
Evaluation and Diagnosis of Wrist Pain: A Case-Based Approach RAMSEY SHEHAB, MD, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan MARK H. MIRABELLI, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York

Patients with wrist pain commonly present with an acute injury or spontaneous onset of pain without a definite trau- matic event. A fall onto an outstretched can lead to a , which is the most commonly fractured carpal . Conventional radiography alone can miss up to 30 percent of scaphoid fractures. Specialized views (e.g., posteroanterior in ulnar deviation, pronated oblique) and repeat radiography in 10 to 14 days can improve sensitivity for scaphoid fractures. If a suspected scaphoid fracture cannot be confirmed with plain radiography, a bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging can be used. Subacute or chronic wrist pain usually develops gradually with or without a prior traumatic event. In these cases, the differential diagnosis is wide and includes tendinopathy and nerve entrap- ment. Overuse of the muscles of the and wrist may lead to tendinopathy. Radial pain involving mostly the first extensor compartment is commonly de Quervain tenosynovitis. The diagnosis is based on history and examina- tion findings of a positive Finkelstein test and a negative grind test. Nerve entrapment at the wrist presents with pain and also with sensory and sometimes motor symptoms. In ulnar neuropathies of the wrist, the typical presentation is wrist discomfort with sensory changes in the fourth and fifth digits. Activities that involve repetitive or prolonged wrist extension, such as cycling, karate, and baseball (specifically catchers), may increase the risk of ulnar neuropathy. Electrodiagnostic tests identify the area of nerve entrapment and the extent of the pathology. (Am Fam Physician. 2013;87(8):568-573. Copyright © 2013 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

usculoskeletal problems are anteroposterior, lateral, and oblique views. responsible for up to 20 per- When the diagnosis remains unclear, fur- cent of all visits to primary ther imaging, such as bone scan, ultrasonog- care offices in the United raphy, computed tomography, or magnetic M States.1 Family physicians are often the resonance imaging (MRI), may help identify first to evaluate and treat wrist pain. Wrist the cause. Because nontraumatic wrist pain pain is traditionally classified as acute pain has a wide differential diagnosis, the patient caused by a specific injury or as subacute/ history should include a review of systems chronic pain not caused by a traumatic event with neurologic or constitutional symptoms, (Tables 1 and 2). Injuries that cause acute pain as well as a social history of vocational and may result in contusions, fractures, recreational activities. The following case or tears, and instability. Subacute or studies discuss the background and presen- chronic pain may result from overuse, have tation of three causes of wrist pain, as well as neurologic or systemic causes, or be a sequela diagnostic tests and strategies. from an old injury. Patients with these inju- ries may have a history of repetitive wrist Case 1. Scaphoid Fracture movement, either occupationally or recre- A 21-year-old man presents with dorsal left ationally. The addition of sensory distur- wrist pain after falling onto his outstretched bances, such as numbness or tingling, points hand while inline skating. He noted imme- to nerve involvement. diate swelling and painful wrist extension. History and physical examination lead Physical examination reveals soft tissue to the correct diagnosis in most cases. The swelling with limited motion, mostly in location, nature, timing, and quality of the extension, secondary to pain. There is bony pain are important clues for narrowing the tenderness along the distal as well as differential diagnosis. In acute wrist injuries, the anatomic snuffbox. His sensory and vas- plain radiography should be obtained with cular examination results are unremarkable.

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Evidence Clinical recommendation rating References

