B C ING A S I E lis an inland county, bounded on the east by Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and .Middlesex; on the west,. by Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire~ on the north, by Bedfordshire t'nd NorthampJonshire; and on the south, by BerRshire and a point of ~urrey. Its length from north to south is about 45 miles, and it& gJ·eatest breadth, cros~ing a slip of Her·tford:,hir·f', which intersects it on the east, to the e,treme of its western side, nearly 23 miles: its circumference is 138 miles, containing 518,400 etatute acres. NAME and ANCIENT HISTORY.-The present appellation of the county was given it Ly the Saxons, and is supposed to be derived from the beech trees which then grew :>o plentifully in these parts, and were called Buccum; or from the abundance of deer, which were found in the wood~, with which this country was covered : Buc, in the Saxon lauguage, signifying a buck or hart. This part of Britain, together with the adjoining counties of Bedfol'd and Hertford, before the im·asion of Cresar, was inhabited by the Cattieuch­ lani, who Wt're, in tl1e opinion of Camden, the ancient Cassii; and tht:rc are some remains of the name in Cashio hundred, and Cashiobury, adjoining Watford, in Hertfordshire. By the invasion of Aulus Plautius this country became subject to the imperial power, under Claudius Cresar, and then formed part of Bri­ tannia prima; and was afterwards included in the province of ' Flavia Cresariensis.' TJ1e Roman station llfagiovintum is pretty well ascertained to have been within the limits of this county, near Fenny Stratford : its site is cal\ed Auld fields, where abundance of coius, and foundations of buildings have often been discorered. SoiL, PRODUCE and CLIMATE.-The face of the county is exceedingly varied : the southern parts are oc­ cupied by the chiltern hills and their appendages, and are chiefly composed of chalk, intermixed with flints; and though very inferior to the northern district, with respect to richness of soil, ha,·e been rendered n:ry productive by the great attention given to the cultivation aud improvement of the laud. The prolific vale of spreads through the middle of the COUIJty, furnishing rich pMturage to vast numbers of cattle, aud supporting numerous dairy and grazing farms. The more northern parts are diwrsified with gtntle sand hilts; h~ving also pasture and meadow laud, with a small proportion of arablf'. The great wei!lht of butter annually made on the dairy farms, is mo~tly purchased by the de-alers, who contract for it half yeat•ly; and the skim and butter milk an: employed in fattening numerous herds of swine. Great attention is give& tb the rearing early ducks, and the suckling cah·es for the metropolitan markets. The southern division of the county produces large quantities of tine beech; near a sixth -part of the land bet\1een the road to Oxford and the Thames is suppo~ed to be covered with that wood. The application of the soil in the chilte-m cjistrict is to the growth of wheat, barley, oats, beaus and saiufoin. The CLIMATE of this county is thought to be as favorable to health and longevity as any other in the kingdom. The air on tbe chiltern hills is remarkably healthy; and t>ven in the vales it is more :salubrious than in the low grounds of other counties. MANUFACTURES and TRADE.-The chief manufactures of this county are those of lace and paper, the forme~ giving employment to a great proportion of the females belonging to the humbler class. l\lany vt>ry young children are also employed in this m terestiug branch of manufactures, who make the edgings and narrower eort of laces ; and there are throughout the ':ounty many ~chools where the bobbins on the pillow are actively plyed, to the exclusion of the works of the sempstress. But this branch has suffered severely of late years; the article produced from the machines of Nottingham having shorn it, to a great extent, of its prosperity. Besides paper and lace, the trade of the county is of a general and agricultural nature, having a tolerably pros­ perous traffic in grain, timber, malt, &c. The grand junction tanal, which pas8es through this county, is of comsiderable impurtance to its trade, communicating with the metropolis, and, by its navigable cuts, al~o witll the principal towns in this and the neighbouring counties. RIVERS and CANALs.-The principal rivers from which this connty derives advantagrs are the THAMES, the OusE, and the COLNE. Th~ Thames forms part of the boundary, dividing it from Berkshire, during a comse of about thirty miles, and is navigable the whole of the way. fhe Ouse enters the western side of the county, and passing Water Stratford, , Newport Pa~ne1 and Olney, leaves the county near Snelson. The Colne forms part of the eastern boundary of the county, separating it from Middlesex, and falls into the Thames between Ankerwyke and Staines. The Thame rises 11ear to the borders of the county, in Hertford­ shire, and after receiving the waters of several small streams, enters Oxfordshire near Thame, where it unites with the Isi!o, and both conjointly form the Thames. The only canal is the ~rand junction, above mentioned, which enters this county near , and after passing several of the principal towns, leaves it near Mansworth. There are also cuts or branches communicating with Aylesbury, Buckingham and Wendover. is in the diocese of Lincoln, and iucluded in the Norfolk circuit~ it is divided into eie;ht hundreds, viz. AsHENDON, AvLESBURv,BucKINGHAM, BuRNHAM, CoTTESLOE, DESBOROUGH, NEWPORT and SToKE. These divisions collectively contain about two hundred , one county town (Buckinghdm), and fourteen other market towns. The county sends fourteen members to parliament-two for the shire,. and two each for the boroughs of Amersham, Aylesbury, Buckingham, Great Marlow, Wendover and W,ycnmbe. The prf'sent representatives of the shire are the Marquis of Chandos & the Hon. Robert J. Smith. PoPULATION.-According to the census of 1821, there were hou~es inhabited in the county, 24,876; unin­ habited, 549; and houses buildi11g, 148. The number of families then resident in the county was 28,867; comprising 64,867 males, aud 69,201 females; total, 134,068: and by a calculation made by order of ~ovemment, which included persons in the army and navy, for which was added after the ratio of about one to thirty prior to the year 1811, and oue to fifty for that year and the census of 1821, to the returns made from t'he several districts ; the population of the county, in ronnd numbers, in the year 1700, was 80,500-in 1750, 90,700-in 1801, Ill.OOO-in 18ll, 121,600-and in 1821, 136,800. The increased population in the fifty years, from the year 1700, was 10,200-from 1750 to 1801, the increa.'~e was 20,300-from 1801 to 1811, the increase was 10,600-and fwm 1811 to 1821. the augmented number of persons was 15,200; the grand total i'ncrease in the population of the county from the year 1700 to the census of 1821, being about 56,300 persons. Index of Distances from Town to Town in the County of Buckingham. The names of the respective towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. Distance from London. Amersham...... • . . . • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • • • . • . • . • • • . • . 26 Aylesbury •••••••••• 15 Aylesbury.... • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 38 Beaconsfield • • • • .. • • 5 20 Beaeonsfield • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • 23 Buckingham •••••••. 32 17 35 Buckingham , • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • . • • 57 Chesham • . • . • • • • • • 3 13 8131 Cheshan1 • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • 28 .Fenny Stratford •••. 30 15 34 14 27 Fenny Stratford...... • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • 44 lvinghoe••••••••••.• 14 9 19 21 ll 12 lvmghoe •••••.•••.•••.•••••.•.•.•••• 33 l\Iarlow •••••••••••. 12122 8 36 15 33 21!\larlow •••...•...•••••••• , ...... 31 Newport Pagnell •••• 28 23 33j14 25 7 15 36 Newport Pagnell ••••••• , •••••.•• 51 Olney •••.•••••••••• 33 30 38 19 30 12 20 41 5 Olney •••••••••••••••••••.•• 56 Princes Risborough •. ll 8 14 26 13 23 24 13 23 28\Princes Risborough .••.•••. 37 Stoney Stratford .... 34 19 37 8 24 714 37 6 11 25 StonPy StratfoJ'd •.•.•••. 51 Wendover •••••••••. IO 51322 919 8162126 424Wendover ...... 35 Winslow ...... 25 l0j29 7 23 12 14 29 16 19 17 10 15/Winslow • . • • • . • . • • 48 Wycombe High •••. 117 534 9l27,151 5 29,34 8 321123 I Wycombe ...... 29 1 69 ~ucfdnnfJamsJJire. Nigot & Qto.'tf AMERSHAl\1 AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. A.MERSHAM, formerly spe1Ied .Agmond~sham, ie gothic architecture; and the interior is fitted up with an anrient and remarkably nt'at borough an et market remarkable neatness. 'J'he li\'ing, which is one of the town, in the hundred of Bum ham; 26 mile!! from hest in the connty, is a rectory in the gift of Thomas London, 32 from Buckingham, 15 from Aylesbm·v, Drake, esq. M.P., and in the enjoyment of the Rev. and 3 from Chesham. The town is finely situated in John Drake; his prt'sent is the Rev. Henry Ni.. a beautiful and fertile vale, between wood-clad hills, chobon. The other places of worship are two baptise and principally consists of one long and spacious well- chapels, called first and 5econd denominations, and a paved street, intersected near the centre by a !!maller meeting-hou:~e for the society of friends. The bap­ one. It is a parliamentary borough by prescription, tists are most ref'pectable congregations, and their and recovered its right of returning member~ to par- mini1-ters highly 'tespected : the first de.,omination is liament (which had been disused fo1·nearly 400 years) under the ministry of the Rev. John Statham, and the in 1623. The right of election is in thf" lord's tenants second under that of the Rev. James Coopcr.-The of the borough, paying scot and lot-tht- number of town has the ad,·antage of a free grammar-school~ TOters is incousiderable; the constable is the returning founded by Dr. Robert Cbaloner in 1621 ; and another ()fficer. The present members are, Thomas and Wm. for tt'aching writing and arithmetic, founded in 1728 Drak~,esquire5; the former gentleman being also lord by William Lord Newhaven. Here are also alms­ ()f the manor, Edmund Wailer, thct celebt·ated poet, houses for six: poor widows, founded by Sir Williatn who was long time a rt'sident at Coleshill, in this Drake. The manufacturPs aud trade of this towtt , sat in two parliaments, in Charles I. for this consist of lace and straw plat, chair making, sacking borough; as did the patriot Algernon Sydney, in and crape manufacture~~, with some maltin~ concerns 1679. It was at Coleshill, beneath the widely- and good corn-mills on the rirer Colne. The market, 11preading branches of an oak of great bulk, that Wailer which is a good one for grain, i~ held on Tuesdays; is said to have wrote most of his poems: and at Chal- and there are two annual fairs, viz. on Wbit-~londay font St. Giles', f()ur miles hence, the immortal Milton and the 19th Septemhet·.-The population of the ha­ resided during the great plague in 1665, and finished rough and parish of Amersham, according to the his inimitable poem of ' Paradise Lost.' census of 1821, was 2,612 persons-now suppo:sed to The pari~h church is a spac:ious brick building, of have increased to about 3,000. POST OFFICE, High-street, Fraucis , Post .Masler.-Letters from all parts arrive by cro~l­ post from BEACONSFIELD, every morning at ten minntes before seven, and are del'patched every night at nine. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND How Elizabeth, High lit GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. CLER~Y. . 1\liles Ann (and fdrrier) High st (SPe also Shopkeepers, ~c) Ball Hen;y, gtnt. ColeslHll . Pagt' John, Coleshill Jones Thos. (&coal dealer) Hi~h st :Bowden fhornas, esq. ~oleslull BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Pottet· Samuel (& taliow chandler) C~JOper Rev. Jam.es, Htgh tit Child James, High st High street . Dtaml?nd Mrs. H~gh street Dorrell Jarnes High st Rol{ers .Martha (&cooper) H1gh sa Dowmng .Mrs. H 1gl_1 strt'et Francis Thom~s Coleshill Toms l\Iary ( & stationer) High n Drake M1ss lsab, Ltttle Shardeloes George Charles.' Coleshill Wingrove Henry, High st Drake Rev. John, Rectory Holli:s Samuel Hig-h st INNS. Dt:ake Th_o~.e~q.M.P. Gt. Shardeloes Keen William: Wilden st coMMERCIAL AND POSTING. Dtake Wtlham, esq. !"· P. Plester John Wiiden st Crown, Charles White Fowler (& Draper ~!rs. Jane, H1gh st. Priest Franci's, High st wine & brandy merchant) High st ~yles MaJOr J!lmes, Colesh1ll Rigby John, Wilden st Griffin, Thomas Jones (and wine~ Eyles Mrs. H1gh street BRICKLAYERS. and brandy metchaut) High st M.ason H"m·y Wm. esq. ~eel house Hoare Benjamin, Wilden s& IRONMONGERS. N]('holson Rev. Henry, Htgh st Keen Chailes, Wilden st Climpson Edward, Wilden st Rumsey James, M. D. Chu!·ch end Lee John, Wild en st Rogers Joshua (and timber dealer). ~talker Rev. Matthew,. Htgh st BRICK MAKERS. High street ~tatham R~v. J_ohn, ~llo!h l'lt Andrew William, Common LINEN DRAPERS AND Sutton 1\~r~. Wtld<>n str.eet Woodhams Wicken, Amersham HABERDASHERS. Toms Wllham, gent. !ltgh st BUTCHERS. Montague Thomas, High st Waddell Mrs. Coleshtll Adams Catherine High st Statham Charles (&lace merchant) Weller Jo~n_, gent. Chur~h end ~Jiles Elizabeth, High st High etreet W~ller Wlll•a~, gent. f:I•gh st Miles John, Hi~h street MALTSTERS. Wmdsor Hon. fhos. H1gh house Priest George, Hi~h street MortenThos. (&corn dealer)High f!l ACADEMI_Es AI:lD SCHO

SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Hare & Hounds, Jas. Chapman,Wilden 11t Toms John, brazier & tinman, High st IN SUNDRIES. King's Anns, William Beny, High st Wilson Wm.chymist&druggist, Wilden at Crockett William, High st Queen'aHead,JohnKing, Wilden end gate COACHES. Red Lion, L~dia 1\. ash, Coleshill }'ield Daniel, High st Rose & Crown, Wm. Montague,London rd To LONDON, the Old Union (from Ban. George Charles, Coleshill Saracen's Head, John Earl, Wilden st bury) calls at the Griffin, every day Grove Edmund, High st Swan, Alice Day, High st (Sundays excepted) at half-past two­ White Lion, William Wilson, Common Tollett's (from Wendover) calls at the Mortt'n Thoma~, High st Crown,every morning (Sunday except­ Nm·wood Sarah, Hi~hst WHEELWRIGHTS. ed) at eight, & on Sunday at seven-and Phillip!> Thoma,;, Wilden st Limming Anthony, High st Wyatt's Coach, from tbe same Inn, Salter Elizabtth, Wilden st every morning (Sundays excepted) at Line William, High street six, and on Sundays at seven. Slade James, Coleshill Rogers Thomas, Coleshill Thompson Jamel;, High st To BAl'lo BURY, the Old Union {from Miscellaneous. • London) calls at the Grilfin, every daJ SURGEONS. (Sundays excepted) at twelve. Atkim Thomas Grant, dyer, High !t To W J:t:N DOVER, Tollett'a (from Lon• 'Brickwell Thomas, High !lit Brickwell Isabella, lace di'aler, Wildl"n at Gray Thomas Nathaniel, High st don) calls at the Crown, every evening Elbourn Ann, hair d1 esser & cntl~r ,High at (Sundays excepted) at six. •rallent Edward, High st Garrett & M orlon, tanners, High at TAILORS. Hall Richard, cooper, High st CARRIERS.. Harding M argaret, stationer, Wild en st To LONDON, John Smith's Waggom, A:r~drewsJohn, High st Higgin~ Jas.gardener & seedsman,High st every l\1 ond,\y and Wednesday, througb Axteo Charles ( & draper) Wilden l!t Hodgkinson Rd. sack manufactr. High st Uxbridge. Chapman James, Wilden st JenningsJ os.crape mauufacturer,High st; To AYLESBURY,John Chapman's Cart, Dolling James, High st warehouse W 01·ship st,Finshury,London from his house, every W eduesday and Hollis Samuel, High st Morriss G~orge, brush maker, High st Sat•uday mornin~. Priest Fmnris, parish clerk, High st To BERKHAMSTEAD, John ChaP­ Pilttinl(ham Henry, Hil!:h st Putnam Henry, glover, High st man,. from his house, every Thursday WoudbrirJge Thomas, High st RaynerJoseph, woolstapler, High st mornmg. 'TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Rolfe James, turner, Wilden st To Wll'IIDSOR, John Chapman, from Black Horse,F•ancis Kdge, Common Selby Chas. coach & harne•s mkr, High at his house, every .Monday and Thursday, Chequers, Samuel Caudery, London road Siins Richd. watch & clock mkr, High st thro' Burnham-& Thomas Mortf'n, Flenr--de-Lis, Thomas Muckle, Coleshill Smith Daul. govt>rnor of th~ Workhouse from his house, every Saturday morning, Grirfln, Sarah Stone, Mop end Statham Charles, upholsterer, High st throu~h Beaconslleld. AYLESBURY, WITH THE VILLAGE OF WHITCHURCH AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. AYLESBURY, s market and bomugh town, giving is a well-conducted and talented periodical, in good name lo the hundrl:'d in which it is situated ; is 38 circulation. miles from London, 17 from Buckingham, 22 fmm The parish church, which is dedicated to St. Mary, Oxford, 10 from Thame, 7 from Tring, and 5 from is a large gothic structure of crucifix form, with a low Weud{)ver. The town stands near the centre of the tower. Its exterior has lately been repaired at a con­ county, on a small eminence, in the rich and exten- siderable expen:se; and its interior also demands the sive tract denominated 'the Vale of Aylt-sbury.' It labour of the artisan, to render its appearance in was originally a strong Br·itish town, which main- unison with that of its outside. The living is a vi­ tained its iudependeuce till the year 571, when it was carage, in the patronage of the dean and chapter of reduced by the West Saxons. In the time of the Linl'oln; and the present incumbent is the Rev. J. Conqueror it was made a manor royal, and parcelled 1\lorley. Tht-re are a very good free granmar and out under an odd and singular tenure, viz. that the English !':chool, and others upou the national systt-m. tenants should find littet· or straw for the king's bed- Tht charities dispensed to the poor of tl1is horuu~h are chamber three times a year, if he came that way so extensive: they consist in the distribution of wearing often ; and provide him with three eels in winter, apparel annually, apprenticing boys and girls, and be­ and three green geese in summer. Aylesbury was stowing money upon reduced tradesmen aud widows, made a corporate and borough town bv a charter of besides several other benefits to the needy, of minor Queen Mary, in 1554; but the corporation was dis- importance. The country around Ay le~ bury is very soh·ed, not many years after the g-rant of the charter. fine aud luxuriant, some of the best land in Eu~land Its municipal government is now Testt'd in four con- being within a shmt distance of the town. About two stables, chosen at the court 1eet of the lord of the miles hence is Hartwell, the seat of Dr. John Lee; manor (the Duke of Buckingham); and these autho- and is to be noticed as haviug been the residence of rities are the returning officers at the time of election:~. Louis XVIII, whilst sojouruing in this country, and •rhe right of voting fot· the return of members is in from whence he took his departure on his return to those paying scot and lot within the borough, and not his own dominions.-The market, which is the largest receiving parochial relief, and also in the freeholders in the county, especially for 1•oultry, is held on Satur­ of three hundreds of Aylesbury. The number of elec- day: the fairs are, the first J:<'riday after Jan. 18rh, tors is generally about 1,800; the present representa- Palw Saturday, .May 8th, June 14th, Sept. 25th, and tives are, Lord Nugent, and William Ricktord, esq. Oct. 12th; the last being for the hiring agricultural •rhe election of membl:'rs for the county takes place servants, and the otht.-rs for horses, cattle, &c. The be re; and as:si:&es are held in tl1e town-hall, also population of the borough and parish of Aylesbury, quarter sessions and an ancient sherifts' court. The by the parliamentary returns for 1821, consisted of trade of Aylesbury assumes no particular character; 4,400 persons. it was once the seat of a most extensh·e one in lace; WHITCHURCH is a considnable village, in a parish but this manufacture, as in the other towns in the of its name, in the hundred of Cottesloe; situated county, has fallen into decay; and the business here nf'arly mid way between Winslow and Aylesbury, about is now of a local and agricultural nature: the latte1· four miles and a half from the latter town. Edward I. being a~sisted by a branch of the Grand Junction ~··anted it the charter of a market, to be holden on caual, which facilitates the di!lsemination of the pro- Mondays; but it has long since fallen into disuse. duce of the laud, and is useful to the inhabitants in The parish church if> dedicated to 8t. John the Evan· brin~ing coals and other necessaries to the town. An gelist; the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the crown ; horticultural society has for some time been estab- the present incumbent is the Rev. Thomas Archer. A lisbed in Aylesbury, and there iti also a good book so- small pleasure fair is held on the 6th May, and a sta­ ciety. The only newRpaper published in the county tute meeting about Michaelma~. The number of in­ (the ' Bucks Gazette,') i:; is,;ued from this town, and habitants in the parish, in 1821, was 845. POS'P OFFICE, Temple-street, William Husband, Post 1J'laste1'.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morning at one, and are despatched at two in the morning.-Letters from BucKINGHAM and WINSLow, arrive by mail cart, every night at half-past eleven, and are despatched in the morning at four, except Monday, when they do not leave until te11.-Letters from St. ALBANS aud the North and East of Englanrf, arrive by mail cart, every morning at twenty minutes past nine, and are despatched in the evening at !>iX, c,>~cept 8unday, when they are seut a~ .tive,-Letters from AMERSHAM BE.&CONSFIELD and the West of 71 1 • , AYLESBURY, &c .

