Humanizing the Seas a Case for Integrating the Arts and Humanities Into Ocean Literacy and Stewardship

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Humanizing the Seas a Case for Integrating the Arts and Humanities Into Ocean Literacy and Stewardship The Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-Based Conservation | volume 36/3 | 2020 PSFPARKS STEWARDSHIP FORUM Humanizing the Seas A Case for Integrating the Arts and Humanities into Ocean Literacy and Stewardship CITATION Koch, Cynthia M. 2020. US presidents. Parks Stewardship Forum 36(3): 448–452. A DOI for this citation is available at: Plastic Catch • Susan Schultz porcelain and wood sculpture SELECTIONS FROM THE INCLUSIVE HISTORIAN’S HANDBOOK PSF US presidents PARKS STEWARDSHIP FORUM Cynthia M. Koch, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Foundation at Adams House, Harvard University Cynthia M. Koch Franklin Delano Roosevelt Foundation at Adams House Harvard University 26 Plympton Street, Box 471 Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] As long as I live, I will never forget that in leaders. George Washington, for example, sat for 24 no other country on earth is my story even portraits during his lifetime, and modern presi- possible.... But it is a story that has seared into dents—beginning with Franklin Roosevelt—have my genetic makeup the idea that this nation is more than the sum of its parts—that out of had a hand in creating their presidential librar- many, we are truly one. ies. Many of us memorialize presidents because —Barack Obama we have been taught—and we believe—that the presidents literally personify the nation. From the Barack Obama here expresses one of the most start, when the nation was a fragile union of 13 enduring ideas about the United States: America as contentious former colonies, writers, artists, and a land of opportunity, where anybody (well, so far educators tried to bind the country together by any man) can aspire to be president. The National portraying George Washington as the human face Park Service, National Archives, state and local of the abstract principles on which the nation was governments, and private non-profit organizations founded. Never was this more evident than when operate at least 87 places commemorating 44 past The Apotheosis of Washington was painted in the presidents. The list includes Mount Vernon, the oculus of the Capitol Dome in 1863. As the divided homes of John and John Quincy Adams, Thomas nation tore itself apart during the Civil War, the Jefferson’s Monticello, James Madison’s Mont- deified first president looked down from the heav- pelier, and most recently the Bill Clinton Birth- ens beneath a banner declaring E Pluribus Unum. place and the George W. Bush Childhood Home (also the home of George H.W. Bush between 1951 It is for good reason that Washington became and 1955). There are also presidential libraries, known to succeeding generations as “the father of tombs (Monroe, Grant, and McKinley), and monu- his country.” He was unanimously elected presi- ments in Washington, DC (Washington, Jefferson, dent in an age of hereditary kings whose subjects Lincoln, and both Franklin Roosevelt and Theo- believed him to be the embodiment of the dore Roosevelt). nation-state. Washington instilled in the office of the presidency republican values that rejected Memorializing presidents European traditions of inherited rule, but the belief Why do we memorialize presidents? One answer that the president personifies the nation neverthe- is that presidents themselves consciously worked less crossed the ocean and lives on to this day. to secure their legacies as patriotic and revered PSF 36/3 | 2020 448 “Apotheosis of Washington” by Constantino Brumidi, United States Capitol. Photo from Executive Office of the President of the United States/Wikimedia Commons. Indeed, the idea that the presidency is synonymous cated resettling freed slaves in Africa rather than with the nation makes patriotic nationalism a cen- allowing them to share the “blessings of liberty” in tral component of America’s traditional narrative. the country of their birth. Seventeen men would Even though there was no direct connection be- occupy the office of the presidency after women tween FDR’s presidency and the terrorist attacks of gathered at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848 to pro- September 11, 2001, for example, visitation spiked mote their equality before gaining the right to vote at his presidential library immediately afterward— with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in likely because Americans were seeking a meaning- 1920. Woodrow Wilson, father of the League of Na- ful way to express and reinforce their patriotism. tions, was also responsible for the establishment of Jim Crow policies. Franklin Roosevelt, whose New To many Americans and many historians, however, Deal brought hope, dignity, and financial security the history of the presidency is full of examples to the nation’s most forgotten men and women, that contradict the traditional celebratory and is also remembered for interning nearly 120,000 patriotic narrative. Three Founders who became Japanese Americans during World War II. Ronald president, for example, held