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NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Check List 13 (6): 1067–1073 https://doi.org/10.15560/13.6.1067

First records of Calidris canutus Linnaeus, 1758 (Charadriiformes, Scolopacidae) and surrucura Vieillot, 1817 (Trogoniformes, Trogonidae) for Entre Ríos province (Argentina), and noteworthy reports of other in protected areas

Juan A. Sarquis, 1 Julián Alonso, 2 Alejandro R. Giraudo,1, 3 Alfredo Berduc4

1 Instituto Nacional de Limnología (CONICET, UNL), Ciudad Universitaria, Pje. el Pozo s/n, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina. 2 Administración Parques Nacionales (APN), Parque Nacional Pre Delta e Islas de Santa Fe, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina. 3 Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias, Ciudad Universitaria, Pje. el Pozo s/n, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina. 4 Reserva Provincial de Uso Múltiple “Parque Escolar Rural Enrique Berduc”, Ruta Nacional Núm. 12, km 23½, 3118, La Picada, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Corresponding author: Juan A. Sarquis, [email protected]

Abstract We recorded 2 new in Entre Ríos province, Argentina: Calidris canutus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Trogon surrucura Vieillot, 1817. In addition, we present 25 noteworthy records for bird species in El Palmar National Park, Pre Delta National Park, and other parts of the province.

Key words Protected areas; Mesopotamic Region; range extension; new bird records; conservation.

Academic editor: Rafael Antunes Dias | Received 24 May 2017 | Accepted 12 September 2017 | Published 15 December 2017

Citation: Sarquis JA, Alonso J, Giraudo AR, Berduc A (2017) First records of Calidris canutus Linnaeus, 1758 (Charadriiformes, Scolopacidae) and Trogon surrucura Vieillot, 1817 (Trogoniformes, Trogonidae) for Entre Ríos province (Argentina), and noteworthy reports of other birds in protected areas. Check List 13 (6): 1067–1073. https://doi.org/10.15560/13.6.1067

Introduction 1980, Salvador et al. 1985, Abadie 1988, 1993, Camperi 1992, De la Peña 1996, 1997, 2012, Beltzer et al. 2006). In Entre Ríos province, Argentina, the advance of the Additionally, lists of bird species have been published for agricultural frontier and increasing urbanization have the 2 national parks (NP) in the province: Pre Delta NP left few remaining natural habitats, with varying degrees (Alonso 2008) and El Palmar NP (Marateo et al. 2009). of modification (Brown et al. 2006). Protected areas These inventories, however, were made with limited ter- (PAs) play an important role in maintaining regional (Arzamendia and Giraudo 2004). In this ritorial and methodological planning, as is the case for context, it is important to establish PAs using scientific most of the Neotropical region (Bini et al. 2006). As a criteria based on gradients in species richness, ecosystem result, inventories of bird species in Entre Ríos and PAs representativeness, areas of , and biodiversity within the province are still incomplete. Consequently, hotspots (Richardson and Whittaker 2010, Arzamendia taxonomic and biogeographic studies continue to pres- and Giraudo 2012). Several works have been published ent changes in the composition and distribution of the on the birds of Entre Ríos (e.g. Freiberg 1943, Beltzer avifauna of Entre Ríos (e.g. Areta et al. 2004, Bodrati

Copyright Sarquis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 1068 Check List 13 (6)