.England, arrive by mail cart, e1·ery morning at a quarter before ten, aud are despatched in ~be aftertloofi at half-past five.-Letters from W ADDESDEN and WoTTON, arrive by a foot-post, every evening at half-pass tse\len, and are despatched in the morniug at six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND AtTCTIONEERS&APPRAISRS. RQseJoln'l, Whitchurch <;l~ERGY • . Fie le! Thos. White & Son,Market sq Thorpe Charles, Kinl\"~bur·y Archer Rev. I homas, Wlutchurch Gibhs John (and pawnbroker) Woodford Thomas, Back street A:.hfield ~ev. Chas. Roh!. Broad st Market square CABINET MAKERS AND Anbr~y Sir Thomas D1gby, bart. Jackson James, Kinl\"sbury UPHOLSTERERS. Avwg house . Rainsford George, Walton Beny Thomas, Market squar~ Barker John, esq. H1erton road BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Gibbs Samuel, Markt't square Bigg Mrs. Ma1-y, Walton st Bowler William, Whitchurcb Jackson Ja~per, Buckin~ham road Bruwne Robert, esq. ~rook farm Fell Thomas, Silver st [st CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Bull Rev. Israel, Buckmgham roa_d Garnel'Jno.(&confectioner)Walton Marked thus"' ar.- abo Builders. Chandos most noble the Mat·quis Goodson William, Kin~shury Durley Richard, Whitchurch of, M. P. Wotton hou~e Grace Jeremiah, Silver lane "-'Green Thomas, Kingsbury Cox W_m. gent. Walton terrace Hearne John, Market square "-'Green \Villi am ( & tim bel" dealer) Dell M1ss- Ann, Broad st [race Hicks Joseph, King:-~bm·y Temple st [Wallon st Eagles W. Blal\e, gent. Walton ter- Holt John Whitchurch ""Gumey J ames (and timber dealer) Feil Miss Mary, Broad st How Eliz;beth, Market ~t Heritage John, Whitchurch l''ell Mrs. 1-.lleu, 'l'emple square .ludkin~ William, Baker's lane CHINA) GLASS1 &c. D.EALERS• Felll\Jrs. ~u.sao, Walton t-:rrace Marks John, Kingshury Cox John, Temple st Duke3 William, Temple lane Flower. Wtlham, gent. Whnchurch Millhurn George1 Walton st Franklm Jno. g~n.t. Wal~on terrace Rose Wm. Whitchurch [bury CHYM!ST S AND DRUGGISTSo Goodall Rev. WIIham, Dmton Sadler John ( & cnnft"ctioner) Kings­ Cheney Holmes, Markt't square Grace Mrs. Fan11y, Waterhouse st Thorpe Albert Green end Harrison Edward, Market st Cuun Rev. William, Castle st Woodman Rot;ert Walton st Loggin Francis, Market square H~wward Francis, gent. Kingsh11ry Woodman Willia~1, Castle st CLOTHES DEALERS. H1ckman l\lrs. Sarah, Broad st BANKERS. Arnold John, Kingsbury Hunt Mrs. Mary, Green end Rickford William & Son,l\larket sq. l\larch William, Market l-lquare !!l:lr Ge~rg~, gent. Waltorr terrace {draw on Praeds &Co. London) Miles Thomas, Temple st i\.Ing S~r J. Oashwood, bart. H~lton BASKET & SIE"YE MAKE:RS, Payne Philip, Market st COACH MAKERS, Lake RightHnn.LOI'd,Aston Chnton Bailf'y Joseph, Ca8tle st Kin~ Samuel, New road Lee Doc.tor ~uhn, Hartwell house Evett James, Ma1·ket square Loader BfnJ. gent. Walton tenace Kirhy Robert, Sil\'er lane Mead John, Temple square Lockhart Rev. Alexander, Hartwell Wheeler James, Kin~~ bury COAL MERCHANTS. England Rebt-cca, Market square Mm·ley R_ev. John, Church yar1. BLACKSMITHS. N.ugent 1-hght Hon. Lord, M. P. L1hrs Eldridge John Doly, Walton Euglancl Thomas, Walton st Haycock William, Wharf P~gott Wm: ~sq. Doddershall park Hever Wm. near Bull's Head Inn JtJCkfordWIIham,eo;q.M.P.Greenend Hows John Oxford road Howard Joseph (&salt) Wa1ton st Sen.ior Mrs. Aroughton. house Spra~g Tbo~nas, Baker's lane> Shaw Joseph (and slate) Walton SI'mth Rev. Thoma11, B1erton Vicars Thomas Whitchurcb. COOPE:RS. Alderman William, Whitchurch t'itatham Rev. S. F. Stowe BOOKSELLE~S & STATIONRS, Thurpe Mrs. Haunah, Walton Mark.ed thus* are also Printers. Beasley Catherine, Whitchurch Tnmer Wm. esq. Weedon lodge Marlin i\larv, l\larket square Holloway William, Wattou st Wheelet· John, gent. Wate1house ~t •.Marshatl hmes Henry (& stamp Jolly Jos.( & ~ieve mal< er) New road White Rev. John, Hard wick distributer) Temple st CORN DEALERS, Thomas, Silver stret·t ACADEIYIIE s ~ND SCHOOLS. *M '\Y James ( & jeweller) 1\larket pl Fell Not othenvt~e des en bed are Day Schools. «-W oodman William (printer onlv) Hearne J olm, M ark et square Bartlett Pat I y(ladies'day and board- Walton ~treet • Hogg Thomas, Walton st ing) Broad StJ·eet BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. l\1 iles Thomas, Temple st BRITISH ScHooL (boys') Green Ames Thomas, Temple st 'fen-y Thomas, Walton terrace end-William Simmons, mastet· An'IY Michael, Walton st Webb Thomas, Market square BRITISH ScHooL, (girb') Back Raldwin ,bcob, Ba:ck st Wing Abraham, Waterhouse st street-Sarah Simmons, tnistress Bald win William, Temple st Woodman William, Castle st Cole GPor~e(gent.'s day and board- Chilton George, Whitchurcb FIRE1 &c. OFFICE AGENTS. ing) Bmad street Fryer Francis, Castle st ALLIANCE (fire & life), James May• FaEE GRAMMAR and ENGLISH Gilhert John, Baker's lane Market square ScuooL,Chm·ch yard-Rev.Chas. Gurney William, Castle st ATLAS, Edwin Bull, Walton st RolJert Ash?elct,. master; Henry Hedges James, Temple st CLERICAL and MEDICAL (life) Ed­ Heyward, English master lvatts Alice, l\larkrt square Wal d Prickett, Wahon st INFANT ScuooL, Church. yard- hatts Charles, Kingshury CouNTY, John White, Market sq J. H. F. Bettesworth, mistre:is Mattbews Thomas, Whitchurch EAGLE (life) Silvan us Seymour, l\l'Morland Catherine, Walton Shepherd George,Buckingham road Market s11 [Waterhouse st Morley Susannah, Temple square BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLAT:£ GLOBE (fire & life), Henry Hatten. Monis Ann, Baker's lane WORKERS. HERTs & CAl\IBRIDGESHIRE, John l\1orris James, Castle stJ·eet Sharp Cyrus, Walton ~t Gihhs, 1\larket 8q [Market sq Tumer i\lrs. and Mi"s (ladies' day Shen end BRE:WERS. PROTECTOR, J s.J ackson ,KitH~~ bury ATTORNEYS. Dell Thos. & John, Waterhouse st PRoviDENT ,John White, Market sq Bmoks Johu, Walton street Ter·rv Richard Walton RoYAL ExcHANGE, James James, Bull William, Walton st BRiCK MA~ERS AND LIME Temple square Hatten Henry (as3ociate, Norfolk BURNERS. SuN, John Churchill, Market sq , circuit) Water·house street Denchfield Richard, Whitchm·ch GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. James James, Temple square Read Josl'ph, Cambt·idge road Btocklehurst John, Silver st Newm<'l.n John, Walton st BUTCHERS. Dawney J onah (and nurseryman J P~rrott John, Buckingham road. Fil-11Jer Francis, Kin~sbury Kingsbu1·y Pr1ckett Edward (& deputy regis- Gough James, Buckingham road Thorp Johu. Market st trar of the Archdeaconry of Green James, Baker'slaue GLOVERS. Bucks) Walton street Hill William1 Silver st George John, Walton st Rose Joseph (and distributer of Hollyman Richard, Silver lane Hob!ey Edward Wilsher, Market se stamps & clerk to the magistl'ates Holmes James .. Walton st Pearce William, Bakl•r's lane ofCottesloe hundreds) Broad st Kinch Daniel, Whitchurch GROCERS & TEA DEALERS, Stove Arthur Chas. I:Juckingham rd Margesson John, Market square (See also Shopkeepers, ~c.) ',l'indal Thomas (and clerk of the Mead .1\lichael, Temple square Churchill John (and tallow eh and~ peace) Market square Nash John, Silver Jaue ler) Market squax·t: 72 . - Dfrcctorp.- AYLESBURY, &e. ~ucfttnnbam~Jjtrt. Fisher William, Temple !iquaro PHYSICIANS. V!:TERI:NABY SURGEONS. Homeyer WiUiam, WaHoo Edmund!! William, Cambridge 110ad N()rfolke Johtl, Silver st tlyde Thomas, l\larkes SC!Uare Lipscomb George, Whitchm·cll Swat Charles, Market squ=-re Johuson Charles, Kingsbury SADDLERS AND HAR:NESS Steel John, Walton Lines A U{l"n~tus, l\larker square MAKERS. WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, Rogers Richard, Temple square Kinnings Jno. (collar) Whitchm:ch Field Thos. White & Son,l\larket sq Wheeler Rohert & Thomas(and tal- Smith .Matthew, Kingsbury Stone John, Market square low chandlers) Waterhou.se st Warr John, l\larket :.quare WHEELWRIGHTS. GUNSMITHS. Wootton Lawrence, Market square Bowler Charles, Whitchurcb Field Thos.White & Son,Marketsq SHOPKEEPERS & DEAL~~S Holloway John, Baker's lane Stone John, Market squal't! IN SUNDRIES. Smith Wm. Buckingham road HAIR DRESSERS. Bowler Eleauor, Whitchurcb WIU'fESMITHS. De Fraine Joseph, Baker's lane Cleaver James, Whitchurch (See aJso Ironmongers.) De Fraine Luke,l\larket square Edwiu John, Kingsbllry M'Morran James, Waterh"use st: Dixon James, Baker's lane Gamer John, Walton l'lt Nf'ale Robert, Temple st MuddimauAlex.Phillips, Kingsbury Goodey l\lary, Waltou WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS )luddilllau Joseph (aud perfumer) Hewiett Georgt', Back s.' Dell Hobert, Market 11quare Market square Hogg Thomas, Walton st Dell Thos. & John~ Waterhouse ~ N.>rris Chafles, Kingsbury Rickard i\tary, Whitcburch Ru55ell George, Chun:h ~ard o~horn William, Ma1·ket square Stevens Thomas, Whitcburch Miscellaneous. Simons Joseph Topping, Market st Tattam Hemy, Whitrhurch Atkins Wm. haberdasher, Baker's lane INNS. STONE & MARBLE MASO:NS. Britnell John, fishmonger, Back st Bull's Head, (aud excise office), Layt Fn~ncis, Waltoo :street BunceWm.JIIorwood,parish clerk, Broad at Cheese Wm. & Edwin, rope & twine, &~;. Arm l\largesson, Market square Thompson William, Kingsbury manfrs. & flax & hemp drf'ssers, Walt011 Crown (commercial and posting STRAW HAT MAKERS. Elmes Francis, hatter, Temple st house) James Reed, Market sq Cross Elizabeth, Market square Faulkner Thos. Wm. bookbinder, Wa.ltnD. George (and posting house) George Eu,tace Sarah, Baker's lane GRAND JuKCTIOK CAN.*L COMPANY'll Bennett, l\1arke1i sq [~q 0FFlrB,A)Iesbury wharf-G. Wells,agt Goss Ann, Kingshury Leone John, jeweller, Kingsbury King's Head, Wnt. Winfield,Markct Lock Elizabeth, Castle st PRyne Charier, cutler, Temple st Wbite Hart (and postin~ house) Lock Sarah, Castle st RickardJoseph, parish clerk, Whitchun·h John Ke•·oley Fowler, l\larket sq Wyatt Jane, Walton st Rolls and Payne, curriera and leathet" IRONMONGERS. SURGEONS. cutters, Temple sifl~et [-squa,n, Ceely Robert, Market square Sherriff Jamt~s, governor (I( gaol, Market Key Robert, Kingsbut·y Weston James, sawyer, Kings bury Seymour Silvanus (aud iron dealer) HaywardWm.&Son,Buckiughamrd .Market square Terry Charles, Broad st COACJHBS. LACE MANUFACTURERS. Young James & Son, Castle st To LONDON, the Royal Mail (from BirM mingbam) arrives every morning at Clarke Henry, Market square SURVEYORS. two-the Regulator (from Bicester and Wootton Ann, Temple square Ball James, (buiJdiug) Bucking­ Deddington) calls at the Bull's Head LINEN&WOOLLEN DRAPERS ham road }nn1 Market square, every Monday, AND MERCERS. Cole Gcorge (land) Broad $t Wednesday, and Friday mornings at Cheshire Jo~epli, .Market square half-past ten-the .Despatch, from the TAILORS. King's Head Inn, every morning (Sun­ Clarke Henry, l\1arke' square Marked thus • are also Drapers. days ex.cf"pted) at seven-and a Coach ~larch William, Market square •Bancroft William. Back st (from Kidderminster) calls at the Cock, M edhurst Charles, 1\larkea st Cllllins Henry, Hale leys every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Payne Philip, Market st Cruso William, l\larket square afternoon, at four; all go thro' Tring, White John, Matket SIJUam •GilbeJ·t Edward, Silver st Berkhampstead, and Watford.-The Union (trom Banbury) calls at that MALTSTERS. Gough William, Temple st Geor)<'e bm, every day (Sundays e:ll,­ Brooks Mary, Church yard Hinton Sophia, Waterhouse st cepted) at half-past twelve ; ~oea thro' Farmbrou~h William, Ca~tle si Kirby William, Waterhouse st Wendover, Amersbam, and Uxbridge. Par~ons William, Hardwick Reyuolds Thoma~, Kings bury To BANBURY, the Union (from London) Russdl George, Churchyard Tattam Henry, Whitchurch calls at the George Inn every after­ Stone Seph, Wbitchurch •White John, M:uket square Jloon (Sundays excepte.d) at two; goea thr()ugh Whitchurch, Winslow, and Terry Tllomas, Walton tt~rrace TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUS!:S. BuckinRham, and from thence through Ware Willianl, Walton s' Angel, William Stone, Kingsbury Brackley, on Mondays, Wednesdays, MILLERS. Bear, William Ware, Walton si and Fridays, and through Tingewick Pursst-11 Jost'ph, Walton mill Bell, John Gurney, Market square and Aynhoe, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Stone James, Whitchurch Black Horae, James Osborn, Castle at and Saturdays. Black Swan, Edward Bo\\ !er, Kingsbury To BICES'f.ER & DEDDINGTON, the 'fUt·piu Thomas, Brook mill Bricklayer's Arms,Tbos.Wootton, Walton Regulator !from London) calls at the MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Buckinl(ham Arms, William Cooper, White Hart Inn, neryTuesday, Thurs­ (See also Straw Hat hlakers.) Buck.in~ham road [square day, and Saturday afternoon, attwo; Curtis Elizabt>tb, Silver st Coach & Horses, Thomas Speed, Mark.et goes through W addesd on. Fryer Sally, K iugsbury Cock, Josiah Hill, Kingsbury To BIRl\UNGHAM, the R<>ysl Mtdl Cock, Benjamio Osborne, Whitchurch (from London) arrives every morning at Ledbeter Elizabeth, Castle st Cross Keys, Richard Plater, Marketplace one, goes through Bicester, BanbufJ, .Mt'dburst Ann (and haberdasher) Crown & Thistle,Steph.Cook, Whitcbnrch Warwick, &c. M ark et street Dark Lantern, Benj. Holland, Temple la To CAMBRIDGE, a Coach (from Oxford) Petty :Sarah, Silve1 lane Green 1\lan, Mary Whitehall, Market sq calls at the George Inn, eyery Monday, RawSarah &.Mary(&haberdashers) Greyhound, Robert Howse, Market sq Wednesday, and Friday moraing, at Harrow, William Turner, Back &t half-past ten; goes through Leighton King~b11ry Nag's Head, Samuel 1-'ryer, Baker'11lane Buuarr Sarah, Temple st Oxford Arms,RebeccaEngland,Market sq T~ KIDDERMINSTER, a Coach (from Wooda1an Ann, Green end Queen•s Head, Michael Mead, 'Temple sq London) calls at the Cook, eYery Tues­ Wyatt Jant>, Walton st Red Cow, Henry Monk, Buckingham rd day, Thursday, and Saturday morning, Red Lion, John Lovell, Kingsbury at half-pll.&t ten; goes through Biceste.r, NEWSPAPERS. Rising Sun, Thoma• Bowler, Oxford rd Banbury, and Stratford-upon·Avon. Bucks Gazette (Saturday) W. H. Royal Oak, Thomas Bromley, KingsburJ ~o OXFORD, a Coach (from Cambridg~) Reynell, priutt>r-James May, Ship, John Fountain. Walton 11t calls at the Geor~e Inn, every Tuesday, publisher, Market square Tap House, Elizabeth Tombs, Green end Tllursday, and Saturday afternoon, at Two Brewers, Thomas Giluer•, Back at PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND JOur; goes throu~h Tbame. GLAZIERS. Unicorn, Thomas tov~grove, Walton To WINSLOW, the Regulator, from the White Hnrse, Robt.Holloway, Wbitchureb White Hart Inn, every Tuesday, Thurs­ Curtis Joseph, Silver street White Horse, Thos. M.:J~.lder, Market sq day, and Saturday afternoon. at three; Goss Thomas, Kingsbtny White Lion, Mary Reading, Castle st goes through Whitcburcb, Hawkius Wm. Whitchut·ch [lane \\bite Swan, Geo. Cheshire, Wbitchurch Hodgkius Nehemiah (paintr) Bakers White Swan, Samuel Smith, Walton si CARRIERS. Cu1J; whep. not otherw~ e>

CARRIE RS-Continut>d, To CLA.YDON,Joseph Hearn•s Waggon, To WADDESDON, Benjamin Cmolf, .,.,..Joho Welfurd'll Waggon, from the every Wednesdl;\y and Saturday. from the Crown Inn, every Wed. 8t Sat King's Head Inn, and !Healing's Wag­ To HA DDENHAM. John Wilford, from To WEN DOVER,- Welford, from the gon, from the Greyhound, every Wed­ the King's Head ·Inn, every Wednes· King's He11d Inn, evf'ry Wedne~~day ne-sday and Saturday-Hedges & Son's day and Saturday-and Thomas Hub­ aRd Saturday.-See also LoN Dol!l, Waggon, from the Crown Inn. eYery bard & Thos. Piggott, every Saturday. AMERSHAM, and HIGH WYCOMBE. Tuesday and Friday-Thomas Golby 's To HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, Francis To WHITCHURCH, Robett Bull, from Waggon, from the Cock, every Tues• Turner, once a week. the Angel, every Wednesday and Satur­ day, Thursd:J.y, Friday, and Saturday­ To HIGH WYCOMBE, MISSENDF.N, day.-See also WINSLOW, and William \\ro BR,\CKL~;y, - Mea.ling's Waggon, house, aud John Elliott and- Walker, of the , Pick­ from the Greyhound, evt>ry Tues. & Sat. from the Queen's Head, every Tuesday ford & Co.'s and Ann Laudon's Boats, 'l'o CH ESHAM,Jonathan Pope, from the and Saturday-and JobnHubbard,from from Aylesbury wharf. Royal Oak, every Saturday, the King's Head, twice a week. BEACONSFIELD, WOOBURN & NEIGHBOURHOODS. BEACONSFIELD, a small market town in the most elegant poet of his day. The livin~ of thi~ pa· hundred of Bumham, is 23 miles from London, 8 rish is a rectory, in the incumbency of the Rev. John from Marlow, and 5 from High Wycombe; pleasantly Gould. There are aii!O in the parish three chapels for situated on a hill, and reckoned one ofthe most healthy the dissenters. The principal ~eats in this neighbour­ situation~ in the ldngdom. The town has many well- hood are, Hall Barn, the re!!idence of Harry Edmund built houses; and there are four streets disposed in Waller, E!-1). a descendant of the poet above men­ -the form of a cro~s; these are wide and clean; the tioMed; Wilton Park, James Dupre-e, ~sq.; Bulstrode -principal one is formed by the road leading from Lon- Park. the seat of his grace the Duke of Somerset; -don to Oxford, and is tnore than half a mile in length. and Woobnrn Hou~e, Sir Griffin Wilson, Knt. The This town was once of considerable importance in tbe ma1 ket, which is chartered to he holden on W ednes­ gra1n and meal trades, and its market was the resort day, is scarcely now to be distinguished from any other -of nmNet·ous opulent factors and dealers; but the day of business in the week. Two fairs are still held, neighbouring towns of Wycombe and Oxbridge have which are tolerably well attended hy the buyers and .drawn away a great portion of its business, and in- sellers of cattle, &c.; they take place February I:~th vadcd its prosperity to a great extent: its lace-trade and Holy Thursday. The population of the parish, -too, which is the only manufacture here (with the ex- in 1821, was 1,736. ccptiou of sorne paper made in the neighbourhood), is WooBURN is a village and parish in the hundred of ~n a most depressed state. Still the inhabitants are Desborough ; situated three miles south-west from respectable, and its loeal trade well sustained by them, Beaconsfield, in a narrow valley, with a river mean­ Jn conjunction with the numerous genteel residents rlm·ing through the middle of it,giving motion to several in the \'icinage of the town. mill!! for grinding corn, and a greater numbt>r for the The parish church is unostentatious in its external making of paper, which is here the Maple manufac· appearance, and its iuside clean and convenient. It tore. 'fhe parish church is a large ancient structure, contaius in the south aisle a plain mural tablet, put up consisting of a na,·e, two aisles and a hand&ome tower; not many years ago, to record the memory of that ~~:reat it contains several monument& of the Bertie and Whar • !State:~ man, Edmund Bui'ke, who died at his seat, • Gre- tun families, and a curious font of ancient caned work. ~ories,' in this pari!! h. In the church-yard is a table W ooburn has no market; but two fairs are held in the 'Juonument of white marble, ornaruented with a pyra· year, viz. May 4th and Nov. 12th, for horses, cows and -mid, to the memory of Wailer, (bom in this town) the sheep. The number of inhabitants, in 1821, was 1,831. POST OFFIOB1 BEACONSFIELD, Thomas, Everett, Post .Master-Letters from LoNDON and tht: vortb and &tast parts arrive t'very night at eleven, and are despatched every morning at twenty minutes be­ fore four.-Letters from the south and west parts arrive every morning at twenty minutes before four, and are despatched every night at eleven.-Letters ft·om BucKINGHAM, AvLE!>BURY, MtSSENDEN, CnEsHAM -and AMtmsHAM, arrive by cross post, every night at ten, and are despatched every morning at six.-The office opens at seven in the morning and closes at nine at night. NOBILITY,GENTRY&:CLERGY Boddy William (gent.'s boarding) BLACKSMITHS. Bal•er Mrs. Wycombe end London street Buckland William, Aylesbury end Bradford Rev. WHliam Mussage, Bradford Rev. William .Mussage, Lm·ettDa\'. ( & farrier) Wycoru he end (magistrate) Wycombe end (gent.'s boarding) Wycombe eud MeakesJoseph(& farrier) Wooburn Dupree Jam es, esq. Wilton park HartnelJ Jeremiah W. Aylesbury end BOOT & SHOEMAKERS. Geary Rev. John, Wycombe end Hartnell .Mary, Aylesbury end Beck William, Woobum Gould Rev. John, s.o. Rectory Jezuph John, Aylesbury end Dormer John, Londnn st .(;•·em·illeRightHon.Lord,DI'Opmore Williams William, W11oburn Dnlley William, Wooburu Harril'lon Rev. Joshua, Wooburn ATTORNEYS. Heath William, Wnoburn Harsant Rev. John, Windsor end Charsley John (&county coroner) Nash John, Wooburn Latham Thos. gent. Wycombe end London st [Windsor end Slatter Geor~e, Wycombe rnd Lawrence l\]rs. London street Randall Jas. (& masterin chancery) Tredway Arthur, London st Orkney Dowager Lady, London st .~t1CTIONE.ERS. Wethered John, Woobum Randall Wm. gettt. Wyrombe end Everett Is.(&coopr) Wyeombeend BREWERS. Reed-, gent. London street Wa~:iell James, Aylesbury end Blake William, London street "Somerset. His Grace the Duke of, BAKERS. Payue Geo. (retail) Aylesbury end Bul:strode park [rage,Woob.urn Barnett Geor~e, ~VoohurR [hum Raudall Jno. (& maltster) Woo burn Thompson Rev. 1\farmaduke, V1ca- Bam~tt Rd. (& ~hopkeeper) Woo- BRICXLAYE RS. Wade Mrs. LIJnoon st [barn B~ck fhomas, Woolmru Blake William, Woobnrn Wailer Harry Edmun1l, esq. Hall Bi!nks 1\loses, W~~ombe end Chapmau Thomas, Wiudsor end WiJsou Sir Griffin, knight, .1.\Ianor Chlf~rd Ja~e.s, Wmdsor end Fox George, Aylesbury end House, Wooburn Hardwg ":Ilham, London st Ranee James, London street ACADEMIES &: SCHOOLS. Howard Richard, Wooburn BUTCHERS. Not otherwise described are Uay Schools. Rolfe Edward, Windsor end Blake Simeon, London street Boddy Cecilia (ladies' boarding & St reetiug John, London ~>trect Blinks Joseph, Wooburn d;~y) London :lt WeedonThoma5,jnu, London st l3links W1u. (& sbopkpl') London $L 74 - 1J t recto QJ .. BEACONSFIELD, &c. Jlucit fngJJam~JJt rt. Butler William, Wooburn Plai!'ltowe Richard, Loudwater Harding William, rag merehant,Woobum Gregorv George, Wycombe er!d Spicer Freeman Gage, U_P.per Glory H l'aly Thomas, meal man, "ycombe rnd King William1 parish clerk, W uobura Lipscmi1b Jo~>eph, Aylesbury end and Hedgt" mill • LGlory mill Ranee James, mHII'r, London ~t 1\lead William, London street Venable!l and Collingwood, Lower Rolfe John, land surveyor, Wetelton fnrm. CARPENTERS aE JOINERS. Wright Samuel, Woobnrn Sava~e Edward, millwright, \\- oobUTn l\farked thus • are also Builders. Wright William, Wooburn Statter George,parish clerk, Wyeombeell'd •Blakt: David, Windsor end Stranskam Jno. brick maker, Windsor end SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Vautrl\vers Mary ,stationt"r,.\Vycombe end •Child William, Wycombe end IN SUNDRIES. Wade Wm. patten maker, Windsor end Lact>y Thomas, Windsor end Heck Ann, Wooburn Williams James Lee, hair dresser & peF· «Lacey William, Wycombe end Ht·istow John, Woohurn fumer, London st [Wycombe end RiddleJames, Woobura Butler Thomas {and mould maker) William~on Christpr. veterinary surgeon, Spencer Thomas, Wooburn Woohum CO.IJ.CBBS. •Williams John, Woobnrn Carrad Hannah, Wycombe end Wiugrove William, Wooburn To I..ONDON~ thtl Royal Mail (from Church 1\lartha, Wuoburn Worcester} e~~lls at the George, every COAL DEALERS. Crick John, London st morning at four-the Oxoniun (from Green Thomas, London end [st EYeringham Fraucis (and cooper) Shrew~bury) calls at the Saract>n's Williams Jas. Lee (&seed) London Woobom Head Inn, every afternoon, at a quarter CORN DEALERS. Hanks Edward, Windsor end pHst five and the Star (from Wood­ Hervey William, Aylesbury end stock) every day, at one Tollett's Hare 1\lary, London st Coach~:$ (from Wycombe) calls at the Tredway Stephen (&coal) near the Harmon and Ranee, Wooburn White Hart, every morning (Sundays White Hart Hervey William, Aylesbury end excepted) nt eight and a qlllrter before 'FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. H~Jward William, Wooburn ten, and at three in the afternoon; aU, ATLAS, James Randall, Windsor end Lane John, Wooburn go thro' Uxhridgl', Hayes, & Southalt. 'J'o SHREWSBURY, the Oxonian (from CouNTY, John Charsley, Loud on st Nash Phillis, Wooburn London) calls at the Saracen's Head, NoRwicH, William Wa:ssell, Ayles- Parrott M. and M. Woobum every morning at a quarter past nine 1 bury end Wade Mary, London st goes through WycombP, Wheatley, Ox­ GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. SURGEONS. lord, Shipston, Stratford-u pon-Avon, (See also Shopkeepers, ty-c.) Dawson -, London st Henley-in-Arden, Birmingham, Wol­ EveringhamThos. t& tallow chand­ Dutton J«"sse, Wooburn verhampton, and Shilfuall. To WOODSTOCK, the Star (from Lon­ ler) Aylesbury end Rumsey Nathaniel, London st don) calls at the Saracen's Head I no, Nei~hbour John, Wycombe end TAILORS. every day at twelve: goE'S the ~ame Wassell William, Aylesbury end Burrows William, Windsor end route as the Oxonian to Oxford, and INNS. King George, Woobnrn from thence to Woodstock. George, Thomas Greenfield, Wy­ KingWm. (&shopkeeper) Wooburn To WORCESTER, the RmJalllfail(from London) calls at the George, every ~ombe end NeighbourJas. ( & draper) London st night at eleven; goes throngb Oxford. Saracen's Head (postiu11: and com· Plater John, Woohurn To WYCOJ\IBE, Tollett's Coaches (from mercial) Wm. Hall, London st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. London) call at the White Hart, every White Hart, lsaac Mills, London st Bell, John.Pinchen, Wooburn morning at eleven, and every evening IRONMONGERS. Bull, Mary Williamson, Wooborn (Sundays excepted) at half-past six; Everett l\Iary, London street Cross Keys, Rich. Herbert, Wycombe end and half-past eight. Jacksou John, London street Crown, Thomas Nash, Loudwater ElmTree,Joseph Lipscomb,Ayle~bury end CA.BRI:C:RS. LINEN DRAPERS AND Greyhound, David lllake, Windsor end BY WAGGON. HABERDASHERS. Hare, George Fox, Aylesbury Pnd To LONDON, - Dawes, from Chf'lten­ Clark James, Wycombe end King's Arme, John Wethered, Wooburn ham, and -Jolly, from Birmingham, Howard William, Woobum King's Head, John Hobbs, Wooburn call at Wetellon farm, evPry Sunday, Maylard Elizabeth, Wooburn Mother H.ed Cap, John Green,Little Boy's Wedne~day, and J<'riday-Josbua Grim­ Osborne George, London street rross, Wooburn melt, ftom his residence, High st, every Oak, 1\lartha Howard, Wooburn 1\londay and Frida) evening- -Hat­ Tredway Arthut·, London st Red Cow, Fr!ln<'is Allam, Wooburn ton, from Kingston, and - Powis, MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Red Lion, James Waymon, Worburn from Chipping Norton,call at the Whit.! Cox Ann, London s11·eet Rose & Crown,Thos. Wingrove," ooburn Hart, every Friday-Thomas Johmtone, }'ield Ann, London street Swan, Joshua Grimmett, London st from Charlbury, calls at the Cooss Keys, Wade Drusilla, London street W eaTers' A rms,J no.J ezu ph,A ~ leshury end r:very "'ednPsday and Sunday, and on White Horse,MaryH utcheson, London st NURSERY & S:&EDSMEN& Friday with his Ca1·t- -Jolly, from White or BlackBird, Sml.Griftin,Loudwatr Worcester, calls at Wetelton farm,every Boddy James, London stree& WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS• Monday, Wednesday, and F1 iday-nnd Dean George, Wooburn Hurst James, Wycombe end ..John Shelton,from Wntlington, calls at PAINTERS1 PLUMBERS AND Jackson John, London st the Cn•ss Key•, every Tuesday after­ GLAZIERS. noon at four. Carrad Hemy, Wycombe end WHEELWRIGHTS• To CHARLBURf, Thomas Johnstomr, Hitchcock William, London st Blake \Villi am, London st from London, calls at the Cross Keys, Grove George, Aylesbury end ~hufft·ey James, Wooburn every Tuesday, Friday,& Sun. morning. Hanks John, end To CHELTENHA W, - Oaw""• from PAPER MANUFACTURERS. Windsor House William, Wooburu Londan, caliR at W etelton farm, everJ Angel Caroline, Wooburn . Tuesday, Friday, •nd Sunday• Bryant Williarn, Loudwater Miscellaneous. To CHIPPING NORTON, - Powis, Crutch Ann, Over Shot mills Chapmanl\ly.straw hat mkr. Windsor end from London, calls at the White Hnri, Crutch Henry, Snakesley mills Clitford Sarah, maltster, Windsor end every Sunday. :Fromow Peter· John, Clapton mills Clitford Wm. saddler, &c. London st To KINGSTON, - Hatton, from Lon~ Dulley Henry, chair maker, Woo burn don,callMatthe White Hart,everyWed. Lonnon Thomas, Fuller's mill Dutton JessP, chymist and druggist, Wy- ToW ATLIIIIGTON, John Shelton,from Lonnon William, Hedsor mill combe end [worker, Lllndon st London, c11Ils at the Cross Keyst Pe~g William, Wooburn Everett William, brazier and tin plate every Friday mornin~. BUCKING HAl\f, WITH THE VILLAGES OFTINGEWICKE, PADBURY, MAIDSMORETON & NEIGHBOURHOODS. BucKINGHAM, tl1e county town and an ancient The most ciJnspicuous and principal ornament of borough, in the hundrt:d of its name, is 57 miles from the town is the church, which stands on the ~ummit the metropolis, 24 from Oxford, 17 from Aylesbury, of an artificial mount, which was originally occupied 12 from Bicester, 8 from Stony-Stratford, i from by a castle. This stately b11ilding was begun in 1777, \Vinslow, and the like distance from Brackley. Tlle and completed in four years, at the expense of £7,000. town is situated in a valley, upon the river Ouse, by the gt·eater part of which was contributed by the late which it is nearly surrounded, and over which it has Earl Temple: it is built of stone, and has a handsome three bridges. The hou~es are chiefly of brick, and square tower attached to its west end, (lrnamented many are well built; but the town can lay but small with pinnacles, em bra:mres, and a light tapering spire-, claim to re~ularity or uniformity in its streets m· ha- which rises to the height of 150 feet from tlu: ground. bitations, the dwellings being scattered Oler a large Its f'Xterior is rather plain than otherwist>; but its in­ extent of grouud. terior i~ elegantly fitted up in the Grecian stylt:, and 75 JJutlttnnfJamlllfrt. BUCKINGHAl\1, &~. tlimilar to Portland chapel, in London. The living is a The great object of interest and attraction iB this \'icarage, the Duke of Buckin~ham the patrdn, and neighbourhood is STowE, the splendid and princdy the benefice is possessed by the Re,-, H.J. Crowe, who seat of the Duke <>f Buckingham. It is situated abon& employs the Rev. Thomas Silvester as his curate, The two miles north-west of Buckingham, and the walk other places of worship are, a chapel of ea11e at Gaw- from the town to the grand entrance into the park is cott (two miles hence), of which the Rev. Thos. Scott very beautiful; the park itself is accesliib)e to stran­ is the curate • a chapel each for the independent and gers, hy paying a small remu-neration to a ~uide. He~ Wesleyan methodi~ts, and a friends' met:ting-house. all is done to create the pict11resque and beautiful, thftt Here are three endowed schools: one founded by can be effected by wood and water, lawns, and shrubs 'Edward VI, for 8 boys; another by Gabriel Newton, and flowers; obelisks, towers, temples and columnl!d· iu 1760, for25 boys; aud the third, in about 1540, by arches, statues, grottos, &c. Another laTout·ite an lsabel Deuton. There are also Sunday schools, and dt>lightfuJ promenade for the inhabitant~, is the one upon the national syste~Q; alms-houses for six walk to the village of Maidsmoreton, which is planted -poor widows, and an hospital for the like number of on either side with trees meeting at the top. lndet.'d poor single women; ~esides many other small chari- the walks and views generally around Buckir1gham ties. The government of the town is vested in a bai- are of the most pleasing description. Tl1e markd Jiff and 12 burgesses; and there are four incorporated days are Monday and Saturday: the first is one of tlm .:ompanies-the merc.:·ers, tanners, butchers, and mer- largest in the kingdom for calves; the othtT, tor arsi· chant-tailors; and all persons admitted to the freedom cles of general consumption, is but poorly attended. <>f the town most be members of one of these corpo- 'fbe fairs are, January 12th, and the last Monday \n rations. The magistrates hold a parish couat, which that month; .March 7th, second Monday in April, is also a court of requests, in the town-hall, a large May 6th, Whit-Thursday, July lOth, Sept. 4th, Ot.~. bride building; in which also the half-yearly sessions 2nd, the Saturday next after old l\lichaelmas, NtW. are holden, and the summer assizes. This town does 8th, and Dec. 13th; all chiefly for cattle, sheep, &c.­ not appear to have sent members to parliament earlier The entire parish and borough of Buckingham coo­ than 1544: the riglit of voting is with the fret-men and tained, by the census of 1821, 3,465 inhabitants; in­ members of the corporation, under the direction of eluding the population of the hamlet,; of Bonrtoo, the Duke of Buckingham; the present representatives Bourtonhold aud Lenborough, the chapelry of Gaw­ are, Lieut.-General Sir George Nugent, of Westhorp cott, and the precinct of Prebend-end; which collee­ House, Great Mar low; and Sir Thomas l<'reemantle, tivl'ly contained 1,970 of the above-mentioned number. Bart. of Swan bourn, in this county. This is not a TINGEWICK, a village and parish in the same bun­ town of manufactures: its inhabitants were once ex- dred as Buckin~ham, is two miles and a half west of tensively employed in lace-making, but that has much that town, posst-ssing nothing of an interesting or declined, and is continually receding in importance: commercial character. It has a 11mall chur~h and a considerable business is done in wool, and in the tan- national school. Its population is about 800. yards, and there is a very exten!!'ive currying concern PADBURY village and parish, in the same hundred, conduct£-d by Mr. W. Walker; there are also large is ahout two miles from Bwckinghllm, on the river malting-houses and opulent hop-dealers. The inns Ouse, over which is a good bridge. The number of here are very respectable; the principal postin~ and inhabitants, in 1821, was 618. commercial ones are, ~the Cobham Arms,' 'White MAIDSMORETON is an exceeding pretty village, one Hart,' and ' the Swan and Castle:' at the latter, a mile from Buckingham, with a very handsome clmrci) neat theatre and exhibition-room have been tastefnllv of Gothic architecture, erected about the year 1450. fitted up by Mr. Treacher, the landlord. Races have The porch and belfry havegroined roofs; audit has a for many years been held in Stowe park ; the prizes tower at the west end, curiously constructed. In the are contended for by Bttckinghamshire yeomanry chancel are three elegant st6ne stalls, with rich GMhn, except Monday, when they do not arrive until one in the afternoon; and are despatched to AYLESBURY, every night at nine.-Letters from the north, arrive by foot post, trom STONY STRATFORD, every morning at dght, and are despatched every evening at six.

