Matthew 16-17 ENCORE Who is ?

1) What is a preconceived notion?

2) Do you think the & had any preconceived notions about who Jesus is?

3) Will you ever trust Jesus Christ if you have preconceived notions about Him?

4) Should the Pharisees & Sadducees have known that Jesus was actually the Messiah?

5) Discuss the following statement: “People often say they are ‘seeking’ for the truth about God or the true religion but they have actually already made up their minds about what they are willing to believe”

6) Read :5-6 what did Jesus mean by this?

7) What did the disciples think Jesus meant by this (Matthew 16:7)?

8) What were their minds set on?

9) Who do people say Jesus is (Matthew 16:13)?

10) Who do you say Jesus is (Matthew 16:15)?

11) Does your life give an accurate picture of who Jesus is (Matthew 16:15)?

12) Who did Peter say Jesus is (Matthew 16:16)?

13) Did Peter really get it about who Jesus is (Matthew 16:22)?

14) What kind of things were the disciples most concerned about? a) :46 b) Luke 22:24 c) :1 d) :20-21

15) How does their attitude fit with the characteristics found in Galatians 5:22-26?

16) How does their attitude fit with what Jesus taught in :37-39?

17) Read Matthew 17:1-2, what significance does this passage have concerning who Jesus is?

18) Read the following passages and answer the questions: a) John 6:32-51 – what was Manna a picture of? b) John 3:14 – what was the serpent a picture of? c) Matthew 16:4 – what was Jonah’s time in the belly of the whale a picture of?