Press Releases

Legislative Measures to Improve Safety of Vessel Operation Endorsed

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A regulation to enhance the safe operation of vessels in waters has been endorsed by the Chief Executive-in-Council, a spokesman for the Economic Development and Labour Bureau said today (July 5). The Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) Regulation 2002 will impose a designated area in the Kap Shui Mun water area and require all vessels entering Hong Kong waters to tender pre-arrival notification.

The spokesman said: "In 2002, Marine Department conducted an in-house study on traffic in the Kap Shui Mun area in view of the collision incidents there. The study recommended to limit through traffic in the northern part of the Kap Shui Mun Fairway to southeast-bound only."

"The Regulation will implement the recommendation of the study by designating a Special Area in the Kap Shui Mun area."

The Special Area is bounded between the northeastern coast of the , the islands of and . Vessels with an overall length exceeding 10 metres would not be allowed to enter the Special Area from its southeastern and northeastern boundaries which are specified in the Regulation.

"The 10-metre demarcation is to cater for the practical need of kaitos, small fishing boats, sampans, etc., which generally have an overall length not exceeding 10 metres to travel to and from the Ma Wan Island or Ma Wan fish culture zone. These small crafts have not been causing significant safety risks in the area and the single direction scheme will not apply to them," the spokesman added.

The Regulation will also legislate the existing administrative requirement on vessels of 300 tons gross or less and river trade vessels entering Hong Kong waters to tender pre-arrival notification to the Director of Marine. The requirement is only statutory for vessels exceeding 300 tons gross at present.

The spokesman said: "Based on the notification, the Director of Marine is able to give early direction on routing to a vessel on its way to Hong Kong waters, or refuse the vessel's entry into our waters on safety ground."

The implementation of the administrative requirement since April 2000 has been smooth so far. Over 90 per cent of the vessels are complying with the requirement. By writing the requirement into the law, the Regulation would enhance the effectiveness of enforcement.

The Regulation has been gazetted on July 5 and will be tabled at the Legislative Council on July 10.