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1970s The Gavel


1977 Vol. 26 No. 2

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law

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Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Volume 26, Issue 2. October 31, 1977 Prince Charles visits C-M by Marc Scheineson

As the national reporter's crew shoved their way into a packed press bus that would follow Prince Charle' s motorcade across Cleveland last week, a cor­ respondent at the rear of the line grumbled, "Two hundred years ago we voted to give all this stuff up, and today we have to import British KILROY WAS . HE RE-The arrow indicates Jack Kilroy's royalty." All Cleveland see med seat at t he dedication ceremony before he was ushered caught up in the whirlwind tour of out of t he Moot Court auditorium. the hand ome young future British monarch Thursday. Red white and blue union jacks traveled on um brella , on ·the back pockets of Students react to dusty blue jeans, and ruffled atop public flagpoles all over the city. For a time it seemed that the great Prince's visit war was over and our side had surrendered to the advancing by Scott Lee redcoats. The of Cornwall, Earl of Student reaction to the Prince students talk or see the Prince?, it Carrick, Duke of ,~ Baron Charles visit was, as expected, very made us look bad." , Prince and Grand enthusiastic to the publicity and As for the actual event its'elf, there Steward of , Lord of the exposure that it gave the school, yet seemed to be a statement of though Isles, Hi Royal Highness, the there seemed to be a strong it was nice, it was not particularly Prince Charles, undercurrent of resentment towards overwhelming. stepped onto Cleveland's soil after a the lack of student involvement Lee Andrews-20 said, "The stopover in Chicago last week, allowed by the law school. prince was a nice speaker, he gave a trailing behind him a legacy as long As Dave Burg-30 stated "Though humorous JO minute speech-----but as his title. For years the British the publicity is extremely beneficial, I was most impressed with the have justified the existence of the students got a raw deal, in, not being choice of wine. Good tasting, went extravagantly expensive monarchy able to see the Prince in their own down smooth." as a necessary means of touching the law building." During the luncheon, there was a imagi nation of the common man. Joanne Salvatore-IE, felt that disturbance after Jack Kilroy stood The Prince proved that Cleve­ though the publicity and exposure up and asked when the Prince was landers could respond to the luring will give a greater sense of pride going to do something about the magnetism of crown jewels, flowing towards the school, she also felt that lack of civil rights in Ireland, he was purple ro bes, Heefeaters, red it would have been nice if the quickly grabed by security people dragons, family crests, and history students had been able to see the and taken out of the building. as easily as anyone born on those Prince. Chris Covey-20-said sarcasti­ Brittanie Isles. Bob Boyd, a first year day student cally it was the "highlight of .the The rather short slight man tha~ felt a little more strongly about it as day." She further stated that "What continued on 5 . he asked "Why didn't they Jet the continued on 4 Page ·2 J:he Gavel Prince called THE qAvEl human Clf'nland · Manhal(Col~&«' oi I.•• by Terry Brennan Editor in Chief __ Jack Kilroy I am told that there were a great Assoc. Ed. DouglasJ. Wolinsky many of you who would have given Assoc. Ed. Paul Bellamy aything to be in my place when Editor Emeritus_ Mike Ruppert Prince Charles paid our humble Fae. Ad. Gale Messerman institution a visit recently. As Typesetter Jean Hrichus President of the SBA, I was honored by being part of the group of well Staff' Lee Andrews, Terry wishers that greeted the Prince upon Brennan, Mark Bryn, Susan his arrival. It was, to say the least, an Dolin, Sue Edwards, Mary Jo interesting experience, but probably Kilrov. Carl Lan(!er. Monica for the wrong reasons. Lercher, Marty Nadorlik, Kurt It was interesting to find that the Olsen, Estie Rappaport, Sheri Prince was in actuality a human • Schoenberg, Larry Skolnik, being (with all the fanfare, I was Carol Vlack. beginning to have my doubts). The conversation was light, as was to be expected. His Honor Mayor Perk by ~arty Nadorlik The views expressed herein are spoke of the virtues of the Singing crisp but pleasant appearance and those of the newspaper or its Angels of. Cleveland. There was a efficiency of the British uniformed by lined reporters or contributors remark by a mature lady in our officers accompanying the Prince and do not necessarily refleci the group to the effect that the Prince (love those British accents). I wish I views of the student body, was the epitome of what every could remember more. administration, facult)J_or anyone grandmother wanted in her As for myself, I made no real witty at the College of Law or grandson. The Prince also comments or memorable state­ Cleveland State University, commented upon how friendly all ments; but then, neither did unless specifically stated. the people had been to him on his anybody else. I seem to remember visit. standing immediately beside the The Gavel, Cleveland-Marshall To be sure, the conversations Prince with a stupid grin on my face. College of Law, Cleveland State were short but cordial. The sherry It was a grand show, to say the least. University, Cleveland, Ohio offered was much appreciated as If Charles was not a Prince, I would 44115. (216) 687-2340. well. Other impressions involve the have invited him out for a beer. He striking appearance of the Prince was really a decent fellow. Too bad himself, the crowd of political we never had time to get to know "heavy-weights" present, and the him better.