NOBILJTY1 GENTRY AND 1\facnamara Lieut.-, West ~t King John {and clerk to the magis­ CL.ERGY. Masters Lieut. James, Well st trates, and the commissioner:~ or Ast~n Rev.DaVIdWatson,North end l\lorgan Geo. esq. Biddlesden park taxes) Well st Barhng Rev. Enoch, West st Parrott George, esq. (agent to the AUCTIONEERS &APPKAISRS. Bartlett Mrs. Sarah, Prebend-end Duke ofBuckinl!ham) Castle farm Chandler Heury (and land ageu') .Baynes Re~. Ada~1, Adstoc~ Reed Rev. John 'fheodore Archi~ Fin mere Bennett .M1ss, Ellzaheth,_High st bald, Lcckhamp:stead Harrison James (and commissioner Ben nett Rev. Woolley Le1gh, Water Sahim· Rev. John E.Preston Bissett for takir1g special bail) Market pl Strat~o.t·d Scott Rev. Thomas, Gawcott Partridge William, North end Bo_x Ph1hp, esq. Chu,rch st SheppardSirTh!!.bart.Thornton hall BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Brtgg.sRev.Jonathan, rhorn?orongh Silvester Rev. Thomas, Vicar·age l\1arked thus* are also Confectionera. Buckmgham & y Sir Harry, Claydon house Corbet William, Tingewick .Coker Rev.-, Rad~h.ve [reil Wright Rev. Thos. Middle Claydon Course Rebecca, Tingewick Dayrcll R~v. J no. Lllhngstone Day- ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Fowler William, Tingcwick Dayrt>Il.R1chd. esq. Pad bury lodge Haxter Richd. (buys') Tiugewick Johnson Charlotte, l\Jarket place Elhs l\hss Ann, Castle st Brittin Edwl\rd, (gent:s day and Kit·by Martha, High st Eyre Rev. Wm: Butcher market hoarding) Ca•tle st *Kirby William, Market place Fellowes Captaut John, Church st BucKINGHAMGREENCOATScnooL •Kirby William, senr. West 51 ;Fitzroy Rt.Hon. Lord Chas. Wkken Ca:itle st-Thos. Bason, master' • Lon11:land Ed ward, "'ell s& French George, gent. West st Hinton Eliz. (ladies' hoardg) West st Meny Robert, Gawcott Goode James, _gent. Church st NATIONAL ScHooL, School street- Nt>lsou James, Padbury Graft on the Du lie of, Wakefield lawn John Newbt>ny, mao;ter Ray Humphrey, Church st Gray Robert, esq. Castle st NATIONAL ScHooL Tingewick- Robinson John, Padbury .Grevis Capt<~:in ~harles, ":est st Wm. Holton, ma,.ter [Castle st Row Ann, Bourtonhold Grov~ Captam Charles, H1gh st Newman Elizbth. (ladies'boarding) Walker Edmund, Padbury Harnson John, esq. Shelswell Scott Rev. Thns. (private pupHss..·- Warr Frauces, Prebend-end lioa~e H. R.esq.J... illingstone Dayrell gent.'-s) Gawcott Warr 1\Irs. Mary, Gawcott Jerv1:se Mrs. SJ1alstone honse ATTORNEYS. :BANKERS. Lloyd Rev. \vm. Lillinl(stone l;ovell Cowley John Willeat, Bourton road Bartlett,Nelson & Bartlett, W~t -s& l.Alng Rev. Jas. Long, Market plac-e Hear11 T.bomas, West st -(draw on Praeds & Co.London) 76 Dtrectorn. BUCKINGHA:af, "&o. i3ttci tn~f)am~IJ trt.

Parrott Geo~e & Co. Marlret pi­ Sirett.George, Mat"ket place MILLERS. ( draw on Morlands& Co.London) COAL MBRCHAMTS. Colts James, BoUI toll hold BASltET & SIEVE MAltEB.S. Mundy Edward M it~, Old wharf Coles Jo!leph, 'fingewick li utcbiol'l William, North end Rogers & Macd~nald~ New wharf Dm-er Michad, Bourton Wheeler James, Hog lane !COOPER&. King Jarnes, Bourtonhold Wheeler Letitia, Bonrtonhold Castle William, Bourtonbold MILLINERS&: DR!:SB MAK.RS• BLACKSMITHS. Pratt Thomas, W dl stn·et Boulter Aun, West sired Bennett James (and veterinary Tftwn Richard, Butcht'r market Clark Jane, Market place ~urgeou) Well st Town Thomas, North end Course and Jenkins, Chnrch st Rennett John, Church st CORN DEALERS. King Fanny, Hog lane Blofield John, Maidsmoreton Bnrhidge Thomas(& bone crusher) Kirhy Benjamin, Market place lt'reeman John, Gawcott Old wharf Low Martha, Bridge st Grar James, Tiue;ewick Chantrill William, Bourtonbold Martin Mary, Well st Kirtland John, Padbnry Richardson William, North end Owt>n Hannah, Well st Markham Sham, Bridge st Turner William, WesL street PAINTERS-HOUSE, 8IGK, Ire. Jtlarko:d thus • are also Plumbers and \V ebb Robert, Maid:o.moreton CUBRIERS AND LEATHEa Glaziers. Wells Wm. (&white) North end CUTTERS. Batchelor and Non·is, Prebend-end Winmen William, School st Walkel" William, Primrose hill ,.Bennett Sopbia, West st BOOKSELLER, 8TATIOME1t WebbJos .. (leathercntter)Market pl AND PRINTER. Herrint: Thomas, Bourtonhold FIRE, &c. OFl'ICES & AGENTS. Seeley John ( & stamp distributer&: Holt John, Church tSt patent medicine vender) Market pl ALLIANCE, John Willeatt Cowley, •Mayne John, Well st Bonrton road •Rodnight Richard, Castle st BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. SADDLERS & HAI\NE&S MK.BB Adcock Matthias, Bourtonhold CouNTY, Thomas Potter, West st GLOBE, John King, West st B~rratt William, Market place Atkinll Thomas, North end R~ehard5.on John, Bridge st l'letr.her Jo:seph, Padbury PHG:NIX, Wm. French, Market pl RoYAL ExcHANGE, Jas. Harrison, Salmon William, West st Har·tis John, Mat·ket place Stuchfield Catherine, Tiugewick Hedges Thomas, Bourtonhold Mry Ann, High stt·eet •Poole William, TiHgewick HAIR DRESSERS. BREWERS. Ridgway James, Bristl~ hill Adams Matthew, Well st Compton Robert, Market place •Robinson Thorna!l, Gawcott Bradford John N. (retail )Tin~ewick Pead John, Butcher market White Sarah, Well st Raudall and Nm·se, West st Stuchbery Jas. &Jos. North end SLOP SELLERS. BRICK MAKE:&S A:ND LIME WoniiJ John, Castle street Hutchinson James, Weil st BURNERS. HOP MERCHANTS. Todd Hannah, .Market plat·e A dams Matthew, W dl M French William, Market place STOME & MABBLB MASO~S. lioldom Samuel, Prebend end Roberts Job, Mar"ket Jllace Batchelor& Nonis, Prebend-end Mundy Edwd. M. (lime) Old wharf INNS. Hatrisnn Richa1d, Ma1·ket place Rogers &Macdonald {Lime) N w whrf COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. Cohham Arms, (anrl excise otfice) STRAW HAT MAKERS. BUTCHERS. Bl'Ason Ann, Castle street Cahe William, Tingewick Thomas Swain, West street New Inn, Ben nett & George, Stowe Oartside Ann, West street Colgrove Robert., Church st Town Mary, Jlrebt>nd end Emerton John, Church st Swan and Castle, John Treacher Castle street ' Whitchurch Anstt>ss, Catherioe and Everett William, Tingewick Rebecca, Prim1·ose hili Fountain Henry, Padbury White Hart, James Harrison, 1\Iar· ket place SURGEONS. Gt'ffs Thomas, Padbury Blundell Jamt-s, WeH 11treet Gile:s William, Prebend-end IRO~MO:NGER. Southam Edmund, West st Hadland Robert, Church st French William (and iron mer­ chant) Ma'rket place Staines William Blow, Well st B.adland Thomas, School st Stowe William, Castle st Lidington Aun., Well st LACE MANUFACTURERS. Biss WiHiam, Well strE:'et TAILORS. Moorcrnft John, Padbury Alien William, Ti11gewick Nelson George, Bourtonhold Joues Genrp;e, Castle t~treet Pe1 kius Richard, Well street Audetson Rbt.(&d.-aper) .l.\la1ket pl North Robert,jun. North end Clark 'fhoma11, (;astL~ st North Rohert, sen. Butcher market LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Haynes Hirhard, st AND SILK MERCERS. Bridge Packer Richard. Tingewick Lad Philip, Bourtonhold (See also Shopkeepers, ~c.) RogersJamee, Prebend-end Smith George, (and draper and Salmon Robert, Maidsmuretou Alien James, Castle ,;treet Chapliu and King ( & undertakers) hatter) l\larket place Summerfield Joseph, North end Toppin and Coles, Well st Treadwell William, Padbury West street Kirby Benjarn1n, Market place Upstone William, North end CABINET MAKERS AND TALLOW CHANDLERS. UPHOLSTERERS. Martin William, Bridge stree& Pittam Henry, Castle street Adnam Benjamin, .Bridge st Gilkes William, West st Harrison William, Market plare MALTSTERS. Will more Jas. & Son,Market place TAN!ifEI\S & FELLMOMGERS. 9ARPENTERS AND JOI:N.E:RS. Allams Matthew, Well street Bartlett baac Sltortland and Ce. Marked th u~ *are also Builders. Coles Jost>ph, Bridgt> street Prebend-end Baughan William, Well st Emerton oseph, Bourtouhold J TAVERNS a: PUBLIC HOUSES. Butcher William, Tingewick Holdom Samuel, Prebend-end Angel, Elizabeth Wells, North end Davis John, Church se Law WiHiam, Gawcott Bell, .Jonathan Simmond~, Well st ilt-Mold John, West st Meads Zachariah, Gawcott Ruckmgham Arms, W illiamGTittin,Maidll· •westley Edward Cripps (and tim· Mold and Stuchberv, West st moreton fhold her merchant) North end Nelsou George, Castle street ButClbers' ArnJS. George Nel~on Bourton­ Cbequers, WilhamJohmon, Ga'wcott •wmruore Jas.& Son,Market J)laee Richardson William, North end Crosl'. K~y.., Wm. Spencer, Prebend end C!!HYMISTS AND DRUGGIS~S. Stuchbery Jas. & Jos. North end Crowu, William Farren, Tingllwick. Colt's Benjamin llutcher market Ton1pkins Robt. & Wm. Padbury Crown, Tb~as Hollon, Gawro" 1 77

• J3utlt fngbamfSTlfrt. BUCKINGHAl\1, &~ ~fgot ~ ~o.•~

TAVEBNS1 &c.-Continued. Coaney Simon, Prebend-end on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & S&turda:J'If' Crown,Joseph Salmon, Primrose hill Cross John, Tingewick To NORTHAMPfON, the Rising Sun l>olphin, William Miller, Bourtonhold (from Oxford) calls11t the White Hart, Gray -, Padbury Fleece, Robert N orth1 Butcher market every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridar Fox & Hounds, John North, North end Holton Joseph, Padbury morning, at a quarter to el~ven; ~oes George Richard Town, Butcher market Low William, 'I'ingewick through Brackley, Whittle bury, '1 OW• ~rand Junction,Nathnl. Coates,North end l\lills William, Bristle hill cester, and Blisworth. Horse&: Groom,JobnBaugban, North end Page Joseph, Maidsmoreton To OXFORD, the Risi119 S1tn (frorn King's Head, William Maynard,Nortb end Northampton) calls at the White Hart, 1\litre, George Burnell, Prebend-end WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS every Tue1day, Thursday, and Saturday Nelson, Thomas Deelf'y, Primrose hill Hanison William (British wine) afternoon, at five ; goes through Tinge­ J'llew Inn, Joseph Quainton, Padbnry Market place wich and Bicester_ Oak, William Kew, Tingewick Ovitts John, Casrle street CA.RRIBRS. Red Lion, Richard Bolton, Gawcott To LONDON, WINSLOW, AYLES. Red Lion, RicbardMatthewl5, Bourtonbold Pottct· Thomas, West street Robet·ts Job, Market place BURY, &c. &c. Joseph Hearn•s Wag­ Red Lion, William Walker, Padbury gon, from his warehouse, Well lit, every Robin Hood, Thomas Quainton, PadbUt)' Miscellaneous. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday­ R.tl3al Oak, John Sear, Market place Bartlett Phi lip and Thoma.s, woolstaplers, 1 Thomas Golby's Waggon,from the 8wan Three Cups, John White, Bridge st Prebend-end [Castle st Trooper, Wllliam Hayward, North end and Castle Inn, every Monday, Wed. Beard William, china, ~!;lass, &c. dealer, Two Swans, Ann Richardson, Bridg!' st nesday, Thursday, and Saturday-and Cross Wm. fire work maker, Primrose hill - l\Iealing's Waggon, (from l:lrackley} V aiiantYeoman,J n. Atkinson,Prebend-end Dandy Thos. kePper of gaol, North end Wheat Sheaf, Hen.GI'orge,Maidsmoreton calls at the Three Cups, every Wednes­ White Hart, James Berry, 'fingewick navis Wm. sheriff's officer, Prebend-end dny and !'laturday. White Hart, Susannah Willmor, Padbury Field J obn, dyer & scourer, Bourtonhold To BANBURY and BIRMINGHAM, French Snrn uel, 1·ng merchant, l\Iark.et pi Thomas GoJby's Wagyon, from thft Wool pack, John Procter, Well st Hawk ins John, glover, Bridge st Swan and Castle Inn, every Sunday, TOY DEALERS. Hicks Geo. parish clerk, l\f aidsmoreton Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday­ French Samuel l wholesale and Jones Rohert, artist, Maidsmoreton William Maynard's Cart, from tht retail) l'.larket place Line Richard, lodging house, Bristle hill King's Head, and Edward Claydon's Jenkins John, .l\larkel place Madkins William, palish clerk, \Yell st Cart, from his own house, every Mon· Ovitts J nhn, rope & twine maker,Ca•tle st day and Thursday. Stevens Robert, Brid~e st Penuil William, parish clerk, Gawcott To BRACKLEY, -1\'lealing•s Waggon, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Perkins James, parish clerk, Tinge wick from the Three Cups, every Mon.&Wed. t:oles Richard, Ca!'itle st Wilson Richard, bricklayer, Prebend-end To NEWPORT, William Maynard's and Packer William, West st and Edward Claydon's Cartii, every COA.CHBS. Tuesday and Friday-and Jokn Robin. Pizzi &Ortelli, Market place To LONDON, the Union (from Ban bury) son's Cart, every Saturday_ Stauton William, Bridge st calls at the Cobham Arms, every morn. ing (Sundays excepted) at ten; goes CONVEYA.NGB BY WHARFINGERS. through Padbury, \Vmslow, Whit­ WA.TBR. Mundy Edward Miller, Old what·f church, Ayll'sbury, Wendover, Amer­ To COSGROVE, from whence goods are Rogers & Macdonald, New wharf sham, and Uxbridge. conveyed, by the Grand Junction Canal, WHEELWRIGHTS. To BANBURY, the Union(from London) to all parts of the kingdom, Edward calls at tlte Cobham Arms, every after­ 1\liller 1\1 undy's Boat, ti·om the Old Baughau Simon, Padbury noon, at four; goes through Brackley wharf, every Friday. Baughan William, W t'll st on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, To DERBY & LEICJ<~STER, Ro~ers Bull Gabriel, Prt'bend-emt and through Tingewick and Aynhoe, & Macdonald's Boats, from New whart:. BURNHAl\1 AND NEIGHBOUitHOOD. BuRNHAl\1, formerly a market town, and giving The living is a vicarage, in the gift of trustees nomi­ na me to the hundred and parish in which it is situ- natcd hy the provost and college of Eton; the Rev. ated; is 24 miles from London, 5 from Bt>a('onsfield, Geo. Bet hell is the incumbent, and tke Rev. Alexander 4 from Wiudsor, and 3 from Maidenhead. The village Manning the present curate. The lord of the manor it~elf h~ nv claim to particular notice, but the views is John Popple, Esq. of East Burnham. Burnham is and sceuery with which it is environed cannot fail to surt·ounded by numerous seats of opulent individuals, lay hold upon the attention of the traveller; as a place and amongst the varying scener·y, is presented many of trade too, it is inconsiderable, and, with the excep- t'legant mansions, the ruim ofBurnham abht•y, and tho tion of two iron-foundries, posses:>leS nothing of a woods called the' Burnham Beeches,' forming promi­ bu~incss-like nat11re, beyond the common traffic of a nent features in the generalland~cape. There are two­ country village. Here is the parish church, and a fairs in the year, viz. on the 1st l\1ay and 2nd Octoher. meeting-house for di,sentenq and at Boveney, (a The entire pa:-ish of Burn ham, includinl( numerous de­ hamlet !;:Uhject to B nm!tam parish) is a chapel of ease. pendent hamlets, contained,inl82l, I ,918 inhabitants. POST OFFICE, William Swabey, POBt Master.-Letters from all parts arrive from .MAIDENHEAD, by foot post, e\"et·y morning at eight, and are despatched to that town every afternoon at five.

NOBILITY, GENTRY1 AND Buckland Edward, sl10emaker Pulbrook William, shoemaker CLERGY.. Burt Robert, shoe maker Roberts Edward, grocer Betbel Rev. George,_Y1carage Chapman JosPph, tailor Roberts Edward,lineu draper, &e. Eva1~s Rt•v. ~·B. Bt·Itwell court Child William, parish clerk Rowles Edmuud, carpenter Grmer Herny, esq. Bov~ney Cleare Richard, butcher Rowles Leah, dress maket· Jackson w_alter, e~q. Pr10ry Cole William, blacksmith Simmons Thomas, baker [lane J ohnson S1r Wm. Burnham grove Crock er Georl.{e blacksmitll Sin clair Ann straw hat m kr Ch n rcb 1\lann. Henry' esq. Bum ham Cutler John, builder Stannett Th~maN, painter &~~;lazier 1\t~n.nmg Rev. Al~~ander • Burn ham Cutler John, iron founder Stratton Thos. baker, Church lane Malhugton Mr~. f~hzab,th. Burnham Domell Thomas, shoemaker Style Henry, grocer Newberry Rev. J homas, Burnham Dry John shoemaker Webb James bricklayer Popple John, e3q. East Burnham Filby Jos~ph, tailor Webster Joh~, coru dealer Wells Lady E. Huntercombe house Gale Jacnb, tailor WidmoreRbt. butchei·, Church lane ~ROFESSIONAL !ERSO~s. Gr·eeu Rhodes, shoemaker Williams J ohn,mmsery & seeds man Bud John, gentlemen s boardmg & Hitchcock Ths.Cs. paiuter & glazier Winch Daniel, eo m dealer day aca~e~;uy, York cottage Howard Richard, brewer Winch James, shoe maker RobartsW1lham, surgeon, Burn ham Hughes James & Son, bricklayers Winch John, hurdle maker INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. aud builders, East Burnham Winch Jo~eph, nursery & seedsman Crispin, Hicha~ Brads . Lacey Will.iam, saddler OOA.CH. Five.Belh,,Geo.God~a!d, ChU1ch la Lambe)l.Rlchar~, ~addl~r To LONDON,_ Tollett's Coach, from Ge01ge, R1chard Au;,tm Lee WI!bam, bncklayet & plasterer the Swan, every morning (Sundays ex- Swan, Daniel Long Lynch Ann, shopkeeper cepted) at seven; goes through Stoke SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Lynch John, sho~keeper J>oges, lvl'r, Cowley, and Ha)es. Austin Richard, nursery &!>eedmau Martin George, snopkeeper Bald win Ben,i. brass & iron founder Painter William, blacksmith CA.RRIBRS. To LONDON,Austiu and Toomb's Wag­ Bartlett Mary, straw hat maker Perriman Jamcs, bricklayer, East gon, from the Geotge, every l\londay. Brads Hicharrl, furniture hroker Burnh;un and Friday morning; goes the ~ame Brigginshaw Thomas, ba.kt..'l" Pool~:: Geor·ge, tailnr route as the coach. 78 • Dfrtctorn. Jlutiti ngJ) ams f) i r t. CHESHAl\1 AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. ~JHESH:\:\1, a compact an~ popnl~ns market town, I chapels for ~heir devotions; a~d the so_cie•y of friend~ tn the hnudred of Burn ham, ts 28 miles from London. ha\•e a meetmg-house. Here IS a puhhc school, esta- 31 fmm Buckinl{ham, 13 from Aylesbury, 9 from Wen- blis!Jed in 1828, for 150 boys, upon the Lancasteriao dm·er, through .Missenden, and 3 from Amersham. It l'lystem; and there art! two hiKhly respectable ladies' is pleasantly situated in a fertile valley; and the coun- hoarding academies, one of which, conducted by Mrs. try in its vicinity is well wooded, and contains many Hall, may be mnked in the first claMs of seminariel', g«.>uteel seats awl band5orne habitations. The priuci- The principal seals in the neighbourhood are,' Latti­ pal manufacture t•arried on in Che!iham is that of mers,' about three miles distant, the seat of Lord ea­ coarse wooden ware, embracing the making of malt- vend ish; and Wohnru, about a mile al'ld a half hence, ~hovels in great numbers; shoe~'!, lace and straw plat the property of Robert Piu mer Ward, Esq. A medici­ alsu employ many hands; whilst a large stream, which nal spring some few years since was discovered, which rist-s clo~e to the town, works three corn-mills, and ri:ses close to the town; hs pwperties are similar to the machiuery of four (ltllt'rs for making paper; one of the waters at Ton bridge, and have been found, in ~e­ which, bclougi ng to .Mr. George Stevens, is on a ,·cry \"era! cases, beneficial to those afflicted with complaints large !';Cale. The parish, which is of gt·eat extent, is for which those springs are recommeudt-d. There are parcelled into many manors; the principal and most two markets held in the week here: one, for general extensive heing the property of Lord George Henry articles of consumption, on Wednesday; and the other, Cavendish, who holds courtll anuually. Tbe parish for straw plat, on Saturday. The eutire parish of ~hurch i::~ a large Gothic edifict', dedicated to St. :\Jary, Chesham, with its numerous hamlets, contained, by sud is a vicat·age, in the patronage of the Duke of Bed- the census of 1821, a population of 5,0:i2 persons~ ford: the Hon. and Rev. Hcury Stanhope is the present which number, it is t'Stimated, has since increased to. incumbent, and rhe Rev. Thomas Hewett his curate. about 6,000, the town taking to itself nearly one~half The baptists, who are numerous, have three good of the inhabitants. POST OFFICE, High street, Thomas Humphreys, Post .Master.-Letters arrive from all parts, by horse post, from BEACO:NSFIELD, every morning at eight, and are despatched to that town the same b(lur in the evening. FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. NOBILITY1 GENTRY AND Fean Thomas, Church st CLERGY. Rogers Thomas, High st COIINTY, Wm. H. Biggs, London 1·d Abbot Susanuah, High st IMPERIAL, Edward Sexton, Bury l\lrs. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Ball Mrs. Isabella, High st Hutterfield Joseph, High st hill end rBury hill eud Caveudish Lord Geo.Hen.Lattimcrs Sexton Edward (and stamp dis­ NoRWICH UNION, William Ford, Coopet· Rev.-, High st tributer) Bury bill end PROTECTOII., James Putter, Hi!!h s• Davis Mrs. High ~• red RoYAL ExcHANGE, William Hol- }~uller l\lrs. near Chesham BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. lnwav Marshall, Church st Marked thus* are IShoe Manufacturer!!. GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Gomm John, gent. High st •Adams Thomas, High street Hagger Francis, gent. High st (See also Shopkeepers, c.')"c:.) Coughtrey Edward. High s' Bailey Joseph, High st Hall Rev. John, High st •Payne Charles, High st Hepburo GeorKe, jun. gent. High st Butterfielcl Joseph, High st Payne William, Church Hewett Rev. Thomas, Vicarage st Edwards 1\laria, Marktt place ~Plato Phili p, London road Hnw James, ge11t. High st Nash Foster, High st Reading George Archer, High st Sanuders William, .i\larket place Kirk man Abrhm.esq.BlackweH hall *Webb Thomas, Town field Lowndes William, esq. the Bury HAIR DRESSERS. BR EWERS-RETAILo At·is George, Church st ~liller Rev.-, Primrose hill Gomm Thomas, High st Sutthery John. gent. Hi~h s' Aruott George, Church !lt Payne George, High st INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Tomlin Rl•v. William, High st Black Horse, John ford, Water :,ide Werry ~~. t~. esq. Bois house BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS. Blnt' Ball,Jos.Horwood, Bury hll end Williams l\liss Ann, London road Howard John, Amy lane Staples Thomas, High :-;t Chequers, Wm. Barues, .1\Jarket p1 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. BUTCHERSo Cock, John Williams, High st BRlTIMJ ScHooL, Town field- Ball Robert, High st Crown Inn, Chas. Butchur, High!'' John 1.\l'Swiney, master Batchelor Joseph, High st George Inn, Joseph Geary, High st Fn·eman George, Chut·ch st Climpson Thomas, Market place Golrlen Hall, Joseph Flt'xman (and HallMr11. M. Luwe (ladies' boarding Gomm John, High st excise office) Church st academy) High st Gomm William, High 11t Huntsman, Wm. Archer, High st H iblmrd Elizabeth & Mary (ladies' Old field Robert, London road King'sArms,Wm.!\Iattbews,Amy la boarding academy) Market place Payne Sarah, Church st Met·maid, Wm. Payne, Church st ATTORNEYS. Rowles Frederick, London road Nag'sHt-ad,Hbt.Oidtield,London rd Dawson John James, High st Sp1atley Richard, High st Puurh Bowl,HemyStove, London rd l\larshallWm. Holloway, Church st CARPENTERS, JOINERS, AND Queeu'sHcad, George .Barnes, Pad- AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS, BUILDERS. IJOr-mead end Andrews Thomas, Church st Andrews Thoma~, Church st Red Lion, John Gomm, Marl\et pl Gomme James (and estate agent) Chilton Henry, Bury hill end Royal Oak, Rd. Shortland, Hi~h se Market place Fassnicl~e Benjamiu, High st Se,·en Stars, Wm.Barnes,Church st Potter and Ford, Bury hill end Ford William, Bury hill end Star, Thomas Stone, Bury hill end BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Gomme Jarues, Market place Three Tuns, William East, High st Archer WiJliam, High st Weedou Fraucis, High st Three Tuns, Wm. East, Whitt' hill Bennctt Henry, Church st Wright Thomas, High st Two Brewers, Ann How ,Church st Darvell William, jnn. High st CHAIR MAKERS. Waggon and Horses, Henry Hor- Deeley Beujamiu, High st Batchelor William, High :,t wood, High strert l:ast Daniel Russell, High st Groves John, Bury hill en

