

East Motagordo estuary Colorado estuary Lavoco-Tres Polocias estuary

0\ estuory

°,=""'.°",,,,'.°,=,,',°'=340 MILES

0",,=,",=,,'.0,=,,',',=,,',0 ICILO\,lnERS

Loguna Madre estuary


Figure 1 Locations of the Estuaries

·2· 94"


---244 or .17 Doto-collection line number I Ruliffn ~ Doto-collection site number L~ JASPER COUNTY kTON COUNTY ------ORANGE - COU-N~----



I ,I L_, Beaumont I , 40 _~lfu...... EARJ5.I:L CAMERON PARISH


~Q=====l=====~IO ,...ILES


94" T EXAS

Study O;>'ell 910 •

Location mop

Figure 2 Data-Collection Sites in the Sabine-Neches Estuary

925 Bose by US Geologlcol Survey, 1956

- 6 - Rosharon


.20 Data-collection line number


': '-.' Angleton


910 •

0i======i5,======i10 MILES T E X A 5 0E======iB~======i16KILOMET£FlS Study area ......

Location mop Figure 3 Data-Collection Sites in the Brazos Estuary

Bose by US Geolog1col Survey, 1956

- 22 - East Matagorda Estuary

The East Matagorda estuary covers an area of Water-quality data (Table 3) were collected during about 56 square miles (145 square kilometers) and September 1972 and May 1973. consists of East , part of the Intracoastal Waterway, the tidal reaches of Caney Creek and Live The changes in line numbers to facilitate storage in Oak Bayou, and the tidal part of small tributaries the Water Oriented Data Bank and to provide (Figure 4). The maximum water depth at mlw is 5 feet opportunity to coordinate data-collection sites among all (1.5 metersl in and about 15 feet agencies are shown below. New line numbers are used in (4.6 meters) in the Intracoastal Waterway. Table 3 and Figure 4.


- 20 or -10 Doto-collection line number 2 ___ Data-collection site number

rr-:--\ ,J ... ·""soy Cily


0 "S .." "0 ~ 0 "<- III "' ~ "

0 5 10 MILES


Study OJs· b, S Ge" , :01 -, 19'5'3 area ...... :-""

Location mop

Figure 4.-Data-Collection Sites in the East Matagorda Estuary

- 31 - ".


Location map

28~o"---17~'!I"'~+-- \-~'-- __-,



EXPLANATION Of -18 Doto-collection line number

". Figure 5 Data-Collection Sites in the Colorado Estuary

- 42 - Lavaca-Tres Palacios Estuary

The Lavaca-Tres Palacios estuary covers about The rivers generally are less than 15 feet (4.6 meters) 350 square miles (910 square kilometers) and consists of deep. the tidal parts of the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers, Tres Palacios Creek and other tributaries, , Cox Water-quality data (Table 5) were collected during Bay, Keller Bay. , , February, April, May. June, July, August, and October Matagorda Bay, Matagorda Bay Entrance Channel, Pass 1972, and January, April, June, and July 1973. Cavallo, and parts of the Intracoastal Waterway (Figure 6). Water depth at mlw is 13 feet (4.0 meters) or The changes in line numbers to facilitate storage in less in Matagorda Bay, except in the Matagorda Ship the Texas Water Oriented Data Bank and to provide Channel, which is more than 40 feet (12.2 meters) deep. opportunity to coordinate data-collection sites among all

0 1 u' t

..pGO T £ XAS >It

Study ~.s:.4:~?"-",c-MATAGORDA BAY ENTRANCE area ...... " of CHANNEL

~O======8k======~16K1LOMETEf'!S Loeotton mop

EXPLANATION - 85 or • 17 Dolo-collection line number ~ Doto-collection site number

Figure 6.-Data·Collection Sites in the Lavaca-Tres Palacios Estuary

. 51 . Guadalupe Estuary

The Guadalupe estuary covers an area of almost than 6 feet (1.8 meters) deep; is 210 square miles (540 square kilometers) and consists of about 8 feet (2.4 meters) deep; Mesquite Bay is about the tidal parts of the , Mission Lake, 4 feet (1.2 meters) deep; Victoria Channel is more than . Hynes Bay, Bay, Espiritu 8 feet (2.4 meters) deep; and the Intracoastal Waterway Santo Bay. Mesquite Bay, Victoria Channel, and parts of is about 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep. the Intracoastal Waterway (Figure 7). At mlw the Guadalupe River is about 10 feet (3.0 meters) deep; Water·quality data (Table 6) were collected during Mission Lake, Guadalupe Bay, and Hynes Bay are less March, April, May, June, July, September, and than 3 feet 11.0 meter) deep; is less December 1972, and March, May, and August 1973.



