHȼ1,000,000.00. Comments on Adequacy of funds

As indicated in table 5 above, resource inflows into the municipality for 2015 were generally poor. Actual revenue of GHȼ6,326,576.11 fell below the budgeted revenue of GHȼ9,705,768.32 by GHȼ3,379,192.21 (34.82%). This undoubtedly negatively affected implementation of the MA’s projects and programmes within the year.

27 Comments on Utilisation of funds in accordance with the budget

The Assembly spent generally within its budget with about 98% of the MA’s expenditures within its budget. Challenges with regards to disbursements of funds

Despite the availability of an approved budget, often management was compelled to re-allocate the available funds to meet other competing and challenging demands that were not captured in the budget especially in the cases of disasters,


Table 7 below provides information on the status of the core municipal indicators of agriculture, infrastructure, human development and governance that show performance of the MMTDP as at 2015 with 2013 as the base year.

Table 7: Update on the Core Municipal Development Indicators

Indicator Level Change No Indicators 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (%) (Base Year Thematic Area: Enhancing Competitiveness in Ghana’s Private Sector

1 % increase in tourism N/A N/A N/A N/A arrivals Thematic Area: Accelerated Agricultural Modernisation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management 1 Percentage (%) increase in yield of selected crops,

livestock and fish:

- Yam N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A11,689 N/A -

- Maize 10,281(mt) 11,409(mt) 11,485(mt) 11,599(mt) (mt) 11,703(mt) 0.1

- Rice - 131 132 134 136 159(mt) 7.8 (Milled)

63,140(mt) 41,888(mt) 42,001(mt) 41,550(mt) 42,791(mt) 47,104(mt) 4.8 - Cassava

N/A N/ A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - Pepper

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - Groundnuts

- 49,023 49,105 49,122 50,204(mt) 54,857(mt) 4.4 - Plantain


- Cocoyam - 18,703 18,755 18,899 20,227 20,100 (0.3) - Small ruminants 14,243 15,035 15,150 15,230 15,550 15,759 0.7 (Sheep) - Small ruminants 11,527 12,147 12,189 12,122 12,801 12,956 0.6 (Goats) - Ruminants (Cattle) 1,278 1,235 1,425 1,430 1,451 1,520 2.3

- Poultry - 47,980 48,450 48,953 49,620 51,672 2.0

2 Hectares of degraded forest, mining, dry and wet lands


- Forest N/A N/A 107ha N/A N/A 82ha - - Mining N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -

- Dry and N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - wetland Thematic Area: Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlements Development 1 Proportion/length of roads maintained/


Trunk roads (in km) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Urban/Town roads (in km) -km - km 5.0 km 49.85 km 18.16km 9.30km (32.3%) - Feeder roads (in km) Km km km 62.30km 101.10km 92km (4.7%) - Proportion

km km 1.05km 1.35km 0.76km Length of drains 0.16km (65.2%) constructed

2 % change in number of households with access to electricity 16,339.2 19,607.04 20,424 21,240.96 21,785.6 85 -

3 Teledensity/penetrati on rate 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% - 4 % of population with sustainable access to 80.5% 80.5% 80.5% 80.5% 73.06% 73.06% - safe water sources


Thematic Area: Human Development, Productivity And Employment 1 HIV/AIDS prevalence No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. rate (% of adult Teste Positiv Teste Positiv Tested Pos Tested Posi Tested Pos Test Posit population, 15-45 years d e d e itiv tive itiv ed ive who are HIV positive e e (Based solely on health facility records) - - 3,009 199 3,039 190 3,828 149 854 235 - - -

2 Malaria case fatality in children under five years per 100/100,000 14,254 10,754 10,671 14,352 20,599 23,665 - population 3 Gross Enrolment Rate (indicate the number of pupils or students at a given level of schooling

regardless of age – as

proportion of the number of children in the relevant age group):

KG 122.6 120.5 113.5 142.7 140.3 136.8 (1.2%) Primary 96.6 94.9 78.3 115.6 117.0 114.2 (1.2%) JHS 84.7 85.1 59.7 90.4 87.3 88.5 (0.7%) SHS 20 32 30 26.1 29.2 31.7 (4.1%)

