1 Development Ready



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2. THE SITE 4 2.1 Site Context 4 2.2 Site Description 4 2.3 Site History 5 2.4 Site Conditions and Constraints 6

3. PLANNING POLICY 9 3.1 National Policy 9 3.2 Sub-Regional Policy 9 3.3 Local Policy 11

4. URBAN DESIGN 13 4.1 Development Framework 13

This document has been prepared by: Planning Regeneration Team Regeneration and Economy Directorate Sandwell MBC Sandwell Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DE

For further information telephone 0121 569 4115 or email [email protected] 3


This Development Prospectus provides useful information, essential planning and design guidance for the development of the Holly Lane site in Smethwick, assisting prospective developers in determining the acceptability of proposals and detailed planning applications. The normal procedures for planning consent still apply and this prospectus is supportive to that process.

The Holly Lane Development Prospectus has been produced on the basis of information available to and policies practiced by the Sandwell Council (SMBC) at the time of its preparation. It has been produced in good faith but should not be solely relied upon. Prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries as appropriate, and be mindful that the accuracy of this information is time limited.

This document has been prepared by: Planning Regeneration Team Regeneration and Economy Directorate Sandwell MBC Sandwell Council House Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DE

For further information telephone 0121 569 4115 or email [email protected]

Figure 1 – Site Location Plan, Holly Lane, Smethwick, Sandwell. West , B66 1QN.

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2.1 SITE CONTEXT The site is fronted along its southern boundary by the residential street of Holly Lane and it is bordered to the east by a six storey block of maisonette style residential flats, to the north by open land (historical sandpit) and its west side by a single storey brick building (NHS Clinic). Figure 2: Holly Lane Figure 3: Maisonette flats

Situated in a predominantly residential area, approximately 1km from Smethwick town centre, the site at Holly Lane is within the immediate vicinity of Galton Bridge train station; affording a prospective developer the opportunity to bring forward a sustainable residential scheme.

2.2 SITE DESCRIPTION Figure 4: NHS Clinic Figure 5: Site surface, trees and The 0.34Ha (approx) site was saplings formerly occupied by Albert Bradford Special School that was demolished in 2012. The site is now generally flat lying and clear of structures with the exception of a small single story brick building (Gas) located on the south of the site (close to the southern perimeter fence) and a brick built electricity sub-station located close to the west perimeter fence. The perimeter of the site is fenced with a mixture of chain link, wood panel and palisade and includes a double-width access gate. A number of saplings, semi-mature trees and shrubs are located both inside and outside the perimeter of the site. Surfaces across the site comprise brick rubble and asphalt. 5


Figure 6: 1889 Map Figure 9: 1940 Map

During the late 1800’s the site was mainly 1940 a number of small buildings were underdeveloped open land located on the south located on the southeast of the site. side of a sandpit and railway junction with Holly Lane located on the southern boundary.

Figure 7: 1904 Map Figure 10: 1971 Map

By 1904 the majority of the site was located By 1971 construction of the Albert within the boundary of the sandpit. Bradford Centre Special School building, an Electricity station and a ‘Clinic’ were all constructed across the site.

Due to the reorganisation of Special Schools, Albert Bradford was declared surplus to requirements, and SMBC was granted approval for the redundant buildings to be demolished and for the site to be disposed on the open market on the 16th July 2011. Demolition took place in January 2012 and the site is now generally flat lying. Figure 8: 1919 Map By 1920 the sand pit was classed as disused. Development Ready 6

