How canpeoplework togetherto honorGod? want? Whathappens when peoplereject God and live however they greatness andtohonorHim toGod? ( Whatdoesitmeantogive glory • • • • •

How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory or thegospel? teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory ) to acknowledge His

FOLD Christ. our enemies,but toteachusaboutourultimate good: salvation through His Son,Jesus defeat . In asimilarway, God usespeopleandevents tonotonlysave usfrom Romans 8:28)God foughtfor the andusedDeborah, , andJael to song. The landwaspeacefulfor40more years. the Canaanites. andBarak sangavictory went into ’s tent and saw lying dead. to killSisera whileheslept. tent pegandahammer, andusedthem covered Jael himwitharug. tooka gave Sisera somemilktodrinkand escaped! exceptsurvived Sisera. He had Sisera andhisarmy. None ofthem moved down themountaintoward against . Barak andhisarmy his chariotsandarmytofight went toMount Tabor. Sisera took Barak defeatSisera. to gatheranarmy. God wouldhelp Deborah gave Barak amessage.God said God. They criedouttoGod, “Save us!” how goodlifewaswhentheyloved andobeyed army wasnamedSisera. God’s peopleremembered Canaan toovertake them. The commanderoftheking’s ignored God andforgotaboutHim. So God allowed thekingof Christ Connection:God and ourgood.(Psalm doeswhatisforHis glory 115:3; That day, God allowed theIsraelites todefeat Barak came,lookingforSisera. Barak Sisera rantothetentofJael. Jael Deborah, Barak, andthearmy Deborah wasthejudgeover Israel. Ehud andShamgar hadbeenjudgesover Israel. Aftertheydied,theIsraelites STORY POINT: GOD USED DEBORAH, BARAK, AND JAEL AND BARAK, DEBORAH, USED GOD POINT: STORY Deborah andBarak TO RESCUE HIS PEOPLE. HIS RESCUE TO Judges 4–5

21 Deborah & Barak Puzzle Fill in the empty squares so that each picture appears exactly once in each row, column, and 2-by-2 box.

ACROSS Confusion Crossword 1. the king who overtook Israel Use the clues to complete the crossword. If you need help, look at Judges 4–5. 3. a woman who spoke for God Words: Barak, Canaan, Deborah, , Jael, judge, , praises, 7. place the Israelite army met prophetess, Sisera 8. Jabin was king of this land 9. Deborah and Barak sang _____ to God after the battle.

DOWN 1. defeated Sisera 2. judged Israel while sitting under a palm tree 4. the leader of Jabin’s army 5. a leader of Israel who helped deliver God’s people 6. leader of Israelite army

Unit 9, Session 2: Deborah and Barak 22