Net Admission Rate in

Primary Schools (indicate Primary One enrolment of pupils 62.1 72.8 70.7 84.8 80.7 76.6 (2.6%) aged 6 years)

Gender Parity Index (Ratio between girls’ and boys’ enrolment rates, the balance of parity is 1.00)

- KG 1.05 0.97 0.92 1.02 0.94 0.94 (0.1%)

4 - Primary 0.95 0.98 0.92 0.98 0.97 0.96 (0.5%)

- JHS 0.85 0.87 0.78 0.89 0.91 0.92 (0.5%)

- SHS - - - 0.59 0.77 0.76 (0.7%)


Proportion of unemployed youth benefiting from skills or apprenticeship and entrepreneurial training: 121 121 121 121 121 121 0 - Youth in Community Teaching Assistants 171 171 171 171 171 171 0 - Youth in Waste and Sanitation Management 77 77 77 77 77 77 0 - Health Extension 34 34 34 34 34 34 0 Workers 5 - Youth in graduate 4 4 4 - - - 0 internship - Youth in Community 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 Protection unit - Youth in sanitation 20 20 100 20 20 20 0 guards - Youth in mosquito 20 20 20 20 20 0 Spraying Team 100 100 100 100 100 0 - Youth in ICT - Youth in Dress making Thematic Area: Transparent And Accountable Governance 1 Total amount of Internally Generate 373,478.59 504,158.60 353,969.66 463,507.05 580,342.45 944,073.92 8.85% Revenue (IGF) GH¢ 2 Amount of Development Partners and NGOs funds 101,374.84 1,437,491.05 2,253,324.00 1,905,974.20 2,124,044.1 2,409,613.38 6.3% contribution to 2 DMTDP implementation (GH¢) 3 % of MA expenditure within the DMTDP budget (How much of 85% 85% 95% 95% 98% 98% 0% MA’s expenditure was in the annual budget?) 4 Number of reported cases of abuse 120 170 168 165 171 243 17.4% (children, women and men) 5 Police citizen ratio/No. of Police 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,531 (17.4%) Personnel



The Municipal Assembly is implementing a number of development programmes introduced by the government as a measure to reduce poverty in the municipality. They include:

2.5.1 The Ghana School Feeding Programme

Under the School Feeding Programme, a number of schools benefitting from the programme increased from 4 in 2010 to 16 in 2015. Similarly, school enrolment increased from 2,465 in 2010 to 4,343 in 2015.

Table 8: Enrolment of the Beneficiaries Schools on the School Feeding Programme as at December 2015

No Community Beneficiary 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 . School M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T 1 Kyenkyenhene Presby Prim - - - 114 119 233 66 180 246 119 164 283 110 99 209 114 102 216 2 Gyaenkotabuo M/A Prim 46 89 135 112 30 142 117 140 257 118 121 239 50 58 108 65 59 124 3 Asukese M/A Prim 195 141 336 209 121 330 350 231 581 310 192 502 114 178 292 150 160 310 4 Aworokrom Presby Prim 159 99 258 118 176 294 180 93 273 140 169 309 216 210 426 227 202 429 5 Akwaboa No. 2 M/A Prim 193 78 271 121 124 245 201 107 308 217 110 327 120 89 209 125 128 253 6 Tweapease Presby Prim 97 191 288 216 89 305 105 112 217 99 143 242 251 73 324 141 117 258 7 Odurokrom M/A Prim 86 79 165 92 98 190 89 76 165 97 60 157 60 84 144 57 81 138 8 Dechem M/A Prim ------116 204 320 230 122 352 98 93 191 116 108 224 9 Nyamebekyere M/A Prim ------196 102 298 180 104 284 218 153 371 235 172 407 10 Aboaboso M/A Prim ------79 71 150 58 75 133 105 220 325 153 142 295 11 Fianko M/A Prim ------151 216 367 219 290 409 150 165 315 196 170 366 12 Anwiawia Methodist Prim ------220 87 307 188 144 332 188 82 270 127 112 239 13 Adwinase M/A Prim ------148 61 209 192 123 315 162 114 276 114 118 232 14 Awewoho Methodist Prim ------77 43 120 68 48 116 300 209 509 188 203 391 Manhyia 15 Mim King Faisal ------111 181 292 222 117 339 169 99 268 148 115 263 16 Minkakrom R/C primary ------165 99 264 197 158 355 191 38 229 114 84 198

