Supporting Competitive and Sustainable Growth in the Tourism Sector

THEME 3 - Enhancing tourism accessibility – improving facilities and services for tourists with special access needs


Inclusive tourism, tourism for all. Jaén County Council experiencie

Accessibility in tourism not only refers to the ability to enter and move around all facilities. The availability, if any, refers to the set of circumstances that are involved in the tourist experience. Obviously also those related to mobility and physical accessibility. So from the origin to the destination, the daily movements, autonomy in ambulation by the housing, handling and autonomous interacting with all equipment and facilities, environment and by cultural and catering facilities, but especially appropriate access to information and direct customer-tailored service relationship, all are key to refer to a new form of tourism for all.

Accessibility broadly seeks the autonomous movement of the disabled, but the special needs of certain users are so diverse that we can not speak only of informative panels in Braille or ramps at the entrances. The adaptation of the tourism environment must consider all possible variables of special needs demanded by the group of people with disabilities and special needs between these human and customer component are as important as the physical adaptations of public and private facilities

No doubt there are sufficient and necessary reasons to work for inclusive tourism from Administrations: • Tourism is a staple in everyday life, a right in our society and individual citizens; and citizens who suffer this discrimination not forget generated by the built environment. • Tourism is a factor of social integration, an exemplary means to other sectors. • Accessibility is a staple of quality tourism. The best destinations are accessible to all. • Accessibility is a business opportunity for destinations and tourism enterprises. • Strengthens the competitiveness with other destinations.

According to estimates by the United Nations (UN, 2006) and the Organization of the Unit Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2006) the number of persons with disabilities Nations worldwide amounted to over 500 million people.

Empleo, Promoción y Turismo Diputación Provincial de Jaén Plaza de San Francisco, 2 – 23071 Jaén Tel. 953 248 000 Ext. 1020 Fax. 953 248 064 C-e.:[email protected]

Today people with disabilities account for approximately 5.3% of the population of Jaén province, about 9.5% of the total of Andalusia, which added to his companions (people with disabilities form a minimal unity of two for travel) represent a target of interest for the tourist market. Also many times their ability to travel extends throughout the year so have an affordable destination, a destination for all possible the seasonal demand, besides the loyalty of this sector of the population that does not have many offers adapted.

In this line and before the publication of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Jaén Council has developed in recent years various programs that promote accessibility to the inhabitants of the province but also work to improve the tourist experience for visitors with needs special. Among others:


Included in “Jaén Activa” and funded by the Junta de Andalucía, the Jaén Countyl Council has developed a total of 90 accessibility plans in 90 municipalities under 20,000 inhabitants. The purpose of these plans is to humanize the cities and towns of the Jaén province and make them more cohesive and egalitarian, to improve the mobility of citizens and tourists for basic equipment of each municipality. This action had the technical coordination of the Provincial Federation of Disable People with Physical and Organic (FEJIDIF- Jaén).

In each of these plans, guidance documents for the municipal government, the basis for the management of urban development sit and adaptations and relevant solutions are proposed to achieve it. Such actions have been implemented in various municipal facilities, street furniture and design of sidewalks, parks ...

The first wave of plans developed between 2007 and 2010 In early October 2013 presented the last of those ninety definite plans for Bailen, Jodar Benatae and .

TECHNICAL SESSIONS "ACCESSIBILITY IN TOURIST ESTABLISHMENTS AND ECONOMIC ELEMENTS" developed between June 7th and 8th 2006, under the Tourism Development Route of Castles and Battles of Jaén Plan.

NETWORK EQUIPMENT ACCESSIBLE TOURISM AND BUILT BY THE JAÉN COUNTY COUNCIL. One of the main criteria for the construction of tourist facilities promoted by the Jaén Council, or projects in which it participates (Plan to Increase Tourism Product natural reserve of Sierras , Segura and Las Villas, Competitiveness Plan Route of Castles and Battles, tourist Travel Plan to the Iberians Age ...), is the accessibility for the empowerment of tourism consumption.

So, among other accessible cultural and tourist centers of the province grows with examples like:

Empleo, Promoción y Turismo Diputación Provincial de Jaén Plaza de San Francisco, 2 – 23071 Jaén Tel. 953 248 000 Ext. 1020 Fax. 953 248 064 C-e.:[email protected]

. Adaptation of the Arab Baths and Palace , which houses the International Museum of Naïve Art and the Arts and Traditions of the province, in Jaén city. . Museo Rafael Zabaleta, in Quesada village. . Castle of village. . Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa Museum, in Santa Elena village. . ciCUM, Forestry Culture Visitor Centre, in Vadillo Castril hamlet, Cazorla municipality. . Interpretation Centre of Iberian-Roman archeological site of Cástulo, Linares city. . Adapting Mosaic “Los Amores”, with coverage and gateway in the Ibero-Roman archeological site of Cástulo, Linares city. . Archaeological site Cerrillo Blanco, village.

LINKS PAGES ACCESSIBLE TOURISM The websites have become the main channel of promotion and tourist information. So the county council, as it is prescriptive, has adapted all their websites for people with visual disabilities. Thus , ...

HENUAC -TOOLS new project for accessibility- Cofinanced with the IMSERSO (national Administration for disable people) and developed between 2005 and 2010, including tools like a simple browser to choose accessible pedestrian routes in the towns in the province included in the project.

* Other noteworthy initiatives in the province developed by local government in the province of Jaén:

The city of Linares, perfectly represents individual actions of local government in Jaén province. Your multisectoral strategy “Linares ACCESSIBLE A destination for all," has received various awards highlighting their efforts to become a fully accessible destination:

• Project "Ending with the Barriers," sponsored by NOVARTIS-, edition 2013 • Members of the Red EDEN (European Destination of Excellence in Tourism) • Andalusia Tourism Awards 2013 in the category of "Excellence in Tourism Management", awarded by the Junta de Andalucía. • Awards REINA SOFIA accessibility municipalities, awarded by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of the Government of Spain.

Furthermore Linares was the first municipality in the province that has developed accessible routes along the town and the rest of the municipality, installing signage and editing tailored guidance.

Empleo, Promoción y Turismo Diputación Provincial de Jaén Plaza de San Francisco, 2 – 23071 Jaén Tel. 953 248 000 Ext. 1020 Fax. 953 248 064 C-e.:[email protected]


Diputación Provincial de Jaén - Jaén County Council PIC: 998911336 Public Entity

Mr. Emilio Molero Servicio de Turismo - Tourism Service Diputación Provincial de Jaén - Jaén County Council [email protected] Tel. +34 953 248000, extension 1020 Fax. +34 953 248030

Address: Plaza San Francisco 2 23071 Jaén, Spain

Empleo, Promoción y Turismo Diputación Provincial de Jaén Plaza de San Francisco, 2 – 23071 Jaén Tel. 953 248 000 Ext. 1020 Fax. 953 248 064 C-e.:[email protected]