Figure 1. Study area showing localities with records of species (black triangles): (1) Records of D. autumnalis and D. oryzivorus in Irupé Island, Victoria department; (2) Records of D. autumnalis, S. melanotos, A. bahamensis, C. major, A. nigricollis, A. cajaneus, P. maculates, F. armillata, P. dominica, C. modestus, N. semicollaris, I. plumbea, P. unicinctus, C. trochilirostris, S. maluroides, P. sclateri, T. rubrigastra, C. platensis, P. bonarien- sis, C. speciosum, S. ruficollis, S. palustris and the new species for Entre Ríos Trogon surrucura in Pre Delta National Park, Diamante department; (3) Records of S. griseicapillus, C. speciosum and S. leucoptera in Curuzú Chalí Island, littoral of the Paraná River, La Paz department; (4) Records of D. autumnalis in San José de Feliciano, Guayquiraró River, Feliciano department; (5) Records of S. maluroides in camping of the Tunas Stream, Feliciano department; and (6) Records of a new species for Entre Ríos Calidris canutus in El Palmar National Park, Colón department. and Sierra 2008, Aves Argentinas 2009, Alvarado and La define priority areas for the conservation of birds in Entre Grotteria 2011, Passafaro 2012, Fernández Guaraz 2013, Ríos (Table 1). The goal was to produce an inventory of Cantador 2014, Reales et al. 2015). In fact, the total the avifauna of the province, focusing on threatened and number of bird species present in the province is not yet poorly known birds. We reviewed the data from different known. Decisions on biodiversity conservation must be lists (Freiberg 1943, Beltzer 1980, Salvador et al. 1985, made considering the distribution of species (Brooks et Abadie 1988, 1993, Camperi 1992, De la Peña 1996, al. 2006). Therefore, as part of a continuous effort and 1997, 2012, Beltzer et al. 2006, Alonso 2008, Marateo et in the framework of a project that aims to assess the al. 2009) to determine which species were not recorded effectiveness of PAs for , we present previously in PAs. The and nomenclature of the records of 2 new bird species for Entre Ríos province and birds in the study follows the classification of the South noteworthy records of other birds, mainly in PAs. American Checklist Committee (Remsen et al. 2017).