MEAL MEN. Si~ith Michat>l, High s.t *May~ Johu, London road Birch Edwiu, High street Staples Thomas, Bury hill end •Mayo Joseph, London road Flexman Joseph, Church Ill Wright George, Amy lane Smith James, London road Harding Thomas, Market place STRAW HAT MAKERS. Str·atford Edmd. Padnor·mead end St'xton William, High st Archer Louisa, High st •tWebb Bt-11jamin (aud hair sie,·e~ MILLERS. Elliott Sarah, Church st London road, ami Lane's court, Ball Robcrt, High street Payue Ruth, Bury hill end Coldbath square, LoNDON Fox John, Water side Reading Mary Ann, High st UMBRELLA MAKERS. Wright Thomas, Amy lane STRAW PLAT DEALERS, Bunker Jose,,h, High st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Collins Thomas, London road Mills John, High llt Brewer Amdia, Church st Nash Thomas, jun. Hi~h st 1\Jm·gan James, Hhrh st Coughtrey Charlotlt', High st Reading Edward, High st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS Hawkins Mrs. High strett Sutthery George, High st AND GUNSMITHS. How Ann, Church street SURGEONS. Haw~ins Samnd, High ll' Lampm·t Arm, near Town brid~e Rumsey Henry, High st Ju&·dan Thomas, High st Priest Dorcas (milliner only) High l!t Sutthery William, High st WHEELWRIGHTS, PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND SURVEYORS. Rarne11 William, Cllul'ch st GLAZIERS. Andre\\'s Thomas, Church st King rrancis, Bury hill end Collier John, High street Ford William, llury hill end Weedou Edward, High st Towers Henry, Market place Freeman George, Church st Miscellaneous. PAPER MANUFACTURERS. GommeJames, Mat·ket place Cavendish Henry, furniture brokr,Higb 81 Allnutt Jonn, WearhousemiU Coughtrey Edward, parish clerk, High at TAILORS, Miller John, bat manufacturer, High st Dodd George, Chenics Jones Daniel, High !>t J"ieal Samuel, farrier, High Ht Elliot Richard, Chesham Bois Poole James, High st Sadler Henry Peach, confectioner, High st. Stevens Geor~e, Blackwell hall mill Pope Jamt:s, High st Sear Wm.cbina,glass,&c.draler,Market pi PAWNBROKERS~ Shirley Lawrence, High st Wagner Frederick, brush maker, High &t Adams James, Chm·ch street Tom·ey John, High st Whitmell John, tin plate worker and Moss .Matthew Heath, Church st patten maker, High street . TALLOW CHANDLERS. Wyatt Ckades, coach pmprieter, Htgh st Treacher Sarah, Church st Edwards .l\laria, Market place COACH. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Nash Foster, High st IN SUNDRIES, To V'lNOOlli, the AccQ11l11lodation, from TANNERS. the George, every morning (Sunday11 .Adams Amelia, Hil(h st Garrett John, High st excepted) at a quarter before eiJ(ht, Arlam:i Thomas, High st Hepburu George, Hi~~;h ~t goesthro' Rickmansworth andWatford., Baldwin 1\lary, Church st TURNERS & HOOP MAKERS. CARRIERS. Birch Thomas, Bury hill end Marked. thus • are also Malt Sbovel~ BRd To LONDON,Joseph Shrirnpton'sWag.. Darvell William, sen. High st thus t Brush Stock Handle !U.aker.._ gon, every Monday and Thursday i Dedey Heujamin, High st *Buuker Daniel, High st thrcugh Uxbridge-and Thomas Cat­ Howard John, Amy lane East Daniel Russell, High st ling's Waggon, f'verv Wednesday and Payne Charles, High st East William,jun.Padnor-mead end Fnday; through Rickrnansworth. To AYLESSURY,JonathanPop~'s.Cart, Plato Philip, Loudon road •t East WiJliam and Job (and hair eTery Saturday. Putnam Jchn, High st sieve) White hill froad To HIGH WYCOMBE, Job.n Crutch· Richards William, Church st *l\layo Danl. (fancy ware) :London field's Cart, every Friday. COLNBROOK, HORTON, IVER, LANGLEY, STOKE POGES AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. CoLNBROOK, once a market town, but now only the neighbourhood is very pleasing; the entrance es­ of im,)ortance as a village of great thoroughfare; is si- pt:'cially from Oxbridge cannot fail of excitiug parti­ tuated in the hundred of Stoke, and partly in the pa- cular attention. The parish possesses a very elegant 1·ishes of Horton, lver& Langley, and a portion in the church; it is a perpetual curary, in the gift of the parbh of Stanwell, in l\lidtllcsex: it is 17 miles from Right Hon. John Sullivan. Henry Piper Spnrliug, Luuduu, 9 from Maidenhead, 6 from Uxbridge, 5 from Esq. is lord of the manor. The population of the pa­ Winrlsor and Egham, and 4 from Staines. It derives rish, in 1821, was 1,663. its name from the small river Colu, upon several chan • LANGLEY, a varochial chapelry in the parish of nels of which the town is built, each being crossed by Langley-.Murish, is two miles west of Colnbrook: the a small bridge. The pt·iucipal business of the towu parish is extensive, but in the village is nothiRg par• arises from its being a vast thoroughfare between the ticularly interesting to a stranger. There are many n1etropolis and numerous populous towns, and the neat houses, occupied by gentlemen in the landed in­ consequent influx of strangers. This place is oue of terest; and a few seats, the residences of private fami­ cnnsiderable antiquity, and was in exbtrnce when the lie~. The number of i.Lahabitants in the patish, iu Danes sustained a defeat at Faruharn. it obtained a 1821, was 1,616. charter of incorporation in the yeaa· 1543, by the style SToKE PosEs is a parish and village in the saml; vf' bailiff & burgesses'; and at the !lame time rt:ceived hundred; situated 4 miles from Burnham and Wind· the grant of a market to be held oa Tuesdays, and two sor, and 5 miles south-east of Colnbrook. In this fuirs in the year; this charter was renewed iu 16:~2: I village there are many mansions; one in particular, the market has been discontinuerl for some years, but the residence of John PerlU, Esq. is worthy of paui­ tht' fairs are still held, one ou the 5th April, and the cular notice. The grounds of the park are ornamented other on the 3rd of 1\Jay, for cattle. Here is a neat with busts and starues to the memory of those iJlus­ chapel, under the establishment of which the Rev. trious characters who ha\'e distinguished themselvef Wm. Brown, rt·ctor of Horton. is the officiating mi· in tht: wars, or by superior attaiumeots. Ht:re is a nister. There is also a chapd belor1ging to the iode- very neat church, standiug on the boundary of the pendent methodi!its, and one for &he general baptists. above-mentioned mansion: it is a vicarage livin~, ill The population returns for Colnbrook are made up the gift of Lord Fraucis Godolphin Osbome, of Bay­ with the parishes in which it is situated. lies. The t:hurch-yard must ever be interesting to the HoRTON, a small vilJage and parish in the same lovers of pure poetry and the admirers of genius; as., hundred as Colnbrook, is one mile ~uth of that town. here was mterred the celebrated lyric and elegiac poet lt is a place inconsiderable as regards trade; but there Gray, and where also was the scene of his beautiful are many genteel resideuces iu it, and a neat church. 'Elegy.' No stone ma1·ks the spot where he rests, The number of persons in the parish, in 1821, was 796. which is at the east end of the burial-ground; but Mr. lVER is a very respectable village and parish, in the Penn has erected a monument to hi~ memory in au same hundred; 17 miles from London, 4 from Coin- adjoining field, with an appropriate inscription : tbe brook, and two milell and a half from Uxhridge, situ- poet died in 1771. The number of inhabitants of the ated on the veree of the river Coin. The sct'nery of parish, in 1821, was 1,073. POS"..." OFFICE, CoLNBROOK, William Hammond Bailey, Posl Master.-Letters arrive from LoNnos ev~ry night at half-past ten, and are despatched every moruing at half-pallt four, A crosa po~ 80 COLNBROOK, &o. ~ucfdn{Ibam~birt. every morning at six, to SLouou, SALT HILL, FARNlU.M and S:ro~£ P?GEs.-Office opeus at aeven in th8 morning, and doses at nine at nigh,, POST, lvER, Receioing l•ouae, at James Simpson's.-Letters from all parts arrive by foot post, from UXBRIDGE, every moming at eh.:ht, and are despatched to that town every afternoon at half-past five. POST, SToKE POGES, Receiving house, at the Red Lion.-~etters arrive by cross post, from COLN• BROOK, eve• y moruing at half-past nine, and are despatched every evening at six. :NOBILITY GENTRY A.ND ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Catherine Wheel, MattheW Pool, CLERGY, Ashton Thomastboys' & girls' day) Coin brook Amon Colonel Samuel, Iver Colnbrook [Stoke Poges Chequer~, John Benwell her .t\tkinsRev.Charles Horshamgreen, Evaos Rev. J. E. (~eut.'s boarding) Chequers, Wm. Sanders Colubrook Langlt~y Lane Wm. (hoys' day) Co,lnbrook Cross, Joseph Stretton,'Colnbrook B~tlll\lrs. Coin brook NATJO!IO'AL SCHOOL (boys) h-er- c;rown, John Amor, Coin brook Barlow Mrs. Ann, her Edwd. Fair, master fiver Crown, Henry Bridges, Horton Barnett 1'\lis~es, Wes' end house, Ward Rev.Edwd.(gent.'s boauliug) Dol! and Pot, Richal'd Robinsoni Stoke Poges (Stoke Poges BAKERS. We~t end, Stoke Poges Bold Rev. Arthur, Aim~ houses, Ash lee Thomas, lver Five Bells, Thos.Brent,Stoke Poges Hoswell John, esq. 1ver lodge Gurney Joseph, Colubrook Five Bells, George Field, Horton BoultbeeRev. R.L\1. Vicarage, Stoke Hall John (rtndmealman) lver George, Sarah Haydon, lver Poges Lawrence Jarucs (ami mealman) George, William tleath,Colnbrook Brown Re''· Willtam, Horton Coin brook [Coin brook Greenl\l:m,Rt. Botterili,Colnbrook Bullo<"k Henry, esq. Poyle cottage Pointt-n TJ10mas (gingerbread) Kiug'sArm~,Chas.Stone,Colnbrook Chapmau Rev. J. Southam green, Pond Francit~, Colnbrook [brook Ostrich, John Gilbert, Colnhrook Langley [her Richard:.ou Juo.(& mealman)Coln- Plough,William Finch, Wexham st. Clowes Charles, esq. Delaford park, BLACKSMITHS. Stoke Poges [Stanwell Clowes 1\lrs. Dclaford park Ashlee Wiltiam, Iver Punch Bowl, William Courteoay, Coleman Rev. William, Colnbrook Bt·eut Thomas, Stoke Pnges Red Lion, Richd. Carter,Colnbrook Cook J. t'sq.Barkiugcottage,Hm·ton Brown George, Stauwell Red Lion, Wm. Geere, Stoke Poges Copelanrl John, esq. lver [heath Buck land Marmaduke, Stoke Poges Red Lion, Thomas Skelton, I vet• Pixon .Major, Warren house, Iver Field George, Horton Star&Garter,Edw. Savage,Stanwell Drover Rev. J. Farnham Francis William, Colnbrook Swan, l'lamuel Briggs, Iver Dupree Charle~Thomas,e;iq.Horsh- Harris Joseph, lver 1 Swan, Rohert Cooper, Wexham st. anoot· f'lreen, Laugley Lr>e l\Iatthew, lver Stoke Poges [Stanwell Dyke l\11·s. Coin brook Osborne John. Coin brook White Hart, J o!leph Finch (postinl) l>yson Rev. Henry, Wt'Xham rectory ~RICKLAYERS. LAND SURVEYORS, East William, gent. Stanwdl Banett Edward, Colnbrook Gredey John (and house) her Evans Evan, e~q. Horton H.errett J~hn, lver Woodcock John, h·er Evans Rev. J, E. Stoke Poges Lma~er Rtchat·d, Horton MILLERS, J<'ennell George, e~q. lver Stanborough Ann, lrer Cane lsaac, Colubroo.k Feunell William, gent. Horton Stanborough Henry, Colnbrook Hyde Josegh, lver Freeman Rev. Wm. G. Stoke Po~es BUTCHERS. Jeuuing~ Robert, Iver Ga~bier the Right Hon. Lord, Harbard Robert, Colubrook PAINTI:RS, PLUMBERS AftD hi'r grove Lee !fem:y • Farnhalll GLAZIERS. , Gardinerl\lajor, Horton house l\lat·!m Rtchard, lver Chadwell Thomas, Iver Oreen Rt'v. William lver Passm~hamJohn, Stanwell Gig!( Hf'nry, lver Gwat kins R. L. esq. Stoke green bse Ratcliffe Jas. & Rich d. Coin brook Ogilwy Thomas, Colnbrook Haines John, gPnt. Colnbrook Woorlrutf Ann, lver PAPER MANUFACTURI:RS. Hall Re\', Leman, Poyle CARPENTERS AND JOI:NI:RS. Hervey Robert, esq. t.. angley park Be~wel},John, lver lboison Richard and Percy, Poyla Keut l\li~s, Gapes cottal!e, lver Cat tt-r I horn a~, lvt>r mill, Colubrook Lee Ed~ington, esq. Langley Chad~ell Spen~er, .~'·er . • Tipper Samuel & Co. Horton mills l\laude the Hon. Captain Ashlev, I?ule}.Jno.(&mlllwnght)Colnbtook Wright Edwd. Thorneymill, Iver 11.. N. lver [cottage Ehoru~John, Colnbrook . SADDLI:RS AND HARNI:SS )law Richard Storey, esq. Horton Holde1 nes11 Alexander (and Iron- MAlt!: RS. l\lerriman Thomas, gent. h·er mm~~er) Col~bro~k . Croxford Chrbtopher, Iver Montague Right Hon. Lord, Oitton Plu!D•Idge Jose ph, Colnbroo_k Hibbard Richard, Colobrook park [Langley Wl11tney and Sowel'hy (& bmlders) SHOE MAKERS. Morris ~r.thur,esq.Southam green, ~g~Lp~~RCHANTS AND Croxford Christr. (aRd boot) her Na~h Wliiiam, esq. Westnall green DEALI:RS. Edgson Edward, Stoke Poge1 N ewell M •·s. Farnham Carter Thomas, lvt:r Farr J ames, lver Peuo J ohr~' ~sq. Stoke house Croxford Chl'i;;topher, lver Holilerness Thomas, Colnbrook Powell Plulltps, esq. lver heath Hall Thom~s. Jver Houlton Edwatd, ColRbrook 1layner Mrs. Colnbrook coRN DEALERS. Payne Richard, Colubrook Richard~on John, gent. Colnbrook Bumbey William, Stoke common Richards Jarues, {ver Robert:sGeneral Geo,Wexham lodge Rayner Joseph, Colubrook Scl1ackell Jeremiah, Colnbroo)t Rowles Mrs. Stanwell [fi\rm FIR!:, &c:. OFFICE AGENTS. Ste,·eno;on Jessc, Colnbrook Stfton Right Hon. Ead of, Stoke PRoTEcToR, Tnenphilus Young (& Tripp William, Colubrook Shepherd Rev. Dr. Horsham gret-n, linen draper) Coin brook SHOPKEEPERS & DE4~ERS Laugley SuN, Thomas Ao;bton, Cnlnbrook IN SUNDRlES. Snook Captain Samuel, R.N. lver GARDENERS & SI:EDSMEN, Audrews John, h·t.r Stedman Mi~s, Iver Beu~on Thomas, lver Ashlee William, lvel' [brook Sulli,·an J no. Augustu8,esq.Drome- Etridge William, Stoke Po!teS Barrow Elizbth.(& stationer)Coln- nagh, her [park, lver Sma!J David (&nursery) Colnbrook Benyard William, Stoke green Sullimu RiRht Hon.John,llitcbings GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Buckl.md 1\l;umaduke, Stoke Poges Swahe~·l\lurris,esq.Southam green, (See alsn Shopkeepers, ere.) Cord er Jno. Wexham, Stoke Poges Langley [moor park, lver Andrtws Henry, Co~nbrook Cwxford Chrbtopher, lver Tollemt\che tht> Hon. Chas. Hunts- G•lhert Richard (& cbeesemonger) HoldenJess John (and ironmonger) Tomp,..on Mrs. Pouud cottage, Iver lver , CoJnhrook Tyler Captail}, u.. N. het· KP\:>l'll John ColnlJrook Honey Jdmes, Colnbrook Vy~e Colonel Rid1ard Wjlliam O.;ilwy Fred;rick Coh1brook Jif!g~ 1\Iartha, In·r Howanl, Stoke Pnges s:under:-~ Joseph,'Colnbl·ook Lack Thos. Wc~tend, Stoke Poges \Vald Rev. ~dward, lver Thomsou Thos. (and draper) lver Whiting Samuel, lver Wtwatlt•y:\]J~e..,,Stukt:> green cottge INNS TAVERNS AND PUBLIC Wig!{ins :\lartha, Colnbrook 1 White William, esq. Ditton HOUSES. STRAW HAT MAKE~S. William" Owen, esq. Horton Black Boy, Jas. Collius, Colnbrook Jeff:o Deborah, Colubrook Yates William, e~q. Horton Bull, Ann Woodruff, Iver .Macklin .Mary Ann, ~ql~l)rQok 11 SI 33uckfngl)am~fJfrt. COLNDROOI(, &c.

TAILORS. evening at eight-the Triumph, calls Crown, every day, (!ilaturday excepted) Coliins William, lver at the W bite Hart, evf'ry Tuesday, - Suttons (from Marlborough) calls at Deere Charles, Stoke green Thursday, and Saturday evening at the Crown, every Sunday; -Tanner Dryden David, Colnbrook six-the Whiu Hart, calls at the same (from Bath and Bristol)· calls at the Inn, evMry morning (~undays ex­ Crown, every Sunday, Tuesday, and Lamer Georg,, Iver cepted) at half-past ten ; all go through F1'iday-and- Todtl (from Cookham) Osborne George, Colnbrook Maidenhead, Reading, Newbury ,Calne, calls at the Cross, every W ednesdart Osborne William, Colnbrook and Chippenham. all the above go through Hounslow. Springall John, lver To GLOUCESTER, tln• Royal Mail To BASILDOI'i, John A~y (from Lon­ Strauson John, Colnbrook (from London) calls at the George Inn, don) calls at the Cross, every Fri. mom. & every niJ!ht at a quarter-past ten; goes To BATH and BRISTOL, 1\Iitchell and 'fatuall Jonthn. ( draper) Stanwell thro' Oxford. • Crutwell (from London) call at thff WH:&ELWRIGHTS, To HENLEY, Dixon & Co. (from J~on­ Crown, every day (l:lunday excepted) House Robert, lver don} call at the White Hart, every af­ and - Tanner (from London) every Passingham William, Stanwell ternoon (Suudays excepted) at four­ Monday, Wednesday, & Friday; both and an extra Coach calls also, every go through Reading, Hungerlord, and Miscellaneous. Mo!ldayevening at seven, and Saturday l\larlboroue;h. Adams Geor-ge, surgeon, Colnbrook evening at five; all go thro•Maidenhead. To BRE:r'.TFORD, - Clinch's Cm·t Aldenoo Riooard, coach m;tker, Iver To MARLOW,- Clark. (from London) (from Crookham), calls at the Crown, Chadwell Rpencer, parish clerk, Iver calls at the George, every Tuesday, every Monday. East William, parish clerk, Langley Thursdav, and Saturday afternoon at To CUOKHAM,- Todd (from I.ondon) Glasscott & Co. copper mills, Wraysbury two--and - Wyatt, every afternoon calls at tbe Cross, every Friday morng . .Jones Henry, cbymist, &c. Colnbrook (Sundays excepted) at five; both go To CROOKHAM, - Clinch's ('m·t Kimber Peter, ir(lnmoag-er, Colnbrook through MaidPnbead. (from Brentford) calls at the Crown, Mason Hen-ry Batt, maltster, Iver To OXFORD, the Difiance (from Lon­ evl'ry Wednesday morning • .Mills Thomas, brazier and tin plate don) calls at the G1een Man, every To DORCHESTER,- Co9k (from Lon­ worker, Colnbrook [Colnbrook day at twelve; goes through Slough, don) calls at the Crown, eve1·y Thurs­ NewmunCecilia, milliner & dJt•ss maker, Maidenhe~d, Henley, and Dorcbester. day; ll'oes thro' Henley & Wallingford. Oak Samuel, hair dresser, &c. Colnbrook To STROUUWATER, the Royal .Mail To FRO ME, Giles & Hooper (from Lon­ Plumbridge Joseph, parish clerk, Horton (from London) calls at the Star, every don) call at the Crown, every Tuesday RichardsonJas. clothes deaJer,Colnbrook night at twenty minutes past ten­ and Friday. Savage Edward, millwright & engineer, and - H01nes, calls at the George, To HUNGERFORD, Richard Harris S tanwell [Iver every morning (Sundays excepted) at (from London) calls at the Gross, every Simpson James, watch and clock maker, half-past nine; both go through Maid­ Wedne~day. Wiggins Jos. whip thong maker,Stanwell enhead, Henley,Abingdon, Faringdon, To MAIDENHEAD, Mary Hnghes and CO..IJ.CHBS. and Cireu cester. Son (from London) call at the Cross, THROUGH COLNBROOR. To WANTAGE, Bishop and Co. (from every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday'. To LONDON, the Royal Mail (ft·om London) every Tuesday, Thursday, To l\'lARLBOROUGH, Hillier & May and Saturday morning, 1tt half-past (from Londnn) call at the Catherine Gloucester) calls at the George Inn, Wheel, every 1'uesday, Thursday, and ano:l the Royal1Wail (from Siroudwater) ten; goes thro' Henley & Wallingfel, .. very Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday-and half-past two-Clark 's Coach (from To BURNHAM,- Tollett's Coach (from Marlow) calls at the George Inn, every Lonnley) call at the White To LONDON, Joba Ady (from Basil don) To READING, Alice George & Son H11rt, every morning (Sundays ex­ calls at the Cross, every Wednesday; (from London) call at the Catherine cepted) at ball-past ten, and an extra - Amor (from Pusey) calls at the Wheel, every Tuesday, Thursday, and CMch calls at the same Inn, every Crown, every Friday-John Basing Saturday night-and - Kinuers calls .1\'Jonday morning at seven, and Satur­ (from Newbnry) calls at the Catherine at the Crown, every Mon!lay, Thurs­ day at twelve; - Homes (from Wheel, and- Kinners (from Reading) day, and Saturda:y. Stroudwater) calls at the George Inn. calls at the Crown, every Sunday, To WALLINGIIORD, Jolm Brangwin (from London) calls at the Cl'Oss, and ~very evening (Sundays excepted) at Wennesday, and Friday-John Brang· - Morgan, calls at the Crown, every 1ive; - (from Abin~don) calli win (from \Vallingford) and Mary .at the G.eorge, every Monday, Wed- Hu,;hes and Son (from Maidenhead) Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturd~y. • nesday, and Friday, at one-the Mo­ call at the Cross -!Hm·gan (from Wal­ To WANTAGE, John Grace (from Lon­ flarch (from Bath and Bristol) ealls at lingford) calls at tbeCrown, Hlllierand don) calls at the Cross, every Wednes­ ~oes the Star, ~very morning, at seven-the May (from Marlborough) and Alice day and Saturday; through Triumph, calls at the White Hatt, every George and Son (from Reading) call at Maidenhead and Reading. Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday m orn­ the Catherine Wheel, every Monday, THROUGH IVER. ing at five-the White Hart, calls at Wednesday, & Friday; -Cook, (from To LONDON, Austin & Toombs (from the 'White H11rt, every afternoon (Run­ Dorchester) call~ at the Crown, t'Very Burnham) and Rohe.-t Cheal (from days excPpted) at live and- Wyatt's Wednesday-Giles and Hooper (from Windsor) call at the Bull, every Tue~­ Coach (trom Marlow) calls at the Red Frome) call at the Crown, every Wed· day and Friday moruing; go through Lion,every mornin!"(Sunday s excepted) nesday and Saturday-John Grace Cowley and Hayes. at nine; all go through Hounslow. (from Wantllge) call6 at the Cmss,every To UXHHIDGE, John Hampton's Cart To ABINGDON,-Kent (from London) Monday and The.l'Sday-Richard Har­ (from Wi11dsor) calls at the Swan,every calls at the George, every Tuesday, ris (from Hungerford) calls at the Tuesday and Friday ni15ht. Thursday, and Saturdt1y morning, at a Cros~, every Monday-Gabriel Maehin To WINDSOR, Robert Cheal (from quarter-past eleven; ~oes thro•Maiden• (from Newhury) calls at the Catherine London) calls at the Bull, every Wed­ lleail, Henley, and Wallingford. Wheel, every Monday, Wednesday, and nesday and Saturday ~vening-and To Bt\TH & BRISTOL, the Monarch Saturday night-Mitchell & Crutwell John Hampton (from Uxblidge l call (from London) calls at the Star, every (from Bath and Bristol) call at tbe at the Swan, every Tues. & Fri. morng. · DA'rCHET'r, see page 63. EATON, see page 66. FENNY STRArfFORD, WtTH THE VILLAGES OF GREAT AND LITTLE BR.ICKHILL AND BOW BRICKHILL. FENNY STRATFORD, a chapelry, panly in the which was confirmed by charter in 1609. Tn 1665 it pari:;h of Bletchley anrl partly in that of Simpwn, in suffered considerably in its population by the plague; the hundred of Newport; is 44 miles from London, the inns were shut up, and the roads through the town 15 from Aylesbury, 7 from Stoney Stratford, and about for some time turned into another directioi1: this m is­ the like distance from Newport Pagnell. It is situah:d fort11ne prov·ed fatal to the market, which has never on the road from the metropolis to Birmingham, and flourished since, and has now been fm· many years on the arclivity of a hill, haYing at the bottom the wholly discontinued. The chap{'! was re-built by grand junction canal and the 1·iver Lowfie!d, -over subscription, principally promoted and procured by which there are two bridges. It is a place of little Browne Willis, Esq., the celebrated antiquary, who trade, deriving its principal support from the passage lies interred under the communion: it is dedicated to oftravellt!rs and the making thread lace. Fenny Strat- St. Martin, and the first 11tone was laid on St. l\lartin's ford had for time immemorial a mal'ket on Monday~, day, in the year 1724, Mr. Willis also repaired aud Ol'- 82 • ·mtrccto~ FENNY STRATFORD, &c. lltttfdnttbam~J)ttt.

.namented the parish church of Bletchley, aud added now an inconsiderable village, it was formerly a place 1 pinnacles to the tower. The lh·iu1{ of Blt:tcllley is a of more consequence, and more populous, than G re~t recto1·y, in the incumhency of the Rev. Richard l\Iidg· Bl'ickhill, having been a market and assize town: as­ lry; hi~ present curate is the Rev. Richard Paine. si:t:es were held here for the last time in 1638. The Fenny Stratford has four annual fairs, viz. April 19th, market has long been discontinued, but there are two July 18th, Oct. lOth, and Nov. 28th, for cattle. The fairs ~till held, one on the 12th l\lay, the other on the population of the chapelry, in 1821, was 521. 29th October. In 1821, 485 inhabitants formed the GREAT BRICKHILL, a small village and parish, is in population of this parisl1. the same hundred as Fenny Stratford, about a mile Bow BRICKHILL is a pl~asant village, one mile and and a half from that town. It contains a very neat a llalf from Fenny Stratford. The church stand~ upon church, and a population of about 600 inhabitants. a commanding eminence, from whence is ohtained a LITTLE BRICKHILL, a village and parish, is 2 miles remarkably fine view of the surrounding country. In from Fenny Strittfmd, in tile same hundred. Though 1821 it contained 43S inhabitants. POST OE'PIG:E:, FEN!(Y STRATFORD, Elizabt>th Foster, Post lllist1·ess.-Letters from LoNDOr4 and all parts of the north arrive every morning (Monday excepted) at one, and are despatched every morn­ ing (Saturday excepted) at the same hour. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Pickering James, Fenny Stratford TAILORS. Duncombe Philip, esq. Manor Warr Benjamin, Fenny Stratford Kent William, Bow Brickhill house, Great Brick hill Wilcox William, Fenny Stratford Stephens Thomas, Fenny Stratford Good man Wm. gent.Great Blickhill CARPENTERS. Tattaru James, Fenny Stratford i-Ianmer Go!. Henry, Stockgrove Cook Daniel, Bow Brickhill TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Bull, H annah Lucas, Fenny Stratford Hanme1· David,gent.Great Brick hill Hooton Roger, Fenny Stratford Bull, Thomas Spivl'y, Little Biickhill Jones Rev. Edward,Little Brickhill Lambert William, Little Brickhill Bull& Butcher, Cs.Gurney,FennyStratford 1\tidgley Rev. Richard, Bletchlev Wanen Francis, Fenny Stratford Chequers,He-nryGaskins, .Fenny Stratford l\lurrice Rev.Andw. D.Gt.Brickhill FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Crowu, Job]I Foster, Fenny Stratford Paine Rev. Richard, A~J)Iey Duncombe Arms,Hny.Smith,Gt. Brickhill CouNTY (fire and life) John Day, Green Man, Ann Hall, Little Bricl..hill Scriven Geo. ~ent. Fenny Stratford Fenny Stratford [Rrickhill Thornton John, gent.Bow Brickhill King's Arms, Wm.Arnold,Little Brickhill PROTECTOR, John Pakes, Little King's Head, Wm.Varney ,FennyStratford Wainewright H.ev. L. Gt. Brickhill GROCERS & TEA DEALEBS. Navigation, Ann Mobbs, FennyStratford ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS, Plough, James Yates, Bow Brickhill Allington Thomas, Fenny Stratford Queen's Head, John Read, LittleBrkkhill Fenton ranny (ladies' day and Day John, Fenny Stratford boarding) Fenny Stratford RedLion,Thos.Newman, Little Briclr, Great Brickhill ·Smith Joseph, Great Brickhill Warren Fras.ironmonger, FennyStratfoul Smith Joseph, jun. Great Brickhill Tansey John, Bow Brickhill Webb Jas. parish clerk, Little Brickhill BUTCHERS. Tattam James, Fenny Stratford COACHES AND CARRIBRS1 Hammond Robert, Bow Brickhill SURGEONS. See STONY STRATFORD. Knight John, Great Brickhill Gent Lynch Conway, Fenny Stratfd CONVEYANCE BY WATER. Lucas Benjamin, Fenny Stratford Penrose Charles, L1ttlc Brickhill See NEWPORT PJ.GNELL. H.ADDENHAl\1 AND LONG CRENDON. HADDENHAM is an extensive village and parish, of which the Rev. Peter Tyler is the efficient minister; in the hundred of AylesburY; situate about a mile and and another belonging to the Wesleyan methodists. a half off the main road from Aylesbury to Thame, The population of the parish, by the census of 1821, about seven miles from the former, and between two was 1,294. and three from the latter town. The houses composing LoNG CRENDON, about eight miles from Aylesbury, the village are irregular and straggling, and for the and three from Haddf>nham, is a parish and village in most part built of mud and roofed with thatch. The the hundred of Ashendon. The village, which is plea­ inhabitants have a right of common of pasture over an santly and hralthfully situated upon a rising ground, open tract of land, containing upwards of three thou- possesses nothing to attract the observation of the sand acres, when corn, &c. is not growing thereon. tomist; but may be noticed by the man of business, as The females of this village are chiefly employed in having an extensive trade in the manufacture of nee­ lace·maldng, and the males in agriculture. The pa· dies, and which was still more prosperous iu time of t·ish churc:h is a very respectable edifice, dedicated to war: besides this branch, the making of lace employs St. l\lary; the living is a vicarage, in the incumbency many females here. The parish contained, in 1821, a of the Rev. John Willis. There is also a bapti~>t chapel, population of 1,212 persons. POST, Letters for all parts are despatched to and received from THAME daily. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Reynolds John, esq. Noctell abbey, Little Sally, Haddenl1am Cooper the Misses, Haddenham Long Crendon AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Dover Thoma~, gent. Haddenham Rose Thomas, ~ent. Haddenham Rose William, Haddenham · · ]<"owler Mrs. Kezia, Haddenham Stone John, esq. Long Ct·endou Tyler John {appraiser)Haddenham Gibson l\lrs. Ann, Haddenham Tyler Rev. Peter, Haddenham BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Havton H.ev. Thomas, Haddenham Willis Rev. John, Haddenham Bates John, Haddenham Hedges Edward, esq. Scotch grove ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Clarke James, Haddenham house, Haddenham ClarsonWm.Hy.(boys) Haddeuham Dodwell Thomas, Long Crendon Hoare John, gent. Haddenham Howlett Thomas Hill, (boys') I?-nnkin William, Long Crendon Lee Richd. ~ent.surgeon,Haddenhm Haclclenham [Hatldenham 1 Fl\ller George, juu. Long Crendon Pay ne Mrs. Haddenham J arvis Elizabeth and A nu (gil h:>') Hitch cock J ame~, Haddenham 83 l.lucltfngf)am~fJirt. HAfiDENHAl\l, &c.

