This document may be downloaded from the Files area of the “CancerVictory” Yahoo Group: Join the group for instant access the Files area. As a member logged in with your Yahoo identity used to join the “CancerVictory” Yahoo Group, this link downloads the file:  Copy & paste into browser Having this document open on your computer will allow you to open the Internet links ( on the link). Some of the links, especially

the videos, are essential to convey what is offered here. Do NOT be satisfied to read this document only as a printout! ------This document is too long. It has become a compendium of all I learn in my ongoing study of effective ways to self-treat cancer. To deal with the problem of too much information in one document, I have written a short companion document, titled, “READ FIRST - How to Stop Cancer in its Tracks and Restore Your Health.doc”. This “Critical Facts …” document is zipped together with “READ FIRST - How to Stop Cancer in its Tracks and Restore Your Health.doc” plus an audio file of cancer treatment testimonials. The combined zipped file is downloadable from via this link:

Critical Facts about Cancer Pointing to Effective Treatment HaveReadToHERE Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents See DISCLAIMER near the bottom of document. Press key and Click  Top Cancer Cures that Work Press key & Click  Your computer can read this document to you aloud. Press key and Click  Bottom line suggestions Press key and Click  If you feel your cancer may be emotionally based, we have found a good way to Transform Your Emotions. Press key and Click  MMS1 + MMS2 could be the cheapest cure for cancer. Press key and Click  Heal Yourself in 15 Days Press key and Click  Best/Cheapest Press key and Click  Stop Cancer in its Tracks


Most of us know someone who has, or has had cancer. There has been so much failure in cancer self- treatment that it can be an uphill battle to get people to realize that, realistically they DO have excellent options when it comes to thumbing their nose at the cancer industry. Advanced successful alternative cancer treatment information, including this document, is downloadable when you join and sign in as a member at, in the Files area (click on “Files” link, top left).

If you discover you may have cancer, because a doctor has told you, or because of something you notice about your body, your level, or some symptom, what you NEED at this point is a PLAN.

I offer knowledge from my 38 years of exploring cancer self-cure and successful self-treatment options, but I cannot offer you a plan. A plan is something YOU formulate out of what you know, what life brings to you, your intuition, and what you really want in your life. If you (perhaps unconsciously) want to discover how venal and cruel medical cancer treatment is, nothing I offer here will save you from making this discovery on your own. You will reject self-treatment because it is not what you want.

If, on the other hand, you want to take responsibility for your health and you are able to take in new information, this allows me to offer you what I have learned, allows you to use what I offer and integrate it with what you know, learn from your own research, and formulate YOUR PLAN.

Your job as you read this document is to take responsibility for what is going to happen to you. Do not to look to me, or anything in this document as a magic bullet. Once you formulate a plan, you can adjust it as experience dictates. Until you formulate a plan, the medical cancer industry has you exactly where they want you: insufficiently informed, full of fear and looking for an expert to rescue you. You are the expert you are looking for. Only YOU can formulate YOUR PLAN.

Here on the next page is an example of what happened to a lovely young woman who listened to her medical cancer specialists and failed to formulate HER OWN PLAN to cure her cancer. The small print


This document, zipped with the shorter “READ FIRST - How to Stop Cancer in its Tracks and Restore Your Health.doc” is downloadable from via this link:  Send to a friend & save a life.

pg. 1 This document is not and could not constitute advice of any kind, for the simple reason that my role is to create a compendium of what I have learned, not to tell you what to do. I do not know your situation, so I am not in a position to advise. YOUR ROLE as reader is to take everything you know and formulate YOUR PLAN. Most importantly, take responsibility for what happens in your life, or someone else will, to your detriment. MMS1 + MMS2, are perhaps the cheapest route to eliminate cancer, and most infections. Powdered Zeolite + Vitamin C are the most convenient way to eliminate cancer (See pp. 2-6 below.) Remember that acid buildup and toxicity are the two primary causes of cancer, followed by electron deficiency and an inadequately nourished immune system. To remove acid buildup you can add bicarbonates to your drinking . To remove toxicity,‟s Zeolite Pure Powder and Source Naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C Powder could be your easiest ticket out of health problems. To prevent electron deficiency, fresh vegetable juices including wheat grass juice are great, and so is marine phytoplankton. To insure that your immune system is functioning at full power, Waiora‟s AgariGold with H1X1 and MMS2 are most powerful, MMS2 being the cheapest. You can obtain Dr. Kelley‟s Metabolic Type Diet booklet from College Health Stores, run by John Kelley (888) 477-3618. If you are reading this document for someone who will not take responsibility for their health and wants a doctor to cure them, Antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski is a good option.

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents below is from an email sent to me by a friend who administers appropriate holistic treatments for cancer:

Alan -- I had a former client call me the other day asking me for advice on how to address her severe . She is not yet 35. When she was referred to me a couple of years ago, the youngest of her three children was less than a year old. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer. However, not long after I started working with her she called to cancel her appointment and tell me she had decided to go with the standard medical protocol because they were harassing her constantly "you will never see your children graduate from school; another women will raise your children; you are a dead woman" ... these are samples of the phrasing they used to frighten her onto the operating table and the chemo and radiation. She added that "It is all free because we are covered on my husband's insurance." I would have liked to tell her she could pay with her life for all the "free" care but could say nothing.

After the operation the cancer spread almost immediately to her spine. Horrid operations on her spine to remove the tumors left her with metal clamps all up and down her back and wheel chaired. They tell her now that it has metastasized to her liver and they have located more tumors there. They are giving her "new experimental " chemo at $3,000 per shot twice a week along with CT scans to follow the progression of the cancer. At the same time they are dosing her with all this chemo at $6,000 per week [that's just the chemo] they have advised her to check herself into Hospice and that she should start taking videos of herself to leave for her children. I was so upset after this phone conversation with this young beautiful vibrant woman that I felt sickly and weak. I cannot help her constipation ... the chemo has destroyed the fast-growing cells along the entire gastrointestinal tract [as you know] ... I did recommend that colonics may help to relieve the terrible pressure she is experiencing. This young woman has been put through purgatory and hell and still they are extracting the most $$ they possibly can before they kill her. I was sick. I know you have seen this also ... It is very difficult doing the work we do [getting the truth out]. Now my question ... Would the MMS help her? Is it too late? Moreover, I do not know that I could wean her off the chemo/etc. Xoxoxoxo M

To Stop Cancer in its Tracks, you may want to do the action steps below before reading much further. The following is an important breakthrough discovery from personal


If you feel you may have cancer and you are feeling confused for any reason, take action

by doing the following NOW – it could save your life. It saved mine.

The most important thing you can do right now is to end your confusion of mind so you can take effective action to improve your health. I have been there – confused and not sure why.

This can be a symptom of overwhelm by toxicity, possibly toxicity given off by a growing cancer.

Regardless of the cause of your confusion, if it is physiologically based and not just that someone did something strange but you are feeling fine, the following set of actions will help to temporarily end a toxic overload condition and temporarily end toxicity based confusion. As soon as you are able to begin ingesting Zeolite Pure from Thymely Solutions Natural Remedies

pg. 2 and Gifts online shopping site (or your preferred source) your confusion will begin to ebb and you will be on your way to control of your cancer so you can restore your health.

First perform actions #1 through #6 below; then go to this shopping site and order a 1 pound container of Zeolite Pure and then to the other site listed below to purchase Ultimate Ascorbate C Powder: E8D&alpha=Z&brand=Zeo+Health&brand_id=8309

Action #1: Brew a quart of coffee by grinding 2 to 4 tablespoons freshly roasted coffee beans and pour boiling water over the ground beans pre-moistened with 2 oz. good cool water to prevent temperature shock to the glass that could cause the jar to break as the boiling water hits the bottom.

Action #2: Collect up to 2/3 quart of your urine – store in a cool place if not used promptly or collect fresh urine when you need it.

Action #3: Filter the coffee through a fine mesh strainer, if available, or the best strainer available to remove coffee grounds that could block flow of the coffee and urine mixture through an tube.

Action #4: Fill an enema bag ( with the strained coffee and urine mixture at just above body temperature.

Action #5: Fill a bathtub with comfortably hot water and lie down in the tub to administer the coffee/urine enema. Taking an enema while immersed in a pleasantly hot bath is about the easiest way to fill the colon with water. It beats any non-immersion approach by a country mile. Since you will be dripping wet when it comes time to expel the enema contents into the toilet, clear your path to the toilet of anything you do not want to drip on, and take care that you don’t slip on a wet tile floor with wet feet – for example the tiles in my bathroom are very slippery when my feet are wet, so I walk on towels when my feet are wet to prevent slipping and falling. If the weather is cold and your bathroom is cold without a heater, get a good heater to warm the bathroom. This will make the entire experience delightful and not at all unpleasant.

Action #6: While lying in a bathtub of comfortably hot water, and with the warm coffee/urine enema filling your colon, massage your colon gently through your abdomen starting on the lower left below the navel and moving up toward the ribs on the left side, and then across to the right and down a little toward the right hip, following the colon. Once you have opened the colon up to relaxation from lower left, then up and over to the right and down to the ileocecal valve area lower right, your massaging can then follow the normal flow through the colon from the lower right, up to the rib cage, across to the left and down to the lower left center well below the navel. Massaging the colon in this clockwise direction allows the colon to relax and allows more of the mixture to fill the colon prior to expelling contents of the enema. Massaging the colon while it is full like this loosens fecal material that may have adhered to the colon walls. You can get vigorous with the massage once everything inside is relaxed.

At first it may be hard to keep the water in the colon and the urge to expel the water into the toilet may overwhelm you long before the colon is full. This is to be expected at first. The fecal material you expel can be very sticky.

pg. 3

When I cleaned out my colon in the beginning of my self-treatment, I found several times that I needed to use a plunger vigorously to loosen the fecal material after it was in the toilet, just so the material would flush properly. It was amazingly difficult just to flush, so it is no wonder that the body gets constipated with this stuff in the colon.

Cleaning your colon with a coffee/urine enema will accomplish a number of things:

1) It moves dense fecal material out of the colon that otherwise would prevent proper handling of from the blood migrating into the colon for elimination with the . In other words, constipation is more than a blockage of flow of waste fecal material through the colon lengthwise from stem to stern. It also interrupts of a process of cleaning the blood that normally accompanies good peristaltic contractions of the colon, wherein toxins pass through the walls of the colon into the fecal material moving towards elimination. When peristaltic action slows down due to constipation or due to colorectal cancer, then toxicity from the blood mixed with the fecal material becomes more concentrated and these concentrated toxins are irritating to the colon. Concentrated toxicity just sitting there in the colon irritates the tissues of the colon and producing further complications. A good enema clears away much of

this toxicity, giving the colon needed relief from irritation.

2) The caffeine from the coffee stimulates the liver to clean your blood, especially the blood

coming from the colon to the liver for purification.

3) Urine in an enema provides the body with needed feedback regarding what the various tissues in the body are requesting in terms of body chemistry and products of digestion. This is an advantage of drinking urine as well. Exposure to urine via either approach (enema or drinking) enables the “kitchen” (digestion) to get a clear signal of what is requested in the “dining room” (tissues served by the blood supply) because urine is concentrated blood chemistry (blood cells

filtered out of course) at the time urine was produced by the kidneys.

4) When the body is out of homeostasis, i.e.: “not well”, this is due in part to inability of the mechanisms that control body chemistry to get a clear reading of what the various parts of the

body are requesting via chemical messages.

5) Popular feelings that urine is disgusting or dirty do not stand up to scrutiny. Even one-time tasting of one’s urine will confirm that urine is what it is, namely concentrated chemicals from the blood. There is nothing unsanitary about fresh urine unless there is infection in the bladder. Urine is, of course, a good culture medium, so it will grow bacteria and smell in time, even if you just fail to flush the toilet. If you drink your urine and do not cleanse your mouth and throat, bacterial growth can give you “urine breath”, but with normal cleansing of the pallet such as from brushing teeth, gargle thoroughly with plain water, or other ordinary

hygiene, this does not become a problem.

If one’s urine tastes bitter, the blood is far too acidic. If it tastes salty, one may be dehydrated. If it tastes like nothing in particular, one may be adequately hydrated and producing very dilute urine.

Once your immediate confusion is temporarily relieved, go online and buy these two products:

1) Pure Zeolite Powder from, available from retailers like my hometown of Fairfield’s Thymely Solutions Natural Remedies and Gifts (641-472-9815) online site:

pg. 4 E8D&alpha=Z&brand=Zeo+Health&brand_id=8309, and

2) Source Naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C™ Powder -- 16 oz., available most inexpensively at

Then, with these products in hand … add about a half tsp. each of the Zeolite powder and Source Naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C™ Powder to each small bottle (pint) of water you drink and drink a lot of this water with Zeolite powder and Ascorbate-C-Powder added. Drinking most of your water in the form of this zeolite/alkaline vitamin C solution, plus regular coffee (daily if possible), can be your total cancer self-treatment protocol. This protocol nailed my serious colorectal cancer. For other forms of cancer like brain cancer, this protocol may be sufficient, or you may want to read on. This document is 34 pages long and this is just page 3.

Why does this zeolite/alkaline vitamin C protocol work? Zeolite powder pulls toxins out of your body that are causing cancer to grow; vitamin C stops free radical carcinogens in their tracks, and the alkaline minerals in Ultimate Ascorbate C Powder help with the job of alkalizing the body.

Cancer tumors grow for just one reason: to encapsulate runaway toxicity in your body. In addition to toxicity of the chemical variety, there is also toxicity in the nature of electron theft, resulting in “free radical damage” commonly understood to be carcinogenic. In chemistry “electron theft” is called oxidation. Vitamin C is one of many readily available anti-oxidants. I chose Vitamin C from among the large number of available anti-oxidants because it is inexpensive and helpful in stopping tumor growth; it also happens to be vital to heart and arterial health, so by using alkaline Vitamin C you protect yourself two ways: (1) cancer and (2) heart and circulation problems -- when you stoke up on Ultimate Ascorbate C.

There is also such a thing as electron deficiency, also known as the blood being too acidic. This was the cause of cancer identified by Dr. Otto Warburg who was awarded two Nobel prizes over 75 years ago for demonstrating that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Acidic blood reduces the oxygen available in the blood. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low (acidic) pH at the cellular level. This is why we use ALKALINE Vitamin C, NOT ascorbic acid. We want to alkalize the body. This is also a good reason to drink alkaline drinking water.

The only reason NOT to use Vitamin C in this way would be if you wanted a parallel killing assault on the cancer using MMS1. This seems attractive as a two prong approach, but it may instead be an invitation to discomfort rather than healing if you are not very careful. While I am VERY impressed with MMS1 as a cancer killer, it is far less convenient to kill cancer than to take away its reason for being by drinking water with Zeolite Pure + Ultimate Ascorbate C™ Powder. For me the convenience of this zeolite/alkaline C protocol means I actually DO add Zeolite routinely to my drinking water, whereas I avoid using MMS1 because it can make you nauseous if you’re not careful.

You must keep any MMS1 assault “down to a dull roar” or risk ruining your day with nausea. If you do not repeat doses of MMS1 every hour or two, its concentration in the blood dwindles and progress stops. MMS1 is powerful, but not particularly convenient.

pg. 5

Personally, I chose to let the Zeolite do its work and enjoy what is happening in my life, rather than take on the job of “fighting” cancer. Zeolite is not necessarily a “cure” – it stops cancer from growing if you eliminate things that promote cancer like heavy sugar consumption, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, acesulfame, and other poisons introduced into the food supply to keep the medical monopoly supplied with sick people.

Fighting cancer seems to me like a waste of time and life. Zeolite Pure by combined with Source Naturals Ultimate Ascorbate C™ Powder takes the fight out of cancer, so you can shift your attention to something more interesting, like promoting your health in healthy ways, enjoying your circumstances in life, and so forth.

In case you are addicted to, or fond of artificial sweeteners, here are Internet Search Results on “acesulfame”:

acesulfame - Google Search

1. Acesulfame potassium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Acesulfame potassium is a calorie-free artificial sweetener, also known as Acesulfame K or Ace K (K being the symbol for potassium), and marketed under the ..." 2. Aspartame - Most dangerous of all artificial sweeteners! "Acesulfame Potassium (K) was approved for use by the FDA as a safe artificial sweetener in July, l988. It is a derivative of acetoacetic acid. ..." 3. Acesulfame Potassium Dangers "2 Jul 2010 ... It would be a wise decision to be aware about Acesulfame potassium dangers, if you happen to use this sweetener." 4. What is Acesulfame Potassium? "13 Jan 2011 ... Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is Acesulfame Potassium?" 5. Artificial Sweeteners Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Acesulfame K ... "8 Feb 2011 ... It is listed in the ingredients on the food label as acesulfame K, ... The problems surrounding acesulfame K are based on the improper ..." 6. Acesulfame-K Toxicity Information Center "A web page related to acesulfame-k and sunette hazards."

Cancer treatment has been inadequately addressed by the AMA, the FDA, Centers for Disease Control, the NIH, the National Cancer Society, in fact by the entire medical establishment. Nevertheless, cancer and other diseases organized treats as “cash cows” WILL be addressed fully when the lawful republic of the united States of America picks up the pieces after the fraudulent de facto U.S. government collapses (sometime in 2010?). Read about it here: Help is on the way. If you want to understand the ugly truth – WHY our health institutions consistently fail us, click HERE.

Most doctors and even most alternative oriented cancer specialists miss the natural cause of /cure for cancer discovered by , DDS. His research began when he was 37 years old in 1962, shortly after he was told that he had "4 to 8 weeks to live" with metastasized pancreatic cancer. Prior to that, he had not even known he was developing cancer!

Under this extreme time pressure, and with his health clearly failing, he went home to research how to cure his cancer. He read that in 1906 a Scottish embryologist, Dr. John Beard, proposed that pancreatic pg. 6

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents enzymes represented the body‟s main defense against cancer. (See also MMS.) The world had mostly forgotten Dr. Beard‟s work by 1962, but Dr. Kelley took this insight that pancreatic enzymes are the key and set about the urgent task of curing his cancer. He found that taking sufficient enzymes to dissolve his multiple tumors made him feel very sick and gave him a of 105°. Researching a way to flush dissolved tumor toxins from his blood he found that the Merck Manual recommended coffee enemas. He found coffee enemas lowered his fever immediately and made him feel much better. He went on to develop an elaborate system for analyzing what different people need to improve their diet according to metabolic type. These approaches: 1) abundant pancreatic enzyme supplements, 2) cleansing practices including liver flush and coffee enemas, plus 3) dietary improvement according to metabolic type – these became the foundation of his cancer self-cure protocol. With what he found, he cured his cancer and in subsequent years, he developed his initial findings into a highly articulated protocol for self-treatment of cancer.

In 1985, Memorial Sloan-Kettering attempted to attack Dr. Kelley’s remarkable reputation of success in helping clients cure their own cancer by hiring a medical student named Nick Gonzalez to look at the records of thousands of Dr. Kelley‟s cancer patients and review the effectiveness of Dr. Kelley’s approach. Memorial Sloan-Kettering wanted to prove LACK of results, but Nick Gonzalez found excellent results, and he went on to become a physician and Dr. Kelley‟s greatest proponent. The Review prepared by Gonzalez stated that the cure rate of Dr. Kelley’s protocol was 93% after physicians had used surgery, with the exception that Gonzalez found a 100% cure rate (!) for patients with pancreatic cancer (5 patients). These findings were valid for patients who strictly followed Dr. Kelley‟s full protocol. Dr. Nick Gonzalez now has an active medical practice helping people with cancer and he vigorously champions Dr. Kelley‟s protocol.

In a June 22, 2008 report, Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. reported on a failed attempt by NIH to arrange a randomized clinical trial of this protocol:,english.

Dr. Kelley said he felt the ONLY people his protocol could NOT help were those who did not have time for the protocol to work (too little time to live) or who truly did not want to live. The medical cancer treatment industry attempted to suppress his work and findings many times, including an attempt to poison him, without success. He died of natural causes (not cancer) on January 30, 2005, having helped thousands of people cure their own cancer. For Dr. Kelley‟s complete protocol, download his definitive 1999 book One Answer to Cancer as a Word document from in the Files area, or see it on the web at

Need reassurance? The video linked here shows there is something you can do to cure yourself. Click this link Power Plan for Health ( by Dr. Lorraine Day (You need latest RealPlayer to play this video. We do not endorse Lorraine Day‟s 10 Step Plan promoted in the video, but only because we know little about it. We agree 100% that there is a better way than standard medical cancer treatment.

Feeling trapped by medical insurance? People with cancer may feel they have NO CHOICE of treatment options because the medical insurance system will not pay for their preferred treatment choice, and has therefore trapped them into submitting to standard medical cancer treatment. We do not buy the notion that just because medical insurance will not pay, that anyone is trapped into using standard medical cancer treatment. We have poured into this document our experience and knowledge from collecting many inexpensive cures for cancer since 1972. I want to give you enough knowledge to thumb your nose at “high cost” health care.

Never mind the cost of standard medical cancer treatments! The elephant in the middle of the room is that standard medical cancer treatments seldom work satisfactorily, so forget them! pg. 7

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents “I worked as a nurse on and off for 25 years… I never saw or knew of anyone – patient, friend, or relative who died of cancer. They all died of the ‘medical treatment’ for cancer.” -- Mary Croft (Follow link to .pdf – quote is on p. 12  Also listen to THIS YouTube VIDEO 

Why would Mary Croft, a nurse, say that everyone she saw die who had cancer actually died of the “medical treatment” for cancer? The reason is that chemotherapy virtually destroys the immune system, radiation is mutagenic and actually promotes additional cancers after destroying the targeted tumor, and surgery, which seems like the obvious choice to deal with a THING growing inside your body that could kill you, turns out to be only a temporary fix.

Remember that Dr. Kelley’s protocol was 93% successful for his clients after physicians had used surgery, and cancer tumors had come back.

What is important for you to know is that there are better alternatives than standard medical treatment for cancer that can keep you safe and take you out of danger. Sometimes surgery IS a good temporary fix – to reduce the volume of tumor mass that a weakened body must eliminate. Proteolytic pancreatic enzymes can be used to digest any remaining tumor mass and the resulting debris can be eliminated by the immune system with help from immune boosters like Agaricus Blazei Murrill, coffee enemas, detoxifying agents like Natural Cellular Defense or ZeoLife, serious improvement in diet and hopefully a health promoting lifestyle. If the standard medical understanding of your cancer condition suggests that you have at least “one year to live”, see also Robert Barefoot‟s “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer”.

Excising a tumor with surgery in hopes that surgery ALONE will eliminate one‟s cancer condition too often turns out NOT to be curative. What doctors fail to mention is that once cancer shows up, we have been developing the initial tumor over a number of years from a single germ cell that transformed into a trophoblast cell. This means we have kept our body for years in a debilitated state in which it was unable to eliminate the growing cancer tumor! We need to reverse this debilitated state to overcome cancer for good. You can read more about this here: Direct Cause of Cancer is The Changing of an Ectopic Germ Cell into an Ectopic Trophoblast Cell  Press key and Click

(See the video on Alternative Cancer Therapy at [Video title: A comprehensive approach to Cancer treatment, presented by Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD] and the article at Also recommended is Dr. Shallenberger‟s discussion of Hormone Replacement Therapy at, in which he describes this significant way to get your body working properly so it can throw off cancer.)

Sadly, the fact that standard medical cancer treatments do not work is also partly true about “medical treatment” in general. In the late 1970s, the US government conducted a general evaluation of medical treatments and found that only 10 percent to 20 percent of medical treatment had evidence of efficacy (Office of Technology Assessment, 1978). See scientific-is-modern_b_543158.html

On the other hand, the cure rate of alternative cancer therapies (see is not so great either. Why not? Here is what one experienced alternative therapist wrote to me:

“Why don't these so-called treatments work? Very simple: Our bodies are overloaded with modern day chemicals and dietary distortions that dumb down cellular immunity. There are thousands of cumulative modern chemicals that have adversely affected the body.” pg. 8

-- Private communication from an experienced alternative therapist Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents The above quoted practitioner is sincerely frustrated by the high level of toxicity in the bodies of his patients. Dr. Kelley used to say that anyone with cancer has three priorities: 1) detox, 2) detox and 3) detox.

What is the best way to detox out chemicals that block success in most alternative cancer treatment?

This document lists a number of ways to detoxify the body.  Press key and Click. In addition to coffee enemas, anyone dealing with cancer should definitely use Natural Cellular Defense or ZeoLife ( to remove from the tissues “modern day chemicals” that tend to frustrate the efforts of so many to recover health.

Another important reason why alternative cancer therapies often do not work is that most practitioners, including “ practitioners” ignore the FACT that Successful cancer treatment requires a strong liver. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the blood 24 hours a day. Liver weakness is easy to remedy with a series of liver flushes and other things you can do for your liver listed at Fact 22. Click. The bottom line is that you need to become “one of the healthiest people

on your block” so your body can throw off cancer. A key component of organ health is a strong liver.

Here is some GOOD NEWS – top approaches to cancer cure that really work:

1) A do-it-yourself book to cure your own cancer by Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., Here,

2) A second do-it-yourself book to cure your own cancer by Bill Henderson, Here Bill is available for phone consultations if you read his book. See

3) “Antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski” – the use of Antineoplastons – naturally occurring peptides (amino acids) in the human body that turn off cancer, HIV infection, and reverse autoimmune diseases Click  Here.

4) Jim Humble has formulated a protocol to cure cancer using MMS1 (a common chemical pathogen killer), now with the addition of MMS2 (a common chemical immune strengthener). This new protocol avoids nausea (always the drawback of MMS in the past) and is highly effective. He has also worked out a protocol for using MMS1 + MMS2 that cures AIDS in just three (3) weeks, and may also avoid any problem of nausea. These protocols benefit greatly from Jim‟s discovery that a chemical commonly used to “chlorinate” or “shock” swimming pools is actually a precursor of the key chemical used by our immune system to attack pathogens (hypochlorous acid), and that we do not produce enough of it to protect ourselves from all pathogens. The chemical is calcium hypochlorite, which he now calls MMS2. The best part of these discoveries in these economically difficult times, is that Jim‟s protocols for curing cancer or AIDS work quickly, and cost almost NOTHING! Watch Jim‟s January 2010 interview downloadable as a zipped .MP4 file using this link: Interview <-- Click on the Blue Download Button. Also read more Here  Click

5) Highly successful work by Dr. Simoncini in Rome, Italy – He injects 5% baking soda solution into the arterial blood supply of tumors to regress most kinds of cancer tumors Click  Here See also: cancer-treatment-e-book.html  Extensive discussion of sodium bicarbonate‟s curative power

6) We do not describe any single product or set of products as a cancer “cure” because if we have cancer, we have kept our body for years in a debilitated state in which it was unable to eliminate a cancer tumor that started as a single cell. We need to reverse this debilitated state to overcome cancer for good. However, the impressive documented record of Natural Cellular Defense, especially when combined with AgariGold with H1X1 is here: Video testimonials: and pg. 9

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents A valid alternative to the high cost of NCD is ZeoLife ( p/zeolife.htm).

7) “Low dose Naltrexone”, while not itself a cure, is another way to augment the immune system, to buy time for your chosen cancer therapy to become effective. (See

Note that AgariGold with H1X1 is a non-drug mushroom nutritional product that strengthens the immune system. It may be a superior alternative to “Low dose Naltrexone”. Research conducted in Japan found this mushroom cured of difficult-to-treat cancers in mice. (See AgaricusBlazeiMurrill.)

If you need to know right away what are the Strongest Alternative Cancer Treatments for Home Use, this web page  lists and discusses them. To understand what really causes cancer, read this article: The website is the best source of additional info on top treatment protocols, especially the Bill Henderson Protocol at Bill works with people over the phone. See:

Bottom line suggestions – SHORT version (short compared to this 90+ page document)

After 38 years of collecting “cures” and successful treatment approaches for cancer, and trying to fit the essence of all I have learned into a single document, this document has grown quite long. It includes too many “cures” and effective treatments for any one person to use, and perhaps even to read and understand.

Recently I undertook to email a friend my bottom line suggestions for how to deal most effectively with cancer. Bear in mind that her situation is that she looks healthy and has been dealing with a cancer condition with some success for several years. This may not be YOUR situation.

What I sent her presents a simplified condensed view of what I feel many people should focus on in dealing with cancer. With that said, please understand that the email message copied below in this box is an intentionally simplified view that is in no way intended to devalue the many fine approaches to cancer mentioned at some length in the remainder of this document. If I were not impressed with any approach to cancer described herein, it would not be in the document.

Dear ______,

As I looked at my Gmail to send you information I want to send, I saw a pertinent message from Mike Adams and decided to forward it to you as part of what I suggest. To encourage you to glance at Mike's message, my extended suggestions are at the BOTTOM of Mike's email.

Though I tried to keep it short, What I have written below is somewhat lengthy. I want you to get the takeaway point from this email, even if you get nothing else, so here it is:

As I mentioned when I saw you downtown, I recorded my computer reading the cancer testimonials for Waiora's 'Natural Cellular Defense' and their mushroom product 'AgariGold with H1X1', found on the web at A valid alternative to the high cost of NCD is ZeoLife ( p/zeolife.htm).

pg. 10

Because of the large number of heartfelt testimonials, and the impressive story told by each, I find Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents listening to this audio inspiring to the heart, and if I were dealing with cancer myself at this time, listening to it would definitely let my heart know that these products are simple and that they can make a big difference.

Here is a download link for the .mp3 audio file of my computer reading these testimonials (audio file and text file zipped together):

Also, read what Jim Humble recently discovered about how to use MMS1 + MMS2 to cure cancer HERE. This could be the cheapest and possibly the fastest way to cure cancer comfortably. Watch Jim’s January 2010 interview downloadable as a zipped .MP4 file using this link: <-- Click on the Blue Download Button.

Find more from me below the text of Mike Adams’ email, -- Alan

------Forwarded message ------From: NaturalNews Date: Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:34 AM

Subject: NaturalNews special report: The Healing Power of Sunlight

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ------

Dear readers,

Did you know you have probably never been told the straight truth about one of the most potent, yet overlooked, healing nutrients in the world? In fact, medical groups have actually spent the past three decades convincing you to avoid this "nutrient" by scaring you into thinking it causes cancer.

But the truth is far different. Strong clinical evidence proves this "nutrient" actually prevents and helps REVERSE an astounding number of serious diseases (and I'll tell you all about it right here), including:

* Prostate cancer * Breast cancer * Osteoporosis * Depression * Gum disease * Schizophrenia * Diabetes

Curious what this "nutrient" really is? Let me give you some hints: It moves at the speed of light. You can feel it (it feels warm), but you can't touch it. Without it, there would be no life whatsoever on planet Earth. And it can't be patented or sold for profit.

What is it? Sunlight.

I'm talking about natural, healthy sunshine, which enables your body to make its own lifesaving vitamin D. Today, I want to share with you the secrets of its health benefits in a fascinating special report called, "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D." It's available for downloading right now at:

pg. 11 Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents (Adobe Acrobat format)

This special report contains information you probably won't hear from your doctor or dermatologist, because it goes against everything they believe about sunlight. But recent research is proving that not getting enough sunlight is extremely dangerous to your health because it causes vitamin D deficiencies that promote chronic disease.

Seeking out sunlight in safe, reasonable doses, on the other hand, does wonders for your health and may, in fact, render all sorts of conventional medical therapies irrelevant. Again, you can get the full story in this fascinating special report right now: (Adobe Acrobat format)

This special report features an interview with Dr. Michael Holick, one of the world's leading experts on vitamin D and sunlight. In "The Healing Power of Sunlight," he discusses his fascinating research. You'll learn things like:

* How vitamin D deficiencies have been directly linked to several types of cancer.

* In a study of African-American, Latino, and Caucasian women who had just given birth, 76% were deficient in vitamin D and 81% of the infants were deficient.

* A study in Finland showed that infants who were deficient in vitamin D had an 80% increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes as an adult.

* 32% of students and doctors in Boston are deficient in vitamin D by the end of winter.

* 40% to 60% of elderly people are at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

In "The Healing Power of Sunshine and Vitamin D," Dr. Holick also explains little-known facts about sunshine and vitamin D. In this special report, you'll learn:

* How proper nutrition helps you avoid sunburn without using chemical sunscreens

* What the right amount of sunlight is for your body

* How vitamin D deficiencies cause prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and other diseases

* The true cause of asthma and why antihistamines only conceal the symptoms of the disease rather than treating its cause

* How to calculate how much sunlight you need based on your ancestry and current geographical location

* Seasonal Affective Disorder: how to treat it with sunlight exposure

* Why you can't get enough vitamin D from diet alone

* Why U.K. dermatologists support more sun exposure, but the U.S.

pg. 12 dermatology association refuses to change its stance

* How a lack of vitamin D may contribute to schizophrenia

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

* Why it is harder to absorb adequate amounts of calcium without sufficient vitamin D

Take advantage of this information right now. It's "must-have" knowledge that no person should go without. This information has literally changed my health and my life, and I believe it can change yours as well.

Get it now at: (Adobe Acrobat format)

To your health, - Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

Dear NaturalNews readers, There is a pervasive myth in the minds of the public that sunlight exposure alone causes skin cancer. However, this is an overly simplistic (and false) explanation, and today I've published an important new online video that explains the truth about sunlight, skin cancer, vitamin D and tanning salons. Did you know that tanning salons can actually help you prevent cancer? It's true! Read the highlights of the story here:

Or watch the full video right here:

So why should you believe me instead of the experts running the U.S. health care system? Maybe because in a recent world survey, the U.S. scored dead last in its health care system. Get the details here:

On the good news side, did you know that brown rice can help prevent diabetes? ------

OK my friend,

What I feel to mention to you is this:

After collecting "self-cures" and successful treatment approaches for cancer since 1972, I have reached a simple view of WHICH END IS UP. Bear in mind what I write in the Introduction to this document about formulating YOUR PLAN – you need to use what I offer here only to the extent that if is useful to YOUR PLAN.

I will summarize my understanding for you:

Cancer happens for many reasons, not least in response to samskaras (impressions) from past life negative emotions. Therefore, it is definitely helpful to address these in any way you can. In [this] "Critical facts about cancer..." document I link to this web page: Based on my personal VERY POSITIVE experience with Ron Amitron, I would recommend generally.

pg. 13

Ron did an emotional body clearing for me that put an end to a lifelong pattern of cyclical high highs and low lows, medically described as "manic depression" or "bipolar syndrome". Since that Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents clearing several years ago, I have experienced neither high highs nor low lows and my mood is now stable and dependable. What a relief!

