More Details On the Queens Birthday Celebrations + Photographs from Village Events 2 Life Volume 24 3-16 April 20162016

Deadline for articles for the May issue Friday 22nd April 2016

Editor Eddie Guest - 9, Ferneley Rise. Tel: 424223

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: search for Thrussington Life & “Like” Website:

Treasurer Reg Morgan - Tel: 424540

Advertising Mike Harrison - Tel: 424527

Thrussington Life is a free magazine supported by advertising and the Parish Council and delivered to over two hundred local households by volunteers –to whom we are always grateful

The views expressed in this magazine, and contents of contributions, are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor.

Front cover ... L-R Event host Kevin Newby, guest Matt Elliott and owner of the Star Inn, Nigel Richardson. Courtesy Lionel Heap

3 Welcome to the April edition of Thrussington Life Driving through the Village the other day I noticed a lot of activity around the Memorial Bed at the bottom of Hoby Road, it appears there is now top soil in place followed by membrane, I don’t know when they will start to plant but I look forward to the end results, Great Work by everyone involved. If you are able to offer your support by attending the Coffee Morning on the 28th then I am sure it will be appreciated!! It looks like a lot of work is going into organising the Village party to Celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday!! The organisers have asked that you complete the details and cut out the response slip on page 7 if you would like to attend, I am sure they will welcome your support and an early response as well. I noticed the other day that Thrussington had become infamous!! There was an article in both the Leicester Mercury and Melton Times about the A46 cross roads, between Thrussington and Seagrave, being the top speeding hot spot in the County with a top speed of 124mph being recorded in the last 12 months. Interestingly the M1 junction 21, where they are putting in the new bridge, was the second worst county speeding location (110mph in 50mph zone). Luckily we don’t see those speeds in the Village although we have seen speeds above 50mph by the School in the past which is probably just as dangerous, hence the new Speedwatch Campaign in May. I see that the History Society are off to the Visit to the National Civil War Centre towards the end of May, we want earlier in the year and found it fascinating with a lot of visual aids as well as showing short films that highlighted some of the key events of the War. See advert later in the magazine for more details. Ed the Editor

7.45 pm Wednesday 27th April An audio visual evening Our April meeting is a Members’ evening, when we shall attempt something new. We plan to combine our existing audio recordings of village residents with relevant images from our extensive archive of photographs. The aim is to illustrate the personal memories, using images relevant to the spoken word. Whether we succeed or not, it should be an entertaining exercise, so do come along and participate!

Non-members welcome (Fee £2) For more details contact Ian P-B (424060) 4 SAVE THE DATE...... SAVE THE DATE...... SAVE THE DATE QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY STREET PARTY, SUNDAY 12TH June 2016 Not long now until we celebrate the Queen’s 9Oth birthday on Sunday, 12th June! See below for updated details about the events planned.

Sunday, 29th May 2.30pm – Village Hall – chance for children to paint the STREET PARTY CROWN! Do come along and have some fun!! A gift of a mug for each child aged 15 or younger. Sunday, 12th June – THE EVENT!! This will take place on the village green and the road alongside. The committee will provide tables and there will be free tea/coffee and cake during the celebrations. Please bring your own picnic and chairs. There will be a children’s fancy dress competition- theme ROYAL- with medals available for the children.

2.15 – 3.00 pm Music by Lizzie Rushby Get up and dance to your favourite songs. 3.15 – 4.15pm Children’s Entertainer 4.30 – 5.15pm Live music 5.45 – 7pm Music by Blue Skies in June. A brilliant way to end the event There will be ice cream available and a sweet stall throughout the celebrations.

We are giving each child 16 years old or younger a mug to celebrate the event. So that we know the number of mugs to order, and how much tea/coffee and cake to provide, would you please fill out the slip overleaf and leave it in the box in the Thrussington Village Stores, Seagrave Rd, Thrussington or post through the letterboxes of the Hollies, Seagrave Rd, Thrussington or 21 Church Lane, Thrussington. 5 HAIR STUDIO UNISEX SALON Full head of highlighting mesh / foils - from £56.00 including blow dry Gents hair only £8.00 Clipper cut - £6.50 EAR PIERCING - £15.00 includes gold studs and aftercare Paul Mitchell and Wella approved salon Late opening Thursday and Friday evenings 01664 424802

6 ......

