Emma Royde | 64 pages | 09 Oct 2014 | Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd | 9781909313477 | English | London, United Kingdom Why children find 'poo' so hilarious – and how adults should tackle it

A boy meets a man carrying a load of cow manure and asks him what he Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting going to do with it all. While most of us can appreciate a joke about excrement, preschoolers and children often find it hilarious on a completely different level. But why is this? While it is true that there are usually tensions around learning the process for children at this age, such theories no longer have much bearing on our thinking. Modern research focuses more on such behaviour as an important part of the development of humour in children. Humour is after all a universal aspect of human behaviour. Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting you find people, you will find laughter. Laughter of a sort is also seen among non-human primatesoccurring during playful social interactions and laughing together is an important part of social bonding. Research in children shows that the subject of the humour changes as they develop. In very young children, a game of peek-a-boo is the subject of much amusement. In the preschool years, we see a fascination with jokes about excrement and . Then jokes about social and gender roles come to be funny. Two patterns emerge from these studies. One is that children find things funny when they are stretching their cognitive abilities. Incongruity is a key quality of amusement and that has to be pitched at the right level and in the right context for the recipient to be tickled. Evidence shows that once the cognitive level has been passed, the subject loses its potency. The other key quality is the social tension that gives rise to humour. But if the child has separation anxiety, is scared of the stranger playing the game, or is long past the stage of understanding the concept of object permanency, the game of peek-a-boo is no longer funny. Humour can thereby be understood as a critical aspect of social play. As well as its role in social bonding, play is something that we all must do in order to practise a range of skills, which will be required for survival and reproductive success. And social interaction skills are a very important part of this. We play with funny faces, Astonishing and Amusing About Poo and language, using the same words in different ways to make them mean different things. Sometimes, we use the words in different contexts to see what effects they have. When we play games, it is important to make sure all the players know it is a game, and so we have laughter to give a clear signal. This means they are becoming self-aware, learning about pretence and learning that words can stand for objects. They are also playing with the action of toileting, the social conventions around it and the possible shameful consequences of incontinence. humour is therefore a natural part of their development. Toilet humour tends to fade with age but usually sticks around in everyone to some extent, though not everyone finds it funny to begin with. Some children with a fear of germs, a heightened sensory aversion, problems with incontinence or a fear of public exposure, may just find the whole business too worrying or unpleasant to laugh about. In their case, their worries need to be acknowledged and their privacy respected. Nowadays, most of us are fortunate to live in a world where the value of levity and laughter is appreciated. We appreciate the value of play and the right to play is enshrined in the human rights convention on the rights of the child. This is actually a very recent cultural development in Western society. For many centuries, from the Greek scholars to the 20th century, humour was seen by philosophers as a rather debased form of intellectual activity. The bible also has little place for Astonishing and Amusing About Poo and the Christian tradition would frown on laughter as exemplified in many strict protestant traditions. It was the advent of cognitive psychology that brought new ways of thinking about the mindwith Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting theory suggesting that laughter was a way of releasing pent up energy, and incongruity theory recognising that jokes play with cognitive incongruity. Now, most developmental psychologists appreciate the critical role of humour, levity and laughter in healthy social development and something to be utilised by good parenting and education. So, for parents whose toddlers find excrement very funny, it is probably a sign of healthy development if they are also learning to use the potty in an appropriate way. It shows they are thinking about and reflecting on what they are learning, and upon the social rules that surround it. And for parents to be able to have a little laugh with their toddler about this learning process, shows them that it is an okay subject for discourse. This limits the shame and embarrassment that occurs during the inevitable accidents, helps develop the social bond and fosters that open channel of communication Astonishing and Amusing About Poo parent and child that is so important in the long run. Be Curious — Leeds, Astonishing and Amusing About Poo. Constructive invisibility, Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting visibility — Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Edition: Available editions United Kingdom. Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in. I can make an even bigger one. Stages of humour development Modern research focuses more on such behaviour as an important part of the development of humour in children. Guys, are you not a Astonishing and Amusing About Poo old for that kind of joke? Child development Child psychology Humor Anthill Humour me. Everybody poops. But here are 9 surprising facts about feces you may not know. - Vox