Here is a page where Ron explains about "Healing Session Procedures".

From my experience, I feel the explanation on that page probably describes what for most people goes on BEHIND THE SCENES, out of conscious awareness. My clearing session with Ron was via telephone and although he told me I was being bilocated to the Creation Lightship, I consciously experienced only being on the phone with him. Therefore, what he writes on that page may be true, but the bilocation aspect may not be obvious to a person undergoing the procedure.

If you feel uncomfortable with something as "far out" as what Ron Amitron does, you might want to discuss your health situation with Marc Zimmerman - 641-919-0316. Marc lives on the west coast, so consider the time zone. He is a very competent healer and may be able to contribute a lot to resolving whatever you are dealing with regarding “” impressions from the past.

Now, let us get PHYSICAL. In addition to the non-physical influence from the past, there are definitely physical factors that bring cancer into manifestation and, despite medical or other attempts to deal with it, cause it to persist as a health challenge. I will list the top ones in order of importance as I have come to understand them:

1) FACT 11 in "Critical facts..." document: Cancer thrives in an acidic, low pH environment (blood pH below 7.3 = electron deficient). Low blood pH (too acidic = below 7.3) contributes to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) because proper pH of the blood (7.35 - 7.45) is essential for oxygen availability and oxygen transport from blood to cells. Just as your body rigidly regulates its temperature, it keeps the blood in a very narrow pH range - mildly basic or alkaline. The body will go to great lengths to preserve that, including wreaking havoc on other tissues or systems.

2) FACT 12 in "Critical facts..." document: Cancer cells cannot live in a high Oxygen environment. If you have cancer, the affected tissues are oxygen deficient. One of the easiest and most important ways to reverse oxygen deficiency is to alkalize the body, raising blood pH from below 7.3 to between 7.35 and 7.45 pH.

3) FACT 13 in "Critical facts..." document: Cancer tumors are not a failure of cells to function intelligently. A tumor is an expression of the body’s innate intelligence that encapsulates toxicity to protect our organs from toxic damage. Therefore, if one wants cancer to go away and not come back it is a priority to effectively remove toxins from the body.

We can go very far in eliminating cancer by addressing these three issues 1), 2) and 3) above.

Please do not get lost in the details. If you can read only a little more now, scroll down to what I say under 3) FACT 13 - below.  Press key and Click. Removing toxicity is the easiest suggestion to implement and it could save your life, even if you do NOTHING else.

------Now I will address the above issues in order.

1) FACT 11 You can address Blood pH in a number of ways. Eating plenty of fresh green foods like green salads, green superfoods, and a diet generally rich in fresh organically grown green stuff is very helpful. Dr. Robert Young's information contained in his book The pH Miracle is a good place to start. Dr. Young’s entire book The pH Miracle is downloadable as a zipped collection of .pdf files pg. 14 from]. His pH Miracle information is also online via links at Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

Bicarbonates eliminate acid buildup One can force the pH higher from acid toward alkaline. The simplest and cheapest way to alkalize the body is to start with very pure water like reverse osmosis filtered water, and alkalize the water for drinking by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) & potassium bicarbonate (from a wine making shop like for example) in a ratio of slightly less than 50/50 (1:1) sodium to potassium. I find that adding liquid trace minerals like ConcenTrace ( Mineral-Drops) or Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals ( makes water much more inviting to the body. If water feels good inside we drink more, and consistent hydration is important.

The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ( on Arm & Hammer brand baking soda does NOT reveal any presence of aluminum in Arm & Hammer baking soda, but if you are concerned by rumors that the Arm & Hammer brand contains aluminum (most likely due to confusion with baking powder), Red Mill brand is reportedly aluminum free. Alkalizing one’s water in this way is a good idea for almost anyone. The ideal sodium to potassium ratio is less than 1:1 (slightly less sodium) – and this “slightly less sodium than potassium” electrolyte balance is critical for normal cell function.

Personally, I always add 1 tsp. potassium bicarbonate, slightly less than 1 tsp. of baking soda and ½ tsp. (40 drops) of Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals per gallon of my drinking water and I use a water ionizer to add negative electrons to electrically dead reverse osmosis water before I add the minerals and bicarbonates (good cheap ionizer: If one wants to spend some money, this ionizer would not be a dumb choice:

Regardless of how you alkalize your water, the water should be from a pure source.

I also add magnesium bicarbonate to my water. I create it myself by adding 1 tbsp. of Magnesium Carbonate (e.g.: in a Seltzer bottle (e.g.:, and charge it up with a CO2 cartridge (inherent in using a seltzer bottle). The carbonic acid from the CO2 and water turns insoluble magnesium carbonate into soluble magnesium bicarbonate). Magnesium is important for heart health, mood regulation, colon hydration, etc.

Magnesium always has a effect, so the amount one consumes definitely makes a difference in one's elimination. Do not overdo it if you want to avoid “accidents”.

• Coral Calcium - If you believe that according to allopathic medical standards for the kind of cancer you are dealing with you have “more than a year to live” you have time to be careful. You can afford to go a little slower with less risk. A very interesting approach to detox and de-acidify your body, to eliminate low pH/acid toxicity that causes cancer tumor growth, is recommended in Robert Barefoot’s Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer. See:  Read this entire page.

If you do NOT have this luxury of time, read  an emergency treatment, “cesium chloride/carbonate high pH therapy”, combined with DMSO. This approach is decidedly harder on the body than anything else mentioned herein and entails serious risk of overwhelming the liver, kidneys and immune system with toxicity released from dissolving tumor mass. Because cesium entails risk of killing tumors faster than the body can eliminate the resulting toxicity and debris, one should use cesium only with maximum attention to detoxing via

pg. 15

Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or ZeoLife, coffee enemas, & everything listed in this "Critical facts..." document under detoxification.  Press key and Click

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents If time is short because of the kind and progression of cancer you are dealing with, you may also want to look closely at Dr. Kelley’s One Answer to Cancer. Dr. Kelley overcame metastatic pancreatic cancer after his doctor told him he had 4 to 8 weeks to live! Also recommended is Bill Henderson’s approach:, and www.beating-cancer- See also, and pages at on Stages I - III and Stage IV cancer.  Press key and Click

The body stores acidic toxicity in fat tissues to protect the organs. Therefore, neutralizing acidity enables the body safely to rid itself of stored toxins. The CancerTutor site does not fool around when it comes to specific recommendations and the “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer” is worth taking seriously. The protocol comes from this book: The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth, by Robert R. Barefoot and Dr. Carl J. Reich, M.D. ( Factor-Scientific-Secret-Health/dp/0963370324/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1275071810&sr=8-1-fkmr0) The “Coral Calcium Protocol” information on came from Chapter 17 of the book, but CancerTutor’s recommendations adjust the details. The book is available at bargain prices at is a superior source of coral calcium.

Lack of exposure to sunlight , resulting in Vitamin D3 deficiency and calcium deficiency is the biggest contributors to low (acidic) pH in people outside the tropics. This is why people in the tropics are generally healthy, provided they eat natural foods and NOT the standard toxic western diet. So are Hunza people who drink glacial water that contains a lot of dissolved calcium from glacial runoff. Glaciers grind the rock under the glaciers and dissolve it into glacial runoff water.

2) FACT 12 In addition to addressing blood pH (FACT 11), which goes a long way to eliminate issues of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) anywhere in the body, one can also add oxygen to the body.

• Getting outdoors in the sunshine and breathing clean fresh air is an obvious choice, and if that is not enough, one can get equipment that concentrates oxygen from the air so that you can breathe concentrated oxygen.

• There are ozonators for water (info:, ozonator equipment: that allow you to drink ozonated water. Pet stores sell inexpensive ozonators for use with fish tanks. These can be used to ozonate the olive oil used in the liver flush procedure, as well as drinking water.

• You can add small amounts of 30% H2O2 technical grade [purer than food grade] hydrogen peroxide to your drinking water.

• Interestingly, it turns out that hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver strengthen the activity of each other, so if you have a colloidal silver generator you can improve the potency of the colloidal silver by adding 1 drop of technical grade 35% H2O2 to each 3 oz. of colloidal silver. Drink it! Colloidal silver, especially when potentiated with a drop or so of technical grade 35% H2O2 reduces growth of Candida, which is a major factor in cancer tumors, thereby also reducing sugar craving!

If you are going to buy, rather than make your own colloidal silver, be sure NOT to buy American Biotech Lab’s fraudulently promoted Natural Silver Solution--Silver Sol. (To understand the dangers and very compelling reasons NOT to buy the Silver Sol product promoted by Alex Jones pg. 16 and Homeland Security, see A really good colloidal silver product is OxySilver ( 82.html).

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

Colloidal silver + H2O2 are effective in controlling candida, PROVIDED you replace probiotic bacteria killed by the colloidal silver. This is NOT, however a cancer treatment. Dr. Simoncini regresses tumors by injecting 5% sodium bicarbonate solution into the artery feeding a tumor, thereby killing candida and stopping the cancer. His injection method targets the tumor to kill candida growing in the tumor. Drinking colloidal silver with a drop or two of H2O2 is not targeted enough to do more than manage candida in the digestive tract.

If you drink colloidal silver, be sure to supplement promptly with the acidophilus and bifidus. Take probiotics with something that will move out of the stomach quickly to minimize stomach acid damage to the probiotic bacteria. The best/cheapest probiotic products we know are [best] and Probiotic-10-10-with-CoQ10 [cheapest & excellent]). Probiotics supplements will replenish your intestinal flora, which, contrary to the popular conception, ARE killed by colloidal silver. You could also make your own “Rejuvelac” probiotic drink at home. See probiotics discussion in main part of document for how to do this. Do not forget to feed your friendly bacteria by including prebiotic foods containing inulin fiber in your diet. These include (Prebiotic Fiber Content by Weight): Raw Chicory Root (64.6%), Raw Jerusalem Artichoke (31.5%), Jícama root, Raw Dandelion Greens (24.3%), Raw Garlic (17.5%), Raw Leek (11.7%), Raw Onion (8.6%), Cooked Onion (5%), Raw Asparagus (5%), Raw Wheat bran (5%).

If you do NOT replenish your intestinal flora, drinking colloidal silver with a little H2O2 will greatly reduce the Candida infection initially, and then, because the healthy flora have also been killed, Candida will quickly repopulate your intestines and become more of a problem than ever!

• Several colon-cleansing products contain magnesium peroxide with ozone trapped in their crystalline structure. Colosan® and Oxy-Powder® are two such products. Drinking citrus juice after ingesting these powdered products in water liberates oxygen and ozone in the intestinal tract, raising the level of internal oxygenation. Elevated oxygen is particularly useful for cancer of the digestive tract. Colosan ( or Oxy-Powder® ( gently oxidize and cleanse the intestines and colon using oxygen. This is far less time-consuming than complicated approaches to and can have benefits beyond just cleaning the colon.

As when drinking colloidal silver, if you are going to aggressively clean the colon with Colosan® or Oxy-Powder® be sure to supplement promptly with the probiotics acidophilus and bifidus (taken with something that will move out of the stomach quickly) or make and drink “Rejuvelac” and include prebiotic foods containing inulin fiber in your diet.

NOTE: Poops are liquid when using Colosan® or Oxy-Powder®, but emergencies need not be a problem. Start when emergencies are unlikely to create difficulty because you will be near a bathroom (on a weekend, for example). Once you know what to expect, emergencies need not be a factor. You just need to know that what may feel like gas may be liquid instead, and act prudently. This approach to colon cleansing is effective and highly “doable” in terms of low cost and minimum disruption to one’s life. This approach or something that gets the colon clean and healthy is probably “mandatory” in any serious effort to improve health.

If you use this approach and find that swollen hemorrhoids are suddenly a problem, this indicates that your liver is overwhelmed with the toxicity being stirred up by the use of Colosan® or Oxy- Powder®. Swollen hemorrhoids are a sign of liver overwhelm. To eliminate the swelling, it is far better to address the real issue by using Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or ZeoLife and pg. 17 do liver flushes [see Fact 22] every two weeks or so until hemorrhoids cease to be a problem, or until resulting elimination of liver stones becomes minimal. Using “Preparation H” can calm down emergencies, but will only mask the symptoms. Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

• Watch this Google video of Ed McCabe “Mr. Oxygen” ( speaking at a New Life Expo. on the value of getting more oxygen: ( 8108508242210478662&ei=lcaqSoPBFKb0qgKTxZWtAw&q=Mr.+Oxygen%3A+%22Disease+Can%27 t+Live+in+Oxygen%22+Ozone+OxyLift+OxyFlush+OxyEarth)

• Here is a short worthwhile video relating to Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies: 573980919378080884 This video is not specifically about cancer, but makes the point that there is tremendous benefit from using oxygen to treat illness. He brings up a related therapy, namely treating extracted blood with ultraviolet light and then reinjecting it into the patient – killed pathogens in the reinjected blood enable the immune system to form immunity against the specific organisms that are causing the patient’s problem, with none of the usual toxicity problems associated with commercial vaccination.

3) FACT 13 Anyone who has cut open a surgically removed tumor will tell you that a tumor stinks inside, indicating toxicity.

Drawing down the body’s toxic load will reduce the pressure for cancer tumors to isolate toxins in an attempt to protect the body. Among the desirable options to draw down the body’s toxic load are: colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, liver and gall bladder flush, (it’s Biblical), fulvic acid supplementation, and the unique product Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or ZeoLife.

See  NCD is an amazing product - micronized and purified zeolite in a water colloidal suspension. Just a few drops contain millions of microscopic pieces of purified zeolite to adsorb an amazing amount of toxicity from the blood and tissues. NCD preferentially goes after heavy metals like mercury (dental fillings), lead (was in gasoline, paint), cadmium (cigarette smoke), and other toxins, while leaving alone beneficial minerals like calcium.

See video testimonials for Natural Cellular Defense that range from impressive to amazing at and Many impressive written testimonials by people who had cancer prior to taking NCD and AgariGold with H1X1 are at  An .mp3 audio file of my computer reading these testimonials (audio file and text file zipped together) is downloadable from

Waiora makes a companion product to NCD for boosting the immune function. It contains extract of the mushroom Agaricus Blazei and other immune boosting ingredients, sold under the name AgariGold with H1X1. See extensive proven benefits of the mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murrill under FACT 4 on p. 36 of [this] "Critical facts..." document.

When evaluating testimonials, remember that they do not indicate what else the person did for their health. Do not assume NCD plus AgariGold with H1X1, or anything else is a “magic bullet” because if you do not see results right away, and you were expecting magic results and you do not see them, you might be inclined to give up. Usually a number of factors need to come together to achieve anything worthwhile. Even though these products appear to work VERY well, your body may need other cleansing procedures like coffee enemas, other nutrition, appropriate relief from chemical or psychological stress, or something else that you will have to discover before you can return to problem-free health status.

pg. 18

The multi-faceted nature of successful cancer treatment is WHY we include SO MANY options in [this] "Critical facts..." document. Typically, cancer has developed for several years before it Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents becomes apparent. The reasons it happens may be numerous. Part of the adventure of life is to discover what we may have done in our past that created problems for us NOW. It is always “now”, and now is when we can UNDO whatever it takes to get back on track.

Another way to strengthen the immune system also merits mention here. MMS1 is an industrial chemical that turns into chlorine dioxide when exposed to a weak acid like 10% citric acid solution. MMS1/chlorine dioxide taken in tiny amounts actually turns your red blood cells into an auxiliary immune system because the red blood cells carry chlorine dioxide throughout the body and when the blood encounters a positively charged pathogen, the strongly negatively charged chlorine dioxide reaches out and zaps the pathogen with electrons, blowing a hole in the pathogen. It is actually an explosive reaction on a microscopic scale. In this way, MMS1 gives you an extra immune system. Our tissues and all friendly bacteria carry a negative charge and are not attacked by chlorine dioxide.

MMS2 is an equally miraculous chemical, ordinarily used to sanitize swimming pools. It is calcium hypochlorite. When it touches water, it turns into hypochlorous acid, but it is ingested dry in capsules. The body manufactures this chemical naturally and the immune system squirts hypochlorous acid at pathogens to destroy them. Pathogens have never developed immunity to it. However, for whatever reason, the body is not always able to manufacture enough hypochlorous acid to destroy all pathogens it encounters. The body runs out of ammunition, as it were. What MMS2 does is to supply the raw material for the immune system to be able to squirt enough hypochlorous acid at whatever pathogens your body is dealing with to eliminate them and bring you back to health. This is a cheap alternative to other effective immune system strengtheners like NCD plus AgariGold with H1X1. The discoverer of MMS1 and MMS2, Jim Humble did an interview with Bill Ryan of Project Avalon.

Jim Humble talks about MMS2 in this video: (bottom of page, and on YouTube at ← This video also includes Jim’s description of his new AIDS cure protocol that takes just 3 weeks, has been successful on every case of AIDS he has tried it on, and costs almost nothing. Watch this January 2010 interview downloadable as a zipped .MP4 file using this link: <-- Click on the Blue Download Button. Jim has written up the complete protocol for using MMS2 on his website: This is the link to his MMS2 Announcement and Intro:

I hope this information is helpful and not overwhelming, -- Alan Kreglow Skype: akreglow Email: akreglow at 641-472-0262, 641-469-6360 if problem w/ 0262#

If you feel you lack the life energy to get well, a unique clearing available from the Creation Lightship on Ron Amitron’s web site ( represents an opportunity to sidestep a 10-year slide towards death, programmed to start on a specific date for each of us – programmed into the DNA of everyone on Earth. This clearing is highly recommended (!) for anyone interested in Press living a longer life in good health. Ron‟s offerings are straightforward and they work. I can attest that one of his clearings very definitely worked for me. This one is new and I have not yet experienced it.

If you are willing to take responsibility for your own health and you want to skip the 60+ pages of treatment pg. 19 choices in this document, go to the best proven effective cancer self-treatment protocol we know. You cannot do better than Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc. Go straight to Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents If you are not a member click the button on the right, obtain or sign in with your Yahoo! I.D., follow the simple procedure to join and then click “Files” in the left panel that becomes an active link once you sign into Yahoo as a member of the CancerVictory Group. In the Files area, find what you want, right click on the appropriate link to “Save Target as…” find where you want to download the file and click Save.

Information Overload – Do you print out web pages?

Web sites are the most efficient method of presenting information. They allow users to:

Easily find a topic of interest by using a search function, Use tables of contents that actually work (unlike most PDFs), Easily copy and paste large sections (not possible in some PDFs), and

Learn more quickly because web sites are usually more concisely written than books.

However, people still make the mistake of printing out web pages. After only a short time, most cancer patients have printed out a two or three inch stack of paper that is very difficult to use. Consider this solution:

1. Download an MS Word file “cancerInfo.doc”: Press & Click  2. Read the instructions in that file for building headings, pasting text from web sites, and updating the Table of Contents.  This info was completely new to me. It showed me an easier, quicker way that I did not know when creating this document to build a functional Table of Contents with links to every heading in the document. 3. Whenever you find or learn new information, type or paste that new information or the web address (http//...) into your research collection file under the appropriate heading, or create a new heading for the new info. Every new heading will be included automatically in the Table of Contents, just by highlighting the Table of

Contents and pressing F9. Except for the Table of Contents, this is how I created this document.

In this way, you will know your information is in one file and you can use the Find (Ctrl + F) function or the table of contents to find information quickly once you have collected it.

General Considerations

The aim here is to put you in a place of knowing enough to feel that YOU HAVE GOOD CHOICES in formulating YOUR PLAN. We want to help you know WHAT you can do to help yourself and WHY it makes sense. After reading Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer, or Bill Henderson’s fabulous book titled “Cancer-Free -- Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing (Third Edition)”, or even perusing a little of this “Critical facts about cancer …” document, you should feel more self-reliant.

If doctors practicing “conventional medicine” really overlook any of the FACTS highlighted herein, then by reading on you will acquire practical knowledge they do not know (and the cancer industry does not want you to know) regarding how to cure your own cancer. Remember, YOU have a great deal to lose from their unwillingness to acknowledge nature‟s reality!

We suggest you go to the Files area of the CancerVictory Yahoo Group and download the document titled “Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer” or that you purchase and read Bill Henderson‟s book at These books provide proven treatment protocols that WORK, even for Stage IV cancer. If you want to broaden your search in formulating YOUR PLAN, this document contains a wealth of links to help you do your own research.

If you want to do your own research, we have a suggestion. While there are many web sites that feature alternative approaches to cancer, four sites stand out:,,

pg. 20 and A good way to find what you want in any extensive site is NOT to go to the home page and follow links. Such sites often have far too many pages to key and Click to  Go to table of contents link all of them from the home page. Instead, do a “site search” in www.cgi/ To do a “site search”, in the search box, insert everything inside the brackets: [ DMSO] Note: There is NO SPACE between site: and There IS a space between and DMSO.

For “DMSO” substitute whatever search term may get you what you are looking for. This search format works for any web site, not just

When searching on the Internet, I prefer to “AnonyMouse” ( bin/anon-www.cgi/http:/ or use Scroogle Scraper ( bin/scraper.htm). Using either “Google AnonyMoused” or Scroogle Scraper preserves your privacy by blocking your search information from Google. If you use Google without such protection, Google tags your searches to your IP address – permanently (!). An alternate is to use instead of Google, but “Startpage” does not have flexibility to allow you to jump out of anonymized status, as “AnonyMouse” does. Scroogle Scraper offers no anonymizing protection once you click on a search Press item. Using Google “AnonyMoused”, you remain anonymous through all links. The disadvantage of AnonyMouse is that you have to put up with a new little popup ad with each new page, blocking your view, and you have to “x it off” to get rid of it each time.

Problems with Standard Medical Cancer Treatment

One reason why standard medical cancer treatment does an appalling amount of harm, considering that it allegedly aims to heal, is the orientation of medical education. See Education of allopathic doctors has been intentionally steered, ever since the 1910 Flexner Report that set the direction of medical education to this day, by Rockefeller/Carnegie interests that control and profit from sales of pharmaceuticals. They donated money to medical schools that went along with their preferred direction. In a polite way, without appearance of domination, they saw to it that the right people got into key positions to steer medical education toward clinical pharmacology, surgery, radiation treatment and expensive medical technologies that maximize profitability of industrial medicine.

Today, there is limited room in the standard medical model for simple things that work naturally, especially inexpensive and unpatentable treatment options like for example, the lowly – a powerful detox tool.... one of the finest and cheapest … that can save your life if used properly. The Merck Manual advocated Coffee enemas from 1890 to 1977, at which time Merck removed the recommendation and all reference to coffee enemas.

Anyone who thinks radiation treatments make sense should consider that Marie Curie discovered the element radium and founded the field of radiation treatment, but she died of cancer caused by her exposure to radiation. People are starting to catch on to the absurdity of using radiation to screen for cancer. NPR recently aired a story about an NPR reporter who had just gone for routine x-ray screening for breast cancer. Then she went to the White House to cover a story there and on her way in, she set off the radiation detector! The NPR reporter told this story with humor, but the point should be obvious that it makes no sense to irradiate the body unnecessarily. Moreover, when is it “necessary”?

Doctors admit they know little about healing via nutrition! There is a very powerful reason for this and it traces right back to the Rockefeller/Carnegie interests and their pervasive quiet manipulation of medical education. See & Find in page (Ctrl + F) the phrase “basic nutrition”. pg. 21

Unfortunately, if you are willing to look at the ugly truth, it does get worse. If you want to understand just how bad it really is, listen to the set of five video/audios below.

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV "The Rockefellers & Social engineering"1/5

Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV "The Rockefellers & Social engineering"2/5

Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV "The Rockefellers & Social engineering"3/5

Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV "The Rockefellers & Social engineering"4/5

Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV "The Rockefellers & Social engineering"5/5

If you want to understand how this incredible situation is being resolved (and yes, a solution is on the way and you can participate), go to and read the full Message from Tim Turner HERE.

As Dr. Lorraine Day states in her video (above), disease does not arise for no reason. When we discover the cause of a disease, it typically does NOT turn out to be deficiency of a pharmaceutical product!

Another problem is our own education. Most of us really do not KNOW how to be healthy. If we did, we would spend less on health care. Thus neither our doctors nor we really know how to promote our own health. Ignorance can be expensive.

Your computer can read this document to you aloud - or read any text you want to listen to, straight from your browser or document with FREE “NaturalReader” text-to-speech reader. Download it from Watch this very short demo:

After you download and install Free NaturalReader, you can access the small “miniboard” version of NaturalReader that will read straight from your browser. Open the program, and in the lower right corner of the main program window, CLICK the Go to miniboard button that looks like the button at right. 

The program will then shrink to look like this:

Other programs can also do this: or

The Core Principle for Restoring Health

Let us get down to basics. We will start with Acid/Alkaline Balance.

Just as your body temperature is rigidly regulated, the blood must be kept in a very narrow pH range – mildly basic or alkaline. "Acidosis" is the scientific term for a body that has blood pH below 7.2 (lower pH

pg. 22

= more acidic). The body will go to great lengths to preserve mildly basic or alkaline blood pH above 7.2 in the 7.35 – 7.45 range, including wreaking havoc on other tissues or systems.

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. The entire metabolic process depends on Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents an alkaline environment. Chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue; if left unchecked it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of our heart to the neural firing of our brain. In other words, over acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of all sickness and disease, including cancer. We can categorize the causes of acidosis as 1) chemical toxicity and 2) emotional toxicity (which promotes chemical toxicity). Acid-forming foods are profitable for corporations to sell, so they offer many opportunities to become acidic. Commonly consumed acid-forming foods and beverages include meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol. Environmental exposure to solvents, herbicides, pesticides and other chemical toxins boosts our tendency to become acidic. Other sources of toxicity include imbalanced and poorly chosen food, ingested toxins (including drugs and low quality nutritional supplements), stored toxins from improperly digested food, etc. Offending chemicals come from wherever they come from – including root canalled infected dead teeth, mercury in tooth fillings, household chemicals, even a toxic drive belt in your washing machine or mold anywhere in your personal environment – wherever!

Mold in our environment can lead to fungi growing inside our body. The prime culprit in cancer, according to Dr. Simoncini (a highly successful oncologist in Rome, Italy), is Candida fungus infection.

When Dr. Simoncini visually examines tumors inside his patients, he has found that Candida Fungus infects every cancer tumor. He uses a 5% solution of non-toxic sodium bicarbonate, usually injected into the artery feeding the tumor, to kill the fungi, thereby causing regression of the disease. This confirms that excess acidity is the essential condition inside the body that promotes cellular degeneration, allowing fungi to grow, and that fungi (“although with the concurrence of a myriad of variable concausal factors ‖) are an essential treatable cause of cancer. Increasing the pH (alkalinity) of a cancer tumor causes regression of the disease. What could be clearer? Control blood pH to prevent cancer; reverse excess acidity to Press cause regression of cancer.

How to Cure Cancer

Items 1 – 4 below come from This discussion supports Dr. Simoncini‟s findings. There are four ways to “cure” cancer:

1) By killing the cancer cells (this is what pancreatic enzymes do),

2) By killing the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells (this is what MMS1 does),

3) By building the immune system and letting the immune system cure the cancer (this is what MMS2 does, and what Waiora‟s Agarigold with H1X1 does, as does FrequenSea – to a lesser extent),

4) By reverting the microbes inside the cancer cells to microbes "in hibernation," also called somatids or microzyma. Alkalinity drives the microbes into hibernation. Because somatids or microzyma inside cancer cells can come out of hibernation if the body pH reverts to acidic (blood pH below 7.3), it is clearly better to kill the microbes than just put them into hibernation. Nevertheless, this shows that drinking water with sodium, potassium and magnesium bicarbonates added is protective.

The above web page discussion at discusses killing the cancer cells as an important way to “cure” cancer, but this discussion fails to mention one of the most important ways to do this, namely pancreatic enzymes:

5a) Cancer cells can be killed by dissolving any tumor(s) through high quality pancreatic enzyme supplementation between meals, in quantity far greater than is needed to digest food. This approach pg. 23 requires that one also a) keep the body well through use of coffee enemas to stimulate liver function and eliminate toxicity in the blood from dissolving cancer tissue, b) do enough liver flushes to bring liver function up to normal, c) cleanse the other organs, and d) improve one‟s diet according to metabolic type. This is the protocol discovered by Dr. William Donald Kelley. According to Dr. Kelley‟s key and Click to  Go to table of contents research, the direct cause of cancer is the changing of an ectopic (out of place) germ cell into an ectopic (out of place) trophoblast cell. An excess of female sex hormones brings about this change. Both men and women have male and female sex hormones. When this delicate male-female sex hormone balance gets upset, perhaps by an injury, cancer may start. For more discussion of this point, see Direct Cause of Cancer is The Changing of an Ectopic Germ Cell into an Ectopic Trophoblast Cell.

5b) The above linked Cancer Theory web page does contain a reference to a protocol offering one thing Dr. Kelley has not been able to offer since he passed away in 2005, namely a highly effective protocol for dissolving cancer tumors using enzymes, backed by a living proponent who offers phone consultations. This is the Bill Henderson Protocol. The CancerTutor site discusses Bill Henderson‟s Protocol at Bill has written a fabulous book titled “Cancer-Free -- Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing (Third Edition)” For those who read his book, Bill works with people over the phone.

It is important to understand that you have not totally cured cancer unless 1) your blood pH is within the 7.35 – 7.45 range, 2) your pancreas is producing enough pancreatic enzymes both to Press digest your food and dissolve any cancers that pop up from time to time in the normal course of living, 3) you are keeping your toxic load down by detoxifying regularly, and 4) you keep your electrical vitality and immune function high with good nutrition, exercise, fresh air, adequate exposure to the sun – especially on the forehead, and maintain adequate calcium and vitamin D3 levels in your blood. Calcium helps detoxify the body by neutralizing acidic toxins.

If your pancreas cannot produce sufficient pancreatic enzymes, then to avoid cancer in the future, you need: 1) to restore normal pancreatic function with nutritional supplements (See http://www4.dr-rath-, or

2) to supplement pancreatic enzymes for the rest of your life, or adopt some other strategy for killing or reverting cancer cells to normal on a routine basis. See Compared to Diabetes.

The most effective (and least expensive) alternatives to supplementing pancreatic enzymes are: 3) regular use of Nitrolosides (vitamin B17 from apricot kernels, for example) to kill cancer cells that form accidentally from time to time, See:, and/or 4) regular use of MMS1 + MMS2 to revert any new cancers to normal cells. See:

5) regular supplementation of vitamin D3 and calcium, preferably Brazilian Live Coral Calcium (, and regular exposure to sunshine, especially on the forehead.

pg. 24

Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

Restore Your Overall Health as a foundation for Anti-Cancer Treatment

NaturalNews Newsletter now includes this list of articles:

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of

Heal Yourself in 15 Days - the series:

Part One - Remove barriers to healing

Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential  Note: While I feel this 15 day series is valuable background information, the characterization of cancer in this article is simplistic and is NOT suggestive of appropriate treatment.

Part Three - You are what you absorb  Note: In additional to fresh vegetable juices to encourage proper stomach acid, call John Kelley at College Health Stores, LLC, (888) 477-3618 or Fax (817) 536-3266 and ask him about “Clean-Up” Formula that contains Okra/Pepsin to clean old mucus deposits out of your small intestines.

Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood  Note: Also consider liquid Chlorophyll, a mineral rich supplement which has been suggested to assist in tissue repair, purifies the blood, help the liver build red blood cells, natural internal deodorizer and tissue healer.

Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices  Note: You don‟t even need a juicer to make juices.

Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast

Part Seven - Improve your health by rejecting the (mainstream) crowd:

Part Eight - Stop making disease  Note: Watch the video recommended in this article ”Stop Making Cancer - Thomas Lodi Part 1 of 3” - Dr. Thomas Lodi has a very interesting looking clinic -

Part Nine - Heal yourself by correcting a "Nature deficiency"  Note: Here is a site where you can listen to and if desired purchase natural sounds to play on your computer:

Part Ten - Heal yourself by cleaning up your skin exposure  Note: Here is a line of personal products you can use with complete safety:

Part Eleven - Heal yourself by eating MORE (not less)  Nicely conceived plan, easy to do.

Part Twelve - Heal yourself with the attitude of gratitude

pg. 25

Part Thirteen - Social healing Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents

Part Fourteen - How to have more fun with exercise

Part Fifteen - Heal yourself by listening to your body

The role of emotions Emotions are a big factor in cancer. Our emotions affect whether we process toxins out or store them; negative emotions induce the body to produce unhelpful chemicals and toxins can cause our emotions to be negative, so each affects the other. When considering emotions, we need to recognize that our body speaks a language of its own, and we need to learn how to communicate with our body to manage its “set point” targets for health, weight, habits, etc. See more about communicating with the body, using language the body actually responds to, below at FACT 19.

As I mention under FACT 18, I have found a way to “Absolutely Transform Your Emotions, Your Health, Your Relationships... In Fact Your Entire Life... FOREVER!” It is Simple. It is Easy. It is Automatic (a CD you listen to just once). Moreover, it comes with a Guarantee It Will Work for You. Cost: $111.95 Hold the key and Click to go to  what I wrote.

Abundant resources to deal with emotions and other health factors are available here: Pay particular attention to the BioRenew link. Also, see what we say about “samskaras” HERE.

Choosing a treatment option If you choose to follow Dr. Kelley‟s protocol, you should know he said that adding anything to his protocol would dramatically reduce its effectiveness. On the other hand, the discussion of the Bill Henderson Protocol at includes suggestions under the heading, “Supercharging This Treatment” near the bottom of the page. Perhaps the quickest and least expensive ways to eliminate cancer turns out to be MMS1 + MMS2.

This document includes a number of highly effective treatment options, but not all of them are compatible with each other. I try to point out when it is obvious that one approach would cancel out another. On the other hand, of course, it IS essential to do practices such as liver flush - FACT 22 if we want to regain health. Ultimately, we make choices and some choices may NOT be compatible with others. Muscle testing can help avoid incompatible choices.

