MAY 1981 ~Late LIBRARY of Lv Historical Bulldmg -· '"' [)£S MOIN ES
MAY 1981 ~lATE LIBRARY OF lv Historical Bulldmg -· '"' [)£S MOIN ES.. IOWA 50319 Iowa CONSERVATIONIST MAGAZINE Volume 40, No. 5 • Ma) 1981 '"C,, t STAFF Cl) Roger Sparks, Edtlor Robert Runge, Ma~c; Edttor Thu Kenneth Fonnanek, A- oordrnator Ron Johnson, Photogropher toda) . Juhus Satre, Contnbuttng Edtlor Junte Gookm, Ctrculatton Manager 1924 r Newton Burch, Art Dtrector ParU presen CONTENTS w1th al dedtca 2 BELLEVUE t4 STATE PARK maten structe 4 PRAIRIE ROSE mmate STATE PARK were I 5 RICHARDSON'S GROUND SQUIRREL 6 A LIITLE BIRD TOLD YOU? 8 THE CCC IN lOW A 10 GIZZARD SHAD - FRIEND OR FOE? 11 CLASSROOM CORNER 12 SHOWY LADY SLIPPER 13 FORT DEFIANCE STATE PARK 14 WARDEN'S DIARY COVER 1981 Iowa Trout Stamp-Brook Trout - by N1 ck Klepmger, Klepmger W1ldhfe Art, 420 West 2nd Street South. Newton. IA 50208. THE IOWA CONSERVATION COMMISSION Manon Ptke, Whtttng, Chatrman, Tom Bates. Bellevue, J ohn Brophy, Lanstng, John D Fteld, Hamburg, Rtchard W Kemler, Marshalltown, Donald K Kn udsen, Eagle GrotJe, Carolyn T Wolter, Des Mornes ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Larry J Wilson. Dtrector Bob Fagerland, Deputy Dtrector DIVISION CHIEFS Allen Farns, FISh and Game, Stanley C. Kuhn, Dwtswn of Admtntstrotton, John M Stokes. Lands and Waters SECTION SUP E RINTENDENTS Tom Albnghl, Engrneenng, Joe W Bnll, Parks, Robert Barratt, Wtldlt{e, James Mayhew, Ftshertes, Roy Dowmng, Watus, Le~ter Flemmg, Grants-w-Atd, Gene Hertel, State Forester, Rtck McGeough, Law En{orrement, Larry Davts, lnformatton & Educatton, Gene Getssmger Accounttng, Doyle Adams, County Conseroatton Boards, Amte Sohn, Planntng, John Beamer Land AcquLSttton IOWA CONSERVATIONIST cUSP$268-7801.
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