BAKERS. &c.-Continued. CORN DEALERS, BucRingham A lice ( & t>arthenware larvis John Dover, Haddenhant Carter William, Loug Crendon deal et) Long Creudon Linoey William, Haddenbam Shrimpton John K. Loug Crendon *Chapman John, Haddenham Olive1· John, Haddenham INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. *D~dwell Charks, Long Crendon Saunders Robea·t, Haddenham Angd, Jnhn Dutfdl, Long Crcndun *Dodwell Emanuel, Long Crendon Shrimpton John Kirby (&miller) Churchill Arms,Geot·ge l<'uller,sen. *Hanson William, Lmut Cn·ndon Long Crendon Long Crendon •Hopcraft John, Long C1·endoJt Wilson Thomas, Haddenham Crown, Elizb. Lovell, Long Crendou Jarvis John Dover, Haddenham BLACKSMITHS. Eight Bells,J n.DCldweli,L~.Crendon *Stevens James. Haddenham Cozens Thomas, Lour{ Crendon Green Dragon fun, John Parish, (& *Tack James, Haddenham Newton James, Long Creudon fire, &c. office agent) Haddenham Towersey Thomas, Long Crendo!Y Roberts Thomas, Haddenham Qut>eu's Head, John Dorset, juo. *Warr Benjamiu, Haddenham Rohinson William, Haddenham Haddeuham STRAW HAT MAKER!f. IIOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Star, Saml. Garratf, Long Crendon Franklin Rebecca, Haddenham Betts William, Haddenham WhiteHarl ,Ths.Jal'Vis,Haddenham Little Kezia, Haddenham Brnre John, Long Crendon LACE MANUFACTURERS. Shrimpton Elizbth. Long Crendon Plater Benjamin, Haddenham Setts William, Haddenham Wootton l\Jaria, Haddeuham Plater Richard, Haddenham Chapman John, Haddenham Rntland John, Haddenham TAILORS. Towersey Thomas, Long Crendon Collins Philip, Haddenham Shrimptou Henry, Long Crendon Wall Thomas, Haddenham Shrimpton Simon, Long Crendon Hopcraft John, Long Crendon MALTSTERS. Hopcraft Jo:leph, Haddenhan\ Syms Thomas, Lontt Crendon Shrimpton John K. Long Crendoo Shul'l'ock William, Haddenha~ W elford Richard, Haddeuham Tyler Richard, Haddenham Wood John, Haddenham Slatt'r Thomas (and draper) Had- lYJILLE,RS. denham BUTCHERS. Clarke Charfes, Haddenham WHEELWRIGHTS. MorecJ"aft John, Haddenham Steel John, Haddenham Nash James, Haddenham Butcher John, Lonl!' Ct·endon Tavlor Hen. Noctell, near Crendon Franklin Thomas, Haddt'nham Rnse John, Hadclenham Wetherley Jas. near Haddenham Wainwright Sarah, Long Crendon Montague Thomas, Haddenham Webster Emanuel, Long Crendon NEEDLE MANU:tACTURERS. Pt'arce Jose ph, Long Crendon AT LONG CRENDON. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Shrimpton Sol. jnn. Long Crend<111 Shrimpton Edward Adams Thomas, Long Crendon Miscellaneous. Dorset John, sen. Haddenham Shrimpton Emanuel Shrimptou Ephraim Bishop Ge01ge, weaver, Haddenbam Dor&et Joseph, Haddeuham Chapman and Veary, stone and marble Gurney John, Haddenham Shtimpton John Titus masons, Haddenham Gurney William, Haddeuham Shrimpton Martha Coghill Jas. land sui'Teyor, LongCrendon Lovell James, Long Cteudon Shri01pton Matthew Hill David,painter & ghuier,Haddenbam Robert~ Wm. ironfounder, l:Jaddenham Rose RoJbert, Haddenham Shrimpton Solomon, :sen. Shrimpton Timothy TylerJohn,veternry. surgeon,Haddenbam Warland Henry, Haddenham Wetberley James, paper mak.er,hMrHad- Wilson William, j un. Long Crendter, and is a vicarage in the gift of the Earl of here, which is but poorly attended, and probably would Chesterfield ; the present incumbent is the Rev. Phi lip be entirely discontinued but for the commodity men- Strong, :and his cnrate the Rev. John Felix. 1,086 tioned. The church is a handsome Gothic structure, persons formed the population by the last census. POST, IVINGHOE.-I.etters from all parts arrive here from HEMEL HEMPSTED three times a week. ~ENTRY AND CLER~Y· Cook John, boot, &c. maker, Wing MollottEmanuel, baker, Wing Dat:nel Jos. gt'nt. su!·geon, lvwghoe Cook W m.shopkeeper, &c. lvinghoe MooreThos. blacksmith,Pight lestue Fehx Rev. John, Wmg Cooley Chat·ll's agent to Protector Parsons Joseph tailor lvinghue Griffin John, gent. lvinghoe Insurance office Ivinghoe Price James tailor Ivinghoe Rich Rev. John, J vinghoe Cooley Jas. shopkt·~per,&c.Ivinghoe Rogers Joht:, butcher, 1vinghoe PUB~IC Hous:r;:s. Cross Jahez, shopkeeper, lvinghoe Short Ewd.shopkeepr, &c.lvinghoe Bell, Jonas Stm'!lou~s,PJgl~tlestone Denchfield Richard, baker, Wing Short Wm. collar maker, lvinghoe Chequers, J.ane (,lem.ster, Pll!'~tlestn Foster John, blacksmith, Wing Simmonds John, joiner, Ivinghoe C~ck,, WJlham l\lor~'.mtr, w.mg Groom Johu ,wheelwri~ht, lvinghoe Smith J on as, straw plat deale1· and Kmg s,Head, Thos. I ?zer,~vnuzl!oe Healry James, plumber, &c. and cooper, lvinghoe Qn:ee~ s Head,Joh~Wu!dmlll,Wmg parish clerk, Ivinghoe Tomkins John, butcher and parisb Shtp, fhoma!:l Jelhs, Ptghtlestone Healey Wm. plumber, &c. lvinghoe clerk, Pightlestone SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS, Heley Thomas, butrher, Wing Tozer Thorna~, jniner, Ivinghoe Austee Benj. corn miller, Ivinghoe Heley William, maltster, Wing Waiter Robert, ~hopl,eeper, Wing Archer J obu, baker, lvinghoe Jetr..., Benjamin, boot & shoemaker, Wells Rebecca, shopkepcr, I vin~rhoe Bates Wm. boot,&c.maker, I vin ghoe lvinghoe [I vinghoe Whipum William, shopkeeper, Wing Biggs Jas. shopkeeper, &c. Wing Jennings Robert, school master, Williamson George,baker,lvin!lhoe Bone John, baker, Wing Jennings WiHiam, tailor, Wing WindmiUThos. wheelwright, Willg ~lark Thomas, baker, Wing Meachcr Geo. brewer,&c. lvinghoe Woodman Vcere, schoolma~ter and CollyerWm.straw platdlr,Ivinghoe Mcacher William, baker, lvinghoe parish clerk, Wing 84 mtrtctor~ IVINGHOE, &c.

COAOHES. To OXFORD, a. Coach, passes tbrough CARRIERS. !'o CAMBRIDGE, 1t Coach (fromOxford) Wing, every Tuesday, Thursday, and To LONDON, William Short, t'rom his passes through Wing, every Monday, Saturday afternoon about half-past house, I •in!!'hoe, e\ ery Thursday. \Vednesdav, and .Friday morninst at thrl'e; goes through Aylesb•uy and To AYLESIIIURY, Frauds Copcutt, frOIIl eleven ; ~toes through Lei~:hton- Buz­ Thame. lvinghoe-and- \\alters, from Wing, zard, Woburn, Bedford, & St. Neots. every Saturday.

~1ARLOW, GREAT & LI'lvfLE, & NEIGHBOURHOODS. GREAT MARLOW, a. borough and market town,in thorlists, comprise the other placet~ of worship. The the hundred 'lf Deshorongh and deanf:'ry of Wycombe; charities consist of two frt'e-schools, others upon th1:1 i!l 31 miles from London, 25 from Oxford, 22 from national system; & alms-houses, and periodical gifts Aylesbury, 12 frnm Eton, 8 from Henley-ou-Thames, to the poor, arising fr9m donations left by l'en·ral 5 from Maidenht"ad, and 4 fl'Om Wooburu. It is situ- benevolent indi,·iduals. 'fhe town is enlivened in the ated in a very pleasant part of the county, cloCJe to the month of July annually by horse-races,. and it has the banks of the Thames, and on the main road fi'Om the constant ad l'anthge of a good news-room. In stately n1etropolis to Oxford, (it being 2 m lies nearer through building~, or antiquiries, 1\larlow is not eminent; but this town, from one city to the other, than through nature has amply n·munerated it for their absence; Henley). The name in Doomsday-book is written and, as11istcd by art and agriculture, the vicinity pre­ ~1erlaw; and said to be derived from the Saxon wotd sents scenery beautiful, picturesque and rich; not only 'mere,' a marsh, and 'law' or 'low,' a tumulus or along the fertile banks of the majestic Thames, bu' hill. The town pl'incipally conl'ists of two streets through the wholt' neighhotJl'hood ; which here and crossinl{ each other, with smaller ones divergin~: at there receives additional bf:'auty fmm the tasteful seats the junction of the two main streets are the market- which are sprinkled throughout the vicinage. Bi~ham )JOU~t', a spacious and haurlsome building; and also Abbey is aho a strong and interPsting feature in the the Crown inn, the chief comnuncial house, and only landscape, ami should he vi~ited by the stran~er corn­ one for posting in the town. Some taint traces of a ing here. Marlow is the resort, during the fbhing corporation are disco1•erable in the records coucerning seawn, of number:; who tal

ACADEMIES, &c.-Continued. CONFECTIONERS & PASTRY Lovegrove J ames Thomas, W ea\ st NATIONAL ScuooL,nt!ar Chapel st­ COOKS. Rogers George, West st George Gale, master Baines Beujamin, High st PAPER MANUFACTURERS. Rolls Susanuah and Maria, (day & Janaway James, High st Pepper Francis, Marlow mills boarding) High st COOPERS. Wright Joseph, 1\farlow mills Sime Jane, (girls') High st Rose William, Market place Wright William, Marl0\'11 mills ATTORNEYS. ... Wellicome John, Chapel st ROPE MANUFACTURERS. Ellison George, High st FARRIERS. Gibbons Richard, St. Peter l't Goldsmith Hemy, Chapel st Greenwood John, West st Rolls John & Sons, l\larlow wharf Spicer Ralph, West st l\Ieekes James, Chapel st SADDLERS AND HARNESS Wright John Snelling, Hi~h st FIRE, &c. OFFICJ:: AGENTS. IIIAKERS. BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. ATLAS, (tire & lite; Ralph Spicer, Hackshaw John, West st Blake Thomas, Chapel st West street Hitchcox Ivlarmaduke, Chapel st Brooks James Birrl, High st CouNTY, Thoma'l Rolls, High st Humphrey William, West st GLoBE, (fire and life) Ralph Spicer, C•·eswell James, Chapel st SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Hatch William, High st We&t 8treet [High st IN SUNDRIES. Hont- Francis, West st NoRWICH, Mary & William Irviug, Bird James, Chapel st l\lendy Henry, West st PALADIUM, Geo. Hickman, High st Clark Thomas, High st Piggott Robert, West st PHffi!IIIX, James Field, Hi11;h st Hone John, We.st st Sawyer James, West st RoYAL ExcHANGE, John ~leadows, Horuiman .1\lary, West st Stroud Henry, Well end High street Hughes William, High s& BASKET MAKERS. FRUITERERS. Lane John, Well end,Little l\Iarlow Johnson William, West st Baines Benj. ( forei~n) High st Lee James, Well eud M u!>pratt Richard, West st Bowles Jamf's, Chapel st Oxlade Aaron, St. Peter st BLACK & WHITE SMITHS. FURNITURE BROKERS AND Perkins Wm. Well end,LittleMarlow Bunell Thomas, High st APPRAISERS. Sawyer Robert, West st Crake Robt. Chapt'l st [High st Clark Chas. (white) High st Waiters Elizabeth, Little Marlo\V Roll~ & & Clark Georgc (white) West st Thos. Son, ( auctioneers) Waymal! John, Well t'nd Gilman George, Quoiting place Walker Wm. (and clothes dealer) Wicks Ann, Church passage l\leakes Joseph, Little Marlow Chapel street GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. STONE AND MARBLE MASON. 1\ieakes Thomas, Chapel st Clifford Theophilus (and statua1y) :Meekes Joshua, Chapel st (See also S!wpkeepers, q·c.) Aveling Richard, High st High street BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS & STRAW HAT MAKERS. STATIONERS. Baines Benjamin, High st Clark Josiah, High st Pusey Elizabeth, West st Cannon Geo. (&stamp distributer) Rose Charlotte, West st Market place East & Harreman, High st Gibbons John, West st Suthrey Charlotte, High st ,Smith l\1 ary Ann, (stationer only) Wright Hannah, Chapel st High street: Lanham J ames Warut-, High 5~ Matthews William, High st SURGEONS. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Colbourue Robert, High st Bryant John, Chapel st Tyler Edward, West st HAIR DRESSERS. Creighton John, West st Camdeu Stephen, High st Hickman Wm. & George, High st Carter Samuel, High st Chamberlain William, High st Pewtner Richard, Oxford terrace TAILORS, Cock William, Market place Allum James, West st Harding William, High st INNS. CompJeteAngler, William Creswell, Allnm William aud Son, High st Patte•·son James, Chapd st Clark Ralph, High st Stallwood Henrv, West st Thames side • Clark Samuel, West st' Stroud William, West st Crown, (family and commercial hotel, posting- house, and excise Fletcher Thomas, Chapel st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE Griffiths Edwar.d-, High st WORKERS, office) Geo.Westbrook,l\Iarket pl Harper Will\am, West st Greyhound, Wm. Bowles,Chapelst Phipps Josepn, Oxford terrace Maclean Jame!, High st IRONMONGERS. Stockbridge Wm. Chapel st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. BRICKLAYERS & BUILDERS. Badcock Charles, Chapel st Fletcher Charles, Chapel st. Harge Pole, Georgoe Dell, Church pass~ge {See also Joiners and Carpente1'S) Black. l:loy, Wm. Spar!..li, Church pas~age Allum Thomas William, High st Lane Lydia, West st Black Lion, Willi•m Suthrey, Well end Corbv Thomas, High st JOINERS & CARPENTERS, Bull, Thomas Smith, Bi~ham, Berks Plum-ridge Wm. & Sous, High st Matked thus* are also Builders. (;hequers George Davis, High st Beckett James, High st Coach & Horses, John Pearce, We@t st Reading and Plumridge, West st Bond William, High st Dog & Ba.dger,Jno.Osborn,Medmenham BRICK MAKERS AND LIME "'Fletcher Charles, Chapel ~t Ferry, John Johnson, !Hedmenham BURNERS. Horns, Thomas ""yatt, Chapel st Haynes Jame~, High st Jolly Maltsters, Richd. Clark, Well end AlJurn Thomas William, High st *l\laddocks Rohel't, High st Corby Thomas, High st Queen's Head,Josh. l'biHip~, Lit.Marlow LACE MANUFACTURERS• Red Lion, Thomas Bowen, West st BUTCHERS. Clark Josiah, High st Roe Buck, Elizabeth Higgs, High st East Charles, Well end Moni.s John, High st Ship, George Dorell, West st East William, Chapel st Six Bells, Wm. Creswell, Quoiting place LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Fowlrr John, High st AND MERCERS. Swan, Robert White, High st Hall Rachael, West st Three Horse Shoes, Wm.Hoare, Gun lane Gl'ant William, West st Three Tuns, John Muspratt, High st Hewett Thomas, High st lrving Mary and William, High st Two Brewer•,Mary Hawl,ins,St. Petel'S st Sadler Jolm, West st Meadows John, High st White Hart, Thomas Archer, Chapel st Sawyer William, High st Morris John, High st White Hart, Mary Fletcher, Chapel st West brook William, .Market place Rolls Thomas & Son, High st TURNERS & CHAIR MAKERS. CHILD-BED LINEN WAKE­ Tyler JoseJlh, West st Bavin Jame~, Qnoiting place HOUSES. MALTSTERS. Pusey William, West st ' Siher Richard, West st Barnes Samuel, St. Peter :o;t Washbourn John, Quoiting place WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Harlis John, Well end, Lit.!.\Iarlow Coster James, Chapel st CHINA GLASS, &c. DEALERS. 1 MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Ellsou William George, High st Smith JHary Ann, High st Corby Mary, High st Taylot· William, West st Glover Elizabeth, Chapel st WHARFINGERS. CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Hardv Sarah, Chapel st Gibbons Thomas, St. Peter st Butler William Thomas, Chapel st Rose ·Elizabeth and Ann, West st Rolls .John & Sons, Marlow wharf Fowle and Walker, High st Ward Patience, Oxford terrace WHEELWRIGHTS. Cox Thomas, Oxford road COAL MERCHANTS. NURSERY AND SEEDSMAN, Gibbons Thoma:-., St. Petrr st Tyler Edward, West st Green Joseph, Chapel st Prestage John, Little Marlow PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Rolls John and Sons, (and timber) GL.AZIERS. Gibbons John (spiritj West st .Ma1·low wharf Gold~mith George, Chapd st Wethtred d1arle~, High ::,t 8tl mtrectorn, l\1ARLOW, &c. iJucktngJ)ant~fJtrt.

Miscellaneous. Way John. poulterer, Hi~:h st To WYCOMBE, the Industry (from Wethered Thos. & Son, brewers, Hi!(h st Reading) calls at the Crown, every Jlad~er John, parish clerk, Bisham,Berks Badger Wildsmith, stamp distributer and Williams, Grenfell & Co. copper manu- Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday pari$h clerk, Hi"h stret>t facturers, Tt-mple house, Herks evening at seven. COACH OFFICE, f'redk. Wyatt, High st COACHES. CARRIERS. Draper George, fishmonger, Chapel st To LONDON, a roach, from the Crown, ITo LONDON, MAIDENHEAD, SALT­ .Francis William, land suneyor, West st evr>ry morning (Sundays excepted) at HII.L, SLOUGH, & COL~BROOK., GloverJane, haberdasher, Chapel st ~even-and anc>ther Coach, eYery M on- 1 Thomas Wyatt's lVagg01l, from the- Green Philip and Daniel, covered wire day, Wednesday, and Friday morning, ~orn~, every Monday & Friday morn- manufacturers, Chapel st at half past nine; both go throu!{h m~. Humphreys Danl. pawnbroker, Market pl Maidenhead, Slough, Colnhrook, &c. To 1 HAM E, Jas. Drnce, eYery Tue~day. Jaques Wm. corn miller, Marlow mills To READING, the Industry (from Wy- To \VYCOMBE, Jas. DnH,e, every .Fri. 1\leRlin~ Edmund, cabinet makt>r and up- combe) calls at the Red Lion, every To WYCOMBE, HE~LEY,and READ- holsterer, High st Weolnesday, Thursday, and Saturday 1 NG, Thomas Hall•s Van, for pass~n- Moss John, clothes dealer and mill wright, morning at eight ; goei thro' Henley- ge~s & lugga~e, from the Three Tuns, High atreet on-Thames. twtee a weelr. NEWPORT PAGNEI.JL, WITH THE VILLAGE OF SHERRTNGTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. NEWPORT PAGNELL, a market town, giving the month of August, near tu the town, are well at­ name to the hundred and deanery in which it stands, tended, and liberally supported b)· the neighbouring is Hituated at the junction of the rivers Ouse and Lo- ~entry; few country towns deriving more advantage vett; the former stream l1aving a good stone bridge than Newport Pagnell from numerous respectable and th1·own over it, and the latter heing cl'ossed by one of wealthy residents in its l'icinity. iron. It is on the direct road from London to North- The parish church is an ancient and spacious Gothic ampton; 51 miles from the metropolis and 15 from structure, dedicated to St. Peter and St.Paul ; situated the last-named town, 14 from Buckingham, 6 fmm on an eminence that commands an extensive view Stony Btratford, and 5 from Olney. In a remote pe- over the surrounding country. The church-yard slopes riod this town was of considerable consequence; and to tl1e river Lovett; and th~:: stran~er should pause the name ' Pagnell' wa,; derived from the Pagnells or witbi.n its precincts, to read a beautiful f'pitaph on a Pagnels, to whom the manor descended from William l\1r. Hamilton, pPnned by Cowper. The living of Fitzanscnlf, who possessed it at the time of the Nor- Newport. is a vicarage, in the gift of the Lord Chan­ man conquest. These lords had a castle here, the site cellor; and the vresent incumbent is the Rev. W. of which is still called Castle Close. In the civil wars Ma.rshall. The independents, baptists and Wesleyan the town was gani:wned by the parliamentary army; methodists have each a chapel, all neat erections. A Sir Samuel Lake, the supposed Hudibras of Butler, mechanics' institution has been lately establh;hed, as was governor in 1645. The present lord of the manor have a library and reading-room, and three hook so­ is Dr. C. H. Hardy, who holds a court manorial once cieties. The charities comprise schools for the poor, in two years, when constables and other inferior offi- upon the natirmal and Lancasterian systems; and se~ cers are chosen for the government of the town. The veral well-endowed alms-houses for the aged of both only article manufactured here is lace; and though !'exes. The appearance of the country around New­ many females are still sedulously employed at this se- port is very pleasing, and the land rich; the town, dentary occupation, yet the trade has fallen off greatly notwithstanding the :stagnation of the lace trade, is of late years. The trade in coal, grain, malt and constantly improving in appt-arance; the entrances timber, enjoyrd by the town, is materially advantaged are gnod, and the :~treets and highways kept in excel­ by a branch canal, communicating with the Grand lent repair. The market-day is Saturday; and the J nnction, wfiich passes about two miles from hence. fairs are on the 22nd of l<'ebruary, April and June; the There are two excellent inns here: the Saracen's Head, 29th of Aug-u~t, October 22nd, and December 22nd; (the principal), accommodates.the magistrates at their all chiefly for cattle. The number vf inhabitants in weekly ~ittings; and at the same house the weekly the parish, by the census of l 821, was :~,103. meetings (during the season) of 'the Newport Pagnell SHERRINGTON is an unimportant village and parish, Cricket Club' take place: this is a highly respectable in the same hu11dred as Newport; two miles from that association, and is composed of upwards of one bun- town, on the road to Olney, from which it is three dred noblemen and gentlemen of this and the adjoin- miles distant. In 1821 the number of inhabitants in ing counties. The race~, which are held annually, in the parish was i96. POST OPE' ICE, High-street, Ann Higgins, PfJst .Misb·ess.-Letters from LoNDON and the south, arrive eve1·y morning between one and two, and are despatched every morning about one.-Letters from LIVERPOOL, .MANCHESTER, and the n'lrth, arrive every morning about one, and are despatched every morning between one and two.-Letters from OLNEY, arril'e by foot post, every evening at seven, and are despatched every morning at six, during summer, and in winter at seven. NOBILITY GENTRY AND Pretyman Rev. John, Sherrington Ward and Smiths (ladi~s· day and CLERGY. Price Edmnnd, gent. St. John st hoarding) High st [St. John st Baninger Samuel, gent. Silver st Scrivener Mrs. Caroline, High st WildmanElizabeth (day & boarding) Beattie Miss Charlotte, North end Smith Hon. Roht. 1\t.P. Gaythurst hs ATTORNEYS. Boswell Alex. esq. North Crawley Smyth Rev. Wm. jnn. Lath bury hse A · h J h H' 11 Bull Rev. Thos. Palmer, Hi~h st Smvth Rev. Wm. sen. Gt. Linford rrowsmtt osep ' lg" st Calltl~y Rev. Richard, Moulsoe Ste\·ens Misses Cath.&Leah,High st Bull William Bateman, High st Cooch George, St. John st Chestet· Chas. esfj. Chickeley house Uthwhatt Hy. esq. Gt.Linford house Lucas George & Henry, High st Cheyne Dr. Sherrington Van Ha~en Henry,esq.Tickford pari\ Chibnell John, gent, Silver st Ward Philip H. esq. Tickford abbey BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Cotton Rev.-, Chickeley house Whinefield Rev. Hy. Wrey, Filgrove Brown Martin, Sherrin~ton Cripps l\1rs. Susannah, St. John st ACADEMIES AND scHOOLS. Checkley Thomas, St. John st Eal'ly Rev, William, Green Barratt Susan, (day and boarding) Cross J ames, Tickford end Gardner Rev. Tholllfls, Willen High st [North end Garratt Thos. Dungee lane Hardy Mrs. Mary, High st Burn William, ('gent:s boarding) Hooton William, Silver st Burst Mrs.l\Jary, High st Carter Sarah, St. John st Pike James High st Jones Rev. Edw. Melton Keynes Cooch Sarah Ann & Elizth. (day & Scaldwell Joseph, Sherrington Keeps Mrs. Mary, High st boarding) Tickford house Stanton Thomas, North end Kilpin Thos. gent. North end EvANGELICAL INSTITUTION,High st Truelove Henry, North end Lowndes Rev. Robt.North Crawley -Rev. Thos. Palmt-r Pull, tutor Varney John, Marsh end Lucas Ft·ederick, esq. High st Griggs William, (day and boarding) Wads worth J oseph. St. John st Marshall Rev. Wm. St. John st ~larsh end Wilson .Mary, Tickford end Miller James, gent. Silver st LANCASTBRIAN ScHooL, High st- BANKERS. Mnorsom Admiral Sir "Robt. K. c. B William Henry Lewis, master Bassett & Grant, (branch of Leigh- Little Linford house NATIONAL ScHOOL, Church yard- ton Buzzard bank) High street- Praed Ja>. B. esq.Tyriogham house Edward Joyee, master , draw 011 Ba1·clay & Co. Loudon 87 33uckinnba1n~f)irc. NEWPORT PAGNELL, &c.. t$fnot &