To keep things simple, consider using no more than two things that are specifically cancer treatments:

1) A treatment recommended by someone else or selected by your research through this document and

2) the treatment indicated by (muscle) testing using an Alternative Cancer Treatments Test Kit that contains 12 vials imprinted with the energy signature of 12 principle alternative treatments. This kit is available for modest cost at  This page includes a video on how to have someone do muscle testing () on you while you hold each of the vials in the Test Kit, or while you hold any substance you may be considering using. If you need a muscle-testing expert, alternative health practitioners, especially chiropractors are often proficient in muscle testing.

pg. 26

Using the Cancer Treatments Test Kit Although it is impossible to predict possible conflicts between alternative treatments and other substances, a person can use the Alternative Cancer Treatments Test Kit to test for conflicts between everything that they are taking and alternative cancer treatments they are considering. This type of testing takes your Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents unique body chemistry into account. You can ask your body questions like, “do I need ______?” or, “how many coffee enemas per day?”. Anyone experienced in Applied Kinesiology can help you sort out answers at the outset, and then you can gain confidence and become more self-sufficient with help of a friend.

Essentials of Alternative Cancer Treatment

Many or even most of the things included in this document are not specifically cancer treatments, but are ways to strengthen the immune system, remove obstacles to full functioning of our organs, nourish the body effectively, etc. Limiting oneself to just two specific cancer treatments does not mean you should ignore most of this document. Once you decide on one or two principle treatments, be sure to review “the essentials of alternative cancer treatment” below, copied from

The Essentials of Alternative Cancer Treatment to go along with specific treatment options, are:

. Dealing with negative emotions. Most cancer starts with emotional trauma. In fact, it has been discovered that recent traumatic event is often the trigger for cancer, not just long-standing trauma. Dr. med. Mag. theol. ( found that every DISEASE originates from an unexpected shock experience.

See also “The Squeaky Clean Program” under FACT 19.

. Pancreatic enzymes. If any organ needs support to ward off cancer, it is the pancreas. See FACT 7.

. Immune system boosting. See FACT 4.

. Use the powerful subconscious to instruct the body to take care of the cancer. See The Gabriel Method CD. Also, see hypnosis CDs under FACT 20.

. Diet and gentle elimination. See FACT 24, FACT 6, Coral Calcium, especially Vitamin D3

. Calcium to lower your stubborn pH See Coral Calcium

. Humor - despite the seriousness of cancer, humor is a powerful tool too often overlooked. There is a true story to the effect that one famous cancer patient attributed an important part of his success in overcoming cancer to his practice of watching funny movies and “laughing himself well”. But don‟t let anyone try to browbeat

you into putting on a cheery positive face – that is not the same thing as enjoying a sense of humor.

. Good light / bad light – the most effective treatment ever tested. The light we really need is sunlight, especially the Sun’s UV rays entering our eyes and stimulating the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands behind our eyes, which regulate the mineral disposition throughout the body. One hour of indirect sunlight a day if possible has been found to be among the most effective cancer therapies. Protect the eyes ONLY by wearing a hat. Remove all glasses and allow UV rays from

indirect sunlight to enter the eyes unfiltered.

. Cell phones and other electromagnetic pollution – Get rid of your cell phone while you are dealing with cancer. A brilliant protection device.

pg. 27

. Inexpensive therapies - - skin brushing and rebounding. Lymphatic massage - - Help remove dangerous cells from your body. Press key and Click to  Go to table of contents . Root Canals - - Some people feel they cause cancer.

. Switching Massage - Most people are energetically switched which prevents many treatments from working. Use the procedure found here 

to correct this common condition and restore the correct energy flow of the body.

Search this entire web site: See search box at bottom of page.  These items listed above go hand and hand with your choice of principle alternative treatments.

Educate yourself!  FACT 8

Our starting point

To get a handle on how to think about treatment of cancer we started with "7 FACTS Overlooked by Conventional Medicine" by Dr. John Maras. This was originally offered at, but is now available ONLY in the Internet Archive: (The WHOLE STRING - with both http://'s - is the address.)

• Mark your place in this document: HaveReadToHERE  To set where this link takes you: Place cursor where you want to return to, and then in the Word Menu click Insert / Bookmark, scroll to “HaveReadToHERE” & click Add. Try it! Save the document. You can then use above link (or in the Word Menu click Insert / Bookmark, scroll to “HaveReadToHERE” & click Go to) to find your place when you reopen the document.

• This document has numerous internal bookmark links to help you navigate around easily. “1.”, “2.”, etc. below are bookmark links - Press the key and Click on the  22.  Link. Try it!

• FREE text-to-speech reader - download & install. Your computer can read long passages of text to you, aloud: or or

Table of Contents

All of the FACTS below relate to treatment choices. Go Here First (Fact 22).  Hold the key and Click Also do not overlook the Essentials of Alternative Cancer Treatment, above.

1. Cancer (at least the kind that produces tumors) has to grow new blood vessels.

2. Cancer cells will (as if) "eat" the body when they run out of food, causing Cachexia.

3. Cancer cells can be attacked and destroyed, or reverted to normal cells, without toxic chemotherapy.

4. Cancer thrives on a Weakened Immune System.

5. Cancer Cells have Electrical Activity within them.

6. Poor Nutrition - Cancer thrives on Cookies, Candy and Cakes.

7. Cancer Cells Hide after Chemotherapy and Radiation. pg. 28

------To the above "7 FACTS” taken from, now available only in the Internet Archive, I add 18 additional FACTS below:

8. Effective cancer treatments are NOT rare, but abundant. We simply need to educate ourselves. Here are places on the Internet to educate oneself about the abundant sources of effective cancer treatment.

9. You Can Control the Spread of Cancer. - See Dr. Rath‟s important book and research reports on a specific simple nutrition protocol that stops cancer from metastasizing.

10. One Cause of Cancer (like almost every disease) on the cellular level is electron deficiency (low voltage) in cell membranes of cells throughout the body, and especially in the affected area.

11. Cancer thrives in an acidic, low pH environment (blood pH below 7.3 = electron deficient). Cancer does not thrive if blood pH is sufficiently alkaline (blood pH 7.35 – 7.45 = high pH = electron rich).

12. Cancer cells cannot live in a high Oxygen environment.

13. Cancer tumors are not a failure of cells to function intelligently. A tumor is an expression of the body’s innate intelligence because a tumor encapsulates toxicity to protect our organs from toxic damage.

14. Skin cancers, such as melanoma and other dangerous skin cancers, can be treated successfully by dissolving the cancerous tissue with a corrosive traditional herbal preparation generically known as “” or Escharotics. The herbs in the salve can be effective against internal tumors as well. Surface skin cancers can also be treated successfully with iodine tincture to kill candida fungus on the skin.

15. Breast cancer and prostate cancer treated successfully with CoQ10 (a potent antioxidant we should take anyway) via topical transdermal delivery to induce apoptosis (programmed cancer cell death).

16. Some herbs and foods have strong, effective anti-cancer properties – e.g. Oleander, Paw Paw, Graviola Carnivora & Haelan 951.

17. One researcher finds the cause of cancer to be a parasite linked to DNA growth regulators by a chemical that gets into our water via water purification processes and builds what she terms "the cancer complex". This section includes a link to a valuable video.

18. Cancer has a powerful emotional component (usually stored anger) that can re-activate cancer.

19. Cancer is a great teacher, and we need to be a good learner. How many of us really KNOW how to be healthy? Cancer offers personalized one-on-one instruction.

20. Hypnosis can produce spontaneous remission of cancer tumors.

21. Help and guidance is available online & by phone if you want/need to treat cancer at home.

22. A strong liver is essential. If you want to recover from cancer, you MUST flush your liver.

23. A primary treatable factor promoting a cancer tumor is "cancer microbes" (fungus, etc.) infecting normal cells & turning their metabolism anaerobic. An anaerobic cell does not burn oxygen like a normal cell; it ferments glucose to get energy. The definition of an anaerobic cell is a "cancer cell." Electromedicine, particularly Bob Beck’s Protocol effectively neutralizes "cancer microbes", eliminating a treatable factor that could otherwise promote cancer tumors. MMS1 is another thing that kills cancer- causing microbes very effectively.

pg. 29

24. Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. designed treatment protocols that were 93% successful (even after tumors had been removed surgically and then come back) for those fortunate enough to adopt his protocols and cure their own cancer using his Do-it-Yourself Metabolic Medicine Cancer Cure Program. Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc.

25. Antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski: Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski discovered naturally occurring peptides (amino acids) in the human body that turn off cancer, HIV infection, and reverse autoimmune diseases in 1967. Dr. Burzynski has used them successfully for over 20 years in over 3,000 patients.

* Disclaimer

...Verification That You Are Cancer Free... A good, simple, quick, SAFE and accurate test appears to be elusive. The best we know is to take special enzymes as Dr. Kelley suggested.

** Also, you should know about SANTE CARIBE

NOTE: For those on a very limited budget, see this article on Inexpensive Cancer Treatments: and note that most of the treatment options mentioned herein are relatively modest in cost. If cost is important, you should definitely consider MMS1 + MMS2. By following Jim Humble‟s cancer protocol you could cure your cancer for almost $NOTHING, and in a reasonable time – maybe faster than by using any other single protocol mentioned in this document.

First, I will address FACT 22, as it is probably the most important - then the other FACTS in order. Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click Back to FACT 21  Hold the key and Click to go to Fact 21 Go to FACT 23  Hold the key and Click to go to Fact 23

* FACT 22: A strong liver is essential. If you want to recover from cancer, you MUST flush your liver. Unless you strengthen your liver, none of the treatment options herein can work 100%.

One of the most important things one can do strengthen the body‟s ability to throw off cancer is to flush hardened pieces of liver bile and cholesterol out of the liver and to flush gallstones out of the gall bladder. This is done with a Liver and Gallbladder Flush. This procedure addresses many of cancer‟s causes, including stored anger.

Other things to do for the liver: (from

Coffee enemas - help open the bile ducts to release bile and toxins properly. Coconut oil - a wonderful item everyone should take, it helps maintain a good bile flow. Beetroot juice - is also good for the liver and bile flow. Turmeric - is a cancer fighter itself, especially for smokers, and it helps regulate bile flow. Milk thistle - is a must as it helps protect the liver and actually regenerate it (one source: Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) - another liver supplement that also helps fight cancer

ALA is a remarkable compound that appears to slow down the process of aging, improve blood flow, enhance immune function and perform many other functions. "The evidence suggests that Lipoic acid is actually a low-level stressor that turns on the basic cellular defenses of the body, including some of those that naturally decline with age," said Dr. Tory Hagen, an associate professor of and biophysics at OSU. "In particular, it tends to restore levels of glutathione, a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound, to those of a young animal. It also acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, which is relevant to many degenerative diseases.” ALA seems to have the ability to "kick start" cells that are declining in function. It helps them recover functions that came more easily and naturally pg. 30

when they were younger and more vital. ALA appears to help restore a cellular "signaling" process that tends to break down in older blood vessels. It reduces mitochondrial decay in cells, closely linked to the symptoms of aging.

When we talk about ALA, we are also talking about glutathione, which it stimulates and recycles in large quantities. Taking ALA supplements is the only way to increase glutathione because ingesting glutathione directly does not work. The digestive system destroys it. Glutathione plays several roles in cancer. It prevents cancer, protecting DNA from damage by detoxifying harmful chemicals and removing them from the body. Low glutathione levels predispose people to cancer. Patients with a variety of malignant disorders have been found to have a markedly lowered plasma glutathione level.

Glutathione fights cancer. It selectively stimulates apoptosis (cell death) of malignant cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. It does this by regulating the tumor suppressor protein p53. Under normal conditions, the p53 protein senses DNA damage in a cell and slows the rate of cell division, giving the cell time to repair itself. If the DNA cannot be repaired, p53 tells the cell to kill itself (apoptosis). Treatment with glutathione may reverse the cancer process. Various studies have shown glutathione reverses development of neuroblastoma, cervical carcinoma, leukemia, and other cancers.

Selenium - a third liver supplement that is good against cancer too.

In the Berkson Clinical Study, three women who were facing liver transplants or chemo with interferon (a horrendous treatment with very low success rates for hepatitis and cirrhosis), took milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium, modified their diets a bit and got some daily exercise and restored their liver functions to normal.

A Liver and Gallbladder Flush is relatively easy and painless, though it does require some time to go through the steps of the procedure. It is very safe if instructions are followed carefully. A Liver and Gallbladder Flush is probably the most important thing one can do for health, yet BOTH conventional and complementary medicine ignore this fact. Find information on normal liver function here: Master Gland of Detoxification. However, note that Dr. Kelley‟s liver flush procedure at Liver-Gallbladder Flush may include more olive oil and may be more complicated than is necessary for optimum results. He includes instructions relating to the experience of a “strong feeling of nausea” that should not even be a factor when following the liver flush protocol recommended by Andreas Moritz in The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush. For the essential protocol recommended by Andreas Moritz, see below (i.e.: liver flush at with modifications indicated below).

Hardened pieces of liver bile and cholesterol are called liver stones while they are in the liver and are called gallstones when they migrate with the bile out of the liver into the gallbladder. Liver stones block the liver‟s bile ducts (canaliculi), thereby interfering with bile flow into the duodenum just below the stomach; good bile flow is one of the most important factors in strong digestion. In addition, hardened pieces of liver bile and cholesterol in the liver‟s bile ducts are bulges that restrict blood flow to the internal structures of the liver, thereby reducing the liver‟s ability to perform its other myriad tasks. By blocking the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into the duodenum and by interfering with normal blood flow within the liver, “liver stones” retard the liver‟s ability to do all its critical jobs aimed at keeping the body nourished, clean and balanced. Reduced liver functionality has implications for every aspect of health. So likewise, restoring FULL liver functionality with a series of Liver and Gallbladder Flushes will positively affect almost any health condition.

One other effect, regarding the presence of “liver stones” in the liver is worth noting. If the “stones” are abundant enough, they can enlarge the liver. Due to the placement of the liver just above and to the right of the stomach below the diaphragm, an enlarged liver can restrict normal breathing. pg. 31

Many repetitions of the Liver and Gallbladder Flush procedure are the best single way to make the body strong enough to throw off cancer (or other chronic illness). It may require 6, up to maybe 20 liver flush procedures, done at intervals of at least two weeks over a period of many months to remove enough stones to bring the liver to FULL functionality. However, the results of even one Liver and Gallbladder Flush can be dramatic. Improved clarity of mind and reduced back pain are typical results of even a single Liver and Gallbladder Flush procedure. Probably the best book on this subject is by Andreas Moritz: The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush, A Powerful Do It Yourself Tool to Optimize your Health and Wellbeing (Paperback). Buy & download the book at Moritz‟s web site: Moritz‟s book is almost required reading because the knowledge in the book helps one sustain the commitment required to do repeated Liver and Gallbladder Flushes. Be sure to follow Moritz’s instructions about thoroughly cleaning the colon before and AFTER the Liver and Gallbladder Flush, so stones do not remain in the colon. Their toxicity can create ongoing problems. Also recommended by Andreas Moritz: Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (Paperback)

In addition to the above books, you can find free info on HOW to conduct a liver flush on the web at: by Tony Isaacs. Tony provides good Liver Flush instructions, but I would take the apple juice for 6 days not 4 (or malic acid water if sugar is a problem), doing the actual flush procedure on the 6th day. Tony is very knowledgeable and he includes much valuable information. If the sugar of apple juice is a problem, substitute for the apple juice a liter of pure water with 1.2 gm. malic acid {= 1200 mg. = 1 tsp. powder} from a wine making shop, and sip this malic acid water a little at a time th throughout the day for six days, doing the actual flush procedure on the 6 day.

Dr. Hulda Clark had her own set of instructions for doing the liver flush that emphasize parasite removal as a precondition for a successful liver cleanse (but omits the 6 days of apple juice or malic acid), on the web at: If you want to use Dr. Clark‟s instructions, I would add in the 6 days preparation of drinking a liter of apple juice each day. If the sugar of apple juice is a problem, substitute for the apple juice a liter of pure water with 1.2 gm. malic acid {= 1200 mg. = 1 tsp. powder} from a wine making shop, and sip this malic acid water a little at a time throughout the day for six days, doing the actual flush procedure on the 6th day. The apple juice/malic acid water softens the liver/gallbladder stones for easy painless passage through the bile ducts. Additional liver flush info is online, but not needed.

If you are going to sustain commitment to do multiple Liver and Gallbladder Flush procedures over a number of months, you need to know more than WHAT to do; you need to know WHY to do it, so it really helps to read Moritz‟s book.

In addition, Moritz includes abundant information on good behaviors and habits that will prevent formation of new liver stones in the future. This amounts to an advanced program of intelligent health management.

If you want to get your liver functioning at FULL efficiency it is necessary to do as many Liver and Gallbladder Flushes as it takes. Remember to promote liver regeneration by taking Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Extract. You will know you have removed essentially all liver and gallbladder stones when, during and after two Liver and Gallbladder Flush procedures NO stones are floating in the toilet, or caught in a plastic colander placed in toilet to catch heavier stones for inspection. [Draw no hasty conclusions from experience with your first two or three flushes. Big stones may come out later. Andreas Moritz‟s wife released a huge calcified gallstone 2” long and ¾” wide from her gallbladder, but not until her 9th Liver and Gallbladder Flush, so have patience.]

pg. 32

Now, we will go in order through our remaining 24 FACTS about cancer, starting with the "7 FACTS Overlooked by Conventional Medicine" offered originally by Dr. John Maras. I have edited his original text with my own abundant additions. These seven facts were once at Now the “7facts.htm” page is available only in the Internet Archive.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 1: Cancer (at least the kind that produces tumors) has to grow new blood vessels. Squalamine, found in shark liver oil, blocks "the in growth of blood vessels into a tumor, and therefore, it block's the tumor's growth - not because it kills the tumor cells, but it simply cuts off their blood supply if you will”... Dr. Allen Sill, Johns Hopkins University.

The mechanism described here for shark liver oil is related to the action of Paw Paw that reduces the growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer cells, but also inhibits the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cells; Graviola works similarly to paw paw, but with just 2% to 4% of paw paw‟s potency. Shark liver oil does NOT inhibit the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cells. Therefore, if you choose to use shark liver oil you should probably also use Paw Paw to inhibit the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cancer cells.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 2: Cancer cells will (as if) "eat" the body when they run out of food, causing Cachexia.

1) A safe and elegant approach to reverse Cachexia is available at (Alternate URL: True cachexia is wasting disease or Stage IV cancer. If you are losing muscle mass, if you lack energy and you find it painful to eat, that is cachexia. Listen to TumorX Cachexia Protocol audio at ( – Be sure your default mp3 player such as Windows Media Player is up to date.) Also, watch their cachexia video about how they deal with Cachexia at Generally watch all the videos at: If possible, download these videos with RealPlayer so you can play them without pauses due to video loading.

Cachexia occurs when the body is overwhelmed with poisonous lactic acid given off by cancer cells, resulting in reduced hydrochloric acid in the stomach to break down food, reduced enzymes to digest food, and reduced ATP production to give energy to the mitochondria. Cachexia is a very serious condition that one must address aggressively by supplementing with enzymes and ATP. If you do not reverse the cachexia, your organs will fail. If you lack hydrochloric acid and it hurts to eat, taking about 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar before eating will help and the enzymes in TumorX Formula CX will digest the food for you. When you can honestly say your quality of life is back and you feel 5 – 10 years younger, then you are taking enough Formula CX. The cachexia video above discusses TumorX Formula CX. Other videos discuss other products to reverse cachexia and correct the situation. products are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. See more about at FACT 7.

2) Dr. Maras suggested another approach, but it requires certain safety precautions. To use this approach, one must begin early in the disease process to block tumor‟s ability to starve the body and produce the glucose it needs for itself. Taking hydrazine sulfate will block the enzyme phospho- enylpyruvate carboxylase in the liver, which is responsible for this process - thereby inhibiting the formation of glucose available as an energy source for the tumor. This means that hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor, hence the safety concern and the need for precautions.

Recommended hydrazine sulfate Dosage/Potency is determined by bodyweight:

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* Patient under 55KG (125 lb) -- 30 mg * Patient over 55KG (125+lb) -- 60 mg

Patients should know that the MAO system of enzymes is complex and incompletely understood. There is a limited amount of carefully documented clinical experience.... If you are taking an MAO inhibitor, including hydrazine sulfate (one of a class of drugs prescribed to counter depression, lower blood pressure and treat infections and cancer), avoid the chemical tyramine and its precursor, tyrosine.

Combining MAO inhibitors like hydrazine sulfate with tyramine causes the blood pressure to soar and could cause a stroke.

* Tyramine-containing foods include almonds, avocados, bananas, beef or chicken liver, beer, cheese (including cottage cheese), chocolate, coffee, fava beans, herring, meat tenderizer, peanuts, pickles, pineapples, pumpkin seeds, raisins, sausage, sesame seeds, sour cream, soy sauce, wine, yeast extracts (including brewer's yeast), yogurt, and other foods. Avoiding all these foods is not easy.

* In general, any high-protein food that has undergone aging should be avoided. Over-the-counter cold and allergy remedies should also be avoided. This warning is particularly important for patients with high blood pressure, but it applies to everyone.

The difficulty of avoiding tyramine and its precursor, tyrosine suggests that reversing Cachexia is better achieved by addressing your nutritional needs - the approach of / (# 1) above), NOT with hydrazine sulfate.

For more information on hydrazine sulfate see:, or Google "hydrazine sulfate". The best source we know is that sells a hydrazine sulfate product for pet cancer:

We are informed that this pet product is the best quality H.S. product ever sold.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 3: Cancer cells can be attacked and destroyed, or reverted to normal cells, without toxic chemotherapy.

This section includes: Chemo Does Not Cure. Nitrolosides are lethal only to the cancer cells. “High pH” cesium therapy can be an effective emergency measure for killing cancer cells. Methods of Detoxification The value of using marine coral calcium, vitamin D3, daily sunlight bathing, co-enzyme Q10, and DMSO cream along with “High pH” cesium therapy for killing cancer cells The importance of acidophilus, bifidus and other probiotics Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or alternatively ZeoLife eliminates toxins, thereby removing a significant cause of cancer, reverting cancer cells to normal cells. Dr. Simoncini's success using 5% sodium bicarbonate solution to kill fungi, causing cancer to regress (revert to normal cells). Jim Humble has discovered that MMS1 + MMS2 cures most forms of cancer by eliminating any microbial infection that may have caused normal cells to turn cancerous and reverts them to normal cells. Robert Barefoot’s “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer”

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1) Chemo Does Not Cure: Instead, Chemo Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer – See:

The “poster child” for chemotherapy, Lance Armstrong, had testicular cancer, which is one of the few types of cancer that enjoys a high rate of success with chemotherapy. The deceivers who promote “chemo” jumped on that one, promoting his spectacular athletic comeback as a shining example of cancer survivorship! Do not be deceived. The experience of most people with even targeted “chemo” is very unsatisfactory.

An important paper has been published in the journal Clinical Oncology. This meta-analysis, entitled "The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies" set out to accurately quantify and assess the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in the treatment of adults with the commonest types of cancer. Although the paper has attracted some attention in Australia, the native country of the paper's authors, it has been greeted with complete silence on this side of the world.

All three of the paper's authors are oncologists. Lead author Associate Professor Graeme Morgan is a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney; Professor Robyn Ward is a medical oncologist at University of New South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital. The third author, Dr. Michael Barton, is a radiation oncologist and a member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Liverpool Health Service, Sydney. Prof. Ward is also a member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal Department of Health and Aging, the official body that advises the Australian government on the suitability and efficacy of drugs to be listed on the national Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) – roughly the equivalent of the US Food and Drug Administration.

Their meticulous study was based on an analysis of the results of all the randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) performed in Australia and the US that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies. Survival data were drawn from the Australian cancer registries and the US National Cancer Institute's Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry spanning the period January 1990 - January 2004.

Wherever data were uncertain, the authors deliberately erred on the side of over-estimating the benefit of chemotherapy. Even so, the study concluded that overall, chemotherapy contributes just over 2 percent to improved survival in cancer patients. The paper found that the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was 2.3 percent in Australia, and 2.1 percent in the USA. They emphasize that, for reasons explained in detail in the study, these figures "should be regarded as the upper limit of effectiveness" (i.e., they are an optimistic not a pessimistic estimate).

Yet despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present chemotherapy as a rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.

Another physician blasting standard medical cancer therapies is Dr. James Howenstine, MD who wrote an article titled, “Stay Away From Chemotherapy and Radiation”. His bottom line? He says, “It is all about money.” See: radiation.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=oaw-dec1509

Compare the success record of Dr. Simoncini an oncologist in Rome, Italy, who has great success using non-toxic sodium bicarbonate solution instead of toxic chemotherapeutic drugs! Compare also the highly successful options that involve attacking the cancer 1) with pancreatic enzymes (Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S.) and 2) with Antineoplastons - naturally occurring peptides (amino pg. 35

acids) in the human body that turn off cancer, HIV infection, and reverse autoimmune diseases (Antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski). Back to top of Fact 3

2) Nitrolosides (vitamin B17, a bitter cyanogenic glucoside extracted from the seeds of apricots and plums and bitter almonds, known as amygdaline, concentrates of which are laetrile) are molecules that are lethal only to the cancer cells and do not disrupt the activity of normal healthy cells. Eating apricot kernels is recommended for everyone. Watch "World Without Cancer" video: To make cancer cells more vulnerable to laetrile, it is important to take pancreatic enzymes between meals. You may want to avoid enzyme formulations containing betaine hydrochloride between meals – could hurt stomach. On the other hand, Hulda Clark promoted the use of betaine hydrochloride to drive any bacteria out of the stomach down into the intestines where the body can deal with bacteria more readily. See Ernst Krebs comment below re: Wobenzym enzymes under FACT 7. Watch this video: The Science and Politics of Cancer (2005) – G. Edward Griffin:  Good info about how amygdaline or laetrile works with pancreatic (proteolytic, i.e.: protein digesting) enzymes. Griffin‟s conclusion on orthodox cancer treatments: You live longer with no therapy at all than with orthodox cancer therapy. Ernst Krebs is the world's foremost researcher into Vitamin B17 (amygdaline or laetrile). A transcript of an important talk of his is no longer available at the web site and is now available ONLY in the Web Archive: (<-- The WHOLE STRING - with two http://'s - is the address.) More info on amygdaline or laetrile:  Read whole page! Order info at bottom of page includes  Note the inclusion of Pancreatic Enzymes on this page. Pancreatic enzymes are important with laetrile. Back to top of Fact 3

3) “High pH” cesium chloride or cesium carbonate therapy: This relates to management of the body‟s pH, as described at length in the book The pH Miracle. The book is about managing the body‟s pH through diet and lifestyle. “High pH” cesium therapy is an emergency measure.

Acidosis is the proximal cause of America's #2 killer: cancer. In order to understand the basics of cancer, we must first understand the acid/alkaline balance (See FACT 11 – pH management).

When we understand acid/alkaline balance, the following summary makes perfect sense:

The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar, which can also be described as “cellular hypoxia” or shortage of oxygen.. Over 75 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for demonstrating that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low (acidic) pH at the cellular level. Dr. Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning papers, described the environment of the cancer cell: A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy [perhaps because one has been consuming excessive trans fats which lack electrons, and which the body has used to build cell walls, thereby rendering the cell walls unable to transport oxygen into the cell efficiently – See “The proper role of EFAs”]. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers pg. 36

(acidifies) the pH of the cell and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. Cancer cells then begin to multiply without restraint. The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes; for most cancers, the cancer appears as a rapidly-growing external cell layer covering a core of dead cells. We know cell masses of this description as "tumors." Subsequent research by Keith Brewer, PhD and H.E. Satori has shown that cancer cannot exist when the body's pH is raised to 8.0. Dr. Brewer developed a protocol to raise pH therapeutically with the element cesium in conjunction with potassium. Cancer cells are highly disposed to uptake cesium, which turns the interior of the cancer cell highly alkaline and PREVENTS cancer cells from uptaking sugar via one of the cell‟s two glucose transport systems, thus tending to starve the cancer cells. To insure the starvation effect dominates, you must combine cesium treatment with a diet low in carbohydrates. Normal cells are less severely affected, so cesium is selectively more toxic to cancer cells than to normal cells. Normal cells are definitely affected, however and it is essential to stop the use of cesium once cancer cell die-off has sufficiently begun and before normal cells start to be killed. The cesium is more or less trapped in the cancer cells, so they continue to be affected even after cesium therapy is discontinued. For more info, see “Defeating Cancer” link at cancer-, and read whole page at “High pH” cesium therapy works to kill cancer tumors relatively quickly, and this can be a problem. Cesium - carbonate or chloride - is very hard on the body. When taking it one can feel that every cell in the body is under attack, and it is. Cesium is effective ONLY IF you avoid all these traps:

1) Cesium can kill you if it works too fast to kill tumors so that your kidneys and liver become overwhelmed with toxicity from dying tumors. You MUST handle the toxicity liberated from the dying tumor mass(es) by doing coffee enemas several times a day and liver flushes once or twice a month. Otherwise, stay away from cesium. 2) If you do not supplement potassium aggressively enough, cesium can kill you by taking potassium and magnesium out of your blood and you die of a heart attack from lack of potassium. Have your potassium and magnesium levels checked regularly. Otherwise, stay away from cesium. 3) If you keep taking cesium beyond the time that the cesium level has become toxic enough to kill cancer cells and is beginning to be toxic to normal cells, it can kill you by making your whole body too alkaline for your normal cells to stay alive. By this time, cesium is trapped in the cancer cells and is not going to escape, so once the tumor mass starts disintegrating there is no reason to continue taking additional cesium. Be sure to STOP taking cesium when you have clear indications that it is working. Otherwise, stay away from cesium. 4) As noted above, cesium inside cancer cells tends to PREVENT the cancer cells from uptaking sugar, but there is more than one glucose transport mechanism into the cells. There is the "active" sodium-glucose co-transport system that depends on sodium or the sodium- potassium pump. Cesium in cancer cells short-circuits this system and prevents uptake of sugar into cancer cells from the blood via the "active" sodium-glucose co-transport system (i.e. tends to starve cancer cells). However, there is also a concentration driven transport system depending on GLUT proteins in the cell wall that does not depend on sodium or the sodium- potassium pump. The glucose concentration gradient across the cell wall drives this system. If this is the dominant transport mechanism, which is dependent on the type of cell and glucose concentrations, then the lethal mechanism of cesium starving the cancer cells no longer holds. However, the GLUT transport mechanism depends on a relatively high glucose concentration pg. 37

in the blood. At low glucose concentrations, the active sodium co-transport mechanism becomes more important. This would lead one to conclude that for cesium treatment to be effective, it is important to combine it with a diet low in carbohydrates.

I received a private communication from a friend who knows Robert Barefoot well and who advocates cesium therapy in conjunction with Robert Barefoot‟s program. This is what he said: Back to top of Fact 3

The problem with everyone else you are mentioning [such as David W. Gregg, Ph.D. below] is that they DO NOT combine marine coral calcium, vitamin D3, daily sunlight bathing, co-enzyme Q10, and DMSO cream with the cesium chloride.

After 33 days, drop the cesium chloride therapy (100 grams a day) and continue the rest of the program; Robert said it takes about 8 months for full recovery.

If you do not have cancer then the cesium chloride is not needed or any other caustic salt therapies.

Your knowledge is great but the people you are learning from only consider cesium chloride as an isolated therapy and that is where Robert's program differs.

Love and Light,

Take a look at, which explains cancer VERY simply and points to a source of both inexpensive cesium carbonate and other seemingly well thought out complementary products at a huge member discount - 30g. Cesium carbonate 30 day supply for $18.00 to members (cost of membership = $75 including 1st mo. dues of $30); product prices are listed here: looks like a fabulous resource for self-help because it brings a number of elements together: 1) low cost, 2) well thought out healing products, 3) knowledge support, plus 4) the availability of personal interaction with the membership. One disadvantage is that they seem to be locked into their own approach, which definitely includes the use of cesium. Membership is promoted via MLM, which means that you have people who are motivated to help you succeed and who know what others have experienced with their products. I have no independent verification of success with their products - I just found them on the web while looking for a good source of cesium carbonate. More information about Vickie Barker, the owner of the page linked at the top of the previous paragraph (SID=193888) is here:

The prestigious Wolfe (alternative medicine) Clinic in Canada mentions a Cesium/Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) protocol for treatment of cancer in a recent post on their site.

The Wolfe Clinic also sells a large line of products, including DMSO:

A detailed Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol is available at Back to FACT 21

The above CancerTutor site recommends this as a source of cesium chloride: www.essense-of-  I would go there, if for nothing else, to look at the wonderful collection of linked information about alkaline cesium therapy.

“High pH” cesium therapy is hard on the body and is not without its dangers. Safe and effective cesium therapy requires careful management of nutrition, particularly serum potassium and magnesium levels, and if cachexia is present: pancreatic, amylase and bromelain enzymes and ATP supplementation. Without careful supplementation and monitoring, cesium will drive potassium and pg. 38 magnesium out of the body. If the sodium/potassium balance is destroyed by potassium depletion this can lead potentially to a heart attack! Cesium carbonate is sometimes preferred over the chloride because the carbonate form is more alkaline. See much more at Back to FACT 21

Another important issue with “High pH” cesium therapy is whether the body is able process toxic dead tumor tissue as quickly as the cesium kills the tumor(s). Pressure on the liver to detoxify, and on the elimination organs to process out of the body the debris from destruction of the tumor can be tremendous if the tumor is destroyed faster than the body can process out the resulting toxic material. This is one more reason to flush the liver, cleanse the kidneys, for example : 1) or 2) +, do multiple coffee enemas daily as long as tumor destruction continues, and generally clean up the body and the home to enable the body to throw off cancer.

David W. Gregg, Ph.D. writes at “… in my analysis of the mechanism of ionic cesium (cesium chloride), combined with increased potassium (potassium chloride) intake, I was extremely surprised to discover the real mechanism by which it operates and identify how truly profound it is. I concluded the mechanism presented to date on the Internet was totally wrong and seriously obscured the true potential of this approach. My present conclusion is that it stands out from all other such toxin approaches as being almost the perfect solution.

“Briefly, the cesium ions are taken into the cell via the sodium-potassium pump, substituting for potassium, and are trapped there. Not only are the cesium ions trapped, but they also block the exit of the potassium ions by blocking the potassium channel proteins in the cell walls. The accumulation of cesium and potassium ions in the cell negates the voltage potential across the cell membrane. This voltage potential is required to energize the sodium-glucose co-transport system that feeds the cell. The cell thus starves. There would also be an accumulation of ions in the cell, which will cause the cells to swell, due to osmotic pressure, and possibly burst.