other human beings Reagan restored popular faith in the presidency but in bondage even as they declared that “all men are also seriously undermined the rights of the Ameri- created equal.” Beginning with Jefferson, presi- can worker. dents tried to remove Native Americans from their lands—Andrew Jackson, in the name of national Relevance security, even pursued policies that were argu- Many everyday Americans have—for a variety of ably genocidal. Abraham Lincoln chose saving the reasons—grown alienated from American his- Union over freeing the slaves until halfway through tory and come to believe that the presidency is the Civil War. And he, like James Monroe, advo- no longer relevant to their lives. Some, driven PSF 36/3 | 2020 449 by anti-government rhetoric in the media, may marginalize certain groups out of bigotry or prej- have even come to regard the nation’s history as a udice? Or did he believe that he needed to make betrayal of the patriotic values that they learned in a hard decision because of other circumstances? school. Obama’s “out of many, we are truly one” Could he have chosen a different course? Did oth- sometimes rings hollow, and too many people have ers in positions of power make different choices? grown unwilling to memorialize the presidency or What are different historians’ perspectives on the visit presidential historic sites. subject? A useful rubric for an inclusive history of the presidency might pose this question: How Lots of Americans, though, remain committed to well did a given president employ the power of his the democratic values of the Founders and many office to advance equality, civil rights, liberty, and (if not all) of the presidents. For their part, so- democracy? cial historians have for years been exploring the experiences of immigrants, workers, racial and Addressing controversy ethnic minorities, enslaved people, Native Amer- Every presidential site is different, just as every icans, women, children, families, and people with presidency offers different opportunities for ex- disabilities or different gender identities to create ploring its own narrative. Consider, for example, a more inclusive historical narrative. And while the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum. often critical, the underlying point of this history is Twenty years ago certain subjects were taboo in that by protest and/or working together Americans the museum’s permanent exhibition. Roosevelt’s have generally succeeded in extending their free- response to the Holocaust was one of them, be- doms and overcoming the forces that have divided cause museum leaders felt that discussion of the them—whether by race, ethnicity, gender, or class. subject might tarnish the memory of Roosevelt’s This is inclusive history and it carries a very pow- presidency. Still, historical studies in the 1980s erful message that historians should embrace and criticized Roosevelt for inaction or even charged aggressively pursue. him with complicity in the deaths of millions of Jews, and the museum recognized that it needed to Engaging audiences include some representation of the Holocaust. But Many people who visit presidential sites come to instead of an interpretation that placed the subject demonstrate their patriotism and often hold emo- in context and presented alternative historical in- tionally charged opinions about their presidents. terpretations, the museum offered a single object: Still, while presidential sites may occupy sacred a de-consecrated manuscript scroll of the Torah ground, they are also educational institutions that had been rescued from a Czechoslovakian where historians can introduce the public to his- synagogue in 1938. There was no interpretive label, torical context and the many nuances of historical just catalog information that the National Council interpretation. Because history resonates differ- of Young Israel had presented the Torah to Roos- ently with different audiences, however, historians evelt on March 14, 1939, to “inspire thousands upon at these sites first need to acknowledge and show thousands of young people with deeper respect and respect for the diverse points of view they are reverence for the eternal values contained therein.” likely to encounter at their museums and libraries. Displaying the Torah implied (but did not explicitly History professionals can learn from visitors who state) the message that the museum hoped to con- hail from different cultures and understand histo- vey—that the Jews of his day admired Roosevelt ry differently than they do. At the same time that and that, even though the Holocaust took place historians respectfully engage visitors in the give during his presidency, there was little Roosevelt and take of democratic discourse, they also need could do beyond his central goal of winning the to remember that they too have valuable expertise. war and defeating Hitler as quickly as possible. Historical interpretation should be based on the best available evidence. This institutional response to responsible criticism was good as far as it went, but it failed to acknowl- Public audiences sometimes need help moving edge any alternative interpretations.
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