12:15 A Campus Security guard A luncheon fit for a Prince stops me on the way to the office to by Lee Andrews get some paper. "This area is 11:55 Drive into parking Jot K. day. Kilroy is in a brown suit, his . blocked off." I plead the exigencies Parking's free today. Walk toward shirt open at the neck. Wolinsky, of the press and am allowed to enter. the law school. It's a beautiful day. once a hippie in Vermont, is in a·grey An original poster advertising an The prospect of a good lunch makes pinstripe. Renee Davis at last report I RA rally in Dublin is on the door of the day seem better. Second year is selling insurance in Denver; the Guild office. ·student Gregory Victoroff , dressed W olinsky is wearing wingtips. 12:20 Walk upstairs to the second in a suit is taking pictures. To the Fitzpatrick is chicly · attired in a floor balcony. Second year students left of the steps 300 Irish Americans black skirt, with a white blouse Judith St. Ledger-Roty and· Pat protest Prince Charles' visit. The which billows smartly from a Younce assign me to Table 42. group is supervised by Cleveland's narrow waist. Jackie has her hair up Judith mentions that she's met Mrs. finest on horseback. The student for the occasion. Kilroy shows us Sonenfield: "she's really nice." At doorman, Alan Dub, finds my name his IRA buttons. Fitzpatrick points table 42 Kurt Olsen, co-editor of on the list and I'm free to enter the to a shamrock pin on her collar. The Law Notes is talking to Municipal law school. 50's Red scare films came to mind. Court Judge Theodore Williams, 12:00 In the lobby, Gavel Editors Boring from within. Also spotted m who graduated from John Marshall Jack Kilroy and Doug Wolinsky the crowd iri the 'lobby were Law School in 1935. In the program and SBA Secretary Jackie Professor and Mrs. Werber and at my place is a commentary by Fitzpatrick discuss the events of the Professor and Mrs. Lazarus. continued on 7 The Gavel page 3 Kilroy re•ovecl fro• cleclication by Douglas J. Wolinsky produce an unusual panorama of Confusion reigned in the campus American history. The result security office. While Prince seemed too successful in its effect Charle concluded his ceremonial ha e been unplanned in its peech at the law chool, Cle eland inception. State police detecti es earched the There was a member of the Briti h statute attempting to locate an monarchy on the shore of a form'er appropriate offen e with which to colony. He was prepared to speak charge the prisoner. on the Anglo-American system of Finally turning to Jack Kilroy, justice. Meanwhile, a perturbed the retained, a flustered detective American readied himself to asked, "You're the Jaw student what que tion the Prince on matter of do you think we should charge you Engli h political policy. And with?" The end was in sight. e erywhere, in ited gue t were an As the day evolved, a series of unaware audience to the unfolding uncoordinated events merged to vignette. continued on 4 by Marty Nadorlik