Anatomic snuffbox swelling, scaphoid C 6, 7 BACKGROUND tubercle tenderness, and pain with axial The wrist comprises eight carpal pressure on the 2 are sensitive but not specific tests for (Figure 1 ), but only the lunate and scaph- diagnosing scaphoid fractures. oid articulate with the radius and absorb If plain radiography results are negative in C 4, 5 significant impact during a fall onto an out- a suspected scaphoid fracture, then the stretched hand. The scaphoid is the most wrist should be protected in a commonly fractured carpal bone. The pri- spica cast with repeat plain radiography mary vascular supply to the scaphoid origi- in 10 to 14 days or a bone scan one to two days after injury. nates distally from retrograde branches of The Finkelstein test has good sensitivity C 18, 20 the distal , making the proxi- and specificity for diagnosing de mal pole of the scaphoid relatively avascular Quervain tenosynovitis. and at higher risk of nonunion and avascu- lar necrosis. Fractures of the proximal and A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited- distal portions of the scaphoid each account quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence for 20 percent of scaphoid fractures, and the rating system, go to http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml. middle portion accounts for the remaining 60 percent.3 The peak incidence of scaphoid fractures occurs at about 15 years of age.4 Because of Table 1. Acute Causes of Wrist Pain the weakness of the distal radius compared with the scaphoid, scaphoid fractures are not Cause Clinical presentation Recommended imaging common in older persons. In young chil- dren, the supportive cartilage surrounding Carpal Trauma, carpal Radiography with views in radial/ instability tenderness, audible ulnar deviation or advanced the ossific nucleus of the immature scaphoid clunk with radial or imaging (CT, MRI, bone scan) creates protection, making physeal injuries ulnar deviation of the radius more common. Fracture Trauma, bony Radiography or advanced tenderness imaging (CT, MRI, bone scan) PRESENTATION Trauma, instability Radiography or MRI The typical history of a patient with a scaph- subluxation with movement oid fracture is a fall onto an outstretched Ligament Trauma, painful MRI hand with the wrist dorsiflexed and radially tears motion deviated. Most patients with scaphoid frac- CT = computed tomography; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging. tures present shortly after a fall, but in some cases, the initial pain improves, causing a delayed presentation. Physical examination may reveal a swol- len wrist. Tenderness is usually located dor- Table 2. Subacute/Chronic Causes of Wrist Pain sally around the distal radius. Patients may have painful wrist extension and loss of grip Cause Clinical presentation Recommended tests strength if they present a few days after the Neurologic (ulnar, Pain with sensory Radiography, injury. median, and radial and possibly motor electrodiagnostic tests There are no reliable clinical tests to rule nerve entrapment) difficulties out a scaphoid fracture. Swelling of the Old trauma Remote history of Plain radiography, anatomic snuffbox (Figure 25) increases the (nonunion, injury with no magnetic resonance avascular necrosis) improvement imaging likelihood of a scaphoid facture. The combi- Systemic (rheumatoid Constitutional Complete blood nation of snuffbox swelling, scaphoid tuber- , symptoms, count, erythrocyte cle tenderness, and pain with axial pressure amyloidosis, gout) swelling, constant sedimentation rate, on the first metacarpal bone has a sensitivity pain C-reactive protein level of approximately 100 percent.6 However, the Tendinopathy Painful movement Tests usually not needed specificity of each test is 9, 30, and 48 per- cent, respectively.6 Diminished

April 15, 2013 ◆ Volume 87, Number 8 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 569 Trapezoid Capitate Table 3. Differential Diagnosis of Suspected Scaphoid Fracture Hamate

Diagnosis Distinguishing features Distal carpal row Carpometacarpal Radiographic finding of joint space loss Proximal dislocation (1 to 2 mm) in carpometacarpal carpal row Distal radial Radiographic findings of fracture, fracture tenderness to distal radius Pisiform Lunate fracture Radiographic findings of fracture, tenderness to lunate Scaphoid Triquetrum Scapholunate Radiographic finding of scapholunate tear widening (greater than 3 mm) Lunate Radius

Ulna oblique).8 In many cases, repeat radiography is needed in 10 to 14 days to observe sclerosis, which indicates a healing fracture. ILLUSTRATION SCOTT BY BODELL If the diagnosis cannot be confirmed with plain radi- Figure 1. The bones of the wrist. ography, a bone scan or MRI can be performed. Bone Reprinted with permission from Daniels JM II, Zook EG, Lynch JM. Hand and wrist injuries: part I. Nonemergent evaluation. Am Fam Physician. scan has a sensitivity near 100 percent but produces false- 9 2004;69(8):1941. positive results up to 25 percent of the time. MRI within one day after trauma has a sensitivity of 80 percent,10 but late examination (more than 10 days after injury) has a sensitivity and specificity comparable to bone scan.11

DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGY If a scaphoid fracture is suspected based on history and physical examination, plain radiography should be per- formed, including specialized views such as a postero- anterior in ulnar deviation and a pronated oblique. If radiography is negative for fracture but clinical suspicion Anatomic snuffbox is high, the wrist should be protected in a thumb spica cast with the option of repeat plain radiography in 10 to 14 days or a bone scan one to two days after injury.4,5 If repeat plain radiography is negative but wrist pain per- sists, MRI should be performed to clarify the diagnosis.

Case 2. Ulnar Neuropathy A 39-year-old right-handed woman presents with a four- Figure 2. Anatomic snuffbox. The scaphoid is located below the snuffbox. week history of wrist pain and numbness and tingling in her right hand. There is no history of trauma or injury Reprinted with permission from Phillips TG, Reibach AM, Slomiany WP. Diagnosis and management of scaphoid fractures. Am Fam Physician. to the , , or wrist. She works mostly at a desk 2004;70(5):880. job but has not had any changes in her work schedule. Physical examination of the wrist reveals no soft tissue compared with the contralateral side increases the posi- swelling, muscle atrophy, or skin changes. She has pain- tive predictive value for a scaphoid fracture.7 The differ- ful wrist extension, as well as reproduction of the tin- ential diagnosis of a suspected scaphoid fracture is listed gling in her fifth with tapping over the pisiform. in Table 3. Grip strength is normal and no other bony tenderness is appreciated. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Conventional radiography (anteroposterior, lateral, and BACKGROUND oblique views) alone can miss up to 30 percent of scaph- The originates from the C8 and T1 nerve oid fractures.8 Based on retrospective studies, sensitivity roots (Figure 312), and extends from the medial cord of improves if additional views are added (i.e., posteroante- the brachial plexus through the , innervating the rior in ulnar deviation, pronated oblique, and supinated muscles of the forearm and the hand. Proximal to the