“This is true for all cells. Why are cancer cells impacted far faster/greater than normal cells? The sodium-potassium pump, energized by ATP, pumps two potassium ions into the cell while pumping three sodium ions out. This creates a charge imbalance that would stop the pump unless there was another path by which the sodium ions reenter. That happens via the sodium-glucose co-transport system in the cell membrane. Thus, the rate that the sodium-potassium operates is dictated by the glucose requirement of the cell. Cancer cells, which are anaerobic, require 20 times more glucose than normal cells to obtain the same amount of energy. Therefore, their sodium-potassium pumps operate 20 times faster than normal cells. Thus, they will pump cesium into their cells 20 times faster than normal cells, and will experience starvation (and bursting) 20 times faster.

“Since not only are the cesium ions trapped, but also potassium ions, this will result in a serious lowering of potassium in the blood which must be compensated for and easy to do. If it isn't, lowering of blood potassium level could cause death. I should mention that „Salt Substitute‟ available in every grocery store is potassium chloride and is a good, convenient source of potassium.

“The trick is to establish a protocol where the cancer cells enter starvation and stop the treatment before the normal cells follow. Cesium eventually exits the cells, but very slowly. Thus, once the cancer cells have entered starvation, treatment can stop and the cancer cells will continue to starve for an extended period of time.

“An additional feature of this approach is that the cancer cells are abruptly deprived of glucose, abruptly arresting their progression, but not necessarily resulting in an abrupt die-off. One might pg. 39 expect this to be more gradual than other cancer treatments. Thus there is a lower risk of experiencing severe toxic effects due to rapid cell die-off of cells common to other treatment approaches.

“As broadly reported on the Internet, cesium chloride has been used successfully to treat cancer. My contribution is to discover its correct mechanism, described above. This should not only enhance its scientific credibility, but also help researchers and treatment clinics optimize its use.

“Otto Warburg found that all cancer cells are anaerobic, and both of these approaches work on the anaerobic nature of cancer cells. Logically, the combination of the two should be effective for all forms of cancer. Will it be enough? Only time will tell if this dream will come true.”

David W. Gregg, Ph.D.’s Cesium update as of 2/20/04: “I have just had conversations with a clinic in Canada that has had considerable experience with treating cancer with cesium. They told me that they have found it to be successful in about 50% of their patients. Thus, it is not as perfect as the theory might predict. However, the patients seeking cesium therapy are generally those who have already exhausted all that current medicine has to offer and have been told there was nothing else that could be done for them. In this context, a 50% recovery rate could be viewed as quite positive. However, at this stage of experience, it is certainly not a treatment that one would choose before exploring what current medicine [and other alternative treatments mentioned in this document] has [have] to offer. Hopefully, with further development of the treatment protocol the success rate will improve, approaching the initial expectations.”

David W. Gregg, Ph.D.’s Cesium update as of 5/16/04: I just received an email pointing out an important technical criticism concerning my cesium theory. It was pointed out that there is more than one glucose transport mechanism into the cells. There is the "active" sodium-glucose co- transport system that I have discussed, and there is also a concentration driven transport system depending on GLUT proteins in the cell wall that does not depend on sodium or the sodium- potassium pump. It is driven solely by the glucose concentration gradient across the cell wall. If this is the dominant transport mechanism, which is dependent on the type of cell and glucose concentrations, then my argument for the lethal mechanism of cesium starving the cancer cells no longer holds. However, the GLUT transport mechanism depends on a relatively high glucose concentration in the blood. At low glucose concentrations the active sodium co-transport mechanism becomes more important. This would lead one to conclude that if the cesium treatment is going to be effective, it would be important to combine it with a diet that is low in carbohydrates. Also see & scroll down to #37. Back to top of Fact 3

Detoxification Among the detox procedures that can help the body process out toxicity from dying tumors are coffee enemas – Note this personal communication from a Naturopath: “coffee enemas promote the enzyme glutathione S-transferase ... without which the body cannot produce this powerful antioxidant ... Glutathione ... I'm a big chlorella believer .. I recommend it to everyone to detox all the environmental poisons out, to raise albumin levels [the only substance I know will really do that] and to raise glutathione levels ...” “Wilson’s Coffee from Canada is specially made for use as a coffee enema. Coffee enemas have rescued advanced cases right from the "mouth of jaws." Kelley found the coffee enema procedure in the Merck Manual [It has since been removed.] and incorporated it into his protocol. It is a must on his program ... up to 8 every day to clean the liver ... a very big part of his program.” See Coffee

Enema. Back to top of Fact 3

While taking coffee enemas, and especially after you discontinue doing enemas multiple times a pg. 40 day, be sure to supplement heavily with acidophilus, bifidus and other probiotics to replace those washed out by the enemas. This will help restore regularity. Make sure your intestinal flora are healthy. Cleansing the intestines is important and valuable, but health of the intestines cannot be separated from the health of the intestinal flora. Flora in the intestines perform much of the work of digesting our food. When the intestines are cleansed by almost any means other than massive infusion of probiotics, the immediate result is to wash out most of the valuable intestinal flora, leaving this part of the physiology open for invasion by damaging candida overgrowth. To see how important probiotics are for intestinal health, watch this YouTube video: This YouTube video: shows how probiotics can be directly helpful in eliminating Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause ulcers and sometimes cancer. The significance for health of intestinal cleanliness, probiotics and pH balance is shown here:  This video is #3 of a four part series on colon health, starting with #1:, #2 is here: wBBnA, and #4 is here:

You can also make an excellent source of probiotics at home by making a beverage called Rejuvelac from sprouted soft wheat berries, whole rye or any large grains. For sprouting the grains in preparation to make Rejuvelac, you may want to get Easy-Sprout Sprouter cups (  excellent time-saving substitute for wide mouth Mason jars and they work well. See recipes for Rejuvelac here: and here: The following video shows how to make Rejuvelac & other sprouts:

Do not forget to feed your friendly bacteria by including prebiotic foods containing inulin fiber in your diet. These include (Prebiotic Fiber Content by Weight): Raw Chicory Root (64.6%), Raw Jerusalem Artichoke (31.5%), Jícama root, Raw Dandelion Greens (24.3%), Raw Garlic (17.5%), Raw Leek (11.7%), Raw Onion (8.6%), Cooked Onion (5%), Raw Asparagus (5%),

Raw Wheat bran (5%).

Depending on how powerful a probiotic you need, the best/cheapest ordinary probiotic products we know are [best] and

Probiotic-10-10-with-CoQ10 [cheapest & excellent]).

There are also some extraordinary probiotic products that go way beyond just supplying normal quality and quantities of beneficial flora. One is “Russian Choice Immune”. Russian health researchers who discovered the probiotics in Russian Choice Immune were faced with the task to find a way to rebuild the immune systems of people suffering from radiation damage after the Chernobyl disaster, who weren't responding to any treatment given to them. This product Lowers Cholesterol, Fights Cancer, and Supports Immune System. Info:

Purchase page:

Another extraordinary probiotic achieves preeminence by providing really massive quantities of organisms. The product is “VSL#3”. This product is potent enough to aid in dietary management of ulcerative colitis (UC), (IBS) and an ileal pouch. VSL#3® is a high-potency probiotic with 450 billion live bacteria per packet. In terms of sheer quantity, one packet equates to a whole bottle of 90 probiotic capsules containing 5 billion organisms each from Natures Way. See At $34 /10 pack, this equals ten $18 bottles of Natures Way probiotics at $3.40 @.

If using pancreatic enzymes such as those available through at, or through Dr. Kelley‟s son John Kelley at College Health

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Stores, LLC, (888) 477-3618 or Fax (817) 536-3266, and if you take enough of them between meals to dissolve the tumor mass, this will provoke symptoms from toxins flooding the body. In extreme cases, this can cause all sorts of physical problems: high fever, chills, sweats, and other symptoms of a severe case of the flu. When Dr. Kelley was discovering how to cure his own metastasized pancreatic cancer in 1962, at 37 years old, he reluctantly gave himself his first coffee enema and he was amazed that within 30 minutes his temperature went from 104° to 99° and his muscle aches and pains resolved. It was then that he devised his on again, off again regime of taking the pancreatic enzymes, all the while taking 2 or 3 coffee enemas a day. To access Dr. Kelley‟s full protocol go to and download from the Files area: Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc. Back to top of Fact 3

Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora – This is an amazing product. Please excuse my enthusiasm – I am very impressed with the possibilities for removing a very important cause of cancer with this product, with no muss and no fuss. It contains micronized and purified zeolite in a water colloidal suspension. Just a few drops contain millions of microscopic pieces of purified zeolite to adsorb an amazing amount of toxicity from the blood and tissues. NCD preferentially goes after positively charged heavy metals like mercury (dental fillings), lead (was in gasoline), cadmium (cigarette smoke), arsenic (in all pressure treated wood decking – do you walk barefoot on pressure treated wood?) and other toxins, while leaving alone beneficial minerals like calcium. Waiora sells NCD via network marketing, so obviously it has promotional web pages. I dislike network marketing as much as the next person, but this system does mean that you have someone to talk to.

The following pages are owned by a friend who is a Waiora distributor. The audios there are “worth a listen”:,

Here is an 81-minute video showing the head of Waiora talking science:

If you want to explore other promotional distributor pages, click links in this directory:

Here are NCD video testimonial pages: and There are also a large number of impressive written testimonials at by people who had cancer prior to taking NCD and AgariGold with H1X1.

If you want to order, here is a site where you can order NCD at discount prices: – no cost for the discount ($99.95 for 3 bottles NCD, taxes and shipping included). Compare those prices with Waiora‟s online store ($155.00 plus tax & S&H): Even the $99.95 price for NCD is higher than it needs to be, because NCD is network marketed. I have found a quality alternative to the high cost of NCD, namely ZeoLife (

I have not found a similar deal on Waiora‟s companion product for cancer AgariGold with H1X1, but that does not mean it is not out there.

When evaluating testimonials, remember that they do not indicate what else the person was doing for their health. Do not assume NCD plus AgariGold with H1X1, or anything else is a “magic bullet” because if you do not see results right away, and you were expecting magic results and you do not see them, you might be inclined to give up. Usually a number of factors

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need to come together to achieve anything worthwhile. Even though these products appear to work VERY well, your body may need other cleansing procedures like coffee enemas for example, other nutrition, appropriate relief from chemical or psychological stress (See and read some of the amazing testimonials.), or something else that you will have to discover, before you are back to problem-free status. This is WHY we include SO MANY options in this document. Typically, one has been developing cancer, or even a benign tumor for years before it becomes apparent. The reasons it happened may be numerous. Part of the adventure of life is to discover what we may have done in our past that created problems for us NOW. It is always “now”, and now we need to undo enough to get back on track.

chlorella (See video at Chlorella works to effectively filter out toxins from your body. – Dr. Mercola recommends Broken Cell Wall Chlorella, and be sure it is from a pure source like Dr. Mercola's Premium Chlorella – info & links bottom of page. Note: “Most -- if not all -- chronic infectious diseases are not caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment.” -- Dr. Klinghardt Dr. Klinghardt is reminding us that the enemy behind enemy lines (behind the cancer) is the heavy metals, especially the mercury, which is beginning to threaten all life forms on planet earth in a most devastating way. Chlorella removes mercury from the system. See

cleansing baths: add 1 cup salt, 1 cup soda, 1 cup Epsom salts, 1 cup Aloe Vera, to a hot bath, remain in and keep hot for about 1-1/2 hours all the while consuming about 2 quarts of warm water, (or eat lots of watermelon). Just pee into the bath water if you like – it won‟t hurt you. Info on detoxing the skin: The Skin

Bentonite clay powder blended with water and drunk away from mealtimes … add psyllium seed husk powder and magnesium bicarbonate made in a seltzer bottle to promote elimination if needed (because not doing coffee enemas). These can all be ordered from the Frontier Coop Wholesale Catalog:

other cleansing and nourishing immersion therapy – These can be powerful and offer a relatively safe way to be creative in managing excess acidity utilizing the skin‟s qualities as both a third kidney and an additional avenue through which to provide minerals to the body. For example, adding Fulvic Minerals to a bath and soaking for hours can yield good results.

For more info re: processing out toxicity see and

If the body has been weakened by lactic acid acidosis and resulting cachexia, additional toxicity from dissolution of a tumor can potentially lead to death from liver failure or kidney failure. People with seriously advanced cancer conditions who can afford to be in a professionally managed program may want to consider a total cancer program like SANTE CARIBE. Back to top of Fact 3

4) Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has had great success in regressing many of the most difficult to treat kinds of cancer using nothing but 5% sodium bicarbonate solution – yes, ordinary baking soda. This is covered briefly under FACT 11 (cancer thrives under conditions of low {acidic} pH), because sodium bicarbonate obviously acts to raise {alkalize} the pH of blood and tissues, and is covered more extensively under FACT 13 (toxicity) because Dr. Simoncini finds

pg. 43

that, although cancer has many concurrent causal factors, if he addresses candida fungal growth connected with the tumor, and kills the fungi with bicarbonate solution, this treatment consistently results in regression of the disease. He uses 5% sodium bicarbonate solution for most cancers, and uses iodine tincture to kill the candida fungus associated with skin cancers. Read more HERE. Back to top of Fact 3

5) MMS1 + MMS2 could be the cheapest and quickest cure for cancer.

MMS1 (formerly known as “MMS”) is a common industrial disinfectant that when mixed with a weak acid forms chlorine dioxide gas. In 1999, the American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed chlorine dioxide to be the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. It was even used to clean up after anthrax attacks.

Recently Jim Humble discovered that this chemical is effective, when used in tiny amounts, to eradicate serious microbial infections (i.e.: infectious diseases) and parasitic infections (e.g. malaria). “MMS” stands for “Miracle Mineral Solution (or Supplement)”. It is actually not a mineral supplement but a pathogen killer. MMS1 is sodium chlorite solution (approx. 22.4 %). When mixed with a weak “acid activator” like lemon or lime juice, vinegar, or 10% citric acid solution (best option) MMS1 forms chlorine dioxide. After waiting 3 minutes for the activator to work on MMS1 the resulting yellow chlorine dioxide can be added to water or juice and safely ingested. Quantity and frequency of ingestion are critical for success. This is why following instructions formulated by Jim Humble is VERY IMPORTANT. While a small number of drops (1 – 6) of MMS1 per dose work well, a larger number of drops per dose (varies with the person and degree of illness – up to 15 drops) may make you nauseous because it is killing bad guys too quickly for your system to handle, and the resulting toxic debris is overloading your system.

As Jim has progressed in his appreciation of the value of small doses repeated more often, he has modified his suggested protocols down from (1 – 15 drops 1 to 3 times per day), down to (1 – 6 drops repeated many times per day). Always the suggestion is, if a particular dose makes you nauseous, reduce the dosage and perhaps increase the frequency of taking it. This approach leads to comfort and effectiveness.

Mr. Humble has discovered that MMS1 cures most forms of cancer - any form caused by microbial invasion of normal cells that has caused them to become cancerous. Cancer cells that have become cancerous through this mechanism revert to normal cells when the microbial invaders die off. I would add that DMSO (7 – 15 drops) added to activated MMS1 (wait a second 3 min. for the DMSO to react chemically with the chlorine dioxide, then add this DMSO/chlorine dioxide solution to several oz. water or apple juice and drink) helps chlorine dioxide penetrate cancer cells, making a given amount of MMS1 far more effective. DMSO is a strong penetrant that drags anything combined with it throughout the body.

Watch or listen to an interview of Jim Humble by Bill Ryan of Project Camelot. Mr. Humble outlines a protocol for using MMS1 to cure cancer in the middle of this interview, starting at 36 minutes into the 75 minute interview. In a later interview with Project Avalon (next paragraph), Jim modifies this protocol slightly. Audio/video files of the Project Camelot interview are downloadable at and the interview is online as a video at Another good page to visit for a good overall presentation on MMS is ← Scroll down a bit to the MMS section.

MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite – the same chemical used in swimming pools – (Ca(ClO)2). When you add (Ca(ClO)2) to water, you get hypochlorous acid, a chemical the body uses naturally to kill pathogens, but many people are deficient. The medical name for the deficiency is myeloperoxidase

pg. 44 deficiency. Jim says if a person has cancer, he now always recommends MMS2 in addition to MMS1. Be sure you get CALCIUM hypochlorite, NOT SODIUM hypochlorite, which is cheaper but not satisfactory for this purpose. You put calcium hypochlorite in capsules and swallow the capsules; you do not add it to water before ingestion. Jim Humble talks about MMS2 in this video: (bottom of page and on YouTube at ← This video also includes Jim‟s description of his new AIDS cure protocol that takes just 3 weeks, has been successful on every case of AIDS he has tried it on, and costs almost nothing. If you have a problem viewing this video in streaming format on, I downloaded it in .MP4 format. This .MP4 file is zipped and uploaded to You can download the zipped .MP4 file from using this link: If you need to download the free .MP4 player, you can download it here: Jim has written up the complete protocol for using MMS2 on his website: Here is the link to Jim‟s MMS2 Announcement and Intro: intro-english.

Using MMS you can learn to heal 97% of the diseases of mankind. ← If this document is out of date, contact [email protected] for current information.

My experience suggests that MMS1 works best with DMSO. See and The CancerTutor site says taking MMS1 and DMSO orally, “is NOT the recommended way of taking it because it is hard on the stomach and may seriously slow down your ability to use this protocol.” I disagree that DMSO has to be hard on the stomach. In saying this I assume the MMS1 and DMSO are taken in small amounts WITH WATER, for example 1 – 6 drops MMS1, add 5 – 30 drops 10% citric acid activator (wait 3 min.) and then add up to 15 drops 99% DMSO (wait 3 min.) then add this prepared solution of chlorine dioxide and DMSO to about 3 oz. pure water and drink. If you feel sensitive, you could start with as little as half a drop of MMS1, 5x as many drops of 10% citric acid solution as an activator, and as little DMSO as you care to start with, and build up to what feels like an effective level. The proof of success is first seen in disappearance of any pain, then the tumor should start to shrink.

If you notice these indications of success, then you know you are on your way and you should just keep going. You do not need to keep upping the number of drops of MMS1 internally if you are at 6 drops each time. Apple juice or grape juice can be substituted for water, but generally, one wants to minimize sugar while treating cancer. If you want to increase the intensity of treatment, you might increase the number of times per day. You can also rub MMS1, activator, and DMSO prepared as above and then diluted with a little water on various areas of your skin. Always multiply the number of drops of MMS1 x 5 to calculate the number of drops of activator.

The smell of this chlorine dioxide/DMSO solution is not its finest point but if you limit the amount you take each time to (1 to 6 drops MMS1) prepared as above added to about 3 oz. water, the smell is not prohibitive. If you follow Mr. Humble‟s suggestion by taking 1 to 6 drops MMS1 with 5 to 30 drops of citric acid a number of times per day (up to once every hour), this routine is highly doable and can be VERY EFFECTIVE in reversing cancer while avoiding nausea, ordinarily the big drawback with MMS1. As I said, I would also add DMSO as stated above. suggests adding DMSO once per day, and taking activated MMS1 solution (chlorine dioxide) without DMSO a number of other times per day. My experience suggests that DMSO may be added every time provided the dosage is kept low. If 6 drops MMS1 makes one nauseous, one could fall

pg. 45 back to 4 drops, for example. See,, and

While I agree that it is also useful to use activated MMS1/DMSO solution prepared as above on the skin, to get as much chlorine dioxide as possible into the body, I would caution that DMSO MUST BE DILUTED when applied to the skin or it would cause serious irritation, even a crusty condition. This is due to DMSO‟s drying effect. It is very hard on the skin to rub undiluted activated MMS1/DMSO solution on the skin, and there is no reason to do so. Experiment and add more water if any irritation even starts to develop. Also, change the location on the skin where the activated MMS1/DMSO solution is applied. Your skin will be in much better shape if you use these precautions.

We do find MMS1 to be terrifically useful to control candida infection generally in the body, and to deal with many types of infections, including flu and toothache. Toothache can be stopped according to Jim Humble by brushing the teeth with 6 drops MMS1 mixed with 30 drops fresh lemon or lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution (best choice) (not vinegar), wait 3 minutes after mixing and add this mixture to ½ oz. to 1 oz. water, swish the MMS1 water solution in the mouth and brush the teeth and gums with it. If needed to penetrate an infected tooth (i.e.: you have a toothache) add DMSO as indicated above (MMS1 + activator, wait 3 min., then add DMSO and wait 3 min. again, and add a little water). The DMSO will carry the chlorine dioxide into the infected area of the root of the tooth. Any of this solution not used in cleaning the teeth may be swallowed.

Things you should NOT mix with MMS1 (sodium chlorite) are just as important as the things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative. Vitamin C, other antioxidants and even immune boosters neutralize the action of chlorine dioxide, produced by mixing MMS1 with 10% citric acid. CAUTION: When using DMSO use extreme care regarding cleanliness of the mouth and the toothbrush. The purity of all ingredients including the water is important because DMSO will cause everything mixed with it to penetrate throughout the body, including the brain.

If the above suggestions for limiting the amount of MMS1 taken at one time are not followed, attempting to cure cancer using MMS1 taken orally is asking for some very unpleasant experience. If you increase the dosage of MMS1 by gradually increasing the daily dosage as suggested for other health conditions from perhaps just 2 drops once a day, to up to 15 drops at a time, 3 times a day, the dosage each time will become so high that you will feel nauseous, and the nausea lasts the better part of a day! The instruction for other conditions when taking MMS1 orally is to cut back the dosage temporarily if this happens, and then resume increasing it day after day. However, this will result in a lot of nausea, and 3 times per day may not be enough to deal adequately with cancer. It is far better to keep the dosage low and increase the frequency.

Experiencing nausea is both unpleasant and discouraging, and in treating cancer, the key is to keep the MMS1 level in the body as high as possible all the time without inducing nausea by taking small doses frequently. MMS1 is very inexpensive, and if you keep the dosage low enough to prevent nausea and take the doses often enough to keep the amount of chlorine dioxide in the blood reasonably high, then your chances of success are quite good.

An exception to the problem of MMS1 creating nausea is use of MMS1 with DMSO as a transdermal treatment. If you take this treatment transdermally, meaning through the skin, the nausea side-effects are totally avoided, and the only thing you need to be careful about is avoiding skin irritation, which can be severe if chlorine dioxide/DMSO mixture is not diluted before applying it to the skin. With transdermal applications, higher doses can be taken, and the high doses can be achieved much more quickly. The use of DMSO for cancer patients is

pg. 46 critical. Chlorine dioxide, by itself, will not get inside cancer cells efficiently. The main reason for adding DMSO is that DMSO penetrates and pulls chlorine dioxide into cancer cells. Once inside a cell, chlorine dioxide kills whatever microbe is causing the cell to proliferate out of control.

DMSO is usually sold as a 99% solution, but unless it is diluted to no more than 70%, it will cause skin irritation because it dehydrates the skin. If any irritation starts, dilute more. The location of application need not be limited to skin near the tumor, and MMS1 dosage can be increased much faster when using it transdermally. When using chlorine dioxide transdermally, 10% citric acid penetrates the skin better than lemon juice or lime juice. Good information on using MMS1 transdermally is found at: Be sure to read this section: Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide (…anti-oxidants 'kill' MMS1 - do NOT use the chlorine dioxide protocol at the same time as any substance that has Vitamin C, or any other antioxidant, including immune builders. Wait at least a couple of days after discontinuing these treatments before starting the chlorine dioxide treatment.)

The only side effect of taking this treatment transdermally, if you do it right, are possible slight burnings on the skin. You can control this by adding water, rotating where you rub it on your skin, spreading it very thin over a wide area of skin and by using skin creams to stop any burning, as long as the skin creams do NOT contain any antioxidants. Skin creams should not be necessary if you add enough water. Do not use skin creams for at least 15 minutes AFTER the administration of the DMSO. The important advantage of taking it transdermally is that with transdermal application, higher doses can be taken, and the high doses can be achieved comfortably much more quickly.

For skin cancers, the chlorine dioxide may not be comfortable put directly on the cancer. It depends on whether it is too painful. If it is not too painful, then put the mixture directly onto the skin cancer. If it is too painful, and if you are treating skin cancer, go to the home page of and search for "skin cancer" for other treatments. Also look HERE (FACT 14).

We suggest that one respect MMS1 - both its capacity to successfully address infection and its capacity to cause debilitating nausea if taking it orally when dosage is pushed to the body‟s tolerance limit. This respectful approach will produce a more happy experience with MMS1.

Jim Humble found that MMS1 cures malaria with just two doses of 15 drops of MMS1 each dose (mixed with 5 x 15 = 75 drops 10% citric acid or lemon/lime juice, wait 3 min. & add to glass of water or apple juice {not citrus juice} and drink). This protocol often produced extreme nausea since 15 drops at one time is usually over the body‟s current tolerance limit under these conditions, but after just two such doses, he found that malaria infection was gone. He claims that over 75,000 people have been cured of malaria using this protocol. Often they would fall down convulsing with nausea, but when the nausea was over, they would be malaria free. Conditions like cancer require a more persistent, measured dosage over time. Lime disease seems to require the longest course of treatment – many months, but the treatment can be successful according to Jim Humble. Be sure to read what Jim Humble has written about proper use of MMS1 at, especially “MMS1 Description” at Jim has written a book on MMS1 that may be downloaded here: Buying Part 2 of Jim Humble‟s book (just $12.95) supports Jim‟s work of spreading knowledge of MMS1 + MMS2 around the world.

Miracle Mineral Supplement – copied from

MMS: Miracle Mineral Supplement- Jim Humble the inventor of MMS1 was on a Gold mining expedition in Central America when a fellow miner was stricken with Malaria. The man was soon close to death; Jim gave the miner stabilized oxygen, which surprisingly brought the miner back to pg. 47

health. After the expedition Jim went on a two year odyssey to discover what made the Stabilized oxygen work? He found it was substance called chlorine dioxide. This discovery led Jim Humble to create MMS1 which is sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite when activated by vinegar, lemon juice or preferably 10% citric acid becomes chlorine dioxide. Jim Humble’s sodium chlorite formula was successfully used in Africa with 75,000 people helping rid them of Malaria, Aids, Cancer and Hepatitis.

Jim Humble’s chronicles can be downloaded in two E-books at Anyone can be on toxic overload; signs are low energy, trouble keeping your weight down, insomnia, high or low blood pressure, extreme emotional states, anger, grief or apathy. The culprit most likely is a toxin in the form of a heavy metal, parasite, virus, bacteria or environmental pollutant. Rather than load you up with more pollutants- think Drugs, Chlorine dioxide only removes harmful contaminants.

Chlorine Dioxide has 100 times more energy to do what oxygen normally does, and yet, will not harm healthy cells.

Chlorine dioxide and chlorine are not the same. Chlorine is a chemical element. In ion form, chlorine is part of common salt and other compounds, and necessary to most forms of life, including human. A powerful oxidizing agent, it is the most abundant dissolved ion in ocean water, and readily combines with nearly every other element, including sodium to form salt crystals, and magnesium, as magnesium chloride.

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound that consists of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen. Oxidizing agents are chemical compounds that readily accept electrons from ―electron donors.‖ They gain electrons via chemical reaction. This is important because relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens are electron donors. Chlorine dioxide is extremely volatile. You might call it ―hot tempered,‖ but in a very beneficial way. This volatility is a key factor in chlorine dioxide’s effectiveness as a pathogen destroyer.

The compound is literally explosive; so explosive, it’s not safe to transport in any quantity. Therefore, it is common practice to generate chlorine dioxide ―on site‖ at the point of use. Chlorine dioxide is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency in safely removing pathogens and contaminates like anthrax. So you know it must be effective. However, the concentrations used in such applications can vary from 500 to over 6,000 parts per million (ppm), which would clearly be deadly to an individual. Using the MMS protocol you will produce chlorine dioxide in the range of 1 ppm.

You will use the MMS solution, which is safe to transport, to make nature’s harmless pathogen remover. The MMS solution is 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water. You can produce chlorine dioxide with a single drop, when an ―activator‖ of vinegar, lemon juice, or a 10% solution of citric acid is added. The latter two activators are recommended for people with Lyme disease. ―Applications‖ of chlorine dioxide range from 1 drop to a maximum of 15, except in life critical situations, where the maximum may be doubled. A ―maintenance application‖ is six drops, with ¼ teaspoon of activator added. After adding the activator, the chemical reaction that turns sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide takes only about three minutes. The activating ingredient in vinegar that makes the change possible is acetic acid. It also sets the stage for what happens when the chlorine dioxide ions enter the bloodstream. This weak acid acts like a blasting cap by lowering the pH of the chlorine dioxide, without setting it off. The natural pH of sodium chlorite is 13. Adding vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid) creates about 3 mg of unstable but still harmless chlorine dioxide.

Volatility is what makes chlorine dioxide so effective when it contacts pathogens. Chlorine dioxide’s extreme volatility prevents pathogens from developing a resistance. Mainly because when they ―clash,‖ the pathogens no longer exist. Yet, healthy cells and beneficial bacteria are unaffected. While normal levels of oxygen in the blood cannot destroy all of the pathogens present under disease conditions, delivery of chlorine dioxide changes everything.

When a chlorine dioxide ion contacts a harmful pathogen, it instantly rips up to five electrons from the pathogen, in what can be likened to a microscopic explosion… harmless to us, but terminal for pathogens. The pathogen – an electron donor – is rendered harmless due to the involuntary surrendering of its electrons to the chlorine dioxide – an electron acceptor – and the resulting release of energy. Oxidized by the chlorine ion, the former pathogen becomes a harmless salt.

Red blood cells that are normal carriers of oxygen throughout the body do not differentiate between chlorine dioxide and oxygen. Therefore, after ingesting the MMS/chlorine dioxide-rich solution, red blood cells pick up chlorine dioxide ions that are deposited on the stomach wall where it normally gathers nutrients of various kinds before journeying through the body.

Then, when the red blood cells armed with chlorine dioxide encounter parasites, fungi, or diseased cells that all have low pH and a positive ionic charge, the ―aliens‖ are destroyed along with the chlorine dioxide ion. If no such encounters occur, the chlorine dioxide will be carried to a point in the body where oxygen normally oxidizes poisons and other harmful agents. If the chlorine dioxide doesn’t hit anything that can set it off, it will deteriorate, and thus lose an electron or two. This may allow it to combine with a very important substance that the immune system uses to make hypochlorous acid. This compound kills pathogens, killer cells, and even cancerous cells. Hypochlorous acid is so important; its diminished presence in the body is described medically by the term myeloperoxidase deficiency.

Back to top of Fact 3

6) It may not be necessary or even preferable to attack cancer and destroy it quickly if one‟s cancer condition is not life threatening. Especially, it may not be necessary to resort to the emergency treatment cesium high pH therapy, which can be highly effective, but may be harsher than you need and therefore may not be appropriate if you have time for a slower, gentler approach. Many other approaches contained in this document such as Robert Barefoot’s “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer” are successful in raising pH and thereby eliminating cancer without directly attacking the cancer. You have many good options listed here. See generally pg. 48,, and

A good read to orient oneself in this field is and click on each of the 14 Chapter links. You can practically become an expert just by exploring all the links within the site.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 4: Cancer thrives on a Weakened Immune System.

The Liver and Gallbladder Flush procedure strengthens the immune system by unblocking the lymph system and strengthening the liver‟s myriad functions in the areas of cellular nutrition, cleansing and balance. It is also important to nutritionally support the immune system so that when the tumor becomes vulnerable, the immune system is able to respond. Dr. Maras uses three of the most potent immune system regulators known to man: Shark Liver Oil, Colostrum, and OPC's; we add four more: 1) organic Germanium, 2) organic Silicon 3) hot water extract of a mushroom known as Agaricus Blazei Murrill, and 4) Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan for example as Immutol, or Beta-1,3-D-Glucan ( “Beta 1, 3-D glucan 500mg/60” at 500mg60.aspx looks like a quality product. Watch this short video   shows how Beta-1,3-D-Glucan strengthens the immune system. Here is a page with audios: Listen to “Beta 1, 3-d glucan‖.

This FACT 4 section contains the following items that strengthen the immune system: 1) FrequenSea 2) Shark Liver Oil 3) Colostrum 4) OPC's 5) Noni 6) Organic Germanium 7) Organic Silicon 8) Russian Choice Immune 9) Agaricus Blazei Murrill 10) Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS2)

Note: When strengthening the immune system to attack cancer, if you take pancreatic enzymes between meals, this will digest the slime coating on the surface of a cancer tumor that protects the tumor from the immune system. Digesting this slime coating makes cancer cells visible and therefore vulnerable to the immune system. Avoid taking enzyme formulations containing betaine hydrochloride between meals – would hurt stomach. See for a good source of enzymes and other products that work with enzymes.

See additional important information below under FACT 10 about nourishing the immune system with FrequenSea (open cell marine phytoplankton), sometimes described as a “checkmate” that defeats all kinds of illness. Another great way to nourish the immune system is fulvic acid supplementation under FACT 6.

Shark Liver Oil: One of the principle agents in Shark Liver Oil which helps to support immune function is the alkylglycerols (AKG's). Alkylglycerols are found in the bone marrow which is the heart pg. 49 of the immune system. One single characteristic of the alkylglycerols versus other antioxidants is its ability to penetrate the cell's outer membrane and get inside to reduce any free radical formation which has entered the cell. In reference to regulation of the tumor, clinical studies have shown a direct correlation with increased concentrations of alkylglycerols within the tumor and reduced activity of tumor growth.

The mechanism described under FACT 1 for shark liver oil is related to the action of Paw Paw that reduces the growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer cells and also inhibits the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cells; Graviola works similarly to paw paw, but with just 2% to 4% of paw paw‟s potency. Shark liver oil does NOT inhibit the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cells. Therefore, if you choose to use shark liver oil you should probably also use Paw Paw to inhibit the growth of MDR (multiple drug resistant) cancer cells and reduce the growth of blood vessels.

Colostrum: Colostrum is the first breast secretion that a mammal provides for its newborn for the first 24-48 hours. It contains numerous immune system and growth factors as well as essential nutrients, trypsin and protease inhibitors that protect it from destruction in the GI tract. Bovine colostrum contains a blocking hormone* to prevent the calf from becoming sensitized to its own mother's immune factors.

