A general geometric construction of coordinates in a convex simplicial polytope ∗ Tao Ju a, Peter Liepa b Joe Warren c aWashington University, St. Louis, USA bAutodesk, Toronto, Canada cRice University, Houston, USA Abstract Barycentric coordinates are a fundamental concept in computer graphics and ge- ometric modeling. We extend the geometric construction of Floater’s mean value coordinates [8,11] to a general form that is capable of constructing a family of coor- dinates in a convex 2D polygon, 3D triangular polyhedron, or a higher-dimensional simplicial polytope. This family unifies previously known coordinates, including Wachspress coordinates, mean value coordinates and discrete harmonic coordinates, in a simple geometric framework. Using the construction, we are able to create a new set of coordinates in 3D and higher dimensions and study its relation with known coordinates. We show that our general construction is complete, that is, the resulting family includes all possible coordinates in any convex simplicial polytope. Key words: Barycentric coordinates, convex simplicial polytopes 1 Introduction In computer graphics and geometric modelling, we often wish to express a point x as an affine combination of a given point set vΣ = {v1,...,vi,...}, x = bivi, where bi =1. (1) i∈Σ i∈Σ Here bΣ = {b1,...,bi,...} are called the coordinates of x with respect to vΣ (we shall use subscript Σ hereafter to denote a set). In particular, bΣ are called barycentric coordinates if they are non-negative. ∗
[email protected] Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 3 December 2006 v1 v1 x x v4 v2 v2 v3 v3 (a) (b) Fig.