As we have seen from The Vigna Rionda Story, Tommaso Canale continued to produce both grapes and from the vines that Davide Rosso’s grandfather, Amelio Canale, and his own father, Aldo Canale, planted not long after World War II.

These wines, being , and above all, Serralunga Barolo, need to spend a lengthy period in cask prior to being bottled. Consequently, at the time of his premature death, Tommaso Canale had a number of vintages of Vigna Rionda still to be bottled.

In addition to acquiring the vineyard at Vigna Rionda, above which is their family home, Davide and his mother, Ester Canale Rosso, have selected a small quantity of Tommaso’s from the 2007, 2008 and 2009 vintages with a view to bottling a limited run of no more than 1,000 bottles of each year. These will be offered to the market in the usual manner, but with the traditional label used by Tommaso Canale. With an original design dating back to the family’s acquisition of Vigna Rionda in 1934, this label will differentiate the wine from the rest of the Giovanni Rosso range and pay our respects to one of Serralunga’s great characters, our cousin Tommaso.

The 2011 vintage will mark the beginning of a new venture for Az. Agr. Giovanni Rosso.

With the vineyard reverting to the ownership of Ester in April of 2011, the opportunity exists for Davide and Ester to write the next chapter in the history of the vineyard and the family’s connection to it.

The first vintage of Vigna Rionda made by Davide at Az. Agr. Giovanni Rosso – 2011 – is to be launched as a Future. It will be available in necessarily small quantities through our distributors around the world.



Denomination: Barolo D.O.C.G. Vigna Rionda Grape Variety: 100% Alcohol: 14.5% by vol Production: Fewer than 900 bottles

Vineyard Characteristics Soil, Aspect, Elevation: The soil is calcareous with the typical langa tufo greygrey maarl,rlr , fully-Southfullly-SoS utth facing,fa 320m Locality: In the heart of Serralunga d'Alba Training: Guyot

Wine-Making Grape-Harvest: Harvested by hand Fermentation: Vinification was carried out in a stainless steelel tanktank withwith ambientambient yeasts. The fermentation took place over a period of aroundnd 6 weeweeksks withwith regularregul punching- down and Remontages Ageing: The wine was aged in large Slavonian oak casks for 36 months Bottling: The wine was bottled without filtration

Description of Wine Colour: Concentrated, bright Garnet Bouquet: The nose shows typical Vigna Rionda characteristics for a warm year: violets, roses, leather and tar with balsamic overtones, black fruit characteristics and notes of Alba truffle Taste: Classic Vigna Rionda flavours of black cherry and other dark fruits, spices, and even black olive. 2007 was a warmer vintage, highlighting the interplay between power and elegance that is the hallmark of this great vineyard. A very powerful and long- lived wine, with a massive structure and a mineral core Pairings: Stews, red meats and darker game such as Wild Boar.

Other Information Total Acidity: 5.6 g / l Sugar: < 1.0 g / l pH: 3.6 Serving Temperature: 16 °-17 °C Glasses: Burgundy balloons VINTAGE 2008


Denomination: Barolo D.O.C.G. Vigna Rionda Grape Variety: 100% Nebbiolo Alcohol: 14.0% by vol Production: Fewer than 800 bottles

Vineyard Characteristics Soil, Aspect, Elevation: The soil is calcareous with the typical langa tufo greyey marl,rll, fully-Southfuully-SoS utu h fafacing,c 320m Locality: In the heart of Serralunga d'Alba Training: Guyot

Wine-Making Grape-Harvest: Harvested by hand Fermentation: Vinification was carried out in a stainless steel tanktank withwith ambientambientn yeasts.y The fermentation took place over a period of aroundd 66kithl weeks with regular punching- down and Remontages Ageing: The wine was aged in large Slavonian oak casks for 36 months Bottling: The wine was bottled without filtration

Description of Wine Colour: Concentrated, bright Garnet Bouquet: A more aromatic nose in comparison to 2007: the emphasis is on the floral rather than the fruity. Again, violets and roses, with classic leather and tar overtones, bright, red, cherry fruit characteristics and notes of ‘Chino’ Taste: Bright, lifted red-cherry fruit flavours, with spicy notes and characteristic mineral depth. The 2008 vintage highlights the ethereal side of Vigna Rionda, with hints of tea leaf and dried fruit on the palate, leading into a beautifully balanced structure of great depth and finesse Pairings: Stews, red meats and darker game such as Wild Boar.

