Yale Stuart Papers
YALE STUART COLLECTION 2 manuscript boxes Processed: January 1966 Accession Number 159 By: WWP The papers of Yale Stuart were deposited with the Labor History Archives in May 1965 by Mr. Stuart, who at one time served as president of the Detroit J o i n t Board, U n i t ed P u b l i c Workers - CIO. The collection covers the period from 1945 to 1949. The papers are copies of o r i g i n a l s retained by Mr. Stuart. They document the activities of the United Public Workers and of Mr. Stuart as representatives of the employees of the C i t y of Detroit. The correspondence, arranged chronologically, is a f i l e of outgoing letters, in the main, to o f f i c i a l s of the Detroit government. The remainder of the material is also arranged chronologically. It covers such areas as wage increases, right of municipal employes to enter into collective bargaining, representation elections and loyality oaths. YALE STUART COLLECTION Box 1, Correspondence, May, November and December 1945 September-December 1946 January-May 1947 June-December 1947 January-March 1948 April-September 1948 October-December 1948 January 1949 February-March 1949 April-June 1949 July-December 1949 Press Releases, December 1946 - April 1949 Resolutions, 1947-1949 Circulars, late 1940's Box 2, Circulars, late 1940's (3 folders) By-laws Detroit Joint Board, UPW-CIO Proposals re: Sanitation Division of DPW, 1945-1949 Proposal to Common Council for Maintenance of Take Home Pay, December 13, 1945 Right of Municipal Employees to Enter into Collective Bargaining, 1946 DPW Representation Election, May 21, 1946 Statement on House B i l l 418 Citizens Committee re: Ci ty Employees' Weges, March 1946 Statement on School Lunchroom Wages and Hot Lunch Program, March 21, 1947 UPW Proposals to Common Council re: Budget, March 1947 Statement before Common Council, July 10, 1947 Statement to Board of Education re: Budget, November 18, 1947 Proposed Study of Cit y and County Welfare Administration, November 25 and Dec.
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