*Studies indicate that all species, including man, benefit from the immune supporting properties of bovine colostrum with no reports of allergic or anaphylactic reactions to date.

OPC's: OPC's (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) are a natural product made from the bark of the French Maritime pine tree or from concentrated grape seed extract, is a potent antioxidant. "OPC's works like a crutch. It's not designed to cure anything but to give the body a better chance to fight and to help cure itself." In tests, OPC's helped build resistance to cancer in laboratory mice, boosting their immune systems by as much as 40 to 50 percent. Specifically, it increased concentration of natural killer cells, the body's first line of cancer defense.

Noni - The Hawaiian Miracle Fruit - offered as a - which contains xeronine and pro-xeronine. These are powerful immune system regulators.

Organic Germanium – Very significant effects in immunity o One of the most potent healing remedies o Organic Germanium aids fundamental processes within your body & can be used alongside therapy for any condition & as a single remedy, it is particularly important for cancer. o Germanium is contained in most medicinal herbs & food; in fact the therapeutic power of such herbs may be largely related to the amount of Germanium present. o Works at a molecular level to eliminate free radicals, especially unburnt hydrocarbons within cells. o For extensive discussion see: “Organic Germanium and the Immune System” <-- This is Chapter 3 – entire book is online. o Here is a source of organic germanium, from a very interesting site:  Clicking on “Condition List” on the side panel brings up a long list of health conditions, clicking on any one of which appears to bring up a separate targeted discussion of nutritional considerations for THAT CONDITION – remarkable! Incorporation in the Organic Germanium available from of Schindele's minerals provides all the minerals & trace elements in the earth's crust in colloidal form. Note that fulvic acid supplementation makes minerals in colloidal form more bioavailable. A main

contributory cause of chronic illness is mineral deficient soils; MINERALS ARE IMPORTANT.

Organic Silicon [in which the Silicon not elemental, but is in an organic chemical molecule] is for healing and rebuilding the body, including cancer support. Organic Silicon is slightly less effective than Organic Germanium but is similar in what it does, and is less expensive.

pg. 50

Russian Choice Immune: Russian Discovery urgently sought to help immune-depressed patients from the Chernobyl accident Lowers Cholesterol, Fights Cancer, and Supports Immune System. See discussion at A search from shows the Russian Choice Immune product on a number of pages at 1&

Dr. Robert Jay Rowen's SECOND OPINION, March 2005 said about this product:

“The Russians have developed an absolutely miraculous probiotic extract that needs to be in everyone's supplement regimen.”

“To give you an idea of how far reaching this product is, take a look at the results of another Russian study. This one followed 74 bronchitis patients, aged 20 to 65, and divided them into treatment and control groups. Bronchitis in the treatment group disappeared within six to eight weeks; the preparation significantly increased the ability of their immune systems to fight the infection. The controls saw no improvement.

I've seen oxidative therapies boost immune systems to this level. But I've never seen a supplement do it. So this is truly an amazing discovery. For most oxidative therapies, you have to visit a doctor's office and pay for the visit as well as the therapy. Now you can boost you immune system with an inexpensive supplement and no doctor's visit. ”

Agaricus Blazei Murrill: Agaricus Blazei Murrill (Hime-matsutake) is a newly discovered species of mushroom that is attracting the attention of many scientists in the world now. The benefits of Agaricus Blazei Murrill are detailed at - an extensive six-part report on Agaricus Blazei Murrill research. The above linked report includes the following:

Through the joint research by Mie University medical school, Kobe University faculty of agriculture and Iwade Fungology Institute, it was announced at various academic meeting that Agaricus Blazei Murrill (Iwaide's 101 strains) has anticancer effect against implanted solid cancer, ascites cancer and cancer induced by carcinogenic chemicals on test animals and various other medical effects including inhibition of hepatopathy induced by carbon quadrichloride, decholesterolization, reduction of serum lipid, activation of the third component in complement system and interferon induction. It was also found out through recent study that it activates helper-T lymphocyte, controls immunity system, activates macrophage, activates the function of cell membrane skin system and accelerates enterokinesia against gallbladder cancer. Furthermore, it has been proven that it has antiallergy effect and accelerates cardiac movement.

Summary of benefits indicated from animal studies in Article 1 of above linked report: (Note: Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5, and Article 6 linked at top of Article 1 reference HUMAN trials.)

o Agaricus Blazei Murrill is a carcinostatic food that improves the immunity function. o It has surprising anticancer effect. o It improves hepatic (liver) function. o Its immunopotentiation effect strongly supports the pancreas. o Its cancer prevention effects have been observed through animal experiments. o It is also effective against cancer induced by chemical carcinogens. o When used with anticancer , it results in a synergistic effect. o It enhances the cancer treatment effect of radiotherapy. [Possibly, it helps heal radiation damage.] o It activates macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system function. (The reticuloendothelial system is the phagocytic system of the body, including the fixed macrophages of tissues, liver and spleen.)

pg. 51 o It helps recovery from the inhibition of reticuloendothelial system function caused by most standard anticancer medicines. [Again, standard anticancer medicines are harmful; the Agaricus Blazei helps undo the damage.] o It stimulates immunocompetent cells, improves immunity function & stops the activity of cancer. o It is also effective against Ehrlich ascites cancer (a good test cancer - fast growing, difficult to treat). o It is more effective against ascites cancer than other anticancer medicines. o Note in Table 7 of report: Anticancer effect of ATOM (Antitumor Organic Substance Mie) against Ehrlich ascites cancer was much lower when taken orally, compared to injection into peritoneum. o Agaricus Blazei Murrill's lipid section is also anticancer active. o Unlike other medicines, the edible mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murrill will not cause side effects. o It contributes to the prevention of diabetes-related complications. o Many effective components included in Agaricus Blazei Murrill repair and maintain homeostasis Note especially this finding: Polysaccharide AB-P is obtained from the fruit body, ATOM from the culture mycelium and AB-FP from the filtrate of Agaricus Blazei Murrill. In the comparison experiment of mice carrying "Sarcoma 180" cancer, 10mg of AB-FP per 1kg of mice weight was administered for 10 days. Four weeks later, the tumor inhibition rate was found to be 100%. 20mg of ATOM and AB-FP also showed the tumor inhibition rate as high as 99%. Complete disappearance rate at five weeks was also close to 100%. These results confirmed that these polysaccharides have extremely high anticancer effect. AB-P Agaricus Blazei polysaccharide ATOM Antitumor Organic Substance Mie AB-FP Agaricus Blazei culture filtrate polysaccharide Where to get Agaricus Blazei: 1) See info about their extraction methods at claims, “Our 45% polysaccharide extract is the only hot-water-extracted, guaranteed potency form of Agaricus Blazei now being sold in North America.” For what it is worth, this company comes highly recommended by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of While their prices are quite reasonable, I have no reason to know that their agaricus blazei product performs at the high level of performance offered by Waiora‟s AgariGold with H1X1 below.

2) has formulated a unique patented product they describe as follows: “AgariGold with H1X1 is an exclusive formula combining H1X1, Waiora‟s exclusive patented highly potent strain of Agaricus Blazei hybrid mushroom (30 times more potent than the original Brazilian strain), and Sasa Bamboo leaf extract to create one of the most efficacious wellness products on the market.”

Written cancer testimonials: Here is a movie about AgariGold with H1X1: If you prefer to read, the story is available in text format here: Links to scientific research on the product are here: Here is the best discussion of AgariGold with H1X1 I have found: Video Testimonials are here: Note whenever viewing testimonials that we are not told WHAT ELSE the people did for their health. Product info: and

Order: If you like discounts, here is a link to the best deal on AgariGold with H1X1 I could find: You buy a membership for $29.95 pg. 52

and get “wholesale” pricing (annual renewal fee is $14.95). This conforms to Waiora‟s standard policy.

If you want to order Waiora‟s companion cancer product Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), here is a site where you can order NCD at discount prices: – no cost for the discount ($99.95 for 3 bottles NCD, taxes and shipping included). Compare those prices with Waiora‟s online store ($155.00 plus tax & S&H): A valid alternative to the high cost of NCD is ZeoLife ( p/zeolife.htm).

I have not found a similar deal on AgariGold with H1X1, but that does not mean it is not out there.

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS2): This is Jim Humble‟s companion discovery to MMS1. MMS1 is sodium chlorite (NaOCl). It is activated by addition of 10% citric acid solution, chemically transforming it to chlorine dioxide (ClO2). In 1999, the American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed chlorine dioxide the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. MMS1 is used in tiny amounts so that its tremendous potency is kept within comfortable limits.

MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) an immune system booster that supplies supplemental hypochlorous acid, normally created by the immune system to destroy pathogens. The common use of calcium hypochlorite is as a swimming pool sanitizer “shock” chemical. Jim Humble has experimented for years with giving small amounts (size “0” capsules) of calcium hypochlorite in conjunction with MMS1 whenever cancer is involved. The results have been spectacular. Jim Humble talks about MMS2 in this video: (bottom of page, and on YouTube at ← This video also includes Jim‟s description of his new AIDS cure protocol that takes just 3 weeks, has been successful on every case of AIDS he has tried it on, and costs almost nothing.

If you have a problem viewing this video in streaming format on, I downloaded it in .MP4 format. This .MP4 file is zipped and uploaded to You can download the zipped .MP4 file from using this link: If you need to download the free .MP4 player, you can download it here:

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* FACT 5: Cancer Cells have Electrical Activity within them. [Note: This relates to FACT 10, electron deficiency.]

All cells in the body have electrical activity. Normal cells have the highest voltage, and immature cells, like those in the bone marrow, have lower voltage. Cancer cells are somewhere in between. They do not have as high a voltage as normal cells. [Quoting Dr. John Maras] “We give a solution by mouth that lowers the voltage of all cells. When the voltage in the cancer cells is lowered, they can easily be dealt with by the body‟s normal process of catabolism.”

In the 1930's, the biochemist, James Vincent Sheridan developed Cancell (called Entelev then and sold today as Cantron). Mr. Sheridan came out with the following model of human cells based on the work of two-time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Human cells fall into three states:

a) Normal or aerobic, meaning that it can survive in a high oxygen environment b) Malignant or anaerobic which have a much lower electrical voltage (See more on this at FACT 10.) c) Primitive or the stage in development just after the formation of the cell‟s building blocks pg. 53

Many researchers attempt to reverse the anaerobic cell and turn it back to an aerobic cell through nutrients, oxygen or other methods. Mr. Sheridan abandoned this approach, believing malignant cells are irreversible.

Sheridan developed a chemical substance whose components combine to act synergistically to lower the voltage of the cell structure of the body. In the case of malignant cells which are anaerobic, their voltage is already low. Sheridan's substance lowers its voltage further.

Recognizing the respiratory cycle of a malignant cell, an electrical blockage is created, taking the cell from the malignant state past the primitive state back to the building block stage where the hydrogen bond joining the coils of the protein helix is shifted. Recent studies have shown that the optimum level is to lower the potential by 20%. When these malignant cells go past the primitive state, they lyse or self-digest. When the malignant cells self-digest, they change from cancer to waste material, composed of two amino acids that have the appearance of raw egg whites, which are mostly excreted through normal body waste disposal. The cancer cells are subsequently replaced with normal oxygen using (aerobic) cells.

Entelev, Cancell, Cantron, Protocel and Quantrol – Are they all the same?

The name of the original substance was Entelev. However, Cancell has become the generic name for substances based on similar theories. Today, three other names appear: Cantron, Protocel and Quantrol <-- This latter is found to be NOT effective.

Side Effects: Cantron & Protocel do not seem to have any side effects except that initially, one feels tired and this symptom disappears within a few days.

Ordering: Cantron & Protocel - order by first going here:

Note that this approach is the exact opposite of the approach described below at FACT 10, and is therefore inconsistent with any approach that increases the electrical voltage of cells to promote healing. Common sense dictates that one should not employ both approaches simultaneously, as they work in opposite directions. Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 6: Poor Nutrition - Cancer thrives on Cookies, Candy and Cakes.

"Our goal is to keep the intake of carbohydrates low - not nonexistent. You do not have to force pasta out of the diet just eat small portions, and stay away from simple sugars such as candy bars!"…Dr. John Maras.

This FACT 6 section includes the following approaches to Superior Nutrition: 1) FrequenSea 2) Fulvic Acid 3) the Budwig Diet 4) Dr. Young's book The pH Miracle 5) Wheat grass juice 6) Raw Food 7) Vitamin D3 8) EFAs 9) Selenium 10) 11) Broad spectrum nutrition

Return to top of FACT 6

1) For Superior Nutrition, there is a rare perfect whole food that improves your nutritional quality exponentially just by drinking ½ oz. to several oz. daily. See video on FrequenSea: pg. 54 This product enjoys an excellent reputation as a “checkmate” that defeats all kinds of illness. Return to top of FACT 6

2) Another remarkable approach to Superior Nutrition is fulvic acid supplementation. Click all tabs on this page.  Extensive discussion of fulvic: Below I copy a summary on fulvic acid from

Fulvic – What is it Fulvic is a natural ionic molecule produced by symbiotic bacteria living on the hair roots of all plants. Fulvic acts as a “pre-digesting” agent that alters the state of all potential plant minerals and trace elements found in clays and soils, allowing them to be easily assimilated by plants, animals, and people. Fulvic is one of the most crucial factors in the reversal and prevention of disease, as well as the maintenance of good health. Nature made it abundantly obtainable, but like many things, man has interfered with this vital process and it is no longer available in adequate quantities in the foods we eat. You must provide your body with this essential component through supplementation.

What does fulvic do in the body?

Fulvic‟s function is to balance and energize all cell life and biological properties it comes in contact with. If you can restore individual cells to their normal chemical balance and electrical potential, you have given those cells life. Fulvic also greatly enhances enzyme development and reactions in cells. Fulvic makes all nutrients more absorbable – it complexes minerals into organic, ionic forms easily transported into cell structure. Fulvic transports nutrients directly into the cells – one fulvic molecule can carry up to 60 or more minerals and trace elements into cells. Fulvic makes cell membranes more permeable – more permeable cell walls allow nutrients to more easily enter cells and also allows waste to leave more easily. Fulvic improves development of enzymes responsible for over 300 complex reactions in the body. Fulvic is a powerful de-tox – fulvic has the ability to complex and remove toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the system. Fulvic increases absorption of oxygen and decreases acidity – excess body acid is associated with virtually all degenerative diseases, especially cancer. Fulvic is the most powerful natural free-radical scavenger and antioxidant now known to science.

Fulvic one of nature‟s most powerful organic electrolytes and serves to balance cell life – when powerful organic electrolytes are introduced, the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance.

Return to top of FACT 6

3) A completely different approach to high quality nutrition is available at featuring the Budwig Diet. Here is another good source of info about the Budwig Diet: Johanna Budwig (30 September 1908–19 May 2003) was a German chemist, pharmacologist and physicist. She developed and promoted (from 1952) the Budwig protocol/Budwig diet, which centers around regular consumption of foods rich in linolenic and linoleic acids. This approach enjoys a terrific reputation for success. If you are prepared to change your lifestyle, many say it really works. If you are considering the Budwig recommendation of flaxseed oil blended with cottage cheese, note the caution below re: proper balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA containing oils. A good summary of the Budwig Plan is found in Message #847 Subject: “[FlaxSeedOil2] pg. 55

BUDWIG PLAN SUMMARY - DIET DETAILS & VIDEOS”, at the CancerVictory Yahoo Group site Return to top of FACT 6

4) Another highly effective approach to Superior Nutrition is in Dr. Young's book The pH Miracle mentioned below under FACT 11. His program is online at and his 320-page book is now available to download free as a .pdf file. See cover and download links: Download link 1:, Mirror (Rapidshare): Return to top of FACT 6

5) Wheat grass juice - No discussion of nutrition relating to cancer would be complete without mentioning wheat grass juice. For many, this simple food has been a lifesaver in all kinds of health conditions. pioneered appropriate appreciation for this life giving food. Go to and they will offer you a free download of Ann Wigmore’s 137 page book Why Suffer? Another good page on site: uses.html.  Explore the links on both left and right sides of the page. Growing wheat grass and juicing it is a fairly elaborate process. Get everything you need at Return to top of FACT 6

6) Raw Food – If you have not tried it, it can make a huge difference. Here‟s a good place to start: Want more info? Look here: Return to top of FACT 6

7) Vitamin D - Get D3 cholecalciferol (the good form) NOT Vitamin D2 ergocalciferol The best deal  is 5,000IU.

The importance of Vitamin D is often over-looked. Vitamin D is a hormone like substance that is manufactured in the skin in response to sunlight exposure. Failure to obtain a least a few minutes a day of direct sunlight exposure on the skin (The Sun will not be high enough in the sky to enable UVB rays to get through to generate Vitamin D in the skin for many months a year in northern climates such as northern Europe, UK, northern USA) will result in a deficiency of Vitamin D. Deficiencies have now been linked to many diseases and a greatly increased incidence of cancer.

Vitamin D3 is essential to aid the immune system and many biochemical processes including the utilization of calcium and magnesium. Its deficiency is almost universal in northern climates and even more so since the introduction of sun screen. Its deficiency has been linked strongly to auto-immune diseases. Furthermore the dose recommendations in the past were grossly under-estimated. At least 2000IU a day is recommended. Introducing this will have a general calming, strengthening and healing effect allowing any other remedies to work more completely.

Vitamin D3 Safety Issues - In the past there were reports of toxicity of higher doses. Further investigation has found that most or all such reports were for Vitamin D2, ergocalciferol. Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol is the form natural to the body and is not toxic in doses below 10,000 I.U. daily. In an emergency where one needs the antibiotic and antiviral properties of Vitamin D3 it is worth noting that the principal direct toxic effects of too much vitamin D are excessive absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine and resorption of calcium and phosphorus from bone. The prolonged ingestion of excessive amounts of vitamin D and accompanying hypercalcemia can result in metastatic calcification of soft tissues, including the kidney, blood vessels, heart and lungs. There is a wide variation among individuals in their tolerance to toxicity. In general, chronic ingestion of 50,000 IU to

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100,000 IU daily of vitamin D is required to produce hypercalcemia. Therefore, one should feel safe taking amounts up to 50,000 IU daily for short periods to combat flu, cancer, etc.

Vitamin D3 is found to reduce the mortality from breast and colon cancers by 75%, and of course, prevent cancers from forming in the first place. Want to hear about research on this? Go to Click on YouTube button. If you have health concerns follow the recommendations regardless of what else you may do. Otherwise, other efforts to improve your health may be for naught. Note: these recommendations are probably too conservative: 5,000 I.U. daily is good, 15,000 I.U. daily if deficient. See: “Breast Cancer as a Vitamin D Deficiency Disease” at

Gabriele Stähler, a German natural health doctor, did a MUST SEE “Project Camelot” interview on Vitamin D3 with Bill Ryan – available on YouTube at

She posted a technical discussion of Vitamin D3 worth reading at

If you need further convincing that Vitamin D is important enough to include in your supplement protocol, take a look at these links: 1), 2) Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses, and 3) cancer.aspx

Here is another angle on Vitamin D3: Robert Barefoot, who wonderfully promotes coral calcium, has a good argument for the cure of cancer. He says we do not get enough Sun UV rays to stimulate the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands behind our eyes which regulate the mineral disposition throughout the body. Exposure to sunlight does more that give us Vitamin D through our skin. We need the light coming into our eyes as well as falling on our skin. Andreas Moritz has also written a book on this titled, “Heal Yourself with Sunlight”, available at http://ener-

A friend who is familiar with Robert Barefoot wrote to me recently that the answer for [preventing/curing] cancer has been around for a long time. He said:

When we are not out in the Sun enough and when absorbable Calcium is not in the body the body fluids become toxic. This is the foundation of cancer and many other health issues.

So many people are after the answer to cancer. They have found answers AFTER the problem has already grown.

The cultures that have minimal amounts of cancer are out in the Sun and consuming large amounts of calcium and other nutrients through drinking water [that contains abundant natural minerals from glacial runoff, for example]. DNA replication cannot happen unless it is smothered in a cloud of calcium.

Dr. Kelley and many others did not have enough Vitamin D3 and Calcium so they got cancer.

Instead of trying to find an answer after the fact, why not just do what is necessary before the cancer starts to grow. [Spiritual connections and avoiding meat do not seem to protect against cancer.] Doug Henning [famous magician/illusionist] was with Maharishi. George Harrison was very close to . Dr. Hislop [a friend of Maharishi] died of cancer and was very close to Sathya Sai Baba. Linda McCartney was a Vegetarian.

All of them were light-skinned showing they did not get out in the Sun. When the Sun shines on the body around the third eye area [between the eyebrows], it creates mineral balance and calcitonin. [From a dictionary of cancer terms: Calcitonin is a hormone formed by the C cells of the thyroid gland. It helps maintain a healthy level of calcium in the blood. When the calcium level is too high, calcitonin

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lowers it.] When we are not out in the Sun Vitamin D3 is essential or you will become one of the 40% of Americans getting cancer.

Dr. Otto Warburg already won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for finding the cause of cancer that he felt was acidosis. Then he met Dr. Carl Reich who was the first doctor in America to prescribe large amounts of calcium to his patients. It was in the 1950's; he gave them 2,000 milligrams. The RDA at that time was only 650.

He cured many people from cancer and arthritic conditions. The AMA took his license away in 1982. Dr. Otto Warburg and he planned to write a book called the Calcium Factor. Dr. Otto Warburg died and Dr. Carl Reich met Robert Barefoot who agreed to write the book with him.

Dr. H.E. Sartori did a project with 50 metastasized cancer patients who had been sent home to die. Thirteen of them were comatose. They had all types of cancer including pancreatic, anal, breast, lymphoma, etc. He used cesium chloride.

After 13 days, all of the pain went away in all of the cancer patients. Thirteen died after 13 days with autopsies showing no cancer. After one year, 25 of the 50 were still alive. That is a 50% chance of survival after stage 4 cancer. This historic experiment established the value of high pH cesium therapy.

The FDA, FTC and the AMA have attacked Robert Barefoot. The FTC fined him and for five years, he could not do another infomercial. I worked for the infomercial company that produced his #1 infomercial back in 2003. We had thousands of people buying Coral Calcium.

As of today, he has a new infomercial out selling his books. The five years are up and he is still trying to educate people about the conspiracies. His infomercial is running as we write. …

Hope all this helps in some way. Many doctors have found many answers for cancer. Nevertheless, it will always be very simple, basic and not so intellectual. Get out in the Sun and take absorbable calcium with other trace minerals and metals like Boron. This is 50% of the answer. The rest is proper diet, stress, mental attitude and environmental pollution.

Kevin T. told Robert Barefoot that he saw a show where several doctors were saying, “If it’s in the genetic makeup of your family you will have cancer.” Robert Barefoot's answer was, “NOT IF YOU ARE TAKING CALCIUM.”

If you are taking Calcium and getting enough Vitamin D3 and other trace minerals then your genetic blueprint [will be improved thereby and this improvement] will be passed on to future generations.

If you want to maximize the benefit to your bones as well as your immunity from taking Vitamin D3 you should also be sure to get enough Vitamin K2. To understand more about this, here is a page from Dr. Mercola on Vitamin K2: k/?source=nl. He says the fermented soybean product Natto is the richest natural source, and of course he offers his own recommended supplement. Return to top of FACT 6

8) Prevent and help eliminate Cancer using essential fatty acids (EFAs) The role of EFAs is to enable cell walls to uptake oxygen into the cells. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize- winner identified the prime cause of cancer as replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. In other words, cancer depends on lack of oxygen and excess of sugar. That a too low oxygen pressure is the intrinsic (prime) cause of cancer was discovered by Warburg in the years 1927-1966. Dr. Warburg also found that abundance of respiratory enzymes in food repairs pg. 58 impaired cell respiration. Required EFAs and respiratory enzymes are available in products specifically designed to provide EFAs and minerals that serve as respiratory coenzymes (enzyme facilitators).


“The mono-unsaturated non-essential fatty acid “oleic acid” (OA) [primary fat in olive oil] has been shown to stimulate malignant cell proliferation in culture significantly.[19] [] In contrast, the essential fatty acids [EFAs] and their derivatives have been shown to have potent proliferation suppressive [stops growth] effects on malignant [cancerous] cells in culture.”

“It has been repeatedly demonstrated that EFAs and EFA metabolites suppress proliferation of a wide range of malignant cells in culture.”

“Rather than supplementing with fish oils, we recommend a plant-based omega 3 formulation (from various seeds) that contains parent omega 3 EFAs, and NO omega 3 derivatives. The body needs and uses much less omega 3 than omega 6 overall. We require plenty of unadulterated, unprocessed omega 6, regardless of what you may be told. Letting any tissues run short on omega-6 EFAs, as will occur if you follow the most prevalent nutritional recommendations, leaves your body significantly more susceptible. The majority of cells in the body require a ratio of at least 6.5 to 1 omega 6 to 3.”

Omega 6 and omega 3 EFAs must be taken together and in the correct balance with each other. Omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids in combination, even at what are considered “low doses,” are more effective than omega 3 alone at higher doses.

Calculation of Correct EFA Supplement Ratio David Sim, M.D. recommends that, “an EFA supplement should contain a ratio of from 1:1 parent omega 6 to omega 3, at the lowest end, up to 2:1 parent omega 6 to 3, at the high end”, and should come from plant sources (parent omega 6 & 3), not fish oil (way too much omega 3). If more omega 6- containing foods are consumed [presumed partly adulterated] then this ratio can be safely increased even more in favor of parent omega 6 [to overcome adulterated dietary omega 6]! In line with this, organic hemp oil, at 3 to 1 omega 6 to 3 parent EFAs is not a bad EFA supplement. See “Scientific Calculation of the Optimum Omega 6/3 Ratio” (

“Quite possibly the most important calculation of your life.” – David Sim, M.D.. He says, “…current nutritional recommendations to highly favor omega 3 derivative EFAs over omega 6 EFAs are harmful.” Why?: overdosing on parent omega 3 from flax seed and other parent omega 3-containing oils can do harm because your body‟s effort to rid itself of the overdose of omega 3 will produce immunosuppressive omega 3 derivatives. Read the following article from the web: The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer (

Here is a quick chart from (

Flaxseed (Linseed) oil is the richest source of Omega 3 LNA, essential fatty acid.

LNA = Alpha Linolenic Acid (fatty acid), omega 3, essential nutrient LA = Linoleic Acid (fatty acid), omega 6, essential nutrient EFA=Essential Fatty Acid

Our body needs 2 times more Omega 6 LA than Omega 3 LNA. (Dr. Sim [above] says we need 6.5 times, not 2 times.)

LNA : LA imbalance in modern diet:

Ratio: Omega3 : Omega 6 LNA : LA Modern diet: from 1 : 10 up to 1 : 50  (Dr. Sim says, ―Do not accept these numbers—they are way pg. 59

off the mark….‖) Our needs: 1 : 2  (Dr. Sim [above] says we need 6.5 times, not 2 times more.) Flaxseed oil 4 : 1 Udo's Choice 2 : 1

Flaxseed oil MUST BE Expeller pressed, non refined, fresh, kept in the freezer or refrigerator!

Cancer patients should consume every day small portion of flaxseed or flaxseed oil. If flaxseed oil is used in diet for too long time, without other oils, it may cause Omega6 deficiency symptoms! In curing cancer, it is recommended to blend flax seed oil with cottage cheese, source of sulfur rich protein.

The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, in 1951.

As a practical matter, it is easiest to supplement EFA‟s by choosing a single oil to use as an EFA supplement. Hemp oil contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids in a 3:1 ratio, which means that it has too little Omega 6. However, most other oils used for salad dressing, for example contain too much Omega 6 compared to Omega 3. So this writer has settled on hemp oil as a good oil to restore the Omega 6 to Omega 3 balance. It is more important that one NOT take in TOO MUCH Omega 3 fatty acids than it is to avoid taking in too little Omega 3‟s. Omega 3 shortage is not good, but overabundance can be dangerous. So using hemp oil seems to be a supplement that errs on the side of caution. Flax oil on the other hand, along with Fish oil contains far too much Omega 3‟s, enough to be dangerous if used in excess. Return to top of FACT 6

9) Selenium. Here is a long detailed article with many quotes and references on the positive value of selenium in treating cancer: Return to top of FACT 6

10) Urine therapy. See “Your Own Perfect Medicine” by Martha Christy - Need to economize? This is absolutely FREE. No product is involved. This therapy is all about utilizing the chemicals we ordinarily dump in the toilet, not realizing that our body is an amazing chemical factory that produces what we need for health. Anyone who is spending good money on nutrition or is ingesting anything to improve their health can get more for their money by recycling those nutrients and healing substances through urine therapy. Yep! That means drinking one‟s urine. The only caution is to take care of oral hygiene because although urine is sterile when it comes out, assuming no urinary tract infection, it is a good culture medium for bacteria growth. That‟s why urinals smell bad if not cleaned out. So clean your teeth, gums, tongue and throat after drinking and you will eliminate about the only important downside to this therapy. The following basic rules were copied from, which also offers detailed instructions - from The Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar, India.

Basic rules of urine therapy

Midstream urine should be used, the exception being in a fast where one is drinking so much that urine is being passed every ten to fifteen minutes. The first flow captured for

consumption should always be midstream.

Urine should be sipped like tea and not drunk like water. This will prevent excessive

problems in the form of loose stools and other eliminative processes.

The first flow of the day is the most important and the best time of the day to drink it is

between three and four a.m., especially if one is doing yoga sadhana.

Drink at least one liter of water per day.

Pungent and salty food as well as excessive protein should be avoided. pg. 60

Urine passed during the night before three a.m. should not be used.

The quantity used is left up to the individual. [Our information is that even tiny amounts of urine consumed consistently can have a significant health effect.] Return to top of FACT 6

11) Broad spectrum nutrition. For an excellent discussion of nutrition aimed at treating cancer, see:  This site says good things re: Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment, but note our comments about this much touted treatment below under FACT 11 (blood pH).

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* FACT 7: Cancer Cells Hide after Chemotherapy and Radiation. After the initial doses of radiation and/or chemotherapy, cancer cells start hiding. They develop a slime coating, and they become like Stealth bombers, and they can hide from future doses of radiation and chemotherapy. This is why repeated doses of radiation and chemotherapy become less effective.

"The way to support the body‟s normal ability to get rid of this "slime coating" is to use large doses of plant and animal enzymes - especially bromelain and pancreatin. This allows an 'access point' for the immune system to function normally and attack the cancer cells".....Dr. John Maras


When someone gets sick of any disease we can be sure that something is wrong with his/her enzymes. If the enzymes had been able to eliminate the cause of the disease, then the person would not have become sick.

What we logically must do, in almost any disease, is to replace the type and quantity of the required enzymes as soon as possible. Our body will automatically do the rest.

It is so simple; we just take some enzymatic tablets to help ourselves. In emergency situations, we can administer them in great quantities through injections or even rectally.

Scientific research has proven that enzymes not only have a synergetic effect, as a mixture, but also elicit the same kind of effect when they are combined with antibiotics, sulfonamids, steroids and other drugs or medicines. Regarding synergy with chemotherapy, we have seen an increase in the effect of the chemotherapy from 8% to 40%. This is wonderful, because it means that we can diminish, in certain cases, the dosage of cytostatic medicines without decreasing their therapeutic effect. About 5% of patients taking enzymatic mixtures will have a mild side effect. It consists simply in a change of the odor in their stools.

Systemic enzyme therapy is a form of therapy that has been taken over from . Today it has a firm place in the spectrum of treatment available under the aegis of mainstream medicine -- despite all hostilities. Extensive research made this possible.

A really superior set of enzymes, and other products that work with enzymes, and have a great reputation for success, are available at ( pancreatic enzymes seem to me to be far superior to cheap fungal based enzymes because they attack only cancer cells. Fungal based enzymes are indiscriminate. They attack normal tissues if taken without food or in high quantity. For specific info on how to use enzymes and for recommendations on excellent enzyme products to use, see the videos at pg. 61 and

Dr. Krebs, researcher into Vitamin B17, or laetrile, answered a question regarding what enzymes to take with laetrile by suggesting that the generally accepted best available enzymes, Wobenzym brand enzymes, may be overpriced. He recommends “American Viokase” put out by Viobin in Minticello, Illinois. These are pancreatic enzymes and are now sold for use with animals; they are the good kind, not fungal based. There is no reason not to use American Viokase enzymes if you wish, but it probably won‟t save you money Prices we found for VIOKASE seemed higher than for Wobenzym.

One source is VIOKASE-V Powder - 12 ounce Bottles:

The best understanding of enzymes I know comes from Dr. Kelley - see This site contains a video that briefly explains the use of enzymes recommended in Dr. Kelley’s One Answer to Cancer book. See video at See additional video covering tips on using Dr. Kelley‟s One Answer to Cancer book at If you want to use Dr. Kelley‟s recommended enzymes but are concerned about the cost, here is a link to a video comparing them to other enzyme products, including Wobenzym: You can do your own price comparison - check with College Health Stores, LLC in Weatherford, TX at (888) 477-3618 (mentioned in One Answer to Cancer and run by Dr. Kelley‟s son John Kelley) to compare prices and products with those offered at or elsewhere.

To the above original "7 FACTS” from, I add eighteen additional FACTS:

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* FACT 8: Effective cancer treatments are NOT rare, but abundant. MANY highly effective approaches are substantiated by science. We simply need to educate ourselves.

Before you get lost in a multiplicity of approaches, allow me to offer a modest suggestion. Two self- treatment approaches seem to this writer to merit special attention:

1) MMS1 (pathogen killer) + MMS2 (immune system booster) combine to destroy any microbial invaders that have invaded normal tissues (perhaps seeking shelter from hyperacidity of the blood), turning them cancerous. When these microbial invaders are destroyed, the cells revert to normal. This is certainly the least expensive and the simplest approach we know, and it is possibly the quickest and most effective. Hold the key and Click  MMS1 + MMS2 to go to the MMS section of this document.