2.4 SITE CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS In November 2012 SMBC groundwater source protection Landfill Gas Streetscene Urban Design zone. There are 2 No. detailed There are potential landfill gas (Geotechnics) undertook a surface water features generating sites within 250m Phase 1 Geo-Environmental approximately 20m and 37m of the study site. Assessment for the Holly Lane northeast of the site which are site. recorded as canals. Development Management The phase 1 geo There are potential access environmental assessment aids Flood risk information points from Holly Lane but the design of a phase 2 The site does not lie within, or these would need to be intrusive site investigation. within 250m of, a zone 2 and well thought out due to the It is recommended that a 3 floodplain as defined by the layout of the road in this prospective developer Environment Agency (EA). The location. The site is within commission an intrusive site National Flood Risk a Consultation Zone as investigation which should Assessment (NaFRA) flood required around hazardous be targeted to determine rating for the site is ‘negligible’ installations by the Health and the depth and chemical (<1:1000). There is a ‘low’ Safety Executive or composition of underlying risk of Pluvial (surface water) near to an identified hazard topsoil / made ground. The flooding 11m northwest of which is likely to be the subject permeability of the underlying the site. There is a ‘significant’ of zoning - Canals and Rivers stratum should also be carried risk of Pluvial (surface water) Trust – Consultation Zone out. The findings of the flooding 14m northwest of the (Major). phase 1 geo environmental site. British Geological Society assessment are summarised (BGS) rating for groundwater Conservation below. flooding susceptibility across The Galton Valley, Smethwick the site based on the present Summit Conservation area General Geology geological conditions is is situated to the immediate Made ground across the site ‘moderate’. The BGS north east of the site. In terms was located to a depth of confidence in this rating is of local listed structures the 11.21m bgl which comprised ‘high’. The susceptibility of Galton Valley Canal portal and ash, brick rubble, gravel, these geological strata to West Smethwick Methodist cobbles, clay and clayey groundwater flooding is not Church are also situated sand. Natural strata was indicative of a ‘Risk’ of within the immediate vicinity of encountered beneath the groundwater flooding on this the. The redevelopment of the made ground which comprised site. site is unlikely to harm either firm to stiff brown sandy clay the setting of the conservation with gravel (Keele Formation). Environmental designation area or the immediate locally Groundwater strike was There are no environmentally listed buildings, instead it recorded at 8.48m. No sensitive sites located within could be argued that this is geological faults lie within 1000m of the site. an opportunity to develop a influencing distance of the site. The site is located within a cleared vacant site which if nitrate vulnerable zone. undertaken in accordance Hydrology & Hydrogeology with good design principles, Bedrock underlying the site Mining is likely to enhance the setting is classed as a Secondary A The site is not affected by the locally listed structures and aquifer (permeable layers). shallow coal workings. There the nearby conservation area There are no groundwater, are no known coal mine entries boundary. surface water or potable water within, or within 20 metres of, abstraction licenses within the boundary of the property. Environmental Protection 1000m of the site. The site The site is located in close does not lie within 500m of a proximity to a railway line and a 7

busy road. It is therefore of the Joint terms of easements, cost of recommended that an Core Strategy. Access to diversion etc. independent noise consultant this SLINC must also be - An electricity sub-station undertakes a comprehensive maintained, should any future is located within the site assessment to determine noise eco-park projects materialise. perimeter on its eastern levels on the site. The same side. must identify any noise Highways Services - Western Power (electric) mitigation measures that might Access to the site can be plans indicate a ‘feed’ into be required so to meet served from either a single the site although any site the standard of BS8233:1999. road bell mouth or individual feeds should have been In addition a scoping air driveway accesses to a disconnected at the time of quality assessment has been number of houses fronting demolition. undertaken, which confirms Holly Lane. - Virgin Media plans indicate a that there are unlikely to be However if a bell mouth is ‘feed’ into the site although any exceedances of the National to be constructed then a site feeds should have been Air Quality Objectives within Section 278 Agreement disconnected at the time of the boundary of the site, so a would be required to allow demolition. prospective developer would the prospective developer to not be required to undertake a undertake the construction Housing Need detailed air quality assessment. work within the existing The site is located within a However, should the highway adopted highway (off- residential area where the development comprise more site). Visibility of 2.4m x 45m dominant tenure is owner than 80 residential units then should be maintained from any occupied pre 1919 terraced there would be a requirement new junction as well as a clear housing. However there are for the developer to undertake 2m x 2m from any driveway to newly constructed flats to the an air quality assessment to pedestrians moving along the south eastern boundary and a determine the impact of local footway. inter war block of flats air quality on the site and the adjoining the eastern most impact of the additional vehicle Statutory Apparatus boundary. In terms of the movements associated with Existing statutory authority affordable housing needs, the the site should be determined apparatus within or traversing Housing Needs and Demand at local receptors. the site may pose a Study appended document development constraint in “Balancing Housing Markets Nature Conservation The rear of the site is designated as a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC 67) and was previously managed and maintained as an eco- park by the Primrose Centre, which operated from the Albert Bradford School (fig 13). Since the closure and demolition of the school, there has been no ongoing activity at the eco-park. As such, prospective developers must have regard for the SLINC designation and also to policy ENV1 Nature Conservation Figure 11: Site boundary and location of SLINC Development Ready 8