Address (so we can deliver your child’s/ children’s mugs if they cannot come to the Street Party Crown making on 29th May):

Number of adults attending: Number of children aged 16 or under at your address including the names:


Photograph of Beth Arthur of Thrussington (left) and her colleague Emma Woodward of with their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award certificates presented to them at an awards evening held at the County Scout Headquarters, Leicester Forest East.—Courtesy Lionel Heap 7 8 VILLAGE HALL NEWS

The hall continues being busy with our regular bookings and we are taking bookings now for Christmas time and the New Year so please book early if you have an event in mind. The committee are now looking at replacing the curtains in the hall and we have been generously given a donation from the Burns group to put towards these. We are also having the cooker cleaned by experts to bring it up to scratch and the committee have done a great job on clearing the car park to allow extra cars room to park. Our next event will be the Retired Persons Lunch on April 3rd but if you have still not had your invite please let me know and I can add to our list. The cinema evenings carry on with our Bond night on April16th and it was great to see 41 persons at the showing of Suffragette. We still have suggestions of films coming in so we will try to fill in the gaps up to Christmas. Plans are being made now to improve skittles this year and details will follow soon, Any queries as usual to Bev Kearns 424430 or [email protected]


Following on from last years speedwatch we have now booked another session to start on May 9th for two weeks. This is so that we can keep up the evidence that we need and repeat our request for highways to look at Hoby Road and help us install some form of road calming. I am hoping that we might be able to have another training session for those who did not manage to attend last time and would like to take an active part in this years speedwatch. If you would like more information or would like to join the team then please let me know and I can start to arrange schedules. Thank you,

Bev Kearns 424430 or [email protected]

9 A L B E R T F R E N C H & SON LIMITED PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS 2 Brook Street, Rearsby, Leicester 01664 424226

D. A. Keen PROFESSIONAL DECORATOR Artexing – Airless spraying 25 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE – NO JOB TOO SMALL OR LARGE Tel: 01509 812698 Mobile: 07710409911 SOOTY CHIMNEY SWEEP Full Vacuum Service No Job too Small or too Large For a Quotation call Martin on 01664 568284 or 07880 525444

10 April Dates for your Diary


Anne Lewis BEAVERS 6.00 - 7.00pm Wed 13, 20 & 27th 424803 Diana Clarke BRIDGE GROUP 7.15pm Thurs 7 & 21st 424434 Frances Rendall BROWNIES 6.00 – 7.15 pm Tues 12, 19 & 26th 424240 David Alton CINEMA EVENING 7.30pm Sat 16th 424114 Nicky CRAFT EVENING 7 - 9,30pm Fri 29th 424145 Anne Lewis CUBS 6.30pm Mon 11, 18 & 25th 424803 Tim Bourne EXPLORERS 7.30pm Wed 13th 424849 Alison Steadman GATEWAY GROUP 7.30pm Tues 5, 12 & 26th 0116 260 6733 Ian Proctor-Blain LOCAL HISTORY 7.45pm Wed 27th 424060 Alex Andrew MARTIAL ARTS 6 - 8.30pm Sun 3, 10, 17 & 24th 07764 756336 OVER 50s COFFEE Bev Kearns 10.30 – 12.00am Wed 13 & 27th MORNING 424430 Helen Chadwick PARISH COUNCIL 7.30pm Tues19th 07827 785836

PRIVATE BOOKINGS 7 - 9pm Fri 8 & 22nd

Bev Kearns RETIRED PERSONS LUNCH Sun 3rd 424430 Anne Lewis SCOUTS 7.45pm Mon 11, 18 & 25th 424803 Bev Kearns VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE 9.30am Wed 13th 424430 Lyn Armitage 01509 WATERCOLOUR 1 pm Mon 11, 18 & 25th 814768

Sue Bradshaw WOMENS INSTITUTE 7.30pm Thursday 14th 424663

11 12 THRUSSINGTON VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY APRIL 16th AT 7.30PM Tickets £4.50 per person available on the door Bring your own drink and nibbles if required 13 0116 243 7436

CJ Electrical have been trading since 1988 and offer a comprehensive electrical contracting service to a range of sectors, undertaking domestic and commercial electrical works with a strong customer focus.  Domestic Installer (Part P)  Electrical Contracting  Electrical Maintenance  Testing & Inspection Unit 72, The Burrows, , Leicester, LE7 3XD

Visit to the National Civil War Centre The Society is planning an evening visit to the new Civil War Centre in Newark. This will take place on Thursday 26th May, in place of our usual meeting. Final details are still to be confirmed, but the plan is for us to travel by coach, leaving The Green at 5pm, for a guided tour of the Centre, followed by an evening pub meal on our way home. The cost of travel, plus entry to the Centre will be about £25 per head. Put the date in your diary now, and if you would like more information, contact Ian Procter-Blain, (Tel 424060)


An opportunity for your own Table-top Sale


The Village in Bloom Committee will be holding a coffee morning on 28th May to raise funds for the village planting.