2) William Donald Kelley DDS had a 93% success rate with all kinds of cancers. You can download the book "One Answer to Cancer" by Dr. Kelley HERE , or as a Word document from the Files area of the CancerVictory Yahoo Group here:

A friend of mine who knew Dr. Kelley personally wrote me that, “Kelley claimed that cancer was easy to heal ... but that it was very difficult to heal the patient. He gave them all three priorities ... 1. Detox .... 2. Detox .... and 3. Detox … and lots of enzymes [loaded with Chymotrypsin .. very expensive] for most people a mostly fresh and raw veggie diet [depending on what their metabolic type was] and depending on how severe the cancer [i.e., how severe was the liver compromised] ... from 1 to 8 coffee enemas a day. You know coffee enemas promote the enzyme glutathione S-transferase ... without which the body cannot produce this powerful antioxidant ... Glutathione ... I'm a big chlorella believer ... I recommend it to everyone to detox all the environmental poisons out, to raise albumin levels

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*the only substance I know will really do that+ and to raise glutathione levels ...”

Kelley's enzyme protocol, or something close to it, is available for practical purposes at or go straight to the source at and read what Dr. Kelley said. Check with College Health Stores, LLC in Weatherford, TX at (888) 477-3618, mentioned in Dr. Kelley‟s One Answer to Cancer and run by Dr. Kelley‟s son John Kelley. Coffee enemas up to 8 times a day if you are in serious trouble and Kelley‟s three priorities for cancer patients, “1. detox, 2. detox, and 3. detox”, will carry you far. Wilson‟s Coffee from Canada is specially made for use as a coffee enema. Detox and chlorella are discussed above, under FACT 3, 3) under “detox procedures”.

If you want to understand cancer from the point of view of physiology, this is covered in some detail in Dr. Kelley‟s “One Answer to Cancer” starting at of Cancer.

Here below are places on the Internet to educate oneself about abundant sources of effective cancer treatment, about health in general, and about treatment of other degenerative illnesses: lists a large number of highly successful approaches to cancer. is one of the best sites to explore what works is another top site to explore what works - Jim has written up the complete protocol for using MMS1 + MMS2 on his


The Cure Zone – enter this search parameter [site: cancer] (i.e.: “cancer” or whatever you want info about) into a search engine like Good areas to explore in include Dr. Richard Schulze at

and “Ask Tony Isaacs: Featuring Luella May” at

Tony Isaac's anti-cancer protocol is so complete, and it intelligently includes so many things I believe are important that it is one of the first info sources I would consult:

Site where you can purchase the DVD described below:

A documentary by Massimo Mazzucco Cancer is the only disease that has been defeated dozens of times without anyone knowing it. In the last 100 years, doctors, scientists, and researchers have developed diverse and effective solutions against cancer only to be thwarted by the political and propaganda power of the drug-dominated medical profession. This is the story of Essiac, Hoxsey, Laetrile, Shark Cartilage, Mistletoe, and Bicarbonate of Soda all put together in a stunning overview that leaves no doubt that inexpensive cures for cancer do exist but are systematically blocked by Big Pharma because they come from

nature and cannot be patented. Highly informative. DVD, 93 minutes., especially Forbidden Cures, including on the Forbidden Cures page: Nutritional Therapies A good primer on nutrition is: Other useful areas include: The Mind- Body Connection, Cancer, and The Books of Dr. Hulda Clark Download her book “The Cure For All Advanced Cancers” FREE as a 634 page PDF file:

FREE text-to-speech reader will read aloud long passages for you:

pg. 63

The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers [Book] by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. [purchase link:] More advanced than standard research technology, Dr. Clark uses Syncrometer resonance to make

astounding discoveries. They are repeatable by anyone trained in this new science.

Dr. Clark found that cancer is caused [perhaps among other potential causative agents, but this is the one she focused on in her research] by a parasite linked to your DNA growth regulators by the alkylating agent, Methylene Blue. This dye accidentally gets into your water from filters and bleaches used to sanitize the water. This starts the linkage to other well-known carcinogens to build the "cancer

complex". See:

Learn to avoid and destroy the cancer-complex using herbs and other low-tech methods to bring a cure, not just a treatment, for our most dreaded disease. Use electricity to boost your immunity with zapping, plate zapping and homeography, all explained in this book. But see the Bob Beck Protocol for a more penetrating understanding on how to clear the blood of pathogens using


As in her other books, Dr. Clark describes her results in a clear, easy-reading style and puts them all in the public domain for your benefit. It will touch your noblest instincts to read how you cure yourself, your pets, and even domestic animals of this disease. People who follow her approach

have proved Dr. Clark‟s methods effective repeatedly.

In this new book, she reveals that cancer is not a one-cause disease, but rather is formed by a "cancer

complex" that includes various partners that act together.

Dr. Clark finds cancer is -- not surprisingly -- a complex mechanism, involving factors from environmental toxins to toxins produced in the human body by certain pathogens to parasites, fungi and bacteria. However, unlike other research she does not enumerate dozens of "possible contributors", but names the exact factors that are found in EVERY case of cancer, in EVERY

tumor. She goes into detail.

The Cancer section at

Dr. Simoncini’s natural cancer therapy using sodium bicarbonate Start at and click on the links at the bottom of each page to read the following 7 pages. Very simple, but a doctor who understands Simoncini‟s protocols is needed to administer a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution into appropriate arteries to target specific locations of tumors. Aside from this requirement of a doctor to administer the bicarbonate solution into the appropriate artery, or into the colon during colonoscopy or into the lungs during endoscopy, this is a simple, highly effective, fast acting non-toxic therapy that works on even advanced cancers.

It kills the cancer and allows you to live to regain your health, but it does not restore health. You need to do that yourself by changing your habits, cleaning up your emotions, and detoxing your body on a long term basis, including dietary changes. If you are willing to take responsibility for your own health, go to the most effective proven cancer treatment protocol for self-treatment that we know. You can not do better than Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc – go straight to and download it from the Files area.

Scientific research on alternative and natural cancer treatments:,

Videos: A play list of 34 videos on YouTube about alternative cancer treatments starts off with: Hoxsey: The Quack Who Cured Cancer? – The entire play list plays one after another at:

pg. 64 next=1&playnext_from=PL&index=28 Take notes. Many of these videos promote sale of products

like downloadable e-Books (PDF docs), but you will see a variety of alternative cancer approaches.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 9: You Can Control the Spread of Cancer. - See Dr. Rath‟s important book and research reports on a specific simple nutrition protocol that stops cancer from metastasizing. - Full details on controlling spread of cancer are available in Dr. Rath‟s important book: files/cancer_book.pdf.

Summary is at A research report available online shows that the synergistic effect of “Nutrient Synergy” – a specific formulation of nutrients containing Lysine, Proline, Ascorbic Acid, and Epigallocatechin Gallate (Green Tea extract) inhibits spread of human cancers – report available as a PDF at: Short valuable report, Cancer Research Breakthrough: To find more information on Dr. Rath‟s “Nutrient Synergy”  enter this search parameter:

[ nutrient synergy] into the search engine.

Back to Table of Contents  Hold the key and Click

* FACT 10: One Cause of Cancer (like almost every disease) on the cellular level is electron deficiency (low voltage) in cell membranes of cells throughout the body, and especially in the affected area.

A most enlightening video – makes the electron deficiency point very clear and understandable so you

know what to do about it:

In this video, Dr. Jerry Tennant lays out a clear understanding of how degenerative conditions like cancer form when the cellular voltage drops, and how to reverse this situation. Don‟t be put off by the explicit FrequenSea product promotion. It happens to be a fabulous product, and he only mentions it a little bit anyway. His explanation is the clearest I have ever seen showing how electron deficiency is the fundamental cause on the cellular level of essentially ALL disease conditions, with key dietary recommendations on how to reverse those conditions by addressing the nutritional needs of cells, and of our whole body. Watching this video is 25 minutes VERY well spent. Dr. Tennant‟s clear explanation helps clarify the cellular basis of many disparate theories of health that emphasize managing

the body‟s acid/alkaline balance. It all relates to availability of electrons.

Dr. Tennant says the body can leak electrons via metal fillings in the teeth! We thought the main issue with amalgam fillings was mercury leaching into the body. No! The problem is not exclusively toxicity. Metal fillings (including gold) also allow electrons to drain out of any meridian in the body – each tooth connects to a different meridian! Wow! A meridian that leaks electrons is an open invitation for disease of any kind to take hold in the domain of that meridian, especially cancer. The answer, if you want to save your life, may be extraction of teeth that have metal fillings that test positive for excessive electron leakage above a critical threshold, and connect with meridians governing the location where you have out-of-control cancer.

Another very worthwhile video featuring Dr. Tennant goes into more depth about how FrequenSea Marine Phytoplankton is produced

If you want to try FrequenSea, here is a site where you can purchase as much as you like: Click the “shop” link at the top of the page at:, info page: Purchasing via this website will get you retail prices.

pg. 65

To get involved and pay wholesale, call Wanda at 1-641 472 9587.

Other sources of Marine Phytoplankton are 1) and 2)

Electrons in cell walls of every cell in the body are more abundant when blood pH is in the required blood pH electron rich range of 7.35 – 7.45 (See FACT 11 below). This is one more reason why blood pH MUST be mildly alkaline.

The fact that electron abundance is important for health helps explain why anti-oxidants like vitamin C and OPC's (oligomeric proanthocyanidins - commonly from pine bark & grape seed), both electron donors, can be useful in overcoming cancer and other diseases. Vitamin C combined with DMSO is a low cost approach to cancer treatment endorsed on the Cancer Tutor site. Also see this article on other Inexpensive Cancer Treatments. Back to FACT 21 Note that most treatments listed/linked in this document are relatively inexpensive.

The understanding that electron abundance and mildly alkaline blood go together also illumines the value of drinking alkaline ionized water produced electrically by ionizers like this one: (very inexpensive), or this: jupiter-ultra-technos-ionizer.aspx (not cheap, but quality at a fair price).

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* FACT 11: Cancer thrives in an acidic, low pH environment (blood pH below 7.3 = electron deficient). Cancer does not thrive if blood pH is sufficiently alkaline (blood pH 7.35 – 7.45 = high pH = electron rich). What's more, cancer is not the only degenerative disease to share this characteristic. A real pioneer in the field of alkalizing for health is Robert O. Young Ph. D., D.Sc. Dr. Young's book "The pH Miracle" is an excellent guide to success in putting pH theory of nutrition into practice. His program really works and is available online. Start at, then click all button links in top bar, including “The Program”, then click on all links in the bar at the top of “The Program” page.)

Here is a quote from the above phmiracle.htm page: \ “Forget cholesterol counts. Forget calories and fat grams. Forget blood pressure, blood sugar, hormone levels, or any of the other markers of health you're used to at the doctor‟s office. It turns out that the single measurement most important to your health is the pH of your blood and tissues - how acidic or alkaline it is. Different areas of the body have different ideal pH levels, but blood pH is the most telling of all. Just as your body temperature is rigidly regulated, the blood must be kept in a very narrow pH range - mildly basic or alkaline. The body will go to great lengths to preserve that, including wreaking havoc on other tissues or systems.

“The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic process pg. 66 depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In other words, overacidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of all sickness and disease.

“If that's not enough to get you interested in balancing your body pH naturally, nondestructively, keep this mind: Overacidity is also what's keeping you FAT!

“The goal then - and what this program allows you to do - is to create the proper alkaline balance within your body. The way to do that is by eating the proper balance of alkaline and acid foods. That means 80 percent of your diet must be alkalizing foods, like green vegetables. (That percentage will go down somewhat once you've successfully rebalanced yourself.) In addition, high quality supplements will help you achieve and maintain pH balance.”

"The pH Miracle" Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young, Warner Books; (May 2002)

Dr. Young's book "The pH Miracle" book is now available to download free as a 320-page .pdf file. See cover and download links: reclaim-your-health.html Download link 1:, Mirror (Rapidshare):

Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment – a nice but deceptive thought One seductively inexpensive way to deal with the infectious aspect of cancer, namely Candida fungus and yeast colonies (as well as yeast like bacteria that are the cause of TB), has been promoted by some to be a self-administered treatment for cancer of the digestive tract only. It utilizes cancer‟s vulnerability to mildly alkaline blood pH. It is described, half way down the page at this URL:

Back to FACT 21 Although the authoritative site once endorsed the Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment, now it says this: “Dr. Simoncini, who is for real, and is a well-known oncologist in Italy, says that [ingestion of] baking soda and water are only effective on cancers of the digestive tract, from the throat to the end of the colon. Cancers outside of the digestive tract need the baking soda injected so that the baking soda is not neutralized by the digestive tract… this [baking soda and maple syrup] treatment is not in any way endorsed or supported by the Cancer Tutor website.”

Apparently, heating baking soda in maple syrup does NOT result in binding them together chemically as is claimed in online write-ups of Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment. The valuable part is the bicarbonate. Forget the maple syrup.

Dr. Simoncini‟s impressive work with sodium bicarbonate (= baking soda = NaHCO3) is summarized in eight web pages. Start at and click on the links at the bottom of each page to read the following seven pages. This is a very encouraging write-up of successes in treating many difficult-to-treat cancers – well worth reading all eight pages. Dr. Simoncini does not even mention maple syrup. When administering baking soda orally he has the patient add a tsp. to water and drink it. Mostly he administers a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution through an artery that feeds the tumor. For skin cancer, he uses iodine tincture to attack the Candida fungus. He finds, among all concurrent causal factors, that Candida fungus is the one significant cause of all kinds of cancer, based on the logic that attacking the Candida fungus causes the disease to regress. Read more HERE.

Some have attacked this logic. A valid objection to Dr. Simoncini’s treatment protocols is this: While killing Candida fungi does regress a cancer tumor, this is not really a cure of the condition because

pg. 67 when the body is so toxic that fungal activity gets out of hand, this represents the 6th stage of cellular breakdown. First comes the garbage [toxins] ... then come the flies [fungi]. A real cure must remove enough stored toxicity so that there is no longer any impetus for cellular breakdown. Another way of making this point is that while bicarbonate treatment will cause tumor(s) to regress, it does not create sufficient positive conditions to promote return to full health. Some people are thankful just to escape danger, while those who object would like people to not only escape mortal danger, but also learn to create radiant health. We like to think that addressing all aspects of cancer, as discussed throughout this document, DOES promote full health. We recall an article that appeared in under the title, “Greatest Risk Isn’t Cancer or Heart Disease; it’s Lack of Exercise”. See

If your body is seriously acidic, “HRx” (now available again) can shift your acid/alkaline balance toward alkaline. However, the owner of, herbalist Greg Caton, remains under arrest in the United States after having been kidnapped illegally and extradited from Ecuador by Interpol due to false representations to Interpol by the FDA. If you would like to write a letter to the judge in his favor, go to:

If you make ordinary drinking water with HRx regularly, bringing the "water" to a pH of approximately 9.0, and you drink it, the pH of saliva and urine samples will reflect values in the 6.4 to 7.0 range -- not 5.2 to 5.9. This means that HRx brings the entire , and therefore the organ tissues through which the blood passes, into less acidic pH ranges. pH range of 6.4 to 7.0 average combined readings of saliva and urine in morning before breakfast indicates blood pH in the 7.35 – 7.45 normal pH range.

Bicarbonates eliminate acid buildup Probably the simplest and cheapest way to alkalize the body is to start with very pure water like distilled water that has been carbon filtered to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or reverse osmosis filtered water, and to then alkalize this water for drinking by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) & potassium bicarbonate (from a wine making shop) in a ratio of slightly less than 50/50 (1:1) sodium to potassium to all one‟s drinking water. We find that adding liquid trace minerals like ConcenTrace or Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals makes the water much more inviting to the body. One will naturally drink more if the water feels good inside. The water that feels best to me is reverse osmosis filtered water that ionized in a batch ionizer like this one: If you start with reverse osmosis filtered water, the “HiddenCures” water ionizer produces better quality water than expensive ionizers costing ten times as much.

The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on Arm & Hammer baking soda ( does NOT reveal any presence of aluminum in Arm & Hammer baking soda, but if one is concerned by rumors that the Arm & Hammer brand contains aluminum, Red Mill brand is reportedly aluminum free. Alkalizing one‟s water in this way is a good idea for almost anyone. The ideal sodium to potassium ratio is less than 1:1 (i.e.: slightly less sodium) – and this “slightly less sodium than potassium” electrolyte balance is critical for normal cell function. I add 1 tsp. potassium bicarbonate, slightly less than 1 tsp. of baking soda and ½ tsp. (40 drops) of Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals per gallon of my drinking water.

Acidification is synonymous with mineral deficiency. carries an alkalizing mineral product that supplements the five primary alkaline minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and iron. See “pHion Alkaline Minerals” on the web at

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Another very interesting approach to resolving acidity naturally is Alka-Vita Pure Elemental Silicon Some quotes:

“Why do we need Silicon?

“Silicon, in brief, is a master mineral that initiates healing and new tissue construction, (especially connective tissue and bone), strength and stability of the tissues and nerves and resistance to disease including, cardio-vascular diseases and collagen and bone diseases such as all forms of arthritis and osteoporosis. However, its role goes beyond this and is involved in all the organs in the body and even in helping to provide a stable immune system. Silicon is also thought to aid natural detoxification, especially of

the lymphatic and blood systems.

“Silicon is acquired mainly as an infant, its concentration in the body gradually decreasing with age. The reduction in silicon content in the body with age is associated with some aspects of the aging and degenerative disease process, and conversely restoring silica storage and availability in the body sees improvements in some of the signs and diseases of ageing. However, young people also benefit from silicon

supplementation in alleviation of some health problems as well. …

“We also supply Organic Silicon [a separate product in which the Silicon not elemental, but is in an organic chemical molecule] which we recommend for healing and rebuilding the body. This product is essential for repair and cellular regeneration; it is more specific and effective than any other nutritional product we have studied. It is therefore recommended in all nutritional programs. Organic Silicon is particularly important for collagen diseases such as arthritis, circulatory problems especially of the elderly, to strengthen the arteries and to increase their flexibility and to balance blood pressure whether too high or low. May also be good for auto- immune disorders and specifically found to be good for skin disorders and asthma. Especially good for liver regeneration and liver diseases. Choose Alka-Vita Elemental Silicon if you want to supply your body with cleansing free-electrons that are also a 'mother' anti-oxidant and to bring the whole family (one bottle will last 3 people one month), towards a more healthy alkaline state and to improve the quality of drinking water. Alka-Vita has a history of helping some serious health concerns such as diabetes and cancer support, but for cancer support is complementary to Organic Silicon. The products do overlap and

may both be used for their own sphere of action. …

“Pure elemental silicon solution offers the advantage that as well as acting as a primary or 'mother' anti- oxidant like Germanium and Michrohydrin, the electrons are naturally held around the smallest possible receptors–individual atoms, and transportation directly to the cells in the body may be more efficient. Also there is the semi-conductor aspect where the exchange of electrons is facilitated. The great disadvantage of

Michrohydrin has been the cost, Alka-vita is available at a fraction of the cost.

“Turns water to a highly alkaline state

“Example - 4 drops in a glass of water turns the water to highly alkaline pH 9. This in turn helps to neutralize excess acidity at cell and tissue level. As health deteriorates, especially with age, the cells tend to become more acidic laying the foundation for disease and the associated adverse effects of aging. By maintaining a slightly alkaline cellular pH of 7.35 the foundation of our health is protected.”

Balance sodium - potassium intake in your food to reduce your risk of developing disorders like hypertension, stroke, kidney stones, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal-tract cancers, and asthma. Vegetables, fruit, tubers, roots, and nuts are all net-base-producing (alkaline), whereas dairy products, fish, meat, eggs, cereal grains, and salt are net-acid-producing. Potassium concentrations in vegetables are four times those in milk and 12 times those in grains. Fruit has approximately two and five times the potassium concentrations in milk and grains, respectively.

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* FACT 12: Cancer cells cannot live in a high Oxygen environment.

Nobel laureate Otto Warburg found cancer to be fundamentally a condition of cellular hypoxia. For an in depth discussion of what works to treat cellular hypoxia, look at this site: <-- a link of a lifetime! Flooding the body with oxygen, any way that you can do it, is very helpful in restoring health and getting rid of cancer. In addition to getting outdoors and breathing clean fresh air, one can get equipment that concentrates

pg. 69 oxygen from the air so that you can breathe concentrated oxygen.

There are ozonators for water (info:, ozonator equipment: that allow you to drink ozonated water. Pet stores sell inexpensive ozonators for use with fish tanks. These can be used to ozonate the olive oil used in the liver flush procedure, as well as drinking water.

You can add small amounts of 30% H2O2 technical grade [purer than food grade] hydrogen peroxide to your drinking water.

Interestingly, it turns out that hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver strengthen the activity of each other, so if you have a colloidal silver generator you can improve the potency of the colloidal silver by adding 1 drop of technical grade 35% H2O2 to each 3 oz. of colloidal silver. Drink it! Colloidal silver, especially when potentiated with a drop or so of technical grade 35% H2O2 reduces growth of Candida - a major factor in cancer tumors, thereby also reducing sugar craving!

If you are going to buy, rather than make your own colloidal silver, be sure NOT to buy American Biotech Lab‟s fraudulently promoted Natural Silver Solution--Silver Sol. (To understand the dangers and very compelling reasons NOT to buy the Silver Sol product promoted by Alex Jones and Homeland Security, see A really good colloidal silver product is OxySilver (

If you drink colloidal silver, be sure to supplement promptly with the probiotics acidophilus and bifidus (take with food) (best/cheapest two we know are [best] and [cheapest-best]) to replenish your intestinal flora, which, contrary to the popular conception, ARE killed by colloidal silver. If you do NOT replenish your intestinal flora, drinking colloidal silver potentiated with a little H2O2 will greatly reduce the Candida infection initially, and then, because the healthy flora have also been killed, Candida will quickly repopulate your intestines and become more of a problem than ever!

Several colon cleansing products contain magnesium peroxide with ozone trapped in their crystalline structure. Colosan® and Oxy-Powder® are two such products. Drinking citrus juice after ingesting these products in water liberates oxygen and ozone in the intestinal tract, raising the level of internal oxygenation. Elevated oxygen is particularly useful for cancer of the digestive tract. Colosan ( or Oxy-Powder® ( gently oxidize and cleanse the intestines and colon using oxygen. This is far less time consuming than more complicated approaches to colon cleansing and can have benefits beyond just cleaning the colon. NOTE: Poops are liquid when using these products, but emergencies need not be a problem. Start when emergencies are unlikely to create difficulty because you will be near a bathroom (on a weekend, for example). Once you know what to expect, emergencies need not be a factor. You just need to know that what may feel like gas may be liquid instead, and act prudently. As a way to cleanse the colon this approach is effective and highly “doable” in terms of low cost and minimum disruption to one‟s life. This approach or something else that gets the colon clean and healthy is “mandatory” in any serious effort to improve health.

If you use this approach and find that swollen hemorrhoids are suddenly a problem, this indicates that your liver is overwhelmed with the toxicity being stirred up by the use of Colosan® or Oxy-Powder®. Swollen hemorrhoids are a sign of liver overwhelm. To eliminate the swelling, it is far better to address the real issue by using Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or ZeoLife and do liver flushes [see Fact 22] every two weeks or so until hemorrhoids cease to be a problem, or until resulting elimination of liver stones becomes minimal. Using “Preparation H” can calm down emergencies, but will only mask the symptoms.

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Watch this video of Ed McCabe “Mr. Oxygen” ( speaking at a New Life Expo. on the value of getting more oxygen: Click  HERE ( 8108508242210478662&ei=lcaqSoPBFKb0qgKTxZWtAw&q=Mr.+Oxygen%3A+%22Disease+Can%27t+Live+in+Oxygen%22+Ozone+OxyLift+OxyFlush+OxyEarth)

Here is another short but worthwhile video relating to Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies:  This video is not specifically about cancer, but makes the point that there is tremendous benefit from using oxygen to treat illness. He brings up a related therapy, namely treating extracted blood with ultraviolet light and then reinjecting it into the patient – killed pathogens in the reinjected blood enable the immune system to form immunity against the specific organisms that are causing the patient‟s problem, with none of the usual toxicity problems associated with commercial vaccination.

A brief “soap box moment”: Why do the WHO, NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies and organizations push multiple vaccines that contain dangerous adjuvants like thimerosal and squalene (MF59) for young children instead of promoting procedures like treating extracted blood with ultraviolet light and reinjecting it? This procedure is done only after a problem actually arises for a particular patient, instead of mass injection of toxic agents into people who have no need of any treatment. You can guess the answer and we need to stop tolerating this behavior in our public organizations. There are better ways to protect the public and promote health on a mass basis such as promoting mass consumption of bioavailable calcium and vitamin D3 during fall and winter months and lots of sunshine ON THE FACE whenever possible – Avoid burning & avoid sunscreen & sunglasses. I would now also point out that is a critical answer

to the problem of corruption in our public health organizations.

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* FACT 13: Cancer tumors are not a failure of cells to function intelligently. A tumor is an expression of the body’s innate intelligence because a tumor encapsulates toxicity to protect our organs from toxic damage.

A tumor is an intelligent response of the body to toxicity, especially Candida fungal infection that would otherwise damage the organs when the body has an excess toxic load. See the book by Andreas Moritz: “Cancer Is Not A Disease! It's A Survival Mechanism; Discover Cancer's Hidden Purpose, Heal Its Root Causes, And Be Healthier than Ever” Book excerpt (

Anyone who has cut open a surgically removed tumor will tell you that a tumor stinks inside, indicating toxicity. Any drawing down of the body‟s toxic load will reduce the pressure for cancer tumors to isolate toxins to protect the body. Among the desirable options to draw down the body‟s toxic load are: colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, liver and gall bladder flush, fasting (it‟s Biblical), fulvic acid supplementation, and products such as Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) by Waiora or ZeoLife – This is an amazing product - micronized and purified zeolite in a water colloidal suspension. Just a few drops contain millions of microscopic pieces of purified zeolite to adsorb an amazing amount of toxicity from the blood and tissues. NCD preferentially goes after heavy metals like mercury (dental fillings), lead (was in gasoline, paint), cadmium (cigarette smoke), and other toxins, while leaving alone beneficial minerals like calcium. See video testimonials for Natural Cellular Defense that range from impressive to amazing at and There are also a large number of impressive written testimonials by people who had cancer prior to taking NCD and AgariGold with H1X1 at Waiora makes a companion product for boosting the immune function that contains extract of the mushroom Agaricus Blazei and other immune boosting ingredients, sold under the name AgariGold with H1X1. See pg. 71 extensive proven benefits of the mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murrill  HERE  Hold the key and Click.

Note that MMS2 is a good inexpensive substitute for the immune enhancing function of AgariGold with H1X1. AgariGold with H1X1 is excellent at empowering the immune system to deal effectively with cancer, and so is MMS2. They empower the immune system in different ways. AgariGold with H1X1 strengthens the immune system with powerful nutrition, whereas MMS2 provides the immune system with powerful chemical ammunition. Both are good. MMS2 is a complement to MMS1. AgariGold with H1X1 is designed to complement to Natural Cellular Defense (NCD); the less costly ZeoLife is a quality substitute for NCD.

Other options to draw down the body‟s toxic load include bentonite clay blended with water (and possibly adding psyllium seed husk powder), other clays that soak up toxicity, and any cleansing product or approach that works within a person‟s lifestyle, including products like Colosan ( or Oxy-Powder® ( that cleanse the colon with oxygen. These are all valuable and important to maintain health and they promote reduction of cancer tumors.

Be mindful that detoxification often raises the body‟s acidity (lowers the pH) temporarily, because when we detoxify, stored acid toxins are pulled out of storage into the blood and then into the urine. It is vital to manage acidity in a detoxification program. Blood pH below 7.3 (mildly alkaline) is dangerous.

On the other hand, toxic chemotherapeutic agents, toxic emotional patterns, toxic lifestyle choices, foods that leave behind a lot of undigested debris, and environmental poisons , especially mold in our living environment that increases the body‟s toxic load all have the effect of increasing pressure for tumors to grow, to encapsulate toxicity.

Mold - One very important and widespread source of toxicity is mold. Are you familiar with the effects of mold on blood? See:  Ingrid Naiman writes, “One of the theories of mold is that only certain molds produce toxic metabolites. Of these, the trichothecenes are the ones most discussed but there are also hemolysins, chemicals that cause rupturing of red blood cells and sometimes severe anemia. To research mold as a cause of disease generally, here is a good place to start:

Quick vocabulary lesson on mold or fungi:

hypha (hi´fә) pl. hy´phae one of the filaments or threads composing the mycelium of a fungus. branching filamentous outgrowths produced by certain bacteria (such as Actinomyces), sometimes forming a mycelium.

mycelium (mi-se´le-әm) the mass of threadlike processes (hyphae) constituting the thallus of a fungus. adj., myce´lial., adj.

thallus (thal´әs) a simple plant body not differentiated into root, stem, and leaf, characteristic of mycelial fungi and some algae. the actively growing vegetative organism as distinguished from reproductive or resting portions, as in fungi.

Ms. Naiman continues, “Before trying to say anything on the subject of mycotoxicity, I want to reiterate something I have said before: mold can and will and does destroy blood. In my observations of live blood, it can achieve this in at least three ways:

pg. 72

1. “By devouring the red blood cells while in the vegetative state. In this case, the RBCs travel through the hypha where they are exposed to acids and enzymes. At the end of this journey, the formerly discrete RBCs are liquefied and presumably also predigested. It is pointless to get into a debate over this phenomenon until one has actually seen this in a microscope.

2. “By spraying something on substances that causes a nearly total dematerialization of the cells. It is unclear to me whether the mold "eats" these substances or merely causes their rapid decomposition.

3. “By releasing a chemical that causes very rapid hemolysis. The interesting feature of this activity is that the shells of the RBCs do not disintegrate and are not used as food by the mold. Therefore, this side effect of mold exposure occurs independently of what is generally called the vegetative state.

“This is a

photomicrograph of red blood cells that have lysed. The curious fact about such occurrences is that the blood does not decompose further, at least not on the slide. It remains microbe- free and frozen in time.

“There is another factor that can also lead to serious blood loss and that is a consequence of the colonization and vegetative behavior of mold. This can lead to tissue perforation and hemorrhaging. It can also result in two entirely separate physiological developments:

1. “The appearance of what seem to be growths, such as tumors; and 2. “Loss of tissue that varies from demyelization of nerve sheaths to tiny fissures and large holes where all the tissue has been either eaten or dematerialized by the mold or the mycotoxins.

“If all this were not enough, it is clear that the mycotoxins cause damage to tissues, including vital organs. This can interfere with the functions of the affected tissues and organs and lead to organ failure. Some of the mycotoxins are scarring and cause sclerosis whereas others interfere with body chemistry and organ integrity.

“All in all, this is a grave picture and one that is nearly always underestimated by all but the best informed patients and a small number of health care professionals who are risking their reputations by stating matters that are nearly always met with resistance by the uninitiated.”

A useful article on cleaning up mold in one’s home is found here: damfull/adam_cgs/28/000028.htm&desc=Care Guide

pg. 73

Chemtrails: With apologies to those who choose to ignore what is in front of their noses when they look up at the sky, it seems appropriate to point out here that certain malevolent activity has been going on in the sky above our heads by what are sometimes referred to as “spew planes” or “spray planes”, spraying what are known in conspiracy circles as “chemtrails” that look like the lower picture, left.

Need evidence? See this: The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====✈ (See screen captured still shot below.) The planes are equipped with different types of nozzles. One example of chemtrail nozzles looks like the upper image, left. The only reason for bringing this up here is because chemical analysis of the settled out debris from these “chemtrails” in deserts around Santa Fe, New Mexico, a VERY dry place, has shown the chemtrails there to contain large quantities of mycotoxins, which would normally be found only in a place with a lot of moisture, where mold could grow. Therefore, just because one‟s home is essentially free of excess moisture that would be expected to cause mold to grow does not at this time mean that our environment is free of mycotoxins. Our environment is being intentionally seeded with mycotoxins, possibly to attempt to weaken the immune systems of large numbers of people.

Anyone wishing to research this highly suppressed topic can download this PDF: rum/volume2/pdf/070400.PDF and look on p. 44 (upper right) for this text, “In a recent survey among 179 patients reportedly suffering from chemtrail-related illness, naturopathic Dr. Joseph Puleo found that fully 99% were found to have fungus in their blood.”

If one chooses to more or less ignore this “chemtrail” spraying activity for the sake of peace of mind, as I do, since there is little we can do about it short of replacing those who currently control the world with a better class of people, the safest policy in the meantime is to take active steps to strengthen our immune system to effectively deal with environmental toxins, including mycotoxins by, at the very least, taking 5000 to 15,000 units daily of vitamin D3 (the higher amount if you may be deficient, then taper off), the far less well recognized vitamin K2, and taking active steps to keep our blood pH mildly alkaline, in the 7.3 – 7.5 pH range. This document includes under FACT 4 a number of other ways to strengthen the immune system, and several ways to alkalize the body under pg. 74

FACT 11. Detoxification is covered HERE under FACT 3.

Probably the simplest and cheapest way to alkalize the body is to start with very pure water like reverse osmosis filtered water, and to then alkalize your drinking water by adding sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) & potassium bicarbonate (from a wine making shop) in a ratio of slightly less than 50/50 (1:1) sodium to potassium to all one‟s drinking water. We find that adding liquid trace minerals like ConcenTrace ( or Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals makes the water much more inviting to the body  manufacturer‟s site - I cannot find a retail source online. Here is a more expensive but excellent product: One will naturally want to drink more if the water feels good inside. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on Arm & Hammer baking soda ( does NOT reveal any presence of aluminum in Arm & Hammer baking soda, but if one is concerned by rumors that the Arm & Hammer brand contains aluminum, Red Mill brand is reportedly aluminum free. Alkalizing one‟s water in this way is a good idea for almost anyone. The ideal sodium to potassium ratio is less than 1:1 (i.e.: slightly less sodium) – and this “slightly less sodium than potassium” electrolyte balance is critical for normal cell function. Personally, I always add 1 tsp. potassium bicarbonate, slightly less than 1 tsp. of baking soda and ½ tsp. (40 drops) of Thor Liquid Ionic Minerals per gallon of my drinking water, and I use a water ionizer to add negative electrons to electrically dead reverse osmosis water (good cheap ionizer: || If one wants to spend some real money, this ionizer would not be a dumb choice: Whatever ionizer one chooses, the water going into the ionizer should be from a pure source.

These days I also add magnesium bicarbonate to my water mix, which I create myself by adding 1 tbsp. of Magnesium Carbonate (for example from into a Seltzer bottle (for example: garden&qid=1275068860&sr=8-1), charge it up with a CO2 cartridge (inherent in using a seltzer bottle) and the carbonic acid from the CO2 turns the insoluble Magnesium Carbonate into soluble magnesium bicarbonate). Magnesium always has a laxative effect, so the amount one consumes definitely makes a difference in one's elimination. Do not overdo it if you want to avoid “accidents”.