Methods Results 2 The Entre Ríos province has an area of 78.781 km New records (Fig. 1). and its extreme points are: –30.1547, –58.6539 to the Calidris canutus (Linnaeus, 1758). Argentina, Entre north; –34.041944, –58.6367 to the south; –31.9928, Ríos, Colón, El Palmar National Park, on the sand banks –60.7225 to the east, and –30.9331, –57.8086 to the west of the littoral of the Uruguay River (–31.8670, –58.2075), (Fig. 1; datum WGS84). It is limited to the north by the recorded by Alejandro Giraudo, on 15 October 1991, Guayquiraró River, the Basualdo Creek, the Mocoretá photographed 1 individual (Figs 2–6). River, and the Las Tunas Stream, to the south and west Trogon surrucura Vieillot, 1817. Argentina, Entre by the Paraná River, and to the east by the Uruguay Ríos, Diamante, Pre Delta National Park, in the visitation River (Beltzer et al. 2006). Entre Ríos encompasses 3 area of the park (–32.1028, –60.6447), recorded by Julian biogeographical provinces: Paranaense (dominated by Alonso, on 19–20 October, photographed 1 adult male subtropical forest and riparian forest), Espinal (savannas, (Figs 7–8). grasslands, temperate dry forests, and shrublands) and Pampean (mostly grasslands) (Cabrera 1976). Identification. Birds were recorded visually or aurally, Data was recorded at different times and locations in with the assistance of binoculars, tape recorders, and the last 25 (from 1991 to 2015) and collected in cameras (whenever possible). We identified species using the national parks and gap areas as part of a project to field guides and taxonomic keys (Olrog 1959, 1968, Sarquis et al. | New birds of Entre Ríos, Argentina 1069 El Varillal Lagoon, Varillal El (specimen in Museo de Lagunas trail trail Lagunas Nearest localityNearest 2012). PDNP (De la Peña from 257 km Ríos, Entre del Ibicuy, Islas A + B C) Ceibas, from 90 km Paz, La Telégrafo, Paso Ríos. Entre San for Jose de Feliciano, record New D) 2012). (De la Peña San Jose de Feliciano from 45 km Ríos, Entre de Paraná, Anegadizo Or N°MAS- 891). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor y Antropológicas Naturales Ciencias 2012). the new localities (De la Peña from 35 km Ríos, Entre Diamante, Cuevas, Las 1985). et al. PDNP (Milat Stream, Palometas Las from 290 km Ríos, Entre Colón, et al. PDNP (Areta Stream, Palometas Las from 250 km Ríos, Entre del Ibicuy, Islas 2004). Salud Mental, Colonia from 65 km Ríos, Entre Picada, La Berduc, Enrique Escolar Parque (Mancini 2011). Diamante y Naturales PDNP (specimen in Museo de Ciencias from 45 km Ríos, Entre Paraná, N°MAS-Or 4788). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor Antropológicas PDNP (specimen in Museo de Ciencias Lagoon, Irupé from 45 km Ríos, Entre Paraná, N°MAS-Or 4588). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor y Antropológicas Naturales from 65 km Ríos, Entre Picada, La Berduc, Enrique Escolar Parque PDNP (Mancini 2011). 2012). PDNP (De Lagoon, la Peña Totoral from 257 km Ríos, Entre del Ibicuy, Islas Ceibas, y Naturales PDNP (specimen in Museo de Ciencias from 45 km Ríos, Entre Paraná, N°MAS-Or 2443, collected in 1926). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor Antropológicas et al. PDNP (Marateo Stream, Azotea from 267 km Ríos, Entre Park, National Palmar El 2009). Coordinates −32.1181, −60.6358 −32.1739, −60.6129 −32.1739, −60.6129 −32.0581, −60.6379 −32.1134, −60.6579 −32.1212, −60.6343 −32.1777, −60.6342 −32.1028, −60.6449 C) −32.1740, −60.6131 C) −32.1739, −60.6129 C) −32.1212, −60.6343 B) −32.1181, −60.6579 B) −32.1134, −60.6579 B) −32.1134, −60.6579 A) −32.1739, −60.6129 A) −32.1740, −60.6131 A) −32.1295, −60.6335 A) D) −30.3591, −58.7728 D) −32.1294, −60.6335 D) A, B) −32.1565, −60.6218 locality in Entre Ríos province Ríos locality province in Entre nearest nearest † Identified by: White face and throat, bill with red base. bill with and throat, face White by: Identified Evidence and brief diagnosis Evidence A) Eight individuals observed. Eight A) 14 individuals observed. viduata; B) One individual observed with D. C) One pair observed. individuals observed. Four D) rump and belly. wing band; black White by: Identified 10 individuals observed in flight. speckled with black; black upperpartsHead and neck white, and by: Identified underparts.caruncle; white A + B) One pair observed. One individual observed. very ani; tail; olivaceous- long violaceous Crotophaga Bluer than by: Identified iris. white One observed. female underpartsWhite with longitudinal black band; tail less purple than by: Identified tip. the male and with small white Observed and heard. ypecaha; head and Aramides than rufous more with breast Smaller, by: Identified neck gray. ObservedA) nesting. B + C) Observed. red pale bill with white; and barred underparts, Blackish by: streaked Identified basal spot. One individual observed. red garterred spot; on by shield separated bill and frontal Yellow by: Identified thighs. One pair observed. rest of wingband; pectoral streaking; slight eyebrow; White by: Identified underparts white. individuals observed. Two upperpartseyebrow. conspicuous white brown Uniform and breast; by: Identified A + B C) Observed a by with 2 attended nest on the ground Observed the ; D) throughout pair on XI 2011. green bill with curved on back; long “V” spots on wings; buffy white by: Identified tip. observedFlock in flight. bands. white primaries; tail black with rufous pale head; two Gray; by: Identified Date A) 10-X-2009 A) 8-XI-2009 B) 25-X-2009; C) 9-XII-2010 10-XI-2015 D) 19-IV-2011 VIII-2009 A) B) 8-IX-2009 17-II-2014 23-III-2012 7-IX-2007 20-IV-2008 A) B) VI-2008 C) 20-II-2010 23-VI-2008 17-X-2007 7-VIII-2008 IX-2007 A) B) 12-IX-2007 C) 25-VI-2008 DuringD) 2011 4-II-2010 Locality A) Las Palometas Stream, PDNP. Stream, Palometas Las A) PDNP. Lagoon, B) Irupé PDNP. Lagoon, C) Piedras Las SanD) José de Feliciano. Diamante. trail, Lagunas PDNP. Lake, Piedras Las A) PDNP. Lake, B) Irupé PDNP. Stream, Palometas Las PDNP. Stream, Palometas Las de Salud Mental, Colonia Diamante. PDNP. Stream, Curutú A) PDNP. Lagoon, B) Irupé PDNP. Stream, C) Palometas Las PDNP. Lagoon, Irupé PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal El PDNP. Lagoon, Totoral PDNP. Mangas Stream, A, B) Las PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal C) El PDNP. Stream, Curutú D) PDNP. Stream, Azotea