-254or .170 OaIO·cOlltcIIOI'l lint number ~ Ooto- collection site n",mber



LOCOllOn ,"",p

Figure 7.-Data·Colleetion Sites in the Guadalupe Estuary

·123 - Mission-Aransas Estuary

The Mission-Aransas estuary covers an area of Lydia Ann Channel. and (Figure 8). Water about 160 square miles (410 square kilometers) and depth at mlw is less than 2 feet (0.6 meter) in Mission consists of the tidal parts of , . less than 8 feet (2.4 meters) in . less River, Copano Creek and other tributaries, Mission Bay. than 13 feet (4.0 meters) in Aransas Bay. less than 5 feet Copano Bay. Aransas Bay, St. Charles Bay, Carlos Bay, (1.5 meters) in St. Charies Bay. 4 feet (1.2 meters) or part of . parts of the Intracoastal Waterway, less in Carlos and Redfish Bays, about 15 feet


OUNT~ .... REFUGIO S--:::: '':::---AS' COUNT~ ARANS




0E====,,'=====3fO. MILES o 8 I 97· EXPLANATION

--44 or .110 Dalo-collection line number 2 • Do to-collection site number TEXAS

"J 95

Location mop

Figure 8.-Data-Collection Sites in the Mission-Aransas Estuary

- 205- Nueces Estuary

The Nueces estuary covers an area of about agencies are shown below. New line numbers are used in 200 square miles (520 square kilometers) and consists of Table 8 and on Figure 9. the tidal parts of the and other tributaries, , Tule Lake Channel, , All data collected prior to the changes in line part of Redfish Bay, Corpus Christi Ship Channel, numbers are stored in the data bank under the new line Aransas Pass, and parts of the Intracoastal Waterway numbers. (Figure 9). Water depth at mlw is less than 13 feet (4.0 meters) in Corpus Christi Bay; less than 3 feet (1.0 meter) in Nueces Bay; more than 40feet Nueces Estuary Change (12.2 meters) in Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi Ship in Line Numbers Channel, and Tule Lake Channel; and about 15 feet (4.6 meters) in the Intracoastal Waterway. A part of OLD NEW OLD NEW Redfish Bay is about 10 feet (3.0 meters) deep, but 1 13 13a 127 about one-fourth of it is only 1 foot (0.3 meter) deep 2 22 13a-site 1 131 3 38 14 142 (mlw). 4 47-site 4 14a 147 4a 47-site 2 15 159

Water-quality data (Table 8) were collected during 5 53 16 168 January, March, May, June, July, September, and 6 64 Laguna Madre 1 170 7 71 Laguna Madre 2 183 November 1972, and February, April, and May 1973. 8 83 9 93 Gulf of 17-site 2 901-site 70 The changes in line numbers to facilitate storage in the Texas Water Oriented Data Bank and to provide 10 108 11 118 opportunity to coordinate data-collection sites among all 12 122 12a 205 13 200

1 / 1


-4701' _71 OcIO-col~ction line number ----oJ;.... Doto -COllection ~ite number


l..cOhOft mop

Figure 9.-Data-Collection Sites in the Nueces Estuary




fiI---'~.2!l Yarbarougll Pass


LonClbridqe (sond onCl ...... d llols lhol ore inundaled only by slorm tides) , I


S'a/~ 186 LOWER -t\\\--LAGUNA MADRE


EXPLANATION - 10 Of • 119 Dolo-collecllon hne number -?- Dcla-collectlan SIIe number


Figure 10 Data-Collection Sites in the laguna Madre Estuary


Climatological Records Tabulations of daily precipitation, temperature, and other data are published monthly, and monthly The climate of a region plays a great role in summaries are published annually by the Environmental estuarine water quality. The types of climatological data Science Services Administration in the series titled available for a 60-mile- 197-kilometer-) wide band along Climatological Data-Texas. For the period 1931-60, the Texas coast are shown on Figure 11. monthly and annual data are summarized in two U.S. Weather Bureau publications (1958, 1965).

_~"l' ~"~' "':"~'_~ ~'fi' ----"':'1"----~~-~"r'I--\-w ". __ -~---~ f..~" \'''''-L EA::XAS 1..-, \ ,;Z'". ~ \ -~ .(>.V,nlon ) /" L-...-o-, ,/ ....__ ... 18_" '- O.o"g... NW :50' ".--t----"7L --t------+------tT'I- UPPER SOUTH COAST


".-+------',,7i''-'"""'''~ ".

,.. EXPLANATION o • • [ "·-+-:===,,--L..--+'""7r SOUTHERN ~~~~~~

Pr~c,p,lol..., end I.m~oll.~

Type of goge o ".-+----L----f-..,.""-.------l----". Honrl!«Wd~ • --- ,~.... •

Dauole corele CCIIIIOItIOI_S indIcol~ the O\Ioilol>,lIl) 01 more OetOl'Jed mereo

,..-f------==j:c:..==s.,~'::_:::£:t-+---,.. SOUTHERN ". ".

Figure 11.-Locations of Selected Climatological Stations

- 329- ,..

Loce"ac ..ap

, o 10 20 )0 .0 M'LES


• Periodie 5! •.,mllow measuring site

T Wolt,-quolity ..,mpSng slle TEXAS R" 1648 Abbrlviolld Illllion "" in U.S GeologlCol Survey ,eporl· Wott, MEXICO RuOll'cu 00.0 for Tuos·

2. Stallon n.."be...sed IOf ,it.. not 0"'''* U.S. G,oloqical Survey Indn nllmbe.

Figure 13 Locations of Selected Water-Quality and Streamflow Data-Collection Sites

- 332-