570 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 87, Number 8 ◆ April 15, 2013 Dorsoscapular nerve (rhomboideus major and minor muscles) Suprascapular nerve (supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles) Axillary nerve (deltoid muscle) C5 C6 Musculocutaneous C7 nerve (biceps C8 muscle) T1

Ulnar nerve Flexor digiti minimi Radial nerve Superficial Deep motor

ILLUSTRATION BY RENEE CANNON RENEE BY ILLUSTRATION sensory branch branch Figure 3. Brachial plexus. Guyon canal Reprinted with permission from Miller JD, Pruitt S, McDonald TJ. Acute Transverse carpal brachial plexus neuritis: an uncommon cause of pain. Am Fam ligament Physician. 2000;62(9):2069. Tendon of flexor Ulnar nerve carpi ulnaris wrist, dorsal and palmar cutaneous branches split off,

whereas the rest of the nerve courses through the Guyon ILLUSTRATION CHRISTY BY KRAMES canal (Figure 4) to the palmar surface of the hand. This Figure 4. Guyon canal. triangular canal is bordered medially by the pisiform, laterally by the hamate, anteriorly by the tendon of the could indicate a brachial plexus problem; and reproduc- flexor carpi ulnaris, and posteriorly by the transverse tion of symptoms with compression of the nerve at the carpal ligament. In the canal, the ulnar nerve splits to a ulnar groove could indicate compression at the elbow. superficial sensory branch, which supplies sensation to Compression of the ulnar nerve at the Guyon canal should the hypothenar eminence, and to a deep motor branch cause weakness of the hypothenar muscles innervated by that innervates the hypothenar muscles, adductor pol- the deep motor branch and sensory disturbances of the licis, and flexor pollicis brevis. The ulnar nerve may fifth digit innervated by the superficial sensory branch. be compressed anywhere in the Guyon canal, causing Clinical tests include a positive Tinel sign on percus- motor, sensory, or mixed deficits. Compression is usually sion of the ulnar nerve over the Guyon canal, as well as caused by ganglion cysts or repetitive trauma. a positive Phalen sign (maximum passive flexion of the is the second most com- wrist for more than one minute) with paresthesias in the mon neuropathy of the upper extremity, surpassed only fourth and fifth . Unlike in syn- by median nerve entrapment (i.e., carpal tunnel syn- drome, sensitivity and specificity of these tests for ulnar drome).13 Although the true incidence of ulnar neuropa- neuropathy at the wrist are not known. The differential thy at the wrist is not well documented, it is accepted to diagnosis of suspected ulnar neuropathy at the wrist is be the second most common site after compression at the listed in Table 4. elbow. Ulnar neuropathies are slightly more common in men than in women. Peak incidence is in men older than DIAGNOSTIC TESTS 35 years.14 Plain radiography evaluates wrist anatomy well, and can identify fractures, dislocations, or soft tissue masses that PRESENTATION may have led to nerve compression. The typical presentation in ulnar neuropathy is wrist Ultrasonography of peripheral nerves is helpful in discomfort with sensory changes in the fourth and fifth identifying compressive etiologies of nerve injury and in digits. Grip weakness may be present in chronic cases. visualizing structural nerve changes. It is noninvasive, History usually reveals no specific injury. Activities that relatively inexpensive, and well tolerated by patients. involve repetitive or prolonged wrist extension, such as Electromyography and nerve conduction studies can cycling, karate, and baseball (specifically catchers) may be helpful in identifying the area of entrapment and doc- increase the risk of ulnar neuropathy.15 umenting the extent of the pathology. Motor and sensory Physical examination of a patient presenting with these conduction velocities are more useful in acute entrap- neurologic symptoms should include cervical spine, ments, whereas electromyography is a better choice for shoulder, and elbow examinations to rule out a proximal chronic neuropathies because it shows axonal degenera- lesion. Reproduction of pain on neck movement could tion more clearly. The sensitivity and specificity of these indicate cervical disk disease; pain with shoulder motion electrodiagnostic tests in the primary care setting are

