Quasi{geodesic flows Maciej Czarnecki UniwersytetL´odzki,Katedra Geometrii ul. Banacha 22, 90-238L´od´z,Poland e-mail:
[email protected] 1 Contents 1 Hyperbolic manifolds and hyperbolic groups 4 1.1 Hyperbolic space . 4 1.2 M¨obiustransformations . 5 1.3 Isometries of hyperbolic spaces . 5 1.4 Gromov hyperbolicity . 7 1.5 Hyperbolic surfaces and hyperbolic manifolds . 8 2 Foliations and flows 10 2.1 Foliations . 10 2.2 Flows . 10 2.3 Anosov and pseudo{Anosov flows . 11 2.4 Geodesic and quasi{geodesic flows . 12 3 Compactification of decomposed plane 13 3.1 Circular order . 13 3.2 Construction of universal circle . 13 3.3 Decompositions of the plane and ordering ends . 14 3.4 End compactification . 15 4 Quasi{geodesic flow and its end extension 16 4.1 Product covering . 16 4.2 Compactification of the flow space . 16 4.3 Properties of extension and the Calegari conjecture . 17 5 Non{compact case 18 5.1 Spaces of spheres . 18 5.2 Constant curvature flows on H2 . 18 5.3 Remarks on geodesic flows in H3 . 19 2 Introduction These are cosy notes of Erasmus+ lectures at Universidad de Granada, Spain on April 16{18, 2018 during the author's stay at IEMath{GR. After Danny Calegari and Steven Frankel we describe a structure of quasi{ geodesic flows on 3{dimensional hyperbolic manifolds. A flow in an action of the addirtive group R o on given manifold. We concentrate on closed 3{dimensional hyperbolic manifolds i.e. having locally isometric covering by the hyperbolic space H3.