This story was originally published on Nov. The other morning, my son picked up his toy lizard, looked it squarely in the eye and threw down the worst insult his 5-year-old brain could summon:. For children of a certain age, toilet humor is a source of great delight. And it can drive us parents a little crazy, especially when uttered at the wrong time and place, like, say, taekwondo class. Picture, for example, a child bowing before entering the dojang and making fart noises. Astonishing and Amusing About Poo story. So why is humor so very appealing to kids? How should we understand these impulses? And how should we set limits around its use? The primary reason that kids find off-color humor funny is simple: It gets a rise out of adults. Humans often use humor to work through anxiety. Infants, who fear separation from their parents, laugh at games like peek-a-boo. But for children ages 3 to, say, 6, bathroom accidents are high on the list of things causing anxiety. They get out ahead of the embarrassment and discomfort, controlling it before it controls them. To understand why your kid is so obsessed with bathroom humor, it may help to understand his relationship to humor itself. Toilet humor fits neatly into this category. But 4 is also, Dr. The ability to understand the subtleties in jokes and humor becomes more sophisticated as the child develops. Still, Dr. For this reason, Dr. Does she need to feel powerful? Does she need to laugh? He suggests a game that addresses both. The really bad word is [insert totally innocuous word]. Cohen said. And the fake-mad reaction will make her laugh. Scaling back the potty talk requires walking a fine line, Dr. Markham said. Parents should know that the behavior is age appropriate and not freak out about it, but still teach social rules. Maya Coleman, Ph. It works Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting this: For five minutes every day, anything is game. Kids are encouraged to say anything, no matter how dirty or gross, and parents should support it with laughter and play. If the joke is funny, laugh. I thought I was a delicate flower. Coleman said. When bathroom humor comes up in socially unacceptable situations, this gives parents a place to redirect it. And it would allow her to deal with that urge. Not long ago, we tried it with our kids after breakfast. Our son trotted out all the grossest words he knew, and we laughed and teased each other. We talked about various animals pooping and took turns making fart noises. And as the five minutes came to an end, he asked us to guess what he was thinking about. You can find her on Twitter at jennymarder. The appeal of a good poop joke The primary reason Astonishing and Amusing About Poo kids find off-color humor funny is simple: It gets a rise out of adults. Astonishing and Amusing About Poo allows them to gain control of that fear. The changing stages of humor To understand why your kid is so Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting with bathroom humor, it may help to understand his relationship to humor itself. How to respond to potty talk Scaling back the potty talk requires walking a fine line, Dr. Home Page World U. Ah, Potty Humor: 9 Things Parents Need to Know About Poo, Pee, and Peals of Laughter

Ah, yes, the potty talk. For some children, the glory of screaming words like poop, pee, or butt over and over and over seems to give them great joy. Are you wet? That early introduction to bathroom language can pay off later. During this stage, bathroom language is a transition tool, aiding children in being independent as they move from diapers to the potty. Around age two and until children have mastered toileting, Muniz does not recommend correcting potty talk, because intervening may discourage children from using the bathroom or expressing their need to do so. In fact, while children are learning to use the toiletyou want to encourage them to use language to tell caregivers when they have to use the bathroom. Remember that it will pass. Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting your child is blurting out toilet humor words and the situation makes you uncomfortable, remember to respond calmly. Reacting in a way that is anxious, ashamed, or angry may give them the impression that there is something shameful about their body and how it works. If a round of butt jokes is causing uncontrollable giggles at the dinner table, remind your child that potty words are for the bathroom, not for the dinner table. This Astonishing and Amusing About Poo the simple concept of manners, that certain behavior is expected in certain places. Toilet talk is a chance to start teaching your child the Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting between public and private places and parts of our bodies. If your child calls someone a poo-, bathroom talk has evolved into name-calling. Our teachers help every child build the confidence they need to try new things and explore the world around them. If your child is in a safe place—at home or in the car, with a close friend, parent, or sibling—there is no harm in letting Poo Knew?: Some Stuff You Might Find Interesting laugh about these words. Young children are busy discovering their physical bodies: how they can move and what they can do. Preschoolers who have recently mastered using the potty get lots of joy from crowing over their new ability. Potty talk lets children word-play with their increasing vocabulary and share budding senses of humor as they learn to make and keep friends. KinderCare aims to protect your privacy online the way we protect your family in person, with care and caution. Click allow to consent to the use of this technology on our site. Poopie, pooopie, poooooooop! What should parents do about it? Ignore it? Set rules? Laugh right along with them? Find a center near you. A Lifetime Of Confidence Starts Here Our teachers help every child build the confidence they need to try new things and explore the world around them. Search for a center near you. It's just a phase Preschool Toddler You Might Also Like It's just a phase "Caaaaarrrry Me, Mama! Cookie Notice.