Housing Stock Analysis Final Report 2007” (BHM) indicates that there is a total shortfall of over 1,194 affordable housing units in the Smethwick area. There is a shortfall for 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units. In terms of market housing, the BHM notes there is a net shortfall of 698 market properties in the Smethwick area. 1 and 2-bed flats and 2 and 3-bed houses show the most significant shortfalls in this area, while there are no forecast surpluses of any property type.

Legal The Holly Lane site is in the Figure 12: Legal Plan freehold ownership of SMBC Public Rights of Way a tree survey be undertaken and has been identified There are no public rights by the developer, which will for disposal. The land was of way recorded under the assess the life expectancy of acquired on the 13 April 1948 provisions of either Part the existing trees, constraints under Section 157 of The IV of the National Parks and imposed by retaining trees Local Government Act 1933. Access to the Countryside Act on this development site, the The part of the land shown 1949 or Part III of the Wildlife existing root protection area, hatched in black on the plan and Countryside Act 1981 the current and ultimate spread annexed is subject to a Lease affecting the site. SMBC are of the crown and species dated 3 February 1981 made not aware of any evidence characteristics i.e. evergreen or between (1) The Borough that any means of access that deciduous, density of foliage. Council of Sandwell may affect the site has been Consideration of these in the and (2) Midlands Electricity created as a public right of planning of the site layout Board for a term of 25 years way under either section 31 results in workable layout likely from 29 September of the Highways Act 1980 or to be considered acceptable 1979, which has now expired. at common law. In addition through the planning process. The Council has covenanted no application under section to maintain the chain-link mesh 53 (5) of the Wildlife and Drainage fencing between the points Countryside Act 1981 There are no culverted marked A-B. A copy of the plan has been received seeking to watercourses that cross the is annexed. The Council has register any access that may site or are near the site. covenanted not to do anything affect the site as a public right Also there are no public on the land that may damage of way. However this does not Surface Water Sewers in or endanger the embankment preclude any such application Holly Lane to take surface located on the north to north- being made in the future. water discharge from the west side of the property. This development site. Therefore embankment has not been Tree Preservation a prospective developer will identified on the plan annexed SMBC has inspected the site need to consider adopting sustainable drainage solutions to the Conveyance dated 13 and feel the existing trees, to deal with surface water, April 1948. fronting Holly Lane, should be and should seek to restrict retained as they are an asset surface water discharge to the to the existing street scene. It equivalent Greenfield run off is therefore recommended that rate. 9