Note: This author (at CancerVictory Group) has long suspected that Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.), a degenerative condition, is related in some way to other degenerative conditions like cancer, diabetes and others. From what Ingrid Naiman writes at quoted above, it appears that at least cancer and M.S. may share a common etiology (causation factor), in that she finds that mold can cause either tumors (cancer) or demyelization of nerve sheaths (M.S.). It is hardly novel to note that acidosis is an underlying condition in most if not all degenerative disease conditions, but it is worth noting that diabetic ketoacidosis is a big problem and that acidosis appears to be a necessary condition for mold to survive in the human body. It would be interesting to discover if there is a “mold connection” in degeneration of the pancreas leading to diabetes. This much we know: People with diabetes have a higher incidence of cancer. A high level of blood glucose is a common symptom in diabetics and promotes the growth of Candida fungi that Dr. Simoncini identifies as the treatable cause of all cancers. We shall continue to look for evidence that Candida fungi may break down pancreatic function.

Another surprising causative factor may also be at work in the proliferation of various autoimmune conditions like allergies. Even the attack of insulin producing pancreatic cells by the immune system may be reversible by addressing this unexpected cause of so much suffering. NPR‟s “This American Life” program recently aired a "RadioLab" segment on the use of helminthes (intestinal parasites) to treat autoimmune conditions. The problem is that we have eliminated these parasites from our pg. 75 environment, yet helminthes (a class of parasites) appear to play a positive role in modulating extreme responses by the immune system. Maintaining a small population of helminthes in one‟s intestines can cause the body to cease attacking itself. The RadioLab program mentioned Type 1 Diabetes as one of the autoimmune conditions under investigation. The guest was Jasper Lawrence (www.jasper- The RadioLab show is available to listen online at The listen online link is: The show is downloadable as an .mp3 file (56MB, 59 min., 33 sec.). One can ignore the first 30 minutes of the show, as it is about the troublesome side of parasites. The part about the beneficial use of helminthes (intestinal parasites) to treat autoimmune conditions is in the second half of the show. It is worthwhile listening from the 30- minute mark, near the end of the first half of the show. Best to download the .mp3 file to avoid starts and stops in the audio. Jasper Lawrence's website links to a number of articles.

The understanding from Ingrid Naiman - above, that mold affects blood directly, and can also cause tumors clearly connects with the work of Dr. Simoncini in Rome, Italy. Note that Candida fungus is a form of mold as the term “mold” is used by Ingrid Naiman.

Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated a huge variety of cancers by administering sodium bicarbonate solution (= baking soda = NaHCO3) in direct contact with Candida fungal masses that in his experience are the treatable cause of cancer tumors. Sodium bicarbonate solution is administered to kill candida fungi by having the patient drink baking soda in water where appropriate (e.g. cancer of tongue or stomach), or by washing tumors in the colon with sodium bicarbonate solution during colonoscopy, or washing tumors in the lung during endoscopy of the lung for example, and/or by injecting 5% NaHCO3 solution into the artery that feeds the tumor wherever it may be in the body. Dr. Simoncini has observed, based on great success in clinical treatment of a large variety of cancers, that candida fungi are ALWAYS found infecting cancer tumors and that attacking the Candida fungi with sodium bicarbonate consistently regresses the cancer.

A valid objection to Dr. Simoncini’s treatment protocols is this: While killing Candida fungi does regress a cancer tumor, this is not really a cure of the condition because when the body is so toxic that fungal activity gets out of hand, this represents the 6th stage of cellular breakdown. First comes the garbage [toxins] ... then come the flies [fungi]. A real cure must remove enough stored toxicity so that there is no longer any impetus for cellular breakdown.

We share this objection only because it seems to offer some insight. A countervailing point of view is found in the theory of why MMS1 is able to cause cancer cells to revert to normal. MMS1 is said to kill microbial invaders that have caused normal cells to become cancerous. It seems clear that MMS1 does work and that it appears to revert cancer cells back to normal cells. It is also true that MMS1 transforms some toxins like mercury to harmless oxides that the body is able to eliminate. If the truth is that MMS1 does double duty by killing pathogens and neutralizing critical toxins, then there is no contradiction because stored toxicity is removed in the same stroke as destruction of pathogens.

Here is the first of a series of three YouTube videos of a lecture by Dr. Simoncini: “1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer” In this video he shows the interior of colons of his patients, shot as part of colonoscopy examinations, the interior of lungs, shot as part of bronchial endoscopy, and cancer inside the pleura (the body cavity that surrounds the lungs). The video shows candida fungus on cancer tumors and results of treatment with sodium bicarbonate solution (200 gm./liter of water), showing that the candida fungal infection goes away and the tumor shrinks after a few days of treatment. Be sure to watch also the nd 2 : and the rd 3 : of these three videos. pg. 76

Dr. Simoncini expresses his opinion in the above linked videos that there is not any genetic cellular anomaly in cancer, and that any genetic change is simply an extreme reaction of strain – that is, any genetic change and associated cancer is a reaction to fungal infection, NOT the conventional explanation that the genetic change occurs first, resulting in cancer, which weakens the tissues allowing for the invasion of fungal infection. He finds the theory that genetic change comes first, and that candida fungal infection follows to be without experiential foundation. He feels that histology (tissue type) research that classifies different kinds of cancer in different organ tissues is useless because the kind of cancer simply depends on where the candida fungal colony is found.

For skin cancers he says that iodine tincture is the worst enemy of fungal infection – i.e.: skin cancer can be successfully treated with iodine tincture.

Here is a quote, “The fundamental reason and the motives that suggest a therapy with sodium bicarbonate against tumors is that, although with the concurrence of a myriad of variable concausal factors – the development and the local and remote proliferation of these tumors has a cause that is exclusively fungi.” - Dr. Simoncini at

Dr. Simoncini finds that “remote proliferation”, (i.e. metastasis) of tumors has a cause that is exclusively from fungi. He seems to be saying Candida fungi cause metastasis! This observation has significant implications for cancer prevention because candida fungi flourish in conditions of acidosis (blood pH 7.2 and below), and do not flourish when blood pH is mildly alkaline in the range 7.35 – 7.45.

For extensive information on Dr. Simoncini‟s success in treating cancer with bicarbonate solution, see and click on the link at bottom of each page to read through the next 7 pages. Dr. Simoncini‟s clinical success in treating cancer with non-toxic NaHCO3 solution to kill candida fungal infection suggests that mold in one's food or environment is a dangerous source of toxicity that must be dealt with before it becomes a causative factor in blood conditions, or cancer, and we could possibly add: M.S. and maybe even, diabetes (tentative hypothesis by author of this document). Acidosis (blood pH 7.2 & below) can be inferred to promote growth of mold and specifically candida fungal infection since administering NaHCO3 to raise the pH of blood feeding a tumor kills candida fungal infection, thereby causing regression of the disease.

Below is another quote from Dr. Simoncini, this time relating to probably the most difficult kind of cancer to treat, namely cancer that has begun to proliferate in the abdominal cavity, called „ascites‟ or “water on the stomach”, at

“Peritoneal carcinosis “Almost all the neoplasias of the abdomen can expand either because of contiguity or after surgical intervention in the peritoneal cavity, and gradually spread in all possible directions. [Note: This sounds like a good reason NOT to opt for surgery!] (Emphasis and comment added.)

“Stomach, intestine, pancreas, bladder, prostate, uterus and ovaries are the organs from which most frequently takes place an expansion in the cavity with possible formation of ascitical liquid of the neoplastic type. In fact, once the fungin colonies penetrate in the peritoneal serosa and they get used to metabolizing it, there is no more obstacle to their advancement. In this way, the phenomenon of carcinosis takes place – a morbid event that is outside the range of any conventional therapy. (Emphasis added.)

“Conversely, the method of therapy that I propose, as it is based on the filling of the cavity with bicarbonate solution, is able to able to reach the fungin masses in their totality and it turns out to be pg. 77

extremely effective in their destruction. The method consists in the positioning of a transdermal catheter in the abdomen through which the invaded tissues are abundantly irrigated for about 30-40 days after draining the pre-existing liquid. For the first three days, 300-400 ccs of sodium bicarbonate 5 % solution are introduced and left inside the peritoneal cavity. This is drained the day after before the new administration. For the following 12 days, the dosage is lowered to 100-200 ccs of solution, to be drained 1-2 hours after the treatment. The procedure is repeated from the 15th to the 30th-40th day with a cadence of one day on and two off. The dosages described above are to be considered indicative, as they change in function of the response, of the weight of the body and by the side effects that may take place.“...

In the presence of carcinoses of large dimensions, an intervention for the resection of the masses is to be performed with the purpose of “lightening up” the abdominal cavity and making the action of bicarbonate more effective.”

In other words, bicarbonate solution regresses ascites cancer of the abdominal cavity where no conventional medical therapy is successful. See also: books/sodium-bicarbonate-rich-man-s-poor-man-s-cancer-treatment-e-book.html Note also that Agaricus Blazei was found in joint research by Mie University medical school, Kobe University faculty of agriculture and Iwade Fungology Institute in Japan to be also effective against Ehrlich ascites cancer (a good test cancer - fast growing, difficult to treat). We have uncovered two successful ways to regress “ascites cancer” or “water on the stomach” a particularly difficult cancer to treat, almost universally thought to be a ticket out of the Earth plane! How about that! It would be interesting to do research to see how MMS1 + MMS2 could be used to address an advanced cancer condition like ascites cancer.

Dr. Simoncini‟s methods require participation of a doctor who knows how to implement Dr. Simoncini‟s procedures – not easy to find in the U.S. Agaricus Blazei can be self-administered, but it was found in the Japanese research above to be more effective when injected rather than ingested. Dr. Kelley’s protocol may require more time to effectively overcome ascites cancer than is available in the normal life expectancy for one with ascites cancer, but one can buy time with Agaricus Blazei, Dr. Simoncini‟s procedures, Antineoplastons as used by Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski, or low dose Naltrexone. (See We are sufficiently impressed with MMS1 + MMS2 that we suspect they could be helpful, but we lack evidence at this time.

Tony Isaacs includes many cleansing approaches in his anti-cancer protocol:

In this connection Note!: Piercing a tumor to perform a biopsy causes the tumor to leak its toxic contents, including any fungi present, promoting metastasis by flooding the body with chemical toxicity and by promoting the migration of infectious agents like candida fungi that can penetrate weak cells in other parts of the body and start tumors in new locations. Biopsies are therefore NOT a good idea! Standard medical practice uses biopsies to justify medical intervention, which naturally involves spending money. Many knowledgeable doctors know the danger, but although they know better, they do biopsies anyway because a biopsy is the only way under current standard medical practice to get a positive diagnosis of cancer legally sufficient to trigger insurance reimbursement, and probably on the theory that a positive diagnosis will motivate the patient to seek medical intervention! Thus, we can see that standard medical practice has rigged the system against application of common sense.

Traces of herbicides, pesticides & petrochemical residues in our food and water have created an estrogen overload epidemic that may contribute to the high rate of cancer we observe in our friends and family members. Synthetic estrogens need to be metabolized out of the body. Di-indolyl methane (DIM), an extract of cruciferous vegetables, is the direct metabolite of I3C (indole-3-carbinol) and twice as strong. You must take 200 mg of DIM for good results. For some of the science behind use of DIM see: and pg. 78 Here is consumer information:

DIM balances testosterone and estrogen in both women and men. Studies have shown DIM is beneficial for women dealing with: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, uterine fibroid tumors, fibrocystic breasts, cervical dysplasia, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). DIM promotes and supports favorable metabolism of estrogen and related hormones by helping the liver metabolize estrogen to the good "weaker" form of estrogen 2-hydroxyestrone, necessary for proper metabolism to overpower the bad kind (16-hydroxyestrone). Good estrogen “metabolites” protect your heart and brain. DIM may also reduce prostate cancer. Here is a site that sells what appears to be a well- conceived DIM product.  Although this site promotes the absorption enhanced qualities of their product, it may be wise to purchase both the 150 mg. and 75 mg. versions and take one of each to get at least 200 mg. Here is a 200 mg. version:

Message sent to From "dick1van" [email protected] I agree that DIM is excellent. It helps balance excess estrogen in men and women. I suggest it for those that are concerned about their breast or prostate. Here is a book on DIM (Diindolylmethane) [All about DIM, by Michael A. Zeligs, M.D., and A. Scott Connelly, M.D., Price: $2.99 - See bottom of page.] They carry DIM from BioResponse [ the originator of DIM]. This is more expensive, but it is the bio-available form of DIM. I think it is much better. They also carry Calcium D-Glucarate that helps prevent estrogen and bad metabolites of estrogen from being reabsorbed through the intestinal tract. (Calcium D-Glucarate has very little calcium in it.)

Coral Calcium - If you believe that according to allopathic medical standards for the kind of cancer you are dealing with you have “more than a year to live” you have time to be careful. You can afford to go a little slower with less risk. A very interesting approach to detox and de-acidify your body, to eliminate low pH/acid toxicity that causes cancer tumor growth, is recommended in Robert Barefoot‟s “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer”:  Read this entire page. Back to FACT 21

The body stores acidic toxicity in fat tissues to protect the organs. Therefore, neutralizing acidity tends to enable the body safely to rid itself of stored toxins. The CancerTutor site does not fool around when it comes to specific recommendations and this one is worth taking seriously. The protocol comes from this book: The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth, by Robert R. Barefoot and Dr. Carl J. Reich, M.D. ( fkmr0) The information came from Chapter 17, but CancerTutor‟s recommendations adjust the details. The book is available at bargain prices at 1396076/prices-html. A superior source of coral calcium is

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* FACT 14: Skin cancers, such as melanoma and other dangerous skin cancers, can be treated successfully by dissolving the cancerous tissue with a corrosive traditional herbal preparation generically known as “Black Salve” or Escharotics. The herbs in the salve, in the form of tablets, capsules or a tonic, can be effective against internal tumors as well.

Good Black Salve discussion 

Dr. Simoncini says that surface skin cancers can be treated successfully with iodine tincture to kill pg. 79 candida fungus in/on the skin. For most surface skin cancers there would seem to be no harm in treating first with iodine tincture, and if the response is inadequate, switch to Black Salve, which involves some pain and scarring. I am not aware of how quickly Dr. Simoncini has found that iodine tincture can be expected to work. Perhaps in response to Dr. Simoncini‟s use of iodine, Cansema has come out with a version of its Black Salve with Iodine

One successful Black Salve product contains, for example, Red clover, Bloodroot, Galangal, and Sheep Sorrel. Bloodroot seems to be a common ingredient in most “Black Salve” products. Because these preparations can be highly effective in destroying cancer, the FDA has cracked down on the availability the better known brands in the form of salve. Good book  Discussion   Click links at bottom of this page.

Nevertheless, excellent commercial versions of “Black Salve” ARE available at for surface tumors and (more expensive) for cancers requiring deep penetration to get at them. They just introduced in Sept. 2009 a version of Cansema designed for oral cancers, at The web site is U.S. based, but the company is in Ecuador to get away from FDA suppression.

After Black Salve has dissolved a tumor, it will leave a wound. To heal this wound efficiently, consider H3O, Chima Matiku, and/or Sangre de Drago that can be ordered at Videos covering interesting theoretical discussion of H3O are at - scroll up for videos on Cansema. For detailed info on

preparing your own Escharotics watch the videos here:

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* FACT 15. Breast cancer and prostate cancer have been treated successfully with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 - a potent antioxidant we should all take anyway) via topical transdermal delivery to induce apoptosis (programmed cancer cell death). Dr. H.L. Hsia at the Miller School of Medicine, Univ. of Miami, conducted the research. For a web write-up on his research, see See also:  A CoQ10 product with a safe transdermal carrier. I learned of Dr. H.L. Hsia‟s research through Larry Jordan 800- 662-8045 at or 800-791-5722 at  This is a fabulous site – many alternative health products that work. Larry offers money back on any product you buy from them if it does not work! No need to return the product! Larry tells me he has had to move out of the country to Mexico to carry on what he is doing. Look for his new web site (not yet up as of -this writing 7/31/2010) at

Larry tells me (2/10/2010) he will be adding Gamma Tocopherol to his transdermal crème soon. To see why, go to the “Life Extension” web site and do a search (search box upper right) on the term “gamma tocopherol”. Scroll down in the search results to articles in Life Extension Magazine and click on the one from 2006 (

We recall seeing that prostate cancer has been treated successfully with colloidal silver enemas, but we can find no web reference on this. Colloidal silver is said to kill any virus that may be causing the cancer. It will also attack candida fungus, which can also be done by drinking it.

If you are going to buy, rather than make your own colloidal silver, be sure NOT to buy American Biotech Lab‟s fraudulently promoted Natural Silver Solution--Silver Sol. (To understand the dangers and very compelling reasons NOT to buy the Silver Sol product promoted by Alex Jones and Homeland Security, see A really good pg. 80 colloidal silver product is OxySilver (

To the extent that colloidal silver kills Candida fungi, this is consistent with the work of Dr. Simoncini who uses sodium bicarbonate solution to do the same thing. 5% sodium bicarbonate solution does NOT work well in an enema because the colon contracts due to irritation and expels the enema before much bicarbonate solution can be introduced into the colon. Dr. Simoncini administers 5% sodium bicarbonate solution in the colon by spraying the solution directly on the fungal mass during colonoscopy. For administration via enema, the colon more readily tolerates colloidal silver than sodium bicarbonate solution, especially if the enema solution is warmed to body temperature. With a plain water enema we would always add a good amount of liquid trace minerals as well as warming the water, but trace minerals could react and chemically and deactivate colloidal silver. Colloidal silver kills important friendly probiotics, so if you do use colloidal silver internally, be sure to take a good probiotics supplement (see suggested sources HERE and HERE) following administration of colloidal silver, and for some time thereafter. We do NOT know and have not heard of any reports that colloidal silver enemas are effective against colon cancer. Do NOT add DMSO to an enema to enhance the penetration of colloidal silver in the enema! This would cause toxins in the colon‟s contents to flood the body. Coffee enemas are VERY important in treatment of cancer and should be included in one‟s treatment regime for any kind of cancer if at all possible.

If one wants to use enemas in addition to coffee enemas to address cancer of either the prostate or the colon, one good option is to add MMS1 (Miracle Mineral Supplement) to the enema after adding the appropriate amount of 10% citric acid solution as the activator (wait 3 minutes after mixing - stir every 30 seconds and then add the activated MMS1 {now turned into chlorine dioxide} to enema water). DMSO is tremendously valuable in treating cancer, but as mentioned above should NOT be added to enema water because it will combine with toxic contents of the colon and transport these toxins throughout the body. On the other hand, one can gain the benefit of DMSO‟s action of penetrating cancer cells by drinking some DMSO in a glass of pure water 30 minutes prior to taking the enema containing activated MMS1 {chlorine dioxide}. Another good approach is to use DMSO transdermally with activated MMS1 (wait 3 minutes after mixing MMS1 and 10% citric acid solution - stir every 30 seconds and then add 99% DMSO to this mixture, wait 3 minutes - stir every 30 seconds, then add a little water and rub this activated MMS1/DMSO mixture on the skin spreading it very thinly.) Then take the enema containing activated MMS1 as described just above. Here is a page on this subject: “Chlorine Dioxide - DMSO Treatment” -

These options of either drinking DMSO in water or using it transdermally are mentioned at “DMSO - The Magic Bullet For Cancer” - In this connection, the following advice is offered on the above page at o DMSO should be used only as a topical application to the skin, but NOT near where any dense concentrations of cancer cells are and NOT touching any surface cancer cells. DMSO will penetrate the skin and help get the cesium chloride, and many other alternative cancer treatments, into the cancer cells. o If you use DMSO, you may get a rash. Just spray some water on the rash and it will go away. The rash is caused by the DMSO dehydrating the skin. o DMSO should not be taken orally unless it is mixed with at least 8 ounces (i.e. 1 cup) of water or some type of juice. Even seventy percent DMSO (actually it is 99.9% pure DMSO, mixed with 30% distilled water) could cause dehydration in the digestive tract unless it is mixed with enough water or juice! DMSO should never be taken orally for more than a short time. Even when taken with enough liquids it will cause stomach problems! [This author‟s experience so far does NOT confirm this last statement.] pg. 81

o Be sure to read the DMSO Protocol and Safety Warnings section of the page.

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* FACT 16: Some herbs and foods have strong, effective anti-cancer properties – e.g.: Oleander, Paw Paw, Graviola Carnivora & Haelan 951. Here are a few of the herbs that prove most effective in treating cancer:

Nerium oleander – Oleander is poisonous until it is cooked into a soup. Then it becomes a highly effective and well proven treatment for cancer. Here is a link to a web page written by Tony Isaacs, “Mr. Oleander Soup” about his wonderful book “Cancer's Natural Enemy”:

Here are quotes from the above linked page: “If you want to beat and avoid cancer, this is the book. It includes a proven natural remedy and that has saved thousands around the world, plus a wealth of information about other natural anti-cancer, anti-disease and anti-aging remedies, supplements, plants, vitamins and much more.

“If you or someone you care about has cancer, hepatitis-C, psoriasis, or even HIV - or reason to be concerned about such diseases - you must take a look at an important new e-book that tells about a re- discovered 2800 year old natural remedy from a plant whose medical uses date back to the ancient Mesopotamians and Babylonians. A patented version of the remedy has been used with tremendous success for over 40 years and has passed FDA Phase I trials - but you can make an equally effective home version for only pennies.

“In addition to details about the main remedy, this book includes a wealth of other information about the very best foods, supplements and lifestyle choices to help anyone boost their immune system, ward off and beat cancer and other illnesses, regain lost health and add years of healthy life. Praised and featured on prominent alternative websites, sold in eight different countries, and even used as a source book by naturopathic practitioners, this e-book can be yours for only $14.95 and it was updated and enlarged by over 50% for 2009!”

Here are two more links if you want to learn more about this approach: 1) The Recipe for Oleander Soup - Make Your own Cancer and HIV Remedy (Part 1) and 2) The Recipe for Oleander Soup - Tips and Advice (Part 2) ( Also see: - Articles by Tony Isaacs - Part 1 of the Oleander Series - Part 2 of the Oleander Series - Part 3 of the Oleander Series - Part 4 of the Oleander Series

A tonic containing Fresh, organically grown aloe vera (as a base medium), bioenergized extracts of the following cancerolytic botanicals: oleander (Nerium oleander), graviola (Annona muricata), chapparal (Larrea mexicata), zinc chloride (5%), and "puda" (160 proof Ecuadorean sugar cane alcohol, 6%) to preserve freshness is available at  Because this tonic contains graviola, DO NOT USE this tonic without reading this entire page:  The “Compatibility” section includes a LONG LIST of

things to avoid when using paw paw or graviola.

pg. 82

Graviola is an astounding cancer-fighting tree from the Amazon! Drug companies tried for years to synthesize active ingredients in graviola. They failed and then suppressed information about its effectiveness. Killing cancer cells is not the only issue. Dead cells and their toxic contents must be removed from the body. Gravizon™ is an enhanced immune, circulatory and lymphatic formula that explodes cancer cells, leaves healthy cells alone and helps eliminate dead cancer tissue & toxins. Graviola is related to a plant named paw paw. DO NOT USE graviola without reading this entire page:  The “Compatibility” section includes a LONG LIST of things to avoid when using paw paw or graviola. According to inferior.htm, graviola is not nearly as effective as paw paw – not even close. They cite tests done under the direction of Dr. Jerry McLaughlin on two leading graviola products on the market showing that paw paw has between 24 and 50 times the potency of graviola. See videos and other valuable info at

The capabilities of paw paw are impressive. Most tumors contain a small percentage, approximately 2%, of multiple drug-resistant cells (MDR cells). Chemo is not effective against these cells. After the first round of chemo, if the chemo is effective, all of the cells that are not MDR, are destroyed. Since this accounts for the vast majority of the tumor mass, the tumor will appear to be effectively destroyed. However, the MDR cells remain and start to multiply. Eventually, a new tumor is formed that is entirely MDR. The next time chemo is used, none of the cells will be destroyed because they are all MDR. As indicated at, Paw Paw and Graviola are the only cancer treatment substances that have shown effectiveness against MDR cells. [The author questions whether this statement is intended to include MMS1 + MMS2. It is my understanding that nothing (including MDR cells) develops resistance to either MMS1 or MMS2]

Look at the comparison table showing alternative medicine cancer treatments; note that paw paw is rated High for effectiveness, validating studies, standalone ability, and ease of use, rated Low for side effects, average for compatibility, and of the treatments compared. Again, DO NOT USE paw paw without reading this entire page:  The “Compatibility” section includes a LONG LIST of things to avoid when using paw paw. According to, graviola is not nearly as effective as paw paw – not even close. They cite tests done under the direction of Dr. Jerry McLaughlin on two leading graviola products on the market showing that paw paw has between 24 and 50 times the potency of graviola. See videos and other valuable info at

Carnivora: This is made from the Venus Flytrap plant. It has remarkable healing properties. As a general rule, Carnivora Capsules are used for conditions categorized as mild and moderate. Capsules are also used for Prevention of Reoccurrence. For conditions considered intermediate to advanced, BOTH Carnivora Capsules and Extract are recommended for best results. Here is one site with promotional information about Carnivora: and the price they charge for the product is competitive. Here is another promotional site with less favorable prices but better information: If you search on [Carnivora cancer] using my favorite search engine you‟ll find a lot of favorable information. Here is a CureZone link: It is widely claimed that

Carnivora was used successfully by former President Ronald Reagan in 1985.

Pau d'arco: Wow. Impressive stuff. Try it as a tea! If Candida is not a problem try it as a tincture! Pau d‟arco tincture has cured cancer in rabbits. Search for information on Pau d'arco on the internet. Yerba mate (tea) enhances the Pau d'arco healing properties.

pg. 83

Good ALOE VERA juice heals the body generally. One form, Acemannan Immunostimulant (Acetylmannans Aloe Vera extract) is a cancer cure. Another form of aloe:

Andrographis - Effects on Cancer: Andrographis is a potent stimulator of immune response through two mechanisms: (1) antigen-specific response, that is, where antibodies are made to counteract an invading microorganism, and (2) nonspecific immune response, where the body's macrophage cells scavenge and destroy intruders. These mechanisms make Andrographis effective against a variety of infectious and cancer-causing agents. So extensive are the studies on the medicinal benefits of Andrographis that the site has a separate In-Depth Review page to cover its well-established characteristics. Here is a quote from that page:

"Using signal transduction technology, extracts of AP (Andrographis paniculata) have been found to counteract interference with the cell cycle. Such interference is the basis for the development of cancer or infection with viruses such as HIV-1. Andrographolides are thought to enhance immune system functions such as production of white blood cells (scavengers of bacteria and other foreign matter), release of interferon, and activity of the lymph system. Interferon is a protein (called a cytokine) made by cells in response to viruses. It is a potent antiviral agent and is also antiproliferative (stops the growth of viruses). The lymph system is an important part of the immune system. Briefly, it is another circulatory system (like the vascular system) that carries a fluid, the lymph. The lymph carries away the by-products of cellular metabolism and also acts as a shuttle for invading bacteria and viruses, taking them to the lymph nodes where the white blood cells (lymphocytes) destroy them. Andrographis, a superb immune system enhancer, is even more effective when combined with immune stimulators, such as the herb Echinacea, and with zinc and vitamin C... Andrographolides may also be useful in cancer therapy. … researchers also established that there was a wide margin of safety in using AP extracts, an indication of the lack of toxicity. [See on same page: Immunological Benefits: Cancer] The site does not currently carry Andrographis. Here is one of many links where you CAN purchase it:

Essiac Tea Cancer Treatment – Read whole page  Order information is at the bottom. Back to FACT 21

Haelan 951 Fermented Nutritional Products - Haelan is an internationally recognized health product that provides a full spectrum of nutritional components that are not contained in the normal food supply.

I spoke with the head of marketing for Haelan a number of years ago and he told me he had sent a case of their Haelan 951 product to the prestigious Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as a free trial offer. He called the person responsible for testing such products, who told him they were returning the unused portion of the case. When asked why they declined to use the entire case, the man told him in complete candor that they had used a few bottles and discovered from the results that if they used this product they would quickly empty their beds of cancer patients. The product was far too effective for them to use. They would simply cure everyone quickly and the patients would go home after a short stay. This did not fit into the Sloan-Kettering business model, so they could not use the product.

The product is sold as a nutritional product. They cannot make health claims on their web site.

What follows is copied from

“The goal of nutrition is to support skeletal muscle and the incorporation of nitrogen into proteins. Haelan's nitrogenated soybean beverages do this better than any foods or supplements on the market today. In addition, Haelan is an excellent source of concentrated bio-available isoflavones (genistein, diadzine, etc.) and other soybean phytochemicals that are food micronutrients required pg. 84 for optimal health. These micronutrients are normally deficient in the diets of North Americans and result in health problems that are directly related to these nutrient deficiencies.”

What follows is copied from

Excerpt from the following publication: “Isoflavones and the New Concentrated Soy Supplements” by Phillip N. Steinberg, Certified Nutritional Consultant, graduate of the Nutritionists Institute of America.

Genistein & Isoflavones Of the various isoflavones found in soy, none have been studied as extensively as genistein. According to these studies, genistein has been found to have the following benefits: o As with other isoflavones, acts as an anti-estrogen by blocking the uptake of estrogen; o Prevents cancer cell growth by inhibiting the activity of tyrosine protein kinase, an enzyme created by oncogenes (cancer causing genes) responsible for activating the development of certain types of cancers; o Inhibits other enzymes involved in cancer progression; o Causes Cancer cells to differentiate and change back to normal cells. A normal cell becomes cancerous by de-differentiating - in other words becoming more embryonic (primitive) or less specialized, and therefore more deadly. Genistein reverses this process; [Note: Dr. Kelley and others who have studied the trophoblast origin of cancer would say that normal cells never de-differentiate and become more embryonic. Rather, it is one of the millions of germ cells that are already primitive and scattered throughout the body that transforms into a trophoblast cell under the influence of local female hormone imbalance, resulting in tissue that grows and invades adjacent tissues like a placenta. This is the origin of all forms of cancer wherever located in the body.] o Inhibits angiogenesis - the ingrowth of capillaries stimulated by a malignant tumor to nourish its cells and continue its growth. If angiogenesis can be effectively blocked, the tumor dies from starvation because its blood supply is cut-off. Laboratory studies indicate that genistein inhibits the growth of cancer cell DNA perhaps even better than shark cartilage. It does not, however; inhibit the growth of normal cells; o Acts as a powerful anti-oxidant, protecting cells from free radical attack, i.e.: radiation and chemical pollutants. o Because of the above six activities attributed to genistein, this isoflavone may provide protection against a very wide range of cancers. In fact, some researchers believe that genistein could be utilized in the treatment of virtually all forms of cancer. In one study conducted at the University of Minnesota, genistein was used successfully to destroy BCP leukemia cells in mice. BCP leukemia is the most common form of cancer in children. o There is also evidence that genistein may reduce the symptoms associated with menopause, prevent bone loss and possibly be a replacement for estrogen supplements like Premarin. Genistein has also been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombosis and thus, may be helpful in preventing strokes and heart attacks and the development of atherosclerosis. Finally, genistein has been found to exhibit strong anti-inflammatory properties, indicating that it may be useful in a broad range of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, bursitis and rheumatic diseases.

What follows is copied from Comparative Study of Haelan 951 and other Soy Extracts Iowa State University of Science & Technology Food Science & Human Nutrition

Products Tested: (250 ml liquid/bottle) pg. 85

1 Haelan 951 (Haelan Products, Inc.) 2 Ecogen 851 (ecoNugenics) 3 BESO/Yang's 851 (BESO)

Total Total Total Total Genist Daidz Glyci Genis ein ein tin tin Hael an 228 184 64 222 951 Ecog en 16 60 22 0 851 BES O 8 58 17 0 851

As an example of how many common herbs may be useful in addressing cancer, here is a communication from Tony Isaacs (Dquixote1217) to a personal inquiry on the CureZone “sodium bicarbonate” forum

I recommend Budwig very highly, but I disagree with the zealots who think you cannot combine it.

If you are on a budget, as many of us are, I will note that you can make your own oleander extract for mere pennies and that the common spice curcumin (turmeric) is very potent against a wide variety of cancers in doses of around

3000 mg per day combined with 10 mg of bioperine or common ground black pepper & perhaps a bit of coconut oil.

Regardless of what else you do, practice a healthy mostly raw diet combined with Budwig’s flaxseed/cottage cheese, get plenty of sunshine and fresh air, and use EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique] and other techniques (such as yoga) to

address emotional issues and stress.

Liver cleansing and protecting and regenerating the liver is a must - and the items needed to do so are pretty inexpensive. You can detox yourself from metals with cilantro and chlorella. Unyquity here at CureZone makes a

wonderful cayenne pepper tincture that I use daily and it costs but a pittance.

A diet where you have one day a week of fasting will help a lot, particularly if you alternate fasting days of water only, then dark grapes (concord are probably best) WITH grape seeds (eat as many as you like but nothing else but

water on the fasting day, and a fasting day of only juiced vegetables.

Trapper has an awesome potassium iodine he makes (SSKI) which should be combined with selenium (methylselenocysteine is the best form for fighting cancer). I urge anyone with cancer to include that in their


The habanero pepper, oil and crushed garlic on healthy bread suggested by Kelly Eidom is also very affordable.

I realize that all the items I suggest in my protocol [] can add up - though they are a relative pittance compared to mainstream drugs and treatment, but you can do many very effective things and stay

within a fairly small budget.

Ultimately, it may be a question of can you NOT afford to do what you need to beat and prevent cancer and regain optimum health.

I pretty agree with Paul Winters and Mad Artist (and gave both of them good votes) - baking soda is only effective for cancers from the throat through the digestive system and to the rectum. [Tony is referring here to baking soda ingested by mouth, not to injection of bicarbonate solution in the artery that feeds a tumor, ala Dr. Simoncini.]

pg. 86

All the best,


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* FACT 17: One researcher finds the cause of cancer to be a parasite linked to DNA growth regulators by a chemical that gets into our water via water purification processes and builds what she terms "the cancer complex".