Grunti ng cops and nasty cold cuts by Paul Bellamy

By ll :OO a.m. the security at C-M motioned me towards the office. A allowed upstair in the "pool" the was so tight it squeaked. The few I gathered my pen and pad he only way to observe the ceremonies people in the building at that time looked inside the office and said, was over closed circuit television set were ab olutely grim in their resolve "The Gavel huh ....So thi is where up in the lounge. l wondered aloud for the Prince's visit to be you guys are holed up." I wondered why I had exchanged my invitation "executed" without incident. To get what a Freedom of Information Act to the luncheon for a pre s pass. All in the building a per on needed reque t would turn up 1n the pa entitled me to was rancid ome ort of credential . Once Wa hington's file . food and a look at the T.V. inside the building one's freedom of Out ide the demonstrators were A expected the ceremonies were movement wa determined by the politely waiting for hi Highness to stiff and woefully artificial. Much k.ind of credentials one had. The arrive. It was no place for Pat and talk of law, lawyers, liars, language pre was allowed in the lounge in Mike jokes. Th-e barricade were set and common (law) traditions. Then the ba ement and out ide but not up leading from Euclid Ave to the Kilroy made his not- o-discrete up tair (unle part of a "pool"). main door .of the new building. inquiry a to the intentions of the Student .ho t " could go anywhere But the confrontation between Briti h go ernment in the six in the building but not out ide. Charle and the Irish was to come counties. Wake up! Something Luncheon gue t could only eat and later. The motorcade turned left off unexpected. Then another surprise. remain up tair to watch the Euclid onto East 18th. The Prince Charle was witty, urbane and self­ ceremonies. was hurried in the side door to the effacing. At long last a sense of The ecurit people had done ba ement before any of the crowd humor within the public .relations their homework. After lea ing the could move over to see him. Folk circu known a "Charles' Visit". men' room in the ba ement I felt ripped off. "A cheap hot A I wa waiting by the back door headed for The Ga' el office to get a neaking him in like that." A to board the already full press bu , pen and paper. I wa met in the gentleman wearing an I ri h flag wa Kilroy got off the elevator e corted hallway by a big, unfriendly secret heard to comment "What an English by ome three or four ominous er ice type (earplug and all) who thing to do." looking plainclothesmen. "Call my communicated through grunts and The press buses arrived soon after lawver." The security people smiled. body language that I was not Charles and the basement began to I asked Jack where he could be permitted to go where. I wanted to fill up with Jimmy Olsen/ Lois Lane reached; one of his escorts smif ed · go. I flashed my p~ss pa s but he types. There was a dash for the food again and replied "City Jail". remained unmo ed. I told him I until clo er inspection re ealed the A lie I was to later learn. But then worked for The Gavel and could I true nature of the cold cuts. asty. nobody ever tells the press what's plea e get inside the office to get Have to catch a bite later. going on. what l f!eeded. With a grunt he Except for those reporters The Gavel

Kiiroy r ...owecl

from page 3 Placed in their proper perspective, the events of that day presented a threshold question, not of the appropriateness of Jack Kilroy's cause, but rather of the functional implications behind the legal evolution of human expression in this country. And the scene was set, the unsuspecting actors in final rehearsal. Outside, three hundred Irish Republican sympathizers awaited the arrival of the Prince of Whales. They sought an audience, which the prince denied them by avoiding use of the front entrance, where they were gathered. So increased importance attached to Photo by Larry Ni ghs\..,,ander ,'.:'he c:eveland Press . Kilroy's mission of conveying their WHAT, ME WORRY?-Federal agents escort Gavel editor Jack message to the Prince. Kilroy out of the auditorium after he asked the Pri nce As originally planned, there was about British policy in Northern Ireland. ·to have been a round of toasts immediately following the he asked the Prince when the offer was made to drop the charge if luncheon, and it was at this point English were going to stop torturing Kilroy waived his rights to sue for that Jack had intended to place his political prisoners. The royal false arrest. He refused. question with the Prince. Again demeanor allowed escape with The obvious goal, though, was to however, the Princely perogative grace, but Kilroy never saw it. prevent such further instrusions on forced a change in well laid plans, Following a well practiced route, the Prince's brief campu visit. An when only a fleeting toast was through the interstices, the Secret hour and a half later Kilroy was proposed to the Queen. Service removed him within released. No charges were filed. Center stage, then, became the seconds. Later that night, as the The Plain Moot Court room. The audience Now, back in Campus Security, Dealer assembled the deprecatory rose to receive the Prince, then was Interfering With A Public Official remarks of hi s classmates, Jack reseated . • Jack Kilroy remained In The Exercise Of His Duty was the Kilroy was toasted by enthusiasts at standing. Taking one step forward, charge finally decided upon. An O'Brien's Tavern

