Netzavim-Vayelech 5771 September 24, 2011

A Taste of Stories For The Soul The Case for Monarchy Hand in Hand By Mordechai E. Fleisher What Rashi doesn’t tell us, though, is

how Moshe could contradict Hashem’s A little girl and her father were Democracy is the worst form of command. Not to worry, though; Rabbi once crossing a flimsy bridge. The government except for all those others Elchonon Wasserman (1874-1941), Rosh bridge began to shake from side to that have been tried. of the Baranovitch Yeshiva in side. Before you all rush to cancel your pre-WWII , helps us to resolve The father was growing subscription to this outstanding this conundrum. increasingly nervous, so he asked his publication, consider that it is not I who Rabbi Wasserman explains that the young daughter, “Sweetheart, please made that statement, but, rather, Sir two sets of instructions are not at odds hold my hand so that you don’t fall Winston Churchill. with each other; au contraire, they into the river.” Now, let’s see what the Torah has to complement each other. Any leader The little girl replied, “No, Father, say about democracy. worth his salt, says Rabbi Wasserman, you hold my hand.” Truth be told, the Torah states that must have advisors whose counsel he “What’s the difference?” asked the form of government the Jewish regularly seeks. And he can’t just pay the puzzled father. People ought to have in Eretz Yisroel is lip service to them; he has to listen well “There is a big difference,” replied a monarchy (see Devarim 17:14-20). But to their opinions. The final decision, the little girl. “Father, if I hold your let’s take a closer look at the Torah’s however, must be made by the leader hand and something happens to me, idea of an ideal monarchy. himself. If there are multiple individuals chances are that I may let your hand In this week’s parsha, Moshe tells trying to come to a final decision, very go. his disciple Yehoshua, “Be strong and little will get done. “But,” she continued with a courageous, for you shall come with this So there you have it. The ideal, Torah- wisdom beyond her years, “if you people to the Land” (31:7). Rashi (ad. true monarch is not an autocratic despot; hold my hand, I know for sure that loc.) comments that the verse stresses it is a king who takes the advice and no matter what happens, you will “with this people” because when Moshe needs of his nation into consideration. never let my hand go.” gave Yehoshua these instructions, he However, when all is said and done, the In the Yom Kippur davening we told him, “The Elders of the generation authority to decide is invested in the say the verse, “K’rachem av al banim, will be with you; everything should be king and in the king only. kain Tirachem aleinu,” “Like the with their counsel and advice.” So while Churchill may have posited mercy of a father on children, may However, says Rashi, Hashem told that monarchy is a dismal failure, it is not You (G-d) have mercy upon us.” Yehoshua otherwise. When Hashem due to the inherent flaw in such a form On Yom Kippur we must spoke to Yehoshua (31:23), He instructed, of government, but, rather, due to abuse remember that Hashem loves us with “Be strong and courageous, for you shall of the office. Power may corrupt, and an infinite love and is waiting to hear bring Bnai Yisroel to the Land.” Hashem absolute power may corrupt absolutely, our prayers and give us what we need. told Yehoshua, “Everything depends but only in a leader who is not guided by Even if our sins are black as night, upon you! Take a stick, if need be, and G-d’s Word. A Torah-true, G-d-fearing Hashem is waiting with open arms to

hit them over the head! There can only king, on the other hand, is the best form lovingly receive us, just as a parent will be one leader, not two.” of government. always yearn for a child to return. May we pour our hearts out to Ask the Rabbi Hashem on Yom Kippur with purity Graduated Observance and deep sincerity. May Hashem Mike Epstein from Greenville, SC Dear Rabbi, grant us a happy, healthy new year. wrote: I belong to a Conservative shul, the Adapted with permission from most traditional shul within a hundred ShulWeek by Rabbi Boruch Lederman. Continued on back Continued on back