Total 776 677 1,453 982 757 1,739 2,371 2,003 4,374 2,654 2,140 4,691 2,502 1,964 4,456 2,270 2,073 4,343


2.5.2 Capitation Grant

The programme continued to be implemented in the Municipality since its introduction which has helped to improve maintenance culture, reduced payment of extra fees by parents and reduction in maintenance cost by SMC.

Table 9: Category of Schools under the Capitation Grant

Level KG primary JHS Total No. of Schools No. of schools 97 97 63 257

(Note: KG is mainstreamed into the primary schools but for analysis sake it has been separated)

For the year 2014, a total amount of GH¢102,819.00 covering only two trenches (1st and 2nd terms) was received and disbursed to the various schools in the municipality with the third trench outstanding whilst in 2015 the grant of GH¢51,409.5 and GH¢50,853.00 summing up to a tune of GH¢102,262.5 covering only two trenches (1st and 2nd terms of the 2014-2015 academic year) was received and disbursed, that was a decrease of (0.27) % below that of the 2013. The 3rd term trench of 2014-2015 academic year as well as the 1st and 2nd terms trench of the 2015-2016 academic years are still outstanding.

2.5.3 National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)

The National Health Insurance programme as a social protection programme ensures that all residents of Ghana who enroll on it access quality health care without paying money at the point of accessing healthcare.


Table10: Registration and Renewals of NHIS as at December, 2015

Categor Years y 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Total No. of No. of Total regist. renewals Total regist. renewals Total regist. renewals Total regist. renewa Total regist. renewal regist. renewa ls s ls Informal 3,771 11,525 15,296 5,348 15,770 21,118 4,190 15,473 19,663 3,865 15,710 19,575 8,503 21,068 29,571 2,672 10,997 13,669 SSNIT Contrib 100 2,660 2,760 286 2,859 3,145 200 2,925 3,125 217 3,052 3,269 626 3,749 4,375 206 2,920 3,126 ution SSNIT Pension 28 192 220 24 168 192 2 95 97 14 137 151 27 141 168 27 107 134 ers Under 18 years 6,153 14,165 20,318 7,359 18,163 25,522 6,199 18,277 24,476 8,850 21,916 30,766 15,669 31,800 47,469 6,416 17,155 23,571 Pregnan t women 2,964 1,403 4,367 2,519 1,782 4,301 1,892 1,879 3,771 2,318 2,024 4,342 1,859 2,887 4,746 1,869 2,924 4,793 7 years and 276 2,174 2,450 268 2,521 2,789 217 2,409 2,626 477 2,788 3,265 652 2,821 3,473 223 1,855 2,079 above Indigents 89 149 238 13 82 95 17 41 58 13,900 8,998 22,898 12,691 8,861 21,552 2,966 4,590 7,556 Total 13,381 32,268 45,649 15,817 41,345 57,162 12,717 41,099 53,816 29,641 54,625 84,266 40,027 71,327 111,354 14,379 40,549 54,928

From the table above, it could be seen that there is a vast decrease in the enrollment figures in 2015 as against 2014 which stands at 54,928 and 111,354 respectfully. This occurs as a result of the following reasons: 1. In the previous years, magnetic cards were used in the registration process so it was faster as it requires just fixing stickers. Currently, the biostatical data of every individual is taken and it demands the scanner to pick all the finger prints hence time consuming. 2. Also, there is lack of connectivity in some surrounding Communities. The biometric process of registration requires the use of network of which there is none in communities and as a result the indigence have to travel to the Municipal Capital (Goaso) for registration instead of the officers going to the Communities to capture them.