Other Information Total Acidity: 5.9 g / l Sugar: < 1.0 g / l pH: 3.5 Serving Temperature: 16 °-17 °C Glasses: Burgundy balloons VINTAGE 2009


Denomination: Barolo D.O.C.G. Vigna Rionda

Grape Variety: 100% Nebbiolo Alcohol: 14.5% byvol Production: Around 1,000 bottles

Vineyard Characteristics Soil, Aspect, Elevation: The soil is calcareous with the typical langa tufo greyey maarl,rl, fully-Southfuf lll y-Soutth ffacing,a 320m Locality: In the heart of Serralunga d'Alba Training: Guyot

Wine-Making Grape-Harvest: Harvested by hand Fermentation: Vinification was carried out in a stainless steel tank with ambient yeasts. The fermentation took place over a period of between 5 and 6 weeks with regular punching-down and Remontages Ageing: The wine was aged in large Slavonian oak casks for 36 months Bottling: The wine will be bottled without filtration

Description of Wine Colour: Concentrated, bright Garnet Bouquet: Where 2008 highlighted classical elegance as a vintage, 2009 showcases the power of Vigna Rionda. All the elements are there – the typical rose petals, balsamic overtones, black fruit and notes of leather and tar – but with a richer, fuller expression than the 2008 Taste: The 2009 Vigna Rionda shows big, bold flavours, with the black cherry, spice and earthy, truffle and mushroom flavours to the fore. This is a very powerful expression of Vigna Rionda, massively structured yet elegant. A fitting valediction for our dear cousin, Tommaso Pairings: Stews, red meats and darker game such as Wild Boar.

Other Information Total Acidity: 5.8 g / l Sugar: <1.0 g / l pH: 3.6 Serving Temperature: 16 °-17 °C Glasses: Burgundy balloons


2007 Tommaso Canalee BaroloBarolo ViVignagna Rionda Wine Advocate #197, Oct 2011.11.

Antonio Galloni 92 Points.

The Tommaso Canale 2007 Barolo Vigna Rionda reveals lovely inner perfume and a sensual personality. Rose petals, licorice, tar, sweet cherries and spices are some of the nuances that emerge from the glass. The tannins are firm yet well integrated…mid-weight, gracious style...It will be interesting to see how the wine develops over the coming years...Where Davide Rosso goes from here with his Rionda bottling is limited only by his own ambition. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2025.

2008 Giovanni Rosso Barolo “Vigna Rionda” Tommaso Canale Wine Advocate #203, Oct 2012.

Antonio Galloni 92+ Points.

The 2008 Barolo Vigna Rionda Tommaso Canale stands out immediately for its textural elegance and finesse. At once silky yet deep, rich and intense, the Vigna Rionda shows all the qualities of which this site is rightly revered as the Holy Grail among Barolo lovers. Dried roses, tar, licorice and sweet red berries wrap around the finish. I can't wait to taste this in another few years…it is quite obvious that the potential in this fruit is huge. Anticipated maturity: 2016-2028.


BAROLO VIGNA RIONDA TOMMASO CANALE 2007: 5 GRAPPOLI, DUEMILAVINI 2012 “Austere, noble, displaying the best characteristics of Serralunga: depth, structure and elegance. It has a nose of cherry, licorice, fruit compote, herbs and nutmeg, with a mint ‘decoration’. In the mouth, the wine shows structure and precision, lovely development, ripe tannins and a round, long flavour. Drink from 2015.”

BAROLO VIGNA RIONDA TOMMASO CANALE 2008: 5 GRAPPOLI, BIBENDA 2013 “An amazing Vigna Rionda, classic garnet, full of hints of grass, hay, camomile, rose hips, licorice, pepper and tar, then scents of cherry and raspberry. A full and soft palate with good tannins, flavour and a long finish. A cerebral wine, for dedicated enthusiasts.”

“Another impressive series from Davide Rosso, who now has an even more prestigious offering: the premature death of his cousin Tommaso Canale that meant he inherited part of the legendary Cru of Vigna Rionda in Serralunga d’Alba. These are the grapes that, until 1993, were used by Bruno Giacosa in his mythical Barolo Collina Rionda.”

Daniel Thomases - 94 Points, Guida Oro I Vini di Veronelli 2012

“Only eight hundred bottles, alas, of the Barolo Vigna Rionda 2008, and we will have to wait until the release of the 2011 (apparently already of excellent quality) for a more or less normal production. We await this wine with due philosophical patience; meanwhile there's always the great (to put it mildly) Barolo Cerretta that this year, unlike last year, beat La Serra to the wire.”