We will have a raffle, plant stall and a cake stall and will serve tea/coffee and biscuits.

We would very much like to have a number of other ‘stalls’ selling all sorts of nice things. These could be your handicrafts or your re-cycling/up-cycling, bric-a-brac or once-loved items or pop-up shop. The cost per table will be £10. You will be responsible for setting up (from 9:00) and dismantling your stall. The prettier or quirkier, the better – a prize for the most eye-catching table.

If you would like to book a table (or two or more) please reserve your place by calling 01664 420199. Places are limited.




The Parish Council are in the process of looking to develop a phased project to address traffic and parking issues within the village. If you have any comments or suggestions then please contact the clerk.


A vacancy has become available on the Parish Council. If you would like to find out more about being a Parish Councillor then please contact the clerk for further details. The deadline for applications is the 11th April.


As you may be aware from the 9th May the Parish Council will be carrying out a Speed Watch Campaign to monitor the speed of traffic through the village and we need a team of volunteers.

Thanks to everyone that has already offered to be a volunteer, however, we do need more volunteers. Appropriate training will be given so if you are interested then please contact Cllr Bev Kearns or the Parish Clerk.


The Parish Council are looking for a volunteer to be the eyes and ears of the village when it comes to trees. There is a need in the village to check trees, notice early warning signs of threats, disease or vandalism and to report them to the clerk. This would be an ideal opportunity for a keen dog walker in the village. If you are interested please contact the clerk.

The Parish Clerk, Helen Chadwick, is available on 07827 785836 or [email protected]

17 Reginald L Morgan Chartered Certified Accountants A complete Financial Service for all company businesses Tax Advice for Self Assessment

12, Church Lane, Thrussington, Leics. LE7 4TE Telephone: 01664 424140 Fax: 01664 424119 e-mail: [email protected]

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 Full and part-time Nursery places

 ‘Funded 5’ pre-school offering free nursery places, (to children aged from 3 years) every week day from 9am to 2pm during school term time

 School Holiday Club for children aged 4 -11 years For more information please visit us at anytime or call 0116 260 7272

18 Just 4 Fun

Find 9 things beginning with the letter “B” from the clues below DEFENDER DON’T OF THE LOOK AT DRAW- THIS BRIDGE SERPENT!



Last month’s answers: acoustics, Alpha, alpaca, Archimedes’ screw, alchemy, Ariel, April Fools, Anchorman, abracadabra!

19 20 Don Jeffs celebrated his 85th birthday on 16th .March with a small party of friends from Thrussington. We all enjoyed tea and cake and he was given amongst his presents a collage of pictures of Thrussington Through the years to put on his Nursing Home wall. He reminisced about old haunts, old friends and his family life and growing up in Thrussington. Absent friends - Patrick and Frances and Rachel and Chris sent warm wishes from abroad and he finished his afternoon with the comment that it had been a better than wonderful day !

His friends Natalie Richard & Rylan Ellis, Janet Heath, Diana Clarke, Jo Meacock, Lisa Headley, Tom Prior & Jayne Montgomery -Stuart all helped to eat the cake and chat away a lovely afternoon with our friend Don.

21 Building, Developing & Property Maintenance All aspects of building work undertaken, all enquiries welcomed.

Tel: 01664 424919 Mobile: 07938 005057

Pear Tree Cottage 29 The Green Thrussington Leicester


A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is to be made for Broome Lane, Level crossing East Goscote The purpose of the TTROs is to facilitate Centurion Site Services Building, Developing & Property Maintenance with their Annual level crossing inspections. The TTROs will incorporate temporary road closures. All aspects of building work undertaken, all enquiries welcomed. The duration of the TTROs is for a period not exceeding 1 week commencing at 06.00hrs - Tel: 01664 424919 15.00hrs Sunday 10th April 2016 the actual duration of the restriction is not anticipated to Mobile: 07938 005057 exceed 1 day within the aforementioned duration

Whilst the TTROs are physically in place the diversion route will be via Broome Lane, Melton Pear Tree Cottage Road East Goscote, Melton Road, Brookside Station Road, Rearsby Road, Rearsby, 29 The Green Ratcliffe Road Thrussington, Thrussington Road, Main Street, Broome Lane Ratcliffe on the Thrussington Wreake, and vice versa. Leicester A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is to be made for the following location. Station Road Level Crossing Rearsby The purpose of the TTRO is to facilitate Centurion Traffic Management on behalf of Network Rail who will be carrying out maintenance on the level crossing. The TTRO will incorporate a temporary road closure and no waiting at any time.

