Bridgeton, and Eastern LHCCs

East Glasgow CCommunity HHealth PPartnership

News Sheet July 2004 Greater Glasgow NHS Board Agrees CHP for the East Following consultations with staff and public, Greater Glasgow NHS Board has published its proposals for an East Community Health Partnership (CHP). The boundaries will be the to the South, The M8 and Cumbernauld Road to the West and North and the Council boundary of North to the East. This will take in the City Centre, The southern Part of Dennistoun LHCC, all of Bridgeton and Environs LHCC and all of Eastern Glasgow LHCC except the part form Stepps to Moodiesburn. The Greater Glasgow NHS Board is still in discussion with North Lanarkshire Council and Lanarkshire NHS Board about this area. As well as agreeing proposals for boundaries, the Greater Glasgow NHS Board has identified staff from the current central Health Promotion and Primary Mental Health Networks, School Nurses and Joint Future Teams to be managed by the new Community Health Partnerships. Over the next few months the Greater Glasgow NHS Board will be in discussion with staff from the NHS, , its health partners, voluntary groups and the public about how CHPs should be managed. They will also be preparing a submission to the Scottish Executive for final approval. By the autumn of 2004 “a shadow” CHP should be formed with a view to going live in April 2005. In the Meantime ….. Strategic Steering Group The Scottish Executive White Paper “Partnership for This group will represent LHCC staff groups, Health Care” clearly sets out that there is a need to develop Partners (GPs, etc) and Glasgow City Council staff. It Community Health Partnerships. As the Greater will co-ordinate the activities of the working groups Glasgow Proposal for an East CHP now being and consider the administrative and financial agreed the three LHCC’s which make up the East arrangements which might be needed to support CHP have decided to move forward. collaboration. The steering group will co-ordinate the The respective Executive Groups in collaboration work of the sub-groups and develop an action plan to decided to organise a Development Day in order to take us towards a fo rmal “shadow” CHP, hopefully to explore and set out the work required to bring the be set up by the Autumn of 2004. three LHCC’s together to form East CHP. The broad The members of the group identified during the objective of the day was to sh are information, explore development day were:- some of the fears, hopes, anxieties, expectations and challenges that face us in the short, medium and long General Managers Lorna Dunipace, Robert Peat term. The team also explored and prioritised the and Bill Skelly work to be done in the lead up to the implementation of CHP’s. GPs Richard Groden, Paul Ryan and Gerry Lynas Sub groups were agreed and have been charged with a plan to be put in place in areas around Administration Carrie Jackson communication, public health, health improvement, Mental Health Liz McMillan health promotion, practice development unit, administration, joint future and mental health. The Lead Nurses John Garrity and Marina Madden participants at this eve nt were chairs and vice chairs Social Work Area Team Leaders of each of the LHCC’s, three General Manager’s, Secondary Care Paul Knight Lead Nurses, Practice Development Nurses, Public Health Practitioner’s, AHP Leads, Smoking A.H.P.s Fiona Gray Cessation, Young People’s Health Service, Administration and Clerical staff, Older People’s Co- Members of sub-groups have been identified and are ordinators and Counselling. listed overleaf:

Sub Groups Public Partnership Forum Sub-groups have been set up to take forward In the Draft Statutory Guidance on the formation of collaboration in the following areas:- Administrative CHP, the Scottish Executive indicated that CHPs and Clerical and Finance and Recruitment Staff; will need to : “.. involve the public, patients and Communications, Joint Future, Mental Health carers in decisions concerning the deli very of Health Improvement and Practice Development health and social care for their communities”. Unit. ______The Draft Guidelines also state that “CHPs will be required to maintain an effective and formal dialogue with their local communities through Communications Strategy the development of a local Public Partnership Lead: Bill Skelly Forum (PPF) for each CHP” and that each CHP Culture and Leisure Alison Kennedy, Gillian Executive Committee must, as a minimum, have a McCamley and Julie Macleod member of the Public Partnership Forum and a Health Projects John Casey member of the voluntary sector. Lead Nurse Marina Madden and John A Patients’ Forum has been in existenc e in the Garrity Eastern Glasgow LHCC for the past two years. Public Involvement Murray Dickie They re cognise the importance of the proposals for This group met for the first time in the Bridgeton the establishment of a PPF and wish to ensure that Health centre on the 25 th May. The original a PPF is formed in East Glasgow at the earliest members were Bill Skelly, John Garrity, Marina opportunity. They feel that it is essential that a Madden and Murray Dickie. Their first concern was “shadow” PPF should be formed in advance of the to widen the membership of the group to include all development of a “shadow” Board for the CHP so of the key partners. Invitations are being extended that the public can be represented from day one. to other LHC C staff and colleagues in Glasgow City The members of the Patients’ Forum recognise that Council together with representatives from the a PPF requires a different organisation and voluntary sector and members of the public. membership from a Patients’ Forum. They believe The communications group agreed that a regular that the current Patients’ Forum can be used as a news sheet would be the most effective way of springboard from which to develop an effective communicating in the first instan ce. The target is to PPF. They presently have both public and publish and distribute a news sheet at the voluntary body representatives. This is found to be beginning of each month. The aim of the news a powerful way of ensuring broad community sheet is to provide LHCC staff, partners, members representation. of voluntary groups, patients and the public with up- A Groups’ Database has been developed to to-date information about CHP developments. The enable the Patients’ Forum to keep in touch with Communications Sub-Group will also be looking at the 250 plus voluntary groups and organisations in ways of assisting individuals and groups to feed East Glasgow . This, together with the distribution back their views, hopes and anxieties to the systems of the members of the Communication Steering Group and the Sub-Groups. These could Sub-Group, will enable copies of this news sheet include road shows, existing mail shots, attending and other information to be distributed regularly to staff meetings, the use of the Intranet, e-mail or groups in East Glasgow. A Business Reply Service mail. Representatives have been invited from license has been purchased to help groups feed Social Work and Housing and Community Safety back views to the Patients’ Forum. groups. If you would like to find out more about the existing Meetings of the Communications Sub-Group have st th th Patients’ Forum or plans for a New Public been arranged for 21 July, 19 August and 16 Partnership Forum you are welcome to join the September. This will a llow us to publish a news next meeting on Tuesday 3rd August, 2004 from sheet for distribution at the beginning of each 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm in the Eastbank Health month. If you have any issues you would like to Promotion Centre (Then Tuesdays 14th raise or suggestions for ways to communicate, you September, 26th October and 30th November). A can contact us by writing or e-mailing to :- launch event for a “shadow” Public Partnership Bill Skelly Forum for East Glasgow is being organised for th General Manager Tuesday 9 November 2004 in Eastbank Health Dennistoun LHCC Promotion Centre. Further details wil l be sent to Health Centre you with the next news sheet. 16 Alexandra Parade If you would like to find out more about the Glasgow Patients’ F orum please contact: Murray Dickie, G31 2ES Public Involvement Officer, Health e-mail [email protected] Centre, 101 Salamanca Street, Glasgow G31 5BA e-mail [email protected]

Published by Bridgeton, Dennistoun and Eastern Glasgow LHCCs Printed by Eastern Glasgow LHCC, Parkhead Health Centre, 101 Salamanca Street Glasgow G31 5BA