Bodega El Capricho Indice De Nuestros Vinos

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Bodega El Capricho Indice De Nuestros Vinos BODEGA EL CAPRICHO INDICE DE NUESTROS VINOS Since the beginning, wine. My grandfather’s wine, from his vines. The same ones we still grow here today. The cellar he dug in the earth with his hands. The imprint of his pickaxe on the walls. The lone men who came In search of conversation round a glass. The pitchers, the chalk, the slate. The jugs of cool wine on a summer evening. The boy who carried and fetched them Among voices that did not die away until the small hours. The dust on the bottles that my father guarded, Bottles that he still counts and recounts, lest some of them get lost. Those that wait today in the silence of the cellar. Waiting for someone to select them and open them To express everything they have within In the heat of the fire and the meat. Reds from Spain Tierra de León 5 Vino de la tierra de Castilla y León 6 Bierzo 9 Tierra del vino de Zamora 15 Toro 17 Arlanza Arribes Cigales Ribera del duero 19 Sierra de Salamanca 25 Galicia 27 Andalucia 29 Aragón Baleares Canarias 30 Castilla la mancha Cataluña 33 Extremadura 34 Madrid 35 Murcia Navarra 37 Rioja Reds from the world Argentina 5 Australia Chile 6 Estados Unidos 9 Francia Borgoña 15 Burdeos Loira 21 Valle del Ródano 23 Italia 27 Portugal 29 Nueva Zelanda 30 Grecia Jerez, Champagne, whites, rosés and desserts wines Jerez y Espumosos Generosos secos de España 7 Jerez Fondillón 8 Espumosos Nacionales Jerez 9 Champagne 11 Espumantes de Portugal 15 Douro Metodo Ancestral whites & rosés Blancos nacionales Tierra de León 18 Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León Bierzo Rueda Galicia 19 Sierra de Salamanca 20 Rioja Marco de Jerez 21 Priorat Blancos del Mundo Alemania 23 Australia 24 Austria Francia Grecia 27 Nueva Zelanda 28 Portugal Sudafrica Rosés Tierra de León 29 Galicia Ribera del Duero Rioja Portugal Dessert wines Dulces de España 33 Jerez Málaga Montilla-Molires Castilla y Leon Tierra de Leon 34 Galicia Dulces de Francia Burdeos Dulces de Grecia 35 Santorini Dulces de Hungría Tojak Dulces de Portugal Porto Setúbal 36 Madeira BODEGA EL CAPRICHO REDS FROM SPAIN In terms of wines, León is synonymous with Prieto Picudo. Our region enjoys the exclusivity of this type of grape, with its small, tight clusters and spiky vines, as its name suggests. Prieto Picudo grows comfortably on the heights of the León plateau, which in some areas exceeds 800 metres, where rain is not abundant and the temperature can vary twenty degrees between day and night; this last factor, besides helping to keep potential problems at bay, causes a greater concentration of acidity and slows down the ripening process. Here in El Capricho, filled with our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ passion for wine, we have spent years trying to recover the same vineyards that they created in their time; old Prieto Picudo vines as well as Mencía, Garnacha and a little Palomino. They are goblet-pruned vines that are difficult to grow and require great effort, but when planted in this marvellous Leonese clay and gravel soil, give wines of great delicacy and elegance, with their wonderful touch of acidity. Geni González: The Prieto Picudo grape gives rustic wines in León, with great personality and with a lot of life ahead. CASTILLA Y LEÓN TIERRA DE VINOS TIERRA DE LEÓN Bodega Vile Don Suero Reserva 2013 25 Don Suero Crianza 2013 16 Leyenda del Páramo El Músico 2013 27 El Médico 2014 21 Margón Pricum El Voluntario 2008 Magnum 130 Pricum El Voluntario 2010 55 Pricum El Voluntario 2012 Magnum 95 Pricum El Voluntario 2013 41 Pricum Valdemuz 2010 60 Pricum Valdemuz 2011 50 Pricum Valdemuz 2011 Magnum 110 Pricum Valdemuz 2012 39 Pricum Paraje del Santo 2011 Magnum 95 Pricum Paraje del Santo 2012 38 Pricum Paraje del Santo 2012 Magnum 85 Pricum 2008 Magnum 90 Pricum 2009 Magnum 70 Pricum 2013 24 Pricum Premier 2016 15 Palacio de Arganza Palacio de Arganza 1948 470 Pardevalles Pardevalles Gamonal 2016 18 VINO DE LA TIERRA DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN Abadía Retuerta Petit Verdot 2002 230 Petit Verdot 2009 250 Petit Verdot 2014 190 Pago Valdebellón 2015 104 Pago La Garduña 2015 111 Abadía Retureta Selección Especial 2011 80 Abadía Retureta Selección Especial 2012 65 Abadía Retureta Selección Especial 2013 58 Abadía Retuerta Selección Especial 2013 Magnum 140 Abadía Retuerta Selección Especial 2014 48 Abadía Retuerta Selección Especial 2014 Magnum 140 Abadía Retuerta Selección Especial 2015 38 Daniel Gómez Jiménez-Landi Viticultor El Reventón 2011 105 El Reventón 2013 95 El