. List of 25 noteworthy bird species observed in different localities of Entre Ríos, including the Ríos, localities of Entre species observed bird in different . List of 25 noteworthy Sarkidiornis melanotos Nycticryphes semicollaris Anthracothorax Aramides cajaneus Aramides Anas bahamensis Pardirallus maculatus Pardirallus Fulica armillata Fulica Pluvialis dominica Ictinia plumbea Dendrocygna autumnalis Dendrocygna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1907) (Ihering & Ihering, 1758 Linnaeus, Gmelin, 1788 1817) (Vieillot, 1776) Muller, (Statius (Boddaert, 1783) 1817 Vieillot, 1776) (Müller, 1823 Lichtenstein, 1816) (Vieillot, 1788) (Gmelin, Charadrius modestus Charadrius Crotophaga major Crotophaga * * * * * * * * * * * * /species Cuculidae Trochilidae Aramidae Rallidae Charadriidae Rostratulidae Accipitridae Table 1 Table of the species. with a record 1070 Check List 13 (6) (De la Curuzú Chalí Island Chalí Curuzú Nearest localityNearest 2012). the new localities (De la Peña from 35 km Ríos, Entre Diamante, Cuevas, Las from 150 km Santa Fe, Malabrigo Stream, in Argentina. southernmost record The ‡ 2011). (De Island Chalí la Peña Curuzú PDNP (Mancini from 65 km Ríos, Entre Picada, La Berduc, Enrique Escuela Rural Parque 2011). 2007). PDNP (Di et al. Giacomo from 70 km Ríos, Entre Island, Victoria A + B) de PDNP (specimen in Museo Argentino from 180 km Ríos, C) Entre Santa Elena, N° 43496). Naturales Ciencias PDNP (Marateo from 267 km Park, National Palmar Ríosin El was in Entre record First 2009). et al. y Naturales PDNP (specimen in Museo de Ciencias from 45 km Ríos, Entre Paraná, N°MAS-Or 4311). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor Antropológicas 2009). et al. PDNP (Marateo Varillal, El from 267 km Ríos, Entre Park, National Palmar El PDNP (specimen in Museo de Ciencias from 35 km Ríos, Entre Diamante, Cuevas, Las N°MAS-Or 1038). Serrano”, Antonio “Profesor y Antropológicas Naturales Ríos, Entre Reservoir, Salto Grande Ríos province. in Entre southernmost record The B) 2017). PDNP (Bonomi et al. Stream, Tortugas the from 276 km from 110 km Santa Fe, Romang, southernmost record. The ‡ 1996). Peña 2012). the new localities (De la Peña from 35 km Ríos, Entre Diamante, Cuevas, Las 2012). the new localities (De la Peña from 35 km Ríos, Entre Diamante, Cuevas, Las 2013). (Marino et al. Island Irupé from 60 km Ríos, Entre Estancia la Catalina, Coordinates −30.5307, −59.5788 −32.1212, −60.6343 −30.5307, −59.5788 −33.1562, −60.2991 C) −30.3306, −58.1935 C) −32.1295, −60.6335 C) −32.1212, −60.6343 C) −32.1028, −60.6449 B) −32.1181, −60.6358 B) −32.1212, −60.6343 B) −32.1285, −60.6340 B) −32.1181, −60.6358 B) −32.1759, −60.6228 B) −32.1181, −60.6358 B) −32.1181, −60.6358 A) −32.1565, −60.6218 A) −32.1565, −60.6218 A) −32.1295, −60.6335 A) −32.1133, −60.6394 A) −30.5307, −59.5788 A) −32.1565, −60.6218 A) −32.1133, −60.6394 A) B) −32.2433, −60.64419 A) −32.1212, −60.63429 A) C) −32.17594, −60.62282 B) −32.24334, −60.64419 A) −32.11811, −60.63578 A) † Anterior half of body olivaceous, posterior half rufous. posterior half of body olivaceous, Anterior rectrices; outer wingband; white white center; with red Black crown