.Whilst the TTRO is physically in place the diversion route will be via Brookside (Rearsby), Brook Street (Rearsby), Melton Road (Rearsby), Broome Lane (East Goscote), Main Street (), Thrussington Road (Ratcliffe on the Wreake), Ratcliffe Road (Thrussington), Rearsby Road (Thrussington) and vice versa. The duration of the TTRO is for a period not exceeding 1 month commencing on (1) 15th May 2016 (2) 21st May 2016 (overnight closure) the actual duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed the period of 2 days within the aforementioned duration.

BLUE LION Thrussington

CAMRA VILLAGE PUB OF THE YEAR 2006 Beer garden and patio Lunches and Evening Meals Closed Wednesday Lunchtime Telephone: BOB and MANDY 01664 424266 23 Now OPEN OUR NEW BRANCH DEPOT at: 285 Birstall Road, Birstall, Leicester, LE4 4DJ

Welcome to William Hercock Builders Merchants – the areas leading supplier of Building, Timber and Landscaping products. From our 2.5 acre site on the outskirts of Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, and now from our new depot in Birstall, Leicester, we continue to offer an extensive range of Building Products for all of your needs as a tradesmen, DIY enthusiast or self builder.

Birstall Depot, 285 Birstall Road, Birstall, Leicestershire. LE4 4DJ Call: 01162 676716, Fax: 01162 676844 or email us at [email protected]

24 The Star Inn 1744 Charity Evening with Leicester City Legend and Football Commentator Matt Elliott

25 26 Gaddesby School Community Ltd Preschool

 We provide care and education for pre-school children from the age of aged two years to school age, we are also able to offer breakfast/afterschool wrap around care to three year old children.  Pre-school operates in Gaddesby Village Hall and enjoys a close relationship with our neighbouring Gaddesby Primary School enjoying all their facilities  Open every schoolday Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm 38 weeks of the year.  Gaddesby School Community preschool and holiday club are open to all children  We are Ofsted inspected and all our staff are fully qualified Early Years Practioners.  We are rated by Ofsted as an Outstanding for all our childcare settings

For more information and to arrange a free induction

Contact the Pre-School Manager

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Holiday Club Dates April 4/5/6/7/8th, May 31st, June 1/2/3rd Summer holiday club runs for 4 consecutive full weeks Weeks commencing July 18, July 25, August 1st, August 8th.

Cooking ICT Puzzles Competitions e.g. pool, Arts and Drama dance-mat Crafts Outdoor activities Play station Snacks (limited times)

Water –play Games Face - ‘Chill-out’ (weather permitting) paints time

Run by qualified staff For further details and booking forms please contact our office

Tel 01664 840970 [email protected]


27 28 WI Report

President Sue Bradshaw welcomed Jeanne Knowles, President of Hoby WI, to the meeting, because Hoby are currently running the Group activities and will be handing over responsibility to Thrussington at the Wreake Valley Group Annual Meeting on 16 March.

Further details for two forthcoming events, the Annual Council Meeting on 12 March and the Group Annual Meeting on 16 March, were given out and travel arrangements were decided.

The Darts Team were asked if they could play their first match on Tuesday 15 March at . It was very short notice, but enough members were available to make up a team.

Our speaker, Christine Webster (a WI member from ), then gave us a very interesting talk about Digital Story telling. It seems that the WI is keen to get members to record their memories and make them into short videos, complete with relevant photos, for posterity. Christine had responded to a WI advert asking for people to be trained in the process and she went on a two-day training course, with others from north and south Wales and Shropshire. They were shown how to put photos and text together and how to edit (for instance) recordings of ten minutes down to about three minutes' viewing. Our County WI has the necessary equipment to do this. Christine told us about some recordings already produced by members, concerning the NHS and battles with cancer, a piece on old Welsh names (Granny is “Nain”), and a visit to Denman College by three ladies, one of whom was terminally ill. Unfortunately we could not view these on screen, as Christine's laptop was not being co-operative! But Christine asked us to get into small groups and think about stories which we would be prepared to record. The resulting suggestions included Pat Ball's special day, when she represented Thrussington WI at the WI Centenary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. A thought provoking talk by Christine, and a project well worth pursuing.