Reventón 2016 75 Dominio Dos Tares Cumal 2016 28 El Capricho Bodegas Gordón. El vino de los viñedos que plantaron nuestros abuelos. El Chano 2016 38 Estefanía Clan 2006 35 Fuentes del Silencio Las Gándaras 2016 65 Las Quintas 2016 28 Fuentes del Silencio 2015 35 10 Mauro Terreus 2003 250 Terreus 2012 180 Terreus 2015 150 Mauro V.S. 2011 120 Mauro V.S. 2016 75 Mauro 2016 Magnum 80 Mauro 2017 39 Pago Heredad de Urueña Moisés Gran Vino 2012 40 Santo Merlot 2014 25 Pittacum La Prohibición 2014 37 Quinta Sardonia Quinta Sardonia 2013 48 Real Sitio de Ventosilla Salguero Merlot 1999 95 Viñedos de Raúl Pérez Vino de Familia 2011 89 Vino de Familia 2014 59 Villa María Villa María 2013 21 Viñas Viejas de Cebreros Pegaso Granito 2013 45 11 Where Leon comes to an end, and Galicia is not there yet, we find El Bierzo tucked into a border region that also produces border wines, embedded between the rains on one side and the drought and thermal swings on the other, and it is precisely this characteristic which explains the dependence of these wines on the climate. Grapes in El Bierzo grow in a mild microclimate that combines the best of both worlds, the Atlantic and the continental, although sometimes the vines lean more towards one side or the other, which explains that some vintages are very warm and others cold. The area is dotted with small towns that began to make a living from wine when they abandoned mining, and started to grow the vines of the region, where the standard grape, the Mencía, expresses itself elegantly in wines with a big personality. BIERZO Akilia Chano Villar 2011 30 Villarín 2015 35 Yllera Dominus 1998 180 35 Almázcara Almázcara Majara 2014 70 Bodega del Abad Carracedo 2015 24 Carracedo 2015 Magnum 50 Abad Don Bueno 2016 19 Tesín de la Campana 2013 Magnum 120 Camino del Norte El Tesón 2015 50 Soradal 2015 24 Casar de Burbia Hombros 2013 16 César Márquez El Rapolao 2016 45 Pico Ferreira 2015 55 Pico Ferreira 2016 45 Parajes 2016 25 13 Descendientes de J. Palacios La Faraona 2003 600 La Faraona 2004 600 La Faraona 2012 1.400 La Faraona 2013 1.250 La Faraona 2015 1.400 La Faraona 2016 1.400 Moncerbal 2015 200 San Martín 2002 330 Las Lamas 2001 350 Las Lamas 2016 180 Bierzo 2000 98 Corullón 1999 150 Corullón 2001 120 Corullón 2004 100 Corullón 2005 120 Corullón 2006 110 Corullón 2007 120 Corullón 2008 110 Corullón 2011 120 Corullón 2012 100 Corullón 2014 90 Corullón 2016 73 Pétalos 2004 50 Pétalos 2016 23 Dominio de Tares P Tres 2002 160 P Tres 2011 70 P Tres 2012 64 Bembibre 2011 Magnum 75 Bembibre 2015 39 Cepas Viejas 2015 Magnum 44 Cepas Viejas 2016 Media 15 Cepas Viejas 2016 24 14 Estefanía Tilenus Pieros 2007 80 Tilenus Pieros 2011 65 Val de la Loba 2016 25 Tilenus 2015 15 Godelia Godelia 2013 23 Losada Vinos de Finca La Bienquerida 2015 55 Altos de Losada 2016 35 Losada 2017 25 Luna Beberide Finca La Cuesta 2016 17 Luzdivina Amigo Leiros 2007 35 Marcial Dorado Phara 2015 34 Mas Asturias Massuria 2008 45 Massuria 2009 40 Massuria 2010 35 Massuria 2012 30 Massuria 2013 27 Massuria 2013 Magnum 65 Massuria 2014 Magnum 60 15 Peique Peique Selección de Familia 2006 78 Peique Selección de Familia 2014 48 Viñas Viejas 2011 35 Viñas Viejas 2014 22 Peique 2017 17 Pittacum Pittacum Aurea 2011 35 Pittacum 2013 17 Raúl Pérez Ultreia de Valtuille 2015 80 Ultreia de Valtuille 2016 70 Ultreia Saint Jacqes 2016 35 Ultreia 2015 38 Ultreia 2016 28 La Clave 2017 16 Verónica Ortega Roc 2015 36 Viñedos do Gabián O Viño do Pepiño 2011 28 Van Gus Vana Van Gus Vana 2012 26 16 17 On the finger of a doctor / Set in gold I saw / A very fine ruby, ​​/ Because this colour is always / The best antidote / Against melancholy; / To lift my own mood, / ​​I poured a ruby into gold; / Toro ​​gave me the ruby / And the gold came from Ciudad Real / Did I do wrong ? The liquid ruby which Luis de Góngora alludes to in his poem and which he apparently resorted to for his melancholy have been mined for many centuries, before the arrival of the Romans, in the lands of Zamora, where the more serene Duero begins to say goodbye to Spain, before entering the gorges of Los Arribes and onwards to Portugal. The extreme continental climate of the region marks the powerful character of these wines made from the red grape varieties of Toro and Garnacha, which grow in sandy soils in an arid landscape that hardly sees rain from one end of the year to the other. It is precisely this characteristic that saved their vineyards from the devastating plague of phylloxera that affected Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, so that some vineyards of great antiquity survive in the area.
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