: Gray sky-blue back and rufous undertail back and rufous sky-blue : Gray coverts. of underparts black bib; rest : Ample rufous. and rump Evidence and brief diagnosis Evidence A + B) Observed underwing Rufous by: thighs; long tail rufous stripe; coverts Identified with a white tip and base. black with a white Seen and heard. by: Identified ObservedA) and photographed. B) Observed and heard. C) Observed. very Extremely long and thin, by: body. rufous reddish bill; curvedIdentified A + B) Observed. C) Observed and heard. black. upperpartsforehead; rufous Ample streaked by: Identified One pair observed. A) B + C) Observed. conspicuous whitish eyebrow; yellow; streaked Erectile black crest by: Identified coverts. blackish edging to yellow A + B C) Observed. by: Identified undertailblack half-collar and tail; rosy coverts. One individual observed. rump. legs; cinnamon orange Black and whitish dorsal streaking; by: Identified A + B) Observed. rump and breast. hood; orange sky-blue Violaceous by: Identified Seen A) and heard. integrifolia. Tessaria male atop B) Lone by Identified underparts;White wingband; conspicuous white by: Identified Seen and heard. bill. dark orange A + B) Observed. by Identified A + B C) Observed. rump and underparts. rufous bib; Plumbeous back; ample white by: Identified 171 individuals observed. eyebrow upperparts long crown, and flanks; line on black Streaked by: Identified and underparts buffy. Date A) 2-VII-2008 and 2-VII-2008 A) 25-IX-2008 16-VIII-2009 C) 27-IX-2008; I-II-1997 XI- and XII-2008, A) 18-X-2009 and XI-2008 B) X- C) 6-IV-2009 9, 17-IV-2008 A) B) 13-IV-2012 C) 14-XI-2015 24-I-2008 A) B) 9-IV-2008 C) IV-2008 17-VI-2008 A) B) 28-II-2011 C) 19-V-2012 30-IX-2009 I-II- 1-IV-2009; A) III-2010-2011 B) 19-VI-2009 I-II-1997 A) B) III-2008 I-II-1997 24-I-2008 A) B) V-2008 IV-2012 A) B) V-2012 C) 10-IX-2006 I-2013 Olrog (1959, 1968, 1979); Canaveri et al. (2001); Rodríguez-Mata et al. (2006); Narosky and Yzurieta (2010). Yzurieta and (2006); Narosky et al. (2001); Rodríguez-Mata et al. (1959, 1968, 1979); Canaveri Olrog Locality A) Seibos Stream, PDNP. Seibos A) Stream, Jaula, PDNP. La B) Paraje of the littoral Island, Chalí Curuzú Paz. La River, Paraná Jaula, PDNP. La Paraje A) PDNP. B) Sacacalzones Stream, PDNP. Stream, Tortugas C) PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal El A) PDNP. B) Sacacalzones Stream, Feliciano. Stream, Tunas C) PDNP. Seibo A) Stream, PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal B) El PDNP. Stream, C) Curutú PDNP. Stream, Curutú A) PDNP. Lagoon, B) Curiyú PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal C) El PDNP. Lagoon, Varillal El of the PDNP. Entrance A) Jaula, Diamante. La B) Paraje of littoral Chalí, Curuzú Island A) Paz. La River, the Paraná Stream, Tortugas of the B) Margin PDNP. of the littoral Island, Chalí Curuzú Ríos. Entre la Paz, River, Paraná PDNP. Seibo A) Stream, Jaula. La B) Paraje of the PDNP. Entrance A) Jaula. La B) Paraje PDNP. Stream, C) Azotea Ríos. Entre Victoria, Island, Irupé

Continued. . Pipraeidea bonariensis Pipraeidea ruficollis Sporophila Campylorhamphus trochilirostris Campylorhamphus speciosum Conirostrum Sporophila leucoptera Sporophila Parabuteo unicinctus Parabuteo Spartonoica maluroides sclateri Pseudocolopteryx Tachuris rubrigastra Tachuris palustris Sporophila Cistothorus platensis platensis Cistothorus (Temminck, 1824) (Temminck, 1821) (Temminck, 1823 Lichtenstein, 1837) & Lafresnaye, (D’Orbigny 1892) (Oustalet, 1817) (Vieillot, 1790) (Latham, 1789) (Gmelin, 1824) (Temminck, 1817) (Vieillot, 1851 Cabanis, 1883 Barrows, 1758) (Linnaeus, Sittasomus griseicapillus Dolichonyx Dolichonyx oryzivorus * * * * * * * * * Species that do not present other records in Entre Ríos province. in Entre other records do not present Species that