• BANKERS-Continued. CURRIERS .AND LEATHER SADDLERS AND HARNESS Olivers & York, (branch of Stony CUTTERS. MAKERS. Stratford bank} High st-draw Lock wood Ts.(lt>ather cutter) Green Frost Robert, H il{h st on Jones, Loyd & Jones, Londou Marsh all William, Silver !>t Neall Wdliam, High st BLACKSMITHS. FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS· SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Coles Thomas, ~herrington ATLAS, (Jeorge Cooch, St. Jolm st COl1 NTY (firf') Chas.Redden,High st Helley Georgt>, North end Cowley Jno.(& brass foundr)Green Helley John, Tickfm·d end Garret Ann. Dnugee lane HERTS & CAMBRIDGES~IRE, Ed- ward Latchmm·e, St. John st Koi~htley 1\latthew, High s• Jakeman Thomas, Ticl\ford end Roberts George, Silver st Price & Broderick, St. John st PELICAN and PHtENJX (fit·e & life) Christopher Ladds, Hil(h st Roberts John, H i!lh st Simco John, Sht>rriugton Sirucox George, GrePn BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. PROVIDENT, Cha!!, Redden, High st Ahraham l\lary and Sarah, Hil(h st RoYAL ExcHANr.E, Robt. Collison, STRAW HAT MAKERS. Rose Wm. (and printer, hinder and High 1ph, High st Hatch Jamt>s, Tickford end Durham William, Marsh end KPi~htiPy M:1tthew, High 11.t .SURGEONS. Fountain John, St. ,John 6!t GARDENERS & SEEDSM EN, Collison Ruben, High st Lander Thomas, 'ri<·kford end Daniell Edwanl, St. John st Gawthorn Edwarri, High s' Gee John, Tickford t•nd Leve1·ett John, Marsh end Goodwin and Kipling, St. John n Poynter :\lary, Tickford end ~1eatlows William, Abbey Pnd Rugers John and Son, High st Read ThoBms, Silver st Nich'llls J oseph l& nurseryman) SURVEYORS-LAND. Richard:;on Robert, North end Marsh end Bunyan Noah, London road Roherts John, High st Rattlidge Edmu1111, Tickford end Joyce Edwartl, Tickf()rd end Robinson John, Hie:h st Robin~on George, Abbey end TAILORS. Truelove Thoma!;, Hi~Zh st Cox John, St. John st Webb William, St. John st & GROCERS TEA DEALERS. Gamble Thoma~, Sr. John si BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS. Marked thus * are also 'l';,llow Chandlers. J:t'aldo William, Silvt>r st (See also Shopkeeper#, q-c.) Gregory Williau1, High st Shepht>rd Richard, Tick ford end Carr John, High st Hanlon Danid (and draper) Higbst BRICK MAKERS AND LIME Crann Ht>nry, Silvt'l' st l\lan l\liehael (& draper)St.John~t BURNERS. '*Keep William, High st Talbut Rohert, High st 9arke Jno.Shipley wharf,Newport '*Ladds Christopher, High :st Wright Ricbard, St. John st Kt>eps, Labium and Taylor, Great Latchmme Edward. St. Jobn st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES, Linford wharf Admiral Hood, Thos.Allbright,St.Joho •• '* :\1 eadows Henry, i-Iil!h st AncLor, 1\lary Smith, High st Walker Richard, Brick-kiln., *Staines Thomas Edwani, High st Yates William, Loudnn road Bull, William ~1ills, Tickford end BUTCHERS. Tandy Rich~trd & Son, Sherrington Chequer~, William Norman, High st HAIR DRESSERS. Coffee House, Jnseph Goodwin, High tt Barratt Jonathan, High st Crown&Castle,Ts.Goodman,Sherrington Bnr.ting William, High 11t Paine John, North eud High Crown & Castle, J11mes Nichols,Silver st Castledine John, Green Perry Wi!liam, stl Crown & Castle, llailey Sutton, Silver sl Goodt>y William, Allbey end INNS. Dolphin, Elizabeth Millard, H ic;h st Goodman William, Sih·er st Saracen's Head, (family, commer­ Foamin~ Tankard, Wm. Castledine,Green ('ial and posting) Thomas Besaut, Green Man, Richard Moody, Marsh end Gri~g.-1 Thomas, Shenington Ki11g'sArms, James BArker, Ticktord end 1\lill!> George, Sih·er st High ).treet Swan, Thoma~ Brown, High st Lion & Lamb, Jas. Houghton, St.John tt Na,h Robert, High st Marquis of Gran by, SI. Bradley,St.Jobn at IRONMONGERS, BRAZIERS & Neptune, Daniel Goodman, North end Nichols Beujamiu, High s' TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Pet I itt John, Green Plou~h, Wm.O:twkes, High st [Silnrst KeepJohn, Hi~h street Plough & Wheat Sheaf, William Smith, Petts William, Silver st Porter Richard, St. John s& Ram, Ch11.rles Jackson. North end Pike Thomas, North end Risley John, Hil!h stret>t R~>se & Cmwn,Rbt. Castledine,Marsh enli Sibley Thamas, High st LACE MANUFACTURERS. Swan, James Middleton, Sbt-rrington CABINET MAKERS AND AyersJohn D. St. John st Three Cranes, Samuel Smart, St. John st UPHOLSTERERS. Two Brewers, John Fountain, St.John 8l Miller Will:am, High st Clarkson Thomas, Gr<'en T" o Wtf'sllers, Rbt. Todd, Tirkford end Rose Robt:rt, High st Cripps William, St. John ~t White Hart, Jnhn Clarke, High st Hand:;comb Williaru, High st White Hart, John Westley, Sherrington CARPENTERS & JOINERS. Keep William, High st WATCH & Cl.OCK MAKERS, Eames Thomas, Tickfmd eu d Ladds Christr. (pt>arllace) High st Loxley Chas. Tickford end Coa)t'!; William Pt>ck, High st l\1ar~hall J ames, Tick ford end Mitchdl Thomas, Dungee lane Tole Thomas, North end LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPEllS WHARI'INGERS &" MERCH'I'S, Paine John, Green AND SILK MERCERS, Shepherd Richard, Green Blencowe Bt>njamin, St. John st Clarke J,Jhn, ~hipley wharf, New- .Simcux George, High st Chapman William, High st port, aud Stanton Hill wharf Yates William, Lomlou road Hanlon Daniel, High st Keeps, Labrum & Ta.:ylor ,Newport, CHINA, GLASS_, &c. DEALERS, Hopwood Josiah, St. John st and Great Linford wharfs Bont- Jost>l•h, Hi~h st Neall Joseph, Hil!h st WHEELWRIGHTS. Hill Henry, Tick ford end Redden Charles, Hhrh st Brandon Jame~, Duu~ce laue CHYMIST & DRUGGIST. MALTSTERS. Crawley William. Tkkfurd end Taylur \Villiam, Hkh :,;t Coles John, 1\lar~h end Deacon William, Tkkford end COAL DEALERS. J etferson William, Tick ford end Middleton Jame~. Shenington (See also IFharjingersfor Coal Par~ons Jesse (& hrewer) High st Taylor Georgt", Tickford end M en·hants.) Rt>dtlt>n Charles, High st Wan John, :Sherrington Law Aaron, Tickfo1d end (wharf Tomkins Wm. 'l'hos. Sherrington WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Poole John, (&wharfinger) Public MILLERS. Be~ ant Thomas, High st CONFECTIONERS. Chcckley Thomas, St. John st Brown 'fhoma~, High st Carr Johu, High !lt Hooton John. Calrlicot Goodwi11 Jose ph, High st Checkley Thomas, St. John st Swaunell William, North e11d Pd.r!ions Jesse, {spirit) High st Latchmore Edward, St. John st MILLINERS & DRESS MAK:RS. Truelove Thomas, High st Miscellaneous. i<:1•erett Ann and !\tary, High st Abbey Wm. gun >mith & cntler, High Jt COOPERS· l\Ieadows Elizaneth & Ann, High st Adams Roger, toy dea er, Hi o-h ~t Cripps George, Slwrriugton Pouher Sarah, High st Harvey \\'illiam, stay maker,":lloorth end S nltl h Charleil, Sihet st Rawlius Elizaheth, High 11t Hopkins Thos. cnach maker,Ttckford end Wcb~ter Samuel, Tickford end PAINTERS} PLUMBERS AND Jefier•on Wm. lellmonger, Tickford end CORN DEALERS. GLAZIERS. .Joyce Ed\\ard, pari~b clerk, Tickford end Os.l>orn George, wools tap I er, North end Ahbott William, Tickford cud Tomkin~ John, High st Price & Broderick, veterinary surgeons. Checkley Thomas, St. John st Whit~ William, Silver st St. John st [London road Goodman Daniel, North end Wilf6rd Chal'les, Silver st Yatea W!lllam, a.uctioneer aod appraiaor 88 i3frtctor1J. NE\VPORT PAGNEl..L, &c. llucktngl)am~f)trt.

COACHES. Mansfit>lll, Cliestertleld, Shellield, I -a Waggon (from Northampton) call!l All oollat thr Saracen'1Head or8mmlnm. Ban.~ley, and Wakeft,.Jd. at the Bull, every Saturday- -Henn At- 1'o LONDOJ'j, the Royal Mails (from To LEICESI'ER, the Union (ft'om Lon-1 terbury's Wa51gon, trom the Two Wres­ 1\fanche-tH and fmm Chester and Hn­ Hope (from Shetlie.d) Nmtbampton and l\f arket Harborough. M atthPwCastledine•sCart,ouce a week. evo>ry morning about one-the Royal To LIVEl-tPOOL, the Sovereign (from To Bt:DFORD, Ambrose Fosso::y, every Bntce (from !\pe ((rom Lon­ Richard Suell & Co.; John Whitehouse thampton, Leicester, Loughborough, don) every morning 11.t half-past one ; and Sons; Willlam Wakeman & Co.; and Noctingharn. ,:o•s through Northampton, Market Antwiss & Co.; Barker & Co.; Ken­ To HOLYHEAD and CHESTER, the Harhorough, Leicester, Loughborough, worthy and Co.; Douglau and Co. ; Royal Mail (from London) every morr.­ Nottingham, Mamfield, & Chesterfield. Thomas Bache; William Hen•hall; in( at half-past one; goes through To WELLINGBOROUGH. a Coach Geor~te Ridf'r Bird ; and Worster,Stubbs Northampton, Lnttcrworth, Hinl'klev, (from London) every Tuesday, Thurs­ llnd Bland. A~herstone, Tamwortb, Lichlield, day, and Saturday afternoon at five; ",.* Goods to be forwArded by any Rugeley, StafftJrd, Nzmtwich, &c. goes through Olney and Woolaston. of the above Carriers, to be lt·ft at the To LEEDS, the Courier (from London) Wharf• of Mr. John Clark!', :Sewport or every night at h3.lf-pnst eight-and th11 OARRIBRS. 8tanton hill; at those of '\lessrs. Keeps, Express, at eleven ; both go through To LONDON, Piekfotd and Co.'s Flu Labrum, and Taylor, NPwport or Grt"a.&" Northampton, Market Harborou !!;h, Varu, from the Raracen's Head, and Lindford; or at the Public Wharf, New­ Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham, Deacon and HarriMn'• Wag9on1, daily porl-John Poolet -.vh11rliuger. OLNEY, WITH THE VILLAGES OF WESTON UNDERWOOD, El\IBERTON, AND CLIFTON-REYNES. 0LNEY, or Oulney, a small market town, iu the d<.>pendent 1\nrl Wt>sleyan methodists, and baptist!!, hundred and deaut>ry of Newpot·t Pagnell, from which ha\'e each a chapel; and tl1rre is a neat meeting-hou~e town it ili distant 5 miles, and 56 from I .. oudon ; is si- belonging to the society of friends. This town has the otuated in the northern corner of this county, upon the advantage of ~ome scho)a.;tic institutions for the chil­ bauks of the Oularance of a fine lake. This rrcognized as having had, fot· its vicars and curate:!, is the bt·idge recorded in Cowper's ' Task'- worthies of the highest litt•t·ary attainments : of the 4.' That with its wearisome, but needful length, tf'tl ministers who h::.ve l'esided here, from the year , B~strides the wintry .flood.': . 1753 down •o the presl'nt period, se\·en llaore been :m- fhe town 1s_ neat, and consists prmc1pall y of one s~re~t, t hors of valuable work~, e~ti mahle either for their tolerably w1de, and about thr·e€' quaJ·t_et·~ of a mile tn pious breathings, scriptural elucidations, or theo­ Jengtb. The 1~1anor of Olney was anci~utly possf'ssed logical rea~onin2:s. Cow(ler the poet, too, inhaled tht! b,v the Ea!·l.s of Chester; ~nd aft~r pas~; m~ throu11.h \'a- literary atmosphere of Olney, from whence he re­ nuns fa.nul~es, n11tl !en~rtwg ultimately to th~ .crown, mo\·ed to Weston lluilerwood in 1786; and tlu· house, was sold, .m the re1~n of Charles I, to the cliJzens of with its garden in the rear, allll his favourite seat, is Lnudou: 1t .now belo111;s to the Earl of Dartmouth, Mill ~hew" to the inquirin~ and classic Mranger. The and uml;r hun ~ourts leet aud baron are held once a market-day wa11 formerly l.eld ou l\louday, but has year. '1 he maktug uf lac~ has been the staple corn- been Jatelv changrd to Thnr11day, and is ,-ery poorly meree of t~1e town and .nclghbnu.rhoo~ for ~ore than attended;- the fairs are held un Ea!'ter-l\Ionday, an(l­ h'":o ~en tunes; bnt the mtroducu~n of m~chuu~~y ap- ther called' cherry-fair,' June 29th; and October 21st. phcahle to th1~ manufacture has ~een rumous In the The number of inhabitants in the parbh bv the cen- extret;ne, to this town in particulat·. A small hosiery sus of 18:21, was 2.339. ' - e~tabh:'>hrnetl~ has late!~ been <:ommeuced; and to WEST(lN U~DERWOOD is a very pretty village aud stem, 1f JW~~tble, the e'•IIs attendant _upl_}n, an almost parish, about one mile from tJlney. This is the an­ t~ltal t-xtmctwn of trade, a few worthy mdn·!uuals h_a,·e cient seat of the Th rockmortom; (a catholic family) : ~m~e purcha~ed some looms for the wcavmg of silk, their desc~>ud:mt, Robrrt Throckmorton, Esq. (who w~~clt alre!idY afford e!nployme~t tg a few. lmu~~.. is lm·d of the manor) has fitted up a neat catho- 1 .he pansh church IS a spacwus Gothic butldmg, • lie chapel, and ererted a handsome residence for the dedtcate~ to St. Pekr, and supposed_ to have heen Rev. Seth Ercles, their esteemed priest; a good ca­ t-rectt'd In tl~e l3t h _or 14!h ce_ntury; 1t has a tower Itholic school is al:-o maintdined in the village, by the aud l~fty sptre,, 18a. feet 111 ht>l&ht from the ground; same worthy family. Wel'ton Underwood lays claim there_1s a v:ry llne nug IJfbelts m t~e tower, remar~-~ to e1-1pecial iuterel't with all who hm·e read the poems a hie tor rheu· .ll""eetness o.f tone. 'I he chu:c~-yard ts of Cow pet; for it was in this tleighhom-hood whe•·e l'ery neatly hud out, and 1s worthy flf attennon fr~ml his pen delineated, with such flowing richness, the the l'jntaphs aud sculpture of the grave-stones, beml{ sceuerv around here. and where may !Je stil! seen the of a character somewhat superior to those fouud in • ' " Fav'rire elms nw;-;t countt·v cemeter·it•s. The liviug is a vicarage of That screen the he•dsman's solitary hut." a peculiar kfnd, in the patronage of the Earl of Dart- The number of inhabitants in the parbh is about 400. mouth, who ili tile lay irupropriator of the tithes; the EMBERTON and CLIFTON-REYNES are two !I mall vil­ Rev. Henry Gauntlett, a highly talented divine, is tl1e lage:s, each about a mile from Olney. Emberton ron­ ruuch aud dest>rvedly re~pecu:d 1o~u1ubent. The in- taius an ancient church, dedicated to All S~.uts. The 12 8!) OLNEY, &c. {~igot & ~o. 'fS church of Clifton is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, a rectory, in the incumbency ofthe Rev. Wm. Talboi. and contains some very ancient aud curious effigies Emberton, iu 1821, contained 550 inhabitants; and and ngtu·e~, In bt·a~s, 11tone and wood. The living is Clifton 230. POST GPFICE, Market-place, OLNEY, Thomas Lovt>ll, Post Mastl!r-Lertet·s from all parts arrive by foat post, from NEWPORT PAGNELL, every moming at eight, and are despatched to that town every afternoon at five. NOBILITY.. GENTRY AND , • BLACK~MITHS. INN. CLERGY. Elh!! fhomas, Htgh St COMMERCIAL AND POSTING HOUSE • .Abraham James, gent. High st P:\ybody'fhomas, Dagnell lane Bull (&excise office) John Evaus, Abt·abam John, gent. High st ~1mco J~m_es, W~ston Underwood Market place Andrews Wm. esq. Market place funn Wtlham, Htgh street IRONMONGERS. Badcock Miss Elizabeth, Embet'ton Wykes Jno. (& whitesmith) High ~t Palmer Jos. & Wm. 1\larket place Brook3 Joseph, gent.Clifton pasture BOOKSELLER, STATIONER s LACE, MA~"l~FA~TU~ERS. Brooksl\lissesKezia & Hanh.High st AND TOY DEALER. A. pray Lheuezet' -!3ndge st .Carey Jas. esl]. Weston Underwood Collingl'irlge Thomas, High st M~r~hall Sarah, H.tgh st Carey l\liss Weston Undt:rwood BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. l\hllward Jo~n, H.1gh st . ' • . l\lm·gan 1\lana, High ~t Co~e l\h;ses Soph1a and Rel.>ecca, Barker Charles, High st Pitts George, Bridge :st Em het ton Da\'ison Rich:u·d Soul, High st Shrewsbury William Bridge st C~~ John Saml. es~. l\1 ark et ~lace Har!'is Thomtt~, High SL Steef Elizabeth, High st DJake -, ge~1t.Weston f.!ndei wood Lord Geor~e, High st LINEN&: WOOLLEN DRAPERS Eccles Rev. Seth (catholic) Westou Morris Anthony, High st AND SILK MERCERS. Under~ood Walkman Thomas, High st BMs Henry, High street Fry Rev. fhos . .,E_mber.ton rectot·y BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS Burt Charles (& worsted hose ma- Garrard Mrs. Eh!!, Htgh st. Butcher James, High st nufactnrer) High st Gauntlett Rev. ~e~.Ulney v1carage Clifton Jonas, High st Lovell Thomas, Mark~t place Godft·ey Rev. Wllh~m, Havenstone Cliflon Robert, High st Nicholls William, Hi!{h <;t Hale George, esq. F... mberton BRICK MAKERS AND LIME Whitlock Joseph High !lt Hale Miss Rebecca, Emberton BURNERS. MALT~TERS. Hale Thomas, e~q. Emberton Raban John, Hig-h street Gee William Emberton Han?ld Mrs. Sophia~ High st Todd John, Brid~ee street GibbonsJos~ph, High st .Morns ~ev; Joh~1, H1gh st BUTCHERS. Lord Joseph, Bridge st ·Myers S1r F rancts W. Emberton Ben·ill Thoma~, l\larket place MATTING MANUFACTURER&. nt. Bridge st Pettit William, Emberton Berrill Ann, High street Simmons Rev. James, Bridge st Travil James, High st Collingridge Sarah, Market place S111ith Miss Elizabeth,l\larket place CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Lovelfl\lary,l\larket place SniithMissel, D<~gne11 lane Carpentels' Arms, Zacb.:, High st Stet:f Eliz~beth, High st Wh1te Hart, }Jary Cokeley, H1gb st 90 iJirtctory .. OLNEY, &c. lJucidngJ)am~btrt.

WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Lovell Ja.~. currier & leather cuttr,High at the 111.me Inn. ever, Monday, Wednea­ Hulliug'lhead Jame8, 1\Jarket place 1\IasonSml.Tilylor,parish clerk,l\larket pl day, and Friday at the aame hour; ~:oe• Killingworth John,(manuf.)High st Musket Thomas, mealm11.n, Market pla.oe through Newport Pa~nell, Woburn,. Mason S3tnl. Taylo1·, Market place Oaborn John, pariah clerk, CliftonReyn011 Hocklitr, Dunstable, Mllrkct Street,. Pal mer Mary, tanner, Market place and St. Albans. WHEELWRIGHTS. Revis Thomas, ~!;lover, Marl;et place To WELLII\GBOROL"GH, a Coach Berrill Thomas, Back laue Smith Tbos. basket, &c. maker, Bridge st (from London) calls at the Bull Ina, Gliggs Willi.aru, High st !'pencer Wm. parish clerk, Embertun every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur­ Miscellaneous. Tomkins Josepb, culler, High ~t day evening at half-past ftve. Whitlock Jas. timber me1·chnt. Dagnell la CARRIERS. Gutteridge Sml. dyer & scourer, High st Woodroffe Joseph,druggist, Market place Haddon Richard, artist, High st ToLONDON,l\EWPORT PAGNELL, Handscombe John, parish clerk, Weston COACHES. WOO BURN, &c. HeDly Thos. AtteY.. Harrold Joseph, corn miller, Olney mill To LONDON, a Coach, from the Bull bury, from the Swan, every 1\iond~ Hussey George Edward, wine & spirit Inn, every Tuesday, Thursday, and and Thursday afternoon-and Matthew merchant, Market place [Hi~h st Saturday morning at sev.. n-and a Ca:Jtledine, from the 'l'wo Brewen, Labutt Richd. brazier & tin-plate worker, Coach (from Wellingborough) calls at once a week. PitiNCE'S ItlSBOROUGH AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. PRINCE'S RJSBOROUGH, a small market town is conducted here to a small extent, Its general trade in the hundred of Aylesbury, is 37 miles from Loudon, being of & very tritliug nature. 26from Bncking-ham, 8 from High Wycombe, the like The church is an ancient structure, dedicated to St. di:stance from Aylesbury, and 4 from WendoYer. It Mary; the living iii in the gift of the pre~ent Jnrd of was anciently spl'lled Risberg, and obtained the addi- the manor, aud the minister i8 the Rev. Richd. Meade. tional WOI'd ' P1·ince's' from its having been the resi- The other places of worship are a chapel each belong­ deuce ofEdward (denominated from the colour of his ing to the baptists and Wesleyau methodists; and at armonr) the Black Prince. The town is situaterl be- Lacey.green, a (hamlet to tl1is parish) is a pa:-ochial neath the Chiltern hills, which are here of bold but chapel, dedicated to St. John the E'·angelist. There pleasing asprct, and upon the high road from the me- are 11ome good mansions in the neighbourhooli, but tropolis to Oxford and Gloucester. ns municipal of- none of 8Ufficient consequence to dctaiu or excite in­ ficels are an headborough and two constables, bnt the tere~t with the inqui1·ing traveller. The market-day govemment of the town may be said to be eutirely is Thursday, a good one for corn; and a fair is held. confided to a ge]('ct Yestry. A court Jeet is held an- for cattle on •he 6th Mav. By the census of 1821, the nualty, on Whit-Monday, by John Grubb, Esq. the whole parish contained 1,958 inhabitams, a11d it is lord of the manor, and petty sessions occasionally by e~timated that about 1,200 of that number were resi­ the magi~trates. 'fhe manufacture of lace and paper dent in the town. POST OFFICE.; High-street, John Young Stratton, Post 11/aster.-Let.ters from all parts arrive by mail cart, from 'fRING, every morning (Monday excepted) tlt nine, and are despatched to that town evti')' afternoon (Saturday excepted) at four. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Smith Sarah, Honey lane STRAW HAT MAKERSL CLERG~. Stratton John, Church end Cotter Elizabrth, High st Alien Mrs. Mary, High st . , CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Hester Mary, Higl1 st Bt:ookt' Rev. Zach. Monks R1sbro Bowler Richard, Honey lane Timm3 1\Iarv, Honev lane- B10oks Rev .. G~o. G1eat. Ha~pden Garland Edward, High st TAILORS .. Egelton Mrs. Sarah, Htgh st Stevens Daniel, Duck end Hopcroft Job, High st Fowler John, gent. Honey lane DRESS MAKERS. Hopc•·oft John, High sll Grace James, e!'q. 1\lanor house Cotter Eliz. (and milliner) High st Stevens Stephen, lioney lane Gr~bb John, ~sq. Hors.endom Gilbert Ann, (&milliner) Honey la Miscellaneous. Ay res Thomas,.parisb, clerk. Market place La1thes Rev. Stanley, ~Jiesborough Russell Mary, High st Bedford Chri&tr. patten maker, Honey la Lo~sley Mrs.l\Ja!·y, Ht~h st. Taylor Ann, Duck end ClarkJonath!ln, corn dealer, Market placu l\lamstone the M I~ses Angehca,So- Timms .aJ ary Honey !ant' Croxford George. turner, Honey lane phia and EJlen, Beech cottage, INNS AND'PUBLIC HOUSES, Dorsett Williamt agent to County Fire White Cliff Bell, Daniel St~vens, Duck end Offtce, Church end .Meade Rev. Richard, Market place Cross Keys Inn,Wm.Powell,Hi~ll st East Marth11, saddler & harnes! maker, & rope & twiae spinner, Marketpl3ce M or land Sir Scrope Barnard, bart. George & Dra~on, ( & excise office) Little Thos. parchment manfr. Church la M. P. Great Kimble [st Jamt's Gilbert, Hi~h st Nasb George, wheelwright, Duck end Nort·is J no. L. gent. (surgeon) High Wheat Sheaf, John East, M ark et pl Winslow Robt. miller & mealman, High st Rnssell Greenhill, l'Sq. <..:hequers White Hart, John Gilbert, High st GOAGH. Smith Miss l\lary, High st WhiteLion, Wm.Stratton ,Duck end To LONDON • the AccammodatiQR Safety Stratton James, gent. Church end LACE DEALERS. (fr&m Thame) ca.lls at the Cross Keys Inn, every Tuesday and Thursday Winslow Mi~s Ca8sandra, High st Gomme John, Church end morning at nine, and Monday and Sa­ Wykham Phil.T. esq.Tythot·p house Hawes Thomas, High st turday morning at seven; e;oes through ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Ludgate William, High st High Wycombe, Beaconsfield, Ux­ Hester Mary, (e;irb' day) High st TapJling John, Honev !ant' bridge, and South well. Stratton John Y.(boys' day)High st LINE~ & WOOLLEN DRAPERS To THAME, the same Coach, (from Lonw Terry Thos. (boys• day) Duck end Ayres l~omas, M a~·ket place don) calls at the Cross Keys Inn, every ! 1\'Ion. Wednes. & Fri. evening at seven. Thorpe i\1 ary ,( day&boardg) High st Cl ark Ehzabeth, H.1~h st BAKERS, Hawes Thoma~. H1gh st CARRIERS,. To LONDOV, Levi Hammon's WaggM, Darvill Johu, High st , . MALTST~~S. from the Wheat Sheaf, every Wednee­ Hester John Higllst Cla1k Jonathau, l\la1 ket place day and Fridaymorning-William Ste­ Lowe Abrah~m, 1\larket place Lowe Abraham, l\larket place ven's Waggon, from the George and Simmons Jacob, Duck end . MILLWR:IGHTS. Dragon, every Thursday morning-and BLACKSMITHS• G~lbert James, J:flgh st R. How!Antl's Waggon, from the CrMs Jacob William Hi!{h st G1lhert John, H1e;h ~t Ke} s,everySunday, Wedn~!lllay ,&Friday To AYLESBL RY, Thomas Fryer's Cart, Tilbury John, 'Market place PAINTE~SLAi~~:s~ERS AND from the Wheat Sheaf, and William Wel't William, Honey lane Bailey John, Turnpike' Hampton's Cart, from his house, every BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Busby Thomas High ~t Saturday morning. Clark John, Honey lane PAPER' MAKERS. To CHIN .I' OR, William Steven'r. Wa.q­ Darviil Jo~e)lh, Church lane Cubbidge WiliWu, Longwick Mills gon, from the George and DragoB• eV!'ry Saturday afternoon. Hughes Solomon, Honey lane Philps James Saundertou l\lills To HIGH WYCOMEE, Thomas Fryar's Sen~or John, Duck end SHOPKEEp'ERS & DEALERS Cart, from the \\'heat Sheaf, every Semor Hobcrt, Church lane IN sUNDRIEs. Saturday ni!l"ht-and William Hamp­ Syred Thomas, Honey lane Foster James, Honey lal'le ton's Cart, trom his house, every .Mon­ B~I~KLAYERS. Loosley Jo~eph, Hh:h st dav and Friday morning. Charge \Yt~ham, f-!.tgh st Ludgate William, High st To THAME, Robert Howla.nd's WaggM • Lacey W1lham, H1gh st Stratton France~, High st from the Cross Keys, ev.:ry Monday. Wednesday, and Friday ni~bt-and BUTCHERS. Tapping John, Honey lane William Hampton's Cart, from hia Laughton William, Honey lane Webster Thomas, Market p~ace house, every T'l\esday moming. 91 •