3.1 NATIONAL POLICY The National Planning site must regard the following sary, independently appraised Policy Framework (NPPF) set regional policies; by the local planning authority out the government’s at the cost of the applicant. planning policies for HOU2 – Housing Density, Claw back and other flexible and how these are expected Type and arrangements will be sought to be applied. The purpose Accessibility through agreements, wherever of the planning system is to Developments of 15 dwellings possible, to allow for changing contribute to the achievement or more should provide a range market conditions. of sustainable development. of house types and sizes that There are three dimensions will meet the accommodation ENV1 – Nature to sustainable development: needs of both existing and Conservation economic, social and future residents, in line with Development within the environmental. The social role information available from the Black Country will safeguard is most applicable dimension Strategic Housing Market nature conservation, inside to the proposed development Assessment and Housing and outside its boundaries by of the Holly Lane site, as it Needs Surveys. ensuring that: supports strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by HOU3 – Delivering • development is not providing the supply of Affordable Housing permitted where it would harm housing required to meet the Local Planning Authorities will internationally (Special Areas needs of present and future seek to secure 25% afforda- of Conservation), nationally generations and by creating a ble housing on all sites of 15 (Sites of Special Scientific high quality built environment dwellings or more where this Interest and National Nature with accessible services that is financially viable. The tenure Reserves) or regionally (Local reflect the community’s needs and type of affordable units Nature Reserve and Sites and support its health, social sought will be determined of Importance for Nature and cultural well being. on a site by site basis, based Conservation) designated on best available information nature conservation site; 3.2 SUB-REGIONAL POLICY regarding housing need, site The Core Strategy is a surroundings and viability con- • locally designated nature spatial plan which addresses siderations. conservation sites (Sites of a wide range of activities Local Importance for Nature and interventions that On sites where 25% afforda- Conservation), important are required to create ble housing is proven not to habitats and geological sustainable communities be viable, the maximum pro- features are protected from across the whole of the portion of affordable housing development proposals which Black Country. It provides will be sought which will not could negatively impact upon a clear spatial or location undermine the development’s them; dimension to the regeneration viability, subject to achiev- of the area. Addressing its ing optimum tenure mix and • the movement of wildlife economic, transportation, securing other planning ob- within the Black Country social infrastructure and ligations necessary for the and its adjoining areas, environmental needs whilst development to gain planning through both linear habitats reducing its carbon footprint permission. Financial viability (e.g. wildlife corridors) and and helping to tackle climate assessments conforming to the wider urban matrix (e.g. change. A prospective an agreed methodology will stepping stone sites) is not developer of the Holly Lane be required and, where neces- impeded by development; Development Ready 10

• species which are legally ards, good place making and terms of the Black Country protected, in decline, are rare sustainable development, giv- Strategic Flood Risk within the Black Country or en local circumstances; Assessment. To assist in both which are covered by national, reducing the extent and impact regional or local Biodiversity • Meeting Code for of flooding and also reducing Actions Plans will not be Sustainable Homes Level potential urban heat effects, all harmed by development. 3 or above for residential developments should: development and Building ENV3 – Design Quality Research Establishment • Incorporate Sustainable Proposals across the Black Environmental Assessment Urban Drainage Systems Country will deliver successful Method (BREEAM) Very (SUDs), unless it would be place-making developments Good or above for other impractical to do so, in order through high quality design development, or the national to significantly reduce surface that stimulates economic, so- requirement at the time of water run-off and improve cial and environmental benefits submitting the proposal water quality. By implementing by demonstrating that the fol- for planning permission, to SUDs a development can lowing aspects of design have demonstrate a commitment also address local policy been addressed through De- to achieving high quality SAD EOS5 - Environmental sign and Access Statements sustainable design; Infrastructure. The type of reflecting their particular Black SUDs used will be dependent Country and local context: • Consideration of crime on ground conditions; prevention measures and • Implementation of the “By “Secured By Design” • On sites requiring a flood risk Design” principles to ensure principles; assessment, reduce surface the provision of a high quality water flows back to equivalent network of streets, buildings • Including design features Greenfield rates; and spaces; to reduce the urban heat island effect such as tree • Create new green space, • Implementation of the prin- cover, green roofs and the increase tree cover and/or ciples of “Manual for Street” inclusion of green space in provide green roofs. to ensure urban streets and development. spaces are designed to pro- ENV6 – Open Space, Sport vide high quality public realm ENV5 – Flood Risk, and Recreation and an attractive, safe and Sustainable Developments that would re- permeable movement network; Drainage Systems duce the overall value of the and Urban Heat open space, sport and rec- • Use of the “Building for Life” Island reation network in the Black criteria for new housing de- Proposals for development Country will be resisted. De- velopments, to demonstrate a must demonstrate that the velopment that would increase commitment to strive for the level of flood risk associated the overall value of the open highest possible design stand- with the site acceptable in space, sport and recreation network will be encouraged, especially in the areas of defi- ciency.