Family/species Furnariidae Tyrannidae Troglodytidae Thraupidae Icteridae (PDNP). Park Delta National Pre for * record First for diagnosis: keys used guides and taxonomic † Identification ‡ Table 1 Table Sarquis et al. | New birds of Entre Ríos, Argentina 1071

Figures 7–8. Photographs of Trogon surrucura Vieillot, 1817 taken in the visitation area of the Pre Delta National Park, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

The new record of Trogon surrucura significantly increases the distribution range of this species. This Figures 2–6. Photographs of Calidris canutus (Linnaeus, 1758) species inhabits the central and southern parts of Brazil taken on the beaches of El Palmar National Park, Colón, Entre Ríos, (states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, São Paulo, Argentina. Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul), and eastern Paraguay, while in Argentina 1979, Canaveri et al. 2001, Rodríguez-Mata et al. 2006, it is present in Misiones, northern Corrientes, eastern For- Narosky and Yzurieta 2010). We used external morpho- mosa and Chaco, and northern Santa Fe. This observation logical characters such as the color of different body parts represents the southernmost record of this species, 390 to compare and determine species. km south of its previously known distribution in Argen- tina (Ramsar Site Jaaukanigás, Reconquista, Santa Fe) Scolopacidae (Giraudo et al. 2008) and 650 km southwest from Cerro Calidris canutus (Linnaeus, 1758) Largo, Uruguay (Claramunt and Cuello 2013). This species can be distinguished from other Calid- Calidris canutus breeds in the Arctic region of North ris (especially C. alba) by the following characteristics: America and Asia and spends the non-breeding period larger size (23–25 cm) than C. alba (17 cm), making it in more southern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere the largest Calidris to inhabit Argentina; fairly thick, and in the Southern Hemisphere. Calidris canutus is black bill; barred flanks and rump (Figs 2–6); and green- found almost exclusively in marine coasts, although ish legs (this characteristic cannot be observed in Figs there are records in inland water environments (Piersma 2–6). Moreover, C. canutus is gray in color, with an et al. 1996). For example, C. canutus was recorded in ash-gray back (Figs 2–6), and is more robust than C. the continental Lagoons of Melincué and El Cristal, in alba (Canaveri et al. 2001, Rodríguez-Mata et al. 2006, the neighboring province of Santa Fe (Rozzatti and Narosky and Yzurieta 2010). Mosso 1997, Blanco et al. 2001, Romano et al. 2005). This subspecies is found in southern South America (C. Trogonidae canutus rufa) migrates long distances, from the arctic Trogon surrucura Vieillot, 1817 tundra to Tierra del Fuego, making a few stops on its The male of this species can be distinguished by its journey south (Piersma et al. 1996). It can be found on the metallic blue hood and breast, black cheeks and throat, and marine coasts of southern South America during the non- dark green back, while the rest of the underparts are red breeding period (especially in Las Lomas Bay and San and the undertail is white (Figs 7-8) (Narosky and Yzurieta Sebastián, in Tierra del Fuego). In the southern autumn, 2010). This latter character was observed, but it is not dis- it can also be found on the Uruguayan, Argentinean, and tinguishable in the photographs. The most similar species southern Brazilian coasts during its migration to the north in Argentina is T. currucui (Linnaeus, 1766), but it is found (Piersma et al. 1996). only in the Yungas region (northern Argentina, in the prov- Additionally, we also obtained new records for 25 inces of Tucumán, Salta, and Jujuy) and in eastern in For- poorly known species in the Pre Delta NP and El Palmar mosa province (Olrog 1979, Narosky and Yzurieta 2010). NP and other locations in the province (Table 1) (Frei- In addition, T. currucui presents black and white barring berg 1943, De la Peña 1996, 2012, Beltzer et al. 2006, in the outer rectrices and the undertail (Olrog 1968, 1979). Alonso 2008, Marateo et al. 2009). Seven of these spe- cies are categorized as Vulnerable (Charadrius modestus, Spartonoica maluroides, and Sporophila ruficollis), Discussion Endangered (Calidris canutus and Sporophila palustris) Calidris canutus and Trogon surrucura are both new to and Threatened (Sarkidiornis melanotos and Dolichonyx the avifauna of Entre Ríos (Freiberg 1943, De la Peña oryzivorus) according to the national list of threatened 1996, 2012, Beltzer 2006). birds of Argentina (López-Lanús et al. 2008). For Entre 1072 Check List 13 (6)