Daniel Thomases – 95 Points, Guida Oro I Vini di Veronelli 2013


Merete Bø & Ole Martin Alfsen, Norway


Dagens Næringsliv, Norway 17th September 2011

Serralungas bølle

Davide Rosso har det som plommen i egget. Vinmarken han omtaler som « Romanée-Conti», har endelig kommet tilbake til familiens eie.

Ole Martin Alfsen , Merete Bø

Publisert: 17.09.2011 - 11:13 Oppdatert: 17.09.2011 - 11:13

Det ene hektaret med Vigna Rionda kan for alvor plassere Azienda Agricola Giovanni Rosso i toppskiktet av Serralunga, og dermed i toppskiktet av Barolo. Arven kom fra Tommaso Canale, Davide Rossos tremenning, som døde i desember. Mange har ønsket å kjøpe hans 2,2 hektar med Vigna Rionda. Tidligere har Tommaso solgt sin legendariske vin til Bruno Giacosa, frem til 1993, og siden til Roagna, til og med 2006.

Men nå er det opprinnelige hektaret som Davides mor Ester Rosso, tidligere Ester Canale, i 1970 måtte selge til sin fetter og Tommasos far, Aldo Canale, tilbake i familiens hender. Resten av de 2,2 hektarene gikk til Guido Porro og Ettore Germano.

– Dessverre var mange av de gamle vinstokkene i marken i så dårlig forfatning at vi måtte rive opp en stor del. Selv syns jeg det var kjempetrist, men siden Tommaso har vært syk i noen år, har vinmarkene måtte lide. De fleste vi tok bort var slitne -stokker, som jeg heller ønsker å erstatte med nebbiolo. De fleste gamle nebbiolo-plantene fikk vi reddet, sier Davide.

Hundreårs historie Selv om familien Rosso har en over 100 år lang historie, er det ikke lenge de har tappet vin under egen etikett. Åtte gode cru i Serralunga har lenge vært i familiens eie, men de solgte en lang periode frukten videre til større aktører, som for eksempel Fontanafredda. På 80-tallet fikk regionens viner økt oppmerksomhet, prisene steg og kvalitet ga høyere pris. Giovanni ønsket å produsere enda bedre frukt, noe som førte til en omstrukturering i vinmarker og vinmarksarbeidet. Tidlig på 90-tallet begynte familien selv å ta ansvar for fermentering av vinen, for så å selge den til lagring til de samme aktørene.

Men Davide Rosso ønsket å ta skrittet helt ut: Familien skulle ta ansvar for hele prosessen og tappe familiens grøde under eget navn. Han jobbet for flere produsenter i -regionen for å erverve seg kunnskapen han trengte. Dette førte ham også etterhvert ut av regionen og videre ut av landet – til Frankrike. Han praktiserte i Alsace og Champagne, men det var i Burgund bitene falt på plass. Etter opphold hos både Jean Grivot og Denis Mortet, ble det klart for Davide hvordan han ønsket å jobbe:


Dagens Næringsliv, Norway

– Jeg vil lage vin av vinmarker og druer. Det er cru-en, druen og terroiret som lager vinen, ikke vinmakeren, jeg hjelper bare til.

Foto: Mikaela Berg TOK ANSVAR: Tidligere solgte Rosso-familien frukten til større aktører på 90 POENG: Barolo Vigna Rionda 2007. markedet, men da Davide (bildet) overtok driften, tok familien ansvaret for hele prosessen. Nå tapper de under eget navn. Foto: Sune Eriksen

47671 Barolo Cerretta 2005 Giovanni Rosso Piemonte, Italia Kroner 353,80, bestilling 92 poeng Gaia Wine & Spirits Dufter aromatisk av fenalår, tre, nøtter og mandler. Stramme og heftige tanniner på smak kombinert med strukturert og tørr finish. Slank og elegant frukt. Drikk om fem til ti år. Passer til lam.

94083 Barolo Vigna Rionda 2007 Tommasso Canale/Giovanni Rosso Piemonte, Italia Kroner 585,60, bestilling 90 poeng Gaia Wine & Spirits Spennende. Davide Rosso, som lager bedre og bedre vin, har overtatt deler av Vigna Rionda, men vil frem til 2010 tappe under Tommaso Canale, tidligere eiers navn. 2007 er som så mange i årgangen innsmigrende og saftig sursøt i frukten, delikat og krydret med leskende mineral finish. Kombinerer kraft og eleganse. Sitter lenge i munnen. Tøff i strukturen, mulig å angripe i dag, men vil bli langt bedre etter ti år. Passer til lam, marmorert storfe, rødvinskokt kjøtt og gryter med trøfler og sopp.