April 15, 2013 ◆ Volume 87, Number 8 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 571 Wrist Pain Table 4. Differential Diagnosis of Suspected Ulnar Neuropathy at the Wrist

Diagnosis Distinguishing features

Brachial plexopathy History of shoulder/ pain, motor weakness of upper extremity Cervical History of neck pain, forearm radiculopathy symptoms (e.g., pain, numbness, tingling) Ulnar neuropathy at Elbow pain the elbow Abductor Wrist fracture Traumatic injury, positive pollicis longus radiographic findings unknown because existing studies are limited to a small Extensor pollicis brevis Extensor number of patients with known neuropathy. pollicis longus MRI can detect abnormalities of the ulnar nerve, Scaphoid flexor tendons, vascular structures, and the transverse Anatomic snuffbox carpal ligament around the Guyon canal. Neurogenic edema can be seen as early as 24 to 48 hours after dener- vation compared with electromyography, in which changes after denervation are not seen for one to three weeks.16 Imaging criteria for neuropathy on MRI are not ILLUSTRATION CHRISTY BY KRAMES well defined, and several studies have found MRI abnor- Figure 5. Thumb tendons. malities in healthy, asymptomatic patients.17 tendons have similar function in bringing the thumb into DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGY radial abduction. These tendons run in a synovial sheath If ulnar neuropathy is suspected, plain radiography should in the first extensor compartment of the hand. Inflam- be ordered first. If no obvious mass or lesion is found, elec- matory changes in the sheath and tendons result in a trodiagnostic tests should be ordered to localize the lesion, tenosynovitis. Recurrent or persistent inflammation may measure its severity, and aid in the prognosis. In the set- result in stenosing tenosynovitis. ting of inconclusive or nonlocalizing electrodiagnostic test results, ultrasonography or MRI may be useful. PRESENTATION The typical presentation includes subacute radial wrist Case 3. De Quervain Tenosynovitis pain at the thumb base and into the distal radius. In A 31-year-old woman presents with several months of retrospect, patients may identify a new or repetitive worsening radial left wrist pain that started insidiously. hand-based activity as the cause, but the etiology often is She denies any specific trauma. She has no numbness or idiopathic. De Quervain tenosynovitis is more common tingling in the wrist, hand, or fingers. Her pain wors- in women, particularly those 30 to 50 years of age.18 New ens with gripping and grasping, and with picking up her mothers are especially noted to have this problem from nine-month-old daughter. Physical examination reveals picking up a child.19 no discoloration and minimal soft tissue swelling along Physical examination may reveal a minimally swol- the radial styloid and anatomic snuffbox. There is soft len wrist. Tenderness is usually located over the radial tissue tenderness about the anatomic snuffbox and tubercle and sometimes around the soft tissues of the radial styloid. She has limited motion of the thumb, with anatomic snuffbox. Thumb motion is invariably pain- pain mostly in extension and abduction. Her sensory ful. Neurovascular examination should be unremark- and vascular examinations are unremarkable. able. The Finkelstein test is confirmatory because it has good sensitivity and specificity.18,20 It is performed BACKGROUND by making a fist over the thumb and then moving the Two major dorsal tendons of the thumb are involved: the hand into ulnar deviation, which passively stretches the extensor pollicis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus thumb tendons over the radial styloid.20,21 A grind test of (Figure 5). These tendons comprise the lateral border of the thumb, which is performed by axial compression and the anatomic snuffbox, with the extensor pollicis longus slight rotation of the metacarpophalangeal joint, should medially and the at the bottom. The two be negative in those with de Quervain tenosynovitis but

572 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 87, Number 8 ◆ April 15, 2013 Wrist Pain Table 5. Differential Diagnosis of Suspected de Quervain Tenosynovitis

Diagnosis Distinguishing features Address correspondence to Ramsey Shehab, MD, Henry Ford Health Visual appearance of cyst- Center, 19401 Hubbard Dr., Dearborn, MI 48126 (e-mail: rshehab77@ like structure gmail.com). Reprints are not available from the author. Osteoarthritis of the first Radiographic findings of Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations. extensor compartment osteoarthritis Radial nerve entrapment of Electromyographic findings REFERENCES the forearm 1. Jordan K, Clarke AM, Symmons DP, et al. Measuring disease prevalence: Wrist extensor tendinopathy Clinical examination findings a comparison of musculoskeletal disease using four general practice consultation databases. Br J Gen Pract. 2007;57(534):7-14. 2. Daniels JM II, Zook EG, Lynch JM. Hand and wrist injuries: part I. Non- positive in those with first carpometacarpal osteoarthri- emergent evaluation. Am Fam Physician. 2004;69(8):1941-1948. tis. The differential diagnosis of suspected de Quervain 3. 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April 15, 2013 ◆ Volume 87, Number 8 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 573