CANBERRA BUSH WALKING CLUB INC NEWSLETTER I t GPO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601 VOLUME 33 AUGUST 1997 NUMBER 8 AUGUST GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 20 August Dickson Library (rear entrance) Feature: Club Photographic Competition Make the most of the evening and Join other members at 6.00pm for a convivial (BYO) meal at the Pho Phu Quoo Restaurant In Cape Sweet, Dickson. Try to be early to ensure there will be ample time to finish and still get to the meeting in comfartabie time. Walks to Paul Rustomji Tel: 254 3500 Fax: 254 9897 99 Erldunda Circuit, Hawker ACT 2614 E-mail:
[email protected] Articles etc for SeDtember Issue to Paul Edsteln Tel: 288 1398(h) 271 4514(w) Fax: 271 4613 (bh) 19 Gamor St, Waramanga ACT 2611 Remember: for October issue send articles to Frank Mckone Tel: 254 5902 Fax: 254 5462 E-mail:
[email protected] 22 Longworth Place, Holt ACT 2615 World Wide Web: PRESIDENT'S PRAflLE Don't forget the photo competition at this resulting from Nadgee Wilderness additions. We have month's meeting (the Wednesday after receiving this also received a request from ACT Parks and copy of the I:). If you haven't provided any entries Conservation to avoid visiting the Nursery Swamp come along and enjoy looking at other member's Aboriginal Rock Art Site in Namadgi National Park. entries, particularly the amusing ones, and enter the Apologies to new and prospective members caption competition where you could win a prize.