Kollel Happenings Interpersonal Issues KNOW THY ENEMY TUES. AT Consenting to Wait AISH Even if the worker requested he must clearly express his consent with payment, but then consented to wait for a ”Yes”, “OK”, etc. Join Dean Rabbi Shachne Sommers in studying the tactics his money, bal tolin is not transgressed. and strategies of the Yetzer Hora, Furthermore, even if the worker really Adapted with permission from “The and develop your own battle wanted to get paid, and only agreed to Halachos of Other People’s Money” by Rabbi plan for the greatest challenge wait because he is ashamed to press his Pinchas Bodner (Feldheim Publishers) of your life - the war against the Evil Inclination. Based on the demand, there is no bal tolin. However, classic work Chovos Halvevos. Tuesday mornings 7:55-8:25 at Ask the Rabbi Aish. For information, please continued from front Also, it seems to me that you’ve gone contact Rabbi Moshe Heyman miles. I have kept kosher for the past year to lengths to explain to your teachers at [email protected] or 303- 820-2855. and try to observe the mitzvos. I drive to and colleagues why you don’t work on shul on Shabbos and holidays but do Shabbos. Now, even if technically the not work. This is my question. I am a graduation won’t be problematic, you teacher and am am wondering if I can might get some very dubious looks from justify going to my school’s graduation? your fellow teachers. They might not THE LATE SHOW: THURS. NIGHT If I were fully observant, I know that the understand whatever subtle differences SEDER AT AISH answer would be “no” because I would there may be here, and they may view have to drive. But since I drive to shul you as a hypocrite. Join the Chevra for learning anyway, would attending the graduation A story: Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky and cholent at Aish. Maariv be wrong in itself? Thank you for any is at 9:00 p.m. followed by and a friend were walking one Shabbos advice you can give. learning and refreshments. For morning when a car pulled up to ask chavrusas or other information, for directions. “Good Shabbos,” said contact Rabbi Moshe Heyman at Dear Mike Epstein, the driver, thus identifying himself as [email protected] or 303- First, I’d like to tell you that I admire Jewish. “Good Shabbos to you,” they your efforts to observe the mitzvos in 820-2855 answered. The driver then asked for help Greenville, and I think you should be finding his destination, to which Rabbi applauded and encouraged. I bet it’s Kaminetsky gave very clear and detailed not always easy to keep up your level of directions. The driver said thank you observance. and drove off. LIBERATED PARENTS, LIBERATED Your question is an interesting one. CHILDREN WITH MRS. AVIGAIL The truth is that the actual ceremony Rabbi Kaminetsky’s friend was a bit STEINHARTER might not involve any Shabbos violation, surprised: “Surely we must help others whenever we can,” he said. “But are we Join Mrs. Avigail Steinharter for but sitting through such a ceremony isn’t really in the Shabbos spirit. allowed to help a fellow Jew to violate “Liberated Parents, Liberated Shabbos?” Children: Your Guide to a Happier And, as you know, Jewish law Family.” This six part series for forbids driving to synagogue, or “On the contrary, I helped him moms integrates the timeless anywhere else, on Shabbos. Going to avoid violating Shabbos. If he gets lost, wisdom of the Torah with the synagogue is certainly a good thing, but he will drive around looking for his approach of the world-renowned not at the expense of one of the Ten destination, thus violating Shabbos Dr. Haim Ginott. Classes will be Commandments! much more. By giving clear directions, held on Tues., Nov. 1, Nov. 8, Each time you refrain from driving not only did I help him get straight to Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Nov. 29, & Dec. on Shabbos is a meritorious act in itself. his destination, but I helped him do so 6 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.. The fact that you do sometimes drive with less Shabbos desecration.” Cost: $80 for all six classes. For information, call 303-820-2855 to shul doesn’t take away from the the or email [email protected] merit of the other times when you don’t Reprinted with permission of Ohr drive. Somayach, ,

The Torah Weekly is made possible through a generous grant from the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, in memory of Harry H. Beren, z”l. Denver Community Kollel: 1516 Xavier Street, Denver, CO 80204 Tel: 303-820-2855 Fax: 303-820-2806 Email: [email protected] Web: To receive Torah Weekly by email, send an email to [email protected]