2009 HLC Selfstudy Report.Pdf
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Self-Study Report 2009 Published February 2009 Charting Futures, Connecting Worlds Dr. Kenneth Atwater, President South Mountain Community College 7050 S. 24th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85042 602.243.8000 www.southmountaincc.edu Acknowledgements The two-year long self-study project was the epitome of collaborative effort. The combined ef- forts of professional staff, managers, and faculty resulted in not only completing a lengthy self- study, but also accomplished the goal of building and strengthening bridges across employee groups. Regular faculty and staff events, convocation presentations, and frequent newsletters and e-mail updates served to unite the college community around the reaccreditation process. While there are several individuals who had a tremendous part to play in the completion of the project, we felt a special thank you should be extended. First, we extend thanks to our Project Writer, Ms. Sara Kinsey, who was completely dedicated to the self-study process, working countless nights and weekends for many months to ensure the successful completion of this report--all while remaining dedicated to the students in her English classes. The members of the five criteria committees gave freely of their time to meet with their teams and search for examples of evidence. Project Managers assigned to each criterion attended monthly meetings with the Steering Committee and led their own committee meetings in search of examples of evidence for their criteria, and exhibited true professionalism. Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Dr. Eufemia Amabisca Dr. Cheryl Crutcher Dolly Aguirre Manuel Lopez Robert Price Mark Nielsen Frank Torres Criterion 3 Criterion 4 Dr. Alisa Cooper Terry Fender Julie Holston Dr. Brian Murphy Amy MacPherson Jill Seymour LynnAnn Wojciechowicz Criterion 5 Dr. Tim Frank Ruben Saenz Dr. Raul Sandoval TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Cont. Also crucial to the task and providing support in all areas were the staff of the college’s Insti- tutional Research Department, Dr. Susan Starrfield and Andrea Archer. Our Graphic Designer, Patricia Thornham showed great dedication to the project. The members of the Resource Room Committee, chaired by Donna Barnes, made sure that all resources were cataloged and made available in both electronic and hard copy, as necessary. Members of the Hospitality Committee, chaired by Linda Torres, paid great attention to detail, in an effort to ensure that the visiting team did not want for any comforts. And finally, the Presi- dent of South Mountain Community College, through his constant encouragement and belief in the Steering Committee, made the self-study possible. HLC Accreditation Steering Committee Dr. Teresa Leyba Ruiz, Chair Chris Haines Sara Kinsey Dr. Joyce Elsner Dr. Linda Lujan Mike Lewis Robert Price Table of Contents Acknowledgments Chapter 1 College Profile Chapter 2 Accreditation History and the Self-Study Process Chapter 3: Criterion One South Mountain Community College operates with integrity to ensure the fulfillment of its mission through structures and processes that involve the board, administration, faculty, staff and students. Chapter 4: Criterion Two South Mountain Community College’s allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities. Chapter 5: Criterion Three South Mountain Community College provides evidence of student learning and teach- ing effectiveness that demonstrates it is fulfilling its educational mission. Chapter 6: Criterion Four South Mountain Community College promotes a life of learning for its faculty, adminis- tration, staff and students by fostering and supporting inquiry, creativity, practice and social responsibility in ways consistent with its mission. Chapter 7: Criterion Five As called for by its mission, South Mountain Community College identifies its constitu- encies and serves them in ways both value. Chapter 8: Federal Compliance South Mountain Community College follows all federal and state legal and financial requirements and has completed all components of a self-study to maintain accredi- tation status with the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. Chapter 9 Conclusion and Request for Continued Accreditation TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables and Charts Chapter 1: College Profile Table 1.1 2000 Census Ethnic Diversity Percentages Listed by College Service Area .........6 Table 1.2 SMCC Student Status by Enrollment, Gender and Ethnicity .................................7 Table 1.3 SMCC Headcount and FTSE, 1999-2007 ............................................................7 Chapter 3: Criterion One Chart 3.1 SMCC Employee and Student Ethnicity Spring 2008 ........................................32 Table 3.1 SMCC’s Alignment with MCCCD Mission and Values ................................... 38-39 Chapter 4: Criterion Two Chart 4.1 MCCCD Strategic and Financial Planning Process .............................................47 Table 4.1 MCCCD Strategic Planning Levels .....................................................................48 Chart 4.2 SMCC Strategic Planning Process ......................................................................49 Table 4.2 SMCC Strategic Alignment with MCCCD Strategic Planning ...............................50 Table 4.3 Planned Technology Expenditures .....................................................................53 Chart 4.3 MCCCD General Fund I Sources of Selected Revenues ......................................62 Chart 4.4 MCCCD Expenditure by Function .......................................................................62 Chart 4.5 MCCCD Expenditure by Units ............................................................................63 Chart 4.6 Historical Tax Rates ..........................................................................................63 Table 4.4 Historical Tuition and Fees ................................................................................64 Chart 4.7 Annual Tuition and Fee Comparison ...................................................................64 Chart 4.8 SMCC General Fund Budget Allocation ..............................................................67 Chart 4.9 SMCC Fund 2 Expenditures ...............................................................................67 Chart 4.10 SMCC Budgeted Expenditures by Object ........................................................68 Chart 4.11 SMCC and MCCCD Employee Ethnicity Proportions as of 09/01/2008 ............69 Chart 4.12 SMCC and MCCCD Adjunct Faculty Ethnicity Proportions as of 09/01/2008 ....69 Chart 4.13 SMCC Strategic Planning Model .....................................................................75 Chapter 5: Criterion Three Table 5.1 SMCC Faculty Survey: Support of Innovative Teaching and Learning ..................93 Table 5.2 SMCC Faculty Use of Teaching Strategies ........................................................100 Chapter 6: Criterion Four Table 6.1 MCCCD Employee Professional Development Funding .....................................110 Table 6.2 MCLI Programs and Training Seminars ............................................................112 Table 6.3 Honors Forum Lecture Series Participation by SMCC .......................................112 Table 6.4 Professional Growth Expenditures on SMCC Employees by Employee Group ...114 Table 6.5 Responses from Fall 2007 Employee Survey: Workshop Attendance ................115 TOC List of Tables and Charts Cont. Table 6.6 SMCC 2008 Day of Learning Attendance by Employee Group ..........................116 Chart 6.1 MCCCD Curriculum Development Process ....................................................128 Chapter 7: Criterion Five Table 7.1 Five-Year Cumulative Head Count and FTSE by Ethnicity, Fall 2002-2006 ........142 Table 7.2 Dual Enrollment Statistics, 2002-2008 ............................................................152 Chapter 8: Federal Compliance Table 8.1 MCCCD Tuition Schedule by Resident Status, 2008/2009 ................................161 Table 8.2 Distribution of Financial Aid by Student Ethnicity .............................................162 Table 8.3 Distribution of Financial Aid by Type ................................................................162 Table 8.4 SMCC Criminal Incidents on Campus, 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 .....................163 TOC Chapter 1 -College Profile Introduction This self-study report is submitted by South Mountain Com- munity College to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association as part of the formal application process for continued accreditation. The primary purpose of the report is to document the findings of the comprehensive two-year self-study conducted by the college from January 2007-December 2008, and to provide members of the HLC visit- ing team with information necessary to effectively evaluate the college during their April 6-8, 2009 visit. This report is also designed to be a public document, one which provides a thorough overview of the college for both its internal and external constituents. The college hopes the report provides effective insight into the college’s strengths and challenges, and that current and prospective students, faculty members, staff, administrators, community members, district leadership, and governing board members will find it a document that confirms the many merits of South Mountain Community College. southmountaincc.edu/selfstudy