Next Meeting: 14 April at 7.30 pm, Village Hall Speaker: Ali Groschi,“SMARTSY”(art talk & demo) Hostesses: Pauline Alton and Margaret Hill


Easter or Spring? Easter Sunday is a spring festival that celebrates Jesus' resurrection from the dead, three days after he suffered a most horrible death of being crucified on a cross. The Easter story is at the heart of what Christianity is all about, and an important festival in the Christian calendar. After Jesus was crucified on what we now know as Good Friday, his body was taken down from the cross, and placed in a tomb, and a large stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body. The following Sunday, Mary Magdalene, and some of Jesus' disciples visited the place where Jesus was buried. They found that the stone had been rolled away, and that Jesus' body was no-longer there, but the linen wrappings they had buried him in were lying to one side. Jesus was seen later by Mary, the disciples, and by many other witnesses. Jesus’ disciples realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead, and we refer to this great event as the Resurrection. The resurrection helps us realise that no situation is ever beyond hope, no matter how bleak it may seem, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. God can turn our worst nightmares into good. Spring is also a time when we see the death and decay of winter, spring forth new life. Daffodils flourish, in the decay of the previous year. What seemed dead to us, is now suddenly alive with plentiful flowers and buds.

New life also comes in the form of young birds of the air, lambs are born, and God’s world is abundant once more. We give eggs as a sign of new life, and Easter bunnies remind us just how abundant that new life is.

Isn’t it wonderful how God not only sent Christ to bring us new life, but also reminds us each year of this, by the workings of his creation.

Rev Ian M Hill (Associate Priest Fosse Team) 30 Services for April

Dates Holy Trinity St St Botolph’s St Mary’s Thrussington Michael’s Ratcliffe Queniborough Rearsby Sunday 9.30am 11.00am 6.30pm 9.00am April 3rd Morning Parish Songs of Holy Praise Eucharist Praise Communion Second Sunday of 11.00am Easter Free4ALL

Sunday 9.30am 11.00am 6.30pm 11.00am April 10th BCP Holy Parish Evening Holy Communion Eucharist Reflection Communion Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 9.30am 11.00am 6.30pm 11.00am April 17th 9.30 Parish Holy Morning Praise EXPRESS Eucharist Communion Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 9.30am 11.00am - 11.00am April 24th Holy Sunday Mix Holy Communion Communion Fifth Sunday of Easter

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32 CHURCHWARDEN’S NOTES I ended last month’s Notes with the quote from Robert Frost’s poem “ Two roads diverge”. Well, we have seen Lorna start down one road. Last Thursday evening some 55/60 people from her Northern Tribe churches saw her inducted by the Bishop of Lincoln into her new Parish church in Branston, just outside Lincoln. For some it was a quick dash up the A46, hitting traffic on the Ring- road and finding the church in the dark. It is a large church and at the Buffet afterwards we were able to meet some of her new parishioners. An exciting start to a new part of the journey for her. We travel the other road ! ……. the Parish Profiles have been completed to entice a new vicar to apply for the vacancy within the Fosse Team and an advertisement should be in the Church Times in early April, as well as being on the Leicester Web-site. Meanwhile a programme to cover church services for the next three months is in place which means that all the normal services, in all our churches, will continue their usual pattern, maybe with some different faces at times. Also, our Easter Services will be (have been!) held. With the Good Friday readings from St Luke and the Easter Sunday celebration. A time of coming out of darkness into a new life; out of winter into Spring, the start of new, or re-occurring growth. We celebrate Ascension Day on Thursday 5th May and then Whitsunday on 15th May followed by Trinity Sunday on the 22nd May. This is our Patronal Festival, being Holy Trinity church Following the service we will hold our traditional lunch in church and our guest preacher will be The Very Rev’d. David Monteith – the Dean of Leicester Cathedral (a special date for your diaries!) Regarding future events, details of our Funding Campaign, will be completed shortly, and plans for the Autumn Fayre in September are well advanced and a Choir is booked in October.

Lastly, our AGM will be held in Church on Tuesday 23rd April, - an opportunity to hear a report on last years accounts and activities; to re-elect churchwardens and a new PCC and it’s officers for the coming year also a chance for you to offer your comments So we have started down our new path and at the moment the way ahead is not clear, but I am sure that there are plenty of interesting miles ahead.

God Bless Reg Morgan - Churchwarden 9,BackLane(0166424540) [email protected] 33  Windows  Bi-fold Doors  Doors  uPVC  Conservatories  Aluminum  Lantern Roofs  Repairs

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