1994 Gate River Run Was a Picture Perfec1 Race

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1994 Gate River Run Was a Picture Perfec1 Race ' OFFICALRESULTS NONPROflT ORG Dliiii USPOSTAGE ~~-c~~ PAID JACKSONVILL~fL •?•~·i·li.11W PERMIT1191 3853-- Baymeadows~-- Rd Jacksonville, FL 32217 COfl' ...z a~ 'il r~ . UIJJll GATE J a C k S O n V i I I e, F I O r i d a CONDUCTED BY: THE JACKSONVILLE TRACK CLUB USA 15K NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MEDAL SPONSORS WINN.DIXII-·-~· OFFICAL SHOE COMPANY @TOYOTA /11ck~o11 i•1llc AvMEo™ 1\rt'1I JrJlfOfll HEALTH PLAN l),·11/c,·,,. '/ Luv, ,,, hut vuu ..Jv /i.J1n,1,··· THEHEALTH IMl'ROV£MOO COMPANY ..... ~ ~[IJtt~ UncleBeni ~. AUTHORITY Rice... A VERY HEALTHYHABIT. Atlantic Orthopaedic and FOR LIFE. (f®i!~[•Jij)' Zephyrhil Sports Medicine Institute NATURALSPRING WI. GA TE RIV ER R U:--.1RACE C:OMM ITTEE Race Director Doug Alred Assistant Race Director Jane Alred Sponsor Relations John Laurcmce finish Line Tom and Carolin Skordas Banners Trinks Howard Host Organization .lacksonvilk Track Cluh Medical Director Jay Edclhcrg Guest Runner Chairperson A11 Picus .,. Special Thanks To The Following Groups and Corporations: Radio Communications Jacksonville Amateur Radio Emergency Service Finish Linc Gate Employees & Toyota Water Stations Gate 2 miles Baptist Medical Cent1:r ~ miles Southern Be 11 4 miles AT and T 5 miles Runners For Christ 6 miles Rohn 7 miles Spons Authority 7.5miles Sports Authority & Ad\'anced Rchap 9 miles Staning Cannon NAS Jacksonville Salute Battery Metro Park and Coliseum City Or JacksonYilk Recreation Depa11ment Timing 1st Place Spons Finish Line setup and removal John Thrush, Boh Fair, Lamar Strother and Tom Skordas Photos Kelly Laduke, .lane Alred & Carol Butkr We hope to see you at the 18th annual GATE RIVER RUN on MARCH 11, 1995 THE 1995 USA NATIONAL 15K CHAMPIONSHIP iJl 'Ai~ f Mlr r: ~ u tllJIL~ Women ' 1 Todd Williams, 24, Knoxville, TN 43:42 I Ann-M:u·ie Letko. 24. Mariella, Ga. 49:27 2 Aaron Ramirez, 29, Albuquerque, NM 44: 17 2 Laura l\1ykyl0k. 25, G:unesville. i-=L 50:41 3 Pat Porter, 34, Alamosa Co 44:18 3 Gwynn Coogan. 28, Dou Ider. C'O 51: 10 4 Jim Wes1phall, 24, Chicago, IL 44:26 4 Jody 1Ia wk ins. 27, Houston, TX 51 · l 6 5 Marie Coogan, 27, Boulder, CO 44:27 5 ,\1isti Demko. 2'i. Her-..hey, PA 51A I 6 Dan Held, 28, Waukesha, WI 44:45 6 Lisa Weidenbach. 32. (iig mutxir. WA 52:02 7 Dob Kcmpianen, 27, Minnetonka Mn 44:49 7 Vicky Mitchell. 26. Snyder. NY 52'.36 8 JcffJacobs, 29, Roscoe, IL 44:51 8 Cm,se McWilli,un. 27. Wauwatosa. WI 52:56 9 Martin Mondragon, 41, Mexico 44:55 9 Monique Ecker. 24, Dallas, TX 53:06 10 Travis Walter, 24, Blacksburg Va. 45:05 10 Kun Jones, 35. Spokane. WA 53:08 11 Tim Hacker, 34, Madison, WI 45:09 11 Lynn Doering. 32, Atlanta. GA 53:32 12 Marie Nenow, 36, Carmichael, CA 45:21 12 Joy SmiU1. 