3. Another reason for the fall in the enrollment figures was that, there is frequent down time. This occurs as a result of network connectivity since the network could go off for halve or whole day which results in no output or work done for the day. 4. Again, inadequate transportation is another factor contributing to the low performance of enrollment in the Municipality. There are insufficient vehicles for data collectors to travel to Communities to take data. Only one vehicle is available at the moment which is not enough to work in other to meet the set target. 5. Lastly, there is occasional shortage of consumables. Sometimes the scheme could run out of cards and ribbings for registration which hinders the progress of work. 2.5.4 Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP)

The LEAP programme aims at providing unconditional cash transfers to support the extremely poor households. These are people who have no means of livelihood or limited productive capacity. The three category of beneficiaries of LEAP are OVCs, Severely disabled people and people aged 65yearrs and above but without productive assets. The LEAP programme which was launched in the Municipality in May 2015 saw GH¢15,340 distributed to 181 households out of the 186 registered in the 16 beneficiary communities in the municipality as detailed out in the table below. Table: 11 Beneficiary Communities under LEAP

No Community No. of Registered No. of Registered Amount Paid Households Households Paid (GH¢) 1 Awewoho-Manhyia 10 10 790.00 2 Antwiagyeikrom 20 19 1,696.00 3 Pomaakrom 10 10 898.00 4 Alhassan Gruma Akura 38 38 3,794.00 5 Ohiayeya 6 6 558.00 6 Ada 5 5 440.00 7 Nfante 19 19 1,570.00 8 Kwartengkrom 18 17 1,132.00 9 Opanin Yaw Adjei Akura 3 3 234.00 10 Manukrom No.1 22 22 1,660.00 11 Kwame Adjei Krom 10 10 730.00 12 Asumura 9 7 470.00 13 Adiepena 6 6 432.00 14 Manukrom No.2 1 1 88.00 15 Aworokese 3 3 212.00 16 Gyesewobre 6 5 344.00 Totals 186 181 15,340.00 35

2.5.5 Support to People with Disability (PWD)

In 2014, the MA effectively distributed PWD’s share of the DACF received totaling GHȼ54,993.00 to them. This went into key areas of requests made by the PWDs including educational, business and health issues. In 2015 a total amount of GHȼ27,500.00 was also received and distributed to 81 beneficiaries constituting 39 males and 42 females respectively. Other materials were also supplied and distributed to the People with Disability (PWD).

Table: 12: List of Items Distributed to People with Disabilities

No. Type of Item Male Female Total 1. Clutches 23 12 35 2. Wheel Chair 1 1 2 3. Tri-Cycle 1 - 1


During the period under review, the following activities were undertaken:

 Quarterly stakeholders’ review meetings on the implementation of the Municipal Medium Term Development plan were organized.  The Municipal Planning Co-ordinating Unit (MPCU) held its quarterly meetings to review implementation of the Annual Action Plan.  The MPCU carried out four quarterly participatory monitoring with key stakeholders including Hon. Assembly Members, Chiefs and Opinion Leaders, CSOs and beneficiary communities and units.  The Municipal Assembly organized accountability fora such as Town Hall Meetings in the communities.  A stakeholders’ review meeting was organized on on 24th February on the Annual Progress Report.

To facilitate and promote Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E), the MPCU vigorously involved key stakeholders and beneficiaries in the M&E. They were the Decentralized Departments, the Six Zonal Councils, NGOs (Care International, Ghana), all the three paramountcies in the Municipality and the Disable Society. The rest were Market Women Associations, Beauticians and Hairdressers Association, Tailors and Dressmaker Association. The MPCU actively partnered the aforementioned stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluating of the Municipal Annual Action Plan to promote transparency and accountability in project implementation.


To promote and sustain PM&E, methods like Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Citizen Report Card and Community Score Card were used to enable them monitor projects and programmes implemented.



3.1 KEY ISSUES ADDRESSED  Participatory monitoring was effectively carried out.  Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports were timely submitted to RCC.  Quarterly MPCU and heads of departments meetings were duly held.


 Carry out housing numbering and property addressing at Goaos, Mim, Akrodie, Ayomso, Bediako, Fawohoyeden, Kasapin, Dominase and Asumura..  Re-valuation of houses and other properties at Goaos and Mim.  Establishment of comprehensive Database System for the Municipal Assembly.  Ensure effective revenue mobilization.  The need to ensure effective operation of the Zonal Councils.  Build capacity of MPCU members for enhanced performance.