Students react to Prince's visit from page professor is ever going to forget that and service to the community. . And finally, perhaps the best Jack Kilroy made an idiot out of Michael Coren-20 expressed the comment was made by an himself and embarassed himself and view that giving a law degree to one unidentified Cleveland-Marshall the school." who hasn't earned it "cheapen the student, who wl:ten asked if he had Thomas Mirada also echoed Ms. image of the school and makes us seen the Prince, replied, "I didn't Covey's sentiments as he felt "Why look like diploma factory." · even know you could see him." And bother protesting against the British Others felt the Prince's ·visit was then when asked if he had known, Monarchy, he's only a figurehead." beneficial for ·slightly unusual would he have gone to see him, he Others felt differently as' Dennis reasons. replied as he hurried to his carrel!, Luttenauer-2D-explained his views Bruce Walis-20-stated that "I got "If I had had the time, I would have on the Prince's visit. "I don't think to admit it was nice, because when I gone." it's at all fitting and proper that th" got into the building, after they were Who says Cleveland-Marshall symbol of class structure was asked cleaning up after the visit, it was the students don't care about . world to dedicate a law school first time I ever got to see the new news. emphasizing equal admission policy dean. page 5 The Gavel Irish protest British polfcies by Mary Jo Kilroy Hundreds of demonstrators, who marched from Chester Commons to C-M gave Prince Charles a welcome different from that which he received at other Cleveland stops. The demonstrators calmly lined the sidewalks as they patiently began their vigil outside the building where the prince was wined and dined. They were there to call attention to the presence of the British government in Northern Ireland, to protest human rights violations, and to affirm the right of Irish people to self determination. Their vigil lasted hours, but they remained steadfastly, singing the songs that have maintained the Gavel reporter Mary Jo Kilroy (center), questions spirits of the Irish through years of a demonstrator outside of the Law Building. struggle against the British empire. The demonstrators, old and young, from The Cleveland Press. born here and in Ireland, came from minority" and to demand the silent treatment". The prince went many walks of life. Workers, withdrawal of foreign troops from up to a few of them to ask their students, lawyers, even a judge and a their homeland. purpose for being there. "For peace surgeon joined together t9 protest Although the prince entered a:id justice in Ireland" came the the "half century of a British through· a side door, . he exited reply. "Are you from the North" government sponsored practice of through the main door, and was ·charles asked. "I'm from Ireland" deliberate and systematic denial of met, not with cheering crowds, but · tne ·demonstrator said. "I'm for basic human rights against the with what one protestor termed "the peace and justice for all of Ireland." Prince Ch•les visits .Clevel-d-M•shall from page- I stepped out of a private jet at Burke determination of a man running for speeches of his career and took time startled all the spectators. Clad in a political office, and how the masses to lunch with a room full of law conservative grey business suit with responded. Women blushed and faculty , administrators, area a red , black, and yellow striped tie, snapped instamatic photographs, business leaders who had sponsored he seemed almost American. He busi nessmen extended their hands the trip, and a few students here and seemed almost human. "Gee, he has in si ncere welcome, children swayed there. all those titles and he didn't even back and forth as they sang British Hey, Where are all the students? wear his crown," a woman moaned folk tunes, and a few engaged in According to Law Deari Robert in disappointment as Charles conversation with "that charming Bogomolny, "We had originally stepped to the receiving line. As is fellow." Charles kissed a young lady planned an outdoor ev.!nt where all the Prince's custom, according to his or two along his tour and constantly the Marshall alumni and students press secretary, Charles went right gravitated toward sections of could witness the ceremonies, for the crowd to shake hands, shapely secretaries and to groups of however the Prince's security force exchange small talk and courteously young nurses at the Cleveland decided it woiuld be risky because receive many of the letters and Clinic. One nurse who ran into the Charles would be exposed for too bouquets of brightly coloured Prince. in the hospital corridors long a period of time." flowers that were handed to him . .It screamed, "Oh a real prince, a real Driving up in a motorcade was curiously reminiscent of a prince," then looked around and composed of five police whistle stop political tour as Charles added; "and Ralph Perk too." motorcycles, three black cadillacs, entered a black fleetwood limousine Perhaps the most interesting stop and a brigade of blue uniforms on to speed across Cleveland. All on the Rrince's. tour came at horseback, Charles was ushered in a through the day he layed the crowds Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. rear door, as previously planned, with .the grace, , and There he delivered one of the few continued on 6 page_ 6 The Gavel