Each Local Authority will set out policies and proposals for specific open space, sport and 11

recreation facilities to ensure set out within the Black that standards are maintained Country Joint Core Strategy. both in terms of quantity and The SAD identified the Holly quality, loss of open spaces Lane site as being suitable are resisted where necessary for residential use (Area 12.7 and open spaces are created – Smethwick High Street where a deficiency is demon- and Environs). A prospective strated. developer of the Holly Lane site must regard the following This will not only improve the local policies; availability and accessibility to open space and recreational SAD H1 - Housing Allocations facilities, but will also improve SMBC has identified the site the environment, reduce po- for residential development or tential heat island effects and redevelopment. The site can preserve and enhance indus- accommodate 10 dwellings trial, archaeological and archi- or more, though other tectural heritage. ancillary uses appropriate for residential areas, such as ENV7 – Renewable Energy health facilities, community All residential developments facilities and local shops, may of 10 units or more gross be acceptable where there is (new build or conversion) a gap in service provision and must incorporate generation where they can be integrated of energy from renewable successfully into the sources sufficient to off-set residential environment. Other at least 10% of the estimated uses will not be acceptable on residual energy demand of the this site. development on completion. Sandwell endorses Enplanner- SAD H3 - Affordable Housing as a low cost and effective on- (Subject to 15 units or more) line tool to demonstrate com- SMBC will expect the size, pliance with Planning Policy type and tenure of future ENV7 and produce the Energy affordable housing to be statement required under this in accordance with the policy http://enplanner.com/ information provided by the latest Housing Needs and 3.3 LOCAL POLICY Demands Study and any other The Site Allocations and information that SMBC may Delivery Development Plan collect with regard to housing Document (SAD) need. Smaller sites which The SAD (2012) will guide could reasonably be expected development within the to form part of a larger site in Borough until 2021. It will do future, will also need to take this by providing allocations this policy into account. and local policies. The SAD is in conformity with and delivers the spatial strategy

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SAD EMP2 - Training and Where provision locally is SAD EOS 9 - Urban Design Recruitment adequate in terms of quantity, Principles Where development proposals greater emphasis will be SMBC will assess all come forward for employment placed on improving the applications for new generating uses obligations quality of existing nearby development in accordance for training and recruitment of Community Open Space. with policy ENV3, Design local people for both the end A commuted sum will be Quality of the Black Country use and the supply chain will required if the development Core Strategy. The council be negotiated which respond proposal is for 10 units or will reject poor designs, to barriers to employment and more. Based on an indicative particularly those that are training. scheme of 16 units it can be inappropriate in their locality, estimated that a commuted for example, those clearly out SAD EOS 4 - Community sum of around £27,000 would of scale with or incompatible Open Space - A commuted be required. with their surroundings. sum will be required if Particular regard will be paid the proposal is for 10 units or SAD EOS 5 - Environmental to how the development more. Infrastructure relates to the street, its SMBC will seek the provision SMBC will promote relationship with the public of Community Open Space environmental infrastructure realm, the ease with which at a minimum ratio of 2ha per within all new developments the public are able to move 1000 population, and will seek and opportunities should through and around the to ensure that at least 1ha be fully explored to build in development, and the nature of Community Open Space environmental infrastructure and height of any buildings improvements to existing is provided within walking and their effect on the developments. When distance (0.4m) of all the surrounding urban area. considering proposals for Borough’s residents. Quality environmental infrastructure Community Open Space regard should be given to the is seen as an integral part Environmental Infrastructure of quality living space, and Guidance Phase 1 and 2 should be provided as pert Technical work and any of new housing development relevant design guidance where such spaces are not given in a subsequent currently available within easy EIG Design Guidelines access of the development. Supplementary Planning Document. 13