;JJucitingbatn5fJirt. Utgot & Qio. '~ SALT HILL, AND SLOUGI-1, 8ee page STONY S'fRATFORD, WITH THE VILLAGE OF (NoRTHAMPTON~HIRE.) STONY STRATFORD, a small market town, and dissenting chapels, for the independent and We81eyan one of some antiquity, is in the hundred of Ntwport, methodists, and baptbts. A good national school af­ and the united parishe'l of St. Mary Ma~dalea and St. fords instrnction to the children of the poor, and there Giles; 51 miles froll& London, 14 from Northamrton, is a charity of £70. per annum appropriated w the ap- 8 from Buckingham, and 6 from Newport Pagnel . h prenticing children, bel!ides several other benevolt'nt is situated upon the Watling-street of the Romans, and bequests, from which the poor of this town receive close to the river Ouse, which here forms the boun- occasional assistance. lt was in this town that Kin=: dary of the countil'!! of Buckingham and Northampton. Richard III, then Duke of Glouct'llter, accompanied The parii'ihes are in two manors: the west side being by the Duke of Buckingham, seized the person of rhe in that of Calverton, the property of William Selby young kiug, Edwarcl Vth, who was then with his at­ Lown,les, Esq. aud the east side in Wolverton md- tendants at an inn here. Tbe ground around &be nm·, belonging to the trul!tees of the Ratclitf's charity. town is rather billy, and the views from some of the The government of the town is in the resident and eminences are pleasing; the soil is ''ery fertile. The county magistrates, assisted by the officet·s appointed market-day is Friday, ar•d there are two fairs annu­ by the manorial courts. Lace i3 the manufacture of ally, viz. August 2nd, for toys, hardware aud plea­ this place, nearly all the lower class of females being ~ure; and the fir~t Friday after M ichaelmas-day, for engaged iu its production ; but its chief trade arises hiring servants. By the population returns for 1821, from its thorou~hfare situation. the number of inhabitants was: ea~t side, 530; well& It had once two churches one dedicated to Saint side, 969: total in the united parbhes, 1,499. Gile~, the other to Mary Magflaleu: the latter fell a OLD STRATFORD (Northamptonllhire) h. a !:!mall vil­ pt·ey to a destmctive tire, in 1742, which con!lumed lage, divided from Stony Stratford by the rin·r On~~. with it 113 hom1es; and the church has not been re- A branch of the Grand Junction canal passe!'! through built since; the tower, which escaped the fury of the here, which is of some importance to the agricultu­ flames, is still standing. The living of the umted pa- ral trade of Stony Stratford and the neighbourhood. rishes is a perpetual curacy, in the presentation of the Neither church or chapel are here, nor is there any ap­ .Bishop of Lincoln; the prt>sent incumbent is the ReY'. pearance of trade. The population returns it is cou­ Charles Kepling. There are, besidea the church, three jectured are made op with those of Stony Stratford. POS'l' OE'FZCB, High-st, Elizbth. Richardson, Post .Mistress.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morniu~ ( Mouday excepted) at half-past two. and ai·e dell patched everv night (Saturday excepted) attwelve.­ Letters from LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, DERBY, CHESTER, and ihe northern parts of F.nglaud, arrivtt every night at twelv~, and are despatched every worniug at half-past two.-Office opens at eight in thtt morning and cl05es at nine at night. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Fookes Joseph, High st Day Robert, High lSt Brooks 1\lns. Marv, Market place Hillyer Samuel, High st Freeman Thomas, High st BurtJohn, gent. High st Paine William, Market place Mould John Thomas, High st Capes Arthur, gent. Old Stratford Shillingford William, Htgh Ill OHYMISTS AND DRUGGJSTB. Cave George, gent. Old Stratford West Thomas, High lit Caucutt Mark, High st Chase Capt. James, Cosgrove West William, jun. Hi~h s& Loe Charles, High st Chibnall Anthuy,gent.Old Stratford BANKERS. COAL MERCHANTS. Dickins John, geut. High st Bartlett, Nelson & Co. (branch of Joht1son Edward, Old ~tratford Grant Mi!'s Elizabeth, High st Buckingham, open ou Frirlays) Wi I kinson, Beasant and Wilkit1son., Harrison Richard, esq. Wolverton High street-draw upon Praed~ Wolvertun wharf Holland Mrs. 1\lary, Old Stratford and Co. London CONFECTIONERS. & Lowndes Wm. Selby, esq.Whaddon Ulivers York, High st-(rlraw Ca~well Thomas, High s& :Mans~ll\1ajorJ uo.Christr.Cosgrove upon Jones, Loyd & Co. London) West Thomas, High st 1\lansell Rev.H.Longvillt-, Cosgrove BASKET MAKERS. West William, jun. High st Newman Mrs. Lncy, High st [tory Hutchings Jerome, High st COOPERS. Perc.ival Hou. & Rev. Calvertou rec- Smith James, St. Gile~ st Godfrey Thomas, Church st Rattlitf Mrs. Ellen, High st BLACKSMITHS. Storton John, Market place Rat tlitf Thomas, gent. High st Bennrtt Juhn, High st FIRE1 &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Rose Thomas, gent. Calverton end Cprupton James, Old Stratford BRITISH, Thos. Kuighton Hi!l"h st Searle Rev. Thomas, Calverton end Dowuing Thoma!':, Calvertou end CouNTY, John Day,sen. High st Simmons Rev.Jno.Edmund,High st Jrfcoat Edward, Bull )'ard NoRWICH UNION, William 'fho- Smith Rev. Loraine L. Passenham BOOKSELLER AND PRINTER. ma!\ Godfrey, High st 'fhorne Joshua,gent. Old :Stratford Nixon William (and biudeJ")Highst PIHENIX,John Sirett, Market place Wakefield Miss Sarah, High st B~OT & SHOE MAKERS. PROTECTOR,Benj.Bri~htun, Hi~h sS ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Attk.ms 1~mes (!>hoe wareuou11e) Rov AL ExcHANGE,John BiHington, Barues Francis, l\larket place High ~ :et>t . .Market place Baxter Elizabeth (ladies• day and French. 1 hom.a~~ High st GLOVERS. boarding) Market place Hend~1 son \YI.lham, Church st Frost William, High st Eell Robt. (day & boardiug) High st Partndg-e WJlham,. ChmTh Ill Pool John, High street H ambliuJos. (day & bdn~} Market pi R~yuolds M, ark, ~tgh .st GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Kettle Henry (~cnt.'s boarding) S~aldwell1 homa,, .H1gh st Marked I bus.,. are also Tallow Chandlen, Belvidere house Old Stratford Tidman ~o~m, Ch~t eh ~& ~c) ' . Watts \Vtlham, Hu~h st (See also Shopkeepers, NATIONAL Scuoo~, High ~street- BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. *Billinll'ton John, Ma1·ket place Henry Po~trr Malpa~, master Berrill Georl{e, Hie;h st Godfrey William Thomas, High 5t Shenston Ehzaheth, H11!h st Hillyer Thomas, High st *Knighton Thomas, Hi:.rh st ATTO~NEYS~ BUTCHERS. *Poulter Thomas, High~st C?ne;rev~ John het'r,.High ~t Bates Beujamiu,l\larket placo Sirett John, Market place \\. orley ~.dwd. Aue:~stme, High st Batf's Thomas, High Ht HAIR DRESSERS. Worley 1 homas, H1gh st Gil!iug Geor~t>, High st Brothwell Charles, Market place AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISRS. Green William, High st Hick~on William, High st Day John, jnn. High !'it Timbs William Old Stratford Whichcllo Ferdinando, High st Day John, :sen. Hi!!;h st (ford CABINET 'MAKERS AND IN:NS. DurhamJno. ~&sur\"cyor)Old Stra~ UPHOLSTERERS. Bull, Elizabeth Watson, High st BAKERS. Peirse Richard, High st Cock (posting) Jos. Clare, H i~h ~t Corbett John, Hi~h st West William, sen. High st GPorge(postiug) W. Everett,High ~& l>ickius Heorge. Old Stratford CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. White Horse (commercialj Joseph DiLkins Thomal'!, Church st , Arnold Ge01·ge, High st AIJdrt>ws, High st 92 iJir tctory. STONY STRATFORD, &c. ;uuclttngf)am~btrt.

IRONMONGERS. STRAW HAT MAKERS. ~mith William, Church &t Berrlll George, High '" Attkins H.ichard, Hi~h st Miscellaneous. Day Robert, High st Jobson Rebecca, High st DawsonLevi,ehina,glass,&e.dlrMartet pi HillyerThomas, High st SURGEONS. Goodman Tbos. rope&twine spinr,High 1$ LACE MANUFACTURERS. Freeman Robert, High st Lever James, pin maker, High st Loe John, Hil!;h Hreet Lewis Thomn:o~, 1\1 ark et place Odt:ll Robt. bricklayer, &c. Market place Loe Charles, High :-.t Sheppard John, whitP•rnitb, St. Giles' at Lyous Roben Thomas, Hip;h st • , Sleath John, parbb clerk, High st Smith Jo~ia!J l\lichael, Hil!:h st Popay James, St. Gtles st SnnderlandWm.dyer&seourer,St.Giles'st Wallis William Talbot, High st Worley John, Hi!o:h st Warren Benj, currier and leather cutter~ LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS TAILORS. Market place [Horse-fair gree11 Attkin!> Jarncs, (woollen) Higb st Aih:tt'ne Jnhn, High st WilkinsonWilliam&George,brickmakers, Boyes William, 1\larket place Anderson Danit'l, High st York John, Lnner, 1\:larket place Brighton Benjamin, High st Attkins James, High st COACHES, Wallis Geor~t:', H i!!h st Bruoks Samut:l, High st To LONDON, the RorJal Mail (from MALTSTERS. Godfrt'y Thomas, St. Giles st Holybead) calls at the Post Otlice . 1 t every nil!ht at twelve -and the Rfl!/al Golby William, High st H ooton J ames, HJg 1 S Mail (from Liverpool) calls at the Cock Wilkin:mn William and George, Pater Jnhu, l\lal'ket place Jnn, rvery alt.. rnoon at half-past three; Horse-fair green Smith Gt·orge, St. Giles st both go 1hron1:h Fenny Stratford, Little MILLERS. Wilson George, Hil(i1 st Brickhill, Dunstable, and Barnet Ash by Wm. Stoney Stratford mill TAVERNS&: PUBLIC HOUSES. To HOLYHEA O, the Royal Mail (from Beasant Richard, Woh·erton mill Angl"l, I\1ary M Pads, Hi~h street London) call~ at the l'o~t Office, every Barle) !\low, Joseph 1\Iarlow, Hi~h st morning at half-past two; goes through MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Black Hors,.,.Jonatb.Truss, Old Stratford Towcester, Daventr)t CovPntry, and Bell Elizbth.( & haberda~hr) High ~t Coach & Horses, James Potter, High st Birmingham. }'reeman Sarah, High st Cross Keye, Thomas Rose, High ~t To LIV &H. POOL, the Royal Mail (from Griffith lsabella, High st Crown, J amt"s Warrl, Market place London) calls at the Post Office, evfry Harris Mary Ann, Church l!t Falcon, Matthew WilHson, Old :Stratford morning at h .. lf-pasttwo; goes througll Richardson Ann, High st King's Head. Ann Constable, Market pi 'fowce~;ter, Daventry, Coventry, Coles- l'lew Royal Oak, Jas. Ridgway.St.Giles' st bil I, and L.ichfi~Id. Savaker and Hayward, High l!t Old Royal Onk,Tholl. Powell, St. Giles' st " ... " Be8ides the above, there are Coachtt PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Plon(!h, William Bartt'r, Wolvertnn Pnd passing th•ongh here hourly, to and from GLAZIERS. Rising :ilnn, Richard Liggins, High st London,Birmingh,.m, M"nchester, Liver- Collingridge Edward, Church st Swan, Robert Cave, High st pool, Towcester, Daventry,Coweutry,&c. Godfrey fieorge, Calverton end Swan, 1\Iary Hillyer, Old Stratford OARRIERS. Godfrey George, Market plact! White Hart, William South. Marketpl To LONDON, Edward Gomm's Waggon, Parbery John, Church st Windmill, William Stafford, High st calls at the Rising Sun, every Saturday Wi11mer George, St. Giles st TOY DEALERS, and Tul"srlny night. Cooper Sarah, High st To BAN BURY, Samuel Claydon's Cart, SADDLERS AND HARNESS 'll' H · h from the Cross Keys, e•ery M cmdl\y MAKERS, I nwoo d WI tam, 1~ st and Thursday morning-and H"n•y Sirett William, Church st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Attkins, from his house, every Thura- Thomas Robert, HiJ.:h st Bt'Illlett John, High st day morninl!'. Wilii8on l\latthew, Old Stratford Jefcoate Richard, Old Stl'atford To BRACKLEY, Samuel Claydon'sCart, SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS WATCH &: CLOCK MAKERS. fmm the Cros•Keys,everyThun.morng. IN SUNDRIES. Berrill George, Hil!h st To NEWPORT PAGl'IELt, Samuel Pearson Edmund, Church st Claydon's Cart, every Tuesday and Curtis Joel (and tallow chandler) Friday morning at el~ven. High street WHEELWRIGHTS, To NORTHAMPTON, Henry Attldn's Fookes Josepb, High st Ganderton John, Wolvt!rton end Cart, f"rom his house, every Saturday STONEMASONS. Kightly George, Hil(h st and Wednesday morning. Hutton John, St. Giles st WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. To TOWCESTER, Edward Gomm's Andrews Joseph, Hiu_ h st Waggon, calls at the Rising Sun, every Richardson John, High st ,., Wednesday and Saturday morning- Richardson Joshua, Hi~h st Farmer SHrah, Market place and Henry Attkin't< Cart, from his Wills George, W olverton end Smith Josiah Michad, High st house, every Tuesday morJiin~t. \;VENDOVER,------WITH THE VILLAGE OF GREAT .MISSENDEN AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. W ENDOVER, a borough and :~mall market town, the members, a most estimable and charitable man. is in the hundred of Ayleslmry, five miles from that The apprar~uce of the country in the vicinity of thif4 town, and 35 froll' the metropoli14. It is placrd in a town is picturesque; somewhat hilly, but fertile, and low situation among the Chiltem hills, possessing but exceediugly productive: the views, from the summits few well-built houses; and is a place very inconsidt'r- of thP co11tiguons hills, are indescrihably interesting; able in point of trade: the manufacture of lace, which .and the vale beneath exhibits a corn bination of beauty was once enjoyed to some }Jrontable extent, has much ~ud richnes!l, but seldom surpassed. The market-day, declined, and comparath·ely but few bands are now by charter. i!; Thursday; but in comequrnce of other benefited by it. This town has sent members to par- ueigh bouring markt>ts interfering, it has been altered liament as early as the year 1300: this privilege, which to !.\londay ; it is a pretty well supplied corn-market. was discolitinued for above 300 years, was restored in Tllf' fait·s, which are for cattle, are held the 13th May the 21st of James J, The ri~ht of voting is in tl1e in- and 2nd October. The borough and parish flf Wen­ habitant householders, within the limits of the bo- dover, by the cent.us of 1821, contHim•d I ,602 inhabi­ rough, not recl'iviug alms; the number abou1 80: the tants; about 500 of whom were in the bomugh. constable (who is the chief municipal authority here) GREAT M1ssENDEN is a village and pad~h, in the is the returning officer. The present t·epreseutatives ~ame hundred as Wendo\·et·; situate on the road be­ are Samuel and George Smith, Esquires. hrothers of tween that town and Amer~;ham, ahont 5 miles north­ Lord Carrin~ton, under whose intluence tht' election west from the htst-named place. It l"Oll!ains nothiug is made: this nobleman is lessee of the manor, the worthy of particular remark,either as appl)ing to corn­ hereditary lord being the Earl of Buckingham. Petty merce or curiosity. The principal occup ..uion of the se:;sions are held here once a fortnight, and courts female working cla8S h1 lace making; but this artide is ]eet and baron Qccasionally. not produced in any great quantity. A considerable 'fhe parish chmch, which ill dedicated to St. John, number of ele~am residences, with some noblemen's and situated about a quarter of & mile from the town, seats, ornament the country round Wendover and 1\lis­ pos!.lesses no monumf'nt of interest, or any otl1er ob- senden. Amongst the most conspicuous are, Hamp­ ject particnlarly worthy of notice. The livil1g is a vi- den House, the seat of the J<:arl of Buckinghamshire ; carage; the lord ofthe u.muor b pat.roo of the benefice, M issenden Abbey, George Can ingtun, Es4.; Pctt'rley and 1he present incumlteut is the Rev. Chal'les Fanner, House, R. Noel, E~q.; and at Halton is the inviti11g M. A. There are two chapels for dis~eutcrs of the in- resideur..e of Sir John Dal>hwood Kiog, Baronet. 'ftJe dependent methodist and Arrninian sectj; ; also a na- pal'i.:.h is rather extensive, aud contained, by the last tional sch~ol, supported by \'Oluotary contributions, parliamenta1·1 returns, 1,735 inhabitants; and LITTLE. ami oue maintained by A bel Smit.h1 Esq. son of one of M IssENDEN, a neighbouring village and parish, 814. 93 WENDOVER, &c. l_~igot & ~O.'S

POST OFFICE, High-street, WENDOVER, James Senior, Post ..Master.-Lettt'rs from Lo:!'moN and lhe t1orth and east of England arrive by horse post, from TRING, every morniug at a quarter past ~even, and are de11patched to that town every evening at half-past five.-Letters from AMERSHAM, BEA­ CONSFIELD, and the we11t of England, arrive hy mail cart, from BEACONSFIELD, evl"ry mornin~ at nine, and an: despatched to that town C\·ery evening at six.-Leuers from AYLE:.BURY and BucKJNGHAl\1, arrive by mail cart, every even in~ at six, and are despatched every morning at nine. POST OFFICE, MISSENDEN, Charles Barton, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDoN, &c. arti'l'e hy mail cart, froJU BEACONSFIELD, el'ery morning at half-past eight, and are despatched every evening at seven.-Letters f10m AYLESBURY and BucKINGHAM arrive every t:vening at seven, aud are de:.patched every moruin~ at half-past eight. NOBILITY1 GENTRY AND How 1\lichael, High st Fran kl in Rt'becca, l\1is!'endl'n CLERGY. ~te,·eus Samuel, Missenden Sirumon~ Eliza, Missenden Arnold Captain~ Little 1\tissenden Stewns Samuel, jun. :.vtissenden Towns .l\lary, Pound st Brooks Rev. George, Hampden CHAIR MANUFACTURERS. Walker Jaue, Ayle~bury st Buckinghamshire the Earl of, Hamp- Cole James, (aud timber uealer) Winchester Hannah, M isseoden den huu~e [abbey Aylesbury l!t SURGEONS. Canington George, esq.l\lissendeu Hart 1\Iary, Misl'lenden Ayckbourn Au~u~tusH.Bucks brid'g Dashwood H.ev. Henry, Halton COAL DEALERS. Edmonds Samuel. M. D. High st Deerin Henry, esq. Lee house Biddle Rich. (& 5alt) Aylesbury st Savory Joseph, Aylesbury !o\t }'l:'rron 1\J rs. Sarah, l\lissenden Haycock Willillm, Aylesbury :st Smeathman Geo. Lo1•el, .Missenden Grimsdl'll Hem·y, gent.Coldharbonr COLLAR MAKERS. SURVEYORS. Honor Timothy, gent. l\Jis~enden Cock Wllliam, Missenden Hoare Jo~hua, (road) MissendeB Ives ~lrs.l\Iary, Missenden Fundell J o~eph, Aylesbury st Moon John, (laud) Pounds~ Jones Thos. esq. HaveRfield lodge CORN DEALERS. TAILORS, Kerr Thol', e~q. Woodlands Prickett William, High st Bourne William, l\lissenden King Sir John D. bar·t. Halton Rickard Rohert, Hi~h st Cannon Thomas, 1\lisseudeu l\Iallison James, geut. High ~t FIRE, &c .OFFICE AGENTS, Eldridge J o~eph, l\1 i ssenden l\larks Rev. Richard, i\lissenden NoRWICH UNION, James Clark, Frauklin William, High st Newmau Henry, gent. Pound st 1\1 is~enden [Rack st Fr:mkliu Wm. jun. Aylesbury st Newman 1\lrs. Elizabeth, Back st RoYAL ExcHANGE, Wm. Garrod, Philby Hemy, Missenden Noel H.. e~q. Peterley hou~e GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Potter James, gent. l\lissendeu l\Iarked thus"' are also Drapers. Angt>l, John Smith, Well Head Priest Richard, gent. Pound st *'Barton stamp Crown, Samuel Elldle, Missenden Chas. (and distribu- George (and excise ottice) John Worms- Stace l\liss Lucy, llacomb tenace ter) Mi~sendeu Icy, Ay lt>sbury strePt Stt'phen James, esq. Mi~senden •cannon Thomas, l\Iissenden King & Queen, James Floyd, South st Tratt Jost'ph, esq. Cavendish castle Cosier Charles, High st King's Head, John Prickett, High st Tumer Hev. Charles, Vicarage '*Douglas Robert, Missenden l"iew Inn, Thos. Harrage, Aylesbury st Tyrer William, gPnt. Pound st Durlev Thomas, Missenden Pack Hotse, \Vm. Mead, Coldha.rbour Plough, Willi~m Climpson, MiMenden Woollhead Mrs. Mary, Mis~enden .l onrs· Daniel, Hi~h st Red Lion, Rohert Harper, M issenden ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. •Payue Benjamin, l\lissenden Shoulder of Mutton, J .Franl!lin ,Pound sl Alhnn Rt'v. Saml. Richard, (day & INNS, Two Brewers, Richard Holland, Higb st boa1·ding) Sp1·ing lodge,Missendn Buckingham Arm~, John Wilkins, ~bite Lion, Caleb Cox:, l\lissPnden BRITISII ScHOOL, Missenden-­ Missenden White Swan, Thorn a~ Franklin, High st Richarrl Whitchurch, master George, Robert Younl!', l\1 issenden WHEELWRIGHTS, C!ark Isahella, (day and board in~) Lion, Joseph Rose, High st Creak er John, l\1 issenden Missenden [M issenden IRONMONGERS, Franklin John, Pound st Coup,htrey John, (day & boarding) Cartwright Charles, .M issenden Smith John, South st }'assuidl!'e Jane, (girls') M is~enden Durle~· J ames, (and glass & china Miscellaneous. Hoare Mary and Elizabeth, {day & deale1·) M issenden Bandy George, hair dresser, Hieh st boardinl() Paradise JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. Child Benj. watch, &c. maker,Missenden & Fassnidge Frances, shopkeepr, l\1 issenden INFANT ScHOOL, Aylesbury st. Ann Clark Jas. ( upholsterer) l\1bsendn .Fa;snidg-e Jo!. parish clerk, .1\lbsenden Franklin, mistress Fassnidge William, l\1issenden Franklin John, parish clerk, High st NATIONAL ScHoor.,High st.Chas.- Fenner Thomas, Aylesbury st Franldin John, straw plat dlr, :1.1issendea Cm.irr, master Frauklin Thomas, Back st Rose Jos. wine, &c. merchant, High st Senior James, (boys' day) High st Frankliu William, Aylesbury ~t Stannars John, Jime burner, 1\lissendeu Taylor Josepb, nursery a.nd ISeedsman~ Skenc Ths. (boys' day) Aylesbury st Reading William, Aylesbu1·y st Aylesbury road :BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Tilhurv J ames, l\1 issenden LACE MANUFACTURERS, GOAGH.BS. Bi::.hop Thos. & John, Aylesbury st To LONDOr.., the Accommodati~m, from• Clark William, .M issenden Dixon Robert, High st the Lion Inn, every moming (Sunday Funddl Johu, Hi~h st PavnP Benjamin, Missf'nd<>n and Monday excepted) at seven-and. Hoare William, l\1 issenden LINEN!& WOOLLEN DRAPERS the Union (from Banbury) calls at the (See also Grocers, q-c.) same Inn, every afternoon (Sunday ex­ Pl1illi p~ Zachariah, Pound at cepted) at one ; both go through Mie­ Stone John, Mi!lsenden Aldridge Sheriffe, High st Dixon Hobert, Hi~?:h st senden, Amersham, and Uxbridge. Stone Joseph, l\Jissendeu Sturch Elizabeth, South st To BANHURY, the Union (from London~ Tibbey \Villiam High ~t c~lls at the Lion Inn, every afternoon• BLACKSMITHS. MALTSTERS. (Sunday excepted) at one; goed tbro' Evans Charles, l\lis~enden Croxford William, Aylesbury st AylPsbury, Whitchurch, Winslow, and King James, Aylesbury road Franklin John, Hig-h st Buckingham, and from thence throu~h Nasb Thomas, l\Iisseuden Hoare William, :Uis!lenden Brackley, on Mondays, Wednesdaylf, MILLERS AND MEALMEN, and Fridays; and from Buckingham, Stut·ch Elizabeth, South l't through Tingewick and Aynhoe, on. BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Hoare Jo~,;eph, Paradise Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Barton John, l\lis~f'nden Hoare Jos. jun. (mealman)South st CARRIERS. Bo•J~ Thomas, l\lis~enden Phillips John, Coldharbour To LONDON, Josevh Hearn, John Wet­ Climp10on Charles, Mi~seudeu Taylor John, l\lisseuden ford, Thomas Golby, and- Mealing, Eedle Samuel, l\Iissenden MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. twice every week. Fountain John, l\Iis~;enden E1rans Aun, Mis~enden To AYLESBURY, BJR'\HNGHAl\f, Fountain William, l\lissenden Jefferay Elizabeth, Aylesbury road BAMWRY, BUCKINGHAM, &c. Franklin Pound st Potter Ann, Missenden Tbos. Golby; to AYLESBUY, BRACK­ John. LEY, and BUCKINGHAM, - Meal­ Pedder John, l\lissenden Price Martha, Missenden ing; toAYLESBURY, BuciUNGHAll, Poulton Johu, High ~t Stevens Sarah, Missenden &c. Jos~ph fiearn; 11nd to AYLES­ Poultoo Robert, South st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS :AND J!URY, HADDENHAM 1 &c.JobnWel­ Terry Geor~e. Hi!rh st GLAZIERS. ford ; all twice a week. BUTCHERS. Dllncer Robert, High st CONVEYANC:E: BY Atkins Thomas, High st Tratt Georl{e~ Hi~h ~t WATER. Boug George, Mi!isenden STRAW HAT MAKERS. To all pal'fs of the kingdom, by me&ns of l<'ryer William, Missenden Bot1g Frauces, Mi'1.senden a branch of the GraJld Junstion canal., 94 Dirtctorn. \VINSLOW Is a 11mall market tow~, in a parish of its name, in is !!eldom less than 25s. per lb. fur Turkey opium, and the hundred of Cottesloe, and deanery of Muresley; during the oecup<~.tiou of Egypt by the French it fetched 48 milt>s from London, 10 from Aylesbury, and seven as high a price as eight guineas per lb. The pre:~ent from Buckingham. It is situated in a flat part of the lord of the manor is William Stlby Lowndes, E~q. of county ; the land being ,·ery fertile, and the neil(h- Whaddon Hall : this gentleman holds a court leet, at bour hood, to a considemble extent around, occupied the Bell inn, annually, on the last ~1onday in October. by the agriculturi!'>t. The only manufacture in the The parish church, a !ipacious structure, in the Go­ town is lace, and that hut to a triftinJ!' cxteut. A spe- thic style, b dedicated to St.l\larv: the living is a vi­ culation, in which two gentlemen of thi» town were carage, in the gilt of the Lord Chancellor; and the engaJ(ed, is worthy ot recordin; :-Messrs. Cowley present incumbent is the Rev. James Preedy. Here is and Staines, t·espectable surgel)ns here, in tbe year a chapel earh for the iudependeuts and ba)lti,..ts, and 1821 obtained a prize of 30 guineas, from the society a small charity school; thc1·e is abo a very respectable tor the eucouragement of arts, manufactures and Cllm- boarding academy for young gentlemen, conducted by merce, for cultivatin~ the white poppy (papaver som- Mes!'rs. Grace & Bond. The market-day is Thursday; niferum), and extract in~ 60 lbs. of opium, the produce the fairs are, Feb. 18th, l\larch 20th, April 20th, Holy of tour acres, equal to the best imported from Turkey. Thursday, August 21st, September 22nd, November In the two following years these gentlemeH prosecuted 26th, and December !Jth, all for cattle; there are, he­ tlhe like culture with superior succe:-;s, and were simi- >1ides, statute meetings for J1irinJ! servaut~, held ou the larly t·ewarded by the society: from ll acres havinl! first Thur·sday befim•, aud the first and second Tlmrs­ produced l43lbs. of opium, and the next year from 12 days after October· llttr. The parish of Winslow eun­ acres 196lbs. weight. Some idea may be formed oft he tained, according to the parliamentary return:!! of 1821, value of this di~covery, when it is known that the price l ,222 inhabitants. POST OEFICE, High-street, Mrs. l\1ary Budd, Post Mistrf'ss.-Letters from all parts arrive by mail cart, from AYLESBURY, every morning (Sunday excepted) at six, on which day they do not arrive until ten, and are despatched to AYLESBURY every 11ight at ten. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND CURRIERS AND LEATHER TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. CLERGY. CUTTERS. Bell Inn, Joseph I\eale, 1\fa•ket •quare Burn}iam James geut. (coroner) Lomath Thomas, 1\Jarket square Bull, Richard Baldwin,GreatHom st Croolt square Sow & Pigs, George M ayn!', High st bart. M.P. Swanbourne GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Three Pigeons, William Jones, High st Lowndes Wm. Selby, esq. Whaddon Hawley George, Market square Windmill, Joseph King, High st Markham John, gent. Gt. Horn st King George, Market squar·e Preedy Rev. James, vicarage Stevens Benjamin, Great Horn ~t Miscellaneous. Procter John, gent. Market squat•e Stuchbery Thomas (and talluw Alien Richard, bricklayer, 8hrep st Bunce Mark, parish clerk, Sheep st Saunders Captain, Swanbourue chandler) Great Horn st Coxill William, cooper. High st Wyatt Launcelot, ~ent. Gt. Horn st IRONMONGERS, Cross George, lace manulal'turer, Mar- Vates Samuel, esq. Sheep st King J oseph (and whitesmith and liet square [square ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. brazier) l\larket square Dudley Samuel, auctioneer &c. 1\Jarl..et p street Grant. William, Market ~quare Pulley Fras. Knollys, dru~gist, Market sq Marsh l\lary (day) Church lane MALTSTERS. Staniford Richard, lime burner & brick. Mayne Sarah (day) Market square Barton Richard, Market square maker, Hig-h st [1\!arket sq Tatham Thomas, china, ~lass,& c. dealer, ATTORNEYS. Cross Geor~e, Church yard Whichello Samuel, hair dresser, Market sq Cowley John Willt>at (attendance Hall and Mayne, Market square on Thursdays) Hanging stile- MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. COACHES. To LONDON, the Regrtlalor·, from the residence Bnckin~ham Bull and Lamhuru, Great Horn st Bell Inn, every Monday, "Vednesday, Willis Charles & Son,Great Horn st Gihbs Elizabeth, High st and Friday mornin~ at nine; J:Oes thro' BAKERS. PnrterSarah Frances,i\1arket square Ayl~sbury ,Tring,Berkhamp~tead," at­ Baldwin Richard, Great Horn st Read Ann, Marker square ford, and Ede:eware-and the Umo11 Corbett Robert, Great Horn st \Voodward Catherine, Hi~h st (from Banbury) e111ls at the same Inn, HazzardJ as. ( &coufectionerJ High st PAINTERS PLUMBERS AND every morning (Sunday exceptl'd) at 1 eleven; goes thro' Ayll'•hun, Wend­ Jones William, High st GLAZIERS. OV!'r, A mersham, and Uxbridge. BLACKSMITHS. Cox John, Great Horn st To BAN BlJ RY, the Union (from London) Gr·ace Joseph, l\larket square Hardrug Robert, Great Horn st calls at the Bell Inn, every afternoon at Gray Edward, Hi~h st Harrup George, l\larket square three; goes through Buckingham and Jakeman John Sheep st SADDLERS AND HARNESS Brackley, on l\londays, "ednesdays, ' MAKERS. & Fri•lays; and through Bnc kine;ham, BOOT ~N.D ,sH,OE MAKERS. Lee Joseph, Sheep street Tine;ewick, and Aynhoe, on Tuesdays, Bunce Mark,_ Shec~ st . l\Iayne Thomas, Great Horn st Thursdays, and Saturdays. Lomath George, High st Richardson John Hi~h st CARRIERS. Lomath Thomas, l\1arket square STRAW HA;. MAKERS; To LONDON, AYLESBURY, &c. Jn­ Moo re T~u~as, C?reat Horn st Harding L vdia, Grear Horn :st sepb Hearn's Waggon daily- and Seaton W!llram, ~beep st Stonhill Elizabeth, Market square Thomas Golbv's Waggon, every Mon­ day, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday . BUTCHERS. SURGEONS. -a Wag9on f1om Braekley passes thro>, Hmton Joseph, Grt;at Horn ~St Cowlry John, Hangiu~ stile every \\ ed. a.nd ~at,-& Tbo~. Hedges, Maydon Georgt>, H1gh st Gent John Sleath High st frnm his honse, twice a week . .Moorcroft James, Hig-h st TAILORS. To BAN BURY &BJR\IIr.GHAl\J, Tbos • .Moorcroft John, ChuJ·ch lane Godfrey William, Great Horn st Go! by's Wagqons, four times a week. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Gr·egory Geor~e, Market square To BRACKLEY, -M eating's Waggon, eTery M on day and \l ednesday. Matthew'S William, Great Ho m st H oman William, Great Horn :st To BUCKINGHAM, Jost-ph H!'arn's 1\layne George, HigiJ st Punn William, Church lane Waggon, four time~ a week-and G!'orge 'foddJas. (&cabinet maker) Sheep st Robin son Jos. & Matthew, High st Yeulett, from his house, dai y. \VYC0l\1BE, liiGH, AND 'VEST & NEIGHBOURHOODS. HIGH WYCOMBE,Cheping orChippingw._qcombe, from Aylesbury, and 5 from Beaconsfieid. The town is, as its ancient Saxon name implies, a market town; is pleasantly situated in a \"alley. on the banks of the it is in the hundred of Des borough; 29 miles from Wycombe stream; and is considered the handsomest London.? ..34 from 6uckiogham, 25 from OxfoJd, 17 one in the county. From the mauy antiquities fou.nd 95 UurittngfJam~IJfrt. \VYCOl\IBE, '&c.

