Journal of the House
FEBRUARY 23, 2017 331 Journal of the House THIRTY-THIRD DAY HALL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, TOPEKA, KS, Thursday, February 23, 2017, 10:00 a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment with Speaker Ryckman in the chair. The roll was called with 125 members present. Excused later: Rep. Pittman Prayer by guest chaplain, the Reverend Jason Carle, Overland Park Presbyterian Church, and guest of Rep. Ousley: Lord, You made the land Kansas is in: a place of hills, wildflowers, wind, plains and big sky. We are here as your people, shaped by the land, shaped by our communities: small towns and farming communities, suburbs and cities. We ask for your blessing on those gathered here as they seek to craft laws and enact policies that bring good governance for this part of your creation. But we confess that we are a stiff-necked people, O God, eager to be right rather than righteous. Help us to bend our necks to the needs of our people. May the work and deliberations this day be shaped by your values: humility before You and each other, a deep passion for justice, and care for the vulnerable, the orphan, the lost. Amen. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rep. Kessinger. 332 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following concurrent resolution was introduced and read by title: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. HCR 5011— By Representatives Parker, Bishop, Brim, Carlin, Clayton, Crum, S., Curtis, Deere, Finney, Gallagher, Gartner, Good, Highberger, Hodge, Holscher, Koesten, Kuether, Lusk, Murnan, Neighbor, Ohaebosim, Ousley, Pittman, Rooker, Stogsdill, Terrell, Trimmer, Whipple and Wolfe Moore HCR 5011 – A PROPOSITION to revise article 10 of the constitution of the state of Kansas; relating to reapportionment of congressional districts, legislative districts and state board of education member districts.
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