Ríos, Freiberg (1943) indicates a total of 301 species and Aves Argentinas (2009) Lista de las Aves de la Estancia y Reserva “El De la Peña (1997) a total of 333, although the latter indi- Potrero de San Lorenzo”. Aves Argentinas/AOP, Buenos Aires, cates a total of 261 species 16 years later, considering only 40 pp. Beltzer AH (1980) Contribución al conocimiento de las aves de Entre his empirical data (De la Peña 2012). On the other hand, Ríos. Clave para la identificación de lechuzas (Strigifomes: Tytoni- Beltzer et al. (2006) present a total of 291 species in the dae y Strigidae). Revista de la Asociación De Ciencias Naturales del province. We remark that the total number of bird species Litoral 1 (11): 85–91. https://doi.org/10.14409/natura.v1i11.3372 in Entre Ríos is still uncertain. According to the data from Beltzer AH, Collins PA, Quiroga MA (2006) Atlas Ornitogeográfico de 25 years of our own field sampling, literature research la Provincia de Entre Ríos. Asociación de Ciencias Naturales del Litoral, Instituto Nacional De Limnología, CERIDE–CONICET, with reliable data and the review of 7 museum collec- Serie Climax, Santa Fe, Argentina, 230 pp. tions, the total number of bird species that inhabit Entre Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JAF, Rangel TFLVB, Bastos RP, Pinto MP (2006) Ríos province probably surpasses 350 species, including Challenging Wallacean and Linnean shortfalls: knowledge gradi- the new data herein. The new records presented in this ents and conservation planning in a biodiversity hotspot. Diversity study are a contribution to the knowledge of the distribu- and Distributions 12 (5): 475–482. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1366- 9516.2006.00286.x tion of birds in Entre Ríos. We confirmed the presence Blanco DE, Carbonell M (2001) El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáti- of 22 bird species in the national parks, which were not cas. Los primeros 10 años: 1990-1999. Wetlands International, Bue- recorded before in any protected area in the province. nos Aires, Argentina & Unlimited, Memphis, USA, 190 pp. Bodrati A, Sierra E (2008) Nuevos aportes sobre la colonización austral del pepitero verdoso (Saltator similis) en las Provincias de Buenos Acknowledgements Aires y Entre Ríos, Argentina. Nuestras Aves 53: 29–30. Bonomi G, Dri H, Berterame G, Berón G (2017) Primer registro de Saí We thank the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Común (Conirostrum speciosum) para la provincia de Entre Ríos, Científicas y Técnicas (PIP 2011-0355), Universidad Argentina. EcoRegistros Revista 7: 5–7. Nacional del Litoral (CAID-2011-524-UNL) and Agencia Brooks TM, Mittermeier RA, da Fonseca GAB, Gerlach J, Hoffmann de Promoción Científico Tecnológica (PICT 2011-1526 M, Lamoreux JF, Mittermeier CG, Pilgrim JD, Rodrigues ASL and PICT-2013-2203). We also thank the guards of the (2006) Global biodiversity conservation priorities. 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American Bird Con- JA, JAS, AG, and AB collected the data; JA, JAS, and servancy, WWF-US, Humedales para las Américas y Manomet AG, wrote the text; and JAS and AG made the descriptive Conservation Sciencie, Asociación Calidris, Santiago de Cali, analysis. Colombia, 141 pp. Cantador P (2014) Primer registro de burrito pico rojo (Neocrex erythrops) para la provincia de Entre Ríos. EcoRegistros Revista References 4: 1–3. Claramunt S, Cuello J (2013) La presencia histórica de dos aves selvá- Abadie E (1988) Observaciones sobre aves del sur de Entre Ríos. Nues- ticas en Uruguay, Odontophorus capueira () y Trogon tras Aves 15: 9–10. surrucura (Trogoniformes): consideraciones sobre la desaparición Abadie E (1993) Aves nuevas o pocos comunes de Entre Ríos. Nuestras de los bosques primarios en Uruguay y su efecto sobre la avifauna. Aves 29: 31–33. Comunicaciones Zoológicas, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Alonso J (2008) Inventario de las Aves del Parque Nacional Pre Delta. 13 (205): 1–10. 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