See: The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers [Book] by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. [purchase link:] Dr. Clark‟s methods have been proven effective over and over again by people who follow her approach. She goes into a great deal of detail. See more about this book [ Click] HERE. Dr. Clark offered her own instructions for liver flush that emphasizes parasite removal as a precondition for successful liver cleanse:

Watch a great video on Dr. Clark’s work at:  Scroll down and watch this video; it merits multiple viewings. In this video you‟ll discover that Hulda Clark had, and many people who follow her approach have a more detailed understanding of cancer causation than seems to be implied by the simple finding of Dr. Otto Warburg that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Dr. Warburg‟s finding, that won him the Nobel Prize, implies, and this “Critical facts” document follows the logic that if we address factors such as toxicity, EFA deficiency (because the body uses electron rich EFAs to construct cell walls that are better able to uptake oxygen into the cells), plus other closely related electron deficiency issues, and so forth, all of which lead to lack of oxygen at the cellular level, then cancer‟s etiology should be effectively addressed. We would also include Dr. Kelley‟s highly successful understanding that the body‟s key defense against cancer cell proliferation is adequate production by the pancreas of pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, so that deficiency of such enzymes may be cited as the functional cause of cancer cell proliferation and inadequate response of the body to dissolve the growing tumor mass. Without denying Dr. Warburg‟s finding about lack of oxygen, Dr. Clark and her followers emphasize a complex set of toxicity factors that, when addressed, effectively reverse cancer promoting conditions in the physiology. In evaluating Dr. Clark‟s contribution to a functional understanding of effective cancer treatment, it comes down to how much is really needed – how much do we need to do to clean out the body to effectively restore health? There is certainly no harm in aggressively attacking and removing parasites and other sources of toxicity as Dr. Clark recommends, but is removing parasites, etc. more important than aggressively supplementing pancreatic proteolytic enzymes (pancreatin, trypsin & chymotrypsin) and dealing with the resulting released toxicity by cleansing with coffee enemas, plus the other aspects of Dr. Kelley‟s highly articulated protocol? In theory it makes sense to do everything, but life does not provide time and space to do this, so we have to make choices. Dr. Kelley asserted that adding anything to his protocol as described in Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc would dramatically reduce the protocol‟s effectiveness.

My personal view of the understanding of cancer causation and treatment developed by Dr. Clark, so ably presented in the above linked video is that it is good to be as simple as possible in seeking solutions and while Dr. Clark has helped a large number of people who followed her suggestions, her approach seems unnecessarily complicated unless one simply likes to be extremely thorough. In other words, you can probably eliminate cancer from your life without eliminating EVERY source of toxicity from your home and environment. You may not have to eliminate all parasites. These steps will not hurt, but as Mark Twain used to say, “there is more than one way to skin a cat”.

In my view, Dr. Kelley’s understanding is definitive, that the direct cause of cancer is the changing of an ectopic (out of place) germ cell into an ectopic (out of place) trophoblast cell, and that a localized excess of female sex hormones brings about this change. Both men and women have male and female sex pg. 87

hormones. When this delicate male-female sex hormone balance is upset, cancer may start. Dr. Warburg‟s Nobel Prize winning finding that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level, provides another angle of understanding and suggests a number of useful approaches centering around pH management, oxygen therapy, EFA supplementation and reversing electron deficiency. Complementary to these understandings is Dr. Kelley’s highly successful understanding that the body‟s natural defense against cancer cell proliferation is adequate production by the pancreas of pancreatic proteolytic enzymes (pancreatin, trypsin & chymotrypsin).

I respect Dr. Clark‟s finding that cancer is caused by a parasite linked to DNA growth regulators by a chemical that gets into our water via water purification processes, to build the cancer-complex, and the implicit necessity of addressing parasites and avoiding public drinking water. However, Nick Gonzalez found Dr. Kelley’s protocol to have a cure rate of 93 to 100% after doctors had surgically removed tumors and tumors had come back. The same cannot be said of Dr. Clark‟s complicated approach to curing cancer. Jim Humble‟s MMS1 + MMS2 protocol for curing cancer appears to be highly successful, despite the fact that it may not address all toxins that might contribute to cancer.

Many have found great success just from using substantial amounts of special nutrients like FrequenSea, Marine Phytoplankton. fulvic acid supplementation, wheat grass juice, other things mentioned under FACT 6 (nutrition), Robert Barefoot‟s “Coral Calcium Protocol For Treating Cancer”, everything mentioned under FACT 22 (strengthening the liver) to nourish, alkalize and cleanse the body, and especially including the Essentials of Alternative Cancer Treatment.  Click.

If I had to deal with cancer in MY body, the first thing I would use is MMS1 + MMS2 because this combination is possibly the quickest and almost certainly the cheapest treatment option I know.

Dr. Clark‟s far more detailed and time consuming “search and destroy” approach to removing multiple sources of toxicity, including parasites, personal care products, etc. – seems essential based on her clinical experience, but she never experimented with Dr. Kelley‟s protocol, nor with MMS1 + MMS2 that came to light after her time. The above eye opening video does provide a comprehensive view of effective cancer treatment and broadens one‟s perspective on what one can do. However, I would not get lost in her point of view, to the exclusion of other highly successful approaches to cancer treatment presented herein.

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* FACT 18: Cancer has a powerful emotional component (usually stored anger). This fact is confirmed by the highly respected work of Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer, born in 1935 in Frisia (Germany) (See his biography page at, Dr. Hamer is said to have been 95% successful in treating cancer. Dr. Hamer found that every DISEASE originates from an unexpected shock experience. He established that such a sudden shock affects not only the psyche, but impacts at the same time (visible on a brain scan) the part of the brain that corresponds biologically to the specific trauma. Whether the body responds to the unexpected event with a tumor growth (cancer), with tissue degeneration, or with functional loss, is determined by the exact type of conflict shock.

Stored emotional energy can re-activate cancer, even if the cancer is “cured” or goes into remission. Re- activation of cancer from a state of remission can give the impression that, “I am doomed”, because the cancer refuses to go away, or “I am trapped”, because health insurance will not pay for alternative treatments, or “I am a victim”, because there is nothing in my life that should have predisposed me to become ill unless I have some genetic predisposition. We have found two excellent ways to deal with such stored emotions below.

I am doomed - One problem is that stored emotions serve as magnets attracting conditions that result in reappearance of cancer. The direct cause of cancer is exactly what Otto Warburg said it is, namely the pg. 88 replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. But emotions exert significant control over the body‟s energy functions, including how the body handles toxins and how it alleviates or aggravates localized acidosis. Clearing of stored emotions has magical effects on health.

We have found two excellent ways to deal with stored emotions below.

I am trapped – The obvious truth is that if one has paid for health insurance, it is troubling to have to deal with a serious condition like cancer with no substantial help from one‟s health insurance. Fortunately, restoring health does not have to be expensive. I know one woman who recovered from a serious cancer condition entirely cost free with urine therapy. Most of the treatment options collected in this document are available at relatively low cost. MMS1 + MMS2 is both remarkably effective and remarkably inexpensive. Just remember, life does not give us challenges we are not able to respond to. All the familiar truths apply: “Ask and you shall receive.” “When God/Life closes a door He/it opens a window.” This document has been prepared specifically to address the fact that knowledge has been suppressed about low cost cancer treatment options. Take advantage of what has been collected here, and do your own search for the best answer to meet your specific needs. If the feeling that “I am trapped” is getting in the way of taking action, we have found two excellent ways to deal with problem feelings below.

I am a victim – This is a seductive response to the fact that the mind is not able to comprehend everything that happens to us. The medical establishment encourages victimization thinking, referring to people with cancer as “cancer victims”, thereby placing the “slash, poison and burn” approach of standard medical cancer treatment in the absurd role of “rescuer”. Aside from the fact that this is disgusting, it is not true. No one needs to submit to toxic chemotherapy or unnecessary and dangerous surgery, or dangerous radiation therapy. Characterizing cancer as victimization serves another purpose for the deceivers. It stops one from thinking about what may be the actual cause of the condition in my case.

The idea that “I am a victim” does satisfy one need, however: it offers a good excuse to be angry. The perverse truth is that suppressed anger is identified by those who look into the emotional roots of cancer as just that – the emotion that most commonly lurks in the background of the cancer condition. In fact, it is often quite obvious, just from interacting with someone who feels like a victim that they are very angry. However, the root of the problem is typically not victimhood, but some stored emotional energy of anger that one prefers not to face; the idea that “I am a victim” is what psychologists call a projection of anger that one prefers not to deal with, onto a safer object not so threatening. Never mind the “psychobabble” here. The point is that it is a good idea to address persistent anger, or whatever emotion may be associated with a feeling of victimhood, and we have found two excellent ways to do so, below.

An unusually effective and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED approach to clearing emotional and karmic difficulties is available through Ron Amitron of the Creation Lightship Healing Clinic. Be warned that Ron‟s work may seem to be “out there”, but his clearings really work. He describes himself on his web site at

NEW! Ron has introduced a NEW clearing titled, “ALIEN DEATH BARCODE REMOVAL CLEARING” This is an opportunity to sidestep a 10-year slide towards death, programmed to start on a specific date for each of us – programmed into the DNA of everyone on Earth. Yes, I know this sounds hokey, and I respect your opinion if you choose to judge it so. However, I also have tremendous respect for Ron‟s work based on the amazing results of a clearing he did for me personally. Ron intends his clearings to facilitate the process of ascension, and if you do not know what that is, you might want to find out. Here is Ron‟s explanation of ascension: You can contact Ron at 1-877-

ET-Heals (1-877-384-3257), or in California 1-530-918-9122, email: [email protected].

Another highly recommended approach is to look inside, directly at the feelings that are lurking in your body and let your inner vision penetrate to the core of the dominant feeling that underlies what you are facing now. Easy to say, yes? But how? Here is a video that may give you an idea how to do what you pg. 89

may need to do to effectively address the dominant emotional issue that is up for you NOW: The title is Vaporizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – In this video, Tom Stone shows a U.S. Army

Sergeant who served in Iraq how to vaporize his PTSD in six minutes!  Note: This video provides all the instructions one may need to address a serious emotional issue, provided one can locate a feeling in the body associated “here and now” with the issue. What a gift! The procedure Tom teaches is further described here:

Allow me get real with you for a moment. After I watched the above linked video on Vaporizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), I recognized each of us probably harbors feelings from the past that we avoid in a manor not unlike the way traumatic feelings associated with PTSD are avoided. The effect may or may not be debilitating as was experienced by the Sergeant in the video. Regardless of intensity, unresolved feelings tend to limit us. Therefore, we would do well to use the procedure Tom teaches in the above video to penetrate and resolve feelings that limit us. Such feelings may come up in mild ways instead of violent flashbacks. For example, life has a way of reminding us of our shortcomings. When we identify unresolved feelings that may be preventing us from living fully, Tom‟s instructions in the above video show us how to penetrate and neutralize the feelings.

I tried this procedure myself on feelings I identified as limiting me, and it took me 45 minutes following Tom‟s instructions with eyes closed until I felt there was nothing left of the feeling I had identified. I do not claim a miracle, but the procedure works for me and I feel I now have a procedure to penetrate and vaporize any held emotion and eliminate whatever invisible barrier it may be creating. I hope you watch the above video and try the procedure Tom offers there. See how it works for you. If you feel the need, Tom‟s contact information is below, under FACT 19, at 2).

I have found a way to “Absolutely Transform Your Emotions, Your Health, Your Relationships... In Fact Your Entire Life... FOREVER!” It is Simple. It is Easy. It is Automatic (a CD you listen to just once). Moreover, it comes with a Guarantee It Will Work for You. This is something I am suggesting based on extraordinary testimonials offered in support of its sales message. I have not yet experienced this myself, though I plan to. Yes, it is a commercial CD, and the link provided goes to the sales page. Cost: $111.95, one time. To give you a flavor of the kind of testimonials I saw on the sales page, I copy one I particularly liked here:

"I Have Lost 19 Pounds Miraculously... I Sleep Like A Baby, And I Couldn't Be Happier" "I can't thank you enough Michael. I have studied more than 50 self-improvement courses or books. I have studied self-hypnosis, subliminal messaging, and self-empowerment courses. I have always known that something needed to be fixed, but could never really pinpoint it. My husband tells me that I am the kindest, most loving person he has ever met. He could never pinpoint exactly why I felt I needed to improve myself. Nevertheless, after listening to your CD and self-rewinding all that has ailed me for so many years, he has discovered an even more compassionate, kind, loving, happy woman. He says I look years younger, pounds lighter, incredibly happier. I have lost 19 pounds miraculously. It has just melted away. I sleep like a baby. Moreover, I could not be happier. Thanks so much I really appreciate your work."

- Mary F De Luca. Ontario, Canada. Look at all the testimonials at If you feel you are fine as you are, great!

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* FACT 19: Cancer is a great teacher, and we need to be a good learner. How many of us really KNOW how to be healthy? Cancer offers personalized one-on-one instruction. There are human teachers who can help too.

pg. 90

What do you want to bet that anyone who has cancer doesn’t really KNOW how to be healthy? It makes sense, doesn‟t it? Knowledge is crucial.

1. Abundant resources to deal with emotions and other health factors are available here: Pay particular attention to the BioRenew link.

2. In terms of specific knowledge of how to overcome cancer, one can hardly do better than to download and read Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc, in the Files area of “CancerVictory” Yahoo Group: Alternately, Jim Humble provides specific simple protocols that work well in his January 2010 video interview with Bill Ryan. Jim outlines his new MMS1 protocols and talks about his discovery of MMS2 in this video: (bottom of page, and on YouTube at ← This video also includes Jim‟s description of his new AIDS cure protocol that takes just 3 weeks, has been successful on every case of AIDS he has tried it on, and costs almost nothing. Using MMS you can learn to heal 97% of the diseases of mankind. ← If this document is out of date, you can contact [email protected] for current information.

3. We have found a fabulous source of concise wisdom on how to shift from unhealthy to healthy habits. Go to and watch the introductory video on that page. Jon Gabriel teaches life wisdom, not just weight loss. At the end of the video, YouTube will show you a string of other small video images/links with titles along the bottom of the viewing window. If you click exclusively on “The Gabriel Method” titles, YouTube will show you all the Gabriel Method videos available, one after another. When you have seen all of the first set on the left side, click the right arrow to go to another set on the right. If you want to get what Jon Gabriel offers through these videos for free, be mindful that if you click on any non-Gabriel Method video, YouTube will take you elsewhere, so don‟t click away. There are quite a few Gabriel Method videos. If you accidentally click on a non-Gabriel Method video, YouTube offer you other videos, and after the video ends you may see a little search window above the images/links, or if not, just click on the video window while the YouTube player is playing and this will take you to YouTube. In either case, you can enter “Gabriel Method” in the search window and YouTube will again offer you more

“Gabriel Method” videos.

I learned a tremendous amount about resetting the body‟s “set point” ideal weight in terms of automatic body weight control from a Gabriel Method video titled “Jessie‟s Law”. This one is about how Jon Gabriel resets his cat‟s “set point” body weight through dieting the cat (this gets the cat‟s body to go for putting on more weight) or letting the cat chow down (to give the cat‟s body the message that there is an abundance of food, so there is no need to put on weight). When the cat got chased by a dog once, the cat got tremendously thin afterwards because his body felt it had to be as thin as possible to be able to outrun the dog. To correct this excessive thinness, Jon put the cat on a diet for 2-3 weeks to give its body the message that food was scarce, so when he made more food available the cat chowed down. Then the cat‟s weight normalized to a higher normal weight. We can learn to do the same sort of thing for our own body and manage its behavior effortlessly, not just with regard to weight, but also unhealthy cravings and other things that might seem to be beyond our conscious control. There is a lot of wisdom in these free videos. Another good title is “Why your body would want to be fat or thin” parts 1 and 2 - again about shifting our body‟s “set points”. You may not have a weight problem, but Gabriel‟s approach to self- management has wide application; not just weight control.

As you can see from reading this document, cancer is successfully treatable in many different ways, so regaining health is largely a self-management/body management problem. Jon Gabriel has some of the brightest ideas on self/body management I have seen.

In general, Gabriel recommends focusing on getting in each meal: 1) protein, 2) omega 3 fatty acids and 3) live foods by putting much of what we eat into salads. pg. 91

As a simple formula, this is not bad. But Gabriel follows the prevailing wrong thinking about omega 3

EFAs. This is important. Let us digress a moment to straighten out what makes sense in EFAs:

Just remember, we can overdo the omega 3‟s too, which is not good. Your body needs omega 6 and omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) in a ratio of about 6.5 “omega 6” to 1 “omega 3”. But we get a lot of omega 6 EFAs in our food, and many food sources like commercial French fries contain omega 6 EFAs that have been turned into trans fats with no available electrons, i.e.: adulterated and useless. Be

sure to use only organic unadulterated oils that will have available electrons.

We require plenty of unadulterated, unprocessed omega 6 EFAs, regardless of what you may be told, and regardless of what Gabriel says about focusing on protein, omega 3‟s and live foods. Omega 6 and omega 3 EFAs must be taken together and in the correct balance with each other. There is a synergistic effect of n-6 [omega 6] and n-3 [omega 3] fatty acids at low doses which is greater than the effect of high doses of n-3 fatty acids alone. Letting any tissues run short on omega-6 EFAs, as will occur if you follow the most prevalent nutritional recommendations to focus on omega-3 supplementation, leaves your body significantly more susceptible to infection and other problems. David Sim, M.D. warns at, that, “…the current nutritional recommendations to highly favor omega 3 derivative EFAs (from fish oil) over omega 6 EFAs are harmful. Doing so will unbalance your system. In fact, we must warn you that overdosing on omega 3 can lead to profuse

internal bleeding from eicosanoid overproduction!”

Correct EFA Supplement Calculation David Sim, M.D. recommends that, “an EFA supplement should contain a ratio of from 1:1 parent omega 6 to omega 3, at the lowest end, up to 2:1 parent omega 6 to 3, at the high end”, and should come from plant sources (parent omega 6 & 3), not fish oil (derivative not parent EFAs and way too much omega 3). If more omega 6-containing foods are consumed [presumed partly adulterated] then this ratio can be safely increased even more in favor of parent omega 6! [to overcome adulterated dietary omega 6] In line with this, organic hemp oil, at 3 to 1 omega 6 to 3 parent EFAs is not a bad EFA supplement. See “Scientific Calculation of the Optimum Omega 6/3 Ratio” (

Also on, click on the option to download the CD, free of charge. You will be asked to enter the last word on page 50 of his book. (The word is “heart”.) Enter “heart” and you will be able to download the two MP3 audios that constitute his CD at, which will be useful to listen to if you want to follow his approach. The book sounds like a fabulous collection of wisdom on regaining health, albeit focused on losing weight. His methods, however, are applicable to health recovery generally. Buy his book if you can. It sounds like a great source of unusual and practical health wisdom. In any event, watch the free videos! Learn to communicate with your body. Listen to the free downloadable CD as you go to sleep and learn tools of visualization that you can apply to every aspect of your life. This is the key to creating the life and the health you want. Jon Gabriel KNOWS “The Secret”.

4. Another source of profound wisdom and practical methodology of HOW to be healthy is “The Squeaky Clean Program” developed by Tom Stone. Tom developed this program to enable anyone to “Enjoy Extraordinary Wellness”. Great Life Technologies has developed a number of other programs as well, one of which may be directly relevant to your situation. See Contact Great Life Technologies at 619-557-2700, or go to To see Tom in action watch this: Vaporizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - in six minutes! The procedure Tom teaches is further described here:

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5. As I mention under FACT 18, I have found a way to “Absolutely Transform Your Emotions, Your Health, Your Relationships... In Fact Your Entire Life... FOREVER!” It is Simple. It is Easy. It is Automatic (a CD you listen to just once). Moreover, it comes with a Guarantee It Will Work for You. Cost: $111.95 Hold the key and Click to go to  what I wrote.

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* FACT 20: Hypnosis can produce spontaneous remission of cancer tumors. Without a doubt, the best present you can give a cancer patient is a spontaneous remission, consider learning more about hypnosis CDs and spontaneous remissions: 1)  Hold the key and Click 2)  Hold the key and Click

Here‟s an article on how hypnosis can help in cancer treatment:

Remember that remission of a tumor does not mean the conditions that permitted the tumor to form in the first place are resolved. Download and read the material on cancer prevention in Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc, in the Files area of “CancerVictory” Yahoo Group:

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* FACT 21: Help and guidance is available, both online and by phone. If you want or need to treat cancer on your own, you need not do it without help.

One of the best online sources of guidance I know is We include a number of links to the Cancer Tutor site in this document: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A unique source of both guidance and help is online at One of the many interesting features of this site is their Alternative Cancer Treatments Test Kit. See: Paul Winter of now offers phone consultations See:

Bill Henderson has written a fabulous book titled “Cancer-Free -- Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing (Third Edition)” If you read his book, Bill will work with you over the phone.

Wonderful help and guidance is available online and by phone from The Wolfe Clinic in Canada. This is what they say about their services:

"The road to good health requires a proven program that includes great products, proper supervision, and unlimited support - the vital keys to success."

“The Wolfe Clinic guides people, many chronically ill, with private, personalized instruction. For over 25 years, The Wolfe Clinic has developed a “Self-Help” Strategy approach to healthcare maintenance and regeneration. This strategy is on the leading edge of today's Natural Health Care...”

*FACT 22  Hold the key and Click to go to Fact 22

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* FACT 23: A primary treatable factor promoting a cancer tumor is "cancer microbes" (fungus, etc.) infecting normal cells & turning their metabolism anaerobic. An anaerobic cell does not burn oxygen like a normal cell; it ferments glucose to get energy. The definition of an anaerobic cell is a "cancer cell." Electromedicine, particularly Bob Beck’s Protocol effectively neutralizes "cancer microbes", eliminating this treatable factor that could otherwise promote cancer tumors. Jim Humble’s MMS1 also destroys cancer microbes, thereby reverting cancer cells to normal cells.

The fact that cancer tumors are promoted by microbial infection has been covered above in connection with Dr. Simoncini of Rome, Italy who treats cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate solution to kill Candida fungal infection and thereby regress the disease. Remember, however, that infections are like flies on garbage, indicating toxicity in need of elimination. Fungal and other infections feed on toxicity. To truly address the problem of infections, we need to detoxify. To prevent cancer tumors, as Dr. Kelley taught in Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc, we need to insure we have adequate pancreatic enzymes. The ongoing problem is that ectopic (out of place) germ cells routinely change into ectopic trophoblast (placenta) cells due to excess of female sex hormones, such as when the delicate male-female sex hormone balance is upset by some injury or localized toxicity. This happens frequently in each of us. An adequate pancreatic enzyme supply, over and above what is required to digest food, is required to destroy proliferating out-of-place trophoblast/ placenta cells. If our pancreas does not supply enough protease enzymes, we are at risk for developing a tumor. Abundant vitamin B17 in the diet can also help insure this cleanup task is performed adequately, but it is best to have both enough pancreatic enzymes and abundant vitamin B17 in the diet.

Here is a superb web article discussing the cause of cancer: The Theory of Cancer  This article is a general discussion of what causes cancer and a range of cancer treatments. However it completely overlooks Dr. Kelley’s approach of dissolving tumors with pancreatic enzymes, improving the diet, strengthening the liver with liver flushes, and cleansing out the toxins released by the dissolving tumor(s) with coffee enemas that stimulate liver function. On the other hand, it does mention (without adequately indicating why it is important) the Bill Henderson Protocol that appears to me to be as effective as Dr. Kelley’s approach. At the end of the article it says the Bob Beck Protocol is an excellent electromedicine treatment for cancer. The Bob Beck Protocol consists of 1) blood electrification, 2) silver colloids, 3) high-intensity pulsed magnetic fields and 4) ozonated water. Here is a thorough discussion of the Bob Beck Protocol:  Videos linked on this page: 1) Bob Beck - Ventura College 1996 [MUST WATCH] 2) Bob Beck - Granada Forum 1997 [MUST WATCH] Additional Bob Beck links: and

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* FACT 24: Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. designed treatment protocols that were found by a researcher (hired by the head of Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC to investigate Dr. Kelley‟s patient records for the purpose of showing Dr. Kelley‟s approach to be bogus) to be 93% successful for those fortunate enough to adopt his protocols and cure their own cancer using his Do-it-Yourself Metabolic Medicine Cancer Cure Program. Dr. Kelley was a brilliant cancer researcher and, after curing himself in 1962 of metastasized pancreatic cancer, never wavered in his belief that pancreatic enzymes, cleansing the liver (liver flushes) and other organs, coffee enemas, and a diet based on your particular metabolic type are, together, the answer to healing and preventing cancer. Dr. Kelley was a dentist by training, but he understood cancer more profoundly and

pg. 94 simply than perhaps any other cancer researcher. He defined the Direct Cause of Cancer as “The Changing of an Ectopic (out of place) Germ (Stem) Cell into an Ectopic Trophoblast (Placenta) Cell.” (This same understanding is found in the video: "World Without Cancer" that focuses on vitamin B17 as the key deficiency responsible for cancer.) Instead of focusing on vitamin B17 or laetrile, however, Dr. Kelley believed that “at least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes.” Dr. Kelley’s big contribution was that he taught people how to cure themselves.

See Dr. Kelley’s One Answer to Cancer book at this link: Dr. Kelley’s One Answer to Cancer is now available as a 181 page Word doc Dr._Kelley’s_One_Answer_to_Cancer.doc, with internal navigation links, in the Files area of, the CancerVictory Yahoo Group. His protocols and suggested procedures to cleanse various organ systems are simple, direct and doable! Breathtaking! He just cuts through the complications of understanding found elsewhere, including (as good as it is) what is found above under FACT 23.

For a better understanding of the enzymes recommended by Dr. Kelley, go to This site contains a video that briefly explains the use of enzymes recommended in Dr. Kelley’s One Answer to Cancer book. See video at See additional video covering tips on using Dr. Kelley‟s One Answer to Cancer book at If you want to use Dr. Kelley‟s recommended enzymes but are concerned about the cost, here‟s a link to a video comparing them to other enzyme products, including Wobenzym: You can do your own price comparison - check with College Health Stores, LLC in Weatherford, TX at (888) 477-3618 (mentioned in One Answer to Cancer and run by Dr. Kelley‟s son John Kelley) to compare prices and products with those offered at If you prefer to find a doctor who uses protocols similar to those developed by Dr. Kelley, see

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* FACT 25: Antineoplastons and Dr. Burzynski: Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski discovered naturally occurring peptides (amino acids) in the human body that turn off cancer, HIV infection, and reverse autoimmune diseases in 1967. This is “targeted gene therapy” – using amino acids as “molecular switches” to turn off bad genes – i.e.: interrupt the activity of oncogenes (the genes that cause cancer cells to divide uncontrollably), and turn on good genes – i.e.: activate tumor suppressor genes that send a message to cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death. Dr. Burzynski has used them successfully for over 20 years in over 3,000 patients. See videos at This therapy is available only at the

Houston, TX Burzynski Clinic ph. 713-335-5697 and is NOT available for self-treatment.

As a brief biography, Dr. Burzynski was first in his medical school class of 250 students and graduated in 1967 with the highest honors in Poland at the age of 24. The next year he earned a Ph.D. in biochemistry, being one of the youngest persons in Poland‟s history to receive both advanced degrees. He came to the United States in 1970 and further developed these peptide fractions at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas as an Assistant Professor in this research. In 1977, Dr. Burzynski opened a clinic in Houston where he has been successfully using antineoplastons for patients in the final stages of cancer. Dr. Burzynski is the author of 175 scientific papers on Antineoplastons, with 121 patents in 38 countries for

Antineoplastons. Approximately 250 papers have been written by independent researchers on Antineoplastons.

But his work is yet another story of how the NCI and FDA can squash competing cancer therapies. Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. writes that the FDA has tried wiping out his harmless and effective cancer therapy numerous times.

Read about current therapies at the Houston, TX Burzynski Clinic website at

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Disclaimer: (Do you believe I have to write such garbage to you who are reading this, and therefore evidently taking responsibility for your health?)

This paper is for information only. It represents the observations, views and opinions of the author, and cited sources on the Internet, but is not a recommendation for treatment. Anyone reading this should consult his/her physician before considering treatment. This paper is not intended as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment or advice of a qualified licensed professional. This paper offers health information and presents alternative health options, but in no way should anyone consider that this paper represents the "practice of medicine." The author assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note: I update this paper frequently, so if this is not the latest edit, available for download from in the files area some information herein may be out of date. Any statements herein regarding alternative treatments for cancer have NOT been evaluated by the FDA.

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If you wish to research a wider range of alternative cancer treatment modalities, here are several good places to look: and: and: Back to FACT 21, which links to, and to

For an even wider listing of health info resources, see:

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...Verification That You Are Cancer Free... We wish we could suggest a simple lab test that produces results you can rely on, but we cannot.

See our approach to this problem BELOW.  Hold the key and Click

The information immediately below is from

The two best known “alternative” laboratory testing methods are the Dr. Navarro Cancer Test ( and the AMAS Test (

The Navarro Test is a urine analysis to test for pregnancy. If you are “pregnant”, you still have cancer. If you are not pregnant, you test cancer free.

The AMAS test checks for a protein found in cancer patients. A medical doctor orders this test and it is available worldwide. The before mentioned test does give false positives. If you have a positive reading with either of these tests, have it performed a second time. If both tests return a positive, this indicates you have cancer (claimed to be 99% reliable with 2 tests, but see the study below that challenges this claim). Free AMAS kit See discussion of proper interpretation of the AMAS test at the end of this video:


There has been one study I am aware of that checked the AMAS test for accuracy. This entire study is on the web as a .PDF document at: The Abstract of this study states these conclusions:

Conclusions: The AMAS test discriminates suspicious and malignant from benign lesions, but sensitivity is insufficient to identify patients to be spared biopsy and false-positive rates are too high for population screening. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005;14(10): 2310–5)

These conclusions are NOT encouraging. “Sensitivity is insufficient,” means too many false negatives – the AMAS test is not accurate enough to say for sure that you are cancer free. These conclusions leave you

pg. 96 with a problem if you want to ascertain whether you have cancer, but you also want to avoid the risk of encouraging metastasis by penetrating the tumor to obtain a biopsy. Any biopsy, even a needle biopsy, releases some of a tumor‟s encapsulated toxicity. Additional factors may also contribute to the high incidence of metastasis associated with biopsies. In general, if a biopsy indicates a malignancy, doctors know that they need to do something about the tumor, because once they disturb it, the tumor becomes more dangerous. ------

An AMAS test is an easy one to take. Your doctor takes a sample of your blood, and then sends it to a lab that screens it for a substance called Anti-Malignan Antibody. However, the accuracy of both positive and negative test results is insufficient. If cancer is by chance slinking around somewhere within your body, your immune system will be manufacturing an antibody in response to it. The AMAS test detects that antibody, but the test works best only in EARLY stage cancer. If the test does NOT detect the antibody, this is NOT a reliable indication that you are cancer free. A negative test result could actually mean that you have mid to late stage cancer; nor is a positive result that you do have cancer completely reliable.

A Chiropractor stated in an email to one of the named researchers in the above aacrjournals study re: the accuracy of Oncolab‟s AMAS test: “So the way I understand Oncolab is that a HEALTHY individual will have a LOW score, EARLY stage CANCER (perhaps undetectable) patient will have a HIGH score, MID-LATE stage CANCER patient will have a LOW score, POST-THERAPY REMISSION GOOD PROGNOSIS patient will have a LOW score, and a POST-THERAPY REMISSION POOR PROGNOSIS patient will have a HIGH score.

―It took me several readings through their materials to understand what they were claiming, so I hope I'm representing it right. They also represented that it was to be done in addition to other prudent methods of testing and not in lieu of.‖


The above information means you cannot risk relying on the AMAS test, whether it produces a negative result saying you are cancer free or a positive that you have cancer. The Navarro Test is not really a test for cancer, it is a pregnancy test. I do not know how reliable it is for cancer. The best strategy we know to get around this problem – that the AMAS test gives both false positive and false negative results – is a strategy associated with the work of Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S.. To implement this strategy you take a pancreatic enzyme product designed to serve as a test of whether one has any cancer whatsoever growing in one‟s body. The enzymes will attack even a small sub-clinical cancer tumor. Any change in how one feels, whether one feels markedly better or markedly worse is an indication that the enzymes are attacking a tumor. If so, you need preventative cancer treatment – Dr. Kelley‟s full cancer protocol, or whatever treatment one chooses. This is the principle of “a stitch in time saves nine”. If one feels no difference when taking these special enzymes, one is cancer free. Dr. Kelley suggested taking these enzymes for six weeks every 18 months as an early warning test. Enzymes specially designed for this purpose by Dr. Kelley are available from College Health Stores 1-888-477-3618 or 817-594-0705, email: [email protected].

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We are happy to know a wonderful dynamic Naturopathic Doctor who has been treating cancer patients with great success for ten years in California. His high success rate in California attracted the wrong kind of attention - by those who want effective cancer treatment to go away (!). I asked him to comment on this document and this is what he emailed back: “Excellent write up, just packed with good info. BTW, I am a MAJOR liver flush promoter. It is a BIG part of our program. I have done about 70 myself. Please go ahead and put it up [in the Files area of the CancerVictory Yahoo Group.] I am ready to speak with [anyone who shows] serious [interest] …” Tues. June 8, 2010: ―I am doing phone consultations for $500 USD.‖

Regarding the idea that effective cancer treatment should go away, he decided they were right – and he decided to go away … to the beautiful islands of Nevis and St. Kitts in the Caribbean. He has joined with other doctors specializing in cancer and other conditions to create a magnificent facility in a resort setting to treat people with cancer (and other serious conditions). The treatments he offers include many of the best modalities mentioned herein, plus a number of other modalities that require a professionally managed setting. He is able to pull people out of serious conditions like pancreatic cancer (one that is so often fatal) in an intensive three week program. His great record of accomplishment in treating serious conditions, and the pleasures of a Caribbean resort near the beach combine to make SANTE CARIBE an ideal way to pull out of the downward health spiral that cancer can represent for so many.

Contact me by Email: akreglow at or by Phone: 1-641-472-0262 and I will happily send you the full PDF brochure on SANTE CARIBE. Located in the Leeward Islands, Nevis and St. Kitts are a federal two-island nation in the West Indies. See Below is a portion of a page from the SANTE CARIBE brochure showing maps of Nevis and St. Kitts.

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