University and the Prince rose at the student used his position to make a end of the meal to toast "Her political statement." Charles wlslis Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Prince delivered his speech in from page 5 II, the Queen," who was off a relaxed and humorous decorum somewhere on her royal yacht that Bogomolny said, "couldn't while a peaceful gathering of Irish Britannia in the Caribbean. have been more in touch." Charles protestors chanted hymns to the In the moot court room behind a said that he is frequently asked to rogue of the bagpipes on the front large bouquet of brown, orange, and make speeches "on issues I know steps. Inside, the atrium of theJaw yellow carnations reflecting the nothine: about.. ... a oause .... and this building had been transformed from festive fall mood, Bogomolny is one of those times." All through a cold empty chamber soi:netimes extolled the contributions that the his tour, he continued, "American reminiscent of a cell block, into an British common law system has students have been asking me elegant dining room lined with tall made to the foundation of the stimulating questions. Law students green ferris and 450 of Cleveland's American system of jurisprudence. at the University of Chicago elite. "Because of the limited room His eloquent oratory wa s yesterday a s ked me if the we did have," Bogomolny said, "we interrupted by an unfortunate slip in monarchical system in England invited a representative portion of the pronounciation of the word wasn't outdated? I was quite student leaders both from student "lawyers" as "liars"; Freudian, stimulated by that remark." He activities and academic pursuits." perhaps, but the crowd roared with _ went on to address the Dean's Additional students were invited laughter. As the Prince rose to reference to the Magna Carta later when it was learned the Ohio speak in his black academic robe he saying, "They keep one copy of this Legislature would be in session. "As was interrupted by a question about document in Britain at all times just we i'.lcreased the numbers invited, the British torturing of political in case my family forgets what it we did so in student areas only," prisoners in N. Ireland which he learned at Runnymeade." Bogomolny explained. shrugged off by saying, "Don't After the Prince was hooded and The Prince upon his arrival was worry. Don't worry. I will answer presented his honorary degree, ushered into the Dean's office to rest yo question later. Are there any President Walter Waetjen asked and meet University officials. more Irish in the room?" The Dean him, "Now what do we call you, Dr. Charles used part of that time to later remarked that, "I was a little Prince Charles, Dr. Prince of Wales, polish the remarks he would make, distressed because the 3rd year law or what?" The Prince responded, in the seclusion of a conference ,._..,..,...... _..,..,..,..,...... ___ .,...,...... ,....,..,..,...,....,...... ,..,...... ,.,..,...... ,..,....,..,...... ,...... ,..,...... ,.,._,,. continued on 7 room. The rest of that time he spent sippin_g sherrv with selected GET YOUR LAW BOOKS AT LACO dignitaries. Inside, the .Governor al~o presented him with a plaque from the State of Ohio which the LACO Prince handed to an aide, attired in a kacki military uniform with four 8-00KSTORES, INC. gold discs on his shoulders, who had been collecting artifacts all 1216 HURON-- PLAYHOUSE SQUARE afternoon. At the head table Charles politely conferred with the quests and SALE seemed truly interested in their We're clearing excess paper supplies, and general remarks. He, perhaps, developed this habit of asking questions and more questions from his mother. "Trade" Books. 30% to 50% off. Charles held his arms behind his back with his head tilted at a slight angle intently listening in the same fashion as Queen Elizabeth and father before her. The questions _____..__.....,...._.._.__-....;..--.0-o-IC)IJ---T<-~-~-N-- E\.)CL\Q AYE. ~E,.l'A~~. __:~:~~~~~----_..l _· ~ consisted mostly of small talk as - Bogomrlny admits. "He wasn't sure of the proper way to wear an .._,._,tl S.-tDPS ' academic robe and asked me for +--f8TH instructions as well as being interested in the derivation of my family name," he said. Meanwhile the guests dined on crabmeat salad, three kinds of American wines and fresh raspberry tarts served by polite waiters in freshly pressed uniforms. The President of - Clevelai:id State The Ga~el page 7