In the neighbourhood of tl1is town, it is supposed to was buils iu 1529; but its pinnacles and other orna­ have been a Homan settlemem : in 1724 a te~selated ments were added by the Earl of Shelbonme, about pavement was found in a meadow, aud at various 1755. Tlu.• church contains some intere~ting monu­ times have coins and medals, of Antouimu; Pins and n1euts, awoug-st which are, one to the mem01·y of Marcus AUJ·elius. het>u dug up: and there is no doubt Hemy Petty, Earl of Shelbourne, with his effil(y aud that it was early iuhahitecl by the Saxons; for, in ad- sevetal other figures; another, to the memory of So­ ditiun to its name 'chepiug' or • cltipping,' the Saxon phi a Countess uf Rhtluourne, is a very beautiful oue, term tot· market, Langley says that there is a strong executed by Carliui: it represents a female figure re~ double entrench me ut in tile vicinity oft he town, called clining on an urn, with two childrtn. Tht- living of 'Desborough castle,' where foundation:s of buildings, this parish is a vicarage, in the gift of the Ma1quis of tic. have been di!'.Covered .. The present lessee of Lansdowue; the pre8ent im·umbent is the Re\', Jamt>s the manor is Sir John Dashwood King, Bart. M. P. Price, and hiSt:urate is d1e Hev. J. C. Williams. The but his rights do not iudude the mauor of the boroul{h, other places of worship ate, a chapel each belonging the corporate body being the lm·ds of that part. This to the Cal\'inists, inrtt-pt'ndent and We!>lleyau method­ borough appears to ha\·e been first incot·purated in i~>ts, and baptists, with a neat meeting-house fo1· the 1461, hut the maym· and aldermen are mentioned in a society of friends. The children of the poor hare the record of the reign of Edward Ill. The corporation adrantage of a free· school for their instruction, upon consists of a mavor, 12 aldermen, a rt>c.orrler, bailiffs the Lancasterian plan; and there is a good grammar­ and bur~e~ses; the magiHrates are elected by and from school, endowed by a 1\lr.Bowdt'll, by bequest in 1790, the aldernaen. High Wycombe has st'nt members who also provided a weekly allowance for eight poor to parliament since the 28th of Edward I; the riKht widows. The principal seat in this ''icinity is Wy­ of election is vested in the mayor, aldermen, bailiffs combe Abbey, the residence of Lord Carriugton: the and bur~esses, the latter being chost'n at the di!'cre- house has been almost wholly rebuilt by the p1·esen& tion of the mayor, aldermen and bailiffs; the number noble proprietor, in a Gothic style, from the designs ot of electors seldom exceeds 200; the tnl\yot· is the re- Sir Jeffrey Wyatville (then Mr.Wyat). The park, con­ turfting officer: the present represeutatives are. Sir taining about 200 acres, is diversified with bold hills Thomas Baring, Bart. and Sir John Dashwood Kin!{, and eminences, covered with wood; and the small Bart. 'fhe town consists of one lar!('e and spacious river which runs through the parish, waters the plea­ Rtreet, which branches out into several smaller one.;. I~ure·grounds of this beautiful seat. The marker, The town-hail, which is situatt'd in the High-street, is which is a very considerable one fot· corn, is held on a good substantial structure of hrirk, supported on :-!4 1F1 iday: there is ouly oue fair, which is for pleasure stone pillars; and was built in 1757, at the expense of and the hiring agricultural servants; it is holden the John Earl of Shelbourne. In this hall are held the 1 last Monday and Tuesday befure the feast of Saint sessions for the town, and other public meetings; ll\lichael. By the parliamentary returns for 1821, the there are also courts leet held annually, or oftener, as borough of High Wycombe contained 2,864 iuhabi­ ()ccasion may require. tants; and the numbl.'r resident without the borough Wycombe, from not being dependent upon any was 2, 735 : total in the borough and parish, 5,599. single hranch of trade, is consequently less fluctuating WEST WYCO~IBE, a village and parish in the same in prosperity and commerce than many other towns hundred as High Wycombe, is about two miles in this couuty. Its trade etr.hraces the manufartm·es from that town, situated uuder a sttep eminence of lace and paper, the latter indi~pensahle article being partly covered with wood, whence tht' mausoleum aud produced to a vast extent : in the making of chairs, ~mall tower of its beautiful church seem to emerge. also, many find employment; the malting business ill 'fhe church contains some interesting monuments, very con1;iderahle; and the valuable Wy(~ombe stream as does also the mausoleum; those particularly claim· is available to the working many mills, not only for ing admii·ation in the last mentioned edifice, at·e, a its paper trade, but fm· the grinding corn in large beautiful mllrble altar· monument under a canopy sup­ quantities: its local retail trade is also good; and it ported by four stone pillan;, erected to the memory receives l'aluable adventitious aid by the influx or of S"rah Baroness Le' Despenser, who died 19th strangers, this town beins.rone of great thoroughfare January, 1769; another recording the death of the between the mdropnlis, Oxford, &c. husband of the abo\·e lady, in beautiful marble; be .. The pal"i~hwood, El'lq. in this parish, is a very fine tower is at the west end, 108 ft'et in height, and adot·ned seat. West Wycombe parish contained, iu 1821, 1,545 with roses and portcullisst•s: this part of the edifice inhabitauts.

POST OFFICE1 High-:~treet, Gcorge Harman, Post .iJ'laster.-LE.'tters from LoNDO!'f and the north of Enghmd arrrve every night (Sunday excepted) at twelve, aud are despatched every morning- (Sunday ex­ cepted) at three.-Letter!' from WoRCESTER, BIRMINGHAM, OxFoRD, BATH, BRISTOL, and all the west of En~tland, arrh·e t'very moruing at 3, and are despatched evel'y uight at 12.-The box doses at 9 at ni~h• :NOBILITY,GENTRY&CLERGY Kin~ Re~·. lsaac, West Wycombe Ayres Jos. (gent's brdg.) Oxford st B~tes .l\lrs. Ann, Bedford row King Rev.lsaac,jnn.WestWycomhe Cnltman Elizabrth, High st Ht~dle Jos~p~, gent. Churcl1 lane Kingston the Misses, Temple end GRAMMAR ScHOOL, Hi!{h st-WU· Rl'lstow Wtlham, gent. C~ual Lod~e l\lr~. Elizabeth, High 11t liam Sprostou, master Browne Re\'. Jas. C.Pro.~pect house I Miluet• ~li~s so,}hia, Hig-h st LANCASTERIAN,(girls') High st-- Burrough Mrs. Jant>, I< lint cotta~e I l\Ionk .M.1·s. Mar1ha, Hi~h st l\1artha Woutton, millta'e>.s Carrin~ton Right Hon. Lord, Wy· N orris John, e~q. H ughenden Liue Harriet, (day & hoard g.) Canal comhe abbey Parker William, gent. High !.'t Nash Sarah and Elizabeth, (day & Carter Mrs . .l\lary, Paul's row. I Pegus He\'. Frederick, Oxtind st hoarding) High st Chadesson Lawrence? gent. Htghst ~later .:\lr-~. Ann, We~t Wycomi>e Syred Elizabeth, Canal Clar~e Mrs. Betty, Htg-h st Steevens l\lrs. Elizabeth, High st ATTORNEYS. Coll!ngwood ~~~hn, gent. fanal Suttnn James, geut. High st ~ash & Rum:oey, Crendon lane Colhns Mrs. Elizabeth, New Land Tatem James George, esq. High st Nash John, High st Crewe Colonel, Lo~~es Terry Mrs. Ann, High st Nash Sauuders, Hi{rh st Deane 1\lrs. M ary, I em pie end Tre<1cher Mrs. Lvdia Canal Parker John Crown laue Dobbins William, gent. High st Vearv Mrs. Elizahetl;, Oxford !'t AUCTION~ERS & APPRAISRS. Edelman Rev. Wm. Ryete~·race I Vincent Rt:v. ~·rederick,Hn~~;henden Gilt's Wm. (&estate agent) H1gh st Edmonds Silmnel, gent. H1gh ~t J Ward Hart st Hardiug Joseph, West Wycombe Ross James (tea only) High st Lane Geurge, Temple place Harris & Catton, West Wycombe Steevens William, Paul's row Mills .John, Nowrefield row Harris Henry, West Wycombe StevPns Francis, Market place Pedder William, Hi~h H Harris Thomas, West Wycoruhe Veary Thomas (&tallow chandler) Sherrilf Jos, ( & confectionr) High st Hob.wn Joseph, West Wycombe Temple place fCanal White Henry, Queen's square Howland Russen, New land White John (East India fiouse} White Joseph, High st Nash Johu, Downley HATTERS. BANKERS. Sammontls Samuel, St. John's lane Elmes James, Paul's rnw Wheeler Robert, (branch of Read­ Sewell William, West Wycombe Jeffreys David, Queen's square ing bank) High st-(draw:s on Skull Chas. ( & japauner)Temple pl INNS. Willis & Co. London Treacher James, West Wycombe Crown (commercial and posting) SAVINGs' BANK,Church squaree-·­ Treacher John, High st Robert Prince, High st William Thomas Butler, secretary Treacher Samuel, Temple place Falcon, Henry Grimsdale, High st BASKET MAKERS. Treacher Thomas, High st Lion Hotel (family and posting} Youens Jame~>, Oxford st White John, Paul'!! row Richat·d Westbrook, Highs~ Youens Uobert, Oxford st Widgiugton Thomas, St. Mary's st Three Tuns (and excise office) Youens William, Paul's row Worcester James, Bradenham Richd.Taplin,Hi~h st rHarts~; BLACKSMITHS, CHYMISTS AND DRtJGGISTS. White Hart, Ann Casbrook, White Ball Henry, Tuns yard Butler Wm. Thos. Church square IRONMONGERS. Grimsdell William, Paul's row Steevens William, Paul's row Badcock Charles, White Hart st .1\lellett James, New land Tuck BuckmasterJos. Queen's sq Baly Witliam t bar iron warehouse) Tilbury William, Crown lane COACH & HARNESS MAKERS. White Hart st Trt"acher Samuel, Three Tun yard KiLg Saml & Sonf Three Tun yard Hulls Isaac, Market plaee Veary Samuel, Oxford st Lane Arm, Hi!!h st Hulls John, Paul's row Veary William, West Wycombe COAL DEALERS. Morton George, Queen's square White 'l'hos. (&farrier} Church sq Moody James, White Hart st Young Wm. & John, White Hat't !§t BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Page 1\lartha, White Hart st .JOINERS AND BUILDERS. .Marked. thus • are also Printers. Prestage John, jun. Church square Chadley Robert, Canal *Burnham Jn.W.(&binder)High 11t COOPERS. Crook Henry, High st *'Butler Wm. 'J.'hos. Church :;.quare Godfrey John, Paul's row Finch Richd. Barrabee, Oxford st Pontyfix Richard, (and teacher of Piper John, High st Giles William, High st music) High st CORN DEALERS. lvery John, Oxford st •Pu~h John, Temple place Page 1\lartha, ( & !!eed) WhiteHartst Jones William, Crendon lane BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Paiue William, White Hart st Steers William, CanHl Anger Matthew, West Wycombe Winslow Thomas, Paul's row Tucker Jo~hua, White Hart st Brickwell Josepb, Paul's row CURRIERS AND LEATHER LACE DEALERS. Clarke John, Canal CUTTERS. Burrough Jo!"eph, Paul's row Day James, Paul's row Butcher Chal'les, Queen's square Davis Johu, White Hart st Day Jost>pb, Temple place Turner Abraham, St. John's lane Gibbs John, London end Dean Joshua, Hi~h st FELLMONGERS. Hearn and Vea1·y, High st llarman Joseph, Canal Line William, London st Hughes William, West Wycombe Harman Philip, Oxford st Neal William, Bull lane Lo,·egrove Henry, Bedford row Harman Richard, Oxford st Wilkins Samuel, Temple end Piper Israel, Crrndon lane Hawes Richard, Oxford st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Tbompson Henry, St. Mary's st Holland Jno.& Son,Queen'~ square BERKS, GLOUCESTERSHIRE .AND LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPRS. Howelll\Jary, White Hart st PROVINCIAL, Juo. White,nr Canal Marked thus • are also Silk Mercers. Sborey Thomas, White Hart st BRITISH, Henry Crook, High st Burrough Joseph, Paul's row Thomas James, Paul's row CLERICAL, l\lEDICAL and GENERAL *Croxford William,Qutoen's square Thornbury Joseph, Bull lane (life) Wm.Thos.Butler,Church sq Furness James, Paul's row Wiggins William, Oxford st CouNTY, Jo8. Burrou~h,Paul's row "~'Hearn and Vt'ary, High st BRAZIERS AND TINa;I:ENo EAGLE,Richd. Nash, Church ~;quare H ttghes Robert, Queen's square Hulls I~ac, Market place GuARDIAN,W.Croxford, Queen'ssq '*N ash Richard, Church square Hulls John, Paul's row HERTS, CAMBRIDGESHIRE~ AND ""Parket· George Lloyd, High st Hulls Joseph, Paul's row GENERAL CouNTRY (fireJ Wm. Stault'y Rirhard, Qneen's square BREWERS. Greeu, Qut'en's square MALTSTERS. Huntley William, Canal PELICAN & PHffiNIX,Rbt.Robinson, HesterHannah, West Wycombe Wheeler Rohnt, High st High st [ WnJ. Giles, High st H untley William, Canal BRICKLAYRS &PLASTERERS PROTECTOR,Rd.Nash, Church S(f.& Moody J ames, White Hat t st Bi~g:i William, Hi!-!h st SuFFOLK and GENERAL CoUNTY, Page .Martha, White Hart st Church John, Paul's row William Steevens, Paul's row Young Wm. & John, WllitP Hartst Ford Thoma.~, West Wycombe SuN, John Hill, High st MILLERS AND MEALMEN Havergal William, Church lane WE~TMINSTER,Hen. Crook, High st Balll\lary, Lnudwater Williams Jarnes, Canal FURNITURE BROKERS. Clark John, Basset Bury BUTCHERS. Ford Joseph, High 8& Edmonds & Lucas, High st Barton Charles, High st Skull Charles, Temple place Edmonds Joseph, Basset Bury Barton Richard, High st Tucker Joshua, White Hart st Edmonds Thomas, Oxford st Hailey Richard, Paul's row FURRIERS. Fryer Michael, West Wycombe Hobbs Samuei, High st Heniol!lJem .H.ichard, Oxford €Ud Lane Alfred, near Canal Jnnes John, New land i\Jiller Thomas, Ca11al Paine William, White Hart st Lipscomb Josiah, Paul's row GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Prestage John, jun. Church squ!lre Morecraft Thomas, Paul's row ALien Wm. ( & nursrymn) Londn end Qnartet man Jas.(mealmn) Oxfrd st Poulter David, Temple place Eedes Rohert, New land Thurlow James, St. Mary's st Slater John, Wt:>st Wycombe 1\toxam William, Bull lane Winslo.w Ths. (meal man I Paul's rw Srred Thom?.S, Canal & Veary Richard, Oxford 1!11 • MILLINERS DRESS MAKRS. Watson William, New land GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Allen Ann, Oxford st West Jollbua, Paul's mw (See fllso Shopkeepers, .'Ye.) Dulley Mary, High st CABINET MAKERS AND Allnutt Thomas, Temple place Harniltnn .l\lary Aun, ()xford st UPHOLSTERERS. Dauhney Wm. Queen's square Heading Eliz:abet h, Bedford row Giles Wm. (&undertaker) High st Green William, Paul's row Lacey Sophia, West Wycombe Gomme Dinah, High st Hearn and Veary, Hi~h st Newman Eleanor, High :st Skull Charles, Temple place J}unt Joseph, White Hart 1t Saunders Sarab, Canal 13 97 WYCO~fBE, &c.

MILLINERS, &c.-Continued. Antelope, Mary Phipps, Church square Coach, fl'Om the Falcon Inn, every a(. Stallwood Ann, Queen's square Bell, Mary Hart, Canal ternoon at two; all go thro' Beacons. Tomlyu Jane, jun. St. Mary's st Bird in Hand, William Griffin, Oxford st tield and V xbridge. Black Boy, John Brown, J\1arket place To CHELTENHAM, theRetaliator(from W oottou Miss, near Canal Black. Boy and Unicorn, Peter Scotland, London) calls at the Lion Hotl'l, every MILLWRIGHTS. West Wycombe morning at eleven; ~oes tluo' Oxford, Coltman William, High st Bull, Robert Rixou, Bull lane To GLOUCESTER, the Regulator(from Moreton John, l\larsh Coach & Horses, 'Jhos. Baynes, High st London) calls at the l-ion Hotel, every PAIN'J'ERS, PLUMBERS AND Compasses, John Moxon, High st morning at half-past nine; goes through GLAZIERS. Cow & Hare, William Coopt>r, High st Oxford and Cheltenham. Boot John, Oxford st Cross Keys, James I~ockett, Hig-h st To HEREFORD, the Champion (from Geor~, John Broon,e, West Wycombe London) calls at the Lion Hotel, ever~ Clark William, High ~'t GoRt, James Guyatt, High st afternoon at l1alf-past five; goes thro• Coope1· Henry, Fligh st Half Moon, William Russell, Oxford st Oxford, Cheltenham, and Gloucester. Lacey Samuel, Temple place Lion in the Wood,Thos.Clark,Queen's sq To HOLYHI:<;AD, the Oxonian (from Skull Chas. (painter) Temple place Queen's Head, s;lamuel Balls, Queen's sq London) calls at the Crown Inn, every PAPER MANUFACTURERS• Red Lion, Isabella Gr~veny, St.l\lary's st morning at ten ; goes through Oxford, Se,·en Stars, Thomas 8uggins, High st Birrnin~:ham, W olverbampton, Shrews­ Alluutt Zachariah, Basset Bury Shi-p, Mary Jonl's, Oxford st bury, and Oswestry. Davis & Crutch, Loudwater Swan, Ann Heading, West Wycombe To READING, the lndustr~J, from tbe Edmonds Thomas, Lowion end Wheat Sheaf, Willinm Swinden, High si Th 1ee Tuns Inn, every Tuesday, Fryer l\lichat'l, West Wycomhe Wheel, William Chmpson., NPw land Thursday, & Sat. moming at halt~ past Fryet· William, Upper Marsh White Swan, William Bond, Paul's row seven; goes thro' Marlow and Henley. Wool pack, OliTer l.ockey, Temple place To THAME, the Accommodation Safety Hay John, Ma1·sh (from London) calls at the Three Tuns Laue Alfred, near Canal TOY DEALERS. Hargmve George, Paul's row Inn, every Monday, Wedn!'sday, Fri­ Lane Joseph, Ash Mill day, & Saturday atternoon at half-past Howland Solonlfm, Paul's row PARCHMENT MAKERS. five; goes through Risborough-and WAT'CH AND CLOCK MAKERS. the Thmntt (from London) every Tues­ N eal William, Bull lane Ball Williaru, White Har·t st day, Thursday, & Saturday at twelve; Wilkins Samuel, Temple end Bernascone Innocent ( & opticiau) goes th1ough Stokenchurch. PERFUMERS AND HAIR Temple place To WOODSTOCK, the Blenhei1n (from DRESSERS. Carrori Benjamin, Paul's row l.ondnn) calls at the Lion Hotel, every Cnstard Thomas, Hi~h 8t afternoon at a quarter before one; goea Holmes Corm·ay, High ~t through Oxford. Houghtou Charles, White Hart st Stran~e Thomas & Son, Paul's row Ts WORCESTER, tbeRoyal Mail (from Westfield James, Paul's row Venables Charles, Canal London) calls at the Lion Hotel, every nh:ht at twelve-the 1'ekgraplt, every SADDLERS AND HARNESS WHEELWRIGHTS~ MAKERS. Cox John, New land night at ei~ht-and the Aurora, every Cock John, West Wycombe morning at half-past ten; all go through Grove John, High st OxJOrd and Chippiug Norton. ~ouge GPorge, Oxford st Hunt Joseph, Oxford st Gr·iffits John, Queen's square Morris James, West Wycom be CARRIBRS. Hart Mitchell John, White st Treacber James, Wt·~t Wyeombe To I.ONDON, John Jolly and Richard Wootton Abraham, Paul's row W:tn:TESMITHS, LOCKSMTHS Parker, from the Cross Keys, every af­ SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS AND BELL HANGERS. ternoon-James Parker, every Wednes­ IN SUNDRIES. Grimsdell William, Paul!!' t•ow day and Sunday morning-Charles aud Bearc1·oft Wm. Hows,W. Wycombe Shepard James, Crown Jane John Ward and Levi Hammnn, every Wednesday and Friday afternoon­ Beck .Edward, White Hart st Shepard Jarnr:s, jun. Crown lane Dohson Frances, West Wycombe Ri~hard Dawes, William Power, WlNE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Thomas Johnson, Philip Cambrey, Forrester Jonathan,Queen's square Edtnonds George, High st 'Nilliam Budd, Robert Howland, and Grove John, High street Lockey Oliver, Temple plact! William Stevens, from the same place, .1\kad Thomas, West Wycombe Priuce Robert, High st every Thursday-Thomas Fryer, from 1\lills John., Nowrefield row his house~ every Tuesday morning­ Tibbels Johu, Qgford st Miscellaneous. Charles Busby, from his house, e:verJ Tomlyn Jane, sen. St. Mary's st Badcock Chas. patteu maker & dealer in Monday and Thursday-a.nd William old metal & horse hair, White Hart st f>ancer, from his warehouse, every Woo~ter Mar.y,.()xford_,t Carter John, tanner, Temple end Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Fri.; Wright Thomas, High st Charter Robert, glover, White Hart st all go thro' Bl'aconsfil'ld & Uxbridge. STRAW HAT-MAKERS. Cheese William, fishmanger, Paul's row To AYLESBURY and RISBOROUGH~ Bia·d James, Pauls' row Curtis Henry,parish clerk, WestWycombe Thos.Fryer, from his boose, everySat. Dulley Mary, High st Fontana Charles,jewellt"Y, &c. Oxford st murnin::-& Luke N ash, twice a week. Hargrave Geo. umbrella makr,P:ml•srow To BATH & BRISTOL, William Budd, Gilbert Elizb.& Sarah,'femple place Barman John, poulterer, High st from tbe Cross Keys. every W ednes• l\Iaynard Sophia, Market place Heningham Thos. wool dealer, New land day, Friday, and Sm1day. Palmer Mary Ann, High st Neal Wiiliam, stone mason, Oxford st To BICESTER, James Parker, from the Wllight Sarah, Oxford st Spencer William, parish clerk, Paul's row Cross Keys, every Tue5day & Friday. STAMP OFFICE, High st-Ge01·ge Lloyd To BIRMINGHAM, John Joll)', from 'SURGEONS. Par k.er, distributer the Cross Keys, every Sunday, Wed­ Coulson Robert, West W-ycombe Steers Alfred, portrait painter, Canal nesday, and Friday. Denny William, High st S windPn Wm. china,glass,&c .dlr. High st To CHEL TENHAI\J, Richard Dawes, Gower Samuel, Paul's row Toilet-, fishmonger, Paul's ro" from the Cross Keys, every Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday morning. Rose William, High st To~vN GAoL, lltew Jand-Robert Eedes, go-¥ernor [sacking dlr, High st To CHThNOR & RISBOROUGH, Wm. .Slater ·Richd. Barry, M. D. High st Young John., rope and twine spinner and Stevem, from t])l' Cross Keys,everySat SURVEYORS. To CHIPPING NORTON, Charles and Brown George COACHES. John Ward, from the Oros• Keys, every (roads) High st To LONDON, the ROJJnl Mail (from Mon. Thurs. & Sntur. afternoou-and Hussey Wm. (land) Hughendon WQI'cesten).calls at the LionHotel,Pnry William Power, every Sumlaymomg. TAILORS. morning at three, the Telegi'Uplt, every To MARLOW,Chs.Busby,fromhis house, Marked thus * are also Draper~. morning at half-past three, and the every Wednesday and Saturday night. Acome John, Church yard Aurora, every afterrwon at tftree the To MARLOW, HEN'LEY, &c.- Hall, Champion{fr01n Hereford) l'alls at the from F'alcon, -evl't'Y Tues. & Fri.. aftem. •Ball and Belson, .Church square same Hotel, every mornrng at two­ To RISBOROUGH, William Eampton., •Bamey Henry., Bnlllane the Blfllheim (from Woodstock) every from the Bull, every Monday & Friday •Burrough Joseph., Paul's mw day at twelvl'-the Regula~or (from afternoon-and LeviHammon,from tbe Fry Thomas, Market .place Gloucester) every .afternoon at three­ Cross Keys, every Monday & Thursday. Hughes John, White Hart st and the Hetaliator (from Cheltenham) To STOURBRIDGE, John Jolly, £roll1 •Hnghes William., West Wycombe every afternoon at four-a Coach, from the Cross Keys, ev!'Ty Tlrurs. monting. the 'i.'hree T'Uils, every morning (Sun. To THAME & RISBOltOUGH, Robert Lewis John, Quet'n's square day excepted) a:t hali-past st!Ven, and How land, from the Cross Ke' s, every Luttman Giles, Queen's square another at nine the Accommodation Monday, Wednesday, and Fritby. 'Stallwoorl John, Queen's square Safety (from Thame) calls at the ~;atr.e To WIT~EY, Richard Parker, from tbe White Jamell, Temple end Inn every Tuesday and Thursday morn­ Cross Keys, every morning. in~r at ten, and every M on day and Sa­ To WOODSTOCK,PhilipCambrey,frolll Wingrove John, West Wycombe turday morning at eight- & the Thame, the Cross Keys, every Wed. Fri. & Sun. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. every 1\londay, Wednesday, and Friday To WORCESTER, Thos. Johnson,from Anchor, William l'euner, Crown lane morning at ten-the Oxonian (from the Cros~> Keys, every Sun. W ednes. & An~et, John Thompson, Paul's row Holyhead) c'Jils at the Crown Inn, Pvery t'riuay-and John Jolly, from the same An.,;el, Jamt:s Youeus, Oxford st afternoon at half-past four-nnd a place cveryTues. Thurs.&8at. morning. 98 1