31. Sugarland. Texas 53:44 13 Ashley Johnson, 33*, Bowling Green, KY 45:33 13 lJebbie Kilpatrn.:k. 30. Berea. 011 53:45 14 Jerry Lawson. 27, Jacksonville, FL 45:42 14 Elaine Vanhlunk. 29. West Deptford. NJ 53:53 15 Marie Curp, 34, Lees Swnmit, MO 45:50 15 Linda Somer, . .32. Oakl,md. CA 53.59 16 Nick Rose, 42, England 45:59 16 Monica Oreilly, 31, Gainesville, r:L 54:34 17 Shannon Butler, 26, Portland, OR 46:05 17 Irina Bondmchouk. 41. l louston. TX 54:40 18 Steve Spence, 31, Chambersbcrg Pa 46:25 18 Micky Kawohl. 25. Boca Raion. FL 55.01 19 John Gregorek, 34, Seekonk, MA 46:36 19 Mary Alico. 30. Orlando. FL 56:40 20 Dror Vaknin, 26, Tampa, FL 46:42 20 Barbara Fil um:. 48. Lric. PA 56:45 21 Ken Marlin, 35, Colo Springs, CO 46:47 21 Carol Virga. 43. Delray Bch. rL 57:41 22 Marco Ochoa, 29, Anaht!im. CA 46:52 22 I .isa Herman. 27. Tallah,L\SCC.Fl 57:49 23 Jon Sinclair, 36, Ft. Collins, CO 46:57 23 Cindi Girard. H. Red Dank. NJ 57 'i2 24 Fred Gieser, 22, Oxford Oh 47:01 24 Denise Mevgar. 27, .lacksonv1llc, FL 58: 10 25 Paul Mannano, 26, Delray Bch. FL 47:09 25 Ru,hton Callaghan. 21J. Ponte Vedra .r:L 5817 26 Michael Slinskey, 24, NY 47:30 26 C'an-ic Weyant. n. 'fallahasscc. FL 58:31 27 Jim Brunswick, 25, Kingston, RI 47:51 27 Elizabeth Fit;,pat1ick. 24, Jacksonville. FL 58:13 28 Doug Butler, 31, Melbourne, FL 48:46 28 Laura Do,.well. 28. Jacksom ille. FL 58 48 29 John Metzgar, 31, Jacksonville, FL 48:53 29 Grace Tucker. 30. St. Pete Beach. r:L 59:53 30 Chuck Lotz, 28, Cbarloue, NC 49:05 30 I anier Dre\\. 3'i . .l.tck',(>n\'illc. FL 1:00:07 31 Jim Vanblonk, 34, Unauached 49:06 31 Kathy Stewart. 24. B<m1c, MD I :00:29 32 Jeffery Wentwortl1, 33, Orlando, FL 49: 11 32 Bctluu1y Michacl. 23. Neptune Och, rL I :00:44 33 Tom Donalme, 44, Ponte Vedra Beach.FL 49:33 33 l.on-ainc llod1dla. 30. Newport News. VA 1:01:39 34 Charity f-illmorc. 11. Beaufort, SC 1:01 :55 1 34 Marc Moseley, 21, Unallached 49:56 35 Gary Romesscr, 43, Kokomo, TN 49:57 35 Vickie Renner . .35. Jacksonville. FL 1:01 :58 , 36 Steve Fader, 37, Cincinnati, OH 50:06 36 Kun Streit. 26. l 'nanachcd I :02:04 ' 37 Pau·ick Piper, 28, Charlolle, NC 50:12 37 Vivian llernandcz. 23 . .lax. Fl . l :02: 18 I I38 Christopher Banigar, 23, Jacksonville, FL 50:48 38 There,a Meadow,. 18. .Jacksonville. FL 1:02:22 39 James Rasch, 40, Gainesville, FL 50:50 31J Missy Pot,mtus. 26. Naples. FL 1:02:23 40 Peter Glavin, 31, Rochester, NY 50:56 40 Killy Switkes. 35. Ponte Yedra Beach.Fl, 1:02:44 1 41 Aaron Pierson, 30, Fernandina Beach, FL 51 :0 I 41 Carol~11Mathcr. 45. 1-t Pierce. rL 1:02:46 42 Bill McCord, 31, Melbourne Fl 51 :45 42 Mai1ha Murphrcy. 30. Winter Park fl l :03:02 , 43 Jack Fullz, 45, Lincoln, MA 52:0 I 43 Anne Shumakc1 43. Jacks<m, ille. Fl I :O't26 44 Tim Taylor, 42, Gainesville, A.. 52: 13 44 Gail Manno. 32. Statcn Islam.I. NY 1:03:57 45 Franeisco Martinez, 54, Mexico City, NM 52:16 45 Eileen Telford. 