little while longer. Only two of my moment. w~dges are crurichy. Talk at the Charles is a witty fellow. Doesn't Princely luncheon table centers around law practices, take himself too seriously. Says he's fr om page 2 the new building, which has been in great demand as a speaker in D ean -Bogomo lny about the impressed the guests, and Michigan America on a range of topics that he function of the law school. football. 3rd course: pepermint ice knows nothing about; and that this Bogolmony speaks about "training cream chocolate chip cookies. (British Law) is no exception. Gets students for the community" and When the ice cream is served, Olsen serious and talks about the law as a about the need to train lawyers to be says he's disappointed. He thought guardian of human rights. Quotes able to work two to three decades we'd have some meat after the two John Adams: Government should ahead. I like that vision. Make a salad courses. He wonders if they'll continued on 8 mental note to ask him to serve on bring out meat after the first ice the grading standards committee. cream course. the grading standards committee. 1:20 A toast to the Prince. More frCharlesom page 6 wlslts At the next table, Professor and wine. One guest spotted a nearly full M rs . S onenfield and Gavel bottle, and said a smart man would "D r. Wales will be fine." He know what to do with it. That's all I unveiled a bronze olaaue photographer Sue Edwards peer commemorating the occasion which over the balcony at the luminaries needed. Made a path f O'r the office below. In the crowd are Common downstairs when Ms. St. Ledger­ will be placed on the outside of the Pleas judges George White and Roty stopped me. And to think she Law Buildin_g, and was quickly Daniel Corrigan. both C-M grads. was in my Con-Law study group. I ushered out of the building as a Olsen points out another graduate, was the only guest with. a bottle as I Cleveland State alumni. Leaving U.S. District Court Judge John entered the mezzanine over the through the front doors, Charles Manos, "the one who looks like moot court room. A break in the directly confronted a few · Kojak." action while the notable assemble demonstrators under a red painted 12:40 The Prince· enters the for the presentation below. sign declaring England's tyranny. Atrium. We eat. Wine, Meirs Isle 1:45 Presentation begins. D ean "What is the beef," he asked? He St. George Chablis, 1977. Mr. Bogolmony says we have borrowed later asked if any of them had been Thomas Laing of Cleveland Heights from the British in our law of to N. Ireland lately, A demonstrator swears that it tastes like apple juice privacy and are moving toward the holding a sign told of his visit two and checks the alcohol content, '12 British model in our use of evidence years ago and of the persecution of percent by volume.' Tastes great to in criminal law, and in dealing with his I RA friends. The Prince of me. drug abuse. President Waetgen Wales listened patiently then walked 1st course: a half of pineapple introduces the Prince. Kilroy still to his limousine as hundreds of filled with scoops of cantalope and standing asked about the torture of reporters crambled for press buses honeydew melons. 2nd course: A political prisoners in Northern that wold follow the motorcade for crab meat salad on bib of lettuce Ireland. People groan. Someone the remainder of the tour. garnished with avacado wedges and remarks: there always has to be one Cleveland-Marshall had prepared cherry toma toes stuffed wi t h of those in every crowd. Kilroy is Jed this lavish celebration for months anchovies. · An excellent job by away. Photographer Edwards is expecting the visit of a . Saga. One guest says his avocado caught off guard. She's changing Instead they received a man of great could have stayed on the ground _a_ lenses and can't capture the historic understanding and a friend.


POPULARLY PRICED COFFEE SHOP Open Monday thru Friday 7A.M.-1o ·P.M .-Saturday &S unday'til 5P . M. page 8 Princely luncheon from pa2e 7 be of laws and not of men. Says "we ignore this at our peril." Two smiling three piece suiters who led Kilroy a way for asking a question come back. 2:00 Waetjen presents Charles with an honorary Vr. of Law degree. He searches for the proper appelation to join the Prince's titles. Charles recommends "Dr. Wales." Photographers take a picture of W aetjen, Boeolmony and the Prince. Mayor Perk also on the dais slides into the group before the bulbs flash. 2:10 We file out. In the lobby, Barb Sper asks who was led out. Marlene Shettel says "They better not hurt J ack." Olsen shows me who Professor Murad is. 2:20 Wolinsky, reporter Mary Jo Kilroy, and I begin looking fo r our Editor. In the basement we fi nd a portly Plain Dealer reporter. He grabbed Mary Jo's press pass, pinned to her lapel, checked the n·ame and yelled at her fo r looking at his notes which were in front of her. 2:50 We learn that Jack is in the University Security Office. A security gut lets us in. He feels guilty about his role in the affair and buys Jack coffee, and says a couple of times he's only doing his job. He Dean Bogomolny presents the Hon o rary Do ctor of Laws Degree asks Jack if he'll go yell at the Prince to Prince Charles while Tnl stee Robe rt Hug hes catches a nap. in the gym if they. let him out. He tells Jack that they'll let him go if he 3:45 All that's left of the protest now savor the calm of a nice afternoon. signs a waiver. Jack refuses but is are Dairy Queen wrappers and Inside the tables are down, the eventually released. roadapples. On the right of the steps rent-a-palms gone. Downstairs at 3: 15 The Uptown. Kilroy gets the where the guest entered, four boys the Guild office, the fighting Irish first of many free drinks. from the nearby King Edward Hotel poster has been turned around.

The Gavel Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Cleveland State University Cleveland, Ohio 4411S