4.—Dominion Ministries, 1896-1919—concluded.

Date Office. Name. of Appointment.



June 26 1913 Hon. Hugh Guthrie ' , Oct. 4, 1917 Parliamentary Secretary, Militia July 19, 1916 Lt.-Col. Hugh Clark Nov. 7, 1918 Parliamentary Secretary, Soldiers' Feb. 23 1918 Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for External Affairs Lieut.-Col. Hugh Clark Oct. 21, 1916 Francis H. Keefer Nov. 7, 1918

'To be a Member of King's Privy Council for Canada, July 1, 1919. NOTE.—A complete list of the Dominion Ministries from Confederation to 1913 appeared in the Year Book of 1912, pp. 422-429.

5.—Lieutenant-Governors of Provinces, 1867-1919.


Date of Date of Name. appointment. Name. appointment. W C F Robinson June 10,1873 May 13, 1899 Nov. 22, 1873 D. A. McKinnon Oct. 3, 1904 July 14, 1879 June 1, 1910 Aug. 1, 1884 June 2, 1915 Sept. 21, 1889 Sept. 3, 1919. Feb. 21, 1894


Lieut.-Gen. SirW. F. Williams Juty 1, 1867 A. W. McLelan July 9, 1888 Major-Gen. Sir C. Hastings Malachy Bowes Daly July 11, 1890 Doyle Oct. 18, 1867 Malachy Bowes Daly 'July 29, 1895 Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. Hastings Alfred G. Jones Aug. 7, 1900 'Jan. 31, 1868 Duncan C. Fraser Doyle May 31, 1870 Mar. 27, 1906 Sir E. Kenny (acting) May 1, 1873 James D. McGregor.. Oct. 18, 1910 Joseph Howe Julv 4, 1873 David Mac Keen Oct. 19, 1915 July 4, 1883 A. G.Archibald McCallum Grant Nov. 29, 1916 Matthew Henry Richey .

Major-Gen. Sir C. Hastings John Boyd Sept. 21, 1893 Doyle July 1, 1867 John A. Fraser Dec. 20, 1893 18, 1867 Dec. 9, 1896 Col. F. P. Harding Oct. A. R. McClelan... 14, 1868 Jabez B. Snowball Feb. 5, 1902 L. A. Wilmot July Mar.. 2, 1907 5, 1873 L. J. Tweedie Nov. 16, 1878 Mar. 6, 1912 June 29, 1916 E. Baron Chandler July 11, 1880 31, 1885 G. W. Ganong Nov. 6, 1917 Feb. .. Sir Sam''Seconl Leonard termd. Tilley... Oct.