41. Aiken. Sc I :04:00 46 David Purinton, 26, Madison, AL 52:22 46 Patty Sk111ner.W. Allanta. GA 1:04: 10 I 47 John Pratl1er, 35, Moon Township, PA 52:42 47 S:u·a l·lynn -Kramt!r. 35. Orlando. FL I :04: 17 48 Rob Danier, 26, Jacksonville. FL 52:48 48 Carol Daw,on 36. Unattached 1:04'.22 49 Randy Burch, 40, Middleburg, FL 52:52 49 Susan Bianle). 47. Neptune Bch. r-L 1:04:24 50 Don Wcnnerstrom, 21, St. Augustine, FL 52:53 50 Fll'rieda Wyncr. 51, .lacksonv1lie. f-la . 1:0-U 1 !I The 1994 Gate River Run was a picture perfec1 race. Great weather, great spectators, great sponsors and great runners! Todd Williams of Knoxville,Tenn. and Anne Marie Letko, Marietta Ga. becmne the USA 15K National Champions. Each winning $10,000 for their efforts. The field was a who's who of American road racing. See bot­ tom picture. # I Tvdd Williams, 1992 Olympic Finalist in the 10,000meters, #12 Jacksonville's Jerry Lawson. His 2: 10 marathon U1isyear was me fa,test by an American in four years. #3 Steve Spence, 1wo time Ri,·er Run champion and mini in the Mara­ thon in the WorldChampionships. American Record Holder (27:22) for lhe iOKroad di,..1.ance,#8Mark ·enow.and eight time National Cm . Country Champion, #6 Pat Porter lead me runners out of me starting area on Adams Street. 5,726 runners finished U1eGate River Run U1isyear making U1is our fourth largest year in history, An interesting note about this year's finishers. There were more women finishers this year than in 1992 when our total finishers wa<; 6,200. Way to go gals! River Run is very fortunate to have so many good sponsors and volunteers. They make our race so much easier. Through our sponsor:-.funding 1.1,e gave over $55,000 in prize money to our top 1enmen and 1.1,omen overall. TI1is was all given to American ath­ leles. Our !!0al1.1,-a, to put money inlO me hand of our American distance runner, ~ Ulat they can afford to li\e ~ runners and get ready for the 1996 Ol}mpics. Our numerous volunteers made it possible to a<l<lone more water stat'icmthis year, making ten in total. By the way, this year's win­ ning water stations were, first-the Rolm group at seven miles, sec­ onu, Gate- at the two mile mark and third goes to Southern Bell near the four mile mark., Many thanks to t11eot11er water stations. Baptist Medical Center, AT&T, Runners for Christ, Sports Au­ thority, Toyota and Advanced ' Rehab. Also thank you to the volunteers at t11efinish line. Gate and the Jacksonville Jaguars helped us collect your tags and get accurate times on all t11efinish­ ers. Thanks to all t11evolunteers who cfune to the expo at tJ1eCon ­ vention Center and helped us witJ1 registration and packet pickup. A very special thank you to Jane /\Ired, Tom Skordas and John Thrush for their may hours of hard work.
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