4.1 DEVELOPMENT impact unduly on the new to maintain access to the gas FRAMEWORK residential layout particularly in metre housing. The Council is committed to terms of safety and security. the delivery of good quality The layout consists of 7 x 3 homes and residential living An indicative layout has been Bedroom family homes with environments. The Holly Lane provided that demonstrates 200% car parking provision site is considered suitable for that the remaining rectangular and private amenity; and 9 x residential development of a part of this site can be 2 Bedroom apartments with medium scale. developed for approximately 100% car parking provision 16 dwellings served off a and shared private amenity. The site has a restricted small adoptable section of frontage to Holly Lane which highway. Family housing For detailed design guidance will restrict the number of provides a positive street applicants should refer to the individual units that can be frontage to Holly Lane and it is Council’s Adopted Residential served directly from the envisaged that this could be of Design Guidance. frontage. It is envisaged that a 2.5 storey building height. A a mix a residential styles will small cluster of 2 storey units need to be served off a small have been grouped along the section of adopted highway eastern boundary and a three and private driveways or storey block of apartments parking courts. However built has been located on the south form should face out onto the western part of the site. The primary street frontage where siting of the apartments takes at all possible and direct into consideration the need pedestrian links into buildings should be a priority.

The retained gas housing on the site located to the rear of the existing single storey clinic on the neighbouring site, will require a minimum of pedestrian access if the structure is not removed or relocated. Generally, if the gas housing cannot be removed this part of the site will more than likely be undevelopable due to the proximity of the existing clinic and narrowness of the site and the viability of gaining vehicle access into this part of the site. Care should be taken when designing residential layouts for the site to ensure that the access requirement does not Figure 13: Indicative Layout

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Think Local Disclaimer A key Sandwell Metropolitan The maps in this document are Borough Council objective based on Ordnance Survey is to positively influence its material with the permission of local economy, local people’s Ordnance Survey on behalf of skills and local employment the Controller of Her Majesty’s prospects. To help achieve Stationery Office. © Crown this objective the Council copyright. Unauthorised ensure that the use of Ordnance Survey Copyright ‘Community Benefits’ clause reproduction infringes in purchasing power is fair and Crown Copyright and may transparent to help maximise lead to prosecution or civil prosperity and increase proceedings. Sandwell M.B.C. employment that Licence No 100032119 will provide social and (2013). economic benefits for the people of Sandwell. This Development Prospectus has been produced on the The proposal of ‘community basis of information available benefits’ within planning to and the policies practiced developments will provide by the Council at the time of a diversity of employment its preparation. It has been in the area. This may produced in good faith but include construction posts should not be solely relied during development and upon, and prospective a range of employment in purchasers should make their the longer term including own enquiries as appropriate. retail and office based Developers should be mindful posts. The developments of this when reading the brief could also provide a range because of the accuracy of of opportunities for local this information is time limited. businesses. Useful Contacts It is therefore recommended Jenna Wallis that any recruitment, training Planning Officer or purchasing requirements Development Ready recognised in new and existing development works 0121 569 4115 may be delivered via the [email protected] following provisions:

‘THINK LOCAL’ Economy, Employment & Skills: 0121 569 2157

FIND IT IN SANDWELL Local Purchasing: 0121 569 2104 www.finditinsandwell.co.uk

Development Ready